
TrashMasters 2009 Freelance Packet

This road was built at the instigation of Potter Palmer, who wanted to enhance the value of his mansion. Originally named for Leif Ericson, it includes Link Bridge, which at the time of its 1937 construction was the biggest bascule bridge in the world. Dubbed the home of “goo-goos” by Mike Royko, it currently terminates at Hollywood Avenue, and in 2004 voters defeated a referendum to extend it through Rogers Park and Evanston. A 1971 Aliotta-Haynes-Jeremiah song inspired by it talks about being “Friday night trouble-bound” and may also reference a common hallucinogen. For ten points, identify this Chicago roadway often abbreviated “LSD.”ANSWER: Lake Shore Drive

In one episode of this show, the protagonists are sabotaged by Kyoko and Yuki during a trip to Japan. In another, the main character squares off against ultimate fighter Shelby Marx. A man who sells bagels at the Groovy Smoothy is a running joke, and other recurring figures include Principal Franklin, flamboyant nemesis Nevel, a doorman with a disgusting mole, Lewbert, and the frequently shirtless Gibby. The heroine lives with her artist brother, Spencer, while her best friends, tomboy Sam and geek Freddie, help her produce various comedy skits. For ten points, name this Dan Schneider-produced Nickelodeon hit starring Miranda Cosgrove as a girl with her own web-show.ANSWER: iCarly

Year and competition required. Tofik Bakhramov is said to have replied “Stalingrad” when asked about this game on his deathbed. The trophy at stake had been stolen just a few months earlier and was found by a dog named Pickles. Famous quotes by commentators include Hugh Johns’ “That is it!” and Kenneth Wolstenhome’s “They all think it’s over!” In the final seconds of injury time, Wolfgang Weber tied the score at 2-2, but this match is best remembered for Swiss referee Gottfried Dienst controversially awarding a goal to Geoff Hurst. FTP, name this soccer championship still debated to this day between fans of West Germany and the winner, England.ANSWER: the 1966 World Cup final

This actress debuted as a paint-throwing activist in It Could Happen to You and played a “touch-know” psychic in Stephen King’s Rose Red. She had a small part as a receptionist in Spider-Man 2 and guest-starred as a cellist with cameras hidden in her apartment on Law and Order: SVU, in addition to playing William Travis’ estranged spouse in The Alamo and the wife of Texas Western coach Don Haskins in Glory Road. After starring in the horror film Boogeyman, she landed a role that has seen her face off against the Gravedigger and Gormagon while working at the Jeffersonian with FBI agent Seeley Booth. For ten points, name this portrayer of Dr. Temperance Brennan on Bones.ANSWER: Emily Deschanel (prompt on “Deschanel”)

A 1983 paper by M. R. Smith et al was the first to propose a now-accepted theory about these 34 objects. Though not considered one, the Kaidun, found in Yemen in 1980, probably has a similar origin. Their classifications are named for the sites where they were first unearthed: Sherghati, India; Nakhla, Egypt; and Chassigny, France. Bill Clinton called a 1996 press conference after David McKay analyzed ALH 84001 – the only one not fitting any of their three major categories – and in 2005 Vicki Hamilton claimed to have traced that specimen to Eos Chasma in Vallis Marineris. For ten points, name these rocks that might answer David Bowie’s query about life on their home planet.ANSWER: Mars meteorites or snicks (prompt on “meteorites,” “Mars rocks,” or anything like “SNC”)

After three seasons as wide receiver for the Redskins and 49ers, this man was hired as an offensive coordinator and switched his team to an I formation, leading to national titles under Bob Devaney in 1970 and ‘71. As coach, he changed to an option offense led by Turner Gill in the ‘80s. Despite narrow Orange Bowl losses in 1984 to Miami and 1994 to FSU, he guided Mike Rozier and Eric Crouch to Heismans, and victories against Miami in the ‘95 Orange Bowl and Florida in the ‘96 Fiesta Bowl gave him back-to-back uncontested national titles. For ten points, name this three-term Congressman who spent 25 years at the helm of the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers.ANSWER: Tom Osborne

