Page 1: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel






Kigali November, 2014

Page 2: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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Culinary Arts


Page 3: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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© Workforce Development Authority, 2014

Copies available from:

Workforce Development Authority (WDA)

P. O. BOX 2707 Kigali

Tel: (+250) 255113365

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Email: [email protected]


Original published version updated:

October, 2014

Page 4: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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The Competent Development Body of this Curriculum is © Workforce Development Authority

(WDA). Reproduced with permission.

The following copyright warning applies to the material from the Training Package:

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© Workforce Development Authority (WDA) 2014

Published by

Workforce Development Authority (WDA)

P. O. BOX 2707 Kigali

Tel: (+250) 255113365

Internet: http://

Page 5: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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Table of Contents

C o p y r i g h t i i

T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s i i i

L i s t o f a b b r e v i a t i o n s v i i i

A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s i x

1 . G E N E R A L I N T R O D U C T I O N 2

2 . Q U A L I F I C A T I O N D E T A I L S 3

2.1 Description 3

2.2 Minimum entry requirements 2

2.3 Information about pathways 2

2.4 Job related information 2

2.5 Employability skills and life skills 2

2.6 Information about competencies 4

3 . T R A I N I N G P A C K A G E 5

3.1 Course structure 5

3.2 Competencies chart 5

3.4 Flowchart 7

4 . A S S E S S M E N T G U I D E L I N E S 8

4.1 Assessment Methodology 8

4.2 Portfolio 8

C C M O L 0 0 1 - O C C U P A T I O N A N D L E A R N I N G P R O C E S S 1 1

LU 1: Participate as part of a team and respect the rules of the training environment 13

LU 2:Explain the occupation and learning process 16

LU 3: Respect the facilitation and apply learning methods 19

LU 4: Develop personal plans based on self-assessment practices 21

C C M M S 5 0 1 - M O N I T O R I N G O F O C C U P A T I O N A L S H E A T W O R K P L A C E 2 7

LU 1: Conduct OSH (occupational safety and health) monitoring 29

LU 2:Collect and analyze Occupational health, safety incidents report 33

LU 3: Train all staff on occupational health and safety matters 39

C C M U E 5 0 1 - U P P E R I N T E R M E D I A T E W O R K P L A C E E N G L I S H 4 5

LU 1: Communicate orally in social and professional situations with ease 47

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LU 2:Read correctly a range of materials 52

LU 3: Listen to audio messages with different English accents to get the intended message 56

LU 4: Produce a variety of medium texts on professional and general topics 60

C C M K N 5 0 1 - I K I N Y A R W A N D A C Y ’ I N T Y O Z A 6 5

LU 1:Gukoresha ubuvanganzo nyandiko ashyikirana n’abandi 68

LU 2:Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza uburyo bunyuranye bwo gukemura amakimbirane

no gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye. 77

LU 3:Gukangurira abandi akamaro k’isuku n’isukura no gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye. 87

LU 4:Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza uburyo bunyuranye bwo gutunganya ubutaka no

gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye 97

LU 5:Gukoresha neza uburyo bunyuranye bw ’ ubwumvane no kwandika yubahiriza imyandikire

y’Ikinyarwanda. 106

C C M S E 5 0 1 - W O R K I N G I N A S O C I A L L Y D I V E R S E E N V I R O N M E N T 1 1 6

LU 1: Communicate with customers and colleagues from diverse backgrounds 118

LU 2:Address cross-cultural misunderstandings 122

C C M I W 5 0 1 - I C T A T W O R K P L A C E 1 2 6

LU 1: Prepare document Layout 128

LU 2:Apply basic computer operations 133

LU 3: Manage data 139

C C M P E 5 0 1 - P R O F E S S I O N A L E T H I C S 1 4 6

LU 1:Apply human values 148

LU 2:Respect engineering ethics 154

LU 3:Apply safety 158

C C M F T 5 0 1 - T E C H N I Q U E S D ’ E X P R E S S I O N O R A L E E T E C R I T E E N F R A N Ç A I S 1 6 2

LU 1:Ecrire en respectant l’orthographe courante 164

LU 2:Employer le vocabulaire technique dans différents écrit 168

LU 3:Présider des débats et des discussions 173

LU 4:Conduire des réunions. 177

LU 5:Rédiger et présenter un exposé 181

C C M M K 5 0 1 - M A W A S I L I A N O M B A L I M B A L I Y A K I O F I S I K A T I K A K I S W A H I L I 1 8 5

LU 1:Kutunga hati za mawasiliano mbali mbali za kiofisi. 187

LU 2:Kuchambua hati za mawasiliano mbali mbali za kiofisi 191

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LU 3: Kupanga mbinu za uwasilishaji wa hati mbali mbali. 195

C C M B O 5 0 1 - B U S I N E S S O R G A N I S A T I O N 1 9 9

LU 1: Identify activities to be accomplished for real business operations 201

LU 2:Create a productive working environment 208

LU 3: Run real business operation 216

LU 4: Monitor and evaluate the business 222

C U A P M 5 0 1 - P R O P E R T Y M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M 2 2 7

LU 1: Describe property management system 229

LU 2:Determine organization outlets software in Property management system 237

LU 3: Use property management system 244

C U A F T 5 0 1 - P R O C E S S I N G F I N A N C I A L T R A N S A C T I O N S 2 5 4

LU 1:Record and balance petty cash transactions 256

LU 2:Balance all transaction 264

LU 1:Identify the basis of kitchen organization 274

LU 2:Determine classical brigade of kitchen set up 280

LU 3:Determine modern kitchen set up 285

LU 4:Apply general categories of skills on kitchen staff 291

LU 5:Develop other professional opportunities 296

Summative Assessment 301

C U A A R 5 0 1 - A S I A N R I C E A N D N O O D L E D I S H E S 3 0 6

LU 1:Identify ingredients 309

LU 2:Prepare and use tools and equipment 314

LU 3:Prepare Asian ingredients 319

LU 2:Cook rice and noodle dishes 325

LU 2:Present, garnish and store rice and noodle dishes 330

Summative Assessment 336

C U A K S 5 0 1 - K I T C H E N S U P P L I E S R E C E P T I O N A N D S T O R I N G 3 4 2

LU 1:Receive delivery section supplies 344

LU 2:Rotate and maintain kitchen section supplies 351

LU 3:Store kitchen section supplies 358

Summative Assessment 363

C U A M K 5 0 1 - M O N I T O R I N G O F K I T C H E N S E C T I O N S T A F F 3 6 8

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LU 1:Monitor and improve workplace operations 370

LU 2:Plan and organize workflow 378

LU 3: Solve problems and making decisions 384

Summative Assessment 389

C U A P C 5 0 1 - P R I N C I P L E S O F C A T E R I N G C O N T R O L 3 9 3

LU 1:Identify catering control principles 395

LU 2:Apply procedures to reduce wastage 401

LU 3:Implement working plan for the catering procedures 408

C U A S C 5 0 1 - S T O C K S C O N T R O L A N D O R D E R I N G 4 1 8

LU 1:Maintain stock level and record 421

LU 2:Process stock orders 431

LU 3: Minimize stock losses 437

LU 4: Pursue orders 445

LU 5: Organize and administer stock takes 451

Summative Assessment 456

C U A S D 5 0 - S H E L L F I S H D I S H E S 4 6 2

LU 1:Select ingredients 464

LU 4:Cook fish and shellfish 469

LU 5:Present fish and shellfish 474

Summative Assessment 479

C U A T D 5 0 1 - T A N D O O R I D I S H E S 4 8 4

LU 1:Identify Tandoori dishes 487

LU 2:Prepare, use tools and equipment 492

LU 3:Prepare ingredients 497

LU 4:Cook tandoori dishes 502

LU 5:Present, garnish and store tandoori dishes 507

Summative Assessment 512

C U A A S 5 0 1 - A S I A N S U S H I A N D S A U C E S 5 1 7

LU 1:Select ingredients 520

LU 2:Prepare and use tools and equipment of sushi and sauces 525

LU 3: Prepare ingredients of sushi and sauces 530

LU 4: Prepare sushi and sauces 538

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LU 5: Present, garnish and store sushi and sauces 544

Summative Assessment 549

C U A F S 5 0 1 - F O O D S A F E T Y P R O C E D U R E S I M P L E M E N T A T I O N 5 5 3

LU 1:Evaluate organizational requirements for food safety 555

LU 2:Implement food safety procedures to control hazards 564

LU 3: Revise food safety procedures 571

Summative Assessment 578

C C M I A 5 0 1 - I N D U S T R I A L A T T A C H M E N T P R O G R A M ( I A P ) 5 8 2

LU 1: Demonstrate supervisory skills 584

LU 2:Get briefed on industrial attachment program 590

LU 3: Develop one’s competences on the workplace 593


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List of abbreviations

AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome

CCompulsory (Indicator)

CD Compact Disc

CDU Curriculum Development Unit

CICompulsory Indicator

CM Complimentary modules

DVD Digital Video Disc

HACCPHazards Analysis and Critical Control Point

HIVthe Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HOTCA Hospitality and Tourism Culinary Arts

ICTInformation Communication Technology

ILO International Labour Organization

PDA Personal Digital Assistance

PPEPersonal Protective Equipment

ROM Read Only Memory

RTQFRwanda Technical Qualification Framework

RTQFRwanda TVET Qualification Framework

STISexual Transmission Infection

TTolerable (Indicator)

TVETTechnical and Vocational Education and Training

WDA Workforce Development Authority

RP Rwanda Polytechinic

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Workforce Development Authority wishes to thank the following persons who participated in

the development of this curriculum:


HABIMANA Théodore, TVET Training Department - WDA

MUHIRE Jean Marie Vianney, Head Curriculum Development Unit - WDA


MUKANGARAMBE Judith, Curriculum Development Unit - WDA

MUTANGAMPUNDU Consolatrice, Rwanda Polytechnic

Curriculum Development/Assesment Team


1. Janvier MUGWANEZA Chef de Partie Sportsview Hotel

2. Jean Claude HABARUREMA Culinary Arts Trainer VTC Shangi

3. Kevin UWIMANA Culinary Arts Trainer VTC Lycée de Ruhango Ikirezi

4. Geoffrey BAGABO Chef de Partie Sportsview Hotel


6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer

7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

8. Judith MUKABADEGE Culinary Arts Trainer VTC Mpanda

9. Celine NIRAGIRE Culinary Arts Trainer V T C Rubengera

10. Alexandre NKINZINGABO Head Chef Bourbon Coffee

11. Jean Bosco NDATIRA IPRC South Culinary Trainer

12. Henry HAKUNDWUMUKIZA Lycée de Ruhango Ikirezi Culinary Trainer

13. Eugenie KARWERA RWABUYE TVET School Trainer

14. Lydia GASIBIREGE ELOHIM Restaurant cook

15. Jean Baptiste NDUWAYEZU BETHANY Hotel KIBUYE Chef

16. Kevin UWIMANA Lycée de Ruhango Ikirezi Trainer

17. MUSAFIRI Ernest Instructor IPRC NGOMA

18. MUSONI Jean Claude Trainer Nyabihu TVET School

19. UWERA Marceline Socio-linguistics Officer RALC

20. MUTAGANZWA Gilbert Teacher Ecole Secondaire de Rukara

21. MATATA Jean Bosco Teacher College Ami des Enfants

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22. GASIMBA François Xavier Lecturer UR/College of Education

23. KAMBARI Vincent Teacher GS St Marcel/Kayonza

24. MUREGO Yves Quality Assurance Officer WDA


26. GASANA Vedaste Lecturer INES

27. Dominique Xavier




Trainer Lycee de Gisenyi

29. NGEZAHAYO Emmanuel Maths teacher/author Rusumo High School

30. NIYODUSENGA Patrick Physics teacher Ecole des sciences de Nyanza

31. UWINEZA Patrice Sciences trainer Nyamata TVET School


33. Claude NIYOMUGABO Data manager/Format Editor Genial Contractors lt

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The curriculum presents a coherent and significant set of competencies to

acquire to perform the occupation of Chef de Partie. It is designed with an

approach that takes into account the training needs, the work situation, as well

as the goals and the means to implement training.

The modules of the curriculum include a description of the expected results at the end of

training. They have a direct influence on the choice of the theoretical and practical learning

activities. The competencies are the targets of training: the acquisition of each is required for


The curriculum is the reference to carry out the assessment of learning. Assessment tools of

learning are developed on the basis of this document.

The curriculum consists of three parts. The first part is of general interest and shows the nature

and goals of a program and the key concepts and definitions used in the document. The second

part presents the qualification, its level in the qualification framework, its purpose, its rationale

and the list of modules it comprises. The third part deals with the training package. It includes

the competencies chart, the sequencing of module learning, the description of each module

and the course structure.

The pages describing the modules are the heart of a curriculum. They present the title of the

module, the length of training, the amount of credits, the context in which the competency is

performed, the prerequisite competencies, the learning units and the performance criteria.

In each module, a course structure is provided. The course structure describes the learning

outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitude) and the learning contents related to each learning

unit. Also, the learning activities and resources for learning are suggested.

Finally, the assessment specifications and guidelines are included in each module.



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2.1 Description

This qualification provides the skills,

knowledge and attitudes for a learner to be

competent in a range of routine tasks and

activities that require the application of a

limited range of practical skills in a defined

context. Work would be undertaken in

various Hospitality and Tourism enterprises

where works relating managing kitchen

section staff,applying catering control

principles, Asian sushi and sauces

preparation, tandoori, shellfish and Asian

rice and noodle dishes preparation,

receiving and storing kitchen supplies,

controlling and ordering stocks, organizing

kitchen set up and implementation of food

safety procedures are carried out.

Learners may take responsibility for the

carrying out of a range of defined activities

under non-directive supervision and take

some supervisory responsibility for the

work of others and lead established teams

in the implementation of routine work.

At the end of this qualification, qualified

learners will be able to:

Describe the occupation and learning process

Monitor Occupational SHE best practices

Maintain professional conversation in upper-intermediate English

Gukoresha ikinyarwanda cy’’intyoza

Work in a socially diverse environment

Use ICT at workplace

Apply professional ethics

Organize a business

Pratiquer les techniques d’expression orale et écrite

Kujadili Mawasiliano mbali mbali ya Kiofisi katika Kiswahili

Apply property management system

Financial transactions processing

Implement food safety procedures

Monitor kitchen section staff performance

Receive and store kitchen supplies

Control and order stocks

Apply catering control principles

Prepare Asian rice and noodle dishes

Organize kitchen set up

Prepare Asian sushi and sauces

Prepare tandoori dishes

Prepare Shellfish dishes

Integrate workplace

Title: TVET Certificate V in Culinary Arts

Level: REQF Level 5

Credits: 120

Sector: Hospitality and tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary arts

Issue date: November, 2014

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2.2 Minimum entry requirements TVET Certificate IV in hospitalityand tourism or other relevant qualifications or through Recognition of Prior Learning.

2.3 Information about pathways

2.4 Job related information

This qualification prepares individuals to integrate the hospitality and tiurism sector and operate as a

Chef de Partie. This qualification constitutes a basis for further learning in Hospitality and Tourism,

especially in Culinary Arts. Individuals with this qualification can enter the TVET diploma in order to be

equipped with the necessary competences to function as a Sous Chef.

2.5 Employability skills and life skills

Through the generic modules, individuals with this qualification have acquired the life and

employability skills to meet the following industry or enterprise requirements:

Possible jobs related to this qualification

Chef de partie

Preferred pathways for candidates entering this qualification include: Candidates enter this qualification after

achieving TVET Certificate IV in culinarts arts or other relevant qualifications or through Recognition of Prior Learning

Progression route of candidates achieving this qualification include:

Candidates exiting this qualification are able to enter TVET diploma in culinary arts.

Pathways into the qualification

Pathways from the qualification

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Documenting technical work in plain English

Writing and presenting reports

Safety and security precautions

Working collaboratively with project team members

Health and environment

Health reproduction

Rwanda environmental protection, practices rules and regulations

Business Plan

Producing a small IT business plan

Planning and organizing

Preparing feasibility reports that take into account project scope, time, cost, quality,

communications and risk management


Taking responsibility for own outputs in relation to specified quality standards

working according to the Rwandan Computer Society Code of Ethics regarding security, legal,

moral and ethical issues


Manipulate computer

Using internet

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Languages other than Kinyarwanda

Using English as the medium of communication in the working environment

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Number of competencies: 23 Core competencies : 12 Complementary competencies : 11 The total number of Credits: 120

2.6 Information about competencies

No Code Complementary competencies Credit

1 CCMOL501 Describe the occupation and learning process 3

2 CCMMS501 Monitor occupational SHE at workplace 3

3 CCMUE501 Maintain professional conversation in upper-intermediate English 3

4 CCMKN501 Gukoresha ikinyarwanda cy’intyoza 3

5 CCMSE501 Work in a socially diverse environment 3

6 CCMIW501 Use ICT at workplace 3

7 CCMBO501 Organize a business 3

8 CCMPE501 Apply professional ethics 3

9 CCMFT501 Pratiquer les techniques d’expression orale et écrite 3

10 CCMMK501 Kujadili Mawasiliano mbali mbali ya Kiofisi katika Kiswahili 3

11 CCMIA501 Integrate workplace 30 Total 60

No Code Core competencies Credit




1. CUAPM501 Property management system 7

2. CUAFT501 Processing financial transactions 4



3. CUAMK501 Monitor kitchen section staff performance 5

4. CUARS501 Receive and store kitchen supplies 4

5. CUASC501 Control and order stocks 5

6. CUAPC501 Apply catering control principles 4

7. CUARN501 Prepare Asian rice and noodles 4

8. CUAKO501 Organize kitchen set up 5

9. CUAAS501 Prepare Asian sushi and sauces 6

10. CUATD501 Prepare tandoori dishes 5

11. CUASD501 Prepare Shellfish dishes 6

12. CUAFS501 Food safety procedures implementation 5 Total 60


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The training package includes the competencies chart, the flowchart, the

modules, the course structure, and the assessment guidelines.

3.1 Course structure

The course structure describes the learning outcomes for each learning unit. These learning

outcomes are the essential skills and knowledge to be acquired. The contents to be covered for

each learning outcome are prescriptive. The Learning Activities contain a series of suggestions,

usually with several options, that will guide the learner and the trainer.

3.2 Competencies chart

The competencies chart is a table that presents an overview of the specific competencies, the

general competencies, the work process and the time allocated to each competency. This table

provides an overall view of the competencies of the training program and allows identification

of the logical sequence of the learning of these competencies.

The competencies chart shows the relationship between general competencies and specific

competencies that are particular to the occupation, as well as the key stages of the work

process. It shows the links between the elements in the horizontal axis and those in the vertical

axis. The symbol (ο) marks a relationship between a general competency and specific

competency. The symbol (∆) indicates a relationship between a specific competency and a step

in the process of work. When the symbols are darkened, it indicates that the link is taken into

account in the description of the specific competency.

The competencies chart allows the trainer to consider the complexity of the competencies in

the organization of the progress of learning. Therefore, the vertical axis shows the specific

competencies in the order they should be acquired.

This is the starting point of the presentation of the competencies in the flowchart presented in

the following pages.



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Duration (490 Hrs) 30














Monitor kitchen section staff performance 50 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○


Receive and store kitchen supplies 40 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○

3 Control and order stocks 50 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○


Apply catering control principles 40 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○


Prepare Asian rice and noodles 40 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○

7 Organize kitchen set up 50 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○


Prepare Asian sushi and sauces 60 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○

9 Prepare tandoori dishes

50 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○

11 Prepare Shellfish dishes 60 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○


Implement food safety procedures 50 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ● ○ ○

Figure 1: Competencies chart

Between the process and particular competencies| Between general and particular competencies

▲:Functional link application ●: Functional link application

∆: Functional link existence ο: Functional link existence

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3.4 Flowchart

The flowchart of sequencing of learning is a schematic representation of the order of

acquisition of the competencies. It provides an overall planning of the entire training

programme and shows the relationship between the modules. This type of planning is to ensure

consistency and progression of learning. For each module, the flowchart shows the learning

that is already in place, the learning that is to take in parallel or later. The positions defined will

have a decisive impact on all subsequent pedagogical choices. The flowchart of the sequence of

learning of the modules of the training programme is presented on the following page.

Figure 2: Flowchart

Pratiquer les techniques d’expression

orale et écrite 3

Kujadili Mawasiliano mbali mbali ya

Kiofisi katika Kiswahili 3

Financial transactions processing 4 Apply property management system 7

Monitor kitchen section staff performance 5

Receive and store kitchen supplies 4

Implement food safety procedures 5 Prepare Asian sushi and sauces 6

Prepare Asian rice and noodles 4

Apply catering control principles 4 Prepare tandoori dishes 5

Prepare Shellfish dishes 6 Organize kitchen set up 5 Control and order stocks 5

Occupation and learning process 3

Monitoring of occupational she at workplace 3

Upper intermediate workplace english 3 Ikinyarwanda cy’intyoza 3

Working in a socially diverse environment 3 ICT at workplace 3

Professional ethcics 3

Business organisation 3

Industrial attachment program (IAP) 30

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4.1 Assessment Methodology

To assess knowledge, practical, and application skills through a jury system of continuous

evaluation that encourages learners to display understanding of the principles in application to

set practical tasks and their attendant theory to assess self-learning.

4.2 Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of learner work representing learner performance. It is a folder (or

binder or even a digital collection) containing the learner’s work as well as the learner’s

evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the work. Portfolios reflect not only work

produced (such as papers and assignments, direct demonstration, indirect demonstration,

products, documents), but also it is a record of the activities undertaken over time as part of

learner learning. The portfolio is meant to show learner growth, development, and

achievements in the education system. It also shows that you have met specific learning goals

and requirements. A portfolio is not a project; it is an ongoing process for the formative

assessment. The portfolio output (formative assessment) will be considered only as enough for

complementary and general modules. Besides, it will serve as a verification tool for each

candidate that he/she attended the whole training before he/she undergoes the summative

assessment for specific modules.

There are two types of assessment (Formative Assessment and Summative/Integrated

Assessment). Each assessment has its own rule for passing to be declared competent.

Formative Assessment

This is applied on all types of modules (e.g. Complementary, General and Specific modules)

A trainee to be competent for a formative module must have at least 70% on checked

items or “yes” in indicators (e.g. questions, indicators in the checklist)

Each trainee should be competent on all formative assessments to be declared competent

on that module

All formative assessment should be declared competent before taking the

summative/integrated assessment



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Summative/Integrated Assessment

All Summative/Integrated assessment should match with the content of the module in the


Summative/Integrated Assessment is always in practical, giving it as a theoretical type of

assessment is not acceptable.

The integrated situation provided in the curriculum is a sample of the assessment to be

carried out, the Trainer/Teacher has the role of developing another one referring to the

task to be carried out in the integrated situation in accordance to the circumstances inside

school, but the integrated situation should stick on the components of a task.

During Summative/Integrated assessment, assessor panel members should be three (3).

This Summative/Integrated assessment can be seen in specific modules and the Trainee

can be declared competent by the following rules:

For YES or NO scoring of indicators in Summative/Integrated Checklist

The trainee can be declared competent based on the assessment CRITERIA and its respective

assessment indicators

Assessment Criteria Passing Line in the

assessment indicators

Quality of Process 90%

Quality of Product 100%

Relevance 90%

Rest of Criteria/ any other criteria

(example: Safety)


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Note:The Assessor should check if the 10% indicator (Quality of Process and Relevance) in

which the Trainee was not able to meet during Summative/Integrated Assessment should not

be among those indicators that can cause any hazard, or the one indicator that is performed

poorly where there is room for improvement.

1. During assessment, trainees with special needs (e.g. people with disability) should be

assisted accordingly.

2. Deputy School Manager in-charge of Studies, Class Teacher, and Trainer should consider

the status (competent/not yet competent) of trainees before delivering the next module

with pre-requisites.

3. Respect of flowchart particularly in considering the delivery of modules which has

prerequisite of a following/subsequent module is considered in issuing TVET certificate,

otherwise other modules can be given anytime.

4. All evidences during assessment (e.g. quiz, checklist, forms) should have a written form

that is compiled in the Trainer (source) and Trainee (result) portfolio. Portfolio is the

responsibility of School, Class Teacher, and Trainees. It should be given to trainees after


5. Industrial Attachment Program (IAP)

- All Trainees should finish and declared competent on all modules before taking IAP


- Trainees should finish and declared competent on the 30 hours content of IAP

module written in the curriculum before they go to workplace or industry.

- The school should organize visit for all trainees in the workplace or industry to

confirm and assist IAP especially in filling up the logbook.

- An interview to the trainee should be conducted in the school after the IAP has

been completed and should be documented in the trainee portfolio.

- All completed logbooks should be part of the trainee portfolio.

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CCMOL001 Describe the occupation and learning process

RTQF Level: All Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date: September, 2014

Purpose statement

This module is covered first in all qualifications. It allows the learner to know the other

participants to the training programme and to understand himself/herself as part of a team.

Also, the trainee will develop a comprehensive and clear vision of the occupation and the

training programme. The module will allow the participant to avoid mistakes of career guidance

and confirm or deny his/her choice from the start. The training and learning methods are

presented to the learner. This approach encourages greater motivation and, subsequently, a

better integration of various learning.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Not applicable

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Participate as part of a team and respect the rules of the training environment

1.1 Proper introduction of himself/herself 1.2 Appropriate integration in the team 1.3 Appropriate participation in setting rules and adhere

to them

2. Explain the occupation and learning process

2.1 Proper description of the main/major elements of occupation

2.2 Adequate explanation about the one’s qualification

3. Respect the facilitation and apply learning methods

3.1 Proper engagement in active and participatory learning methods 3.2 Adequate description of the assessment procedures

4. Develop personal plans based on self-assessment practices

4.1 Proper identification of values, skills and interests 4.2 Proper assessment of values, skills and interests 4.3 Correct Setting of goals 4.4 Proper development of plans in order to reach the set

goals 4.5 Proper assessment of one’s learning style 4.6 Adequate identification of learning strategies

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LU 1: Participate as part of a team and respect the rules of the training environment


Learning Outcomes:

1. Introduce oneself and get to know one another 2. Integrate in team 3. Participate in setting rules and adhere to them

6 Hours

Learning Outcome1.1: Introduce oneself and get to know one another


Expectations about the training

o Introduction o Game o Presentation of trainees’


- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 1.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance criterion

Proper introduction of oneself

Resources Learning activities Content

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.2: Integrate in team

Working as a team

Building trust

o Games o Group discussions

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 1.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Appropriate integration in team

Resources Learning activities Content

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Learning Outcome 1.3: Participate in setting rules and adhere to them

Rules of the classroom

Group responsibilities

o Brainstorming o Discussions o Assign class tasks

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 1.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Appropriate participation in setting rules and adhere to them

Resources Learning activities Content

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LU 2:Explain the occupation and learning process


Learning Outcomes:

1. Describe the main/major elements of occupation 2. Explain about the one’s qualification

12 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Describe the main/major elements of occupation

Characteristics of the occupation

Place of the occupation in the sector

The impact/importance of the occupation in economic development

Working conditions

o Group discussion o Personal research o Visit of a business in the


- Pictures of people in working situation

- Documents describing the occupation

- Documents describing the sector

Formative Assessment 2.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance criterion

Proper description of the main/major elements of occupation

Resources Learning activities Content

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2.2: Explain about the one’s qualification

Rationale of the qualification

Content of the training programme (modules)

Duration Flowchart

Pathways (exit level & further learning)

Presentation of the timetable

Presentation of the classrooms and workshops

o Presentation by the teacher o Research o Visits of the premises of the


- Overview of the training programme

- Testimonies of people performing the occupation

- School year calendar - Timetable

Formative Assessment 2.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance criterion

Adequate explanation about the one’s qualification

Resources Learning activities Content

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Checklist Score

Yes No


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LU 3: Respect the facilitation and apply learning methods


Learning Outcomes:

1. Engage in active and participatory learning methods 2. Describe the assessment procedures

2 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Engage in active and participatory learning methods

Overview of the active and participatory teaching and learning methods

Experiential learning cycle

o Experience sharing. o Presentation by the trainer

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 3.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance criterion

Proper engagement in active and participatory learning methods

Resources Learning activities Content

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.2: Describe the assessment procedures

Assessment procedures Timing Assessors/verifiers Assessment tools (portfolio

& integrated situation)

o Presentation by the trainer - Assessment manual

Formative Assessment 3.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Adequate description of the assessment procedures

Resources Learning activities Content

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LU 4: Develop personal plans based on self-assessment practices


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify values, skills and interests 2. Assess values, skills and interests 3. Set goals 4. Develop plans 5. Assess one’s learning style

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Identify values, skills and interests

Values, skills and interests

Relating values, skills and interests to the workplace

o -

Formative Assessment 4.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance criterion

Proper identification of values, skills and interests

Resources Learning activities Content

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Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.2: Assess values, skills and interests

Skills & qualities assessment

Acceptance of diversity, self-esteem & confidence

o Individual work o Exercise on we are all unique

- individual assessment checklist

Formative Assessment 4.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Proper assessment of values, skills and interests

Resources Learning activities Content

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Learning Outcome 4.3: Set goals

SMART goals

Identification of goals Short term Long term

Process for stting and achieving goals:

Identifying steps Time frame Resources

o Group work o Tree drawing & interpretation o Discussion about displayed

pictures on setting & achieving goals

o Exercises on developing SMART goals

o Practical exercises on developing personal plans

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 4.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Correct Setting of goals

Resources Learning activities Content

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Learning Outcome 4.4: Develop plans

SMART goals

Identification of goals Short term Long term

Process for setting and achieving goals:

Identifying steps Time frame Resources

o Group work o Tree drawing & interpretation o Discussion about displayed

pictures on setting & achieving goals

o Exercises on developing SMART goals

o Practical exercises on developing personal plans

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 4.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Proper development of plans in order to reach the set goals

Resources Learning activities Content

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Learning Outcome 4.5: Assess one’s learning style

Types of learning styles

Determining one’s preferred way of learning

Strategies for using one’s learning style in workplace/school

o Paper folding activities o Completing self-assessment

learning style o Scenario based activities

- Trainer manual

Formative Assessment 4.5

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 4.6: Identify learning strategies

o -

Resources Learning activities Content

Performance criterion

Proper assessment of one’s learning style

Resources Learning activities Content

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Formative Assessment 4.6

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Checklist Score

Yes No


Reference books:

1. Work Readiness Training Programme – Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project.

2. Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project.

Performance criterion

Adequate identification of learning strategies

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CCMMS501 Monitor Occupational SHE best practices

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date:November, 2017

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to perform OSHE monitoring

systems taken as instruments used for measurement and analysis in the area of occupational

safety and health. They are commonly used to inform and guide government policy. Typically,

these systems are used to give an indication of the number of work accidents or occupational

diseases, or they might record information about places of work, or about the activities of the

organizations involved in ensuring good working conditions. Moreover, the module describes

the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to monitor occupational safety, health and security

policies and procedures. Finally, the learner learns how to advice and train all employees on

health and safety matters.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Not applicable

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Conduct OSHE ( occupational safety

and health) monitoring

1.1 Proper checking of application of OSHE policies,

procedures and regulations

1.2 Proper monitoring of the use of PPEs

1.3 Proper monitoring the compliance of OSHE best


2. Collect and analyze occupational

health, safety incidents report

2.1 Proper collection of data regarding OSHE incidents

2.2 proper analysis of OSHE data collected

2.3 Adequate elaboration of a compiled incident reports

2.4 Proper recommendation of safest way to do the job

3. Train all staff on occupational

health and safety matters

3.1 Appropriate provision of information and instructions

3.2 Appropriate training to all employees and supervisors

on OSHE standards/regulations

3.3 Proper evaluation of trained OSHE programs

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LU 1: Conduct OSH (occupational safety and health) monitoring


Learning Outcomes:

1. Check if SHE policies, procedures and regulations are applied 2. Monitor use of PPEs 3. Monitor compliance of OSHE best practice

10 Hours

Learning Outcome1.1: Check if SHE policies, procedures and regulations are applied

SHE policies in accordance with the discipline

SHE regulations; Safety roles of employees Responsibility of

administration Incident reporting Ventilation and air quality First aid facilities Hazard control in

workplace Equipment and machinery Emergency response plans

SHE standards; Responsibility in working

place Hazard identification and

risk Control Making the working area

safe Personnel protective

equipment Health of employees Facilities

o Brainstorming o Documentary research o Group discussion

Flipcharts Markers Flipcharts stand Internet

Resources Learning activities Content

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Formative Assessment 1.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Ticking Expose (presentation) Task: Checking if OSHE policies, procedures and regulations are


Checklist Score

Yes No

OSHE policies are checked

OSHE regulations are checked

OSHE standards are checked


Learning Outcome 1.2: Monitor use of PPEs

Reporting of incidents and accidents

Emergency preparedness procedures

Performance criterion

Proper checking of application of OSHE policies, procedures and regulations

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Types of PPEs to be used according to the trade

Physical verification of PPEs Cleaning and storage of

materials, tools and equipment

o Group discussion o Practical exercise








Formative Assessment 1.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Ticking Expose (presentation) Task: Monitoring the use of PPEs

Checklist Score

Yes No

List of PPEs to be used according to the trade is checked

Physical verification of PPEs is done

Cleaning and storage of materials, tools and equipments are checked


Learning Outcome 1.3: Monitor compliance of OSHE best practice

Performance criterion

Proper monitoring of the use of PPEs

Resources Learning activities Content

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OSHE best practice



Standards checklist to be evaluated according to the specific trade

o Brainstorming o Group discussion o Group work

Formative Assessment 1.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Ticking Expose (presentation) Task: Monitoring the compliance of OSHE best practice

Checklist Score

Yes No

OSHE best practices are checked

List of standards to be evaluated according to the specific trade is checked


Performance criterion

Proper monitoring the compliance of OSHE best practice

Resources Learning activities Content

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LU 2:Collect and analyze Occupational health, safety incidents report


Learning Outcomes:

1. Collect data regarding OSHE incidents 2. Analyze OSHE data collected 3. Elaborate compiled incident reports 4. Recommend safest way to do the job

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Collect data regarding OSHE incidents

Steps of data collection; o Consulting of incident

report documents o Talk to people involved or

witnesses to the event o Site visit

Categories of incidents; Major accident

fatal permanent injury

Minor accident (injuries) Near miss

o Small group discussions o Pair discussion o Brainstorming

- Reference books - Internet - Hand-outs - Didactic materials

Formative Assessment 2.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper collection of data regarding OSHE incidents

Resources Learning activities Content

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Ticking Expose (presentation) Task: Collecting data regarding OSHE incidents in working area

Checklist Score

Yes No

Steps of data collection are followed

Categories of incidents are identified


Learning Outcome 2.2: Analyze OSHE data collected

Root and causes of incident; Poor management

laziness stupidity forgetfulness negligence ignorance

Influencing factors associated with the work

environment individual physical abilities,

organization and its management

system Overload Poor procedures Inadequate training Low motivation

Impact of incidents Social impact

loss of manpower

o Small group discussions o Pair discussion o Brainstorming

- Reference books - Internet - Hand-outs - Didactic materials

Resources Learning activities Content

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35 | P a g e

medical expenses Economic impact

poor production, closer of the

company compensation repairs

Physical effects permanent injuries, loss of ability to

handle materials, persistent pain headaches

Psychological effects anxiety, depression

Formative Assessment 2.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Ticking Expose (presentation) Task: Analyzing the OSHE data collected

Checklist Score

Yes No

Identification of root and causes of incident

Identification of impact of incidents


Performance criterion

Proper analysis of OSHE data collected

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Learning Outcome 2.3: Elaborate compiled incident reports

Type of incident reports; Monthly report Quarterly report Annual report

Categories of incidents; Major accident

fatal permanent injury

Minor accident (injuries) Near miss

Template of incidents

o Small group discussions o Pair discussion o Brainstorming

- Reference books - Internet - Hand-outs - Didactic materials

Formative Assessment 2.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Ticking Expose (presentation) Task: Elaborating a compiled incident reports

Performance criterion

Adequate elaboration of a compiled incident reports

Resources Learning activities Content

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of incident reports are identified

Categories of incidents are identified

Template of incidents is well filled


Learning Outcome 2. 4: Recommend safest way to do the job

Use of PPEs

Emergency preparedness procedures

hazard identification and risk control

making the working area safe

reporting of incidents and accidents

Training of employees

o Small group discussions o Pair discussion o Brainstorming

- Reference books - Internet - Hand-outs - Didactic materials

Formative Assessment 2.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper recommendation of safest way to do the job

Resources Learning activities Content

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Ticking Expose (presentation) Task: Recommending the safest way to do the job

Checklist Score

Yes No

Use of adequate PPEs is recommended

Emergency Preparedness Procedures is recommended

Hazard Identification And Risk Control is recommended

Making The Working Area Safe is recommended

Reporting Of Incidents And Accidents is recommended

Training of employees is recommended


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LU 3: Train all staff on occupational health and safety matters


Learning Outcomes:

1. Provide information and instructions 2. Train all employees and supervisors on OSHE

standards/regulations 3. Evaluate trained OSHE programs

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Provide information and instructions

Brief description of: An occupational health and safety

(OH&S) program A policy statement The program elements

Individual responsibility Joint occupational health and

safety committee Health and safety rules Correct work procedures Employee orientation Training Workplace inspections Reporting and investigating

accidents/incidents Emergency procedures Medical and first aid Health and safety promotion Workplace specific items

Responsibilities of the staff: Responsibilities of workers

Using personal protection and safety equipment as required by the employer.

o Brainstorming o Group work o Discussion

- Reference books

- Internet

- Hand-outs

- Stories and


Resources Learning activities Content

Page 54: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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Following safe work procedures

Knowing and complying with all regulations.

Reporting any injury or illness immediately

Reporting unsafe acts and unsafe conditions

Participating in joint health and safety committees or as the representative

Responsibilities of supervisor Instructing workers to

follow safe work practices. Enforcing health and safety

regulations. Correcting unsafe acts and

unsafe conditions. Ensuring that only

authorized, adequately trained workers operate equipment.

Reporting and investigating all accidents/incidents.

Inspecting own area and taking remedial action to minimize or eliminate hazards.

Ensuring equipment is properly maintained

Promoting safety awareness in workers

Responsibilities of management Providing a safe and healthful

workplace. Establishing and maintaining a

health and safety program. Ensuring workers are trained

or certified as required. Reporting accidents/incidents

and cases of occupational disease to the appropriate authority

Providing medical and first aid facilities

Ensuring personal protective equipment is available

Providing workers with health

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41 | P a g e

and safety information Supporting supervisors in their

health and safety activities Evaluating health and safety

performance of supervisors

Formative Assessment 3.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Ticking Expose (presentation) Task: Providing information and instructions on occupational health

and safety matters

Checklist Score

Yes No

A brief description of an occupational health and safety (OH&S) program is provided

A brief description of A policy statement is provided

A brief description of the program elements is provided

Responsibilities of the staff are described (workers, supervisor, Management staff)


Performance criterion

Appropriate provision of information and instructions

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Learning Outcome 3.2: Train all employees and supervisors on OSHE standards/regulations

Formative Assessment 3.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Ticking Expose (presentation) Task: Providing information on OSHE standards/regulations

Training on SHE regulations Safety roles of employees Responsibility of administration Incident reporting Ventilation and air quality First aid facilities Hazard control in workplace Equipment and machinery Emergency response plans

Training on SHE standards Responsibility in working place Hazard identification and risk

control Making the working area safe Personnel protective

equipment Health of employees Facilities Reporting of incidents and

accidents Emergency preparedness


o Brainstorming o Group work o Discussion

- Reference


- Internet

- Hand-outs

- Stories and


Performance criterion

Appropriate training to all employees and supervisors on OSHE


Resources Learning activities Content

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43 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

A brief description of SHE regulations is provided

A brief description of SHE standards is provided


Learning Outcome 3.3: Evaluate trained OSHE programs

Evaluation forms

Learning assessment Questions and responses, topic of discussion

Training impact assessment

o Brainstorming o Group work o Discussion

- Reference books - Internet - Hand-outs - Stories and


Formative Assessment 3.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Ticking Expose (presentation) Task: Evaluating trained OSHE program

Performance criterion

Proper evaluation of trained OSHE programs

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 58: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

44 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Evaluation forms are well developed

Learning assessment (Questions and responses, topic of discussion…) is well developed

Training impact assessment is well developed


Reference: 1. Occupational Risk Control : Predicting and Preventing the Unwanted by Viner,Derek , ISBN:

9781472419712, Publication Date: 2015

2. OSHA General Industry regulations Book, 29 CFR 1910 Paperback- July1,2014 y MANCOMM Inc.

(Author, Editor)

3. OH&S : a management guide by Richard Archer, Kerry Borthwick, Susanne Tepe. Publication

Date: 2009

4. G:\\Basic OH&S Program Elements OSH Answers.htm






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CCMUE501 Maintain professional conversation in upper-intermediate English

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date: January, 2017

Purpose statement

This core module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes to be acquired for the trainee’s. The trainee

will be able to Prepare and deliver speeches at different social and professional occasions, Adaptation of

speech messages to a particular audience, Ask questions to clarify, extend and follow up ideas, Produce

medium compositions on different trade-related subjects, Identify and differentiate different business

documents, Effective writing of different business documents, Identify and use of writing styles, read

different trade-related texts, Apply reading techniques to selected trade-related texts, Explain key

terms/words in their context, Answer reading comprehension questions precisely, Analyze different trade-

related texts,Summarize trade-related texts (in own words), identify differences between common English

accents, Listen and respond to users of common English their accents, Reporting information listened to from

different common accents, Steps of speech preparation and delivery, Important tips on speech delivery,

Requirements to properly articulate information, Analyse trade-related texts, Summarise texts

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Learning assumed to be in place

Oral Basic English Communication Oral Basic English Communication Intermediate Workplace English Use intermediate English at the workplace

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

Communicate orally in social and

professional situations with ease

1.1 Acceptable preparation and delivery of speeches on different social and professional occasions

1.2 Audible and clear articulation of messages addressed to an audience using pronunciation, segmental and Suprasegmental phonology

1.3 Asking relevant questions to clarify, extend and follow up ideas according to question forms

Read correctly a range of materials

2.1 Adequate reading of different trade-related texts 2.2 Clear analysis of trade-related texts (identification and

description of characters, events and settings, as well as to express preferences by giving reasons)

2.3 Effective summary of key ideas in trade-related texts 2.4 Effective use of knowledge of events’ sequence to

describe a situation when rephrasing information from the texts

Listen to audio messages with

different English accents to get the

intended message

3.1 Appropriate listening and responding to others 3.2 Clear identification of differences between common

English accents 3.3 Accurate reporting of information listened to in

different accents

Produce a variety of medium texts on

professional and general topics

4.1 Clear and detailed writing about a wide range of trade-related subjects.

4.2 Effective differentiation of business documents (inventory, memos,letters, handovers, receipts, minutes)

4.3 Appropriate writing of business documents 4.4 Appropriate use of writing style applicable to each

type of business document

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LU 1: Communicate orally in social and professional situations with ease


Learning Outcomes:

1. Prepare speeches for different social and professional occasions 2. Deliver speeches to an audience 3. Ask questions to clarify, extend and follow up ideas according to

question forms

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Prepare speeches for different social and professional occasions

Steps for speech preparation and delivery Step 1: Research and

Preparation Step 2: Writing Your

Speech Step 3: Practicing Step 4: Putting

Together Visual Aids Step 5: Handling the


Important tips for speech delivery

Dos and Don’ts on speech delivery

Requirements to articulate message Pronunciation Speed Tone

Identification of categories of audience Familiar audience

o Brainstorming o Documentary research o Practical exercise o Presentation o Role plays

Flip charts

White/chalk Board



Reference books





Lesson plan

Trainee manual

Reference books

Resources Learning activities Content

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Non-familiar audience

Adaptation of the message to the audience

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Writing practice

Task: Write a 5 minutes’ speech on a topic of choice to be presented to

the class.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Understanding steps for speech preparation

Language use


Performance criterion

Acceptable preparation and delivery of speeches on different social and professional occasions

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Learning Outcome 1.2:Deliver speeches to an audience

Steps for speech preparation and delivery Step 1: Research and

Preparation Step 2: Writing Your

Speech Step 3: Practicing Step 4: Putting Together

Visual Aids Step 5: Handling the Q&A

Important tips for speech delivery

Dos and Don’ts on speech delivery

Requirements to articulate message Pronunciation Speed Tone

Identification of categories of audience Familiar audience Non-familiar audience Adaptation of the

message to the audience

o Brainstorming o Documentary research o Practical exercise o Presentation o Role plays

Flip charts

White/chalk Board



Reference books





Lesson plan

Trainee manual

Reference books

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Audible and clear articulation of messages addressed to an audience using pronunciation, segmental and Suprasegmental phonology

Resources Learning activities Content

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Presentation Task

Deliver a 5 minutes’ speech on a topic of choice to the class.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Understanding steps for speech preparation

Language use

Tips for speech delivery


Learning Outcome 1.3: Ask questions to clarify, extend and follow up ideas according to question


