  • 8/14/2019 Transnational Professionals in Global Taipei


    Transnational Professionals in Global Taipei:

    Perspectives on Cultural Adjustment and Social

    Accommodation among Long-Term Alien Residents

    Final PaperSocial Development of Taiwan

    International Masters Program in Taiwan Studies

    Submitted: June 17, 2009

    Aaron Jensen 96924015Christy Chang 94924008Eri Obata 97924009Jane Chen 97924004Joe Landgrebe 97924013Patty Li 97924001Timothy Hogan 97924012

    Professor Hsiao-hung Nancy Chen

  • 8/14/2019 Transnational Professionals in Global Taipei


    Chapter 1: Introduction

    This study seeks to gain a better understanding of the experiences of Western

    professionals who live and work in Taiwan, particularly the means by which they

    professionals integrate and adjust themselves at work, with Taiwanese family members

    and with Taiwanese society in general. The goal of this study is to identify the positive

    and negative factors which affect Western professionals in Taiwan. As Taiwan and

    Taipei City seeks to develop global potential, attracting and retaining foreign

    professionals will be an important challenge. This goal can be better achieved by

    understanding the positive and negative factors which affect Western professionals in


    To gain a qualitative understanding of the challenges and issues which Western

    professionals experience, the authors of this paper selected twelve subjects for interview.

    Roughly half of the individuals surveyed were English teachers, and the other half

    worked in various forms for the government, while two individuals were small business

    owners. In order to gain greater depth, we purposely choose foreign professionals who

    had spent significant time in Taiwan, at least several years. Most of our participants had

    lived in Taiwan for over ten years and some had lived here for over twenty years. Their

    Chinese language ability ranged from beginner to highly fluent.

    Our interviews lasted from one to two hours and a broad range of topics were

    discussed. Interview questions were broken down into three main areas: work

    environment and opportunities, family and social relations and government laws and

    regulations. These three issues were deemed to have the greatest impact on the lives of

    Westerner professionals in Taiwan. Our examination of the workplace environment dealt

    with issues of promotion, salary and communication challenges. Family related questions

    looked at relationships with in-laws, communication, food choice and religious

    compatibility. Questions regarding Taiwan government policy examined issues such as

    taxation, health care, residence status and property ownership. Overall, our interviews

    were very fruitful and participants generally provided rich detail on their experiences and

    challenges in Taiwan.


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    In terms of structure, this study begins with an examination of relevant literature,

    discussed in chapter 2. The next chapter highlights and examines the research findings in

    detail. It provides an overview of the interview subjects and their responses to life in

    Taiwan. The three main subject areas, work, family and government policy are discussed

    in detail. Chapter 4 discusses the major findings and implications of the research

    findings. The aim of this chapter is to provide qualitative discussion and insight into the

    research findings. The concluding chapter deals with the implications of this study and

    provides discussion on research limitations and suggestions for future study.


    This study seeks to shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of Taipeis quest to

    become a global city. The concept of a global city closely mirrors the Taiwan

    governments desire to transform Taipei into a regional business and financial center.

    First developed by Thomas Friedmann, the concept of a global city describes a large

    metropolitan area which serves as a vital link in the world economy. As globalization

    breaks down borders, global cities take on increased significance for their economic,

    political and intellectual influence on world affairs. These cities are important for

    nations development due to their ability to create jobs, stimulate the economy and

    increase national prestige. As Taiwan seeks to secure its economic and political future,

    the goal of transforming the Taipei metro region into a second tier global city has taken

    on increased significance.

    Foreign residents, especially foreign professionals, are an important component of

    global cities. Foreign professionals provide essential linguistic, managerial and

    intellectual capital. As English is the current world language, Taipei desperately needs to

    attract English speaking professionals and develop the English ability of its residents.

    This study directly addresses this issue as our research focuses entirely on Western,

    native English speakers. The extent to which Taipei can, or cannot attract and maintain

    Western professionals has direct bearing on its developmental potential. This study will

    examine those factors which attract Western professionals as well as the areas where

    Taipei could improve.


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    This study is important because it examines the lives of Western professional in

    Taiwan. Taiwanese scholars have researched the impact of Mainland Chinese and

    Southeast Asian immigration on Taiwans society. However, there are no studies which

    examine the lives of Western professionals in Taiwan. Although this group is

    significantly smaller, the impact which this sector exerts on Taiwanese society is

    important. Native speaking English teachers will continue to be a valuable commodity in

    an increasingly globalized world. Moreover, Taiwans desire to become more integrated

    in the global economy will depend in part on its ability to attract Western managers and

    business professionals. Many international companies purposely post a Western

    representative to their Taiwan branch offices. In most cases, this individual resides at the

    upper management or executive level. Western companies have recognized that they

    must have a strong foothold in the Asian market. Taiwan, especially the Taipei region,

    must be able to attract Western business professionals if it seeks to become a gateway to


    Research Design

    Our research consisted of in-depth interviews with twelve Western professionals

    who had lived and worked in Taiwan for at least several years. It was decided that a

    qualitative approach would enable us to delve deeper into salient issues and produce

    more fruitful analysis. A quantitative approach was not feasible for this study as time and

    resources were limited.

    Our research included two rounds of interviews with the same twelve subjects.

    The first round of research questions were organized into three subjects with six to eight

    questions per subject. Data from the first round was then analyzed by team members who

    looked at trends and gaps in information. Two team members were assigned to analyze

    information on each of the three categories of questions. As new questions and

    information gaps were identified, analysts composed new questions which would help

    clarify problems and address information shortfalls. Subjects were then re-interviewed

    and the new data was applied to the initial information gaps.

    Overall, interview sessions were very open; interviewees were aware of the

    purpose of the study and were encouraged to provide relevant opinions and additional


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    detail on the issues. Discussion centered on the subjects personal views and experiences.

    In some instances, long term residents were able to provide insight into the lives of other

    Western professionals who reside in Taiwan. These broader observations greatly enriched

    the quality of our findings and depth of our observations.

    Chapter 2: Literature Review

    At the outset of this paper, our group immediately recognized the very interesting

    dynamics of our class make-up. National Chengchi University, in Taiwan, has managed

    to develop a graduate school program which invites students from across the globe to

    attend classes, taught in English nonetheless. This phenomenon of globalization, taking

    place in our common lives, sparked a very interesting debate among our group members.

    How globalized is Taiwan? Can Taiwan be considered a global city? From this seed of

    interest, our group decided to set out on our research project. We would begin our

    research with a very general outlook towards global cities.

