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Building His Body


Reflecting the Son

WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:30 am Fellowship

9:00 am Sunday School &

Bible Study 10:00 am Worship

Church Phone: 979.885.2211

Fax 979.885.7003 Web site

Pastor: Kenneth Bersche

[email protected] 979-398-0762

Maggie Kent, Office Secretary

ELDERS: Bobby Barrett…….………… 885-3450 Lowell Coody……….………. 979-270-2161 Joel Grigar………............... 885-1415 Doyle Kornegay……….……512-694-8057 Mark Romano………………. 281-536-3602 Tracy Schiller………………. 865-2748 Johnnie Sodolak…………. 885-3873 Stephen Stuessel……….. 885-9496 Barry Wolf…………………….. 877-0341

TRINITY TIDBITS A monthly newsletter for the people of Trinity Lutheran Church of Sealy, Texas

Before we begin, there is something I would like to share with you. I really don’t care what type of school you send your children to whether private school, public school or homeschool. There is nothing wrong with any of them, and whatever works best for your family works for me. Every family is different.

Trinity Lutheran Preschool is a private school that teaches the academic needs before entering kindergarten. A child that begins in the two year old class and graduates pre-k with us is given an opportunity to learn and grow at their own pace and we provide them with an important head start to school. In addition to academics, children will also learn sound moral values and social skills preparing them to be upstanding individuals in the years to come.

If you send your children to a private Christian school – why do you send them? We send them for religious education teaching the importance of the Ten Commandments. If we could place the Ten Commandments back into public schools, children will know right from wrong. Most of all these Ten Commandments are for everyone including the ones who do not believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. These are the rules we should live by:

The Ten Commandments: First Commandment Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. What does this mean? We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things. Second Commandment Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may not curse, swear, use witchcraft, lie, or deceive by His name, but call upon it in every trouble, pray, praise, and give thanks. Third Commandment Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. (Thou shalt sanctify the holy day.) What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may not despise preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it. Fourth Commandment Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may not despise our parents and masters, nor provoke them to anger, but give them honor, serve and obey them, and hold them in love and esteem. Fifth Commandment Thou shalt not kill. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may not hurt nor harm our neighbor in his body, but help and befriend him in every bodily need. Sixth Commandment Thou shalt not commit adultery. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may lead a caste and decent life in word and deed, and each love and honor his spouse. Seventh Commandment Thou shalt not steal. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may not take our neighbor’s money or goods, nor get them by false ware or dealing, but help him to improve and protect his property and business.

Eighth Commandment Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may not deceitfully belie, betray, slander, nor defame our neighbor, but defend him, speak well of him, and put the best construction on everything.



Church Office Closed

Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day

Laying On My Heart

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Ninth Commandment Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s house. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may not craftily seek to get our neighbor’s inheritance or house, nor obtain it by a show of right, but help and be of service to him in keeping it. Tenth Commandment Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his cattle, or anything that is thy neighbor’s. What does this mean? We should fear and love God that we may not estrange, force, or entice away from our neighbor his wife, servants, or cattle, but urge them to stay and do their duty. The Close of the Commandments, What does God say of all these Commandments? He says thus: I, the Lord, thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me, and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love Me and keep My Commandments. What does this mean? God threatens to punish all that transgress these Commandments. Therefore we should fear His wrath and not act contrary to them. But He promises grace and every blessing to all that keep these Commandments. Therefore we should also love and trust in Him and willingly do according to His Commandments.

Second reason to send your child to Trinity is for caring teachers who in each moment that teacher is teaching and children interact with one another is an opportunity to develop positive relationships. Teachers can use a variety of strategies to build positive relationships with children. Teacher behaviors such as listening to children, making eye contact with them, and engaging in many one-to-one, face-to-face interactions with young children promote secure teacher-child relationships. Talking to children using pleasant, calm voices and simple language, and greeting children warmly when they arrive in the classroom with their parents each morning.

