Download - Treatment

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About our treatment

We want to make use of the meaning of this song to convey a message across to our audience

We looked into the lyrics of the song such as: ‘she just wants to be beautiful’ ‘oh, she don’t see the light that’s shining’ We gathered that the tone at the end of the song, the tone changes,

into a more hopeful one, so we wanted to incorporate this into our music video

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Type of music video

The type of music video I have chosen to make is a conceptual, performance, and narrative. It’s conceptual because,

It’s performance because, the main character is lip synching some of the lyrics that we try to stress such as ‘no better you than the you that you are’, ‘no better life than the life than the we’re living’ ‘you’re a star’

It’s narrative because we are trying to tell a story, the story will be told the paint, as the paint drips down the body it covers the nasty words and as the paint is reversed, it unveils the ‘nice’ words.

This will be done in accordance to the tone of the song.

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Start- Head slowly looking up, shots alternating between words on the body and no words, the first part of the music video also aims on showing the audience the ’bad words’ and the damaging effects that it has on her emotions.

Middle- paint starts to drip down, covering the nasty words, cut away shots, the aim is to show the changing in her thoughts and societies words once the ‘bad’ words are covered up, this also shows the effects

End- Paint unveils new ‘nice words’ such as ‘beautiful’ by the end of the music video, there are no words, this represents the idea that it was all in her head and the control she has over her thoughts

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focus is on 1 main character Girl Age within the target audience- 18 years old

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Styling/ dress of character

Hair- plain straight Make-up- minimal, basic mascara/ face makeup Dress- Plain, black vest, black leggings, black socks, plain and non-

distracting clothes

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As our music video has a focus on one person, we want to keep this focus, we are going to only use a plain background, this is so that it doesn’t distract from the message that we are trying to portray

We have decided on a white wall We will use my other collegues house as there are large white walls in

which we can film on.

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As this is also a conceptual music video, there will be a lot of special effects, we will use transitions, filters and transformations to make the music video as interesting as possible there will be heavy focus on the editing.

Special effects I would like to include: Black and white Colour isolation (of either blue, green or red) Focus Blur Transformation Using editing techniques how her distorted thinking process

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The whole video will be a in black and white with limited colour isolation

Lighting will be varied, depending on the shot – ‘the light that shines within’ and ‘she fades away’ aims to look at things in other perspectives therefore there will be a change in lighting to represent a change in mood.

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Target audience

Primary target audience- 18-24 year olds Girls Secondary target audience- 24-30 year olds Tertiary target audience- Anyone who listens to the radio Social grade demographic- C2-E as the type of people who listen to this type of music tends to be teenagers with unskilled jobs as they are in

school/college/apprenticeships or just starting out in their jobs. The target audience would also be a lower social demographic grade as they are less sure of themselves, people

with money and power as they are more sure of themselves and comfortable within themselves and their profession. People who are in a higher position also attend to be older, this is because they they have worked towards the position that they are in and this can take years to achieve, therefore the audience would be older naturally.

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