
1. Total Learning The Intersection of Formal, Social and Experiential Learning April 29, 2015 John Leh, CEO & Lead Analyst, Talented Learning Charles Gould, Chairman, Brightwave 2. John Leh CEO & Lead Analyst, Talented Learning 20 years LMS and eLearning experience Independent Learning Technology Analyst Reviewed 77 LMSs in last year [email protected] Founder, Brightwave Designing e-learning for 15 years Ex-PwC learning consultant Owner of tessello Total Learning [email protected] Charles Gould 3. Agenda History of LMS with total learning Formal, social and experiential learning in LMS industry Case studies Total learning in action Question and answer 4. What % of learning is experiential and social combined? 10% 20% 30% 70% 90% 5. Informal + Social = 90% 6. How We Learn 70:20:10 Model 70% Experiential 10% Formal 10% Formal 20% Social 7. Total Learning Bringing All Learning Together 70% Experiential 10% Formal 20% Social 8. ? 9. Examples of Organizations Embracing 70:20:10 10. Whats a Learning Management System (LMS)? Corporate, extended enterprise or academic Repository of all learning content of any medium Manages learners and their relationship to content 600+ LMS vendors globally 11. Industry LMS Ratings Formal Learning (10%) Social Learning (20%) Experiential Learning (70%) 12. Formal Learning Features in LMS Manage Content Instructor led training Virtual classrooms Self-paced learning Documents Manage Users Profiles Skills/Competency Required Training Certifications Manage Audiences Business lines Departments Regions Partners and Customers Manage Programs Compliance Onboarding Sales and Product Leadership Development 13. Why Are LMSs So Good at Formal Learning? Measurable! Save organizations money through automation and reuse of content Saving money through risk avoidance 14. But What About the 90% in a LMS? 15. What is Social Learning? People learn through observation, imitation and modeling Social learning is participating with others to learn Social media enable users to create and share content and network It doesnt have to be online! 16. Social Learning in LMS for 15+ Years Rarely used feature set historically Separate tab in the LMS Admins and SMEs were responsible for content generation Lack of content collapsed the movement Emergence of social media restarted the discussion 17. Social LMS Features Basic User profiles Join user groups or forums Post, like and comment Social media single sign on Advanced Unified user interface Connect with others, chat Central news feed Awards, badges and leaderboards 18. Enable that learning to be shared and discussed with other learners 19. What is Experiential Learning? Process whereby knowledge is created through transformation of experience* Actively experience something 1 Do Reflect back on the experience 2 Observe Create a theory about what happened 3 Think Test your theory 4 Plan *Kolb, David A. 1984 Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. Prentice- 20. Conduct a sales presentation to a client What went well? Poorly? Was the customer engaged? Bored? How can I improve, position the company or product better, engage the audience differently? Can I engage my social network and ask advice? Are there resources I can find to help me improve? Implement improvements and repeat 1 Do 3 Think 2 Observe 4 Plan Example of Experiential Learning 21. Experiential LMS Features 22. Capture usingxAPI 23. Enable learners to capture their own external, informal learning 24. Give time for reflection on informal learning 25. Enable coaching and motivation for learners, from their peers and managers 26. Survey #2 What best describes curate in LMS speak? A member of the clergy using the LMS Automatically cataloging vast amounts of information and learning Humans identifying, assessing and sharing valued content Other (use the chat window) 27. Examples of Content Curation Measuring the amount of views, likes, comments, shares of all content and making the best have: Broader availability in formal learning pathways Shared to individuals, groups, job roles Assign as required learning Removing poor or inappropriate content Adding video or songs to a playlist on YouTube or iTunes Coaches identify development goals, learner finds resources, and best resources are shared 28. Learningresources, not just courses 29. Contentfrom multiple sources, in multiple formats, rapidly deployed and up to date 30. Demo of tessello Social Learning Experiential Learning Formal Learning Curation 31. Conclusion Bring Learning Together! 70% Experiential 10% Formal 20% Social 32. Questions? John Leh [email protected] Twitter - @JohnLeh [email protected] Twitter @CharlesGouldUK Charles Gould

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