  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    STAAD.Pro and RAM.Connection Link


    Bentley's STAAD.Pro V8i and RAM.Connection have joined forces to now rovide

    STAAD c!sto"ers desi#n str!ct!ral steel connections in an inte#rated environ"ent. $nce

    the steel str!ct!re has %een analy&ed and desi#ned !sin# STAAD.Pro "e"%er rofiles anddesi#n forces can %e a!to"atically %e e(orted o!t to RAM.Connection to desi#n

    connections. The !ser will %e a%le to view connection desi#n res!lts in the STAAD


    RAM.Connection can c!rrently desi#n connections as er the A)SC ASD *R+D and the

    new ,-thedition !nified code. The STAAD.Pro and RAM.Connection lin c!rrently only

    s!orts connection desi#n as er the A)SC ASD and *R+D code.

    2.0 RAM.Connection (ASD)

    The !ser will %e a%le to desi#n fa"ilies of connections incl!din#/ %ea"0to0col!"n flan#e

    %ea"0to0col!"n we% %ea"0to0#irder %ea"0to0%ea" col!"n slices %ea" slicescol!"n0%ea"0%race #!sset connections chevron %race connections 1 %race connections

    and %racets.

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re 2" 'ea 1*+ and co!n ##, are -eected

    6. Press the 7ew 9nveloe7 %!tton located on the %otto" ri#ht hand side corner of yo!r

    screen. :sin# this feat!re yo! will %e a%le to secify the loads that are to %e !sed for the

    connection desi#n.

    ;. )n this "odel we have #enerated the load co"%inations !sin# a!to"aticA)SC load #enerator.

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re #" Creation o& te oad en/eoe

    8. Select Bea" ,45 and col!"n --3 as shown in +i#!re 2 !sin# the "o!se and ressin# and

    holdin# the CTRLey on yo!r ey%oard.

    4. Clic on the Create &oints%!tton on the ri#ht hand side data area. The&ointdialo# %o(will aear and will list the col!"n and %ea" n!"%er and set the joint tye to BC+. =o!

    need to verify if this infor"ation is correct. )n o!r "odel we are desi#nin# a Bea"0to0

    col!"n flan#e connection so this infor"ation is correct. Please refer to sectionA!.'(()-

    %((%.*.% RAM Connection !esign Modein the STAAD.Pro hel doc!"entation for a list

    of connection tyes that are s!orted.

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re ," oint diao o3

    ,>. Clic on the +,%!tton. ote that a #rey colored trian#le will aear in the STAAD.Pro

    #rahics window indicatin# that yo! have created a joint. Please refer to sectionA!.'(()-%((%.*.% RAM Connection !esign Modein the STAAD.Pro hel doc!"entation for joint

    color codin# sche"e. The #rey color si"ly indicates that no!esign Briehas %eenassociated to the joint.

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re 4" oint a- een created

    ote that in the data area the&%-BCentry has %een created in the ?oints tree ite".

    ,,. Clic on the Create Brie%!tton located in the data area. The Desi#n Brief dialo# %o(will aear. ote that the !ser "ay select any load enveloe that he@she has created.

    ,2. Select the A)SC0ASD code. ote that the!esign Connections /ndi#idually%!tton has

    %een checed off. )f this %!tton is chec on STAAD.Pro will assi#n different connection

    confi#!rations to different joints incl!ded in the sa"e %rief.

    ,-. Select the Basic SP BC+ i.e. Shear Plate Bea" to Col!"n +lan#e connection in the

    connection selection %o(. The %asic connection allows the !ser to secify a connection for ajoint or secify a #ro! of connections to a joint. STAAD.Pro and RAM.Connection will

    ic the one that is s!ita%le for the #ro! of connections. )f the 7S"art7 connection tye isselected RAM.Connection will create a connection fro" scratch and s!##est an oti"!"

    connection. )n this e(ercise the Basic SP BC+ will %e assi#ned.

