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Learning Disabilities:

Share and Learn Webinar

Siobhan Gorry

Project Officer, NHS England

Sarah Jackson

Project Officer, NHS England

30 June 2016

Transforming care: Children and

young people

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Welcome Debbie Barnhurst

Sustainable Improvement Team NHS England

[email protected]

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Date Topic Guest speaker Venue

28 July 2016

Personal budgets – expectations and

support for Transforming Care



Transforming care through Shared Lives:

how to set up or develop a Shared Lives

scheme for people with learning

disabilities and complex needs

Martin Cattermole, Personal Health Budgets

Advisor and Diane Domenico,

Personalisation Lead, Learning Disability

programme - NHS England

Alex Fox, CEO and Anna McEwen, Executive

Director of Support and Development -

Shared Lives Plus


25 Aug 2016

Co-production and a long term



Regulation of the new care model

Samantha Clark, Chief Executive, Inclusion


Theresa Joyce and Sue Mitchell - Care

Quality Commission


29 Sept 2016

To be confirmed To be confirmed Webinar

27 Oct 2016

To be confirmed To be confirmed Webinar

24 Nov 2016

To be confirmed To be confirmed Webinar

26 Jan 2017 To be confirmed To be confirmed Webinar

23 Feb 2017 To be confirmed To be confirmed Webinar

30 Mar 2017 To be confirmed To be confirmed Webinar

Learning Disabilities: Share & Learn webinar programme

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care; Children

and Young


June 2016

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“It is our belief that people who present behavioural

challenges can and should be supported in living close

to home, integrated within the community, engaged in

activities that promote optimum quality of life and with

support that ensures protection of their human rights.

They should not be subject to inappropriate, punitive or

harmful restrictions, ineffective treatments or unjustified

and excessive use of medication.”

Report from the Faculties of Intellectual Disability

of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the British

Psychological Society on behalf of the Learning

Disabilities Professional Senate

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• Not to be confused with transforming care

• Funding allocated to the CAMHS Learning Disability

Project Autumn 2015

• Clear targets were set for March 2016

• Funding now confirmed until March 2017

• Team being reconfigured based on learning from the

first 6 months

Future In Mind

CAMHS Transformation Programme

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• To prevent unnecessary admission to hospital and avoid lengthy

stays, ensuring treatment has clearly defined outcomes, planning

for discharge from admission(CTR policy)

• To identify specific pathways that will enable children and young

people to remain with or near to family and get the support they

need aligned to the service model

• To encourage innovative ideas to be tested/evaluated of

supporting CYP and families through a grants process

• To ensure that children and young people with LD and/or autism

leave school with a good education, health and care plan or

other transition plan that supports their transition to adulthood

leading to better outcomes for them and their families.

Aims of the project

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Regional Strategic Case


• Sarah Jackson – North

• Siobhan Gorry – North

• Tonita Whittier –

Midlands & East

• Maureen Banda –


• Cindy Gordillo– South

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• Eric Barker – project lead

• Sue North – social care and

education advisor

• David Gill – learning disability advisor

• Phil Brayshaw – service model lead

(working with Kevin Elliott)

• Tracy Holmes – project support

The Team

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Steering group Made up of

• Department for Education

• Department of Health

• Parent carer representation




• Council for Disabled Children

• NHS England

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Children and young people in


May 2016

155 children and young people in


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• Constantly changing numbers.

• 116 in patient CYP CTRs completed 37% of which have

led to a discharge or community plan being put in

place.(increase of 36 since 24th January - 10th April 2016)

• 12 community CTRs completed which have prevented 3

admissions.(slow uptake)

• Approx. 31 are deemed not to require a CTR as they do

not meet the criteria.

• There are some anomalies in reporting and recording

which we continue to explore.

Care and treatment reviews

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Children and young people in 52

week residential schools

Local authority survey

undertaken to determine

how many children and

young people with learning

disability and / or autism

are currently in 52 week

residential schools

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• There are currently 1080 children and young people

with learning disabilities and / or autism currently

placed in residential schools for 52 week placements.

• This ranged from a 0 - 36 children and young people

per local authority area.

• A projected estimation of 100% return would indicate

that a likely England wide picture is 1,133 children and

young people with learning disabilities and / or autism

are placed in 52 week residential schools.

Initial data

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• Response rate 98%


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11 areas had no children or young people

placed in 52 week residential schools

Areas with no children placed

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Distant placements

806 children and young people –

75% are placed in residential schools

more than 20 miles away from


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• 191 were known to be leaving school in 2016

• 16 areas did not know or could not access


• Some areas stated this had not yet been


Young people leaving school in 2016

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69% of young people either have or will have an

EHC plan or for those where it is appropriate for

the EHC plan to cease that a social care

transition plan is in place.

How many have transition plans

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Health involvement in transition planning

responses as of 04.04.16







Has the relevant CCGs (or their commissioned services) been appropriately involved in the transition planning and EHC plans

for these young people leaving school in 2016?





No reply


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• Quality of data and information is variable

• Clear there appears to be no consistent way in

which authorities record this information

• Some areas have struggled to ascertain even the

basic information requested

• Some areas have identified this has been a useful

task in identifying some of these challenges


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• Grants programme rolled out in

December 2015

• Closing date was 31.12.15

• 63 applications received

• Allocation panel met early January

• Additional funding secured to enable

funding for more grants

• Progressed 22 bids

• Made 22 awards

Grants programme

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• Cover a broad range of areas


Training and support for parent

carers; workforce development;

advocacy training for young people;

development of materials to support

families, CCGs and local authorities;

regional bid to support the

development of a regional strategic

review and commissioning protocol

for children placed in 52 week

residential schools.

