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Trail of the Devastator

By Paul Wolfe ([email protected])

Contents Adventure Background ..................................... 3

Synopsis ........................................................ 3

Act I: Footprint of the Devastator .......................... 4

Ruins of Fort Durgin......................................... 4

The Hole ..................................................... 4

The Shattered Tower .................................... 5

Redcaps’ Lair .................................................. 5

Redcap Games ............................................ 6

Dirdingle's Gambit ....................................... 6

Information ................................................ 7

Information ................................................ 8

The Trolls and Bald Hill..................................... 9

The Camp ................................................... 9

Act II: On the Trail ............................................ 10

Across the Broken Hills .................................. 10

Knights and Bleakmen ................................... 10

The Combatants ........................................ 10

Development ............................................ 11

Treasure ................................................... 11

Salamander Flambé ....................................... 12

Environment ............................................. 12

The Fire Worms ......................................... 12

Troll’s Last Stand........................................... 13

Environment ............................................. 13

The Trolls ................................................. 13

Development ............................................ 13

Treasure ................................................... 13

Act III: Heart of Fire .......................................... 15

The Crevasse Chamber .................................. 15

Monsters .................................................. 16

Crevasse Level Map ................................... 16

The Mite’s Chimney ....................................... 17

Tunnels and Shafts .................................... 18

Burrows ................................................... 18

Traps ....................................................... 18

Portal ....................................................... 18

Beast ....................................................... 18

Treasure .................................................. 19

The Bug King................................................ 20

Monsters .................................................. 20

Development ............................................ 20

Treasure .................................................. 20

The Devastator's Lair .................................... 21

Devastator's Lair Map ................................ 21

Welcome to the Lair! ..................................... 22

Salamander and Larvae ............................. 22

Development ............................................ 22

Treasure .................................................. 22

Lava Falls .................................................... 22

Treasure .................................................. 22

Boiling Lake ................................................. 22

Boiling Lake Environment ........................... 22

Monsters .................................................. 23

Development ............................................ 23

Treasure .................................................. 23

The Shrine of the Fiery Heart ......................... 24

Shrine Map ............................................... 24

Encounter at the Shrine ............................. 24

The Ritual ................................................ 24

The Spirit of the Hero ................................ 24

The Devastator ......................................... 25

Treasure .................................................. 25

Aftermath .................................................... 25

Monsters and Extras ......................................... 26

Redcap ........................................................ 26

Bleakmen Warrior ......................................... 27

Infernal Zombie ............................................ 27

Infernal Zombie(Sir Harford) ...................... 27

Infernal Zombie (Warhorse) ....................... 28

Knights of the Coin ....................................... 28

Trolls (Broken Hills)....................................... 29

Larvae of the Devastator ............................... 29

Salamander ................................................. 30

Mite ............................................................ 30

Bore Beetle .................................................. 31

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Bore Beetle Swarm ........................................ 31

Ariguun ........................................................ 32

Ariguun Masks........................................... 32

Ariguun Spiders ......................................... 32

Ariguun Cabal Witch................................... 32

Wild Cards ........................................................ 34

Kaviel Pratch ................................................ 34

Irinz, the Troll Warleader................................ 34

Wicker Giant ................................................. 35

Bug King ...................................................... 35

Backbiter ..................................................... 36

Devastator ................................................... 36

Appendix II: Spells and Powers .......................... 38

Animate ....................................................... 38

Magic and Treasure ........................................... 39

Ariguun Weapons and Armor .......................... 39

Witchstaff of the Cabal .................................. 39

Relics .............................................................. 40

Sword of Deumatiré ...................................... 40

The Crystal Horn ........................................... 41

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Trail of the Devastator is a Savage Worlds adventure set in the fantasy

world of Tysaan. Though the necessary character ranks to survive

this adventure vary by the equipment and size of the party, a Veteran party should be considered, as the

Devastator is rather nasty.

Adventure Background

Ages passed, the master magician, Rael-Vin, spent her life in the constant quest for magical knowledge. In her

waning years, Rael-Vin’s travels took her to the outer planes. While

investigating rumors of new and more powerful enchantments in the Wildlands, she uncovered a plot by the

Infernals to use those of the animal realm in their fight against the hated

demons. Rael-Vin stood with the animal lords and their minions against the devils, and though they were

victorious, Rael-Vin was captured by the infernal commander and taken

back to the Nine Hells. Here she endured tortures beyond what any mortal was meant to endure, tortures

that broke her mind, body and spirit. His attentions complete, the infernal

commander transformed the arch-mage into an Infernal Hydra and

transported her back to Rael-Vin’s homeworld, Tysaan. Here he set the

creature to task finding one of the key artifacts that the Infernals needed to

open a permanent portal to the virgin world. Rael-Vin, in her hydra form,

has little of her past conscious mind, though she retains a keen intelligence that sets her apart from others of her

kind. Now called Devastator, the hydra has gathered a motley band of

trolls, salamanders and other monsters and set them to searching for clues about the greatest infernal

artifact of all time: The Balor's Skull.


Having few resources and few skills

other than Action!™, the characters find themselves in the Broken Hills

determining the fate of Fort Durgin, a sizable garrison whose duties include manning various watchtowers against

Brushnab clan incursions. Finding the fort melted to slag and excavated, the

group is set upon by a raiding party of trolls devoted to a creature called the Devastator.

Tracking the trolls’ movement across the Broken Hills, they encounter a

troop of Knights of the Coin beset by a horde of warriors calling themselves the Bleakmen. Information gained

here leads them to the creature's lair where they find that the Devastator is

not a mindless beast, but an infernal agent seeking the fabled Balor's Skull.

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Act I: Footprint of the Devastator

The first act of the adventure finds the heroes thrust into the Broken Hills on the western edge of the Brushnab

Lands, likely investigating why Fort Durgin has gone silent.

Ruins of Fort Durgin

You saw the smoke from miles away over the broken slate hills of the

Brushnab, but when you finally stand overlooking what was once Fort

Durgin, nothing you can conjure in your imagination could have caused such devastation. Where once stood a

stone wall and battlements lay shattered rocks, none larger than a

warhorse, and most melted to a blackened slag. Wooden buildings are piles of fuming ash, and stone

buildings appear to have been consumed in a ghastly conflagration.

In the center of the fort, a recent excavation, apparently burned directly through the living rock, still churns out

a thick black smoke.

Note: It is assumed that the characters were hooked into this

mission by someone, though you could start the action here and fill

in the backstory as you go.

The keep itself is a wreck, as

described. Searching through the rubble reveals little, though a

Tracking success can identify the spoor of trolls, some large

serpentine creatures and the massive footprints of a large

reptilian. No human remains are found.

The Hole The hole appears to have been burned directly into the rock. It spans 30’ in

diameter and the bottom cannot be seen. Dropping a torch or other light

source reveals mounds of slag rubble at the bottom, about sixty feet down. Additionally, cuts of rope and a broken

climbing seat can be found at the rim (Notice). Climbing down the hole is no

easy matter and requires either a Climbing raise every 10’ due to the smoothly melted sides of the hole or

sufficient rope to lower someone down.

Besides the slag, a dead troll lies under the rubble at the bottom of the

hole, still wearing a climbing harness attached to a short length of frayed

rope. A small natural cavern branches off to the northeast leading to a smashed stone door and a small

barrow. Above the entrance in an ancient form of elvish are the words:

Keeper of the Peace

Slayer of the Demon Prince Last of the Heroes of Deumatiré

An appropriate Knowledge success reveals that this tomb belongs to Kela

Thune, an elvish hero believed to be from a heavenly dimension. Many

scholars opined that the being was truly an angel of a powerful god, who

defeated Granig, a prince of the underworld, and then succumbed to his wounds.

The barrow contains a shattered sarcophagus, but the bones of the

dead are gone. On a Notice raise, the

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heroes also note a conical shape in the dust on the wall where a massive horn

was once mounted. Sifting through the rubble, the heroes find a silver

necklace with a diamond pendant. It radiates magic if the heroes are able to detect it. The necklace is an artifact

that grants the Armor power when the command word is spoken. The

command word is the Elvish word for Peace.


Necklace of Thune (Armor, Spellcasting d8, 10 PP)

The Shattered Tower The north tower, though cracked and

leaning, is mostly intact. Investigating this, the group finds that the main

door is locked tight. Inside they find the wooden floor and staircase shattered and collapsed into the

basement, though with a Notice success, they determine that

something has been living in the tower. The basement of the tower is choked with debris and standing

water, as well as some corpses of the keep’s defenders. Climbing

through this mess requires a

Climbing success. Failure indicates

a fall of ten feet (Agility check or 2d6 damage from the fall and

dangerous debris). Examining the bodies with an appropriate Knowledge check or Healing check reveals that the victims

were not killed here, and that most of their blood has been drained.

The basement is dark and cluttered, but a Notice check (penalties without

proper lighting) reveals a small door. The door is locked, but leads to a 3’x3’

passage extending into darkness.

Redcaps’ Lair Anyone with an appropriate Knowledge check (Fey,

Dungeoneering, etc), can determine from the smell and marks inside the small door that this is a redcap lair. It

is Common Knowledge that recaps are insatiable gamblers. If the party

immediately stops and engages in a game of chance, the redcaps begin to filter into the tower basement (though

none seem to enter through the passage and door). See Redcap

Games below.

If the party braves the cramped passage, they encounter a number of traps and deadfalls along the twisting

warren. For every 10’ moved along the passage consult the table below.

