  • 7/27/2019 Trancers RPG Module A-1: A Game of Deth


    Trancers RPG Adventure Module A-1:A Game of Deth

    By Wind Lothamer

    ~ Trancers RPG By Oreon Lothamer and Ahi Kerp ~

  • 7/27/2019 Trancers RPG Module A-1: A Game of Deth


    Trancers RPG Adventure Module A-1:

    A Game of DethYou know, this could be the beginning of a beautiful... forget it!

    Chapter 1: Set upIn the year 2360, a mysterious Trancer Boss has figured out a new way to trance squids:

    through a game called Hero Dungeon. The Trancer Boss has his Trancer gang bring in squidsfrom all over Angel City to play in Hero Dungeon tournaments, with a promise of big cashpayouts to the winner. However, there are no winners because everyone who plays either getstranced or singed!

    The Council has found out about this new threat and has decided to send in someundercover Trancer Hunters to infiltrate the tournament. Can they stop the Trancer Boss in time,or will they get tranced along with all the others in this game of death?

    For the Game Master Only:Little does anyone know that the Hero Dungeon game has been specially created by Dr.

    Jones to trance anyone who plays it. After a game session, all players must make a successfulcheck to resist getting trancedanyone who fails is immediately tranced and joins Dr. Jonessgang. If a player loses the game, he will be -4 to his trancing check. If he wins the game, he willbe +2 to the check.

    Every person who wants to enter the tournament has to start in the intro game, which isrun by Gavin Jones. If they get past Gavin, they will be passed on to Richie Riches game. Ifthey are still alive and untranced after Richies game, they will finally be brought to see Dr.Jonesthe Trancer Boss who is behind this nefarious plot. Can they stop Dr. Jones in time?

    only you can say!

    Chapter 2: Actors

    Sam Sneed, 19 year old Male Pizza Delivery Man

    Appearance: Blends in and is nondescript

    Attributes:Str. 3, Agi. 2, End. 4, L.C. 5, Det. 4, S.C. 2, Att. 5, Luck 5 Life Points: 7, Luck Points: 5


    Drive (4), Brag (1), Gaming (6), Fast Talk (1), Find (1), Deliver Pizza (4)Weapons:Brass Knuckles (1d4)

    Sam is a pizza delivery boy who has just heard about the Hero Dungeon tournament. He willenter the tournament and will try to convince anyone that he meets that they should do the same.Sam is pretty good at gaming, but cannot compete on the level of Gavin Jones and Richie Riche.He will probably get tranced in the first meet, regardless of whether he wins or loses.

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    Gavin Jones, 27 year old Male Trancer

    Appearance: Multiple scars on the face, blonde hair, inverted nipples, and hazel eyes.


    Str. 6, Agi. 7, End. 10, L.C. 5, Det. 7, S.C. 6, Att. 4, Luck 3 Life Points: 16, Luck Points: 3Skills:Mock (4), Impromptu (2), Gaming (8)

    Weapons:Baseball bat (1d6)

    Gavin runs an entry level game of Hero Dungeon. He is always Zorgon and he usually has atleast five other Trancers hanging around at his apartment. His job is to bring in fresh meat andsee if they are ideal candidates for Trancing. If the new players win his game, Gavin will passthem on up the line to Ricky Riche. If they do not, he will either have his gang kill them, or hewill trance them.

    Ricky Riche, 32 year old Male Trancer

    Appearance: Large sexual organs, color changing eyes, brown hair, and one or more goldenteeth.

    Attributes:Str. 10, Agi. 8, End. 8, L.C. 7, Det. 7, S.C. 6, Att. 9, Luck 8 Life Points: 18, Luck Points: 8

    Skills:Guns (4), Dodge (2), Gaming (9), Cheat (2)

    Weapons:Handgun (1d10)Loaded die (2d10)

    Ricky Riche runs the mid-level game of Hero Dungeon. He is always Zorgon and he will have10-12 Trancers hanging with him. If Gavin passes a player on to him Ricky will say that his jobis to see if they are good enough to pass on to Dr. Jones, but he will always cheat to defeat them.By the time someone gets to Ricky, they are probably not Trancer material, so he will kill anylosers.

    Dr. Jones, 50 year old Male Trancer Boss

    Appearance: Partly bald, grey eyes, black hair.

