
Municipality/Organization: Town of Atkinson

EPA NPDES Permit Number: NHR041002

MassDEP Transmittal Number: w-

Annual Report Number& Reporting Period:

Year 10April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013

NPDES PII Small MS4 General PermitAnnual Report(Due: May 1,2013)

Telephone #: (603) 362-4010I

Email: [email protected]

Part I. General Information

Contact Person: Edward A Stewart Title: Road Agent


Mailing Address: 21 Academy Ave Atkinson, NH 03811

I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under mydirection or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure th~l;ualified personnelproperly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inqur~ of the person orpersons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible forathering theinformation, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge an belief, true, accurate,and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

Printed Name: Edward A Stewart !


Title: Road Agent

Date: 'Z; 1(0 /;;or;s.

Part II. Self-Assessment

2012 was a near normal year, a slow start to the snow season and really no big gully washer storms (a technical term). So I feel asthough the Town is catching up on shoulder repairs. The Town hired Busby Construction to come in with their shoulder wideningmachine. They backed up all the new pavement for the year as well as 2 miles of roadway that were paved a couple of years ago,restoring the pavement-to-shoulder relationship to promote proper sheet flow off pavement with much less concentrated erosion. Thisalso improved the pedestrian and bicycle experience. We used reprocessed asphalt product and compacted it in place, it makes a verystable shoulder, the town also doubled the budget for tree removal within the right of way. I feel this will have multiple long termbenefits for stormwater management. Atkinson uses road side ditches through out town. Trees make it very difficult to mow, trees alsoreduce sight line from intersections. Leaf debris and branches produce most of the blockages in culverts and catch basin frames andgrates. Between the Towns efforts and Unitils, the right of ways in town are much safer and easier to maintain properly. Continuingour stated BMP's and working on our new stormwater permit Atkinson is doing it's best to stay in compliance and meet our goals.



Part III. Summary of Minimum Control Measures

1. Public Education and Outreach

BMP BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s)- Planned ActivitiesID# Dept./Person Permit Year 8

Name (Reliance on non-municipal partnersindicated, if any)

2 Annual Newsletters Highway Reach as manyfrom the Town _!~~i~~_I!~s_~~_p?~~i~l~___---------------------------- -------------------


1 Annual newsletter Hampstead Reach as many peoplefrom Hampstead Area Area Water as possible

-------- _W '!t~r:~9~P_~Y ___________~9J!lP.~y _________---------------------------Revised

Local Cable Company Atkinson Cable Reach as many peopleChannel _~_s_p_~~~i_~l_e._____________---------------------------- --------------------


Annual Town Report Highway Dept. Reach as many people

-------- ---------------------------- ------------------- _~s_p_~~~i_~l_e._____________Revised

Atkinson Academy School Reach as many people-------- ---------------------------- -------------------


-------- ---------------------------- ------------------- --------------------------Revised

1a. Additions



2. Public Involvement and Participation

BMP BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s)- Planned ActivitiesID# Dept./Person Permit Year 8

Name (Reliance on non-municipal partnersindicated, if any)

Atkinson clean-up days Recreation & Clean sides of Local scout troops (boys and girls)Highway roadways and public Local Families

areas-------- ---------------------------- -------------------- --------------------------Revised

2 Household Hazardous Highway Dept. Amount of Hazardous Outside company collects waste while

-------- Waste Collections waste collected town publicizes and facilitatesRevised ---------------------------- ------------------- --------------------------

Adopt a highway NHDOT Local companies cleansides of 121-------- --------------.------------- -.------------------ --------------------------Revised

-------- ---------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------Revised

-------- ----------------------.----- ---.--.-.----------- -----------_.-.-----------Revised

-------- ----------------------.----. -------------------- --------------------------Revised


2a. Additions


3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

BMP BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s)- Planned ActivitiesID# Dept./Person Permit Year 8

Name (Reliance on non-municipal partnersindicated, if any)

Semi-annual inspection Highway Dept.of culverts and catchbasins

-------- ---------------------------- ------------------- -------.---.--------------Revised

Conductivity testing of Big Island Pond Determine sodium-------- _large ~~~i~~5~f~~!~r_____Association chloride levelsRevised

-------------------- --------------------------

Local code enforcement Building Ensures proper siteInspection controls are in place

J?~£t: _____________and maintained-------. ---------------------------- ---------------------------Revised

Local Health Officer Building Ensures properInspection installation of septicDept. systems and wells.