Roll Result Description Damage

1-3 No Trap N/A N/A

4-6 Deadfall Stone Block Falls 2d6

7-8 Spikes Spikes fire from ceiling and floor


9 Pit 30' deep pit 3d6

10 Greek Fire

Gout of fire from a hidden

spout. (Catch fire on a 5 or 6)


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Passing through this gauntlet leads to a room crowded with gaming tables, rotting food and a few copper coins. If

the heroes engage in a game of chance here, the redcaps drift out

from their hiding places. See Redcap Games below.

If the party lingers here for more than a few minutes, Durdingle directs his

redcap subjects to attack.

Redcaps – 3 per Wild Card

Redcap Games If the party lures the redcaps out with

games of chance, they begin to appear in two's and three's until there

are about three per Wild Card in the party. Though quiet at first, they begin hissing at bad plays or rolls,

whooping for truly inspired moves, and finally clamoring to be the next

gamer to take part. After a few rounds, win or lose, the

redcaps offer bottles of their special beer. Unfortunately for the heroes, it’s

brewed from the blood of their victims. Anyone drinking the foul stuff must make a Vigor check or retch for

1-6 minutes. Afterwards, a second Vigor check is required or the victim

receives a Fatigue level. At some point, one of the redcaps bets

with a steel gorget. On it is an ivory fist clenched around a bundle of

arrows. This is the symbol of the

Bleakmen, sorcerers and warriors in the service of Kas’Deya, the cambion. If pumped for information, the recap

reveals #8 in the Information section.

Their clan leader, Dirdingle, hides and watches until a few rounds of a given

game with his minions are completed. If it looks like the heroes are losing,

he steps out of the shadows to take part. Otherwise, he stays hidden until either all redcaps are defeated, or if

one of his subjects has somehow gambled away its freedom to one of

the characters.

Dirdingle's Gambit

A large redcap steps out of the shadows, and you can tell he is

ancient. His gnarled face is covered in random patches of white hair and his

cap, dragging the floor, drips with blood. The creature motions to any of his subjects engaged in play, and they

immediately move back allowing their leader a seat at the game.

Dirdingle plays a game call Finger, in

which two opponents attempt to chop the other’s finger off with a redcap cleaver.

The rules are somewhat arcane, but

proceed as follows. First, a third-party Chopman is chosen who acts as the “referee” for the game. Both

opponents are blindfolded, and the Chopman flips a coin. Typically the

lower ranking opponent calls the coin flip, though there are variations whereby the higher ranking opponent

can either take the opponent’s call or decline. Each opponent is then given a

redcap cleaver and the referee calls “Finger!” The opponents place their

off-hand on the table and extend an index finger. There are no

specific rules on where each opponent’s hand should be, though

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it is very clear that the base of the palm must touch the play surface, and

neither opponent can touch the other. While the opponents arrange their

hands, the Chopman circles the play area chanting a singsong redcap poem about finger soup, finger pie, etc etc.

He may do this as long as he wants until finally slapping the winner of the

coin flip on the shoulder. This designates that opponent as the Chopper and the other opponent as

the Finger. The Chopper must immediately chop down onto the table

attempting to sever the other’s finger. If he or she misses, the Chopman flips the coin again, and play proceeds. If

the opponent’s finger is severed, the game ends and bets are exchanged. If

the Finger’s finger is not severed, play proceeds. If the Chopper hits any

other part of the Finger’s body or the Chopper’s own finger or hand, the game ends. The Finger can also call

the game before the next coin flip.

Bets are made on all aspects of the game, including who will be the Chopper/Finger, how many times the

Chopman will circle, if the Chopper will hit the Finger’s digit or other body

part, if the Chopper will miss, or hit his or her own finger or body part, and if the Finger will move before the Chop

(automatic disqualification) or call the game before the next coin flip.

In gameplay, the rules are as follows:

Secretly flip a coin to determine

the Chopper. The actual Chop is a Fighting

attack at -6 (unless the Chopper is cheating)

Dirdingle always cheats. Roll a

Stealth check if Dirdingle is the Chopper. If successful, he peers

under his blindfold and attacks at a -2 instead.

The Finger rolls a Guts check to keep his or her finger on the

table. If the Chopper is successful and

the cleaver deals a Wound, the opponent’s finger is severed.

If the Chopper misses by 1, the

cleaver deals damage to the Finger’s arm or hand for normal

damage. If the Chopper rolls a 1 on the

Fighting die, regardless of the

Wild Die roll, he or she hits themselves for normal damage.

Information There are a few ways to get information out of the redcaps. If one

is incapacitated or captured in a fight, Dirdingle, if he lives, will offer

information for his subject’s return. Any captured redcaps can also relate most of the information below. Finally,

recaps will gamble for anything. Information is free to them, so they’ll

be puzzled, but happy to gamble for something valuable in exchange for information. Dirdingle only reveals

information in exchange for his or his subject’s lives or if defeated in Finger.

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Information (roll 1d10 or choose) 1 – The fort was home to many pale ones. Like you. Until the big worm

came! 2 – There were dark skins and green

skins. Both put the place to the sword after the fire monster melted the place.

3 – Pale skins riding many horses came after the attack. Just a few days

ago. They fought with green skins and then rode on into the hills. 4 – Fire worms. There were many

hands worth of them. Their eyes and mouths and tails were fire!

5 – The big worm dug into the ground and the dark skins and green skins followed on ropes. They stayed there

for many turns of the sky. Climbed out and left.

6 – The big worm talked. Her voice rattled the ground. 7 – No one wanted to play. Only eat

the redcaps that came out. We hide the whole time.

8 – Pale skins riding sick horses came a few turns of the sky ago. They come

from the hills. Many heads on their pommels. They meet with the green

skins and ride out. 9 – (Dirdingle) – The worm, it was a dragon with many heads. Its walk

shook the ground and its voice rattled the teeth in my head. We listened to

her in our warrens and heard she sought a horn of crystal. Probably found it in that hole.

10 – (Dirdingle) – She left with her fire worms and dark skins. But the

green skins, the ones you call trolls, live in a camp on the bald hill. They still patrol this area, sometimes every


For blood, gems or as a bet in a game of chance, Dirdingle will allow one of

his redcaps to lead the party into the hills and point out Bald Hill where the trolls reside.

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The Trolls and Bald Hill Rael-Vin left a small troop of trolls a

few miles away led by Irinz, minor chieftain of their kind. The chieftain

and thus his troops sting at being left behind and do little other than drink and curse their mistress. By the first

evening after the heroes arrive, the trolls catch their scent and Irinz sends

a group to investigate. He watches the proceedings through his brass telescope. If the heroes appear to

defeat his minions (using magical fire or the like), he breaks camp and flees

with the remainder of his troop, dispatching another group to forestall pursuit.

Trolls (Each group is 2 per Wild Card)

Irinz (Wild Card -- likely not encountered in this scene)

If any of the trolls are captured, an Intimidation success, and each

successive raise provides the following information (The trolls speak only their language):

Work fer Irinz…he our true master…not that…slimy bitch

wyrm. Raise1: The Devestator she call

herself. She find the clear horn

and go east with her fire get. To the green hill.

Raise2: Irinz break flesh with demons. He build a demon out of grass and wood. It guard the


The Camp A godawful stink rises from a wooded hollow just below the summit of Bald

Hill. Pushing through the trees you

find a deserted campsite. A huge

wicker figure, humanoid and prone, lies in the center of camp with a

smoldering firepit seemingly dug through its chest. The firepit is stacked with charred wood, bones and

skulls. The only sound is the drone of a thousand flies feeding on the rotting

heads adorning the wicker structure.

The heroes can track the trolls back to

the camp with a Tracking success, though Irinz and the rest of his troop

should be long gone. The campsite is deserted, though Irinz left his wicker

construct to further delay the heroes. If the firepit is approached, the thing comes alive and attacks, rising to its

full height its fiery heart beating in it chest.

Wicker Giant (Wild Card)

Once defeated, the heroes can find a

charred satchel in the firepit. Inside is a slag of melted coins (200 gp) and a scorched leather map. Though difficult

to decipher, Fort Durgin is clearly marked, as is the camp. A short

dotted line leads to a cluster of three hills, the center one dyed green.

Emerald Peak is easy enough to see from where the heroes stand on Bald

Hill (about 2 days ride through the hills). The map depicts the easiest trail to the peak, and the entrance to the

dungeon where the Devastator resides.

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Act II: On the Trail

Across the Broken Hills

If the heroes wish to follow the map, it takes a Tracking or Survival success

twice each day to keep to the trail. Though there are no random

encounters detailed here; if the heroes tarry at the fort or Bald Hill, or if they choose not to follow the trail, the GM

should feel free to develop his or her own random encounter tables. If the heroes do follow the trail, there

are three encounters that could provide items and information helpful to entering the dungeon and defeating

the hydra’s plans.

Knights and Bleakmen

The twisting and rugged trail opens up

to a hilltop field where two mounted parties clash. One group in plate armor and finery fight under the

banner of the Commonwealth, and seem to be the worse for the

engagement. The second troop wears piecemeal armor and fight under a fist clenching a bundle of arrows motif. As

the battle comes into view, a grossly fat priest stands in his stirrups and

blows a horn. From a hidden draw ride a second group of horsemen,

discharging their flintlock rifles as they charge. The Commonwealth commander drops with his warhorse,

as the knights rally for the final charge.

