Page 1: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

TracheaCholson Banjo E. Garcia

Page 2: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at
Page 3: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT

Length: 10-13 cmFrom C6-C7 to T4-T5Bifurcate at T4-T5 level into the right and

left main bronchi

Page 4: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Lumen maintained by 12-20 hyaline cartilage rings

Horseshoe shape interconnected by strong cartilagenous and elastic connective tissue fibers- Annular ligaments

Cervical part 6-7 cm long, 6-8 cartilaginous rings

Page 5: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Membranous posterior wall- foreign bodies and tumors of the esophagus may impinge upon the posterior surface of the trachea constricting the airway lumen

Page 6: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Transverse diameter 13-20 mm 13-16 mm women, 16-20 mm men


Blood Supply- Inferior Thyroid Artery and Superior thyroid artery

Lymphatic- Vertical lymphatic chain of the Neck and Paratracheal and Mediastinal group of LN

Nerve Supply- Vagus and Symphatetic trunk

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Symptoms: Airway obstruction with inspiratory and

expiratory stridor Wheezing Cyanosis Gasping for breath

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Page 9: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at
Page 10: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at
Page 11: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Tracheal Tumors

Chondroma, Osteochondroma, Osteoma

Appear as thickening of trachel or bronchial cartilage

Grow slowly and cause extensive bronchopulmonary destruction

Tx: Surgical Removal

Page 12: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Tracheopathia osteochondroplasticaMalformation of the trachea and

bronchial cartilagesAbnormal deposits of cartilaginous

tissue in the endotracheal mucosacan cause progressive airway

obstructionWheezing, coughing, hemoptysis,

respiratory distress

Page 13: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Tx: surgical, radiotherapy

and chemotherapy Palliative: tumor

debulking, stent insertion, tracheotomy

Page 14: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Infectious Diseases

Acute Subglottic Laryngitis Synonym: acute laryngotracheobronchitis Cause: Viral Infants and small childre 6 months- 3years Peaks spring and fall Develop 1-3 days during th course f UR viral


Page 15: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Symptom Horse voice Dry, harsh barking cough Stridor loudest during inspiration

Dx Body temp- elevated or normal Leukocytosis- absent Laryngoscopy: inflammatory swelling below the vocal

cords and in the upper part of the cervical trachea

Treatment Airway humidification and fluid intake

Page 16: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Bacterial Laryngotracheatis Sporadically and without seasonal incidence Viral etiology with subsequent bacterial

superinfectionSymptoms and Dx

Gradual onset with rhinitis and pharyngitis + expiratory and inspiratory stridor, rales over the lungs, other pulmonary complications

Mucosal redness, vocal cords red and swollen on PETreatment

Antibiotic with mucolytic agents ( ambroxol) Airway humidification Adequate fluid intake

Page 17: Trachea Cholson Banjo E. Garcia. Suspended from the cricoid cartilage by the CRICOTRACHEAL LIGAMENT Length: 10-13 cm From C6-C7 to T4-T5 Bifurcate at

Foreign Body aspiration

Most prevalent in children under 3 years of age 2:1 boys over girls

Oropharyngeal swallowing abnormailitiesFound 4x more often on the right main

bronchusSymptoms depends on the size, shape and

compositionComplete obstruction: cyanotic, aphonic

patient with spasmodic breathing movements

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Bolus death: acute cardiac arrest caused by a vasovagal reflex evoked by obstrction of upper airways

Radiographs: key in the diagnosis Heimlich maneuver

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