Download - Tube Grid Dip Meter

  • The Grid Dip Meter, GDM.

    Just as often known as the Grid Dip Oscillator, GDO.

    The grid dip meter or grid dip oscillator has been used by hams for decades to measure the

    frequency of resonant circuits and antennas. It can do the job normally done by more expensive

    equipment although it is not as accurate as expensive laboratory instruments. I believe that modern

    day electronics tinkerers don't fully appreciate what they consider to be an old fashioned device.


    The principle of the grid dip meter was developed in the 1920s. Wikipedia was not more specific

    than that. If anyone has more information I would appreciate it if you would send it along to me.

    The first appearance of a grid dip meter in the ARRL Radio Amateur's Handbook was in the 1948

    edition. It is called a "Test Oscillator and Grid Dip Meter" but it is barely recognizable. It is an

    oscillator configuration I am unfamiliar with. A 6SN7 is configured as a cathode follower driving a

    grounded grid amplifier which makes a noninverting amplifier. The plug in coils have two

    windings. This circuit was repeated in the 1949 edition but in 1950 the circuit shown below


    1950 version of the grid dip meter.

    The 955 is an acorn tube. When operated at a plate voltage of 135 volts its amplification factor is

    25, its plate resistance is 13,200 ohms, and its transconductance is 1900 micro mhos. This circuit

    appeared for the next two years and in 1953 was replaced by the circuit shown below.

  • 1953 version of the grid dip meter.

    The 6C4 has two pins connected to the plate which results in a shape that may make you think of a

    heater. The first time I saw it I was very confused. The 6C4 was quite a modern tube in 1953. This

    circuit ran through 1961 and in the 1962 edition the circuit below appeared.

    1962 version of the grid dip meter.

    The very new Nuvistor was used in this version. It was ideal for a GDM because of its small size

    being only about twice as big as a TO5 transistor. It lasted at least until the bicentennial year of

    1976. I don't have any editions of the handbook after that so I can't say when it was replaced by an

    all transistor version.

    Want to Build One?

    The transformer is one of those simple transformers that has two secondaries, one with a voltage of

    125 volts at either 25 or 50 mA, and the other 6.3 V at 600 mA or 1.2 A.

    The entire circuit can be built into a single enclosure as many commercial GDOs of the tube era

    were. It can also be separated into two units with the oscillator in one section and the power supply

    and meter in the other. This is the significance of the dashed line in the schematic. The Nuvistor

    version would benefit most from this treatment. Also in the handbook version a transistor was used

    as a meter amplifier for increased sensitivity. The metering circuit used a 1.5 volt cell for power

    and it had a separate on/off switch. That's a recipe for a run down cell on a Saturday afternoon with

    a project underway and no replacement on hand.

    Once in a QSO a ham described a GDM he had brewed up. He had fastened the frequency scale to

    the coil so when a coil was plugged into the meter the proper frequency scale was in place and

  • there was never any confusion or errors caused by reading the wrong scale, something I have done,

    how about you?

    The question of tube versus transistor is relevant. Although I like to build tube circuits when I build

    a piece of test equipment I prefer the small size and low power consumption of transistor and IC

    devices. You may want to find an ARRL handbook new enough to have a transistorized dipper.

    Avoid any circuits similar to the Heathkit tunnel dipper. The meter deflection is small and the dip is

    right on the edge of being imperceptible. The Millen type 90652 "Solid State Dipper", pictured at

    left below, uses a 3N128 duo gate MOSFET as the oscillator device. There is also a meter amplifier

    using BJTs. It operates from a 9 volt transistor radio battery.

    A transistorized dipper is fine as long as you confine your dipping to indoors. If you want to use it

    for antenna adjustments with an antenna bridge such as the Millen type 90672 pictured at right

    below, you may find the RF level from the dipper to be inadequate. In this case I would advise

    constructing a true grid dip meter employing a tube.

    If you like to build historically accurate reproductions of old equipment you may want to go for the

    1950 circuit. 955s are likely to be hard but not impossible to find. Failing that your choices are

    between the 1953 and 1962 circuits. Nuvistors are not hard to find but the sockets may be another

    story. If you can find a socket this is probably the best choice. I suspect that most will go for the

    1953 circuit. The 6C4 is easy to find and so is a socket. It has another advantage in that the tuning

    capacitor is a simple single section one. The drawback is that the coils need three contacts.

    Probably the easiest connector to find is the European DIN plug and socket. Although this was not

    designed for RF use it is easy to find. The 1962 version only needs two contacts for the coil. Each

    coil can be mounted on an RCA phono plug and an RCA socket mounted on the dipper enclosure.

    The shell must be insulated from the chasses because both sides of the coil are hot.

  • Millen Solid State Dipper and Antenna Bridge.

    Theory of Operation.

    The theory of operation is very simple. The oscillator coil on the GDO is outside the enclosure and

    is its probe. When this probe is brought into close proximity to a tuned circuit which is resonant to

    the frequency to which the GDO is set some energy is taken from the oscillator causing a decrease

    in amplitude. This decrease is indicated by a decrease in tube grid current which is monitored by a

    current meter. As the GDO's frequency is tuned across the frequency of the tuned circuit under test

    a dip in grid current is observed, hence the name.


    My first encounter with a GDM was unsuccessful because of my impatience and high expectations.

    I expected the meter to drop from half scale to near zero. Furthermore I was turning the frequency

    knob much too fast.

    Operating Procedure.

    1. Select the coil that covers the range of frequencies you are interested in.

    2. Plug the coil into the GDM.

    3. Adjust the meter sensitivity control for a reading of to 1/3 scale.

    4. While holding the meter away from the test circuit and any metal parts, rotate the frequency

    knob over its entire range to make sure it doesn't go off scale.

    5. If it does go off scale decrease the sensitivity until it doesn't.

    6. Also note the points where the current is at a maximum and minimum so you won't be fooled

    by a dip that is part of the instrument's nature.

    7. Place the GDM's coil in close proximity to the circuit under test with the axes of the two coils


    8. SLOWLY tune the frequency of the GDM until you observe a small dip in current that

    wasn't there when the meter was in open air. The dip can be quite subtle and can easily be

    missed if the frequency is tuned too fast or you are not attentive to the meter indication.

    9. Read the frequency from the proper scale.

    That's really all there is to it.


    This page last updated August 23, 2014.

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