Page 1: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 FREE UFC HERALD · UFC MEET THE NEW PRESIDENT! Tuesday, December 10, 2019 FREE HERALD Fayez al Jabari (from Palestine, educated in Qatar) who is studying


Tuesday, December 10, 2019 FREE


Fayez al Jabari (from Palestine, educated in Qatar) who is studying the Engineering pathway in UFC. See Page 4 for interview: President’s Promise

The Kurdish IssueINTERNATIONAL By: Ahmed Mohamed

The Kurds are an Iranian-ethnic group with over 40 million people indigenous to the Middle East, and in addition they’re the fourth largest ethnic group within it, where most live in the two regional powers of Iran and Turkey. While they may come from the same ethnic group as the Iranians, they have their own distinct language and culture. With such a large and influential group of people it would be expected that they have their own nation state. However, that is not the case. The Kurds have been fighting the rule of several empires to gain their independence most dominantly the Ottomans and their cultural descendant

Turkey, where under the rule of authoritarian regimes several policies where put into place to crush Kurdish dissent from Turkish norms, their language was banned from public venues, and to even teach it was a crime. Fortunately, with time these laws were viewed as draconian and archaic in nature and thus repealed. Kurds in Iran and Syria have not fared much better with policies still to this day restricting their freedom to express themselves. In Iraq Kurds have their own autonomous state of Kurdistan, where they pass and enforce their own laws with minimal decree from Baghdad, yet they’re not an independent state of their own. In recent years the Kurds were viewed as a vital ally to the US in their war against terrorism especially when the self-proclaimed Islamic caliphate rose to

power in the mid-2010’s overtaking large swathes of land in both Iraq and Syria. Ground forces composed of mostly Kurds and some Arab militias took the fight to Daesh and were necessary to their eventual defeat in 2018, with the support of the American lead air strike coalition. With the death of Baghdadi, the Americans viewed their mission in Syria as “accomplished” and thus pulled out all troops stationed within Northern Syria. Within days Turkish troops would swarm the northern provinces of Aleppo and al-Raqqa to the dismay of the Kurds who were defeated and pushed back. Falling US influence in the Middle East combined with the rise of Iran’s influence made Kurdish independence unlikely, however the betrayal of the US government was the last nail in the coffin.


Welcome to our first edition of the UFC

Herald! It is our wish that you enjoy reading this edition as much as we liked making it and hope we keep you anticipating for our next edition.

Firstly, meet the team which includes our lead designer Nahid Yousef, our stellar photographer Tarteel Hassan,enthusiastic writers Ahmed Mohamed, Naim Amir , Farzana Alfarly , Thorayya Rahimi, Yusra Sayed, Anaya Khan

and Sindhu Salil and last but certainly not least our executive editor Hendry Scott Hardie.

It is our aspiration to have an edition published every 6 weeks filled to the brim with the most recent and eye-catching news. We have a multitude of subjects to dive into such as current affairs science, globalization, business, engineering and of course the much-coveted Student Voice. If you’re having trouble finding a certain article, just proceed to the content’s column on the bottom right of this page, where we have an array of topics just ready for you to delve into.





Page 2: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 FREE UFC HERALD · UFC MEET THE NEW PRESIDENT! Tuesday, December 10, 2019 FREE HERALD Fayez al Jabari (from Palestine, educated in Qatar) who is studying


BUSINESSBy: Thorayya Rahimi

An entrepreneur is a person that takes both personal and financial risks in order to set up a business having the objective of making profit by offering goods and services to the consumers. Entrepreneurs will have to have certain characteristics to achieve their objective of setting up a successful business. The characteristics that an entrepreneur should have is being innovative, a risk taker and motivational. Being innovative allows them to bring new ideas into the business which can possibly help with the companies brand image. Next, entrepreneurs should take risks in order to achieve an objective or possibly maximize their profit. Lastly, an entrepreneur should always be motivated as the employees always look up to them. Therefore, having a motivating business environment can help motivate employees to work efficiently and achieve the objectives of having a successful business.