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re 5" De-in rie& diao o3

    ,3. Transfer all the connections fro" the left hand side to the ri#ht hand side !sin# the

    do!%le arrows ointin# towards the ri#ht.

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re +" Settin ! te de-in rie&

    ,6. Press the +,%!tton. ote theB%0 !esign Brie %tree ite" is created in the data area.

    ,;. Select the&oints Cursoron the left hand0side of yo!r screen.

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re 6" oint- C!r-or

    ,5. Select theB%0 !esign Brie %in the data area.

    ,8. Select theAssign to Selected "ntitiesotion in the data area.

    ,4. Press theAssign%!tton.

    2>. =o! have s!ccessf!lly defined the connection desi#n ara"eters. To desi#n theconnection !sin# RAM.Connection clic on the #rahics window in the white area and

    then clic on Connection !esign->!esign All Connections"en! co""and. The

    connection desi#n dialo# %o( will aear showin# yo! the stat!s of the connection.

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re *" Connection De-in Diao o3

    2,. Clic the!one%!tton.

    22. Select the&oints Cursoron the left hand0side of yo!r screen.

    2-. Do!%le clic on the BC+ connection.

    23. The RAM.Connection Pad interface will oen as shown in +i#!re ,>.

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re 10" RAM.Connection Pad

    26. The RAM.Connection interface will show the connection desi#n details in the #rahics

    window. otice that 2 -@37 %olts are !sed to carry shear. Clic on the rotation controls tosee the connection details in -D. =o! "ay also see a d(f of the connection !sin# the d(f


  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re 11" RAM.Connection Pad 7 D8F

    2;. To view the connection desi#n calc!lations clic onResultsicon.

    25. Close the RAM.Connection ad interface %y ressin# the +,%!tton. Ret!rn %ac to interface and clic on Dra%in- and Reort-control ta% on yo! left. Clic on

    C1Conn. o. on the ri#ht hand side and yo! will notice that the #rahics window #ets

    o!lated with the connection desi#n drawin# and the calc!lation sheet j!st %elow it as

    shown in +i#!re ,2.

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    Fi!re 12" Connection de-in dra%in in inter&ace.

    APP9NDI8 A


    START ?$B )+$RMAT)$

    9)99R DAT9 >30Se0>;9D ?$B )+$RMAT)$

    )P:T > >F 2 > ,> >F - ,2 ,> >F 3 ,2 > >F 6 -> > >F ; -> ,> >F 5 > > ,6F8 > ,> ,6F 4 ,2 ,> ,6F ,> ,2 > ,6F ,, -> > ,6F ,2 -> ,> ,6F ,- > > ->F

    ,3 > ,> ->F ,6 ,2 ,> ->F ,; ,2 > ->F ,5 -> > ->F ,8 -> ,> ->F ,4 > > 36F2> > ,> 36F 2, ,2 ,> 36F 22 ,2 > 36F 2- -> > 36F 23 -> ,> 36F 26 > > ;>F

    2; > ,> ;>F 25 ,2 ,> ;>F 28 ,2 > ;>F 24 -> > ;>F -> -> ,> ;>F -, > > 56F

    -2 > ,> 56F -- ,2 ,> 56F -3 ,2 > 56F -6 -> > 56F -; -> ,> 56F -5 > 2> >F-8 ,2 2> >F -4 -> 2> >F 3> > 2> ,6F 3, ,2 2> ,6F 32 -> 2> ,6F 3- > 2> ->F

    33 ,2 2> ->F 36 -> 2> ->F 3; > 2> 36F 35 ,2 2> 36F 38 -> 2> 36F 34 > 2> ;>F

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    6> ,2 2> ;>F 6, -> 2> ;>F 62 > 2> 56F 6- ,2 2> 56F 63 -> 2> 56F 66 > -> >F

    6; ,2 -> >F 65 -> -> >F 68 > -> ,6F 64 ,2 -> ,6F ;> -> -> ,6F ;, > -> ->F;2 ,2 -> ->F ;- -> -> ->F ;3 > -> 36F ;6 ,2 -> 36F ;; -> -> 36F ;5 > -> ;>F

