
    Translation Series No. 1503

    Toxicological and biochemical research of pesticides using radioisotopes.

    By Junichi Fukami

    .Original titl: RI riyo ni yOru Noyaku no Yakuri-to Seikagaki. U - '

    From: Hoshseibushiteu (Radioisotopes), 18 (9): 385-401, 1969.

    .Translated by the ,TranslatiOn Bureau (MI) , FOreign Languages Division - Department of the Secretary of State of Canada

    Fisheries Research Board of Canada Freshwater Institute Winnipeg, Manitoba


    68 pages typescript


    Japanese. English




    no clue available to identify DATE OF PUBLICATION DATE DE PUBLICATION .

    385 - 14 01 ISSUE NO. NUMRO





    18 no clue available to identify 9 1969 1 - 68

    M. I .

    28.7 .70







    FUKAMI, Junichi


    Toxicological and Biochemical Research of Pesticides Using Radioisitopes Title in foreign language (transliterate foreign charaetera)

    RI riyo ni yoru Noyaku no Yakuri to Seikagaku



    Hoshaseibushiteu (or Hoshano bushitsu, Hoshasengaku)







    Fisheries Research Board

    Dr. Jack Uthe, Freshwater institute. Winnipeg, Man.





    SOS-200-10.8 (R EV. 2/014


    Review Article /385




    , f / 5-0 SECRTARIAT D'TAT




    769,- 18-14 Fisheries & Forestry. Fisheries .Research Board'Winnipeg Mari


    1061 Japanese . M.I... 29 Jule-1970



    . by .

    Junichi FUKAMI

    Laboratory of . Entomological Toxicology

    Riken (Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)

    Radioisotopes Vol. 18, No. 99 PP. 385-401 (1969)

    Translator's Note: Table of Contents was added for clarity.- Some figures and chemical structures:were misprinted, and therefore they were rewritten, referring to:other chemical literature. The authOr mixed English terms, in phonetic writing ., .with German terms and they were translated into English. Some reference numbers in the text were misprinted, and by checking the authors' names, some could be . corrcted. A few could not be locate d . in the text,.while a few others were illegible (foot notes). The translator did obtain the author's address:.

    Riken, YamatomaChi, Kitaadaphi, Saitama, Japan..

    UNEDITED DRAFT TRANSLATION Orily for information

    TRADUCTION NON REVISE .nforrnzCien soule.ment


  • II





    . . . . . Page (Original . . . . ..

    1 introduction - 2 . (385)

    . .

    *. ". ' .2- Insecticides - 7 (386)

    2.1 Insecticides ' . .. . . 7 . 0 ..

    ' 2:1.1 Rotencids . . 7

    2.1.2 Pyrethroids- . 12 . (387)

    2.2 OrganphOsphates 16 (388)

    2.2.1 Exchange Reactions between S and 0

    2.2..2 Oxidations of Sulfur

    2.2,3 Hydroxylations of Alkyl Side Chains and N-dealkylations

    2.3 Carbamate Insecticides

    2.4 Organochloro Insecticides

    2.5 Inductive Avtivation of Drug-oxidizing Enzymes by Organochloro Insecticides 36 (392)

    3 Weedkillers 39 (393)

    3.1 Trifluralin 40

    3.2 Diphenamide 40

    3.3 Diuron, Monuron 41

    3.4 Dicamba 43 (394)

    3.5 Paraquat, Diquat 44

    3.6 Simazine, Atrazine 45

    3.7 Propanil (

    47 (395)

    3.8 Naphthaleneacetic Acid 49

    4 Fungicides 50

    5 Selective TOxicity 56

    5.1 Selective Tocicity of Rotenone 56

    5.2 Selective Toxicity of Parathion Type Insecticides 60

    Bibliography 65

    ., .22

    ., 24

    .. 31

  • 2 -


    The remarkable advances in developing various pesti-

    cides together with the steady improvements of agricultural

    technology in the recent years resulted in almost consecutive

    increases of annual crops of rice and yields of other agri-

    cultural products, particularly fruit and vegetables. The

    consumption of pesticides in also increased

    enorMously in -recent years. In fact, the increment could e

    . figured out from the difference in 'total output 's of pesticides,

    *four billion Yens* .in . 1951 and Sixty-seVen billion and one

    ..hundred million yens* in 1967. Of these pesticides produced,

    More than .90% of the products** synthesized

    compound. The pesticides comMonly used.during abd before the -

    war*** were either natizral organic compounds such as - rotenoids

    and. pyrethroids Or inorganic compounds', for example, - arsenic

    chemicals. Consequently, nobody had shown interest in cumulative

    or residual toxicity of the pesticides. However, many organic

    synthesis products including DDT, BHC, parathion, 2.4-D,

    organomercuric preparations and others became the more common

    pesticides fter the war. While these synthetic organic

    pesticides became popular, the unfavourable effects on the

    general health of human beings also started to appear. These

    *Translator's Note: 4,000,000,000 yens and 67,100,000,000 yens. 330 yens = 1 Canadian dollar.

    ** " " 90% of the kinds of product or of the total amounts?

    *** " referring to W.W. II.

  • 3 --

    effects are indeed the . dark , side of the application -of

    pesticides-, and thy'include i.e. the' poisoning .of users

    of the pesticides, pesticide reeidties in the agricultural.

    prOducts,,and . destruction of useful predatory'insects and.

    animals. R.C. CarSon's "Silent Spring" (translatedinto

    : Japanese" Sei to Shi no Myoya1u",.1962) 1). and the Yesner

    , Report 2) of-America aroused the common intereSti_n the .

    secondary . effects 0' pesticides,. emphasizing that in order

    to reduce the unfavourable side effects of pesticides, safer,

    and selective.methods of removing unwanted insects should .

    be developd. They suggested that (a)*theuse of.selectively

    toxic compotinds, (h) compounds Which did not leave residual -

    matter, (c) application of methods which were selective in

    use or' (d) the use of attractants and,cheMicals which inter-:

    fered only with reproductiOn-, and further development of

    methods whiCh did'not use ' any . chemical at all; might be.the

    solutions. - In order to expioreHthese suggested methods, it study the mechanism.of the action of:pesti-:

    ides, namely, their comparative toxicities, the metabbliems

    in insects,. mammals, and Plante:1w- Understanding -Ole processes

    . of the pesticides to *be . decompoeed and deactivated in nature :

    is aleo one of the more important basic:problems to be studied.

    In . gener1, newer methods.of removal of . insects are expected

    to be derived from the resulte of the studies of baeic .

    problems rather than from cumulating . experiences'only. These

  • studies shouId.aIso yield helpful:improvements and solutions

    in removal of the insects which were rapidlibecoming resistant.

    to the-existing.insecticides i. The 'author has been Working in

    one of:thselasic problem areas, particularly the selective' . .

    insecticidal aCtion of insecticides l *for . some.years. Although

    their 'margins of selectivity are rather . wide, we - have already

    found some insecticides which have a very low toxicity -fr

    mammals and-destrby only the harmful insects. The diffrence

    in the'activities of these insecticides - against insect and ,

    maffimals is mostly depending.on . the qualitative and quantitative

    differenCes of the metabolism systems of thee living'creatures.

    TheMetaboiisms of the-pesticides'and other chemicals are, .

    mainly, depending on the action of their ' enzymes. Therefore

    the result of the, se enzyme actions - activation and deacti-

    vation of pesticides --appear to yield the .width of the

    margins of selectivitY of' the peticides. The firt step

    in the metabolism'of the pesticides introduced into the body '

    is'probablY oxidationreduction and hydrolysis, and the

    second tep is the formation.of complexes of their primary .

    .metabOlism products. The proceses - and the -mechanisms have

    been explored mainly by using pesticides labeled mith radio

    isotopes....This,author intends to ipreSent examples of

    applications of radioisotopes mainiy'in the studies of-

    oXidative metabolism,.which has been most .carefully studied

    and further, explain their applications in hydrolysis and

    *complex formation reaction. It wouldplease the author

  • greatly'if.this article could arouse the interest of those

    who were engaged in the studie of the areas not directly

    related to the pharmacology of insects.

    As for th oxidation of the Chemicals, it:isWell

    . known that tWo systems 'aire participating . in biological . , is - the enzyme system which oxidizes the

    substrate in the mammalian liver microsomes in the presence

    of NADPH* and pkygen, and the other i the system which includes -

    .c.itoChrome P-450.. The chemicalsubtances, once introduced .

    into the biological systms, are.oxidized by oxidation. enzymes, -

    and the oxidation products further undergo Various complex.

    , formations, for instance, acetylation, sulfonate 'ester

    formation end gIucuronide formation. When fUnctional groups

    that are 'harmful to biologiCaI metabolisms are masked .by

    derivative formations, the deriVatiVes.are also - easily .brought

    into.the excretory systems4'The major types of metabolisms -

    which are carried out by the enzymatic .oxidations are (1) .

    oXidation of alkyl side chains, - (2) hydroxylation of aromatic .

    rings, (3) hydroxylation , cif non-aromatic rings, (4) dealkylation

    ofN,alkyl compounds,. (5) dealkyIation of-Oalkyl compounds

    (6) 'oxidation of amind - groups '(N-pxidation) (7) oxidation 'of

    sulfur (sulfoxidation),..and (8).exchange reaction between -

    *Translator's Note: Some 'authors use NADPH2 (reduced.nicotine adenine dinucleotide phosphate;'formerly TPNH). See also NADH in section 2.1.1. Some authors use NADH2 (reduced nicotine adenine dinucleotide; 'formerly DPNH).