Grants programme

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• Grants programme is

underway and projects

have almost all completed

their activity

• Learning and evaluation is

being collated

• Dissemination of this in

July 2016

Grants programme

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Service model and children and

young peoples pathway

Service model and children and young

peoples work is underway

Led by Kevin Elliott and Phil Brayshaw

Has been linked to some of the successful


Continue to seek feedback from

commissioners and local authorities about

what would be most helpful

Will include activity around youth

offending and this cohort

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• We will align the aims of the CAMHS LD team

to the regional transforming care partnership

plans and ensure there is robust review and

challenge where necessary in relation to

these plans for children and young people.

Next Steps Overall

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• Need to clarify appropriateness of CTRs

• Policy review in October

• There have been some anomalies in reporting and

recording which we continue to explore.

• The population of children and young people in

hospital is constantly changing due to admissions and


• There are a number of young people for whom a CTR

has been identified as not needed.

CTR Policy Next steps

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• Pursuing areas where young people do not appear to

have a transition plan, or where the response is


• Intend to approach and visit non respondent areas

• Offered support to local authority areas where young

peoples transition planning is not yet in place

• Will be liaising with relevant CCGs to ensure they

consider the need for their engagement in the

transition planning for young people leaving this year.

Next steps – 52 week schools

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• Consider strategic learning from this work

• Discuss further with DfE / ADCS information and

guidance around how decisions about residential

school placements for children and young people are


• Consider how to more effectively ensure health

engagement in placement, review and transition

planning for this cohort of children and young people.

Next steps 52 week Schools

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• Learning and evaluation is now being collated.

• Want to review outcomes from projects and learn from

the innovation.

• National event(s) to be held to share the learning from

the grant programmes.

• The team is currently considering how the learning

from these innovative projects can be best shared

nationally and how they can help shape future service

models and pathways for children and young people.

Grants Next steps

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• Ensure that the needs of Children and young

people are included in the all age model.

• The model will include activity around youth

offending services.

Future Service Model Next steps

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Thank you for listening

Any Questions

Visit the NHS England website

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The Learning


Adviser Role

In the Learning

Disability Programme

Carl Shaw and

David Gill

30 June 2016

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Thank you for the invite to talk

about our roles today

Carl Shaw

David Gill


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Our jobs came about last year,

out of discussions between

• Norman Lamb MP

• Simon Stevens

• Jane Cummings

• National Forum for People with

Learning Disabilities

• and Change

• It was agreed that NHS England should

employ people with learning disabilities

in the programme

• Simon Stevens made it a priority


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• Gavin Harding was the first person

with a learning disability to become

an NHS England employee

• There are now 3 of us working as

Learning Disability Advisers

• Gavin

• Carl Shaw

• David Gill

At the centre of the

Learning Disability Programme

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• Working for NHS England and

representing people with learning

disabilities and autism is a big honour

• We have important roles in work

stream delivery

• We work on policy

• And engage with people locally about

the work of the team and

Transforming Care

• We are also involved in other areas

of work

Proud to be part of NHS England

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• We keep it real

• We know what it’s like to have a learning

disability and autism and the ways people

can treat you

• We understand how families feel

• We bring a lot of experience in health, social

care, and the programme to our work and

• Advocacy and voluntary sector experience

• We are equal members of the team

• We ask questions and sometimes we

challenge how things are done

• We bring new ways of looking at things

• We want people to be involved in our work

What do we do?

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My background:

• National Forum for People with Learning Disabilities

• Advocacy

• Local councillor and Mayor

• Personal experience as a patient

• CQC Expert by Experience

• Winterbourne View Board

• Transforming Care Assurance Board

• NHS England Improving Lives / Best Care Now Teams

Now lead adviser for:

• Care and Treatment Review policy

• Hospital discharge standards

• Quality assurance framework

• Forensic

• Linking with Transforming Care in the North

About us - Gavin Harding MBE

[email protected]

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My background:

• NHS England Improving Lives team

• Experience of and learning from Care & Treatment Reviews

• Over 8 years’ experience of building good community services for people with learning disabilities

• Work as a Quality Auditor for Dimensions

• Special interests – communication, health care and community care

Now lead adviser for:

• Medications project

• Expert by Experience hubs

• Quality of Life measures

• Quality checkers

• Responding to concerns/complaints (starting shortly)

• Linking with Transforming Care in the South and London

About us - Carl Shaw [email protected]

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My background:

• Young people and equal chances

• Experience of community living with Keyring

• Trustee of Speak Up, a leading self-advocacy organisation

• Health work for Rotherham Learning Disability Services

• Special interests – health care, community care, self-advocacy, graphics

Now lead adviser for:

• CAMHS work stream on Children and Young People with learning disabilities and autism

• Linking with Transforming Care in the Midlands and the East

About us - David Gill [email protected]

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See our email addresses on the slides


Steve Mbara –

Steve provides day-to-day support e.g.

he can advise about our availability

[email protected]

Maggie Graham –

Maggie works with us in work stream


[email protected]

How to contact us

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Transforming Care for Building the Right Support: turning improvement ideas and thinking into local action

An interactive day where we can work together to close the gap between ‘what we know and what we do’ for services for people with learning disabilities and/or autism.

• Learn about practical techniques to help you remove improvement roadblocks and bring about transformation locally at scale and pace.

• Tell us what you want from the national improvement team, and help shape and inform our free package of improvement support for the 48 TCPs.

• Book an appointment in our improvement clinic and talk to colleagues from the national team and other parts of the care system.

• Understand how the workforce will need to change and how we might need to approach this.

• Network with colleagues, browse our marketplace and share with and learn from others.

• Learn about commissioning differently to transform care.

• Hear examples of how other TCPs are implementing change.

Find out more:

Or register here:

For further information please contact Phil Thomas [email protected]

Date for your diary:

19 July 2016

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