    ;8 ,2 -> ;>F ;4 -> -> ;>F 5> > -> 56F 5, ,2 -> 56F 52 -> -> 56F 5- > 3> >F

    53 ,2 3> >F 56 -> 3> >F 5; > 3> ,6F 55 ,2 3> ,6F 58 -> 3> ,6F 54 > 3> ->F

    8> ,2 3> ->F 8, -> 3> ->F 82 > 3> 36F 8- ,2 3> 36F 83 -> 3> 36F 86 > 3> ;>F8; ,2 3> ;>F 85 -> 3> ;>F 88 > 3> 56F 84 ,2 3> 56F 4> -> 3> 56F 4, > 6> >F

    42 ,2 6> >F 4- -> 6> >F 43 > 6> ,6F 46 ,2 6> ,6F 4; -> 6> ,6F 45 > 6> ->F

    48 ,2 6> ->F 44 -> 6> ->F ,>> > 6> 36F ,>, ,2 6> 36F ,>2 -> 6> 36F ,>- > 6> ;>F,>3 ,2 6> ;>F ,>6 -> 6> ;>F ,>; > 6> 56F ,>5 ,2 6> 56F ,>8 -> 6> 56F

    ,>4 > 2.6 >F ,,> ,2 2.6 >F ,,, -> 2.6 >F ,,2 > 2.6 ,6F ,,- ,2 2.6 ,6F

    ,,3 -> 2.6 ,6F ,,6 > 2.6 ->F ,,; ,2 2.6 ->F ,,5 -> 2.6 ->F ,,8 > 2.6 36F,,4 ,2 2.6 36F ,2> -> 2.6 36F ,2, > 2.6 ;>F ,22 ,2 2.6 ;>F ,2- -> 2.6 ;>F

    ,23 > 2.6 56F ,26 ,2 2.6 56F ,2; -> 2.6 56F ,25 > ,2.6 >F ,28 ,2 ,2.6 >F

    ,24 -> ,2.6 >F ,-> > ,2.6 ,6F ,-, ,2 ,2.6 ,6F ,-2 -> ,2.6 ,6F ,-- > ,2.6 ->F

    ,-3 ,2 ,2.6 ->F ,-6 -> ,2.6 ->F ,-; > ,2.6 36F ,-5 ,2 ,2.6 36F ,-8 -> ,2.6 36F,-4 > ,2.6 ;>F ,3> ,2 ,2.6 ;>F ,3, -> ,2.6 ;>F ,32 > ,2.6 56F ,3- ,2 ,2.6 56F

    ,33 -> ,2.6 56F ,36 > 22.6 >F ,3; ,2 22.6 >F ,35 -> 22.6 >F ,38 > 22.6 ,6F

    ,34 ,2 22.6 ,6F ,6> -> 22.6 ,6F ,6, > 22.6 ->F ,62 ,2 22.6 ->F ,6- -> 22.6 ->F,63 > 22.6 36F ,66 ,2 22.6 36F ,6; -> 22.6 36F ,65 > 22.6 ;>F ,68 ,2 22.6 ;>F

    ,64 -> 22.6 ;>F ,;> > 22.6 56F ,;, ,2 22.6 56F ,;2 -> 22.6 56F ,;- > -2.6 >F

    ,;3 ,2 -2.6 >F ,;6 -> -2.6 >F ,;; > -2.6 ,6F ,;5 ,2 -2.6 ,6F ,;8 -> -2.6 ,6F,;4 > -2.6 ->F ,5> ,2 -2.6 ->F ,5, -> -2.6 ->F ,52 > -2.6 36F ,5- ,2 -2.6 36F

    ,53 -> -2.6 36F ,56 > -2.6 ;>F ,5; ,2 -2.6 ;>F ,55 -> -2.6 ;>F ,58 > -2.6 56F

    ,54 ,2 -2.6 56F ,8> -> -2.6 56F ,8, > 32.6 >F ,82 ,2 32.6 >F ,8- -> 32.6 >F,83 > 32.6 ,6F ,86 ,2 32.6 ,6F ,8; -> 32.6 ,6F ,85 > 32.6 ->F ,88 ,2 32.6 ->F

