Page 1: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light

Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

Research group L3 – Luminescent Lanthanide Lab

Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth

tungstate and vanadate materials towards

white light generation

Thesis submitted to obtain

the degree of Master of Science in Chemistry by


Academic year 2013 - 2014

Promoter: prof. dr. Rik Van Deun

Supervisor: Anna Kaczmarek

Page 2: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light
Page 3: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light
Page 4: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light
Page 5: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light

Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

Research group L3 – Luminescent Lanthanide Lab

Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth

tungstate and vanadate materials towards

white light generation

Thesis submitted to obtain

the degree of Master of Science in Chemistry by


Academic year 2013 - 2014

Promoter: prof. dr. Rik Van Deun

Supervisor: Anna Kaczmarek

Page 6: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light
Page 7: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


First of all, I would like to thank prof. Van Deun for giving me the opportunity to do my

thesis in his research group. Investigating the luminescence of lanthanide doped materials is

truly an exciting subject. I really learned a great deal this year.

Secondly, I would like to thank my supervisor Anna Kaczmarek. I really liked how she gave

me the space to do research on my own. However, when I had some questions, she was

always available. Thanks to her I learned a great deal about lanthanides and luminescence.

Besides the scientific part, I really liked the humorous atmosphere in the L3 group that she

helped to create. I hope I never forget the laser jokes.

I also want to thank Roel Decadt for answering questions whenever I had some.

Great thanks to Tom Planckaert for performing the XRD measurements and Anna

Kaczmarek for the SEM measurements.

Special thanks to prof. Van Hecke, since without the use of the ICSD database I might not

have been able to characterize the phase of the tungstate material.

I would also like to thank all my fellow students. These past 5 years flew by because of some

amazing people and I wouldn’t want to change a moment of it. A great deal of these

memories I’ve had with one of my best friends and favourite lab partner, Laetitia Vlaminck.

Tineke and Delphine did not follow the same path as we did, but we’re still a foursome.

I’ve enjoyed myself a lot with my fellow thesis students Jason Serck and especially Matthias

Van Zele, whose dark coloured humour will always amuse me.

A warm thanks to Joren Guillaume who not only helped with correcting my thesis, but also

coped with the endless stories (or sometimes nagging) about what happened that day in

the lab.

And most importantly, I want to thank my mom. First of all, for giving me the opportunity to

study for five years. But also for the support. Without her, none of this would be possible.

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Page 9: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Optimalisatie van de Emissiekleur van Lanthanide-Gedoteerde Wolframaat- en

Vanadaat-Materialen met als doel het verkrijgen van Wit Licht

D. Ndagsia*

, A. M. Kaczmareka, R. Van Deun


aVakgroep Anorganische en Fysische Chemie, Universiteit Gent, Krijgslaan 281, gebouw S3,

9000 Gent, België

*E-mail: [email protected]

In dit artikel wordt de synthese van yttrium oxywolframaat (Y2WO6)

en yttrium orthovanadaat (YVO4) beschreven. Beide materialen

werden gesynthetiseerd via een hydrothermale syntheseroute met

behulp van glycerol als ligand. De invloed van verschillende factoren

werd onderzocht. De materialen werden gekarakteriseerd met Diffuse

Reflectantie Infrarood Fourier Transform Spectroscopie (DRIFTS), X-

stralen poeder diffractie (XRD) en Rasterelektronenmicroscopie

(SEM). Na het verkrijgen van een pure fase werden deze materialen

ge(co)doteerd met lanthaniden, met als doel een emissie van zuiver wit

licht te verkrijgen. Excitatie- en emissiespectra werden opgenomen.

Bij excitatie in de ladingsoverdrachtsband vond een efficiënte

ladingsoverdracht plaats van de VO43-

of WO66-

groepen naar de

lanthaniden met als gevolg scherpe 4f-4f transities. Soms was de

ladingsoverdrachtsband nog zichtbaar in het emissiespectrum. De

echte kleur van de materialen werd uitgezet in een CIE-diagram.

Zowel voor als na warmtebehandeling werden materialen gevonden

die wit licht uitzenden.

Kernwoorden: Lanthanide / wolframaten / vanadaten / luminescentie / wit licht


Milieuvriendelijkheid is een onderwerp dat

tegenwoordig zeer veel aandacht krijgt (1).

Gloeilampen worden steeds minder gebruikt.

In plaats hiervan schakelt men waar mogelijk

over op compacte fluorescentielampen (beter

gekend als spaarlampen) en TL-buizen (1).

Deze types verlichting gebruiken een mengsel

van fosforen die elk een bepaalde kleur

uitzenden. Deze combinatie van kleuren is de

courante methode om wit licht te verkrijgen.

Met het oog op recyclage is dit geen ideale

situatie, aangezien het chemisch scheiden van

deze verschillende fosforen niet

vanzelfsprekend is (1). Een enkele fosfor die

wit licht uitstraalt is in dit opzicht interessanter.

Het is echter geen sinecure om een materiaal te

verkijgen dat wit licht uitzendt en daarbij ook

een hoog lichtrendement heeft. Deze soort

fosforen kunnen gebruikt worden in licht

emitterende dioden (LEDs) (2). Het principe

van een LED is de recombinatie van

elektronen en gaten onder invloed van een

elektrisch veld. Dit proces veroorzaakt emissie,

ook elektroluminescentie genoemd.

Als mogelijke matrices voor een wit licht

emitterend materiaal worden wolframaat (3-7)

en vanadaat materialen (8-10) naar voor

geschoven. Deze vertonen een brede

ladingsoverdrachtsband van de VO43-

of WO66-

groepen naar de lanthaniden, wat leidt tot

excitatie van de lanthanide-ionen. Deze band

bevindt zich in de blauwe regio van het

spectrum. In combinatie met de scherpe

Page 10: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


emissies van de lanthaniden is dit een startpunt

tot het verkrijgen van een materiaal dat wit

licht uitzendt. Tijdens de synthese van deze

fosforen kan een ligand gebruikt worden (1, 3,

11, 12). Liganden worden gebruikt om de

reagentia in oplossing te stabiliseren en hebben

ook een invloed op de morfologie van de

materialen. Het gebruik van een ligand kan

leiden tot verschillende deeltjesgroottes. Elk

ligand beïnvloedt de morfologie op een andere

manier. Een bepaalde morfologie kan zorgen

voor een meer efficiënte ladingsoverdracht en

kan op deze manier een invloed hebben op de

luminescentie-eigenschappen. Het

werkingsmechanisme van het ligand is slechts

empirisch te achterhalen. Vele voorstellen

voor mogelijke vormingsmechanismen zijn op

dit punt al gepubliceerd (6, 14-16). Hoe het

ligand interageert met de bouwblokken

gedurende de synthese kan onderzocht worden

door meerdere syntheses uit te voeren met

verschillende tijdsduren. Wanneer deze

deeltjes onder een elektronenmicroscoop

onderzocht worden, kan men een idee krijgen

van het vormingsmechanisme. Er zijn enkele

liganden die in de literatuur frequent gebruikt

worden zoals: citroenzuur, bis-(2-

ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinaat (AOT),

polyvinlypyrrolidon (PVP), cetyltrimethyl

ammonium bromide (CTAB) (10, 19-23) ...

Glycerol werd hier gekozen als ligand voor de

synthese van lanthanide-gedoteerde

wolframaat- en vanadaat-materialen. Met het

oog op een meer recylagevriendelijke manier

om te verlichten scoort glycerol zeer goed op

de milieuvriendelijkheidsschaal. Dit materiaal

wordt gebruikt in de voedingsindustrie en is

niet giftig (24). Het wordt ook teruggevonden

in vele zepen en shampoos ter bescherming

van de huid. Glycerol werd al gebruikt als

ligand voor de synthese van zeldzame-aarde-

gedoteerde boraten (25), oxides (26-29),

fluorides (30) en fosfaten (31). Er werden geen

artikels gevonden waar men glycerol gebruikte

als ligand voor de synthese van lanthanide-

gedoteerde-vanadaten, maar wel in het geval

van wolframaten (13). Hierbij werden

La2(WO4)3 en NaLa(WO4)2 matrices

gesynthetiseerd met een gemiddelde

deeltjesgrootte van 100 nm. Bij het gebruik

van glycerol als ligand werd een Ostwald

ripening groeiproces gesuggereerd voor de

vorming van de deeltjes. Dit is een proces

waarbij de gevormde kleine kernen oplossen

en afgezet worden op grotere deeltjes. Er werd

geconcludeerd dat glycerol een positieve

invloed had op de deeltjes, aangezien grotere

hoeveelheden glycerol leidden tot kleinere

kernen. Naast het ligand is ook de

hydrothermale syntheseroute milieuvriendelijk,

aangezien water als solvent gebruikt wordt.

Wolframaat- en vanadaat-materialen werden

reeds uitvoerig onderzocht en blijken goede

systemen te zijn voor het doteren van

lanthaniden. Wit-licht-emitterende-lanthanide-

gedoteerde wolframaat- (3-7) en vanadaat-

materialen (8-10) werden al gepubliceerd.

Er zijn geen unieke doteringscondities om wit

licht te bereiken aangezien elke matrix anders

is. Het is belangrijk om te weten dat wit licht

niet exact gedefiniëerd kan worden. Er kan

eerder gesproken worden over een wit licht

regio. Wit licht resulteert typisch uit de

combinatie van een groene, blauwe en rode

emissie. In het ideale geval is het aandeel van

elk van deze kleuren gelijk. Dit wordt

beschreven als perfect wit licht. Wit licht kan

ook resulteren uit combinaties van andere

kleuren, bijvoorbeeld blauw en geel (37). De

‘Commision Internationale de L’Éclairage’

(CIE) heeft een kleurconventie ingevoerd,

waarin elke kleur kan geplot worden in het zgn.

CIE-diagram en overeenkomt met specifieke

coördinaten. Standaard wit licht heeft

coördinaten x = 0,33, y = 0,33. Niet enkel de

exacte kleur, maar ook de temperatuur van de

kleur speelt een belangrijke rol. Wit licht dat

meer naar de blauwe kant van het spectrum

verschoven is, wordt als ‘koud’ geobserveerd,

terwijl een verschuiving naar de rode kant van

het spectrum aangevoeld wordt als een warmer

wit. De kleurtemperatuur (Correlated Colour

Page 11: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Temperature, CCT) wordt uitgedrukt in Kelvin.

Een kleurtemperatuur lager dan 3000 K is

warm. Een kleurtemperatuur hoger dan 5000

K is koud. Wit licht met coördinaten x = 0,33,

y = 0,33 heeft een kleurtemperatuur van

ongeveer 5500 K en is dus koud. De

verschillende schakeringen in wit licht

bemoeilijken het om dit op een

ondubbelzinnige manier te beschrijven.

Verschillende temperaturen wit licht kunnen

nuttig zijn voor verschillende applicaties. Een

blauwer wit licht kan gebruikt worden in

aquaria terwijl wit licht met een roze tint

gebruikt wordt in slagerijen (1).

In dit artikel wordt de synthese besproken van

wolframaat- en vanadaat-materialen via een

hydrothermale route met behulp van glycerol

als ligand. Na het bepalen van de ideale

condities voor de vorming van een pure fase

werden de materialen ge(co)doteerd met

lanthaniden die emissie vertonen in het

zichtbare deel van het spectrum. Na het

opmeten van de emissiespectra werd de ‘echte’

kleur geplot in het CIE-diagram. De invloed

die de syntheseroute heeft op de morfologie

werd ook onderzocht door het uitvoeren van

een sol-gel en microgolfreactie.


Gebruikte chemicaliën

De gebruikte chemicaliën zijn; yttriumnitraat

(Y(NO3)3∙6H2O, 99,9%, Sigma Aldrich),

europiumnitraat (Eu(NO3)3∙6H2O, 99,9%, Alfa

Aesar), terbiumnitraat (Tb(NO3)3∙5H2O,

99,9% Sigma Aldrich), dysprosiumnitraat

(Dy(NO3)3∙xH2O, 99,9%, Sigma Aldrich),

samariumnitraat (Sm(NO3)3∙6H2O, 99,9%,

Acros Organics, natriumwolframaat

(Na2WO4∙2H2O, 99,9%, Sigma Aldrich),

natriumorthovanadaat (Na3VO4, 99,98%,

Sigma Aldrich), glycerol (bidistilled, 99,5%,

VWR Chemicals), ethanol (EtOH, 96%, Fiers),

salpeterzuur (HNO3, 53%, Roth),

ammoniakoplossing (NH3 (aq), 28-30% NH3

basis, Sigma Aldrich). Alle chemicaliën

werden gebruikt zonder verdere zuivering.

Hydrothermale synthese van lanthanide-

gedoteerde wolframaat- en vanadaat-materialen

In een typische reactieroute werd aan 20 mL

glycerol 10 mL gedestilleerd water toegevoegd.

Hierna werd 1 mmol Y(NO3)3∙6H2O opgelost

in 10 mL gedestilleerd water. Deze oplossing

werd dan toegevoegd aan het glycerol-water

mengsel en hevig geroerd gedurende 15

minuten. Van het Na2WO4∙2H2O of Na3VO4

zout werd 1 mmol opgelost in 10 mL

gedestilleerd water en geroerd gedurende 10

minuten. Hierna werden beide mengsels traag

samengevoegd. De pH werd aangepast met

behulp van HNO3 of NH3(aq). Na 10 minuten

roeren werd de oplossing overgebracht in een

met Teflon beklede autoclaaf die stevig

dichtgeschroefd werd. De autoclaaf werd in

een oven geplaatst en opgewarmd tot 200°C

gedurende 24 uur. Na reactie werd de

autoclaaf traag afgekoeld tot

kamertemperatuur (ongeveer 24 uur). Het

product werd driemaal gewassen met water en

ethanol en gecentrifugeerd gedurende 5

minuten aan 6000-7000 toeren per minuut.

Drogen gebeurde ‘s nachts in een vacuüm

oven op 55°C. Hierna werden de materialen

nabehandeld op hoge temperatuur (900°C voor

vanadaat-materialen en 1100°C voor

wolframaat-materialen) gedurende 3 uur om

alle overtollige producten te verwijderen.

Na de synthese werden alle materialen

gekarakteriseerd via X-straal diffractie,

Diffuse Reflectantie Infrarood Fourier

Transform Spectroscopie en Raster-

elektronenmicroscopie. Verschillende

doteringspercentages werden uitgevoerd (x

varieerde van 0,01 (1% dotering) tot 0,05 (5%

dotering)). De syntheseroute bleef identiek, er

werd nu enkel 1-x mmol Y(NO3)3∙6H2O en x

mmol lanthanidezout gebruikt.

Een microgolf en sol-gel reactie werden ook

verricht. De microgolfreactie werd uitgevoerd

bij 200°C en constante microgolven (200 W)

gedurende 1 uur. De sol-gel reactie werd

uitgevoerd bij 800°C gedurende 5 uur.

Page 12: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light



Infrarood metingen werden uitgevoerd met een

Thermo Scientific FT-IR spectrometer (type

Nicolet 6700) uitgerust met een DRIFTS-cel.

Spectra werden opgenomen van 650 cm-1


4000 cm-1

met een resolutie van 4 cm-1

en KBr

als achtergrond. X-stralen diffractogrammen

werden opgenomen met een Thermo Scientific

ARL X’TRA diffractometer, uitgerust met een

CuKα (λ = 1,5405 Å) bron, een goniometer en

een Peltier gekoelde Si(Li) vaste stof detector.

SEM metingen werden uitgevoerd met een

FEI Quanta 200 F SEM en een FEI Nova 600

Nanolab Dual-Beam gefocusseerde ionenstraal

in secundaire elektronmodus. Luminescentie-

metingen werden opgenomen met een

Edinburgh Instruments FLS920 UV-VIS

spectrometer. Steady-state metingen werden

uitgevoerd in het gebied 250 – 1700 nm. Een

450 W xenonlamp werd gebruikt als

excitatiebron. In de regio 200 – 870 nm werd

een Hamamatsu R928P PMT detector gebruikt.

Vervaltijden van 100 µs tot enkele seconden

werden gemeten met een µ920H 60 W

microseconde xenon flashlamp: 0,1-100 Hz,

pulsbreedte ± 2 µs. Vervaltijden korter dan

100 µs werden gemeten met een Continuum

Surelite I laser (450 mJ bij 1064 nm).

Resultaten en Discussie

Eerst worden de gesynthetiseerde wolframaat-

materialen in detail besproken.

Lanthanide gedoteerde wolframaat-materialen

Uitgevoerde reacties Allereerst moeten

verschillende reactieomstandigheden getest

worden met als doel het vinden van de ideale

condities waarbij een pure fase verkregen

wordt. Deze condities zijn zeer specifiek.

Omstandigheden die leiden tot de vorming van

een pure fase leiden niet noodzakelijk ook tot

een pure fase wanneer een ander ligand

gebruikt wordt. Verschillende condities

werden getest en bij een hydrothermale reactie

gedurende 24 uur op een temperatuur van

200°C met gebruik van 20 mL glycerol, pH =

13 en warmtebehandeling op 1100°C werd een

pure fase gevormd.

Diffuse Reflectantie Infrarood Fourier

Transform Spectroscopie Spectra van deze

materialen voor en na warmtebehandeling op

900°C en 1100°C werden opgenomen. In Fig.

1 worden deze weergegeven. De spectra van

de andere wolframaat materialen zijn

vergelijkbaar. De scherpe band op 3559 cm-1

(a) kan toegekend worden aan de O-H

rekvibraties van water en/of glycerol. Na

warmtebehandeling verdwijnt deze piek,

waaruit afgeleid kan worden dat al het water

verwijderd is. Rond 1406 cm-1

(b) is een brede

band zichtbaar die ook toegekend kan worden

aan de O-H rekvibraties van water, al kan deze

band ook veroorzaakt worden door gebruikte

nitraat-zouten tijdens de synthese.

Figuur 1 DRIFTS spectrum van Y2WO6 voor (rood),

na warmtebehandeling op 900°C (blauw) en 1100°C


In de regio lager dan 1000 cm-1

zijn er

karakteristieke wolframaat rekvibraties

zichtbaar. Banden (c) en (d) vinden mogelijk

hun oorsprong in de W-O rekvibraties. Band

(e) werd toegeschreven aan de asymmetrische

rekvibraties van W-O-W bruggen (6). Deze

techniek geeft een indicatie dat dit een

wolframaat materiaal is. De pieken van de

spectra na warmtebehandeling op 900°C en

1100°C zijn vergelijkbaar. Er kan

geconcludeerd worden dat na

warmtebehandeling alle water verdwenen is,

maar DRIFTS kan echter niet aantonen of een

pure fase gesynthetiseerd werd en welke fase

dit is.

Page 13: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


X-stralen poeder diffractie

In Fig. 2. worden de X-straal difractogrammen

weergegeven. Deze werden vergeleken met

een X-straal diffractogram dat berekend werd

op basis van de ICSD kristallografische

databank (40). De meeste wolframaat

materialen vormen al een pure fase na

warmtebehandeling op 900°C of lager (3, 5, 14,

15, 32). Dit was bij de materialen in deze

studie niet het geval. Yttrium oxywolframaat

werd al gepubliceerd als een metastabiel

materiaal (32, 33) dat bij warmtebehandeling

op verschillende temperaturen verscheidene

irreversibele fasen vormt.

Figuur 2 Diffractogram van Y2WO6 voor

warmtebehandeling (A), na warmtebehandeling op

900°C (B), na warmtebehandeling op 1100°C (C) en

het diffractogram berekend op basis van de ICSD

kristallografische databank (D) (40).

Een temperatuur van 1100°C (C) was nodig

om de monokliene Y2WO6 fase te verkrijgen.

Een temperatuur van 900°C (B) leidde tot een

mix van de tetragonale en monokliene fase.

Rasterelektronenmicroscopie (SEM)

Met behulp van rasterelektronenmicroscopie

kon de groote, vorm en de morfologie bepaald

worden. Het is duidelijk uit Fig. 3 dat de

deeltjes niet op een repetitieve manier

geordend zijn. Bij hogere vergroting is

duidelijk dat dit material bolvormige en

staafvormige (smalle en brede) deeltjes bevat.

Waarschijnlijk werden de bolvormige deeltjes

eerst gevormd. De staafvormige deeltjes

hebben een hobbelige vorm, wat vermoedelijk

komt door het samenklitten van de bolvormige

deeltjes. Verdere aggregatie van de deeltjes

leidde tot bredere staafvormige structuren. De

vlakke randen van de structuren werden

waarschijnlijk gevormd tijdens de

warmtebehandeling op hoge temperatuur.

Figuur 3 SEM afbeeldingen van Y2WO6 na

warmtebehandeling op 1100°C bij verschillende



Verscheidene (co)doteringen werden

uitgevoerd met als doel een materiaal te

verkrijgen dat wit licht uitzendt na

warmtebehandeling, aangezien dit zorgt voor

een meer intense emissie.

De gedoteerde Y2WO6 materialen die leidden

tot witte emissie onder een UV-lamp (254 nm)

voor warmtebehandeling zijn: 2,5% Eu3+


2,5% Tb3+

(CCT = 5019 K) / 3% Eu3+

(CCT =

5771 K) / 2% Eu3+

, 3% Tb3+

(CCT = 3952 K) /

2,5% Sm3+

, 2,5% Tb3+

(CCT = 8061 K).

Enkele materialen vertoonden ook witte

emissie na warmtebehandeling: 1% Dy3+

(CCT = 4042 K) en 1% Sm3+

(CCT = 1562 K),

Page 14: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


al neigt dit naar een meer roze wit licht. Het

Y2WO6 materiaal dat gedoteerd werd met 1%


en na warmtebehandeling wit licht

uitzendt met een intermediaire temperatuur

wordt hieronder in detail besproken.

Figuur 4 Excitatiespectrum van Y2WO6:Dy

3+(1%) na

warmtebehandeling met λem = 574,0 nm (niet

gecorrigeerd voor de gevoeligheid van de detector).

In het excitatiespectrum is een brede

ladingsoverdrachtsband zichtbaar met een

maximum op 299,6 nm. Deze wordt

toegeschreven aan de ladingsoverdracht van de

2p zuurstoforbitalen naar de 5d wolframaat


Figuur 5 Emissiespectrum van Y2WO6:Dy3+

(1%) na

warmtebehandeling, geëxciteerd via de

ladingsoverdrachtsband met λex = 299,6 nm

(gecorrigeerd voor de gevoeligheid van de detector).

De ladingsoverdrachtsband is zeer zwak

aanwezig in het emissiespectrum. Dit wijst op

een goede ladingsoverdracht van de WO66-

groepen naar de lanthaniden. Onder de UV

lamp (254 nm) zendt dit materiaal wit licht uit

voor warmtebehandeling maar na

warmtebehandeling is de intensiteit van de

witte emissie veel sterker. Dysprosium toont

transities in de blauwe regio (4F9/2 →


gele regio (4F9/2 →

6H13/2) en in het rode

gebied (4F9/2 →


Figuur 6 Vervaltijdcurve van de

4F9/2 →


transitie van Y2WO6:Dy3+

(1%) na

warmtebehandeling met een enkelvoudige

exponentiële fit, geëxciteerd bij 299,6 nm.

De vervaltijd van de 4F9/2 →

6H13/2 transitie

bedraagt 229 µs na warmtebehandeling, wat

een stuk hoger is dan de vervaltijd van 16 µs

voor warmtebehandeling.

Figuur 7 CIE-diagram van Y2WO6:Dy

3+(1%) voor

warmtebehandeling (links) en na warmte-

behandeling op 1100°C (rechts).

In het CIE-diagram is duidelijk te zien hoe de

kleur na warmtebehandeling verschuift van

een koude witte emissie (x = 0,2196, y =

0,2800 en CCT = 26417 K) naar een warme

witte emissie (x = 0,3826, y = 0,3908 en CCT

= 4042 K).

Page 15: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Foto’s van de tungstaat-materialen

Figuur 8 Foto van de gedoteerde materialen onder de

UV lamp (254 nm), van links naar rechts;


(2,5%), Tb3+

(2,5%) en Y2WO6:Dy3+


voor warmtebehandeling, Y2WO6:Dy3+

(1%) na en


(1%) voor warmtebehandeling.