    One cannot mention the term global city, without acknowledging the works of

    Saskia Sassen. She is at the forefront of this new and exciting research. She put this

    topic on the map with her, bookGlobal City. She approaches global cities as sites for the

    production of producer services and as financial market-places for the buying and selling

    of securities.1 Next, if Saskia Sassen is the godmother of the global city thesis, then John

    Friedmann would be the godfather with his article, The World City Hypothesis. This

    paper subsequently formed the backbone of the global city theory. He argues that cities

    and urban development in general are closely tied to the changing organization of the

    global economy. Specifically, the world urban system is a spatial manifestation of the

    new international division of labor.2

    From our preliminary research, we decided the topic of global cities is much too

    large in scope to manage in this short term paper, but one common theme we grasped

    from the global city theory is the importance of immigrant communities in helping to

    develop global cities. We decided to take the idea of immigrant communities one step

    further; thus we isolated transnational professionals. Transnational professionals are a

    1 Saskia Sassen, Global City,: New York, London, Tokyo , Princeton University Press, 2001.2 John Friedmann, The World City Hypothesis,Development and Change, 17 (1): 69-84.


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    key to developing the linkages to the larger global community. We will focus on this

    aspect to determine Taipeis standing as a regional global city.

    The migration and settlement of transnational professionals to Taiwan is a

    reflection of the wider dynamics of societal change that are a result of global mobility.

    Studies in transnationalism to date have tended to focus on the movement of people, in

    particular, lower or unskilled migrants, from developing countries to Europe or North

    America and wealthier parts of Asia. However, transnationalism from above, has been

    neglected by scholars. Alejandro Portes contends, transnationalism from above is

    overlooked, due to the more novel and distinct development of transnationalism from


    Although, the influence of highly skilled transnational professionals circulating

    the globe has generally been neglected, some acknowledgement of this recent

    phenomenon has been mentioned by various scholars. Russell King mentions, rapid

    growth of skilled international migration-a new breed of executive nomads who, while

    quantitively much less important than the mass labor migrations of the past, nevertheless

    wield enormous influence over the functioning global economy.4 The circulation of this

    labor regime between key global cities is facilitated by better communication and

    transport technologies. Governments, honoring trade agreements, streamline professional

    movement by instituting the recognition of qualifications and allowing easier access to


    In Lucie Cheng and Marian Katzs, Migration and the Diaspora Communities,

    these two scholars identify a trend in Americans participating in the professional

    migration flow. One group they identify in particular is the teachers of English as a

    foreign language (EFL) in the Asia-Pacific region.5 Taiwan has an abundance English

    teachers living and working in Taiwan. We then decided to use this sub-group as our

    case sample. But, who are these professionals, moreover, why have these professionals

    decided to stay in Taiwan?

    3 Alejandro Portes, Luis E. Guarnizo, & Patricia Landolt, The Study of Transnationalism: Pitfalls and

    Promise of an Emergent Research Field,Ethnic and Racial Studies 22, 1999, p. 223.4 Russell King, Migrations, Globalizations and Place, in D. Massey & P. Jess (eds),A Place in theWorld? Places, Cultures and Globalization, UK: Open University Press, 1995, p. 24.5 Lucie Cheng and Marian Katz, Migration and the Diaspora Communities, in Richard Maidment and

    Colin Mackerras, Culture and Society in the Asia-Pacific, Routledge Press, London, 1998, p. 77.


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    The migration of transnational professionals has not only affected the global

    economy but it has also affected interpersonal relationships. As this particular course is

    entitled, The Social Development of Taiwan, we will focus our research in the

    sociological perspectives of transnational professional migration. As working

    professionals set out on their careers to far off lands, their lives cannot simply be put on

    hold. They will inevitably pursue the same desires as any other of their peers. This

    includes the pursuit of a significant other in hopes of marriage. Today, in Taiwan we can

    observe far more intercultural marriages than any time in the past. Intercultural marriage

    is simply defined as the marriage between individuals from different cultural

    backgrounds. Sometimes, authors will make reference to other terms such as:

    interracial, cross-cultural, interethnic, etc. These terms should be applied in the

    context of the above definition of intercultural marriage.

    Some researchers see the analysis of intercultural marital decisions as an

    interaction based on the exchange of relative group status and demean the marriages by

    impugning purely mercenary motives to the partners.6 While others employ Foa and

    Foas Resource Exchange Theory among the many versions of social exchange theory to

    emphasize the exchange of intangible rewards to explain interpersonal relationships

    among ethnic groups.7 Increasingly, researchers studying intermarriages are starting to

    emphasize the shared cultural inheritances among the groups, the value in creating new

    forms of experience, and the bottom line of romantic love that forms the basis of all

    satisfying marriages.8 Gaines & Liu argue, that if we acknowledge that romantic love

    forms a major part of the socioemotional foundation for marriage in general, then we

    would not expect the interpersonal rules of the game to change when we shift from

    intraethnic to interethnic relationship contexts.9

    Theoretical Framework

    6 W.R. Johnson & D.M. Warren, Inside the Mixed Marriage: Account of Changing Attitudes, Patterns, and

    Perceptions of Cross-Cultural and Interracial Marriages. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1994.7 S.O. Gaines Jr. & J.H. Liu, Romanticism and Interpersonal Resource Exchange Among Interethnic

    Couples. In S.O. Gaines Jr., R. Buriel, J.H. Liu & D.I. Rios (Eds.), Culture, Ethnicity and Personal

    Relationship Processes. New York: Routledge, 1997, p. 91-118.8 Ibid.9 Ibid. p. 97.


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    For our groups research we strive to better understand how intercultural married

    couples adjust to each others different culture. Wen-shing Tseng distinguishes four

    types of adjustment in intercultural marriage: one-way adjustment, alternative

    adjustment, mixture of culture and creative adjustment.10 Dugan Romano also

    distinguishes four types; obedience, compromise, cancellation and harmony.11 Based on

    these models, Shuko Takeshita has created four types of adjustment: Type I (adjustment

    to partner), Type II (alternative adjustment), Type III (compromising adjustment), and

    Type IV (synthetic adjustment).

    Figure 1: Takeshitas Model of Cultural Adjustment

    Type I can be divided into two parts: I-1 (adjustment to husbands culture) and I-2

    (adjustment to wifes culture). This adjustment means that husband or wife abandons

    his/her culture and adjusts husbands/wifes culture.

    In Type II, both husband and wife abandon their cultures and create their own new

    culture. Or it means that husband and wife live in the third country which they are not

    from and they accept the third countrys culture abandoning their original cultures.

