
Turfgrass Turfgrass ManagementManagement

What is turfgrass?

• Turf -- the plants in a ground cover and the soil in which the roots grow

• Turfgrass -- a collection of grass plants that form a ground cover.

Uses of TurfgrassUses of Turfgrass

• Ornamental

• Utility

• Athletic

Benefits of TurfgrassBenefits of Turfgrass

• Increase property value

• Control erosion

• Cooling effect/clean air

• Reduces player injuries

Types of TurfgrassesTypes of Turfgrasses

• Cool-season grasses– grow best in a temperature range of 60-75.

• Warm-season grasses– grow best in a temperature range of 80-95.

Warm Season GrassesWarm Season Grasses

• Bahiagrass

• Bermuda grass

• Carpetgrass

• Centipedegrass

• St. Augustinegrass

• Zoysia

Cool Season GrassesCool Season Grasses

• Buffalograss

• Bentgrass

• Fescue

• Kentucky Bluegrass

• Perennial Ryegrass

Establishing TurfgrassEstablishing TurfgrassWhich way is the BEST way?

Common Methods of Turfgrass Common Methods of Turfgrass EstablishmentEstablishment

• Seeding

• Sodding

• Plugging

• Sprigging

Turfgrass Establishment ByTurfgrass Establishment By



• Desired species or cultivars can be used

• The plants develop in the environment in which they must ultimately survive

• This method is LESS EXPENSIVE

Factors for Good Seed Factors for Good Seed Germination & GrowthGermination & Growth

• Live seed…don’t buy cheap seed

• Adequate moisture

• Sufficient soil warmth

• Adequate soil aeration

Steps in Seeding a Steps in Seeding a New LawnNew Lawn

#1. Site Preparation#1. Site Preparation

• Rough Grade; remove rocks and wood

• Apply herbicide to kill existing weeds

• Conduct a soil test

• Apply soil amendments as necessary

• Thoroughly mix amendments to a depth of 6”

• Finish grade the site

#2. Seed Selection#2. Seed Selection

• Select disease resistant varieties

• May be one single cultivar or a blend

• Buy certified seed

# 3. Planting# 3. Planting

• Read the Seed Label for application rate– Tall fescue: 7-9 lb/1000 sq ft.– Kentucky Bluegrass: 2-3 lb/1000 sq. ft.

• Sow Seed Uniformly– sow with a broadcast spreader– sow 1/2 in one direction; sow other half at 90

degree angles– Avoid sowing too thickly

• Assure good seed to soil contact– Use a rake to lightly mix seed into top

1/4” of soil

– Roll lightly

• Apply a thin layer of straw

• Make sure adequate water is available– Water frequently and lightly

– Important for root development

Turfgrass Establishment ByTurfgrass Establishment By

Vegetative PropagationVegetative Propagation

Sodding, Plugging, Sprigging

SoddingSodding• Provides an instant lawn

• Includes grass plants and a thin layer of soil

• Sod is harvested in rolls

Things to RememberThings to Remember

• Sod is usually 18” wide, 6’ long, 5/8” thick

• Comes in rolls or stacks

• Buy high quality = dense and free of weeds

• Should be installed 24 hours after cutting

• Steps in site prep same for seeding

Steps in Laying SodSteps in Laying Sod

• Prepare site

• Dampen planting area

• Position 1st piece along a straight edge

• Lay rolls in parallel manner, staggering the ends

• Adequate irrigation is a must


• Plug = a small, 2-4 inch square or circular piece of sod

• Mainly used to establish sub-tropical grasses

• Plant plugs 6-8 inches apart

• Firm soil around plugs…maintain moisture

SpriggingSprigging• Sprigs = pieces of turfgrass rhizomes or

stolons with roots attached

• Install by making shallow furrows 2-3 inches deep and 10 to 18 inches apart

• Bermuda grass is typically established by sprigs

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