Page 1: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Treasuring the Gift Treasuring the Gift Within YouWithin You

Page 2: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:



Page 3: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:



1.Recognize the power of the Holy

Spirit for all who have received Jesus

Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Page 4: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:



1.Recognize the power of the Holy Spirit for all who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

2.Review biblical passages revealing God’s intention for Spiritual gifts.

Page 5: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


1.Recognize the power of the Holy Spirit for all who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

2.Review biblical passages revealing God’s intention for Spiritual gifts.

3.Learn how to identify and treasure the unique gifts you have received from God.

Page 6: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Objectives:1.Recognize the power of the Holy

Spirit for all who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

2.Review biblical passages revealing God’s intention for Spiritual gifts.

3.Learn how to identify and treasure the unique gifts you have received from God.

4.Learn from women leaders who significantly impacted the Apostle Paul's ministry.

Page 7: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Objectives:1.Recognize the power of the Holy

Spirit for all who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

2.Review biblical passages revealing God’s intention for Spiritual gifts.

3.Learn how to identify and treasure the unique gifts you have received from God.

4.Learn from women leaders who significantly impacted the Apostle Paul's ministry.

5.Explore practical uses for your gifts.

Page 8: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

WELCOME!!WELCOME!!Objectives:1.Recognize the power of the Holy Spirit

for all who have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

2.Review biblical passages revealing God’s intention for Spiritual gifts.

3.Learn how to identify and treasure the unique gifts you have received from God.

4.Learn from women leaders who significantly impacted the Apostle Paul's ministry.

5.Explore practical uses for your gifts.

Page 9: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Now the Lord is Now the Lord is Spirit, and where Spirit, and where the Spirit of the the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Lord is, there is freedom. freedom. ----II Corinthians 3:17II Corinthians 3:17

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Life Life

Peace Peace

These are signs that we are These are signs that we are

controlled by the Holy Spirit.controlled by the Holy Spirit.

Page 11: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:



Now the Lord is Spirit, and where Now the Lord is Spirit, and where

the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the Spirit of the Lord is, there is

freedom. freedom.

----II Corinthians 3:17II Corinthians 3:17

Page 12: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


LifeLifeThe mind controlled by the sinful The mind controlled by the sinful

nature is death, but the mind nature is death, but the mind

controlled by the Spirit is life and controlled by the Spirit is life and


--Romans 8:6--Romans 8:6

Page 13: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


Peace Peace

Cease striving and know that I am Cease striving and know that I am

God; I will be exalted among the God; I will be exalted among the

nations, I will be exalted in the earth. nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

----Psalm 46:10 NASBPsalm 46:10 NASB

Page 14: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


REFLECT….REFLECT….When you consider your life in recent weeks, When you consider your life in recent weeks, would you say you have been living in the would you say you have been living in the Holy Spirit’s power? What do you feel when Holy Spirit’s power? What do you feel when you are in the Spirit’s power? you are in the Spirit’s power?

Have there been moments when you’ve Have there been moments when you’ve been running on your own power? What do been running on your own power? What do you feel when you are leading from your you feel when you are leading from your own power? own power?

Page 15: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:



Throw off your old sinful nature and your

former way of life, which is corrupted by

lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit

renew your thoughts and attitudes.

--Ephesians 3:22-23

Page 16: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Peter replied, “Repent and be

baptized, every one of you, in the

name of Jesus Christ for the

forgiveness of your sins. And you

will receive the gift of the Holy


--Acts 2:38

Page 17: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

The Holy Spirit is the GiftThe Holy Spirit is the Gift

“When members of a church begin

considering spiritual gifts, they

sometimes run into difficulty by

thinking that God gives them some

thing – like an ingredient called

administration. No, He doesn’t give

some thing; He gives Himself. The

Gift is a Person…

Page 18: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

“The Holy Spirit equips you with His

administrative ability…. What you

observe when you see a spiritual gift

exercised is a manifestation of the Holy

Spirit – you see the Holy Spirit

equipping and enabling an individual

with His abilities and capabilities to

accomplish God’s work.” Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God, by Henry Blackaby

Page 19: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


There are different kinds of spiritual

gifts, but the same Spirit is the source

of them all. There are different kinds

of service, but we serve the same

Lord. God works in different ways, but

it is the same God who does the work

in all of us.

Page 20: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


A spiritual gift is given to

each of us so we can help

each other.

Page 21: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


To one person the Spirit gives the

ability to give wise advice; to

another the same Spirit gives a

message of special knowledge.

The same Spirit gives great faith to

another, and to someone else the

one Spirit gives the gift of healing.

Page 22: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


He gives one person the power to

perform miracles, and another the

ability to prophesy. He gives

someone else the ability to discern

whether a message is from the

Spirit of God or from another spirit.

Page 23: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


Still another person is given the

ability to speak in unknown

languages, while another is given

the ability to interpret what is

being said.

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It is the one and only Spirit

who distributes all these gifts.

He alone decides which gift

each person should have.

--1 Corinthians 12:4-11

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Discovery Tool from Saddleback Church

in California.

Page 26: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


Your S.H.A.P.E. refers

to the unique way God

made you!

Page 27: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


Your S.H.A.P.E. refers to your

unique Spiritual Gifts

Page 28: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


Your S.H.A.P.E. refers to your

unique Spiritual Gifts


Page 29: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


Your S.H.A.P.E. refers to your

unique Spiritual Gifts



Page 30: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


Your S.H.A.P.E. refers to your

unique Spiritual Gifts




Page 31: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:


Your S.H.A.P.E. refers to your

unique Spiritual Gifts





Page 32: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

A Few Truths About Spiritual A Few Truths About Spiritual GiftsGifts◦1. Only believers have spiritual gifts.

