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The themes underlying my music video will be illustrating the lyrics of the track. ‘Royals’ basically criticizes mainstream music culture and about how it gives society a high expectation of life when in reality nobody lives like that. The main features of my music video (Isabelle Soupe, Holly Hutchinson and Grace Lilley) will be playing the role of celebrities that don’t follow the whole typical celeb life. This means that the whole video will be shot in lower class places so that it juxtaposes the mainstream videos of glamour and luxury. As the idea of my video is very bizarre I will need to use creative camera and editing techniques with unique mise en scene. I want a jerky feel to my video therefore I need the performers to show quirky characteristics to fit with the genre and the meaning of the track. The ideology of my music video is that society must stop feeding off of fake reality and that what I am portraying is reality.


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The performance of my three main features is key, as they need to commit fully to showing quirky personalities with confidence to the end product, matching a song that is unique in its sound and lyrics. Delivering the meaning of the lyrics is crucial in this music video therefore putting a lot of pressure on my performers; if they do not portray the ideology of my video the meaning of the whole thing will become pointless. The theme of my music video will reflect Lorde’s previous music videos however will be very different to the original ‘Royals’ video. I am hoping to create a conceptual video, it will intertwine the performance and narrative, in this particular track the lyrics are compassionate and meaningful and I need to portray this to create a successful conceptual video. The key theme of my video will be giving a laid back approach to create a different image compared to mainstream artists. The performers need to be serious at times to emphasise how you need to take life serious (unlike typical celebs) however need to be happy and jolly at most

times to show how you can be happy without a life of luxury.

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LIGHTINGThe lighting of my video will be mostly natural lighting when shooting outdoors. My aim is to shoot when the weather is quite gloomy and miserable so that I have a natural low-key light when outdoors. I also hope to make a silhouette of the 3 features in my video either for an establishing shot or for my end shot or maybe even both to express Todorov’s cyclical narrative. For the parts of my video when the girls are in the studio, I will be using bright lighting with a shadowy background so that all focus is on the girls and creates the typical pop sensation music video look. This will show glamour and beauty of the girls, which juxtaposes the rest of the video and basically impersonates the mainstream music industry.

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CAMERA AND EDITINGDue to my music video featuring 3 people, the majority of my shots will be medium shots so that all 3 girls fit into the frame. To apply a unique effect to my video I will be using rare camera shots such as a low angle, high angle, point of view and extreme close ups. The editing will be pretty simple as the point I am getting cross to the audience is that living a basic lifestyle is good. I may apply some more advanced editing techniques to my video when the features are located in the studio. In order to exaggerate the impersonation of mainstream celebrities my editing needs to impersonate too.

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