    Attributes:Str. 5, Agi. 7, End. 7, L.C. 10, Det. 8, S.C. 8, Att. 4, Luck 7 Life Points: 12, Luck Points: 14

    Skills:Guns (3), Dodge (3), Gaming (10), Cheat (4), Trancers (9)

    Weapons:Handgun (1d10)Protector Armor (3d4-3)Lucky Dice

    Dr. Jones is the mysterious leader of the Hero Dungeon Trancer gang. He has his followers bringin new players by promising them that the winners will move on up the tournament. He has

  • 7/27/2019 Trancers RPG Module A-1: A Game of Deth


    specially engineered his games so that they will trance anyone who plays, which is why hewants people to play.If anyone gets past Ricky Riche, they will be brought to play in a game session run by Dr. Jones.Regardless of whether they win or lose, Dr. Jones will have his minions kill them. However, ifanyone can defeat him at Hero Dungeon, he will be shaken and will suffer -4 to all skill tests


    Chapter 3: ScenariosScenario 1: If the players are Trancer Hunters, the Council will send them in undercover to takedown the Hero Dungeon ring. The Council will recommend that the players get trained inplaying Hero Dungeon before they begin and will issue Trancer disguises to each member of theteam.

    Scenario 2: If the players are Regular People, they will hear about the Hero Dungeon

    tournament on the streetmaybe even from a pizza delivery boy. Word will get out that thetournament will pay $100,000 to the winner! Who wouldnt want in on that?

    Scenario 3: If the players are Trancers, Dr. Jones will hire them to play in the tournament asshills and hit men.

    Scenario 4: Androids will be able to download the gaming skill automatically and probably willwant to enter the tournament and win the $100,000.

    Chapter 4: New Stuff

    New SkillsThere are two new skillsboth are from the Social category.


    Cheat:BaseDetermination. Your skill in Cheat determines how good you are atcheating at contests like games or sports. On a successful cheat check, a character gains a+1 point/cheat level bonus to his gaming checks. For every two skill levels a character

    has, he adds plus one to all cheat tests.

    Gaming:BaseLearning Capacity and Social Compatibility. Your skill in Gamingdetermines how good you are at playing games. You can do the following at each skilllevel: 1. You can play games like Candyland. 2. You can play cards. 3. You can playmost board games. 4. You can play Risk. 5. You can play collectable card games. 6. Youcan play a pre-generated character in a role playing game. 7. You can roll up your owncharacter. 8. You can GM a role playing game. 9. You are an advanced player and can

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    roll up a character in time. 10. You are a master gamer, and can even design your owngames. For every two skill levels a character has, he adds plus one to all gaming tests.

    New Equipment

    Name Price Description

    Loaded Dice $200 These dice are loadedliterally! They are packed withenough explosive to do 2d10 damage to everyone within5 feet.

    Cheater Dice App $50 Add +4 to cheat tests.

    Hero DungeonGame*

    $50 Everything you need to play Hero Dungeon.

    Trancer Disguise $300 Makeup to make you look like a Trancer. Add +4 tosocial camouflage checks when trying to pass as aTrancer.

    Mountain Dew $5 Delicious soda. Add +1 to gaming checks.Lucky Dice $500,000 These special dice double your luck points!

    * Make a successful check against getting tranced or become a Trancer after playing.

    Appendix A: The Hero Dungeon Game

    Optional Rules for playing the Hero Dungeon Game in a Trancers Game

    Note: The Hero Dungeon rules are intended for use in the Trancers RPG, but they can be easily

    adapted to any game system. Just think about how fun it would be to run a game in Dungeonsand Dragons where your Dwarf is playing an Elf, your Wizard is playing a Cimmerian, or your

    Halfling is playing Zorgon! Or, easily adapt this entire adventure module to a game like Call of

    Cthulu by simply replacing the Trancers with cultists!

    The game of Hero Dungeon is really cool and it is no wonder why the Trancers like to play it somuch. Basically, it is a fantasy-type game where anyone who plays can pretend to be someonefrom the old days when there were magicians and hobbits and Chaotic Knights. Hero Dungeoncan be played by two to five players, with one player acting as the deranged wizard Zorgon. AsZorgon, this player will control the goblins and Chaotic Knights. Zorgons job is to build thedungeon and hide the treasure, and then to try to kill everyone else before they can find it. Each

    of the other players picks one of the characters below and then tries to find the treasure. Whoeverfinds the treasure first is the winner. It really is fun because when else would someone like aTrancer get to pretend that he was a mighty Cimmerian warrior of the past or a lowly despicableHobbit?How you win the game is that you either kill all the monsters or you find the Chaotic Treasure.You lose if you die and no one brings you back to life. After you make it out of the dungeon,your hero can buy equipment, like better swords or armor.