Figuur 9 Foto van de gedoteerde materialen voor

warmtebehandeling onder de UV lamp (254 nm),

van links naar rechts; Y2WO6:Eu3+



(3%), Y2WO6:Eu3+

(2%), Tb3+

(3%) en


(2,5%), Tb3+


Wit-licht-emitterende vanadaat-materialen

werden ook gesynthetiseerd en worden

vervolgens in detail besproken

Lanthanide gedoteerde vanadaat materialen

Uitgevoerde reacties Gelijkaardige

reactieomstandigheden als Wu et al. (36)

publiceerden, maar nu met glycerol als ligand

werden uitgevoerd. De optimale condities die

leidden tot de vorming van een pure fase zijn:

een hydrothermale reactie gedurende 24 uur op

een temperatuur van 200°C met gebruik van

20 mL glycerol, pH = 2 en warmtebehandeling

op 900°C. Deze condities werden gebruikt

voor het doteren met lanthaniden.

Diffuse Reflectantie Infrarood Fourier

Transform Spectroscopie DRIFTS spectra

werden opgenomen voor en na

warmtebehandeling op 900°C, welke

weergegeven worden in Fig. 10.

Figuur 10 DRIFTS spectrum van een vanadaat

materiaal voor (rood) en na warmtebehandeling op

900°C (blauw).

De brede band op 3458 cm-1

(a) wordt

toegeschreven aan de O-H rekvibraties van

water en/of glycerol dat geadsorbeerd is aan

het kristaloppervlak. De banden op 2343 cm-1

(b) en 1625 cm-1

(c) komen overeen met met

de O-H rekvibraties van gecoördineerd water.

Bij golfgetallen kleiner dan 1000 cm-1

zijn de

karakteristieke vibraties van het vanadaat

materiaal zichtbaar. Deze werden

toegeschreven met behulp van de anorganische

infrarood databank van F. Miller et al. (34). De

banden op 977 cm-1

(d) en 706 cm-1

(e) werden

toegewezen aan V-O rekvibraties. Het is

duidelijk dat dit materiaal voor

warmtebehandeling nog zeer veel water bevat

dat erna grotendeels verdwijnt. Na

warmtebehandeling is nog steeds een kleine

hoeveelheid gecoördineerd water aanwezig.

De karakteristieke vanadaat banden suggereren

dat dit poeder een vanadaat-materiaal bevat, al

kan dit enkel bevestigd worden via X-stralen


X-stralen poeder diffractie In Fig. 11

worden de diffractogrammen van de vanadaat

materialen weergegeven en vergeleken met het

diffractogram dat berekend werd op basis van

de kristallografische ICSD databank (39).

Page 16: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Figuur 11 Diffractogram van YVO4 voor

warmtebehandeling (A), na warmtebehandeling op

900°C (B) en het diffractogram berekend op basis

van kristallografische ICSD databank (C) (39).

De pure YVO4 fase werd verkregen voor en na

warmtebehandeling. Voor warmtebehandeling

zijn de reflecties iets breder dan erna, wat

suggereert dat het materiaal kristallijner wordt

na warmtebehandeling op 900°C. Een sol-gel

en microgolfreactie werden ook uitgevoerd.

De X-straaldiffractogrammen van deze

materialen hebben aangetoond dat in beide

gevallen de pure YVO4 fase gevormd was.

Rasterelektronenmicroscopie (SEM)

Met behulp van rasterelektronenmicroscopie

kon de groote, vorm en de morfologie van dit

materiaal bepaald worden.

Figuur 12 SEM afbeeldingen van YVO4

gesynthetiseerd via een hydrothermale syntheseroute

op 180°C in zure omstandigheden (links, pH = 2) en

basische omstandigheden (rechts, pH = 10) en met

behulp van 10 mL glycerol .

Fig. 12 toont de invloed van de zuurtegraad op

de morfologie. Reactie in basische

omstandigheden (pH = 10) leidde tot een

materiaal dat volledig geaggregeerd is. Zure

omstandigheden (pH = 3) daarentegen leidde

tot bolvormige deeltjes die veel minder

geaggregeerd zijn. De deeltjes zijn niet

uniform en ook niet verdeeld op een

regelmatige manier.

Figuur 13 SEM afbeeldingen van YVO4

gesynthetiseerd via een hydrothermale route op

200°C, met behulp van 20 mL glycerol en na

warmtebehandeling op 900°C.

Het gebruik van een grotere hoeveelheid

glycerol en hogere reactietemperatuur heeft

duidelijk een invloed op de deeltjes, welke nu

minder geaggregeerd zijn (Fig. 13). Interessant

genoeg zijn drie verschillende soorten

morfologieën aanwezig. Bolvormige, hoekige

en staafvormige partikels kunnen

onderscheiden worden. Een hogere

hoeveelheid glycerol kan mogelijks leiden tot

deeltjes die uniformer zijn.

Figuur 14 SEM afbeeldingen van YVO4

gesynthetiseerd via een sol-gel route, met behulp van

20 mL glycerol en na warmtebehandeling op 900°C.

Page 17: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


De sol-gel route leidde tot deeltjes die volledig

geaggregeerd zijn. Fig. 14 toont hoe eerst

bolvormige deeltjes gevormd werden die dan

na aggregatie leidden tot vlakken met een ruw


Figuur 15 SEM afbeeldingen van YVO4

gesynthetiseerd via een microgolfroute, met behulp

van 20 mL glycerol en na warmtebehandeling op


Bolvormige deeltjes van verschillende groottes

zijn aanwezig in dit YVO4 materiaal (Fig. 15).

Een Ostwald ripening groeiproces kan

gesuggereerd worden aangezien bij hoge

vergroting duidelijk is hoe de grotere sferen

opgebouwd zijn uit kleinere partikels. De

deeltjes zijn vrij uniform verdeeld over het

oppervlak. Dit is een zeer goed resultaat

vergeleken met morfologie bekomen via de

hydrothermale syntheseroute, vooral aangezien

de microgolfsynthese slechts 1 uur duurde, wat

vrij kort is in vergelijking met de 24 uur

durende hydrothermale synthese.


Allereerst werd de bekomen YVO4 matrix

enkelvoudig en met verschillende percentages

aan lanthaniden gedoteerd (2%, 3% en 5% aan


, Dy3+

en Sm3+

) . Hieruit kon informatie

verkregen worden over hoe de kleur verschuift

en hoe de intensiteit van de

ladingsoverdrachtsband verandert bij

verschillende doteringspercentages. Later werd

de YVO4 matrix ook co-gedoteerd met als doel

na warmtebehandeling een witte emissie te

verkrijgen. Condities die leidden tot witte

emissie onder een UV lamp (254 nm) voor

warmtebehandeling zijn: 2% Dy3+

(CCT =

4725 K) / 3% Dy3+

(CCT = 4898 K) / 2,5%


, 2,5% Tb3+

(CCT = 2954 K) / 2% Eu3+


3% Dy3+

(CCT = 3299 K). Een materiaal dat

gedoteerd werd met 0,5% Eu3+

, 2,5% Dy3+

zendt wit licht uit voor en na

warmtebehandeling op 900°C met CCT =

3474 K (voor) en CCT = 2598 K (na). De

luminescentie eigenschappen van dit materiaal

na warmtebehandeling worden in detail


Figuur 16 Excitatiespectrum van YVO4:Eu3+



(2,5%) na warmtebehandeling, met λem = 574,1

nm (niet gecorrigeerd voor de gevoeligheid van de


In de regio 250 – 350 nm is een brede band

zichtbaar die piekt op 310,9 nm en te wijten is

aan de ladingsoverdracht van de 2p

zuurstoforbitalen naar de 5d vanadaat orbitalen.

Figuur 17 Emissiespectrum van YVO4:Eu



(2,5%) na warmtebehandeling, geëxciteerd via

de ladingsoverdrachtsband met λex = 310,9 nm

(gecorrigeerd voor de gevoeligheid van de detector).

De transities corresponderend met Eu3+

(rood) en


(blauw) zijn aangeduid in het spectrum.

Page 18: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Na warmtebehandeling is de

ladingsoverdrachtsband verdwenen uit het

emissiespectrum. Dit suggereert een goede

ladingsoverdracht van de vanadaat groepen

naar de lanthaniden. De karakteristieke

transities van Eu3+

en Dy3+

zijn duidelijk

zichtbaar. Dysprosium toont een transitie in de

blauwe regio (4F9/2 →

6H15/2), een gele transitie

(4F9/2 →

6H13/2) en een rode transitie (


→6H11/2) die overlapt met de


7F3 transitie

van Eu3+

. De intensiteit van de hypersensitieve 5D0→

7F2 elektrische dipooltransitie van Eu


is hoog in vergelijking met de intensiteit van

de magnetische dipool 5D0→

7F1 transitie. Dit

suggereert een lage symmetrie. Voor

warmtebehandeling zijn de dysprosium

transities veel intenser dan de europium

transities, wat niet meer het geval is na

warmtebehandeling. Een ander verschil is dat

voor de warmtebehandeling een

ladingsoverdrachtsband zichtbaar was in het

emissiespectrum van dit materiaal. Deze band

draagt een blauwe kleur bij aan de emissie,

wat zich vertaalt in een hogere CCT waarde.

Figuur 18 Vervaltijdcurve van de

4F9/2 →


transitie (Dy3+

) van YVO4:Eu3+

(0,5%), Dy3+


na warmtebehandeling met een enkelvoudige

exponentiële fit, geëxciteerd bij 310,9 nm.

De vervaltijd bedraagt 188 µs voor de 4F9/2

→6H13/2 transitie en 484 µs voor de




De CIE-coördinaten van dit materiaal voor

warmtebehandeling zijn x = 0,4062, y =

0,3900 met CCT = 3474 K. Na

warmtebehandeling bedragen de coördinaten x

= 0,4769, y = 0,4269 en is de CCT = 2598 K.

Figuur 19 CIE-diagram van YVO4:Eu



(2,5%) voor warmtebehandeling (links), na

warmtebehandeling op 900°C (rechts) en een pure

witte LED (CCT = 2700 K) (midden) (38).

Deze coördinaten zijn meer verschoven naar

de oranje kant van het CIE-diagram. Niettemin

kan dit beschreven worden als wit licht. Ter

vergelijking zijn de coördinaten van een pure

witte LED met CCT = 2700 K ook

weergegeven in het CIE-diagram. De

coördinaten van deze pure witte LED zijn

ontwikkeld op basis van een emissiespectrum

dat gefit werd met drie Gaussiaanse functies

die afkomstig zijn van experimentele data (38).

Het is duidelijk dat dit materiaal voor en na

warmtebehandeling wit licht uitzendt.

Uiteraard toont het materiaal na

warmtebehandeling een veel intensere witte


Foto’s van de vanadaat-materialen

Figuur 20 Foto van YVO4:Eu

3+(0,5%), Dy


na warmtebehandeling onder de UV lamp,

geëxciteerd op 254 nm (links) en 302 nm (rechts).

Page 19: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light



In dit artikel werden Y2WO6 en YVO4

matrices gesynthetiseerd via een

hydrothermale route met behulp van glycerol

als ligand. De materialen werden

gekarakteriseerd met Diffuse Reflectantie

Infrarood Spectroscopie en X-stralen diffractie.

De matrices werden (co-)gedoteerd met

verschillende lanthaniden die emitteren in het

visuele gebied. Verscheidene materialen die

wit licht uitzenden voor en na

warmtebehandeling werden gesynthetiseerd.

De kleurtemperatuur van de verschillende

materialen varieerde van koud wit (8061 K) tot

warm wit (2598 K).


Ik zou graag prof. Van Deun bedanken om mij

de kans te geven mijn thesis te maken in zijn

onderzoeksgroep. Ik wil ook mijn begeleidster

Anna Kaczmarek bedanken voor alle hulp

gedurende dit jaar en voor het uitvoeren van de

SEM metingen. Ook wil ik Tom Planckaert

bedanken voor het opnemen van de vele XRD



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Page 21: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

2 Literature study: rare-earth tungstates ............................................................................. 5

2.1 Tungstate materials ..................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Glycerol as a structure directing agent ........................................................................ 6

2.3 Rare-earth tungstates as a white light source ............................................................. 9

3 Literature study: rare-earth vanadates ........................................................................... 12

3.1 Vanadate materials .................................................................................................... 12

3.2 Rare-earth vanadates as a white light source ........................................................... 16

4 Synthesis and characterization of rare-earth tungstates ................................................ 19

4.1 Synthesis .................................................................................................................... 19

4.2 Performed reactions .................................................................................................. 19

4.3 Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectra .......................................... 20

4.4 X-ray diffractograms .................................................................................................. 21

4.5 Scanning electron microscopy images ....................................................................... 23

4.6 Luminescence properties ........................................................................................... 24

4.6.1 Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment – 55a ................................... 26

4.6.2 Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after heat treatment – 56c ............................................................ 28

4.6.3 Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before heat treatment – 61a ......................................................... 30

4.6.4 Y2WO6:Sm3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment – 65a .................................. 32

4.6.5 Emission maps .......................................................................................................... 34

5 Synthesis and characterization of rare-earth vanadates ................................................ 37

5.1 Synthesis .................................................................................................................... 37

Page 22: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light

5.2 Performed reactions .................................................................................................. 37

5.3 Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectra .......................................... 38

5.4 X-ray diffractograms .................................................................................................. 39

5.5 Scanning electron microscopy images ...................................................................... 41

5.6 Luminescence properties .......................................................................................... 44

5.6.1 YVO4:Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment – 43a ..................................................... 46

5.6.2 YVO4:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment – 50a ............................... 48

5.6.3 YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment – 58a ..................................... 50

5.6.4 YVO4:Eu3+(0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat treatment – 69c .................................. 52

5.6.5 Emission maps ......................................................................................................... 54

6 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 57

7 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 59

Appendix A .............................................................................................................................. 63

Experimental ........................................................................................................................ 63

1 Used chemicals .......................................................................................................... 63

2 Hydrothermal synthesis of rare-earth tungstates and vanadates ............................ 63

3 Microwave synthesis of rare-earth tungstates and vanadates ................................. 64

4 Sol-gel synthesis of rare-earth tungstates and vanadates ........................................ 64

5 Overview of all performed syntheses ....................................................................... 65

Appendix B ............................................................................................................................... 67

Equipment and techniques .................................................................................................. 67

1 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) ........................................................................ 67

2 Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) .................. 67

3 X-ray diffraction (XRD) .............................................................................................. 68

4 Luminescence setup .................................................................................................. 68

5 Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage (CIE) ........................................................ 71

Page 23: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light

6 Hydrothermal synthesis ............................................................................................. 71

7 Microwave synthesis.................................................................................................. 72

8 Sol-gel synthesis ......................................................................................................... 72

9 Microemulsion synthesis ........................................................................................... 72

10 Molten salt synthesis ................................................................................................. 72

11 Solid state reaction .................................................................................................... 72

12 Czochralski method ................................................................................................... 72

Appendix C ............................................................................................................................... 73

Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectra ..................................................... 73

Appendix D ............................................................................................................................... 78

X-ray diffractograms ............................................................................................................. 78

1 Rare- earth vanadates ................................................................................................ 78

2 Rare-earth tungstates ................................................................................................ 78

Appendix E ............................................................................................................................... 80

Luminescence data ............................................................................................................... 80

1 Correction for detector sensitivity ............................................................................. 80

2 Luminescence spectra ................................................................................................ 81

Page 24: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light
Page 25: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


1 Introduction

Green and energy saving technologies are a big issue nowadays. The use of energy efficient

lighting devices is therefore a topic that attracts a lot of interest. Incandescent light bulbs are

being phased out. Instead, compact fluorescent lamps and fluorescent tubes are used. They

contain various phosphors that emit at different wavelengths in the visible range. A lighting

device contains a combination of phosphors that emit different colours, which combined,

generate white light. Synthesizing a single material that emits a natural white light is a

challenge, since both the efficiency and the decay time of this material need to be

maximized. A material that emits natural white light can be used in light emitting diodes

(LEDs). In these devices, electrons and holes are recombined under the influence of an

electric field, which causes emission (electroluminescence). It is likely that in the future the

current trichromatic fluorescent tubes will be phased out in favour of LEDs1.

The lanthanides are the group of 14 elements from atomic number 58 to 71 that contain 4f-

orbitals. The rare-earth term refers to the group of elements containing the lanthanides, as

well as the elements yttrium and scandium, since their properties resemble the f-elements

more than the d-elements. When going over the lanthanide series, the f-orbitals are filled.

As they are filled, these orbitals contract and penetrate the xenon-core appreciably. The 4f-

orbitals are shielded from the environment by the 5s- and 5p-orbitals. Because of this

characteristic, the 4f-orbitals don’t participate in bonding, since they cannot overlap with

ligand orbitals. All lanthanides favour to adopt the 3+ oxidation state, although other states

are possible. An interesting feature of most lanthanide ions is their strong luminescence.

Down-conversion luminescence is the process where after excitation (mostly in the UV

region), the lanthanide emits electromagnetic radiation (in the UV, VIS and/or NIR region)

from an excited electronic state to a lower-lying electronic state. These transitions are

summarized in energy level diagrams (Dieke diagram, Appendix B). Every lanthanide has its

own specific narrow-line emission. According to the Laporte selection rule, transitions

between energy levels of the same parity are forbidden, but the 4f → 4f transitions still

occur. Lanthanides can absorb radiation if a high power excitation source, such as a laser, is

used. Absorption can also occur via ‘the antenna effect’. This is a mechanism where the

ligands harvest the energy and then transfer it to the lanthanide. For this mechanism to

Page 26: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


occur, the absorption level of the antenna should be slightly higher than the emitting level of

the lanthanide. The energy can be released after the lanthanide has accepted it. Although

this transition is forbidden, emission of radiation will occur when that excited state cannot

return to the ground state radiationlessly. The lanthanides can also be brought in the excited

state by upconversion luminescence11, 63. This is a mechanism where two or more photons of

low energy (long wavelength) are absorbed, after which emission of a high energy (short

wavelength) photon occurs. Usually, this excited state only lives for a very short time (in the

µs-ms range). The decay time of these materials can be determined by measuring the

emission intensity as a function of time. Characteristic decay curves are then obtained.

Quantum yield measurements can be performed to investigate the luminescence efficiency.

More specific information regarding the luminescence can be found in Appendix B.4.

The aim of this thesis is to develop a material that emits white light. For this purpose, rare-

earth tungstates have been shown to be very promising materials4, 5, 7, 15, 20. The tungstate

matrix emits a bluish light itself. When doping these materials with lanthanide ions, which

show a narrow-line emission, it is possible to generate a material that produces white light.

Table 1.1 The most important emissive electronic transitions for the most common luminescent Ln3+ ions in the visible range. The

colours between brackets are less intense colours1.

Ln3+ Transition Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Transition colour Eu3+ 5D0 → 7F0 578 17300 (Orange)

5D0 → 7F1 590 16950 Orange 5D0 → 7F2 615 16250 Orange 5D0 → 7F3 651 15350 (Red) 5D0 → 7F4 692 14450 Red

Tb3+ 5D4 → 7F6 488 20500 Blue 5D4 → 7F5 545 18350 Green 5D4 → 7F4 588 17000 (Yellow) 5D4 → 7F3 621 16100 (Orange)

Sm3+ 4G5/2 → 6H5/2 560 17850 Yellow 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 599 16700 Yellow 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 645 15500 Red 4G5/2 → 6H11/2 704 14200 Red

Dy3+ 4F9/2 → 6H15/2 478 20900 Blue 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 573 17450 Yellow 4F9/2 → 6H11/2 662 15100 (Red)

Pr3+ 3P0→3H4 483 20700 Blue

3P0→3H5 538 18600 (Green)

3P0→3H6 610 16400 Orange

3P0→3F2 635 15750 Red

3P0→3F3 694 14400 (Red)

3P0→3F4 719 13900 (Red)

Tm3+ 1D2→3F4 449 22250 Blue

Page 27: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Various articles regarding the use of tungstate, molybdate or vanadate matrices have

already been published4, 12, 19, 62. In our group, Kaczmareck et al.6 have already synthesized a

white light emitting phosphor. Molybdate and tungstate matrices have already been

compared before4, but no articles where tungstate and vanadate matrices have been

compared are known at this point. Therefore, rare-earth vanadates have also been

synthesized for comparison purposes. Rare-earth vanadates are also promising as white light

emitting materials62, 63, 68.

In order to obtain materials that emit natural white light with a long decay time and a high

efficiency, it is important to find the synthesis conditions for a rare-earth phosphor

compound that forms only one phase instead of a mix of phases. A uniform material of one

phase is essential in the case of obtaining white light, since the operational lifetimes of the

two materials can be different. Over time this may lead to an unwanted shift in the emission

colour. Furthermore, a single phase material facilitates the recycling process. Initially, the

optimal reaction conditions have to be obtained. The influence of the reaction temperature,

reaction time, pH, rare-earth to tungstate/vanadate ratio and the amount of structure

directing agent have been investigated for this purpose. Structure directing agents (SDAs)

are used to tune the size of the nanoparticles and to stabilize the building blocks. Different

SDAs or different amounts of an SDA can lead to a different morphology4. The mechanism by

which these materials are formed during the synthesis is not yet clear, but different

mechanisms have already been suggested by performing time resolved syntheses3, 8, 70.

Various structure directing agents are available on the market, mostly using the same

materials: citric acid, bis-(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP),

cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) and others. Particles with different morphologies

have already been synthesized, from flower-like to spindle-like and even dumbbell-like. In

this thesis, glycerol has been used as an SDA. The use of glycerol in this manner has only

been reported once for the synthesis of rare-earth tungstate materials2. There is no record

of using glycerol as an SDA for the synthesis of rare-earth vanadates. Glycerol is an

interesting choice of material, since it is environmentally friendly, especially compared to

other SDAs that are being used. Furthermore glycerol is not toxic, since it is used in the food

industry and it is found in great quantities in soap and detergents to protect the skin. It is

also a material that mixes well with water2, 61. The performed reaction is a hydrothermal

Page 28: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


synthesis with water and glycerol as the solvents, which is also environmentally friendly.

Glycerol has already proven to be a good structure directing agent for the synthesis of

nanosized lanthanum tungstate materials with absolute quantum yields of up to 69.3%2.

After the synthesis, the material is characterized through powder X-ray diffraction to

investigate if the synthesis resulted in a one phase or a mixed phase material. The obtained

diffractogram can be compared with standard JCPDS data2-5 to investigate which phase of

the material has been formed. Based on the ICSD crystallographic database, a powder XRD

spectrum can also be calculated. This is another way to confirm the phase that was

synthesized. It is not uncommon for certain reaction conditions to lead to the formation of a

mixed phase material49. In many cases, a pure phase material can only form under specific

conditions, which makes finding the right phase difficult.

The morphology is investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The resulting images show

the size, shape and morphology of the particles. When an optimal matrix is successfully

obtained, this material can be doped with various lanthanide ions and the luminescence

properties can be studied. The material can be singly doped, but co-doping with multiple

lanthanides is also possible, especially with the aim of obtaining a material that emits white

light. The observed colour of the materials can be seen under a UV-lamp, although the

wavelength of the UV lamp has an influence on the emitted colour. Because of this, the real

colour of a material cannot be defined unambiguously by the naked eye. To display the real

colour of the materials, the ‘Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage’ (CIE) presented an

absolute way to define colour. The real colour of a material can be plotted in a so-called

chromaticity diagram (see Fig. 1.1). More information

about the CIE-diagram can be found in Appendix B. Fig.

1.1 displays the positions in the CIE-diagram of generic

pure colour LEDs of which the peak shapes are defined by

Gaussian fits. Each peak consists of a fit of three individual

Gaussians that were derived by fitting to experimental


Figure 1.1 CIE 1931 chromaticity plot. The different markers show the generic pure colour white LEDs with different correlated colour

temperatures. The properties are; a: CCT = 5700 K, x = 0.3275, y = 0.3577; b: CCT = 4000 K, x = 0.3770, y = 0.3677 c: CCT = 2700 K, x =

0.4610, y = 0.4110. The diagram and coordinates are calculated via the ColorCalculator 4.97 program by Sylvania84.