In one of this director’s films, conductor Alfred De Carter plots three ways of dealing with his wife’s infidelity. He attempted to revive Harold Lloyd’s “Diddlebock” character, and in addition to Unfaithfully Yours, he made a movie featuring a group of millionaires, “The Ale and Quail Club.” His farce about Trudy Kockenlocker’s pregnancy uses characters from his political satire The Great McGinty; other works focus on a sexy con artist who seduces a straitlaced herpetologist and a frustrated filmmaker who wants to make a serious drama. For ten points, name this comedy master behind The Palm Beach Story, The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek, The Lady Eve, and Sullivan’s Travels.ANSWER: Preston Sturges

All tossups and bonuses by Yogesh Raut

TrashMasters 2009 Freelance Packet

This athlete sponsors a professional Halo 3 team called Final Boss. He was the runner-up to Dirk Nowitzki in the 2006 Three-Point Shootout and famously nailed a 40-foot jump shot that year in Round 1 of the playoffs against the Cavaliers. He also hit a 16-foot fadeaway to win Game 5 of the 2005 Eastern Conference finals against the Bulls, and his 16 overtime points against the Lakers in 2006 is an NBA record. Drafted in 2001 by the Warriors, he formed a backcourt duo with Larry Hughes when he joined his current team in 2004, and he recently extended his contract after that team agreed to retain Antawn Jamison. For ten points, name this arrogant Washington Wizard known as “Agent Zero.”ANSWER: Gilbert Arenas

In college, this musician drew the comic strip 27th Street and dropped the surname “Horris.” He describes a “fetus named Cletus,” among other ideas, in the Jay-Z parody “21 Concepts” and proclaims that “Hot Topic Is Not Punk Rock” on his album The Graduate, which also contains the RIAA-baiting “Download This Song.” The Donnas’ Brett Anderson sings the chorus, “I’ve got nothing to do but hang around and get screwed up on you” in one of his many literary-themed songs, while another track mentions ghostriding and Keira Knightley. For ten points, name this nerdcore rapper whose latest album, This Gigantic Robot Kills, includes “Hey There Ophelia” and “White Kids Aren’t Hyphy.”ANSWER: MC Lars (or Andrew Nielsen)

This wrestler recorded “Why Can’t We Just Dance?” for the WWE Originals album. Debuting as Nitro Girl Skye, she became Standards and Practices’ valet, Miss Hancock, and feuded with Dawn Marie over Vince McMahon. Her last match came against Jillian Hall after she briefly joined superheroes Rosey and the Hurricane. As a manager, she was “Duchess of Dudleyville” and coined the term “Testicles” for fans of Test before he fought Scott Steiner for her services. She lost the first ever lingerie match to Torrie Wilson and was defeated for the championship at 2002’s Judgment Day by Trish Stratus. For ten points, name this Season 2 Dancing With the Stars contestant known for her 42-inch legs.ANSWER: Stacy Keibler

This song was performed by Liberace on an episode of Batman and by a ventriloquist’s dummy on Mathnet. According to one story, its lyrics were carved into a wall by Robert F. Taylor. Adapted by Robert Massey and credited to his brother Guy, it became a hit with a 1924 recording by Vernon Dalhart. The speaker describes a “grand ship on the ocean all mounted with silver and gold” and begs to be met “tonight in the moonlight” before he is forced to endure “my head on a pillow of stone.” In its last and best-known verse, he desires to “fly to the arms of my poor darlin’” where he is “willing to die.” For ten points, name this ballad often referred to as “Wings of an Angel.”ANSWER: “The Prisoner’s Song” (accept “Wings of an Angel” before giveaway)

The “Dublin” variety of this drink is made with pure sugar. Originally called “Waco,” after the city where Charles Alderton created it, it was bottled by Wade Morrison’s Artesian company. David Naughton rose to fame in its TV ads, and David Letterman got in trouble for calling it “liquid manure.” One past slogan was “Out of the Ordinary.” Forrest Gump tells the President, “I gotta pee” after drinking 15 of them at the White House. Its manufacturer merged with Seven Up in 1986 and was recently spun off from Cadbury Schweppes alongside Snapple. Now coming in “Berries and Cream” and “Cherry Chocolate” varieties, this is, for ten points, what soft drink that touts “23 flavors”?ANSWER: Dr Pepper