Qatar National Library (QNL)

Become a Member Any Qatari citizen or Residency Permit (RP) holder is eligible to receive a free membership

card. To become a Library member, follow the simple steps below:18 years of age and above

Fill in the online registration form. An auto-generated barcode number will be given to you. Send a copy of your valid Qatari ID or RP (both sides) to [email protected]. Your barcode and PIN number will be sent to your registered email. Bring your valid Qatar ID or RP to the User Services Desk at the Library to pick up your

membership card. Children and Teens (0-17 years of age)

Fill in the online registration form. Fill in the Terms and Conditions Form as a parent or legal guardian, print it and sign it. Scan a copy of the signed Terms and Conditions Form and your child’s valid Qatari ID or RP (both sides) or passport and send them to ([email protected]) or bring these documents to

the User Services Desk at the Library to pick up your child’s membership card.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019 2 UFC HERALD

Airplane Winglets


During the oil and gas crisis in 1973. Many designer and engineers had to be very creative to develop new designs to increase wing lift and reduce fuel consumption for airplanes. The idea came from the aeronautical engineer and researcher in aerodynamic sciences, “Richard T Whitcomb”. After long research he found that birds had bent wings at their tip called (winglets). Lift around airplane wings are generated by the pressure difference at the bottom and top of each wing. For regular airplane wings, this created large air drag at their tip and

increased fuel consumption. With the winglet however, this reduced this drag at the tip which it is known as (pressure gradient). This creates equal distribution of lift across each wing of a plane. Thereby, decreasing fuel consumption.

The development of winglets has led to a lot of benefits for air travel. They reduce the turbulent flow in the tip of wings. This makes air travel smoother and enhances the experience for the passengers during flight. With the increasing consumption of harmful gases in air, winglets reduce these effects. Thereby, decreasing global warming effect. Therefore, it makes airplanes to be more environmentally friendly.

Public toilets the new life-threatSCIENCEBy: Tarteel Hassan

We spend most of our time in public, whether its in a school, a work office or even a university.

Of course, we sometimes need to go to the toilet, but the question remains: are public toilets safe?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year approximately 235,000 people above the age of 15 visit emergency rooms on account of injuries suffered in the bathroom, and roughly 14 percent are hospitalized.

The reason in most cases is that the person may slip and injure himself. Here bacteria in the bathroom may enter the wound and develop even further in the emergency room.

This leads us to ask: how careful should we be in public baths and control our steps, and not enter slippery and wet places because they may lead not only to wounds and infections, but could allow the germs in those places to enter the wounds and this may lead to death.

AlgorithmsENGINEERINGBy: Naim Amir

The word algorithm comes from the mathematical genius “Mohammed ibn Musa Al Khwarizmi”. Al Khwarizmi was a director at House of Wisdom in Baghdad. He made several researches that contributed to a lot of inventions in

mathematics, astronomy, geography and cartography. The English numbers used today were introduced by Al-Khwarizmi in his time. Also, he introduced the world to Algebra which revolutionized the western mathematics for centuries. During the period of the Second World War a computer scientist called “Alan Turning”, implemented algorithms in the machine learning of his

computer to solve complex mathematics. With Alan’s algorithmic computer based, he was able to track the “Enigma” secret codes of the Nazi regime.

What does algorithm really mean? In the world of mathematics and computer science it means, a series of command or instructions to solve problems or preform a computation. Mathematically, algorithms

can help calculating functions from points in a data set. In software, algorithms take input, A, and provide an output, B. Similarly, it is the same for scientists who are designing a new system to perform a task. They use algorithms to provide them with the most efficient sequence and pattern, to preform a specific task required for a particular job.