Question forms Yes/No questions Wh-questions Choice questions Hypothetical questions Embedded questions Leading questions

o Practical exercise o Presentation o Role plays o Group work



Reference books


Flip charts



Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Asking relevant questions to clarify, extend and follow up ideas according to

question forms

Resources Learning activities Content

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Performance evidence



Task: Answer at least 3 questions from the audience on your 5-minute speech.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Question formulation

Understanding the audience

Message articulation


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LU 2:Read correctly a range of materials


Learning Outcomes:

1. Read different trade-related texts adequately 2. Analyse trade-related texts 3. Summarize key ideas in trade-related texts

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Read different trade-related texts adequately

Types of texts Expository Narrative Descriptive Directive Argumentative

Application of reading techniques on selected texts

Reading for details Reading for specific


Explanation of key terms/words in the text

Provision of answers to reading comprehension questions

o Brainstorming o Documentary research o Practical exercise o Group work o Presentation

- Flip charts - White/chalk Board - Markers - Reference books - Stationeries - Projector - Lesson plan - Trainee manual

Formative Assessment 2.1

Resources Learning activities Content

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Reading practice Presentations Matching

Multiple choice Task: Using an appropriate reading strategy, read the text provided to you

and answer its comprehension questions

Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of texts

Application of reading texts

Answering comprehension questions


Learning Outcome 2.2: Analyse trade-related texts

Identification and description Text Structure Purpose of the text Style

Technicality Illustration Prose or verse

Writer’s stance

o Practical exercise o Presentation o Roleplay o Group discussion

- Scenarios - White/blackboard - Reference books - Markers - Flip charts - Paper - Stationeries - Lesson plan - Trainee manual

Resources Learning activities Content

Performance criterion

Adequate reading of different trade-related texts

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Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Reading practice Presentations Multiple choice

Task: Read the text provided by the teacher and explain its purpose

Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of texts

Application of reading texts

Answering comprehension questions

Identification of text purpose


Learning Outcome 2.3: Summarize key ideas in trade-related texts

Steps to summarize: Keep the most

important ideas Get rid of the less

important details Write in own


o Practical exercise o Presentation o Group work

- White/blackboard - Reference books - Markers - Flip charts - Paper - Stationeries - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Resources Learning activities Content

Performance criterion

Clear analysis of trade-related texts (identification and description of characters, events and settings, as well as to express preferences by giving reasons)

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Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Reading practice Writing practice Presentations

Task: Summarize the text given by the teacher

Checklist Score

Yes No

Understanding of summary writing steps


Performance criterion

Effective summary of key ideas in trade-related texts

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LU 3: Listen to audio messages with different English accents to get the intended message


Learning Outcomes:

1. Listen and respond to others correctly 2. Identify differences between common English accents clearly 3. Report information listened to in different accents accurately

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Listen and respond to others correctly

Application of active listening strategies to different accents Listening forGeneral information Listening for Specific information

Responding to different accents Responding through Interactions

Asking for clarification Expressing satisfaction

o Modelling o Practical exercise o Presentation o Role plays

- Flip charts - White/chalk

Board - Audiovisual

materials - Scenarios - Stationeries - Projector - Computer - Lesson plan - Trainee manual - Recordings

Formative Assessment 3.1

Performance criterion

Appropriate listening and responding to others

Resources Learning activities Content

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Listening practice Discussions True or false questions

Task: Following your teacher’s instructions, listen and respond to what you hear.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Application of active listening strategies

Responding to audio messages


Learning Outcome 3.2: Identify differences between common English accents clearly

Introduction to English accents Defining an English accent Common English accents

Differences between American and British English Vowel Pronunciation Consonant pronunciation Rhotic accent Change of stress Changes in articulation

o Practical exercise o Drilling/ o Modeling o Presentation o Roleplay

- Scenarios - White/blackboard - Reference books - Markers - Flip charts - Stationeries - Audiovisual material - Recordings - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Formative Assessment 3.2

Resources Learning activities Content

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58 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Listening practice Discussions True or false questions Note taking

Task: Listen to two different recordings played by the teacher and identify

the differences between the accents of both speakers

Checklist Score

Yes No

Understanding of Differences between American and British accents


Learning Outcome 3.3:Report information listened to in different accents accurately

Types of listening Informative listening Discriminative listening Relationship listening Appreciative listening

Reporting information General information Specific information

o Practical exercise o Presentation o Drilling/ o Modelling

- Scenarios - White/blackb

oard - Reference

books - Markers - Flip charts - Audiovisual

materials - Recordings - Stationeries

Resources Learning activities Content

Performance criterion

Clear identification of differences between common English accents

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59 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Listening practice




Listen and report to the information you hear from each recording

played to you by the teacher

Checklist Score

Yes No

Listening strategies

Understanding of Differences between American and British accents

Types of listening

Reporting information accurately


Performance criterion

Accurate reporting of information listened to in different accents

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LU 4: Produce a variety of medium texts on professional and general topics


Learning Outcomes:

1. Write about a wide range of trade-related subjects clearly 2. Differentiate business documents effectively 3. Write business documents perfectly 4. Use writing style applicable to each type of business document

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Write about a wide range of trade-related subjects clearly

Varieties of writing Chronological writing Analytical writing Descriptive writing Compare and

contrast writing Evaluative writing Summary writing

The Writing processes Exploring and

planning Drafting Making global

revisions and revising sentences

Building effective paragraphs

o Brainstorming o Documentary research o Practical exercise o Group work

- Flip charts - White/chalk Board - Markers - Reference books - Stationeries - Projector - Lesson plan - Trainee manual

Formative Assessment 4.1

Resources Learning activities Content

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence


Writing practice Presentations

Task: Write a short text analysing an important issue affecting your career

Checklist Score

Yes No

Understanding of varieties of writing

Writing processes


Learning Outcome 4.2: Differentiate business documents effectively

Identification and differentiation of business documents Business plans and Goals

Business proposals Concept notes

Accounting Documents Financial reports Financial statements Goods received note Purchase order Goods delivery note Requisition

o Practical exercise o Brainstorming o Presentation o Documentary

research o Group work o Roleplay

- Scenarios - White/blackboar

d - Reference books - Markers - Flip charts - Stationeries - Lesson plan - Trainee manual

Resources Learning activities Content

Performance criterion

Clear and detailed writing about a wide range of trade-related subjects

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Customer service documents Business reports

Annual reports Term reports Quarterly report Activity/Operation reports

Operational documents Contracts Business letters Memorandum of


Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence



Writing practice Discussions Presentations Multiple choice Matching

Task: Name at least 4 different types of business documents and specify their differences

Checklist Score

Yes No

Identification of business documents

Awareness of characteristics of business documents


Learning Outcome 4.3: Write business documents perfectly

Performance criterion

Effective differentiation of business documents (inventory, memos,letters, handovers, receipts, minutes)

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63 | P a g e

Steps to write business documents Identifying the

audience Identifying the

document’s purpose Organizing your

writing Proofreading the

business document Editing the business


o Practical exercise o Documentary research o Presentation o Group work

- White/blackboard - Reference books - Markers - Flip charts - Paper - Stationeries - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Writing practice Presentation


Write a business of a project you would implements upon graduation

Checklist Score

Yes No

Awareness of steps to write a business documents

Structure of business documents


Learning Outcome 4.4: Use writing style applicable to each type of business document

Performance criterion

Appropriate writing of business documents

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 78: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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Tips to business writing style

Formatting a business document

o Practical writing exercises o Group work o Documentary research o Presentation

- White/blackboard - Reference books - Markers - Flip charts - Stationeries - Trainee manual - Lesson plan

Formative Assessment 4.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Writing practice Presentation Matching


Using the appropriate writing style for each business document, write a memo and business letter on a topic of your choice.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Application business document writing styles

Layout of business documents by type

Language use


Reference books:

Performance criterion

Appropriate use of writing style applicable to each type of business document

Resources Learning activities Content

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Ikiciro: 3 Amasaha ateganijwe

Credits: 3 30

Ishami: Yose

Agashami: Twose

Igihe yateguriwe:Ukuboza, 2016

Intego nyamukuru

Iyi mbumbanyigisho irasobanura ubumenyi n’ubushobozi bukenewe kugira ngo uwiga ashobore :

Gukoresha ikinyarwanda k’intyoza mu kumva, kuvuga, gusoma no kwandika, mu bikorwa bijyanye n’umwuga we.

Gukoresha ubuvanganzo nyandiko mu gushyikirana n’abandi abagezaho ibitekerezo bye kandi agaragaza uko yakira ibyabo.

Kugaragaza imyumvire n’imyifatire ikwiye agenda avoma mu myandiko, inkurushusho n’ikinamico binyuranye.

Kugereranya ingeri zinyuranye z’ubuvanganzo nyarwanda.

Guhanga no kumurika mu rurimi rw’ikinyarwanda afatiye ku ngeri zinyuranye z’imyandiko.

Gukoresha neza ibinyazina bitandukanye.

Kwandika neza amazina bwite anyuranye.

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Ubushobozi fatizo

Ubushobozi mu Kinyarwanda k’ibanze

Ingingo n’ibipimo by’ubushobozi

Ingingo z’ubushobozi zisobanura umusaruro w’ibanze ugomba kugerwaho.

Ibipimo by’ubushobozi bisobanura ubushobozi busabwa mu kugaragaza ko intego zikubiye mu mbumbe


Ingingo z’Ubushobozi Ibipimo by’Ubushobozi

1. Gukoresha ubuvanganzo nyandiko ashyikirana n’abandi.

1.1 Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva inkurushusho abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye .

1.2 Gusubiza mu mvugo iboneye ibibazo ku nkurushusho. 1.3 Gusoma neza inkurushusho yubahiriza uturango

n’isesekaza. 1.4 Guhindura inkurushusho mo agakino akurikiranya neza

ingingo. 1.5 Guhimba no kwandika inkurushusho.

2. Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza uburyo bunyuranye bwo gukemura amakimbirane no gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye.

2.1. Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

2.2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko. 2.3. Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza. 2.4. Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo. 2.5. Kumurika ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura

amakimbirane. 2.6. Gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye.

3. Gukangurira abandi akamaro k’isuku n’isukura no gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye.

3.1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku kamaro k’isuku n’isukura abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

3.2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko. 3.3. Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza. 3.4. Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo. 3.5. Kumurika ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura. 3.6. Gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye.

4. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza uburyo bunyuranye bwo gutunganya ubutaka no gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye.

4.1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

4.2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko. 4.3. Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza. 4.4. Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo. 4.5. Kumurika ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize iboneye


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4.6. Gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye.

5. Gukoresha neza uburyo bunyuranye bw’ ubwumvane no kwandika yubahiriza imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda.

5.1. Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvanemu ngiro zitandukanye.

5.2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku ikinamico. 5.3. Gusoma neza ikinamico yubahiriza uturango twayo. 5.4. Guhimba no gukina ikinamico ahuza imvugo n’ingiro. 5.5. Gukoresha neza inzego z’ururimi. 5.6. Kubahiriza imyandikire y’amazina bwite.

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LU 1:Gukoresha ubuvanganzo nyandiko ashyikirana n’abandi


Umusaruro w’inyigisho:

1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza ko yumva inkurushusho abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye

2. Gusubiza mu mvugo iboneye ibibazo ku nkurushusho. 3. Gusoma neza inkurushusho yubahiriza uturango n’isesekaza. 4. Guhindura inkurushusho mo agakino akurikiranya neza ingingo. 5. Guhimba no kwandika inkurushusho Amasaha 6

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.1: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza ko yumva

inkurushusho abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.

Inkurushusho Insanganyamatsiko; Inyunguramagambo; ingingo z’umuco

n’amateka; Inshamake

y’inkurushusho; inshoza n’uturango

by’inkurushusho; isomo ry’ingenzi; ihimbankuru; isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Udukino dufatiye ku nkurushusho

o Gusoma inkurushusho bucece.

o Gusoma inkurushusho mu matsinda bashaka: - Ibisobanuro

by’amagambo akomeye; - Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo

kumva inkurushusho no kumurika ibivuyemo;

Uturango tw’inkurushusho. o Gusoma inkurushusho uwiga

aranguruye ; o Gusoma inkurushusho

bakuranwa ; o Guhuza ibivugwa mu

nkurushusho n’indangagaciro;

o Gusanisha ingeso zivugwa mu nkurushusho n’imyitwarire y’abantu;

o Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza

˗ Ibitabo by’ubuvanganzo (inkurushusho) ;

˗ Ibinyamakuru bikoresha inkurushusho ;

˗ Sede (cd); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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insanganyamatsiko z’ingenzi; o Gusobanura ingingo z’umuco

n’amateka; o Gusobanura inshoza

n’uturango by’inkurushusho; o Guhina mu magambo

inkurushusho; o Gutahura isomo ry’ingenzi; o Guhimba udukino dufatiye ku


Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 1.1

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’uwiga ateze amatwi atarogoya

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Uwiga yakoresheje neza Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza ko yumva

inkurushusho abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye

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Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.2: Gusubiza mu mvugo iboneye ibibazo ku nkurushusho.

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.

Inkurushusho Insanganyamatsiko; Inyunguramagambo; ingingo z’umuco

n’amateka; Inshamake

y’inkurushusho; inshoza n’uturango

by’inkurushusho; isomo ry’ingenzi; ihimbankuru; isesekaza


Udukino dufatiye ku nkurushusho

o Gusoma inkurushusho bucece.

o Gusoma inkurushusho mu matsinda bashaka: - Ibisobanuro

by’amagambo akomeye; - Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo

kumva inkurushusho no kumurika ibivuyemo;

Uturango tw’inkurushusho. o Gusoma inkurushusho uwiga

aranguruye ; o Gusoma inkurushusho

bakuranwa ; o Guhuza ibivugwa mu

nkurushusho n’indangagaciro;

o Gusanisha ingeso zivugwa mu nkurushusho n’imyitwarire y’abantu;

o Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza insanganyamatsiko z’ingenzi;

o Gusobanura ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

o Gusobanura inshoza n’uturango by’inkurushusho;

o Guhina mu magambo inkurushusho;

o Gutahura isomo ry’ingenzi; o Guhimba udukino dufatiye

ku nkurushusho.

˗ Ibitabo by’ubuvanganzo (inkurushusho) ;

˗ Ibinyamakuru bikoresha inkurushusho ;

˗ Sede (cd); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 1.2

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yashubije mu mvugo iboneye ibibazo ku nkurushusho

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho y’ibisubizo ku kumva umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya



Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka

Isomo ry’ingenzi


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.3: Gusoma neza inkurushusho yubahiriza uturango n’isesekaza.

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.

Inkurushusho Insanganyamatsiko; Inyunguramagambo; ingingo z’umuco

n’amateka; Inshamake

y’inkurushusho; inshoza n’uturango

by’inkurushusho; isomo ry’ingenzi; ihimbankuru; isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Udukino dufatiye ku nkurushusho

o Gusoma inkurushusho bucece.

o Gusoma inkurushusho mu matsinda bashaka: - Ibisobanuro

by’amagambo akomeye;

- Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva inkurushusho no kumurika ibivuyemo;

Uturango tw’inkurushusho. o Gusoma inkurushusho

uwiga aranguruye ; o Gusoma inkurushusho

bakuranwa ; o Guhuza ibivugwa mu


˗ Ibitabo by’ubuvanganzo (inkurushusho) ;

˗ Ibinyamakuru bikoresha inkurushusho ;

˗ Sede (cd); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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n’indangagaciro; o Gusanisha ingeso zivugwa

mu nkurushusho n’imyitwarire y’abantu;

o Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza insanganyamatsiko z’ingenzi;

o Gusobanura ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

o Gusobanura inshoza n’uturango by’inkurushusho;

o Guhina mu magambo inkurushusho;

o Gutahura isomo ry’ingenzi; o Guhimba udukino dufatiye

ku nkurushusho.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 1.3

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’isomwa ry’inkurushusho

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.4: Guhindura inkurushusho mo agakino akurikiranya neza ingingo.

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yasomye neza inkurushusho yubahiriza uturango n’isesekaza.

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Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.

Inkurushusho Insanganyamatsiko; Inyunguramagambo; ingingo z’umuco

n’amateka; Inshamake

y’inkurushusho; inshoza n’uturango

by’inkurushusho; isomo ry’ingenzi; ihimbankuru; isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Udukino dufatiye ku nkurushusho

o Gusoma inkurushusho bucece.

o Gusoma inkurushusho mu matsinda bashaka: - Ibisobanuro

by’amagambo akomeye; - Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo

kumva inkurushusho no kumurika ibivuyemo;

Uturango tw’inkurushusho. o Gusoma inkurushusho uwiga

aranguruye ; o Gusoma inkurushusho

bakuranwa ; o Guhuza ibivugwa mu

nkurushusho n’indangagaciro;

o Gusanisha ingeso zivugwa mu nkurushusho n’imyitwarire y’abantu;

o Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza insanganyamatsiko z’ingenzi;

o Gusobanura ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

o Gusobanura inshoza n’uturango by’inkurushusho;

o Guhina mu magambo inkurushusho;

o Gutahura isomo ry’ingenzi; o Guhimba udukino dufatiye ku


˗ Ibitabo by’ubuvanganzo (inkurushusho) ;

˗ Ibinyamakuru bikoresha inkurushusho ;

˗ Sede (cd); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 1.4

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahinduye inkurushusho mo agakino akurikiranya neza ingingo

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho ku dukino tw’inkuru n’inkuru shusho

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Udukino dufatiye ku nkurushusho


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Umusaruro w’inyigisho 1.5: Guhimba no kwandika inkurushusho.

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.

Inkurushusho Insanganyamatsiko; Inyunguramagambo; ingingo z’umuco

n’amateka; Inshamake

y’inkurushusho; inshoza n’uturango

by’inkurushusho; isomo ry’ingenzi; ihimbankuru; isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Udukino dufatiye ku nkurushusho

o Gusoma inkurushusho bucece.

o Gusoma inkurushusho mu matsinda bashaka: - Ibisobanuro

by’amagambo akomeye; - Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo

kumva inkurushusho no kumurika ibivuyemo;

Uturango tw’inkurushusho. o Gusoma inkurushusho uwiga

aranguruye ; o Gusoma inkurushusho

bakuranwa ; o Guhuza ibivugwa mu

nkurushusho n’indangagaciro;

o Gusanisha ingeso zivugwa mu nkurushusho n’imyitwarire y’abantu;

o Gukoresha ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza insanganyamatsiko z’ingenzi;

o Gusobanura ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

o Gusobanura inshoza n’uturango by’inkurushusho;

o Guhina mu magambo inkurushusho;

o Gutahura isomo ry’ingenzi; o Guhimba udukino dufatiye ku


˗ Ibitabo by’ubuvanganzo (inkurushusho) ;

˗ Ibinyamakuru bikoresha inkurushusho ;

˗ Sede (cd); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 1.5

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahimbye anandika inkurushusho

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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Gihamya Isuzuma

Inyandiko y’inkurushusho

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya



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LU 2:Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza uburyo bunyuranye bwo gukemura amakimbirane no gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye.


Umusaruro w’inyigisho:

1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

2. Gusubiza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko. 3. Gusoma umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza 4. Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya ingingo 5. Kumurika ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura

amakimbirane mu muryango 6. Gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye

Amasaha 6

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.1: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva

umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane abinyujije mu ngiro


Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane;

Ibimenyetso by’utega amatwi atarogoya;


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco ;

Ingingo z’amateka (gusasa inzobe, Gacaca, Imimaro,..);

ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura amakimbirane mu muryango.

indangagaciro y’ubworoherane;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane;

Ihangamwandiko ku

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ujyanye no gukemura amakimbirane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro y’ubworoherane.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka.

o Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye.

o Ibisumizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye gukemura amakimbirane; ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane.

Ibinyazina: Nyereka Ngenera Ngenga

o Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda.

o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza isesekaza.

o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda ibitekerezo ku kamaro ko gukemura amakimbirane.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo guhembera amakimbirane.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.1

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho y’uwiga ateze amatwi umwandiko atarogoya

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoye;


Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Uwiga yakoresheje Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku

nsanganyamatsiko y’uburinganire n’ubwuzuzanye abinyujije mu ngiro


Page 93: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

79 | P a g e

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.2: Gusubiza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane;

Ibimenyetso by’utega amatwi atarogoya;


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco ;

Ingingo z’amateka (gusasa inzobe, Gacaca, Imimaro,..);

ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura amakimbirane mu muryango.

indangagaciro y’ubworoherane;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane;

Ihangamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane.

Ibinyazina: Nyereka Ngenera Ngenga

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ujyanye no gukemura amakimbirane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro y’ubworoherane.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka.

o Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye.

o Ibisumizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko.

o Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda.

o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza isesekaza.

o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda ibitekerezo ku kamaro ko gukemura amakimbirane.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo guhembera amakimbirane.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye gukemura amakimbirane; ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.2

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 94: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho ku bibazo byo kumva umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco;

Indangagaciro z’imibereho n’imibanire myiza y’abanyarwanda;

Ingingo z’amateka

indangagaciro y’ubworoherane


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.3: Gusoma umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane;

Ibimenyetso by’utega amatwi atarogoya;


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco ;

Ingingo z’amateka (gusasa inzobe, Gacaca, Imimaro,..);

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ujyanye no gukemura amakimbirane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye gukemura amakimbirane; ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yashubije neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

Page 95: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

81 | P a g e

ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura amakimbirane mu muryango.

indangagaciro y’ubworoherane;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane;

Ihangamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane.

Ibinyazina: Nyereka Ngenera Ngenga

y’ubworoherane. o Gusoma mu matsinda

bashaka. o Ibisobanuro by’amagambo

akomeye. o Ibisumizo by’ibibazo byo

kumva umwandiko. o Bamurika mu ruhame

ibyavuye mu matsinda. o Gusoma aranguruye

agaragaza isesekaza. o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda

ibitekerezo ku kamaro ko gukemura amakimbirane.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo guhembera amakimbirane.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.3

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho ry’isomwa ry’umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo


Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yasomye neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

Page 96: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.4: Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya ingingo.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane;

Ibimenyetso by’utega amatwi atarogoya;


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco ;

Ingingo z’amateka (gusasa inzobe, Gacaca, Imimaro,..);

ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura amakimbirane mu muryango.

indangagaciro y’ubworoherane;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane;

Ihangamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane.

Ibinyazina: Nyereka Ngenera Ngenga

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ujyanye no gukemura amakimbirane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro y’ubworoherane.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka.

o Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye.

o Ibisumizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko.

o Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda.

o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza isesekaza.

o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda ibitekerezo ku kamaro ko gukemura amakimbirane.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo guhembera amakimbirane.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye gukemura amakimbirane; ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.4

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahinnye anahimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 97: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

83 | P a g e

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amashusho, amajwi n’inyandiko z’ihimba, imurika n’ihinamwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ihangamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.5: Kumurika ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura

amakimbirane mu muryango.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane;

Ibimenyetso by’utega amatwi atarogoya;


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco ;

Ingingo z’amateka (gusasa inzobe, Gacaca, Imimaro,..);

ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura amakimbirane mu muryango.

indangagaciro y’ubworoherane;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ujyanye no gukemura amakimbirane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro y’ubworoherane.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka.

o Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye.

o Ibisumizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko.

o Bamurika mu ruhame

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye gukemura amakimbirane; ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 98: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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gukemura amakimbirane;

Ihangamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane.

Ibinyazina: Nyereka Ngenera Ngenga

ibyavuye mu matsinda. o Gusoma aranguruye

agaragaza isesekaza. o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda

ibitekerezo ku kamaro ko gukemura amakimbirane.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo guhembera amakimbirane.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.5

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amashusho n’amajwi y’imurika ry’ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura amakimbirane mu muryango

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura amakimbirane mu muryango


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 2.6: Gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ujyanye no gukemura amakimbirane.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye gukemura amakimbirane;

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yamuritse ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura amakimbirane mu


Page 99: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

85 | P a g e


Ibimenyetso by’utega amatwi atarogoya;


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco ;

Ingingo z’amateka (gusasa inzobe, Gacaca, Imimaro,..);

ingero zifatika zigaragaza uburyo bwo gukemura amakimbirane mu muryango.

indangagaciro y’ubworoherane;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane;

Ihangamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gukemura amakimbirane.

Ibinyazina: Nyereka Ngenera Ngenga

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro y’ubworoherane.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka.

o Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye.

o Ibisumizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko.

o Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda.

o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza isesekaza.

o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda ibitekerezo ku kamaro ko gukemura amakimbirane.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo guhembera amakimbirane.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 2.6

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yakoresheje ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye

Page 100: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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Gihamya Isuzuma

Inyandiko y’ibisubizo ku binyazina

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya



Page 101: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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LU 3:Gukangurira abandi akamaro k’isuku n’isukura no gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye.


Umusaruro w’inyigisho:

1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneyen uwiga agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku kamaro k’isuku n’isukura abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko. 3. Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza. 4. Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo 5. Kumurika ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura. 6. Gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye.

Amasaha 6

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.1: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneyen uwiga agaragaza ko yumva

umwandiko ku kamaro k’isuku n’isukura abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko ku isuku n’isukura;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo;

Indangagaciro zo kubaha ubuzima;

ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ isuku n’isukura;

Ihangamwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo kubaha ubuzima (Kubaha uburenganzira bwa muntu, kwirinda ihohotera iryo ari ryo ryose,kwiyitaho ).

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka:

o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye;

o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko;

o -Bamurika mu ruhame

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye isuku n’isukura;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo

Mpuzamahanga ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu,

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’isuku n’isukura.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 102: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

88 | P a g e

Ibinyazina Ngenera ngenga Ndafutura/ndasigura Mpamagazi

ibyavuye mu matsinda ; o Gusoma aranguruye

agaragaza isesekaza. o Gukusanyiriza mu

matsinda, ibitekerezo ku isuku n’isukura.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka z’umwanda.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.1

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’uwiga ateze amatwi atarogoya

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko ku isuku n’isukura

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo


Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Uwiga yakoresheje Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko

ku kamaro k’isuku n’isukura abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye.

Page 103: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.2: Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko ku isuku n’isukura;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo;

Indangagaciro zo kubaha ubuzima;

ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ isuku n’isukura;

Ihangamwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

Ibinyazina Ngenera

ngenga Ndafutura/n

dasigura Mpamagazi

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo kubaha ubuzima (Kubaha uburenganzira bwa muntu, kwirinda ihohotera iryo ari ryo ryose,kwiyitaho ).

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka: o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo

akomeye; o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo

kumva umwandiko; o -Bamurika mu ruhame

ibyavuye mu matsinda ; o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza

isesekaza. o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda,

ibitekerezo ku isuku n’isukura. o Gukora inshamake

y’umwandiko. o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka

z’umwanda. o Gutahura imikoreshereze

y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye isuku n’isukura;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo Mpuzamahanga

ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu,

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’isuku n’isukura.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.2

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 104: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

90 | P a g e

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’ibisubizo ku kumva umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya



Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka

Indangagaciro zo kubaha ubuzima


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.3: Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko ku isuku n’isukura;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo;

Indangagaciro zo

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo kubaha ubuzima (Kubaha uburenganzira bwa muntu, kwirinda ihohotera iryo ari ryo ryose,kwiyitaho ).

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka: o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo


˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye isuku n’isukura;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo Mpuzamahanga

ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu,

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yashubije neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

Page 105: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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kubaha ubuzima;

ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ isuku n’isukura;

Ihangamwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

Ibinyazina Ngenera

ngenga Ndafutura/n

dasigura Mpamagazi

o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko;

o -Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda ;

o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza isesekaza.

o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda, ibitekerezo ku isuku n’isukura.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka z’umwanda.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’isuku n’isukura.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.3

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’isomwa ry’umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo


Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yasomye neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

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Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.4: Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko ku isuku n’isukura;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo;

Indangagaciro zo kubaha ubuzima;

ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ isuku n’isukura;

Ihangamwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

Ibinyazina Ngenera ngenga Ndafutura/ndasigura Mpamagazi

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo kubaha ubuzima (Kubaha uburenganzira bwa muntu, kwirinda ihohotera iryo ari ryo ryose,kwiyitaho ).

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka:

o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye;

o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko;

o -Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda ;

o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza isesekaza.

o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda, ibitekerezo ku isuku n’isukura.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka z’umwanda.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye isuku n’isukura;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo

Mpuzamahanga ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu,

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’isuku n’isukura.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.4

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahinnye anahimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 107: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

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Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi, amashusho n’inyandiko ku ihina n’ihimbamwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ihinamwandiko ku ku isuku n’isukura

Ihangamwandiko ku isuku n’isukura


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.5: Kumurika ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko ku isuku n’isukura;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo;

Indangagaciro zo kubaha ubuzima;

ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ isuku n’isukura;

Ihangamwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo kubaha ubuzima (Kubaha uburenganzira bwa muntu, kwirinda ihohotera iryo ari ryo ryose,kwiyitaho ).

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka:

o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye;

o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye isuku n’isukura;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo

Mpuzamahanga ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu,

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’isuku n’isukura.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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Ibinyazina Ngenera ngenga Ndafutura/ndasigura Mpamagazi

kumva umwandiko; o -Bamurika mu ruhame

ibyavuye mu matsinda ; o Gusoma aranguruye

agaragaza isesekaza. o Gukusanyiriza mu

matsinda, ibitekerezo ku isuku n’isukura.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka z’umwanda.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.5

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi, amashusho n’inyandiko ku ngero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura


Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yamuritse ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura

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Umusaruro w’inyigisho 3.6: Gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko ku isuku n’isukura;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya ufite ijambo.


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo;

Indangagaciro zo kubaha ubuzima;

ingero zifatika zihamya akamaro k’isuku n’isukura;

Ihinamwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko y’ isuku n’isukura;

Ihangamwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

Ibinyazina Ngenera ngenga Ndafutura/ndasigura Mpamagazi

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku isuku n’isukura.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo kubaha ubuzima (Kubaha uburenganzira bwa muntu, kwirinda ihohotera iryo ari ryo ryose,kwiyitaho ).

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka:

o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye;

o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko;

o -Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda ;

o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza isesekaza.

o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda, ibitekerezo ku isuku n’isukura.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka z’umwanda.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeye isuku n’isukura;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo

Mpuzamahanga ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu,

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’isuku n’isukura.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 3.6

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Ibisubizo by’imyitozo ku binyazina

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yakoresheje ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye

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LU 4:Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza uburyo bunyuranye bwo gutunganya ubutaka no gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye


Umusaruro w’inyigisho:

1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye

2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko 3. Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza. 4. Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo. 5. Kumurika ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize iboneye

y’ubutaka. 6. Gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye.

Amasaha 6

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.1: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze uwiga agaragaza ko yumva

umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye kurwanya indwara mu ngiro zitandukanye.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye imitunganyirize y’ubutaka;

ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

isesekaza n‘utwatuzo;


insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

indangangakiro na kirazira;

ingingo z’amateka n’umuco;

ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize;


o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo gukorera mu mucyo.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka: o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo

akomeye; o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva

umwandiko; o Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu

matsinda; o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza

isesekaza. o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda,

ibitekerezo ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

˗ Igitabo gikubiyemo imyandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gutunganya ubutaka ;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo Mpuzamahanga

ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu;

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’imitunganyirizwe y’ubutaka.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



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o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko. o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo

kudacunga neza ubutaka. o Gutahura imikoreshereze

y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.1

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho by’uwiga ateze amatwi atarogoya

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye imitunganyirize y’ubutaka

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.2: Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye imitunganyirize y’ubutaka;

ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda

˗ Igitabo gikubiyemo imyandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gutunganya ubutaka ;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ;

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Uwiga yakoresheje Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza ko yumva umwandiko ku

mitunganyirize y’ubutaka abinyujije mu ngiro zitandukanye

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isesekaza n‘utwatuzo;


insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

indangangakiro na kirazira;

ingingo z’amateka n’umuco;

ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize;






kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo gukorera mu mucyo.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka:

o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye;

o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko;

o Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda;

o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza isesekaza.

o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda, ibitekerezo ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo kudacunga neza ubutaka.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo Mpuzamahanga

ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu;

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’imitunganyirizwe y’ubutaka.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.2

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho ku bisubizo byo kumva umwandiko

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yashubije neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku mwandiko.

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100 | P a g e

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya


Insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko

Indangangakiro na kirazira

Ingingo z’amateka n’umuco


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.3: Gusoma neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye imitunganyirize y’ubutaka;

ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

isesekaza n‘utwatuzo;


insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

indangangakiro na kirazira;

ingingo z’amateka n’umuco;

ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize;






o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo gukorera mu mucyo.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka: o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye; o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva

umwandiko; o Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu

matsinda; o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza

isesekaza. o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda,

ibitekerezo ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko. o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo

kudacunga neza ubutaka. o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina


˗ Igitabo gikubiyemo imyandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gutunganya ubutaka ;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagam

bo; ˗ Itangazo

Mpuzamahanga ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu;

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’imitunganyirizwe y’ubutaka.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 115: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

101 | P a g e

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.3

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho ku isomwa ry’umwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.4: Guhina no guhimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye imitunganyirize y’ubutaka;

ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

isesekaza n‘utwatuzo;


insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

indangangakiro na kirazira;

ingingo z’amateka n’umuco;

ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize;


o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo gukorera mu mucyo.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka:

o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye;

o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko;

o Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda;

o Gusoma aranguruye

˗ Igitabo gikubiyemo imyandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gutunganya ubutaka ;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo Mpuzamahanga

ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu;

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’imitunganyirizwe

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yasomye neza umwandiko yubahiriza utwatuzo n’isesekaza.

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agaragaza isesekaza. o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda,

ibitekerezo ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo kudacunga neza ubutaka.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.


Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.4

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi, amashusho n’inyandiko ku ihimba n’imurikamwandiko

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahinnye anahimba umwandiko akurikiranya neza ingingo

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103 | P a g e

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.5: Kumurika ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize iboneye


Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye imitunganyirize y’ubutaka;

ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

isesekaza n‘utwatuzo;


insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

indangangakiro na kirazira;

ingingo z’amateka n’umuco;

ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize;






o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo gukorera mu mucyo.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka:

o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye;

o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko;

o Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda;

o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza isesekaza.

o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda, ibitekerezo ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo kudacunga neza ubutaka.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

˗ Igitabo gikubiyemo imyandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gutunganya ubutaka ;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo Mpuzamahanga

ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu;

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’imitunganyirizwe y’ubutaka.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.5

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yamuritse ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize iboneye y’ubutaka

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 118: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

104 | P a g e

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho ku ngero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize y’ubutaka

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize y’ubutaka


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 4.6: Gukoresha ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye.

Umwandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye imitunganyirize y’ubutaka;

ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

isesekaza n‘utwatuzo;


insanganyamatsiko y’umwandiko;

indangangakiro na kirazira;

ingingo z’amateka n’umuco;

ingero zifatika zihamya imitunganyirize;




o Gutega amatwi umwandiko ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu mwandiko.

o Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza indangagaciro yo gukorera mu mucyo.

o Gusoma mu matsinda bashaka:

o -Ibisobanuro by’amagambo akomeye;

o -Ibisubizo by’ibibazo byo kumva umwandiko;

o Bamurika mu ruhame ibyavuye mu matsinda;

o Gusoma aranguruye agaragaza isesekaza.

o Gukusanyiriza mu matsinda, ibitekerezo ku mitunganyirize y’ubutaka.

˗ Igitabo gikubiyemo imyandiko ku nsanganyamatsiko yo gutunganya ubutaka ;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Itangazo Mpuzamahanga

ry’uburenganzira bwa Muntu;

˗ Itegeko Nshinga rya Repubulika y’u Rwanda;

˗ Amafoto ku bikorwa by’imitunganyirizwe y’ubutaka.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 119: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

105 | P a g e



o Gukora inshamake y’umwandiko.

o Kujya impaka ku ngaruka zo kudacunga neza ubutaka.

o Gutahura imikoreshereze y’ibinyazina binyuranye.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 4.6

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Ibisubizo ku mikoreshereze y’ibinyazina

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yakoresheje ibinyazina binyuranye ku buryo bukwiye

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LU 5:Gukoresha neza uburyo bunyuranye bw ’ ubwumvane no kwandika yubahiriza imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda.


Umusaruro w’inyigisho:

1. Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda kiboneye uwiga agaragaza ko yumva ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane mu ngiro zitandukanye.

2. Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku ikinamico. 3. Gusoma neza ikinamico yubahiriza uturango twayo. 4. Guhimba no gukina ikinamico ahuza imvugo n’ingiro 5. Gukoresha neza inzego z’ururimi. 6. Kubahiriza imyandikire y’amazina bwite.

Amasaha 6

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.1: Gukoresha Ikinyarwanda k’ibanze, uwiga agaragaza ko yumva

ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubuzima bw’imyororokere mu ngiro zitandukanye.

Ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

Inyunguramagambo ku ngeri y’ikinamico;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Inzego z’ururimi: Imvugo

ikocamye Imvugo

isanzwe Imvugo

o Gutega amatwi ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu. o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva ikinamico

n’inyunguramagambo. o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu

ikinamico. o Gusoma bucece ikinamico. o Gusoma bakuramwa, baranguruye bigana,

abakinankuru. o Gukorera mu matsinda, bungurana

ibitekerezo ku nsanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Guhimba no gukina udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane.

o Kujya impaka ku mvugo ziboneye. o Gutahura no gukosora amakosa mu

myandikire y’amazina bwite.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeyeubwumvane;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo ;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Amabwiriza ya Minisitiri

N0 001/2014 yo ku wa 08/10/2014 agenga imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda nk’uko yasohotse mu Igazeti ya Leta N0 41 bis yo ku wa 13/10/2014.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 121: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

107 | P a g e


Amazina bwite y’ahantu afite

indomo y’abantu

arenze rimwe y’abantu

n’ahantu y’amavamaha

nga y’idini yari


Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.1

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi, amashusho by’uwiga ateze amatwi atarogoya

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya


Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Uwiga yakoresheje Ikinyarwanda kiboneye agaragaza ko yumva ikinamico ku

nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane mu ngiro zitandukanye

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108 | P a g e

Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.2: Gusubiza neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku ikinamico

Ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

Inyunguramagambo ku ngeri y’ikinamico;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Inzego z’ururimi: Imvugo

ikocamye Imvugo

isanzwe Imvugo


Amazina bwite y’ahantu afite

indomo y’abantu arenze

rimwe y’abantu

n’ahantu y’amavamahan

ga y’idini yari


o Gutega amatwi ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva ikinamico n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Gusoma bucece ikinamico. o Gusoma bakuramwa,

baranguruye bigana, abakinankuru.

o Gukorera mu matsinda, bungurana ibitekerezo ku nsanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Guhimba no gukina udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane.

o Kujya impaka ku mvugo ziboneye.

o Gutahura no gukosora amakosa mu myandikire y’amazina bwite.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeyeubwumvane;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo ;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Amabwiriza ya Minisitiri

N0 001/2014 yo ku wa 08/10/2014 agenga imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda nk’uko yasohotse mu Igazeti ya Leta N0 41 bis yo ku wa 13/10/2014.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 123: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

109 | P a g e

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.2

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi, amashusho ku bisusbizo byo kumva umuvugo

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Inyunguramagambo ku ngeri y’ikinamico

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.3: Gusoma neza ikinamico yubahiriza uturango twayo

Ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

Inyunguramagambo ku ngeri y’ikinamico;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane;

o Gutega amatwi ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva ikinamico n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Gusoma bucece ikinamico. o Gusoma bakuramwa,

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeyeubwumvane;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo ;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Amabwiriza ya Minisitiri

N0 001/2014 yo ku wa

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yashubije neza ibibazo mu mvugo iboneye ku ikinamico

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Isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Inzego z’ururimi: Imvugo

ikocamye Imvugo

isanzwe Imvugo


Amazina bwite y’ahantu afite

indomo y’abantu arenze

rimwe y’abantu

n’ahantu y’amavamahan

ga y’idini yari


baranguruye bigana, abakinankuru.

o Gukorera mu matsinda, bungurana ibitekerezo ku nsanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Guhimba no gukina udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane.

o Kujya impaka ku mvugo ziboneye.

o Gutahura no gukosora amakosa mu myandikire y’amazina bwite.

08/10/2014 agenga imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda nk’uko yasohotse mu Igazeti ya Leta N0 41 bis yo ku wa 13/10/2014.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.3

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho uwiga asoma ikinamico

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo


Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yasomye neza ikinamico yubahiriza uturango twayo

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Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.4: Guhimba no gukina ikinamico ahuza imvugo n’ingiro

Ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

Inyunguramagambo ku ngeri y’ikinamico;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Inzego z’ururimi: Imvugo ikocamye Imvugo isanzwe Imvugo ihanitse

Amazina bwite y’ahantu afite indomo y’abantu arenze rimwe y’abantu n’ahantu y’amavamahanga y’idini yari asanwzeho

o Gutega amatwi ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva ikinamico n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Gusoma bucece ikinamico. o Gusoma bakuramwa,

baranguruye bigana, abakinankuru.

o Gukorera mu matsinda, bungurana ibitekerezo ku nsanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Guhimba no gukina udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane.

o Kujya impaka ku mvugo ziboneye.

o Gutahura no gukosora amakosa mu myandikire y’amazina bwite.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeyeubwumvane;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo ;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Amabwiriza ya Minisitiri

N0 001/2014 yo ku wa 08/10/2014 agenga imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda nk’uko yasohotse mu Igazeti ya Leta N0 41 bis yo ku wa 13/10/2014.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.4

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Amajwi n’amashusho n’inyandiko ku kinamico

Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yahimbye anakina ikinamico ahuza imvugo n’ingiro.

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 126: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

112 | P a g e

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.5: Gukoresha neza inzego z’ururimi.

Ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

Inyunguramagambo ku ngeri y’ikinamico;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Inzego z’ururimi: Imvugo ikocamye Imvugo isanzwe Imvugo ihanitse

Amazina bwite y’ahantu afite indomo y’abantu arenze rimwe y’abantu n’ahantu y’amavamahanga y’idini yari asanwzeho

o Gutega amatwi ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva ikinamico n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Gusoma bucece ikinamico. o Gusoma bakuramwa,

baranguruye bigana, abakinankuru.

o Gukorera mu matsinda, bungurana ibitekerezo ku nsanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Guhimba no gukina udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane.

o Kujya impaka ku mvugo ziboneye.

o Gutahura no gukosora amakosa mu myandikire y’amazina bwite.

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeyeubwumvane;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo ;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Amabwiriza ya Minisitiri

N0 001/2014 yo ku wa 08/10/2014 agenga imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda nk’uko yasohotse mu Igazeti ya Leta N0 41 bis yo ku wa 13/10/2014.

Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.5

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Page 127: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

113 | P a g e

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Ibisubizo ku myitozo y’ikoreshwa ry’ inzego z’indimi

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Inzego z’ururimi


Umusaruro w’inyigisho 5.6: Kubahiriza imyandikire y’amazina bwite

Ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane;

Ibimenyetso by’uteze amatwi atarogoya.

Inyunguramagambo ku ngeri y’ikinamico;

Ingingo z’umuco n’amateka;

Udukino ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane;

Isesekaza n’utwatuzo.

Inzego z’ururimi: Imvugo ikocamye Imvugo isanzwe

o Gutega amatwi ikinamico ku nsanganyamatsiko yerekeye ubwumvane.

o Kutarogoya ufite ijambo nta mpamvu.

o Gusubiza ibibazo byo kumva ikinamico n’inyunguramagambo.

o Kuvumbura insanganyamatsiko ivugwa mu ikinamico.

o Gusoma bucece ikinamico. o Gusoma bakuramwa,

baranguruye bigana, abakinankuru.

o Gukorera mu matsinda, bungurana ibitekerezo ku nsanganyamatsiko ivugwa

˗ Ibitabo bikubiyemo imyandiko yerekeyeubwumvane;

˗ Ibitabo by’ikibonezamvugo ;

˗ SEDE (CD); ˗ Disiketi ; ˗ Ikibaho; ˗ Marikeri; ˗ Murandasi; ˗ Inkoranyamagambo; ˗ Amabwiriza ya Minisitiri

N0 001/2014 yo ku wa 08/10/2014 agenga imyandikire y’Ikinyarwanda nk’uko yasohotse mu Igazeti ya Leta N0 41 bis yo ku wa

Imfashanyigisho Ibikorwa by’uwiga



Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yakoresheje neza inzego z’ururimi

Page 128: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

114 | P a g e

Imvugo ihanitse

Amazina bwite y’ahantu afite indomo y’abantu arenze rimwe y’abantu n’ahantu y’amavamahanga y’idini yari asanwzeho

mu ikinamico. o Guhimba no gukina udukino

ku nsanganyamatsiko ishingiye ku bwumvane.

o Kujya impaka ku mvugo ziboneye.

o Gutahura no gukosora amakosa mu myandikire y’amazina bwite.


Isuzuma Mbonezanyigisho 5.6

Usuzuma akusanya bimwe mu bihamya bikurikira, akanzura niba ubushobozi busuzumwa bwagezweho.