  • S and O. Which type or .tyPes of oxidative metabolism take ...

    place.when psticidesare . introduced - lnto biologial systems,

    that is; the'selection of the type s. of metabolism, is not

    . clearly understood. This difficult prediction is Mainly

    because of the fact that the pesticides are applied against

    many species of .mammals, fish, insect, plant and microbe,

    and as. a result, just what kinds of oxidation enzyme exist

    'in each species of living-creatures to oxidize certain kinds..

    of pestiids is quite uncertain.. Even such a seeminglY simple

    question as Whether eome species of insect's have - the - Same

    kinds of oxidation enzyme as.foundin mammalian, liver micro-

    somes has not been answered witn'reasonable - accuracy..Questions

    such as this and the effort to answer the 'questions appear

    . to .give the more vital drivingfprce and to orient the

    direction in discovering the more .. .selective pesticides.

    Dedigning of better qualified pesticides May be achieved /386

    only by understanding the mechanism of the pesticidal . action

    in each case Of applicatiOn.,

    The author plans to explain the examples of application

    of radioisotopes in the mechanism studies of insecticidal

    actions, as this area is one of the most advanced of all the

    pesticide studies, and . then to describe the studies in other,

    areas in the order of weedkillers and fungicides.


    2.1 Natural Insecticides r

    . 2.1.1 Rotenoids

    . Rotenone, the major component of derria root * , hae

    been widely used'as a. natural insecticide -since before the -

    war. Rotenone_has a low toxicity in mammals but its toXicity . and a variety of inseCts,but'not all, 'is quite .

    high. It has been said that the ideal insecticides are the

    compounds which have both-the lethal action . of rotenone and

    the paralytic action of pyrethroids. Therefore the pharma-

    cological importance of the studies on rotenClids lies in the

    action mechanismof totenone, the relationship between the

    chmiCal structuree and physiological activities of totenone

    derivatives, and the cause of the selectivity, of the toxicities

    of rotnoidb.. .

    As for the action mechanism of rotenone, blocking

    of the activity of mitochondrial L-glutamic dehydrogenase

    3,4) by rotenone was first pointed out , and later the

    blockage was narrowed down to the NADH enzyme system. The

    latest tudies proved that the blocking took place speci-

    fically at the coupled oxidation of NADH and a ubiquinone**,

    as shown in figure 1 577) .. The mechanism of the blocking at

    this site of blockage was also studied using 14 -rotenone8) .

    * Translator's Note: Derris elliptica, common in Malaya. tt ** or NADH 2 and a flavoprotein.

  • 7 8


    O .

    Rote n (me. - Rote ri One: c(e h'freiVires


    V D H N IDN de. b,rdrofe eur set Co Q Cyt Cyt

    lk s-44..cce n . deltraroje mase

    Fij. I: Si-tes of chi ri of kofeno ids ( crtYro )

    Since the site of action.rotenonoidS is.probably

    the same in fish, insects and Mammals, the selectiVity of

    the rotenoids must be caused before the rotenoids reach, this

    si te. The metabolism . of 14 -rotenone and-its selective C

    toxicity against different kinds of living.crattires have

    been studied by Fukami and others 9 ' 10) When 14 -rotenone

    was .reacted with rat liver microspmes and NADPH as an

    auXiliary enzyme in the -atmosphere, almost all the rotenone

    was metabolized. Pive* major metabolic prodiicts which were

    soluble in ether wereas shown in Figure 2,.hydroxylation

    products at the isopropenyl side chain . and at the Junction

    of B and C rings. When the same 1.4d-rotenone metabolism

    was studied in vitro, .using liver Microsobes of mouse and

    *Translator's Note: 4 in Figure 2. 8 in the preceding chart.

    S L-CC C a. ci. ct

  • carp, abdominal microsomes of diazinone-,resistant houseflies,

    . and those of the Wamon (or ring) . dockrbach'exactly the same

    .hydroxylaticn products:as- found in the - rat livr'microsome

    expriment wer detected,.and no qualitative difference

    could be detectecLamong the metabolites. At the:same time,'

    a series. of in vivo - experiments '1,,?ere - conducted by administering

    14 0-rotenone to the various living'creatures aformntioned,

    and the metabolism products were examined, by extracting

    various organsof the aubstrate and their . urine samples. .

    with ther. he ether soluble metabolites were found to be

    cmpletely identical:hydroxylation products as found . by

    'in vitro experiment. Furthermore; the biological activities.

    'of . these hydroxylated products were much . weaker_than the .

    starting material, rotenone,, and, therefore it was assumed

    that the oxidative metabolisM of rotenOne is a type of .


    8'-hydroxy 8'..-hydroxy 8'-hydroxy: rotenolone II rotenone rotnolone I

    I rotenolone II 4-- rotenone -) rotenoldne I

    1. I 6',7'2dihyclro- 6',7 1-dihy- droxy roxy rotenolone I rotenolone II rotenone

    Metabolites of rotenone

  • 10 -

    C H30 OCH

    I 3 roteV\0131ete. I Oh

    rOtehOlOner. Oh

    cH z.

    d14 2. 0H CHz0H

    OH 113

    22 : 1'4 eta. boh's yn of Rote none tr/o-, in vitro)

    Ilacaled 17).- them s cx.tor .


    8 I e

    O H

    0 o

    P ky ct r-o), rote n one.

    H r- 2 ( c H3 ch, hyaroxy rote n o he,

  • As will be discussed in the section on pyrethroids,

    piperonyl butoxide 11) , egonol12Y 1 sesame oil 13) and other

    methylenedioxyphnols increase the insecticidal activity

    of rotenone, nad therefore these compounds are insecticidal

    synergists. It is also known that piperonyl butoxide,

    sulfoxide, MGK 264 amd SKF-525A inhibit in vitro hydroxylation

    of rotenone via the microsome - NADPH - oxidase system, These

    findings indicate that the oxidative degradation of rotenone

    by the mdcrosomes plays a significantly important role in

    understanding the metabolisM of:rotenone in biological systemslo)

    When in vitro liver-microsome-MADPH systems including rotenone

    are prepared using rat., mouse.and carp lVers, and to each

    system, supernatant of the corresponding liver extract is

    added, the degration. prOgress beyond 'the:aforementioned

    hydrooxylation stages,.prodUcing water-soluble mtabolites

    by further transformation of the ether-solubie hydroxylation

    prOdUcts. This finding leads to a hypotheis that the se-

    condary metabolism products of rotenone probably yield a

    variety of their functional derivatives which . themselVes

    aid the exCretion. and .degradation of rOtenome1 .0) .. The

    author plane t explain this hypothesis in more'details,

    in the section on selective tOxicity of rotenone, near th

    end of thie article.

  • - 12 -

    O CH (0 CHI C H2)z. o C2 Hs- i CH3

    sesa.kne X CHa C HC

    112 (C CH1 0)z Ce,i H9

    pifret-ony/ at-oxiWe

    I It ci Hs- o

    c- c-ocitz n N 2 I 2. fis-CI Hz C H3

    S tc-F

    Tian 5 letto Noie : All the s are corrected by the Mule inhrY

    2.1.2 Pyrethroids

    Pyrethrin has remarkablY distinct advantages in that

    it is fast-acting and that itsi toxicity for mammals is sur-

    prisingly . low, but it has the unfavourable property of per-.

    mitting rather quick recovery of victims. The mechanism of

    'its insectiidal_ . actiOn has hot been clarified yet. Phama-

    cological interest in pyrethroids can be summarized in their

    rapid paralytic action, low toxicity against mammals, and the

    mechanism of their action. .

  • r 13 -

    The . activities..of pyrethroids apPar to te': caused-

    by two.partiai . structural fragment,:one bing cyclopropane-

    'carboxylic acid moiety which contains an 'unSaturated side.

    chain and the'other, cyclopentanolne which is also :

    functionalized by an unaaturated :alkyi sid:chin..It is

    said -that,.. - if.a slight modification is made in either One '

    of these, acid and alcohol of pyrethrOids,: theiractivitie

    are often remarkablilowered. .It has been also Said .that,,

    in the detoxicative metabolism of pyrethroids, hydrolySis

    of the ester linkage plays the most important . role. However,

    the experimental results.obtained by applying 14 . -pyrethrin14).9

    C ). ' allethrin -15 , and 14 -pyrethrin-I and -cinerin-I

    16) - to C .

    tousefiies showed that the amounts -of ChrYsanthemic-acid

    formed by hydrolysis' were qUite small, that three.of the

    five majometabolip produts isolated contained the un-

    changed moiety of chrysanthemic . th ester form, and

    -thatthe.remaining two major'product also retained the ester .

    . linkage. When the latter esters were hydrolyZed and the

    Denig test commonly usd as a qualitative test for, chrYsan-

    themic . acid.was . apPlied to the hydrolysis Irroducts, the .

    '16) tests were positive . Thse results:undoubtedly show that

    .the detoxicative metabolim of pyrethroids in insectsdoes

    not include the hydrolysis of the ester linkage as its major

    metabolism route. . -

  • 14

    It has been known for some years that addition of

    sesame oil to pyrethroids greatly.increases their insecticidal

    activities. The causative substance in sesame oil responsible

    for the synergic effect was examined, and based on the re'sult

    of this study, synthetic synergists such as piperonyl

    butoxide and sulfoxide, both of which had a methylene-

    dioxyphenyl ring, were discovered. these are serving a

    practical purpose. On other synthetic synergist, sesamex

    increases the insecticidal effect of pyrethrin-I against

    houseflies nine times, and that of cinerin-I twelve times.

    As already described in the section on rotenone, 1,3-

    benzodioxole, SKF-525A and the related compounds, which

    block the activity of miCrosome . OxidaSes, were also reported

    to increase the effect'ofpyrethrin against.houseflies and

    soldier-bugs.Thee findings of the.sYnergic effects of

    various chemical compounds seem to indicate that the meta-

    bolism path of pyrethroids in their detxication processes -

    is . through the oxidation route rather than the. ester hydrO .-


    Recently Yamamoto and others19) isolated thirteen

    metabolites from 14 0-allethrin and ten from 14 c-PYrethrin-I,

    using the oxidase system obtained from abdominal microsomes

    of houseflies. The main metabolites were the oxidation product

    of the isobutenyl methyl group of the chrysanthemic acid

    moiety . of the pyrethroids (Fig.3).