    Type III indicates that both husband and wife abandon some aspects of their

    cultures to adopt their partners culture.

    10Wen-shing Tseng, Adjustment in Intercultural Marriage, The University Press of Hawaii, 1977, p.98-101.11 Dugan Romano, Intercultural Marriage, Intercultural Press Inc., 1988, p.72.




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    In Type IV, while husband or wife retains his/her culture, he/she accepts partners

    culture. This adjustment is supported by agreement between them. This is said to be ideal

    model for adjustment in intercultural marriage since both husband and wife do not have

    to abandon anything.12

    Noting the similarities of each authors framework, our group decided to apply the

    theoretical framework set forth by Shuko Takeshita as a tool to analyze our data.

    Chapter 3: Research Findings

    This chapter of the paper is comprised of four parts. The first section summarizes the

    results of the questionnaire on the subjects socio-economic background. The purpose of

    this section is to provide insight into the characteristics of the subjects of this study and

    give the reader a deeper understanding of the background of foreign professionals who

    have lived in Taiwan for many years. The second section analyzes the subjects

    experiences living in Taiwan in regard to the cultural adaptation that they undergo as a

    result of their marriage to Taiwanese women. Their responses to questions about

    language, food, and religion are evaluated and the results of the analysis are used to

    determine the suitability of Takeshitas model of cultural adjustment for explaining the

    acculturation process that these subjects have experienced. In the third section and fourth

    sections, we examine the subjects answers to questions regarding their employment in

    Taiwan and the influence of Taiwans legal system on their experience as foreign

    residents here. The purpose of these analyses is to identify key features that may have an

    impact on Taiwans ability to attract foreign professionals and increase its

    competitiveness as a global city.

    3.1 Socio-Economic Background

    To investigate the cultural adaptation strategies of long-term foreign residents of

    Taiwan, specifically male, native English-speakers married to Taiwanese women, twelve

    subjects were chosen for in-depth interviews. The interviews took place over several

    weeks in April 2009. The subjects were interviewed singly, in pairs, or in groups of three.

    12Shuko Takeshita, Sociology of Intermarriage, Bungakusha, 2000, p.134-143.


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    All interviews were recorded for later analysis. Each of the subjects was asked to

    complete a brief questionnaire prior to taking part in a group interview. Selected results

    from the subjects answers to the questionnaire are provided below.

    3.1.1 Countries of origin

    Of the twelve subjects, seven (58%) came from the United States, two (17%)

    from the United Kingdom, two (17%) from Canada, and one (8%) from Australia.

    According to Taiwans Ministry of Interior, in 2008, the total number of foreign residents

    from these four countries totaled 13,378.13 Of the total, 68% came from the US, 9% from

    the UK, 18% from Canada, and 5% from Australia. These shares are roughly equivalent

    to those of the participants in our study.

    Table 1: Breakdown of subjects nationality

    3.1.2 Length of stay in Taiwan, current age, and age at arrival in TaiwanThe average length of residence in Taiwan for the twelve subjects was 16 years,

    with a maximum of 27 years and a minimum of 5 years. The ages of the subjects range

    from a maximum of 50 to a minimum of 34, with the average age being 42. All of the

    subjects arrived when they were between the ages of 21 and 30 years old, with average

    age at arrival being 25.

    3.1.3 Reasons for coming to Taiwan, visa/citizenship status

    As to why the subjects originally came to Taiwan, seven (58%) reported that they

    came for adventure or travel, two (17%) to study language or culture, two (17%) to work,

    and one (8%) to join family. The one subject who came to join family married his

    Taiwanese wife while she was studying in the US, and they came to Taiwan together. Of

    13 National Immigration Agency, Ministry of Interior, Taiwan, Republic of China. (June 2008)

    Countries In Taiwan In this study

    Total Number Percentage Total number Percentage

    US 9,514 68% 7 58%

    UK 1,168 9% 2 17%

    Canada 2,409 18% 2 17%

    Australia 647 5% 1 8%

    Total N=13,378 100% N=12 100%


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    the twelve subjects, eleven (92%) currently possess Joining Family Residence Visas

    (JFRV), which grants residency rights to foreigners on the basis of marriage, and one

    (8%) has a Alien Permanent Residency Certificate (APRC), granted on the basis of

    having met residency and employment qualifications. None of the subjects has applied to

    become a citizen of the Republic of China, and all maintain their original nationality.

    3.1.4 Occupations

    One feature of the subjects occupations is the predominance of work related to

    English, whether editing, translating, or teaching. Seven subjects (58%) are teachers, two

    (17%) are editors, one (8%) owns a trading company, one (8%) is a translator, and one

    (8%) is an engineer. All of the subjects originally worked as teachers when they first

    arrived in Taiwan, but five of them eventually moved into other lines of work. Of the

    seven teachers, six teach English, and one teaches music. Of the six English teachers, all

    occasionally work as English editors, whether for instructional materials, academic

    papers, or technical publications. In contrast to their foreign husbands, the Taiwanese

    wives do a wide variety of jobs, including office work, journalism, teaching, translating,

    editing, trading, sales, travel agent, real estate agent, personal assistant, and accounting.

    In fact, of the twelve women, no two of them share the same occupation. Several of the

    wives, do, however, work in the same field as their husband, notably in teaching, editing,

    and in a trading company.


    Chart 2: Wives' Occupations

    Volunteer AccountantOffice worker JournalismTrans lating Editor Trade Travel agentReal estate agent Personal assistantTeaching

    Chart 1: Subjects' Occupations

    Trade Teaching Translating

    Edit ing Engineer

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    3.1.5 Education levels

    In terms of education, the foreign husbands are slightly more educated on average

    than their wives. The average length of schooling for the subjects is 16.6 years, versus 15.

    2 years for their wives. The most educated man in this study and his wife, the most

    educated woman, met in the US and moved to Taiwan after completing their educations.

    The two men who are engaged in MA/MS programs are pursuing these in English in

    Taiwan, one at a local university, and one through a distance learning program from a

    UK university.

    3.1.6 Family size

    As for family size, five (42%) of the couples have two children, two (17%) have

    one child, and five (42%) have no children. The total fertility rate for this group is 1.0,

    slightly lower than the average of 1.12 for Taiwan.14 Of the twelve children, two (17%)

    are over 20 years of age, two (17%) are between 15 and 20, two (17%) are between 10

    and 14, three (25%) are between 5 and 9, and three (25%) are below 5 years of age.

