Download - Transition11 13

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Fix an informal meeting EBc with EBe.

Following questions can help you in creation of objectives from EBc for transition:- Which are the goals for our transition to elects? (Remember that goals have to be SMART!) (Examples: enable elects team to build their team, leave 100% of our networking contacts to the elects) - Which are the messages we want to deliver with our transition? How can I support messages with my activities? (Ex.: if the main message “improve TM processes”, we deliver sessions related to the topic)- What do we think our elects need in order to be 100% performing next year? (you can have a checklist and make sure you go through all the points during transition) - Remember last year transition: what was good what needs to be improved? Following questions can help you in creation of needs/expectations from EBe for transition:- What are your 3 main expectations towards transition? - If you had to start your term tomorrow, what do you feel you are missing ?- What worries you the most about your EB/LCP term? - What do you expect from EB current during transition?- Which attitude do you think EB elect should show during transition? - Brainstorm on all what you would like to receive from transition. It can be about knowledge (ex: training on Exchange Processes), Skills (ex: how to use photoshop), Team building exercise, specific Information (ex: business cards of previous contacts)

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Make sure that you build up the whole transition period according to EBc objectives and EBe expectations/needs. Plan series of activities and events to be done, who is responsible for it. Identify delivery methods, keeping in mind different learning styles of people, how it's better to deliver information to them.

Apart from objectives and expectations, you can use weekly priorities document, you were using during the year in EB team in order to get an overview of the term, which activities took you more time etc.


Make second EBc/EBe get to know each other meeting in which currents present the flow of agenda and currents and elects together discuss their roles and responsibilities. Examples:

Role of elects:- Prepare questions, be proactive - Prepare and read material provided by the currents - Provide feedback for the transition process to improve it - Be available to attend all the sessions of transition

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Organize a team-building activities for EB elect in order to support their get to know each other. You can find here easy suggestions on how to do it:

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1)Transition WeekendThe content of transition


This agenda is tailored for 2 full days of work. The idea of doing a " transition" weekend is a way to go deeper on the discussions and to give an occasion to EB current and elect to get to know each other deeper. So, the suggestion is to have a sort of "transition conference" in a site which is not the University itself (it can be someone house also), so that both Ebs will focus 100% on the transition and will not have other priorities.

The blocks of the agenda

The agenda consists of different blocks: each of them have specific goal. From session to session EB member has a chance to reflect on AIESEC role in his life, in the world and in his local reality. Explanation of the year flow, synergies, current state of LC, it's strengths and weaknesses is a basis, which is necessary for EB elect to shape future vision of LC in next term, create their ambition. Moreover, "Being EB Member" block will ensure smooth work of EB Team with each other and within the LC.

Delivery of the sessions

The EB current is responsible to organize the transition (and, the transition weekend) for the EB elect. However, they should take into consideration that they need to focus on elects learning, so the sessions have to be prepared in order not to be only "storytelling" from EB current to Eb elect, In order to prepare and deliver the trainings, you can involve a certified trainer in your LC.

Preparation of transition weekend

In order to create and deliver the sessions, is it absolutely necessary for EB current to sit down and discuss which messages are needed to pass to the elects and which behavior you want to have with elects in order to be perceived as role models


Is transition weekend enough as "transition"?

No! Transition Weekend should ideally be the starting point of the transition, After that, you still have to deliver functional transition and to practically involve elect teams into the EB activities (see transition wiki for it!

What if we do not have 2 full days?

Pity! But, you can prioritize to do one block "conference style" and another block split in two weekly meeting, but consider that the way that blocks are built follows a certain logic. For this reason, it is advisable not to skip any of those sessions and respect timings given for each of them (you cannot "squeeze" one block in 2 hours meeting.

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1)Transition Weekend

For agenda of Transition wiki, and explanations of sessions, don’t forget to check the transition wiki:

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3) VP2VP: Functional MeetingsA) PREPARATION

Each VPc is responsible for preparation of functional transition for VPe. Sessions of functional transition should include following blocks:- FA role and JD- FA measurements of success/SONA- FA synergies - FA global, national picture- FA in LC SWOT- FA timeline- FA knowledge, necessary for management and delivery of processes - FA network (share useful contacts)

Prepare archive of needed documents, links to useful resources, subscriptions.Prepare hints and tips to deliver to VPe: TO DO and NOT TO TO lists, past mistakes.

Check list for each Functional Area will help you to ensure that all needed topics will be covered during transition. You can find it in attachment.


Functional Transition can be structured in 4 meetings of 2 hours each: 1 per week. Each meetings is supposed to cover specific knowledge and should be followed up with practical task on corresponding topic for the week. Each meeting is starting with observing results of the previous task. Check the functional checklists for transition.

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3) VP2VP: Functional Meetings

Functional Checklists

LCP (+ General EB)






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4) VP2VP: Accounts TransitionA) ACCOUNT TRANSITION

Organize meetings for the whole EB team elect to get to know:- Partners- Alumni- BoA- Dean/professor

Introduce points of current and possible future cooperation.Collect feedback on LC activities.

Pass to EBe all databases, personal contacts, passwords/logins to different external resources used by LC.