This phrase was used in a 1909 book by Edward Martin, but, according to Barry Popik and Gerald Cohen, it was first recorded in its modern sense by a friend of Jake Byers who overheard two Black stablehands in New Orleans. Starting in 1924, it appeared in the title of a column by that man, sportswriter John J. FitzGerald. It now names a 1983 Kajagoogoo song about how life “moves very fast and so must you,” a circus that employed Barry Lubin as the clown “Grandma” and opened for Britney Spears, and a Deerfield-IL-based chain that sells Brewster’s Coffee and My Favorite Muffin alongside its namesake bagels. For ten points, identify this two-word nickname for New York City.ANSWER: the “Big Apple”

Of all the holders of this office, Frank Forde had the shortest tenure, at 8 days. The only one to be fired was Gough Whitlam. The 21st was caught wandering wearing nothing but a towel in a Memphis hotel in 1986, and the 24th was dubbed a “Lizard” after patting a woman on the back. The 17th mysteriously disappeared while swimming in 1967, the 23rd set a world record by drinking a yard glass of beer in 11 seconds, and the 20th fathered, at the age of 60, one of the stars of Nip/Tuck. Malcolm Fraser, Paul Keating, Harold Holt, Bob Hawke, and William McMahon all served in, for ten points, what post now occupied by Kevin Rudd and based in Canberra?ANSWER: prime minister of Australia

All tossups and bonuses by Yogesh Raut

TrashMasters 2009 Freelance Packet

This organization employed the Hartford and Globe Repertory Companies, ex-con Mimi Davis, and Dr. Doug Robert. Its original leader was Dan Briggs; other members included the beautiful Casey and Dana, a magician called “The Great Paris,” and strongman Willy Armitage. Technical expertise was provided by Barney Collier, while former fashion model Cinnamon Carter filled the femme fatale role and impersonation pro Rollin Hand often donned latex masks. Bob Johnson voiced its never-seen boss, who frequently instructed Jim Phelps that “this tape will self-destruct in 5 seconds.” For ten points, name this government spy squad resurrected for a movie series starring Tom Cruise.ANSWER: The Impossible Mission(s) Force

One of this band’s songs describes “guessin’ all the time.” In two singles from their second album, they say that “everybody sees that you and I are wrong” and “I got what I got all despite you.” “Many Shades of Black” and “Salute Your Solution” are on Consolers of the Lonely, while their first album contains “Level” and a title track in which someone “never gets older.” Their first hit, with a video set at a soapbox derby, includes the line, “You’ve found yourself a friend that knows you well, but no matter what you do, you’ll always feel as though you tripped and fell.” For ten points, name these Jack White-fronted rockers of “Broken Boy Soldier” and “Steady, As She Goes.”ANSWER: The Raconteurs

This character is captured by pirates led by Eddy Raja and, after following the diary of one of his ancestors, fights off Descendants and his enemies Gabriel Roman and Atoq Navarro. While retrieving an oil lamp, he is doubled-crossed and left in a Turkish prison by Harry Flynn, obliging Sully to bail him out. Forced to surrender the Phurba to Zoran Lazarevic, he is saved from a snowstorm by Tenzin, then meets ex-Nazi Karl Schafer, who instructs him to destroy the Cintamani stone once carried by Marco Polo’s lost fleet. Chloe Frazer and Elena Fisher are love interests of, for ten points, what adventurer who visited El Dorado and Shambhala in the game series Uncharted?ANSWER: Nathan Drake (accept either underlined name)

Late in life, this man worked as a butler for Ray Kroc. With photographer Cris Alexander, he created actress Belle Poitrine and socialite Martha Dinwiddie Butterfield for the faux-biographies Little Me and First Lady. The Hootons, a couple from New York, operate a New Mexico dude ranch in his Guestward Ho!, one of three books he had on the New York Times bestseller list simultaneously, while Lily Pruitt hides her family’s lack of money in House Party. The title character of his most famous novel says, “Life is a banquet, and most poor sons of bitches are starving to death!” and was played onscreen by Lucille Ball and Rosalind Russell. For ten points, name this author of Auntie Mame.ANSWER: Patrick Dennis (or Edward Tanner)