    3.1.7 Home ownership

    Of the twelve families, eight (67%) rent their home, while four (33%) own their

    own home. Of those who rent, none said they were planning to buy a home. Compared to

    14 Department of Statistics, Ministry of Interior, Taiwan, Republic of China. (2008)


    Chart 3: Comparision of Education Levels

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    High school

    Two-year college


    MA/MS pending






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    the home ownership rate in Taiwan, which averages 88%,15 the proportion of the subjects

    who own the home they live in is considerably low.

    3.1.8 Transportation

    Of the twelve subjects, three (25%) own a car only, three (25%) own a motorcycle

    only, and six (50%) own both a car and a motorcycle. The high rate of motorcycle

    ownership is a feature of life in Taiwan. Two of those who currently own a motorcycle

    only have owned cars in Taiwan in the past but sold them prior to the survey. According

    to the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure,16 the rate of car ownership per

    household is approximately 59%, somewhat lower than the 75% reported by the subjects

    in this study.

    3.1.9 Foreign trips

    As for trips overseas, four (33%) travel abroad less often than once a year. Five

    (42%) travel overseas between one and two times per year, and three (25%) take foreign

    trips more than two times per year. According to the DGBAS survey mentioned above,

    the number of overseas trips by Taiwanese was approximately seven million, or

    somewhat less than one-third the number of Taiwanese citizens, thus yielding an

    approximate average frequency of overseas trip equal to less than one per year. This

    suggests that the subjects in this study tended to travel overseas relatively more often than

    Taiwanese citizens.

    3.1.10 Income

    Of the twelve subjects, seven (58%) chose not to reveal their annual income. Of

    the five who did indicate their income, one (8%) claimed to earn less than NTD1.5

    million per year. Three (25%) reported annual net earnings of between NTD1.5 million

    (USD 49,197) and NTD2 million (USD65,596), and one claimed to make more than

    NTD2 million per year. Of those seven who did not reveal their income, three probably

    earn more than NTD2 million, and four less than NTD2 million (based on their

    15Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics,

    Executive Yuan, Taiwan, Republic of China. (2007)16 Ibid.


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    occupations and work history). Overall, these results indicate that the subjects earn at

    least double Taiwans per capita income of USD17,226, with some earning more than

    four times that amount.

    3.1.11 Chinese language ability

    All of the subjects claim to have some ability to use Chinese. On average, the

    subjects have intermediate level speaking and listening ability but only an elementary

    level of reading and writing. None of the subjects claim any fluency in Taiwanese

    (Southern Min dialect), although some know a few phrases.


    Chart 4: Chinese Language Ability by Skill








    None Elementary Intermediate Advanced

    Lis tening Speak ing Reading Writing

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    3.2 Family

    In this section, we analyze which of Takeshitas four adjustment models, I--

    Adjustment to Partner, II--Alternative Adjustment, III--Compromising Adjustment, and

    VI-- Synthetic Adjustment, best describes the twelve couples. The basis by which we

    classify the cultural adjustments is the proportion of adjustment that both the husband and

    the wife make in terms of three factors, the language(s) the couple speak together, the

    type(s) of food they eat together, and their religious beliefs and practices.

    Figure 2: Variables Indicating Cultural Adjustment

    3.2.1 Four Models of Cultural Adjustment

    The following table demonstrates the four models of adjustment and provides key

    features for each. The third model, Compromising Adjustment, has four variants in order

    to account for the possible combinations of features. For our analysis, adopt means that

    the husband and wife act in accordance with the features of one culture in particular,

    while accept indicates that a husband and wife retain their original culture and

    incorporate features of both cultures into their life together. Retain is used to indicate

    that both husband and wife continue to practice their original culture, particularly in

    regard to religious belief.


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    Table 2: Adjustment Models and Characteristics

    Adjustment Model Language Food ReligionType I 1 (Adjustment to husbands


    Couple adopt at least two aspects of

    husbands culture and no aspects of wifesculture

    100% English 100% Western Both retainoriginal belief

    Type I 2 (Adjustment to wifes culture)

    Couple adopt three aspects of wifes

    culture and no aspects of husbands culture

    100% Chinese 100% Chinese Both adopt

    Chinese beliefs

    Type II (Alternative adjustment)

    Couple adopts aspects of third culture and

    few aspects of either husband or wifes


    Third language

    (neither Chinese

    nor English)

    Third style of food



    Western or


    Both retain

    original beliefs.

    Type III (Compromising adjustment A)

    Couple adopts one aspect of both husband

    and wifes culture, rejects one aspect of

    both husband and wifes culture, andadopts one aspect of husbands culture.

    50% English and

    50% Chinese

    Third style of food



    Western orChinese)

    Both adopt western


    Type III (Compromising adjustment B)

    Couple adopts one aspect of husbands

    culture and one aspect of wifes culture.For the third aspect, both partners adopt a

    third culture.

    100% English 100% Chinese Both adopt a third


    Type III (Compromising adjustment C)

    Couple adopts one aspect of husbands

    culture, one aspect of wifes culture, and

    both retain one aspect of their original


    100% English 100% Chinese Both retain

    original beliefs.

    Type III (Compromising adjustment D)

    Couple accepts one aspect of each othersculture, adopts a third culture in another

    aspect, and adopts the wifes culture for the

    third aspect.

    50% English and

    50% Chinese

    Third style of food Both adopt

    Chinese beliefs.

    Type IV (Synthetic adjustment)

    Couple accepts two or three aspects of

    each others culture.

    50% English and

    50% Chinese

    50% Western and

    50% Chinese

    Both retain

    original beliefs

    3.2.2 Questions about language, food, and religious belief

    To understand how the couples had adjusted, we asked the twelve subjects to

    discuss three aspects of their lives: language, food, and religion. First, in terms of

    language, we asked each subject what proportion of conversations with his wife is in

    Chinese, and what portion is in English. Second, in terms of food, we asked each subject

    what proportion of the meals that they eat together as a couple is Chinese and what

    portion is Western. Third, in terms of religion, we asked them to express the amount to

    which they believe in or practice Chinese religion. For the first two categories, language


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    and food, the subjects were able to answer in a straightforward manner by assigning a

    numerical ratio. For the third category, we provided suggestions as to how they might

    answer on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 indicating complete disbelief and 5 meaning

    complete belief. They were told that an answer of 1 might indicate that they refuse to

    take part in any Taiwanese/Chinese religious activity, such as going to a temple,

    worshiping the ancestors, or any similar practice; a 2 would be appropriate if they

    usually did not take part in religious practice but might have done this one or a few

    occasions; if they do not believe, but are willing to pretend to pray, to hold the incense

    sticks, to bow to the gods, etc., in order to make their wives and/or families feel that they

    are filial, they could select 3 as their answer; if they believe there might be some

    supernatural benefit to praying along with their wives/families and they therefore actually

    pray with the situation calls for it, but they do not necessarily pray on their own, they

    could select 4 as the appropriate response; and if they pray, light incense, and bow to

    the gods without their wives or family members necessarily being aware of this activity,

    they could choose 5 as their answer.

