Page 1: TSO Organograms - Moving Linked Data into production and reaping the benefits -  SemTechBiz 2012

Part of the Williams Lea Group[Presentation Title]

Moving linked data into production - and reaping the benefits

Richard Goodwin

SemTechBiz September 2012

Page 2: TSO Organograms - Moving Linked Data into production and reaping the benefits -  SemTechBiz 2012

Part of the Williams Lea Group

What does TSO do?

Semantic discoverability solutions

Linked Open Data

Breaking data out of silos

Dedicated semantic team with a variety of experience & backgrounds

Page 3: TSO Organograms - Moving Linked Data into production and reaping the benefits -  SemTechBiz 2012

Part of the Williams Lea Group

Aggregate relevant data

Why Semantic discoverability?

Extract important information from it

Enrich the content

Add value to the data

Allow linking, re-use and


Page 4: TSO Organograms - Moving Linked Data into production and reaping the benefits -  SemTechBiz 2012

Part of the Williams Lea Group


Good use case for Linked Open Data

Making government information

accessible and open

Automated dissemination


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Part of the Williams Lea Group

Government Transparency initiative

Announced by No.10 in May 2010

RDF and visualisation

Live in June 2011

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Part of the Williams Lea Group

What was involved?

Using Excel source data

– convert from CSV to RDF using PHP and XL Wrap

Preview and publish through linked data API

Creating custom organogram Visualisation

Supporting distributed publication by owner organisations

TSO Non Sensitive

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Part of the Williams Lea Group


Publishing in RDF right across government

– now = 200

– soon = 400+

New data published every 6 months

Humans use Visualisation for information about government

Machines can pull regularly updated info to create other resources

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Part of the Williams Lea Group


WCM unable to handle RDF documents

Officials struggling to get sign-off from ministers

Upload / validation usability issues

Minimise errors that departments are expected to remedy

Reduce bootstrapping

Exploit value in data set - see changes over time

Page 9: TSO Organograms - Moving Linked Data into production and reaping the benefits -  SemTechBiz 2012

Part of the Williams Lea Group

Challenges – improve the user experience

CSV and validation usability issues

– Apparently inconsistent validation

– Silent errors

– Department uploading ≠ department featured

– Departments see all files clearly marked as senior CSV, junior CSV and RDF

Sign-off from ministers

– Senior management, short of time

Page 10: TSO Organograms - Moving Linked Data into production and reaping the benefits -  SemTechBiz 2012

Part of the Williams Lea Group

Challenges – improve the user experience

Organisational quirks

– e.g. some Ministry of Defence (MoD) civil servants report to minister, others of same grade report elsewhere

Grades need to be more flexible

– e.g. ‘equivalent to grade X’ or accept those parts which are correct and flag the others

Duplicate uploads need flagging

Improve the speed of preview function

Page 11: TSO Organograms - Moving Linked Data into production and reaping the benefits -  SemTechBiz 2012

Part of the Williams Lea Group

Solutions – WCM and reliability

Replaced the XL Wrap with CSV2TTL

– a Python-based implementation of CSV to RDF

This supports efficient and reliable publishing of RDF triples from CSV

Early validation takes place in spreadsheet template

Data owners upload the spreadsheet to the preview server for signing-off

Page 12: TSO Organograms - Moving Linked Data into production and reaping the benefits -  SemTechBiz 2012

Part of the Williams Lea Group

Solutions – Usability

The main constraint on our action is the use of the templates from within the Government

Secure Intranet - VBA code inappropriate

Strip out lengthy formulae (hard to maintain)– Net result no change to file size despite extra features

Provide per cell rather than per row feedback to users

Hide extraneous cells and improve validation rules

Use single-cell lookup point for web application to ascertain validity

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Part of the Williams Lea Group

Linked data - increasing value over time

Enables user to View the change in the

shape of government over time

Use a slider on Visualisation to show changes

Solution Serves all datasets from

same iteration into single Knowledge Base (KB) with each different iteration in separate KBs

Data registry maintains the mapping between <iteration>, <department> and knowledge base, <graph>

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Part of the Williams Lea Group

Harvest Enrich Store Publish

Aggregation of data from web, APIs databases

and files

Extracting useful data and converting to re-usable formats

Highly scalable database

storage and query engine

Websites and APIs to reach

data users

Automated processes that deliver reliable data

OpenUp® Platform

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Part of the Williams Lea Group


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Part of the Williams Lea Group


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