    1 7 ,18)

  • 1 t Cili C = CR

    / c /C:= 0


    Correcte4 6x te-* to

    CH3 H3

    - 1 5 -

    c'H3 CH3

    C H /

    C 1 *1y> c

    11 II o

    s ee.osom e -FiVADPH -I- Oz.

    Chi 3>C HO 0 C

    CH3 Ch13

    / H d CHC C / fr( ft



    f-1 CHz-c= CC C fretirolome

    if (-films trans 'tram s )**** R C e / e Hz cinerol on e 4441-

    ry re tA tin I Rr--->

    her i n

    Fij. 3 : ajor rnel&bolic route of CA1751Lilfileir) itte

    tAe .-transkt.for

    ..The -Adits no 5 ijrn flica nce A S 0 ) rela.+1'0-e Comfly ura.hi on of 11-.-1:44-lempt

    trot.? I's 'not shown (2) Siet n dardel proC424u.r ', ores - i1 esoro el-km-aeon of

    cycj pro pane ckv- bEKy 11 'c a c"fef. tielp R ate re cr-trs 4? 4

    * Add eei -t-A e

  • - 16-

    At the same time, it was found that the same methyl group

    Of 14 -dimethrin and 14 -phthalthrin, which were analogues

    of pyrethrin, were also oxidized to the corresponding

    carboxyl group. Therefore it is currently assumed that

    the metabolisms of all the pyrethroids lidth the chrysanthemic

    acid moiety follow the oxidation path as described above.

    This assumption is supported by the finding that some .

    PYrethroids, namely pyrethrin-II and cinerin-II, which lack

    the isobutenyl group, are not synergized by sesamex as

    cinerin-I and pyrethrin-I are 20) .

    As for the in vivo metaboliem of pyrethroids in

    mammals, Miyamoto and others 21) reported on 14 -phthalthrin

    (3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalimidomethyl chrysanthemate) orally

    administered to rats.Phthalthrin was slowly absorbed in

    the alimentary canal, and the absorbed material was rapidly

    degraded. The main metabolite was 3-hydroxy-cyclohexane-

    1.2-dicarboximide produced by hydroxylation of the primary

    hydrolysis product.

    . . 2.2 Organophosphates* ' ./388 . . .

    Parathion appeared on the market at the same' time'-

    as DDT did', after the lastwar, and replaced rotenone,.

    *Translator's Note: The author uses the term organic-phosphorus- insecticides. The translator uses the term organophosphate as

    a generic term to cover all the organic insecticides con-taining phosphorus regardless of the types, that is, phosphate, phosphonate, phosphorothionate, phosphorothiolate etc.

  • .1 7 . -

    pyrethrin and nicotine. It showed an excellent insecticidal

    effect as a contact chemical. However, since parathion and

    other organophosphate insecticides are also highly toxic to

    the higher mammals, much time had to be devoted to find

    better-qualified, less toxic organophosphate insecticides.

    As for their pharmaological studies, the areas examined

    in more detail are the action mechanism of the organophos-

    phates with relatively low toxicity, the cause of selective

    toxicity against insects and mammals, and the mechanism of

    resistance induced by the organophosphatef3 among some strains

    of insects; these studies have been done quite actively as

    a part of basic metabolism study of various living creatures.

    Another characteristic point about the organo-phosphate

    research to be mentioned here is that, in comparison with

    the studies of other insec .ficides, weedkillers.and fungicides,

    this was the area in which the application of radioisotope

    techniques was carried out since the earliest date of them

    all. Indeed it is not going too far to say that most of the

    organophosphate action mechanisms were done using the radio-

    isotope technique.

    2.2.1 Excharige Reactions between S and O.

    The main cause of the toxic aCtion of organophosphate

    insecticides is believed to be the disruption of nervous

    activity caused by inhibition of the function of cholin-

    esteras.e. Usually, however, the thiono type insecticides

  • 1


    (P = S) . do not block the cholinesterase activity, .while .

    the phosphate ester group (P 0), which can be produced

    by in vivo oxidation, show a very strong blocking power.

    Therefore, the phosphate ester group is usually considered

    to be principally responsible for the acti .iity, and the

    in vivo oxidation process is called the activation reaction22) .

    The activation enzyme of parathit on to paraoxon is found in

    rat liver or Wamon cockroach microsomes, as other drug-

    oxidizing enzymes, and it needs NADPH,and oxygen for its

    functioning as the activator 23) . The enzyme activity is

    inhibited by antiresistant, sesamex, piperonyl butoxide,

    sulfoxide, and MGIC-264 23) .

    Rats which had been treated orally with dieldrin 24)

    ' or with chlorcyclizine, phenobarbital, SKP-52511 25) were

    shown to have resistance against parathion. The reasen for

    this rsistance was proven . to be the increased activity of .

    the A-esterase, which was responsible for the hydrolysis

    of paraoxon, in their livers and.serum 25) , and the presence

    .of another new dtoxication enzyme vas also pointed out 26) .

    Nakatsugawa and others 27) studied the metabolism of 35 - S parathion using the rat liver and housefly microsome-NADPH

    oxidase system and found- a new type of detoxication reaction

    which split the phosphate ester linkage, in addition to the

    " . - *Translator's Note: . The author does not - differentiate between '' 'phpi5nate, phospnonate, phesphorothiolat, - and..phosphoramidate', : although:all of them -contain the P . , -. .



  • ,- H


    pare( th l'OPI

    M e 1 bo A's m (1'

    414A 1 . 0k1 4y in l icroSopme

    - 19

    known activation reaction of parathion to oxon (Fig. 4).

    Nea1 28) also obtained the sanie result using 322-parathion.

    Furthermore, it is now known that rats pretreated with

    barbitals have increased activities in both microsomal

    detoxication and activation reaction 25) . By these findings,

    ecife-Atiorel., E-L 0 _ 0 0 e z rniavsome 27/.0 Amprtl


    Et 0 > P -OH Ef 0 .



    it is confirmed that both the esterase and the oxidase

    participate in the lowering of parathion toxicity after

    pretreatment, but which one of the two different enzymes

  • le the more critical for the lowering of the toxicity is

    not yet known.

    2.2.2 Oxidation of Sulfur

    Generally speaking, the insecticides classified

    as the penetrating compounds do not loose their activity

    even after the compounds remain in the plant tissue for a

    considerable period. During this period, the sulfur atoms

    often undergo oxidations. One typical thioether, demeton

    is a mixture of thiono-type and thiol-type compounds.

    (C 2 H 0) P(S)0C H SC H thiono n-type demeto 5 2 2 4 2 5

    (C 2H S O) 2P(0)3C 2114 3C 2H5 thiol-type demeton.

    The thiono-type compound is oxidized to an oxon type compound,

    while the thiol-type compounds tindergo in vivo oxidations to

    sulfoxides and sulfones (Pig. 5)29).

  • - 22 -

    Fukuto and his coworkers 3(431) examined tlie

    metabolism of 32 -demeton in beans and cotton plants and

    found that it was converted to oxidation products which

    showed considerable cholinesterase blocking.activities,

    and they later confirmed the same metabolites were formed

    in mammals as well. The first stage metabolites were mainly

    sulfoxides, which later were converted to sulfones but this

    second stage metabolism was found to be much slower than the

    first stage metabolism32) . The thioether groups of 32p-

    disyston and 32 -thimet were also oxidized in the plant 29)s

    On the other hand, the oxidases that produced sulfoxides

    and sulfones were found in mammalian livers and Wamon

    cockroach microsomes, and the experiments using 32p-thiometon

    showed that they required NADPH and oxygen for their

    functioning, and their activities were blocked by SKF-525A

    and piperonyl butoxide 33)

    (C 2HS O) 2 P (S) S CH2 0112 SC211 5 Dysyston

    (C 2H S O) 2 P ,(S) S 011 2 S 2 211 5 I Thimet .

    (CHS O) 2 P (5) S CH2 .CH 2 S 02115 ThioMeton

    2.2.3 Hydroxylations of Alkyl Side Chains and N-dealkylations

    Since 'the early stage of studies on organophosphates,

    it has been .known'that schradan (octamethYlpyrophosphoramide)

    is *converted to its N-hydroxyme.thyl derivative 34-6)' and


  • -

    lately a penetrating insecticide, bidri [3- (di-methoxy-

    phosphinyloxy)- N,N-dimethyl-cis-crotonamide] was also shown

    to umdergo the same type of metabolism. Two compounds,

    N-hydroxymethyl bidrin and N-demethyl bidrin which is known

    commonly as azodrin, were isolated from the metabolite '

    mixture of 32 -bidrin in rats, insects and cotton plants37) .

    MenZer38)' later isolated N-hydroxYlmethyl aZodrin and

    . .N-demethyl azOdrin using . bidriii.labeled with 14 0 and 32p ,

    , and estimated that N-demethyl compound wathe secondary

    metabolite of the. N-hydroxymthyl derivative. It wag quite

    .interesting to.know that all these - four compounds had -

    significantly.high insecticidal activities against hoUse

    .flies (Table 1). This metabolism path was conSidered to be

    participated in by an oxidase system, and the insecticidal .

    effect against houseflies was greatly increased by addition

    39) of the',common synerest, sesamex .

    Table 1: Anticholinesterase activities and toxicities of . Bidrin and its derivatives.

    CH 30 o H

    ,CH3O e-ID-C=

    " CH 3 . o


    Bidrin N-hydroxymethyl Azodrin ,N-hydroxymethyl N-denietliy1

    Bidrin Azotlrin . Azodrin

    /C1I 3 CH3 ,CH2 .


    CH 201-i . .

