Page 1: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

Sinéad: Q. Can students do group presentations? If so what kind of group presentations are recommended/acceptable? THANKS

Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Sinéad, The Oral CBA can be completed as part of a group as the Assessment Guidelines states 'Oral Communication can be completed by the student as an individual or as a member of a group. The number of students in a group should be such as to allow each group member to make a meaningful contribution' .p.19 Also remember, Presentation is just one of the four formats pupils can choose from. They can also complete an Interview, a Response to Stimulus or Performance. All of these formats can be done individually or as a group.

Gary: Q. Is there a marking scheme available for the Oral CBA?

Tommy JCT: A. The Oral CBA will be assessed using Features of Quality which will be linked to a set of Descriptors -Yet to meet expectations; In line with expectations; Above expectations and Exceptional. These are available in the Guidelines for Classroom-Based Assessments and Assessment Task:

Bubbles: Q. What are the guidelines for teachers who are in mixed Union English departments? I am the only TUI member and I'm unsure how I am meant to approach the oral assessment especially when it comes to discussing and checking the results.

Pauline JCT: A. Hi Bubbles, thank you for your query. The English specification has been published and it is expected that all teachers of English follow the curriculum as outlined in the specification - it is available here: In relation to specific union issues, you need to contact your union for advice in relation to this.

Bubbles: I'm just unsure about the SLAR meeting and how I can do that. There is also an issue with being able to avail of the in school CPD as it is only me. I will contact the union to see where I stand. Thank you for the response.

Page 2: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

Gráinne Brown: Q. How should we best prepare students for the oral presentation? Would you suggest allowing class time for students to research a topic? Should we direct students towards certain topics?

Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Gráinne, by engaging with the Learning Outcomes across the first two years pupils will have developed their research skills. In the three week period of the Oral CBA pupils specifically research their CBA topic. Pupils will have the freedom to choose their topic.

Gráinne Brown: Q. Thanks Eoghan. Could you suggest any guidelines for students when selecting their topic? I presume we allow students to rehearse their presentation before awarding them a descriptor?

Eoghan JCT: A. Thanks Gráinne, across the two years pupils should have the opportunity to engage with the four formats in the Oral Communication: Response to Stimulus, Presentation, Interview and Performance. Exposure to these formats will assist pupils is selecting their preferred format. As part of their three week preparation pupils may rehearse and practice their communication on their own or with other pupils. A list of suggested topics for pupils can be found in the Guidelines for Classroom-Based Assessments and Assessment Task p. 19 Here is the link Gráinne:

Siobhan Nic An Tuile: Q. When is the date that the students must have this completed by and grades given? Can the students be told their grade?

Tommy JCT: A. Thanks Siobhan. Going forward, it will happen in April/May of second year, each year. In the specific case of English for 2015/16 students may complete the Oral CBA in April/May or in September. In April/May 2015/2016, the dates for completion of the Oral CBA are from the 29th April to 20th May. The Subject Learning and Assessment Review Meeting (SLAR) will be held by 27th May. Following the SLAR Meeting, teachers may give the students the Descriptor achieved. If they complete the Oral CBA in September, the dates for this are 9th September to 30th September with the SLAR meeting taking place by 7th October.

Page 3: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

MCon Q. How do we differentiate the Oral CBA where English is a second language for a student?

Pauline JCT: A. The Guidelines for the Oral Communication CBA are the same for all students and, so all students are assessed using the same Features of Quality. However, due to the fact that the student has a choice of topic and time to prepare and rehearse, there will be opportunities for the teacher to support individual ESL students through formative feedback from both the teacher and their peers.

CLambden: Q. Are there any examples (videos) of students work-linked to the assessment criteria, for example; a student giving an "above expectation" presentation, "below expectation"......

Karol JCT: A. The NCCA are currently working with teachers to gather samples of students work which exemplify the Oral Communication CBA process.