    ,84 -> 32.6 ->F ,4> > 32.6 36F ,4, ,2 32.6 36F ,42 -> 32.6 36F ,4- > 32.6 ;>F

    ,43 ,2 32.6 ;>F ,46 -> 32.6 ;>F ,4; > 32.6 56F ,45 ,2 32.6 56F ,48 -> 32.6 56F

    M9MB9R )C)D9C9S, , ,>4F 2 2 -F - 3 ,,>F 3 6 ,,,F 6 ; -F 5 2 8F 8 - 4F ,, ; ,2F ,2 5 ,,2F

    ,- 8 4F ,3 ,> ,,-F ,6 ,, ,,3F ,; ,2 4F ,8 8 ,3F ,4 4 ,6F 22 ,2 ,8F 2- ,- ,,6F

    23 ,3 ,6F 26 ,; ,,;F 2; ,5 ,,5F 25 ,8 ,6F 24 ,3 2>F -> ,6 2,F -- ,8 23F-3 ,4 ,,8F -6 2> 2,F -; 22 ,,4F -5 2- ,2>F -8 23 2,F 3> 2> 2;F 3, 2, 25F

    33 23 ->F 36 26 ,2,F 3; 2; 25F 35 28 ,22F 38 24 ,2-F 34 -> 25F 6, 2; -2F

    62 25 --F 66 -> -;F 6; -, ,23F 65 -2 --F 68 -3 ,26F 64 -6 ,2;F ;> -; --F;, 2 ,25F ;2 -5 -8F ;- - ,28F ;3 ; ,24F ;6 -4 -8F ;; -5 3>F ;5 -8 3,F ;8 -4 32F

    ;4 8 ,->F 5> 3> 3,F 5, 4 ,-,F 52 ,2 ,-2F 5- 32 3,F 53 3> 3-F 56 3, 33F

    5; 32 36F 55 ,3 ,--F 58 3- 33F 54 ,6 ,-3F 8> ,8 ,-6F 8, 36 33F 82 3- 3;F

    8- 33 35F 83 36 38F 86 2> ,-;F 8; 3; 35F 85 2, ,-5F 88 23 ,-8F 84 38 35F4> 3; 34F 4, 35 6>F 42 38 6,F 4- 2; ,-4F 43 34 6>F 46 25 ,3>F 4; -> ,3,F

    45 6, 6>F 48 34 62F 44 6> 6-F ,>> 6, 63F ,>, -2 ,32F ,>2 62 6-F ,>- -- ,3-F

    ,>3 -; ,33F ,>6 63 6-F ,>; -5 ,36F ,>5 66 6;F ,>8 -8 ,3;F ,>4 -4 ,35F,,> 65 6;F ,,, 66 68F ,,2 6; 64F ,,- 65 ;>F ,,3 3> ,38F ,,6 68 64F ,,; 3, ,34F

    ,,5 32 ,6>F ,,8 ;> 64F ,,4 68 ;,F ,2> 64 ;2F ,2, ;> ;-F ,22 3- ,6,F ,2- ;, ;2F

    ,23 33 ,62F ,26 36 ,6-F ,2; ;- ;2F ,25 ;, ;3F ,28 ;2 ;6F ,24 ;- ;;F ,-> 3; ,63F,-, ;3 ;6F ,-2 35 ,66F ,-- 38 ,6;F ,-3 ;; ;6F ,-6 ;3 ;5F ,-; ;6 ;8F ,-5 ;; ;4F

    ,-8 34 ,65F ,-4 ;5 ;8F ,3> 6> ,68F ,3, 6, ,64F ,32 ;4 ;8F ,3- ;5 5>F ,33 ;8 5,F

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    ,36 ;4 52F ,3; 62 ,;>F ,35 5> 5,F ,38 6- ,;,F ,34 63 ,;2F ,6> 52 5,F