Gihamya Isuzuma

Ibisubizo ku myitozo yo kwandika amazina bwite

Urutonde rw’ibisuzumwa Arabishoboye

Yego Oya

Amazina bwite


Ubushobozi busuzumwa

Yubahiriza imyandikire y’amazina bwite

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115 | P a g e

Ibitabo n’inyandiko byifashishijwe:

1. BIZIMANA S, KAYUMBA C., (2011), Inkoranya y’ikinyarwanda mu Kinyarwanda, IRST, 2ème, Edition

2. BIZIMANA, S., RWABUKUMBA, G., (2011), Inkoranya y’ikinyarwanda mu Kinyarwanda, IRST, 1ère Edition


Promotion et intégration des langues nationales dans les systèmes éducatifs, Librairie Honoré Champion, Paris.

5. COUPEZ A. (1961) Grammaire Rwanda Simplifiée, Usumbura 6. Dictionnaire Rwandais-Français, Edition abrégée et adaptée par Irénée JACOB. 7. FOUNTAIN PUBLISHERS, (2011), Ikinyarwanda, Igitabo cy’umunyeshuri, Umwaka wa 4, Fountain

Publishers, Kigali 8. FOUNTAIN PUBLISHERS, (2011), Ikinyarwanda, Igitabo cy’umwarimu, Umwaka wa 5, Fountain

Publishers, Kigali 9. FOUNTAIN PUBLISHERS, (2011), Ikinyarwanda, Igitabo cy’umwarimu, Umwaka wa 6, Fountain

Publishers, Kigali 10. GAGNÉ, G., PAGÉ, M. na ARRAB, E, (2002), Didactique des langues maternelles. Questions

actuelles dans différentes régions du monde, De Boeck Universitégions du monde, De Boeck Université, Bruxelles.

11. GASIMBA F.X (2004), Inganzo y’Ubwanditsi, Prix Kadima 12. INTEKO NYARWANDA Y’URURIMI N’UMUCO (RALC), (2013), Indangagaciro z’Umuco w’u Rwanda,

Imfashanyigisho ibanza, Kigali Rwanda 13. KAGIRANEZA Z. (1989), Igitaramo ku mateka y’u Rwanda, MINESUPRESS 14. MINISTERI Y’AMASHURI ABANZA N’AYISUMBUYE (1986) Ikinyarwanda: Ikibonezamvugo cyo mu

Cyiciro cya Gatatu, Kigali 15. UNIVERSITY OF RWANDA/COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (2014), Umusogongero ku Buvanganzo

Nyarwanda, Kigali. 16. VANHOVE J. (1941), Essai de Droit Coutumier du Ruanda, Bruxelles, Librairie Falk fils.

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CCMSE501 Work in a socially diverse environment

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date:October, 2017

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required to be able to successfully

work in a socially diverse environment. The module will allow the participant to develop ways

of communicating with customers and colleagues from diverse backgrounds and

accommodating cultural differences. Furthermore, this module will enable the trainee to be

able to identify issues that may cause conflict or misunderstanding in the workplace because of

the cultural differences, find ways of resolving them and/or referring them to appropriate

individuals or bodies.

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117 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Not applicable

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Communicate with customers and colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

1.1 Adequate Valuing customers and colleagues from different cultural groups and treating them with respect and sensitivity.

1.2 Adequate Taking into consideration cultural differences in allverbal and non-verbal communication and overcoming language barriers.

1.3 Proper obtaining assistance from colleagues, reference books or outside organizations when required.

2. Address cross-cultural misunderstandings

2.3 Proper identification of issues that may cause conflict or misunderstanding in the workplace.

2.4 Adequate consideration of possible cultural differences when difficulties or misunderstandings occur.

2.5 Appropriate referring of problems and unresolved issues to the appropriate team leader or supervisor for follow-up.

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118 | P a g e

LU 1: Communicate with customers and colleagues from diverse backgrounds


Learning Outcomes:

1. Value customers and colleagues from different cultural groups and treat them with respect and sensitivity.

2. Take into consideration cultural differences in all verbal and non-verbal communication and overcome language barriers.

3. Obtain assistance from colleagues, reference books or outside organisations when required. 12 Hours

Learning Outcome1.1: Value customers and colleagues from different cultural groups and

treat them with respect and sensitivity

Treating different groups effectively forms of address levels of formality or

informality observance of special

religious, feasts or other celebratory days

customs, beliefs and values Product preferences

o Role play o Individual work o Group discussion o Large group discussion o Brainstorming

- Reference books - Role play scenario - Online materials - Specialised


Formative Assessment 1.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Adequate Valuing customers and colleagues from different cultural groups and

treating them with respect and sensitivity.

Resources Learning activities Content

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119 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Ticking Expose (presentation) Role play

Checklist Score

Yes No

Effective treatment of different groups


Learning Outcome 1.2: Take into consideration cultural differences in all verbal and non-

verbal communication and overcome language barriers.

Verbal and non-verbal communication: varied cultural

interpretation of non-verbal behaviour and gestures

personal grooming, including dress and hygiene habits

language spoken language written

Overcoming language barriers: meet, greet and farewell

customers give simple directions give simple instructions answer simple enquiries prepare for, serve and

assist customers describe goods and


o Brainstorming o Role play o Individual work

- Reference books - Role play scenario - Online materials

Resources Learning activities Content

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120 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 1.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Ticking Expose (presentation) Role play

Checklist Score

Yes No

Consideration of cultural differences through verbal and non-verbal communication

Overcoming language barriers


Learning Outcome 1.3: Obtain assistance from colleagues, reference books or outside

organisations when required

Partnerships for efficient communication interpreter services diplomatic services local cultural

organizations appropriate government

agencies educational institutions Disability advocacy


o Group discussion o Individual work o Large group discussion

- Reference books - Online materials - Specialised materials

Resources Learning activities Content

Performance criterion

Adequate Taking into consideration cultural differences in all verbal and non-

verbal communication and overcoming language barriers.

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121 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 1.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Multiple choice True or false question Ticking Expose (presentation)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Partnerships for efficient communication


Performance criterion

Proper obtaining assistance from colleagues, reference books or outside

organizations when required.

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122 | P a g e

LU 2:Address cross-cultural misunderstandings


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify issues that may cause conflict or misunderstanding in the workplace.

2. Consider possible cultural differences while resolving difficulties or misunderstandings at workplace.

3. Referring problems and unresolved issues to the appropriate team leader or supervisor for follow-up. 18 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Identify issues that may cause conflict or misunderstanding in the


Cultural differences

Causes of conflict race language special needs disabilities gender age roles, emotions, misinformation misinterpretation values

o Individual work o Group discussion o Large group discussion o Brainstorming

- Reference books - Online materials - Specialised materials

Formative Assessment 2.1

Performance criterion

Proper identification of issues that may cause conflict or misunderstanding in the


Resources Learning activities Content

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123 | P a g e

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Multiple choice True or false question Ticking Expose (presentation)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Demonstration of knowledge about cultural differences

Identification of issues that may causes conflict at workplace


Learning Outcome 2.2: Consider possible cultural differences while resolving difficulties or

misunderstandings at workplace

Settlement of misunderstandings greetings key phrases customs protocol, business practices what is done for fun appreciation of cultural difference Avoidance to compromise own

values being accommodating Different Communication Styles Different Attitudes Toward

Conflict Different Approaches to

Completing Task Different Decision-Making Styles Different Attitudes Toward


o Role play o Group discussion o Large group discussion o Individual work

- Reference books

- Role play scenario

- Online materials

- Specialised materials

Resources Learning activities Content

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124 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 2.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Ticking Expose (presentation) Role play

Checklist Score

Yes No

Settlement of misunderstandings


Learning Outcome 2.3: Referring problems and unresolved issues to the appropriate team

leader or supervisor for follow-up

Raising issues informal communication informal meeting Mediation formal communication formal writing formal meetings work ethics

o Role play o Individual task o Group work o Large group discussion

- Reference books - Role play scenario - Online materials - Specialised


Resources Learning activities Content

Performance criterion

Adequate consideration of possible cultural differences when difficulties or

misunderstandings occur.

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125 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 2.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools




Multiple choice True or false question Ticking Expose (presentation) Role play

Checklist Score

Yes No

Raising issues to the appropriate level at workplace


Reference books:

1. Axtell, R. E., & Parker Pen Company. (1993). Do’s and taboos around the world. New York: Wiley.

2. House, R. J., & Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research Program. (2004). Culture, leadership, and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

3. Meyer, E. (2014). The culture map: Breaking through the invisible boundaries of global business. Public Affairs.

4. Schwartz, S. (2006). A theory of cultural value orientations: Explication and applications. Comparative Sociology, 5, 137-182.

Performance criterion

Appropriate referring of problems and unresolved issues to the appropriate

team leader or supervisor for follow-up.

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126 | P a g e


CCMIW501 Use ICT at workplace

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date: October, 2017

Purpose statement

This course focuses on providing skills, experience and confidence for those learners who struggle to

make the most of technology to demonstrate creative thinking, problem solving and knowledge

construction. It focuses on completing workplace tasks, such as researching and creating documents

with text, graphics and numerical information using commonly used tools such as: Microsoft Office –

(Word, Excel and PowerPoint), Email, The Internet

Learners gain ability to appropriately select and responsibly use ICT to be able to: Problem-solve,

Communicate and collaborate, Locate, use and synthesize information found using technology and

Develop skills necessary to function in this century.

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127 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Not applicable

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Prepare document Layout 1.1 Proper set up of a grid structure 1.2 Proper arrangement of text zones and non-textual

ones in their correct reading order. 1.3 Proper use of special effects

2. Apply basic computer operations 2.1 Appropriate Conversion, Export and Import of files 2.2 Appropriate use of storage media 2.3 Appropriate application of Printer settings 2.4 Appropriate connect computer to the network

3. Manage data 3.1 Proper management of data types 3.2 Proper application of data validation, 3.3 Adequate application of Logical functions 3.4 Adequate performance of data analysis, duplication

removal and Conditional formatting 3.5 Appropriate application of data protection

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128 | P a g e

LU 1: Prepare document Layout


Learning Outcomes:

1. Set up a grid structure 2. Arrange text zones and non-textual ones 3. Use special effects

10 Hours

Learning Outcome1.1: Set up a grid structure

Usage of basic grid structures for page layout (Deciding on the number and size of columns and gutters (gaps between columns))

Use asymmetrical grids to add interest to your design.

Work with margins, row and column gaps (Placement of intentional whitespace).

Usage of mixed grids.

o Practical exercise on designing a cover page of a given document

Computer Applications Trainer manual Flipcharts Markers Flipcharts stand Computer Lab Sample of journal

Formative Assessment 1.1

Performance criterion

Proper set up of a grid structure

Resources Learning activities Content

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129 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Expose (presentation) Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.2:Arrange text zones and non-textual ones.

Work with Styles (Headings, Title and Subtitles) chapter or section titles, or headlines and subheads

Size and position of images and figures and work with image captions

Pull quotes and nut graphs which might be added out of course or to make a short story fit the layout

o Practical exercise on editing and arrange a given document

Computer Applications Trainer manual Flipcharts Markers Flipcharts stand Computer Lab Sample of journal

Resources Learning activities Content

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130 | P a g e

Box outs and sidebars, which present information as asides from the main text flow

Page headers and page footers, the contents of which are usually uniform across content pages.

Table of contents

Notes like footnotes and end notes; bibliography

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Expose (presentation) Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Performance criterion

Proper arrangement of text zones and non-textual ones in their correct reading


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131 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.3: Use special effects

Methods of overlaying text on an image for readability

Position the Text Appropriately

Increase the Contrast Use a Transparent

Overlay Drop Shadow

Runaround and intrusions, or bleeding an image over the page margin

o Practical exercise on adding special effects in a given document

Computer Applications Trainer manual Flipcharts Markers Flipcharts stand Computer Lab Sample of journal

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper use of special effects

Resources Learning activities Content

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132 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Expose (presentation) Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Checklist Score

Yes No


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133 | P a g e

LU 2:Apply basic computer operations


Learning Outcomes:

1. Import, Export, and Convert Data Files 2. Use of storage media 3. Apply printer settings 4. Connect computer to the network

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Import, Export, and Convert Data Files

Variety of different file formats Formats Typical Extension

Data Import techniques

Data Export techniques

Compress a file

File Conversion

o Individual work o Scenario based activities o Brainstorming on data types o Appropriate Conversion,

Export and Import of files o Appropriate use of storage

media o Appropriate application of

Printer settings o Connect Computer to the


Projector White Board Computer Lab

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Appropriate Conversion, Export and Import of files

Resources Learning activities Content

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134 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Written evidence Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Oral evidence Expose (presentation) Performance evidence Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2.2: Use of storage media

Different types of storage (off-line/On-line storage) External/Removable Hard Drive Solid State Drive (SSD) Network Attached Storage (NAS) USB Thumb Drive Or Flash Drive. Optical Drive (CD/ DVD discs) Cloud Storage.

Storage capacity Description of units of data

Disk formatting

o Brainstorming on storage types

o Practical exercises on disk formatting

Projector White Board Computer Lab Storage devices

Resources Learning activities Content

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135 | P a g e

Partitioning Erase data

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Written evidence Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Oral evidence Expose (presentation) Performance evidence Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Appropriate use of storage media

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136 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.3: Apply printer settings

Page setup

Print preview

Print dialog box

Selecting printer name

Printer options

Printing one or more copies

Printing in black/white or color

Print page ranges

o Exercises on printing one or more copies of a colored document, in black and white

o Printing in landscape, portrait different pages

Computer Lab With Current Word processing Package installed in each computer

Printer Projector

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Written evidence Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Oral evidence Expose (presentation) Performance evidence Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Performance criterion

Appropriate application of Printer settings

Resources Learning activities Content

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137 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 2.4: Connect computer to the network

Common types of area networks based on size Personal area network,

or PAN Local area network, or

LAN Metropolitan area

network, or MAN Wide area network, or

WAN Wireless Local Area

Network or WLAN

Common types of area networks based on main purpose Storage area network,

or SAN Enterprise private

network, or EPN Virtual private

network, or VPN

Connect to the internet

Fixed internet Mobile internet

o Exercises on connect computer to the internet


Computer Lab With Internet


Formative Assessment 2.4

Resources Learning activities Content

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138 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Oral evidence Expose (presentation) Performance evidence Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Appropriate connect computer to the network

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139 | P a g e

LU 3: Manage data


Learning Outcomes:

1. Manage data types 2. Apply data validation 3. Apply logical functions 4. Analyse data 5. Apply data protection

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Manage data types

Description of data types Data type (Byte, integer, long,

single, double, currency, decimal, string, Boolean, date, object, variant)

Length Description

Techniques of entering data types in cells and their default formats

Labels to describe pieces of information

Values (Raw numbers or dates)

Formulas to perform calculations

o Brainstorming on data types o

Computer Lab Projector

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper management of data types

Resources Learning activities Content

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140 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Written evidence Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Oral evidence Expose (presentation) Performance evidence Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Checklist Score

Yes No

Differentiation of data types

Alignment of data in cell

Formatting of data



Learning Outcome 3.2: Apply data validation

Create validation rules (Entries allowed in the cell, prompt message and Warning alerts)

Search/Find .Replace

Deleting a range of text

The undo command

Spelling and grammar


o Practical exercises on data validation based on calculation in another cell


Computer Lab Projector

Formative Assessment 3.2

Resources Learning activities Content

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141 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Written evidence Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Oral evidence Expose (presentation) Performance evidence Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Checklist Score

Yes No


Performance criterion

Proper application of data validation

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142 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.3:Apply logical functions

Logical function overview (AND, OR, XOR and NOT)

Between condition (IF function)

o Practical exercises on use of logical operators and construct more elaborate logical tests to perform more complex calculations and more powerful data analysis

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Written evidence Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Oral evidence Expose (presentation) Performance evidence Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Performance criterion

Adequate application of Logical functions

Resources Learning activities Content

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143 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.4:Analyse data

Create different types of charts Line and column charts Pie Bar Miniature graphs (spark lines)

Table style and application of conditional formatting

Duplication removal

o Perform practical exercises on data analysis

o compile activities reports

Formative Assessment 3.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Adequate performance of data analysis, duplication removal and Conditional


Resources Learning activities Content

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144 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Oral evidence Expose (presentation) Performance evidence Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.5:Apply data protection

Data protection principles Fair and lawful Purposes Adequacy Accuracy Retention Rights Security

o Compile activities reports

Formative Assessment 3.5

Resources Learning activities Content

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145 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice/ Ticking True or false question Matching Sentence completion Open ended questions Oral evidence Expose (presentation) Performance evidence Task:

Prepare an attendance list including date, phone numbers and


Prepare a table of products with their specifications

Prepare a table of institutions with their address linked

Checklist Score

Yes No


Reference books:

1. Data type in Microsoft Excel

Performance criterion

Appropriate application of data protection

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146 | P a g e


CCMPE501 Apply professional ethics

REQF Level: 3 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date: November, 2014

Purpose statement

This particular module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required for the trainee to apply

professional conduct at workplace.

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147 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Not applicable

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Apply human values 1.1. Adequate valuation of human right. 1.2. Adequate promotion of integrity 1.3. Convenient valuation of time 1.4. Careful variety of moral issues

2. Respect engineering ethics 2.1. Appropriate application of rules and regulations of the work.

2.2. Adequate application ofcredible management of the work.

2.3. Adequate team spirit at the work.

3. Apply safety 3.1. Proper risk analysis 3.2. Convenient personal safety precautions 3.3. Adequate respect of hygienic rules

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148 | P a g e

LU 1:Apply human values


Learning Outcomes:

1. Valuate human right 2. Promote integrity 3. Valuate time 4. Analyse variety of moral issues

7 Hours

Learning Outcome1.1: Valuate human right

Human Right Issues Privacy Independence Security Right to vote Medication Education Employment Promotion Leave( Holydays)

Intellectual Property Right


o Brainstorming on Human Right Issues, Intellectual Property Right and Confidentiality

o Group Discussion on Human Right Issues, Intellectual Property Right and Confidentiality

o Demonstration by video/ Picture of Human right issues

- Books - World Health

Organization Reports - Notebook - Pen - Workshop - Whiteboard/ Black board - Marker pen - Chalks - Projector - Pictures - Computer

Formative Assessment 1.1

Performance criterion

Adequate valuation of human right.

Resources Learning activities Content

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149 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Matching exercise Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No




Right to vote





Leave( Holydays)


Learning Outcome 1.2:Promote integrity

Civic Virtues Tax Compliance Environmental Protection Self reliance Honesty

Respect for others

o Brainstorming on Civic Virtues o Group Discussion on Civic Virtues o Role play on Civic Virtues o Sketches on Civic Virtues o Site visit on environmentally

Protected areas

- Books - Environmental reports

( National and International)

- Notebook - Pen - Workshop - Whiteboard/ Black

board - Marker pen - Chalks

Resources Learning activities Content

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150 | P a g e

- Projector - Pictures - Computer

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Tax Compliance

Environmental Protection




Performance criterion

Adequate promotion of integrity

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151 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 1.3: Valuate time

Preparation of Agenda Agenda of Meeting Personal Agenda

o Brainstorming on preparation of Agenda

o Group Discussion on preparation of Agenda

o Practical exercise on preparation of Agenda

- Books - Agenda of some meetings - Personal Agenda - Notebook - Pen / Pencil - Workshop - Whiteboard/ Black board - Marker pen - Chalks - Projector - Pictures - Computer

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Convenient valuation of time

Resources Learning activities Content

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152 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Agenda of Meeting

Personal Agenda


Learning Outcome 1.4: Analyse variety of moral issues

Reason of Behaving Unethically

Resource Crunch Opportunity Attitude

o Brainstorming on Reason of Behaving Unethically

o Group Discussion on Reason of Behaving Unethically

- Books - Chocks - Blackboard

Formative Assessment 1.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Careful analysis of variety of moral issues

Resources Learning activities Content

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153 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Resource Crunch




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154 | P a g e

LU 2:Respect engineering ethics


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply rules and regulations of the work. 2. Apply credible management of the work. 3. Work with team spirit

15 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1:Apply rules and regulations of the work.

Different Professional rules and regulations Public Building

regulations Human Settlement


Labor Code National International

o Brainstorming on Professional rules and regulations and Labor Code

o Group Discussion on Professional rules and regulations and Labor Code

o Demonstration by video/ on Professional rules and regulations and Labor Code

- Books - Notebook - Pen - Workshop - Whiteboard/ Black board - Marker pen - Chalks - Projector - Pictures - Computer

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Appropriate application of rules and regulations of the work.

Resources Learning activities Content

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155 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Public Building regulations

Human Settlement Policies


Learning Outcome 2.2: Apply credible management of the work.

Ethical theories about Right Action Utilitarian Theory Duty Ethics The virtue Theory Self- realization ethics Justice (Fairness) theory

o Brainstorming on ethical theories about Right Action

o Group Discussion on ethical theories about Right Action

- Books - Notebook - Pen - Workshop - Whiteboard/ Black

board - Marker pen - Chalks - Projector - Computer

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Adequate application of credible management of the work

Resources Learning activities Content

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156 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Utilitarian Theory

Duty Ethics

The virtue Theory

Self- realization ethics

Justice (Fairness) theory


Learning Outcome 2.3: Work with team spirit


Empathy Understanding Others Service Orientation Uplift others Leveraging diversity Political awareness

o Brainstorming on cooperation and empathy

o Group Discussion on cooperation and empathy

- Books - Notebook - Pen - Workshop - Whiteboard/

Black board - Marker pen - Chalks - Projector - Computer

Formative Assessment 2.3

Performance criterion

Adequate team spirit at the work.

Resources Learning activities Content

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157 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Understanding Others

Service Orientation

Uplift others

Leveraging diversity

Political awareness


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158 | P a g e

LU 3:Apply safety


Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyse risk 2. Apply personal safety precautions 3. Respect hygienic rules

8 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Analyse risk

Analytical Methods for Risk Analysis Scenario Analysis Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Fault-tree Analysis Event-tree Analysis Human Error

o Brainstorming on analytical Methods for Risk Analysis

o Group Discussion on analytical Methods for Risk Analysis

- Books - Notebook - Pen - Workshop - Whiteboard/ Black

board - Marker pen - Chalks - Projector - Computer

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper risk analysis

Resources Learning activities Content

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159 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Scenario Analysis

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

Fault-tree Analysis

Event-tree Analysis

Human Error


Learning Outcome 3.2:Apply personal safety precautions

Safety and Risk

Saving Endangered Lives ( Occupational hazards)

Safe Exit

o Brainstorming on Application of personal safety precautions

o Group Discussion on Application of personal safety precautions

- Books - Notebook - Pen - Workshop - Whiteboard/

Black board - Marker pen - Chalks - Projector - Computer

Formative Assessment 3.2

Resources Learning activities Content

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160 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 3.3:Respect hygienic rules

Maintenance of Hygiene

Importance of PPE

o Brainstorming on Maintenance of Hygiene and Importance of PPE

o Group discussion on Maintenance of Hygiene and Importance of PPE

- Books - Notebook - Pen - Workshop - Whiteboard/

Black board - Marker pen - Chalks - Projector - Computer

Resources Learning activities Content

Performance criterion

Convenient personal safety precautions

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161 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Maintenance of Hygiene


Reference books:

1. R.S.Naagarazan 2006, Professional Ethics and Human Values, NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL


2. GordanaDodig-Crnkovic 2004, Professional Ethics in Science and Engineering,DEPARTMENT OF


3. Vee, C. and Skitmore, R.M. (2003) Professional ethics in the construction industry. Engineering

Construction and Architectural Management 10(2):pp. 117-127. Copyright 2003 Emerald.

4. AAT Code of Professional Ethics – Version 2.0 January 2014

Performance criterion

Adequate respect of hygienic rules

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162 | P a g e


CCMFT501 Pratiquer les techniques d’expression orale et écrite

Niveau: 5 Heures d’apprentissage

Credits: 3 30

Section: Toutes

Option: Toutes

Date d'élaboration:Décembre, 2016

But visé

Ce module décrit les techniques d’expression orale et écrite. A la fin de ce module, l’apprenant

sera capable d’écrire en respectant l’orthographe courante, employer le vocabulaire technique

dans différents écrits, présider des débats et des discussions, conduire des réunions, rédiger et

présenter un exposé.

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163 | P a g e

Prérequis pour le nouvel apprentissage

Non appliqué

Eléments de compétence et lesCritères de performance

Les unités d’apprentissage décrivent les résultats essentiels d’une compétence

A la fin de ce module, l’apprenant sera capable de:

Elements de competence Critères de performance

1. Ecrire en respectant

l’orthographe courante.

1.1. Application correcte des lettres minuscules et majuscules

1.2. Utilisation adéquate des accents et signes de


1.3. Application appropriée des espacements entre les mots

2. Employer le vocabulaire

technique dans différents écrits.

2.1. Emploi abondant de vocabulaire technique dans un récit

se rapportant à son métier

2.2. Utilisation appropriée du vocabulaire technique dans une

présentation adressée au


2.3. Application appropriée du vocabulaire technique dans la

rédaction des rapports de


2.4. Rédaction méthodique des lettres d’affaire

3. Présider des débats, des


3.1. Fixation claire des thèmes de discussions contradictoires

3.2. Définition claire des directives à suivre pour la sérénité des


3.3. Modération méthodique des interventions respectives des

membres du groupe

4. Conduire des réunions. 4.1.. Elaboration adéquate de l’ordre du jour

4.2. Exposé introductif méthodique définissant les règles à

suivre et le déroulement de la


4.3. Prise de notes méthodiques pour harmoniser les diverses


Rédiger et présenter un exposé. 5.1. Organisation méthodique des arguments dans une

présentation écrite

5.2. Exploitation méthodique des règles de la rhétorique

devant l’auditoire

5.3. Conclusion concise et ouverte de son exposé reprenant les

grandes lignes d’une part

et dégageant des perspectives d’autre part

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164 | P a g e

LU 1:Ecrire en respectant l’orthographe courante


Résultats d’apprentissage:

4. Appliquer les lettres minuscules et majuscules 5. Utiliser les accents et signes de ponctuation. 6. Appliquer les espacements entre les mots.

6 Heures

Résultats d’apprentissage 1.1:Appliquer les lettres minuscules et majuscules




o Ecrire les noms propres et noms


o Ecrire un paragraphe de différente


- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

- Photographies

- Figurines et tableaux


- Projecteurs

- Flash Disc

- Matériels tactiles

Evaluation Formative 1.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Critère de performance

Application correcte des lettres minuscules et majuscules

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

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165 | P a g e

Types de preuves Instruments d’evaluation du portfolio



Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Orthographe de cinq (5) noms propres et cinq (5) noms communs

Composition d’un paragraphe de du moins trois (3) différentes phrases.

Orthographe de cinq (5) mots avec différents accents « é ; ü ; â ; è ; ô ; à ; ç ;

î ; û ; ê ; ö. »


Résultats d’apprentissage 1.2: Utiliser les accents et signes de ponctuation






Signes de







Point de





Double points

o Ecrire les mots avec différents accents

o Composer les phrases terminées par

différents signes de ponctuation.

- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

- Photographies

- Figurines et

tableaux feutres

- Projecteurs

- Flash Disc

- Matériels tactiles

Evaluation Formative 1.2

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

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166 | P a g e

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Instruments d’evaluation du portfolio



Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Composition de cinq (5) phrases terminées par différents signes de



Résultats d’apprentissage 1.3:Appliquer les espacements entre les mots.

Espacements entre les


o Composer une phrase de beaucoup de


- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

- Photographies

- Figurines et

tableaux feutres

- Projecteurs

- Flash Disc

- Matériels tactiles

Evaluation Formative 1.3

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

Critère de performance

Utilisation adéquate des accents et signes de ponctuation

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167 | P a g e

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites


Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Composition d’une phrase avec dix (10) mots


Critère de performance

Application appropriée des espacements entre les mots

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168 | P a g e

LU 2:Employer le vocabulaire technique dans différents écrit



1. Préciser la réponse relative au texte. 2. Prononcer des énoncés de ses réponses. 3. Articuler en tenant compte de la ponctuation. 4. Rédiger les lettres d’affaire.

4 Heures

Résultats d’apprentissage 2.1:Préciser la réponse relative au texte..



Récit à son


o Rédiger le récit en utilisant les mots

spécifiques pour le métier en question.

- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 2.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio


Preuves orales

Critère de performance

Emploi abondant de vocabulaire technique dans un récit se rapportant à

son métier.

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

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169 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Rédaction d’un texte sur une page contenant au moins cinq (5) mots

spécifiques pour le métier en question.


Résultats d’apprentissage 2.2: Prononcer des énoncés de ses réponses.




adressée au public

o Présenter en classe le récit contenant

les termes techniques sur le métier.

- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 2.2

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Liresilencieusement les énoncés.

Critère de performance

Utilisation appropriée du vocabulaire technique dans une présentation

adressée au public.

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

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170 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Composition et présentation en classe d’un écrit contenant les termes

techniques sur le métier


Résultats d’apprentissage 2.3:Articuler en tenant compte de la ponctuation.

Vocabulaire technique

Rapports de service

o Etablir un rapport de service en

utilisant les termes techniques lies au


- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 2.3

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio


Preuves orales

Critère de performance

Application appropriée du vocabulaire technique dans la rédaction des

rapports de service.

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

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171 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Etablissement d’un rapport de service en utilisant les termestechniques lies au



Résultats d’apprentissage 2.4:Rédiger les lettres d’affaire.

Lettres d’affaire





o Composer les lettres de réquisitions,

commandes, livraisons, recouvrements.

- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 2.4

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves ecrites

Preuves orales

Critère de performance

Rédaction méthodique des lettres d’affaire

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

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172 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Composition des lettres :

Lettre de réquisitions

Lettre de commande

Lettre de livraison


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173 | P a g e

LU 3:Présider des débats et des discussions



1. Fixer les thèmes de discussions contradictoires 2. Définir les directives à suivre pour la sérénité des débats 3. Modérer les interventions respectives des membres du groupe.

6 Heures

Résultats d’apprentissage 3.1: Fixer les thèmes de discussions contradictoires.

Thèmes de discussions o Proposer les sujets de controverse. - Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 3.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Critère de performance

Fixation claire des thèmes de discussions contradictoires

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

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174 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Suggestion de cinq (5) sujets de controverse


Résultats d’apprentissage 3.2:Définir les directives à suivre pour la sérénité des débats.

Directives à suivre

Durée d’intervention


o Fixer le délai d’intervention et les

normes de tolérance.

- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 3.2

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Organiser un débat

Critère de performance

Définition claire des directives à suivre pour la sérénité des débats


s Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

Page 189: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

175 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Fixation de délai d’intervention

Fixation des normes de tolérance

Evitement de la monopolisationde la parole

Pas d’interruption pour les autres

Demande de la parole

Respect des avis des autres


Résultats d’apprentissage 3.3:Modérer les interventions respectives des membres du groupe.

Interventions des

membres du groupe

o Distribuer les interventions

o Ramener à l’ordre les violateurs

des directives convenues.

- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 3.3

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Critère de performance

Modération méthodique des interventions respectives des membres du


Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

Page 190: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

176 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Distribution des interventions

Restauration d’ordre des directives convenues


Page 191: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

177 | P a g e

LU 4:Conduire des réunions.


Résultats d’apprentissage:

1. Elaborer l’ordre du jour. 2. Exposer les règles à suivre et le déroulement de la réunion 3. Prendre les notes pour harmoniser les diverses interventions.

8 Heures

Résultats d’apprentissage 4.1. Elaborer l’ordre du jour.

Ordre du jour o Fixer les grandes lignes de la réunion. - Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 4.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Organiser une réunion.

Critère de performance

Elaboration adéquate de l’ordre du jour

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

Page 192: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

178 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Fixation d’ordre du jour en précisant :

Durée de chaque activité



Résultats d’apprentissage 4.2:Exposer les règles à suivre et le déroulement de la réunion.

Règles de réunion à


Déroulement de la


o Elaborer des instructions sur le

déroulement de la réunion.

- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 4.2

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Diriger une réunion

Critère de performance

Exposé introductif méthodique définissant les règles à suivre et le

déroulement de la réunion.

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

Page 193: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

179 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Elaboration des instructions sur le déroulement de la réunion :

Vérification du quorum

Adoption de l’ordre du jour

Adoption du rapport de la réunion précédente

Etat d’avancement des décisions de la réunion précédente

Examen détaillé de l’ordre du jour


Résultats d’apprentissage 4.3:Prendre les notes pour harmoniser les diverses interventions.

Règles de réunion à


Déroulement de la


o Elaborer des instructions sur le

déroulement de la réunion.

- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 4.3

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Gérer une réunion.

Critère de performance

Prise de notes méthodiques pour harmoniser les diverses interventions

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

Page 194: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

180 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Elaboration de synthèse d’une réunion tenant compte de :

Prise de notes

Intégration des interventions respectives

Structuration harmonieuse de dites interventions


Page 195: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

181 | P a g e

LU 5:Rédiger et présenter un exposé


Résultats d’apprentissage

1. Organiser les arguments dans une présentation écrite. 2. Exploiter les règles de la rhétorique devant l’auditoire. 3. Conclure son exposé reprenant les grandes lignes d’une part et

dégageant des perspectives d’autre part.

6 Heures

Résultats d’apprentissage 5.1: Organiser les arguments dans une présentation écrite.




o Rédiger et présenter des arguments. - Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 5.1

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

Préparer un exposé.


Critère de performance

Méthodique des arguments dans une présentation


s Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

Page 196: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

182 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Organisation d’argumentation en précisant




Présentation d’exposé en mettant en exergue (en soulignant) des points forts

de son argumentation


Résultats d’apprentissage 5.2: Exploiter les règles de la rhétorique devant l’auditoire.

Règles de la


o Appliquer les règles de la rhétorique

dans son exposé.

- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 5.2

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté.

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio

Preuves écrites

Preuves orales

S’exprimer individuellement

Critère de performance

Exploitation méthodique des règles de la rhétorique devant l’auditoire

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

Page 197: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

183 | P a g e

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Application des règles de la rhétorique dans son exposé :

Précautions oratoires





Résultats d’apprentissage 5.3: Conclure son exposé reprenant les grandes lignes d’une part et

dégageant desperspectives d’autre part.

Grandes lignes de

conclusion d’un


Dégageant des

perspectives de

conclusion d’un


o Elaborer la synthèse de son exposé.

o Dégager l’espace dans sa conclusion.

- Textes

- Illustrations

- Dialogues

- CD audio-visuels

Evaluation Formative 5.3

Evaluateur peut collecter et analyser des preuves afin de déterminer si et à quel degré lecritere de

performance à observer atteint ou a atteint le résultat escompté

Critère de performance

Conclusion concise et ouverte de son exposé reprenant les grandes lignes

d’une part et dégageant des perspectivesd’autre part.

Ressources Activités d’Apprentissage Contenus

Page 198: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

184 | P a g e

Types de preuves Outils d’evaluation Portfolio


Preuves orales

Clôturer l’exposé.

Liste de contrôle Résultat

Oui Non

Elaboration de synthèse en dégageant trois grandes lignes de son exposé



1. EDICEF – CNDP MINEDUC (2002). Apprenons le français au Rwanda. ISBN : 978-2-84129-826-.


3. GREVISSE MAURICE (1990). Précis de grammaire française.

4. LIBRAIRIE LAROUSSE (1972). Dictionnaire PETIT LAROUSSE en couleurs


français pour les écoles primaires. 5ème, Livre du maître.

6. NATIONAL CURRICULUM DEVELOPPEMENT CENTRE (2007). A l’unisson : Méthode de français.

ISBN : 978-2-7531-0103-6.

7. Y.DELATOUR et al. , (1991). Grammaire du français. HACHETTE, Paris.

Page 199: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

185 | P a g e


CCMMK501 Kujadili Mawasiliano mbali mbali ya Kiofisi katika Kiswahili

Daraja: 5 Saazinazofaa

Idadiyavipindi: 3 30

Idara: Zote

Mikondo: Yote

Wakatiilipoandaliwa:Januari, 2017


Moduli hii inaeleza ujuzi na uwezo vinavyostahiliwa ili mwanafunzi aweze:

Kujadili mawasiliano mbali mbali ya kiofisi kupitia njia ya kuzungumza na kuandika katika shughuli za kazi;

Kutunga kimaandishi na kimazungumzo hati tofauti kwa kuzingatia kanuni na mitindo ya lugha ya kiswahili ifaavyo;

Kuchambua kimazungumzo na kimaandishi hati za mawasiliano mbali mbali za kiofisi;

Kuwasilisha hati mbali mbali mahali zinapotakiwa.

Page 200: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

186 | P a g e

Ujuzi wa awali Kutumia kiswahili katika sekta za kikazi

Kitengo na vigezo vya kitengo

Kitengo kinaeleza mategemeo muhimu yanayohitajiwa.

Vigezo vya kitengo vimepangwa kupima ikiwa mwanafunzi anazingatia kitengo ifaavyo.

Mwishoni mwa moduli hii mwanafunzi atakuwa na uwezo wa:

Kitengo Vigezovyakitengo

1. Kutunga hati za mawasiliano

mbali mbali za kiofisi.

1.1 Uwezo wa kuonyesha kwa mchoro sehemu kuu za hati

2.1 Uwezo wa kutumia mtindo wa lugha inayostahili

kulingana na hati

3.1 Uwezo wa kutunga hati za mawasiliano tofauti za


2. Kuchambua hati za mawasiliano

mbali mbali za kiofisi


2.1 Uwezo wa kutambua kimaandishi aina za hati mbali


2.2 Uchambuzi wa Habari kuhusu utungaji wa hati fulani

2.3 Uchambuzi wa njia za mawasiliano zilizotumiwa

3. Kupanga mbinu za uwasilishaji

wa hati mbali mbali.

3.1 Zingatio la mazingira ya uwasilishaji wa hati


3.2 Zingatio la vifaa vinavyohitajiwa kuhitimisha


3.3 Zingatio la njia za uwasilishaji wa hati mbali mbali

Page 201: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

187 | P a g e

LU 1:Kutunga hati za mawasiliano mbali mbali za kiofisi.



7. Uwezo wa kuonyesha kwa mchoro sehemu kuu za hati. 8. Uwezo wa kutumia mtindo wa lugha inayostahili kulingana na

hati. 9. Uwezo wa kutunga hati za mawasiliano tofauti za kiofisi.


Yanayotegemewa 1.1:Uwezo wa kuonyesha kwa mchoro sehemu kuu za hati.

Kifungu cha michoro ya hati za:

Aina mbali mbali za barua


Simu ya mdomo

Simu ya kuandika



Wasifu-kazi (CV)


Kumbukumbu za


o Kutega sikio

o Kusoma kimya

o Kusoma kwa makund

o Kuandika mchoro

- Vitabu vya


- Vitabu vya


- Kanda (CD)

- Mtandao

- Kamusi

- Ubao

- Chaki

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu1.1

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Vigezo vya kitengo

Kuonyesha kwa mchoro sehemu kuu za hati.

Vifaa Kazi ya mwanafunzi Yaliyomo

Page 202: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

188 | P a g e

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa

Kanda ya Filamu


Hati za kiofisiza mawasiliano mbali mbali Uwasilisho wa sehemu kuu za hati sa hati mbali mbali

Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Maonyesho:Sehemu kuu za hati kwa mchoro

Orodha ya sehemu kuu za hati

Mchoro wa sehemu kuu za hati


Yanayotegemewa 1.2:Uwezo wa kutumia mtindo wa lugha inayostahili kulingana na hati.

Kifungu cha mitindo ya


Lugha ya ishara

Lugha ya heshma

Istilahi za lugha

Lugha fasaha

o Kusoma

o Kutamka na kusikiliza

o Kutunga mifano ya hati za mawasiliano

kwa kutumia mtindo wa luhga


- Vitabu vya


- Vitabu vya


- Kanda (CD)

- Mtandao

- Kamusi

- Ubao

- Chaki

Tathimin iEndelezi /Arifu1.2

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu


Kutumia mtindo wa lugha inayostahili kulingana na hati

Vifaa Kazi ya mwanafunzi Yaliyomo

Page 203: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

189 | P a g e

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa

Kanda Ya Filamu


Utungaji wa hati Uwasilisho wa hati mbali mbali

Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Maonyesho: Lugha inayostahili kwa utungaji wa hati

Mtindo wa lugha kulingana na walengwa

Mtindo wa lugha kulingana na aina ya hati


Yanayotegemewa 1.3:Uwezo wa kutunga hati za mawasiliano tofauti za kiofisi.

Mbinu za kutunga hati mbali mbali za:



Simu ya mdomo

Simu ya kuandika


Wasifu-kazi (CV)


Kumbukumbu za


o Kutunga hati mbali mbali katika makundi

o kutunga hati mbali mbali peke yake

o Kuigiza hati za kimazungumzo

- Vitabu vya


- Vitabu vya sarufi

- Kanda (CD)

- Mtandao

- Kamusi

- Ubao

- Chaki

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu1.3

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu


Kutunga hati za mawasiliano tofauti za kiofisi.

Vifaa Kazi ya mwanafunzi Yaliyomo

Page 204: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

190 | P a g e

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa



Kanda ya Filamu

Utungaji wa hati za mawasiliano tofauti za kiofisi Uwasilisho wa hati za mawasiliano tofauti za kiofisi

Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Maonyesho:Hati za mawasiliano tofauti za kiofisi

Tungo sahihi



Page 205: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

191 | P a g e

LU 2:Kuchambua hati za mawasiliano mbali mbali za kiofisi



1. Uwezo wa kutambua kimaandishi aina za hati tofauti. 2. Uchambuzi wa habari kuhusu mtindo wa utungaji wa hati Fulani. 3. Uchambuzi wa njia za mawasiliano zilizotumiwa.


Yanayotegemewa 2.1:Uwezo wa kutumbua kimaandishi aina za hati tofauti.

Kifungu cha hati mbali mbali:



Simu ya mdomo

Simu ya kuandika


Wasifu-kazi (CV)


Kumbukumbu za


o Kutega sikio hati inaotamkwa

o Kusoma kimya

o Kusoma katika makundi

- Vitabu vya


- Kanda (CD)

- Mtandao

- Kamusi

- Ubao

- Chaki

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu 2.1

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Vigezo vya kitengo

Kutambua kimaandishi aina za hati mbali mbali.

Vifaa Kazi ya mwanafunzi Yaliyomo

Page 206: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

192 | P a g e

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa



Ufahamu kimaandishi wa aina za hati mbali mbali Uwasilisho kuhusu aina za hati mbali mbali

Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Maonyesho: Aina za hati mbali mbali

Viashiria vya kila hati

Lengo la kila aina


Yanayotegemewa 2.2:Uchambuzi wa habari kuhusu mtindo wa utungaji wa hati fulani.

Kifungu cha hati:

Mtungaji Wakati wa

kutunga Sababu za

utungaji Ujumbe


o Kusoma hati tofauti

o Kugundua mtungaji

o Kugundua wakati zilizotungwa

o Kupanga mtiririko wa mambo muhimu

- Vitabu vya utungaji

- Kanda (CD)

- Mtandao

- Kamusi

- Ubao

- Chaki

Tathimin iEndelezi /Arifu 2.2

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa




Uwasilisho habari kuhusu utungaji wa hati fulani

Vigezo vya kitengo

Uchambuzi wa habari kuhusu utungaji wa hati fulani.

Vifaa Kazi ya mwanafunzi Yaliyomo

Page 207: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

193 | P a g e

Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Maonyesho:Habari kuhusu utungaji wa hati fulani


Wakati wa kutunga

Lengo la utungaji


Yanayotegemewa 2.3:Uchambuzi wa njia za mawasiliano zilizotumiwa.

Njia ya masimulizi

Njia ya maandishi ya hati tofauti

Baruwa pepe

Simu ya mdomo

Simu ya kuandika

o Kutoa umuhimu wa kila njia

o Kugundua na kujadili migogoro

ipatikanayo katika kila njia

o Kutoa mbinu za utatuzi wa migogoro

- Vitabu vya


- Kanda (CD)

- Mtandao

- Kamusi

- Ubao

- Chaki

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu 2.3

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa



Ufahamu wa njia za mawasiliano Uwasilisho kuhusu njia za mawasiliano

Vigezo vya kitengo

Uchambuzi wa njia za mawasiliano zilizotumiwa.

Vifaa Kazi ya mwanafunzi Yaliyomo

Page 208: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

194 | P a g e

Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Maonyesho: Njia mbali mbali za mawasiliano

Umuhimu wa kila njia

Migogoro ya kila njia

Mbinu za utatuzi wa migogoro ya kila njia


Page 209: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

195 | P a g e

LU 3: Kupanga mbinu za uwasilishaji wa hati mbali mbali.



1. Zingatio la mazingira ya uwasilishaji wa hati inayohitajiwa 2. Zingatio la sanii ya utungaji wa hati mbali mbali. 3. Zingatio la njia za uwasilishaji wa hati mbali mbali.


Yanayotegemewa 3.1:Zingatio la mazingira ya uwasilishaji wa hati inayohitajiwa.

Mazingira ya uwasilishaji:


Mila na desturi za



Lugha inayohitajiwa

o Kutoa tabia za wapokeaji wa kila hati

o Kusikiliza na kutoa mifano ya lugha

inayotumiwa katika kila hati

o Kuonyesha mandhari

- Vitabu vya


- Kanda (CD)

- Mtandao

- Kamusi

- Ubao

- Chaki

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu 3.1

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa



Uchambuzi wa hati na mazingira yake Uwasilisho wa hati na mazingira yake

Vigezo vya kitengo

Zingatio la mazingira ya uwasilishaji wa hati inayohitajiwa.