CLambden Q. Are group presentations under 3 min also (as a combined group)

Tommy JCT: A. As a guideline, Oral Communication by a student should last about three minutes, including time set aside for engagement with the listener/audience. Teacher support for the student’s communication, in the form of questions or interventions, may be part of Oral Communication. As this is an Oral CBA, the Group Presentation should afford each student in the group sufficient time to make a meaningful contribution so that an accurate assessment can be made by the teacher to award the correct Descriptor in line with the Features of Quality. As each student within the Group will be assessed individually, each contribution should amount to approximately 3 minutes per student.

Page 4: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

Kelly: Q. How will evidence of the presentation be brought to our SLAR meeting?

Pauline JCT: A. Hi Kelly, thank you for your question. Teachers will bring a selection of their students' work to the SLAR meeting. Audio or audio visual recordings can be used. Further information in relation to this can be found in the Assessment Guidelines:

Ballycoolid: Q. If you have 25 students in a class, do all their Oral presentations have to be recorded in order to sit down and grade them from Exceptional to Yet to meet expectations? Curious as it would take a long time to complete.

Karol JCT: A. Hi Ballycoolid, A small sample of the students’ oral communications will be recorded once by the teacher to bring to, and discuss, at the Subject Learning and Assessment Review meeting. Where feasible, a sample of a student at each of the four Descriptor levels will be recorded. The teacher’s decision on the particular students to record will be based on the range of achievement as he/she would predict at the time, based on students’ previous performance. Therefore, teachers’ professional judgement underpinned by a good understanding of the Features of Quality, with knowledge of the students’ strengths and areas for development, will be important factors in identifying the sample of students to be recorded.

Ballycoolid: Perfect, thanks Karol.

Page 5: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

MCon Q. Is this Oral Communication Assessment to be recorded by the class teacher? Do we have to submit it anywhere then?

Karol JCT: A. A small sample of the students’ oral communications will be recorded once by the teacher to bring to, and discuss, at the Subject Learning and Assessment Review meeting. Where feasible, a sample of a student at each of the four Descriptor levels will be recorded. The teacher’s decision on the particular students to record will be based on the range of achievement as he/she would predict at the time, based on students’ previous performance. Therefore, teachers’ professional judgement underpinned by a good understanding of the Features of Quality, with knowledge of the students’ strengths and areas for development, will be important factors in identifying the sample of students to be recorded.

natlavelle: Q. If students are assessed within the classroom in front of their classmates does this not hold an unfair advantage on those students/groups that are assessed last? Unsure how to organise the assessing of students work.

Eoghan JCT: A. Hi natlavelle, it would not be envisioned that delivering their communication last would give a pupil an unfair advantage. By engaging with the Learning Outcomes across the two years pupils will have engaged with all the formats and have a clear picture of what success looks like in each format. Pupils will also have an opportunity in the three week preparation period to practice the delivery of their oral communication and seek feedback from their teacher and/or peers.

natlavelle: Q. Is it up to individual schools and teachers when they do the Oral CBA or is there a set time?

Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May of second year, each year. In the specific case of English for 2015/16 students may complete the Oral CBA in April/May or in September. In April/May 2015/2016, the dates for completion of the Oral CBA are from the 29th April to 20th May. The Subject Learning and Assessment Review Meeting (SLAR) will be held by 27th May. Following the SLAR Meeting, teachers may give the students the Descriptor achieved. If they complete the Oral CBA in September, the dates for this are 9th September to 30th September with the SLAR meeting taking place by 7th October.

Page 6: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

Nickname: Q. How many samples should we bring to the SLAR Meeting?

Tommy JCT: A. Thank you for the question. Teachers should-where feasible- bring one sample from each of the Descriptors to the SLAR Meeting.

nickname: Thanks Tommy. That is very reassuring and doable.

Ann-Marie: Q. At the last in-service we viewed videos of sample presentations, are these still available to view? I would like to use sample videos to share the criteria for success with my students. Are there any that you can recommend?