A troop of knights from the Order of

the Coin struck into the hills days before the heroes to investigate the fate of Fort Durgin. Their commander,

Sir Harfort, finding the fort destroyed, set out to find those responsible. The

troop wandered the hills for a week, finding no sign of their enemies until today. Harfort lies under his dead

horse, shot through the face by a Bleakman pistoleer. The rest of his

troop fights on bravely lead by Sir Yuven. Five of the knights are incapacitated (not counting Harfort

who is well and truly dead...for now). All remaining knights are Shaken as

the encounter opens, and all but the lancers are on foot (as their horses

are dead). The Bleakmen are lead by Kaviel

Pratch, an Infernal priest of the Devil King Pez’Sprit. The group serves the

cambion baron Kas’Deya. It is the cambion that is charged with finding the Balor’s Skull, as well as other

Infernal artifacts and thus is keeping close watch on his master’s


The Combatants Knights of the Coin (6 – Two scouts,

Commander (Sir Yuven) and three lancers). Bleakmen Warriors (2 per Wild Card

+ 5) Kaviel Pratch (Wild Card)

Infernal Zombie (Sir Harford and his warhorse in round 2)

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Development Appropriate knowledge checks identify the Bleakmen and the Knights of the Coin by their banners.

The knights fight until all are slain;

they neither surrender nor flee. If the Bleakmen win the day, they descend on the wounded and incapacitated

with their hatchets and knives. Kaviel promptly raises as many of them and

their horses as he can and sets the zombies loose in the hills.

If the heroes intervene, Kaviel concentrates the bulk of his forces on

the heroes, using his powers to support them, though he sends five of

his men to finish off the knights with their rifles and pistols. His first action, however, is to raise Sir Harfort and his

horse using the Zombie Power. Unless disrupted, they join the fight in round

2 as Infernal Zombies. The Order’s scouts crouch behind their

dead horses and fire their crossbows, while the three lancers wheel and

charge until slain. Yuven fights from the ground with his flail attempting to seize an enemy horse since he is a

better fighter from horseback.

If Kaviel loses more than half of his men, or if he receives a Wound, he wheels his horse and flees.

If captured, Bleakmen warriors will give up the following information with

an Intimidation success (and subsequent raises). Kaviel, if

questioned, reveals information only on an Intimidation raise.

Bleakmen: We serve the Baron

Kas’Deya…Bastard of Hellish patron and Lord of the

Shimmering Castle! We patrol these wastes in support of his minion, the Devastator.

Devastator: She’s a bitch right out of hell…all heads and fire

and nasty. The Horn: The Crystal Horn

has been found! With it, we find

the Balor’s Skull and then our fell masters can rule this world!

(Raise): We seen that troll priest of hers and his stinking

crew hot-footing it to Emerald Peak. Probably setting up an ambush for the likes of you.

(Raise3 – Kaviel only): The Devastator is invulnerable;

none can stop her. Though the blessings of the weak gods (good) and ice of the magical

realms can have some effect.

Treasure Other than their gear and horses, the

Bleakmen carry 20-100 gp each in various coins, trinkets, and items.

Kaviel carries 150 gp in various stuff, as well as a saddlebag full of small silver bars worth 1,500 gp. This is the

Bleakman warriors' pay over the next few weeks.

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Salamander Flambé

As the trail approaches Emerald Peak, it enters a deep canyon that sets the

course for a torrential and steamy river. The path skirts the canyon’s rim

for a few miles, then dives down to only a few feet above the river. Waves of steam rise off of the river, getting

hotter as the heroes get closer to Emerald Peak. About three miles from

the Peak, the heat becomes unbearable and the thick fog impenetrable. It is here that the river

runs over a volcanic vent, boiling the water into a hot and heavy fog. This is

the realm of the Devastator’s salamander minions.

Environment The treacherous area around the submerged vent spans 100 yards (50 inches) in diameter.

In the area of the super-heated fog,

heroes must make Vigor checks each round or receive a Fatigue level. Outside of the treacherous area, the

air and water are uncomfortably warm, but not dangerous. Upriver

from the vent, the water and air are cool.

The cliff-side trail is rather wide (variable from 3” to 10”) but also very

slick, requiring an Agility check each round that a hero is in combat or

otherwise moving quickly. Failure indicates that the hero falls prone. If a

1 is rolled on the Agility dice, the hero must make a second Agility check or

fall 20’ from the trail and into the boiling river, sustaining 1d6 damage from the fall and 2d10 damage from

the scalding river.

Those in the river continue to suffer 2d10 damage per round and must make a Vigor (-2) check each round or

receive a Fatigue level.

The Fire Worms About three rounds after entering the

boiling fog, the heroes can detect a bright orange glow ahead on the trail

and below in the churning water (Notice). Then, the salamanders are upon them, slithering up the trail and

up the cliff out of the water.

Salamanders (1 per Wild Card) The fire worms fight until killed and reveal nothing if captured. If the

heroes have some way of understanding their searing language and can speak with the dead, they

reveal only their devotion to the Devastator and the path through their

fiery lava tunnels to the lower reaches of the Devastator’s lair.

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Troll’s Last Stand

If Irinz fled Bald Hill, he and his remaining trolls arrived back at the

Devastator’s lair and, after replenishing their troop, prepared an

ambush/guard post at the lair’s only lower entrance. If Irinz did not escape, then there is no Wild Card for this


Environment About three miles on, the river and

canyon widen (1/4 mile for the river and a mile for the canyon). The trail

side the river is flat but choked with a scrub forest. The other side of the river is a treacherous boulder field

about 200 yards wide.

The ambush is set up at a massive waterfall where the canyon dead-ends

at the base of Emerald Peak. The waterfall crashes into a broad lake on the shore of which is a small,

dilapidated shrine.

(Links below are to the web) Map -- Overview of the waterfall area

Map -- Detail of the Shrine and lair entrance

The Trolls Irinz places a scout in the boulder field with a signal mirror. Once he spots

the party, the scout signals back to the troll commander (Notice -2 to see the scout).

Irinz is stationed at a lookout post

halfway up the canyon cliff near the waterfall and the entrance to the lair while his minions are arrayed below in

the scrub forest near the end of the trail and in the shrine.

Broken Hills Trolls (2 per Wild Card) Irinz (Wild Card)

Development Irinz signals his trolls to attack and

they will fire a fusillade when the heroes reach short range (Notice vs. the Troll’s hide to detect). Once

they’ve fired (or if detected) they begin falling back by groups to the

cover of the shrine, reloading and firing if possible. Irinz makes his way down from his lookout post, firing his

bow and supporting with spells, as needed.

The whole group fights to the death.

Captured trolls know little, though they’ll give up the information below

with an Intimidation success: Description of the Devastator Warning of the trapped lair

entrance General layout of the lair

Irinz knows everything, but he’s a

hard egg to crack. The GM should use his or her judgment on what to reveal. A list of the things of likely interest to

the heroes: Devastator’s weakness

Information on the lair Information on the Crystal Horn Information on the visitors

Information on Kas’Deya (limited)

Treasure Other than the gear they carry, Irinz has a small sack with 300 gp and each

troll carries 2d6 gp. A golden bowl is imbedded in the marble top of the altar in the center of the shrine,

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though it’s filled with muddy water and the altar’s top is caked with

leaves and mud. The bowl is etched with the prayers of a long forgotten

god and is worth 500 gp for the gold alone or ~1,500 gp to a collector of such artifacts.

The Devastator makes her lair in a cavern dug into Emerald Peak, an

inactive volcano. The cavern, part natural and partially excavated, leads into the Peak and up to an ancient

shrine built into the side of the mountain. It is here that the

Devastator and her minions attempt to restore the power of the Crystal Horn in order to locate the Balor’s


The heroes are more or less led to the lower entrance, though it is possible to

enter the lair from the mountainside shrine. If the heroes attempt to search

for an alternate way in, they must spend some number of days searching the side of the mountain. The most

efficient way is to fly, which requires 1d6+1 days of circling the mountain

(and contending with the often violent weather). Searching in this way requires a Notice (-2) to find the

shrine in its sheltered cliff-side location. The shrine is not visible from

the base of the mountain and requires many weeks of searching and some very rugged climbing if the heroes

attempt to do so on foot.

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Act III: Heart of Fire

The Crevasse Chamber

The heroes should see the entrance to the lair during the fight with Irinz and his trolls, as the troll battle leader

fires his bow from that vantage. The front door is accessible from a long

and twisting stairway cut into the side of the mountain that ends at a

covered platform. Streams of water from the waterfall flow down carpets of moss on the mountainside. The

stone door is locked with a fairly complex lock (Lockpicking -1), though

the heroes can recover the key from Irinz’ body, if he’s been defeated. The door opens to a small stone entry

room (empty) cut into the mountain and a second stone door, similarly

locked (which opens with the same key).

Beyond the second door is a vast natural cavern supported by massive

columns of stone. A crevasse runs through the back half of the cavern, belching steam and sulphurous

gasses. The air in the cave is misty and foul, though there are no ill

effects to the heroes (the gasses vent up through the ceiling and out into the caldera of Emerald Peak), though

Notice checks are at -2 and long-range missile attacks suffer an

additional -2. The cavern floor is rugged and undulating with various cave

formations and is Difficult Ground (each inch of movement counts as 2

inches). The good news is that the area has lots of cover granting a +2

bonus to Agility checks to avoid area-effects (such as the larvae’s fiery breath). Crossing the crevasse is a bit

tricky, though at one point the distance is only 7 or 8 feet (due to

difficult ground, the heroes must make a Strength check at -1 to make

the distance). Falling into the crevasse is not a good thing, as at various points, boiling mud fills the bottom.