Vifaa Kazi ya mwanafunzi Yaliyomo

Page 210: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

196 | P a g e

Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Manonyesho: Mazingira ya uwasilishaji wa hati


Mila na desturi za walengwa



Yanayotegemewa 3.2:Zingatio la sanii ya utungaji wa hati mbali mbali.

Sanii za utungaji:

Aina za karatasi Lafudi na shada Rangi Hati (herufi)

o Kusoma hati tofauti

o Kujadili sifa za matini katika makundi

o Kutunga tungo fupi kwa kutumia sifa


- Vitabu vya


- Kanda (CD)

- Mtandao

- Kamusi

- Ubao

- Chaki

Tathimini Endelezi /Arifu 3.2

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa



Kanda ya filamu

Uchambuzi wa sanii ya hati mbali mbali

Vigezo vya kitengo

Zingatio la sanii ya utungaji wa hati mbali mbali.

Vifaa Kazi ya mwanafunzi Yaliyomo

Page 211: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

197 | P a g e

Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Maonyesho: sanii ya utungaji wa hati mbali mbali

Orodha ya vifaa kulingana na hati

Umuhimu wa kila kifaa


Yanayotegemewa 3.3:Zingatio la njia za uwasilishaji wa hati mbali mbali.

Ana kwa ana




o Kutoa sifa za kila njia,

o Kugundua na kujadili migogoro

ipatikanayo katika kila njia

o Kutoa mbinu za utatuzi wa migogoro

- Vitabu vya


- Kanda (CD)

- Mtandao

- Kamusi

- Ubao

- Chaki

TathiminiEndelezi /Arifu 3.3

Mwongozo wa Tathimini. Tathimini Endelezi/Arifu

Aina za thibitisho Vifaa



Uchambuzi wa hati mbali mbali

Vigezo vya kitengo

Zingatio la njia za uwasilishaji wa hati mbali mbali.

Vifaa Kazi ya mwanafunzi Yaliyomo

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198 | P a g e


1. NKwera F.V.M.(1985). Sarufi na Fasihi Sekondari na Vyuo, Tanzania Publishing House,

Dar es Salaam.

2. TUKI (2004), Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu. Dar Es Salaam: Oxford University Press

3. Wamitila, K.W.(2003), Kamusi ya Fasihi, Istilahi na Nadharia. Nairobi: Focas Book

4. Hassan O. Ali& Ali Mazrui (2004). Teach yourself Swahili.Nairobi: Oxford University


5. Niyomugabo.C. (2013) Mafunzo ya Kiswahili , kitabu cha mwanafunzi, Kidato cha tano,

fountain Publisher Rwanda Kigali

6. (2013) Mafunzo ya Kiswahili , Kitabu cha mwanafunzi, kidato cha sita, Fountain

Publisher Rwanda, Kigali

7. Wekesa S.P. (2000) . Uandishi wa Insha, Nairobi: Acacia Stantex Publishers

Yatakayochunguzwa Matokeo

Ndiyo Bado

Maonyesho: Njia za uwasilishaji wa hati mbali mbali

Sifa za kila njia

Migogoro katika kila njia

Mbinu za utatuzi wa migogoro ya kila njia


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CCMBO501 Organize a business

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 3 30

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date: November, 2017

Purpose statement

This module covers the skills, knowledge and attitude to organize a business which is linked to

organizational strategic outcomes and facilitates the achievement of service delivery. The module will

allow the learner to identify activities to be accomplished before real business operations, create a

productive working environment, run real business operations and monitor and evaluate the business.

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Learning assumed to be in place

Business plan development

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Identify activities to be

accomplished before real

business operations

1.1 Proper verification of business start-up


1.2 Accurate recruiting of employees in line with task


1.3 Effective performing purchasing of business

requirements in line with business plan

2. Create a productive working


2.1 Accurate setting business ethical conduct

2.2 Effective assigning of responsibilities in accordance

with organisation structure

2.3 Permanent matching personal characteristics with

business requirements

2.4 Proper maintain good relationship with customers

and suppliers

3. Run real business operations 3.1 Proper setting of short-term business goals

3.2 Accurate optimizing the utilization of available


3.3 Regular employing targeted promotional and

marketing campaigns

4. Monitor and evaluate the


4.1 Clear preparation of a daily report of business


4.2 Regular organization of employee’s meeting in

accordance with customer’s inquiries and needs

4.3 Regular consultation of business plan

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LU 1: Identify activities to be accomplished for real business operations


Learning Outcomes:

1. Verify business start-up requirements 2. Recruit employees in line with task requirements 3. Perform purchasing of business requirements in line with

business plan

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Verify business start-up requirements

Meaning of business requirements

Steps of business requirements estimation

Business location Working place layout Office equipment Office furniture

Raw materials for initial storage Production

equipment and machinery

Production consumables

Start-up finances Quantity of financial

needs Sources finances Allocation of finance


o Brainstorming o Questions and answers o Story telling o Problem solving o Role play o Practical exercise

- Flipchart - Marker pen - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - Scenarios - Post note

Formative Assessment 1.1

Resources Learning activities Content

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Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Product evidence

Essay&case studies True or false question A produced start up plan

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Business requirements are well discussed

Indicator: Steps of business requirements estimation are well enumerated

Indicator: Business location is well identified

Working place layout is well done

Office equipment is well prepared

Office furniture is well prepared

Indicator: Raw materials for initial storage are well identified:

Production equipment and machinery are well identified

Production consumables are well identified

Indicator: Start-up finances are well worked-out

Quantity of financial needs are well estimated

Sources finances are well identified

Allocation of finance resources is well done.


Performance criterion

Proper verification of business start-up requirements.

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Learning Outcome 1.2: Recruit employees in line with task requirements

Meaning of employee recruitment

Functions of employees’ recruitment Job design and development Identifying and seeking

candidates Receiving and tracking

applicants Reference and background

checks Testing Interview Evaluation and hiring

Principles of strategic employee recruitment

Factors influencing employees’ recruitment Internal factors

Budget constraints Expected or trend of

employee separations Production levels Sales increases or

decreases Global expansion plans

External factors

Changes in technology Changes in laws Unemployment rates Shifts in population Shifts in urban, suburban,

and rural areas Competition

Recruitment process Staffing plans and forecasting Write the job description and

job specifications. Confirm job analysis Have a bidding system to

o Brainstorming o Questions and answers o Story telling o Problem solving

- Flipchart - Marker pens - Pens - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - Scenarios - Employee recruitment


Resources Learning activities Content

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recruit and review internal candidate qualifications for possible promotions.

Determine the best recruitment strategies for the position.

Implement a recruiting strategy.

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Product evidence

Observation checklist. Number of employees recruited.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Employee recruitment is well discussed

Indicator: Functions of employees’ recruitment are well discussed

Job design and development is well done

Identifying and seeking candidates is well done

Receiving and tracking applicants is well done

Reference and background checks are well done

Testing is well done

Interview is well conducted

Evaluation and hiring is well done

Indicator: Principles of strategic employee recruitment are well applied.

Indicator: Factors influencing employee’s recruitment are well identified

Internal factors are well considered

External factors are well applied.

Indicator: Recruitment process is well done.

Performance criterion

Accurate recruiting of employees in line with task requirements

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Staffing plans and forecasting are well done.

Job description and job specifications are well described

Job analysis is well confirmed

Bidding system to recruit and review internal candidate qualifications for possible promotions are well done.

Best recruitment strategies for the position is well determined

Recruiting strategy is appropriately implemented


Learning Outcome 1.3: Perform purchasing of business requirements in line with business plan

Meaning of purchasing

Purpose of purchasing

Types of purchasing Centralised purchasing Decentralised purchasing

Principles of purchasing Right price Right quality Right quantity Right time Right place

Purchasing procedures Meaning Steps involved in

purchasing procedures

Documents used in purchasing procedures. Material requisition form Inquiry Reply Purchase order Advice note Delivery note Invoice Credit status inquiry Debit note Credit note Receipt Statement of account

o Brainstorming o Questions and answers o Story telling o Problem solving

- Flipchart - Marker pens - Pens - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - Scenarios - Template of documents

used in purchasing process

Resources Learning activities Content

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Meaning of suppliers

Factors influencing choice of effective suppliers

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay& Case studies True or false questioning Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Purchasing is well discussed

Indicator: Purpose of purchasing is well identified

Indicator: Types of purchasing are well identified

Centralised purchasing is well discussed

Indicator: Principles of purchasing are well identified

Price is well determined

Quality is well identified

Quantity is well identified

Time is well determined

Place is well chosen

Indicator: Purchasing procedures are well applied

Purchasing procedures are well discussed

Steps involved in purchasing procedures are well stated

Indicator: Documents used in purchasing procedures are well prepared

Inquiry is well done

Performance criterion

Effective performing purchasing of business requirements in line with business


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Reply document is well prepared

Purchase order is well prepared

Advice note is well prepared

Indicator: Meaning of suppliers is well discussed

Indicator: Documents used in purchasing procedures are well prepared


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208 | P a g e

LU 2:Create a productive working environment


Learning Outcomes:

1. Set business ethical conduct. 2. Assign responsibilities in accordance with organization

structure. 3. Match personal characteristics with business requirements. 4. Maintain good relationship with customers and suppliers.

7 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Set business ethical conduct

Define term ethical conduct

Objectives of ethical conduct in a business

Rules and regulations of the business Positive attitude

required to business members

sanctions proposed by the law in business

Types of unethical behaviour in a business Mistreating Employees Financial Misconduct Misrepresentation

Techniques of encouraging a positive ethical behaviour in business Rewards Expectations Training Policies

Ways to address unethical behaviour at the workplace

Methods of handling

o Oral presentation o Brainstorming o Questions and answers o Practical exercise

- Flipchart - Marker pen - Pen - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - Business plan

templateIncluding questions that guiding trainee to write a business plan

Resources Learning activities Content

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unethical conduct in business

Importance of positive ethical conduct in the business

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay& Cases study True or false questioning Sentence completion

Problem solving Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Ethical conduct is well defined

Indicator: Objectives of ethical conduct in a business are well discussed

Indicator: Rules and regulations of the business are stated

Positive attitude required to business members are well applied

Sanctions proposed by the law in business are well applied

Indicator: Types of unethical behavior in a business are well discussed.

Mistreating Employees is well discussed

Financial Misconduct is well discussed

Misrepresentation is well discussed

Indicator: Techniques of encouraging a positive ethical behavior in business are well discussed

Rewards are well discussed

Expectations are well discussed

Training is well discussed

Policies are well discussed

Indicator: Ways to address unethical behavior at the workplace are well discussed

Performance criterion

Accurate setting business ethical conduct.

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Indicator: Methods of handling unethical conduct in business are well identified.

Indicator: Importance of positive ethical conduct in the business is well discussed


Learning Outcome 2.2: Assign responsibilities in accordance with organisation structure

Meaning of responsibilities assignment in business

Attribution of responsibilities Estimation of volume of task Determination of task’s

requirements Allowing time to the volume

of task

Responsibility assignment matrix RAC (Responsible,

Accountable, Consulted and Informed).

o Oral presentation o Brainstorming o Questions and answers o Practical exercise

- Flipchart - Marker pen - Pen - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - Business plan

templateIncluding questions that guiding trainee to write a business plan

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay& Cases study True or false questioning Sentence completion Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Effective assigning of responsibilities in accordance with organization structure.

Resources Learning activities Content

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Meaning of responsibilities assignment in business is well discussed.

Indicator: Attribution of responsibilities is well done.

Estimation of volume of task is well done.

Determination of task’s requirements is well done.

Allowing time to the volume of task is well done.

Indicator: Responsibility assignment matrix is well discussed.

RAC (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed).


Learning Outcome 2.3: Match personal characteristics with business requirements

Self-assessment of time management practices Defining tool of

assessment Self-Assessment Measuring gap between

personal characteristics and business requirements

Defining strategies to eliminate gaps

Self-assessment in motivating employees’ practices Defining tool of

assessment Self-Assessment Measuring gap between

personal characteristics and business requirements

Defining strategies to eliminate gaps

Self-assessment in financial practices

o Oral presentation o Brainstorming o Questions and answers o Practical exercise

- Flipchart - Marker pen - Pen - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - Business plan

templateIncluding questions that guiding trainee to write a business plan

Resources Learning activities Content

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Defining tool of assessment

Self-Assessment Measuring gap between

personal characteristics and business requirements

Defining strategies to eliminate gaps

Self-assessment in inventory practices Defining tool of

assessment Self-Assessment Measuring gap between

personal characteristics and business requirements

Defining strategies to eliminate gaps

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieve.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay& Cases study True or false questioning Sentence completion Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Permanent matching personal characteristics with business requirements

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Self-assessment of time management practices are well discussed.

Tool of assessment is well defined.

Self-Assessment is well done.

Gap between personal characteristics and business requirements are well measured.

Strategies to eliminate gaps are well defined.

Indicator: Self-assessment in motivating employees’ practices is well discussed.

Tool of assessment is well defined.

Self-Assessment is well done.

Gap between personal characteristics and business requirements are well measured.

Strategies to eliminate gaps are well defined.

Indicator: Self-assessment in financial practices are well done.

Tool of assessment is well defined.

Self-Assessment is well done.

Gap between personal characteristics and business requirements are well measured.

Strategies to eliminate gaps are well defined.

Indicator: Self-assessment in inventory practices are well discussed.

Defining tool of assessment is well done.

Self-Assessment is well done.

Measuring gap between personal characteristics and business requirements is well done

Defining strategies to eliminate gaps is well done.

Indicator: Meaning of suppliers is well discussed

Indicator: Documents used in purchasing procedures are well prepared


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Learning Outcome 2.4: Maintain good relationship with customers and suppliers

Meaning of a term relationship in a business

Purpose of maintaining a good relationship with customers and suppliers

Methods used to Maintain good relationship with: customers suppliers

Importance of maintaining good customers and suppliers’ relationship to the business: With customers With suppliers

Ways to address: Customer complaints Suppliers complaints

Manual procedures for business operations as tool for maintain customer and suppliers’ relationship.

o Oral presentation o Brainstorming o Questions and answers o Practical exercise

- Flipchart - Marker pen - Pen - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - Business plan

templateIncluding questions that guiding trainee to write a business plan

Formative Assessment 2.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Written evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay& Cases study True or false questioning Sentence completion Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Proper maintaining of good relationship with customers and suppliers.

Resources Learning activities Content

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: term relationship in a business is well defined.

Indicator:Purpose of maintaining a good relationship with customers and suppliers is well done

Indicator: Methods used to Maintain good relationship are well identified.

Customers are well maintained.

Suppliers are well maintained.

Indicator: Importance of maintaining good customers and suppliers’ relationship to the business

Customers are well maintained.

Suppliers are well maintained.

Indicator: ways to address customers and suppliers complains are well discussed

Indicator: Manual procedures for business operations as tool for maintain customer and suppliers’ relationship are well discussed.


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LU 3: Run real business operation


Learning Outcomes:

1. Set of short-term business goals 2. Optimize the utilization of available resources 3. Employ targeted promotional and marketing campaigns

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Set of short-term business goals

Defining business goals

Categorization of business goals Long-term goals Medium goals Short-term goals

Setting business: Long-term goals Medium goals Short-term goals

o Oral presentation o Brainstorming o Questions and answers o Practical exercise

- Flipchart - Marker pen - Pen - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - Risk analysis template

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper setting of short-term business goals

Resources Learning activities Content

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Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay& Cases study

True or false questioning Sentence completion Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Business goals are well defined.

Indicator:Categorization of business goals

Long-term goals

Medium goals

Short-term goals

Indicator:Setting business:

Long-term goals

Medium goals

Short-term goals


Learning Outcome 3.2: Optimize the utilization of available resources

Meaning of business resources

Types of business resources Financial resources Assets Human resources Technological resources

Purpose of optimizing the utilisation of available resources

Methods to optimise utilisation of available resources

Methods used to control utilisation of resources: Procedures of using

o Brainstorming on identifying meaning of key words

o Oral presentation Demonstration of contingency plan samples

o Group discussion o Documentary research o Internet research o Practical exercise on identifying

risk to be covered by a contingency plan

- Flipchart - Markers - Pen - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - Business plan - Computer

Resources Learning activities Content

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218 | P a g e

resources Targeted result Anticipated emergencies

in planning Inventory planed

Importance of optimizing available resources for: Employees Business owners Business stakeholders

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay& Cases study True or false questioning Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Meaning of business resources is well defined.

Indicator: Types of business resources are well identified.

Financial resources re well identified.

Assets are well identified.

Human resources are well identified

Technological resources are well discussed.

Indicator: Purpose of optimizing the utilisation of available resources is well discussed.

Indicator: Methods to optimise utilisation of available resource are well identified.

Indicator: Methods used to control utilisation of resources are well identified.

Procedures of using resources are well identified.

Targeted result is well discussed.

Performance criterion

Accurate optimizing the utilization of available resources.

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219 | P a g e

Anticipated emergencies in planning are well done.

Inventory planed is well done.

Indicator: Importance of optimizing available resources is well discussed.


Business owners

Business stakeholders


Learning Outcome 3.3:Employ targeted promotional and marketing campaigns

Product promotion Meaning Aspects of product

promotion Advertising product or brand

Generating sales Creating brand loyalty

Elements/tools/piece of promotional mi/plan

Public relations/publicity Advertising Sales promotion Personal selling Direct marketing

Promotional strategies

Get the most out of social media

Generate conversation with swag

Offer incentives with targeted landing pages

Appeal locally and create an event

Boost your brand with education

Establishing promotional


o Brainstorming on identifying meaning of key words.

o Oral presentation Demonstration of contingency plan samples

o Group discussion. o Documentary research. o Internet research. o Practical exercise on defining

contingency plan.

- Flipchart - Markers - Pen - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - Role play scenarios - Business plan - Computer

Resources Learning activities Content

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220 | P a g e

Marketing campaign Meaning Aspects of marketing


Components of marketing campaign

Marketing Offer Creation

Goal Setting Landing Page Drive Traffic Lead Nurturing End &Analyze Your Campaign

Views Leads Customers

Marketing campaign


Clear & concise calls-to-action.

Hyper-target to a niche Audience.

Create a story that speaks to all Medias.

Make it easy to Share. Inspire interaction. Use a memorable and repeatable Spokesperson.

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Regular employing targeted promotional and marketing campaigns

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221 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay& Cases study True or false questioning

Sentence completion Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Product promotion is well discussed

Meaning is well discussed

Aspects of product promotion is well verified

Elements/tools/piece of promotional mi/plan is well identified

Promotional strategies are well identified

Establishing promotional mix/plan is well done

Indicator:Marketing campaign is well discussed

Meaning is well discussed.

Aspects of marketing campaign well identified.

Marketing campaign strategy is well discussed.


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222 | P a g e

LU 4: Monitor and evaluate the business


Learning Outcomes:

1. Prepare a daily report of business activities 2. Organize employee’s meeting in accordance with customer’s

inquiries and needs 3. Consult to business plan

8 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Prepare a daily report of business activities

Meaning of business daily report

Purpose of business daily report

Format of daily report of business activities

Importance of business daily report to the business

o Brainstorming on present the business plan

o Demonstration on present the business plan

o Practical exercise on present the business plan

- Flipchart - Markers - Pen - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - play scenarios - Computer

Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Clear preparation of a daily report of business activities

Resources Learning activities Content

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223 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay& Cases study True or false questioning Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Meaning of business daily report is well discussed.

Indicator: Purpose of business daily report is well identified.

Indicator: Format of daily report of business activities is well done.

Indicator: Importance of business daily report to the business is well discussed.


Learning Outcome 4.2: Organize employee’s meeting in accordance with customer’s inquiries

and needs

Meaning of effective employees’ meeting

Purpose of employee’s meeting

Meaning of customer inquiries and needs

Ways of gathering customer’s inquiries and needs

Steps ofeffective employee’s meeting

Setting meeting objectives

Preparing meeting

o Brainstorming on communication of business plan, strategy and outcomes

o Role play on communication of business plan, strategy and outcomes

- Flipchart - Markers - Pen - Internet - Reference books - Case studies - scenarios - Computer - Internet

Resources Learning activities Content

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224 | P a g e

requirements Running employee’s

meeting Ways to make employee meeting more engaging

Facilitate brainstorming session

Stand up Set meeting goals

together Offer incentives and

rewards Set a clear framework

in advance

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay& Cases study True or false questioning Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Regular organization of employee’s meeting in accordance with customer’s

inquiries and needs

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225 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Meaning of effective employees’ meeting

Indicator:Purpose of employee’s meeting

Indicator: Meaning of customer inquiries and needs

Indicator: Steps of effective employee’s meeting

Indicator: Stepsof effective employee’s meeting

Setting meeting objectives

Preparing meeting requirements

Running employee’s meeting


Learning Outcome 4.3: Consult to business plan

Purpose of business plan for the business

Purpose of consulting business plan during a business operation

Critical part of the business to be considered while running business

Identification of what to be consulted in your business plan

Using business plan as tool

o Brainstorming on importance of presenting business plan.

o Role play on importance of presenting business plan.

- Internet - Reference books - Case studies - scenarios - Computer - Internet

Formative Assessment 4.3

Performance criterion

Regular consultation of business plan

Resources Learning activities Content

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226 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Product evidence

Proposed tools: Observation checklist A produced consultation plan

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Purpose of business plan for the business

Indicator:Purpose of consulting business plan during some business operations

Indicator: Critical part of the business to be considered while running business

Indicator: Identification of what to be consulted in your business plan

Indicator: Using business plan as tool


Reference books:

1. Omagor, P. a. (2010). Entrepreneurship education for advanced level students.

2. Ssempijja, M. (2011). Entrepreneurship education for advanced level and business institutions,

third edition. Uganda: Kyambogo University.

3. SANGSTER, F. W. (2005). Business accounting, tenth edition. UK: Pearson Education Limited.

4. Read more:

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227 | P a g e


CUAPM501 Apply property management system

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 7 70

Sector: Hospitality and tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary Arts

Issue date: October, 2015

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to apply property

management system in the hospitality sector and workplace. Also, it covers the different

property management systems software used in hospitality industry, determine features and

functions in property management system as well as in the organization, then it covers also the

functionality of property management system which is required in hospitality industry..

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228 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place


Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Describe property

management system

1.1 Proper analysis of property management system as per

the procedures

1.2 Appropriate identification of features in property

management systems as per the procedures

1.3 Adequate identification of functions in property

management systems as per the guidelines

2. Determine organization outlets

software in Property

management systems

2.1 Systematic Identification of organization software in the

property management systems according to the operating


2.2 Proper identification and analysis of organization features

as per the procedures

2.3 Adequate confirmation of functionality of all organization

features in the property management system according to

organization standard

3.Use property management


3.1 Proper Obtaining of credentials for use in Property

management system from superior as per the guidelines

3.2 Proper itemization of guest accounts and functioning of

property management systems features as per the


3.3 Systematic maintenance and protection of management

information system as per the procedures

3.4 Appropriate production and provision of relevant reports

with accurate information as per the guidelines

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229 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 1.1: Analyze property management system as per the procedures

Definition of property

management system

Definition of key terms

Concept of property

management system

Different property

management systems used

in hospitality properties


General advantages and

disadvantages of

‘computerizing’ the hotel

o Brainstorming on definition of

property management system

o Group Discussion on concept of

property management system

o Practices on concept of different

property management system

- Computers

- References Books

- Journals

- E- books

- Sample reports

- Internet

- CDs

- Projector

- Flip chart

- marker

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

LU 1: Describe property management system


Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyze property management system as per the procedures 2. Identify the features in property management systems as per the

procedures 3. Identify functions in property management systems as per the

guidelines 10 Hours

Performance criterion

Proper analysis of property management system as per the procedures

Resources Learning activities Content

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230 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multi choice questions

True or False questions

Matching questions

Short or open questions

Case study

Record voice

Recorded video

Observation check list



Physical end product


Checklist Score

Yes No

Definition of property management system

Definition of key terms

Concept of property management system

Different property management systems used in hospitality properties


General advantages and disadvantages of ‘computerizing’ the hotel

Definition of property management system


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231 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 1.2: Identify the features in property management systems as per the


Function of property management systems: Front office function Housekeeping function Reservation management

function Group reservations Rate management

function Global distribution Integrated booking

engine Cashiering function

Third party interface: Key card system Telephone system Financial accounting

system Credit card payment


o Brainstorming on functions in property management systems

o Group Discussion on functions in property management systems

o Further research o Presentation o videos

- Computers - References Books - Journals - E- books - Sample reports - Internet - CDs - Projector - Flip chart - marker

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Appropriate identification of features in property management systems as per

the procedures

Resources Learning activities Content

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232 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multi choice questions

True or False questions

Matching questions

Short or open questions

Case study

Record voice

Recorded video

Observation check list



Physical end product


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Function of property management systems

Front office function

Housekeeping function

Reservation management function

Group reservations

Rate management function

Global distribution

Integrated booking engine

Cashiering function

Indicator:Third party interface

Key card system

Telephone system

Financial accounting system

Credit card payment system


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233 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 1.3: Identify functions in property management systems as per the


Features in Property management systems used in organizations Front office:

Check in Check out Departure use Registration card/form Night audit Extra charges payment

Housekeeping: Room/unit status Maintenance block Work order Housekeeping

management Food and beverage:

Make orders Payment Delivery services

Group reservation: Multiple type room

reservation Group color code Group check in and

check out Group folio/ invoice

Reservation management: Reservation

confirmation Arrival list E mail print reservation

voucher Confirmed reservation Wait listed reservation

Rate management: Rate type management Seasonal rate Travel agent rate Room taxes Extra charges taxes

Global distribution:

o Brainstorming on explanation of different features in management systems

o Group Discussion on explanation of different features in property management systems

o Further researches o Presentation o Videos/ role play

- Computers - References Books - Journals - E- books - Sample reports - Internet - CDs - Projector - Flip chart - marker

Resources Learning activities Content

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234 | P a g e

Online travel agency connectivity (OTA)

Global distribution system connectivity (GDS)

Yield management Facebook and trip

advisor Competitive sales


Integrated booking engine Multicurrency and

multilingual Packages and

promotion Travel agent and

corporate Mobile booking engine Customized look and

feel Cashiering:

Track miscellaneous sales/expense

Invoices and folios City ledger payment Travel agent


Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Adequate identification of functions in property management systems as per the


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235 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multi choice questions

True or False questions

Matching questions

Short or open questions

Case study

Record voice

Recorded video

Observation check list



Physical end product


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Features in Property management systems used in organizations

Front office:

Check in

Check out

Departure use

Registration card/form

Night audit

Extra charges payment


Room/unit status

Maintenance block

Work order

Housekeeping management

Food and beverage:

Make orders


Delivery services

Group reservation:

Multiple type room reservation

Group color code

Group check in and check out

Group folio/ invoice

Reservation management:

Reservation confirmation

Arrival list

E mail print reservation voucher

Confirmed reservation

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236 | P a g e

Wait listed reservation

Rate management:

Rate type management

Seasonal rate

Travel agent rate

Room taxes

Extra charges taxes

Global distribution:

Online travel agency connectivity (OTA)

Global distribution system connectivity (GDS)

Yield management

Facebook and trip advisor

Competitive sales representatives/clerks

Integrated booking engine

Multicurrency and multilingual

Packages and promotion

Travel agent and corporate

Mobile booking engine

Customized look and feel


Track miscellaneous sales/expense

Invoices and folios

City ledger payment

Travel agent commission


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237 | P a g e

LU 2:Determine organization outlets software in Property management system


Learning Outcomes:

3. Identify organization software in the property management systems according to the operating procedures

4. Identify and analyze organization features as per the procedures

5. Confirm functionality of all organization features in the property management system according to organization standard

20 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Identify organization software in the property management systems

according to the operating procedures

Identification of Property

management systems used in



Fidelio express


King smart





o Brainstorming on analysis of

organization software

o Group Discussion and

explanation on organization


o Presentation

o Videos

o Demonstrations

- Computers

- References Books

- Journals

- E- books

- Sample reports

- Internet

- CDs

- Projector

- Flip chart

- marker

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Systematic Identification of organization software in the property management

systems according to the operating procedures

Resources Learning activities Content

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238 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence



Product evidence

Multi choice questions

True or False questions

Matching questions

Short or open questions

Case study

Record voice

Recorded video

Observation check list



Physical end product


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of Property management systems used in organizations


Fidelio express


King smart






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239 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.2: Identify and analyze organization features as per the procedures

Front office: Check in format Check out format Reservations procedures Business center:

Internet E-mail Printing and scanning Fax

Housekeeping: Rooms management Rooms occupancy Room types Room amenities Room service Laundry service Special services

Food and beverages: Bar management Restaurant management Coffee shop Banqueting Room services

Kitchen Kitchen management Store management Food cost Beverages cost

Test of features in property management system procedures

o Brainstorming on organization in property management systems

o Group Discussion on organization outlets in property management systems

o Further researches

- Computers - References Books - Journals - E- books - Sample reports - Internet - CDs - Projector - Flip chart - marker

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper identification and analysis of organization features as per the procedures

Resources Learning activities Content

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240 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multi choice questions

True or False questions

Matching questions

Short or open questions

Case study

Record voice

Recorded video

Observation check list



Physical end product


Checklist Score

Yes No

Front office:

Check in format

Check out format

Reservations procedures

Business center:



Printing and scanning



Rooms management

Rooms occupancy

Room types

Room amenities

Room service

Laundry service

Special services

Food and beverages:

Bar management

Restaurant management

Coffee shop


Room services

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241 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.3: Confirm functionality of all organization features in the property

management system according to organization standard

Front office: Check in steps Check out steps Reservations procedures Business center


Housekeeping: Check Rooms

management procedures

Check Room occupancy Check Rooms status Check Room types Check Room amenities Check laundry services Check room services

o Brainstorming on confirmation of functionality in Property management systems used in organizations

o Group Discussion on functionality of all features in Property management systems used in organizations

o Further researches o Practices of testing on all

organization features in the property management system

- Computers - References

Books - Journals - E- books - Sample reports - Internet - CDs - Projector - Flip chart - marker -

Room service

Laundry service

Special services

Food and beverages:

Bar management

Restaurant management

Coffee shop


Room services


Kitchen management

Store management

Food cost

Beverages cost

Test of features in property management system procedures


Resources Learning activities Content

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242 | P a g e

Food and beverages: Check Bar management Check Restaurant

management Check Coffee shop

options Check Banqueting


Kitchen Check Stores

management Check kitchen

management Check Food cost Check Beverages cost

Test of features in property management system procedures

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multi choice questions True or False questions Matching questions Short or open questions Case study Record voice Recorded video Observation check list Pictures Checklist Physical end product Report

Performance criterion

Adequate confirmation of functionality of all organization features in the

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243 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Front office:

Check in steps

Check out steps

Reservations procedures

Business center functionality


Check Rooms management procedures

Check Room occupancy

Check Rooms status

Check Room types

Check Room amenities

Check laundry services

Check room services

Food and beverages:

Check Bar management

Check Restaurant management

Check Coffee shop options

Check Banqueting options


Check Stores management

Check kitchen management

Check Food cost

Check Beverages cost

Test of features in property management system procedures


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244 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.1: Obtain credentials for use in Property management system from your

Front office manager

identification of credentials

Procedures to obtain credentials


Identification of Access level

o Brainstorming on credentials for use in Property management system

o Group Discussion on credentials for use in property management

o System o Practices on use of credentials

- Computers - References Books - Journals - E- books - Sample reports - Internet - CDs - Projector - Flip chart - marker

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

LU 3: Use property management system


Learning Outcomes:

1. obtain credentials for use in Property management system from superior as per the guidelines

2. Itemize guest accounts and functioning of property management systems features as per the procedures

3. maintain and protect management information system as per the procedures

4. Produce and provide relevant reports with accurate information as per the guidelines

40 Hours

Performance criterion

Proper Obtaining of credentials for use in Property management system from

superior as per the guidelines

Resources Learning activities Content

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245 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multi choice questions

True or False questions

Matching questions

Short or open questions

Case study

Record voice

Recorded video

Observation check list



Physical end product


Checklist Score

Yes No

identification of credentials

Procedures to obtain credentials


Identification of Access level


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246 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.2 : Itemize guest accounts and functioning of property management

systems features as per the procedures

Itemized guest accounts:

posting all deposits,


room charges and extra charges for

inclusion in the final bill),

automatic generation of bills,

paying processing, and automatic links

through to general accounts functions

Database for recording enquiries

Automatic night audit functions (checking

and balancing all reports and accounts)

Computer-aided housekeeping and

maintenance scheduling

Management information system

compiling forecasts,


charts and statistical reports and

analyses from all the other data stored

in the system

Electronic Point of sale (EPOS) links from:

the restaurant,

bar and reception through to guest

billing, so that sales are automatically

charged to accounts as they are


Calendar, diary and message facilities

Internal and external telephone call

handling (switchboard),

call logging, allocation of call charges

to guests' accounts

and automated early morning calls

o Brainstorming on itemize

guest accounts and

functioning of property

o management systems

o features

o Group Discussion on itemize

guest accounts and

functioning of property

o management systems

o features

o Role Play scenario on itemize

guest accounts and

functioning of property

o management systems

o features

o Practices on itemization of

guest accounts and

functioning of property

o management systems


o Further research

- Computers

- References Books

- Journals

- E- books

- Sample reports

- Internet

- CDs

- Projector

- Flip chart

- markers

Formative Assessment 3.2

Resources Learning activities


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247 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multi choice questions

True or False questions

Matching questions

Short or open questions

Case study

Record voice

Recorded video

Observation check list



Physical end product


Performance criterion

Proper itemization of guest accounts and functioning of property management

systems features as per the procedures

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248 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Itemized guest accounts:

posting all deposits,


room charges and extra charges for inclusion in the final bill),

automatic generation of bills,

paying processing, and automatic links through to general accounts functions

Database for recording enquiries

Automatic night audit functions (checking and balancing all reports and accounts)

Computer-aided housekeeping and maintenance scheduling

Management information system

compiling forecasts,


charts and statistical reports and

analyses from all the other data stored in the system

Electronic Point of sale (EPOS) links from:

the restaurant,

bar and reception through to guest billing, so that sales are automatically

charged to accounts as they are processed

Calendar, diary and message facilities

Internal and external telephone call handling (switchboard)

call logging, allocation of call charges

to guests' accounts

automated early morning calls


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249 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.3: ResultMaintain cleanliness and tidiness of work areas following

company guidelines

information should be kept in guest

history records


contact and registration details of

the guest

Date of arrival

Room occupied

Number of nights

Room rate

Amount spent in total during the


Special requests/preferences

noted (e.g.. newspaper taken,

view requested

o Brainstorming on maintaining

and protecting of

management information


o Group Discussion on

maintaining and protecting of

management information


o Role Play scenario on

maintaining and protecting of

management information


o Practices on maintaining and

protection of management of

information system

o Further research

- Computers

- References Books

- Journals

- E- books

- Sample reports

- Internet

- CDs

- Projector

- Flip chart

- markers

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Appropriate production and provision of relevant reports with accurate

information as per the procedures

Resources Learning activities Content

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250 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multi choice questions

True or False questions

Matching questions

Short or open questions

Case study

Record voice

Recorded video

Observation check list



Physical end product


Checklist Score

Yes No

information should be kept in guest history records


contact and registration details of the guest

Date of arrival

Room occupied

Number of nights

Room rate

Amount spent in total during the stay

Special requests/preferences noted (e.g.. newspaper taken, view requested


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251 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.4: Produce and provide relevant reports with accurate information as

per the guidelines

Types of report:

Reservations report

Reservation forecast report

Contingency reports

Room discrepancies report

Daily operational report

High balance report

Group report

VIPs report

ADR (Average daily rate)

Flash sales report

Handover report

o Brainstorming on producing

and providing relevant

reports with accurate


o Group Discussion on

producing and providing

relevant reports with

accurate information

o Role Play scenario on

producing and providing

relevant reports with

accurate information

o Practices on how to produce

and provide of report

o Further research

- Computers

- References Books

- Journals

- E -books

- Reports

- Internet


- References Books

- Internet

- CDs


Formative Assessment 3.4

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Systematic maintenance and protection of management information system

Resources Learning activities Content

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252 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multi choice questions

True or False questions

Matching questions

Short or open questions

Case study

Record voice

Recorded video

Observation check list



Physical end product


Checklist Score

Yes No

Types of report:

Reservations report

Reservation forecast report

Contingency reports

Room discrepancies report

Daily operational report

High balance report

Group report

VIPs report

ADR (Average daily rate)

Flash sales report

Handover report


Reference books:

1. Abbott, P., & Lewry, S. 1997. Front Office Procedures, Social Skills and Management. Butterworth Heinneman, ISBN: 0750600241.

2. Bagavathi, R.S.N (2003). Office Management. First Edition.S.Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi.


3. Baker, S., Bradley, P., & Huyton, J. 1994. Principles of Front Office Operations. Cassell, ISBN:


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253 | P a g e

4. Bardi J.A. 2003. Hote Front Office Management (Third edition). John Wiley Sons, Inc., ISBN: 0-


5. Boella, M., & Pannett, A. 1999. Principles of Hospitality Law. Cassell, ISBN: 0304704725.

6. Braham, B. 1999. Hotel Front Office. S. Thornes, ISBN: 0748716327.

7. Clutterbuck, D. 1994. Making Customer Count: A Guide to Excellence in Customer Service.

Management Books 2000, ISBN: 1852521090.

8. Dix, C., & Baird C. 1998. Front Office Operations. Longman, ISBN: 0-582-31931-5.

9. DR .R. K. Singh, (2006). Front office Management. First Edition. Aman Publication. New


10. DR .R.K (2007). Safety and Security in Hotels and Restaurants. First Edition. Aman Publication.

New Dheli.India.

11. Ghosh, G.S. 2005. Hotel Front Office Training Manual. New Delhi: Aman Publications, ISBN: 81-


12. Ghosh, S.G (2005). Hotel Front Office Training Manual. First Edition. Aman Publication. New


13. Hayes, J., & Dredge, F. 1998. Managing Customer Service. Gower Publishing Ltd., ISBN:


14. Kasavana M.L., & Brooks R.M. 2009. Managing Front Office Operations (Eighth Editions).

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute, ISBN: 978-0-86612-338-9.

15. Michael L. Kasavana, R. M. (2009). Managing Front Office Operations Eight Edition. Michigan:

American Hotel & Lodging Education Institute.

16. Pease, A. 1994. Body Language. Sheldon Press, ISBN: 0859697827.

17. Smith, I. 1997. Meeting Customer Needs. Butterworth Heinneman, ISBN: 0750633913.

18. Stewart, M. 1996. Keeping the Right Customers. McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0077091396.

19. Tranter K.A., Sturt-Hill T., & Parker J. 2008. An Introduction to Revenue Management for the

Hospitality Industry. Principles and Practices for the Real World. Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN-13:

978-0-13-188589-1; ISBN-10: 0-13-188589-8.


1. British Hospitality Association 2. Caterer and Hotelkeeper

3. Office of the Data Protection Registrar

4. Hotel and Catering International Management


5. Hospitality Training Foundation

6. Institute of Customer Service (ICS)

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254 | P a g e


CUAFT501 Financial transactions processing

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 4 40

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary Arts

Issue date:November, 2016

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required for a learner of certificate III,

Level V to process financial transactions. By the end of this module, the learner will be able to

Record and balance petty cash transactions, to balance all transactions, in hospitality

establishments without supervision.

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255 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place


Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Record and balance petty cash


1.1. Proper Ensuring of Petty cash voucher are prepared in

accordance with workplace procedures

1.2. Proper checking of Petty cash claims and vouchers

for accuracy and authenticity before processing as per

the standards

1.3. Proper ensuring of petty cash transactions are

recorded referring to the recording system used.

1.4. Appropriate ensuring of irregularities noted and

referred to nominated person/section in accordance

with workplace procedures

2. Balance all transactions

2.1 . Proper ensuring that transactions are presented to

nominated person/section for checking in accordance

with workplace procedures.

2.2 Proper ensuring of invoices payment to creditors are

reconciled in accordance with workplace procedures

2.3 Proper ensuring of discrepancies between invoices

and delivery notes/service agreements are identified

and reported for resolution in accordance with

workplace procedures

2.4 Proper ensuring of errors in invoice charges are

identified and corrective action is undertaken within

scope of authority in accordance with workplace


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256 | P a g e

LU 1:Record and balance petty cash transactions


Learning Outcomes:

1. Ensure that Petty cash vouchers are prepared in accordance with workplace procedure

2. Check Petty cash claims and vouchers for accuracy and authenticity before processing

3. Ensure that petty cash transactions are recorded 4. Ensure irregularities are noted and referred to nominated

person/section in accordance with workplace procedures

25 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Ensure that Petty cash vouchers are prepared in accordance with

workplace procedures

Introduction to recording and

balancing petty cash transactions

Definitions :

Petty cash

Petty cash Voucher

Petty cash voucher preparation

Procedures and Techniques


The date

The purpose/details of the


The amount paid

The account number

including the use code

The signatures of the

Claimant and cashier

o Brainstorming on meaning of

petty cash and petty cash


o Group discussion and

presentation on petty cash


o Practical exercises on Petty

cash voucher preparation

Research on petty cash voucher


- Template petty cash


- Books

- Computer

- Internet

- Flipchart

- Markers

- Projector

- Dummy

Resources Learning activities Content

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257 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

oral evidence


True or false questions

Multiple choice questions

Matching questions

Recorded voices

Recorded videos

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No


Petty cash voucher

Petty cash

Petty cash voucher preparation

Procedures and Techniques


The date

The purpose/details of the expenditure

The amount paid

The account number including the use code

The signatures of the Claimant and cashier


Performance criterion

Proper Ensuring of Petty cash voucher are prepared in accordance with

workplace procedures

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258 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 1.2: Check Petty cash claims and vouchers for accuracy and authenticity

before processing

Definitions of petty cash claims

and authenticity

Types of petty cash claim form

Petty cash claims Checking

methods :

Proof reading



Revision of calculations

Petty cash claims and voucher

Checking procedures

Importance of checking petty


o Group discussion on petty cash

claims and voucher checking

o Brainstorming on Petty cash

claims and voucher Checking


o Demonstration on sample


o Cash voucher and claim form

o Practical Exercise on checking

vouchers and claims

- Sample petty cash


- Sample petty cash

claim form

- Books

- Computer

- Internet

- Flipchart

- Markers

- Projector

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written Evidence

Performance Evidence

True or false questions

Multiple choice questions

Matching questions

Recorded voices

Recorded videos

Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Proper checking of Petty cash claims and vouchers for accuracy and authenticity

before processing as per the standards

Resources Learning activities Content

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259 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Definitions of petty cash claims and authenticity

Indicator:Types of petty cash claim form

Indicator:Petty cash claims Checking methods

Proof reading



Revision of calculations

Indicator:Petty cash claims and voucher Checking procedures

Indicator:Importance of checking petty cash


Learning Outcome 1.3: Ensure that Petty cash transactions are recorded

Definition of Petty cash


Types of petty cash

transactions :


credit cards


advance payments


company charges


travellers cheques

Foreign currency.

o Group discussion on Petty cash transactions

o Brainstorming on types Petty cash transactions

o Group discussion on Procedures of petty cash transactions:

o Practical exercises on petty cash transactions

- Receipts

- Invoices

- Delivery notes

- Credit cards

- Cheques

- Books

- Computer

- Internet

- Projector

Resources Learning activities Content

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260 | P a g e

Minor expenses

People involved in petty

cash transactions

Procedures of petty cash


Assignment of

responsibility for the

petty cash fund to

concerned people

Writing of a cheque to

the petty cash custodian

to establish the fund

expenditure of money

from the petty cash


Placement of the

receipt from the

purchase into the cash


Replenishment of the

petty cash fund when it

gets low

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper ensuring of petty cash transactions are recorded referring to the

recording system used.

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261 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Oral evidence

True or false questions

Multiple choice questions

Matching questions

Recorded voices

Recorded videos

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Definition of Petty cash transactions

Indicator:Types of petty cash transactions


credit cards



advance payments

company charges


travellers cheques

Foreign currency

Indicator:People involved in petty cash transactions

Indicator:Procedures of petty cash transactions

Assignment of responsibility for the petty cash fund to concerned people

Writing of a check to the petty cash custodian to establish the fund

expenditure of money from the petty cash fund

Placement of the receipt from the purchase into the cash box

Replenishment of the petty cash fund when it gets low


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262 | P a g e

Learning Outcome1.4: Ensure irregularities are noted and referred to nominated

person/section in accordance with workplace procedures

Possible irregularities in petty

cash transactions:

Discrepancy between

receipt and cash

Missing cash or receipts

Omitted transactions

Wrongly recorded


Procedures of dealing with

transactions irregularities:

Identification of


Notification of


Irregularity references

o Brainstorming on Possible

irregularities in petty cash


o Demonstration on dealing with

transactions irregularities

o Practical exercise on dealing

with transactions irregularities

o Research on Procedures of

dealing with transactions


- Receipts

- Invoices

- Delivery notes

- Books

- Computer

- Internet

- Projector

Formative Assessment 1.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

oral evidence


True or false questions

Multiple choice questions

Matching questions

Recorded voices

Recorded videos

Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Appropriate ensuring of irregularities noted and referred to nominated

person/section in accordance with workplace procedures

Resources Learning activities Content

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263 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Possible irregularities in petty cash transactions:

Discrepancy between receipt and cash

Missing cash or receipts

Omitted transactions

Wrongly recorded transactions

Indicator: Procedures of dealing with transactions irregularities

Identification of irregularities

Notification of irregularities

Irregularity references


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264 | P a g e

LU 2:Balance all transaction


Learning Outcomes:

6. Ensure transactions are presented to nominated person/section

for checking in accordance with workplace procedures.