Early supporting characters on this show include Penny and Rodney, the best friends of two children from the central family, and Lieutenant Murtaugh, the father’s boss. Another best friend, Maxine, ends up dating the thick-headed Waldo Geraldo Faldo, and after Aunt Rachel’s departure her son Richie joins the main family – whose daughter Judy was infamously retconned out of existence. Myra Monkhouse begins a relationship with one protagonist after he develops the clone Stefan, but in the end he marries the girl he’s always had a hopeless crush on, Laura Winslow. FTP, name this long-running TGIF sitcom featuring Jaleel White as Steve Urkel.ANSWER: Family Matters

Bruce Thiessen, PhD, claims that this song has “therapeutic value,” while a German tourist misses the “rising action” and a retired British architect is skeptical of it reaching the “top of the pops.” The speaker desires “smooth liquidation” and “the right dividends” while fantasizing about being asked for a pen in Citibank. The object of the lyrics “gets up early,” “stays up late,” has “fingernails that shine like justice,” and apparently prefers the name Karen and “a white Chrysler LeBaron” while being “fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack.” Re-popularized by the title sequence of Chuck, this is, for ten points, what 2001 Cake single named for two items of clothing?ANSWER: “Short Skirt/Long Jacket”

In his most recent appearances, this character has a white streak of hair, uses Twitter, and is aided by Scarlet. He tracked down Sharmin Rosen and Sandra Wu-san before realizing that his birth mother was Sheila Haywood, and Clayface impersonated him as part of the Hush plot. Resurrected by Superboy-Prime’s reality-altering punch and nursed back to health by Talia al Ghul and her Lazarus Pit, he took the Joker hostage and, as the murderous vigilante Red Hood, fought his own replacement, Tim Drake. Also seen as an evil version of Nightwing taunting predecessor Dick Grayson, this is, for ten points, what second Batman sidekick to be called “Robin”?ANSWER: Jason Todd (accept either underlined name; prompt on “Robin,” “Nightwing,” “Red Robin,” or “Red Hood”)

This work originally began with a song called “Love Is in the Air” that was cut during previews. One character describes himself as “a parade,” after which his thighs are complimented. The opening number promises “lovers, liars, and clowns,” and the ballad “Lovely” is reprised as a duet between two men. Domina declares her husband to be a “Dirty Old Man,” while he lecherously opines that “Everybody Ought to Have a Maid.” At the end, Erronius is revealed to be the father of Philia and Miles Gloriosus, and Hero grants freedom to the crafty slave Pseudolus. Featuring “Comedy Tonight,” this is, for ten points, what 1962 Stephen Sondheim musical set in ancient Rome?ANSWER: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

All tossups and bonuses by Yogesh Raut

TrashMasters 2009 Freelance Packet

At the end of this movie, one character visits Buxton, Maine, before setting out for Zihuatanejo. After relating what Elmo Blatch told him, Tommy is killed by Hadley, who had earlier brutally beaten Bogs, leader of “The Sisters,” as a reward for tax advice. A library is dedicated to Brooks, who carved his name into a wall before hanging himself, and at the end it is revealed that a hammer was hidden inside of Norton’s bible, while posters of Raquel Welch, Marilyn Monroe, and Rita Hayworth concealed a tunnel dug over 30 years. Red is “rehabilitated” and Andy Dufresne escapes in, for ten points, what 1994 prison drama starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins?ANSWER: The Shawshank Redemption

This woman played a comic-strip writer who plots to steal her ex-fiancé from the actress who seduced him in Sophie’s Revenge. Debuting as a country girl who marries a teacher from the city in The Road Home, she showed off her dance skills as Princess Raccoon and as the seemingly blind rebel leader Mei. In another role, “Some apple?” is the only sentence she speaks in English. She portrayed Moon, the servant of Broken Sword killed by Flying Snow, and as the blue-eyed Chiyo she gets protected by Mameha, incurs the wrath of Hatsumomo, and falls in love with the Chairman. For ten points, name this star of Rush Hour 2, House of Flying Daggers, Hero, and Memoirs of a Geisha.ANSWER: Ziyi Zhang