Where there is no mud is solid rock. The depth of the crevasse at any

given point is 10”-100”. In the back of the cavern, across the crevasse, is a natural “ladder” of stone

up the side of one of the cave columns. This leads to the chimney

warrens of the mites.

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Monsters The Devastator’s larvae live in this cavern, slithering down into the

crevasse to the boiling mud and lava deep inside the mountain. At any given time, there are a clutch of

larvae near enough to the surface to detect entry into the cavern. Irinz and

his trolls typically bring bags of pyrite and other minerals to feed the creatures, as this calms them

somewhat, and allows the trolls to pass on up into the lair. If the heroes

try this, the larvae let them pass with

a Persuasion raise (they do recognize that the heroes are not regulars, but a

big chunk of chewy pyrite sure tastes good!). Otherwise, the larvae attack.

Larvae of the Devastator (2 per

Wild Card)

Crevasse Level Map Crevasse Level

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The Mite’s Chimney

The Devastator enslaved a warren of mites to protect her lower levels from

infiltration. These creatures, while somewhat stupid, are fierce defenders

of their “mistress.” Mites also attract various vermin and other creatures, since their warrens make excellent


The entrance to their lair is a chimney through the mountain straight up from the main cavern for about 30”. The

chimney is close (about 4’ across), but navigable, requiring a Climbing check

at +2. Failure indicates that the climber is stuck and must spend a few minutes getting loose. It’s nearly

impossible to fall, but the funneled fumes from the main cavern have an

effect: after five minutes of climbing, and every minute after that, each hero

must make a Vigor check or take a Fatigue level. It takes about 40 minutes to get to the top of the

chimney an into the mite’s warrens.

The warrens are not detailed on the area map since mites dig through rock in all three dimensions, frequently

changing the configuration of their burrows and tunnels. To simulate this,

roll on the tables below (or consult the appendix for a randomly generated mite warren).


Roll Result

1-5 Split (2-4 vertical shafts)

6-12 Split (2-4 Horizontal and Vertical


13-15 Horizontal Tunnel (4d6")

16-18 Vertical Shaft 3d6"

19 Dead End

20 Special


Roll Result

1-12 No Change

13-18 Burrow

19-20 Encounter


Roll Result

1-3 Trap

4-6 Portal

7 Beast

8 Treasure

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Tunnels and Shafts The mites horizontal tunnels are roughly dug and cluttered with debris,

making them difficult terrain. In addition to halving the heroes move, the debris penalizes Stealth and

Tracking rolls (-2).

Vertical shafts typically curve in various dimensions and are rather easy to climb (about 4-5’ across,

Climbing +2). The mites’ haphazard mining skills, also make them

dangerous. For every 6” of movement through a vertical shaft there’s a 20% chance of dislodging a significant

amount of rock. Those under the climber must make an Agility check at

-2 or suffer 2d6 damage.

Burrows Mite burrows are usually rounded

chambers slightly taller and wider than the tunnels that connect to them.

The floor slopes away from the entrance and then drops sharply near the back of the chamber where the

mites dispose of refuse. Once a refuse pit is full, the mites fill in the chamber

and dig a new one. Each burrow houses a clan of mites.

Check each burrow for treasure in the Treasure section below.

Mites (1d4 per Wild Card)

Bore Beetles (1 per Wild Card)

Traps Mites are somewhat straightforward with their traps. Their most used trap is the tried-and-true collapsing tunnel

or shaft trap. These poorly disguised attempts to thwart intruders can be

detected with a Notice +2, if actively looking for traps. If this trap is

triggered, it causes 4d6 damage to everyone in a 5” area (including

everyone in a shaft below the collapse).

Other traps include:

Beetle Bag – A bag stuffed

with hand-sized carnivorous beetles and chunks of rotting meat. The bag is wedged in a

cleft, typically in a shaft, and tied to a trip-wire. When the

wire is tripped, the bag spills its nasty and biting contents on everyone below. Notice +1 to

detect, if actively looking. (Bore Beetle Swarm)

Pit Trap – Typical pit trap 1d6*10’ deep

Portal There’s only one portal out of the warren, a secret door to the Bug

King's Lair. The door can be found with a successful Notice check, if actively looking for hidden features.

Beast The mites tunnels crawl with various

vermin. Choose a nice one below:

Bore Beetles (2 per Wild Card) Blood Flea Swarm (see Fantasy

Companion) Giant Spiders (3 per Wild Card

– see Core Rules)

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Treasure With all their digging, mites tend to collect odd ores (especially the shiny

ones) as well as anything left over

after they’re done with a victim. Any cache of treasure is typically found in

a burrow, though individuals may also have a trinket or two.

Roll Treasure

1-3 Nuggets (gold, silver, etc -- 2d10*100 gps

4 Gemstones (uncut -- 1d6 gems at 3d10*100 gps each

5 Gear (Choose a collection of

semi-useful stuff)

6 Trinkets (rings, earrings, and the like -- 1d4 at 1d10*100gps


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The Bug King Crawling out of the warrens of the mites, you see a large irregular

chamber draped with debris-filled webs. You can pick out the drained

husks of bore beetles, mites, and even a troll dangling from the sheet-like webs. The place reeks with a strange

chemical smell that burns the nose.

Everyone has a boss, even mites. This is his lair. The bug king typically

lounges in his sheet webs, though he can occasionally be found in the warrens. The Devastator actually uses

the bug king to spy on her “guests” since he controls a whole host of

vermin that crawl through the place. In addition to being a natural cavern

(Difficult terrain), the place is choked with sticky sheet webs. Unless burned

away, every round the heroes must make an Agility check or become entangled (-2 Pace and skills linked to

Agility and Strength). On a 1 on the Agility die, regardless of the Wild Die,

the hero is completely entangled (cannot move nor use any skills linked

to Agility or Strength). The webs burn away at a rate of 1” square per round. Anyone trapped in the burning webs

receive 2d6 fire damage per round for three rounds.

Monsters The Bug King (Wild Card) Bore Beetle Swarm (2 Medium-

sized) Mite Enforcers (2 per Wild Card)

Development The bug king rarely fights directly, sending his mite minions to do his

dirty work, and calling bore beetle

swarms from the webs above onto his opponents. If a hero is completely

entangled, either by the existing webs or those that the bug king shoots, he will rush down to poison the victim if

he will be in no immediate danger. Otherwise, he hides in his webs and

looks for an opening to shoot his webs. If injured, he dips into his horde of potions for healing. If his minions

are killed, or the webs are set alight, the bug king passes through the

secret door and rushes to warn the Devastator of the incursion.

His minions fight to the death. The secret door is concealed behind

sheet webs and husks of the bug king’s victims. Unless the webs are

burned away, detecting the secret door requires a Notice raise.

Treasure Webbed up near the ceiling, the bug

king keeps his trove. 1,500 gp in assorted coins and


Bag of raw gemstones (2,000 gp total)

Potions o Healing x2 o Environmental Protection

[Fire] x2 o Speed (with raise)

Flintlock Pistol (+1 Shooting) o Bag of 10 bullets (Smite

with Cold Trapping)

o Powder horn with 5 shots worth of powder

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The Devastator's Lair

Below the Shrine of the Fiery Heart lies the domain of the Devastator, a hellish and massive cave. When the

heroes arrive, the Devastator is in the shrine performing a binding ritual on

the Crystal Horn, however, her lieutenant and other minions lurk in the lair awaiting her return. If the bug

king has escaped the previous encounter, the Devastator’s minions

are alerted and ready.

A blast of sulphurous heat washes out of this room as you step into a

scene from hell. A colossal natural cave, its size lost in the smoky

wavering air stretches before you. To the left of the door, seemingly a

mile away, a torrential lava flow

pours from the ceiling, though it does not seem to pool on the floor.

Other than this, vast hazy shapes appear to be natural pillars

supporting the cave roof lost

somewhere overhead.

The entirety of the lair is painfully

hot and choked with fumes from the lava fall. While in the cavern,

heroes must make a Vigor (-2) roll every minute or receive a Fatigue

level. Any area within 10” of the lava fall requires a Vigor (-2) roll

every round. Within a Large Burst Template, heroes must make the

Vigor check each round or suffer 2d6 fire damage. In addition, the

GM must check every round to see if a hero’s gear catches on fire

(which could be disastrous if carrying gunpowder…).

Devastator's Lair Map Devastator's Lair (Link to file on the web)

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Welcome to the Lair! When the heroes step out of the Bug

King’s secret door, they have little time to get acquainted with their new

environment before Rakus, the Devastator’s salamander lieutenant and his entourage of Devastator larva

slithers through the area. (If alerted, they are waiting for the party). Unless

the heroes’ are hiding, Rakus and his group spots them and attacks.

Salamander and Larvae Rakus (Salamander)

Devastator Larva (2 per Wild Card)

Development If Rakus is captured, he reveals the

following on an Intimidate raise:

The Devastator took the Crystal

Horn to her mountaintop shrine. Backbiter and a horde of

demons resides in the boiling pool.

Ariguun mages assist his

mistress in her ritual.

Treasure Rakus fights with a broad sword made

of solid crystal. The sword does not radiate magic, nor does it appear to

have markings. This is Deumatiré’s sword, plundered from his tomb under Fort Durgin and has a role to play yet.

Crystal Broadsword (STR+d10, 2

hands, Parry -1, STR d8 to wield)

Lava Falls

If the heroes are foolish enough to

approach the lava falls, they are rewarded with a big slap in the face

from a lava golem, in addition to the change in conditions as described above.