  • 24 -

    TOCP (tri-O-cresylphosphate) is a very wellknown

    synergist for the organophosphates which contain carboxylic

    acid ester groups, as found in malathion. TOCP itself,

    however, does not have cholinesterase blocking, power, but

    when it is activated after being metabolised in a mouse body

    or by a slice of its liver, it becomes a strong inhibitor

    41) of cholinesterase 40) Eto and hie coworkers isolated a

    cyclic phosphate ester, M-1, from rates orally administered

    with TOCP, and found that the cyclic ester M-1 had the

    cholinesterase blocking power, and proposed the metabolic

    path of TOCP as shown in Figure 6. It is apparnt that one

    of the ring-substituted methyl group was oxidized by the

    oxidase system in the liver microsome, and then the oxidation

    product cyclizes, through hydrolysis and intramolecular

    rearrangement of the phosphate group, to the final product.

    The last stage is probably caused by the action of plasma

    albumin. Based on the structure of this active compound,

    several active analogues have been synthesized and some

    are being used as an insecticide.

    2.3 Carbamate Insecticides

    Carbamate insecticides generally inhibit the

    cholinesterase activity as do the organophosphates. Against

    mammals, their toxicities are usually low, and they have

    fairly wide selectivities against insecte. being active

    against leafhoppers (such as green rice leafhopper)* ,

  • - : - 25

    planthoppers (such as smaller brown planthopper, brown

    planthopper)*, and aphids (such as corn leaf aphids, green

    peach aphid)* but inactive against houseflies and cockroaches.

    The cause of these selectivities has been explained as the

    difference in detoxication mechanisms rather than the

    difference in the cholinesterase blocking power. Although

    the pharmacological intrests in the carbamate insecticides

    have been found in the same area where they were found in

    organophosphates, since they have a wlder margin of selectivi-

    ties, more metabolism studies specific to each insect are

    . desirable.

    The metabolism of the carbamate insecticides varies

    depending on the subjects of study, mammals, i'nsects or

    plants, but it is classified into the following three major

    areas; (1) hydrolysis of carbamate ester group, (2) oxidations

    (hydroxylations of ring and ring substituents, N-demethylation,

    and N-hydroxymethylation of corresponding N-methyl groups),

    and (3) s complex formations such as glucuronide formation,

    glycidation, sulfonation or glycosidatione when metabolized

    in plants, of the hydroxyl grouppand.carboxyl groups produced.

    by the .aforementioned processes.

    Only 1-naphthol was the isolable metabolite of

    14 -carbaryl which was a representative carbamate insecticide 42)

    *Transl.'Note: Added by the translator as these were the ones found in Japan. . , .

  • C11 3 0 8


    C11 3


    1-.yd r.oxy:r. e TOCP (9000) .


    0 P 0 -


    plasma album%

    C113 0

    0 P- /

    11- 1 : ( 1. 2 X 10' )

    - 26 -

    Fig. 6 : Metabolism of TOCP 'Figure in ( ) is /390 relative anticholinesterase activity]


    ( 1 )

    at the early stage of metabolism study. However,Dorough

    4 and others 3) later isolated several compounds shown in

    Figure 7 from the metabolite mixture of carbaryl which was

    labeled with 14 at naphthyl,,carbonyl and -methyl after

    treating with a liver-microsomal NADPH oxidase system:. They

    also isolated 1-naphthol which was -the hydrolysis product

    and its derivative using liver homogenate. Recently, in

    addition to the metabolism requence shown in the figure,

    0-dealkylation, hydroxylation of ring substituents, and

  • kti,o1



    0 it

    0 dSHMe wt icrosome ' P H



    NADPH 02. je

    o L 141-1cFl 1oji

    Sle o It " oixM . octsli-Me_

    erect* r kyetrot-y

    Cae 60..ry OfKict

    OC (Me

    27 -

    Litre r mecros omai oix.:culobi of

    Carbe. ry I iv% s ech'c i'de e v% t- o)

  • -.28 -

    sulfoxidation were reported using thirt y. three different,

    methyl and dimethyl carbamates which were labeled with

    44) . 14 0 . Among these newly found metabolites, some were

    even stronger cholinesterase inhibitors than the original

    44) carbamates . Although the activity of the oxidase which

    transformed carbamates into metabolites was inhibited by

    piperonyl butoxide 45) , the oxidase itself was found, by an

    in vivo experiment, to be-synergistic* just as sesamex was45-48)

    Four glucuronides (shown above.) and sulfate esters

    of the oxidation and hydrolysis products:were found as the

    products of in vivo metabolism of carbaryl. labeled with .

    methyl-14 0., carbohyl-I4 0 and naphthy1140 in rats and : guinea

    pigs49) . In th metabolism of this compound, since a

    rl.atively large amount of th baterial was not hydrolyzed,

    the metabolic pathways were mainly xidations and derivative

    formations. Two compounds, 1-naphthyl methylimidocarbonate

    0-glucuronide, which is the direct derivative, and 4 -

    (methylcarbamoyloxy)-lnaphthyl glucuronide were the major

    metabo 1 ites 49) . The same metabolites were'foilnd in experiMent

    using pigs, mnkeys and sheep 5) . libWeVer, the case of

    14 0-3,4-dichlorobenzyl N-methylcarbamate, its hydrolysis

    was the major mtabolic'rute at the initial stage, which

    was followed by oxidation'to yield the corresponding

    carboxyluc acid, wilich was . isOlated, and.which,' in turn,'

    *Transi. Note: synergistic to the action of the carbamate , itself?

  • O Gr

    0 Cq rrOz., Or

    -v1,041.4-6 le 4 e.

    VIA 0%10 r vA 0:410tek

    ro n e

    - 29-

    0 CI- ' dzrzl Me

    was converted to and isolated as the amide of glycine,

    namely, 3,4-dichlorohippuric acid 51) . Metabolism studies

    of penetrating carbamate insecticide, bano1-14 0 (2-chloro-

    4,5-xyly1 methylcarbamate), and carbaryl-14 c were conducted

    using bean plants. The major metabolites were found to be

    their N-methyl derivatives 52) 0r glycosides of their aromatic

    53,54) ring hydroxylation products

    Another penetrating carbamate furadan (2,2-dimethy1-

    2,3-dihydrobenzofurany1-7N-methyl carbamate)'was studied

    using cotton plants, corn plants, houseflies, larvae of

    salt marsh caterpillar and mice, and its metabolic pathways

    in different species of plants. insects and'animals were

    compared using 14 c and 3H markers. As shown in Figure 8, the

    major paths of the.metabolism were essentially the same. /391

    Namely, furadan was first hydroxylated to 3-hydroxy furadan,

    of which the hydroxyl group was difficult to react . to produce

    a derivative, and then the large portion of 3-hydroxy furadan

    was oxidized to 3-keto furadan, which was hydrolyzed to give

  • - 30 -

    'Me. oxid ox:d .

    O=C N Me.

    o 0 N ctizoH

    o 0=e ts1 Me

    'Me Fi

    Fikrad an

    0 H



    e+0,1 s -re .0+ e u-, vn cretti-Wre s

    f' . ylkyvt- s eYS e c..4- s

    . 0



    c l CI

    3,4-clich1o"ro- henzyl N-methyl carhamate


    CI l

    3,4-dichloro-' hippuric acid

  • - 31 -

    the corresponding phenol. The phenol produced various /391

    derivatives 54) .

    As for the selectivity of carbamatesi a few probable

    causes for it have been cleared mainly based on their meta- 1

    bolism studies. Namely, the susceptibility of honeybees was

    estimated to be due to their relatively low oxidase potency 55,56)

    The carvamates with low toxicities against mammals generally

    were also easily detoxucgted and quickly excreted. On the

    other hand, highly toxic carbamates such as furadan and temik

    D-methy1-2-(methylthio) propionaldehyde 0-(methyl carbamoyl)

    oximej were found to yield metabolites which also had the

    same type of toxicities, and therefore in these carbamates

    the in vivo metabolism is more likely of a nature of

    activation of toxicity rather than detoxication56 ' 57) .

    2.4 Organochloro Insecticides

    Organochloro insecticides which include DDT, MO,

    cyclodiene compounds and others, generally have small acute

    toXicities against mammals but their insecticidal activities

    are quite strong, and their residual insecticidal activities

    are also high. The machanism of th insecticidal activities

    has not been established. Since this group of insecticides

    has been used since very soon after the war, appearance of

    a large number of resistant strains of insects has been

    recorded. The radoiseope technique has been frequently

    applied to the exploration of the mechanism of the r sistance



    V,, b1

  • Generally speaking, the organochloro insecticides are

    stable and difficult to decompose even in plants, soil '

    and water, and they remain, without decomposition, for a

    long period. Consequently, the chain of food intake and

    excretion cycles tends to result in their eventual cumulation'

    in vertebrates at high concentrations. The isotope technique

    is therefore being used in the study of the metabolism of

    these chloro compounds in mammalians.

    Three major types of reactions, namely dehydro-

    chlorination, oxidation, and reductive dechlorination, are

    known as the metabolic routes of DDT (Fig. 9). Among thes

    pathways, the dehydrochlorination of DDT to DDE is the

    critical factor to determine the DDT resistance of house-

    flies 58,59) .

    As for the oxidation pathway, kelthane from the

    Kiiroshojo-fly * was the first isolated metabolite 6) . Later

    kelthane or kelthane-like substances were isolated from the

    housefly, Chyabane-cockroach ** , and Sashi-game***, when

    labeled DDT was used 61,62) . The oxidases of-these insects

    had the same characteristics as those of mammalian liver

    microsomal oxidase, requiring NADPH and oxigen to oxidize ++61). DDT and their activities being accelerated by Mg 6l

    Note: domestic fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster.

    " Literally brown-wing-cockroach. The reference (61) shows German cockroach.

    *** II " Sashi-tortoise. It must be an insect.

  • - 33 -


    OH FJ

    0:5Cl.? CL.C. CL

    ,of f kel 4-tuule.