  • 7/27/2019 Trancers RPG Module A-1: A Game of Deth


    CimmerianAttack Defend Body Mind

    3 2 8 2

    The Cimmerian is a powerful warrior but, as you can see, his mind is not very sharp. He attackswith a mighty sword or sometimes an axe. Honestly, it is hard to understand why anyone would

    want to play anything but a Cimmerian. As you may have guessed, Trancers always prefer toplay the Cimmerian. Cimmerians have weird names like Kull or Groo.

    HobbitAttack Defend Body Mind

    1 3 5 3

    The Hobbit is not very strong or smart. But he sure is fast for such a little guy! Most people donot want to play the Hobbit because he is such a wimp, but he can disarm traps, so its a goodidea to trick someone else into playing him. Hobbits use wimpy weapons like slingshots andshort swords. Most Hobbits have ridiculous names like Took or Sam.

    MagicianAttack Defend Body Mind

    1 2 4 6

    The only reason to play the Magician is because he has magic powers. However, he is even moreof a wimp than the Hobbit. Also, anyone who plays the Magician has to speak in a hoarsewhisper and act really moodykind of like Christian Bale in the Dark Knight movies.Magicians have knives or staves. One of the best reasons to play a Magician is that Magiciannames are awesome, like Merlin or Dumbledore.

    ElfAttack Defend Body Mind

    2 2 6 4

    The Elf is tougher than he lookswhich is good because he looks like a pretty little girl. Eventhough he is not good at fighting like the Cimmerian, he is better than the wimpy Hobbit or theMagician. The Elf likes to fight with a bow and arrow, if that tells you anything. The Elf isusually played by the most annoying member of the gaming group. Elf names sound a lot likehippy names, for instance: Legolas or Bushy Evergreen.

    Playing Hero DungeonThe rules of Hero Dungeon are simple, which is probably why Trancers love to play it so much.Basically the heroes try not to die and also to find the treasure in the dungeon. Each turn, a herocan move and act. An action can be an attack against a monster, casting a spell (if playing theMagician), finding traps, disarming a trap (if playing the Hobbit), or searching for treasure. Hereis how each action is conducted:

    *Attacking: A player simply declares his intention to attack. Then he rolls a gaming check. Ifthe check is a success, his attack inflicts the amount of damage listed in the attack column for thecharacter. However, the opponent also has a chance to defend against the attack. If the defendingplayer rolls a successful gaming check, he may subtract the number listed in the defend columnfrom the damage. The remaining amount is subtracted from the characters body.

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    * Casting spells. If a Magician has a spell, he can cast it. Success is the same as above, exceptdefenders use their mind score instead of defend for defense.

    * Finding traps. A hero can search a room or a hallway for traps instead of looking for treasureor fighting. If the player makes a successful gaming check, Zorgon has to reveal any hidden traps

    within the room.

    * Disarming traps. The Hobbit can disarm a trap if his player makes a successful gaming check.If the Hobbit fumbles, he will probably be killed by the trap because he is such a wimp.

    * Searching for treasure. If a player makes a successful gaming check, his character will find atreasure. If he rolls an Excellent, he will find the Chaos Treasure! If he rolls a fumble, he willfind a wandering monster and have to fight it.


    Roll on the table below to figure out what treasure your character finds.

    1-3 Gold

    4-5 Potion

    6-7 Jewels

    8-9 Gem

    10 Trap!*

    If someone sets off a trap, he will take 1 point of damage. The only person who can disarm thetrap is a Hobbit.

    SpellsThe magician may choose three of the packages below, the Elf may choose one.

    Fire Spells* Fire ballautomatically inflicts 2 damage.* Fireinflicts 1 damage.* Bravery--+2 to attack checks.

    Water Spell

    * Sleep* Healing waterheals 4 body points.* Invisibility

    Earth Spells* Healing dirtheals 4 body points.* Stone Skincharacter gets +1 defense.* Walk through walls

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    Air Spells* Genieattacks with 5 attack.* Whirlwindmonster looses turn.* Run awaycharacter can flee a fight.

    Zorgons MinionsThese are all of the baddies that Zorgon can place into the dungeon to defeat the heroes. Acharacter with a high enough gaming skill (9 or above) playing Zorgon can also invent his ownmonsters on a successful gaming check.

    GoblinAttack Defend Body Mind

    2 1 1 1

    Chaotic SkeletonAttack Defend Body Mind

    2 2 1 0

    Chaotic KnightAttack Defend Body Mind

    4 4 3 3

    BaalrogAttack Defend Body Mind

    4 5 3 4

    Zorgons Turn

    After the heroes have all gone, Zorgon gets a turn. Zorgon gets to move all of the monsters andcan either attack or cast a Chaotic Spell with each monster. Here is how each action isconducted:*Attacking: Zorgons attacks are the same as hero attacks (See above).* Casting spells. If a monster has a spell, he can cast it. Success is the same as above, exceptdefenders use their mind score instead of defend for defense.