7. Ensure invoices payment to creditors are reconciled in

accordance with workplace procedures

8. Ensure discrepancies between invoices and delivery

notes/service agreements are identified and reported for

resolution in accordance with workplace procedures

9. Ensure that errors in invoice charges are identified and

corrective action is undertaken within scope of authority in

accordance with workplace procedures

15 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Ensure transactions are presented to nominated person/section for

checking in accordance with workplace procedures

Presentation Procedures of


Checking of

transactions record

Explanation of

cash transactions

Getting feedback

from the

nominated person/


o Group discussion on

presentation Procedures of


o Role play on Presentation of


- Receipts

- Invoices

- Delivery notes

- Books

- Computer

- Projector

Formative Assessment 2.1

Performance criterion

Proper ensuring of transactions are presented to nominated person/section for

checking in accordance with workplace procedures

Resources Learning activities Content

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265 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Oral evidence

True or false questions

Multiple choice questions

Matching questions

Recorded voices

Recorded videos

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Presentation Procedures of transactions

Explanation of cash transactions

Check transacts record

Explanation of cash transaction

Getting feedback from the nominated person/section


Learning Outcome 2.2: Ensure invoices payment to creditors are reconciled in accordance

with workplace procedures

Definitions :



Invoice reconciliation principles

Invoice reconciliation procedures

The role of invoice


o Brainstorming on Invoice

reconciliation principles

o Group discussion on invoice

reconciliation procedures

o Oral presentation on invoice

reconciliation procedures

o Practical exercises on invoice


- Receipts

- Invoices

- Delivery notes

- Electronic billing


- Books

- Computer

- Internet

- Projector

Formative Assessment 2.2

Resources Learning activities Content

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266 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Oral evidence

True or false questions

Multiple choice questions

Matching questions

Recorded voices

Recorded videos

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No




Indicator:Reconciliation principles

Indicator:Invoice reconciliation procedures

Indicator:The role of invoice reconciliation


Performance criterion

Proper ensuring of invoices payment to creditors are reconciled in accordance

with workplace procedures

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267 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.3: Ensure discrepancies between invoices and delivery note/service

agreements are identified and reported for resolution in accordance with workplace


Definitions :

Delivery note


Identification of

discrepancies between

invoices and delivery

notes/service agreements

Methods :

Checking specifications on

delivery Note

Comparison between

delivery note and invoice

Reporting discrepancies

Description of irregularities

between invoice and

delivery note

Reporting systems

Report submission

o Brainstorming on methods for

Identifying discrepancies

between invoices and delivery

notes/service agreements

o Group discussion on reporting


o Role play on reporting


- Receipts

- Invoices

- Delivery notes

- Computer

- Internet

- Flips chart

- Marker pen

- Electronic billing


- Projector

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper ensuring of discrepancies between invoices and delivery notes/service

agreements are identified and reported for resolution in

Resources Learning activities Content

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268 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Oral evidence

True or false questions

Multiple choice questions

Matching questions

Recorded voices

Recorded videos

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No


Delivery note


Indicator:Identification of discrepancies between invoices and delivery notes/service agreements


Comparison between delivery note and invoice

Checking specifications on delivery Note

Reporting discrepancies

Description of irregularities between invoice and delivery note

Reporting systems

Report submission


Learning Outcome 2.4: Ensure that errors in invoice charges are identified and corrective

action is undertaken within scope of authority in accordance with workplace procedures

Identification of errors in invoice charges Types of errors: Over charge



Not Itemizing

o Brainstorming on errors in

invoice charges.

o Group discussion on types of

errors in invoice charges.

o Oral presentation on errors


o Practical exercises on errors

- Receipts

- Invoices

- Delivery notes

- Books

- Computer

- Calculator

- Electronic billing

Resources Learning activities Content

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269 | P a g e

No Due Dates

No Logo on Your Invoice

Unstated Mode/form of


Errors identification methods: Proof reading



Revision of calculations


o Research on Errors

identification methods:


- Projector

Formative Assessment 2.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

oral evidence


True or false questions Multiple choice questions Matching questions Recorded voices Recorded videos Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Proper ensuring of errors in invoice charges are identified and corrective action

is undertaken within scope of authority in accordance with workplace


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270 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of errors in invoice charges




Not Itemizing

No Due Dates

No Logo on Your Invoice

Unstated Mode/form of payment

Indicator: Errors identification methods:

Proof reading



Revision of calculations


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271 | P a g e


CUAKO501 Organize kitchen set up

RTQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 5 50

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary Arts

Issue date: November 2014

Purpose statement

This particular module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required to organize kitchen

set-up. The trainee will be able to identify the basis of kitchen organization, determine classical

brigade of kitchen set up, determine modern and classical kitchen set up, apply general

categories of skills on kitchen staffs and develop other professional opportunities, prepare the

kitchen diagram and set up accordingly.

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272 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Occupation and learning process

Hygiene and food safety control

Mise en place

Food safety procedure implementation

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit. By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Identify the basis of kitchen


1.1. Suitable analyzing menu needed for kitchen

set up

1.2. Proper classification of kitchen set-up depends

on establishment

1.3. Appropriate determiningthe size of operation

according to the efficient physical facilities

including tools and equipment in use number

of customers and quantity of products.

1.4. Efficient determinationphysical facilities

including tools and equipment in use

2. Determine classical brigade of kitchen

set up

2.1. Proper interpretation the division of kitchen into

department according to the products being


2.2. Efficient Complying exercise of function of

kitchen brigade

2.3. Suitable setting position of kitchen brigade of

each section

3. Determine modern kitchen set up. 3.1. Right description of position depends on duty

3.2.Precise the types of modern kitchen depend on

the requirement of quantity operation

3.3. Proper arrangement of tools and equipment

depends on their uses

3.4. Convenient commissioning of the installation

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273 | P a g e

4. Apply general categories of skillson


4.1. Accurate supervision of kitchen staff depends on

their duties.

4.2. Appropriate determination for technical skills of

kitchen staff according to their production

4.3. Suitable experience of kitchen staff depends on

establishment standards

5. Develop other professional


5.1. Proper identification of requirement advanced

training in other fields in addition of products

5.2. Right classification of requirement advanced

training in other fields in addition of products

5.3. Precise the other professional opportunities

according of production sales

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274 | P a g e

LU 1:Identify the basis of kitchen organization


Learning Outcomes:

1. Analyze menu needed for kitchen set up 2. Classify kitchen set-up depends on establishments 3. Determine the quantity of products as per the number of


4. Determine physical facilities by using tools and equipment


Learning Outcome1: Analyse menu needed for kitchen set up

Definition of kitchen set


Factors of kitchen


Types of menus

Types of


The size of


Physical facilities

Scheme of kitchen set up plan and legend

o Brainstorming on kitchen set up

o Research on kitchen set up

o Group discussion on types of

establishments of kitchen set up

o Display different types of

establishment of kitchen set up

o Presentation on types of

establishments of kitchen set up

o Individuals exercises on kitchen set

up establishments

o Study tour

- Reference books - Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Video aids - Internet - Pictures - Menu - Books - Brochures - Pens - Papers

Resources Learning activities Content

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275 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Essay Multiple choice exercises Matching Exercises True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Suitable analyzing menu needed for kitchen set up is well applied

Type of menu Types of establishment

Schema of kitchen set up plan


Performance criterion

Suitable analyzing menu needed for kitchen set up

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276 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 1.2: Classify kitchen set-updepends on establishments

Classification of kitchen set




Major positions of kitchen set


The major classification of


o Brainstorming on positions and

brigades of kitchen set up

o Research on positions and

brigades of kitchen set up

o Display positions and brigades of

kitchen set up

o Observation on positions and

brigades of kitchen set up

o Group discussion on positions

and brigades of kitchen set up

o Individual exercises on positions

and brigades of kitchen set up

o Group work on positions and

brigades of kitchen set up

o Study tour

- Video aids - Reference books - Internet - Catalogues - Board - Flipchart - Markers - Pictures - Projectors - Brochure - Pens - Papers

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

True or false questioning Multiple question choice Sentence completion Essay

Performance criterion

Proper classification of kitchen set-up depends on establishment

Resources Learning activities Content

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277 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator : Proper classification of kitchen set-up depends on establishment is well classified

Modern kitchen

Classical kitchen


Learning Outcome 1.3: Precise the quantity of products as per the number of customers.

Determination of kitchen


Types of kitchen

operation size (small,

medium, large )

o Display and observation on

types of kitchen operation


o Brainstorming on types of

kitchen operation size.

o Group Discussion on types

of kitchen operation size.

o Individual exercise on types

of kitchen operation size

o Group work on types of

operation size

o Study tour

- Video aids - Reference books - Internet - Catalogues - Board - Flipchart - Markers - Pictures - Projectors - Brochure - Pens - Papers

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Appropriate size of operation according to the number of customers and

quantity of products.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 292: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

278 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence


Margin exercises

True or false questions

Multiple choice question

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Accurate operation size is considered





Learning Outcome 1.4:Determine physical facilities by using tools and equipment

Modern Kitchen physical


Classical physical facilities

o Group discussion on

classical and modern

physical facilities

o Presentation on Kitchen

physical facilities

o Group work on

o classical and modern

physical facilities

o Individual exercise on

classical and modern

physical facilities.

o Study tour

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Pictures - Flip chart. - Boards - Markers - Modern and classical Tools

and equipment - Pens - Papers - Magazines

Formative Assessment 1.4

Performance criterion

Efficient determining physical facilities including tools and equipment in use

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 293: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

279 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Essay Merging Exercises

Multiple choice questions


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Efficient determining physical facilities including tools and equipment in use is determined

Modern facilities

Classical facilities


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280 | P a g e

LU 2:Determine classical brigade of kitchen set up


Learning Outcomes:

10. Interpret division of kitchen according to the final products 11. Comply functions of kitchen brigade 12. Set position of kitchen brigade of each section

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Interpret division of kitchen according to the final products

Types of kitchen

Convection kitchen

Combination of

prepared kitchen

Preparation and

finishing kitchen

Open / fast food


Industrial kitchen

Kitchen division into

sections and stations:

Kitchen sections

Entremetier /

vegetable cook





Garde-manger /

Pantry (Dressing and


o Brainstorming on Kitchen

division into sections and


o Group discussion on Kitchen

division into sections and


o Presentation on Kitchen

division into sections and


o Individual exercise on kitchen

division into sections and


o Group work on kitchen

division into sections and


- Reference books - Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Video aids - Internet - Brochures - Pictures - Pens - Papers

- Magazines

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 295: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

281 | P a g e




Steel room


Kitchen stations

Sauces station

Fish station

Roast station

Vegetable and fruit


Pastry and bakery


Boucher station

Swing cook station

Expediters station

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice exercises Merging Exercises

Performance criterion

Proper division of kitchen into department according to the products being


Page 296: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

282 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Proper division of kitchen into department according to the productsbeing served is considered

Sauces station

Fish station

Roast station

Pantry station

Vegetable and fruit stations

Pastry and bakery station

Boucher station

Swing cook station

Expediters, station


Learning Outcome 2.2: Comply functions of kitchen brigade

Kitchen brigade functions:

Chef\ Executive chef



Chef de cuisine

Reporting to executive


Food services operation


Sous chef

In Charge of production

and Monitor directly


Assistant to executive chef

and chef de cuisine

Station chefs/chef de partie

In charge of particular

areas of production

o Explain kitchen brigade


o Display Kitchen brigade


o Observation on Kitchen

brigade functions

o Research on Kitchen brigade


o Presentation on Kitchen

brigade functions

o Individual exercise on

Kitchen brigade functions

o Group work on Kitchen

brigade functions

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Catalogue - Pictures - Boards - Markers - Pens - Papers - Flip chart

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 297: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

283 | P a g e


Cook food

Help assistants


Prepare Mise en place

Cook food under supervision

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Essay Multiple choice questions True or false questions Sentence completion Matching

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Efficientcomplying exercise of function of kitchen brigade is considered



Reporting to executive chef

Food services

Operation activity

In Charge of production and Monitor directly workers

Assistant to executive chef and chef de cuisine

In charge of particular areas of production

Cook food

Help assistants

Prepare Mise en place

Kitchen plan set up


Performance criterion

Efficient complying exercise of function of kitchen brigade

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284 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.3: Set position of kitchen brigade of each section

Position of kitchen brigade according to : Kitchen plan set up Size of kitchen set up

o Explain on orientation position of kitchen brigade

o Display on orientation position of kitchen brigade

o Observation on orientation position of kitchen brigade

o Research on orientation position of kitchen brigade

o Presentation on orientation position of kitchen brigade

o Individual exercise on orientation position of kitchen brigade

o Group work on orientation position of kitchen brigade

- Video aids - Reference books - Internet - Catalogue - Boards - Markers - Pictures - Flip chart - Projector

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence


Multiple choice questions

True or false questions

Sentence completion


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Position of kitchen brigade of each section is done

Size of kitchen set up

Kitchen plan set up


Performance criterion

Suitable position of kitchen brigade of each section

Resources Learning activities Content

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285 | P a g e

LU 3:Determine modern kitchen set up


Learning Outcomes:

5. Describe positions duties 6. Precise modern kitchen depending on operations 7. Arrange tools and equipment depends on uses

20 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Describe positions duties

Kitchen staff duties according to

different positions:

Saucier /Sauce chef

Poissonier / fish cook

Entremetier /vegetable cook

Rotisseur /roast cook

Garde manger/pantry chef

Patissier /pastry chef

Tournant /swing/relief cook

Aboyeur /expediter

o Research on description position of kitchen staff duties

o Brainstorming on description position of kitchen staff duties

o Display description position of kitchen staff duties

o Observation on description position of kitchen staff duties

o Explain on description position of kitchen staff duties

o Group discussion on description position of kitchen staff duties

o Presentation on description position of kitchen staff duties

o Individual exercises on description position of kitchen staff duties

o Study tour

- Reference books - Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Video aids - Internet - Pictures - Pens - Papers

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 300: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

286 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning


Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Description of position depends on duty is clarified

Saucier /Sauce chef

Poisoned / fish cook

Entremetier /vegetable cook

Rotisseur /roast cook

Garde manger/pantry chef

Patissier /pastry chef

Tournant /swing/relief cook

Aboyeur /expediter

Match the position with their duty


Performance criterion

Right description of position depends on duty

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287 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.2: Precise modern kitchen depending on operations

Types of modern kitchens.

Large establishments

Medium establishments

Small establishments

Size and location of modern

o Brainstorming on modern


o Research on modern


o Display on modern kitchen

o Observation on modern


o Presentation on modern


o Group work on modern


Study tour

- Video aids

- Internet

- Markers

- Reference books

- Pictures

- Boards

- Markers

- Brochure

- Magazine

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence


Merging Exercises True or false questioning Matching Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Precise types of modern kitchen depends on the requirement of quantity


Resources Learning activities Content

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288 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Precision on types of modern kitchen depends on the requirement of quantity operation is precise

Large establishments

Medium establishments

Small establishments


Learning Outcome3.3: Arrange tools and equipment

Organization of tools and equipment

according to the use:

Heavy equipment

Electrical tools

Hand tools

Pots and pans and their use:





Sauté pan straight-sided

Sauté pan, slope-sided

Cast-iron skillet

Double boiler

Sheet pan or bun pan

Bake pan

Roasting pan

Fish poacher

Wok counter pan

Bain marie stainless-steel bowl

Measuring devices


Volume measures

Measuring cups

Measuring jugs

o Brainstorming on.

Arrangement of tools and

equipment according to

their use

o Display on arrangement of

tools and equipment

according to their use

o Research on arrangement of

tools and equipment

according to their use

o Observation on

arrangement of tools and

equipment according to

their use

o Presentation on

arrangement of tools and

equipment according to

their use

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Brochures

Resources Learning activities Content

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289 | P a g e






French knife or chef’s knife

Santoku knife

Utility knife or salad knife

Paring knife

Boning knife


Hand tools

Ball cutter, melon ball scoop

Cook’s folk

Palette knife

Sandwich spreader

Offset spatula.......

Organization of equipment:

Cooking equipment

Range tops

Types of cook tops

Open element

Flattop or hot top

Heavy-duty flattop

Induction cook top


Broilers and salamanders




Deep fryers

Tilting skillet

Steam-jacketed kettles

Formative Assessment 3.3

Performance criterion

Proper arrangement of tools and equipment depends on uses

Proper arrangement of tools and equipment depends on uses

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290 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence


Merging exercises


True or false questions

Sentence completion

Integrated situation

Observation check list

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Arrangement of tools and equipment depends on uses is done

Organize tools depends on uses:

Organize equipment depending on their use


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291 | P a g e

LU 4:Apply general categories of skills on kitchen staff


Learning Outcomes:

1. Supervise kitchen staff 2. Determine technical skills of kitchen staff according to their

production 3. Classify the experience of kitchen staff depending on

establishment standards 8Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1:Supervise kitchen staff

Definition of skills levels

General categories of skills



Skilled and technical

Entry level

o Brainstorming on general

categories of skills levels

o Research on general categories

of skills levels

o Presentation on general

categories of skills levels

Group discussion on general categories of skills levels

- Reference books - Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Video aids - Internet - Pens - Papers

Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Accurate supervision of kitchen staff depends on their duties.

Resources Learning activities Content

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292 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence


Merging exercises


True or false questions

Sentence completion

Multiple choice exercises Role play

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Supervision of kitchen staff depends on their duties is considered.


Skilled and technical

Entry level


Learning Outcome 4.2: Determine technical skills of kitchen staff according to their


Technical skills of Kitchen


Cooking skills

Motivating skills

Planning skills

Managing skills

Organizing skills

Leading skills

o Brainstorming on technical skills

of Kitchen staffs

o Research on technical skills of

Kitchen staffs

o Group work on technical skills

of Kitchen staffs

o Individual exercises on technical skills of Kitchen staffs

- Video aids - Internet - Boards - Markers - Reference books - Pictures - Pens - Papers

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 307: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

293 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence


Merging exercises


True or false questions

Sentence completion

True or false questioning

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Technical skills of kitchen staff according to their production is considered

Cooking skills

Motivating skills

Planning skills

Managing skills

Organizing skills

Leading skills


Performance criterion

Appropriate technical skills of kitchen staff according to their production

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294 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 4.3: Classify the experience of kitchen staff depending on establishment


Classification of kitchen staff

on establishment standards:

Classical establishment




Modern establishment Size



o Brainstorming of kitchen staff

on establishment standards

o Presentation of kitchen staff

on establishment standards

o Group work on differentiation

of classical and modern

establishment standards

o Individual exercise on

differentiation of classical and

modern establishment


- Video aids - Internet - Boards - Markers - Reference books - Pictures - Pens - Paper

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Essay Essay

Merging exercises


True or false questions

Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Suitable experience of kitchen staff depends on establishment standards

Resources Learning activities Content

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295 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Experience of kitchen staff depends on establishment standards is considered

Staffs experience of classical establishment

Staffs experience of modern establishment


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296 | P a g e

LU 5:Develop other professional opportunities


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify and classify the training in other fields in addition of products

2. Precise the other professional opportunities according to the production sales

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 5.1: Identify the training in other fields in addition of products

Training Requirement for kitchen staffs:

Training staffs to use kitchen

tools and equipment

Training staffs on hygiene :

Food standard

Food poisoning

Training staff for food

handling: four –hours


Training staffs on hygiene

of food catering

Training staffs on food safety

Training staffs on kitchen



Safety Precaution

Safety symbols

First aid kit


Training staffs on food

o Brainstorming on the training

requirements in other fields in

addition of products

o Individual exercise on the

training requirements in other

fields in addition of products

o Group discussion on the

training requirements in other

fields in addition of products

o Research on food safety.

o Group work on hygiene of food


- Reference books - Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Video aids - Internet - Pictures - Tools and equipment - Brochures - Pens - Papers - Magazine - Thermometers - Internet - Freezers - Fridges - Garnishes

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 311: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

297 | P a g e

preparation assignments

,investigations and


Type of assignment

Choice of practical work

Methods of cooking

Skills for food

Sensible use of food and


Preparation of food

Sources of information

for investigation

Plan work

Sample assignment

Food presentation

The appearance of


Colour (Food

colours and colour

of surroundings)

Design and


Garnish and

decoration of food

Suitable garnishes

and their





Serving dishes


Training staffs on managing


Training kitchen staffs to

store food in:

Four- hours rule




Choosing refrigerators

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298 | P a g e

Care of refrigerators

Freezer and fridge-


Energy manufacturer


More efficient

Less efficient


Formative Assessment 5.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence


Merging exercises


True or false questions

Sentence completion

Observation check list

Integrated situation (Roleplay)/task

Performance criterion

Proper identification of requirement advanced training in other fields in addition

of products

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299 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Identification of requirement advanced training in other fields in addition of products is identified

Hospitality management

Product developments and research for food manufactures

Product sales representatives for food and beverages distributors

Product sales representatives for equipment companies

Restaurant design and consulting

Food styling for photograph in books, magazines and other publications while food packaging and marketing materials

Training the next generation for chefs in culinary schools


Learning Outcome 5.2: Precise other professional opportunities according to the production


Hospitality management in:



Large catering


Organization with Food

service components


developments and

research for food


Product sales

representatives for

food and beverages


Product sales

representatives for



o Brainstorming on other

professional opportunities

o Research on other

professional opportunities

o Presentation on other

professional opportunities

o Group discussion on other

professional opportunities

- Reference books - Pictures - Video aids - Internet - Markers - Boards - Brochures - Pens - Papers

Resources Learning activities Content

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300 | P a g e

Restaurant design

and consulting

Food styling for

photograph in books,

magazines and other

publications while

food packaging and

marketing materials

Training the next generation for chefs in culinary schools and large hospitality companies with in house training programs

Formative Assessment 5.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence


Merging exercises


True or false questions

Sentence completion

True or false questioning

Performance criterion

Right classification of requirement advanced training in other fields in addition

of products

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301 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:classification of requirement advanced training in other fields in addition of products is well identified

Type of assignment

Choice of practical work

Methods of cooking

Skills for food

Sensible use of food and economy

Preparation of food

Sources of information for investigation

Plan work

Sample assignment

Food presentation


Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

ISOGIHotel is going to host 200 guests in Christmas.ISOGI Hoteldoesn’t have the professionals in kitchen organization in classical and modern kitchenorganization and general categories skills and develop other professional opportunities on kitchen for preparing the salads of 200 guests because their daily service capacity is 50guests,as fresh graduate you are extra appointed to revise the kitchen organization based to the previous services order to be ready for this coming event within one day.

- Kitchen tools and equipment

- Kitchen organization chart

- Markers

- Board

- Flipchart

- Pens

- Printer

- Bins

- Papers

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302 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 1: Quality of hygiene Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Personal hygiene is applied

Finger nails are cut

Hands are washed

Uniform is clean

Indicator: Working surface is cleaned and sanitized

Using clean water




Assessment Criterion 2: Quality of process Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Analyzing menu needed for kitchen set up is respected

Type of menu Types of establishment

Schema of kitchen set up plan

Indicator:Classification of kitchen set-up depends on establishment is corrected

Modern kitchen

Classical kitchen

Indicator: Operation size is considered




Indicator:Division of kitchen into department according to the products being served is considered

Sauces station

Fish station

Roast station

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303 | P a g e

Pantry station

Vegetable and fruit stations

Pastry and bakery station

Boucher station

Swing cook station

Expediters, station

Indicator:comply exercisefunction of kitchen brigade is done



Reporting to executive chef

Food services

Operation activity

In Charge of production and Monitor directly workers

Assistant to executive chef and chef de cuisine

In charge of particular areas of production

Cook food

Prepare Mise en place

Kitchen plan set up

Indicator :Position of kitchen brigade of each section is respected

Size of kitchen set up

Kitchen plan set up


Assessment Criterion 3: safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Determining physical facilities including tools and equipment is used

Modern facilities

Classical facilities

Indicator: Arrangement of tools and equipment depends on uses is respected

Organize tools depends on uses

Organize equipment depending on their use

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304 | P a g e


Assessment Criterion 4: Quality of product/ kitchen organization Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of requirement advanced training in other fields in addition of products is identified

Hospitality management

Product developments and research for food manufactures

Product sales representatives for food and beverages distributors

Product sales representatives for equipment companies

Restaurant design and consulting

Food styling for photograph in books, magazines and other publications while food packaging and marketing materials

Training the next generation for chefs in culinary schools

Indicator: Classification of requirement advanced training in other fields in addition of products is well identified

Type of assignment

Choice of practical work

Methods of cooking

Skills for food

Sensible use of food and economy

Preparation of food

Sources of information for investigation

Plan work

Food presentation

Sample assignment


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305 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 5: Relevance Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Kitchen Organization is prepared

Respecting time

Prepared all kitchen organization


Assessment Criterion 6: Perfection marks Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Creativities and innovation kitchen organization is created and innovated

Creativities inkitchen organization

Innovations in kitchen organization


Assessment Criterion 5: Passing line < 80% Reference books: - Professional Cookery, 2nd Edition, Level 2 Diploma, Pam Rabone, Holly Bamunuge; Trevor Eeles,

Mark Furr ShyamPatior, Dereick Rushton, Sue J Wood with Len Unwin; First edition 2007, this

Edition 2010

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306 | P a g e


CUAAR501 Prepare Asian rice and noodle dishes

RTQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 4 40

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary Arts

Issue date: November 2014

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills and knowledge required toidentify ingredients, prepare and use

tools and equipment, prepare ingredients for a range of purposes. This module will allow the

trainee tocook, present and garnish rice and noodle dishes.

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307 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Food safety procedures implementation.

Stocks control and ordering.

Stocks control and ordering.

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit. By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Identify ingredients. 1.1 Proper selection of types of rice according to the standard


1.2 Proper selection ingredients of rice and noodles dishes

according to the recipe

1.3 Accurate calculation of ingredient amounts according to

the standard of recipes.

2. Prepare and use tools and


2.1. Proper selection of tools and equipment according the

type and size.

2.2. Suitable dismantling and assembling to ensure

cleanliness of tools and equipment before use.

Correct use tools and equipment safely and hygienically

according to manufacturer Instructions.

3. Prepare Asian ingredients 3.1 Proper measuring, weighing and blending herbs, spices

and other ingredients according to the recipe.

3.2 Proper marinating of ingredients.

Regular minimization of waste and store reusable by-


4. Cook rice and noodle dishes 4.1 Appropriate cooking methods for rice and noodle

dishes according to the recipe.

4.2 Proper preparation of accompaniments, flavourings and

sauce mixtures and store at correct temperature.

4.3 Appropriate selection of reheating methods for rice and

noodles maintaining quality, freshness, eating

characteristics and appearance.

5. Present, garnish and store rice

and noodle dishes.

5.1 Proper presentation of rice and noodle dishes on

appropriate service tableware.

5.2 Suitable addition of accompaniments garnishes and

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5.3 Proper labelling and arrangement of dishes according to

the classification of products.

5.4 Proper adjustments of temperature according to the


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309 | P a g e

LU 1:Identify ingredients


Learning Outcomes:

1.1Select rice according to the standard recipes

1.2 Select ingredients of rice and noodle dishes according to the


1.3Calculate ingredients amounts according to the standard of



Learning Outcome: 1.1Select rice according to the standard recipes.

Varieties of rice: Chinigura rice Bashmoti rice Kalijira rice Binni rice Basmati White rice Red cargo rice Black glutinous rice Brown rice Jasmine rice Irri rice

Varieties of noodles Farfalle Shells Butacini Gnocchi Campanelle Accini de pepe

Classification of varieties rice: Long grains

o Research on different types and

varieties of rice

o Brainstorming on types and

varieties of rice

o Discussion on different types and

varieties of rice

o Presentation on types and varieties

types rice

o Demonstration on good quality of


o Observation on good quality of rice

o Examination of quality signs of rice

- Reference books and journals

- Flip Chart - Boards - Dusters - Markers - Video aids - Internet

- Pictures of rice

- Containers

- Different types of rice

Resources Learning activities Content

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310 | P a g e

Medium grains Short grains

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Video recording

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Classification of varieties rice is respected

Short grains

Long grains

Medium grains

Short grains


Performance criterion

Proper selection of types of rice according to the standard recipes.

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311 | P a g e

Learning Outcome: 1.2Select ingredients of rice and noodle dishes according to the recipe

Types of Asian ingredients for

rice and noodle dishes

Cumin seeds

Brown cardamom


Bay leaves





Curry powder








Soy sauce

Tomato paste




o Group work on types of


o Research on different types of


o Brainstorming on types of


o Demonstration on categories of


o Observation on types of


- Asian ingredients

- Internet

- Books

- Video aids

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper selection ingredients of rice and noodles dishes according to the recipe

Resources Learning activities Content

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312 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Video recording

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator Identification of types of ingredients is respected







Learning Outcome: 1.3 Calculate ingredients amounts according to the standard of recipes

Types of calculation of

ingredients amounts:




o Brainstorming on amount of ingredients according to the recipe

o Group work on amount of ingredients calculation according to the recipe

o Individual practice on amount of ingredients calculation according to the recipe

- Ingredients - Weighing scales - Measuring jugs - Measuring cups - Measuring Spoons

Formative Assessment 1.3

Resources Learning activities Content

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313 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidince nce

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Integrated situation/task

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Calculation of ingredients amounts are corrected




Performance criterion

Accurate calculation of ingredient amounts according to the standard of recipes

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314 | P a g e

LU 2:Prepare and use tools and equipment


Learning Outcomes:

2.1 Select tools and equipment Dispose safely spoiled supplies and waste to minimize negative environment impacts 2.2 Dismantle and assemble to ensure cleanliness of tools and equipment before use. 2.3 Use tools and equipment safely and hygienically according to manufacturer Instructions. 6Hours

Learning Outcome: 2.1Check the quality and quantity of supplies to report findings

Types of tools and equipment:

Cleaning tools and equipment.

Cooking tools and equipment.

Storage tools and equipment.

Processing equipment


Food cutters

Slicer machines

Food choppers


Service tools.

o Research on types of tools

and equipment

o Brainstorming on types of

tools and equipment

o Group discussion on

processing equipment

o Individual practical exercises

on selecting tools and


- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Pictures

- Markers

- Boards

- Dusters

- Kitchen tools and


Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper selection of tools and equipment according the type and size.

Resources Learning activities Content

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315 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Video recording

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Identification of tools and equipment is respected

Washing tools and equipment.

Cooking tools and equipment.

Indicator:Performance of practices to ensure food safety and quality is well done


Processing equipment.

Service tools.


Learning Outcome: 2.2Dismantle and assemble to ensure cleanliness of tools and equipment

before use.

Clean, sanitise and dry tools and


Safe practices on dismantling and

assembling tools and equipment

o Brainstorming on

dismantling and assembling

tools and equipment

o Demonstration on

dismantling and assembling

tools and equipment

o Observation on dismantling

and assembling tools and


o Group discussion on

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Pictures

- Sanitizers

- Water

- Sinks

- Ware cloths

- Kitchen tools and


Resources Learning activities Content

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316 | P a g e

dismantling and assembling

tools and equipment.

o Group work on dismantling

and assembling tools and


o Individual practice on

dismantle and assemble

tools and equipment

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Integrated situation /task

Observation checklist

Multiple choice exercises


Multiple choice exercises

Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Suitable dismantling and assembling to ensure cleanliness of tools and

equipment before use

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317 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Application of handling techniques of supplies to minimize spoilage and wastage is respected

Dismantling and




Learning Outcome 2.3 Use tools and equipment safely and hygienically according to

manufacturer Instructions.

Hygienic practices of Asian tools

and equipment

Cleaning Asian tools and


Sanitising Asian tools and


Tips to safefly use asian tools and

equipment as per

Hand tools

Heavy equipment

Electrical tools and equipment

o Research on Hygienic practices of

Asian tools and equipment

o Research on tips to safely use

asian tools and equipment

o Brainstorming on hygienic

practices and tips to safely use

Asian tools and equipment

o Demonstration on Hygienic

practices of Asian tools and


o Observation on Hygienic practices

of Asian tools and equipment

o Practical exercises on Hygienic

practices of Asian tools and


o Practical exercises on use of asian

tools and equipment according to

manufacturer’s instructions

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Pictures

- Markers

- Boards

- Flipchart

- Dusters

- Sanitizers

- Cleaning tools

- Kitchen tools and


- Chemicals


Formative Assessment 2.3

Resources Learning activities Content

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318 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Observation check list Integrated situation/task Multiple choice exercises Essay Merging Exercises True or false questioning Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Use of tools and equipment respecting manufacturer’s directions is respected

Respect of capacities of tools and equipment

Surfaces that touch foods are cleaned and sanitized Cooking temperaturesare


Use dry towels to handle hot pans

Carefully opening Compartment steamers

vented Keep knives sharp


Performance criterion

Correct use tools and equipment safely and hygienically according to

manufacturer Instructions

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319 | P a g e

LU 3:Prepare Asian ingredients


Learning Outcomes:

3.1 Measure, weigh and blendingredients 3.2 Marinateingredients 3.3 Minimise waste and preserve reusable by-products


Learning Outcome 3.1: Measure, weigh and blend ingredients

Measuring devices:


Volume measures

Measuring cups

Measuring spoons


Scoops (Scoops size)


Preparation procedures of


Safe practices in weighing,

measuring of ingredients

Washing, peeling and cutting of


Mixing ingredients

o Demonstration on

measuring devices

o Practical exercises on

measuring by use of

measuring devices

o Demonstration on weighing,

measuring of ingredients

o Practical exercises on

weighing and measuring


o Group work on washing,

peeling and cutting of


o Demonstration on mixing


o Observation on weighing,

measuring and mixing


- Measuring devices

- Graduated jags

- Cups

- Calculators

- Spoons

- Containers

- Internet

- Videos aids

- Reference books

- Peelers

- Knives

- Cutting boards

- Cleaning tools

- Wiping cloths

Resources Learning activities Content

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320 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Multiple choice ex

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /task

Sentence completion

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Correct Use of measuring tools is respected



Measuring jugs

Measuring spoons


Performance criterion

Proper measuring, weighing and blending herbs, spices and other ingredients

according to the recipe.

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321 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.2 Marinate ingredients

Importance of marinating

Types of ingredients marination:

Acidic ingredients (Salt, Soya sauce,

Vinegar, …)

Fat ingredients (Oil, butter, coconut

butter, …)

Spices and herbs (Celery, Chopped

onions, Maggi cubes, Thyme, Rose

mary, Parsely, karibata, dhania, basil,

Garlic, Ginger, sesame, …)

o Research on importance of


o Brainstorming on types of

marinating ingredients

o Group discussions on

marinating ingredients

o Demonstration on

marinating techniques

o Practical exercise on

marinating techniques

o Observations on marinating


o Presentation on marinated


- Video aids

- Internet

- Reference


- Journals

- Containers

- Marinating


- Pictures

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper marinating of ingredients.

Resources Learning activities Content

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322 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evedince

Written evidence

Observation check list Integrated situation/task

Multiple choice exercises Essay Merging Exercises True or false questioning Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: identification of marinating ingredients are identified

Fats; olive oil, soy oil, butter, sunflower oil

Acids; lemon juice, vinegar, wines

Flavourings and seasoning (spices); Celery, Salt, Soy sauce, Chopped onions,

Maggi cubes, Thyme, Rose mary, Parsley

Fats; olive oil, soy oil, butter, sunflower oil

Acids; lemon juice, vinegar, wines

Flavourings and seasoning (spices); Celery, Salt, Soy sauce, Chopped onions,

Maggi cubes, Thyme, Rose mary, Parsley


Learning Outcome 3.3.Minimise waste and preserve reusable by-products

Portioning of ingredients according to

the recipe

Importance of preservation.

Conservation methods and





o Research on conservation

methods and techniques

o Brainstorming on importance

of conservation

o Presentation on conservation

methods and techniques

o Demonstration on

conservation methods and

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Conservation


- Cans

- Freezer

- Fridge

Resources Learning activities Content

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323 | P a g e





o Practical exercises on

conservation methods and


o Group work on importance of


o Study tour on conservation

methods and techniques

- Conservation


Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Observation check list

Integrated situation/task

Performance criterion

Regular minimization of waste and store reusable by-products

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Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Description of conservation methods and techniquesare respected










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325 | P a g e

LU 2:Cook rice and noodle dishes


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply cooking methods for rice and noodle dishes 2. Prepare accompaniments of rice and noodle dishes 3. Reheat rice and noodle dishes


Learning Outcome: 4.1Apply cooking methods for rice and noodle dishes

Cooking methods:




Shallow frying

Stir frying

o Research on cooking rice and

noodle dishes

o Observation on cooking rice

and noodle dishes

o Demonstration on cooking

rice and noodle dishes

o Group work on cooking rice

and noodle dishes

o Individual practical exercises

on cooking rice and noodle


- Internet

- Videos aids

- Reference books

- Pictures

- Asian ingredients for

rice and noodle


- Kitchen tools and


- Projectors

- Boards

- Markers

- Flipcharts

Formative Assessment 4.1

Performance criterion

Appropriate cooking methods for rice and noodle dishes according to the recipe.

Resources Learning activities Content

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326 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /task

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Applicationcooking methods is respected




Shallow frying

Stir frying


Learning Outcome: 4.2Prepare accompaniments of rice and noodle dishes

Types of accompaniment of rice and


Meat dishes (Stir-fried beef,

Garden Swiss steak, Chicken carry,

Stuffed squash, Greek beef and

onion stew, Chicken with

mushroom, … )

Vegetable dishes (Spring rolls,

o Research on importance of

accompaniment of rice and


o Brainstorming types of

accompaniment of rice and


o Observations of

accompaniment of rice and

- Video aids

- Internet

- Reference books

- Journals

- Pictures

- Kitchen tools and


(Cookers, Pots,

Resources Learning activities Content

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327 | P a g e

Pesto asparagus salad, String

beans, Cherry tomatoes and

olives, … )

Sauces (Bolognaise sauce, Tomato

sauce, Carbonara sauce, Pesto

sauce, Cheese sauces, …)

Sea food dishes (grilled fish,

prawns hukkernoodle,… )

Egg dishes (Holiday smoked egg, …



o Group discussions of

accompaniment of rice and


o Practical exercises on

preparation of

accompaniment of rice and

noodle dishes.

Pans, Wooden,

spoons, Ladles,


Peelers, Knives,

Cutting boards)

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /Task

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Preparation of accompaniment of rice and noodles are prepared

Spring rolls.

Stir-fried beef.

Garden Swiss steak.

Chicken curry.

Stuffed squash.

Greek beef and onion stew.


Performance criterion

Proper preparation of accompaniments, flavorings and sauce mixtures and store

at correct temperature.

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328 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 4.3 Reheat rice and noodle dishes

Reheating methods:

Reheating by

Stir fry

Stove-top steam




o Demonstration on reheating


o Practical exercise on reheating


o Conservation reheating


o Research on reheating methods

o Presentation on reheating


o Brainstorming on reheating


o Group work of reheating


- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Rice and noodle


- Reheating tools

and equipment

- Pictures

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Produc evidence

Written evidence

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /task

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Appropriate selection of reheating methods for rice and noodles maintaining

quality, freshness, eating characteristics and appearance.

Resources Learning activities Content

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329 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Application of reheating methods are respected

Stir fry.

Stove-top steam.


Reheated microwaves

Boiling water.

Stir fry.

Stove-top steam.


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330 | P a g e

LU 2:Present, garnish and store rice and noodle dishes


Learning Outcomes:

1. Arrange accompaniments, garnishes and sauces. 2. Arrange accompaniments, garnishes and sauces. 3. Store dishes according to the classification of products


Learning Outcome: 5.1Check the quality and quantity of supplies to report findings

Presentation guidelines of dish;



Number of portions

Serving tools

o Research on presentation

guidelines of dish;

o Brainstorming on

presentation guidelines of


o Group discussions on

presentation guidelines of


o Demonstration on

presentation guidelines of


o Practical exercise on

presentation guidelines of


- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- containers

- Pictures

- Journal

- Rice and noodle


- Serving tools

- Flip chart

- Boards

- Markers

Formative Assessment 5.1

Performance criterion

Proper presentation of rice and noodle dishes on appropriate service tableware.

Resources Learning activities Content

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331 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Produc evidence

Writtenn evidence

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /task

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Presentation of rice and noodle dishes respecting guidelines of dishare respected



Number of portions

Serving tools


Learning Outcome: 5.2Arrange accompaniments, garnishes and sauces.

Dressing rules of accompaniments,

garnishes according to the types.

Garnish do not dominate main

ingredients and


Garnishes should be edible

Do not over load the plate

Use cold plate for cold dishes

o Research on arrangement

procedures of

accompaniments, garnishes

o Brainstorming on

arrangement procedures of

accompaniments, garnishes

o Group discussions on

arrangement procedures of

accompaniments, garnishes

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Containers

- Pictures

- Journal

- Serving tools

- Ingredients

- Flip chart

Resources Learning activities Content

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332 | P a g e

and hot plate on hot dishes

Plate should be well garnished

and clean

The ways of dressing a sauces;

At side

Over the food

In sauce boat

o Demonstration on

arrangement procedures of

accompaniments, garnishes

o Practical exercise

arrangement procedures of

accompaniments, garnishes

and sauces

- Boards

- Markers

- Accompaniments,

garnishes and


Formative Assessment 5.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Observation checklist

Integrated situation/task

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Arrangement of accompaniments, garnishes and sauces respecting dressing rules are respected

Garnish do not dominate main ingredients and accompaniments

Garnishes should be edible

Do not over load the plate

Use cold plate for cold dishes and hot plate on hot dishes

Plate should be well garnished and clean


Performance criterion

Suitable addition of accompaniments garnishes and sauces.

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333 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 5.3 Store dishes according to the classification of products.

Holding and storage equipment

Classification of products;

Rice products

Noodles products

o Research on holding and storage


o Brainstorming on classification of


o Group discussions on

classification of products

o Presentation on classification of


o Observation on classification of


o Practical exercise on holding and

storage equipment

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Containers

- Pictures

- Journal

- Holding and



- Dishes

- Flip chart

- Boards

- Markers

Formative Assessment 5.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Observation checklist

Integrated situation/task

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Proper labelling and arrangement of dishes according to the classification of


Resources Learning activities Content

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334 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Classification of products using labeling are respected

Asian Rice products recipes

Asian Noodles product recipes


Learning Outcome 5.4Set temperature according to the dishes.

Temperature levels of dishes

according to the types;

Hot dishes

Cold dishes

o Brainstorming on temperature

levels of dishes.

o Research on temperature levels of


o Presentation on temperature

levels of dishes

o Group discussion on temperature

levels of dishes.

o Practical exercises on

temperature levels of dishes.

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Thermometer

- Pictures

- Journal

- Dishes

- Flip chart

- Boards

- Markers

Formative Assessment 5.4

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper adjustments of temperature according to the dishes.

Resources Learning activities Content

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335 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Observation checklist

Integrated situation/task

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Setting of temperature levels of dishes according to the types is respected

Hot dishes

Cold dishes


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336 | P a g e

Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

UMUNYINYA Hotel is going to host1 guest of China parliament for Rwanda parliament study visit. UMUNYINYA Hotel doesn’t have the professional cook for Asian dishes, as fresh graduate you are urgentlyappointed to prepare Asian rice(Basmati and brown rice) andnoodles(Gnocchi Romaine and Bucatini)for 4 guests that will be served in that occasion within 3 hours.

Tools and equipment

Cleaning tools and


Cooking tools and


Storage tools and





Food cutters

Slicer machines

Food choppers


Service tools.