    H Ct. j>--C N



    b.(11/ 7# (p)Ci!- C


    D D E ce>'d

    rm'cr- osome , WAD I) Oz

    ID P

    eat) oks (Y.'s ot DDT

    tcLt- f (4) - CLC., CL CLC CL



    iDD T

    Y (oc,L4- c - ? c ter oH

    The enzyme activities were foUnd to be particularlY good

    ing)arathion-resistant.houseflis 61) . The larvae of '

    Sashi-gam were quite strongly DDT resistant, and the

    , larvae treated with.SKF7525A increased the-effect of DDT,

    and the yield of kelthane-like material in -their bodies

    decreased. On the other:hand, 5-methylchlanthrene lowered

    the effect of DDT", and the bodily content of the hydroxylated

    .substance increased. is quite sound to

    conclude that the MicrosOmal oxidative . mtabolism. vas ,

    63) te cause of the DDTresistance ,

  • Chlordane, heptachlor, aldrin, isoaldrin, dieldrin

    and endrin are all highly chlorinated hydrocarbons and they

    are synthesized by diene condensations. The first four of

    the afore-listed insecticides are epoxidized in the body,

    and the epoxides are physiologically active and are chemically

    stable compounds. Epoxidation is quite well-known in insecte,

    in addition to the same found in mammals64 e 65) . Namely, the

    formation of heptachlor epoxide from 14c-heptach1or66) , and

    the epoxidation of aldrin to dieldrin and that of isodrin

    to endrin 67) are some - of the-well-known examples. The

    symptoms of poisoning by these chemical insecticide

    in insects are parallel to the progressing of the epoxidat1ons 67) ,

    and, in order to cause the poisoning symptoms supply of

    oxygen is needed 67) . Sesamex, which is a common synergist,

    decreases the activities of aldrin and heptachlor against

    houseflies and this has been explained as due to the inhibition

    of epoxidation of these chemical s68) . Ail these results con-

    firmed by in vivo experiments clearly indicate that the

    metabolism mechanisms of these are deeply related to the

    reaction mechanism of microsomal oxidase.

    Liver microsomal enzymes of rabbits and rate epoxidize

    heptachlor 69) , aldrin69) and isodrin70) . and the enzymes

    require NADPH and oxygen for the readtion and their potencies

    53)* are lowered by SKF-525A, piperonyl butoxide and parathion

    Tranel. Note: 58) ?


  • CI

    CI '011.




    Chlordene epoxide

    *Transl. Note: 74) cannot be found.

    () 11



    In the case of insect e , the epoxidations are reportedly

    71) carried out by cockroach fat-body microsomes and the

    71- ) 'housefly abdominal microsomes 73 /392

    . Dieldrin which is the product of epoxidgtion of .

    14 0 -aldrin waa further tranformed to highlY polar . trans-.

    6,7 7dihydroxy7dihydro , aldrin (aldrin glycol) by.the expoxide-. 75-78)! ring opening reaction, in - insects and in mammals

    (Fig. 10). The physiological actiVity of this compound

    against insects is approximately. one twelfth. of that of

    77): dieldrin ,. and the enzyme repponsible for the epoxide

    opening was found in livr microsOmes of'housflies and

    mamMais 79)

    Fig. 10: Metabolisms of aldrin and dieldrin (in vivo, in vitro)

    ci 1.1 . n o


    atNI a cl . cI Aldrin Die Idrin glycol

    In the case of diene compounds, in addition to the

    epoxidations by the microsomal oxidase system, hydroxylations

    have been recently reported. For instance > 14 -chlordene

    yields epoxy compound and hydroxychlordene which is not .

    63) (or 68?) toxic


  • This hydroxylative detoxication of chlordene is

    carried out by an enzyme whose functioning mechanism was 80) 'verified in part by in vivo synergistic effect by sesamex

    2.5 Inductive Activation of Drug-oxidizing Enzymes bY

    Organochloro Insecticides

    Consecutive administration of barbituric acid to

    mammals, and the resulting drug-resistancy have been studied

    quite well. The mechanism of resistance to barbituric acid

    was explained as the result of increased liver microsomal

    81) capability to hydroxylate barbituric acid . If liver-

    carcinogenic 3'-methy1-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene is

    administered .together with 3-methylcholanthrene, the ' 82) former's carcinogenic actiVity is entirely suPpressed.

    and this is now known as a result.of.ah increased activity

    level of the micrOsomal oxidase, which . became capable of .

    converting the carcinogen into non-carcinogenic substances. . . .

    .The number of these componds, Which are able to increase.

    the drug-metabOlism activity.of liVer microsomes, as shomin

    by barbituric acid and 3-methylchlanthrene,: is increasing.

    recently, akd this phenomenon ia called induction of drug-

    metabolizing' enzymes by drugs, and.those. drugs which increase

    the activities of enzymes are called.enzyme Inducers 83)

    Intensified Potency of microsomal oxidase by insecticides

    has also been found in numerous.cas. The*.first insecticide

    84 .1 85) Shown to be an inducer was chlordane 1 and besides._14at,

  • .Chlordane .


    DDT -;


    DDD Kelthane





    Heptachlor epoxide



    various other chloro insecticides shown in Table 2 were

    proven to be induce rs86) . The same effect of induction

    was a],so confirmed in DDE, whicii was a non-toxic metabolite

    of DDT.

    Table 2: Organochloro insecticides that promote metabolism of drugs. .

    As one 'of the in vivo functionings of the micro-

    somal enzymes, its relation to steroid metabolism in

    mammals has been clarified. Further, the relationship

    between the steroidal metabolism and the drug-induced

    activity of the oxydase system has been reported by conney 87)

    He found that, elen phenobarbital was administered to rats,

    their, liver microsomal potency to hydroxylate steroid rings

    of testosterone and androstenedione increased drastically.

    It is indeed exiting to find that the hydroxylations of

    steroid hormones by liver microsomes can be subjected to

    the same effect as the drug-metabolizing enzymes are. It

    is therefore important to investigate how various drugs

    that influence the activities drug-metabolizing enzymes

    ultimately effect the general physiological system of bodies

    through the changes of steroid hormone metabolism. '

  • - 38 -

    The effect of organochloro insedticides on the

    steroid metabolism is becomming somewhat clearer88) , and

    currently it is estimated 89) that the rapid decrease of

    the feathered tribe in Europe and in North America might

    have been caused by the imbalance of pex hormones owing to

    the chloro insecticides which generally show high residue

    rates. For example, pigeons treated with either DDT or

    dieldrin or both showed higher contents of polar metabolites

    of 14 progesterone and 14 testosterone due to the increased /393

    activities of their liver microsomeNADpH oxidase, and the

    metabolites after treatment with DDT as well as with diel-

    drin were found to be different (Fig. 11).

    Fi. 11: Chromatography of Testosterone metabolites in pigeon liver as induced by chloroinsecticides.

    -- DDT *-G- Die!chin

    DDT+ Dieldr.IN Compel

    distande'Of Moving (col) .

    On the other hand, the livers of untreated control pigeons

    did not indicate the presence of these highly polar

    metaboiites. The results undoubtely suggest that there

  • - 39 -

    . is always a possibility of drug-induced imbalance. of . sex

    hormones, and this is the basis for the speculation 'of the

    decrease,of birds'owing io their poor reproducton89) . As

    quite a' lot of reports 'are. prePared regarding:the. '

    induction of insecticides, more effort should be.devoted

    to clearing the.possible inhibition of reproduction bY . various

    other pesticides as well as their metabolites.


    .In the sections on insecticides the author described- .

    their metabolic patterns,forcussing hie attention on the

    oxidative metabolism in mammals,.insects and plants, and

    .discussed the width of the seleptivities of insecticides.

    In the field of weedkillers, the - selective ssceptibilities'

    'of plants to chemical substances and the caue. of the

    selectivities are alsO most important subjects. As expected,'

    we find a rather large number of examples of application Of

    radioisotopes especially' in the studies of the absorption:

    mechanism- of the plants, the . mobility Of chemicals in the

    plants-, and their metabolic pathway. In addition to these

    examples, since most weedkillers are the soil,

    the stability, -Mobility and availability of weedkillers in

    the . soil; their degradation in the soil, and their metabolism

    re.soil bacteria are important problems. Therefore, we see

    a considerable number of research reports in these areas as


  • - 40 -

    H "...N./H (Cill') (C3111)

    H 1-4C3

    3.1 Trifluralin


    dinormalpropyl-p-toluidine) is a toluidine-type weedkiller,

    and is commonly used to destroy weeds of the rice-plant

    family and other common wide-leaf weeds. The degradation

    of'14 -labeled trifluralin is different depending.on whether

    the conditions are aerbic or unaerobic..NaMely aerobically,

    dealkyIation'is the first Step of.degradation in the soil,

    which is then reduction of the nitro group, but

    reduction before dealkylation is the first step of anaerobic

    ) clegradation9 . The plants which show resistance . agaihst this

    .0,N NO, , 0,N f'. 1 NO3 03N e).1 NH,

    CF, Trifturalin

    CF, .CF, 6.q.7

    decdkyi I no e ci eri ect ve

    chemical were found to be poor absorbers of the chemical

    from the soil90) , and the major metabolities in carrots

    were found to be the dealjyl compounds 91)

    3.2 Di phe nami de

    This acid amide type weedkiller has high mobility

    in sOil, and is an excellent weedkiller for weeds of the

    rice-plant family and annual wide-leaf weeds. The Metabolism

    studY Using a 14 c-labeled marker in plants shoWed that

  • - 41 -

    demethyl compound (N-methy1-2,2-diphenyl acetamide) was

    . the major metabolite, and the yield of thi conversion

    96)*' was extremely high . On the other hand, when the same

    . marker was administered to rats, N-demethyl compoune),

    N-hydroxymethyl compound(s) and their derivatives, 0- and

    N-glucuronides, and 0-sulfate were isolated from the urine,

    indicating that the transformation of the N-methyl group s

    was the major metabolic pathway and the other possible route,

    that is, hydroxylation in the aromatic ring, was almost



    3.3 Diuron and Monuron

    Both diuron D-(3,4 7 dichloropheny1)1,1dimethyl

    urea3 and'monuron D r-(p-chloropheny1)-1,1-diMethyl urea]

    re phenyl urea-type weedkillers: They are absorbed by the

    roots and accumulated in the leaVes and inbibit the Plants'

    photosynthesis. All the weedkillers which have the -NH-00-

    group, namely,'carbamate-type, urea-type, triaZine-type and

    anilide-type weed-killers, block the Photosynthesis, and assumed that the' hydrogen bridge formation between

    *Translator's Note: 92)-95) are in section 3.8

  • this atomic group of the weedkillers and the free imino

    group, hydroxyl group and the carbonyl group of the

    chlorophyl-protein complex in the plant leaves is the cause

    of clocking photosynthesis.