In developing positive teacher-child relationships, Trinity teachers engage in one-to-one interactions with children. They get on the child’s level for face-to-face interaction and use a pleasant, calm voice and simple language. The teachers provide warm, responsive physical contact. They follow the child’s lead and interest during play. The teachers help children understand classroom expectations and when to redirect children when they engage in challenging behavior. Most of all the teachers listen to children and encourage them to listen to others and acknowledge children for their accomplishments and efforts.

Third reason to send your child to Trinity is for the preparation of teaching your child from the age of two until pre-k graduation:

Days of the Week (rote memory-recognition)

Months of the Year (start when majority of the class know the Days of the Week)

Rote Count-(By 1’s; by 10’s; and by 5’s) Touch and Count or count out to a number

Letter Sounds (red, blue, green, orange and purple)-(continue when majority of the class knows the letters)

Number recognition (recognize numbers and the concept of how many)

Recognition of their names-(latter how to write their names)

Recognition of their address – (rote memory)

Recognition of their telephone number – (rote memory)

Birthday Recognition – (rote memory) In our lesson plans we also teach:

Opposites Sizes

Ordinals What’s Missing

Rhyming What’s Wrong Position Words


Sequence Go Together

Matching Odd Things

More or Less Categorizing


Memory Sequence

Memory Objects

What’s Missing What’s Wrong Math Terms

I want everyone to know that Trinity Lutheran Preschool is not a mother’s day out program or a babysitter. We are a private school and each teacher must obtain twenty-four clock hours of training and the director must obtain thirty clock hours of training and CEU’s each year. We all have FBI criminal background checks to make sure we do not have felonies, abuse of a child or any other history with the law. Everyone here at Trinity Lutheran Preschool enjoys taking care, teaching, loving and knowing your child will get that head start he/she needs before entering Kindergarten.

Our goals for the children include: growing in understanding of God and His care, developing a positive self-image and building relationships with others, learning and developing an appreciation for art, music, poems, and books, and learning by doing, observing, and experimenting.

We are a ministry to families. We teach that Jesus Christ is central to pre-learning. Our purpose is to have interaction among students, and between students and teachers, that prepare children for a lifetime of learning.

God’s Blessings, Maggie Kent

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Birthdays for the Month!

Greetings to you on this Special Day 5/01 James Sneed 5/05 Karen Naida 5/09 George Baade 5/09 Robin Jacobson 5/09 Meagan Murrell 5/10 David Hauschild 5/10 Barbara Vohs 5/11 CALEB KRUZEL 5/11 Brittany Foerster

5/14 Matthew Kieke 5/14 Cynthia Sodolak 5/14 Sterling Schiller 5/15 Bonnie Reay 5/17 Geraldine Stuessel 5/18 Scott Stuessel 5/19 Don Henry 5/20 Elgien Konesheck 5/23 Melvin Schmidt

6/24 BRYCE JALOWAY 5/24 Susie Toellner 5/25 Casey Picard 5/27 Viola Sebesta 5/28 Terry Hankins 5/29 Neil Johnston 5/29 Brody Schiller 5/30 Brittney Steinhauser 5/31 Lindsey Dziadek

Holy Baptismal Birthdays for the Month

Blessings to you on this Special Day!

Happy Anniversary

Let’s rejoice with these couples as they celebrate the designated anniversaries. 5/02/1992 Dean and Robin Jacobson 5/6/2016 Lowell and Andrea Coody 5/10/1969 Bill and Linda Blume 5/12/1979 Robert and Barbara Vohs

5/12/1979 Michael and Debra Ashorn 5/24/1980 Robert and Donna Emshoff

Prayers for Nursing Home and Shut Ins Joyce Meyer – Colonial Belle, Sealy Ruby Emshoff – Colonial Belle, Sealy Dorothy Hein – Veranda House, Sealy Lillie Foehner – Veranda House, Sealy Robert Richter – Colonial Oaks, Katy

Fred & Ruth Paben – Orchard Park @ Southfork, Manville

Sympathy for the family of Raymond Navarro (age 100) who went to be with his Lord on Monday April 1, 2019. Please keep his daughter, Sylvia Foerster and the rest of his large beautiful family in your prayers.

Altar Guild would like to thank the members who purchased Easter Lilies that beautifully graced the altar for Easter.

