  • 8/3/2019 Tourism Planning and Assessment


    Tourism Planning & Assessment

    Tourism Development Workshop

    Bethel, AlaskaApril 5, 2001

    Prepared by the Alaska Office of Tourism

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    Cultural resources and activities Authenticity

    Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge

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    Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge

    The Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers dominate the landscape of Yukon Delta.A treeless, wetland plain noted for wildlife variety and abundance.Habitat for over 750,000 swans and geese, 2 million ducks, and100 million shore and water birds.Moose, caribou, grizzly bear, black bear, and wolves inhabit the

    northern hills and eastern mountains.1.1 million acre Nunivak Island portion of therefuge supports muskox and reindeer

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    Fishing, hunting, and backcountry recreation may be excellent, althoughaircraft transportation is needed. The Andreafsky is a nationally designatedwild river. Visitors may view exhibits and obtain complete information at therefuge headquarters visitor center. 500-800 visitors come to the Refugeannually including school groups. If conference numbers were included,visitors would number over 2,000. The refuge is visited mostly by locals andis accessible only by plane.

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    To improve and develop tourismBethel/Delta area might consider:

    Campgrounds-there are no campgrounds, butplenty of beautiful rivers to accommodate campersand travelers.Place for travelers to rent kayaks, skis, snowmachines.

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    Assessing the potential of tourism in acommunity should begin with the

    assumption that tourism may be goodfor your community. Sometimes no is

    the best answer to the question of whether tourism development is the right

    economic development strategy.

    Adapted from Community Tourism Assessment Handbook, Western Rural Development Center, Corvallis Oregon

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    Benefits of Tourism

    Employment Benefits Income Benefits Economic Diversification Tax Revenues

    Visibility Cultural Benefits

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    Costs of Tourism

    Public Facility & Service Costs Promotional Costs

    Monitoring Costs Staff Costs Business Owner and

    Employee Training Tourism can be seasonal Congestion

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    Benefits of Strategic Planning

    Provide clear direction and rationale Establish realistic goals consistent with the

    communitys vision Communicate goals and development

    strategies Establish a sense of ownership in the plan Focus limited resources on key priorities Provide a framework for implementation

    and evaluation

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    Development Considerations

    Focus on the authentic

    Recognize that tourism has limits

    Insure that development fits in with thesurroundings

    Interpret your resources

    Remember aesthetics and ecology Make sure the benefits of tourism are

    distributed throughout the community

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    Visitor Motivations

    Need for Change Need for Achievement Social Interaction Cultural Experiences

    Pampering Novelty Seeking

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    Visitor Needs

    Access(Information, Your Community, Your Business)

    Attitude(Local hospitality, Welcome Signs) Attractions/Activities Accommodations

    (Lodging, Food Service, Personal Needs)

    Security (Emergency Services)

  • 8/3/2019 Tourism Planning and Assessment


    Tourism Planning Process

    Where are you now?

    Where do you wantto go?

    How will you get there?

    How are you doing?

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    Planning Considerations

    Organizational Development

    Community Involvement

    Tourism ProductDevelopment

    Tourism ProductMarketing

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    Phase I: Where Are You Now?

    Step 1: Organization Evaluation

    Step 2: Gather Information

    Step 3: Identify Community


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    I(1) Organization Evaluation

    Do you have an effectiveTourism Action Committee?

    Recognized community leaders and leaders of organizations

    Broad cross-section of stakeholders

    Committed volunteers and dedicated team members

    Desire to contribute to community well-being Respect and appreciate views of others

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    I(2) Gather Information

    What are the communitys existingassets and resources?

    How does tourism fit into thecurrent economy of the community?

    What are the characteristics of thetourists visiting the area?

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    Inventory Assets & Resources

    Attractions & Activities Accommodations Food Service Transportation/Access

    Traveler Services Public Services and Facilities

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    Economic &Visitor Profiles

    How does tourism fit within your existingeconomy?

    Is there existing data about thecharacteristics andtravel patterns of

    the visitors alreadycoming to thecommunity?

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    I(3) Identify Community Values

    Are residents kept informed of tourism development initiatives?

    Meetings, Newsletters, Radio/TV Announcements, NewsArticles

    How do residents feel abouttourism? Resident Attitude Survey

  • 8/3/2019 Tourism Planning and Assessment


    Phase II: Where Do You Want to Go?

    Step 1: Develop a Community Vision

    Step 2: Identify Issues and Concerns

    Step 3: Establish Goals

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    II(1) Develop a Vision

    How do you see your community aftertourism development?

    What do you want to see happen? What is an acceptable level of change in

    your community?

    How much of what type of tourismdevelopment fits with your image of yourcommunitys future?