    Resistance and susceptibility of a few plants against

    diuron and monuron were examined using radioisotopes. There

    was no difference in the mode of absorption or moving and

    distribution in the plants between the cotton-plant, which

    was relatively resistant to these chemicals, and the bean

    plant, which was susceptible to theme Although both mono-

    demethyl derivative.and di-demethyl derivative, which* were

    toxic to plants, were commonly isolated as the metabolites

    (of diuron) **' *** , the toxic demethyi derivative(s) could

    not be found in the metabolites from the cotton . plant.

    Similar demethyl derivative(s) were isolated as the metabolites

    of monuron. Therefore, the selectivity difference between

    these plants against these chemicals was considered due to

    the quantitative difference in detoxicative metabolism 97) .

    Recently it was reported that an oxidase in cotton leaves

    oxidatively removed the methyl group(s) of 14 -monuron to

    produce N-demethyl derivative(s) 98) . This enzyme was found

    in microsome fraction as the sametype of enzyme did in

    mammals and insects, and it required NADPH and oxygen to

    *Transl. Note: either one or both? ** " tt added by the translator

    from which plants?

  • do the job. This was : the -first : .exaMpl of cxidation.of

    pesticides by a plant oxidase and therefore it


    0 CI ,_=,) C2N a "i5 < CH' 11 e C711,

    011, N.-- Cit


    o ' r Nm7.!:

  • - 44 -

    99) susceptible or resistant . When 14 -dicamba Was administered

    to rats, most , of the drug was excreted in the mine, and about

    1/5 of it was a glucuronide drivative and the other major

    portion was unchanged dicambalW)


    . M crrlba.

    3,5 Paraquat, Diquat

    Both paraquat (1,1=dimethy1-4,4=bipyridinum salt)

    and diquat (6,7-ehydrodipyrido pyrazinum

    salt) appear to block the photosynthesis of plants. Since

    they are quickly deactivated in soil, they are usually applied.

    directly on leaved and stems. Both 14 0-paraquat and diquat

    are relatively stable in plants, and are only difficultly

    metabolized 101) , but they are quite susceptible to soil-

    microbial decomposition. Microbes first demethylate paraquat

    to 1-methy1-4,4' -dipyridinium ion in which the two htero-

    aromatic rings are oxidatively cleared to yield 1-methyl-

    4-carboxypyridinium ion. This sequence is entirely different

    from the photodegradative reaction, in which the formation

    of 1-methy1-4-carboxypyridinium takes'place (immediately)*

    after the first step of the degradation, i.e. splitting of

    the hetero ring (instead of de-N-methylation) .

    *Transl. Note: added by the translator.


    * 10 2 , 1 0 3 )

  • 1 -methyl -4 -carboxy-: pyridinium ion '

    3.6 Simazine, Atrazine

    + -

    (C11 3 - br)CNr C11 3 CI 13 N1-

    . .

    Paraquat 1 -methyl- 4,4'- dipyridinium ion


    Triazine-type weedkillers cannot'sterilize - the

    Weedss : seed,' and their reation mechanism is estimated

    to,be identical With that-of .urea-type naMely,

    they are absorbed by the rots and cumulate in the leaves,

    where theublock the plants' photosynthesis by. hydrogen:bond

    formation with the chlOrophyl-protein.cOmplex

    critically important for the:photosynthesis. Bth simazine

    C,2-chloro 74,6-bis(ethylimino)-s-triazinelandiatrazine

    C2-chlor6-4-thylimino-6-isopropylmino .-s-triaiine3 have

    strikingly slective actractives against ,corn plantS and

    'againbt weeds. The metabolism of simazine was examined by

    applying labeled simazine to the. resistant.corn plant, and

    it was learned that the detoxication by the plant was mainly ,

    caused by the plant's ability to substitute the chlorine atom

    with a hydroxyl group. This non-harmful hydroxy simazine

    was actually synthesized non-enzymatically by a reaction .

    of benzoxazinone (2,4-dihydroxy-3-keto-7-methoxy-1,4-

    benzoxazine) which was found in the plant. The concentration

    of this latter compound in a plant and the drug resistance

  • CI


    C3 H8SH-C C- NHC,H . N o

    Simazine OH

    Ces - NH-C-C-NHC11 ,,

    >se- .

    1-Iydroxy Si 'mazine



    (C1:13)MCON-C u4114C,I1, N O



    II C;HeNII-C,...,; .A1.. NH.

    Simazineffixl-Jkft:YdeethY1 derivative

    - 46 -


    the plant was repOrted tobe very closely.corrlate 104-106).

    However, there has been tarepoi-'t(s) t -o debate the relation-


    Another metabolic route of triazine chemicals in

    plants is dealkylation. Shimabukuro studied the metabolism

    of 14 -atrazine in bean, and found 2-chloro-4-amino-6- C

    isopropylamino-s-triazine, which was.the principal metabolite,

    but no hydroxy triazine derivative 107,108). This deethyl

    compound was also active in the inhibition of photo-

    synthesis although its activity was lower than that of

    atrazine itself. Bean plants are not as strongly resistant

    /395 to atrazine as corn plants are, but are more strongly

    resistant than oat. Therefore it was estimated that.the

    plants which were moderately resistant to triazine-type

    weedkillers might be detoxicating atrazine by deethylating

    some portion of the absorbed atrazine 108). It was also

    confirmed that the triazine-type weedkillers were hydro-

    10)* xylated in sciil 7 , and a soil microbe, Aspergillus

    * Transl.Note: Misprint of 109)?

  • 3.7 Propanil

    - 47 -

    fumigatus converted 14 0 -

    simazine to 2-ch1oro-4-amino-6-

    ethylamino - s-triazine by deethylation as bean dis ilo)

    An anilide, propanil (3i4-dichloroproPion'anilide)

    is a contact-type weedkiller, and it seIeCtively destroys.

    annual weeds such as barnyard'grass, mehishiba* and other

    weeds of the rice-plant family,. lthYough it hardly.damagee.

    'rice:plants. The mechanis .mHof the 'selectivity of this weed

    killer was studied in.detail and the results shoWed that

    the differnt activities against'rice.plant.and barnyard

    gras.s were not caused by the.difference in absorption and ,

    - mobility in these two plants but:by:the degree of the

    detxication reaction,.which wasthe hydrolyis of.propanil-

    .111 to 3,4-dichloroaniline (DCA)and propionic aci -114)d .

    It was fOund that. rice plant at its third-leafing.,age .

    had 26 times as large a detoxication activity as that of

    barnyard grass113) . The enzyme which decomposes propanil

    in rice plants was studied by Freer and others115) . It is

    also known that the organophosphates and carbamate insecti-

    cides'blocked the activity of this enzyme, and this finding

    can explain why the mixture spraying of this weedkiller

    and organophosphates or carbamate insecticides caused the

    116)115 112 ill effect on the sprayed rice plants '

    .* Transi. Note: water-chestnut?'

  • 15 1-I-C-CH .(0111C11., - I

    NH C-C,113


    ' CI - r"c y".CI Cl CI CI

    Propanil DCA DLA . . . .

    Recently. Yih and otherS 117) proposed . a different

    Mechanism'.of prOpanil metabolism after analyzing the -

    metabolites obtained. from carbonyl and ring labeled propanil.

    TheY suggested that the first step of the degrdative meta-'

    bolism was the oxidation to.3,4-dichlorolactanilide '(DLA)

    which was then hydrolyzed to.DCA and lactio - acid rther . than

    to propionic acid, While the older mechanism assumed th

    direct hydrolysis of the anilide linkage to yield DCA . and


    The fata of 14 -43CA prodUced in rice:plants after

    degradation of propanil has been the .subjectof many studies.

    Sti i 1 118) discoVered four DCA derivatives, one-of which. was

    N-. (3,4-dighloropheny1)-gluccisamine. ih 119)* clarified that

    other.DCA , derivatives were a mixture ofiDCA - glycosides-of

    glucose, xylose and fructose and other unidentified DCA

    glycosides. However,.the .content of these Water-soluble

    DCAcarbohydrte coMpounds was rather small and a major

    portion of the DCA derivativesSfas .the complex compounds -

    of DCA and lignin cellulose, hemicellulose and other high

    ->Trnsl. Note.: the translator.,

  • molecular weight cll comPonent. The change Of the side

    chain propionat of 'propanil was eXamined Using a:marker .

    qabeled at its terminal methyl group and at the Carbonyl.

    .It was Confirmed . that a large portion of the propionate ,

    group became 14 2 before being absorbed. by the plants. CO'

    This was explained by the rapid . hydrolysis of the propionate

    amide propionic acid, which underwent P-oxidation t

    produce CO2 120)

    Since propanil decomposes quickly in soil and is

    deactivated, the weeding effect by the soil-treatment method

    was said to be very poor. This rapid dcomposition was found

    to be due to the hydrolysis of propanil to DCA by soil

    bacteria121,122). Acylamidase which exists in mammalian

    livers was also known to decompose propanil l23).