Lava Golem (see Fantasy


Treasure In a niche nearby are the scorched

bones of a half-folk adventurer that didn’t make it. Ironically, his bones

are wrapped in a Cloak of Fire Resistance (Provides 4 points of Armor against fire-based attacks)

Boiling Lake At the far southern end of the cave is

a large lake of boiling water. This is typically where the Devastator rests,

however, she has a visitor from the “front office,” Backbiter the Spined Demon. Backbiter lounges here

awaiting the results of the Devastator’s ritual so that he can

bring the Crystal Horn to his master, the Marquis Kas’deya, personally.

Boiling Lake Environment An 8” area around the lake is particularly deadly for those not

suitably protected, as the super-heated steam tends to cook exposed flesh. Those in this area or above the

lake suffer 2d10 damage per round from the steam; those in the area

must also make a Vigor (-2) roll or take a fatigue level from the intense heat. Additionally, in this area and

above the lake is affected as if by an Obscure Power.

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The boiling lake itself is likewise deadly, dealing 3d10 damage to

anyone silly enough to immerse themselves in it. Though the lake

bottom drops off sharply to about 50’ deep at the shore, the bottom is irregular, from 20’ to 80’ deep.

Across the lake is a massive chimney

into which the Devastator’s non-flying minions have carved a spiral staircase into the living rock. This staircase

leads to the shattered shrine.

Monsters Backbiter (Wild Card)

Demonlings (Four per Wild Card -- Use Demonic Soldiers from the Fantasy Companion)

Development Backbiter sends his demonlings to hem the heroes in, pushing them into

the deadly steam and/or lake as the opportunity presents itself, while he

hovers over the battlefield swooping out of the steam cloud for choice

attacks and kills. He focuses on good/holy characters (as in Holy

Warriors, priests and the like), Shaken or Wounded heroes, in that order. If

forced to fight on the ground, he immediately fires his spine attack and

then closes with the strongest melee fighter, sending his demonlings against any archers or spellcasters.

Backbiter and his demonlings fight to the death.

Treasure On an under-lake mound about 30’ below the surface, the Devastator

keeps her horde of treasures. Roll for a Treasure Trove in coins and gems

(no jewelry or other items), and with the following Relics (see Fantasy Companion):

Bag of Holding (sealed with

lead -- Holds as much gear, treasure and material as the

GM desires...:) Gem of Elementals (Air) Brooch of Resistance

Girdle of Endurance 10 Magical Arrows (+1

Shooting, Smite with Ice trapping – Arrow is consumed when fired)

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The Shrine of the Fiery Heart

Through the scorching steam, a scene from a nightmare unfolds. A massive

creature, its many dragon-like heads undulating, crouches in a columned shrine perched on the edge of

oblivion. Groups of heads, in twos and threes fire alternating gouts of white-

hot flame onto an object in the center of the dilapidated shrine. Joining the creature in a rough circle is a group of

four robed figures, their dark-skinned hands raised, and jagged bolts of

electrical power course from their fingers. All of this intense energy is concentrated on a massive crystal

horn the size of a large boat. The crystal seems to absorb the power

giving off a faint red light in its depth. From the shadows cast by the conflagration step robed warriors,

alerted to your presence.

The Devastator is not trusted by her masters, and Kas’deya sent a group of

Ariguun Cabal mages to assist in the binding rituals necessary to turn

enchant the horn. The group, and Kas’deya believe these rituals will turn the horn into a locator for the Skull of

Bamoni, the crystallized skull of the balor prince from which the horn was

broken by Deumatiré, the elven hero.

Devastator (Wild Card) Ariguun Cabal Witches (4) Ariguun Masks (3 per Wild Card)

Ariguun Spiders (2 per Wild Card)

Shrine Map Shrine map

Encounter at the Shrine The encounter starts with the Masks alerted to the heroes presence. Their

only mission, aside from the

protecting their Cabal mages, is to keep the heroes from disrupting the

ritual. The Spiders hide in the jumping shadows around the edges of the

shrine, moving through the shadows to fire their handbows and blowguns on the heroes before moving to attack

any spellcasters or archers. The Masks engage melee fighters directly,

attempting to gang up on particularly effective warriors.

The ritual nears its end, though that end is flexible depending on how the

encounter goes and at the GM’s will. If any of the Cabal mages are dropped, the ritual completes, however.

The Ritual The ritual is intended to call into the

horn a piece of Bamoni’s spirit in order to turn the horn into a locator device

for the rest of the crystal skull. However, what the Devastator and the Cabal do not know is that a soul

already occupies the horn. When the elven hero Deumatiré died, many

centuries after defeating the balor Bamoni, he invested his spirit into the

horn, knowing that its massive potential power could be used by the forces of evil. When the ritual

completes, his soul is displaced by the shard of Bamoni’s spirit, and explodes

out of the horn seeking a vessel.

The Spirit of the Hero A flashing silver cloud erupts from the

horn, knocking the ariguun mages askew (treat this as a Havoc power, however the mages are knocked 2d6”

away from the center of the Medium

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Burst Template – this should result in them either being Shaken at the edge

of the shrine or plummeting down the mountain to their doom – GM’s can

gauge the relative power of their group…feel free to kill all of the mages, as the Devastator is a handful

by herself). The silver cloud circles the shrine, then suddenly flashes to the

bearer of the Crystal Sword, which bursts into a searing silver light fading to a bright glow. The Sword of

Deumatiré is awakened…

The Devastator When the ritual completes, the Devastator has only one mission: Take the horn to her master. However, she

is not good with instructions being a tortured creature of chaos. The glow

of the Sword of Deumatiré and general confusion about the state of the horn sends her into a murderous

rage of rampaging destruction…of course directed at the heroes. If she

receives three wounds, the Devastator snatches up the Crystal Horn and flies.

Treasure The ariguun equipment, the Sword of Deumatiré, and the Crystal Horn are described in the Magic and

Treasures section.


If the Devastator is defeated, the heroes must figure out what to do

with the Crystal Horn (the spirit of Deumatiré can give them general

information, including how to destroy it, and its latent powers). The forces of Kas’deya do not take long to find

out that the horn has fallen into the heroes hands; they can expect

assaults from the demonic forces he’s summoned to the land, as well as his armies of Bleakmen and undead to

harry them.

If the Devastator escapes with the horn, she takes it to the Shimmering Castle. Kas’deya begins the necessary

rituals to find the Skull of Bamoni with the eventual goal of opening a gate to

the Infernal realms. This result is assumed in the follow-up adventure: The Shimmering Castle…when I get

around to writing it.

The soul of the elven hero Deumatiré can be used to lead the heroes to

greater missions of glory in the service of good, but that’s left up to the GM to decide. Many will covet the sword, of

course, especially the forces of evil since it is a powerful relic of good.

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Monsters and Extras

Redcap Redcaps are demonic little fey that plague drafty castles and dark alleys.

In combat, they typically gang up on a single opponent either throwing their

spears or using their wicked cleavers. The only way to distract a redcap from its bloody work is with games of

chance. Typically a redcap only wagers on things that interest it (pints

of fresh blood, slaves, etc). They often bet their own freedom on big wagers leading to many gamblers having a

redcap servant for a period of a few weeks to many years. The redcaps

adhere to a strict moral code regarding servitude and would never directly harm their 'masters,' though

they have no compunction about letting their master come to harm

through inaction. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,

Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d6, Throwing d10,

Taunt d8, Stealth d10, Lockpicking d8, Gambling d8 Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5

SPECIAL ABILITIES Iron Boots: STR+2 (on a raise,

the opponent is stunned) Bloody Cap: The redcap must

keep its cap soaked with blood.

If for any reason this blood dries up or is washed away, the

redcap disintegrates into iron-tinted sand. (This sand can be sold to spellcasters, artificers

and the like for about 200 gp per pound -- a redcap produces

about 1/2 a pound of sand). Once per day, a redcap can call

upon the power within his cap to increase his Strength by 1

die for every round he spends concentrating, up to d12. This effect lasts 5 rounds.

Code of Honor: A redcap always backs its wagers and

deals. If a redcap has agreed to a deal, he will adhere to the agreement to the letter, though

they have no concept of the "spirit of the agreement." They

never directly harm those that they have an agreement with (until after the agreement has

terminated). If someone reneges on a deal with a

redcap, they have gained a species of enemies for life. Redcaps plague the double-

dealer until sufficient restitution is made.

Swarming Attack: Recaps attack en masse and typically

target a single opponent (usually a strong brawler or a spellcaster). In addition to

ganging up bonuses, the redcaps receive a +1 to their

STR for every redcap in the swarm. This bonus does not add to Fighting damage, but is used

to incapacitate opponents with complex group wrestling holds

and the like. Compulsive Gambler: If a

redcap is shown any sort of

gambling-type game or activity, the creature must make a Spirit

roll at -2 or be forced to forget all else but participating in the game.

Uncanny Luck: The redcap receives a +2 bonus to

Gambling checks when playing against creatures other than redcaps.