    The following table presents the subjects answers to the questions about the

    language they use when conversing with their wife, the percentage of Chinese meals they

    eat with their wife, and the extent to which they adopt Chinese beliefs. The column on the

    far right indicates the adjustment category that best describes each subject.

    Table 3: Adjustments by Language, Food, and Religion

    Subject Percentage of



    Percentage of

    Chinese meals

    Index of

    religious belief



    1 100 80 1 I-2

    2 25 80 1 III

    3 40 70 3 III

    4 50 50 2 IV

    5 10 25 2 I-1

    6 10 80 3 III

    7 30 80 2 III

    8 0 75 1 III

    9 50 30 3 III

    10 10 60 2 IV

    11 50 70 1 IV

    12 70 70 1 I-2


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    3.2.3 Results and Data Analysis

    From the above data, we can see that one subject, comprising 8% of the total, is

    classified as correlating with I-1. Two subjects, making up 17% of the total, are

    categorized as I-2. No subjects were classified as II. Six subjects, comprising 50% of the

    total are grouped with III. While three subjects, 25% of the total, are associated with IV.

    Chapter 3.2.4 Western Spouses Adjustment

    According to the results of survey, 75% of the total was classified as Type III

    (Compromising) and Type IV (Synthetic Adjustment). To see how the Western spouses

    actually adjust themselves into Taiwanese family more deeply, we conducted

    questionnaire again about their relationships with Taiwanese in-laws. The following chart

    shows their answer to the question about their relationships with in-laws.

    Overall, approximately 60% of the subjects answered they had relatively good

    relationships with their in-laws or at least no conflicts with them. One explained the

    reason as his mother-in-law married a man from Hong Kong so his parents-in-law have


    Chart 5: Adjustment Type Distribution

    Type I-2


    Type III



    Type IV



    Type I-1



    Chart 6: Re lations with In-laws









    No conflicts



    Both good and




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    an understanding of intercultural marriage. Also, one said he used to have bad

    relationships with in-laws but as he tried communicating with them more, in-laws

    attitudes changed and now he has good relationships with them. On the other hand, 20%

    of them answered that they always or sometimes had bad relationships. The biggest

    reason for this bad relationship seems that in-laws are traditional families. Taiwanese

    traditional families sometimes do not allow their daughters to marry foreigners.

    Regardless of personality, the problem is that daughters husband is a foreigner.

    Through the interview, we found some important factors which influenced

    relationships with in-laws. The first factor is religion. We asked the twelve Western

    spouses whether they have had conflicts with their Taiwanese spouses about religion

    before or not. Two answers are not available and the other ten subjects answered that they

    have had no conflicts about religion. Also, nine of those ten say that they are not very

    religious though some of them have their own beliefs (Christianity) so they do not mind

    worshiping their Taiwanese spouses ancestors. Remarkably, eight people answered that

    they can worship for their spouses ancestors if that will make Taiwanese wives or their

    Taiwanese families happy. That means Western spouses regard worshiping their

    ancestors as an important factor for good relationships with their Taiwanese spouses and


    The second factor is language. Some say that though their relationships with in-

    laws are good, they have limited communication and cannot have any deep or close

    communications because of language problem. This kind of problem is often seen in the

    survey when their in-laws speak only Taiwanese. Also, one who has answered that he has

    bad relationships with in-laws says that his parents-in-law are conservative and

    traditional and especially his father-in-law never allows intercultural marriage even now.

    Also, his in-laws speak only Taiwanese and Japanese so he cannot communicate with

    them. We suppose in this case, language problem makes their relationships more

    complicated because they cannot communicate well to narrow their gaps.


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    3.3 Employment

    According to the Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, there are

    27,064 foreign professional people legally working in Taiwan in April, 2009.17 The

    foreign professionals have professional skills, are missionaries and artists, language

    teachers in schools or cram schools, are employed in foreign investment, and work as

    supervisors, coaches, and athletes. In order to understand in more detail their attitudes to

    their employment, we interviewed our subjects about this topic, and below are presented

    the outcome and our analysis.

    3.3.1 Satisfaction with working conditions

    According to Table 4 and Table 5, more than half of the interviewees indicate there

    is no room to move up and have no equal chance to Taiwanese coworkers. Of the twelve

    interviewees, six (50%) think that there is no room to move up and three of the six says

    they are already in the ceiling for promotion. Three of the six people show that the

    promotion system for foreigners and local Taiwanese is completely separately so they

    have no equal change to Taiwanese coworkers. There is only one agree that all coworkers

    have equal chance because all teachers are foreigners. Obviously, according to the

    outcome of analysis, it reveals more than 50% interviewees dont have room to move up

    and equal chance to Taiwanese coworkers.

    17Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, information is from 15th January, 2004 to March 2009. The allowed working forces also include the

    number in the science park and export processing zone.


    Chart 7: Opportunity for Advanceme nt









    Not at all Yes Yes, with


    Not applicable

    Chart 8: Equal Opportunity with Local











    No Yes Not Applicable

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    3.3.2 Satisfaction with income

    Table 6 indicates that it is a 50/50 basis for happy and unhappy with their income.

    Of the twelve interviewees, the occupation of teaching shares 58%. Their pay may

    depend on their teaching hours. However, according to the interviewees, there are two

    kinds of standards to pay money to teacher, one is that school is based on month to pay

    money to Taiwanese English teacher, and the other is that school is based on working

    hours to pay money to Foreign English teacher. School arranges the fixed working

    hours to Foreign English teacher, and school never arranges over the fixed working

    hours to them. Foreign English teacher could not get extra bonus as Taiwanese English

    teacher, for example, they could not get year-end-bonus because Foreign English teacher

    are temporary worker. Some who are happy with their pay is because they think their

    pay is higher than those of Taiwanese coworkers. According to the Bureau of

    Employment and Vocational Training, in order to protect local Taiwaneses job

    opportunities and avoid the employers invite the blue collar work forces into the market

    under the name of white collar work force (professional people), the authority concerned

    rule these companies who employ the white collar force should obey the minimum salary

    NTD 47,971 per month. In our cases, 60% of the subjects have an annual income of

    between NTD 1.5 and 2 million.