    3.8 Naphthaleneacetic Acid

    The wellknOwn plant hrmone substance, 1-naphthalene-

    acetic acid is metabolized to itsderivatives in plants. Th

    major metabolites isolated were aspartic acid . amid

    EN-(1-naphthalene acetY1) aspartic acid] and "a glucoside

    (0-naphthalene actyl glucose). An oxidation product,

    8-hydroxy-l-haphthalene acetic acid and its. glucoside . were

    also identified92 ' 95) .'The distributions of these metabolites.

    were examined using 14 0-market compound, but they were quite

    different depending on the plants examined94) , On the other

    hand, most of the labeled compound was excreted in urine

  • DCooH it I C ii

    C .00H

    H2 CO 0 H

    I v)alelni-kale me,

    l lAkco s ct e, 31-y c e ae-ritrcx-Wve,

    szx.s rem-11 % c c . 4 ctg r mkt' (re.


    CC-Hz 0 im.e09'1 CH.4HC.CO0H, 0*

    when administered to rats, and the glycine derivative

    (naphthaceturic acid) and the corresponding glucuronide'

    95) were the major metabolites .


    The number of .examples of application of radio-

    isotopes in the field of biochemistry of flIngicide was

    relatively small, in comparison to thosein insecticides

    and weedkillers.-The reaSon for this is found in the facts

    that most of the reaction mechanism - of the.fungicides Was

    solved without using radioisotopes, that, although in'the

    application of insectiClidesi numerous.problems Such as ,

    comparative toxiciV:studies between higher-vertebrates

  • and insects, selective toxicities among the insects, and

    the mechanism of resistance, and also in the field of weed-

    killers, the problems of selective toxicities among plants

    were solved mainly with radioisotope techniques, the same

    types of studies were not very important when application

    of fungicides was studied, and that actually most of these

    problems were solved without the aid of the radioisotope

    technique. However, in recent years, a large number of new

    fungicides have been developed and are being used or about

    to be used. Naturally more knowledge about the mechanisms

    of the action of fungibides, of metabolism and resistance

    of fungicides and further data on the metabolism in higher

    plants and animals are needed, and the studies using isotopes

    4) are rapidly increasing. Since Kuwasaki 12 already reviewed

    the general application of radioisotopes in the studies of

    fungicides, this author discusses only those newer fungi-

    cides, namely, organochloro fungicides and organophosphates,

    reported after Kuwasaki's review..

    PCBA (Pentachlorobenzyl alcohol) is,a well-known

    fungicide to protect rice plants from rice withering disease.

    It does not have fungicidal activity against the fungi -

    responsible for the disease when they are placed in a test

    tube or on rice plant leaves but it prevents rdce plants

    from contracting the disease. However, only little was

    known about the 'mechanism of its functioning. In order to

  • clum cil

    ci ci ci

    ci -Vji ci ci ' ciVci

    CI . , ci CI

    PC IA PentacIdire- Pentachloro-

    benzylatdekde . benzoic acid .s%

    O0 11 .


    clarify the action mechanism 'or the toxicity of PCBA, its

    metabolisms in fungi, plants and animals were studied.

    When rice plants were treated with' 14 c-PCBA, there was

    little radioactivity in the aqueous extract, but the ether-

    soluble part contained unchanged PCBA and two unidentified

    125) . . 126) metabolites . Kakinoki and other detected pentachloro-

    benzaldehyde and pentachlorobenzoic acid from rice plants

    treated with PCBA, ,and they estimated that oxidations of

    the side chain were the major metabolic route- On the other

    hand, when 14 0-PCBA was orally administered to rats, only a

    small amount of the chemical was absorbed and found in blood,

    liver and urine, but the major portion was excreted in the

    feces with no change in its structure. The metabolites

    found in the urine were pentachlorobenzoic acid and PCBA

    glucuronide 127) .

    In order to clarify the action mechanism of a similar

    organochloro fungicide, PCPA (pentachlorophenyl acetate),

    absorption and transformation of the14 c-labeled fungicide

    in the pathogenic fungi of rice withering disease and in

    rice plants were studied. In both fungi and plants, the

    absorbed PCPA was hydrolyzed to pentachlorophenol (PCP).

  • Therefre the fungicidal - actiVity of PCPA was probably

    cased by ita metabdIic PCP128) cased'by ita metabdIic PCP

    EDDP (0-ethyl S,S-diphenyl phosphorodithiolate)

    is an organophosphate type fungicide and it shows either

    curative or preventive effect on rice withering disease. The

    mechanism of action has not yet been clarified. Uesugi 129)

    reported on its metabolism in the pathogenic fungus of the

    disease. 1%me1y 32p-EDDP was quickly.absorbed into the fungi

    and hydrolyzed to inorganic phosphoric acid via 0-ethyl

    S-phenyl thiophosphoric acid and ethyl phosphoric acid.

    At the initial stage of this metabolic pathway, an inter-

    mediate metabolite, which was soluble in toluene and was

    fungicidally active, was detected. There was no difference

    in the metabolic patterns of EDDP by susceptible fungua and

    resistant fungus.

    As to its metabolism in plants 130) , was rapidly

    subjected to hydrolysis, and its initial metabolites were

    0-ethy1 S-phenyl thiophosphoric acid (dephenyl derivative)

    and S,S-diphenyl dithiophosphoric acid (deethyl derivative)

    and later as the metabolism progressed, 0-ethyl phosphoric

    acid ana phosphoric acid increased in the'metaibolite mixture.

  • o

    7 e.

    dphenyl derivative

    0 sO


    'deethyl derivative

    -- 54 -

    It is reasonable to assume that the degradation of EDDP

    in rice plants took place in the order of the intermediate

    compounds listed above.

    1) Fukami and others13 compared the metabolism

    pattern of 32p-EDDP in various microbes and animals, namely,

    Bacillus subtilus, Fusarium, rice withering disease fungus,

    cockroach and rat. The patterns Of metabolites found in

    water-soluble and chloroform-soluble fractions obtained

    from each species were nearlY identical. The 32p-EDDP Orally

    administered . to rats was almost exclusively excreted in the

    urine, nd watrsoluble metaboiite in the rats' tissue and

    urine were the cam as'found in rice . plants. In the 'case of

    ,cogkroaches, the results were "again the same...SeruM,.liyer

    microsome, supernatant Of liver and other tissues of rats

    contained enzymes whiCh'hydrolyze EDDP,'and these enzymes .

    appeared to ihe metabolism .of EDDP. Un th

    other hand, body tissues of rats and cOckroaches, and their.

    exCrements Contained some in viv: .metabolites which .Wer

    soluble in chlorciforM and which were not the nyrolysis


  • 7?

    - 55 -

    products described above. Since these unidentified metabolites

    appearedto Widentical with the oxidative metabolites of

    EDDP with the NADPH-oxidase system obtained from the.liver

    and fat-body microsomes of rats and cockroaches, they'were

    considered to be ring hydroxylation products. Further these

    substances were identified from the metabolites of rice

    withering disease fungi, after treatment with EDDP, although

    they were not found in the metabolites of EDDP-treated

    Fusarium and Bacillus microbes. They are currently estimated

    to be the same toluene-soluble materials isolated by Uesugi

    and others, as described above.

    IBP (0,0-diisopropy1 S-behzyl phosphorothiolate)

    is also an effective fungicide against rice withering

    disease and it is an organophosphate type chemical. Its

    metabolism in the pathogenic fungi of rice withering disease

    was examined using a 35 s and 32p doubly labeled IBP. IBP

    was taken - in very rapidly, and its major portion was hydro-

    lyzed to 0,0-diisopropyl thiophosphoric acid. As the

    metabolites other than the hydrolysis product(s), two

    toluene-soluble intermediate metabolites were found. There

    was no difference in the patterns of metabolism between

    the IBP-Susceptible and IBP resistant-fungi l .

    0 . 3>

    CI-10) e-S-CH;Ct I-1, 0H3 t .


    IBP , .

    L. ,

  • 56: -



    In order to clarify the cause of the . seledtive

    toxicity of pesticides, it is important to examine every

    step , of the interactions between the pesticides and the

    substrates, plants or animals, until their pharmacological

    activities'are revealed by the symptoms of the substrates,

    and how the difference of the chemical structures of the

    pesticides and the difference of the substrates are reflected

    in the interaction of the chemical and the substrate must

    be analyzed at each step, physicb-chemically and biochemically.

    As factors in the selectivities of chemicals may be counted

    the absorption of the chemical, its mobility , and distribution

    in the body, its routes of metabolism and the mechanism, and

    further the sites of action of the chemicals. In this review,

    the author so far has explained the width of selectivity

    of insecticides, weedkillers and fungicides individually.

    In the following sections, the author attempts to describe

    the selectivities of a few insecticides, of which the

    principal cause of the seledtive pharmacological action

    was undoubtedly shown to be either oxidation or metabolism

    through complex formations.

    5.1 Seiective Toxicity of Rotenone

    Rotenone is' a selective insecticide. Its site 's of

    action are in the electron transfer system in the respiration

    process of insecte as are its sites of action in mammals.

  • 57

    As already described, the mtabolites of 14 0-rotenone by

    the microsomal system of mammals or insects are almost

    exclusively hydroxylated compounds, and the metabolites

    formed were essentially the same regardless of the sub- -, 10) . 0) estima strates' - ' 9; Fukami and others 1 9 ' ted that

    there were three factors participating in the selectivity

    of rotenone against insects and mammals.

    The first factor is the quantitative difference of

    detoxicative activities by oxidations. 14 c-Rotenone is

    oxidized stepwise to various hydroxylated derivatives

    which are less toxic than rotenone, by microsomes of various

    living creatures. his activity of detoxication is the

    strongest in rat liver; the cockroach fat-body has a weaker

    activity than the aforementioned and the middle intestine

    of cockroaches has an even' weaker activity (Table 3).