    ,6, 66 ,;-F ,62 5- 53F ,6- 6; ,;3F ,63 65 ,;6F ,66 56 53F ,6; 5- 5;F ,65 53 55F,68 56 58F ,64 68 ,;;F ,;> 5; 55F ,;, 64 ,;5F ,;2 ;> ,;8F ,;- 58 55F ,;3 5; 54F

    ,;6 55 8>F ,;; 58 8,F ,;5 ;, ,;4F ,;8 54 8>F ,;4 ;2 ,5>F ,5> ;- ,5,F ,5, 8, 8>F

    ,52 54 82F ,5- 8> 8-F ,53 8, 83F ,56 ;3 ,52F ,5; 82 8-F ,55 ;6 ,5-F ,58 ;; ,53F

    ,54 83 8-F ,8> 82 86F ,8, 8- 8;F ,82 83 85F ,8- ;5 ,56F ,83 86 8;F ,86 ;8 ,5;F,8; ;4 ,55F ,85 85 8;F ,88 86 88F ,84 8; 84F ,4> 85 4>F ,4, 5> ,58F ,42 88 84F

    ,4- 5, ,54F ,43 52 ,8>F ,46 4> 84F ,4; 5- ,8,F ,45 4, 42F ,48 53 ,82F

    ,44 56 ,8-F 2>> 4- 42F 2>, 4, 43F 2>2 42 46F 2>- 4- 4;F 2>3 5; ,83F 2>6 43 46F2>; 55 ,86F 2>5 58 ,8;F 2>8 4; 46F 2>4 43 45F 2,> 46 48F 2,, 4; 44F 2,2 54 ,85F

    2,- 45 48F 2,3 8> ,88F 2,6 8, ,84F 2,; 44 48F 2,5 45 ,>>F 2,8 48 ,>,F

    2,4 44 ,>2F 22> 82 ,4>F 22, ,>> ,>,F 222 8- ,4,F 22- 83 ,42F 223 ,>2 ,>,F226 ,>> ,>-F 22; ,>, ,>3F 225 ,>2 ,>6F 228 86 ,4-F 224 ,>- ,>3F 2-> 8; ,43F

    2-, 85 ,46F 2-2 ,>6 ,>3F 2-- ,>- ,>;F 2-3 ,>3 ,>5F 2-6 ,>6 ,>8F 2-; 88 ,4;F

    2-5 ,>; ,>5F 2-8 84 ,45F 2-4 4> ,48F 23> ,>8 ,>5F 23, -, --F 232 -2 6-F

    23- 62 5,F 233 5> 84F 236 88 ,>5F 23; ,, ,8F 235 ,2 36F 238 32 ;-F 234 ;> 8,F26> 58 44F 26, ,5 ,2F 262 ,8 32F 26- 36 ;>F 263 ;- 58F 266 8, 4;F 26; -3 -2F

    265 -- 62F 268 6- 5>F 264 5, 88F 2;> 84 ,>;F 2;, ,>4 2F 2;2 ,,> -F 2;- ,,, ;F

    2;3 ,,2 8F 2;6 ,,- 4F 2;; ,,3 ,2F 2;5 ,,6 ,3F 2;8 ,,; ,6F 2;4 ,,5 ,8F25> ,,8 2>F 25, ,,4 2,F 252 ,2> 23F 25- ,2, 2;F 253 ,22 25F 256 ,2- ->F

    25; ,23 -2F 255 ,26 --F 258 ,2; -;F 254 ,25 -5F 28> ,28 -8F 28, ,24 -4F

    282 ,-> 3>F 28- ,-, 3,F 283 ,-2 32F 286 ,-- 3-F 28; ,-3 33F 285 ,-6 36F288 ,-; 3;F 284 ,-5 35F 24> ,-8 38F 24, ,-4 34F 242 ,3> 6>F 24- ,3, 6,F

