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Page 1: Trip to Spain

Trip to Spain

Created by: Sam Brasen, Dalton Davis, Mercedes Tuttle

Page 2: Trip to Spain

The Purpose of the Trip!

•We are going to Madrid, Spain to learn about the culture.•We’ll be able to explore historical landmarks.•We’ll be able to use Spanish to communicate with the natives.•In short, we’ll be able to learn about Spanish, directly from the source.

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home on May 31 at 7:00 A.M.

Arrive in Madrid, Spain

and stay in Meliá Madrid

Princesa Hotel.Go to the Atocha Train

station to board a train to

Barcelona on June


After returning back from

Barcenlona on June 7th, we are going to

chill in Madrid.

Pack up and leave for home on June 10th at

5:00 P.M.

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May 31st

•Leave to the airport at 7:00 A.M.•Check bags and tickets.•Flight leaves at 8:30 A.M.

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May 31st Cont.

Once we arrive, we will be able to use vocabulary we’ve learned throughout the year to communicate with the airport personnel in order to find our bags.

Spanish Englishel aeropuerto airportel equipaje luggageel reclamo de equipaje baggage claimPor favor, ¿dónde queda…?

Can you please tell me where… is?

la maleta suitcasela puerta gatepasar por la aduana to go through customs

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May 31st More Cont.

We will take a bus to our hotel and we will check in. Then, we will take the elevator up to our hotel room to get situated. Lights out no later than 10:00 P.M.

Spanish Englishla parada de autobús bus stopel hotel hotella habitación doble double roomla llave keyla recepción reception deskel ascensor elevatorel (la) tourista Tourist

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June 1st

•We are going to go walking around town/shopping•Communicate with the natives•Go to the open-air market/ buy food

Picture of SHOPS

A typical dish in Madrid.It’s called el cordero asado.

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June 1st Cont.

We will communicate with the shop owners and buy items from them.

Spanish Englishel mercado al aire libre

open-air market

el dinero en efectivo cashregatear to bargainel recuerdo souvenir

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June 2nd

•This will be the time to go see historical landmarks.•Madrid is filled with many historical landmarks and architectural buildings that are quite remarkable.

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Plaza Ciebeles Puerta de Alcala

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June 3rd

•We will check out the local and traditional music.•Music is usually played to certain types of dances, like the Fandango.

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June 4th

•On Friday we’ll go to El Museo Del Prado.•The Museum as some very interesting exhibits as well as many opportunities for students to learn and understand the culture of Madrid.

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June 5th

•Before we leave on the 6th for Barcelona, we’ll visit some other local art works.

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June 6th

•On Satuday morning we’ll back our bags and go to the Atocha Train Station•We’ll take the train to Barcelona at 9:00 A.M.•Explore Barcelona until 8:00 P.M.•Check into our hotel in Barcelona near 9:00 P.M.

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Atocha Train Station

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June 7th

•Leave Barcelona by train in the morning.•Get back to the Atocha Train Station by the afternoon.•Take a bus back to the Melia Madrid Princesa and check back in.

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June 8th


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June 9th

MORE chilllllliiiiin

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June 10th

•On Thurday morning we’ll checkout of the hotel.•We’ll Take a bus to a restuarent to eat before going to the airport at 3:00 P.M.•We’ll Fly back to the U.S.•Take a bus back home.

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Trip Summary

May 31st- leave to SpainJune 1st- visit local stores and foodJune 2nd- visit historical landmarksJune 3rd- check out local musicJune 4th- go to El Museo Del PradoJune 5th- visit local art exhibitsJune 6th- go to the Atocha Train Station and BarcelonaJune 7th- return to Madrid by trainJune 8th & June 9th- hangin outJune 10th- return to the United States

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We will learn a lot about the culture of Spain and broaden our cultural horizons. We will experience new art, music, and learn history as well as use the spanish that we learned in class. WHILE HAVING FUNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bibliography madridprincesa.en.html

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