All tossups and bonuses by Yogesh Raut

TrashMasters 2009 Freelance Packet

He was Oscar-nominated for producing Z, in which he played a photojournalist, and appeared as the older version of key characters in Cinema Paradiso and Brotherhood of the Wolf. For ten points each:[10] Name this French actor-turned-filmmaker now best known for nature documentaries like 2009’s Disney-produced Oceans.ANSWER: Jacques Perrin[10] Perrin took three years and visited all seven continents to film this 2001 doc, renowned for its images of birds in flight.ANSWER: Winged Migration or Le peuple migrateur[10] Perrin produced and did the French-language narration for this 1996 doc about the life cycle of insects, directed and shot by Claude Nuridsany and Marie Perennou. It shares its name with a Béla Bartók piano cycle.ANSWER: Microcosmos or Le peuple de l’herbe

The debut of Rite of Spring and the assassination of Franz Ferdinand form a backdrop for erotic reminiscences by Alice, Dorothy, and Wendy in this work. For ten points each:[10] Name this controversial fantasia on Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, and Peter Pan, which was initially serialized in Taboo magazine beginning in 1991.ANSWER: Lost Girls[10] Lost Girls was written by this graphic novelist also known for From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.ANSWER: Alan Moore[10] LXG was published by this WildStorm imprint set up by Moore in 1999. Its other series include Promethea, Tom Strong, Tomorrow Stories, and Top 10.ANSWER: America’s Best Comics

For ten points each, name these sources of humor on the World Wide Web.[10] This NYU-based comedy troupe has produced such videos as “Blowjob Girl,” featuring The Office’s Ellie Kemper, and “Bro Rape,” featuring Community’s Donald Glover and Saturday Night Live’s Bobby Moynihan.ANSWER: Derrick Comedy[10] Founded in 1999 by brothers Evan and Gregg Spiridellis, this digital studio made their first splash with the Bush-Kerry spoof “This Land Is Your Land.”ANSWER: JibJab[10] Gina Gershon lampooned Sarah Palin in a bikini for this website co-founded by Adam McKay. A profane toddler was the star of its first video, The Landlord.ANSWER: Funny or Die

I’m-a let you finish these questions about Taylor Swift. For ten points each:[10] In this 2009 hit, Swift compares herself to a “cheer captain” who wears “short skirts” while Swift remains in “T-shirts” and “on the bleachers.”ANSWER: “You Belong With Me”[10] “You Belong With Me” was Swift’s third single from this second album, which also features “Love Story” and “White Horse.”ANSWER: Fearless[10] Written as a tribute to Swift’s high-school best friend Abigail Anderson, this song about a girl who “gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind” was performed with Miley Cyrus at the 2009 Grammys.ANSWER: “Fifteen”

For ten points each, answer these questions about sitcoms and their character names.[10] This ABC comedy features gay partners Cameron and Mitchell, possibly named in honor of tough-guy actor Cameron Mitchell. Another central couple has daughters called Alex and Haley – a tribute to Roots, perhaps?ANSWER: Modern Family[10] The two protagonists of The Big Bang Theory are named for this former tough-guy actor who produced The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Andy Griffith Show, The Danny Thomas Show, and I Spy.ANSWER: Sheldon Leonard[10] The protagonists of this show got their names from two of its technical advisors, while “Molly Clock,” a psychiatrist played by Heather Graham, references the third.ANSWER: Scrubs

The speaker states, “I know I’m young, but if had to choose her or the sun, I’d be one nocturnal son of a gun.” For ten points each:[10] Name this Gym Class Heroes song whose first video depicts Travis McCoy dating a beautiful but violently possessive robot.ANSWER: “Cupid’s Chokehold”[10] The chorus to “Cupid’s Chokehold” is performed by this lead vocalist for Fall Out Boy. He is also featured on “Clothes Off!!,” another single from As Cruel As School Children.ANSWER: Patrick Stump[10] That chorus – “Take a look at my girlfriend/She’s the only one I’ve got” – originated in this title track from a 1979 Supertramp album.ANSWER: “Breakfast in America”

All tossups and bonuses by Yogesh Raut

TrashMasters 2009 Freelance Packet

For ten points each, name these old-school football stars.[10] After winning gold in pentathlon and decathlon at the 1912 Olympics, this man played major-league baseball whilst leading the Canton Bulldogs to 3 football titles. He was the first president of what became the NFL.ANSWER: Jim Thorpe[10] This University of Minnesota star led the Chicago Bears to championships in 1932 and ‘33, and came out of retirement to help them win again in 1943. He is the namesake of an award for best defensive college player.ANSWER: Bronco Nagurski[10] This Colts fullback, NFL Rookie of the Year in 1955, is best known for scoring the winning touchdown in the 1958 NFL championship, aka “The Greatest Game Ever Played.”ANSWER: Alan Ameche