Page 29: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


2 Literature study: rare-earth tungstates

2.1 Tungstate materials

Rare-earth tungstates have already been proven to be functional materials in various

applications; from catalysis to light emitting diodes, lasers, biological labelling …2-22, 45-60, 70

This type of material is also interesting for lanthanide luminescence. Many articles regarding

the luminescence properties of these materials have already been published4. Combination

of an yttrium- and tungstate source can lead to different phases. The most commonly

occurring phases are the Y2(WO4)37 and NaY(WO4)2

4,70 phases, although less common phases

such as Y2WO613, 57, 58, YW2O6(OH)3

53, Y6WO1259 occur as well. These other phases have also

been reported via similar synthesis routes (hydrothermal, microwave, molten salt, sol-gel,

microemulsion), but at different conditions, type and amount of structure directing agent.

The properties of materials depend on their structure and morphology. The luminescence

properties can also be influenced by the structure, since a certain ordering of the particles

can lead to a better energy transfer to the lanthanide-ions. Being able to fine-tune the

different properties is therefore an interesting topic. The most common method to generate

these materials is the hydrothermal route. Advantages of this method are the use of water

as a solvent, low cost and ability to perform it at large scale. However, disadvantages of this

method include the high reaction temperature and the long reaction times (up to 72 h) after

which the autoclaves have to be cooled down slowly to room temperature. These reactions

are performed in steel vessels that are Teflon-lined. From this point of view, microwave

assisted hydrothermal reactions seem to be a good replacement, since the reactions can be

performed at higher temperatures and shorter reaction times are mostly sufficient. More

information about these synthesis routes can be found in Appendix B.

Excitation spectra of rare-earth tungstates show a broad band in the range of 250-350 nm.

This band is called the charge transfer band (CTB) and is assigned to the charge transfer from

the 2p-oxygen to the 5d-tungsten orbitals. Doping these materials with lanthanides leads to

a combination of this blue CTB with the narrow-line emission of the lanthanides, which is a

promising system to obtain white light. By varying the doping concentrations of the

Page 30: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


lanthanides, or by co-doping, the emitting colour of the material can be fine-tuned to create

a material that emits white light3.

Structure directing agents are used to regulate the morphology. This can be done by

stabilizing the building blocks, slowing down the nucleation, forming stable complexes with

the metal ions and influencing the growth rate of the surfaces6. Various SDAs which form

complexes in solution for creating nanoparticles can be used. The actual mechanism in which

the particles are formed is unknown, but many suggestions have already been made3, 7, 12, 13.

In literature, various morphologies have been published, going from microstars, to

microflowers12,70, bowknot-like29, urchin-like16 and spindle-like2 structures.

2.2 Glycerol as a structure directing agent

In this thesis, glycerol was chosen as a structure directing agent that also acts as a solvent.

The use of glycerol as the structure directing agent for the synthesis of rare-earth tungstates

has only been reported once before, namely, for the synthesis of europium doped

lanthanum tungstates2. The use of glycerol was effective and led to pure-phase tungstates

with high colour purity after doping with lanthanides. Although glycerol has only once been

published as a structure directing agent for the synthesis of rare-earth tungstates, it has

already been used as an SDA for other rare-earth materials such as borates3, oxides24, 29, 31,

fluorides25 and phosphates27. The use of glycerol for this purpose can be motivated by the

fact that this is a non-toxic material that is even edible. Compared to other SDAs, it is easily

removed by washing with water and/or heat treatment, which prevents it from quenching

the luminescence. This material also mixes well with water, which can be a stable system for

directing the structure of the micromaterials. This makes glycerol an interesting material for

further research regarding structure directed rare-earth tungstates.

Zhenling et al.25 reported the synthesis of europium doped lanthanum fluoride nanoparticles

in a glycerol/water (1:1) reaction medium via a refluxing method. They stated that the

presence of glycerol in the reaction medium can alter the solubility and thus improve the

crystallinity of the material. Because glycerol mixes well with water, it acts as a solvent

during the reaction, but also as a chelating agent since its three OH-groups can form

coordinative bonds with the metals present in the solution. This polar OH-functionality can

be capped on the surface of the material.

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The SEM image in Fig. 2.1 shows that the material consists of spherical particles of around 30

nm diameter when glycerol was used in the reaction medium.

Yin et al.24 synthesized Eu2O3-doped Y2O3 phosphors via a

solvothermal reaction and investigated the use of water,

ethanol, ethylene glycol and glycerol as reaction media.

The materials with glycerol as a reaction medium showed

an amorphous structure by investigating the XRD

diffractogram. However, after heat treatment the

intensity of the reflections increased, which means that

the crystallinity of the sample increased by heat treating. Moreover, raising the heat

treatment temperature caused the crystallinity to increase even further. Samples prepared

by the solvothermal method with glycerol as a reaction medium led to well-dispersed, near-

spherical particles. The sample showed visible luminescence, although the intensity of the

transitions was much lower when compared to using water as the reaction medium. In this

case, the use of glycerol did not enhance the luminescence intensity, but it is clear that the

use of a high viscosity solvent can effectively alter the morphology of the nanoparticles.

Figure 2.2 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of the materials prepared in a 90% glycerol solution before heat treatment

and after heat treatment at different temperatures24.

The spherical morphology of the materials can be seen in the transmission electron

microscopy (TEM) images. Glycerol is a solvent with a high viscosity. This leads to a low

diffusion rate of the ions in this product and suggests the formation of spherical particles

because crystalline growth was suppressed24.

Eu3+-doped lanthanum tungstates were synthesized by Liu et al.2 via a hydrothermal route.

After the synthesis, spindle-like NaLa(WO4)2 nanoparticles were obtained. However, after

centrifugation and heat treatment at 600°C for 2 h, La2(WO4)3 nanocrystals were obtained.

Fig. 2.3 shows the TEM and SEM images of La2(WO4)3. The average particle size is 100 nm.

The Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED) pattern confirms that this is a crystalline

material. Spindle-like NaLa(WO4)2 microcrystals with a length in the range of 2-3 µm are

obtained when not heat treated.

Figure 2.1 SEM image of europium doped

lanthanum fluoride nanoparticles25.

Page 32: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


To obtain more insight in the growth mechanism of these materials, time-dependent

experiments can be performed. An example of the time dependent syntheses and their

corresponding SEM images is presented in Fig. 2.4.

Figure 2.4 SEM and TEM images of NaLa(WO4)2 synthesized

at 180°C in the presence of 10 mL glycerol for different time

intervals: (a, b) 2 h, (c, d) 5 h, (e, f) 9 h, (g, h), 24 h2.

A short reaction time (2 h) leads to an

amorphous product, which was

determined by X-ray diffraction.

Increasing the reaction time led to the

formation of spindle-like structures and

transformation from an amorphous

phase to a crystalline phase. After 5 h,

the length of the spindles was 1.5 µm to

2.0 µm. Longer reaction times further

increased the size of the spindles to 3

µm. A dissolution nucleation

Ostwald ripening formation mechanism

was suggested. Addition of the tungstate

to the rare-earth elements in glycerol led

to precipitation. Dissolution occurred

during the hydrothermal treatment. The

nuclei were formed during the hydrothermal treatment and then grew to become

nanoparticles through Ostwald ripening (small particles dissolve and are deposited on large

particles, which then become larger).

Figure 2.3 (Left) TEM images of La2(WO4)3 nanocrystals: a) overall view, b) detailed view, c) SAED pattern recorded at b), d) High

resolution TEM image recorded within the black box of b). (Right) SEM and TEM images of spindle-like NaLa(WO4)2 microcrystals: a)

panoramic SEM image, b) TEM image, C) TEM image of an individual spindle, d) HRTEM image recorded within the white box of c)2.

Page 33: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Figure 2.5 The possible growth mechanism of a) La2(WO4)3 and b) NaLa(WO4)2 nano-/microcrystals suggested by Liu et al.2.

The influence of the amount of glycerol at different reaction temperatures was investigated

and all conditions led to the same conclusion. Larger amounts of glycerol in the reaction

system led to smaller nuclei since they would be capped more.

Excitation and emission spectra were recorded for the europium doped La2(WO4)3 materials.

A broad W-O charge transfer band was present together with the characteristic narrow

peaks for Eu3+. Liu et al. also measured the absolute quantum yield using an integrating

sphere (excited at 467 nm). They calculated the quantum yield as 69.3%.

2.3 Rare-earth tungstates as a white light source

White light can be created by combining specific emissions of the primary colours (red,

green and blue). Since the human eye can perceive colours in different ways (lighting for

example), a standard has been created by the ‘Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage’

(CIE) to define the actual colour of a material. The CIE coordinates for standard white light

are x = 0.33, y = 0.33. The actual colour can be presented in a chromaticity diagram.

The tungstate matrix emits blue light, which means that only the red and green parts are

necessary in order to obtain white light. Co-doping tungstates with europium (emits red) and

terbium (emits green) is a possible combination for white light generation.

Zeng et al.3 succeeded in creating a white light emitting Gd2(WO4)3 material by co-doping it

with Eu3+ and Tb3+ via a hydrothermal process. The type of lanthanides as well as their

doping concentrations can have a large effect on the true colour of the material, which is

depicted in Fig. 2.6.

Page 34: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


The colours of the samples vary from green (a) to warm white (d) and red (g). The CIE

coordinates of sample (d) were calculated as x = 0.368, y = 0.370, which is very close to

standard white light. This slight deviation from standard white light leans toward the red

direction and is perceived as warmer white light.

Co-doping with europium and gadolinium can also lead to a white light emitting material, as

has been reported by Lei et al.20. They synthesized NaGdWO4(OH)x and doped it with Eu3+

and Gd3+. A Eu3+/Gd3+ = 0.02 ratio led to a white light emitting material. The gadolinium ions

do not contribute to the emission colour. This is because no 4f-4f transitions occur with

gadolinium since it has a stable half-filled 4f-shell. The Gd3+-ions are used as sensitizers to

effectively transfer energy to the Eu3+-ions.

Co-doping is not always necessary when trying to obtain a white light emitting phosphor.

Huang et al.7 described the synthesis of a europium doped Y2(WO4)3 material via a

hydrothermal method. Doping this material only with europium and altering the doping

concentration led to the following results.

Figure 2.6 Emission spectra of Eu3+/Tb3+ co-doped Gd2(WO4)3 microstars with different co-doping concentrations. Below are the

luminescence photographs of the samples irradiated under a UV lamp (10 W)3.

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The material with only 1% Eu3+ doping shows a blue colour, resulting from the tungstate that

emits in the blue region. Increasing the doping concentration leads to a white light emitting

tungstate through the combination of blue light (tungstate) and red light (europium).

Increasing the Eu3+ concentration even further leads to a dominant red emission. The CIE

coordinates of sample (B) are x = 0.323, y = 0.280, which is located in the white light zone.

This example clearly shows the advantages of the tungstate matrix that already emits in the

blue region.

In our group Kaczmarek et al.6 synthesized a white light emitting 5% dysprosium doped

Y(WO3)2(OH)3 material. They also showed that heat treatment of the sample can have an

influence on the colour. The CIE coordinates of the material are x = 0.29, y = 0.32 before heat

treatment and x = 0.39, y = 0.42 after heat treatment. The colour changed from near-white

light to yellowish orange light.

Under UV excitation a white light emitting phosphor has also been reported by Lei et al.15.

They report the synthesis of a Eu3+ doped NaY(WO4)3 material with molar ratio Eu3+/Y3+ =

0.02. The CIE coordinates were not reported for this material.

Zheng et al.59 published a europium doped NaY(WO4)2 material that was heat treated at

700°C. From their research it is clear that heat treatment has a large influence on the colour

of the material. CIE coordinates before and after heat treatment are x = 0.3145, y = 0.2663

(near white) and x = 0.6049, y = 0.3234 (red). They also report that the colour of the material

can easily be tuned from blue (1% Eu3+ doping) to white (5% Eu3+ doping) to red (10% Eu3+


Figure 2.7 (A) Emission spectra and (B) CIE chromaticity diagram of Y2(WO4)3 doped with different Eu3+ concentrations7. The doping

percentages are assigned in the following way; (A) 1% Eu3+, (B) 3% Eu3+, (C) 5% Eu3+, (D) 7% Eu3+, (E) 10% Eu3+.

Page 36: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


3 Literature study: rare-earth vanadates

3.1 Vanadate materials

Yttrium orthovanadate (YVO4) is a crystalline material with a zirconia structure. This material

can be used as a laser host material (e.g. when doped with Nd3+), a polarizer and in colour

television (when doped with Eu3+). Yttrium orthovanadates are also potential materials for

light emitting diodes (LEDs)49, 62. LEDs might be the future for efficient lighting that emits a

warm white light. Nowadays, white light is created by a combination of a 450-470 nm blue

nitride LED and a yellow-emitting phosphor (usually YAG:Ce3+). However, this combination

leads to a cold white light since the yellow-emitting phosphor also has a strong green

emission. For the creation of warm white light, a material that emits a better yellow light, or

addition of a red emitting phosphor could be the solution. However, for recycling

afterwards, one material that emits white light still is a better option.

The combination of an yttrium and vanadate source can lead to different phases, depending

on the reaction conditions. The most common phase is YVO448, but other phases like YV3O9

or Y2V10O28 have also been reported50.

Many articles regarding the synthesis and luminescent properties of rare-earth yttrium

orthovanadate materials have been published48-53, 62-68. In most cases a hydrothermal route48

is used, but other synthesis methods are employed regularly, such as the solid state

reaction62, the microemulsion route68, a microwave assisted process66 and the Czochralski

method52, with and without the use of structure directing agents. The use of these different

methods leads to various particle sizes. For the hydrothermal and microwave assisted

method, published particle sizes were 25-30 nm and solid state reactions led to particles of

sizes 50-80 nm with the help of an organic template. The use of an organic template clearly

prevents the particles from aggregating and is thus necessary for creating monodispersed

nanoparticles. It has been reported that the microemulsion route leads to particle sizes of

around 20 nm when heat treated at 500°C, 30 nm at 900°C and 80 nm when heat treated at

1100°C. Heat treating the particles clearly has an effect on the particle size. The smallest

sizes are obtained when using a hydrothermal route or a microwave assisted route.

Page 37: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


As is clear from the SEM and TEM images in Fig. 3.1 and 3.2, the use of a different reaction

method has a large impact on the size and morphology of the particles.

Figure 3.3 Emission spectra of YVO4:Eu3+ phosphors prepared by various methods51.

The reaction method influences the size and shape of the particles. These properties can

have an influence on the luminescence efficiency. From the emission spectrum in Fig. 3.3, it

is clear that in this case the use of a template led to particles with higher luminescence

efficiency. Preparation of these particles via a sintering method showed the lowest

efficiency. The overall quantum yields were calculated to be 10.1% (R1), 8.8% (R2), 3.2% (B)

and 1.9% (C).

Not only the reaction method, but various reaction conditions can influence the size and

properties of these particles. A reaction parameter with a large influence on the formation

of a pure-phase material is the pH. Wu et al.49 researched the influence of the pH and many

Figure 3.2 High resolution TEM images of

YVO4:Eu3+ with a rod-like morphology and size

of 20-30 nm, prepared using a microwave

assisted method66.

Figure 3.1 Low-magnification (a) and high-magnification (b) SEM images of undoped

cereal-like YVO4 with particle size of 31-32 nm prepared by a hydrothermal route48.

Page 38: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


other reaction conditions with the aim of creating a pure-phase material using a

hydrothermal method.

Scanning the whole pH range led to the conclusion that a pure-phase YVO4 can only be

formed at a certain pH and Y(NO3)3∙6H2O to Na3VO4 ratio. Wu et al. reported that in acidic

conditions the Y:V ratio had to be 1 in order to obtain a pure phase and at basic conditions

the ratio had to be <1. Their results are presented in Table 3.1

Table 3.1 Hydrothermal reaction products from the Y2O3-V2O5 system at 220°C for 4 days via a hydrothermal route 49.

Y:V ratio Acidic medium (pH < 7 ) Basic medium (pH > 7)

>1.0 YVO4 + Y8V2O17 YVO4 + Y(OH)3 1.0 YVO4 YVO4 + Y(OH)3

a <1.0 YVO4 + V2O5 YVO4

aunder much stronger alkaline conditions

By performing reactions in acidic and basic media at different reaction times and following

them via XRD diffractograms, the mechanism for the creation of YVO4 was suggested by Wu

et al. In an acidic medium, the yttrium is present as -cations while the vanadium is

present as anionic oligomers. Via an acid-base reaction between these species, the yttrium

orthovanadate is created ( ) In basic conditions, the

yttrium is present as ( ) and the vanadium is present as anions. This transformation is

believed to follow the next reaction path: ( ( )


Figure 3.4 The generation of YVO4 nanoparticles via an acidic and basic route49.

Reactions can be employed with different reaction times. However, a reaction time shorter

than 24 h still contained the starting material V2O5, which means that the reaction is not yet

complete. The reaction temperature also seems to be an important factor since a reaction at

180°C had not finished after 48 h.

Page 39: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


The presence of organic chelating agents has also been investigated. These molecules can

influence the nucleation and the growth of the particles. The use of a different molecule can

result in a different shaped particle. Nanoflakes4, nanorods4 and nanowires5 are common,

but more complex shapes such as cereal-like48 or rod-like66 also occur. Many different

structure directing agents have been used to control the formation of YVO4 nanoparticles,

although glycerol has not yet been reported as an SDA for the synthesis of YVO4. Particles

that are uniform and ordered in a repetitive way are essential for doping with lanthanides

and obtaining materials with a high efficiency luminescence and a long operational lifetime.

Li et al.48 reported cereal-like YVO4 particles synthesized via a hydrothermal method for high

quantum efficiency photoluminescence. They doped YVO4 in turn with samarium, europium,

terbium and dysprosium.

Figure 3.5 Excitation spectra (left) of cereal-like architectures of YVO4 and YVO4:Ln3+ (Ln = Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy), which were recorded when

monitored using λem = 602 nm for Ln = Sm, 618 nm for Ln = Eu, 542 nm for Ln = Tb , 573 nm for Ln = Dy, and 480 nm for YVO4. Emission

spectra (right) of cereal-like YVO4 and YVO4:Ln3+ (Ln = Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy) excited using a single wavelength light of 320 nm. Top: the eye

visible luminescence photographs of samples excited under irradiation of 254 nm48.

All materials exhibited a V-O charge transfer band (CTB) at a wavelength of 320 nm with

variable intensities. The materials were excited through this CTB to monitor the emission

and see how effective the energy transfer from the vanadate groups to the lanthanides was.

The terbium sample did not show any luminescence when excited at 320 nm. According to Li

et al.48, this originates from an effect that causes the UV excitation energy to migrate

through the VO43- groups to a quenching site and dissipate immediately in a non-radiative

way. They claim that this energy migration is so efficient that it leads to no visible emission.

This migration rate can be reduced by introducing defect centres which will lead to visible


Page 40: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


The fact that Li et al. did not see any visible luminescence for the terbium sample might

originate from the low amount of defect centres present in the sample. No other articles

where Tb3+ was doped into an YVO4 matrix were found.

Via calculation methods, the internal quantum efficiencies of the 5D0 level of europium and

dysprosium were estimated to be 14.6% and 11.4%. Although these quantum efficiencies

were calculated and not measured in an absolute way, they are superior to efficiencies that

have been reported for these materials, which is very promising. These particles are known

to have two decay times48, 68. These two lifetimes can be explained by assuming the particle

is spherical, since the particle can then be described as having an inner and outer shell with

the same volume. The ions in the inner shell are known to have longer lifetimes than ions in

the outer shell. The average lifetime of these materials were calculated to be 98 µs (Eu3+)

and 50 µs (Dy3+). Unfortunately, there are few opportunities for comparing the lifetimes,

since most articles do not report them.

3.2 Rare-earth vanadates as a white light source

Yttrium orthovanadate materials have already been proven to be good hosts for lanthanide

luminescense48-53. The good host properties of YVO4 combined with the sharp visible

emission of lanthanides are promising for creating a material that emits white light. Yttrium

orthovanadate materials that emit a yellow and almost-white light have already been

reported62, 63, 68, although these materials can still be improved to obtain a warmer white

light with higher luminescence efficiencies and longer lifetimes.

Multiple ways exist to create one material that emits white light. Zhi-Peng et al.62 created a

yellow emitting phosphor at the edge of white light by co-doping YVO4 with Dy3+ and Bi3+.

The combination of dysprosium and bismuth is promising for white light emission, since

dysprosium has two strong emission bands, one in the blue region (470-500 nm) and one in

the yellow region (560-600 nm). Bismuth was used as a sensitizer, since it is known to

efficiently transfer the energy to the rare-earth. Raising the doping percentage of

dysprosium increased the luminescence intensity, although a maximum is reached at a

doping percentage of 3 mol%. Higher dysprosium doping led to concentration quenching.

The optimal bismuth doping percentage was found to be 10 mol%. The luminescence

intensity was effectively increased by co-doping with bismuth.

Page 41: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


The chromaticity diagram clearly shows that the

yellow emitting phosphor is situated on the edge

of the white light region. The CIE coordinates of

YVO4: Dy3+(3%) (1) are x = 0.401, y = 0.438.

Doping with bismuth leads to a purer yellow

colour (2), even more pure than the greenish

yellow the YAG:Ce3+ emits. Therefore, it is a

promising material for replacing the YAG:Ce3+ in

white LEDs. However, doping this material (1) with red or blue emitting lanthanides might

lead to a warm white light emitting phosphor.

Another possibility for creating a white light emitting yttrium orthovanadate was proposed

by Luwang et al.68. They combined the sharp yellow and blue emission of dysprosium with

the blue emission of thulium and the sharp red emission of europium. The doped

lanthanides can act as activators, but also as sensitizers by transferring the absorbed light to

the activators. The singly doped europium, dysprosium and thulium yttrium orthovanadates

were synthesized and compared with the emissions of the triply doped yttrium

orthovanadate at different heat treating temperatures. The photoluminescence spectra of

the triply doped yttrium orthovanadate with and without silica shell at heat treating

temperatures of 500°C and 900°C are presented below55. The inset shows that the materials

heat treated at 500°C have much lower luminescence intensity than the materials heat

treated at 900°C. This is probably due to the decrease of the non-radiative transition

probability caused by the surface of the sample. The spectra show the characteristic

emissions of europium, dysprosium and thulium.

Figure 3.6 CIE chromaticity diagram of YVO4:Dy3+ (3%) (1),

Y0.87VO4:Dy3(3%)+, Bi3+(10%) (2) and YAG:Ce3+ (3)62.

Figure 3.7 Photoluminescence spectra of triple lanthanide

ions (Ln3+ = Eu3+, Dy3+ and Tm3+) doped YVO4 and

YVO4@SiO2 heat treated at different temperatures and

monitored at λex = 300 nm (C500 and CS500), λex


(C900) and λex =310 (CS900). The ‘C’ stands for heat treated

samples and the ‘S’ stands for silica coated particles with

the help of TEOS.68.

Page 42: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


The CIE coordinates for the triply doped yttrium orthovanadate that was heat treated at

900°C are x = 0.42, y = 0.40, which is quite close to white light. However, the corresponding

core-shell sample of this material, heat treated at 500°C, has CIE coordinates x = 0.31, y =

0.32, which is standard white light. The other materials also have high potential as a white

light emitter, possibly by varying their doping percentages or reaction conditions (heat

treating temperature).

Although the core-shell triply doped yttrium orthovanadate material heat treated at 500°C

emits white light, the decay times of these materials are quite low (2.4 µs and 13.1 µs)

compared to the samples that were heat treated at 900°C (87.5 µs and 18.0 µs). Heat

treatment at a higher temperature enhances the decay times significantly. This effect is

explained by the SiO2 that forms a protective layer on the surface of the nanoparticles,

which isolates the lanthanides from the quenching groups that might be present on the


Doping YVO4 with europium, dysprosium and thulium seems promising for creating a white

light emitting material. However, fine-tuning of the reaction conditions is necessary, since

small differences such as heat treating temperature and doping percentage can have an

influence on the emitted colour.

