
Toward a function-based IT platform for variants redesignof household appliances



1Department of Engineering Enzo Ferrari, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy2eCampus University, Italy3Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche, Marche, Italy

(RECEIVED October 18, 2016; ACCEPTED May 22, 2017)


Modular product design is an efficient strategy to let manufacturing companies meet the customers’ requirements by offer-ing a wide variety and customization of products and significantly saving time and cost during engineering and production(Fei et al., 2011). Despite numerous approaches for function modeling and modular product design (Srinivasan et al., 2012;Eckert, 2013; Vermaas, 2013) that have been developed in the last decades, carrying out an efficient product variants’ de-sign process is still an open issue for many manufacturing companies. The proposed approaches offer numerous ways tomodel information about product functionality, but each approach is useful and particularly well suited for different appli-cations and domains (Summers et al., 2013). The present research compares the existing approaches for product variantsdesign and defines a function-based model to support product design and redesign according to a modular framework, merg-ing qualitative technical issues with business-oriented evaluation. Such a framework has been used to develop a multiuser ITplatform, composed of a knowledge-based engine and four different tools to support designers and engineers in productvariants creation, management, and configuration, from product functional modeling to cost estimation and life cycle as-sessment. The proposed model has been tested on industrial cases in the context of household appliances. Experimentalresults demonstrates that, after a preliminary context analysis and a proper knowledge base creation, such a model supportsa more conscious decision-making and promote collaboration within an interdisciplinary design team. Finally, the case studyshows the necessity, but in the meanwhile the insufficiency, of a functional decomposition as the only representationviewpoint.

Keywords: Computer-Aided Design; Design Methods; Function Modeling; Product Family and Platform; ProductModeling


In the modern hypercompetitive market, companies arepushed to fulfill the customers’ expectations by offering newproducts and services as well as a wide range of product var-iants (Ulrich & Eppinger, 2012). However, assessing the fea-sibility, the sustainability, and the profitability of the pro-posed solutions is fundamental to be a healthy companythat makes profit. In this context, designing new product var-iants and redesigning the existing products in order to effi-ciently offer a wide range of solutions is crucial to quickly in-troduce new functionalities and adapt the product features tothe changing customers’ needs in an efficient and flexiblemanner, controlling time, cost, and life cycle sustainability.

It consists of merging technical issues (i.e., how componentsshare direct interfaces with adjacent components, how inter-faces may propagate to nonadjacent components in theproduct, and how components may act as bridges amongother components through their interfaces) with business is-sues (i.e., how to make complexity manageable, how to en-able parallel work, and how to accommodate future uncer-tainty; Baldwin & Clark, 2006).

Product variants’ configuration generally involves market-ing, design, engineering, and production departments. Mar-keting staff analyzes the market segments to be addressedand identifies the customers’ needs. After that, designers con-ceive the new product concept to be offered and define thebrief as well as the expected functionalities. Subsequently,designers and engineers define the so-called functional re-quirements and how to technically realizing the desired func-tions. Finally, engineering and production departments deal

Reprint requests to: Margherita Peruzzini, Department of EngineeringEnzo Ferrari, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, via Vivarello 10,41125 Modena, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]

Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (2017), 31, 512–534.# Cambridge University Press 2017 0890-0604/17doi:10.1017/S0890060417000427


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with the product variants generation and the configuration ofthe feasible solutions (Jiao & Zhang, 2005; ElMaraghy et al.,2013). In this context, modular product platforms let compa-nies offer a variety of products in an efficient way by provid-ing significant time and cost saving, as demonstrated by nu-merous studies over the years (Farrell & Simpson, 2003;Frenken & Mendritzki, 2012; Wan et al., 2012). Modularproduct platforms are able to support the development ofproduct families, composed by a set of product variants ona common product architecture, using shared resources andreducing the involved resources. Thanks to assets sharing,both cost savings and operational benefits can be achieved(e.g., about sourcing, manufacturing, and quality control;Otto et al., 2016). Furthermore, a product family allows ad-dressing a set of diversified market segments while maximiz-ing the production efficiency through the standardization ofparts and solutions (Jiao et al., 2007).

In order to create consistent product variants and to effi-ciently manage their combination by respecting technical,feasibility, and economical constraints, a proper functionalmodel of the desired product family has to be defined. There-fore, in order to save time, resources, and then money, itera-tions should be minimized by the adoption of functional-based approaches able to manage the development processesin a more straightforward way by limiting costs and efforts. Inthis context, adoption of structured functional-based modelsin industrial practice is still limited due mainly to the difficul-ties in defining the most proper function-based approach forthe specific context of application, and the necessary effort re-quired to properly represent the product knowledge, modelthe functional solutions, and generate the variants on the basisof the product functions. There are various methods to sup-port modular design for industrial products, from axiomaticdesign (AD), to design structure matrix (DSM), functionalmodeling (FM), modular function deployment (MFD), andvariant mode and effects analysis (VMEA), which can bealso used in combination with an architecture developmentprocess (Stjepandic et al., 2015). While AD and DSM aremainly oriented to technical issues and mapping of the rela-tions among product components, FM is a particularly usefulmethod to focus on product functions for structuring theproduct into modules, to clarify the understanding of a designproblem, and to serve as core to the modular solution. Themodular form of the product depends on the form of chainsof connected elementary subfunctions. In addition, theMFD approach facilitates the development of a robust pro-duction program that is easily adaptable to the varying re-quirements by introducing a set of dedicated criteria (i.e.,module drivers), which compile a business strategy into aframework for modular product design. It is a good tool tolink technical and business issues. Finally, VMEA can helpto depict the impacts of product variants in the enterpriseunits from the definition of the product program to distribu-tion, including cost evaluation.

The present work adopts FM as the primary approach forproduct structuring, and a combination of MFD and VMEA

to define a function-based model to support product variants’design and redesign according to a modular framework. Themain goals of the proposed model are the following:

1. to offer a robust framework to define a reliable productrepresentation founded on functional analysis to representfunctional, modular, and multiple product architectures;

2. to manage and represent the product knowledge to beeasily searched and retrieved for design purposes, byan agent-based approach; and

3. to support the development of an IT platform for productredesign and variant configuration by considering theproduct life cycle issues, mainly cost and sustainability.

As a result, the authors incorporates the developed model intoan IT multiuser platform, composed of knowledge manage-ment engine and different modules, taking care about FM,product configuration, cost estimation, and life cycle assess-ment (LCA). It is able to enhance searching and reusing ofexisting configurations limiting the required changes; toeffectively represent industrial products from a functional,modular, and architectural point of view; to easily assessthe impact of the changes introduced by a new variant in cus-tomizable design contexts; and to accurately estimate costsand environmental impacts of the new configured solutions.


