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TRAIN THE TRAINERCOACH This programme has been designed to develop in-house TRAINER/COACHES that are able to support organisational wide change initiatives. It is about establishing an internal faculty of highly effective trainers and coaches who are able to transfer new skills into what people do as part of their jobs.


Many people end up becoming internal trainers to support big technical implementations such as enterprise wide software implementations e.g. SAP. Quite often they are selected as a result of their technical skills and sadly turn out to be quite average trainers (and it’s not their fault). You have to feel sorry for these internal trainers as the training material is often put together by technical specialists with little or no knowledge of what will work best for the learner. To exaggerate the point - we so often end up with PowerPoint heavy, acronym filled, content overloaded material being delivered by nervous but willing specialists reading from a script with rapid page turning who are desperate to get the job done. At the end of it we can tick the box – training done! It is not that simple!

Even conventional training delivered by a skilled trainer may work well in the classroom but most studies on this subject show that only 10 to 20% of all learning actually gets transferred to use on the job.

We know through our many years of training, facilitating and coaching what works best for the learner and the organisation, and we have developed this ‘Train the Trainer/Coach’ as a means of passing on the secrets of how to release the magic in people. It will cover how to maximise classroom learning and massively improve on transferring the learning into people’s jobs.

The key to success is to have a well-trained team of Trainer/Coaches and that is what you will get from this programme.

So what’s special about this programme?

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The programme provides a skilful blend of coaching, training and facilitation skills which are the essentials of a Trainer/Coach. It has been designed to be very flexible and can be fitted to your needs and budgetary constraints.

The learning modules can be summed up as follows:-

Module OverviewWe start the programme with a Trainer/Coach 360º feedback report. This will identify the strengths and weaknesses and will be used to develop a personal development plan that each participant will work on over the next year.

Learn the 4 step approach to developing and running great training; that is to Prepare – Plan – Grow – Harvest. In order to meet the needs of the client they will learn how to storyboard a training idea, and then get sign off from key stakeholders. Only then do they invest in the further development of the training idea. They will also learn the value of running a pilot to discover how best to run a programme.

This is a very practical session with lots of hints and tips from highly experienced trainers. It will cover the 7 deadly sins of a trainer and how to avoid them. How to make use of training plans and check lists; doing the first things first; booking and ordering. Learn how to work in pairs and to build a support team. Getting all the pre-work done, participant preparation, room layout and learning theatre, and practicing and preparing body and mind.We also cover how to create great training material; PowerPoint presentations that deliver great learning; quick reference guides that act as a simple reminder and hand-outs that support the learning.Then how to get off to a great start, deal with difficult people, manage time and learning flow and keep energy levels running high.Finally learn how to end on a high note, check that people have achieved their learning goals, then to follow up after the event.

Learn how to set up a workshop or training session for success, and the value of icebreakers and energisers; what they are and when to use them. They will gain valuable practice at running icebreakers and energisers during the programme and feel confident to use them after the training.

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Module OverviewLearn the Release the Magic coaching methodology. How to focus peoples’ strengths and develop and inspire them to greater success. How to use the four key skills of a coach; empathetic listening, insightful questioning, giving constructive and motivational feedback and proactive challenging. How to identify the needs of your coachee and be able to switch between training and coaching. To understand the value of the GROW model and be able to use it. How to use the key tools of the coach’s toolkit, including LEAP; Learn – Experiment – Apply and Perfect. Get practice coaching others and being coached themselves, and learn how to coach the 100 day learning programme.

Understand the way the human brain works and why it struggles to process too many new things. Learn how to simplify and stream learning inputs and to be more effective at changing other people’s behaviour. How to maximize mental resources, improve focus, and better manage distractions.

Discover how people learn through their senses and learn about VAK preferences; Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic. How to identify these learning style in others, and how to apply VAK in training and coaching sessions in order to optimise learning.

Discover how to appeal to the left and right sides of the brain, making use of a whole new world of colour, shapes and objects and how to bring learning to life.Learn how to use the graphic facilitation tools and techniques. How to take a simple flipchart and turn it into learning art. This will include learning the benefits of learning maps and how to use them in training sessions, together with how to create large scale learning maps.

Raise self-awareness of how the participant comes across to others, and then learn how to deliver a high impact first impression; getting the first minute of communication right. They will learn how to manage their word choice, tonality and body language to maximise the impact they have on others. It will help participants to project the image and impression they want to create in the training and coaching sessions that they run.

Learn how to follow up on participants and to track the benefits. How to provide the disciple and motivation to ensure that participants do deliver on their actions. They will learn how to ensure that this learning is grounded into day to day jobs. Finally they will learn to make sure that these successes are not lost in the busyness of daily life and are celebrated!

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We apply our methodology to this training programme, which means:-

All participants complete a 360º survey on their coaching and training skills

The workshop modules are aligned to the clients goals Participants learn the theory then immediately experiment and

apply it to the training material that they will be running They have the opportunity to experiment, practice and get their

material and minds ready for action At the end of the workshop they will be ready to start delivering the

training following a carefully thought out implementation plan After the workshop they will continue to function as an action

learning team for 100 days (or longer if requested) The team coach will continue to follow up on the team and help

wherever possible (via phone/skype) We conclude the programme by celebrating the success

In addition participants will benefit from other aspects of our learning methodology

We support our learning with simple, practical and short how to do it videos available on YouTube, PC, iPhone, iPad e.g. how to give feedback. These rapid learning chunks are designed to deliver a reminder just in time for when the skill or technique is about to be used.

In addition we back up the learning with quick reference guides that can be read electronically or printed off and retained. They are designed to be an easy read; written in plain English with plenty of graphic illustrations.

We use action learning supported by a professional coach. This means participants learns the theory via workshop and then reflect and experiment, share their finding within their group and finally apply it to real life with the support of their coach and their boss, who are there to challenge and guide them.

Each participant will maintain a learning blog to capture their successes and failures, thoughts, reflections and actions along their personal learning journey. This acts as a good discipline and enables their coach to confirm the learning has been transferred to real life application.

How do we get going?This programme is highly flexible and can be adapted to whatever your needs and budget constraints. We can build on whatever your people have already learnt, and use and include company specific know-how.

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The key benefits we offer are:-

Our coaches are highly experienced – they are able to share real life examples of success and failure with the participants

The 100 day learning programme is a real winner as participants continue to receive proactive support from their coach via Skype / phone. This brings a real follow up discipline to the programme and helps build skills and confidence to do the job

Action learning and their training assignments ensure that theory gets embedded into business life

If this programme sounds interesting, or you would just like to find out more why not contact Ian Shaw and have a chat?

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