    Table 6: Satisfaction with Income

    Satisfaction with income

    Yes 5 42%

    Yes, but more would be better 1 8.33

    No 5 41.67

    Not applicable 1 8.33

    Total N=12 100%

    3.3.3 Communication

    Table 7 shows that over 50% of the twelve interviewees have communications

    problems at work. Even though all of the coworkers can speak English, communication

    problems exist because of cultural different and different way of expression. We can say

    they dont have language problems but have communication problems such as Taiwanese

    further intonation or implication. Due to the tower of Babel in bible, the God indeed


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    confounded our languages and scattered the people on the earth. One of the interviewees

    says that effective communication can sometimes be a challenge and Taiwanese

    sometimes misinterpret what he says. Four of the interviewees indicate the problems

    most resulting from cross-cultural communication. For those who answer No is

    because all of their coworkers are foreigners or think intonation and implication are not

    problems for them.

    3.4 Government Policy

    One feature of globalization is that it facilitates the migration of people among

    various nations. It is vital to form an immigrant community in order to evolve global city

    as described in the literature review. In Taiwans case, the number of foreigners coming

    to Taiwan has been increasing in recent years. In 2004, Taiwan welcomed 2,428,297

    visitors, an increase of 616,263, or 34.01%, compared with 2003. Most of the foreigners

    in Taiwan are long-term residents. By the end of 2004, the number of foreigners living in

    Taiwan totaled 526,049, of whom 445,472, or 84.68%, were resident aliens, and 78,663,

    or 14.95%, visiting travelers. The remaining 1,914 accounted for 0.36%. Accumulated till

    April in 2009, the number of foreigners classified as residential aliens reached 400,681. 18

    Thus, cultural exchanges become so common that we face the situation of how the

    government policy maker to deal with the new migrants and how the government to make

    better policy to attract more foreigner to immigrate in Taiwan.

    To understand the issues related to the rising rate of intermarriage in Taiwan and

    how best to respond in terms of government policy perspective, we analyzed the

    responses of the twelve subjects in regard to the policy of the Taiwan government, in

    18 National Immigration Agency


    Chart 9: Communication Problems







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    particular focusing on four aspects, the influence of the legal system on the subjects life

    experience in Taiwan, the income tax system, property laws, and the health care system.

    3.4.1 Perception of impact of government policies

    When asked whether governmental policies influence their life, nine (75%)

    subjects acknowledged that they do, while three (25%) said that they do not have a major

    influence. According to those subjects who they did impact their lives in Taiwan, there

    are three important factors: immigration laws, work permits, and laws relating to property


    In terms of immigration laws, three subjects (25%) reported that the immigration

    laws have been gotten better over time and they were provided a residence certificate

    because of their marriage. In addition, the marriage visa law was one of the most positive

    reforms for foreigners in Taiwan.

    Furthermore, three subjects (25%) said that they had difficulties in regard to

    changes to the immigration laws. These difficulties were mainly due to the fact that there

    were not familiar with changes that had taken place, and there were therefore unsure how

    these changes impacted their own lives. For example, one subject found that he was

    denied the opportunity to perform music professionally in 2006 after the work permit

    laws were either changed or enforcement measures were strengthened. At that time, the

    subject had an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) through his place of employment and

    not a Joining Family Residence Visa (JFRV), which he could have qualified for. After

    facing this difficulty, he applied for and was granted a JFRV. Therefore, we assume that


    Chart 10: Influence of Government Policies




    Work permit



    No influence3


    Land ownership3


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    most challenges with work and immigration status derive from the fact that Taiwans

    government views English teaching professionals as migrant workers.

    Three (25%) subjects also discussed the fact that they could not buy property in

    Taiwan. They felt that this indicated a double standard in regard to how the government

    treats foreigners and local people. They further expressed their disappointment that while

    Taiwan denied foreign residents equal rights under the law, Taiwanese living in English-

    speaking countries would be treated in the same way that citizens of those nations would

    be treated. On the contrary, three (25%) foreign spouses observed that the laws are not

    stringently followed in Taiwan, with one subject volunteering that the selective

    enforcement of laws was primarily a means of protecting the rights of the elite class.

    3.4.2 Tax system

    Table 8: Attitude toward Income Tax System

    Attitude toward Income Tax System

    Unsatisfied 1 8%

    Satisfied 11 92%

    Total N=12 100%

    Foreigners who work in Taiwan are required by law to file income tax.19 As the above

    table indicates, the subjects were largely satisfied with Taiwans income tax system, withone (68%) expressing dissatisfaction with the tax system and eleven (92%) saying they

    were satisfied. Of those expressing satisfaction, reasons such as Taiwans comparatively

    low income tax rate and the ease of filing taxes were cited as the key determinants of

    their positive opinions. The one subject who expressed dissatisfaction with Taiwans tax

    system suggested that the previous tax system was preferable. Currently, all foreign

    residents are supposed to be taxed at the non-resident rate of 20% for the first six months

    of each year, regardless of the length of time they have lived in Taiwan and paid taxes.

    Some of those subjects who were satisfied with the tax system said that their employers

    had not changed the withholding rate on their monthly pay. In the past, and in some cases

    now, foreigners were taxed at the same rate as local residents who earned a comparable

    income throughout the entire year. This subject works at a language school and says that

    19 National Tax Administration

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    the new tax law is influencing foreign English teachers to leave Taiwan after working a

    relatively short time in the country.

    3.4.3 Property laws and home ownership

    As to home ownership, one (8%) regarded Taiwans property laws as fair but

    three (25%) said that these laws were unfair for foreigners. Fully eight (67%) of the

    subjects professed to know very little about Taiwanese land law for foreign residents,

    answering that the laws were so complex that they left those details to their wives. Those

    who feel the property laws are unfair expressed the opinion that the right to own land was

    limited, and some felt that they could not even register land in their own name but had to

    do this in their wives name. They were worried about their rights according to the law if

    their wife might pass away. Some even doubted whether they could arrange the funeral

    and manage the property. In comparison, America does allow Taiwanese people to buy

    land or a house in America. In other words, it would be easier for foreigner who married

    Taiwanese wife do many things under his wifes name.