Product function modeling consists of the representation ofthe individual operations and transformations that contributeto the overall performance of the product itself and the map-ping of the relations between the product elements, which areparts, components, and subassemblies that ultimately imple-ment the product’s functions. The product architecture refersto the organizational structure of an artifact, and more specif-ically to the arrangement of its functions; it maps thefunctional elements of the product and describes how theyare arranged into physical blocks (Ulrich & Eppinger,2012). A product family includes a set of variables, features,or components that, in time, do not change from product toproduct, and others that instead vary from product to product.Within a given family, the modification of the product fea-tures can be achieved through scaling, addition, substitution,or exclusion of modules (Pahl et al., 2007). The product archi-tecture and the function modeling both have an obviousstrong impact on the development of the relative productfamily and on the ability to generate variants (ElMaraghyet al., 2013). Furthermore, variants generation also affectsthe company business strategy as well as production timeand costs, and the overall process sustainability.

According to Holtta and Salonen (2003), there are few con-solidated modularization methods: the function structure heur-istic method (Stone et al., 2000), the clustering of a DSM(Pimmler & Eppinger, 1994), and the MFD method (Ericsson& Erixon, 1999). In particular, the MFD method (Ericsson &

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Erixon, 1999) provides a systematic evaluation of technical so-lutions for a given product, based on the functional productstructure. It is based on the quality function deploymentmethodology, which is expanded with the modularity conceptby introducing dedicated criteria (“module drivers”), whichmeasure the product feasibility from certain viewpoints (e.g.,cost, sustainability, and productivity). Thanks to a proper ma-trix, it provides a procedure for investigating opportunities ofintegrating multiple functions into single modules by usingthe interface matrix, changing the expected assembly se-quence, or changing the modules’ features. The expected ef-fects of the redesign can be estimated and an evaluation canbe provided for each modular concept. Recently, Borjessonand Holtta (2014) have proposed an integration of the DSMand MFD approaches in order to balance the two and takeinto account both interactions and company portfolio strate-gies. In addition, the VMEA can be used to optimize productmodularity by the assessment technical and economic criteriaof product variety diversity, integrating business units such asmarketing, product program planning, product development,production, and distribution (Stjepandic et al., 2015).

After product modular structuring, configuration is strategicto meet the target of the mass customization by satisfyingdifferent customer needs with customized products, based onvariants combinations. A good product configuration shouldmaintain the efficiency and cost of mass production (Pine,1993). It is based on combining instances of different compo-nent types taking into account restrictions, constraints, andcompatibility issues (Felfernig et al., 2014). Component typesrefer to sets of alternative components, namely, instances, andthey are characterized by attributes. Constraints are restrictionsof the way in which different components can be combinedwith each other. A configurable product is the result of the de-velopment of the solution space that identifies the productproperties for which customer needs diverge. Therefore, a con-figurable product requires the design of a family of products,where a specific configuration specifies one of the possibleproduct variants (Tiihonen, 2014).

In this context, product variants are often defined by engi-neering changes (ECs), especially on existing products, toadapt the existing product businesses to the rapid evolutionof the market. In view of this, ECs represent a key aspect ofinnovation, as they allow more variants to satisfy the demandof specific market niches. ECs and their propagation could beassessed at various stages of the design process, but their es-timate should be conducted as soon as possible to reducecosts that will inevitably increase at the end of the design pro-cess (Koh et al., 2012). In literature, numerous examples anddiscussions exist about different change propagation link-ages. Some of these are focused on the physical domain,such as linkage between components forming the product ar-chitecture, and others, on the functional domain (e.g., func-tion–form relationship). ECs’ management is fundamentalfor product variant configuration. Clarckson et al. (2004) con-tributed in modeling ECs and their propagation during the de-sign and development of a complex product, while Kilpinen

et al. (2009) developed a method to assess the consequencesof ECs in the aerospace industry. Furthermore, Kocar and Ak-gunduz (2010) developed a probabilistic analysis of propaga-tions by observing the implicit linkage between product com-ponents by a virtual platform for collecting ECs andidentifying the list of components that were affected in thepast by similar changes. EC propagation has been also studiedthrough a network of physical components and their relatedcoupling strengths (Cheng & Chu, 2012). Only a few authorshighlighted the relevance of functional analysis to assesschange propagation. Modular product configuration is mainlybased on the selection of predefined components and assem-blies from databases that properly collect the related knowl-edge, and the configuration of the product based on customerdemands, translated into product requirements.

Functions are the linking elements between product re-quirements and the designer choices, and allow an abstractrepresentation in terms of function definitions and flows ofmaterial, energy, and signal. Fei et al. (2011) defined amethod to assess the change propagation through both thefunctional and the structural architecture. Ahmad et al.(2012) proposed an EC management system to help the mod-eling of an EC and its propagation during the design and thedevelopment of complex products. Moreover, modeling andmanagement of product knowledge are fundamental to havegood configuration. In order to generate reliable solutions, aproper method for capturing, structuring, searching, retriev-ing, viewing, and editing both product and process knowl-edge is needed. Raffaeli et al. (2010) proposed an extendedmultilevel representation framework to model complex de-pendencies among components, component attributes, andimplemented functions, and to facilitate the modular repre-sentation of a product thanks to a graph-based algorithm totraverse the network of dependencies and indexes of impacts.In addition, Elgh (2014) proposed a conceptual frameworkfor modeling and management of product knowledge in anengineer-to-order business model to support product config-uration.

However, the above-mentioned works have mainly fo-cused on the methodologies to assess change propagationin the product design and redesign phase, but the generationand the assessment of ECs in product families are not cov-ered. For a successful product variant configuration, both as-pects have to be considered and integrated into product mod-eling and analysis.


The proposed approach aims at representing and configuringproduct variants on the basis of function modeling and depen-dencies analysis. In particular, the proposed approach com-bines FM for product modularization, DSM to map the rela-tions among product modules, and MFD to assess the definedproduct solutions, based on the functional product structure.Such a model provides a three-tiered product representation:

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functional level, modular level, and product structure. Thethree tiers are cross-linked and allow the comprehensive rep-resentation of product variants. They are created and availablesimultaneously to allow easy product dependencies identifi-cation and variants representation. Such a model is translatedinto an IT platform to effectively support designers in productvariant design and redesign.

3.1. A function-based structure for productrepresentation

The function-based model adopted into this study is inspiredto a multilevel framework (Germani et al., 2007). It consistsof three domains, namely, the functional structure, the mod-ular structure, and the product architecture (Fig. 1).

It uses graph networks to model inner relations and propa-gation of changes’ effects (Raffaeli et al., 2010). In the con-text of product families, such representation allows a sharedfunctional representation, which is linked to several imple-mentations of the product (Raffaeli et al., 2013). The frame-work introduces multiple views on the product itself, and al-lows the designer to focus on the functional definition of theproduct, as well as its implementation by its main constitutivemodules. It also provides a breakdown of the structure until itreaches low-level implementation details, with different levelsof granularity. The complexity and completeness of the forma-lization allows effective analysis to manage a modification ofan existing product or the addition of new variants.