The Altar Guild expresses thanks and appreciation to Doris and Billy Schaffner for their generous donation towards its purchase. In addition, a Memorial gift was given to the Altar Guild in memory of Buster and Estelle Remmert that was also used towards this purchase. The new Communion veils were purchased with donations from other Altar Guild members. Thanks to everyone who contributed towards these purchases.


to scheduling conflicts, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the second and fourth Sunday’s (May 12th and 26th) instead of our regular first and third Sunday’s. Our regular worship schedule will resume in June.

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June 17th June 18th June 19th 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm


Graduates will be recognized Sunday, May 5th during the 10:00 am worship service. Please have available to church office a couple of baby pictures, activity pictures and a cap and gown picture to be placed on the screen.

Please let the church office know if you are graduating college. Please join us for a meal after the worship service. Please contact Dorothy Coody, fellowship chairperson for more information. Please sign up if you are planning to attend the meal to help the Fellowship Committee have an idea of how much food to prepare. Please attend to honor our graduates!


Everyone is invited to Circle of Friends, Wednesday, MAY 8th at 12:15 for lunch. Come enjoy the meal and fellowship! Remember to invite your friends and neighbors. Please sign yourself and your friends up in the narthex if you would like to attend or bring a dessert. Contact Mary Buechmann for any questions.

BAKE SALE Trinity Lutheran

Church Ladies Aid is having a bake sale Friday, May 10th beginning at 8:00 am at Citizens State Bank. We need support from everyone to help bake items for the sale. Please help the ladies by baking or supporting this project. If you plan on helping by baking please bring your baked items to Citizens State Bank by 8:00 am on Friday, May 10th “the day of the sale.” You may also bring in your items to the church the day before during office hours. Thank you for all your help!

Monday, June 10th

Church Planning Meeting is set for Monday, June 10th at 6:30 pm. All committees and groups or representative from all boards and auxiliary organizations that need to be on the church calendar (July 2019-January 2020) should attend.

CHANGE FOR LIFE! If you picked up a baby bottle for the Sealy Pregnancy Center and filled it with change, please return to the church since Lenten and Easter services are completed. Thank you for supporting the lives of babies and making a positive impact on the mothers. If you did not get a chance to fill a bottle, come by the office to get one or continue filling to support the Sealy Pregnancy Center.

Upcoming Event

Picnic on the Playground

June 8, 2019

Everyone is invited to the four-year-old class graduation that will take place on Sunday, May 19, 2019 during the 10:00 am worship service. The children will wear the preschool’s cap and gown that must be returned. The children will be able to keep their tassels as a gift. A gift bag with keepsakes will also be given to each pre-kindergarten child to take home. We would like the parents of the children to be prompt bringing their child/children to their classrooms at 9:30 am. This will give us ample time to put the caps and gowns on the children and for the parents to take pictures. Mary Buechmann bakes the graduation cake for everyone. Please, please after your child has their cap, gown and tassel and pictures have been taken, come to the gym and take a picture of your child in front of the graduation cake. After the worship service the cake will already be cut and ready to serve. Most important, we would like all the parents out of the classrooms by 9:45 am so we can calm the excited children and be ready for the ceremony. After the worship service the parents and congregation are invited to have cake and punch in the gym. This is also a good time for the parents to

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take pictures of the graduating children with friends, families and teachers for keepsakes. I would like to say a Big Thank You to the preschool parents, congregation, preschool board members and the teachers for their support and dedication throughout the year, and a special thank you to Mary Buechmann for supplying the graduation cake for all of us to enjoy. Please come and take part in these children’s lives and watch them graduate and move forward as they continue to learn and know that Jesus loves them. Remember to be here by 9:30 am on Sunday, May 19th for GRADUATION!

Here at Trinity Lutheran Preschool we plant the seed to a relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit that will teach these children to grow in His love. We teach these children to become more like Jesus and to become more holy. It is this spiritual growth that becomes a birthmark of our faith!

I pray for each child whether going to kindergarten or just going into the next class. I pray that these students who move on will learn to do what is right and just and fair in God’s eyes. I pray the children leaving Trinity will not drift from the Bible but continue learning what they learned in preschool that Jesus loves them.