Pauline JCT: A. Hi Ann-Marie, Do you mean the recent in-service before Christmas? If so, the presentation was sent to participants in the follow up e-mail. If you didn't receive the follow up e-mail, please e-mail [email protected] to request it. Also, please note that the NCCA are currently working to gather exemplars which will be available on We will inform teachers when they are ready. Finally, there are resources on our website that you mind find useful: Oral Language Resources on YouTube Playlist of Speeches compiled by JCT: YouTube Playlist of Interviews compiled by JCT:

Page 7: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

Sinead: Q. If at a SLAR meeting on 27th May a teacher realises that she has marked too easily or too hard she will need to review all Descriptors given? To do this review will she not need to have recorded all students?

Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Sinead, the NCCA are currently developing exemplars of each Descriptor level and this will help inform your initial assessments. If you feel after the SLAR that you need to review provisional Descriptor awards you will be able to reference the samples you have recorded and/or the notes template you completed for the pupil/group as they delivered their Oral Communication. The NCCA will be publishing this notes template on:

natlavelle: Q. Is time being allocated for the assessing of this work? For example do we assess in our own classroom time?

Pauline JCT: A. Hi natlavelle, In relation to the assessment of the Oral Communication CBA, the initial provisional assessment will take place during class time as the students are engaging in the CBA. At this stage, the teacher will make a note of the Descriptor allocated to each student. The time for the SLAR meeting will come out of the 10 hours professional time that has been allocated to teachers of English in this school year. This time can also be used for the teacher to prepare and plan for the CBA. Next year, teachers of English will have 14 hours of professional time for the implementation of Junior Cycle English. Further information can be found on the appendix on time:

Page 8: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

Flygirl: Q. Is there any information we could send to parents about the oral presentation as some are asking what it is all about? Our school did not do a JCT information evening. Should we send a general note and tell them to look up this website?

Karol JCT: A. Hi Flygirl, there is a presentation for parents on our website and a flyer that you could circulate to parents:

Flygirl: Perfect. Thank You.

Karol JCT: You are welcome.

interested: Q. How will we train students in interview techniques?

Gary JCT: A. There is no substitute for practice but also having opportunities to watch, discuss and analyse interviews from a variety of mediums such as radio, TV, print will give them a clearer sense of what it means to be a good interviewer and a good interviewee. Explicitly discussing these things before attempting it themselves should help to progress understanding of interview techniques. This YouTube playlist may also be helpful:

Michael Carey: Excellent answer, I presume Gary that opportunities to engage in oral communication can be part of classroom teaching and learning in Year 1 and 2 also. I’M not an English teacher, but I presume that this would be helpful. We undertook this in relation to students performing sequences in Gymnastics in the PE context. Students love engaging in these type of activities

Gary JCT: Yes, Mike they are very much part of the junior cycle English learning experience over the three years.

Page 9: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

natlavelle: Q. Technology and the accessibility of technology will play a vital role? How do you prepare your students for the Oral CBA when you do not have access to computer room during class time and percentage of students do not have access to the internet at home?

Eoghan JCT: A. Hi natlavelle, Whilst internet access could form a key component of preparation, pupils may wish to use other avenues to prepare for the Oral Communication CBA. Preparation for the Oral Communication CBA might include some original investigative work by the student e.g. interview, survey, emailing, letter writing, and so on. Where sources are used, the use of more than one source will give students scope to cross-reference.

natlavelle: Q. Thank you for your reply. Are students expected to meet independently outside of class time to do this work or is it limited to class based work/time?

Eoghan JCT: A. Hi natlavelle, preparation for the Classroom Based Assessment will take place within the school context. Pupils are not expected to meet outside of class time but further study, preparation and learning outside the school setting should always be encouraged.

Flygirl: Q. What if students refuse to take part as they have a fear of speaking in public? A bizarre question I know but we are having difficulty with a few of our students.