The first domain concerns FM and functions’ representa-tion according to the renowned concepts fixed by Pahlet al. (2007). In the proposed approach, a function-basedstructure is defined as the decomposition of the product func-tions and the flows established between them, represented byblock diagrams. The functional structure represents what theproduct (in all its parts) is intended to do, as well as the input/

output relationships, at different levels of granularity. A pairof a verb and a noun expresses each function, while flowssplit in the three categories (i.e., energy, material, and signal).Since 2001, Hirtz et al. (2001) have fixed a shared terminol-ogy to standardize functional analysis representations, whichcan be optionally employed by the user. The main charac-teristic of a functional analysis is the abstraction of the de-scription, which should not include any perspective on tech-nical solutions. From an overall function representing theproduct as a black box, the functional analysis is performedsplitting into subfunctions of lower complexity. The processstops when the further subdivision in subfunctions leads tomore specific concepts linked to the physical implementationof the product and its behavior. For its nature and purpose, thefunctional analysis should be devoid of outlooks on theproduct implementation, which is the scope of the third levelof the introduced representation.

The second tier is represented by module configuration,which is defined from the most detailed function-based struc-ture. A module aims to represent a reusable standard unit,which minimizes relationships with other part of a product, fa-cilitating the configuration of variants. Given that the modularconfiguration is derived only from the functional structure, it isalmost independent from geometrical or physical implementa-tions of the modules themselves. Modules are identified byDSM and MFD methods. In particular, DSM provides a mapof the relations among the product modules, as identified inthe previous step, and MFD provides a systematic evaluationof the defined product solutions, based on the functionalproduct structure, as suggested by Stjepandic et al. (2015).

The last tier refers to the definition of the product architec-ture, which represents how the above-mentioned modules andtheir functions are embodied in physical solutions. Theproduct structure has a computer-aided design (CAD)-likeform, being a tree of subassemblies of blocks. A block is in-

Fig. 1. Three-tiered representation of the product: functional level, modular level, and product structure.

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tended as a component or an assembly that may appear in sev-eral variants. A block stores geometrical and nongeometricalattributes. It contains a name, a set of properties, the imple-mented functions, and links to the related documentationfiles. Each property represents an attribute of the block,such as a geometrical parameter, a material, a specification,or a characteristic. The base property represents the block asa whole and enumerates its variants if they exist. For instance,parts such as motors, actuators, or sensors have several alter-natives that may be chosen from catalogs. In particular, thebase property of the block contains the part code used bythe enterprise resource planning or project life cycle manage-ment system for unique identification of the variant.

3.2. Block dependencies and variants representation

Variants representation is fundamental when a product familyhas to be designed, as all products belonging to the same fam-ily share a set of common parts. In the proposed model, theproduct is represented as a metaproduct made up of suchcommon parts and all the parts that are used by the specificinstances of the family. Family members are then formedby indicating which components are in use and, if necessary,in which variants. The functional structure is extended to en-compass all the family functions. Similarly, relations are de-fined among all the parts of the metaproduct definition. In thisway, a specific family instance corresponds to a subset ofsuch relations. For each part, a specific block variant is speci-fied. If any variant is indicated, it means that the block is notincluded in the specific product and it is discarded. Eachblock variant shares the same inner structure in terms of prop-erties but differs for the assumed values. In this way, variantsof a block can be easily replaced, maintaining consistency inthe relation graph. As a certain block is excluded from a fam-ily member, the relations associated with its properties aredisabled.

Moreover, as components are linked to the functional levelthanks to the three-tiered model, parts exclusion is reflectedon functions that are consequently turned off. Conversely,new family members can be instantiated starting from anew functional structure. The needed components are then se-lected on the basis of the connection with the active functions.In this way, variant configuration is very easy and directlyconnected with the required functions. By extending the con-cept of relationship to the multilevel product representation,the product structure can be represented as an articulatedgraph-tree structure.

A relation is a dependency between a property on one sideand one or more properties on the other. In this context, blockrelations can capture both design choices and design con-strains between product parts, and can be distinguished be-tween standard and auxiliary. While the former is intention-ally defined by designers to express explicit dependencies,the latter is implicitly introduced to capture the linkageswith the product structure. A relation can consist of threekinds: internal relation, assembly relation, and functional re-

lation. The first one (internal relation) connects the base prop-erty with the other properties within a block. If a base prop-erty of a block changes, other properties are also likely tochange. The second one (assembly relation) links a compo-nent base property to the one of its parent assembly. Here,the aim is to capture the implicit link among an assemblyand its parts. Finally, the third one (functional relation) linksproperties of different blocks when they implement functionsthat are connected by a functional flow. This relation links theproduct architecture to its function-based decomposition andvice versa (Fig. 2).

3.3. The adoption of the function-based modelfor variant configuration

New product variant design generally involves a multidisci-plinary design team, made of designers, engineers, peoplefrom marketing departments, and people from commercialor purchasing departments. Data are gathered from marketanalysis, and product specifications for a new product variantare expressed in terms of functionalities and performances.Such specifications could conflict with each other and shouldnot be selected at the same time, so that conflicting constraintsrequire a technical evaluation from the design department.Once a set of requirements is validated, a preliminary billof material (BOM) is validated and an estimated cost in termsof bought parts, manufactured parts, and assembly activitiesis provided. Numerous iterations are generally needed tohave an acceptable solution. Furthermore, modifying theso-defined product is rather more complex and strongly de-pends on the nature of the change and on the available timeto perform it (the so-called EC). Assessing the change feasi-bility is crucial for the company. Therefore, depending ontime limits, it is reasonable to think that some redesign activ-ities must be done simultaneously even if the logical proce-dure would have preferred a serial execution. Figure 3 showsan exemplificative EC process in manufacturing companies.

The proposed model adopts an agent-based approach tohandle complex product configuration, as it allows dealingwith uncertain problems where global knowledge is distrib-uted and shared, with the aim to achieve a consensual solutionin a collaborative way. The optimal configuration emergesfrom fuzzy consensual solution agents and their affinities.During this phase, the consensual solution agents through

Fig. 2. The function-based auxiliary relation is automatically introducedbetween components implementing functions connected by a flow.

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their interactions and using their affinities are structured intomodules. Nevertheless, configuration conflicts may occur iftoo strict requirements are given or strict external constraints,and thus any configuration cannot be found. In this case, cor-rective actions are suggested to solve configuration conflictsand to define the “closer” solution. In the model proposed inthis paper, the contrast pulse sequencing technique (Yang &Dong, 2012) is adopted considering that the customer re-quirements are described by the product functions, as definedin the first tier, and the structural needs and constraints, as de-fined in the third tier. When the costumers’ requirements areclearly identified and the solution can be generated easily, anautomatic batch configuration process is executed. When

some configuration conflicts occur and the system is not ca-pable of automatically retrieving a solution, an iterative con-figuration process is carried out. The designer can interveneand manually define the optimal configuration.

The quality and efficiency of the redesign process can beevaluated through the number of iterations needed to reacha correct product and the related production facilities, thetime taken to execute the redesign process, the number ofidentified components involved in the modification, and theamount of resources employed for tests. Moreover, for anycompany, it is a common practice to check the EC processwhen part of the time to perform the test, almost 30%, haselapsed. If something is going wrong, the problem is ana-

Fig. 3. Representation of engineering changes process in manufacturing companies under time constraint (adapted from Malatesta et al.,2013).