Figure 3.8 CIE chromaticity diagram: (a) (A)

and B) Eu3+ doped YVO4; (C and D) Dy3+ doped

YVO4; (E and F) Tm3+ doped YVO4; (G and H)

Eu3+, Dy3+ and Tm3+ doped YVO4. Samples A, C,

E and G are heat treated at 500°C, samples B,

D, F and H are heat treated at 900°C. (b) Their

corresponding core-shell samples

(YVO4:Ln3+@SiO2) 55.

Page 43: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


4 Synthesis and characterization of rare-earth tungstates

4.1 Synthesis

Most materials were synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. For comparison,

microwave and sol-gel reactions were also performed. The reaction pathways and all

performed syntheses are described in Appendix A.

The first challenge in synthesizing rare-earth tungstates is obtaining a pure phase. Some

reaction conditions can lead to a mix of phases, which is not an ideal host material for

luminescence. Different parameters can be varied to try to obtain a pure phase material. The

parameters that have been modified in this thesis are the amount of glycerol, the pH, the

reaction temperature, the rare-earth to ligand ratio and the heat treatment temperature.

The reaction time can also be modified, but for tungstates a 24 h reaction suffices to form a

pure phase4, 6, 7, 13, 14. At shorter reaction times it is not certain that the reaction is already

complete. This can be investigated by performing time resolved syntheses4, 6-8, 70.

Several conditions have been tested to try to obtain a pure phase. At first, the conditions

were chosen at random. When favourable XRD results were obtained, the reaction

conditions were further tuned.

Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was performed before

and after heat treating the materials to confirm the removal of glycerol and water. X-ray

diffractograms were collected to determine the phase. After phase confirmation, doping

with various lanthanide ions was performed with the goal of obtaining a white light emitting


4.2 Performed reactions

Table 4.1 Performed tungstate reactions with a Y(NO3)3∙6H2O : Na2WO4∙2H2O ratio equal to 1:1 (underlined) and with a Y(NO3)3∙6H2O :

Na2WO4∙2H2O ratio equal to 1:2 (italic). Different reaction temperatures (140-200°C) and amounts of glycerol (0-20 mL) were used.

0 mL 2.5 mL 5 mL 10 mL 15 mL 20 mL

140°C pH = 3, 9 pH = 9

160°C pH = 3 - 10

180°C pH = 6 pH = 6 pH = 6 pH = 3, 6, 6, 9

200°C pH = 11,12,13 pH = 4, 6

Page 44: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


It was observed that at various reaction conditions no pure phase of a known rare-earth

tungstate material was formed. However, comparison of the XRD diffractograms showed

that higher amounts of glycerol and a higher pH led to sharper reflections. Based on these

findings, a reaction at basic pH (13) and with 20 mL of glycerol was performed. Via a

hydrothermal route, the same reaction conditions were also tested with La(NO3)3∙6H2O and

Gd(NO3)3∙6H2O instead of Y(NO3)3∙6H2O as the rare-earth source, to investigate if this had a

positive influence on the phase formation, as was observed by Liu et al.2.

Table 4.2 Performed tungstate reactions and their synthesis conditions. Different types of syntheses were performed; H: hydrothermal,

S: sol-gel, M: microwave.

# Synthesis T (°C) t (h) pH Glycerol (mL) Y(NO3)3∙6H2O (g) Na2WO4∙2H2O (g)

46 H 200 24 13 20 0.383 0.330 35 S 800 5 13 20 0.383 0.330

67 M 200 1 13 10 0.190 0.165

4.3 Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectra

DRIFTS spectra were recorded before and after heat treatment. Below is an example of an

Y2WO6 material with information about the assigned vibrations. DRIFTS spectra of the other

tungstate materials are similar and can be found in Appendix C.

Table 4.3 Assigned infrared vibrations of undoped Y2WO6 before

heat treatment.

# Wavenumber (cm-1) Vibration

a 3559 O-H

b 1406 O-H / NO3-

c 972 W-O

d 906 W-O

e 815-650 W-O-W

The sharp band at 3559 cm-1 is attributed to the O-H stretch vibrations of water and/or

glycerol. This band disappears after heat treatment. Around 1406 cm-1, a broad band that

can also be attributed to the O-H stretch vibrations of water is visible. However, this band

can also originate from the nitrate salts that have been used as a starting material during the

synthesis14. Below 1000 cm-1 the characteristic tungstate vibrations are visible. Band c and d

are attributed to W-O stretch vibrations and band e was assigned to the asymmetric stretch

vibrations of W-O-W bridges14. The peaks of the material heat treated at 900°C and 1100°C

are similar.

Figure 4.1 DRIFTS spectrum of Y2WO6 before heat treatment

(red), after heat treatment at 900°C (blue) and 1100°C (green).

Page 45: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


4.4 X-ray diffractograms

After investigating various synthesis conditions, a pure phase Y2WO6 material was obtained.

The materials were first heat treated at

900°C, but no pure phase could be assigned.

It has been reported before that Y2WO6

forms a metastable phase13, 57. Upon heat

treatment at 650°C, Wang et al.13 obtained a

cubic phase. Heat treatment at a higher

temperature (750°C) resulted in a tetragonal

phase and the monoclinic phase was

obtained at 1100°C. This phase

transformation is irreversible, however, the metastable phases are stable at room

temperature. Mostly tungstate materials are heat treated at 900°C or lower, at which a pure

phase already forms2-8. Higher temperatures are not always necessary, but in this case heat

treatment at 900°C led to a mixture of the tetragonal and monoclinic phase. Increasing the

heat treatment temperature to 1100°C led to a pure monoclinic phase Y2WO6 (yttrium

oxytungstate) material.

Reactions were performed with

La(NO3)3∙6H2O and Gd(NO3)3∙6H2O as the

rare-earth source instead of Y(NO3)3∙6H2O

to emphasize how specific these reaction

conditions are. It was observed that the

conditions in which an Y2WO6 material

forms do not necessarily lead to a La2WO6

or Gd2WO6 material when changing the

starting materials. The obtained XRD

Figure 4.2 Powder XRD patterns of sample 46 when heat treated

at 900°C and 1100°C and sample 56 before heat treatment.

These diffractograms are compared with the Y2WO6 powder

pattern calculated from the ICSD crystallographic database87.

Figure 4.3 Powder XRD patterns of a lanthanum (37) and

gadolinium (38) tungstate material after heat treatment at

900°C compared with the powder pattern calculated from the

ICSD crystallographic database88,89.

Page 46: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


diffractograms are presented in Fig. 4.3. For both materials a dominant phase could be

assigned (that is different from the yttrium oxytungstate phase). However, the spectra are

quite noisy and additional peaks are visible, which means that these materials are no pure

phases. Liu et al.2 synthesized pure phase La2(WO4)3 and NaLa(WO4)2 nanomaterials with

glycerol as a structure directing agent without changing the pH. The diffractogram of sample

37 clearly shows that a La2(WO4)3 phase is present. This is a clear example of how much

influence a difference in pH has on the formation of a pure phase.

The sol-gel type synthesis (35) led to a

mixed phase material. One phase might be

the monoclinic Y2WO6 material, but this

cannot be said with full certainty.

Microwave synthesis led to a material that

consists of very hard granules (all other

materials were powders). The reflections

are quite broad. No phase could be

assigned to this material and the peak

widening is probably due to the low

crystallinity of the material.

The remaining XRD spectra that were recorded can be found in Appendix D.

The optimal reaction conditions that led to a pure monoclinic phase Y2WO6 material were

chosen for doping with various lanthanides to obtain white light. To summarize, these

conditions are a hydrothermal reaction at 200°C for 24 h, at pH = 13, with the use of 20 mL

glycerol and a Y(NO3)3∙6H2O : Na2WO4∙2H2O ratio equal to 1:1.

Figure 4.4 Powder XRD spectra of a sol-gel (35) and microwave (67)

synthesized yttrium tungstate, heat treated at 1100°C.

Page 47: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


4.5 Scanning electron microscopy images

The morphology of the Y2WO6 phase was investigated via scanning electron microscopy.

Pictures at different magnifications were taken to get insight in the size, shape and

morphology of this material.

Figure 4.5 SEM images of undoped Y2WO6 after heat treatment at 1100°C at different magnifications. (A) 2500x, (B) 5000x, (C) 10000x

and (D, E, F) 20000x.

At a magnification of 2500x (A) it is clear that the particles in this material are not ordered in

a repetitive way. The particles are not uniform since spherical and rod-like particles can be

distinguished. Upon higher magnification (B), it becomes clear that differently sized rods are

present. Some are quite narrow and others are more bulky. At a magnification of 10000x (C),

three sorts of shapes can be distinguished. The smallest visible particles are the spheres. The

narrowest rods are quite bumpy, as if they were created from spheres. The more bulky rods

do not have this bumpy behaviour, but are quite smooth. Intermediate forms can also be

differentiated. During the synthesis, spherical particles were probably formed initially. The

long reaction time presumably led to particles being deposited on top of each other and

forming narrow rod-like structures. In newly formed rods, the individual particles are still

visible, hence the bumpy morphology. As more particles melt onto the rods, the rods

become broader. The edges where the particles were deposited on the rods are smooth.

This probably occurred during heat treatment at 1100°C.

Page 48: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


4.6 Luminescence properties

White light emitting rare-earth tungstates have already been reported before3, 7, 15, 20, 59, in

our group too by Kaczmarek et al.6.

Based on an extensive literature study of these materials, various doped and co-doped

materials were synthesized in this thesis with the aim of obtaining a white light emitting

material. An overview of all the rare-earth tungstates that were synthesized is presented in

Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 Overview of the synthesized tungstate materials and their doping percentages. All materials were synthesized hydrothermally,

except for sample 67, which was synthesized via a microwave route. The ‘#’ labels the materials before heat treatment with ‘a’ and after

heat treatment with ‘c’. Experiments highlighted in grey are the white light emitting materials that will be discussed in detail.

# Doping Observed colour (UV lamp)


(%) 365 nm 254 nm (K) colour

55a 2.5% Eu3+, 2.5% Tb3+ White White 0.3472 0.3814 5019

55c 2.5% Eu3+, 2.5% Tb3+ Red Orange 0.6300 0.3509 1110

56a 1% Dy3+ White White 0.2196 0.2800 26417

56c 1% Dy3+ White White 0.3826 0.3908 4042

57a 1% Sm3+ White White 0.2282 0.2977 17114

57c 1% Sm3+ White (pink) White (pink) 0.5181 0.3304 1562

61a 3% Eu3+ Brown White 0.3274 0.3124 5771

61c 3% Eu3+ Pinkish (light) White 0.6205 0.3400 1101

62a 3% Sm3+ Brown White (green) 0.2361 0.3069 14220

62c 3% Sm3+ Pink White (green) 0.5508 0.3590 1520

64a 2% Eu3+, 3% Tb3+ White (green) 0.3915 0.4098 3952

64c 2% Eu3+, 3% Tb3+ Red Orange 0.6451 0.3478 1041

65a 2.5% Sm3+, 2.5% Tb3+ White (green) 0.2656 0.3919 8061

65c 2.5% Sm3+, 2.5% Tb3+ Orange (light) Orange 0.6022 0.3781 1347

67a 1% Dy3+ White 0.1881 0.1992 >10000


67c 1% Dy3+ White 0.2258 0.1620 >10000


Almost all materials presented in Table 4.4 emit a white colour under the UV lamp, however,

the observed colour sometimes differs from the calculated colour. The ‘real’ colour is

presented via the CIE coordinates. This calculation is based on the emission spectrum, where

the material was excited at the most intense point of the charge transfer band. The UV lamp

available in our lab only provides three wavelengths (365 nm, 302 nm and 254 nm). Because

of this, the colour observed under the UV lamp is not always the same as calculated via the

emission spectrum.

Page 49: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Exciting the material at different wavelengths obviously has an impact on the emitted

colour. This will be further investigated by recording emission maps (collecting emission

spectra at different excitation wavelengths, see 4.6.5).

Table 4.4 also includes the correlated colour temperature (CCT), which gives more

information about the temperature of the colour (CCT > 5000 K is a cold colour, CCT < 3000 K

is a warm colour).

Luminescence emission, excitation and decay time spectra were recorded for all materials

before and after heat treatment. All transitions were assigned with the help of the Carnall

matrix elements83. Only a few white light emitting materials will be discussed in detail. Four

materials were chosen for further discussion based on their white light emitting properties

and the lanthanides that were doped in this matrix. These doped materials were chosen to

get an extensive overview of the different possibilities that exist for creating a white light

emitting tungstate material. Material 67 was not chosen to be discussed in detail since the

diffractogram (Fig. 4.4) showed that it was not a pure phase. This material has weak

emission and a spectrum that mainly consists of the broad charge transfer band.

Luminescence data of the other materials can be found in Appendix E.2. All spectra are

corrected for detector sensitivity, however, sometimes this overcompensates because of the

relative detector-insensitivity at certain wavelengths. In those cases, the uncorrected

spectrum is presented. An example of this effect can be found in Appendix E.1.

Another quantity that can be introduced is the Luminous Efficiency of Radiation (LER)81. This

parameter is the ratio between the luminous flux and the power (expressed in lumen per

Watt). It describes how well the material produces visible light to an average human

observer. The luminosity has a maximum value of 683 lm/W at monochromatic green light,

since this is the most sensitive wavelength (555 nm) of the human eye. The LER value can be

calculated via the emission spectrum. According to Smet et al.81, white light has a much

lower LER (in the order of 350 lm/W), since white light contains other colour components at

less sensitive wavelengths of the human eye.

In the following paragraphs, a detailed description of the observed luminescence properties

of certain white light emitting tungstate materials is presented.

Page 50: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


4.6.1 Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment – 55a

The charge transfer band is quite narrow and centres around 267.9 nm. The excitation

transitions are assigned for Eu3+ (red) and Tb3+ (green). In the emission spectrum the charge

transfer band is quite weak and spread out over the visible range.

Table 4.5 Overview of the Eu3+ and Tb3+ transitions in Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2.5%) Transitions

Tb3+ (2.5%) Transitions

a 486.4 20559 5D4 → 7F6

b 542.9 18420 5D4 → 7F5

c 579.4 17259 5D0 → 7F0 5D4 → 7F4

d 593.7 16844 5D0 → 7F1

e 612.0 16340 5D0 → 7F2

f 615.0 16260 5D4 → 7F3

g 643.2 15547 5D4 → 7F2

h 651.4 15352 5D0 → 7F3 5D4 → 7F1

i 702.4 14237 5D0 → 7F4

The combination of the red 5D0 → 7F2 europium and green 5D4 → 7F5 terbium transitions in

addition to the blue charge transfer band led to a material which emits white light under the

UV lamp (365 nm), with CIE coordinates x = 0.3472, y = 0.3814 and a CCT of 5019 K. Slightly

altering the doping percentages, as was done with sample 64a, also led to a white light

emitting material. The CIE coordinates of Y2WO6:Eu3+(2%), Tb3+(3%) show a larger divergence

from the standard white light coordinates. However, the coordinates shift to a warmer white

light x = 0.3915, y = 0.4098 and a CCT of 3952 K. This material has an LER value of 313 lm/W.

This brightness is clearly visible in Fig. 4.10.

Figure 4.6 (Left) Excitation spectrum of Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment, monitored at 612.2 nm (not corrected for

detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission spectrum of Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment, excited through the charge

transfer band at 267.9 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Page 51: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Before heat treatment this material emits white light. After heat treatment, the broad

charge transfer band disappears and the intensity of the terbium transitions lower

significantly. This is why the colour shifts towards red. The same effect is visible when the

terbium co-doping percentage is increased. This makes it complicated to obtain a white light

emitting Eu3+, Tb3+ co-doped tungstate after heat treatment.

Table 4.6 Single exponential decay characteristics before heat treatment.

Transition R2 (µs) 5D0 → 7F2 (Eu3+) 0.999 418 5D4 → 7F5 (Tb3+) 0.998 597

The decay curves for the 5D0 → 7F2 transition of Eu3+

and 5D4 → 7F5 transition of Tb3+ were recorded. The

decay time of the Tb3+ transition is longer than that of

the Eu3+ transition.

Fig. 4.10 presents the colours of the

materials observed under the UV lamp

(254 nm). The difference in colour shows

how a minor change in doping percentage

can influence the observed colour.

Figure 4.7 CIE-diagram of Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%)

before heat treatment (outer left), Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%),

Tb3+(2.5%) after heat treatment (outer right),

Y2WO6:Eu3+(2%), Tb3+(3%) before heat treatment

(inner left) and a white LED (2700 K) (inner right).

Figure 4.8 Emission spectrum of Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%),Tb3+(2.5%) before heat

treatment, plotted with a rainbow curve (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure 4.9 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat

treatment with a single exponential fit.

Figure 4.10 Pictures of Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat

treatment (left), after heat treatment (centre left), Y2WO6:Eu3+(2%),

Tb3+(3%) before heat treatment (centre right) and after heat treatment

(right) under the UV lamp (254 nm).

Page 52: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


4.6.2 Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after heat treatment – 56c

Doping 1% Dy3+ into this matrix led to the formation of a white light emitting rare-earth

tungstate before and after heat treatment. The charge transfer band is intense and has a

maximum around 299.6 nm. In the emission spectrum only a minor CTB is visible, which

suggests good charge transfer from the tungstate groups to the Dy3+ ions.

Table 4.7 Overview of the Dy3+ transitions in Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after heat treatment.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (1%) Transitions

a 479.4 2086 4F9/2 → 6H15/2

b 578.5 1729 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

c 671.1 1490 4F9/2 → 6H11/2

This material emits white light before and after it has been heat treated. Before heat

treatment the white light has a bluish shade. At low doping percentages, the energy transfer

in the material before heat treatment seems to not be very efficient. Because of this, a

charge transfer band is visible in the emission spectrum, which causes the blue shade in the

emitted colour. This translates in CIE coordinates that are shifted to the blue region; x =

0.2196, y = 0.2800 and a very high correlated colour temperature of 26417 K. After heat

treatment the intensity of the CTB drops and the yellow share of the colour increases. Fig.

4.13 presents how the combination of the blue 4F9/2 → 6H15/2, yellow 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 and red

4F9/2 → 6H11/2 transitions led to a warm white colour. The CCT of this material is 4042 K. Heat

treating this material not only increases the intensity of the luminescence, but also shifts the

CCT to a warmer colour. This material has an LER value of 361 lm/W.

Figure 4.11 (Left) Excitation spectrum of Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after heat treatment, monitored at 574.0 nm (not corrected for detector

sensitivity). (Right) Emission spectrum of Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after heat treatment, excited through the charge transfer band at 299.6 nm

(corrected for detector sensitivity).

Page 53: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Under a UV lamp (365/254 nm), this material emits white light before and after heat

treatment. Visually, a difference in colour is observed, but this difference is presented more

clearly in the CIE-diagram. Both materials fall within the white light region, although the

coordinates are located quite far from each other. This illustrates that it is difficult to

unambiguously define white light without the CIE coordinates.

Table 4.8 Single exponential decay characteristics after heat treatment.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9979 229

The decay time of this dysprosium doped tungstate is

significantly higher than the dysprosium doped YVO4

materials (see 5.6.1).

The colour observed under the UV lamp (254 nm) is

consistent with the calculations, which is clear from Fig.

4.15. Before heat treatment the white light has a blue

shade. This shade disappears after heat treatment,

resulting in a white light emission with intermediate


Figure 4.12 CIE-diagram of Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) before

(left) and after heat treatment (right).

Figure 4.13 Emission spectrum of Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after heat treatment

plotted with a rainbow curve (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure 4.14 Decay curve of Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after

heat treatment with a single exponential fit for

the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition.

Figure 4.15 Picture of Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) before

heat treatment (left) and after heat treatment

(right) under a UV lamp (254 nm).

Page 54: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


4.6.3 Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before heat treatment – 61a

The narrow excitation transitions of the Eu3+ ions are assigned in Fig. 4.16 (left). The charge

transfer band overlaps part of the visible region of the spectrum. Combined with the narrow

line emission of europium, this material emits white light with excellent CIE coordinates. The

intensity of the Eu3+ transitions gives information about the symmetry. The intensity of the

magnetic dipole 5D0 → 7F1 transition is low compared to the intensity of the hypersensitive

electric dipole 5D0 → 7F2 transition. This suggests a low symmetry environment.

Table 4.9 Overview of the Eu3+ transitions in Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before heat treatment.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (3%) Transitions

a 579.4 17259 5D0 → 7F0

b 593.4 16852 5D0 → 7F1 c 612.2 16335 5D0 → 7F2 d 651.0 15361 5D0 → 7F3 e 701.8 14249 5D0 → 7F4

The CIE coordinates of this material (x = 0.3274, y = 0.3214) are close to the standard for

white light (x = 0.33, y = 0.33). Even though this is a not heat treated material, the emission

is quite intense. These results show that co-doping lanthanides or the use of dysprosium

(with blue, yellow and red emission) is not necessary to obtain white light. The temperature

of this colour is cold (CCT = 5771 K), due to the blue share of the CTB. The synthesis of a

white light emitting singly doped tungstate after heat treatment might be possible with low

Eu3+ concentration. At low doping concentrations the charge transfer band might still be

present after heat treatment (as was observed for Dy3+ in 4.6.2). However, the combination

of only blue and red will lead to a cold blue colour, as is the case for this material. This

material has a LER value of 252 lm/W.

Figure 4.16 (Left) Excitation spectrum of Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before heat treatment, monitored at 612.2 nm (not corrected for detector

sensitivity). (Right) Emission spectrum of Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before heat treatment, excited through the charge transfer band at 265.7 nm.

.(corrected for detector sensitivity).

Page 55: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


After heat treatment, no charge transfer band is visible anymore. This means that the energy

transfer from the tungstate groups to Eu3+ is better than it was before heat treatment. Due

to this, the colour of this material completely shifts to the red region of the CIE-diagram.

Table 4.10 Single exponential decay characteristics before heat


The decay curve was fitted with a single

exponential function. After heat treatment, the

decay time of this material increases up to 732

µs, which quite long compared to lifetimes of

the other doped tungstate materials.

Before heat treatment, the material emits white light that is

observed as cold due to the blue of the charge transfer band.

After heat treatment, the intensity of the emission is much

stronger, since the charge transfer band is not visible

anymore in the emission spectrum (see Appendix E). This

makes the colour shift to the red region.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.999 296

Figure 4.17 CIE-diagram of Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before

(left) and after heat treatment (right).

Figure 4.18 Emission spectrum of Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before heat treatment, plotted

with a rainbow curve (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure 4.19 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition of

Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before heat treatment with a single

exponential fit.

Figure 4.20 Picture of Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before (left) and

after heat treatment (right) under a UV lamp (254 nm).

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4.6.4 Y2WO6:Sm3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment – 65a

The CTB is quite narrow and has a maximum around 265.5 nm. In the emission spectrum the

charge transfer band is spread out over the visible region. For creating a white light emitting

tungstate, the combination of the blue emitting CTB with red and green emitting lanthanides

is straightforward. Mostly Eu3+ and Tb3+ are used, however Sm3+ is also a red/orange

emitting lanthanide. Co-doping Sm3+ and Tb3+ could be an interesting system.

Table 4.11 Overview of the Sm3+ and Tb3+ transitions in Y2WO6:Sm3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Sm3+ (2.5%) Transitions

Tb3+ (2.5%) Transitions

a 485.6 20593 5D4 → 7F6

b 543.4 18403 5D4 → 7F5

c 585.0 17094 4G5/2 → 6H5/2 5D4 → 7F4

d 619.2 16150 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 5D4 → 7F3

e 643.4 15542 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 5D4 → 7F2

f 655.6 15253 5D4 → 7F1

g 682.0 14663 4G5/2 → 6H11/2

For this material, terbium dominates the emission spectrum. One can conclude that the

energy transfer to the Tb3+ ions is more efficient than to the Sm3+ ions. Because of this, the

white light has a blue-green shade. After heat treatment, only samarium peaks are visible in

the emission spectrum (Appendix E). Combining the blue of the charge transfer band and the

strong green 5D4 → 7F5 transition led to a cold colour (CCT = 8061 K). The combination of

terbium and samarium could perhaps work to give a warmer white light if the samarium

transitions were more intense, or in another matrix that does not show this effect.

