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Sabinal tax preparersentenced to prison-Judge orders 30~month"eonfinementMary Davis Reyes, provided false information .

owner and operator of under the Earned Income. Fast Tax in Sabinal, was Provisions of the tax code. sentenced Tuesday to 30 in order to maximize,months in federal prison her clients' refunds. Thefor preparing a false tax IRS..;CriminalInvestiga-return. tion case determined that. In addition to the prison ' Reyes aided and assistedterm, United States Dis- . in the preparation andtrict Judge Alia Moses filing of a number of simi-ordered that Reyes pay lar false tax returns with a$87,311 in restitutionto the" combined loss of $87,37l.Internal Revenue Service ' ,~'Today's sentencing'and be placed on super- of Mary Davis Reyes isavised release for a period ' reminder to honest tax-of one year after cornplet- payers totakecare whening her prison term., choosing a tax return pre-On Nov. 19,2014, Reyes . parer," said IRS-CISan '

pleaded guilty toone count' .Antonio Special Agent in. of aiding and assisting in' Charge William Cotter.the preparation of a false' "Reyes' Fast Tax servicetax return ..By pleading, was in the business ofguilty; Reyes admitted that . trying to pull a fast onein April 2009, she know- ' on the IRS. I?iQ.ttingabu-, ingly prepared a false and sive returnpreparers out'fraudulent income tax of business is a top prior-return which Claimed a. . ity for IRS-CI.Taxpayers$5,673refund for a client." " looking for tax prepa-According to court ration information are

records, during tax years encouraged to visit IRS.2Q()7through 2009, Reyes .gov."

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