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lyzed again and the design has to be corrected. In this context,adopting the proposed function-based model could help man-agers, designers, and technicians to have more informationduring EC processes, to validly predict how much, what,and where a change will impact and how many componentswould need a change. It would also increase the awarenessof what a modification could lead to, avoiding neglectingsomething important or reducing the work field initiallythought. According to the proposed model, the predictionand management of any change impact can be built on thethree levels of the product representation: changing a partof the product means modifying the properties of componentsor subassembly of the product structure. The perspective un-der which a product change is evaluated refers to classifica-tions of the requirements (e.g., performance, cost, assem-bling, sustainability, and usability). The correlation betweenthe requirements and change impact is provided to quantifyand store the effect of changing a specific property.

3.4. Benchmark of the proposed modeling schemewith the literature

The proposed model aims at providing an efficient and con-crete design tool for industry to face the competitive and un-stable current market, where customers ask for new function-alities, standard constraints are more and more strict, and thedesign team has to reduce the time to market while managingan increasing amount of data. Dedicated approaches are thenrequired to support stakeholders in their job of designing andevaluating new product instances. With respect to previousmodels, the proposed model allows making available func-tion-based product representation for product configurationof industrial complex products, also by offering a proper ITtool to support the design team in its effective use.

Following the path traced by Summers et al. (2013), themodeling approach has been analyzed in terms of representa-tional characteristics and expressive power, supported cog-nitive dimensions, and reasoning inferencing capacity. Table 1reports a synthesis of the analysis and a comparison with mod-eling approaches from the literature, where appropriate.

The most significant characteristics of the proposed modelcan be summarized in the following points:

† Multilevel product representation: The three-tieredmodel allows contemporary generation of the func-tional, technical, and architectural model of the new so-lutions. By acting on one level, the other two are auto-matically defined by the system thanks to properknowledge formalization. Furthermore, the graphical vi-sualization of the relations among blocks makes the de-sign team aware of the underpinning data flow represen-tation among modules and functions, and the innerrelations among product requirements, product physicalparts, and obtained impacts (i.e., costs, etc.).

† Implicit dependencies elicitation: The three-tiered repre-sentation allows finding connections moving among the

different layers. It is possible to easily understand howfunctions and subfunctions are implemented by theproduct physical components as well as how the designintent has been elicited in terms of functions.

† Low level of abstraction: The experimental work hasshown that the functional decomposition is positivelyaccepted by the designers if they are free to use verbsand nouns close to their background. The functional ba-sis terms are generally perceived as too generic and farfrom the functional concept as present in the designer’smind. Moreover, an additional degree of freedom is re-quired in the representation of lower detailed levels ofthe functional decomposition making concessions onbehavioral aspects. However, the lack of a standardizedabstract lexicon causes some drawbacks such as incon-sistency of the models and scarce similarity betweenmodels of the same system produced by different users.

† Multiuser approach: The model allows different actorsof the design team to work together, each of them con-sidering the more familiar product representation, and torepresent data with different level of details according tothe design phase, product life cycle, and the purposes ofthe analysis. It improves the product technical qualityand the evaluation quality as well as reduces the timespent for finding the best design solution.

† Enhancement of methods and tools from the literature:Methods for data search and a retrieval engine in config-uration generation (i.e., agent-based models), tools forthe configuration of conflict management (i.e., contrastpulse sequencing), and change management (CM) im-pact computation: the proposed model has been trans-lated into an IT platform to be concretely experimentedon during design activities.


Based on the proposed model, an IT platform has been con-ceived to help the design team to properly use companyknowledge, to describe the product structure by a powerfulrepresentation, and to configure and evaluate product var-iants. The advantage relies on avoidance of time wastes dueto redundant requests and on the management of a newchange in an early phase. Figure 4 shows how the productrepresentation levels (i.e., functional tree and flow graph,modules interface and flow graph, and assemblies and com-ponent tree and flow graph) have heterogeneous linkagesamong them and are related to a kernel for dealing with theshared knowledge for generating, evaluating, and creatingnew variants though a CM approach.

4.1. The platform architecture

The IT platform architecture able to deploy the proposed ap-proach is shown in Figure 5. It is composed of a knowledge-

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Table 1. Analysis of the proposed modelling approach and benchmarking

AnalyzedDimension Proposed Approach Benchmarking With Other Approaches

Representation Characteristics

Scope Industrial and consumer artifacts can be represented.Good levels of modularity are preferred even if notrequired.

Simple mechanical devices and small appliances are thetraditional target.

Flexibility The three tiers aim at covering different representationperspectives from functional view to architecturalimplementation views through modular decomposition.

Other representation patterns (structure–behavior–function, function–behavior–structure, function–behavior–state) share multiple points of view on theproducts. Modular views are rarely included in therepresentation scheme.

Indexing The proposed knowledge-based IT platform supports thedesigner with configuration rules, recommendedactions, and engineering design knowledge andsimulations.

Although effective, representation schemes such asfunctional modeling, QFD, and axiomatic design areoften limited to a certain design phase, neglecting thewhole design loop and product life cycle.

Consistency Formal vocabulary of nouns and verbs can be introducedin the functional level to allow computationalreasoning, but it is not required. Computational supportis limited to the architectural level at the moment.

Attempts are found in the literature to draw structuresfrom formalized functional descriptions (Sen et al.,2011).

Translationability The approach and the tool have been conceived in thefield of variants design. The application on differentdomains is to be investigated.

Abstract descriptions, such as functional modeling orhouse of quality, can find their applications in severaldifferent domains.

Behavior Behavior is not explicitly included in the three-levelrepresentation scheme. In the proposed platform,behavioral simulations on selected aspects areperformed by means of dedicated software modules.

Representation schemes such as structure–behavior–function, function–behavior–structure, function–behavior–state explicitly include the behavior in therepresentation.

Scalability The representation scheme is based on a hierarchicalapproach that allows analyzing products at differentlevels of granularity. The robustness of the approach onhousehold appliances has been tested, but morecomplex problems need to be investigated.

Household appliances (washing machines, stopes,refridgerators, etc.) represent interesting test cases forbenchmarking with other approaches. Such test casesshow articulated functional models and considerabledesign variants that overwhelm the typical cases foundin the literature.

Supported Cognitive Dimensions

Abstraction gradient Functions’ and modules’ definition and decompositionare provided with a scarce level of abstraction. Physicalarchitectures are described in detail. The overallapproach is pragmatic.

The usage of the functional basis requires a considerablelevel of abstraction. The literature review highlights thatapproaches for modular decompositions are based onheuristics, intensity of the connecting flows (DSM) orimplementation drivers (MFD). Architectures arerepresented in a simplified manner.

Closeness ofmapping

Designers are given few restrictions. The representation isclose to the designer background.

Methods based on a higher level of abstraction (i.e., FB,FBS, AD) are hardly accepted.

Error proneness Consistency of the model could be threatened by thefreedom given to the user.

Rigorous formalism, as well as a well-defined lexicon,guarantee error-free models.


The representation scheme allows the implicitintroduction dependencies given by the flows graph inthe functional view and the hierarchical structure of theproduct (auxiliary relations).