Pauline JCT: A. Hi Flygirl, not a bizarre question at all. The Oral Communication CBA should be part and parcel of normal classroom practice and assessment and it would be important that we ensure that it remains low stakes for the students. However, some students will have genuine anxiety and as the teacher you are in the position to accommodate these students to do their Oral Communication CBA without getting them to do it in front of an entire class of their peers. The Assessment Guidelines state that there are "a range of options for the Classroom Based Assessments so that they can suit the particular needs and circumstances of students and the school" p. 9 Hope this helps!

Flygirl: Thank you.

Page 10: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

English Enthusiast Q. Should all teachers share an example of student work from all descriptors at the SLAR, where they have students who align with all 4 descriptors? What if we have a particularly big department?

Pauline JCT: A. Hi English Enthusiast! Thanks for your question. How the SLAR will operate in practice will very much be determined by the number of teachers in the department. The Guidelines state that "In preparation for the Subject Learning and Assessment Review meeting, each teacher will identify one sample of student’s work for each Descriptor, where feasible, and will have these available for discussion at the meeting" p.13 however, the guidelines also state that "If possible, there should be discussion of at least two samples for each Descriptor and the facilitator should ensure that each teacher has at least one of their samples discussed during the meeting" p.14 Hope this helps!

English Enthusiast: Great, thank you for the clarification Pauline.

nickname: Q. Just wondering, is there any guidelines/where can I find guidelines on the students on doing online research? I do not want them copying lots of material from the website as I want them to develop their research skills when creating their Oral Communication CBA.

Pauline JCT: A. Hi Nickname, thank you for your question. We dedicated a part of our recent CPD day to this exact question and Eoghan in our JCT English team created a video to support teachers and students with this. The video resource can be found here: Conducting Online Research support video:

Page 11: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

Bubbles: Q. Can students give a presentation on something they have learnt throughout the year? For example, could they do a presentation on their favourite character from novel/play/film they have studied?

Karol JCT: A. Hi Bubbles, Yes they can. The Guidelines (p.19) outline some suggested topics:

An interesting sports person; writer, performer, or film director; hobby etc.

An organisation with which the student is involved

An investigation of a text, or writer, or film

An activity or interest or pastime the student is involved in, e.g. music, sport, fashion, reading, drama, film2 etc.

Hope this helps.

Karol JCT: Bubbles, over the three weeks students will have the opportunity to explore, say a character, in much greater detail than they may have at their first encounter.

Bubbles: That's a great help, thanks. It's an idea I have been playing around with.

Siobhan Nic An Tuile: Q. How much is it worth (in percentages) and is there a specific number of students we have to give the set descriptors to i.e. must a certain amount only get 'Yet to meet expectations,' 'In line with expectations,' 'Above expectations' and 'Exceptional'?

Karol JCT: A. While it is anticipated that most student work would be judged to be In line with expectations or Above expectations and that much less would be judged as Exceptional or Yet to reach expectations, it is not envisaged that schools would limit the allocation of students to the four level descriptors based on a fixed quota system. The decisions about which Descriptors are appropriate would be based on the teacher coming to a judgement about the student’s work matched against the Features of Quality. The Oral Communication CBA is not based on percentages or grades but on the Descriptors. Student achievement in the Oral Communication CBA will be reported on in the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement.

Page 12: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

Bubbles: At the in-service they said that it wasn't worth a percentage. The oral doesn't go towards the overall mark at the end. It's just the paper they do in December and then in June that has a percentage. That's what I got from it anyway.

Karol JCT: Hi Bubbles, On the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement the following achievements in English will be reported on: 1. The Oral Communication CBA - based on Descriptors 2. The Collection of Student Writing - based on Descriptors 3. The final assessment including the Assessment Task - State Examination Does this make sense?

Bubbles: Sure does thanks.

Siobhan Nic An Tuile: Q. How much will the exam be worth?

Karol JCT: A. Hi Siobhan, There is a dual approach to assessment, involving classroom-based assessment across the three years and a final externally-assessed, state-certified examination. There is no percentage breakdown. Achievements from the SEC results (which represent the written exam and the Assessment Task) and the Classroom-Based Assessments will be reported on in the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement.