Daytime television has given us some fascinating villainesses. For ten points each:[10] This All My Children cougar was revealed in 1993 to be the mother of Sarah Michelle Gellar’s character, Kendall Hart.ANSWER: Erica Kane (accept either underlined name)[10] Since 1997, General Hospital black widow Helena Cassidine has been played by Constance Towers, but when she was first seen in 1981 – cursing Luke and Laura on their wedding day – her portrayer was this 2-time Oscar winner.ANSWER: Elizabeth Taylor[10] This actress played Julia Snyder, who nearly drowned her ex-husband Jack and killed Carly’s prize racehorse, on As the World Turns. You may also know her as Law and Order’s doomed ADA Alex Borgia.ANSWER: Annie Parisse

She produced and starred as a struggling actress in the 2001 short Ellie Parker, which was expanded into a 2005 feature. For ten points each:[10] Name this woman who also portrayed struggling actresses Betty Elms, Diane Selwyn, and Ann Darrow, as well as Huckabees spokesmodel Dawn Campbell.ANSWER: Naomi Watts[10] David Lynch cast Watts, her Mulholland Dr. co-star Laura Harring, and her Ellie Parker director Scott Coffey as the title animals of this bizarre series of short videos, some of which were edited into 2006’s Inland Empire.ANSWER: Rabbits[10] Watts worked with another eccentric auteur named David – David Cronenberg – when she played London midwife Anna Khitrova in this 2007 drama.ANSWER: Eastern Promises

This man’s daughters recently completed a documentary about him that was screened at Sundance in 2009. For ten points each:[10] Name this flamboyant attorney who defended the Chicago 7 and the Freedom Riders and served as director of the ACLU from 1964 to 1972.ANSWER: William Kunstler[10] Kunstler represented Russell Means and Dennis Banks, leaders of this organization, after they led a 1973 standoff against government forces near Pine Ridge in South Dakota.ANSWER: The American Indian Movement[10] From 1983 on, Kunstler’s junior partner was this lawyer and radio host, who won a $43 million settlement from Bernie Goetz in 1996.ANSWER: Ron Kuby

Several iconic novels of the 1970s related to Harvard. For ten points each:[10] The Fat Man tells 13 Laws to intern Roy Basch, who graduated from a thinly-veiled version of Harvard Medical School, in this darkly funny account of hospital life by Samuel Shem. It popularized the terms “GOMER” and “TURF.”ANSWER: The House of God[10] Hart, the protagonist of this John Jay Osborn novel, becomes obsessed with his Harvard Law School professor, Charles Kingsfield, to the point of dating his daughter and breaking into a library.ANSWER: The Paper Chase[10] This author based Oliver Barrett IV, the protagonist of his bestselling book Love Story, on two students he met while on sabbatical at Harvard: Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones.ANSWER: Erich Segal

All tossups and bonuses by Yogesh Raut

TrashMasters 2009 Freelance Packet

Pitching coach Leo Mazzone recently admitted that he made a mistake leaving this organization, where aces Tom Glavine, John Smoltz, and Greg Maddux combined for 6 Cy Young Awards in the ‘90s. For ten points each:[10] Name this franchise that earned 8 division titles and 5 pennants during the ‘90s, though they only managed to win one World Series.ANSWER: Atlanta Braves[10] After firing Russ Nixon and taking his place, this manager led the Braves from last place in 1990 to domination for the rest of the decade.ANSWER: Bobby Cox[10] This third baseman hit just .230 for the Cardinals in 1990 and was replaced by Todd Zeile, but when the Braves picked him up for the following season, he won the MVP award.ANSWER: Terry Pendleton

1966’s black comedy The Wrong Box featured many great English farceurs. For ten points each:[10] Two greedy brothers are portrayed by Dudley Moore and this longtime comedy partner. He played Satan in 1967’s Bedazzled and a minister performing a “mawwiage” in The Princess Bride.ANSWER: Peter Cook[10] Wrong Box director Bryan Forbes had made a cameo as a nudist opposite this man’s character, Inspector Clouseau; this actor returned the favor by playing Dr. Pratt.ANSWER: Peter Sellers[10] “The Detective” was played by this comic, known for skits like “The Blood Donor.” Once Britain’s biggest TV star, he committed suicide in 1968 after the failure of his big-screen vehicles The Rebel and The Punch and Judy Man.ANSWER: Tony Hancock

