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Page 1: Tropical Landform

Gokhale Education Society’s h.p.t arts & r.y.k Science college.


Home AssignmentPresented by,

Manish kumar Kothe

Page 2: Tropical Landform

Subject : Gg-310

Tropical Geomorphology

Theories of Origin of Iron in Laterite &

Landform Development of Laterite

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Theories of origin of Iron in Laterite

• According to majorities opinion the Laterites soil is formed under conditions of high temparature and heavy rainfall with alternates wet and dry periodes. Laterites may be ‘end products of weathering given sufficiently long time

• If aluminous laterite are excluded from consideration it’s common to find that lateritic horizons contain from 30% to as much as 80% iron oxides.

• Unaltered granite will contained in the region of 2% of iron oxide where as more basic rock, such as Dolerite. May contain as much as 11% of combine iron.

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Trendall (1962)

• Supply enough iron for 9 m. of laterite some 180 m. of rock would have to be weathered if all the iron where come from in situ alteration.

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Lelong (1966)

• Iron precipitation within 2 m. of the surface could arise in this way. The hypothesis remains unproved, but is far reaching in it’s implication. This situation only arises, however, if it is thought necessary to derived the major part of the iron in the laterite from the site of formation.

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Other Writer

• Most have suggested that iron is derived from other sources, beyond the site of formation, and that iron-bearing solutions move laterally across the landscape. As the iron becomes immobilised in favourable sites, so considerable thickness of laterite accumulation.

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Landform development on laterites

• Tablelands associated on flat laterites which may vary form mesas to extensive platuex.

• Along the edges of tableland cliffs or breakaway's are formed.

• On intermediate slopes of valley’s terrace like featured.

• Circular or elliptical hollows

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