Sarah: Q. There's five descriptor not four right?

Gary JCT: A. Hi Sarah. The Guidelines for the Classroom-Based Assessments set out four Descriptors: Exceptional; Above Expectations, In-Line with Expectations & Yet to Meet Expectations. You can find more information about the Descriptors on page 8 of the Guidelines:

Page 13: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

nickname: Q. How long should the SLAR Meeting take?

Karol JCT: A. The SLAR meeting will take two hours.

Sarah: In a school with 5 English classes where students' work from each or the 5 grade boundaries (from the very dubious predicted student outcomes and consequent recordings) will be reviewed, the time to listen/watch those recordings is 1 hour 15 mins (without any pauses). I think 2 hours is massively optimistic for any quality work, if quality work is what is expected.

Karol JCT: Hi Sarah, there are four Descriptors. A small sample of the students’ oral communications will be recorded once by the teacher to bring to, and discuss, at the Subject Learning and Assessment Review meeting. Where feasible, a sample of a student at each of the four Descriptor levels will be recorded. In preparation for the Subject Learning and Assessment Review meeting, each teacher will identify one sample of student’s work for each Descriptor, where feasible, and will have these available for discussion at the meeting.

Karol JCT: It is not feasible that all samples from all teachers would be viewed. If possible, there should be discussion of at least two samples for each Descriptor and the facilitator should ensure that each teacher has at least one of their samples discussed during the meeting.

Sarah: This intense and rushed approach to moderation certainly does not follow internationally best practice. Are you worried the 2 hour time frame will lead to box ticking? So much of the JC has been watered down. I am curious, do the JC English team believe 2 hours to be sufficient time for genuine teacher engagement and real moderation? Do you feel the one size fits all is appropriate to schools regardless of number of students being assessed? Do you feel predicting student outcomes and recording samples based on those predictions is ethical and/or defensible?

Karol JCT: Hi Sarah, Absolutely the JCT English team believe that the model of social moderation that is outlined in the guidelines will lead to real teacher engagement and professional development. We have had many opportunities to work with teachers who have engaged with this process and have witnessed first-hand both the benefits and the feasibility of social moderation.

Page 14: Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA ... · Eoghan JCT: A. Hi Natlavelle, As we discussed in a previous answer going forward, the Oral CBA will happen in April/May

Transcript of Online Q&A on the Oral Communication CBA: January 20th, 2016, 7.30pm-9pm

Sarah: Moderation is great. I've engaged in moderation. My issue is not with moderation but with the 2 hour time slot. I was wondering if you felt genuine moderation was feasible across all school sizes in this timeframe. Thank you for your response.

Karol JCT: Yes Sarah, I do. I am delighted that you too are an advocate of the moderation process. At the Subject Learning and Assessment Review meeting I believe that teachers will share and discuss samples of their assessments of student work and build common understanding about the quality of student learning. We have worked with large groups and have found that quality of professional conversation and the integrity the SLAR was maintained, it came down to the quality of the professional conversations rather than the quantity of samples of work discussed. Have a look at the Guidelines p 12 and 13. We think that this is such an exciting development in Irish education and it has significant potential for us all.

Sarah: I am not primarily concerned with limiting discussion to 8 pieces, as per the guidelines. My larger concern is that a two hour timeframe will not be sufficient for quality moderation especially in larger schools. Your experience and mine differ on this point. I agree that the Specification had great potential, much of that potential rests on the changes to assessment practices. Two hours is certainly enough time to get agreement on grading but to borrow the words of a much wiser man than I, 'Without Contraries is no progression'. Quality in moderation lies less is timely endorsements than in professional disagreements and ensuing pedagogical discussions. The new guidelines on assessment acknowledge this, but in words only.

Karol JCT: I understand your concerns. Let's wait and see, the NCCA will take all feedback after the process into consideration.

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