For ten points each, answer these questions about similar national flags.[10] The flags of both Niger and this country have horizontal orange, white, and green bands with a circle in the center; however, where Niger has an orange roundel, this nation places a blue Ashoka chakra, or “wheel of dharma,” representing Buddhism.ANSWER: India[10] In 2004, this country’s then-president, Ion Iliescu, stated that it would not abandon its blue-yellow-red tricolor when Chad, which has a nearly identical flag, complained to the UN.ANSWER: Romania[10] Like Chad and Romania, this country and the Netherlands have flags differing only by a shade of blue. The Stars and Stripes also flies there, over George S. Patton’s grave.ANSWER: Luxembourg

For ten points each, name these basketball coaches with something in common.[10] After serving as Bobby Knight’s assistant at Indiana, this man spent five years helming Army before taking on his current position in 1980. He’s led his team to 11 ACC titles and 3 NCAA championships.ANSWER: Mike Krzyzewski [shuh-shef-skee] (prompt on “Coach K”)[10] This current Stanford head coach was College Player of the Year in 1986 under Coach K at Duke.ANSWER: Johnny Dawkins[10] This starting guard under Coach K from 1993 to 1997 is now head coach at Oklahoma. He had previously assisted his father, who coached Old Dominion.ANSWER: Jeff Capel III

It was sent back up the charts by The Fugees in 1996 and warbled by Hugh Grant in About a Boy. For ten points each:[10] Name this Charles Fox and Norman Gimbel-penned song about a man “strumming my pain with his fingers” and “singing my life with his words.”ANSWER: “Killing Me Softly with His Song”[10] “Killing Me Softly” was originally inspired by a poem written by this songwriter after seeing Don McLean perform “Empty Chairs.” She was also the first to record it, before Roberta Flack.ANSWER: Lori Lieberman[10] Flack’s cover was her second consecutive hit to earn Grammys for Song of the Year and Record of the Year. She had previously won both awards for this Ewan MacColl ballad about how “the sun rose in your eyes.”ANSWER: “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face”

All tossups and bonuses by Yogesh Raut

TrashMasters 2009 Freelance Packet

It is set in the world of Subcon, ruled by the tyrannical frog Wart. For ten points each:[10] Name this video game that was rapidly adapted from the Japanese Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic.ANSWER: Super Mario Bros. 2 (do not prompt if the “2” is missing)[10] This loyal retainer delivers the message, “Thank you Mario! But our princess is another castle!” in the first Super Mario Bros. He is one of four playable characters in SMB2.ANSWER: Toad[10] These wide-eyed enemies with creepy black-and-white masks first appeared in SMB2. They walk on stilts on Yoshi’s Island. One wears a fedora in Mario Party 4, and another is an unlockable character in the N64 version of Mario Tennis.ANSWER: Shy Guys

For ten points each, name these old-timey radio shows.[10] Based on the novel Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, this series starred Lucille Ball and Richard Denning and is generally considered the forerunner of I Love Lucy.ANSWER: My Favorite Husband[10] This program turned The Third Man’s villain into a hero. The film Mr. Arkadin adapted three of its episodes.ANSWER: The Adventures of Harry Lime[10] Alfred Hitchcock remade his silent classic The Lodger as a pilot for this anthology, which ran from 1942 to 1962 on CBS. Its version of Curt Siodmak’s novel Donovan’s Brain won a Grammy for Orson Welles.ANSWER: Suspense

Tupac Shakur made his rap debut on their “Same Song.” For ten points each:[10] Name this Oakland-based group led by Shock G that crossed over by appearing in the Dan Aykroyd movie Nothing But Trouble, leading to their EP release This is an EP Release.ANSWER: Digital Underground (prompt on “D.U.”)[10] Named for Shock G’s big-nosed alter ego who likes lumpy oatmeal, this 1990 D.U. hit started a dance craze. On their fourth album, The Body-Hat Syndrome, they devote an entire song to thanking all the groups that sampled it.ANSWER: “The Humpty Dance”[10] “The Humpty Dance” was a track on this D.U. debut, a concept album dealing with government-developed orgasm pills called “Genetic Suppression Relief Antedotes.”ANSWER: Sex Packets