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Typical Equipment:

Iron spear (STR+1d6 – 5/10/20)

Iron Cleaver (STR+1d4 - Can be thrown)

Bleakmen Warrior Bleakmen serve the cambion (half-devil) Kas’Deya. Though many

consider them unscrupulous mercenaries, Bleakmen undergo a

complex loyalty ritual that promises their souls to the Infernals. Failure of this code damns them to the vilest

reaches of Hell, though their rewards are not much better. Bleakmen are

typically led by priests dedicated to some Infernal lord or godling. Bleakmen are tattooed with Infernal

signs and wear the Fist motif of Kas’Deya on their armor and


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness:9 (6);

Skills: Fighting d10, Shooting d8, Guts d10, Riding d8, Intimidate d10,

Tracking d8 Edges: Berserk, Arcane Resistance, Frenzy

Hindrances: Code of Honor (Infernal Pact), Bloodthirsty

Special Abilities: Blood of the Infernals:

Bleakmen can call upon their

devotion to Kas’Deya to resist the blows of their enemies. The

Bleakman must make a Guts check at -1 to receive a second Spirit check to resist being


Typical Equipment Plate Corselet and Helmet

(Armor +3)

Great Axe (STR+d10, AP 1, Parry -1, 2 hands)

Flail (Str+d6, Ignores Shield Parry and Cover bonuses)

Flintlock Rifle (15/30/60, 2d8, ROF 1, AP 2, 3 actions to reload)

Flintlock Pistol (5/10/20, 2d6+1, ROF 1, 2 actions to

reload) Warhorse

Infernal Zombie Infernal zombies are raised by the

Zombie power from priests of infernal or demonic gods. Though they are

typical zombies, their bodies are turned inside-out causing revulsion in those that view them. Infernal

zombies are also more resistant to repulsion effects from holy warriors

and the like.

Infernal Zombie(Sir Harford) Sir Harford's life ended with a Bleakman bullet to his cheek at about

the same time as his warhorse took a spear to the chest. One of his legs is

rather broken, but he seems to make good time...

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Shooting d6

Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10

Special Abilities

Flail: Str+1d6 Full Plate Armor: Armor +3

(includes helmet and arm/leg coverage)

Fearless: Infernal Zombies are immune to Fear and Intimidation.

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Undead: +2 Toughness. +2 to recover from being Shaken.

Called shots do no extra damage (except to the head).

Weakness (Head): Shots to a zombie’s head are +2 damage.

Fear: Those that view Infernal

Zombies must make a Guts check or suffer the effects of

Fear. Resistant: Infernal Zombies

receive a +2 to Spirit checks

when faced with a Holy Warrior’s Repulse Evil ability.

Infernal Zombie (Warhorse) Zephyr, late and presently Sir Harford's warhorse, took a spear to

the chest. This didn't seem to slow him down much after the Bleakman priest raised him.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4,

Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6

Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11

Special Abilities Kick: Str+1d4

Size +3 Fearless: Infernal Zombies are

immune to Fear and Intimidation.

Undead: +2 Toughness. +2 to

recover from being Shaken. Called shots do no extra

damage (except to the head). Weakness (Head): Shots to a

zombie’s head are +2 damage.

Fear: Those that view Infernal Zombies must make a Guts

check or suffer the effects of Fear.

Resistant: Infernal Zombies

receive a +2 to Spirit checks

when faced with a Holy Warrior’s Repulse Evil ability.

Knights of the Coin Knights of the Coin serve the Commonwealth of Heragal, extending its military and financial influence as

directed by the Council of Five. The Knights lead the Council’s Standing

Army in battle, and undertake dangerous missions and quests for the ruling council. They are loyal to the

Commonwealth and the Council and seek glory through combat. A typical

adventuring troop consists of a commander, two scouts, and eight


Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6,

Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8 CHR: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 9;

Toughness:9 or 8 (3 or 2 Armor) Skills: Fighting d10, Shooting d8, Riding d12, Intimidate d8, Guts d12,

Notice d6, Persuasion d8 Edges: Fervor (Commanders), Level

Headed, Block, Improved Sweep, Steady Hands (Scouts), Order of the

Coin Hindrances: Loyal (Commonwealth), Code of Honor (Order of the Coin


Special Abilities Heart of the Commonwealth:

Knights of the Coin can make a

Vigor (-1) check to continue fighting (-1 to all trait tests)

after a blow would have incapacitated them.

Order of the Coin: Knights of

the Coin receive a +2 to Fighting checks while mounted

and +2 Charisma when in the livery of the Order.

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Typical Equipment Plate Armor (+3, includes

helmet, breastplate, greaves and vambace)

Chain Armor (+2, includes pot helmet, chain hauberk – scouts only)

Medium Shield (+1 Parry, +2 Armor vs. Ranged)

Lance (STR+d8, AP2 when charging, Reach 2)

Longsword (STR+d8)

Flail (STR+d6, ignores shield parry and cover bonuses)

Heavy Crossbow (15/30/60, 2d6+1, AP 3, Min STR d8, 2 actions reload)


Trolls (Broken Hills) Broken Hills Trolls are somewhat

smarter than others of their kind and are better trained to warfare and single combat.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,

Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7

Skills: Fighting d8, Shooting d6, Tracking d6, Guts d6, Notice d6,

Intimidation d8, Stealth d8 Edges: Combat Reflexes Hindrances: Bloodthirsty

Special Abilities

Armor +1: Thick Hide (doesn’t stack with armor)

Regeneration (fast): Trolls regenerate every round unless fire is applied to its wounds.

Typical Equipment Chain Shirt (Armor +2)

Battle Axe (STR+d8) Greatsword (STR+d10) Flintlock Rifle(15/30/60, 2d8,

AP 2, 3 actions to reload)

Larvae of the Devastator Though the Devastator does not

reproduce in a natural way, she has created mutants by combining her own essence with that of the common

fire salamander. The larvae are somewhat smaller than a salamander,

but have multiple serpentine heads and similar fiery habitat. The Devastator’s larvae appear to be

flaming and heavily-scaled serpents with four heads sprouting from

serpentine necks. They are about the length of a human and can rise up to about 4’ on their strong tails.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A),

Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9

Skills: Fighting d8, Guts d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6

Special Abilities

Scaly Body: Armor +2

Bite: STR+1d4 Multiple Heads: Larva have

four heads that can attack independently each round without incurring a multi-action

penalty. Fiery Touch: On a successful

Fighting roll, the larva causes additional fire damage (1d6) and the victim must check to

see if they catch fire. Anyone touching the larva sustains 2d6

fire damage. Flame Breath: Once per

round, any head that does not

attack with a Fighting check may breathe fire in a cone

template. Those caught in the flame must make an Agility check or suffer 1d10 damage

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and check to see if they catch on fire.

Resist Heat: Larva take no damage from extreme heat,

including magical fire.

Salamander A salamander is a humanoid serpent creature that lives inside volcanoes, as

well as the Elemental Plane of Fire. They fight with great iron tridents and offer no mercy to their opponents.

They must remain near areas of intense heat, immersing themselves in

lava and the like, on a daily basis. Otherwise, salamanders lose 1 Vigor per day after the first 48 hours.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6,

Spirit d4, Strength d12, Vigor d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8 (10

lower body); Skills: Fighting d10, Throwing d8, Notice d6, Swimming d10, Climbing


Special Abilities

Scaly Lower Body: Armor +2

(lower body only) Fiery Touch: On a successful

Fighting roll, the salamander

causes additional fire damage (1d6) and the victim must

check to see if they catch fire. Anyone touching the creature sustains 2d6 fire damage.

Constriction: when a salamander gets a raise on a

Fighting roll, it can choose to entangle its victim. For that round and every round

thereafter, the salamander can constrict its prey (STR+d8

constriction damage in addition to Fiery Touch damage). The victim can take the following

actions: Attempt to escape

(raise on an opposed Strength roll), attack with a small

weapon, such as a knife at -2 Fighting, or use a power that

doesn’t require gestures or other complex bodily motions at -2 to the relevant skill check.

Salamanders often use this tactic to entangle opponents

and then dive into raging fires or lava pools.

Coiling Defense: Salamanders

use their armored lower bodies like a shield by coiling and

writhing in place. Unless the attacker succeeds at a call shot to the head or torso or receives

a Fighting raise on a regular attack, the attack connects with

the defending coils of the salamander (Armor 10).

Resist Heat: Salamanders take no damage from extreme heat, and in fact, typically live inside

volcanoes where they swim through lava channels searching

for food. Anyone that directs a fire-based attack at a salamander is silly at best.

Size +2: Salamanders have long serpentine lower bodies.

Typical Equipment

Iron Trident (STR+d8, Reach 1, Parry +1)

Mite Mites are small, insect-like humanoids that infest the lairs of great beasts

such as dragons, hydras, and the like. Natural scavengers, mites are able to squeeze into the smallest of crannies

and can burrow through solid rock. Though they have vestigial wings,

mites cannot fly. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6,

Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

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Skills: Fighting d8, Stealth d8, Climbing 10, Guts d6, Taunt d8,

Notice d8, Throwing d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6

SPECIAL ABILITIES Bite: STR+d4 Carapace: Armor +1

Stealthy: Mites are masters of hiding in their environment,

gaining a +2 to Stealth checks. Small (-1): Mites are about 2½

feet tall

NOTE: Mite Enforcers are about the size of dwarves…thus not

Small (Toughness 7). They also carry long pikes (STR+d6, Reach 1, 2 hands)

Bore Beetle Bore beetles are heavy black beetles

about the size of a big dog. Mites use them to help excavate their warrens, and the beetles can understand the

mite language enough to take simple commands.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A),

Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Fighting d8, Throwing d8 Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9


Armored Shell: Armor +2 Acidic Spit: Bore beetles can

shoot a wad of acidic goo. This

attack uses the Shooting skill and deals 3d6 damage the first

round, 2d6 the second, and 1d6 the third.