But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.--1 Corinthians 2:14

Used with permission from p. 4 of the S.H.A.P.E. Discovery Tool, Saddleback Church California

Page 33: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

A Few Truths About Spiritual A Few Truths About Spiritual GiftsGifts

2. You can’t earn or work for a

spiritual gift.

He has given each one of us a

special gift through the

generosity of Christ.

--Ephesians 4:7

Used with permission from p. 4 of the S.H.A.P.E. Discovery Tool, Saddleback Church California

Page 34: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

A Few Truths About Spiritual A Few Truths About Spiritual GiftsGifts

◦3. The Holy Spirit decides what gifts I get.

It is the one and only Spirit who

distributes all these gifts. He alone

decides which gift each person

should have.

--1 Corinthians 12:11Used with permission from p. 4 of the S.H.A.P.E. Discovery Tool,

Saddleback Church California

Page 35: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

A Few Truths About Spiritual A Few Truths About Spiritual GiftsGifts

4. I am to develop the gifts God gives


For God’s gifts and his call can never

be withdrawn.

--Romans 11:29

Used with permission from p. 4 of the S.H.A.P.E. Discovery Tool, Saddleback Church California

Page 36: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

A Few Truths About Spiritual A Few Truths About Spiritual GiftsGifts

5. It’s a sin to waste the gifts God

gave me.

A person who is put in charge as a

manager must be faithful.

--1 Corinthians 4:2

Used with permission from p. 4 of the S.H.A.P.E. Discovery Tool,

Saddleback Church California

Page 37: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

A Few Truths About Spiritual A Few Truths About Spiritual GiftsGifts

5. It’s a sin to waste the gifts God gave

me. Well done, my good and faithful

servant. You have been faithful in

handling this small amount, so now I will

give you many more responsibilities.

Let’s celebrate together!

--Matt 25:21 Read Matthew 25:14-30Used with permission from p. 4 of the S.H.A.P.E. Discovery Tool,

Saddleback Church California

Page 38: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

A Few Truths About Spiritual A Few Truths About Spiritual GiftsGifts6. Using my gifts honors God and

expands me.

When you produce much fruit, you are

my true disciples. This brings great

glory to my Father.

--John 15:8

Used with permission from p. 4 of the S.H.A.P.E. Discovery Tool,

Saddleback Church California

Page 39: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Unwrapping My GiftsUnwrapping My Gifts

As we begin to unwrap our

gifts there are some important

things to remember!

Page 40: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Unwrapping My GiftsUnwrapping My Gifts

There is no hierarchy of gifts.

Each one makes a vital

contribution to the Kingdom of


Page 41: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Unwrapping My GiftsUnwrapping My Gifts

Our gifts can change over time

and we can be given specific

gifts in order to answer God’s

call for a specific time. Be


Page 42: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Unwrapping My GiftsUnwrapping My Gifts

Remember, you can have more

than one gift, but everyone has

at least one.

Page 43: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Things to ConsiderThings to Consider

The Holy Spirit decides what gift

or gifts we receive. Every gift is

important! There is no need to

compare yourself with others.

Just develop the unique gift or

gifts God has blessed you with.

Page 44: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Things to ConsiderThings to Consider• 1 Cor. 12:7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

Our gifts are not for our personal use but are meant to bless the church and others we minister to.

Page 45: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Unwrapping My GiftsUnwrapping My GiftsNow that you have completed your spiritual gifts assessment we will move to a group exercise that we hope will 1. Help you understand how a mix of

gifts can be used in a real life setting to help further the kingdom of God.

2. Give you insights into the women mentioned in Paul’s writings and affirm the importance of the contribution of each unique individual.

Page 46: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Group Exercise – Learning from Group Exercise – Learning from unique women with different unique women with different gifts who had significant gifts who had significant kingdom impactkingdom impact

Your facilitators will give you the verses that refer to the women in the Bible.

In your groups discuss the woman you most identify with and discuss how you can apply what you have learned from her ministry in your own life.

Page 47: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Group Exercise – Learning from Group Exercise – Learning from unique women with different unique women with different gifts who had significant gifts who had significant kingdom impactkingdom impact

• Group yourselves according to your predominant gifts as they coincide with the gifts listed for each of the women in the next slide. In essence, learn from and discuss the woman you most identify with.

Page 48: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Lydia - leadership, administration, prophecy, prayer, hospitality

Priscilla - teaching, hospitality, discernment

Lois and Eunice (a legacy of faith) - teaching to children, encouragement, faith, mercy

Phoebe - service, wisdom, giving

Page 49: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Group SharingGroup SharingHave each group share briefly: what they learned about the woman in the Bible they explored.

how they will apply what they learned.

some practical ways they plan to use their unique gifts for the common good such as for church ministries, in connecting with those who do not know Christ, or in other ways?

Page 50: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Just the BeginningJust the BeginningIn addition to the “S” referring to SPIRITUAL GIFTS other aspects of the S.H.A.P.E. discovery tool add depth to how we uniquely use our gifts. We suggest that you print out the rest of the assessment online so you can assess other areas at home.

Check out -

Page 51: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Just the BeginningJust the Beginning


Page 52: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Closing DiscussionClosing Discussion

Page 53: Treasuring the Gift Within You. WELCOME!! Objectives:

Personality Tests: DiSCMyers BriggsEnneagramOnline Resources: S.H.A.P.E. Discovery Tool –

Spiritual Gift Assessments –


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