Efforts in the modeling phase can be saved, recoveringand enhancing implicit dependencies, if available.


Functional decomposition is often derived in a reverseengineering process, (i.e., from existing products). Inaddition, modular structures and architectures sufferfrom predefined schemes coming from the designerexperience.

Representation schemes suffer from preconditioning.However, rigorous semantics and lexicon help thedefinition of standardized representations and limit thenecessity of preventive assumptions.

Secondary notation The architecture of the represented product is enrichedwith links to CAD models, attributes, and hyperlinks.As a knowledge-based approach, the supporting tool isimplemented as a hub of data sources.

The various schemes in the literature can be potentiallyenriched with additional information as long as asupporting tool is developed with such functionalities.

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Table 1 (cont.)

AnalyzedDimension Proposed Approach Benchmarking With Other Approaches

Viscosity The approach has been conceived as representationschemes on which algorithms execute analyses.Modification of the structures is then free anddisconnected from performed evaluations. Usability ofthe platform can be improved in the case of big models.

The representation schemes in the literature are usuallyprone to simple editing. However, such a characteristicis easily lost as models grow and become complex.

Visibility The approach provides links between the threerepresentation levels and maximizes the fruition of theinformation in the graphical environment.

Few modeling tools are available for other representationschemes. Some dedicated tools for specificrepresentations such as house of quality are available.

Enabled Reasoning Activities

Interpretability Because the abstraction is maintained at a low level,models are easily interpreted and information can beconveyed across the company departments.

As the study of Caldwell et al. (2012) has shown, a highlevel of abstraction and lexicon restrictions limits thecapability of accuracy and speed of humaninterpretability.


Conservation of energy as well as other physical relationscan be input in the architectural representation in termsof relations between the parts attributes.

Physical relations are managed if the representationscheme includes a behavioral level that encompassesmathematical reasoning.

Analogical mapping The functional level allows possible mapping betweendecomposition portions of different products.However, the loose formalism in the lexicon makes ithard to correlate different products, whereas thisprocess is still feasible for products of the samecompany sharing a common language.

Functional decomposition as well as physical structureshave proved the capability to be searched in order tofind relevant and reusable patterns.

Pattern learning The proposed approach relies on search algorithms in theattributed product architectures tier in order to findreusable solutions.

Other representations rely on both the functional andembodied structures to find design pattern correlations.


The concept behavior is not explicit, but embedded in thenumeric dependencies among the parts.

Function and behavior are clearly separated in otherrepresentations.

Change propagation The approach is strongly based on algorithms to computethe change impacts that traverse the graph ofdependencies among the entities of the three-tieredrepresentation. Change propagation assessment allowsthe computation of the impacts on cost and other designdrivers.

Many studies have shown that effective changepropagation analysis can be performed on productarchitectures (Clarkson et al., 2004; Raffaeli et al.,2010). Few studies also include the functional layer inthe change propagation analysis (Kurtoglu & Turner2008).

Fig. 4. Implementation of the function-based model into an IT platform.

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based engine, using a shared database of different data (i.e.,technical, marketing, life cycle, product BOM, product data,and CAD data) and four tools (i.e., a product variants configura-tor tool, a CM tool, a manufacturing cost estimation tool, and anLCA tool). A database system is filled with the specific param-eters obtained from the gathered requirements. Moreover, the

values of such parameters are inserted into the database toform a configuration. All the existing product variants can beautomatically input capturing the related information from anenterprise resource planning or product life cycle managementsystem. The knowledge-based engine collects also all the com-patibility rules that are necessary to validate any set of parame-

Fig. 5. The configuration platform architecture.

Fig. 6. The configuration tool interface for checking input validity rules.

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ters. In particular, the configurator tool lets marketing and tech-nical users add value to the configuration process. The platformis supposed to be shared between the marketing, design, andpurchasing departments offering dedicated graphical user inter-faces that provide specific software functionalities.

When a new product variant has to be defined, marketingstaff validates the new set of requirements along with designexperts in order to define the new functional requirements, so-lutions, and the relative parameters. Such data represent thestarting point for the technical actions. The system interfaceallows users to define novel product configurations by com-bining all the wanted parameters. This action is usuallycarried out by the marketing staff. The interface shows the in-terested product parameters and adapts them with the additionor removal of records in this table. It also offers the searchfunctionality of existing products to find the product variantclosest to the customers’ requirements, based on agent-basedmodels. Four operators are introduced:

1. Filter operator: It filters a subset of parameters to findsimilar configurations. Such an operator is based onparametric queries on the table of requirements.

2. Distance operator: It computes the Euclidean distanceof two variants expressed in the n-dimensional spaceof the parameters. Such an operator allows the mostsimilar variants to be found and sorted in an automaticmanner.

3. Compatibility evaluation: It evaluates the compatibility ofa pair of parameters by searching for a variant where thetwo parameters already coexist. This requires [n . (n – 1)] /

2 pairs to be considered to assess the global validity of anew configuration.

4. Rule-based exclusion: It allows logic rules to be input tolimit the values that can be assumed by parameters. Thesyntax is simple and uses not only arithmetic operatorsbut also logic and conditional ones such as and, OR,NOT, EQUALS, and IF.

While the first two operators allow a manual or assisted searchto be performed, the last two operators allow a new variant tobe automatically assessed. In particular, compatibility evalu-ation alerts the marketing expert on the novelty introduced bya new combination of parameters. In contrast, the rule-basedexclusion operator aims to form a knowledge base that willgrow with the everyday usage. Although every rule must beformulated with the help and expertise of the design depart-ment, the growth of the rule database progressively will allowthe marketing department to be independent. Moreover, therule set represents a base of explicit configuration knowledgeon the specific product family. The user is informed if the newconfiguration is not consistent (i.e., if parameters are incom-patible due to any rules) and an alert is shown. A constraintsatisfaction engine is used for rules validation and globalproduct assessment (Ferfernig et al., 2014). Finally, a newconfiguration is saved in the database increment for the avail-able solutions to be recovered in the future.

The interface shown in Figure 6 provides editing function-ality for defining the validity rules, which verify the compat-ibility of product parameters as new variants are configured.Each rule is composed using a syntax made up of arithmetic,logic, and conditional operators. A dedicated interface facili-

Fig. 7. The change management tool interface for variant management.

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tates rule definition by listing properties and possible opera-tors. Below, an example of rule is given:

IFðððElectronicDisplay ¼ “A1”Þ OR

ðElectronicDisplay ¼ “A1þ AUTO”ÞÞAND ððAutoCooking ¼ “TRUE”Þ OR

ðElectronicTimer ¼ “TRUE”ÞÞÞ

THENðRadialCooling ¼ “FALSE”Þ

Such an interface also provides messages associated to therule in order to provide clues and explanations to the userabout the new configuration based on a recommender systemapproach (Ferfernig et al., 2013). The rules, and hence themessage associated with them, are classified according totheir severity:

† Information rule: The message reports an advice or use-ful information.