Figure 4.21 (Left) Excitation spectrum of Y2WO6:Sm3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment, monitored at 542.0 nm (not corrected for

detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission spectrum of Y2WO6:Sm3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment, excited through the charge

transfer band at 265.6 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Page 57: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


After heat treatment, the emission of samarium becomes dominant. This makes the CIE

coordinates shift to the red region. Increasing the doping percentage of samarium might

lead to a warmer white colour and a smaller shift after heat treatment.

Table 4.12 Single exponential decay characteristics before heat


Exponential tail fit R2 (µs) 5D4 → 7F5 (Tb3+) 0.998 507

4G5/2 → 6H7/2 (Sm3+) 0.995 475

Contrary to most materials that were synthesized

in this thesis, the decay time of the 5D4 → 7F5

(Tb3+) transition becomes shorter after heat

treatment ( = 461 µs).

Because of the high intensity of the cyan and green

Tb3+ transitions in this material before heat

treatment, the temperature of the colour is cold. This

is also observed under the UV lamp (254 nm). After

heat treatment, the Sm3+ transitions become

dominant (see Appendix E), which results in an orange

colour. This material has an LER value of 319 lm/W.

Figure 4.22 CIE-diagram of Y2WO6:Sm3+(2.5%),

Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment (left) and

after heat treatment (right).

Figure 4.23 Emission spectrum of Y2WO6:Sm3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat

treatment, plotted with a rainbow curve (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure 4.24 Decay curve of the 5D4 → 7F5 transition of

Y2WO6:Sm3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment

with a single exponential fit.

Figure 4.25 Picture of Y2WO6:Sm3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before (left)

and after heat treatment (right) under a UV lamp (254 nm).

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4.6.5 Emission maps

Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment – 55a

When this material is excited at different wavelengths in the charge transfer band, the

relative intensity of the transitions changes and the coordinates shift to a warmer white. The

zoom in of the CIE-diagram shows how the different points are almost arranged on a line.

The luminosity of the material clearly changes when exciting at different wavelengths. The

CTB of this material is quite narrow (see Fig. 4.6). One might expect that excitation at 290,

300 and 310 nm will not lead to bright luminescence. However the LER values are

comparable to when the material was excited at the most intense wavelength of the CTB.

Table 4.13 Change in CIE coordinates, CCT and LER values when exciting

Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) (not heat treated) at different wavelengths.

Data of the excitation at the most intense wavelength (267.9 nm) are also


Wavelength (nm)


LER (lm/W)

250 0.3285 0.3481 5668 284 260 0.3245 0.3551 5831 290

267.9 0.3472 0.3814 5019 313

270 0.3297 0.3634 5613 298

280 0.3368 0.3808 5362 312

290 0.3466 0.4051 5095 330

300 0.3567 0.4311 4887 341

310 0.3691 0.4380 4612 318

320 0.3719 0.4208 4476 284

Figure 4.26 Emission maps of

Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before

heat treatment, excited at different

wavelengths of the charge transfer

band (corrected for detector


Figure 4.27 Zoom in of the CIE-diagram of

Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat

treatment at different excitation wavelengths.

Page 59: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after heat treatment – 56c

Contrary to the previous example, the points in the CIE diagram of Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) do not

show a line behaviour. The points are arranged in a parabolic pathway, first shifting towards

a point (at the maximum of the charge transfer band). When this maximum point is reached,

the coordinates shift back to the position they came from. The same behaviour is observed

with the correlated colour temperatures. All coordinates are situated in the middle of the

white light region. The LER values are comparable when exciting at different wavelengths.

Table 4.14 Change in CIE coordinates, CCT and LER values when

exciting Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) (after heat treatment) at different

wavelengths. Data of the excitation at the most intense wavelength

(299.6 nm) is also presented.


(nm) CIE x CIE y CCT



250 0.3471 0.3687 4985 344 260 0.3465 0.3658 4996 341

270 0.3439 0.3612 5075 338

280 0.3411 0.3582 5170 334

290 0.3411 0.3585 5172 334

299.6 0.3826 0.3908 4042 361

300 0.3426 0.3609 5122 336

310 0.3447 0.3634 5052 339

320 0.3478 0.3679 4956 344

330 0.3491 0.3740 4934 344

Figure 4.28 Emission maps of

Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after heat

treatment, excited at different

wavelengths of the charge

transfer band (corrected for

detector sensitivity).

Figure 4.29 Zoom in of the CIE-diagram of

Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after heat treatment, excited at

different wavelengths.

Page 60: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before heat treatment – 61a

The mappings of the previous tungstate materials only showed minor differences in CIE

coordinates. For Y2WO6:Eu3+(1%) there is a large change in CIE coordinates when deviating

away from the most intense point of the charge transfer band. Excitation at 240-280 nm

resulted in CIE coordinates that group together. The temperature of this emission can be

described as cold. However, excitation at 290 and 300 nm makes the CIE coordinates shift to

the warm white light region. Unfortunately, excitation at the weakest wavelengths of the

charge transfer band results in a weaker emission signal. The LER values steadily increase

when the excitation wavelength is increased, from 252 lm/W (240 nm) to 270 lm/W (300


Table 4.15 Change in the CIE coordinates and CCT values when exciting Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) (before heat treatment) at different

wavelengths. Data of the excitation at the most intense wavelength (265.7) is also presented.

Wavelength (nm)


240 0.3236 0.3180 5968 250 0.3265 0.3160 5815

260 0.3267 0.3171 5799

265.7 0.3274 0.3124 5771

270 0.3310 0.3219 5564

280 0.3512 0.3295 4647

290 0.3992 0.3569 3336

300 0.4396 0.3893 2832

Figure 4.31 Zoom in of the CIE-diagram of Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before

heat treatment, excited at different wavelengths.

Figure 4.30 Emission maps of

Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before heat

treatment, excited at

different wavelengths of the

charge transfer band

(corrected for detector


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5 Synthesis and characterization of rare-earth vanadates

5.1 Synthesis

The materials were synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. For comparison, microwave

and sol-gel reactions were also performed. The synthesis routes and all performed reactions

can be found in Appendix A. To synthesize a pure phase rare-earth vanadate material with

glycerol as an SDA, the reaction conditions must be tuned. Reactions similar to what Wu et

al.49 published were first attempted. They reported that a pure-phase yttrium vanadate

material can only be synthesized in acidic conditions if the yttrium to vanadate ratio is 1

(single vanadate), or in basic conditions if the yttrium to vanadate ratio is smaller than 1

(double vanadate) without using a structure directing agent. Based on their findings a few

reactions were performed, but with addition of glycerol as a structure directing agent and

solvent. The optimal reaction conditions to form a pure phase without an SDA are not always

ideal when an SDA is used. It is possible this leads to the same phase, but the formation of a

mixed phase or a different phase is also possible, as was observed with the tungstate

materials (see 4.1). The formation of a specific phase highly depends on the conditions.

Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) was used to confirm

the removal of glycerol and water after heat treatment. Characteristic vibrations of the

molecule were assigned. To confirm whether the materials are pure phases, XRD

diffractograms were recorded and compared with calculated powder XRD diffractograms

from the ICSD crystallographic database. This led to the confirmation of which phase was

obtained. After phase confirmation, this matrix was doped with various lanthanides.

5.2 Performed reactions

Table 5.1 Performed vanadate reactions and their synthesis conditions. Different types of syntheses were performed;

H: hydrothermal, S: sol-gel, M: microwave.

# Synthesis T (°C) t (h) pH Glycerol (mL) Y(NO3)3∙6H2O (g) Na3VO4 (g)

22 H 180 24 2 0 0.383 0.184

23 H 180 24 2 10 0.383 0.184

24 H 180 24 10 10 0.383 0.184

25 H 180 24 10 10 0.383 0.368

34 S 800 5 2 10 0.383 0.184

68 M 200 1 2 10 0.184 0.092

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Table 5.1 gives an overview of the reactions that were performed. Reaction 22 was a test to

confirm whether these conditions led to a pure phase material, even without the use of

glycerol. Reactions at acid pH with an yttrium to vanadate ratio of 1 (reaction 23) and at

basic pH with an yttrium to vanadate ratio smaller than 1 (reaction 25) were carried out. A

reaction at basic pH with a ratio of 1 was also performed to investigate whether glycerol has

a positive effect on the formation of a pure phase, since these conditions do not lead to a

pure phase without the use of an SDA according to Wu et al.49. A sol gel reaction route51 and

a microwave type reaction76 were performed later on to investigate whether ideal

hydrothermal conditions (pH and amounts of product) were also optimal for other SDA

based techniques.

5.3 Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectra

Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectra were recorded before and after heat

treatment of the materials. Table 5.2 and Fig. 5.1 describe an example of an undoped YVO4

material with information about the assigned vibrations. DRIFTS spectra of the other

materials that were synthesized are comparable and can be found in Appendix C.

Table 5.2 Assigned infrared vibrations of undoped YVO4 before

heat treatment.

The broad absorption band at 3458 cm-1

corresponds to the O-H stretch vibrations.

This band is attributed to the water and/or glycerol adsorbed at the surface of the crystals.

The two bands at 2343 cm-1 and 1625 cm-1 are assigned to the O-H stretch vibrations of

coordinated water15. The characteristic vibrations for the vanadate are visible below 1000

cm-1. Characteristic vanadate stretch vibrations were assigned with the help of an inorganic

infrared database by F. Miller et al.54. Bands d and e suggest that this powder contains a

vanadate material. However this cannot be said with complete certainty. Bands a-c show

that the material before heat treatment still contains a lot of water48, 53. The spectrum after

Symbol Wavenumber (cm-1)


a 3458 O-H

b 2343 O-H

c 1625 O-H

d 977 V-O

e 706 V-O

Figure 5.1 DRIFTS spectrum of undoped YVO4 before (red) and

after (blue) heat treatment.

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heat treatment (blue) shows that the broad band at 3459 cm-1 has disappeared. A large

amount of the water has evaporated after heat treatment at 900°C. However, some

coordinated water still is present, as are the characteristic vanadate bands below 1000 cm-1.

For this type of material, DRIFTS is a technique that can confirm the absence or presence of

water in the sample. However, it cannot be said with certainty which material was


5.4 X-ray diffractograms

Figure 5.2 Powder XRD diffractograms of samples 22-25 after heat treatment and sample 32 before heat treatment. These

diffractograms are compared with the YVO4 powder pattern calculated from the ICSD crystallographic database86.

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Via the ICSD crystallographic database, the powder XRD diffractogram of a material can be

calculated. This is then compared to the obtained diffractograms. Determining the phase is

of paramount importance since it is only useful to dope lanthanide ions in a pure phase

material. Fig. 5.2 shows that an YVO4 material is formed with (23) and without (22) the use

of glycerol under acidic conditions. Using basic conditions and a different yttrium to

vanadate ratio (25) also led to a pure phase material. However, the reflections in the

diffractogram are slightly broadened. According to Wu et al.49 an yttrium to vanadate ratio

of 1 at basic pH values leads to a mix of the YVO4 and Y(OH)3 phase. With glycerol as the

SDA, these reaction conditions (24) lead to the YVO4 phase. However, there are some

additional peaks at the angles of 18.9, 29.9 and 29.6 that were assigned to the Y(OH)3 phase,

as Wu et al.49 reported. The materials before heat treatment (32) are YVO4 pure phases, but

the broader reflections indicate that the material is less crystalline.

The sol-gel synthesis (34) led to an YVO4 phase

with another space group (I41/a)85 than the

materials that were synthesized via a

hydrothermal route (I41/amd)86. The peaks are

broadened which suggests that the material has

a lower crystallinity than the hydrothermally

synthesized materials. The microwave route also

led to the YVO4 phase, but in this case the same

space group as the hydrothermally synthesized

materials was obtained. Peak broadening is also

visible. A hydrothermal reaction obviously gives

the best results. However, the microwave

reaction only lasted for 1 h. Longer reaction

times might give better results. Still, the major

advantage of microwave synthesis is the much

shorter reaction time, compared to

hydrothermal synthesis. The optimal reaction conditions that led to a pure monoclinic phase

YVO4 material were chosen for doping with various lanthanides to obtain white light. To

summarize, these conditions are a hydrothermal reaction at 200°C for 24 h, at pH = 2, with

the use of 20 mL glycerol and a Y(NO3)3∙6H2O : Na3VO4 ratio equal to 1:1.

Figure 5.3 Powder XRD patterns of a sol-gel synthesized

material after heat treatment (34) and of a microwave

synthesized material after heat treatment (68). The

diffractograms are compared with the calculated powder

patterns from the ICSD crystallographic database85,86.

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5.5 Scanning electron microscopy images

Scanning electron microscopy was used to investigate the size, shape and morphology of the

materials. SEM images of the materials synthesized at different conditions were recorded.

The influence of the pH, reaction temperature, amount of structure directing agent and type

of synthesis are investigated.

The influence of the pH on the morphology of the materials is visible in Fig. 5.4. At basic pH

conditions the particles are completely aggregated, which explains the broader reflections in

the X-ray diffractogram. When a synthesis is performed under acidic conditions, the

materials are much less aggregated. The particles are not distributed in an ordered way and

their size is not uniform. A synthesis at a higher reaction temperature (200°C instead of

180°C) and with a higher amount of glycerol (20 mL instead of 10 mL) was carried out. The

SEM images of the YVO4 material at these conditions are presented in Fig. 5.5.

Figure 5.5 SEM images of an YVO4 material after heat treatment at 900°C at different magnifications. This material was synthesized

hydrothermally at 200°C with the use of 20 mL glycerol and pH = 2. (A) 1000x, (B) 4000x, (C) 8000x, (D and E) 15000x and (F) 30000x.

Figure 5.4 SEM images of an YVO4 material at conditions 23 (A) and 25 (B) (see Table 5.1).

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At a magnification of 1000x (A), the image looks quite similar to Fig. 5.4 (A). The particles

look spherical and are not ordered. Small clusters of particles are visible, although they are

less aggregated compared to when a lower reaction temperature and lower amount of

glycerol was used. At higher magnification (B) it is clear that the particles are not uniform.

The particles are not really spherical but more angular and spiky structures are also visible.

From the more detailed images (D, E, F) it is clear that three different morphologies can be

distinguished. Spheres of different sizes, narrow rods and angular particles are present. For

the tungstate phase, three different morphologies could also be distinguished (see 4.5).

However, in this case it is plausible that the different shapes are formed separately. When

investigating the image at a higher magnification the angular forms look tetragonal.

However, since the particles are not uniform this cannot be said with complete certainty.

Even though the particles are not uniform, it is interesting how one material consists of

three different morphologies.

The lowest amount of glycerol (10 mL) led to aggregated particles. Increasing the amount of

glycerol to 20 mL resulted in less aggregated particles with three different types of shapes.

Using an even higher amount of glycerol might lead to the particles being capped more and

becoming more unified.

Along with the hydrothermal synthesis, a sol-gel and a microwave synthesis were also

employed with the same amount of glycerol (20 mL) and pH = 2 (see Fig. 5.6).

Figure 5.6 SEM images of undoped YVO4 at different magnifications, prepared via a sol-gel synthesis. (A) 3000x, (B) 10000x and (C)


At a magnification of 3000x (A), it is clear that no separate particles are present. All particles

seem to be aggregated, creating a rough surface. Next to this rough surface, a smoother

plane can also be distinguished at a magnification of 10000x (B, top left of the image). At the

bottom left of this image is a clear example of how this plane is created by small particles of

Page 67: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


different shapes that accumulate. Most of the particles are near-spherical, although more

angular ones can also be distinguished at a higher magnification. Comparison of the SEM

images of the hydrothermally synthesized materials and the sol-gel type synthesized

materials clearly shows how significant the influence of the synthesis route actually is. Even

though the same YVO4 phase is formed, the morphology is entirely different.

The particles that were synthesized via a microwave route are differently shaped than the

particles that were synthesized via other techniques (see Fig. 5.7). At a magnification of

5000x it is obvious that the particles are spread out over the whole surface. Only a small

amount of aggregation is visible.

Figure 5.7 SEM images of YVO4:Eu3+(1%), Tb3+(3%) at different magnifications, prepared via a microwave synthesis. (A) 5000x, (B) 20000x

and (C) 40000x.

Spheres of different sizes can be discerned at higher magnification (C). The surface of the

spheres is quite rough and larger spheres look as if they were built out of smaller spheres.

Based on these findings, an Ostwald ripening process can be suggested. The size of the

particles is rather small. This is probably because of the short reaction time for the

microwave synthesis (1 h) compared to the hydrothermal synthesis (24 h). Longer reaction

times will probably lead to bigger particles. The microwave reaction led to very nice results

compared to the hydrothermal reaction. Only one microwave reaction was performed for

this vanadate material, since the aim was to see how the reaction route influenced the

morphology when all other parameters were kept identical. Performing more research to

further tune reaction parameters for the microwave reaction may lead to even more

uniform and ordered particles.

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5.6 Luminescence properties

Various singly doped and co-doped vanadate materials have been synthesized. Their colour

properties are presented in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3 Overview of the synthesized vanadate materials and their doping percentages. All materials were synthesized hydrothermally,

except for sample 68, which was synthesized via a microwave route. The ‘#’ labels the materials before heat treatment with ‘a’ and after

heat treatment with ‘c’. Experiments highlighted in grey are the white light emitting materials that will be discussed in detail.

# Doping Observed colour (UV lamp) CIE x CIE y CCT CIE

(%) 365 nm 254 nm (K) colour

31a 5% Eu3+ Red (light) 0.6121 0.3175 1065

31c 5% Eu3+ Red Red (light) 0.6671 0.3303 <1000

32a 5% Dy3+ 0.4116 0.4576 3828

32c 5% Dy3+ Yellow (dark) Yellow (dark) 0.4370 0.4857 3557

33a 5% Sm3+ 0.4024 0.2495 2016

33c 5% Sm3+ Orange Orange (light) 0.6266 0.3689 1200

39a 2% Eu3+ 0.6089 0.3409 1180

39c 2% Eu3+ Red Red (light) 0.6623 0.3306 <1000

40a 2% Dy3+ 0.3612 0.4158 4725

40c 2% Dy3+ Yellow (white) Yellow (white) 0.4351 0.4810 3545

41a 2% Sm3+ 0.5223 0.3705 1771

41c 2% Sm3+ Orange Orange 0.6174 0.3749 1265

42a 3% Eu2+ 0.3415 0.2092 3216

42c 3% Eu3+ Red Red 0.6640 0.3326 <1000

43a 3% Dy3+ 0.3475 0.3597 4898

43c 3% Dy3+ Yellow Yellow (brown) 0.4340 0.4809 3540

44a 3% Sm3+ 0.4877 0.3568 1967

44c 3% Sm3+ Orange Orange 0.6269 0.3693 1200

50a 2.5% Eu3+, 2.5% Tb3+ 0.3795 0.2826 2954

50c 2.5% Eu3+, 2.5% Tb3+ Orange Orange 0.5862 0.3680 1376

51a 2% Eu3+, 2% Tb3+ 0.5467 0.3504 1498

51c 2% Eu3+, 2% Tb3+ Red Red (light) 0.6435 0.3263 <1000

52a 2% Eu3+, 2% Dy3+ 0.4973 0.3849 2152

52c 2% Eu3+, 2% Dy3+ Orange Brown (light) 0.5563 0.3922 1691

58a 2% Eu3+, 3% Dy3+ 0.4121 0.3842 3299

58c 2% Eu3+, 3% Dy3+ Brown (light) Brown (light) 0.5185 0.4006 2037

59a 2% Eu3+, 3% Tb3+ 0.3893 0.2999 2921

59c 2% Eu3+, 3% Tb3+ Red Red 0.6639 0.3307 <1000

68a 1% Eu3+, 3% Tb3+ 0.5152 0.3478 1685

68c 1% Eu3+, 3% Tb3+ Red Red 0.6642 0.3310 <1000

69a 0.5% Eu3+, 2.5% Dy3+ 0.4062 0.3900 3474

69c 0.5% Eu3+, 2.5% Dy3+ White White 0.4769 0.4269 2598

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Singly doped and co-doped materials were prepared. In Table 5.3 the colour, as observed

under a UV lamp (365 nm and 254 nm), is presented, as well as the ‘real’ colour when

calculated via the CIE coordinates. Table 5.3 clearly shows that excitation at the most intense

point of the charge transfer band results in a different emission colour than when excitation

occurs at the standard wavelengths the UV lamp provides. It appears that the provided

excitation wavelengths of the UV lamp are not efficient for the vanadate materials that were

not heat treated. This explains why no colour is observed. This is also why only pictures of

the materials after heat treatment are presented in the following sections. The correlated

colour temperature (CCT) is also added and gives more information about the temperature

of the colour (CCT > 5000 K is a cold colour, CCT < 3000 K is a warm colour).

Different lanthanide ions were doped in this matrix. At first, different percentages of only

one lanthanide are doped to get an idea of the colours and how they shift after heat

treatment. Based on this knowledge, various co-doped reactions were performed with the

goal of obtaining white light emission.

All materials have been investigated via luminescence spectroscopy. The emission, excitation

and decay curves have been recorded. All transitions were assigned with the help of the

Carnall matrix elements83. Since the aim of this thesis is white light emission, only a few of

the samples with CIE coordinates in the white light region will be discussed in detail. These

materials were chosen based on the different combinations of lanthanides that were doped

in this matrix, to get and extensive overview. With similar doping percentages, the material

with the best white light emitting properties was selected. Luminescence data of the other

samples can be found in Appendix E.

The highest emission efficiency is obtained when excitation occurs at the maximum of the

charge transfer band. However, one can also excite at other wavelengths in the CTB. This will

have an influence on the emission spectrum and thus the CIE coordinates. Emission maps of

the materials with the best white light coordinates were recorded and are presented in

section 5.6.5.

In the following paragraphs, a detailed description of the observed luminescence properties

of certain white light emitting vanadate materials is presented.

Page 70: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


5.6.1 YVO4:Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment – 43a

A broad charge transfer band in the region of 250 – 350 nm is visible in the excitation

spectrum. Upon excitation at 282.2 nm, the emission spectrum is recorded. The charge

transfer band is visible in the emission spectrum and is centred around 425 nm. This

emission behaviour is different than observed with YVO4:Dy3+(2%). In that case the CTB

overlaps part of the visible region of the spectrum (see Appendix E).

Table 5.4 Overview of the Dy3+ transitions in YVO4:Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (3%) Transitions

a 483.3 20691 4F9/2 → 6H15/2

b 573.6 17434 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

c 661.9 15108 4F9/2 → 6H11/2

Besides the small red 4F9/2 → 6H11/2 transition, the more intense yellow 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

transition and the blue 4F9/2 → 6H15/2 transition, this material has a larger blue share due to

the CTB centring around 425 nm. This makes the CIE coordinates shift towards the blue

region. The CIE coordinates of this 3% dysprosium doped material are x = 0.3475, y = 0.3597,

which is quite close to standard white light (x = 0.33, y = 0.33). The 2% dysprosium doped

material before heat treatment also emits white light, with CIE coordinates x = 0.3612, y =

0.4158. Increasing the doping percentage by only 1% clearly moves the CIE coordinates more

towards the standard values of white light. The LER value of this material is 336 lm/W.

Figure 5.8 (Left) Excitation spectrum of YVO4:Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment, monitored at 574.0 nm (not corrected for detector

sensitivity). (Right) Emission spectrum of YVO4:Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment, excited through the charge transfer band at 282.2 nm

(corrected for detector sensitivity).

Page 71: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


The CIE-diagram shows that the colour of this material, when excited at 282.2 nm, is quite

close to the colour of a standard pure colour white LED. Although the 3% Dy3+ doped

material emits white light with better coordinates than 2% Dy3+ doping, this higher doping

percentage also leads to a stronger yellow colour after heat treatment. This makes it difficult

to create a singly Dy3+ doped YVO4 material that emits white light after heat treatment.

Table 5.5 Exponential decay characteristics before heat treatment.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.979 55

The CIE coordinates of the 3% Dy3+ doped

material are shifted more towards ideal white

light than the 2% Dy3+ doping but the decay

time is lower with higher Dy3+ doping (τ = 64 µs

for YVO4:Dy3+(2%)).