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4) VP2VP: Accounts TransitionB) MEETING DEAN/PROFESSOR

It is very important to take care of the University where you are placed in at the same level as you take care of the other stakeholders, such as students or companies. If you leverage on your Dean/Professors relations, University can become a TN -taker, can support financially your projects and can boost your external positioning amongst students. So, transition is a moment to use to take the best out of your University!!! What to do? 1) LCP current should fix a meeting with the Dean and with those professors that are currently cooperating with AIESEC. 2) LCP current and elects should be the first to attend the meeting, but it would be also nice to bring some other EB elects according to your needs and decisions. What to bring? Your business cards and a report of the activities you have been running this year. The report should be very specific and touch mostly these points: - number of students of the University that are taking part in projects/activities of AIESEC - number of students of the University that are living a Leadership Experience thanks to AIESEC-number of students of the University that are living/have lived Exchange Experience thanks to AIESEC - Project (description, goals achieved, who was involved) - Events or activities realized inside the University. Keep it short and simple but make it fancy, adding pictures and press releases if you have them.Keep in mind that the DEAN/the Professors should see the benefit of having AIESEC inside their University in a very evident way through this report.

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4) VP2VP: Accounts TransitionB) MEETING DEAN/PROFESSOR

What to ask? Here is a checklist of relevant questions you might ask to your DEAN/Professor -How do you evaluate the work AIESEC has done in the University this year? -How could we improve our work next year? -What do you expect from our Local Committee next year? -Which kind of projects related to Internationalism/International mobility will the University run next year? How can AIESEC support those initiatives? -Which kind of support do you wish to give to student organizations? -Is the university developing any research/project about any global issue? Would you like to have AIESEC making also a project around this issue inside the University? Once you got all this info, you are sure you can plan activities and projects that will be supported by the University!

Before to leave do not forget to expand your network! Ask your Dean/Professors the contacts of some other Professors/University responsible which is not currently working with you but that might be interested in supporting/promoting our activities!!!

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4) VP2VP: Accounts TransitionC) MEETING BoA

Boards of Advisors are a very useful resource: these people are aware of the external reality of your city, have a huge network of contacts and most of all…they like AIESEC!!! What to do?LCP current should organize a meeting with Board of Advisors, specifying which points you want to discuss during the meeting and if you need some specific contribution/preparation to be done by them All EB current and elect should attend the meeting! What to discuss ?Prepare your business cards and a report of the activities you have been running this year. Outline very clearly which were the main difficulties currents have faced (ex: MT TN raising, sustainability of project…) and address to them questions especially around what can improved. You should also report on your planning VS your goals (ex: we planned to raise 3 new partners but we raised 1), outlining main strength and weaknesses of your LC.

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4) VP2VP: Accounts TransitionC) MEETING BoA

What to ask? Here is a checklist of relevant questions you might ask to your Board of Advisors :-How do you evaluate the work AIESEC has done this year? -How could we improve our work next year? -Which economics trends will affect our city next year? -Which kind of companies/field of companies could be more interested in raising international internships? -Which kind of organization invest more in sponsorship to students? -Which organization would financially support a social project run by AIESEC?-Which global issues are more relevant in our city? (you can add or modify those questions based on your needs!) And do not forget lo leverage on you BoA network !

If the BoA suggest you the names of an organization, ask them to provide you the contacts you can address too and an endorsement in order to make it easier to get in touch!

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5) VP2VP: Learn-By-Doing"LEARNING BY DOING" principle will help you to ensure that EBe has not only knowledge, but also competencies and skills required for the position. By giving EBe practical activities to do EBc can see current GAPs and track the progress of transition, giving additional education if needed.

First of all, make a meeting with EBc in order to agree on the activities in which EB elect will be involved. Make sure that everyone understand roles of each of VPe and is able to support synergies between VPe during execution of their tasks.

Make sure that practical activities fit logic of transition in general.Examples of activities:- VP TM is preparing LIS (Local Induction Seminar)- VP OGX is OCP of Pocket Recruitment- VP ER is OCP of Annual Report Event (Partner Group Meeting)- VP ICX is responsible for TN raising- VP F is making quater report- VP Com (PR/IM) is OCP of Recruitment/Preparing design for recruitment materials/Annual Report

Provide coaching to EBe on their work, review results, give feedback, track and be open for feedback too.

Help your successors to start to REALIZE THEIR VISION for next term.

Observe behaviour of EBe, give feedback to help them to form RIGHT APPROACH TO WORK.

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Person from current team delivers session on topic needed for everyone or part of the team; or facilitate some processes (for example: team building).

Externals can be involved in delivering sessions.

You can fix a call/chat with your MC coach or specific MCVP to get to know about your LC positioning in the network, potential for growth and areas to work on.

If you know about GCPs from other MC/LCs, don't hesitate to book a virtual chat with them in order to have inputs for you planning. MC can help you in finding relevant contacts.

Possible Topics:- Coaching- Mentorship- Management of people, team management- How to motivate people, creation of committment- Project Development- Drive for Multiple-Program Experiences (GCDP,GIP,TMP,TLP) - for leaders- Brand XP and visual guidelines- LC Culture- Legislation and Compendium- Time Management, Stress Management- Crisis Management- Innovative ideas, which can be implemented

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