† Exclamation rule: The message warns the marketinguser that something is to be added, changed, or removedin the current configuration but is not crucial.

† Critical rule: The message alerts that the current config-uration is not feasible and recommends which values ofthe parameters have to be changed or which parametershave to be added or removed.

In addition, a tooltip is associated with each parameter,providing specific information. Finally, the rule can be en-abled or not and then saved. Not all cases are covered by theserules, namely, the combination of parameters of the new var-iant configurations created by the marketing user could not be

related to rules or simply there are no contraindications to theconfiguration. Therefore, similar past configurations can besearched, but if the parameters that represent the change arenot present in the company history, this is the case to senda preliminary evaluation to the technical department.

The CM tool comes to the aid of the design departmentwhen the assessment of a new variant is required. The de-signer uses the model representation to estimate the changepropagation and its impact on the product structure from theproperties of one or more blocks to be changed (Fig. 7).

The graph engine collects and computes the three represen-tation levels (functional structure, modular structure, andproduct architecture) and the related graphs. The softwareprovides a graphical user interface for managing the three rep-resentation domains. The requirements view lets the user setthe impact indices for the properties to all identified designcontexts, which, as stated above, are seen as a classificationof the product requirements. The relations view allows input-ting standard relations between properties of the blocks. Thearchetypes tab is the overview about all the components in-volved in all the considered product families. Then, the graph-ical output related to the change propagation and the valuesof the output of the change impact indices are part of the soft-ware module of change analysis.

Finally, the CM tool has the possibility to communicateother company repositories, such as an LCA tool and a costestimation module that allows the technical users to have amore accurate evaluation of the impact indices. Such indicesare required by the CM tool for the computation of the changeimpacts regarding the design contexts related to life cycleanalysis and costs. LCA is a well-known methodology that al-

Fig. 8. Cost estimation tool architecture (adapted from Mandolini et al., 2012).

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lows evaluating environmental impacts related to a product,both manufactured or consumed, process or activity. It exam-ines the entire life cycle, from cradle to grave, and the poten-tial environmental impact intended, for example, as the useand consumption of natural resources (i.e., extraction, treat-ment, and processing of raw materials) and the environmentalconsequences of dross due to production and transport, its useand reuse and maintenance until the recycling and its finaldisposal. It is accomplished through the identification and

quantification of the raw materials and energy consumptionand emissions. It allows comparing quantitatively similarproducts and identifying and evaluating opportunities to re-duce the impacts. It can be performed at any stage of thelife cycle, but its usefulness is predominant in the initial stageof design. The reference standards that describe in detail therequirements for conducting an LCA are ISO 14040 andISO 14044. As far as the LCA tool, the platform includescommercial software, for example, SimaPro (https://www.

Fig. 9. The cost estimation tool interface.

Fig. 10. Electrolux hot division product families.

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Downloaded from 24 Feb 2022 at 11:29:46, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. It provides collecting, ana-lyzing, and monitoring the sustainability performance of pro-ducts and service in an easy way by modeling and analyzingcomplex product life cycles in a systematic and transparentway, measuring the environmental impact of products and ser-vices across all life cycle stages thanks to structured databasescontaining a wide range of inventory data and impact assess-ment methods (it also includes the Ecoinvent database), andidentifying the hotspots in all aspects of the supply chain,from extraction of raw materials to manufacturing, distribution,use, and disposal. Such analyses are executed on single parts oran entire product family, or part of them. In the case of family,it allows understanding if the introduced change leads to a var-iant that improves or not its environmental impacts. The de-signer can evaluate if the introduced modification is convenientor not and assess the impact index value used in the CM tool. Ifthe environmental impact computed with the LCA tool differsfrom the impact index value, a tuning can be executed.

Cost is another of the main design drivers considered bythe platform. Its evaluation in the early design phases allowscost-effective choices to be performed. The platform includesthe commercial software LeanCOST (, which is based on an ana-lytical approach for the cost estimation issue (Fig. 8).

LeanCOST estimates times and costs of manufacturing cy-cles from a knowledge-based approach. Its interface is shownin Figure 9. The system interacts with the above-mentionedfunction-based product representation to retrieve geometricand nongeometric information (e.g., material, tolerances,and surface treatments) in order to apply its cost models.

In particular, cost is estimated considering four components:

1. machining cost: the time in which the machine worksthe piece multiplied by the machine unitary cost;

2. stock cost: the stock weight required to manufacture thefinal product multiplied by the stock unitary cost;

3. accessory cost: the time in which the machine does notwork the piece (i.e., machine is changing tool or piece)multiplied by the machine unitary cost; and

4. machine setup cost: the time during which the machineis performing activities at the beginning of a batch pro-duction (e.g., computer numerical control program test-ing and tool setting up) multiplied by the machine uni-tary cost.

The first three costs are specific for a single component, butthe fourth depends on the production batch dimensions.

Fig. 12. First level of the functional modeling decomposition.

Fig. 11. The “black box” function for a cooker product.

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Table 2. Functional decomposition of the analyzed freestanding oven

First–Third Levels Description Functional Module

Allow cleaning Takes care of everything related to the product cleaningProvide automatic cleaning Characterized by all the features that ensure an automatic

cleaning of the applianceStart automatic product cleaning: Involves the insertion into the appliance of automated

devices for cleaning the apparatusAutomatic cleaning

Stop automatic product cleaning Stops the automatic cleaning program started in the formerstep

Automatic cleaning

Remove dirty automatically Remove unwanted material (dross) from the appliance Automatic cleaningProtect appliance from external contamination Prevent dirt

Facilitate protection from external contamination Tries to perform the task of preventing contact of the dustwith the most sensible parts of the product or in thoseparts that are not easy to clean

Prevent dirty

Provide manual cleaning Recommends to predict the possibility of a manual cleaningfor the appliance

Allow accessories removal User should be able to reach any part of the product for thepurpose of manual cleaning

Manual cleaning

Check components cleaning status Checks the cleanliness of the components of the appliance Manual cleaningRemove dirt manually Manual removal of dirt from the component Manual cleaningAllow easy access to components Considers the arrangement of components to allow easy use

by the userManual cleaning

Provide cleanable components Highlights the concept that the appliance should havecomponents that can be cleaned

Provide smooth surfaces Suggests that the appliance should have smooth surfaces forthe exposed components, consideration prevents dirtdeposit

Manual cleaning

Provide cleanable materials Ensures that the appliance should have cleanable materialsso that the parent function “Provide cleanablecomponents” is executed

Automatic cleaning

Provide food Contains all that is strictly related to cooking; in this blockonly the food moves and is “worked” (cooked), producing“cooked food”

Allow food placement This function suggests predicting, in the structure of theproduct, locations where the food can be placed.

Provide opening Satisfies the need to provide access so that the food can becooked by the product

Food cooking

Select cooking program Lets the user choose cooking programs with which the foodmust be treated

Cooking management

Permit hot place Designed as the central part of the black box; here the food isactually cooked. This nomenclature identifies one or morelocations within the product where the heat can bereceived (in any form).

Food cooking

Allow food cooking status check The appliance has to allow users to verify the cooking statusof food.