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    II(2) Identify Issues & Concerns

    SWOT Analysis

    S StrengthsW WeaknessesO OpportunitiesT Threats

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    SWOT Analysis Matrix



    Positive characteristics andadvantages of the issue or



    Negative characteristics anddisadvantages of the issue or



    Factors that can benefit,enhance or improve the issue or


    S-O AnalysisHow can strengths be employed

    to take advantage of development opportunities?

    W-O AnalysisHow can weaknesses be over

    come to take advantage of development opportunities?


    Factors that can hinder the issueor situation

    S-T AnalysisHow can strengths be used tocounteract threats that tend to

    hinder achievement of goals andpursuit of opportunities?

    W-T Analysis

    How can weakness es beovercome to counteract threatsthat tend to hinder achievement

    of objectives and pursuit of opportunities?

  • 8/3/2019 Tourism Planning and Assessment


    Benefits of a SWOT Analysis

    Stimulates group participation

    Provides a framework for assessing

    capabilities and community values

    Provides a basis for the development of aset of goals that will take advantage of opportunities, while building upweaknesses and warding off threats

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    SWOT Analysis Tips Do Be analytical and specific Record all thoughts and ideas

    Choose the right people for the exercise Choose a suitable leader or facilitator

    Dont Try to disguise weaknesses

    Merely list errors and mistakes Lose sight of external influences and trends Allow the SWOT to become a blame laying exercise Ignore outcomes at later stages of the planning process

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    II(3) Establish Goals

    Develop goals that will help thecommunity achieve their vision of

    the future Goals should be


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    Goals Should Be SMARTER

    S SpecificM Measurable

    A AcceptableR RealisticT Timely

    E ExtendingR Rewarding

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    Phase 3: How To Get There

    Step 1: Identify projects

    Step 2: Prioritize projects

    Step 3: Develop an Action Plan for each project

    Step 4: Monitor the progress of each project

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    III(2) Prioritize Projects

    What projects will be of value topotential visitors?

    What projects will be of value to thecommunity?

    What projects can help yourcommunity's tourism industry have acompetitive advantage?

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    Value to the Tourist

    Will it fill a vacation motive or need? Motives: Change, Achievement, Interaction,

    Experience, Pampering, Novelty Seeking Needs: Access, Attitude, Attractions, Accommodations,


    Will it give a reason for tourists to spend

    more time in your community? Is access acceptable to the visitor?

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    Value to the Community

    Will it help bring in outside income?

    Is it compatible with yourcommunitys lifestyle?

    Will it maintain thenatural beauty of the area?

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    Competitive Advantage

    Is the project unique?

    Can the tourism opportunity be provided

    at a price that is acceptable to both buyerand seller?

    Can the tourism opportunity provide abetter value than another opportunityelsewhere?

  • 8/3/2019 Tourism Planning and Assessment


    Action Plan Tips

    List the steps or tasks needed to accomplish eachproject

    Steps should be specific and detailed

    Realistic timelines should be established for each step

    Identify resources (human or financial) needed toaccomplish each step should be identified

    Identify who is responsible for each step Obtain the consent and commitment of the

    responsible party

  • 8/3/2019 Tourism Planning and Assessment


    Phase IV: How Are You Doing?

    Review the plan on an annual basis Solicit community involvement in

    the review Review community opinion and

    critical indicators of success

    Revise and update the plan

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    Update & Modify the Plan

    Has there been a substantial change in circumstances

    or assumptions upon which the current plan was


    Are there new issues of local or regional significance

    that should be addressed?

    Have any of the projects that have been implementedthrough the plan failed to achieve the desired result?

    A yes to any of these questions indicates an update is in order.

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    Assessment & Planning Review Where are you now? (Research) Organization evaluation Gather information Identify community values

    Where do you want to go? (Planning) Develop a vision Identify concerns and opportunities - SWOT Establish goals

    How will you get there? (Implementation) Identify & prioritize projects that will implement goals Develop an action plan for each project Monitor each projects progress

    How are you doing? (Evaluation) Review and update the plan on a periodic basis

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    Coming Soon from the AOT

    Tourism Funding Handbook Community Tourism

    Development GuidelinesHandbook

    Business PermittingGuidelines

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    Useful Resources

    Alaska Office of Tourism Web Page

    Economic Development Resource Guide

    Community Profile Database

    Establishing a Business In Alaska

    Commercial Visitor Services in Alaska

  • 8/3/2019 Tourism Planning and Assessment


    How To Reach Us Ginny Fay Tourism Director907-465-2012 ginny_fay

    Caryl McConkie Business Development, Planning & Marketing907-465-5478 [email protected]

    Aneta Synan Community Planning & Lands Management907-465-3961 [email protected]

    Odin Brudie Transportation & Trails Planning907-465-5466 [email protected]

    Lillian Ruedrich Workshop Planning & Training907-465-2162 [email protected]

    Our Fax: 907-465-3767Alaska Office of Tourism, PO Box 110809, Juneau, AK 99811

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