Cumin seeds

Brown cardamom


Bay leaves





Curry powder








Soy sauce Tomato paste Mushroom Mustard Oregano

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337 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 1: Hygiene

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Personal hygiene is maintained

Finger nails are cut

Hands are washed

Uniform is clean

Indicator: Appropriate selection of Ingredients are washed properly

Using cold running water

Correct sanitizer

Drained properly colander

Indicator: Working surface is clean and sanitized

Using clean water



Indicator: Three-system container is well used

Container for prepared ingredients

Container for off cuts container

Container for ingredients to be prepared


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338 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 2: Safety Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Kitchen gear are worn


Apron or mini skirt

Chef’s hat

Double breast shirt

Chef coat

Closed tight shoes

Indicator: Tools and equipment are used safely

Safe practices dismantling

Safe practices assembling




Cookers (switch on& off)

Indicator: Storage techniques are respected




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339 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 3: Quality of process Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Processing equipment are well selected and used


Food cutters

Slicer machines

Food choppers


Service tools

Indicator: measuring of ingredient are respected

Ingredients are properly Weight

Ingredients are properly Measured

Ingredients are properly Numbered

Ingredients are properly Washed

Ingredients are properly Peeled

Ingredients are properly Cut

Ingredients are properly Marinated

Ingredients are properly Boiled

Ingredients are properly Fried

Basmati and brown rice are well presented

Gnocchi romaine and Butacini are well presented

Basmati and brown rice are well garnished

Gnocchi romaine and Butacini are well garnished


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340 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 4: Quality of product Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Cooking methods for rice and noodle dishes according to the recipe respected




Shallow frying

Indicator: Presentation of rice and noodle dishes respecting guidelines of dish is respected



Number of portions

Serving tools

Basmati and brown rice texture are well respected

Basmati and brown rice color are correct

Basmati and brown rice are shaped

Basmati and brown rice are well done

Basmati and brown rice flavour are well respected

Basmati and brown rice temperature are well respected

Gnocchi romaine and Butacini texture are well respected

Gnocchi romaine and Butacinicolor are correct

Gnocchi romaine and Butacini are shaped

Gnocchi romaine and Butacini are well done

Gnocchi romaine and Butacini flavour are well respected

Gnocchi romaine and Butacini temperature are well respected


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341 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 5: Relevance Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Requested dishes are prepared

Time (3hours)

Potion size for Basmati and brown rice for 4pax

Potion size for Basmati and brown rice for for 4pax

Potion size for Gnocchi romaine and Butacini for 4pax

Potion size for Gnocchi romaine and Butacini for for 4pax


Assessment Criterion 6: Perfection Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: the creative and innovations are represented

The Creative and Innovations Inpresentation

The Creative and Innovations Ingarnishing


Passing line:<80% Reference books:

1. Professional cooking (seventh edition), WAYNE GISSLEN, 2011

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342 | P a g e


CUAKS501 Receive and store kitchen supplies

RTQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 4 40

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary Arts

Issue date: November 2014

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills and knowledge and attitude required to receive delivery

section supplies, rotate and maintain kitchen section supplies for a range of purposes. This

module will allow the trainee to establish appropriate storage of kitchen section supplies.

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343 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Hygiene and food safety implementation

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit. By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Receive delivery section


3.1 Proper checking of incoming supplies according

to the orders and delivery documentation.

3.2 Regular recording details of incoming supplies

according to organizational procedures.

3.3 Regular checking of stock items to prevent


3.4 Appropriate classification of record and report


2. Rotate and maintain kitchen

section supplies.

3.1. Proper rotation of supplies for maximum use and

minimum wastage.

3.2. Proper checking of the quality and quantity of

supplies and report findings.

3.3. Precise safely disposal of spoilt supplies and waste to

minimize negative environmental impacts.

3.4. Proper maintaining of cleanliness supplies handling

and storage areas

Systematic using of control supplies according to

accuracy required.

3. Store kitchen section


4.4 Proper description storing of transportation kitchen

section supplies

4.5 Proper identification of risks for using un safe

manual handling techniques kitchen supplies

4.6 Accurate management of records and secure storage solutions.

4.7 Proper following rules of safe products storage and determine temperature location of kitchen section.

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344 | P a g e

LU 1:Receive delivery section supplies


Learning Outcomes:

1.1 Check incoming supplies according to the orders and delivery


1.2 Record details of incoming supplies according to the

organizational procedures

1.3 check damaged items

1.4 Classify records and report inconsistency


Learning Outcome: 1.1 Check incoming supplies according to the orders and delivery


Factors to consider in orders

and delivery documentation

of incoming supplies






Guidance on taking delivery

of goods

Purchase orders Taking Delivery Damaged goods Quantity Discrepancies Incorrect goods Commissioning and

Installation Receiving

o Brainstorming on factors to

consider in orders and delivery


o Research on factors to consider in

orders and delivery


o And guidance on taking delivery

of goods

o Group discussion on tips to

consider before planning events

and types of catering events

o Presentation on tips to consider

before planning events and types

of catering events

o Study tour on types of catering


Reference books



Packaging supplies





Formative Assessment 1.1

Resources Learning activities Content

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345 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance evidence

Product Evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Observation checklist

Integrated situation/task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of factors to consider in orders and delivery documentation of incoming supplies is well identified







Performance criterion

Proper checking of incoming supplies according to the orders and delivery


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346 | P a g e

Learning Outcome: 1.2Record details of incoming supplies according to the organizational


Details of incoming supplies

on file record;

Delivery date

Name article




Types of receiving


Requisition form

Registration form

Transfer notes

o Brainstorming on details of

incoming supplies on file record

o Research on details of incoming

supplies on file record and types

of receiving documents

o Observation on types of receiving


o Group discussion on details of

incoming supplies on file record

and types of receiving documents

o Group work on details of

incoming supplies on file record

and types of receiving documents

o Presentation on details of

incoming supplies on file record

and types of receiving documents

o Study tour on types of receiving


Reference books





Supplies receiving documents



Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance Evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Observation checklist Integrated situation /task Multiple choice exercises Essay Merging Exercises True or false questioning Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Regular recording details of incoming supplies according to organizational


Resources Learning activities Content

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347 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Use of receiving documents is applied

Requisition form

Registration form

Transfer notes

Requisition form

Registration form

Transfer notes

Requisition form


Learning Outcome: 1.3 Check damaged items

Effects of damaged items

Causes of damaged items

Poor packaging

Expiration date

Transportation channel

o Brainstorming on effects of

damaged items causes of

damaged items

o Research on effects of

damaged items causes of

damaged items

o Group discussion on effects

of damaged items causes of

damaged items

o Group work on effects of

damaged items causes of

damaged items

o Presentation on effects of

damaged items causes of

damaged items

Reference books





Supplies receiving documents



Formative Assessment 1.3

Resources Learning activities Content

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348 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Product Evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Video recording

Observation check list

Integrated situation /task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator : Check damaged items is done

Poor packaging

Expiration date

Transportation channel

Poor packaging


Performance criterion

Relevant inspection for damaged items.

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349 | P a g e

Learning Outcome: 1.4 Classify records and report inconsistency

Importance of records


Tips to improve classification


Simplify your file plan


Use easily recognize


Create cheat-

sheets/format for users

Consider an intuitive


Types of report inconsistency


Excess supplies

Damaged supplies

Insufficient supplies

o Brainstorming on

importance of records

classification and tips to

improve classification


o Research on importance of

records classification and

tips to improve

classification accuracy

o Group discussion on

importance of records

classification, tips to

improve classification

accuracy and types of

report inconsistency

o Presentation on importance

of records classification, tips

to improve classification

accuracy and types of

report inconsistency

Reference books





Supplies receiving documents



Formative Assessment 1.4

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Appropriate classification of record and report inconsistency

Resources Learning activities Content

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350 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Written evidence

Product evidence

Integrated situation /task

Observation checklist

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Respect of tips to improve classification accuracy is considered

Simplify your file plan scheme

Use easily recognize codes

Create cheat-sheets for users

Consider an intuitive solution

Indicator: Maketypes of reports inconsistency (discrepancy) is done

Excess supplies

Excess supplies

Insufficient supplies


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351 | P a g e

LU 2:Rotate and maintain kitchen section supplies


Learning Outcomes:

2.1 Check the quality and quantity of supplies to report findings 2.2 Dispose safely spoiled supplies and waste to minimize negative environment impacts 2.3 Clean and rotate supplies in storage areas for maximum use and minimum wastage 2.4 Control supplies according to the accuracy required 20Hours

Learning Outcome: 2.1Check the quality and quantity of supplies to report findings

Practices to ensure food safety and

quality of food

Put perishable goods in cold (or

frozen) storage immediately

Unpack fruit and vegetables

from cardboard containers and

place in clean containers

Keep the delivery area clean

and free from pests

Quality points of good supplies



Easy usage


Purpose and importance of

checking quality and quantity of


o Brainstorming on quality

points of good supplies

o Research on purpose,

importance of checking

quality and quantity of

supplies purpose and

importance of checking

quality and quantity of


o Group discussion on purpose, importance of checking quality and quantity of supplies purpose and importance of checking quality and quantity of supplies

o Presentation on purpose, importance of checking quality and quantity of supplies purpose and importance of checking quality and quantity of supplies

Reference books








Resources Learning activities Content

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352 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Integrated situation/task

Observation checklist

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Performance of practices to ensure food safety and quality is done Put perishable goods in cold (or frozen) storage immediately

Unpack fruit and vegetables from cardboard containers and place in clean



Performance criterion

Proper checking of the quality and quantity of supplies and report findings..

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353 | P a g e

Learning Outcome: 2.2Dispose safely spoiled supplies and waste to minimise negative

environment impacts

Causes of supplies to spoil;

Incorrect storage

Poor handling practices

Poor handling tools

Handling techniques of supplies to

minimize spoilage and wastage;




Tips to dispose spoiled supplies and


Rules for handling garbage

o Brainstorming on causes of

supplies to spoil and rules

for handling garbage

o Research on causes of

supplies to spoil; handling

techniques of supplies to

minimize spoilage and

wastage and tips to dispose

spoiled supplies and waste

o Demonstration handling

techniques of supplies to

minimize spoilage and


o Practical exercises on

handling techniques of

supplies to minimize

spoilage and wastage

o Group discussion on causes

of supplies to spoil; handling

techniques of supplies to

minimize spoilage and

wastage and tips to dispose

spoiled supplies and waste

o Presentation on causes of

supplies to spoil; handling

techniques of supplies to

minimize spoilage and

wastage and tips to dispose

spoiled supplies and waste

Reference books





Supplies receiving documents



Formative Assessment 2.2

Performance criterion

Appropriate selection of sound proofing tools

Resources Learning activities Content

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354 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /task

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Application of handling techniques of supplies to minimize spoilage and wastage is respected





Learning Outcome 2.3 Clean and rotate supplies in storage areas for maximum use and

minimum wastage

Techniques of minimizing


Resources optimization

Improve quality control and

process monitoring

Waste exchange

Ship to point of use

Zero waste

Reuse and recycle waste

o Brainstorming on cleaning

guidelines of storage area

benefits of maximizing use and

minimizing wastage

o Research on techniques of

minimizing wastage, cleaning

guidelines of storage area,

benefits of maximizing use and

minimizing wastage

Reference books








Resources Learning activities Content

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355 | P a g e

Cleaning guidelines of storage


Benefits of maximizing use and

minimizing wastage

o Demonstration on techniques of

minimizing wastage

o Group discussion on techniques of

minimizing wastage, cleaning

guidelines of storage area,

benefits of maximizing use and

minimizing wastage

o Presentation on techniques of

minimizing wastage, cleaning

guidelines of storage area,

benefits of maximizing use and

minimizing wastage

o Practical exercises on techniques

of minimizing wastage

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Product evidence

Performance Evidence

Multiple choice exercises

Merging Exercises

Sentence completion

True or false questioning

Video recording

Integrated situation /task

Observation check list

Performance criterion

Appropriate maintenance of rotation and cleanliness of supplies in storage areas

to maximize use

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356 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Description of techniques of minimizing wastage is described

Resources optimization

Improve quality control and process monitoring

Waste exchange

Ship to point of use

Zero waste

Reuse and recycle waste


Learning Outcome 2.4Control supplies according to the accuracy required

Control considerations of supplies

Store arrangement

Cleanliness of storage area

Storage containers

Storage duration

Storage temperature

Quality and quantity of

supplies in store

Purpose control of supplies

o Brainstorming on Purpose control

of supplies

o Research on control

considerations of supplies and

purpose control of supplies

o Group discussion on control

considerations of supplies and

purpose control of supplies

o Group work on control

considerations of supplies and

purpose control of supplies

o Presentation on control

considerations of supplies and

purpose control of supplies

Reference books








Formative Assessment 2.4

Performance criterion

Control supplies according to the accuracy required

Resources Learning activities Content

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357 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Product evidence vince

Product Evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Integrated situation/task

Observation check list

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Description of control considerations of supplies is done

Store arrangement

Cleanliness of storage area

Storage containers

Storage duration

Storage temperature

Quality and quantity of supplies in store


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358 | P a g e

LU 3:Store kitchen section supplies


Learning Outcomes:

3.1 Deliver and store kitchen section supplies 3.2 Identityrisks for usingunsafemanuel handling techniques of Kitchen supplies 3.3 Follow rules of safe products storage and determine temperature location of kitchen section


Learning Outcome 3.1: Deliver and store kitchen section supplies

Tools of delivering kitchen section






Principles of safe storage

Temperature control for

perishable food items

Time control

Prevention of cross-


o Brainstorming on types

tools of delivering kitchen

section supplies and

principles safe storage

o Demonstration and

observation on principles of

safe storage

o Observation on types tools

of delivering kitchen section


o Research on types tools of

delivering kitchen section

supplies and principles safe


o Group discussion on types

tools of delivering kitchen

section supplies and

principles safe storage

o Group work on types tools

of delivering kitchen section

supplies and principles safe

Reference books



Video aids

Delivering tools





Resources Learning activities Content

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359 | P a g e


o Presentation on types tools

of delivering kitchen section

supplies and principles safe


o Practical exercises

principles of safe storage

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Integrated situation

Observation checklist

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Use of tools for delivering and storing kitchen section supplies are used Containers





Performance criterion

Proper description delivering and storing kitchen section supplies

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360 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.2 Identify risks for using unsafe manual handling techniques of Kitchen


Unsafe manual handling techniques

Risk factors of unsafe manual handling


Weight of an object

Layout of the workplace

Location of an object

Duration and frequency

Condition of an object

Awkward loads (uncomfortable

package of goods)

Tips of reducing or eliminating risks:

Change the task

Change the object

Change the workspace

Change the nature of the work

Offer proper training

Use mechanical aids

o Brainstorming on unsafe manual handling techniques, risk factors of unsafe manual handling techniques

o Observation on unsafe manual handling techniques, risk factors of unsafe manual handling techniques

o Research on unsafe manual handling techniques, risk factors of unsafe manual handling techniques and tips of reducing or eliminating risks

o Group discussion on unsafe manual handling techniques, risk factors of unsafe manual handling techniques and tips of reducing or eliminating risks

o Group work on unsafe manual handling techniques, risk factors of unsafe manual handling techniques and tips of reducing or eliminating risks

o Presentation on unsafe manual handling techniques, risk factors of unsafe manual handling techniques and tips of reducing or eliminating risks

o Study tour on tips of reducing or eliminating risks

Reference books



Handling tools






Resources Learning activities Content

Page 375: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

361 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay Merging Exercises True or false questioning Sentence completion Video recording

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of risk factors of unsafe manual handling techniques is identified

Weight of an object

Layout of the workplace

Location of an object

Duration and frequency

Condition of an object

Awkward loads (uncomfortable package of goods)


Performance criterion

Proper identification of risks for using un safe manual handling techniques of

kitchen supplies

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362 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.3.Follow rules of safe products storage and determine temperature

location of kitchen section

The 2 hour/4 hour rules

Rules of food safety storage:

Beware of temperature danger


Take special care with high-risk


Storing food in the fridge at 5oc

or below

Freezing food safely

Storing cooked safely

Avoid refreezing thawed food

Store raw food separately from

cooked food

Choose strong, non-toxic food

storage containers

Safe products storage procedures;

Packaging products

Wrapping products

Labelling products

Products arrangement in the


o Brainstorming on the 2

hour/4 hour rules

o Demonstration on safe

products storage procedures

o Research on rules of food

safety storage andsafe

products storage procedures

o Group discussion on rules of

food safety storage andsafe

products storage procedures

o Group work on rules of food

safety storage and safe

products storage procedures

o Practical exercises on safe

products storage procedures

o Presentation on safe

products storage procedures

and safe products storage


Reference books











Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper following rules of safe products storage and determination of

temperature location of kitchen section respecting right purpose

Resources Learning activities Content

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363 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Product evidence

Performance Evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Integrated situation /task

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: identifications of Safe storage procedures of products are resected

Packaging products

Wrapping products

Labelling products

Products arrangement in the store

Take special care with high-risk foods

Storing food in the fridge at 5oc or below

Freezing food safely

Storing cooked safely


Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources UMUTEKANOHotel is going to host 100guests in yearly youth forum within 20 days. UMUTEKANO Hoteldoesn’t have the professionals’ supplies reception and storing to reception and storing hotelconsumables for all consumables within respectful events that will be used within 20 days, as fresh graduate you are extra appointed to Receive delivery section supplies within one hour, rotate and maintain kitchen section supplies within one hour, andStore kitchen section supplies within two hours.

Kitchen storing tools and equipment



Reference books



Packaging supplies





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364 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 1: Quality of hygiene

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Personal hygiene is maintained

Finger nails are cut

Hands are washed

Uniform is clean

Indicator: Working surface is clean and sanitized

Using clean water




Assessment Criterion 2: safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: identification of risks for using unsafe manual handling techniques of Kitchen supplies is considered

Weight of an object

Layout of the workplace

Location of an object

Duration and frequency

Condition of an object

Awkward loads (uncomfortable package of goods)

Indicator:Use of tools for delivering and storing kitchen section supplies is applied






Assessment Criterion 3: Quality of process

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365 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of factors to consider in orders and delivery documentation of incoming supplies is respected






Indicator: Details of incoming supplies on file record are covered

Purchase orders

Taking Delivery

Damaged goods

Quantity Discrepancies

Incorrect goods

Indicator: Guidance on taking delivery of goods is respected

Purchase orders

Taking Delivery

Damaged goods

Quantity Discrepancies

Incorrect goods

Indicator: identification Use of receiving documents is respected

Requisition form

Transfer notes



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366 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 4: Quality of product/results

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: use of2 hours/4-hour rules/Rules of food safety storage is respected

Beware of temperature danger zone

Take special care with high-risk foods

Storing food in the fridge at 5oc or below

Freezing food safely

Storing cooked safely

Avoid refreezing thawed food

Store raw food separately from cooked food

Choose strong, non-toxic food storage containers

Beware of temperature danger zone

Take special care with high-risk foods

Indicator:use of Safe products storage procedures is respected

Packaging products

Wrapping products

Labelling products

Products arrangement in the store

Packaging products


Assessment Criterion 5: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Appropriate all supplies reception and storing is respected

Respecting time of three hour

Prepared all document supplies reception and storing


Assessment Criterion 6: Perfection marks

Checklist Score

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367 | P a g e

Yes No

Indicator:Creativities and innovation of kitchen supplies and storing are well created and innovated

Creativities inkitchen supplies and storing

Innovations in kitchen supplies and storing


Assessment Criterion 5: Passing line < 80%

Reference books:

1. Professional Cookery, 2nd Edition, Level 2 Diploma, Pam Rabone, Holly Bamunuge; Trevor Eeles,

Mark Furr ShyamPatior, Dereick Rushton, Sue J Wood with Len Unwin; First edition 2007, this

Edition 2010

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368 | P a g e


CUAMK501 Monitor kitchen section staff performance

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 5 50

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary art

Issue date:November 2014

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills and knowledge required to monitor and improve workplace,

plan and organize workflow for a range of purposes. Moreover this module will also allow the

learner to solve problems related to the kitchen section and making decisions.

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369 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Lead and manage section kitchen staff

Catering control principles

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Monitor and improve workplace


1.1. Appropriate organization of workplace operations

for the kitchen section

1.2. Proper identification of problems resolution

procedures to improve workplace operations.

1.3. Adequate application of positive consultation with

colleagues about ways of innovations on the kitchen


1.4. Efficient communication of feedback to colleagues

for future planning.

2. Plan and organize workflow

2.1. Accurate work assignment following principles of


2.2. Efficient assistance of colleagues and prioritization

of workload through supportive feedback in the

kitchen section.

2.3. Suitable provision of management input regarding

staffing needs in the kitchen section.

3. Solve problems and make decisions.

3.1. Proper classification and analysis of workplace

problems basing on the kitchen section.

3.2. Relavant application of immediate problems

resolution procedures for making better decision.

3.3. Right encouragement of individual participation in

solving problems according to the kitchen section


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370 | P a g e

LU 1:Monitor and improve workplace operations


Learning Outcomes:

1.1 Organize workplace operations 1.2 Identify problem resolution procedures 1.3 Apply positive consultations with colleagues for innovation 1.4 Communicate the feedback to colleagues for future plan

20 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Organize workplace operations

Types of operations according

to the sections

Receiving and stores


Larder/Garde manger

Hot dishes preparations

Outside catering


Pastry and bakery

Division factors of different

operations in section:


Catering events


Work Completion

Avoidance of food hazard


o Brainstorming on types of


o Research on division factors of

different operations in section

o Presentation on division factors

of different operations in section

o Group discussion on division

factors of different operations in


o Display on types of operations

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Pictures

- Markers

- Boards

- Flipchart

- Brochures

Formative Assessment 1.1

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 385: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

371 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Written evidence

Proposed Activities: Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Organization of kitchen section operations is done

Receiving and stores


Larder/Garde manger

Hot dishes preparations

Outside catering


Pastry and bakery

Indicator: Division factors for different kitchen section operations are identified


Catering events


Work Completion

Avoidance of food hazard (cross-contamination)


Performance criterion

1.1. Appropriate organization of workplace operations for the kitchen section

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372 | P a g e

Learning Outcome1.2:Identify and solve problems on workplace

Types of problems on the


Lack communications

Poor prioritizing, timing,


Preventable accidents

Inaccuracies, errors

Spoilage and waste of


Customer dissatisfaction

Failure to meet expectations

for product quality, cost or


Inappropriate or poor work


Causes of problems on


Lack of training

Insufficient tools and


Stress and conflict of work


Lack of motivation

Problems solving procedures;

Identify issue

Understand everyone’s


List the possible solutions

Evaluate the options

Select options

Document the agreement

Agree an contingencies,

monitoring and evaluation

o Brainstorming on types of

problems on the workplace

o Observation on types of

problems on the workplace

o Research on causes of

problems on workplace and

problems solving procedures

o Group discussion on causes of

problems on workplace and

problems solving procedures

o Group work on causes of

problems on workplace and

problems solving procedures

o Presentation on causes of

problems on workplace and

problems solving procedures

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Pictures

- Markers

- Boards

- Flipchart

- Projector

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 387: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

373 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written Evidence

Oral evidence

Proposed Activities: Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

Matching exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Problems on the workplace are identified Lack of communications

Poor prioritizing, timing, scheduling,

Preventable accidents

Inaccuracies, errors

Spoilage and waste of materials

Customer dissatisfaction

Failure to meet expectations for product quality, cost or service

Inappropriate or poor work methods

Indicator: Identification of causes of problems on workplace is done

Lack of training

Insufficient tools and equipment

Stress and conflict of work style

Lack of motivation

Indicator: Identification of problems solving procedures is done

Identify issue

Understand everyone’s interest

Performance criterion

1.2. Proper identification of problems resolution procedures to improve

workplace operations.

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374 | P a g e

List the possible solutions

Evaluate the options

Select options

Document the agreement Agree an contingencies, monitoring and evaluation


Learning Outcome 1.3: Apply positive consultations with colleagues for innovation

Ways of creating innovation

at workplace

Give employees a reason

to care

Clarify the importance of


Schedule time for


Train staff in innovation


Encourage positive


Challenge the way staff


Tolerate mistakes

Be supportive

Reward creativity

Act/react on ideas

Importance of innovation on

the workplace

Inconvenient of lack of


Poor service

Decrease of guest


Lack of benefits

o Brainstorming on ways of

creating innovation at


o Research on ways of

creating innovation at

workplace, importance of

innovation on the

workplace and inconvenient

of lack of innovations

o Group discussion on ways of

creating innovation at

workplace, Importance of

innovation on the

workplace and Inconvenient

of lack of innovations

o Presentation on Ways of

creating innovation at

workplace, Importance of

innovation on the

workplace and Inconvenient

of lack of innovations

- Reference books

- Internet

- Pictures

- Markers

- Boards

- Flipchart

Resources Learning activities Content

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375 | P a g e

Business decline

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

proposed Activities:

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Matching exercises

Observation checklist.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Ways for creating innovation at workplace are identified

Give employees a reason to care

Stress the importance of innovation

Schedule time for brainstorming

Train staff in innovation techniques

Encourage change

Challenge the way staff work

Tolerate mistakes

Be supportive

Reward creativity

Act/react on ideas

Indicator: Inconvenience of lack of innovations is identified

Poor service

Decrease of guest turnover

Performance criterion

1.3. Adequate application of positive consultation with colleagues about ways

of innovations on the kitchen section.

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376 | P a g e

Lack of benefits

Business decline


Learning Outcome 1.4. Communicate the feedback to colleagues for future plan

Rules to provide feedback to


Be timely

Be specific

Criticize in private

Make it regular

Prepare your comments

Limit your focus

Provide specific



Key points

Importance and

fundamentals of providing


o Brainstorming on Rules to

provide feedback to


o Research on Importance

and fundamentals of

providing feedback

o Group discussion on rules

to provide feedback to

colleagues, importance and

fundamentals of providing


o Group work on Importance

and fundamentals of

providing feedback

o Presentation on Importance

and fundamentals of

providing feedback

- Reference books

- Internet

- Pictures

- Markers

- Boards

- Flipchart

- Brochures

- Journals

Formative Assessment 1.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

1.4 Efficient communication of feedback to colleagues for future planning.

Resources Learning activities Content

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377 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

proposed Activities:

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Matching exercises

Observation checklist.

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Rules to communicate feedback to colleagues are identified Be timely

Be specific

Criticize in private

Make it regular

Prepare your comments

Limit your focus

Provide specific suggestion

follow-up the key points


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378 | P a g e

LU 2:Plan and organize workflow


Learning Outcomes:

2.1 Assign work depending on the principles of organization 2.2 Assist colleagues and prioritize work 2.3 Provide contribution concerning proper management for staffing needs.

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Assign work depending on the principles of organization

Factors to consider in work



Nature of work

Work environment



Organization principles of

work assignment

Task procedures

Clear Work


Methods to apply

Type of monitoring


Quality product


Working conditions

o Brainstorming on Factors to

consider in work assignment

o Research on factors to

consider in work assignment

and organization principles of

work assignment

o Group discussion on factors to

consider in work assignment

and organization principles of

work assignment

o Group work on organization

principles of work assignment


o Presentation on factors to

consider in work assignment

and organization principles

- Reference books - Internet - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart - Journals

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 393: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

379 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Written evidence

Proposed Activities:

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of factors to consider in work assignment is done


Nature of work

Work environment



Indicator: Organization principles of work assignment are identified

Task procedures

Clear Work instructions

Methods to apply

Type of monitoring applied.

Quality product expected

Working conditions

Performance criterion

2.1 Accurate work assignment following principles of organization.

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380 | P a g e


Learning Outcome 2.2:Assist colleagues and prioritize work

Assistance techniques of


Treat others with respect and


Manage your emotions

Checking your thought


Practicing relaxation


Communicate effectively

Learn to work with other in a


Be responsible for your

assigned role for the team

Make work fun and


Steps of prioritizing

Know what your work is

Break down it down (single

tasks, recurring, projects)

Start by urgent task

o Brainstorming on assistance

techniques of colleagues

o Research on steps of


o Observation on assistance

techniques of colleagues

o Group discussion on steps of

prioritizing and assistance

techniques of colleagues

o Group work on steps of

prioritizing and assistance

techniques of colleagues

o Presentation on benefit on

Steps of prioritizing and

assistance techniques of


o Role play on assistance

techniques of colleagues

- Reference books - Internet - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart -

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

2.2 Efficient assistance of colleagues and prioritization of workload through

supportive feedback in the kitchen section.

Resources Learning activities Content

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381 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Written evidence

proposed Activities:

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of techniques to assist colleagues is done

Treat others with respect and dignity

Manage your emotions

Checking your thought patterns

Practicing relaxation techniques

Communicate effectively

Learn to work with other in a team

Be responsible for your assigned role for the team

Make work fun and rewarding

Indicator: Steps of prioritizing are identified

Know what your work is

Break down it down (single tasks, recurring, projects)

Start by urgent task


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382 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.3: Provide contribution concerning proper management for staffing


Types of staffing needs



Salary payments

Weakness signs of


Loss of highly skilled


Underperforming staff

lack of motivation

Lack of clear


Bad leadership


Lack of reassurance

Importance of contributing

in management for staffing


o Brainstorming on types of

staffing needs

o Research on types of staffing

needs, importance of

contributing in management

for staffing and weakness

signs of management

o Group discussion on types of

staffing needs, importance of

contributing in management

for staffing and weakness

signs of management

o Group work on types of

staffing needs and weakness

signs of management

o Presentation on types of

staffing needs, importance of

contributing in management

for staffing and weakness

signs of management

- Reference books - Internet - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

2.3 Suitable provision of management input regarding staffing needs in the

kitchen section.

Resources Learning activities Content

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383 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Proposed Activities: Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of types of staffing needs to provide contribution for proper management is done.



Salary payments

Indicator: Weakness signs of management are identified

Loss of highly skilled staff

Underperforming staff

Lack of motivation

Lack of clear information

Bad leadership application

Lack of reassurance


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384 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.1: Classify and analyse workplace problems

Categories of workplace problems

for staff:



Culture and ethnics

Racists comments and gestures

Gender diversity




Workplace problems analysis


Prevention measures

Problem solving techniques

o Brainstorming on Categories

of workplace problems

o Research on categories of

workplace problems

o Group discussion on

categories of workplace


o Group work on categories of

workplace problems

o Presentation on categories

of workplace problems

- Reference books - Internet - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Formative Assessment 3.1

LU 3: Solve problems and making decisions


Learning Outcomes:

3.1 Classify and analyze workplace problems 3.2 Apply immediate problems resolution procedures

3.3 Encourage participation in solving problems from team member


Resources Learning activities Content

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385 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Written evidence

proposed Activities: Multiple choice exercises Essay Merging Exercises Matching exercises True or false questioning Sentence completion Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Classification of workplace problems is well done



Culture and ethnics

Racists comments and gestures

Gender diversity




Indicator: Workplace problems are analyzed


Prevention measures

Problem solving techniques


Performance criterion

3.1 Proper classification and analysis of workplace problems basing on the

kitchen section.

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386 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.2: Apply immediate problems resolution procedures

Steps of immediate problem


Identify the problem

Explore the problem

Set goals

Look at alternatives

Select a possible solution

Implement a possible



o Brainstorming Steps of

immediate problem solving

o Research on steps of immediate

problem solving

o Group discussion on steps of

immediate problem solving

o Group work on steps of

immediate problem solving

o Demonstration on steps of

immediate problem solving

o Role play on steps of immediate

problem solving

- Reference books - Internet - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

proposed Activities:

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Observation checklist

Performance criterion

3.2 Relavant application of immediate problems resolution procedures for

making better decision.

Resources Learning activities Content

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387 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Immediate problem solving procedures are applied

Identify the problem

Explore the problem

Set goals

Look at alternatives

Select a possible solution

Implement a possible solution



Learning Outcome 3.3:Encourage participation in solving problems from team member

Factors of problem solving

Type of problem




Types of team

Problem solving approach

Sequences of problem solving;

Identify the issues

Understand everyone’s


List the possible solutions

Evaluate the options

Select an option or options

Document the agreement(s)

Agree on contingencies,

monitoring and evaluation

o Brainstorming on Factors of

problem solving

o Research on factors and

procedures of problem solving

o Group discussion on factors

and procedures of problem


o Group work on categories of

workplace problems and

procedures of problem solving

o Presentation on categories of

workplace problems and

procedures of problem solving

o Role play on procedures of

problem solving

- Reference books - Internet - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Formative Assessment 3.3

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 402: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

388 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Written evidence

Proposed Activities:

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of factors for problem solving is done

Type of problem




Types of team

Problem solving approach

Indicator: Sequences for problem solving are applied

Identify the issues

Understand everyone’s interest

List the possible solutions

Evaluate the options

Select an option or options

Document the agreement(s)

Agree on contingencies, monitoring and evaluation


Performance criterion

3.3 Right encouragement of individual participation in solving problems

according to the kitchen section team.

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389 | P a g e

Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

Madonna Hotel, it is the hotel located at Musanze district/Muhoza/Cyuve which provides food and beverage service and accommodation. Madonna Hotel will host 1 function of 100 guests from University of Rwanda (U.R) but its service is doubtful because nowadays there are complaints of poor products and service delivery caused by kitchen staff conflicts resulted from unfair work assignment. As chef de partie monitor kitchen staff performance accordingly to improve service delivery for this function within 4 hours.


Monitor kitchen staff performance within 5 hours

Assign work efficiently

Create innovative spirit

Solve work problems

Prioritize workload

- Reference pictures

- Brochures

- Mark pens

- Flip charts

- Reference books

- Internet websites

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390 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 1: Quality process

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Workplace operations are well positioned

Receiving and stores


Larder/Garde manger

Hot dishes preparations

Outside catering


Pastry and bakery

Indicator: Workplace problems are well identified

Lack communications

Poor prioritizing, timing, scheduling.

Preventable accidents

Inaccuracies, errors

Spoilage and waste of materials

Customer dissatisfaction

Failure to meet expectations for product quality, cost or service

Inappropriate or poor work methods

Indicator:Causes of workplace problems are identified

Lack of training

Insufficient tools and equipment

Stress and conflict of work style

Lack of motivation

Indicator:problem solving procedures are applied

Identify issue

Understand everyone’s interest

List the possible solutions

Evaluate the options

Select options

Document the agreement

Agree an contingencies, monitoring and evaluation

Indicator:feedback is well communicated according to the rules

Be timely

Be specific

Criticize in private

Make it regular

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391 | P a g e

Prepare your comments

Limit your focus

Provide specific suggestion


Indicator:work is assigned efficiently according depending on organization principles


Nature of work

Work environment




Assesment Criterion 2: Monitoring efficiency

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: team work performance is well monitored.

Task procedures

Clear Work instructions

Methods to apply

Type of monitoring applied.

Quality product expected

Working conditions

Indicator: Assistance is well provided using proper techniques Treat others with respect and dignity

Manage your emotions

Checking your thought patterns

Practicing relaxation techniques

Communicate effectively

Learn to work with other in a team

Be responsible for your assigned role for the team

Make work fun and rewarding

Indicator: Kitchen staff is well motivated and productive with innovation spirit

Give employees a reason to care

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392 | P a g e

Clarify the importance of innovation

Schedule time for brainstorming

Train staff in innovation techniques

Encourage positive change

Challenge the way staff work

Tolerate mistakes

Be supportive

Reward creativity

Act/react on ideas


Assesment Criterion 3: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Time is respected

4 hours

Indicator: Workplace problems is analyzed and solved

kitchen staff conflicts resulted from unfair work assignment are solved


Reference books:

1. Akazi kanoze work readiness, 2. Practical cookery level 3 for VRQ and NVQ) courses

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393 | P a g e


CUAPC501 Apply catering control principles

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 4 40

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary Art

Issue date:November, 2014

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills and knowledge required to identify catering control principles, apply procedures to reduce wastagefor a range of purposes. Moreover, this module will also allow the trainee

to implement catering procedures.

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394 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place Food safety procedures and implementation

Kitchen organization

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Identify catering control principles.

1.1. Relevant discussion and clarify purpose of catering

within staff section.

1.2. Proper identification of specific customer needs,

preference and determine catering requirements.

1.3. Proper selection of dishes according to the guest to

be served

2. Apply procedures to reduce


2.1. Appropriate storage of food to minimize

contamination, wastage, loss and theft.

2.2. Proper selection of tools and equipment for catering

service are required.

2.3. Careful respecting the guidelines of recipes to avoid


2.4. Proper reuse of remaining ingredients.

3. Implement working plan for the

catering procedures.

3.1. Proper making plan of catering provision and

additional products.

3.2. Careful packaging products of catering.

3.3. Appropriate following catering plan for the event

making preparation.

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395 | P a g e

LU 1:Identify catering control principles


Learning Outcomes:

4. 1.1 Describe catering 5. 1.2 Identify customer needs, preferences according to catering

requirements 6. 1.3 Select dishes according to the types of guest

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1: Identify catering control principles

Definition of catering

Catering guidelines:

Service area

Transport mode

Delivery time

Type of the menu

Storage conditions

Cooking methods

Type of customers

Food cost

Importance of catering

services :

Food availability by time

and area needed

Quality food provision

Business for income generation

Types of catering services; Restaurant and hotel

catering services Traditional catering


o Brainstorming on definition of

catering, catering guidelines and

importance of catering services

o Display on types of catering


o Research on catering guidelines

and types of catering services

o Group discussion on types of

catering services and catering


o Group work on types of catering

services and catering guidelines

o Presentation on types of catering

services and catering guidelines

o Study tour on types of catering


- Reference books - Internet - Video aids - Projector - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 410: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

396 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidences

Multiple choice exercises Essay Merging Exercises True or false questioning Sentence completion

camera video Record

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: catering description is described

Catering definition

Indicator: catering guidelines are identified

Service area

Transport mode

Delivery time

Type of the menu

Storage conditions

Cooking methods

Type of customers

Food cost

Indicator: Types of catering services are identified

Restaurant and hotel catering services

Traditional catering services

Indicator: Importance of catering services is considered

Food availability by time and area needed

Quality food provision

Business for income generation


Performance criterion

Relevant discussion and clarify purpose of catering within staffs section.

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397 | P a g e

Learning Outcome1.2:Identify customer needs, preferences according to catering


Strategies for identifying

customer needs and



Customer Feedback

Social Media


Customer Relationship


o Brainstorming on strategies for

identifying customer needs and


o Observation on strategies for

identifying customer needs and


o Research on strategies for

identifying customer needs and


o Group discussion on strategies

for identifying customer needs

and preferences

o Group work on strategies for

identifying customer needs and


o Presentation on strategies for

identifying customer needs and


o Role play on strategies for

identifying customer needs and


- Reference books - Internet - Video aids - Projector - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper identification of specific customer needs, preference and determine

Catering requirements.

Resources Learning activities Content

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398 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Observation check list

camera video Record

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of strategies for identifying customer needs is identified


Customer Feedback

Social Media


Customer Relationship Management


Learning Outcome 1.3: Select dishes according to the types of guest

Catering considerations when

planning menu for guest;

Know Your Guest


Know Your Guest


Provide Menu Choices

Incorporate Seasonal

and Fresh Items

Select a Menu that Fits

the Event Schedule

Anticipate Special


o Brainstorming on catering

considerations when

planning menu for guest

o Research on catering

considerations when

planning menu for guest

o Group discussion on

catering considerations

when planning menu for


o Group work on catering

considerations when

planning menu for guest

- Reference books - Internet - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 413: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

399 | P a g e

Allow for a

Comfortable Room


Create Ethnic or

Regional Menus


se, French, German,

Greek, Italian, Mexican


Consider the Final

Presentation of dishes

o Presentation on catering

considerations when

planning menu for guest

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice exercises Essay Merging Exercises True or false questioning Sentence completion Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Proper selection of dishes according to the guest to be served

Page 414: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

400 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Description of catering considerations when planning guest menu is described

Know Your Guest Profile

Know Your Guest Preferences

Provide Menu Choices

Incorporate Seasonal and Fresh Items

Select a Menu that Fits the Event Schedule

Anticipate Special Needs

Allow for a Comfortable Room Setup

Create Ethnic or Regional Menus

(Asian/Chinese/Japanese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Mexican )

Consider the Final Presentation of dishes


Page 415: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

401 | P a g e

LU 2:Apply procedures to reduce wastage


Learning Outcomes:

2.1 Minimize food wastage and contamination 2.2 Select catering service tools and equipment 2.3 Apply recipe guidelines to reduce wastage 2.4 Reuse remaining ingredients


Learning Outcome 2.1: Minimize food wastage and contamination

Introduction to food contamination ways in which food can

be contaminated symptoms of food

poisoning define food spoilage kinds of high risk and

low risk foods Define cross

contamination and the do’s and don’ts around it.

Ways for protecting food from wastage and contamination; Correct food handling

rules Correct storage

temperature Correct cooking

temperature Safe food shops and


o Brainstorming to food contamination and ways for protecting food from wastage

o Display on ways for protecting food from wastage and contamination

o Demonstration on ways for protecting food from wastage and contamination

o Research on ways for protecting food from wastage and contamination

o Group discussion on protecting food from wastage and contamination

o Group work on protecting food from wastage and contamination

o Practical exercises on protecting food from wastage and contamination

o Presentation on protecting food from wastage and contamination

- Food items - Reference books - Internet - Video aids - Projector - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 416: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

402 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Performance Evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Observation checklist

Integrated situation

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Introduction to food contamination is introduced

ways in which food can be contaminated

symptoms of food poisoning

definition food spoilage

types of high risk and low risk foods

Definition of cross contamination

ways in which food can be contaminated

Indicator:Storage of food to protect wastage and contamination is applied

Correct food handling rules

Correct storage temperature

Correct cooking temperature

Safe food shops and stores


Performance criterion

Appropriate storage of food to minimize contamination, wastage, loss and theft

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403 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.2:Select catering service tools and equipment

Types of tools and equipment for catering service;

Food carriers Fountains Place card holders Banquet holding cabinets Beverage dispensers Disposable plastics Steamwares

o Brainstorming types of tools and equipment for catering service

o Display on types of tools and equipment for catering service

o Research on types of tools and equipment for catering service

o Group discussion on types of tools and equipment for catering service

o Group work on selecting tools and equipment for catering service

o Presentation on types of tools and equipment for catering service

- Tools and equipment for catering service

- Reference books - Internet - Video aids - Projector - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Written evidence

Integrated situation

Observation checklist

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Proper selection of tools and equipment for catering service are required.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 418: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

404 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Selection of tools and equipment for catering services is done

Food carriers


Place card holders

Banquet holding cabinets

Beverage dispensers

Disposable plastic stemware


Learning Outcome 2.3:Apply recipe guidelines to reduce wastage

Recipe guidelines depending on the recipe name: Ingredient

measurements Portioning standards Preparation Cooking Presentation

o Brainstorming on recipe guidelines

o Research on recipe guidelines o Demonstration and

observation on recipe guidelines

o Group discussion on recipe guidelines

o Presentation on recipe guidelines

o Group work on application of recipe guidelines

o Practical exercises on application of recipe guidelines

- Reference books - Internet - Video aids - Projector - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart - Ingredients - Tools and equipment

Formative Assessment 2.3

Performance criterion

Careful respecting the guidelines of recipes to avoid wastage.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 419: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

405 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /task

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Respect of recipe guidelines is done

Ingredient measurements

Portioning standards





Learning Outcome 2.4: Reuse remaining ingredients

Preparation methods of remaining ingredients according to the type of dishes: For hot dishes (baking,

boiling, steaming, frying, roasting and smoking)

For cold dishes (thawing, defrosting, peeling, cooling)

o Brainstorming on preparation methods of remaining ingredients

o Demonstration and observation on preparation methods of remaining ingredients

o Research on preparation methods of remaining ingredients

o Group discussion on

- Reference books - Internet - Video aids - Projector - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart - Remaining ingredients - Tools and equipment

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 420: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

406 | P a g e

preparation methods of remaining ingredients

o Group work on preparation methods of remaining ingredients

o Practical exercises on preparation methods of remaining ingredients

o Presentation on preparation methods of remaining ingredients

o Individual practice on preparation methods of remaining ingredients

Formative Assessment 2.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Integrated situation

Observation checklist/task

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Proper reuse of remaining ingredients.

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407 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Reuse remaining ingredient of hot dishes is respected







Indicator :Reuse remaining ingredients of cold dishes is respected






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408 | P a g e

LU 3:Implement working plan for the catering procedures


Learning Outcomes:

3.1 Plan catering provision and additional products 3.2 Pack catering products 3.3 Plan catering event

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1:Plan catering provision and additional products

Catering service supplies

Catering Objectives Provide a high quality

catering service, Aid your recovery with

nutritionally healthy meals, cooked in the traditional way

Provide a service that caters for all appetites and dietary requirements

Provide an appetizing and varied menu

Deliver your exact meal requirements within the specified delivery time at the appropriate temperature

Factors considered in planning products addition; Speed with which the

product is sold; Quantities that can be


o Brainstorming on catering service supplies and catering Objectives

o Observation on catering service supplies

o Research on catering service supplies, factors considered in planning products addition

o Group discussion on catering Objectives, catering service supplies and factors considered in planning products addition

o Presentation on catering Objectives, catering service supplies and factors considered in planning products addition

o Study tour on catering service supplies

- Reference books

- Internet

- Projector

- Catering supplies

- Pictures

- Markers

- Boards

- Flipchart

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 423: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

409 | P a g e

Range of products to be


The strength of the manufacturer

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Description of catering Objectives is considered

Provide a high-quality catering service

Aid your recovery with nutritionally healthy meals, cooked in the traditional way

Provide a service that caters for all appetites and dietary requirements

Provide an appetizing and varied menu

Deliver your exact meal requirements

within the specified delivery time at the appropriate temperature


Performance criterion

Proper making plan of catering provision and additional products.