Fig. 5.12 shows the difference between 2% and 3% Dy3+

doping in the YVO4 matrix. The colour observed under the UV

lamp (254 nm) is yellow. However, when a picture is taken, a

green colour is perceived.

Figure 5.9 CIE-diagram of YVO4:Dy3+(3%) before

heat treatment (bottom left) and after heat

treatment (upper right).

Figure 5.10 Emission spectrum of YVO4:Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment

plotted, with a rainbow curve (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure 5.11 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition of

YVO4:Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment with a single

exponential fit.

Figure 5.12 Picture of YVO4:Dy3+(2%) after heat treatment (left) and

YVO4:Dy3+(3%) after heat treatment (right) under a UV lamp (254 nm).

Page 72: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


5.6.2 YVO4:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment – 50a

Figure 5.13 (Left) Excitation spectrum of YVO4:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment, monitored at 618.4 nm (not corrected for

detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission spectrum of YVO4:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment, excited through the charge

transfer band at 297.7 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

The excitation spectrum shows a CTB in the range 250 – 350 nm. Two excitation transitions

of the Eu3+ ion, 5L6 ← 7F0 (a) and 5D2 ← 7F0 (b) are also visible. The emission spectrum shows

a broad CTB that centres around 450 nm, together with the sharp emissive transitions of

Eu3+ and Tb3+. All transitions were assigned and are presented in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6 Overview of the Eu3+ and Tb3+ transitions in YVO4:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (2.5%) Transitions

Tb3+ (2.5%) Transitions

a 536.5 18639 5D4 → 7F5

b 585.9 17068 5D0 → 7F0 5D4 → 7F4

c 593.0 16863 5D0 → 7F1

d 618.7 16163 5D0 → 7F2 5D4 → 7F3

e 651.4 15352 5D0 → 7F3 5D4 → 7F2

f 697.0 14347 5D0 → 7F4

The 5D4 → 7F5 and 5D4 → 7F4 transitions of Tb3+

are not so intense, but still visible in the

spectrum. However, for a Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) doped material one would expect more

intense transitions of terbium. Li et al.48 reported that the Tb3+ luminescence gets quenched

in the YVO4 matrix due to an energy migration process. This was investigated before by

DeLosh et al.80. This might be a possible explanation for the low intensity of the Tb3+

transitions. Nevertheless, it is also possible that Tb3+ transfers part of its energy to Eu3+-ion.

The LER value of this material is 214 lm/W.

Page 73: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


The colour of this material is situated in the white zone, although the CIE coordinates are

shifted towards the pink region due to the intense 5D0 → 7F2 and 5D0 → 7F4 transitions of

europium. Because of this red portion, the observed colour is warmer, which results in a

warm CCT of 2954 K. After heat treatment the colour shifts to orange/red. The intensity of

the hypersensitive 5D0 → 7F2 electric dipole transition is high compared to the intensity of the

5D0→7F1 magnetic dipole transition. This suggests a low symmetry environment1, 70.

Table 5.7 Exponential decay characteristics before heat treatment.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs) 5D0 → 7F2 (Eu3+) 0.986 304 5D4 → 7F5 (Tb3+) 0.997 10

The lifetime of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition of Eu3+ is

significantly longer than the lifetime of the Tb3+

transition. This makes sense, since this transition is

only weakly visible in the emission spectrum.

Fig. 5.17 presents an example of the shift in colour when

exciting at a different wavelength. Excitation at 302 nm

results in a more intense orange emission than excitation at

254 nm, since this wavelength is closer to the maximum of

the charge transfer band (297.7 nm). This is further

investigated by recording emission maps (see 5.6.5).

Figure 5.14 CIE-diagram of YVO4:Eu3+(2.5%),

Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment (left) and

after heat treatment (right).

Figure 5.15 Emission spectrum of YVO4:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat

treatment, plotted with a rainbow curve (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure 5.16 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of YVO4:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat

treatment with a single exponential fit.

Figure 5.17 Picture of YVO4:Eu3+(2.5%),

Tb3+(2.5%) after heat treatment under the UV

lamp at a wavelength of 254 nm (left) and

302 nm (right).

Page 74: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


5.6.3 YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment – 58a

Figure 5.18 (Left) Excitation spectrum of YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment, monitored at 573.5 nm (not corrected for

detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission spectrum of YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment, excited through the charge transfer

band at 303.9 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity).

A charge transfer band with a maximum at 303.9 nm is visible in the excitation spectrum.

The emission spectrum shows the typical transitions of Eu3+ and Dy3+. Contrary to the

previous examples, the charge transfer band is only slightly visible in the emission spectrum.

This suggests a good energy transfer from the VO43- groups to the lanthanides.

Table 5.8 Overview of the Eu3+ and Dy3+ transitions in YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

Dy3+ (3%) Transitions

a 481.8 20756 4F9/2 → 6H15/2

b 572.5 17467 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

c 586.1 17062 5D0 → 7F0

d 592.4 16880 5D0 → 7F1

e 617.8 16186 5D0 → 7F2

f 653.6 15300 5D0 → 7F3 4F9/2 → 6H11/2

g 696.7 14353 5D0 → 7F4

The intense yellow 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 Dy3+ transition combined with the orange 5D0 → 7F2 and

red 5D0 → 7F4 transitions of Eu3+, mixed with a touch of blue, gives this sample a warm white

colour. Although the CIE coordinates of this material do not come close to the standard, they

are still in the white light region, but shifted to the orange side. Different temperatures of

white light can be applied in various applications. A warmer white light is ideal for

illumination. The CIE coordinates for a warm (2700 K) white pure colour LED are x = 0.4610, y

= 0.411084. The CIE coordinates of the YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) material are x = 0.4121, y =

0.3842 with a CCT of 3299 K.

Page 75: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Since this material shows almost no charge transfer band in the emission spectrum, the

change in CIE coordinates before and after heat treatment is only minor. For comparison,

the position of a standard white LED with a CCT of 2700 K is also presented in the CIE-

diagram. These coordinates do not differ significantly. Although these are good results, the

decay time of this material is fairly short.

Table 5.9 Single exponential decay characteristics before heat treatment.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs) 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 (Dy3+) 0.998 13

5D0 → 7F2 (Eu3+) 0.989 28

The decay time of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition

(Dy3+) after heat treatment is 329 µs, which is

significantly longer. One can also try to excite the

heat treated material at different wavelengths to

improve the coordinates and obtain a warmer

white light emitting material.

Even though the wavelength of the UV lamp (302 nm) is quite close to the

maximum wavelength of the charge transfer band (303.9 nm), the visible

emission is rather weak. The LER value of this material before heat

treatment is 311 lm/W and 336 lm/W after heat treatment.

Figure 5.19 CIE-diagram of a standard white

pure colour LED (2700K) (middle)

YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment

(left) and after heat treatment (right).

Figure 5.20 Emission spectrum of YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment,

plotted with a rainbow curve (not corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure 5.21 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment

with a single exponential fit.

Figure 5.22 Picture of YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) after heat treatment under a UV lamp (302 nm).

Page 76: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


5.6.4 YVO4:Eu3+(0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat treatment – 69c

Figure 5.23 (Left) Excitation spectrum of YVO4:Eu3+(0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat treatment, monitored at 574.1 nm (not corrected for

detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission spectrum of YVO4:Eu3+(0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat treatment, excited through the charge transfer

band at 310.9 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

The charge transfer band centres around 310.9 nm. Since the emission spectrum shows no

CTB anymore, it can be concluded that the energy transfer from the VO43- groups to the

lanthanides was efficient.

Table 5.10 Overview of the Eu3+ and Dy3+ transitions in YVO4:Eu3+(0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat treatment.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (0.5%) Transitions

Dy3+ (2.5%) Transitions

a 483.0 20704 4F9/2 → 6H15/2

b 574.0 17422 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

c 592.8 16869 5D0 → 7F1

d 618.2 16176 5D0 → 7F2

e 661.5 15117 5D0 → 7F3 4F9/2 → 6H11/2

f 697.4 14339 5D0 → 7F4

At this point, various white light emitting lanthanide doped YVO4 materials were

synthesized. However, only before heat treatment the emission colour was white. After heat

treatment, the colour shifted towards the most dominant lanthanide. With this in mind, a

dominant Dy3+ doping (2.5%) was chosen with a small amount of Eu3+ (0.5%) to shift the

colour more to warm white light. This goal was met and a material that emits white light

before and after heat treatment was obtained. The colour of the material after heat

treatment can be described as a warm white colour with CIE coordinates x = 0.4769, y =

0.4269 and a CCT of 2598 K. Before heat treatment the LER of this material is 316 lm/W, but

increases up to 397 lm/W after heat treatment, which is quite high for a white light emitting


Page 77: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


As is obvious from Fig. 5.24, the CIE coordinates of this material are quite similar to the

standard pure colour white LED (2700 K) coordinates. The advantage of a white light

emitting material after heat treatment is a more intense emission than before heat


Table 5.11 Single exponential decay characteristics after heat


Exponential tail fit R2 (µs) 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 (Dy3+) 0.999 188

5D0 → 7F2 (Eu3+) 0.997 485

In general, heat treated samples show longer

decay times than not heat treated ones, which

is also the case for this material. The lifetime of

the 5D0 → 7F2 (Eu3+) transition is significantly

longer than the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 (Dy3+) transition.

When the material is excited at 254 nm under the UV

lamp, the white emission has a yellow tone. Exciting

the material at 302 nm shows a more pure white


Figure 5.24 CIE-diagram of standard white light

(2700K) (middle circle) YVO4:Eu3+, (0.5%),

Dy3+(2.5%) before heat treatment (left circle) and

after heat treatment (right circle).

Figure 5.25 Emission spectrum of YVO4:Eu3+(0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat

treatment, plotted with a rainbow curve (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure 5.26 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition

of YVO4:Eu3+(0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat treatment

with a single exponential fit.

Figure 5.27 Picture of YVO4:Eu3+(0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat treatment under

the UV lamp, excited at 254 nm (left) and 302 nm (right).

Page 78: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


5.6.5 Emission maps

YVO4:Dy3(3%) before heat treatment – 43a

When the material is excited at 270 nm instead of 282.2 nm, the CIE coordinates are nearly

the ideal white light coordinates. Since 270 nm is not that far off of the optimal excitation

wavelength, the emission is still quit intense. Especially compared to the emission spectrum

upon excitation at 250 nm. The differences in emission intensity when excitation occurs at

different wavelengths are clearly visible in Fig 5.28. The luminosity increases when exciting

at higher wavelengths. However in the range 280 – 300, the LER values are quite similar,

which is probably because of the broad charge transfer band (see Fig. 5.8).

Table 5.12 Change in CIE coordinates, CCT and LER values when exciting sample YVO4:Dy3+(3%) (before heat treatment) at different

wavelengths. Data of the excitation at the most intense wavelength (282.2 nm) are also presented.

Wavelength (nm) CIE x CIE y CCT (K) LER (lm/W)

250 0.3070 0.3139 6992 290 260 0.3191 0.3269 6174 305

270 0.3320 0.3435 5518 321

280 0.3414 0.3566 5155 335

282.2 0.3475 0.3597 4898 336

290 0.3434 0.3590 5088 336

300 0.3448 0.3614 5044 336

310 0.3419 0.3573 5140 329

Figure 5.28 Emission maps of YVO4:Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment, excited at

different wavelengths of the charge transfer band (corrected for detector


Figure 5.29 Zoom in of the CIE-diagram of

YVO4:Dy3+(3%) (before heat treatment),

excited at different wavelengths.

Page 79: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


YVO4:Eu3+(2%), Dy3+(3%) before heat treatment – 58a

Table 5.13 Change in CIE coordinates, CCT and LER values when exciting YVO4:Eu3+ (2%), Dy3+(3%) (before heat treatment) at different

wavelengths. Data of the excitation at the most intense wavelength (303.9 nm) are also presented.

For this material, there is no large

variation in coordinates and

temperatures. The coordinates tend to

centre around a value. This is different

from the behaviour of sample 43a,

where the coordinates were arranged

on a line. The luminous efficiency of

radiation is quite similar in all cases.

Wavelength (nm)


LER (lm/W)

250 0.3993 0.3869 3604 329 260 0.4092 0.3883 3395 340

270 0.4096 0.3894 3397 340

280 0.4079 0.3889 3427 340

290 0.4086 0.3893 3417 340

300 0.4068 0.3901 3461 338

303.9 0.4121 0.3842 3299 323

310 0.3971 0.3864 3651 326

Figure 5.30 Emission maps of

YVO4:Eu3+ (2%), Dy3+(3%) before

heat treatment, excited at

different wavelengths of the

charge transfer band (not

corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure 5.31 Zoom in of the CIE-diagram of YVO4:Eu3+ (2%), Dy3+(3%) (before heat treatment), excited at different wavelengths.

Page 80: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


YVO4:Eu3+(0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat treatment – 69c

Table 5.14 Change in CIE coordinates, CCT and LER values when exciting

YVO4:Eu3+ (0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) (after heat treatment) at different wavelengths.

Data of the excitation at the most intense wavelength (310.9) is also presented.

The same behaviour as observed with the previous

material (YVO4:Eu3+ (2%), Dy3+(3%) (before heat treatment) is also visible for this material.

Excitation at different wavelengths changes the CIE coordinates, which is presented in Fig.

5.33. However, the exact coordinates in Table 5.14 only show minor differences, as do the

CCT and LER values. These coordinates can be seen as warm white light coordinates.

Apparently, exciting at different points in the charge transfer band does not have a large

effect on the emission properties for this material. The fact that this material is excitable at

different wavelengths without major changes in emission properties might be a good

starting point for matching with pumping LEDs81.

Wavelength (nm)


LER (lm/W

) 250 0.4746 0.4246 2610 390 260 0.4744 0.4265 2626 396

270 0.4758 0.4265 2609 396

280 0.4756 0.4266 2612 396

290 0.4748 0.4269 2624 397

300 0.4745 0.4268 2627 396

310 0.4760 0.4279 2617 397

310.9 0.4769 0.4269 2598 397

320 0.4760 0.4288 2623 399

330 0.4775 0.4283 2601 397

Figure 5.33 Zoom in of the CIE-diagram of

YVO4:Eu3+ (0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat

treatment, excited at different wavelengths.

Figure 5.32 Emission maps of

YVO4:Eu3+ (0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%)

after heat treatment,

excited at different

wavelengths of the charge

transfer band (corrected for

detector sensitivity).

Page 81: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


6 Conclusion

Creating a pure phase tungstate material with glycerol as the structure directing agent was

challenging. Strong basic conditions eventually led to the formation of the Y2WO6 phase with

a spherical to rod-like morphology. The blue part of the charge transfer band proved to be

helpful in creating a white light emitting tungstate. The charge transfer band disappeared

after heat treatment, since the energy transfer was more efficient. Only at small doping

percentages (see 4.6.2), a charge transfer band was still visible after heat treatment. The

doping of only 1% Dy3+ in this matrix was sufficient to emit a warm white light after heat

treatment with an LER of 361 lm/W. An overview of all white light emitting Y2WO6 materials

that were synthesized in this thesis are presented in Fig. 6.1 and 6.2.

Figure 6.1 Picture of the doped materials; from left to right: Y2WO6:Eu3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment, Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%)

before heat treatment, Y2WO6:Dy3+(1%) after heat treatment, Y2WO6:Sm3+(1%) before heat treatment.

Figure 6.2 Picture of the doped materials; from left to right: Y2WO6:Eu3+(3%) before heat treatment, Y2WO6:Sm3+(3%) before heat

treatment, Y2WO6:Eu3+(2%), Tb3+(3%) before heat treatment, Y2WO6:Sm3+(2.5%), Tb3+(2.5%) before heat treatment.

Page 82: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


The synthesized YVO4 matrix proved to be a good host for doping with various lanthanides.

The hydrothermal route led to a material with three differently shaped particles. A

microwave route led to very nice spherical particles. Contrary to previous reports, terbium

was visible in this matrix. However, its intensity was not as high as one would expect. Doping

percentages lower than 5% led to a charge transfer that was efficient enough to detect the

luminescence of the lanthanides. However, not all the energy was transferred, which

resulted in a blue contribution to the visible light. After heat treatment, the charge transfer

always proved to be more efficient and led to colour shifting towards the most dominant

lanthanide. The combination of this colour shifting and terbium being partially quenched in

this matrix made it a challenge to obtain white light after heat treatment. Multiple white

light emitting materials before heat treatment were obtained. Eventually, a warm white light

emitting material after heat treatment was successfully synthesized by co-doping

dysprosium (2.5%) and europium (0.5%) in this matrix. This material had an LER of 397

lm/W, which is quite high for white light.

Figure 6.3 Picture of YVO4:Eu3+(0.5%), Dy3+(2.5%) after heat treatment under the UV lamp, excited at 254 nm (left) and 302 nm (right).

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Appendix A


1 Used chemicals

The used chemicals are yttrium nitrate (Y(NO3)3∙6H2O, 99.9%, Sigma Aldrich), europium

nitrate (Eu(NO3)3∙6H2O, 99.9%, Alfa Aesar), terbium nitrate (Tb(NO3)3∙5H2O, 99.9% Sigma

Aldrich), lanthanum nitrate (La(NO3)3∙6H2O, 99.9% Merck Chemicals), gadolinium nitrate

(Gd(NO3)3∙6H2O, 99.9%, Sigma Aldrich), dysprosium nitrate (Dy(NO3)3∙xH2O, 99.9%, Sigma

Aldrich), samarium nitrate (Sm(NO3)3∙6H2O, 99.9%, Acros Organics), thulium nitrate

(Tm(NO3)3∙5H2O, 99.9%, Sigma Aldrich), praseodymium nitrate (Pr(NO3)3∙6H2O, 99.9% Sigma

Aldrich), sodium tungstate (Na2WO4∙2H2O, 99.9%, Sigma Aldrich), sodium orthovanadate

(Na3VO4, 99.98%, Sigma Aldrich), glycerol (bidistilled, 99.5%, VWR Chemicals), ethanol (EtOH,

96%, Fiers), nitric acid (HNO3, 53%, Roth), ammonia solution (NH3(aq), 28-30% NH3 basis,

Sigma Aldrich). All chemicals were used without further purification.

2 Hydrothermal surfactant assisted synthesis of rare-earth tungstates

and vanadates

In a typical reaction route, a certain amount of glycerol (0-20 mL) is added to 10 mL of

distilled water. The Y(NO3)3∙6H2O salt (1 mmol) is dissolved in 10 mL of distilled water and

then added to the glycerol dissolved in 10 mL of distilled water (1). This solution is stirred for

15 minutes. The Na2WO4∙2H2O or Na3VO4 salt (1 or 2 mmol) is dissolved in 10 mL of distilled

water and stirred for 15 minutes (2). Solution 2 is now slowly added to solution 1. The pH of

this solution was adjusted to a certain value by addition of HNO3 or NH3(aq). After

magnetically stirring the solution for 10 minutes, it is transferred into a Teflon lined

autoclave, sealed tightly to prevent the material from escaping and heated to a certain

temperature (140-200°C) for a certain amount of time (1-48 h). After the chosen time, the

autoclave was naturally cooled down to room temperature for 24 h. The product was

centrifuged (for 5 minutes at 6000-7000 rpm) and the powder at the bottom of the

centrifuge tube was washed 3 times with water and 3 times with ethanol. The product was

dried in a vacuum oven at 55°C overnight. All samples were heat-treated at 900-1100°C for 3

h to remove all excess products.

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All samples were investigated by XRD and DRIFTS measurements to determine which

reaction circumstances (pH, temperature, reaction time, amount of glycerol) led to the

formation of a pure phase material.

The synthesis route that led to a pure phase material was performed again, but doped with

various lanthanides (Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Sm3+, Pr3+, Tm3+). Different doping percentages were

used (x varied from 0.01 (1% doping) to 0.05 (5% doping)). The synthesis route remained the

same, but instead 1-x mmol of Y(NO3)3∙6H2O and x mmol of lanthanide salt was used.

3 Microwave surfactant assisted synthesis of rare-earth tungstates and


In a typical reaction route, a certain amount of glycerol (0-10 mL) is added to 5 mL of

distilled water. The Y(NO3)3∙6H2O salt (0.5 mmol) is dissolved in 5 mL of distilled water and

then added to the glycerol dissolved in 5 mL of distilled water (1). This solution is stirred for

15 minutes. The Na2WO4∙2H2O or Na3VO4 salt (0.5 mmol) is dissolved in 5 mL of distilled

water and stirred for 15 minutes (2). Solution 2 is now slowly added to solution 1. The pH is

of this solution was adjusted to a certain value by addition of HNO3 or NaOH.

The product was transferred into a microwave reactor tube and tightly sealed with a cap. A

reaction of 1 hour under continuous stirring was performed at a pressure of 15 bar. The

reaction was performed under continuous microwaves (power of 200 W and PowerMax

function was on). The product was centrifuged (for 5 minutes at 6000-7000 rpm) and the

powder at the bottom of the centrifuge tube was washed 3 times with water and 3 times

with ethanol. The product was dried in a vacuum oven at 55°C overnight. All samples were

heat treated at 900-1100°C for 3h to remove all excess products.

For the microwave synthesis a CEM Discover SP with autosampler was used. The equipment

has a maximum power of 300 W, maximum pressure of 27 bar and Tmax = 270°C.

4 Sol-gel surfactant assisted synthesis of rare-earth tungstates and


The Y(NO3)3∙6H2O (1 mmol) is dissolved in distilled water (10 mL) and glycerol (0-20 mL). This

mixture was stirred for 1.5 h at room temperature. Then the Na2WO4∙2H2O or Na3VO4 salt (1

or 2 mmol) is added to this solution. The mixture was heated to 80°C until a gel formed. The

gel is put into a crubicle and then heated in an oven for 5 h at 800°C. The solids were finely

grinded to powders.

Page 89: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


5 Overview of all performed syntheses

Table A.1 An overview of all performed syntheses in this thesis. Different synthesis routes were performed; H: hydrothermal, F; flask

reaction, S: sol-gel, M: microwave.