Cinco De Mayo Celebration- Trinity Lutheran Preschool will celebrate Cinco de Mayo on Friday, May 3rd. Some of the children will make quesadillas, sombreros and maracas’. This is a great multicultural lesson for the children.

Library Field Trip – The four year old class will take a walking field trip to Gordon Memorial Library on Thursday, May 16th at 10:30 am. We need parents to help walk the children to the library, supervise while in the library and walk the children back to Trinity. The children will take a tour of the facility and find out about the summer reading programs that they have available and learn that books are a great adventure in a person’s life. A permission form must be signed and returned to the teacher before attending the field trip.

Sunglasses Day! On Friday, May 10th, the children may come to preschool wearing sunglasses! Please label your child’s sunglasses with their names. Hopefully we will have a beautiful sunny day to enjoy God’s world through our sunglasses.

Water Safety with Retired Trooper Gary Pflughaupt! When the weather turns warm, everyone wants to be in or around the water. Hanging out at the pool or the beach on a hot day is a great way to beat the heat. Between having fun and checking out the lifeguards, most people don't think much about water safety — but they should. For people between the

ages of 5 and 24, drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death. Retired Trooper Gary Pflughaupt will be at the preschool on Tuesday, May 14th at 10:00 am. Mr. Gary will talk to the children about water safety tips. Splashing, wading, and paddling — it must mean a great day in the water. Playing at the beach, at a water park, by a lake, or in a pool can be a real treat on a hot day. Swimming is a lot of fun, but Mr. Gary will tell us how to stay safe in the water.

Wear Purple Day! On Tuesday, May 7th the children may wear the color PURPLE to reinforce the color of the month.

Ice Cream Wednesdays! July is National Ice Cream Month in the USA and the 3rd Sunday in July is National Ice Cream Day. Preschool will celebrate ice cream day each Wednesday for the month of May since we are not in school in the month of July. It is hard to imagine greater fun then enjoying the taste of ice cream. In the USA more ice cream is consumed per head than any other country in the world – such is the love of ice cream among Americans. This is reflected in other ways too, not least by the fact that the USA has its own ‘National Ice Cream Month’. Since 1984, when President Reagan proclaimed that National Ice Cream Month be celebrated annually, every July has been a focus for greater attention to ice cream in the United States with the 3rd Sunday of that month each year being National Ice Cream Day.

Wednesday, May 1st Popsicles!

Wednesday, May 8th MINI Drumsticks

Wednesday, May 15th Ice Cream Cups

Wednesday, May 22nd MINI Ice Cream

Sandwiches for party day!

With ice cream loved by so many people around the world, the preschoolers will enjoy ice cream every Wednesday this month and hopefully in July, the real month to celebrate ICE CREAM DAY!

Back Yard Picnic Bash! We will have a blast outside by having a Back Yard Picnic Bash. We know how much the children enjoy playing outside and bringing their lunches. All the children need to bring a sack lunch along with a drink on Friday, May 17th to enjoy the day outside with our Back Yard Picnic! Whether we have rain or not we will enjoy the day! This is the same day as Sunglasses Day!!

Tie Dye Day The preschool will have a special day with all the colors God has created. Tye Dye Day on Friday, May 24th. We would like all the children to wear as many colors as they can to reinforce the colors learned throughout the year!

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Potty Training! I want to remind the two-year-old parents that all who are going into the three-year-old class this fall must be potty trained. Please remember that if your child is not potty trained they may not be in the three-year-old class. That means no pull ups! Each child must be in underwear or panties! Please work with your child at home supervising them to take down their own bottoms and get themselves onto the toilet, wipe, flush and pull up their own bottoms. By working together, let’s make this our goal for them to go potty without assistance. Potty training is possible if the teacher and parents work together. I appreciate all the parents supporting the teacher for potty training the children. If your child has been sent home with a change of clothes from Trinity, please return it by the end of this school year.