    According to Land Law and Regulations in R.O.C, foreigners may acquire or set

    the rights in R.O.C. that is limited by their countries' pacts or laws citizen of R.O.C. may

    have the equal rights. All agricultural land, forest, fishery, pasture, saltern, diggings,

    region of water resource, military zone, and region of the border can not be transferred,

    mortgaged, or leased to the foreigners. Foreigners no matter buy or lease the land are

    limited to the list such as housing, school for children of foreigners and the investments

    which are benefit on economy and farming are ratified by the central related management


    Chart 11: Property Laws









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    department. Except the list above, there is a registration of changes in category of land

    for the business. The purpose of the land which is leased or owned by foreigners for the

    business that is chartered by R.O.C. can not be changed. Rights and Duties of those

    foreigners who have the land rights Foreigners who want to lease or own the land must

    first get the approval, and later apply for the registration. After the registration, foreigners

    will have the rights and duties over the land under the laws and regulations of the

    R.O.C.20 According to the Country and City government Registration of Land statistics,

    foreigner Taiwan registered 9,163 plots of land from 2001 till 2008.21

    3.4.4 Health care

    All foreigners who carry alien resident certificate are required to participate in the

    health insurance program. In addition, foreigners employed in business units with more

    than five workers are insured under employer.22 In regard to the health care system, eight

    (66%) subjects reported face in obstacles to receiving health care and satisfaction with

    the level of the care provided available in Taiwan. However, four (33%) subjects reported

    that they had difficulty communicating with doctors due to their inability to speak

    Chinese well enough. For example, one subject reported that doctors did not want to

    communicate with patients. He described going to a hospital, introducing his symptoms

    to the doctor, and then immediately receiving a prescription for medicine. He expressed a

    desire to have the doctor speak with him at more length and explain more clearly the

    health problem he was experiencing. Another subject said that the health care system in

    Taiwan compares unfavorably to Canada, his home country, but that the quality of care

    provided was comparable. Furthermore, he said that while he had heard horror stories

    about other foreigners experience with the healthcare system, particularly misdiagnoses,

    he had never encountered these problems himself.

    Chapter 4: Discussion

    20 Department of Land Law and Regulation Country and City Government, Registration of Land and Building Rights Obtained by Foreigner from

    2001 till 2008 Statistical Yearbook of Interior22 The Department of Health, Executive Yuan

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    This chapter will discuss the findings of our research into our subjects

    experiences as transnational professionals in Taipei, offering comment on their own

    socio-economic background, their adjustment to the local culture, both with their spouses

    and in-laws, in terms of Takeshitas model, and their perception of Taipeis attractiveness

    to foreign migrants on the basis of working conditions and government policy.

    4.1 Socio-economic background

    Given the very small size of the sample for this study, the results of the

    questionnaire survey can in no way be said to be representative of the population of

    transnational migrants in Taipei. Selection biases are evident in much of the data that was

    collected, particularly in regard to the subjects gender, age, occupation, and other

    factors, but it also provides for a similarity of background and experience among the

    subjects that identified common issues of concern and provided the opportunity for

    greater depth of analysis. Despite these limitations, the survey does yield data about

    education levels, not only of the subjects, but also their wives as well, family size, home

    ownership, income, and Chinese language ability.

    Significantly, the research yielded data to show that the subjects of this study had

    a slightly higher level of education that their wives, 16.6 years for the men versus 15.2

    years for the women. According to Taiwans immigration laws, foreign professionals

    must have at least graduated from a four-year university to qualify for residency and

    employment. This law is now more rigidly enforced than in the past, with closer scrutiny

    of diplomas, but individuals are occasionally discovered to have presented fraudulent

    documents for inspection.

    It was also discovered that family size among our subjects was comparable to

    Taiwans average, with a total fertility rate of 1, but this rate will probably increase as

    some of the subjects, particularly the younger ones, will have children in the coming

    years. One contrast with the average in Taiwan is in regard to home ownership. The rate

    of home ownership among the subjects is much lower than the average. While there is no

    specific data to explain this difference, it could be attributed to the fact that all of the

    subjects live in Taipei City or County, areas with the highest real estate prices compared

    to other parts of Taiwan. It could also suggest that the subjects are unwilling to commit to


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    staying permanently in Taiwan. Supporting this explanation is the fact that none of the

    subjects have applied for citizenship, although some of the subjects said they would be

    willing to hold an ROC passport if they were not required by the ROC government to

    renounce their original citizenship.

    The survey also revealed that the subjects earned relatively high incomes

    compared to Taiwans per capita GDP, but it did not have access to data that would link

    these income levels to those of Taiwanese professionals and allow for comparison. Based

    on anecdotal evidence, compared to other countries in Asia, incomes for transnational

    professionals in Taiwan are higher than in China or Thailand, approximately equivalent

    to those in Korea, and lower than in Japan. Compared to the subjects home countries, the

    net income they earn in Taiwan is approximately equivalent or lower than what they

    could earn abroad. One advantage that Taiwan has over western countries is the relatively

    lower cost of living, allowing transnational professionals to save at a higher rate than they

    would be able to at home.

    As for the subjects Chinese language ability, the survey revealed that

    transnational migrants in Taipei tend to have a higher ability to speak and comprehend

    spoken Mandarin than to read or write traditional Chinese. In part, this can be explained

    by the relative difficulty of written Chinese, but also by the fact that most of the subjects

    in this study work in positions in which their English ability is the key factor in their

    employment. The subjects speak Chinese to their wives, in-laws, and to a lesser degree,

    their children, and in some social interactions with Taiwanese people, but predominantly

    use English in their workplaces. The subjects inability or low ability to speak or

    understand Taiwanese (Southern Min) or Hakkanese contributes to the difficulties they

    face in communicating with their in-laws and is therefore significant in terms of their

    cultural adjustment.

    4.2 Family / Cultural adjustment

    According to the result, the percentage of Type I-2 (Adjustment to Wifes culture)

    is bigger than that of Type I-1 (Adjustment of Husbands culture). This is because we

    conducted this questionnaire for Western husbands and Taiwanese wives living in

    Taiwan and Western spouses have a tendency to adjust themselves to Taiwanese society,


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    Taiwanese culture or Taiwanese customs. Takeshita Shuko also conducted questionnaire

    for foreign husbands who have Japanese wives and live in Japan and she also got the

    same result with ours.

    Type II (Alternative Adjustment) is a model for intercultural marriage couple

    living in third country so this model may not work in our case. Therefore, we got 0% in

    this category.

    Half of the twelve couples belong to Type III (Compromising Adjustment).