Cooking management

Provide support plane Necessarily concerns that somewhere the food has to be held Food cookingAllow variable food positioning Provides the possibility of putting food in different places

within the productFood cooking

Provide heat sources Provides energy to the cooking systemConvey heat Channel the heat properly in input Energy conversionRegulate heat Provides adjustment of the heat intensity Cooking managementRegulate time of heat Useful to convert the user-selected signal “time setting” in

an actual commandCooking management

Initiate spark The starting function to create energy Chemical energyconversion

Check heat intensity Receives a temperature signal and a “heat status” signal; inturn interpolating the input information, a signal of heatregulation is sent

Cooking management

Stop energy connection Allows the appliance to stop the energetic connection Cooking managementProvide chemical energy connection Binds the chemical energy to the system Chemical energy

conversionConvert chemical provide energy to heat Necessary to produce heat Chemical energy


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Table 2 (cont.)

First–Third Levels Description Functional Module

Provide energy connection System will need chemical energy to perform its task, as wellas other forms of energy; functional block should beflexible to include all requirements and/or all technicalsolutions (also those not existing yet) concerning energy.

Energy conversion

Convert energy to heat Operates the conversion of the energy in heat, the conversionconcerns more forms of energy according to the necessarytype of cooking

Energy conversion

Start energy connection Activates the energies needed for cooking Cooking managementConvey energy Conveys the incoming energies in the right way Energy conversion

Allow human–food interaction Represents the interface with the user, who supplies energy(“human energy”) and signal (“human supervision”) tothe appliance

Insert food The input function of food in the appliance Food cookingRemove food Remove the cooked food from the appliance Food cookingCheck cooking status The brain of the human–food interaction; through human

supervision the function responds to commands of theuser sending signals to the needed functions to performthe required task

Cooking management

Ensure safety All that concerns safety is modeled in this macrofunctionalunit. This is the heart of the decisions for all operations ofthe product.

Control the appliance during operations For safety, it is important to provide a functional unitmanaged partially by humans. A user could apply hisenergy to manage each malfunctioning that he can checkthrough signals from other functions.

Monitoring and control

Control the appliance during operations The control that the appliance is working in the right waycan be guaranteed by feedback as output to the user.

Provide safe operability Represents the monitoring of the product so that it alwaysworks in safe conditions

Provide food container secure opening Defined as the need to provide a safety system that controlsand regulates the opening that allows access to the product

Human–product interactionsafety

Avoid food container sudden opening Linked to the design of a system that does not allow access tothe appliance (e.g., the door opening) without the userexplicitly requesting it

Human–product interactionsafety

Prevent toxic emissions The analyzed product must be compatible with theenvironment and with humankind, especially when it is incontact with food.

Environmental safety

Convey energy safely From the perspective of safety, the energy should bemanaged and monitored. In the functional structure, thisblock provides for the effective management of energyinside the device

Energy safe distribution

Automatic check security layout Monitors the product from the viewpoint of the correctarrangement of the components

Auxiliary safety systems

Provide protective casing This block could be assumed the starting point of thefunctional scheme that is being analyzed. This functionconsiders the need of packaging for the product, withoutwhich the appliance could not be delivered to the user.

Protective casing

Avoid energy leaks Concerns functionalities that try to avoid energy dispersionsCheck energy status Executes the monitoring of energy in the system Monitoring and controlInterrupt energy supply In case of problems, this block will send a stop signal to

energy delivery.Monitoring and control

Avoid overheating To handle the heat in excessCheck heat status Heat is a fundamental variable for the product and, for this

reason, this block is necessary for monitoring this energy.Heat management

Manage heat Administers the heat through safe actions to stabilize thetemperature of the product under design conditions

Heat management

Power on/off Responds to the need to turn the product on and off Heat managementPermit product cooling Manages product cooling Heat management

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With similar intents of use than the LCA tool, the inclusionof this software in the platform allows understanding the im-pact of the change from the costs point of view. The feedbackallows tuning the CM tool for more accurate change impact

estimations. Cost estimation and LCA analysis have beenconsidered and involved in the platform before other compu-ter-aided engineering tools because of the importance ofsuch analysis from the preliminary evaluations of a variant.In any event, the redesign platform architecture is able tointegrate other kind of tools based on a similar interactionapproach.

4.2. The industrial case study: Product configurationfor household appliances

The proposed approach as well as the defined platform werevalidated on industrial case studies in collaboration with Elec-trolux, a global leader in home appliances and appliances forprofessional use. In particular, the hot division was involvedand the case study product variety consisted of three kinds ofproducts: the freestanding (FS) cooker, the built in (B-I) hob,and the B-I oven (Fig. 10).

There are about 3000 variants of these types of product,and they are upgraded and enhanced continuously. Dimen-sions, frame shape, number of burner and its type (inductionor gas), and colors are only a few examples of properties that a

Fig. 13. The analyzed freestanding cooker.

Table 3. Portion of the components mapping of the FS cooker articles to the functional analysis

Article Name

ImplementedFunction (Main

Function)Other Implemented

Function Further DetailsAssociatedFunction



To give a shape To shield the appliancefrom damage,electromagnetic field

To build the appliance, to representthe right dimension, to givestability . . . to assemble thehob and the cavity

Provide smoothsurfaces

Manual cleaning




To give a shape To shield the appliancefrom damage,electromagnetic field

To assemble the hob and the cavity Provide smoothsurfaces

Manual cleaning



PILLAR SO CE To sustain thestructure

To hold or to supportthe structure

— Provide supportplane

Food cooking


DRAWER ROOF 60 To separate the ovenfrom the drawer

To protect the content ofthe drawer

To prevent the cavity insulationfrom being damaged

Provide smoothsurfaces

Manual cleaning

0,5X588,8 DX51D/Z100 COIL



To sustain doorhinge

To hold the hinge To hold the door Avoid foodcontainersudden opening


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Fig. 14. Configurator tool in use for existing configuration search.

Fig. 15. Example of search results.

Fig. 16. Search results: similar configurations analysis.

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marketing specialist could combine to generate a new productvariant. In this context, a FS cooker was chosen as a represen-tative product as it combines the structures of an oven and ahob, two main product types that identify the hot division.

The starting point for the functional analysis of any productwas to find a function, the “black box,” that gathers the basicfunction of the product. For a FS cooker, this base function is“cook food” (Fig. 11).

Input and output flows from the black box were identifiedand cascaded into the product sublevels. Inputs for the basefunction are food, energy, and signal (e.g., inputs given by auser). The external contamination represents the dust belong-ing to the external environment. As output, in addition to en-ergy, signal, and cooked food, the dross represents both thewaste derived from cooked food and the dust removed, for ex-ample, from the surfaces. In the first level of the functional de-

Fig. 17. Change not feasible due to incompatible parameters.

Fig. 18. Representation in the change management tool of the product architecture of the analyzed oven.