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410 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.2:Pack catering products

Packages of supplies Paper bags Plastic carry bags Take away packages Wrappers ( plastic

wrap, aluminium foil )

Functions of products; Physical protection Barrier protection Containment or

agglomeration Information

transmission Marketing Security Convenience Portion control

o Brainstorming on packaging supplies and functions of products

o Observation on packaging supplies

o Research on packaging supplies and functions of products

o Group discussion on packaging supplies and functions of products

o Presentation on packaging supplies and functions of products

o Study tour on packaging supplies

- Reference books - Internet - Projector - Packaging supplies - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Careful packaging products of catering

Resources Learning activities Content

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411 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice exercises


Merging Exercises

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Integrated situation /task

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Use of packaging of supplies is done

Paper bags

Plastic carry bags

Take away food packaging

Wrappers (

Indicator: Functions of products determination is considered

Physical protection

Barrier protection

Containment or agglomeration

Information transmission




Portion control


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412 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.3:Plan catering event

Types of catering events;

Wedding catering

Corporate catering

Social events catering

Concession catering

Tips to consider before planning


Know your guest count

Decide on your delivery


How do you want to

enhance your event

Know your budget before

you order

o Brainstorming on types of

catering events

o Observation on types of

catering events

o Research on tips to consider

before planning events and

types of catering events

o Group discussion on tips to

consider before planning

events and types of catering


o Presentation on tips to

consider before planning

events and types of catering


o Study tour on types of catering


- Reference books - Internet - Projector - Packaging supplies - Pictures - Markers - Boards - Flipchart

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Product evidence

Performance evidence



Sentence completion

Multiple choice

Observation check list

Integrated situation /task

Performance criterion

Appropriate preparation of a catering plan for an event.

Resources Learning activities Content

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413 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Description of types of catering events is described

Wedding catering

Corporate catering

Social events catering

Concession catering

Indicator: Different tips to consider for planning events is respected

Know your guest count

Decide on your delivery method

Know how do you want to enhance your event

Know your budget before you order


Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

Last year MADINA convention ended with complaints of participants because of bad organization and insufficient food deliveries especially for breaks fast. Monday next week, the companies have been chosen by RDB to cater for a 400 participant’s Madina convention meeting, which will take place at RDB headquarters auditorium. This event catering execution requires a technical schedule document specifying the full plan and execution of the catering event, as a graduate prepare full plan catering control within one day, waste reduction and management for all breads leftovers within two days, and the catering procedures which will be applied in order for this time to get expected customer satisfaction within one day.

- kitchen Tools and equipment - Papers - Pen - Pencils - Computer - Breads - Packaging - Wrappers - printer

Page 428: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

414 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 1: Quality of hygiene Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Personal hygiene is maintained

Finger nails are cut

Hands are washed

Uniform is clean

Indicator: Working surface is clean and sanitized

Using clean water




Assesment Criterion 2: Quality of catering Process

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identify customer needs, preferences according to catering requirement is identified


Customer Feedback reports

Social Media messages


Customer Relationship Management

Indicator: Select dishes according to the types of guest is done

Knowledge of the Guest Profile

Information about Guest Preferences

Menu Choices proposals

Incorporation of Seasonal and Fresh Items

Proposal of a Menu that Fits the Event Schedule

Anticipation on Special Needs

Create Ethnic or Regional Menus (Asian/Chinese/Japanese, French,

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415 | P a g e

German, Greek, Italian, Mexican )

Plan for a Final Presentation of dishes

Indicator: Plan for a catering event is applicated: Provide a high quality catering service type,

Provide a service that caters for all appetites and dietary requirements

Provide an appetizing and varied menu

Include in a menu with dishes cooked in the traditional way.

Specify delivery time with the appropriate food temperature.

Indicator :Recipe guidelines to reduce wastage respected

Ingredient measurements

Portioning standards


Cooking methods


Ingredient measurements


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416 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 3: Quality of planned catering

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Plan for a specific catering service type is done

Wedding catering

Corporate catering

Social events catering

Concession catering

Indicator: Respect of key points of catering type is respected

Delivery time

Sitting set up ( class, U shape, two sides,

Food service type ( plating, self service)

Beverages service type ( soft, alcohol, hot beverages, wine, spirits )


Assesment Criterion 4: Safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Knowledge about food contamination is considered

Ways in which food can be contaminated

Symptoms of food poisoning

Cases of food spoilage

High risk and low risk foods

Types of cross contamination

Indicator: Ways for protecting food from wastage and contamination is respected

Correct food handling rules

Correct storage temperature

Correct cooking temperature

Safe food shops and stores


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417 | P a g e

Assessment Criterion 5: Relevance

Assessment Criterion 6: Perfection marks

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Creativities and innovation principles of catering control is respected

Creativities in principles of catering control

Innovations in principles of catering control


Assessment Criterion 5: Passing line < 80% Reference books: - Professional Cookery, 2nd Edition, Level 2 Diploma, Pam Rabone, Holly Bamunuge; Trevor Eeles,

Mark Furr ShyamPatior, Dereick Rushton, Sue J Wood with Len Unwin; First edition 2007, this

Edition 2010

- Professional cooking (seventh edition), WAYNE GISSLEN, 2011

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Principles of catering control is respected Respecting time

Prepared all principles of catering control


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418 | P a g e


CUASC501 Control and order stocks

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 5 50

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary arts

Issue date: November, 2014

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills and knowledge required to maintain stock levels and records, process

stock orders, minimize stock losses, and pursues orders for a range of purposes. Moreover this module

will also allow the trainee to minimize losses and ordering stock.

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419 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Food safety procedures implementation

Principles of catering control

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Maintain stock level and record.

1.1. Proper use of stock control systems and equipment

is done to administer all stock control and ordering


1.2. Accurate identification of stock levels is made to

meet organizational requirements.

1.3. Appropriate stock security and adjustment

procedures are made to maintain standard stock


1.4. Proper recording reports of stock levels

according to organizational procedures.

1.5. Accurate stock report creation is performed


1.6. Proper correct and adjustment of stock reorder

cycles is made to maintain stock security.

2. Process stock orders

2.1. Proper identification ofstock orders is made

according to the organizational procedures.

2.2. Appropriate application of organizational strategies

for stock ordering made according to the institution.

2.3. Efficient performance and record of incoming stock

is made against purchase and supply agreements.

3. Minimize stock losses

3.1 Regularly check-up of the storage arrangement is

made to ensure the stock protection.

3.2 Precise recording and reporting of stock losses is

made to avoid the future stock management failure.

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420 | P a g e

3.3 Regular establishment of avoidable losses along with

reasons is done to avoid stock losses.

3.4 Precise application of implementation procedures for

stock loss prevention is made to maintain the positive

future stock solutions.

4. Pursue orders 4.1 Proper deliveries of stock to ensure agreed deadlines.

4.2 Appropriate suppliers to ensure continuity of supply.

4.3 Correct routine supply problems or refer to

appropriate person for action.

4.4 Proper distribution of stock within the organisation

according to required allocations.

5. Organize and administer stock


5.1 Systematic identification and maintenance of stock

takes is made following appropriate intervals.

5.2 Suitable coordination of stocktaking responsibilities is

maintained for betterstaff supervision within the

stock take operations.

5.3 Accurate reporting of stock takes is made within

designated timelines.

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421 | P a g e

LU 1:Maintain stock level and record


Learning Outcomes:

1.1 Use stock control systems and equipment 1.2 Maintain stock levels 1.3 Maintain stock security 1.4 Record reports of stock levels 1.5 Report fast/ slow selling items. 1.6 Maintain stock reorder cycles.

7 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1:Use stock control systems and equipment

Definition of stock control

Identification of tools and

equipment for stock control


Accounting tools

Recording tools

Storage equipment

Types of Stock:

Raw materials and


Work in progress(tool

and unfinished goods in


Finished goods ready for


Consumables (fuel and


Types of stock control


o Research on identification of

tools and equipment for stock

control systems, definition, types

of stock control systems and

types of stock

o Brainstorming on types of stock

control systems, types of Stock

and definition of stock control

o Group discussion on

identification of tools and

equipment for stock control

systems, types of stock control

systems and types of stock

o Presentation on identification of

tools and equipment for stock

control systems, types of stock

control systems and types of


o Individual on identification of

- Reference books and journals

- Flip Chart - Boards - Dusters - Markers - Internet

- Pictures

- Tools and equipment

- Projector

Resources Learning activities Content

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422 | P a g e

Track stock system levels

Make orders

Issue stock

Stock cards

Stock tags

tools and equipment for stock

control systems, types of stock

control systems and types of


o Group work on types of stock

control systems and types of


Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Written evidence

Matching Exercises

Sentence completion


True or false

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of tools and equipment for stock control systems

Accounting tools

Recording tools

Storage equipment

Indicator: Identification of types of stock

Raw materials and components

Work in progress(tool and unfinished goods in production)

Finished goods ready for sales

Consumables (fuel and station)

Raw materials and components

Work in progress(tool and unfinished goods in production)

Finished goods ready for sales

Consumables (fuel and station)

Identification of stock control systems:

Track stock system levels

Performance criterion

1.1. Proper use of stock control systems and equipment is done to administer

all stock control and ordering processes.

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423 | P a g e

Make orders

Issue stock

Stock cards

Stock tags


Learning Outcome1.2:Identify stock levels

Stock control procedures:



Measuring and


Types of stock levels

Maximum stock level

Minimum stock level

Low stock level

o Research on stock control

procedures and types of stock


o Brainstorming on stock control

procedures and types of stock


o Demonstration and observation

on stock control procedures

o Group discussion on stock

control procedures and types of

stock levels

o Individual exercises on stock

control procedures and types of

stock levels

o Presentation on stock control

procedures and types of stock


- Reference books - Internet - Video aids - Pictures - Flip chart - Boards - Markers - Chalk - Projector

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Accurate identification of stock levels is made to meet organizational


Resources Learning activities Content

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424 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Written evidence

True or false questioning Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: identification of Stock control procedures:



Measuring and


Indicator: Identification of stock levels

Maximum stock level

Minimum stock level

Low stock level


Learning Outcome 1.3: Secure stock

Factors to be considered for

ensuring stock security:

Crop production (pest

drought, etc…)


export or import)

Food prices(large, sudden

price rises)


Health (infectious diseases,

for example. Resulting in

labour productivity decline)

Politics and policy failure

o Research on factors to be

considered for ensuring stock

security, keeping systems of

stock records, stock control


o Demonstration on maintain

stock security

o Brainstorming on factors to be

considered for security of stock

and stock control methods

o Group discussion on factors to

be considered for ensuring

stock security, keeping systems

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Boards - Markers - Pictures - Chalks - Stock security tools - Supplies - records files

Resources Learning activities Content

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425 | P a g e

Adequate space


Stock Keeping systems

Stock control methods:

Reorder lead-time

Economic order quantity

Batch control

First in-first out

of stock records, stock control


o Individual practice on maintain

stock security

o Presentation of stock security

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Sentence completion Observation checklist True or false Matching exercises Problem solving

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Applying stock control methods:

Reorder lead-time

Economic order quantity

Batch control

First in-first out

Indicator: Factors to be considered for ensuring stock security:

Crop production (pest drought, etc…)

Agriculture(disruption of export or import)

Food prices(large, sudden price rises)


Health (infectious diseases, for example. Resulting in labour productivity decline)

Politics and policy failure

Performance criterion

1.2. Appropriate stock security and adjustment procedures are made to

maintain standard stock levels.

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426 | P a g e

Adequate space



Learning Outcome 1.4: Record stock reports

Documents used in store

control recording:

Bin card

The store ledger sheet

Departmental requisition


Order book

Stock sheet

Classification of records of

stock outgoing:

Issue stock internally

Return stock to supplier

Issue stock free of change

Write off a stock items

Types of standard reports


Status report

Stock listing

Details of traceable items

Details analysis of


Stock takes

o Research on types of producing

standard reports, classification

of records of stock outgoing

and documents used in store

control recording

o Brainstorming on types of

producing standard reports,

classification of records of stock

outgoing and documents used

in store control recording

o Display documents used in

store control recording and

types of producing standard


o Group discussion on types of

producing standard reports,

classification of records of stock

outgoing and documents used

in store control recording

o Presentation on types of

producing standard reports,

classification of records of stock

outgoing and documents used

in store control recording

- Video aids - Reference books - Internet - Boards - Markers - Pictures - Chalks - Report files - Record files

Formative Assessment 1.4

Resources Learning activities Content

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427 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice exercises True or false Sentence completion Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: identification of standard reports production:

Status report

Stock listing

Details of traceable items

Details analysis of transactions

Stock takes

Indicator: Identification of documents used in stock control records

Bin card

The store ledger sheet

Departmental requisition book

Order book

Stock sheet

Indicator: Classification of record for outgoing stock:

Issue stock internally

Return stock to supplier

Issue stock free of change

Write off a stock items

Indicator: Production of standard reports:

Status report

Stock listing

Details of traceable items

Details analysis of transactions

Performance criterion

Proper recording reports of stock levels according to organizational


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428 | P a g e


Learning Outcome 1.5:Create stock report.

Classification of stock in

terms of movement:

Fast moving

Slow moving



Main parts of stock report:

o Research on Classification of

stock in terms of movement

o Brainstorming on Classification

of stock in terms of movement

o Group discussion on

Classification of stock in terms

of movement

o Individual

exercisesonclassification of

stock in terms of movement

o Presentation on classification of

stock in terms of movement

- Video aids - Reference books - Internet - Boards - Markers - Pictures - Report files

Formative Assessment 1.5

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Written evidence

Sentence completion Observation checklist True or false Matching exercises Problem resolving

Performance criterion

Accurate stock report creation is performed successfully.

Resources Learning activities Content

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429 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Creation and classification of stock in terms movement

Fast moving

Slow moving




Learning Outcome 1.6:Maintain stock reorder cycles.

Definition of stock reorder

The main factors that

influence the stock reorder


Lead-time between

ordering the material and

its delivery from the


Rate of usage.

Allowance for fluctuations

in supply or demand.

When the stock is paid for.

Type of stock it is.

o Research on definition of stock

reorder, the main factors that

influence the stock reorder cycle

o Research on definition of stock

reorder, the main factors that

influence the stock reorder cycle

o Brainstorming on definition of stock

reorder, the main factors that

influence the stock reorder cycle

o Group discussion on definition of

stock reorder, the main factors that

influence the stock reorder cycle

o Individual exercise on definition of

stock reorder, the main factors that

influence the stock reorder cycle

o Presentation on definition of stock

reorder, the main factors that

influence the stock reorder cycle

- Video aids - Reference books - Internet - Boards - Markers - Flip chart - Chalks

Resources Learning activities Content

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430 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 1.6

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Written evidence

Multiple choice exercises True or false questioning Essay Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: identification of factors that influence the reorder cycle identification:

Lead-time between ordering the material and its delivery from the supplier.

Rate of usage.

Allowance for fluctuations in supply or demand.

When the stock is paid for.

Type of stock provided.


Performance criterion

1.6 Proper correction and adjustment of stock reorder cycles is made to maintain

stock security.

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431 | P a g e

LU 2:Process stock orders


Learning Outcomes:

2.1 Identify stock ordering responsibilities 2.2 Apply organizational strategies for stock ordering 2.3 Record incoming stock against purchase and supply agreements

10 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Identify stock ordering responsibilities

Duties and tasks for stock


Obtain customers' names,

addresses, and billing

information, product

numbers, and

specifications of items to

be purchased, and enter

this information on order


Prepare invoices.

Inform customers by mail

or telephone of order


Receive and respond to

customer complaints.

Verify customer and order

information for


Direct specified


o Brainstorming on duties and

tasks for stock ordering

o Research on duties and tasks

for stock ordering

o Brainstorming on duties and

tasks for stock ordering

o Group work on duties and

tasks for stock ordering

o Individual exercises on

duties and tasks for stock


o Presentation on duties and

tasks for stock ordering

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Telephone

- Calculator

- Markers

- Flip chart

- Boards


Resources Learning activities Content

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432 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Oral evidence

Written evidence

Multiple choice

True or false questions


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of responsibilities for stock ordering;

Obtain customers' names, addresses, and billing information, product

numbers, and specifications of items to be purchased, and enter this

information on order forms

Prepare invoices.

Inform customers by mail or telephone of order information

Receive and respond to customer complaints.

Verify customer and order information for correctness

Direct specified departments


Performance criterion

Proper identification of stock orders is made according to the organizational


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433 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.2:Apply organizational strategies for stock ordering

Factors for setting goals

Sales process

Keys value point

Focus of effort

Order stock organizational


Inventory positioning

Buffer profile and levels

Dynamic adjustment

Demand driven planning

Highly visible and

collaborative execution

o Research on factors for setting

goals and order stock

organizational strategies

o Brainstorming on factors for

setting goals and order stock

organizational strategies

o Group discussion on factors

for setting goals and order

stock organizational strategies

o Individual exercises on factors

for setting goals and order

stock organizational strategies

o Presentation on factors for

setting goals and order stock

organizational strategies

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Supplies

- Markers

- Boards

- Flip chart

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Matching Exercises

Sentence completion

Essay questions

True or false

Performance criterion

Appropriate application of organizational strategies for stock ordering made

according to the institution.

Resources Learning activities Content

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434 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Duties and tasks for stock ordering considerations

Adequate food

Access food

Obtain customers' names, addresses, and billing information, product numbers, and specifications of items to be purchased, and enter this information on order forms

Prepare invoices

Inform customers by mail or telephone of order information

Receive and respond to customer complaints

Verify customer and order. Information for correctness

Direct specified departments


Learning Outcome 2.3:Record incoming stock against purchase and supply agreements

Supply agreements;

Negotiation and buying

Means of transportation

Ways of transportation

Terms of payment


Follow-up and auditing

Tasks to follow when

recording an incoming stock;

Requisition supplies from

stock and send orders to

production departments and

other firms

Confirm completion of

orders and compliance with

specified details

Receive and check purchase

requests against inventory

o Research on tasks to follow

when recording an incoming

stock and supply agreements

o Brainstorming on tasks to

follow when recording an

incoming stock and supply


o Demonstration on tasks to

record an incoming stock

o Practical exercises on tasks to

record an incoming stock

o Group discussion on tasks to

follow when recording an

incoming stock and supply


o Presentation on tasks to

record an incoming stock

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Markers

- Supplies

- Boards

- Flipchart

- Dusters

- Document records

Resources Learning activities Content

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435 | P a g e

records and stock on hand

Examine orders and compile

data for production


Check inventories and

prepare delivery schedules

Investigate and identify

supply sources and prepare

and process purchase orders

Count incoming stock and

reconcile it with requisitions

Update inventory and stock

location records an incoming


Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice


Sentence completion

True or false

Problem resolving

Performance criterion

Efficient performance and record of incoming stock is made against purchase

and supply agreements.

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436 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Identification of supply agreement

Negotiation and buying

Means of transportation

Ways of transportation

Terms of payment


Follow-up and auditing

Indicator:Tasks to follow when recording an incoming stock identification:

Requisition supplies from stock and send orders to production departments and other firms

Confirm completion of orders and compliance with specified details

Receive and check purchase requests against inventory records and stock on hand

Examine orders and compile data for production schedules

Check inventories and prepare delivery schedules

Investigate and identify

Supply sources and prepare and process purchase orders

Count incoming stock and reconcile it with requisitions

Update inventory and stock location records an incoming stock;


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437 | P a g e

LU 3: Minimize stock losses


Learning Outcomes:

3.1 Arrange the store for protection 3.2 Record reports of stock losses 3.3 Establish reasons for avoidable losses 3.4 Maintain solutions and implement prevention procedures

for stock losses.

8 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Arrange the store for protection

Tips and guidelines that will

guide a good storage;


Create an inventory list of all items.

Protection of items Label boxes or

containers on all sides. Consider clear plastic

tips containers. Do not store any toxins

or flammables. Do not store any food

items. Always secure a

contents protection program.


Apply furniture oil to wooden pieces before storing for added

o Research on tips and guidelines

that will guide a good storage

o Brainstorming on tips and

guidelines that will guide a

good storage

o Demonstration on tips and

guidelines that will guide a

good storage

o Practical exercises on tips and

guidelines that will guide a

good storage

o Demonstration and

observation on Checking the

storage of stock

o Group discussion on tips and

guidelines that will guide a

good storage

o Group work on tips and

guidelines that will help for a

good storage

- Tools and equipment

- Internet

- Supplies

- Videos aids

- Reference books

- Markers

- Boards

- Projector

- Flip chart

Resources Learning activities Content

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438 | P a g e

protection. Disassemble larger

items Put all hardware in

bags and label accordingly.

Use paper pads when stacking furniture to prevent scratching.


Original boxes for electronics are best.

Label corresponding cords and components by using color coded stickers.


Clean appliances well prior to storing.

Leave doors opened slightly, to prevent mildew.

Pictures and Mirrors

Wrap pictures that are small and stand them on end in boxes.

For larger ones, buy special picture moving boxes.

Always store mirrors or framed pieces on end, not flat.

Crystal, China, and


Buy boxes designed for this with dividers.

Wrap each item with paper or foam.

Label these boxes as fragile.

Clothing, Curtains, Drapes

Use special wardrobe

o Presentation on Checking the

storage of stock

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439 | P a g e

boxes or garment bags to hang items.

Hang items on non-rusting hangers.

Dresser drawers can be used to save space for storing smaller items.

If storing wool item

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice


Sentence completion

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Guiding tips for checking storage:

General tips

Tips on Furniture

Tips on electronic

Tips on appliances

Tips on pictures and Mirrors

Tips on crystal, China, and Tips on glassware

Tips on clothing, Curtains, Drapes


Performance criterion

Regularly check-up of the storage arrangement is made to ensure the stock


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440 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.2: Record reports of stock losses

Types of stock losses;

Long term stock loss

Short term stock


Steps considered in

reporting stock


Step 1

Short-term losses occur when you sell a stock you held for one year or less. Long-term losses occur when you sell a stock you held for more than one year.

Step 2

You must report the name of the stock, the date you acquired it, the date you sold it, the amount you received when you sold the stock, and the amount you paid for the stock, also known as your basis

Step 3

Combine your stock loss

Step 4

Enter the loss on the appropriate line based on whether it is short-term or long-term

o Research on reasons, types

and steps of stock losses

o Brainstorming on reasons,

types and steps of stock


o Display on record reports

o Group discussions on

reasons, types and steps of

stock losses

o Group work on reasons,

types and steps of stock


o Individual exercises on

reasons, types and steps of

stock losses

o Presentation on reasons,

types and steps of stock


- Video aids

- Internet

- Reference books

- Boards

- Marks

- Flip chart

- Projector

- Record files

Resources Learning activities Content

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441 | P a g e

Step 5

Calculate your net


Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Types of stock losses identification:

Long term stock loss

Short term stock loss



Performance criterion

Precise recording and reporting of stock losses is made to avoid the future

stock management failure.

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442 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.3: Establish reasons for avoidable losses

Reasons that cause stock losses

Making errors

Failing to include additional


Claiming too many

charitable donations

Reporting too many losses

Claiming too many business


Claiming a home office


Misuse of nice, neat, round


o Research on reasons that

causes stock losses

o Brainstorming on reasons that

causes stock losses

o Group discussions on reasons

that causes stock losses

o Group work on reasons that

causes stock losses

o Individual exercises on reasons

that causes stock losses

o Presentation on reasons that

causes stock losses

- Video aids

- Internet

- Reference books

- Boards

- Marks

- Flip chart

- Projector

- Record files

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice Essay

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Identification of reasons that cause losses:

Failing to include additional income

Claiming too many

Charitable donations

Performance criterion

3.3 Regular establishment of avoidable losses along with reasons is done to

avoid stock losses.

Resources Learning activities Content

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443 | P a g e

Reporting too many losses

Claiming too many business expenses

Claiming a home office deduction

Misuse ofnice, neat, round numbers


Learning Outcome 3.4: Maintain solutions and implement prevention procedures for stock


Define loss prevention

Loss prevention procedures

of stock losses;

Articles of high value

Prompt attentions

Inspection for empty box

Frequent inventories of


Legitimate purchases

o Research on definition of loss


o Research on procedures of

preventing stock losses

o Brainstorming on procedures of

preventing stock losses

o Presentation on procedures of

preventing stock losses

o Practical exercises on

procedures of preventing stock


o Group work on procedures of

preventing stock losses

- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Markers

- Boards

- Chalks

- Flip chart

Formative Assessment 3.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Precise application of implementation procedures for stock loss prevention is

made to maintain the positive future stock solutions.

Resources Learning activities Content

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444 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice

Calculation question


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Loss prevention procedures of stock losses identification:

Articles of high value

Prompt attentions

Inspection for empty box

Frequent inventories of expensive

Legitimate purchases


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445 | P a g e

LU 4: Pursue orders


Learning Outcomes:

1. Deliver stock to ensure agreed deadlines. 2. Identify suppliers to ensure the continuity of supply 3. Identifysupply problems to avoid routine supply issues. 4. Distribute stock within the organization

15 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1:Deliver stock ensuring agreed deadlines.

Definition of stock delivering

Guidance for taking delivery

of goods:

Purchase orders

Taking delivery

Damaged goods

Quantity Discrepancies

Incorrect goods

Commissioning and



Storing deliveries

o Research on guidance for

taking delivery of goods

o Brainstorming on guidance for

taking delivery of goods

o Group discussion on guidance

for taking delivery of goods and

definition of stock delivering

o Group work on guidance for

taking delivery of goods

o Presentation definition of stock

delivering and guidance for

taking delivery of goods

- Internet - Videos aids - Reference books - Projectors - Boards - Markers - Flipcharts - Stock documents

Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Efficient delivery of stock is done to ensure agreements related to deadlines.

Resources Learning activities Content

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446 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice

Essay questions

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator Guidance for taking delivery of goods;

Purchase orders

Taking delivery

Damaged goods

Quantity Discrepancies

Incorrect goods

Commissioning and installation


Storing deliveries


Learning Outcome 4.2:Identify suppliers to ensure the continuity of supply

Factors in identifying


Escalation plan


Recovery plan

Communication plan

o Research on factors in identifying


o Brainstorming on factors in

identifying suppliers

o Group discussions on factors in

identifying suppliers

o Individual exercises on factors in

identifying suppliers

o Presentation on factors in

identifying suppliers

- Video aids - Internet - reference books - Boards - Markers - Flip chart

Resources Learning activities Content

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447 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice

Essay question

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator Identification factors in identifying suppliers;

Escalation plan


Recovery plan

Communication Plan


Performance criterion

Appropriate identification of suppliers is made to ensure continuity of supply.

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448 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 4.3:Identify supply problems to avoid routine supply issues.

Tips for mitigating problems

with suppliers

Production capacity


between customer and


Your tools and systems

Shared planning between

supplier and buyer

Planning for reductions in


Personnel turnover

Production risks and issues

Continuous improvement

Formal capacity planning


Learning from lessons when

things go wrong

o Research on tips for mitigating

problems with suppliers

o Brainstorming on tips for

mitigating problems with


o Group work on tips for

mitigating problems with


o Individual work on tips for

mitigating problems with


o Presentation on tips for

mitigating problems with


- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Flip chart - Markers - Boards - Project

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance criterion

Efficient identification of supplying problems is made to avoid routine

supply issues.

Resources Learning activities Content

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449 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

IndicatorTips for mitigating problems with Suppliers;

Production capacity

Miscommunication between customer and supplier

Miscommunication between Your tools and Systems

Shared planning between supplier and buyer

Planning for reductions in requirement

Personnel turnover

Production risks and issues

Continuous improvement

Formal capacity planning program

Learning from lessons when things go wrong


Learning Outcome 4.4:Distribute stock within the organization

Stock distribution factors;

Storage locations

Storage containers


Storage volume



Distribution center


Distribution center


Simple distribution center



o Research on stock distribution


o Brainstorming on stock

distribution factors

o Group work on stock

distribution factors

o Group discussion on stock

distribution factors

o Individual exercises on stock

distribution factors

o Presentation on stock

distribution factors

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Flip chart - Markers - Boards

Formative Assessment 4.4

Resources Learning activities Content

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450 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence Multiple choice exercises

Checklist Score

Yes No

IndicatorStock distribution factors identification:;

Storage locations

Storage containers


Storage volume



Distribution center organization

Distribution center planning

Simple distribution center outline


Performance criterion

Proper distribution of stock is carried out within the organization according to

the required allocations.

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451 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 5.1:Maintain stocktaking.

Definition of stock taking

Stock taking principles: The amount in the stores

The amount issued to

whom and when

The amount bellow which

stock should not fall

Tools for the stock take Clipboards

Stock sheets

Write-off sheets

Pens, in different colors


Hand held scanners for bar-

coded inventory

Steps to successful


Clearly identify what stock

is owned by the business

and where it is.

o Brainstorming on definition of

stock take

o Research on definition of stock

taking, stock taking principles,

tools for the stock take, steps

to successful stocktaking

o Brainstorming on definition of

stock taking, stock taking

principles, tools for the stock

take, steps to successful


o Group discussion on definition

of stock taking, stock taking

principles, tools for the stock

take, steps to successful


o Individual exercises on

definition of stock taking, stock

taking principles, tools for the

stock take, steps to successful


o Presentation on definition of

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Journals - Flip chart - Markers - Boards - Stock taking tools

LU 5: Organize and administer stock takes


Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify and maintain stocktaking 2. Coordinate and supervise staff with their responsibilities 3. Report stock-takes within designated timelines.

10 Hours

Resources Learning activities Content

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452 | P a g e

Ensure the stock room is

clean and tidy and

inventory items are clearly

laid out.

Tools for the stock take

Discourage radios, mobile

phones, ipods and idle


Count every item of your

inventory, don’t estimate.

Check the physical count

against accounting records

and recheck discrepancies.

Definition of stock delivering

Guidance for taking delivery

of goods:

Purchase orders

Taking delivery

Damaged goods

Quantity Discrepancies

Incorrect goods

Commissioning and



Storing deliveries

stock taking, stock taking

principles, tools for the stock

take, steps to successful



Formative Assessment 5.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

True - false questions

Sentence completion

Essay questions

Performance criterion

5.1 Systematic identification and maintenance of stock takes is made following

appropriate intervals.

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453 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

IndicatorTools for the stock take identification:


Stock sheets

Write-off sheets

Pens, in different colours


Hand held scanners for bar-coded inventory

Stock taking principles

The amount in the stores

The amount issued to whom and when

The amount bellow which stock should not fall


Learning Outcome 5.2:Coordinate stocktaking responsibilities and supervise staff

Tasks in stock taking;

Spot checking

Stock reconciliation

Issuing to the user


Recording and


Benefits of stocktaking:

Checks your gross


Tells if you have any

stock problems, i.e.


Helps you with your

pricing strategy

Helps you place the

right orders

Provides the

o Research on tasks and benefits of


o Brainstorming on tasks in stock

taking and benefits of stocktaking

o Group discussion on tasks and

benefits of stocktaking

o Group work on tasks in stock

taking and benefits of stocktaking

o Presentation on tasks and

benefits of stocktaking

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Flip chart - Markers - Boards - Projector

Resources Learning activities Content

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454 | P a g e


information you

need to run your

business profitably

Provides an accurate

picture of your stock


Highlights product

sales performance

Helps reduce stock

levels and improve

cash flow

Formative Assessment 5.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Matching exercises

True or false questions


Checklist Score

Yes No

IndicatorIdentification of tasks in stock taking:

Spot checking

Stock reconciliation

Issuing to the user department

Recording and reporting

Benefits of stocktaking

Checks your gross profit

Tells if you have any stock problem

Helps you with your pricing strategy

Helps you place the right orders

Provides the performance information youneed to run your business

Performance criterion

Suitable coordination of stocktaking responsibilities is maintained for better staff

supervision within the stock take operations.

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455 | P a g e


Provides an accurate picture of your stock holding

Highlights product sales performance

Helps reduce stock levels and improve cash flow


Learning Outcome 5.3: Report stock-takes within designated timelines.

Reporting considerations of


Closing stock value for

each section

Total purchases for the


Gross Profit achieved for

each section

Days Stockholding

Estimated Gross Profit

Actual Gross Profit


Allowances/ Waste for the



Budget Gross Profit

o Research on reporting

considerations of stocktaking

o Brainstorming on reporting

considerations of stocktaking

o Group discussion on reporting

considerations of stocktaking

o Group work on reporting

considerations of stocktaking

o Individual work on reporting

considerations of stocktaking

o Presentation on reporting

considerations of stocktaking

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Journals - Flip chart - Markers - Boards - Duster

Formative Assessment 5.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

5.3 Accurate reporting of stock takes is made within designated timelines.

Resources Learning activities Content

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456 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice Essay

Checklist Score

Yes No

IndicatorReporting considerations of stocktaking:

Closing stock value for each section

Total purchases for the period

Gross Profit achieved for each section

Days Stockholding

Estimated Gross Profit

Actual Gross Profit


Allowances/ Waste for the period


Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

Cowboy Hotel is located at Bugesera district/Nyamata providing catering services, spas and accommodation. In hotel food and beverage department there is stock losses caused by poor stock management system used, you are asked to order and control your stock successfully for stock loss prevention within 4 hours.


Four hours

To make stock card

To make bin card

- Reference pictures

- Brochures

- Mark pens

- Flip charts

- Reference books

- Internet websites

- Bin card

- The store ledger sheet

- Departmental requisition


- Order book

- Stock sheet

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457 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 1: Quality of Process

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Stock control systems and equipment are used. Tools and equipment for stock control systems

Types of stock control systems

Indicator: Suppliers are well identified to ensure the continuity of supply

Factors of suppliers identification:

Escalation plan


Recovery plan

Communication plan

Indicator: Supply problems are identified to avoid routine supply issues.

Tips for mitigating problems with suppliers

Production capacity

Miscommunication between customer and supplier

Your tools and systems

Shared planning between supplier and buyer

Planning for reductions in requirement

Personnel turnover

Production risks and issues

Continuous improvement

Formal capacity planning program

Learning from lessons when things go wrong

Indicator: Stock levels are Identified

Stock control procedures: Inspection, Counting, Measuring and Tasting

Types of stock levels:

Maximum stock level

Minimum stock level

Low stock level

Indicator: stock within the organization is distributed

Stock distribution factors:

Storage locations

Storage containers


Storage volume



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458 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 2: Quality of product

Distribution center organization

Distribution center planning

Simple distribution center outline

Indicator: Stock control methods are applied for stock security and adjustment.

Reorder lead-time

Economic order quantity

Batch control

First in-first out

Indicator: Organizational strategies for stock ordering are applied

Order stock organizational strategies:

Inventory positioning

Buffer profile and levels

Dynamic adjustment

Demand driven planning

Highly visible and collaborative execution

Indicator: Stock loss prevention procedures are applied

Loss prevention procedures of stock losses:

Articles of high value

Prompt attentions

Inspection for empty box

Frequent inventories of expensive

Legitimate purchases


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Stock control systems and equipment to administer all stock control and ordering processes are used.

Accounting tools

Recording tools

Storage equipment

Indicator:Stock reports are created

Stock in terms of movement:

Fast moving

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459 | P a g e

Slow moving



Indicator:Reports for stock levels are recorded. Documents used in store control recording:

Bin card

The store ledger sheet

Departmental requisition book

Order book

Stock sheet

Indicator: Standard reports are produced

Status report

Stock listing

Details of traceable items

Details analysis of transactions

Stock takes

Indicator: Stock reorder cycles are corrected and adjusted

Factors that influence the stock reorder cycle:

Lead-time between ordering the material and its delivery from the supplier.

Rate of usage.

Allowance for fluctuations in supply or demand.

When the stock is paid for.

Type of stock it is.

Indicator: Stock losses are recorded and reported

Types of stock losses:

Long term stock loss

Short term stock loss

Indicator: Reasons for avoidable losses are established

Reasons that cause stock losses

Making errors

Failing to include additional income

Claiming too many charitable donations

Claiming too many business expenses

Claiming a home office deduction

Misuse of nice, neat, round numbers

Indicator: Stock is well delivered

Guidance for taking delivery of goods:

Purchase orders

Taking delivery

Damaged goods

Quantity discrepancies

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460 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 3: Relevance

Assesment Criterion 4: Safety

Incorrect goods

Commissioning and Installation


Storing deliveries

Indicator: Stocktaking is identified and maintained

Stock taking principles:

The amount in the stores

The amount issued to whom and when

The amount bellow which stock should not fall


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Tools for the stock take are handled safely Clipboards

Stock sheets

Write-off sheets

Pens, in different colors


Hand held scanners for bar-coded inventory

Steps to successful stocktaking:

Clearly identify what stock is owned by the business and where it is.

Ensure the stock room is clean and tidy and inventory items are clearly laid


Tools for the stock take

Discourage radios, mobile phones, ipods and idle chitchat.

Count every item of your inventory, don’t estimate.

Check the physical count against accounting records and recheck



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461 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Tools for the stock take are handled safely Clipboards

Stock sheets

Write-off sheets

Pens, in different colors


Hand held scanners for bar-coded inventory

Steps to successful stocktaking:

Clearly identify what stock is owned by the business and where it is.

Ensure the stock room is clean and tidy and inventory items are clearly laid


Tools for the stock take

Discourage radios, mobile phones, ipods and idle chitchat.

Count every item of your inventory, don’t estimate.


Assesment Criterion 4: Perfection

Checklist Score

Yes No



Reference books:

1. Professional Cookery, 2nd Edition, Level 2 Diploma, Pam Rabone, Holly Bamunuge; Trevor Eeles,

Mark FurrShyamPatior, Dereick Rushton, Sue J Wood with Len Unwin; First edition 2007, this

Edition 2010

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462 | P a g e


CUASD501 Prepare shellfish dishes

RTQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 7 70

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary Arts

Issue date: November, 2014

Purpose statement

This particular module describes the knowledge and attitude required to prepare shellfish dishes. The

trainee will be able to select and prepare ingredients for shellfish dishes and then cook and present fish

and shellfish.

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463 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place HOTCA501-Food safety procedures implementation

HOTCA508-Kitchen organization

HOTCA505-Principles of catering control

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the

learning unit. By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Selectingredients.

1.1. Proper identification of shellfishesfor the recipe.

1.2. Accurate ingredients portioning for the recipe.

1.3. Adequate selection of shellfish ingredients following

the freshness measures.

2. Prepare and Cook shellfish 2.1. Appropriate application of mise en place techniques for

shellfish ingredients.

2.2. Adequate preparation of accompaniment sauces

forshellfish dishes for standard recipe.

2.3. Proper application of cooking methods for shellfish

depending on the recipe.

3. Present shellfish dishes. 3.1. Propergarnishingof shellfish dishesensuringgarnishing


3.2. Appropriate application of presentation techniques

foraccompaniments and garnishes.

3.3. Proper storage of shellfish dishes for the food safety


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464 | P a g e

LU 1:Select ingredients


Learning Outcomes:

1.1 Identify shellfish 1.2 Portion ingredients 1.3 Select shellfish ingredients

10 Hours

Learning Outcome1.1:Identify shellfish

Definition ofshellfish

Classifications of shellfish



shellfish Characteristics

Quality points of shellfish

The freshness

The spoilage

Purchasing points for


The freshness


Research on different types of


Presentation on different types of


Brainstorming on classification of


Study tour to the


Research on quality points of shellfish

- Reference books - Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Video aids - Internet - Shellfish - Pictures

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper identification of fish and shellfish for the recipe.

Resources Learning activities Content

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465 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice question

True or false question

Sentence completion


Learning Outcome 1.2: Portion ingredients

Types of ingredients according

to the recipe;





Portioning techniques for


Measuring Volume of items

Measuring Capacity of items

Weighing mass of items

Measuring length of items

Counting numbers of items

o Demonstration on


o Practical exercises on


o Brainstorming on importance

of measuring ingredients

o Group work on measuring

o Observation on measuring

- Video aids

- Reference books

- Internet

- Catalogues

- Weighing scales

- Ingredients

- Containers

- Board

- Flipchart

- Markers

- Pictures

- Projectors

Formative Assessment 1.2

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Shellfishes are identified.



Indicator: Purchasing points for shellfishes are identified.




Resources Learning activities Content

Page 480: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

466 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Multiple choice question True or false question Sentence completion Essay

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: ingredients to be portioned are identified according to the type:





Indicator: Portioning techniques are applied

Measuring volume of items

Measuring capacity of items

Measuring mass of items

Measuring length of items

Measuring number of items


Performance criterion

Accurate ingredients portioning for the recipe.

Page 481: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

467 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 1.3: Select shellfish ingredients

Selection factors of

Ingredients from stores:





Practical exercises on selection of ingredients from stores

Brainstorming on shellfish products

Group work on selection of ingredients

Study tour to the nearest market/Hotel

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Shellfish products and other

Ingredients - Pictures - Flip chart. - Boards - Markers

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Products evidence

Performance Evidence


Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Adequate selection and preparation of fish and shellfish ingredients following

the proper techniques.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 482: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

468 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Selection factors for ingredients are considered






Indicator: Pre-preparation(Mise en place) of Shellfish products is performed





Page 483: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

469 | P a g e

LU 4:Cook fish and shellfish


Learning Outcomes:

1. Perform mise en place 2. Prepare shellfish accompaniments 3. Apply cooking methods of shellfish

15 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Perform mise en place

Preparation tools for shellfishes

Small scale cooking tools (wok,

skillets, etc)



Chopping boards

Pre-preparation techniques of

shellfish ingredients:






o Research on cooking

methods of shellfish

o Brainstorming on cooking

methods of shellfish

o Demonstration on cooking

methods of shellfish

o Practical exercises

- Reference books

- Flip Chart

- Boards

- Markers

- Video aids

- Internet

- Kitchen tools and


Formative Assessment 2.1

Performance criterion

Appropriate application of mise en place techniques for shellfish ingredients.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 484: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

470 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Products evice

Performance Evidence


Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Preparation tools for shellfishes are identified

Small scale cooking tools (wok, skillets, etc)



Chopping boards

Indicator: Pre-preparation techniques of shellfish ingredients are applied







Page 485: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

471 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.2: Prepareaccompaniments sauces for shellfish dishes

Shellfish accompaniment sauces:

Mushroom sauce

Carbonara sauce

Caramel sauce

Alfredo sauce

Robert sauce

Piquant sauces

Sauce Royal

o Research on Shellfish

accompaniment sauces

o Research on Shellfish

accompaniment sauces

o Brainstorming on Shellfish

accompaniment sauces

o Group work on Shellfish

accompaniment sauces

o Presentation on Shellfish

accompaniment sauces

o Practical exercises on

Shellfish accompaniment

sauces preparation

- Reference books

- Flip Chart

- Boards

- Markers

- Video aids

- Internet

- Kitchen tools and


Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance Evidence


Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Proper application of cooking methods for shellfish depending on the recipe.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 486: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

472 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.3: Prepare shellfish accompaniments

Cooking methods:





Stir frying

Pan frying






o Research on cooking methods of


o Brainstorming on cooking

methods of shellfish

o Demonstration on cooking

methods of shellfish

o Practical exercises

- Video aids

- Internet

- Boards

- Markers

- Reference books

- Pictures

- Kitchen tools and


- Ingredients

Formative Assessment 2.3

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Preparation of Shellfish accompaniment sauces is done

Mushroom sauce

Carbonara sauce

Caramel sauce

Alfredo sauce

Robert sauce

Piquant sauces

Sauce Royal


Performance criterion

2.3 Adequate preparation of accompaniments forfish and shellfish.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 487: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

473 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance Evidence


Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Cooking methods for shellfish dishes are applied:





Stir frying

Pan frying







Page 488: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

474 | P a g e

LU 5:Present fish and shellfish


Learning Outcomes:

1. Present shellfish dishes 2. Present accompaniments for shellfish dishes. 3. Store shellfish dishes

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Garnish shellfish dishes

Types of garnishing agents

(depend on the recipes)


Onion juliennes


Lemon or oranges



Cans (Black olives, capers,


Garnishing techniques

o Research on garnishing


o Brainstorming on garnishing


o Presentation on shellfish


o Individual practices on


- Research on garnishing


- Brainstorming on

garnishing agents

- Presentation on shellfish


- Individual practices on


Formative Assessment 3.1

Performance criterion

3.1. Proper presentation of fish and shellfish dishesensuringgarnishing


Resources Learning activities Content

Page 489: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

475 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Product evidence

Performance Evidence

Sentence completion Observation checklist

Learning Outcome 3.2: Present accompaniment sauces for shellfish dishes

Types of garnishing sauces

Veloute sauce and its derivatives



Mayonnaise sauce and its


Cold sauces

Piquant sauces

Demi glace and its derivatives

o Research on types of

garnishing sauces

o Demonstration on

presenting techniques

o Practical exercises on types

of sauces and garnishes


- Video aids

- Internet

- Boards

- Markers

- Reference books

- Pictures

- Serving tools

- Sauces and


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Garnishing agents for fish and shellfish dishes are used


Onion juliennes


Lemon or oranges



Cans (Black olives, capers, gherkins…)


Resources Learning activities Content

Page 490: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

476 | P a g e

Hollandaise sauce and its


Presenting techniques

Garnishing with Herbs Garnishing with Vegetables Garnishing with Sauces Garnishing with Fruits (lemon,


- Sauce pots

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance Evidence

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Use of sauces garnishes :

Indicator: Garnishing sauces are used

Veloute sauce and its derivatives



Mayonnaise sauce and its derivatives

Cold sauces

Piquant sauce

Demi glace and its derivatives

Hollandaise sauce and its derivatives

Indicator: Presenting techniques are applied:

Performance criterion

3.2. Appropriate application of presentation techniques foraccompaniments and


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477 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.3: Store shellfish dishes

Holding and storage equipment:

Hot food holding equipment

Steam tables


Overhead infrared lamps

Cold food holding equipment



o Research on holding and

storage equipment

o Brainstorming on holding and

storage equipment

o Presentation on holding and

storage equipment

o Practical exercises on

shellfish dishes storage

- Reference books

- Pictures

- Video aids

- Internet

- Hot food holding


- Cold food holding


- Markers

Formative Assessment 5.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved

Garnishing with Herbs

Garnishing with Vegetables

Garnishing with Sauces

Garnishing with Fruits (lemon, oranges…)


Performance criterion

Proper storage of fish and shellfish dishes for the food safety standards.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 492: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

478 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Proposed Activities: Multiple choice question True or false question Sentence completion Essay Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Holding and storage equipment are safely used

Hot food holding equipment

Cold food holding equipment


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479 | P a g e

Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

The RAIN Hotel located in Gasabo district/Kimironko/Zindiro will host a workshop of 50 participants from Rwanda Broadcasting Agency (RBA), and two participants from Asian order Oysters Casino with carbonara sauce and Baked Fish Steak Maitre D’hôtel and no one is familiar with fish and shellfish cooking style in the kitchen. As TVET graduate from Level V who have been trained on fish and shellfish dishes preparations you are asked to prepare those two dishes within 3 hours.