# Route T (°C)

t (h)

pH Glycerol (mL)


∙6H2O (g)a


∙2H2O (g)

Na3VO4 (g)


1 H 200 6 4 20 0.383 0.33

2 H 200 6 6 20 0.383 0.33

3 H 180 24 6 0 0.383 0.33

4 H 180 24 6 5 0.383 0.33

5 H 180 24 6 10 0.383 0.33

6 H 200 24 6 20 0.364 0.33 5% Eu3+

7 H 200 24 6 20 0.364 0.33 5% Tb3+

8 H 160 24 3 20 0.383 0.33

9 H 160 24 4 20 0.383 0.33

10 H 160 24 5 20 0.383 0.33

11 H 160 24 6 20 0.383 0.33

12 H 160 24 7 20 0.383 0.33

13 H 160 24 8 20 0.383 0.33

14 H 160 24 9 20 0.383 0.33

15 H 160 24 10 20 0.383 0.33

16 H 200 24 11 10 0.383 0.33

17 H 200 24 12 10 0.383 0.33

18 H 200 24 13 10 0.383 0.33

19 H 180 24 3 10 0.383 0.66

20 H 180 24 6 10 0.383 0.66

21 H 180 24 9 10 0.383 0.66

22 H 180 24 2 0 0.383 0.184

23 H 180 24 2 10 0.383 0.184

24 H 180 24 10 10 0.383 0.184

25 H 180 24 10 10 0.383 0.368

26 H 180 24 6 2.5 0.383 0.33

27 H 180 24 6 5 0.383 0.33

28 H 140 24 3 5 0.383 0.33

29 H 140 24 9 5 0.383 0.66

30 H 140 24 9 15 0.383 0.66

31 H 200 24 2 10 0.364 0.184 5% Eu3+

32 H 200 24 2 10 0.364 0.184 5% Dy3+

33 H 200 24 2 10 0.364 0.184 5% Sm3+

34 S 800 5 2 20 0.364 0.184

35 S 800 5 13 20 0.364 0.33

36 H 200 24 2 20 0.364 0.184 5% Tb3+

37 H 200 24 13 20 0.4331 0.33

38 H 200 24 13 20 0.4512 0.33

39 H 200 48 2 20 0.728 0.368 2% Eu3+

40 H 200 48 2 20 0.728 0.368 2% Dy3+

41 H 200 48 2 20 0.728 0.368 2% Sm3+

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42 H 200 24 2 20 0.364 0.184 3% Eu3+

43 H 200 24 2 20 0.364 0.184 3% Dy3+

44 H 200 24 2 20 0.364 0.184 3% Sm3+

45 F 100 48 2 20 0.364 0.184 5% Eu3+

46 H 200 24 13 20 0.383 0.3299

47 H 200 24 2 15 0.364 0.184 2% Tb3+

48 H 200 24 2 15 0.364 0.184 5% Tb3+

49 H 200 24 2 20 0.364 0.184 2% Eu3+, 2% Dy3+, 2% Tm3+

50 H 200 24 2 20 0.364 0.184 2.5% Eu3+, 2.5% Tb3+

51 H 200 24 2 20 0.364 0.184 2% Eu3+, 2% Tb3+, 2% Tm3+

52 H 200 24 2 20 0.364 0.184 2% Eu3+, 2% Dy3+, 2% Tm3+

53 H 200 24 2 0 0.364 0.184

54 H 200 24 13 0 0.383 0.3299

55 H 200 24 13 20 0.3639 0.3299 2.5% Eu3+, 2.5% Tb3+

56 H 200 24 13 20 0.3792 0.3299 1% Dy3+

57 H 200 24 13 20 0.3792 0.3299 1% Sm3+

58 H 200 24 2 20 0.3639 0.1839 2% Eu3+, 3% Dy3+

59 H 200 24 2 20 0.3639 0.1839 2% Eu3+, 3% Tb3+

60 H 200 24 2 20 0.3811 0.1839 0.5% Dy3+

61 H 200 24 13 20 0.3715 0.3299 3% Eu3+

62 H 200 24 13 20 0.3715 0.3299 3% Sm3+

63 H 200 24 13 20 0.3715 0.3299 3% Pr3+

64 H 200 24 13 20 0.3639 0.3299 2% Eu3+, 3% Tb3+

65 H 200 24 13 20 0.3639 0.3299 2.5% Sm3+, 2.5% Tb3+

66 H 200 24 2 20 0.3639 0.1839 5% Tb3+

67 M 200 1 13 10 0.1896 0.16495 1% Dy3+

68 M 200 1 2 10 0.18385 0.09195 1% Eu3+, 3% Tb3+

69 H 200 24 2 20 0.3677 0.1839 0.5% Eu3+, 2.5% Dy3+ aThe different rare-earth (RE) salts that were used are La(NO3)3∙6H2O

1, Gd(NO3)3∙6H2O2 and Y(NO3)3∙H2O if not indicated otherwise.

Table A.2 Overview of the different doping percentages and amounts that were used.

Eu(NO3)3∙6H2O (g) Dy(NO3)3∙xH2O (g) Sm(NO3)3∙6H2O (g) Tb(NO3)3∙5H2O (g)

M (g/mol) 446.086 456.624 444.47 435.037

1% 0.0045 0.0046 0.0044 0.0044

2% 0.0089 0.0091 0.0089 0.0087

2.5% 0.0112 0.0114 0.0111 0.0109

3% 0.0134 0.0137 0.0133 0.0131

4% 0.0178 0.0183 0.0178 0.0174

5% 0.0223 0.0228 0.0222 0.0218

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Appendix B

Equipment and techniques

1 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)

A SEM is an electron microscope that is used to generate an image of a sample to show its

size and morphology. With this technique, a sample is bombarded with accelerated

electrons that interact with the surface. The surface can be grounded in order to remove the

charges which can complicate imaging. These interactions with the sample lead to different

signals such as secondary electrons, X-rays and backscattered electrons. After detection of

these signals an image of the sample’s topography is generated. The different signals give

the detector different information. The secondary electrons give the image a 3D-like

appearance. Interaction with the sample also results in X-rays, which can be interesting for

chemical analysis. The amount of backscattered electrons can give more information about

the atomic number. SEM measurements were performed with a FEI Quanta 200 F SEM and a

FEI Nova 600 Nanolab Dual-Beam focused ion beam in secondary electron mode.

2 Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS)

Absorption of electromagnetic radiation of the right wavelength can excite atoms in

molecules to higher vibrational levels. This energy is absorbed from the infrared region of

the electromagnetic light. Every group of atoms vibrates at a specific wavelength. A

spectrum is collected in which the absorption in function of the wavelength is monitored71.

When a solid sample is being irradiated, the energy will reflect off the sample. There are two

ways in which the light can be reflected: specular reflectance and diffuse reflectance. The

specular component is the light that reflects directly off the surface of the sample while

diffuse reflectance is reflected after the radiation penetrated into the sample and reflected

back. The solid samples were finely ground and mixed with KBr, which functions as a non-

absorbing matrix. This is done to increase the amount of diffuse reflectance. A KBr

background file was used to correct. With the DRIFTS technique the specular reflectance is

minimized while the diffuse reflectance is maximized and this signal is detected by the

infrared detector.

All samples were measured under vacuum and at room temperature, at which most of the

molecules were in their lowest vibrational state. A Thermo Scientific FT-IR spectrometer

(type Nicolet 6700) equipped with a DRIFTS-cel was used. Spectra were recorded from 4000

cm-1 to 650 cm-1 with a resolution of 4 cm-1.

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3 X-ray diffraction (XRD)

X-ray diffraction is a technique that creates a diffractogram from crystalline materials72. This

diffractogram is material-specific and can thus be used to confirm which material or which

phase has been synthesized. XRD is a non-destructive technique. A monochromatic X-ray

beam is projected onto a well-grinded powdery sample at angle theta. Diffraction occurs at

the lattice. Only the diffracted X-rays that follow Bragg’s Law and lead to constructive

interference are detected. Bragg’s Law states that (with the order of

diffraction (integer), the wavelength of the incident wave, the distance between the

planes of the lattice and the angle between the incoming wave and the planes).

The sample is mounted on a goniometer which rotates and allows the sample to be scanned

through the whole 2 -range by projecting the X-rays at all possible diffraction directions.

The intensity of the reflected X-rays is plotted in function of the 2 -angle and a

diffractogram is generated.

The diffractograms can be compared with the database of the ‘International Centre for

Diffraction Data’ (ICDD), which contains over 50000 powdery diffractograms. Determining

the phase of the material can also be done based on the ICSD crystallographic database.

Based on the crystal structure of a material, the XRD diffractogram can be calculated.

XRD patterns were recorded by a Thermo Scientific ARL X’TRA diffractometer equipped with

a CuKα (λ = 1.5405 Å) source, a goniometer and a Peltier cooled Si(Li) solid state detector.

4 Luminescence setup

A luminescence setup was used for luminescence measurements. For steady-state

measurements a xenon-lamp was used as the excitation source. Time-resolved

measurements were performed with a pulsed beam at a fixed wavelength. This setup is

equipped with excitation and emission monochromators. Depending on the region in which

the lanthanide emits (VIS, IR, NIR), different detectors can be used. Excitation spectra,

emission spectra and decay curves were measured with this setup.

When recording an excitation spectrum, the emission monochromator is fixed at a certain

wavelength, which is normally the most intense emissive peak. The excitation

monochromator then scans the wavelength-range of interest. From this spectrum the most

efficient excitation wavelength can be found. In the case of an emission spectrum, the

process is similar. The excitation monochromator is then fixed at a certain wavelength while

Page 93: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


the emission monochromator scans the wavelength-range. A scan yields a spectrum where

the intensity is shown in function of the wavelength. Measuring the decay time of a sample

is also an option with this setup. A short-lived excitation source is used for this purpose. The

sample is irradiated for a short time and the received photons of a certain wavelength are

measured in function of time. The decay was measured for 200 s. The decay curves can be

fitted to single or higher exponential equations to obtain the decay times. For a material that

has two lifetimes, the average lifetime can also be calculated.

Single exponential tail fit

Double exponential tail fit

The average lifetime (


Where is the intensity at time , the intensity at , the lifetime of the material.

Since f-f-transitions are Laporte forbidden, lanthanides can also be excited via the antenna-

effect. For rare-earth tungstates, there exists a broad charge transfer band from the 2p-

oxygen to the 5d-tungsten orbitals in the emission spectrum that originates from the

tungstate at a maximum of about 270 nm. Rare-earth vanadates also show a broad charge

transfer band (with a maximum intensity at around 320 nm) which is associated with the

charge transfer through the V-O bond. The materials can be excited trough the charge

transfer band to see how efficient the charge transfer is.

Luminescent measurements were performed on a Double Edinburgh Instruments

FLS920/FSP920 spectrometer. The setup contains 2 systems from which only the UV-VIS-NIR

spectrometer is used. Steady-state measurements can be performed in the range 250-1700

nm. This was done with a 450 W xenon lamp with a Hamamatsu R928P PMT detector for the

200-870 nm range. Time-resolved measurements of 100 µs – several seconds were recorded

with a µF920H 60W microsecond xenon flash-lamp: 0.1 - 100 Hz, pulse width ± 2 µs or using

the Continuum Surelite I laser (450 mJ at 1064 nm), operating at a repetition rate of 10Hz

and using the third harmonic (355 nm) as the excitation source, and the photomultiplier


Quantum yield measurements are performed with the use of an Integrating Sphere (300-

1700 nm). The sphere has a 120 mm inside diameter spherical cavity, coated with Benflec®

and is surrounded by an aluminum shell.

Page 94: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


The luminescent quantum yield is a measure for the probability that a sample emits the

photons that are absorbed. The quantum yield can be calculated via the following equation.

Quantum yield

Where equals the quantum yield, ε stands for the photons emitted by the sample and α

stands for the photons absorbed by the sample. is the emission spectrum of the

sample, using the sphere. is the spectrum of the light used for excitation, without any

sample present, using the sphere. is the spectrum of the light used to excite the

sample, using the sphere. Only solid samples were measured. This is a non-destructive

technique. All spectra were recorded with a 0.1 nm step size and 0.2 s dwell time. The slit

sizes varied depending on the intensity of the measured samples. The Dieke diagram gives

an overview of all possible 4f-4f transitions.

Figure B.1 Dieke diagram: The energy levels of rare-earth ions in crystals (Interscience Publishers. New York. 1968).

Page 95: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


5 Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage (CIE)

The colour that is perceived by the human eye can vary from the actual colour of a material.

Since perception is a tricky subject, an objective specification of colour is necessary. The

‘Commission International de l’Éclairage’ (CIE) created this. It developed the CIE 1931

RGBCIE 1931 XYZ colour spaces, which defines colours in a mathematical way.

In this thesis, the goal is to obtain a white-light emitting material. The CIE coordinates can be

derived based on the emission spectra. The CIE coordinates for standard white light are x =

0.333, y = 0.333. For white light, the temperature of the colour is also an important aspect.

White light can be observed warm or cold. To describe the temperature of a colour, the

correlated colour temperature (CCT) is used. Warm colours have a CCT < 3000 K, cold colours

have a CCT > 5000 K.

The CIE coordinates and CCT values were calculated via a ColorCalculator program provided

by Sylvania.

6 Hydrothermal synthesis

The synthesis of the rare-earth tungstates and vanadates can be performed via a

hydrothermal synthesis route4, 6-8, 48-50, 73. These reactions have water as a medium which has

a double function. The water is used as a solvent, but also as a pressure-transmitting

medium. The products in aqueous medium are dissolved in a Teflon-lined steel autoclave

which is filled up to 80% capacity. The autoclave must be sealed tight in order for the

solvents not to evaporate. The autoclave is heated in an oven, usually at temperatures from

140 to 200°C. These conditions lead to high pressures in the autoclave. Heating the

autoclave creates two temperature zones. In the lower and hotter part of the autoclave, the

reagent dissolves and a saturated aqueous solution is created. This solution in the lower part

goes to the upper part due to convective motions in the solution. The solution in the upper

and cooler part of the autoclave thus descends while a solution ascents. In the upper part of

the autoclave, the solution becomes supersaturated because the temperature is reduced

and crystallization occurs.

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7 Microwave synthesis

The microwave synthesis method is a more efficient heating method than the hydrothermal

synthesis method. When performing a hydrothermal synthesis, the autoclave is placed into

an oven at a certain temperature. It takes a while before the core of the sample reaches the

target temperature. A microwave assisted synthesis directly heats the core of the sample

without first having to heat the vessel itself4, 76.

8 Sol-gel synthesis

In this synthesis method, the reaction medium changes from a sol (solid particles dispersed

in a liquid) to a gel (solid encapsulating a liquid) by heating. When the gel is formed, it can be

dried by evaporation4, 51, 67.

9 Microemulsion synthesis

A microemulsion is a stable liquid mixture that contains two immiscible liquids (oil and

water) that are stabilized by addition of a surfactant. The reagents that are added to this

microemulsion are captured in the core of the micelles. Due to random collisions the

micelles can form dimers at which point they can exchange materials. After the exchange,

the micelles break apart again4, 5, 55.

10 Molten salt synthesis

In this technique, a large amount of a salt is used as the reaction medium. The mixture of

this salt and the reagents are heated to the melting point of the salt and the salt acts as the

solvent. After the reaction, the mixture is cooled down and the salt can be removed with the

use of an appropriate solvent4. This is a fast and easy way to perform a reaction. However,

the reaction conditions are limited to the salt. No SDA’s can be used with this method4, 58.

11 Solid state reaction

This reaction method makes no use of additional salts, solvents or structure directing agents.

The reagents are finely ground and mixed well together to maximize the surface area. The

particles are heated to the appropriate temperature4, 57, 62.

12 Czochralski method

In this method, the reagents are first finely grinded and then mixed. After this they are

heated until a melt is formed. A seed crystal can be used to induce crystallization, after

which the crystal is slowly pulled out of the melt. The reaction is performed in an inert


Page 97: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Appendix C

Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectra

Before heat treatment – Red graph. After heat treatment – Blue graph. Sample numbers can be found in Table A.1.

Figure C.1 Sample 1 Figure C.2 Sample 2

Figure C.3 Sample 3 Figure C.4 Sample 4

Figure C.5 Sample 5 Figure C.6 Sample 6

Page 98: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Figure C.7 Sample 7 Figure C.8 Sample 8

Figure C.9 Sample 9 Figure C.10 Sample 10

Figure C.11 Sample 11 Figure C.12 Sample 12

Page 99: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Figure C.13 Sample 13 Figure C.14 Sample 14

Figure C.15 Sample 16 Figure C.16 Sample 17

Figure C.17 Sample 18 Figure C.18 Sample 19

Page 100: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Figure C.19 Sample 20 Figure C.20 Sample 21

Figure C.22 Sample 24 Figure C.21 Sample 23

Figure C.23 Sample 25 Figure C.24 Sample 26

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Figure C.25 Sample 27 Figure C.26 Sample 41

Figure C.27 Sample 62

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Appendix D

X-ray diffractograms

1 Rare- earth vanadates

2 Rare-earth tungstates

Figure D.1 XRD diffractograms of samples 31, 32, 33, 34 and 53

after heat treatment at 900°C.

Figure D.2 XRD diffractogram of samples 1-7 after

heat treatment at 900°C.

Figure D.3 XRD diffractograms of samples 8-12. The samples

labelled with ‘c’ are heat treated at 900°C. The samples labelled

with ‘e’ are re-heat treated at 1100°C

Page 103: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Figure D.5 XRD diffractograms of samples 19, 20, 21, 26, 27,

28. The samples labelled with ‘c’ are heat treated at 900°C.The

samples labelled with ‘e’ are re-heat treated at 1100°C.

Figure D.4 XRD diffractograms of samples 13-18. The samples

labelled with ‘c’ are heat treated at 900°C. The samples

labelled with ‘e’ are re-heat treated at 1100°C.

Figure D.6 XRD diffractograms of samples 29, 30, 35, 54 and 56. The

samples labelled with ‘a’ are not heat treated. The samples labelled with ‘c’

are heat treated at 900°C

Page 104: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Appendix E

Luminescence data

Labels; ‘a’: before heat treatment, ‘c’: after heat treatment.

Decay curves were always recorded for the most intense transition that was visible in the

emission spectrum, unless specified differently.

1 Correction for detector sensitivity

The Hamamatsu R928P PMT detector has a range from 200 to 870 nm. At the edges of this

range, the detector is less sensitive. For this sensitivity, the measured spectra should be

corrected. However, correction often leads to the blowing out of proportion of the spectrum

at the edges of the range of the detector, since the sensitivity is much lower there. Below

are some examples of this effect. When this effect is too dominant, the uncorrected

spectrum is presented.

Figure E.1 Emission spectrum of sample 58a, excited through the charge transfer band at 303.9 nm, corrected for detector sensitivity

(left) and not corrected for detector sensitivity (right).

Figure E.2 Excitation spectrum of sample 58a, monitored at 617.7 nm corrected for detector sensitivity (left) and not corrected for

detector sensitivity (right).

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2 Luminescence spectra

Sample 31a

Figure E.3 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 31a, monitored at 618.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 31a, excited through the charge transfer band at 289.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.1 Overview of the Eu3+ transitions in sample 31a.

Table E.2 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 31a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9921 448.48

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (5%) Transitions

a 586.1 17062 5D0 → 7F0

b 593.5 16849 5D0 → 7F1

c 618.4 16171 5D0 → 7F2

d 651.0 15361 5D0 → 7F3

e 700.5 14276 5D0 → 7F4

Figure E.4 Decay curve of sample 31a with a single

exponential fit for the 5D0 → 7F2 transition.

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Sample 31c

Table E.3 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ transitions in sample 31c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (5%) Transitions

a 586.9 17039 5D0 → 7F0

b 594.0 16835 5D0 → 7F1 c 616.8 16213 5D0 → 7F2 d 650.5 15373 5D0 → 7F3 e 699.6 14294 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.4 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ in sample 31c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (5%) Transitions

a 362.6 27579 5D4 ← 7F0 b 376.0 26596 5G3 ← 7F0 c 395.1 25310 5L6 ← 7F0 d 416.6 24004 5D3 ← 7F0 e 465.7 21473 5D2 ← 7F0

Table E.5 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 31c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9967 490.80

Figure E.5 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 31c, monitored at 619.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 31c, excited through the charge transfer band at 302.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure E.6 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition of sample

31c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 32a

Figure E.7 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 32a, monitored at 574.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 32a, excited through the charge transfer band at 290.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.6 Overview of the Dy3+ transitions in sample 32a.

Table E.7 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 32a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (5%) Transitions

a 473.4 21124 4F9/2 → 6H15/2

b 571.7 17492 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

c 662.1 15103 4F9/2 → 6H11/2

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9764 36.12

Figure E.8 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition of sample 32a

with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 32c

Figure E.9 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 32c, monitored at 574.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 32c, excited through the charge transfer band at 314.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.8 Overview of the emissive Dy3+ transitions in sample 32c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (5%) Transitions

a 473.4 21124 4F9/2 → 6H15/2 b 574.3 17413 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 c 662.1 15103 4F9/2 → 6H11/2

Table E.9 Overview of the excitation transitions of Dy3+ in sample 32c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (5%) Transitions

a 352.5 28369 6P7/2 ← 6H15/2 b 366.1 27315 6P5/2 ← 6H15/2 c 389.5 25674 4F7/2 ← 6H15/2 d 449.2 22262 4I15/2 ← 6H15/2

Table E.10 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 32c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9901 70.74

Figure E.10 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition of

sample 32c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 33a

Table E.11 Overview of the Sm3+ transitions in sample 33a.

Table E.12 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 33a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (5%) Transitions

a 563.8 17737 4G5/2 → 6H5/2 b 601.9 16614 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 c 645.3 15497 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 d 703.6 14213 4G5/2 → 6H11/2

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9949 261.01

Figure E.11 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 33a, monitored at 646.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 33a, excited through the charge transfer band at 298.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Figure E.12 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 transition

of sample 33a with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 33c

Figure E.13 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 33c, monitored at 646.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 33c, excited through the charge transfer band at 301.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.13 Overview of the Sm3+ transitions in sample 33c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (5%) Transitions

a 564.5 17715 4G5/2 → 6H5/2 b 602.1 16609 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 c 645.7 15487 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 d 703.7 14211 4G5/2 → 6H11/2

Table E.14 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 33c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9990 429.38

Figure E.14 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2

transition of sample 33c with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 39a

Figure E.15 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 39a, monitored at 618.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 39a, excited through the charge transfer band at 301.2 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.15 Overview of the Eu3+ transitions in sample 39a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

a 585.6 17077 5D0 → 7F0

b 593.8 16841 5D0 → 7F1 c 618.2 16176 5D0 → 7F2 d 651.8 15342 5D0 → 7F3 e 697.7 14333 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.16 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 39a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9946 355.33

Figure E.16 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2

transition of sample 39a with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 39c

Figure E.17 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 39c, monitored at 618.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 39c, excited through the charge transfer band at 314.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E. 17 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ transitions in sample 39c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

a 586.0 17064.8 5D0 → 7F0

b 593.0 16863.4 5D0 → 7F1 c 616.8 16212.7 5D0 → 7F2 d 651.6 15346.8 5D0 → 7F3 e 700.5 14275.5 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.18 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ in sample 39c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

a 362.2 27609 5D4 ← 7F0 b 380.7 26267 5G2 ← 7F0 c 394.7 25336 5L6 ← 7F0 d 416.6 24004 5D3 ← 7F0 e 465.7 21473 5D2 ← 7F0

Table E.19 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 39c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9990 520.69

Figure E.18 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of sample 39c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 40a

Figure E.19 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 40a, monitored at 574.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 40a, excited through the charge transfer band at 287.2 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.20 Overview of the Dy3+ transitions in sample 40a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (2%) Transitions

a 483.2 20695 4F9/2 → 6H15/2 b 573.1 17449 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 c 661.7 15113 4F9/2 → 6H11/2

Table E.21 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 40a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9724 64.18

Figure E.20 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition of

sample 40a with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 40c

Figure E.21 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 40c, monitored at 574.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 40c, excited through the charge transfer band at 310.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.22 Overview of the emissive transitions of Dy3+ in sample 40c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (2%) Transitions

a 483.2 20694 4F9/2 → 6H15/2 b 574.2 17416 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 c 662.4 15097 4F9/2 → 6H11/2

Table E.23 Overview of the excitation transitions of Dy3+ in sample 40c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (2%) Transitions

a 352.3 28385 6P7/2 ← 6H15/2 b 365.8 27337 6P5/2 ← 6H15/2 c 389.4 25681 4F7/2 ← 6H15/2 d 449.0 22272 4I15/2 ← 6H15/2

Table E.24 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 40c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9913 97.83

Figure E.22 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition

of sample 40c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 41a

Figure E.23 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 41a, monitored at 646.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 41a, excited through the charge transfer band at 290.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.25 Overview of the Sm3+ transitions in sample 41a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (2%) Transitions

a 564.2 17724 4G5/2 → 6H5/2 b 601.9 16614 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 c 645.6 15489 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 d 703.8 14209 4G5/2 → 6H11/2

Table E.26 Exponential decay characteristics in sample 41a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9951 325.14

Figure E.24 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2

transition of sample 41a with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 41c

Figure E.25 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 41c, monitored at 616.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 41c, excited through the charge transfer band at 309.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.27 Overview of the emissive Sm3+ transitions in sample 41c.

Table E.28 Overview of the excitation transitions of Sm3+ in sample 41c.

Table E.29 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 41c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (2%) Transitions

a 564.3 17721 4G5/2 → 6H5/2 b 601.3 16631 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 c 646.0 15480 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 d 703.2 14221 4G5/2 → 6H11/2

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (2%) Transitions

a 365.5 27360 4D3/2 ← 6H5/2 b 379.6 26344 4D1/2 ← 6H5/2 c 406.8 24582 4L13/2 ← 6H5/2 d 419.1 23861 4M19/2 ← 6H5/2 e 466.8 21422 4I13/2 ← 6H5/2 f 479.6 20851 4M15/2 ← 6H5/2

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9973 576.35

Figure E.26 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 transition

of sample 41c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 42a

Figure E.27 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 42a, monitored at 618.5 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 42a, excited through the charge transfer band at 269.1 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.30 Overview of the Eu3+ transitions in sample 42a.