Bore Beetle Swarm Upon leaving the pupae state, bore

beetles are about the size of a hand and tend to swarm together for protection (mostly from older bore

beetles). A bore beetle swarm covers a Medium burst template, attacking

everyone in that area with their acidic bites.

Attributes as per the Swarm in the

Core Rules.

SPECIAL ABILITIES Acidic Bite: The bore beetle

swarm inflicts a painful acidic bite to everyone within a

Medium Burst template, dealing 2d6 damage per round.

Swarm: As per the Core Rules

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Ariguun The dark elves of Tysaan are called

ariguun, which means "dark children." When the great betrayal of

the Queen of Thorns occurred and the elven races divided, the ariguun sunk into hiding, living their lives in the

lightless depths of the earth.

Ariguun Masks Most male ariguun aspire to take up

the mantle of Mask, who serve as the protectors of the female priesthood to

the Spider Queen. Masks undergo intensive combat training and are kept on a short leash by their mistresses.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8

Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8 (2); Skills: Fighting d10, Shooting d8,

Guts d10, Throwing d8, Tracking d6 Edges: Combat Reflexes, Improved

Block, Frenzy, Sweep Hindrances: Outsider, Bad Eyes (daylight-level only), Code of Honor

(Cabal) Special Abilities

Darkvision: Ariguun can see perfectly in complete darkness,

but are hindered as per the Bad Eyes edge if exposed to bright illumination (sunlight, magical

light, etc).

Typical Equipment Shadeweave Armor (Magical

Leather Armor -- Armor +2, +2

Stealth) Maskblade (Magical Falchion --

+1 Fighting, Arcane Resistance, STR+d10, Reach 1, -1 Parry, 2-hands)

Shortbow (12/24/48, 2d6)

Ariguun Spiders Ariguun Spiders serve their Queen as spies and assassins. All are male and

are trained from a very early age, growing up in Spider clans.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts

d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8 Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8

(2); Skills: Climb d6, Stealth d10,

Shooting d10, Streetwise d8, Guts d8, Notice d8, Lockpicking d10, Fighting

d8 Edges: Spy (+2 Streetwise and Stealth), Dodge, Improved Block,

Quick Hindrances: Outsider, Bad Eyes

(daylight only), Code of Honor (Spider Queen) Special Abilities

Darkvision: Ariguun can see perfectly in complete darkness,

but are hindered as per the Bad Eyes edge if exposed to bright illumination (sunlight, magical

light, etc). Typical Equipment

Shadeweave Armor (Magical Leather armor -- Armor +2, +2 Stealth)

Spidersting (Magical Shinobigatana -- +1 Fighting,

STR+d6, Arcane Resistance edge)

Hank-yu (handbow) (3/6/12)

Tongue-pipe (small blowgun) (1/3/6, Stealth +2 to hide in

mouth) Poison-tipped darts (1d6, Vigor

(-1) or incapacitated for 2d6

minutes; used in both Hank-yu and tongue-pipe)

Ariguun Cabal Witch The Cabal are the true rulers of ariguun society. Exclusively female

and powerful witches, the cabal lead

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the clans in the knife-fight that is ariguun politics. Those found beyond

ariguun’s Dark Lands perform special missions for the Queen, enlisting

powerful allies or turning enemies against each other.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10

Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8 (2); Skills: Spellcasting d12, Knowledge

(Arcana) d8, Shooting d8, Intimidate d8, Guts d8, Notice d8

Edges: Arcane Background, Improved Arcane Resistance Hindrances: Outsider, Bad Eyes

(daylight only), Code of Honor (Spider Queen)

Special Abilities Darkvision: Ariguun can see

perfectly in complete darkness, but are hindered as per the Bad Eyes edge if exposed to bright

illumination (sunlight, magical light, etc).

Voidarmor: Ariguun witches have an innate Armor Power

that can be used at will. This ability has 10 power points and

uses the witch’s Spellcasting ability. (Armor +2)

Powers (20): Hand of Darkness (Obscure), Detect Arcana, Ice Shard (Blast with

the cold/ice trapping), Queen’s Vision (Invisibility)

Typical Equipment Witchstaff (Magical Staff PP:10)

o Queen’s Embrace

(Entangle with the web trapping)

o Blackbolt (Bolt with the Poison trapping – Vigor or Incapacitated for 2d6

minutes. Death in 30 minutes)

o Soulcatch (Puppet) o Hank-yu (handbow)

(3/6/12) o Poison-tipped darts (1d6,

Vigor (-1) or

incapacitated for 2d6 minutes; used in both

Hank-yu and tongue-pipe

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Wild Cards

Kaviel Pratch Kaviel is a devotee of the Devil Pez’Sprit, King of the Underworld and

a minor deity. He leads a Bleakman raiding party and is a rather nasty,

bloated fellow with stringy blonde hair. Kaviel wears a golden patch with the symbol of Pez’Sprit over his left eye

worth 100 gp.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8 CHR: +2; Pace:6; Parry: 6;

Toughness: 9 (11 vs. Ranged); Skills: Faith d10, Guts d8, Shooting

d8, Fighting d6, Healing d8, Persuasion d8, Intimidation d8, Riding

d8, Streetwise d6, Stealth d8, Notice d8 Edges: Unholy Warrior, Arcane

Background (Miracles), Steady Hands, Hold the Line, Charismatic, New

Power, Power Points Hindrances: One Eye, Vengeful Powers (15): Curse (Unholy

Darkness), Blast (Searing Cloud), Zombie (Corpses turned inside out)

Special Abilities

Repulse Good: When Kaviel calls upon Pez’Sprit (spends a Power Point), a corrupt wave of

energy washes out from his position at a radius of his Spirit.

Good creatures (including those with Arcane Background (Miracles) must make a Spirit

check or be Shaken. A 1 on the Spirit die destroys Extras and

Wounds Wild Cards.

Typical Equipment Magical Full Plate (Armor +3,

Arcane Resistance, Powers (5

PP): Fear (Shadowy Demonic Form)

Medium Shield (Parry +1, +2

Armor vs. Ranged) Flintlock Pistols (2) (5/10/20,

2d6+1, ROF 1, 2 actions to reload)

Drinker (Magical heavy mace –

STR+1d6, +2 Damage, Powers(10 PP): Armor

(Ferrous bones), Dispel (Wave of Despair), Entangle (Bloody Entrails reaching up through the

ground) Warhorse

Irinz, the Troll Warleader Irinz is a troll battle commander of some skill. Originally a scout in his clan’s army, Irinz trained in the

magical arts with a troll priest of great power. He is wily, intelligent and

tough as stone.

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d12 CHR: -2; Pace: 6; Parry: 7;

Toughness: 12 (3) Skills: Fighting d8, Shooting d8, Guts

d10, Taunt d8, Notice d8, Tracking d10, Survival d8, Stealth d6, Faith d8 Edges: Woodsman, Arcane

Background (Miracles), Command Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Mean

Special Abilities Powers:(PP 10) Beast Friend,

Boost/Lower Trait, Animate*

Armor +1: Thick Hide (doesn’t stack with armor)

Regeneration (fast): Trolls regenerate every round unless fire is applied to its wounds.

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Size +1

Typical Equipment

Plate Corselet (+3 torso)

Iron Helmet (+2 head) Medium Shield (+1 Parry, +2

Armor vs. ranged) Horn Recurve Bow (15/30/60,

2d6+2, d10 STR, AP 1)

Glaive (Reach 1, STR+d8, 2 hands)

Gimme (Magical hand-axe, STR+d6, Fighting +1, Throwing +1, returns to thrower)

Wicker Giant The Wicker Giant is an animated

construct created by the troll battle commander, Irinz. The creature is a 20’ tall humanoid giant constructed of

bamboo and wooden slats.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12

Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d10, Intimidation d10

Special Abilities Wicker Claws: STR+d6

Fiery Heart: Inside its slatted chest, the Wicker Giant holds a container of Greek fire-like

substance. Anytime it receives a wound, the Wicker Giant must

make an Agility check. If unsuccessful, the container shatters and the giant bursts

into flames dealing 2d10 fire damage in a small burst

template. The fire consumes the Wicker Giant in 5 rounds, though it continues to fight,

dealing an additional 2d6 fire damage on a successful

Fighting roll.

Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; No additional

damage for Called Shots; Piercing attacks do half-

damage; Immune to poison and disease.

Fearless: The Wicker Giant is

immune to Fear and Intimidation.

Size +5: The Wicker Giant is 20’ tall.

Bug King It is unclear whether the bug king is

an evolved mite, or some other species altogether. It is a fat humanoid insect that resembles a

cross between a spider and an ant. It walks on four of its six legs, using the

front two to manipulate tools, weapons and the like. The bug king is quite intelligent and can speak with

other vermin.

Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d12 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 11

Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Intimidation d10,

Stealth d8, Guts d6, Throwing d6, Climbing d12 Special Abilities

Armored Shell: Armor +2 Bite: STR+d6

Mild Neurotoxin (0): On a successful bit, victim must make a Vigor roll; failure results

in paralyzation for 1d6+1 rounds. A 1 on the trait die,

regardless of the Wild Die, results in death in 1d4+1

rounds. Sheet Webs: Throwing roll

(range 3/6/12) in a small burst

template. Effects as per the Entangle power.