A Special Thank You! To all the parents and congregational members thank you for supporting the preschool this year. Parents, I appreciate all the donations of snacks, volunteering and prayers given to the preschool. Thank you for sending your child to learn about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Your heart shows the love by your participation! From the bottom of my heart and the teachers, THANK YOU! I would like to say thank you to my Preschool Board Members for all the support for the preschool, taking time out for monthly meetings, all the prayers, and most of all giving your heart in the support of the preschool and the teachers. Preschool staff has done an excellent job this year in loving all the children and teaching them about Jesus. God has placed this special staff at Trinity, who give their all in everything they do here at preschool. I appreciate each and every one for all the hard work this year. You are always welcome to come by and visit the preschool, visit church if you are looking for a church home or join us for VBS during the summer. You are always welcome!

Teacher Appreciation! Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6th – May 10th. Preschool teachers have a special gift and talent in teaching and loving our children. Thanks to all who make these teachers feel important, blessed and loved. Make this a great week for these special teachers who touch the heart of all of us. Thanks for being there for all of us all year long. All of you are special parents with a caring heart. You are greatly appreciated!

End of School Party! Preschool will have their end of school hot dog party on Wednesday, May 22nd

9:30 am-10:30 am. Please look for the sign-up list to help with games and refreshments! “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2 Timothy 4:1-5 ESV

Have a Great and Safe Summer, In Christ, Maggie Kent


April 8, 2019

The Trinity Lutheran Church Council meeting was called to order by President George Wied. Dorothy Coody presented the Devotion “Lord, Why Am I in this Storm?” based on Psalm 18:2. The Devotion was followed with prayer. Council members present:

George Wied - President

Linda Blume – Treasurer

Ruth Szymanski - Secretary

Jerry Leiber – Stewardship Chairman

Barry Wolf – Elder Chairman

Pastor Bersche

Patricia Rother – Education Chairman

Dorothy Coody – Fellowship Chairman

Bill Blume – Trustee Chairman

Johanna Buechmann – Usher Chairman

Maggie Kent - Preschool Absent:

Ron Hartmann – Vice President

Susie Hartmann – Evangelism Chairman

Katy Grigar – Youth Chairman The Minutes from the meeting held on March 11, 2019 were presented for review and approval. Bill Blume made the motion to accept the minutes. Barry Wolf seconded the motion. All Council members approved and the motion passed. Unfinished/Old Business:

“Stroke Scan” will be at Trinity on Tuesday, June 11, from 9:00 until 5:00.

Chairmen Reports: Linda Blume – Treasurer

The Treasurer’s Report for March 31, 2019 was presented. The cash balance in the General Fund is $145,996.06. The Building Fund balance is $55,708.02 and the

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Designated Funds balance is $88,465.25. The Total of All Funds is $290,169.33. March contributions were $19,785.69 while March expenses were $18,371.47.

Jerry Leiber – Stewardship Chairman

Nothing to report Barry Wolf – Elder Chairman

A former member, Carol Barrett, has been removed from the Church roll. Attempts at contacting her have been unsuccessful.

The Elders have requested that the Treasure Chest be moved away from the Altar. It was decided to try placing the chest near to the first pew.

It was discussed to have the Youth use the Lectern when they present their next Youth Service. This will make it easier for members to hear them.

The Elders will begin using the new Communion set on Easter Sunday.

Pastor Bersche

Pastor reported the following Official Acts for March 2019:

o Carrie Steinbach was received into membership by Profession of Faith on March 17, 2019.

o Doris Holtkamp passed away on March 5, 2019 and Edwin Remmert passed away on March 4, 2019. Both were members of Trinity.

Pastor has had a request to use our parking lot for a fund-raiser to benefit a youth baseball team. The Council approved this request, pending more information.

The Pastor requested two additional readers for Palm Sunday.

The Seder Meal will be held on Maundy Thursday.

Patricia Rother – Education Chairman

The Easter egg hunt will be held on Palm Sunday, following the Church service.

VBS materials have been delivered. There are materials for 100 children. Registration will begin soon.

Patricia Rother – (for Katy Grigar – Youth Chairman)

Patricia expressed her thanks to all the members who donated to the Youth garage sale. The Youth made a profit of over $1,600.00.