Library Corner

Opening hours: Sunday - Wednesday 7:30-3:30; Thursday 7.30 - 1.30 UFC Library is arranged according to Dewey Decimal Classification System Destiny Library software is used in the library A link to the library catalogue is available on our college website. Library computers are for research purposes and printing Photocopying can be done upon request Food or drinks are not allowed in the library



Page 3: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 FREE UFC HERALD · UFC MEET THE NEW PRESIDENT! Tuesday, December 10, 2019 FREE HERALD Fayez al Jabari (from Palestine, educated in Qatar) who is studying

UFC HERALD 3Tuesday, December 10, 2019

By: Farzana Alfarly

Ten minutes into the lesson… Hm. Where has half of the class gone? We all nod our heads, as the teacher questions where they could be or why they

aren’t in class. Below the underlying layer of uncertainty, deep inside our hearts we do have an idea of what’s going on. Just moments before the clock struck 12, there was a frenzy of thobes all rushing out of the college and into their vehicles

parked alongside. Coffee withdrawal kicking in, exhaustion taking over, they speed off to TeaTime with determination.

Tick tock, it’s currently a quarter to the next lesson as they swagger in and bless us with their presence and half full

coffee cups. “Sorry late miss”.

Speaking of swagger *cringe* has anyone noticed a particular individual that would not just let go of his Spider-Man hoodie? Seriously man. Get a new article of

clothing to keep yourself warm, mix it up a little. But hey, I mean I was a connoisseur of the arachnid-human cross hybrid myself… When I was five years old. No judgment though, you do you! However, some variety would be cool man.

By: Hendry Scott Hardie

UFC STAFF AND STUDENTS warmly welcomed Miss Abeer Malaab from the Ministry of Culture and Sports to raise awareness about the dangers of cancer. She gave an impassioned speech about how cancer can affect people of any age and gave some excellent examples about

the dangers of wearing make-up and how ill-fitting clothes can also cause cancer problems as they can block blood vessels. Our students played a massive part in fundraising during the day with many events in UFC, including activity games and bringing in cakes and other delicious treats. Our amazing students raised 1500qar which was donated to the Qatar Cancer Society, which is part of Hamad Hospital.

By: Hendry Scott Hardie

Based on University Foundation College’s commitment to its core value of community service, on Tuesday 26/11/2019, UFC’s Helping Hands Club organized a friendly and loving visit to “Dar” Social Care for the Elderly (Ihsan). The Helping Hands Club, led by Ms. Zahra Makki, aims to promote social awareness and civic duty amongst the student body.

The program of this visit included a friendly session that gathered the College students with the guests of the Elderly House where there were spontaneous conversations and life tips shared by the elderly to the younger generation. The students then toured the nursing home and went through the following sections: medical care, nutrition department, physiotherapy department, and other sections.

This visit had a great impact on the elderly who showed joy to meet with young men and women

who listened carefully to their conversations and wise advice. Most students were also positively affected by this visit in terms of recognizing the grace of the presence of the elderly in their lives and the importance of righteousness to parents as recommended by God.

Ms. Latifa Mohammed, one of the employees of Ihsan expressed her gratitude for University Foundation College’s initiative and their generous humanitarian gesture, wishing the students success in their future endeavor


UFC staff and students (above) with one of the elderly members of Ihsan.


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Tuesday, December 10, 2019 4 UFC HERALD

QuizBy: Yusra Sayed

Which country has the longest coast line? Canada, Norway, Russia, China.

Which country has 3 national capitals? South Africa, UK, Brazil, Bolivia.

Which is Qatar’s largest importer of goods? Japan, South Korea, China, USA.

What year was Constantinople conquered by the Ottomans? 1654, 1282, 1819, 1453 .

Which of these renowned scientists believed in magic (it’s more than one)?Isaac Newton, Galileo Galileo, Francis Crick, and Tycho Brahe .

Answers in next edition

President’s PromiseSTUDENT VOICEBy: Ahmed Mohamed

As president what would be your first executive action?

To put on a survey for the students of the university of foundation college to fill and then to try to achieve those wishes.

What do you hope to achieve through your presidency?

In the end, it’s all about what the students of UFC’s want done.

Are there any specific events you want to host that you have in mind?

In the future we will see, but for now I want to do something for the National Day in UFC.

As president what would be your main goal?

I will try to fulfill the student’s high expectations, and give them a satisfactory and comfortable experience here at UFC.

What motivated you to run for president and eventually succeed?

My friends motivated me and without them I wouldn’t have succeeded.



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