Table E.31 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 42a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (3%) Transitions

a 593 16863.4 5D0 → 7F1 b 618.8 16160.3 5D0 → 7F2 c 649.9 15387.0 5D0 → 7F3 d 701.6 14253.1 5D0 → 7F4

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9914 309.94

Figure E.28 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F3

transition of sample 42a with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 42c

Figure E.29 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 42c, monitored at 618.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 42c, excited through the charge transfer band at 307.4 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.32 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ transitions in sample 42c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (3%) Transitions

a 585.8 17071 5D0 → 7F0

b 593.6 16846 5D0 → 7F1 c 614.4 16276 5D0 → 7F2 d 647.6 15442 5D0 → 7F3 e 697.5 14337 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.33 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ in sample 42c.

Table E.34 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 42c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (3%) Transitions

a 362.2 27609 5D4 ← 7F0 b 380.4 26288 5G2 ← 7F0 c 394.6 25342 5L6 ← 7F0 d 416.5 24010 5D3 ← 7F0 e 465.8 21468 5D2 ← 7F0

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9988 492.94

Figure E.30 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of sample 42c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 43c

Figure E.31 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 43c, monitored at 574.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 43c, excited through the charge transfer band at 312.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.35 Overview of the emissive Dy3+ transitions of sample 43c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (3%) Transitions

a 483.6 20678 4F9/2 → 6H15/2 b 574.5 17406 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 c 661.9 15108 4F9/2 → 6H11/2

Table E.36 Overview of the excitation transitions of Dy3+ in sample 43c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (3%) Transitions

a 352.4 28377 6P7/2 ← 6H15/2 b 365.8 27337 6P5/2 ← 6H15/2 c 389.3 25687 4F7/2 ← 6H15/2 d 449.0 22272 4I15/2 ← 6H15/2

Table E.37 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 43c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9922 79.64

Figure E.32 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

transition of sample 43c with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 44a

Figure E.33 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 44a, monitored at 646.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 44a, excited through the charge transfer band at 283.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.38 Overview of the emissive Sm3+ transitions in sample 44a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (3%) Transitions

a 565.5 17683 4G5/2 → 6H5/2 b 602.0 16611 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 c 645.4 15494 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 d 704.8 14188 4G5/2 → 6H11/2

Table E.39 Overview of the excitation transitions of sample 44a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (3%) Transitions

a 406.8 24582 4L13/2 ← 6H5/2 b 466.6 21432 4I13/2 ← 6H5/2

Table E.40 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 44a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9906 242.85

Figure E.34 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2

transition of sample 44a with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 44c

Figure E.35 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 44c, monitored at 646.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 44c, excited through the charge transfer band at 305.0 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.41 Overview of the emissive Sm3+ transitions in sample 44c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1

) Sm3+

(3%) Transitions

a 563.9 17734 4G5/2 →


b 601.5 16625 4G5/2 →


c 646.0 15480 4G5/2 →


d 703.8 14209 4G5/2 →


Table E.42 Overview of the excitation transitions of Sm3+ in sample 44c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1

) Sm3+

(3%) Transitions

a 365.4 27367 4D3/2 ←


b 379.5 26350 4P7/2 ←


c 406.9 24576 4L13/2 ←


d 418.8 23878 4M19/2 ←


e 466.4 21441 4I13/2 ←


f 479.5 20855 4M15/2 ←


Table E.43 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 44c.

Sample 50a

Figure E. 37 Decay curve of the 4D4→7F5 transition (Tb3+) of sample 50a with a single

exponential fit.

Table E. 44 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 50a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.99669 9.888

Exponential tail fit R2


Single 0.9965 414.43

Figure E.36 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 transition

of sample 44c with a single exponential fit.

Page 122: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Sample 50c

Figure E.38 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 50c, monitored at 618.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 50c, excited through the charge transfer band at 306.4 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.45 Overview of the emissive transitions of Eu3+ and Tb3+ in sample 50c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2.5%) Transitions

Tb3+ (2.5%) Transitions

a 482.5 20725 5D4 → 7F6

b 536.4 18643 5D4 → 7F5 c 572.1 17479 5D4 → 7F4 d 586.3 17056 5D0 → 7F0 e 592.9 16866 5D0 → 7F1 f 618.6 16166 5D0 → 7F2 g 650.2 15380 5D0 → 7F3 h 697.5 14337 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.46 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ in sample 50c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2.5%) Transitions

a 394.4 25355 5L6 ← 7F0 b 465.5 21482 5D2 ← 7F0

Table E.47 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 50c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9954 324.5

Figure E.39 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition of Eu3+

in sample 50c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 51a

Figure E.40 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 51a, monitored at 618.4 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 51a, excited through the charge transfer band at 87.8 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.48 Overview of the emissive transitions of Eu3+ and Tb3+ in sample 51a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

Tb3+ (2%) Transitions

a 473.9 21101 5D4 → 7F6

b 536.8 18629 5D4 → 7F5 c 556.4 17973 5D4 → 7F4 d 592.1 16889 5D0 → 7F1 e 618.1 16179 5D0 → 7F2 5D4 → 7F3 f 649.6 15394 5D0 → 7F3 5D4 → 7F2

g 697.5 14337 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.49 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 51a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9922 265.83

Figure E.41 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2

transition of Eu3+ in sample 51a with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 51c

Figure E.42 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 51c, monitored at 618.3 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 51c, excited through the charge transfer band at 307.1 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.50 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ and Tb3+ transitions in sample 51c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2%) Transition

Tb3+ (2%) Transition

a 474.7 21066 5D4 → 7F6

b 536.3 18646 5D4 → 7F5 c 557.3 17944 5D4 → 7F4 d 585.6 17077 5D0 → 7F0 e 593.1 16861 5D0 → 7F1 f 618.5 16168 5D0 → 7F2 5D4 → 7F3 g 649.6 15394 5D0 → 7F3 5D4 → 7F2 h 697.6 14335 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.51 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ and Tb3+ in sample 51c.

Table E.52 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 51c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

Tb3+ (2%) Transitions

a 362.0 27624 5D4 ← 7F0 5G5 ← 7F6 b 375.9 26603 5G3 ← 7F0 c 381.7 26199 5G2 ← 7F0 5D3 ← 7F6 d 394.8 25329 5L6 ← 7F0 e 416.4 24015 5D8 ← 7F0 f 465.7 21473 5D2 ← 7F0

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9980 311.80

Figure E.43 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of Eu3+ in sample 51c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 52a

Figure E.44 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 52a, monitored at 618.2 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 52, excited through the charge transfer band at 290.4 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.53 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ and Dy3+ transitions in sample 52a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

Dy3+ (2%) Transitions

a 473.8 21106 4F9/2 → 6H15/2

b 572.3 17473 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

c 585.6 17077 5D0 → 7F0 d 592.2 16886 5D0 → 7F1 e 617.7 16189 5D0 → 7F2 f 656.6 15230 5D0 → 7F3 4F9/2 → 6H11/2

g 697.3 14341 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.54 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 52a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9926 221.79

Figure E.45 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2

transition of Eu3+ in sample 52a with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 52c

Figure E.46 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 52c, monitored at 618.1 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 52c, excited through the charge transfer band at 308.3 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.55 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ and Dy3+ transitions in sample 52c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm



(2%) Transitions


(2%) Transitions

a 473.5 21119 4

F9/2 → 6H15/2

b 572.9 17455 4

F9/2 → 6H13/2

c 585.7 17074 5D0→


d 592.6 16875 5D0→


e 618.2 16176 5D0→


f 655.5 15256 5D0→


4F9/2 →


g 696.9 14349 5D0→


Table E.56 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ in sample 52c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1

) Eu3+

(2%) Transitions

a 394.6 25368 5L6 ←


b 465.9 21464 5D2 ←


Table E.57 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 52c.

Exponential tail fit R2


Single 0.9981 257.20

Sample 55a

Figure E.48 Decay curve of the 5D4 → 7F5 transition of Tb3+ in sample 55a with a single

exponential fit.

Table E.58 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 55a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9984 596.48

Figure E.47 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of Eu3+ in sample 52c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 55c

Figure E.49 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 55c, monitored at 611.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 55c, excited through the charge transfer band at 302.3 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.59 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ and Dy3+ transitions in sample 55c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2.5%) Transitions

Tb3+(2.5%) Transitions

a 538.9 18556 5D4 → 7F5

b 579.8 17247 5D0 → 7F0 5D4 → 7F4

c 593.4 16852 5D0 → 7F1 d 611.3 16359 5D0 → 7F2 e 629.6 15883 5D4 → 7F3 f 656.4 15235 5D0 → 7F3 5D4 → 7F2 g 704.6 14192 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.60 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ and Tb3+ in sample 55c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2.5%) Transitions

Tb3+(2.5%) Transitions

a 361.0 27701 5D4 ← 7F0 5G5 ← 7F6 b 381.3 26226 5G2 ← 7F0 5D3 ← 7F6 c 393.1 25439 5L6 ← 7F0 d 464.7 21519 5D2 ←


Table E.61 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 55c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9983 676.85

Figure E.50 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of Eu3+ in sample 55c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 56a

Figure E.51 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 56a, monitored at 573.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 56a, excited through the charge transfer band at 267.8 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.62 Overview of the emissive Dy3+ transition in sample 56a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (1%) Transition

a 573.3 17443 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

Table E.63 Overview of the excitation transitions of Dy3+ in sample 56a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (1%) Transitions

a 324.4 30826 4M17/2 ← 6H15/2 b 350.7 28514 6P7/2 ← 6H15/2 c 364.9 27405 6P5/2 ← 6H15/2 d 386.5 25873 4I13/2 ← 6H15/2

Table E.64 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 56a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9950 15.81

Figure E.52 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

transition of Dy3+ in sample 56a with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 57a

Figure E.53 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 57a, monitored at 646.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 57a, excited through the charge transfer band at 266.5 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.65 Overview of the emissive Sm3+ transition in sample 57a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (1%) Transition

a 646.2 15475 4G5/2 → 6H9/2

Table E.66 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 57a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9945 22.05

Figure E.54 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 transition

of Sm3+ in sample 57a with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 57c

Figure E.55 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 57c, monitored at 656.1 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 57c, excited through the charge transfer band at 301.4 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.67 Overview of the emissive Sm3+ transitions in sample 57c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (1%) Transitions

a 568.1 1760 4G5/2 →6H5/2

b 612.4 1633 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 c 656.6 1523 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 d 707.5 1413 4G5/2 → 6H11/2

Table E.68 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 57c.

Sample 58a

Figure E.57 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition of Dy3+ in sample 58a with a

single exponential fit.

Table E.69 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 58a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9978 661.57

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9979 13.20

Figure E.56 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 transition of

Sm3+ in sample 57c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 58c

Figure E.58 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 58c, monitored at 618.3 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 58c, excited through the charge transfer band at 311.3 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.70 Overview of the Eu3+ and Dy3+ transitions in sample 58c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

Dy3+ (3%) Transitions

a 482.3 20734 4F9/2 → 6H15/2

b 572.2 17476 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

c 585.8 17071 5D0 → 7F1 d 592.2 16886 5D0 → 7F2 e 618.3 16173 5D0 → 7F3 4F9/2 → 6H11/2 f 654.9 15270 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.71 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 58c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9945 329.29

Figure E.59 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

transition of Dy3+ In sample 58c with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 59a

Figure E.60 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 59a, monitored at 618.1 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 59a, excited through the charge transfer band at 301.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.72 Overview of the Eu3+ and Tb3+ transitions in sample 59a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

Tb3+ (3%) Transitions

a 536.1 18653 5D4 → 7F5

b 559.7 17867 5D4 → 7F4 c 585.3 17085 5D0 → 7F1

d 617.8 16186 5D0 → 7F2 5D4 → 7F3

e 649.3 15401 5D0 → 7F3 5D4 → 7F2 f 697.6 14335 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.73 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 59a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9762 31.19

Figure E.61 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2

transition of Eu3+ of sample 59a with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 59c

Figure E.62 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 59c, monitored at 618.2 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 59c, excited through the charge transfer band at 307.3 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.74 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ and Tb3+ transitions in sample 59c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

Tb3+ (3%) Transitions

a 536.6 18636 5D4 → 7F5

b 585.6 17077 5D4 → 7F4 c 592.6 16875 5D0 → 7F1

d 618.1 16179 5D0 → 7F2 5D4 → 7F3

e 648.6 15418 5D0 → 7F3 5D4 → 7F2 f 696.6 14355 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.75 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ in sample 59c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

a 394.3 25361 5L6 ← 7F0 b 465.1 21501 5D2 ← 7F0

Table E.76 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 59c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9936 483.56

Figure E.63 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of Eu3+ in sample 59c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 61c

Figure E.64 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 61c, monitored at 611.6 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 61c, excited through the charge transfer band at 303.2 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.77 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ transitions in sample 61c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (3%) Transitions

a 579.2 17265 5D0 → 7F0

b 593.0 16863 5D0 → 7F1 c 611.3 16359 5D0 → 7F2 d 656.0 15244 5D0 → 7F3 e 704.7 14190 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.78 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ in sample 61c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Eu3+ (3%) Transitions

a 360.9 27709 5D4 ← 7F0 b 392.6 25471 5L6 ← 7F0 c 464.5 21529 5D2 ← 7F0

Table E.79 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 61c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9991 732.14

Figure E.65 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2

transition of Eu3+ in sample 61c with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 62a

Figure E.66 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 62a, monitored at 646.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 62a, excited through the charge transfer band at 266.1 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.80 Overview of the emissive Sm3+ transitions in sample 62a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (3%) Transitions

a 603.1 16581 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 b 647.1 15454 4G5/2 → 6H9/2

Table E.81 Overview of the excitation transitions of Sm3+ in sample 62a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (3%) Transitions

a 401.9 24882 6P3/2 ← 6H5/2 b 418.6 23889 4M19/2 ← 6H5/2 c 449.1 22267 4M17/2 ← 6H5/2 d 466.9 21418 4I13/2 ← 6H5/2 e 479.7 20846 4M15/2 ← 6H5/2 f 490.7 20379 4I9/2 ← 6H5/2

Table E.82 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 62a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9964 21.32

Figure E.67 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 transition of

Sm3+ in sample 62a with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 62c

Figure E.68 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 62c, monitored at 612.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 62c, excited through the charge transfer band at 300.2 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.83 Overview of the emissive Sm3+ transitions in sample 62c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (3%) Transitions

a 564.4 17718 4G5/2 → 6H5/2 b 612.3 16332 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 c 656.1 15242 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 d 708.8 14108 4G5/2 → 6H11/2

Table E.84 Overview of the excitation transitions of Sm3+ in sample 62c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Sm3+ (3%) Transitions

a 361.5 27663 4D3/2 ← 6H5/2 b 376.7 26546 4P7/2 ← 6H5/2 c 404.0 24752 4F7/2 ← 6H5/2

Table E.85 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 62c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9963 469.69

Figure E.69 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2

transition of Sm3+ in sample 62c with a single

exponential fit.

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Sample 64a

Figure E.70 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 64a, monitored at 611.6 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 64a, excited through the charge transfer band at 266.9 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.86 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ and Tb3+ transitions in sample 64a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

Tb3+ (3%) Transitions

a 485.9 20580 5D4 → 7F6

b 542.9 18420 5D4 → 7F5

c 581.4 17200 5D0 → 7F0 5D4 → 7F4

d 591.3 16912 5D0 → 7F1

e 611.7 16348 5D0 → 7F2 f 622.4 16067 5D4 → 7F3 g 643.1 15550 5D4 → 7F2 h 655.5 15256 5D0 → 7F3 5D4 → 7F1 i 701.5 14255 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.87 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ and Tb3+ in sample 64a.

Table E.88 Exponential decay characteristics of sample 64a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (2%) Transitions

Tb3+ (3%) Transitions

a 298.0 33557 5F1 ← 7F0 5H5 ← 7F6 b 302.9 33014 5F2 ← 7F0 5H6 ← 7F6 c 317.9 31456 5H5 ← 7F0 5H7 ← 7F6 d 361.0 27701 5D4 ← 7F0 5G5 ← 7F6 e 380.5 26281 5D3 ← 7F6 f 392.9 25452 5D3 ← 7F0 g 464.2 21542 5D2 ← 7F0

Exponential tail fit

R2 (µs)

5D0 → 7F2 (Eu3+) 0.9989 354.25 5D4 → 7F5 (Tb3+) 0.99785 509.16

Figure E.71 Decay curve of the 5D0 →

7F2 transition of Eu3+ in sample 64a

with a single exponential fit.

Figure E.72 Decay curve of the 5D4

→ 7F5 transition of Tb3+ in sample

64a with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 64c

Figure E.73 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 64c, monitored at 611.6 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 64c, excited through the charge transfer band at 301.9 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.89 Overview of the Eu3+ and Tb3+ transitions of sample 64c. Table E.90 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ and

Tb3+ in sample 64c.

Table E.91 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 64c.

Exponential tail fit R2


Single 0.9993 770.50

Sample 65a

Table E.92 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 65a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9949 475.15

# Wave-length (nm)

Wave-number (cm



(2%) Trans.


(3%) Trans.

a 360.8 27716 5D4 ←


5G5 ←


b 380.6 26274 5D3 ←


c 392.8 25458 5D3 ←


d 464.5 21529 5D2 ←


# Wave-length (nm)





(2%) Trans.


(3%) Trans.

a 537.5 18605 5D4 →


b 579.3 17262 5D0 →


5D4 →


c 592.7 16872 5D0 →


d 611.3 16359 5D0 →


e 629.9 15876 5D4 →


f 655.9 15246 5D0 →


5D4 →



g 704.7 14190 5D0 →


Figure E.74 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of Eu3+ in sample 64c with a single exponential fit.

Figure E.75 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 transition of

Sm3+ in sample 65a with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 65c

Figure E.76 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 65c, monitored at 656.0 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 65c, excited through the charge transfer band at 293.7 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.93 Overview of the emissive Sm3+ and Tb3+ transitions in sample 65c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Sm3+ (2.5%) Transitions

Tb3+ (2.5%) Transitions

a 564.4 17718 4G5/2 → 6H5/2 5D4 → 7F4

b 607.4 16464 4G5/2 → 6H7/2 5D4 → 7F3

c 656.0 15244 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 5D4 → 7F2, 7F1

d 707.8 14128 4G5/2 → 6H11/2

Table E.94 Overview of the excitation transitions of Sm3+ and Tb3+ in sample 65c.

Table E.95 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 65c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9967 461.04

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Sm3+ (2.5%) Transitions

Tb3+ (2.5%) Transitions

a 345.2 28969 4H9/2 ← 6H5/2 5G3 ← 7F6 b 361.4 27670 4D3/2 ← 6H5/2 5G5 ← 7F6 c 376.6 26553 6P7/2 ← 6H5/2 d 403.2 24802 6P3/2 ← 6H5/2 e 416.9 23987 (6P,4P)5/2 ← 6H5/2 f 466.7 21427 4I13/2 ← 6H5/2

Figure E.77 Decay curve of the 4G5/2 → 6H9/2 transition of

Sm3+ in sample 65c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 67a

Figure E.78 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 67a, monitored at 573.5 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 67a, excited through the charge transfer band at 294.4 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.96 Overview of the Dy3+ transition in sample 67a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (1%) Transition

a 573.3 17443 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

Table E.97 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 67a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9942 25.90

Figure E.79 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition of

Dy3+ in sample 67a with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 67c

Figure E.80 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 67c, monitored at 572.9 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 67c, excited through the charge transfer band at 302.3 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.98 Overview of the emissive Dy3+ transitions in sample 67c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (1%) Transitions

a 483.2 20695 4F9/2 → 6H15/2 b 576.5 17346 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

Table E.99 Overview of the excitation transitions of Dy3+ in sample 67c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm) Wavenumber (cm-1) Dy3+ (1%) Transitions

a 385.4 25947 4I13/2 ← 6H15/2 b 424.0 23585 4G11/2 ← 6H15/2 c 448.3 22306 4I15/2 ← 6H15/2 d 466.8 21422 4F9/2 ← 6H15/2

Table E.100 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 67c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9959 688.88

Figure E.81 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition

of Dy3+ in sample 67c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 68a

Figure E.82 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 68a, monitored at 618.3 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 68a, excited through the charge transfer band at 294.3 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.101 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ and Tb3+ transitions in sample 68a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (1%) Transition

Tb3+ (3%) Transition

a 537.4 18608 5D4 → 7F5 b 556.4 17973 5D4 → 7F4 c 585.7 17074 5D0 → 7F0 d 592.9 16866 5D0 → 7F1 e 618.2 16176 5D0 → 7F2 5D4 → 7F3 f 650.7 15368 5D0 → 7F3 5D4 → 7F2 g 698.2 14323 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.102 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 68a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9924 64.14

Figure E.83 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition of

Eu3+ of sample 68a with a single exponential fit.

Page 143: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Sample 68c

Figure E.84 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 68c, monitored at 618.3 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 68c, excited through the charge transfer band at 302.9 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.103 Overview of the emissive Eu3+ and Tb3+ transitions in sample 68c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (1%) Transition

Tb3+ (3%) Transition

a 537.1 18619 5D4 → 7F5 b 585.9 17068 5D0 → 7F0 c 593.0 16863 5D0 → 7F1 d 618.6 16166 5D0 → 7F2 5D4 → 7F3 e 650.7 15368 5D0 → 7F3 5D4 → 7F2 f 697.6 14335 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.104 Overview of the excitation transitions of Eu3+ and Tb3+ in sample 68c.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (1%) Transitions

Tb3+ (3%) Transitions

a 361.7 27647 5D4 ← 7F0 5G5 ← 7F6 b 379.9 26323 5D3 ← 7F6 c 394.5 25349 5D3 ← 7F0 d 465.7 21473 5D2 ← 7F0

Table E.105 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 68c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9975 608.55

Figure E.85 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition

of Eu3+ of sample 68c with a single exponential fit.

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Sample 69a

Figure E.86 (Left) Excitation spectrum of sample 69a, monitored at 572.9 nm (not corrected for detector sensitivity). (Right) Emission

spectrum of sample 69a, excited through the charge transfer band at 302.3 nm (corrected for detector sensitivity).

Table E.106 Overview of the Eu3+ and Dy3+ transitions in sample 69a.

Symbol Wavelength (nm)

Wavenumber (cm-1)

Eu3+ (0.5%) Transitions

Dy3+ (2.5%) Transitions

a 481.9 20751 4F9/2 → 6H15/2

b 572.8 17458 4F9/2 → 6H13/2

c 585.8 17071 5D0 → 7F0 d 592.7 16872 5D0 → 7F1 e 617.9 16184 5D0 → 7F2 f 661.5 15117 5D0 → 7F3 4F9/2 → 6H11/2 g 697.2 14343 5D0 → 7F4

Table E.107 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 69a.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.9987 13.88

Sample 69c

Table E.108 Single exponential decay characteristics of sample 69c.

Exponential tail fit R2 (µs)

Single 0.99653 484.15

Figure E.87 Decay curve of the 4F9/2 → 6H13/2 transition of

Dy3+ of sample 69a with a single exponential fit.

Figure E.88 Decay curve of the 5D0 → 7F2 transition of

Eu3+ of sample 69c with a single exponential fit.

Page 145: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Sample 40a – Emission map

Sample 50a – Emission map

Sample 57c – Emission map

Figure E.89 Emission maps of sample 40a,

excited at different wavelengths of the charge

transfer band (corrected for detector


Figure E.90 Emission maps of sample 50a,

excited at different wavelengths of the charge

transfer band (corrected for detector


Figure E.91 Emission maps of sample 57c,

excited at different wavelengths of the charge

transfer band (corrected for detector


Page 146: Tuning the emission colour of rare-earth tungstate and vanadate materials towards white light


Sample 58c – Emission map

Sample 64a – Emission map

Sample 65a – Emission map

Figure E.92 Emission maps of sample 58c,

excited at different wavelengths of the charge

transfer band (corrected for detector


Figure E.93 Emission maps of sample 64a,

excited at different wavelengths of the charge

transfer band (corrected for detector


Figure E.94 Emission maps of sample 65a,

excited at different wavelengths of the charge

transfer band (corrected for detector


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