    Zorgons Chaotic Spells

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    * Fire ballautomatically inflicts 2 damage.* Fireinflicts 3 damage to all heroes in the room.* Mind Control* Sleep* Rusting

    * Invisibility* Summon skeletonssummons 4 skeletons.* Summon goblinssummons 4 goblins.* Whirlwindhero looses a turn.* Run awaycharacter can flee a fight.* Paralyzeall heroes are paralyzed until their players pass a gaming check.

    Example of play:Andys character, Don Valdez, a Trancer Hunter is playing Hero Dungeon with Jamies

    Android, Bill, and a group of three Trancersone of whom is being played by Christian and the

    other two are NPC villains being played by the Game Master, Sandy. Dons character is aCimmerian named Kalidor, Bills character is a Hobbit named Bilbeaux, and Ku Chung,

    Christians notorious Trancer Leader, is playing as Zorgon.

    The two Trancer NPCs have already acted and it is now Kalidors turn to act. OK,

    says Sandy. Ku Chung looks at the game screen and tells Don that Kalidor is standing outside

    of a room. The Elf and Magician have already moved on down the hall and Bilbeaux is still

    dead. What do you do?

    Andy clears his throat and says Don tells Ku Chung that Kalidor will use his move to

    enter the room.

    OK, answers Christian. Ku Chung says Kalidor easily kicks in the door and enters

    the small ten by ten room. He looks around and quickly realizes that there are no monsters in

    room and then asks him what he wants to do. Don declares that Kalidor is searching fortreasure.

    That will require a gaming check, interjects Sandy, the Game Master.

    Alright, says Andy. Don rolls a d10 for his gaming skill check and gets a...1.

    Thats a fumble, Sandy tells Andy. Christian, Ku Chung gets to add a wandering


    Christian tells the others that Ku Chung places a Chaotic Warrior in the room. Ku

    Chung says The Chaotic Warrior immediately attacks, says Christian. Then Ku Chung

    laughs manically.

    You will have to make a gaming check, too, reminds Sandy.

    Christian rolls a 6 on his gaming check but, because Ku Chungs gaming skill is at level

    7, he gets a +3 to the result: a combined 10. Andy rolls Dons gaming check, this time an 8, butit is not good enough to defend against Ku Chungs 10, which means that Kalidor takes full

    damage from the Chaotic Knights attack.

    Remember to keep track of that damage, says Christian.

    Right, says Andy as h marks down the 4 damage on Dons character record sheet.

    Thats the end of Dons turn, says Sandy. Jamie, its your turnwhat do you do?

    Well, says Jamie. Bilbeauxs dead, so I guess that Bill just sits back and watches the


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    Sounds good, says Sandy. Christian: youre up.

    Christian tells the others that Ku Chung gets to make all of Zorgons moves. He does

    some stuff with the other monsters and then Christian says that Ku Chung has the Chaotic

    Warrior attack Kalidor. This time, Christian rolls a combined 6 and Andy gets an 8 again.

    Because Andys roll is higher but both are successes, Don gets to subtract Kalidors defense

    from the damage. Andy marks down the 2 damage (4-2) on Dons character record sheet.Alright, says Sandy. Thats the end of Ku Changs turn. The two Trancers playing the

    Magician and the Elf are up. I guess theyll try to come back and help Kalidor. Can their heroes

    reach the room?

    No, says Christian. Ku Chung reminds them that they are still too far to get there in

    one turn.

    Fair enough, says Sandy. Andy, youre up. What does Don do now?

    Don chugs his Mountain Dew, says Andy after a moment.

    Good idea, replies Sandy, marking it down in her notes. That gives him a +1 to his

    gaming checks. What does he do next?

    Don declares that Kalidor is attacking the Chaotic Knight, says Andy as he rolls a 10

    (9+1 from the Mountain Dew) on Dons gaming check (+2 to damage!), while Christian fails onKu Chungs gaming check. The Chaotic Knight therefore takes the full 5 points from Kalidors

    attack and is defeated.

    The Chaotic Knight has been defeated, hisses Ku Chung, says Christian, crossing the

    Knight off of Ku Chungs character record sheet.

    Huzzah! shouts Andy. Don decides that he will have Kalidor move out of the room to

    conclude his turn.

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