    Comparison of the contents of P-450, which is a component

    of microsomal oxidase systems, reveals that, in cockroach

    fat-body, it is less than 1/7 of that in rat liver microsomes.

    This low relative content alone indicates that the activitY

    of detoxicative metabolism of rotenone in cockroach must

    be very low'.

  • Ether layer 4 1 c (%'

    15 13 ' 31

    'cockroach fat body

    1 1

    cockroach middle intestine 63 24, 10

    61 . 24.

    rat liver 63 15 .

    cockroach middle intestine

    1 1.

    - 58 -

    . . . . .. , . . . . . .. .Table-3:- letabolism of . rotnone'by cOmbined.micrdsomes . . .

    Or microSoMe sUPernatants Of.inseCts or 'animais . .


    Mcrosome suiDernatant rotenone rotenone hyroxylated . mtabolites

    Aqueous layer 0 '(%). .

    rat liver

    rat liver rat liver 76

    cockroach fat body

    68 .16


  • -59

    The second factor is sthe difference in the activities

    of secondary reactions by supernatant enzymes of various

    tissues and organs of the insecte and animals. Although the

    hydroxylated metabolites of rotenone have only low pharma-

    cological activities, they are still toxic. These metabolites,

    however, can be converted to either insoluble, non-toxic

    metabolites, when supernatant fractions of liver are added.

    The newly derived metabolites are considered to be a complex

    of unknown structure. The activity of the supernatants to

    promote the secondary reaction varies considerably depending

    on the source of the supernatants, and the supernatant from

    cockroaches can hardly complete the secondary reaction,

    while that from rut liver rapidly finishes the reaction.

    The third factor is the effect of the-natural: .

    , inhibitor, which exists in insect body' tissues, on the

    oxidative . metabolism. The-sUpernatantsof.cockroach fat-body

    and middle intestine contain. protein-like natural inhibitor

    which depresses the oxidative metaboliem: Ifthe . supernatants

    . of the aforedescribed'fat-body or middle intestine are .

    'added, the activities of microsomal oxidase systems from.

    . rat liver and cockroach fat-body, and the yields of the'

    hydroylated Metabolites are considerably lowered. Particularly

    the middle intestine supernatant hass quite strong inhibitory

    activity. On the other hand, eupernatants from* mammals do

    not show this type of activity (Table 3). Even though a lot

  • of work has to be done on the physiological effects of the

    natural inhibitor on insect metabolism, it is pr.esently

    estimated that the inhibitor is suppressing the detoxication

    of rotenone in the bodies of insects by oxidation.

    Since the patterns of in vitro enzymatic metabolisms

    by rats and cockrOaches resemble very well those of in vivo /398

    metabolism observed in orally administered rats or in

    cockroaches injected with rotenone, the former in vitro

    patterns are interpreted as exact replicas of the metabolism

    lof rotenone in each insect or animal. Accordingly, the

    selectivity of rotenone has the width of the marginal

    selectivities both in the in vivo microsomal, primary

    oxidative metabolism and in the portion where the secondary

    * reaction participated 10) .

    5.2 Selective Toxicity of Parathion-Type Insecticides

    Dialkyl phosphate type insecticides have lower

    toxicity against mammals when the alkyl group are methyls

    than when they are ethyls. However; against insects, both

    have the same insecticidal activities with no selectivity.

    Plapp and other 133') labeled the methyl ar ethyl phosphate

    ester with 32 ' and examined their metabolisms in mammals P

    and in insects. They found that, in mammals, the methyl

    ester produced non-toxic demethyl compounds as a product

    *T.ransl. Note: . ?

  • ()stalky/ pkos 'hs..ip cm.c,t,des

    pa ratil l 'o 11,

    rte. fh o PI

    e_. E

    of P-O-Methyl splitting, but the ethyl ester did.not yield

    deethyl deriVative or, if yielded, only a very little

    amount. On the other hand, in insects, dealkylative

    metabolism appeared to take place only very difficulty.

    4- . Fukami and others13 6) independently fond that there was

    an enzyme which demethylated methyl ester insecticides, in

    liver supernatant of mammals, using 32 2-markers. This

    enzyme acted only at the methyl ester group, and the activity

    of that from the mammalian source was high but that of the

    insects was quite low. These results agreed well with

    Plapp's results described above. Thus the difference in

    dealkylations, that is, demethyiation of methyl ester

    insecticides to yieid non-toxic deriVative and deethylation

    which is difficult to take place, or the difference in the

    activities of enzymes that caused the demethylation,

    probably the principal cause of the low, toxicity against

    mammals and no selectivity among insects.

  • 0)P - O -L,t4

    OLe me tivy parectkeon

    GrS- 1LF CH

    vnee I tk

    y a g

    I Del ra.d. 04.+%lo o fvlefky l tet r a. till' 0 v% 11Ak+txtk t' one s- le-M y I -t- ra.s -t-exc&se_

    Aecti-ki N

    yaxathor,. ey

    -4 Tree. s I o.+ar s Weete * 0 be coYrec.t , e1-te r c4wet&1 or MOV10 yn e rot.ra.-t-h

    I rar VI

    The demethylation enzyme requites - reduced glutathione

    for the reaction. This indicates that the demethylation is

    not a simple hydrolysis of the phosphate ester, but a

    transfer reaction of the methyl group from the phosphate

    ester to glutathione. Experiments using'a 14 0-Methyl marker 157)

    proved that.the'transfer was assisted.ty a kind:of

    glutathione-transferase. .

  • C}130>

    AluFb P-0 NO z

    (7. e. )

    - Sumithion

    Sumithion, - which.i also a methyl phosphate insecticide

    with only lightly.different Chemical structure .from that -.

    of methylparathion, ha only 1/36 the toxipIty of that of .

    methylparathion. 'This selectivity was aIso studied using . .

    various markers". .First, it was found that th e degradeion

    velocities of-methylparathion and - sumithion bY the afor-.-

    described demethylase were nearly identical, and, the possible

    eelebtivity owing to this enzyme was de1,1ied136,138)...' Other

    possible . Participating enzymes Were sOught after but none

    of . the results uld eXplain,the.selectivitY 138) . Next, -

    Miyamoto and others 139-14,2 ) administered sumithiOn,'methyl-

    parathion and their oxons to Mammalei and examined their .

    activations in 'thebodies, their-degradations, degrees of. ,

    inhibition of cholinesterase actiVities, and .

    the tissues. They found that sumioxOn .penetrated mUch more

    slowly into brains than methylparaoxon, and the animals'

    brain-nerves were not ttacked seriously, and concluded

    that the,difference in the Mobilities into the brain is

    the main cause of the selectivities. However, Hollingworth

    and others 143) discovered that, when a large dose of

    sumithion was given to mice, almost all of the sumithion


  • -64

    degraded in the bodies, and about 80% of the degradation

    products was demethyl derivative, and they, therefore,

    proposed that the demethylation was the critical factor

    in their selectivities, thus casting doubts on Miyamoto

    and. others' brain- blodvessel. theory.

    The cause of the low toxicity of sumithion is still

    a subject of serious debate, and perhaps no one single factor

    la the critically important, low toxicity cause, and a

    number of factors may be contributing their influences

    simultaneously. It might be too optimistic to give any

    conclusive explanation of this problem, but the author .

    favours the following hypothesis the difference in the

    toxicities for animals between sumithion and methylparathion

    lies in the difference in the Velocities of the insecticides

    in reaching the brains. Owing to the slow mobility of

    sumioxon, before the brain nerves are paralyzed, both

    sumithion and sumioxon are rapidly detoxicated by the action

    ofdemethylase. The low toxicity of sumithion must be a .

    summary effect of the two actions.

  • I C.>- '11

    Bibliography in jaDanese

    33) Fukami, J. and others: Abstracts of Annual Meeting (1968), APplied Zoology and Entomology (Odokon-Koen) (1968) (page missing)

    83) Kato, R.: Sites of Action of Drugs (Yakubutsu no Sayoten) (Ed. by Takagi, H.) p. 227, Nankodo

    Pub. Co., Tokyo (1968) ' 112) Adachi, M. and others: 15roduction Technology of

    Pesticides (Noyakusisangijutsu) 14,19 (1966); 11 (1966).

    114) Ishizuka, K. and others: Abstracts of Annual Meeting of Japanese Agricultural Chemical Society p. 249 (Nichinoka Koen Yoshi) (1967).

    124) Kuwazuka, S. : Radioisotopes, 16, 37 (1967).

    125) Ishida, M.: Abstracts of Japan - U.S.A. Pesticide Seminar (Nichibei Noxaku Seminar Koen Yoshi) 189 (1967)

    126) Kakinoki, K. and others: Abstracts of Meeting of Japan Plant Pathology Society (Nippon Shyokubutsu Byori Gakkai Koen Yoshi) 34 (1968).

    127) Ishida, M. and others: Abstracts of Annual Meeting of Japanese Agricultural Chemical Society p. 48 (Nichinoka Koen Yoshi) (1969).

    128) Nishiki, 111. and others: Abstracts of Meeting of Japan Plant Pathology Society (Nippon Shyokubutsu Byori Gakkailoen Yoshi) 189 (1968); Abstracts of Annual Meeting of Japanese Agricultural Chemical Society, p. 250 (Nichinoka Koen Yoshi) (1968). .

    129) Uesugi, Y. and others: Abstracts of Meeting of Japan Plant Pathology Society (Nippon Shyokubutsu Byori Gakkai Koen Yoshi) 372 (1968).

    130) Tanken, S. (or Tan, K.) and others: Abstracts of Annual Meeting of Japanese Agricultural Chemical Society, p. 149 (Nichinoka Koen Yoshi) (19 69).

    131) Fukami, J.: Abstracts of Annual Meeting of Japanese Agricultural Chemical Society, p. 149 (Nichinoka Koen Yoshi) (1969).

    132) Tomisawa, O. and others: Abstracts of Mee

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