    Takeshita says as the period which a couple has been together is longer, then the couple

    approaches Type VI (Synthetic Adjustment), which Takeshita says the ideal adjustment

    model for intercultural marriage. Also, she says as the period is shorter, the couple may

    have a tendency to belong Type I (Adjustment to Partners Culture). Interestingly,

    Western Husband 3 and 7 answered that they used to speak only English with their wives

    but as their Mandarin improves, the ratio also has been changing. Also, Western Husband

    4 said when he and his wife started dating, his wifes English was not very good and they

    spoke almost only Mandarin. However, over the years, her English improved a lot and

    now they use 50% English and 50% Mandarin in daily life. That means, as time passes,

    there will be more possibilities to approach Type VI (Synthetic Adjustment).

    The Western spouses, in our case study, try learning and adopting Taiwanese

    language, culture and customs more as time passes. Though some says they have bad

    relationships with their in-laws now, there might be possibilities to improve their

    relationships like the process of wife-husband relationships approaching Type VI

    (Synthetic Adjustment) as time passes. Also, we suppose that Takeshitas adjustment

    model might be extended from husband-wife relationship level into in-laws relationships


    4.3 Employment

    Being in a global city, the foreign workers should have equal chances to the local

    ones. If the foreign work forces have equal promotional system in work field, it is

    without saying that Taiwan would attract more foreigners working here and Taiwan

    would be more competitive than other countries. When they have equal promotional

    system here, local Taiwanese face the international competition instead of limited region


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    only. The foreigners pour cultural and intellectual differences into the society and inspire

    the vivid improvement. Local Taiwanese and foreigners would emulate the merits from

    each other and eliminate the narrow-minded way of thinking. All are equal in working

    system providing the freedom market mechanism which is survival of the fittest that

    upgrades social economic energy naturally. Besides, equal promotional system for

    foreigners implies equality in many ways. The foreigners who are treated equally would

    be trend to recognize the place they work. Recognizing here helps increase productivity

    and benefits. Without saying, Taiwan will be more global, international and competitive

    by intercultural actions.

    Generally speaking, the pay for foreigners working in Taiwan should be higher in

    order to attack better forces. Higher pay is one of the attractions that foreigners are

    willing to work. In our interviewing, dissatisfaction with pay is due to two reasons.

    Foreigners dont have equal chance to local ones. They benefit no 7 days special vocation

    offered by firms, and no extra bonus in three big Chinese festivals. Therefore, in light of

    being globalization, they should have equal chance with local Taiwanese and even much

    more pay to attract them to stay.

    Judging from the above results, communication is a crucial problem. The

    government should provide some regular training courses such as how to communicate

    with your coworkers or boss, communication techniques to Taiwanese and so forth

    before their entering into the job market. The government could reduce the

    communication problems by providing some incentives to firms. The firms will mind the

    communication gaps between the Taiwanese and foreigners and provide the proper

    training or the course of cultural exchange that they could have success cooperation and


    4.4 Government Policies

    The results of our investigation into transnational professionals indicate a high level

    of satisfaction with the income tax system and the national heath insurance system.

    Overall, living and dealing with the government became easier for foreign spouses and it

    was easier to take care of taxes and residency issues. Things might be more restrictive if

    you are single. Some aspects of laws and circumstances may not be perfect but foreigners


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    could try to accept the fact that some things will be challenging. Our preferred future is to

    have a multicultural society, which accepts different kinds of cultures in one society

    without any prejudice against any other culture. To establish this preferred future society,

    we need to work out hard in different aspects, including more relax migration and work

    policy, multicultural education for the next generation, more social support for the

    migrants and more positive reports from the mass media. The only path to the preferred

    future society can only be shaped by our present actions.

    Chapter 5: Conclusion

    This study sought to provide insight into the lives of Western professionals who

    live and work in Taiwan. Although limited in scope, this study does raise some important

    findings. For Westerners who live in Taiwan, and for Taiwans ability to attract Western

    talent, the results are encouraging. As Taiwan seeks to globalize its service sector, its

    ability to attract Western professionals is critical. Despite substantial cultural differences

    between the West and Taiwan, this study found that long term Western residents display

    a high degree of adaptability to Taiwans workplace environment, family life and cultural

    values. As Westerners spent more time in Taiwan, their adaptability and acceptance of

    Taiwanese culture generally increased. Many long term Western residents married local

    Taiwanese women and their relations with extended Taiwanese family members were

    generally positive. The language barrier and prejudicial values on the part of older,

    extended Taiwanese family members proved to be a barrier in a few cases but the overall

    outlook for family integration between Westerners and Taiwanese looks encouraging.

    Overall, Taiwans government policies have become more responsive to the needs

    of foreign residents over time. Some minor problems still remain for work visas but long

    term Western residents noted more freedom in pursuing work opportunities, especially

    when they were married to a Taiwanese. In terms of career satisfaction, salary concerns

    and communication challenges were the two areas that affected Western residents the

    most. Although compensation was generally high, Westerners professionals are paid

    under a different system which deprives them of certain benefits and other extras. This

    system has led many Westerners to feel that they are not fully integrated into the


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    Taiwanese work environment. Workplace communication was also a challenge due to

    cultural differences in communication style. With time however, differences in

    communication style could be overcome.

    The findings of this study have shed new light on a relatively untouched segment

    of Taiwans foreign population. Much attention has been given to immigrants from

    Mainland China and Vietnam. Western professionals have received little focus from

    Taiwans media and academic community; additional study could confirm and further

    examine the issues raised here. This study was limited by its small sample size. A broader

    survey would provide quantitative data to support the qualitative nature of this study. The

    case of Westerners in Taiwan could be compared with Western professionals residing in

    other East Asian countries such as Korea or Japan. Future research could compare and

    contrast the immigration and employment policies of Taiwan with countries like Japan,

    Singapore or Honk Kong. The later countries are all highly globalized societies with

    significant numbers of foreign professionals. This type of research could offer new policy

    approaches as Taiwans government continues to develop its policies towards foreign

    workers and foreign professionals.

    Overall, Taiwans relationship with its foreign professional workplace is a

    positive one. Taiwanese society is generally hospitable and welcoming to foreign

    professionals. This characteristic will be a significant factor in Taiwans future

    competitiveness and in its ability to attract foreign professional talent. Taiwan can add to

    this advantage by enacting policies which ease the rules and restrictions which influence

    foreign professionals living on the island.


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    Official Government Websites

    Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training,

    County and City Government, Registration of Land and Building Rights

    Obtained by Foreigner from 2001 till 2008 Statistical Yearbook of Interior.

    Department of Land Law and Regulation

  • 8/14/2019 Transnational Professionals in Global Taipei


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