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composition (Fig. 12), three key functions have been iden-tified, recalling the three main targets of the product: safety(not only for the user but also for the product), cooking, andcleaning. Table 2 shows the whole identified functional de-composition, which moves from the three main subfunctionsand reaches the third level depth. The modular product struc-ture was derived from the third level of the functional decom-position. Stone’s (2000) three heuristics (i.e., the dominantflow, the branching flow, and the conversion-transmissionflow) and the MFD method were used to identify the modules,which have been reported in the last column of Table 2.

In order to define the product architecture, the BOM of areal product has been analyzed. In particular, the freestandingcooker (model ZCG6600MW, Zanussi) has been chosen(Fig. 13). Its analysis provided the recognition of the subfunc-tions implemented by each component of the product BOM,and the identification of the most significant components outof the BOM, which were linked to the implemented func-tions. Down line of this analysis, the functional auxiliary re-lations will be automatically stored in the structure. Eachcomponent carried out more subfunctions as reported inTable 3, where the strikethrough components were consid-ered not significant for the analysis.

The industrial case study focused on a marketing specialistwho wants to configure a new B-I oven variant. The first stepis searching for existing configurations using the marketinginterface of the configurator tool (Fig. 14). After that, the spe-cialist may want to investigate in the parameters group “ap-pearance” if there are variants with the “details” and a specifickind of knob [i.e., Pop In Pop Out (PIPO) color black]. Thesearch provides only one result: model code E949714418(Fig. 15). If the specialist wants to know if any similar config-

urations exists according to specific changes, the search en-gine finds two similar configurations as shown in Figure 16(i.e., the configuration with a standard gray knob and the con-figuration with a “full glass” control panel). Therefore, start-ing from the initial configuration found (code E949714418),the specialist creates a new variant and can evaluate the effectof the introduced changes and its feasibility (Fig. 17).

Subsequently, due to parameters incompatibility high-lighted by the configuration tool, the designer investigatesthe effect of the introduced change by a control panel bythe CM tool. As stated above, the product architecture inthis case focuses on a general B-I oven configuration. Thefunctional representation and the existing connection be-tween components and functions allow the automatic instan-tiation of auxiliary functional relations. Figure 18 shows theproduct architecture and structure of the entire product (i.e.,the oven). By selecting the right component variant fromthe code property, it is possible to represent the startingconfiguration to which to apply the desired change. Now,the impact of such change can be easily visualized on the con-trol panel. The impact is evaluated to understand the relatedbenefits as shown in Figure 19. The probability of compo-nents change can be estimated thanks to the functions’ param-eters analysis, and represented by graphs as shown inFigure 20.

Finally, thanks to the connection with the LCA and the costestimation tools, the environmental and the economical im-pacts of the new variant are analytically computed. The plat-form uses the standard system interfaces (i.e., SimaPro andLeanCOST), but data about the product characteristics (e.g.,dimensions, materials, and finishing properties) are directlytaken from the configuration tool to have a complete assess-

Fig. 19. Investigation on the change impacts.

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ment of the new product variant, supporting decision makingat both technical and strategic levels.


Functional modeling and modularity introduce advantages inproduct design and definition of product platforms in order tomeet the customer needs without suffering the disadvantagesof excessive variety of parts. However, when complex pro-ducts have to be reconfigured into a modular architecture tohave practical engineering applications and support productindustrialization, understanding the best approach to beused for the required functional representation is not a trivialtask. This paper introduced a multilevel product representa-tion grounded on functional analysis and defined a softwareplatform in order to face the redesign process of product var-iants into product families. The redesign platform lets market-ing specialists configure new variants by the search of pastsolutions and configuration rules that suggest feasible combi-nations or prevent unfeasible ones, and avoid iterations be-tween marketing and technical departments. Rules are inputin the system from technical experts of the company, captur-

ing their knowledge. As all configurations cannot be evalu-ated from past cases, a CM tool is introduced to let designersunderstand in the early phase the impacts that this new solu-tion can bring.

The capability of the proposed platform to deal with the re-design process of product variants across several stakeholdersinto the company is achieved by the multilevel representationof the same product, which allows capturing the key aspectsof the entire product family from the early design phases. Tra-ditional function diagraming demonstrated its usefulness incapturing the main product functionalities and highlightingthe main flows of signal, energy, or material among subfunc-tions. Then, the modular structure, derived from the functionaldecomposition, allows focusing on the most convenient subdi-vision in poorly interconnected and replaceable units.

However, two such representation levels, being tight to anabstract view on the system, are not fully able to highlight thepropagation of modifications into the product structure asnecessary in design review activity. Therefore, a third highlyinterconnected representation of the product structure is intro-duced to compensate the functional view, containing part in-stances and properties with determined values.

Fig. 20. Analysis of the probability of components change.

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Although a complete integration between the several plat-form systems is still missing, this work tends to contribute tothe creation of a computer-aided redesign environment start-ing from the requirements acquisition until the cost estimationphase, by creating a seamless workflow supported by ade-quate software tools and procedures. It demonstrates the ne-cessity of functional representations to be completed by addi-tional views about the physical product structure in order tosupport feasibility study and engineering decision making.

Finally, the functional and modular structure of the free-standing oven is reported in details in order to foster researchbenchmarking with other modeling approaches. The oven de-notes a nontrivial test case, which is useful in cross-compar-ison of algorithms and methods on midsized structures.


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Margherita Peruzzini is an Assistant Professor in the De-partment of Engineering Enzo Ferrari at the University ofModena and Reggio Emilia and coordinates the Virtual Pro-

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totyping Lab (ViP Lab) of Modena Technopole. She obtainedher Master’s degree in industrial mechanical engineering andher PhD in mechanical engineering and engineering manage-ment. Margherita is participating in several research projectsat the national and European level and in other scientific com-munities. She is the author of more than 80 international pub-lications in international journals and conference proceed-ings. Dr. Peruzzini’s research topics are design for X,integrated product–process design, virtual prototyping, anddigital manufacturing.

Roberto Raffaeli is an Associate Professor at eCampus Uni-versity, Italy. He graduated with a degree in mechanical engi-neering at the University of Ancona and earned a PhD in re-search in mechanical engineering. Roberto is the author ofover 70 international scientific publications, of which about20 are in international journals. Dr. Raffaeli’s research mainlyfocuses on modularity, parameterization, reverse engineer-ing, geometric modeling, computer graphics, and mechanicalaid systems, as well as in related fields such as medical and

footwear, through the development of software mainly dedi-cated to CAD–computer-aided engineering.

Marco Malatesta is a PhD Fellow in mechanical design. Healsoworks as a Senior Analyst and Software Developer in acom-pany developing CAD-based tools for cost engineering and con-figuration design (Hyperlean Srl).. He attained his PhD at thePolytechnic University of Marche. Hyperlean was born as aspin-off of the Polytechnic University of Marche in 2010.

Michele Germani is a Professor in mechanical design andlife cycle product design in the Department of Industrial En-gineering and Mathematical Sciences at the Polytechnic Uni-versity of Marche. He received his PhD in mechanical mea-sures at the University of Padua. He is a member of theScientific and Technical Committee of the InterdepartmentalCentre on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Dr. Germani isthe author of more of 150 international publications in jour-nals and conference proceedings.

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