    243 ,32 62F 246 ,3- 6-F 24; ,33 63F 245 ,36 66F 248 ,3; 6;F 244 ,35 65F

    ->> ,38 68F ->, ,34 64F ->2 ,6> ;>F ->- ,6, ;,F ->3 ,62 ;2F ->6 ,6- ;-F->; ,63 ;3F ->5 ,66 ;6F ->8 ,6; ;;F ->4 ,65 ;5F -,> ,68 ;8F -,, ,64 ;4F

    -,2 ,;> 5>F -,- ,;, 5,F -,3 ,;2 52F -,6 ,;- 5-F -,; ,;3 53F -,5 ,;6 56F

    -,8 ,;; 5;F -,4 ,;5 55F -2> ,;8 58F -2, ,;4 54F -22 ,5> 8>F -2- ,5, 8,F

    -23 ,52 82F -26 ,5- 8-F -2; ,53 83F -25 ,56 86F -28 ,5; 8;F -24 ,55 85F--> ,58 88F --, ,54 84F --2 ,8> 4>F --- ,8, 4,F --3 ,82 42F --6 ,8- 4-F

    --; ,83 43F --5 ,86 46F --8 ,8; 4;F --4 ,85 45F -3> ,88 48F -3, ,84 44F

    -32 ,4> ,>>F -3- ,4, ,>,F -33 ,42 ,>2F -36 ,4- ,>-F -3; ,43 ,>3F -35 ,46 ,>6F-38 ,4; ,>;F -34 ,45 ,>5F -6> ,48 ,>8F

    D9+)9 MAT9R)A* START

    )S$TR$P)C ST99*9 3.,5;eG>>;

    P$)SS$ >.-

    D9S)T= >.384>23

    A*PA ;.6e0>>;DAMP >.>-

    9D D9+)9 MAT9R)A*

    M9MB9R PR$P9RT= AM9R)CA, - 3 ,2 ,3 ,6 2- 26 2; -3 -; -5 36 35 38 6; 68 64 ;, ;- ;3 ;4 5, 52 55 54 0

    8> 86 85 88 4- 46 4; ,>, ,>- ,>3 ,>; ,>8 ,>4 ,,3 ,,; ,,5 ,22 ,23 ,26 ,-> 0

    ,-2 ,-- ,-8 ,3> ,3, ,3; ,38 ,34 ,6, ,6- ,63 ,64 ,;, ,;2 ,;5 ,;4 ,5> ,56 ,55 0,58 ,8- ,86 ,8; ,4, ,4- ,43 ,4; ,48 ,44 2>3 2>; 2>5 2,2 2,3 2,6 22> 222 22- 0

    228 2-> 2-, 2-; 2-8 2-4 2;, T$ -6> TAB*9 ST ,

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    2 6 5 8 ,, ,- ,; ,8 ,4 22 23 25 24 -> -- -6 -8 3> 3, 33 3; 34 6, 62 66 65 0

    ;> ;2 ;6 T$ ;8 5> 5- T$ 5; 58 8, T$ 83 8; 84 T$ 42 43 45 T$ ,>> ,>2 ,>6 ,>5 0,,> T$ ,,- ,,6 ,,8 T$ ,2, ,2- ,2; T$ ,24 ,-, ,-3 T$ ,-5 ,-4 ,32 T$ ,36 ,35 0