Also responsible to-------- ---------------------------- -------------------- _!~~~I.x~Kaj!~~_~y_s!~~~~_Revised

Full-Time Police Patrol Police Dept. Detecting illegally-------- ---------------------------- -------------------- _~l!1J!P~~products _______Revised

Fire Dept. Hazardous Fire Dept. Control contaminationSubstance Training at spill sites and

-------- ---------------------------- ------------------- _!'.u.Qt:!Y!~~_site ~!t:~!1.-..uJ?_Revised


3a. Additions


4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control

BMP BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s)- Planned ActivitiesID# Dept./Person Permit Year 8

Name (Reliance on non-municipal partnersindicated, if any)

Planning Board over- Planning Board Approval of planssite for new projects meeting state


-------- ---------------------------- ------------------- _gl!~~~!~I!~~____________: _Revised

On-Site review and Town Ensure properinspection Engineering installation and

company maintenance ofstormwater controldevices-------- ------.--------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------


Periodic on-site visits Highway Dept. Deter improperby road agent practices between

-------- ---------------------------- ------------------- _~_I!g!IJ~~!~_~~p~~ti<?~s.__Revised

Planning Board review Planning Board Maintain highest levelof applicable of regulations

-_.-._-- _!~gl!~~t}<?!!s._______________-------------.----- ---._---.---.------------.Revised

-------- --.------------------------- -------------------- --------------------------Revised

-------- ---------------------------- -------------------- --------------------------Revised


4a. Additions------1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------


5. Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment

BMP BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s)- Planned ActivitiesID# Dept./Person Permit Year 8

Name (Reliance on non-municipal partnersindicated, if any)

Review by town Town To ensure allengineer Engineering structures were built

company and maintained totown standards

-------- ------.--------------------- -------------------- --------._--------------.-.Revised

Biennial cleaning of all Highway Dept. Reduces downstreamstructures contamination-------- ---------------------------- -------------------- --------------------.------


Fall clean-up of leaves Highway Dept. Reduces blockedat catch basins and culverts and theculverts erosion caused by

-.------ -.------.------------------- .------------------. -!:>.~~~~~g~~--------- -- ---Revised

-------- ---------------------------- -------------------- --------------------------Revised

-------- ---------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------Revised

-.------ ---------------------------- -------------------- __________ •.. ·R_·_. ____ • ___


Sa. Additions


Use of environmentally Fire priming fluids infire a aratus

Reduce petroleumproducts released onfire rounds

6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping in Municipal Operations

BMP BMP Description Responsible Measurable Goal(s) Progress on Goal(s)- Planned ActivitiesID# Dept./Person Permit Year 8

Name (Reliance on non-municipal partnersindicated, ifany)

Household Hazardous Highway Dept. Amount of hazardousWaste Collection (2 waste collected

-------- _~~~~J!y)_________________.------------------ --------------------------Revised

Weekly collection of Highway Dept. Proper disposal of Northside Carting Northside Cartinghousehold waste and Northside household waste

-------- ---------------------------- __G~!"!il!K_________--------------------------Revised

Outsourcing oil changes All Dept. Ensure proper disposal DH&DH, AC Tire, and C&D Auto DH&DH, AC Tire, and C&D Auto-------- ---------------------------- -------------------- ----.----------._---------Revised

Proper measuring and Highway Dept. Reduces amount of Ground Speed Controlsapplication of road salt salt used to achieve

safe roads-------- ----.-----------.----------- ------------------- ----.- .. _-.-._-._----.-----Revised

Proper storage of salt Highway Dept. Reduces on-siteand clean-up after contaminationdeliveries and storms

-------- ---------------------------- ------------._----- .-------------------------Revised

Biennial cleaning of Highway Dept. Reduces downstreamstormwater structures contamination-------. ---------------------------- ------------------- --------------------------


6a. Additions


Atkinson Recycling Highway Dept. Added convenienceCenter for proper disposal of

recyclable items

7. BMPs for Meeting Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Waste Load Allocations (WLA) «if applicable> >

BMP BMP DescriptionID#

Planned Activities

-Revise<f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Measurable GoaJ(s) Progress on Goal(s)-Permit Year 8(Reliance on non-municipal partnersindicated, if any)




7a. Additions

I I9


ng April 1, 2010

its) Response(Y) Road Agent





7b. WtA Assessment

Part IV. Summary of Information Collected and Analyzed

Part V. Program Outputs & Accomplishments (OPTIONAL)(Since beginning of permit coverage unless specified otherwise by a **, which indicates response is for period coverithrough March 31, 2011)

Programmatic(Preferred Um


Education, Involvement, and Training

Stormwater mana ement committee establishedEstimated number of ro erty owners reached by education rogram(s)

Stream teams established or su ortedShoreline clean-u artici ation or uantity of shoreline miles cleaned **Shoreline cleaned since beginning of permit coverageHousehold Hazardous Waste Collection Days

• days sponsored * *(# or %)(#)

• community partici ation **• material collected * * (tons or gal)



Regulatory Mechanism Status (indicate with "X")

• Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination X

• Erosion & Sediment Control X

• Post-Development Stormwater Management XAccompanying Regulation Status (indicate with "X")

• Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination X• Erosion & Sediment Control X• Post-Development Stormwater Management X