Sometimes the bridesmaid is more famous than the bride. For ten points each, name these female Olympic gymnasts who won silver in all-around competition.[10] After a teammate’s injury was faked so Tatiana Gutsu could compete, Gutsu won the all-around in 1992, narrowly defeating this American. She won gold on balance beam as part of the “Magnificent 7” in 1996.ANSWER: Shannon Miller[10] Now sitting in the Duma, this unusually tall Russian was beaten in 2004 by Carly Patterson despite being the favorite.ANSWER: Svetlana Khorkina[10] At the 1980 Moscow Games, this rival of Nellie Kim shockingly finished second to Elena Davydova. 4 years earlier, she had scored 7 perfect 10s.ANSWER: Nadia Comaneci

Local historian Joseph De May has debunked many widely held beliefs about her rape and murder by Winston Moseley. For ten points each:[10] Name this woman whose tragic 1964 death was NOT actually witnessed by 38 people.ANSWER: Kitty Genovese[10] A 1973 paper by John Darley and Dan Batson describes a study inspired by the Genovese incident in which students did not help a stranger because they were running late to deliver a lecture about this topic.ANSWER: the Parable of the Good Samaritan (prompt on “Bible” or related)[10] Fictionalized by William Shatner in the 1975 telefilm The Tenth Level, this Yale psychologist was able to persuade subjects to deliver electric shocks to a confederate simulating heart problems, simply by asking them to “continue.”ANSWER: Stanley Milgram

All tossups and bonuses by Yogesh Raut

TrashMasters 2009 Freelance Packet

For ten points each, answer these questions about headline-making political mistresses.[10] This was the home country of both stripper Fanne Foxe, who ended Arkansas congressman Wilbur Mills’ career, and journalist Maria Chapur, the catalyst for a 2009 disappearing act.ANSWER: Argentina[10] Under the name “Kristen,” this call girl and aspiring singer was brought to DC to service New York governor Eliot Spitzer in the Mayflower Hotel.ANSWER: Ashley Dupre (or Ashley Youmans or Ashley DiPietro)[10] Daughter of a notorious horse murderer and the basis for a character in books by Jay McInnerny and Bret Easton Ellis, this videographer is now best known as the mother of a child allegedly fathered by John Edwards.ANSWER: Rielle Hunter (or Lisa Hunter or Lisa Druck or Rielle Druck)

For ten points each, name these groundbreaking BBC miniseries.[10] Michael Gambon played psoriatic mystery writer Philip E. Marlow in this 1986 Dennis Potter masterpiece that mixed multiple levels of reality and featured characters lip-synching to popular records.ANSWER: The Singing Detective[10] Troy Kennedy Martin wrote this 1985 thriller, in which a cop investigates his activist daughter’s death with the help of a CIA agent played by Joe Don Baker.ANSWER: Edge of Darkness[10] Percy Alleline, Bill Haydon, Roy Bland, and Toby Esterhase are suspected of being the source of a leak from “the Circus” in this 1979 espionage yarn named for a nursery rhyme. Alec Guinness reprised his role in the 1982 sequel Smiley’s People.ANSWER: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Its villains are Oxford professor Katya Nadanova and a protege of Max Zorin, ex-KGB agent Nikolai Diavolo. For ten points each:[10] Name this 2004 third-person shooter featuring an original theme song by Mya, who also appears in it as NSA Agent Starling.ANSWER: James Bond OO7: Everything or Nothing[10] Sean Connery returned to the role of James Bond for this 2005 game which pitted OO7 against OCTOPUS. It features Natasha Bedingfield and Maria Menounos as Bond girls Elizabeth Stark and Eva Adara.ANSWER: James Bond OO7: From Russia with Love[10] This 2000 game, about an employee of the Carrington Institute who helps the Maians fight the Skedar, was sold as a spiritual successor to GoldenEye OO7. James Bond’s arsenal is available as an Easter egg in it.ANSWER: Perfect Dark

All tossups and bonuses by Yogesh Raut

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