    ,6> ,62 ,66 T$ ,68 ,;> ,;- T$ ,;; ,;8 ,5, T$ ,53 ,5; ,54 T$ ,82 ,83 0

    ,85 T$ ,4> ,42 ,46 ,45 2>> T$ 2>- 2>6 2>8 T$ 2,, 2,- 2,; T$ 2,4 22, 0

    223 T$ 225 224 2-2 T$ 2-6 2-5 23> TAB*9 ST ->8 SP >.,

    23, T$ 236 26; T$ 2;> TAB*9 ST SST41-1>.26

    C$STATSMAT9R)A* ST99* A**


    , 3 6 5 ,> ,, ,- ,; ,5 ,4 22 2- 26 28 24 -, -3 -6 P)9DM9MB9R R9*9AS9

    5 8 ,, T$ ,; ,8 ,4 22 T$ 25 24 -> -- T$ -8 3> 3, 33 T$ 34 6, 62 66 T$ ;> ;; 0

    ;5 T$ ,>6 ,,, T$ ,6> ,6; T$ ,46 2>, T$ 23> START MP1 >.44 MP= >.44 MPH >.44

    5 8 ,, ,- ,; ,8 ,4 22 23 25 24 -> -- -6 -8 3> 3, 33 3; 34 6, 62 66 65 ;> ;; 0;5 T$ ;8 5> 5- T$ 5; 58 8, T$ 83 8; 84 T$ 42 43 45 T$ ,>> ,>2 ,>6 ,,, T$ ,,- 0

    ,,6 ,,8 T$ ,2, ,2- ,2; T$ ,24 ,-, ,-3 T$ ,-5 ,-4 ,32 T$ ,36 ,35 ,6> 0

    ,6; T$ ,68 ,;> ,;- T$ ,;; ,;8 ,5, T$ ,53 ,5; ,54 T$ ,82 ,83 ,85 T$ ,4> ,42 0,46 2>, T$ 2>- 2>6 2>8 T$ 2,, 2,- 2,; T$ 2,4 22, 223 T$ 225 224 2-2 T$ 2-6 0

    2-5 23> 2;3 T$ 258 282 T$ 24; ->> T$ -,3 -,8 T$ --2 --; T$ -34 0

    -6> 9D MP1 >.44 MP= >.44 MPH >.44M9MB9R TR:SS

    23, T$ 2;>

    D9+)9 >2/PARAMS 86.>>> MP > , , > >.>>> +T >.>>> +T >.>>> +T , 0

    , 3>.>>> +T ->.>>> +T 26.>>> +T 2.>>> >.>,> > 0> > > > >.5;, ,.>>> ,.>>> >.86> > 0

    > > > >.;33 >.8>> >.66>

    JK 9D 99RAT9D DATA B*$CE)T >.>,,2284 >.>,,2284 >.>,,-42 >.>,,6323 >.>,,;822 >.>,,8,- >.>,,4-;, 0

    >.>,2>626 >.>,2,;-, >.>,22;83 >.>,2-;4, >.>,23;6; >.>,26682 >.>,2;356 0

    >.>,25--6 9) > ,6 ,;.42-, ,8.83;, 2>.5;42 22.;42- 23.;,63 2;.6-86 028.3;,6 ->.-83; -2.->55 -3.2->8 -;.,6-8 -8.>5;4 3>

    *$AD , *$ADT=P9 Dead T)T*9 D9AD *$AD

    S9*+ ;> +*$AD 0>., =

    *$AD - *$ADT=P9

  • 8/9/2019 Tutorial Ram Conection


    *$AD C$MB ; 99RAT9D A)SC 99RA* -

    , ,.> 2 >.56*$AD C$MB 5 99RAT9D A)SC 99RA* 3

    , ,.> - ,.>

    *$AD C$MB 8 99RAT9D A)SC 99RA* 6

    , ,.> 2 >.56 - >.56*$AD C$MB 4 99RAT9D A)SC 99RA* ;

    , >.; - ,.>

    *$AD C$MB ,> 99RAT9D A)SC 99RA* 5, >.;

    P9R+$RM AA*=S)S PR)T A**


    LC9CE C$D9 A**

    PARAM9T9R ,

    C$D9 A)SC+=*D 6,83 M9MB , T$ 6 5 8 ,, T$ ,; ,8 ,4 22 T$ 25 24 -> -- T$ -8 3> 3, 33 0

    36 T$ 34 6, 62 66 T$ 23> 2;, T$ -6>

    C9CE C$D9 M9MB , T$ 6 5 8 ,, T$ ,; ,8 ,4 22 T$ 25 24 -> -- T$ -8 3> 3, 33 036 T$ 34 6, 62 66 T$ 23> 2;, T$ -6>


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