In PlacePrior toPhase II


Authorities Drafted


Review Adopted

Mapping and Illicit Dischargesre erre ms esponse

Outfall mapping complete (%)Estimated or actual number of outfalls (#) 2,000System- Wide mapping complete (complete storm sewer infrastructure) (%) 99%Mapping methode s)

• Paper/Mylar (%) X• CADD (%)• GIS (%)

Outfalls inspected/screened ** (#or %) 75%Outfalls inspected/screened (Since beginning of permit coverage) (#or %) 75%Illicit discharges identified * * (#) 0Illicit discharges identified (Since beginning of permit coverage) (#) 0Illicit connections removed ** (#);and 0

(est. gpd)

(P f d U its) R




Illicit connections removed (Since beginning of permit coverage)

%of%of stems


(#); and(est. gpd)(%)(%)



(Preferred Units) Respo(#) 10

re ulated for erosion and sediment control ** (%) 80%(# or %) 8(# or %) 0

Post-Development Stormwater Management

# and $) $0(#) 0

Estimated percentage of development/redevelopment projects adequately regulated for post-construction stormwater control

(%) 80%

Site ins ections (for ro er BMP installation & 0 eration) com leted **BMP maintenance re uired throu h covenants, escrow, deed restrictions, etc.Low-impact development (LID) practices permitted and encouraged

(# or %)(y/n(y/n)


Operations and Maintenance

Avera e frequenc of catch basin cleaning (non-commercial/non-arterial streets) **Average fre uency of catch basin cleanin (commercial/arterial or other critical streets **


Yz er yeEvery ye

Qty of structures cleaned **Qty. of storm drain cleaned * *

(#)(%, LF ormi.)

300 ±600 LF

Qty. of screenings/debris removed from storm sewer infrastructure ** (lbs. or tons) 40 Tons


Disposal or use of screenings (landfill, POTW, compost, beneficial use, etc.) ** (location) 71 WoodlockPark Lane

Basin Cleaning Costs• Annual budget/expenditure (labor & equipment) ** ($) $3,500

• Hourly or per basin contract rate ** ($/hr or $ $126/hrper basin)

• Disposal cost* * ($) 0Cleaning Equipment

• Clam shell truck(s) owned/leased (#) 0

• Vacuum truck( s) owned/leased (#) 0

• Vacuum trucks specified in contracts (y/n) Yes

• % Structures cleaned with clam shells ** (%) 0%

• % Structures cleaned with vactor ** (%) 1%

Average frequency of street sweeping (non-commerciallnon-arterial streets) ** (times/yr) 0Average frequency of street sweeping (commercial/arterial or other critical streets) ** (times/yr) 0Qty. of sand/debris collected by sweeping ** (lbs. or tons) 0Disposal of sweepings (landfill, POTW, compost, beneficial use, etc.) ** (location) N/AAnnual Sweeping Costs

• Annual budget/expenditure (labor & equipment)** ($) N/A

• Hourly or lane mile contract rate ** ($/hr. or N/AIn mi.)

• Disposal cost* * ($) N/ASweeping Equipment

• Rotary brush street sweepers owned/leased (#) N/A

• Vacuum street sweepers owned/leased (#) N/A

• Vacuum street sweepers specified in contracts (y/n) N/A

• % Roads swept with rotary brush sweepers ** % N/A

• % Roads swept with vacuum sweepers ** % N/A

(Preferred Units) Response


Reduction (since beginning of permit coverage) in application on public land of:("N/A" = never used; "100%" = elimination)

• Fertilizers (lbs. or %) o lbs• Herbicides (lbs. or %) o lbs• Pesticides (lbs. or %)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Practices Implemented (y/n) Yes

Average Ratio of Anti-/De-Icing products used ** % NaCI 100 %%CaCh

(also identify chemicals and ratios used in specific areas, e.g., water supply protection areas) % MgCh%CMA%Kac%KCI% Sand 0.5%

Pre-wetting techniques utilized ** (y/n or %) 0.5%Manual control spreaders used * * (y/n or %) YesZero-velocity spreaders used ** (y/n or %) NoEstimated net reduction or increase in typical year salt/chemical application rate (±lbs/ln mi. None same as

or%) last yearEstimated net reduction or increase in typical year sand application rate * * (±lbs/ln mi. None same as

or%) last year% of salt/chemical pile(s) covered in storage shed(s) (%) 100%Storage shed(s) in design or under construction (y/n or #) No100% of salt/chemical pile(s) covered in storage shed(s) by May 2008 (y/n) Yes

(Preferred Units) Response

W t S I P t tia er uppty ro ec IonStorm water outfalls to public water supplies eliminated or relocated # or y/n NoneInstalled or planned treatment BMPs for public drinking water supplies and their protection areas # or y/n NoneTreatment units induce infiltration within 500- feet of a wellhead protection area # or y/n None

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