The Youth Service was well attended by the Youth.

The hotel has been reserved and the airplane tickets have been purchased for the upcoming Youth trip to Minneapolis.

Dorothy Coody – Fellowship Chairman,

Fellowship will host the Seder Meal on April 18, 2019, as well as Easter breakfast on April 21, 2019.

Bill Blume – Trustee Chairman

The risers that the Church had in the storage building have been given to the City of Sealy.

The Church has received a new credit card, one specifically for churches.

The Arts and Appetizers fund raiser will be held at Trinity on April 23. The art is all done by students at Sealy ISD.

The flower beds will be re-worked the week before Easter.

The Council discussed retention of Church records, such as Newsletters, Church bulletins, etc.

Johanna Buechmann – Usher Chairman

Nothing to report Maggie Kent – Preschool

Preschool registration is now open for everyone.

Maggie informed Council that the majority of the 3 year old classes are registering at Pre-K at Sealy ISD.

Preschool graduation is Sunday, May 19, 2019 during the Worship Service.

Preschool Board members who have competed their terms are Stacey Picard and Melinda Schiller. New Board members will be Rachel Villalovoz and Rebecca Tipton. This will be voted on during the Semi-Annual Congregational meeting on Sunday, April 28, 2019.

With all of the activities that have been happening, the Preschool BBQ and Chicken fund raiser that was scheduled by May 1, 2019 has been cancelled.

The Preschool will be making another $1,500.00 donation towards the security system.

Jerry Leiber made a motion to accept the Reports. Barry Wolf seconded the motion. All Council members approved the Reports and the motion passed. New Business

The Semi-Annual Congregational meeting will be held on April 28, 2019.

There being no further business, Barry Wolf made a motion to adjourn. Bill Blume seconded the motion. All Council members approved and the meeting adjourned. Patricia Rother will have the devotion for next month’s meeting. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer. George Wied - President

Ruth Szymanski - Secretary

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Easter Lilies Gracing the Altar were given for the Glory of God

in Honor or Memory of a Loved One!

Bill and Linda Blume……………………………… Honor of Our Children and Grandchildren

Suzanne Bozeman…………………………………. In Memory of Lovella and Dave Keding

Johanna Buechmann…………………………….. In Honor of Dalton and Gretchen Easter Blessings

Pat and Mary Buechmann……………….…….. Memory of Parents Sarah Sopchak Violet and Edmund Buechmann

Evangeline Coody………………………….……….. In Memory of Husband, Mance Coody

Dorothy Coody ………...……………………………. In Memory of Iva Williams

Joanne Dixon……….…………………………..……. In Memory of Boots Reese

Jerry Grunke………………….……………..………. In Memory of Mary Grunke

Ron and Susie Hartmann………………….. In Memory of Albert Hartmann and Ilene Hartmann

Aletha Jeske…………………………..………… Thanks to God for All of the Blessings God has give us especially Jesus Our savior

Tara Johnston……..……………………..………… In Memory of Ray and Viola Webernick

Maggie Kent…………………..……………………. In Honor of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Sherri Putt………….…………………………..…... In Memory of Parents Earl and Betty Luedecke and Son Josh Putt

Betty and Gene Remmert……………………..... InMemoery of Alvin and Leona Remmert Willie and Effie Findeisen

Doris and Billy Schaffner……………………….. In Memory of Sarah Beth Fleming, Our Granddaughter And Son-In- Law Mike Michalke

Carol Schuknecht……………………………….…... In Memory of Jovan Schuknecht

Ruth Szymanski…………………...………………... In Memory of her Husband, Jimmy

Dennis and Rebecca Tipton……..……………

In Memory of Minnie and Roland Duncan

Rose Marie Trenckmann……………………….

In Memory of Florence Brosig

Altar Guild would like to thank the members who purchased Easter Lilies

that beautifully graced the altar for Easter.

A special gift for a child who cannot afford to attend preschool and is in need of financial assistance you can help by giving a donation to the Trinity Lutheran Preschool Scholarship Fund. Thank you in advance.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that

you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13



Giving parents a choice

Giving children a chance Any amount is appreciated!

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