Size +1

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Backbiter Backbiter is an immensely fat flying

demon covered in foot-long chitin spines.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4,

Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d12 Pace: 6”; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d6, Notice

d10, Intimidate d12 Special Abilities

Demon: Immune to poison and disease, +2 bonus to recover from Shaken, half-damage from

non-magical attacks, normal damage from pure iron

weapons. Claws: STR+d8 Arcane Resistance: As per the

Edge Holysight: Those that worship

the gods of good, such as priests, holy warriors, crusaders and the like, appear to glow

with an irritatingly golden light. Allsight: Backbiter sight cannot

be obscured by darkness, smoke or steam, growing up as he did in the pits of Hell.

Flying: Backbiter flies at Pace 10, Acc 5.

Size (+2): Though not tall, Backbiter is wide and dense…

Spine Burst: Backbiter is

covered in foot-long chitin spines. These spines can be

ejected when Backbiter is in contact with the earth. The attack deals 3d10 damage to all

in a Medium Burst template. Those that succeed on an Agility

roll receive half damage, while an Agility raise avoids the

damage altogether.

Devastator The Devastator is an Infernal hydra that was once the wizard Rael-Vin. Though little of the wizard’s

personality remains, the Devastator retains some of Rael-Vin’s

considerable magical power and serves at the leisure of the devil king, Pez’sprit. The Devastator wields

considerable power, both magical and “natural.” As part of the

transformation, the creature suffered damage to its eyes, though this does little to slow the thing down.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8,

Spirit d10, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 19

(Heavy Armor); Skills: Fighting d10, Guts d10, Intimidation d12, Notice d8,

Spellcasting d8 Edges: Arcane Background (Magic),

Improved First Strike, Power Surge, Combat Reflexes, New Power Hindrances: Loyal, Bad Eyes

Powers (20 PP): Call of Pez’sprit (Puppet - Infernal chanting), Fire Step

(Teleport - Disc of flame that is stepped through), Hellish Whirlwind (Whirlwind of Super Heated air – use

rules for heat/fatigue, PP: 4 Duration: 3 (2/round)), Wings of Flame (Fly)

Special Abilities

Armor +2: Scaly hide etched with Infernal runes.

Bite: STR+d8, Reach 1

Hellfire: The Devastator can deliver fiery blasts from each

active head every round. Such an attack uses the cone template and deals 3d10

damage to those that fail an Agility -2 check. The victim also

has the normal chance to catch

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on fire. Heads that use this attack may not bite in the same

round. Wounds dealt by hellfire must first be blessed by a priest

of a good deity before they can be healed either naturally or magically.

Fear: Viewing the Devastator requires a Guts check.

Hellfire Touch: The Devastator was born in the fires of hell. As such, anyone within a small

burst template receives 2d10 in heat damage. Touching the

Devastator deals 2d10 damage and the victim has a chance to catch on fire. Attacking the

creature requires an additional 1d6 roll. On a 5 or 6, a wooden

weapons bursts into flames, and metal weapons melt slightly

causing 1 less point of damage until repaired by a blacksmith. Magical weapons suffer the

same effects on a roll of 6 and require repair by an Artificer of

some skill. Multiple Heads: The

Devastator has ten heads that

can attack independently every round without penalty, though

no more than four heads can attack one target. Every head has 1 wound and is severed if it

is Incapacitated. Such damage does not affect the hydra,

though it is killed if all heads are severed.

Regeneration: If a head is

severed, the Devastator makes

a Vigor roll each round. On a success, all severed heads are

replaced. On a raise, the heads are replaced by two new heads.

The only way to prevent this is to strike off a head with a weapon forged or prepared as

described in Weakness, (below) or by the application of magical

cold/ice to the wound. Size +9: The Devastator is

massive, weighing over 30,000

pounds. Gargantuan: Did we mention

that this hell-hydra is big? The Devastator’s attacks are considered Heavy Weapons and

its Toughness is considered Heavy Armor. Attackers receive

a +4 to attack rolls, and the Devastator does STR+10

damage to anyone she steps on.

Weakness (Cold, Cold Iron,

Bless): Magical cold-based attacks cause +4 damage and

are considered Heavy Weapons when attacking the Devastator. Such weapons do not suffer the

effects of Hellfire Touch, as described above. Additionally,

weapons forged of cold iron or blessed by a good deity act as Heavy Weapons. Non-magical

cold has no effect on the creature. A vial of holy water

deals 2d6 damage to the creature.

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Appendix II: Spells and Powers


(Rank: Veteran, PP: Special, Range: Touch, Duration: Special)

Irinz learned this spell at the feet of a troll priest of great power. After constructing a form out of natural material (wood, rock, ice, etc), the caster

spends a day performing a casting ritual. Once completed, the form is animated and is under the direction of the caster. The power point cost

varies by the size of the form animated: 3 PP for up to human sized, 6 for up to +4 size, and 10 for up to +6 size. The creature remains animated for a

full day with a successful Spellcasting roll, 1d6 days with a raise, and a week with a second raise. On a third raise, the form is permanent until destroyed

and is a Wild Card. The spell requires at least a day of preparation and a day

of casting, as well as 200 gp in material for a human-sized form and 100 gp for every size step over human sized.

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Magic and Treasure

Ariguun Weapons and Armor

The chthonic ariguun use deep magicks to enchant their gear and

give them an edge against other, more powerful creatures of the

Underworld. Ariguun artificers craft this gear out of an arcane type of stone that they grow in special lairs.

This stone, once harvested, can be worked into a variety of items and

imbued with special enchantments. Weapons made of ariguun stone are as hard as steel, while armors are

supple but strong. Ariguun weapons have a +1

Fighting enchantment and grant the bearer the Arcane Resistance edge.

Ariguun shadeweave armors have a +1 Armor enchantment

and grant the wearer +2 to Stealth checks

When these, or any ariguun enchanted items, are exposed to sunlight, the

enchantments immediately begin to fade.

The Fighting and Armor enchantments last for 12 hours in sunlight, however, such a

lengthy exposure to sunlight destroys the items; they

crumble to dust. The Arcane Resistance and

Stealth enchantments are

immediately lost when exposed to sunlight, but return if the

items are kept in complete darkness for 12 hours.

Witchstaff of the Cabal

When cabal witches complete the

proper devotion rituals to their dark god-queen, they receive the

witchstaff, a powerful artifact and an even more powerful chain to their

queen’s desires. The staff has 10 power points and the following powers:

Queen’s Embrace (Entangle with the web trapping)

Blackbolt (Bolt with the Poison trapping – Vigor (-2) or Incapacitated for 2d6 minutes.

Death in 30 minutes) Soulcatch (Puppet)

The witchstaff has other powerful enchantments that allow the powers in

the cabal, and some say even the dark queen herself, to track the

movements of the witch. Some have reported that, at will, the cabal can teleport the witch to the underground

palace of the Spider Queen from anywhere in the multiverse. The

witchstaff is not affected by sunlight. Witchstaffs are considered evil

artifacts by the powers of good and punish their worshippers for bearing

such a profane objects. Even the powers of evil not aligned with the Spider Queen may punish their

worshippers for using such an item.

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Sword of Deumatiré

The Sword of Deumatiré is a broadsword crafted entirely of a rose

hued crystalline material. Uninhabited by the spirit of Deumatiré, it has the following statistics:

Crystal Broadsword (STR+10, 2

hands, Parry -1, STR d8 to wield) The crystalline material from which the sword was crafted is unbreakable

by normal means.

Once the spirit of Deumatiré inhabits the sword, it has the following powers:

+1 Fighting and Damage Blessed (+1d6 damage versus

Undead and demonic creatures) Glows with a silvery light equal

to a lamp

Deumatiré’s spirit is weak when it first

inhabits the sword, and thus can only communicate vague desires, warnings and information to the wielder. The

spirit’s desires are most felt when dealing with the Crystal Horn; the

wielder experiences a miasma of images from Deumatiré’s perspective of fighting the balor Bamoni and of a

silvery void on some far-flung plane where the skull (and its pieces) must

be cast in order to destroy them. Deumatiré also warns away anyone attempting to approach or touch the


As the wielder grows in power, the sword and its spirit also develop, gaining more powers and a stronger


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The Crystal Horn

The horn is massive, about the size of a large boat, and composed of a dark

blue crystalline substance. Deep in its heart, the horn glows with a

malevolent reddish light representing the spirit of Bamoni, the balor slain by the elven hero Deumatiré. When

destroyed, Deumatiré trapped the balor’s spirit within its own broken

skull. The elf kept the horn he’s sheared off during the battle as a prize, never considering that it could

be used to find the skull, now lost somewhere in the multiverse. The

Devastator and her minions have returned a shard of Bamoni’s soul to the horn, and its only purpose is to

locate the skull.

Those near the horn feel vaguely unclean and uncomfortable. A faint whispering seems to crowd out all

thoughts. Within 2” of the horn, all must make a Spirit (-1) or feel the

horn’s pull, sitting captivated by its Infernal meanderings until either the

spell is temporarily broken (Dispel on the subject), the subject is dragged

out of the area of effect, or the subject dies from privation.

If a creature of great evil (such as a

dragon, liche or powerful demon) touches the horn, it shrinks to a size portable to the creature, and the

bearer instinctively knows the location of the Skull of Bamoni. Creatures of

good that manage to touch the horn are utterly destroyed, their souls trapped in a hellish demi-plane within

the horn.

The horn is indestructible save for casting it into the Pit of Voids located somewhere in the multiverse.

Those bearing the horn receive the

following benefits: Improved Arcane Resistance

(from Powers cast by a caster of

good, such as a priest) Armor +2 versus Blessed

weapons or other attacks Fear (as the Power, always


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