Tools, equipment and


- Stoves

- Ovens

- Griddle

- Cutting tools

- Chopping boards

- Skillets or sauté pans

Consumables Oyster


- Butter

- Green bell pepper

- Pimento

- Shallots

- Parsley

- Lemon

- Salt and pepper

- Bacon

Baked Fish Maitre


- Maitre d’hotel butter

(butter, lemon juice,

mustard, paprika,

parsley, salt, pepper)

- Bread crumbs

- Butter or oil

- Fish steaks

- Salt and white


- Lemon wedges

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480 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 1: Quality of Process

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Ingredients, tools and equipment are well selected

Cutting tools(scissors, knives ) according to the code

Color coded chopping boards

Fresh produces for fish and shellfish dishes

Dry ingredients (spices)

Fish and shellfish

Indicator: Ingredients are properly pre-prepared







Indicator: Cooking methods are well performed



Shallow frying


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481 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 2: Quality of product

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Oysters Casino with carbonara sauce is well presented



Color ( brown and white)


Serving temperature 60oC and above

Indicator: Baked Fish Steak Maitre D’hôtel is presented attractively

Flavor (very mild)

Taste (lightly spicy)

Color (lightly brown)


Serving temperature 55oC and above


Assesment Criterion 3: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Time is respected

3 hours

Indicator: Requested dishes are prepared

Oysters Casino with Carbonara sauce

Baked Fish Steak Maitre D’hôtel


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482 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 4: Safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Kitchen gear are worn


Double breast shirt (chef coat)

Mini skirt (apron)

Chef’s napkin

Chef’s hat or Cap


Indicator: Tools and equipment are well used and rearranged

Safe practices dismantling tools

Safe practices assembling tools

Washing and wiping


Storage of tools after use

Indicator: Storage techniques are respected




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483 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 5: Hygiene

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Personal hygiene is maintained

Finger nails are cut

Hands are washed

Uniform is clean


No makeup nor finger nails varnish

Indicator: Ingredients are washed properly

Using cold running water

Correct sanitizer

Drained properly using colander

Indicator: Three-system container is used

Container for collecting ingredients

Container for trimming or off cuts

Container for prepared ingredients


Assesment Criterion 6: Perfection

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Creativity is encouraged



Reference books:

1. Professional cooking (7th Edition), WAYNE GISLEN

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484 | P a g e


CUATD501 Tandoori Dishes

RTQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 5 50

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary Arts

Issue date: November 2014

Purpose statement

This particular module describes the knowledge and attitude required to prepare tandoori

dishes. The trainee will be able to identify tandoori dishes, prepare ingredients, tools and

equipment, and cook tandoori dishes, present, garnish and store tandoori dishes. This will allow

the trainees to easily prepare tandoori dishes at higher standards.

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485 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Asian rice and noodle dishes

Asian Sushi and sauces

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit. By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Identify tandoori dishes

1.1. Suitable identification of tandoori dishes is done

referring to the common ingredients for Indian


1.2. Accurate calculation of ingredient amounts is made

according to the recipe.

1.3. Appropriate selection of ingredients for tandoori

dishes from stores according to the recipe, quality,

freshness and stock rotation requirements.

2. Prepare, use tools and equipment 2.1. Proper selection of tools and equipment is done

according to the type of recipe.

2.2 Efficient basic maintenance of tools and equipment is

performed according to the task to ensure food


2.2. Proper use of tools and equipment is safely

respected according to the manufacturer


3. Prepare ingredients 3.1. Appropriate Sorting and collecting of ingredients is

performed according to the food production


3.2. Correct portioning of ingredients is performed

according to the recipe requirements.

3.3. Appropriate marinade of ingredients under required


4. Cook tandoori dishes.

4.1. Accurate application of cooking methodsis done

according to tandoori recipe.

Page 500: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

486 | P a g e

4.2. Accurate maintenance of standard recipes is made

basing on food quality adjustments.

4.3. Appropriate application of Tandoori cooking

techniques is carried out according to the recipe.

5. Present, garnish and store tandoori


5.1. Appropriate presentation of tandoori dishes is

perfomed according to the desired service style.

5.2. Precise preparation of accompaniments for tandoori

dishes is made according to the recipe requirements.

5.3. Proper storage of tandoori dishes is performed safely

depending on the environmental conditions.

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487 | P a g e

LU 1:Identify Tandoori dishes


Learning Outcomes:

1.1 Identify ingredients according to the recipe. 1.2 Calculate ingredient amounts according to the recipe 1.3 Select ingredients for tandoori dishes

7 Hours

Learning Outcome1.1: Identify ingredients according to the recipe.

Definition of tandoori

Types of ingredients for

Tandoori dishes:

Flavoring Herbs


Meat (white and red)

Milk and milk







o Research on definition of Tandoori


o Brainstorming on definition of

Tandoori dishes

o Discussion on definition of

Tandoori dishes

o Demonstration on ingredients for

Tandoori dishes

o Individual exercises on

identification of types of

ingredients for Tandoori dishes

o Observation on types of

ingredients for Tandoori dishes

- Reference books - Journals - Flip Chart - Boards - Dusters - Markers - Video aids - Internet

- Pictures

- Ingredients for Tandoori


- Projector

Formative Assessment 1.1

Performance criterion

Suitable identification of tandoori dishes is done referring to the common

ingredients for Indian cuisine.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 502: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

488 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence Oral evidence

Multiple choice question

True or false question

Sentence completion


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Identification of ingredients for Tandoori dishes;









Page 503: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

489 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 1.2:Calculate ingredient amounts according to the recipe

Types of calculations of

ingredients amounts:




o Brainstorming on amount of

ingredients calculation according

to the recipe

o Group work on amount of

ingredients calculation according

to the recipe

o Individual practice on amount of

ingredients calculation according

to the recipe

- Reference books - Internet - Video aids - Pictures - Flip chart - Boards - Markers - Chalk - Ingredients - Weighing scales - Measuring tools (jugs,

cups, spoons)

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance evidence

Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Accurate calculation of ingredient amounts is made according to the recipe.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 504: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

490 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Following standard amount of ingredient





Learning Outcome 1.3: Select ingredients for tandoori dishes

Selection of Ingredients

according to





o Brainstorming on selection

of ingredients

o Group discussion on

selection of ingredients

o Group work on selection of


o Individual practical

exercises on selection of


- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Recipes - Pictures - Flip chart. - Boards - Markers - Projector

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance evidence

Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Appropriate selection of ingredients for tandoori dishes from stores according to

the recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 505: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

491 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Selection of Ingredients according to






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492 | P a g e

LU 2:Prepare, use tools and equipment


Learning Outcomes:

2.1 Select tools and equipment

2.2 Perform basic maintenance of tools and equipment.

2.3 Use tools and equipment according to the manufacturer



Learning Outcome 2.1: Select tools and equipment

Identification of tools and


Washing tools and


Cutting tools and


Cooking tools and


Processing tools and


Storing and Serving


Preparation of tools and





Storing and Serving

o Brain storming on preparation

of tools and equipment

o Demonstration on preparation

of tools and equipment

o Practical exercises on

identification of tools and


o Practical exercises on

preparation of tools and


- Reference books - Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Video aids - Internet - Washing tools and

equipment - Cutting tools and equipment - Cooking tools and

equipment - Processing tools and

equipment - Storing and Serving tools - Tandoori - Running water - Cleaning agents - Charcoals - Catalogues - Pictures

Formative Assessment 2.1

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 507: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

493 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance Evidence

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Selection of tools and equipment







Performance criterion

Proper selection of tools and equipment is done according to the type of


Page 508: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

494 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.2: Perform basic maintenance of tools and equipment.

Maintenance materials

Maintenance procedures :

Dismantling and assembling


Cleaning techniques

Sterilizing techniques

Greasing techniques

o Research on maintenance


o Demonstration on

dismantling and assembling

techniques of tools and


o Practical exercises on

dismantling and assembling

techniques of tools and


o Observation on dismantling

and assembling techniques

of tools and equipment

o Presentation on

maintenance materials

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Markers - Boards - Flipchart - Dusters - Kitchen tools and

equipment - Ingredients - Catalogues - Projector

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence Performance Evidence

Performance Evidence

Performance criterion

Efficient basic maintenance of tools and equipment is performed according to

the task to ensure food safety.

Resources Learning activities Content

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495 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Using tools and equipment respecting procedures

Dismantling and

Assembling techniques

Cleaning techniques

Sterilizing techniques

Greasing techniques


Learning Outcome 2.3: Use tools and equipment according to the manufacturer instructions

Safe practices on handling tools

and equipment:


Other tools and


Cleaning procedures for tools

and equipment






Respecting storage procedures




Stock arrangement

o Brainstorming on safe practices

on handling tools and


o Demonstration on safe practices

on handling tools and


o Observation on safe practices on

handling tools and equipment

o Practical exercises on handling

tools and equipment.

o Practical exercise on storage


o Presentation on handling of

tools and equipment

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Markers - Tandoori - Boards - Flipchart - Dusters - Catalogues - Kitchen tools and

equipment - Ingredients - Shelves

Formative Assessment 2.3

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 510: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

496 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence Performance Evidence

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: handling tools and equipment

Tandoori oven

Small scale tools and equipment

Large scale equipment

Indicator: cleaning procedures for tools and equipment






Indicator: Storage procedures for tools and equipment




Stock arrangement


Performance criterion

Proper use of tools and equipment is safely respected according to the

manufacturer instructions.

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497 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.1: 3 Sort and collect ingredients.

Ingredients for different tandoori


Chicken Tikka masala recipe

Naan recipes

Chicken tangri

Fish curry

Paneer papadam



o Research on ingredients for

different tandoori dishes

o Brainstorming on ingredients

for different tandoori dishes

o Practical exercises on

collection of ingredients for

different tandoori dishes

o Demonstration on

ingredients for different

tandoori dishes

o Observation on ingredients

for different tandoori dishes

o Presentation on ingredients

for different tandoori dishes

o Individual practical exercises

on collection of ingredients

for different tandoori dishes

- Internet

- ingredients for

tandoori dishes

- Videos aids

- Reference books

- Markers

- Boards

- Chalks

- Projector

- Flip chart

- Pictures

- Brochures

Formative Assessment 3.1

LU 3:Prepare ingredients


Learning Outcomes:

3.1 Sort and collect ingredients. 3.2 Weigh, measure and portion ingredients according to the recipe. 3.3 Marinate ingredients

7 Hours

Resources Learning activities Content

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498 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance Evidence

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Preparation of Ingredients for different tandoori dishes

Chicken Tikka masala recipe

Naan recipes

Chicken tangri

Fish curry





Performance criterion

Appropriate Sorting and collection of ingredients is made according to the


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499 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.2: Portion ingredients for dishes.

Portioning techniques for ingredients:



Factors for ingredients porting:

Type menu standard


Health benefits

Economic budget

o Brainstorming on measuring


o Demonstration on

measuring ingredients

o Practical exercises on

measuring and portioning

by use of measuring


o Demonstration on weighing,

measuring of ingredients

o Practical exercises on

weighing and measuring


o Demonstration on mixing


o Observation on weighing,

measuring and mixing


- ingredients

- Measuring devices

(Graduated jags,

Cups, scales,



- Containers

- Internet

- Videos aids

- Reference books

- Projector

- Markers

- Boards

- Chalks

- Flip chart

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance Evidence

Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Correct portioning of ingredients are performed according to the recipe.

Resources Learning activities Content

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500 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Portioning techniques for ingredients:



Indicator: Factors for ingredients porting:

Type of menu standard


Health benefits

Economic budget


Learning Outcome 3.3: Marinate ingredients

Importance of marinating

Marinating conditions depends on

type of dishes:

Green dishes

Red dishes

White dishes

Types of ingredients marination:

Acidic ingredients (Salt, Soya

sauce, Vinegar, …)

Fat ingredients (Oil, butter,

coconut butter, dairy products


Dairy products (milk, yoghurt,

cream, coconut milk, cheese)

Spices and herbs (Celery, chill,

Chopped onions, Masala

powder, Thyme, Rose mary,

Parsely, curry powder, dhania,

basil, Garlic, Ginger, chilli,

peppercorns, food color, …)

o Research on types of

ingredients marination and

importance of marination

o Brainstorming on types of

marinating ingredients

o Group discussions on

marinating ingredients

o Demonstration and

observation on marinating

types of ingredients

o Practical exercise on

marinating types of


o Presentation on marinated


o Individual practical exercise

on marinating types of


- Video aids

- Internet

- Reference books

- Journals

- Tools and


(Containers, …)

- Marinating


- Pictures

Formative Assessment 3.3

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 515: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

501 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance Evidence

Observation Checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Type of dishes that influence the color of marination:

Green dishes

Red dishes

White dishes

Indicator:Types of ingredients marination:

Acidic ingredients (Salt, Soya sauce, Vinegar, …)

Fat ingredients (Oil, butter, coconut butter, dairy products …)

Dairy products (milk, yoghurt, cream, coconut milk, cheese)

Spices and herbs


Performance criterion

Appropriate marination of ingredients is perfomed according to the recipe.

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502 | P a g e

LU 4:Cook tandoori dishes


Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply tandoori cooking methods 2. Maintain standard recipe 3. Apply techniques of tandoori cooking

15 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1: Apply tandoori cooking methods

Cooking methods of Tandoori dishes;


Grilling and Blanching

Grilling and Boiling

o Research on cooking

methods of Tandoori dishes

o Brainstorming on cooking

methods of Tandoori dishes

o Demonstration and

observation on cooking

methods of Tandoori dishes

o Group work on cooking

methods of Tandoori dishes

o Individual practical exercises

on cooking methods of

Tandoori dishes

- Internet

- Videos aids

- Reference books

- Projectors

- Boards

- Markers

- Flipcharts

- Kitchen tools and


Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Accurate application of cooking methods is done according to tandoori recipe.

Resources Learning activities Content

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503 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence Performance evidence

Observation checklist


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Cooking methods of Tandoori dishes






Learning Outcome 4.2: Maintain standard recipe

Portioning standards of recipe:

Standards sizes and quantities)

Standards number of pieces

Balance diet of the recipe:

Cut adequate nutrients within

calories needs

Manage weight

Engage in physical activity

Select from the right food


Mange consumption of fats

Mange consumption of


Mange consumption of sodium

and potassium

Mange consumption of

o Research on portioning

standards and balance diet

of recipe

o Brainstorming on portioning

standards and balance diet

of recipe

o Group discussions on

portioning standards and

balance diet of recipe

o Individual exercises on

portioning standards and

balance diet of recipe

- Video aids

- Internet

- Reference books

- Boards

- Markers

- Flip chart

- Dusters

- Journals

- Kitchen tools and


- Tandoori dishes

Resources Learning activities Content

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504 | P a g e

alcoholic beverages

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance Evidence Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Portioning standards of recipe:

Standards sizes and quantities

Standards number of pieces

Indicator:Balance diet of the recipe:

Cut adequate nutrients within calories needs

Manage weight

Engage in physical activity

Select from the right food group

Mange consumption of fats

Mange consumption of carbohydrates

Mange consumption of sodium and potassium

Mange consumption of alcoholic beverages


Performance criterion

Accurate maintenance of standard recipes is made basing on food quality


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505 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 4.3: Apply techniques of tandoori cooking

Cooking techniques for Tandoori


Arm position in Tandoori

Techniques of operating tools

and Equipment for Tandoori

(put in and removing)

o Research on cooking

techniques for Tandoori


o Brainstorming on cooking

techniques for Tandoori


o Demonstration on cooking

techniques for Tandoori


o Practical group work on

cooking techniques for

Tandoori dishes

o Individual work on cooking

techniques for Tandoori


- Reference books

- Video aids

- Internet

- Journals

- Flip chart

- Markers

- Boards

- Duster

- Tandoori

- Tools and


- Ingredients

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence Performance Evidence

Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Appropriate application of Tandoori cooking techniques is carried out according

to the recipe.

Resources Learning activities Content

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506 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Cooking techniques for Tandoori dishes;

Arm position in Tandoori

Techniques of operating tools and Equipment for Tandoori (put in and



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507 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 5.1: Present tandoori dishes

Types of Garnishing agents:






Garnishing techniques (depend on the






Presenting techniques (depend on the

serving tools)

o Research on garnishing


o Brainstorming on garnishing


o Demonstration and

observation on garnishing

for Tandoori dishes

o Presentation on garnishing

for Tandoori dishes

o Individual practices on

garnishing for Tandoori


- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Journals - Flip chart - Markers - Boards - Duster - Serving and

garnishing Tools - Garnishes - Dishes

Formative Assessment 5.1

LU 5:Present, garnish and store tandoori dishes


Learning Outcomes:

1. Present tandoori dishes 2. Prepare accompaniments for tandoori dishes 3. Store tandoori dishes

8 Hours

Performance criterion

Appropriate presentation of tandoori dishes is perfomed according to the

desired service style.

Resources Learning activities Content

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508 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance Evidence

Observation checklist True or false question Sentence completion Essay

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Types of Garnishing agents:






Indicator: Garnishing techniques (depend on the recipes)

Garnishing with Cheeses

Garnishing with Creams

Garnishing with Herbs

Garnishing with Vegetables

Garnishing with Sauces


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509 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 5.2: Prepare accompaniments for tandoori dishes

Different types of accompaniments

for Tandoori dishes;






o Research on different types

of accompaniments for

Tandoori dishes

o Brainstorming on different

types of accompaniments for

Tandoori dishes

o Demonstration and

observation on presentation

of different types of

accompaniments for

Tandoori dishes

o Practical exercises on

presentation of different

types of accompaniments for

Tandoori dishes

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Journals - Flip chart - Markers - Boards - Duster - Ingredients - Tools for Tandoori


Formative Assessment 5.2

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Product evidence

Performance evidence

Observation checklist

Performance criterion

Precise preparation of accompaniments for tandoori dishes is made

according to the recipe requirements.

Resources Learning activities Content

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510 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Preparation of accompaniments for Tandoori dishes;




Papa dam



Learning Outcome 5.3: Store tandoori dishes

Conditions of storing tandoori dishes

Techniques for holding and storing

tandoori dishes:

Hot food holding equipment

Steam tables


Overhead infrared lamps

Cold food holding equipment


Cold room

o Research on holding and

storing of equipment

o Brainstorming on holding

and storing of equipment

o Presentation on holding and

storing of equipment

o Demonstration and

observation on holding and

storing of equipment

o Group work on storing

Tandoori dishes

o Individual practical

exercises on storing

Tandoori dishes

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Journals - Flip chart - Markers - Boards - Duster - Labels - Labelling tools - Storing Tools and

equipment - Projector - Pictures

Formative Assessment 5.3

Performance criterion

Appropriate presentation of tandoori dishes is perfomed according to the

desired service style.

Resources Learning activities Content

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511 | P a g e

Assessor may collectamong the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance Evidence

Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Techniques for holding and storing tandoori dishes:

Hot food holding equipment (Steam tables, Bain-marie and Overhead

infrared lamps )

Cold food holding equipment (Reach-in, Cold room)


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512 | P a g e

Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

TopTaste Fast-Food restaurant locate in Northern

province/Musanze/Muhozareceived the orders for group of 15 guest

who wish to have a lunch, in the group there is 1 guest who wish to eat

Tandoori chicken with French fries and seasonal vegetable and there is

no cook to help it. As Level V intern the chef de cuisine asks you to

cook that dish and present it within 3 hours.

Tools and equipment:

- Tandoori oven

- Skewers

- Food container for

mise en place

- Mixing bowls

- Cutting tools

- Chopping boads

- Plastic wraps

- Fridge


- Yoghurt

- Paprika

- Mustard

- Minced garlic

- Salt and White


- Red chili powder

- Turmeric

- Ginger powder

- Chicken

- Seasonal vegetables

(cauliflower, carrots

and green beans and


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513 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 1: Quality of Process

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Ingredients, tools and equipment are selected correctly according to the recipe

Types of ingredients for tandoori dishes:




Meat, fish and poultry


Types of tools and equipment:





Holding and storing

Indicator: Ingredients are well prepared




Defrosting, thawing



Shallow frying (sautéing)


Indicator: Cooking method is well performed

Grilling in tandoori oven



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514 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 2: Quality of product

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Tandoori chicken with French fries and seasonal vegetable is presented attractively.






Serving temperature


Assesment Criterion 3: Safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Kitchen gear are worn


Apron or mini skirt

Chef’s hat or Cap

Double breast shirt

Chef coat

Closed tight shoes

Indicator: Tools and equipment are used safely

Safe practices dismantling tools

Safe practices assembling tools

Storage of tools after use

Indicator: Storage techniques are respected




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515 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 3: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Time is respected

3 hours

Indicator: Requested dishes are prepared

Tandoori chicken with French fries and seasonal vegetable


Assesment Criterion 5: Hygiene

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Personal hygiene is maintained

Finger nails are cut

Hands are washed

Uniform is clean

Indicator: Ingredients are washed properly

Using cold running water

Correct sanitizer

Indicator: Three-system container is used

Container for collecting ingredients

Container for preparing

Container for collecting prepared ingredients

Indicator: Workplace is cleaned properly.

Work surfaces are clean between and after the tasks

Work floor is clean

Tools and equipment used are clean


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516 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 6: Perfection

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Creativity is encouraged



Reference books:

1. Professional cooking (7th Edition), WAYNE GISLEN

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517 | P a g e


CUAAS501 Prepare Asian sushi and sauces

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 6 60

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary arts

Issue date: November, 2014

Purpose statement

This particular module describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required to prepare Asian Sushi and

Sauces. The trainee will be able to prepare Asian Sushi and Sauces by respecting the selection of

ingredients, preparation and use of tools and equipment, preparation of ingredients, presentation,

garnishing and storing of sushi and sauces accordingly.

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518 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Food safety procedures implementation.

Stocks control and ordering.

Asian rice and noodle dishes

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Select ingredients.

1.1. Right confirmation of food production

requirements from food preparation list and

standard recipes.

1.2. Precise calculation of ingredient amounts according

to requirements of sushi and sauces.

1.3. Proper identification and selection of sushi and

sauces ingredients from stores according to recipe,

quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements

2. Prepare and use tools and

equipment of sushi and sauces.

2.1. Proper Selection of tools and equipment according

to the size of sushi and type of sauces.

2.2. Proper assembling and dismantling of tools and

equipment of sauces to ensure cleanliness before


2.3. Proper use of tools and equipment safely and

hygienically of sushi and sauces according to

manufacturer instructions.

3. Prepare ingredients of sushi and


3.1. Accurate collecting ingredients of sushi according to

food production sequencing.

3.2. Correct Weighing and measuring sushi and sauce


3.3. Appropriate preparation of sushi and sauce


3.4. Appropriate preparation of stocks for sushi and

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519 | P a g e

sauce according to recipe.

3.5. Regular minimization of wastage and store reusable


4. Prepare sushi and sauces.

4.1. Appropriate making of sushi items by using sushi


4.2. Suitable cooking of sauces by using appropriate


4.3. Suitable Following recipes standard and making

adjustments within scope

5. Present, garnish and store sushi and


5.1. Proper presentation of sushi and sauces with

required garnishes, dips and accompaniments

5.2. Right evaluation of dish and adjust presentation.

5.3. Convenient food safety, quality and shelf life by

storing food in appropriate environmental


5.4. Proper Preparation accompaniments and garnishes

of sushi and sauces according to required style and


5.5. Proper serving of sushi according to the shape, size

and sauces depends on color on appropriate


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520 | P a g e

LU 1:Select ingredients


Learning Outcomes:

1.1 Identify ingredients for Asian sushi and sauces 1.2 Select ingredients for Asian Sushi and sauces 1.3 Precise ingredient of Asian sushi and sauces calculation quantity

7 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1:Identify ingredients for Asian sushi and sauces

Ingredients for Asian Sushi and


Ingredients for Asian Sushi

Neta (raw seafood)

Shari (sushi rice)

Yakumi (condiments)

Seasoning (soya sauce,

sea salt )

Ingredients for Asian sauces

Soya sauce

Chili sauce

Coconut milk

Curry paste

Curry sauce

Quality points of ingredients for

Asian Sushi and sauces



Types nori (vegetables and

fish )

o Research on ingredients and

quality points for Sushi and


o Brainstorming on ingredients

and quality points for Sushi

and Asian

o Display ingredients on quality

points of for Sushi and Asian


o Observation on ingredients and

quality points of for Sushi and

Asian sauces

o Presentation ingredients on

quality points of for Sushi and

Asian sauces

o Group discussion on ingredients

quality points of for Sushi and

Asian sauces


- Video aids

- Reference books

- Internet

- Catalogues

- Boards

- Flipchart

- Markers

- Pictures

- Projectors

- Brochures

- Ingredients of Asian

sushi and sauce

Resources Learning activities Content

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521 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Matching Exercises

True or false questions

Multiple questions

Sentences completion /fill in the blanks

Essay (short responses/extended responses)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of ingredients for Asian Sushi is identified Neta (raw seafood) Shari (sushi rice) Yakumi (condiments) Seasoning (soya sauce, sea salt )

Indicator:Identification of Ingredients for Asian sauces identified Soya sauce

Chili sauce

Coconut milk

Curry paste

Curry sauce

Soya sauce


Performance criterion

Proper identification of Asian sushi and sauces ingredients from stores

according to recipe

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522 | P a g e

Learning Outcome1.2:Select ingredients for Asian Sushi and sauces

Types of sushi

Sashimi sushi

Tempura roll

Rainbow roll

Dragon roll

Unagi roll

Types of ingredients for sauces



Sea salt


Soya sauce

Type of sauces

Hot sauce :

Chicken sauce

Mushroom sauce

Cold sauce:

Spinach sauce

Stir fry sauce

Sweet corn sauce

Curry sauce

o Research on types Asian sushi

and sauces Ingredients

o Brainstorming on types Asian

sushi and sauces Ingredients

o Group discussion on types

Asian sushi and sauces


o Display and observation on

types of Asian sushi and sauces


o Presentation on types Asian

sushi and sauces Ingredients

o Individual practical on

selection of Asian Sushi and

sauces ingredients

- Reference books

- Flip Chart

- Boards

- Markers

- Video aids

- Internet

- Pictures

- Brochures

- Magazines

- Asian Sushi and


ingredients(Fish, rice,

fats , herbs,

vegetables, dairy

products, seasonings

thickening agents,

eggs , sheets of nori

- Bay leaves and spices


- Sushi

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper selection of Asian sushi and sauces ingredients from stores according to

recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements

Resources Learning activities Content

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523 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Integrated situation /task Observation checklist

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Types of Asian sushi are selected

Sashimi sushi

Tempura roll

Rainbow roll

Dragon roll

Unagi roll

Sashimi sushi


Learning Outcome 1.3:Precise ingredient of Asian sushi and sauces calculation quantity

Calculation of quantity for Asian

sushi according

Number of customers

Number of pieces needed

Calculation of quantity for sauces



o Brainstorming on calculation of

quantity for Asian sushi and


o Group discussion on calculation

of quantity for Asian sushi and


o Demonstration on calculation

of quantity for Asian sushi and


o Observation on calculation of

quantity for Asian sushi and


o Practical exercises on

calculation of quantity for

Asian sushi and sauces

o Individual exercises on

- Video aids

- Reference books

- Internet

- Catalogues

- Boards

- Flipchart

- Markers

- Pictures

- Projectors

- Brochures

- Pens

- Papers

- Weighting tools

- Measuring devices

- Ingredients

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 538: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

524 | P a g e

calculation of quantity for

Asian sushi and sauces

Formative Assessment 1.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Written evidence

Integrated situation/task

Observation checklist

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Factors to be considered for security of stockis identified

Number of customers

Number of pieces needed



Performance criterion

Precise calculation of ingredients according to requirements of Asian sushi and


Page 539: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

525 | P a g e

LU 2:Prepare and use tools and equipment of sushi and sauces


Learning Outcomes:

2.1 Select tools and equipment 2.2 Assemble and dismantle tools and equipment. 2.3 Use of tools and equipment safely and hygienically of sushi and sauces.

8 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Select tools and equipment

Tools and equipment for Asian

sushi and sauces :

Tools for making sushi

Equipment for preparing

Asian sushi and sauces.

o Research on selection of

tools and equipment for

Asian sushi and sauces

o Brainstorming on selection

of tools and equipment for

Asian sushi and sauces

o Display tools and equipment

for Asian sushi and sauces

o Group discussion on

selection of tools and

equipment for Asian sushi

and sauces

o Presentation on selection of

tools and equipment for

Asian sushi and sauces

o Individual exercises on

selection of tools and

equipment for Asian sushi

and sauces

- Reference books - Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Video aids - Internet - Brochures - Pictures - Tools and equipment for

Asian sushi and sauces - Mat

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 540: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

526 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Matching Exercises

True or false questions

Multiple questions

Sentences completion /fill in the blanks

Essay (short responses/extended responses

Integrated situation /task

Observation check list

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Tools and equipment for Asian are selected

Sushi plate

Electric rice cooker

Wooden spatula

Sashimi knife

Moist hands

Sushi rolling mats


Performance criterion

Proper selection of tools and equipment according to the size of sushi and type

of sauces.

Page 541: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

527 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.2:Assemble and dismantle tools and equipment.

Procedures for dismantling tools

and equipment for Asian sushi

and sauces

Manufacturer’s instructions

Procedures for assembling tools

and equipment of Asian sushi and


Manufacturer’s instructions

o Research on assemble and

dismantle tools and

equipment for Asian sushi and


o Brainstorming on assemble

and dismantle tools and

equipment for Asian sushi and


o Demonstration and

observation on assemble and

dismantle tools and

equipment for Asian sushi and


o Practical exercises on

assemble and dismantle tools

and equipment for Asian sushi

and sauces

o Individual practices on

assemble and dismantle tools

and equipment for Asian sushi

and sauces

o Presentation on assemble and

dismantle tools and

equipment for Asian sushi and


- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Catalogues - Pictures - Pens - Papers - Tools and equipment

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Proper assembling and dismantling of tools and equipment of sauces to ensure

cleanliness before use.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 542: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

528 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product Evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist

Performance checklist

Integrated situation /task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Procedures for dismantling and assembling equipment for Asian sushi and sauces is done

Manufacturer’s instructions

Indicator: Procedures for dismantling and assembling tools for Asian sushi and sauces is done

Manufacturer’s instructions


Learning Outcome 2.3:Use of tools and equipment safely and hygienically of sushi and sauces.

Uses of tools and equipment

safely and hygienically of sushi

and sauces according to:

Manufacturer instructions.

Techniques for using tools

and equipment for;

Preparing tools and

equipment for Sushi and

Asian sauce.

o Demonstration on use of tools

and equipment safely and

hygienically of sushi and

sauces Observation on use of

tools and equipment safely

and hygienically of sushi and


o Presentation on Practical

exercises use of tools and

equipment safely and

hygienically of sushi and


- Video aids - Reference books - Boards - Markers - Internet - Catalogues - Kitchen tools and

equipment - Pens - Papers

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 543: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

529 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Tools and equipment for Asian sushi and saucesare respected

Manufacturer instructions


Performance criterion

Proper use of tools and equipment safely and hygienically of Asian sushi and

sauces according to manufacturer instructions.

Page 544: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

530 | P a g e

LU 3: Prepare ingredients of sushi and sauces


Learning Outcomes:

3.1 Collect ingredients of sushi and Asian sauces 3.2 Weigh and measure sushi and Asian sauce ingredients. 3.3 Prepare sushi and Asian sauces 3.4 Prepare stock for Asian sushi and sauce according to recipe. 3.5 Minimize wastage and store reusable products 12 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1:Collect ingredients of sushi and Asian sauces

Collection of ingredients for

Sushi and Asian sauces

according to the recipes


o Brainstorming on collection of

ingredients according to the

recipes standards

o Practical exercises on collection

oingredient according to the

recipes standards

o Group work on collection of

ingredients according to the

recipes standards

- Reference books - Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Ingredients - Containers for Sushi

and Asian sauces - Recipes Sushi and

Asian sauces

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Accurate ingredients collection for sushi according to food production


Resources Learning activities Content

Page 545: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

531 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist

Integrated situation/task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Collection of ingredients for Asian Sushi and sauces are collected




Learning Outcome 3.2:Weigh and measure sushi and Asian sauce ingredients.

Weigh and measure

ingredients for sushi and

Asian sauces depending

on :

Types of Sushi

Quantity of Sushi

Size of Sushi

Quantity sauces

o Research on Weighing and

measuring ingredients for Asian

sushi and sauces

o Brainstorming Weighing and

measuring ingredients for Asian

sushi and sauces

o Group discussion Weighing and

measuring ingredients for Asian

sushi and sauces

o Demonstration Weighing and

measuring ingredients for Asian

sushi and sauces

o Practical exercises Weighing and

measuring ingredients for Asian

- Video aids - Internet - Markers - Reference books - Pictures - Measuring devices - Paper - Pens - Recipes - Type of sushi - Types of sauces

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 546: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

532 | P a g e

sushi and sauces

o Individual practices Group discussion Weighing and measuring ingredients for Asian sushi and sauces

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Measurement of ingredients for Asian sushi and sauces are measured

Types of Sushi

Quantity of Sushi

Size of Sushi

Quantity sauces


Performance criterion

Correct Weighing and measuring of Asian sushi and sauces ingredients.

Page 547: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

533 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.3:Prepare sushi and Asian sauces

Preparation methods of sushi Wet your hands with cold

water to keep the rice from sticking and form a bit of rice into small oval in one hands

Pick up slice of fish and smear a dab of wasabi on the bottom of it

Top the rice with the fish , wasabi side against the rice and press in place in the palm of one hand with two fingers of the other

Turn it over and press the same .then press the side with thumb and fore finger to finish shaping it

For rolled sushi , put a half piece of nori on bamboo mat then wetting your hand with cold water to keep the rice from sticking to them ,spread a layer of sushi rice over the bottom two-third of the nori.

Lay strips of the filling across the middle of the rice

Holding the filling in place of fingers, lift the corner of the mat with the thumbs and roll up.

Press the mat firmly and evenly to make tight roll

Using a dampened knife , cut the roll in half with single forward stroke

Wipe the blade between cuts and cut each half roll into three or four pieces

Preparation methods of Asian sauces.

o Demonstration on preparation

of sushi and Asian sauces

o Practical exercise on

preparation of sushi and Asian


o Brainstorming on preparation

of sushi and Asian sauces

o Group discussion on

preparation of sushi and Asian


o Individual practices on

preparation of sushi and Asian


o Group work on preparation of

sushi and Asian sauces

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Boards - Markers - Erase - Pens - Papers - Pictures - Brochures

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 548: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

534 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Methods of Sushi Preparation is respected

Wet your hands with cold water

Pick up slice of fish and smear

Top the rice with the fish


Learning Outcome 3.4:Prepare stock for Asian sushi and sauce according to recipe.

Preparation of stock depending

on :

Type of sushi

Types nori

Type sauces

o Research on preparation of

stock for Asian and sushi


o Brainstorming on stock for

Asian and sushi sauces

- Reference books - Internet - Boards - Markers - Eraser

Resources Learning activities Content

Performance criterion

Appropriate preparation of sushi and sauces ingredients.

Page 549: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

535 | P a g e

o Practical exercises on

preparation of stock for Asian

and sushi sauces

o Individual practical exerciseson

preparation of stock for Asian

and sushi sauces

o Group discussion on

preparation of stock for Asian

and sushi sauces

o Presentation of stock on

preparation for Asian and sushi


- Pens - Papers - Pictures - Brochures - Ingredients - Tools and equipment

for stock

Formative Assessment 3.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist

Integrated situation/task

Performance criterion

Appropriate preparation of stocks for sushi and sauces according to recipe.

Page 550: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

536 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Preparation techniques of stock for Asian sushi and sauces according to the recipe are respected

Type of sushi

Types nori


Learning Outcome 3.5:Minimize wastage and store reusable products

Minimization of wastage and

storing according to:




o Brainstorming on wastage

minimization and storing

reusable products

o Demonstration on wastage

minimization and storing

reusable products

o Practical exercises on wastage

minimization and storing

reusable products

o Presentation on wastage

minimization and storing

reusable products

o Individual practical on wastage

minimization and storing

reusable products

- Reference books - Internet - Boards - Markers - Eraser - Pens - Papers - Pictures - Brochures - Reusable product - Tools and equipment

Formative Assessment 3.5

Performance criterion

Regular minimization of wastage and store reusable products

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 551: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

537 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist

Integrated situation/task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Minimization of wastageis done

Storing reusable product





Page 552: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

538 | P a g e

LU 4: Prepare sushi and sauces


Learning Outcomes:

4.1 Make sushi items by using sushi mat. 4.2 Cook Asian sauces 4.3 Follow recipes standard and making adjustments within scope. 25 Hours

Learning Outcome 4.1:Make sushi items by using sushi mat.

Procedures for making sushi

items by using mat:

Wet your hands with cold

water to keep the rice from

sticking to them and form a

bit of rice into oval in on


Pick up slice of fish an smear

a dab wasabi on the bottom

of it

Top the rice with the fish,

wasabi side in palm with two


Turn it over and press the

same way press the sides

with the thumb and

forefinger to finish shaping

For rolled sushi ,put a half –

piece of nori on the sudare

(bamboo mat).wetting your

o Research on making sushi

items by using sushi mat

Brainstorming on making sushi

items by using sushi mat.

o Demonstration on making sushi

items by using sushi mat.

o Practical exercises on making

sushi items by using sushi mat.

o Presentation on making sushi

items by using sushi mat.

o Practical exercises on making

sushi items by using sushi mat.

- Reference books - Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Video aids - Internet - Pictures - Pens - Papers - Brochures - Magazines - Ingredient for sushi - Mat - Tools

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 553: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

539 | P a g e

hands with cold water to

keep the rice from sticking

to them ,spread a layer of

sushi rice over the bottom

two-thirds of the nori

Lay strips of the filling across

the middle of the rice

In place with the finger lift

the corn of the mat with the

thumbs and roll up

Press the mat firmly and

evenly to make a tight roll

Using a dampened knife ,

cut the roll in half with a

single forward stroke

Wipe the blade between

cuts, and cut each half-roll

into three or four pieces

Formative Assessment 4.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Integrated situation/task

Observation checklist

performance checklist

Performance criterion

Appropriate making of sushi items by using sushi mat.

Page 554: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

540 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Proceduresfor making sushi items by using mat are respected

Wet your hands with cold water

Pick up slice of fish and smear a dab wasabi on the bottom of it

Top the rice with the fish, wasabi side in palm with two fingers

Turn it over and press the same way press the sides with the thumb

Lay strips of the filling across the middle of the rice

In place with the finger lift the corn of the mat

Press the mat firmly and evenly to make a tight roll

Lay strips of the filling across the middle of the rice

Press the mat firmly and evenly to make a tight roll

Using a dampened knife, cut the roll in half with a single forward stroke

Wipe the blade between cuts


Learning Outcome 4.2:Cook Asian sauces

Cooking methods of Asian

sauces with their spices :


Shallow frying

o Research on cooking methods of

Asian sauces with their spices

o Brainstorming on cooking

methods of Asian sauces with

their spices

o Practical exercises on cooking

methods of Asian sauces with

their spices

o Group discussion on cooking

methods of Asian sauces with

their spices.

o Presentation on cooking Asian

sauces by using spices.

- Video aids - Internet - Boards - Markers - Reference books - Pictures - Pens - Papers - Magazines - Ingredients of Asian

sauces - Tools and equipment

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 555: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

541 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 4.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Performance evidence

Observation checklist: leaner demonstrating skill and knowledge

in simulated or authentic context witness testimony based on

performance checklist

Integrated situation /task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Method of cooking is respected


Shallow frying


Performance criterion

Suitable cooking of sauces by using appropriate spices.

Page 556: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

542 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 4.3:Follow recipes standard and making adjustments within scope.

Adjustments steps of making

Asian sauce

o Research on Adjustments

steps of making sushi

o Brainstorming on Adjustments

steps of making sushi and Asian

recipes standards

o Group work on Adjustments

steps of making sushi and Asian

recipes standards

o Individual exercises

Adjustments steps of making

sushi and Asian recipes


o Group discussion on

Adjustments steps of making

sushi and Asian recipes


- Video aids - Internet - Boards - Markers - Reference books - Pictures - Pens - Papers

Formative Assessment 4.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance Evidence

Written evidence

Proposed Activities:

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist: leaner demonstrating skill and

knowledge in simulated or authentic context witness

testimony based on performance checklist

Integrated situation/task

Performance criterion

Neat respect of recipe standards for Asian sauces

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 557: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

543 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Procedures for making Asian sauce according to recipe are respected

Wet your hands with cold water

Pick up slice of fish and smear a dab wasabi on the bottom of it

Top the rice with the fish, wasabi side in palm with two fingers

Turn it over and press the same way press the sides with the thumb

Lay strips of the filling across the middle of the rice

In place with the finger lift the corn of the mat

Press the mat firmly and evenly to make a tight roll


Page 558: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

544 | P a g e

LU 5: Present, garnish and store sushi and sauces


Learning Outcomes:

5.1 Present and garnish Asian sushi and sauces 5.2 Prepare accompaniments of Asian sushi and sauces 5.3 Serve and store Asian sushi and sauces

8 Hours

Learning Outcome 5.1:Present and garnish Asian sushi and sauces

Presentation and garnishing


Types of Sushi

Types of Asian sauces

Types of garnishes

Types of dips

o Research on presentation

techniques of Asian sushi and


o Brainstorming on presentation

techniques of Asian sushi and


o Group discussion on

presentation techniques of

Asian sushi and sauces

o Demonstration and

observation on presentation

techniques of Asian sushi and


o Individual practical exercises

on presentation techniques of

Asian sushi and sauces

o Presentation on techniques of

Asian sushi and sauces

- Video aids - Internet - Boards - Markers - Reference books - Pictures - Magazines - Tools - Garnishes - Asian sushi and


Resources Learning activities Content

Page 559: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

545 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 5.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist: leaner demonstrating skill and

knowledge in simulated or authentic context witness

testimony based on performance checklist

Integrated situation

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Presentation and garnishing techniques are respected

Types of Sushi

Types of Asian sauces

Types of garnishes

Types of dips


Performance criterion

Proper presentation of sushi and sauces with required garnishes, dips and


Page 560: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

546 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 5.2:Prepare accompaniments of Asian sushi and sauces

Types of


depending on type of

sushi and sauces

Preparation techniques

of accompaniments on

Asian sushi and sauces

according to recipes

o Research on presentation

techniques of Asian sushi and


o Brainstorming on presentation

techniques of Asian sushi and


o Group discussion on presentation

techniques of Asian sushi and


o Demonstration and observation

on presentation techniques of

Asian sushi and sauces

o Individual practical exercises on

presentation techniques of Asian

sushi and sauces

o Presentation on techniques of

Asian sushi and sauces

- Reference books - Pictures - Video aids - Internet - Markers - Boards - Markers - Accompaniments of

Asian sushi and sauces - Tools of

accompaniments - Magazine

Formative Assessment 5.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Produc evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist

Integrated situation /task

Performance criterion

Right evaluation of dish and adjustment of presentation.

Resources Learning activities Content

Page 561: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

547 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Accompaniments of Asian sushi and sauces are respected

Type of sauces

Types of sushi

Types of dips


Learning Outcome 5.3:Serve and store Asian sushi and sauces

Serving tools of Asian sushi and


Serving techniques of Asian

sushi and sauces

Storage tools of Asian sushi and


Environmental conditions for

storing sushi and Asian sauces

o Research on serving and

storing Asian sushi and sauces

o Brainstorming on serving and

storing Asian sushi and sauces

o Group discussion on serving

and storing Asian sushi and


o Demonstration and

observation on serving and

storing Asian sushi and sauces

o Individual practical exercise on

serving and storing Asian sushi

and sauces

o Presentation on serving and

storing Asian sushi and sauces

- Video aids - Internet - Boards - Markers - Reference books - Pictures - Projectors - Pens - Papers - Storing tools and

equipment - Serving tools - Sushi - Sauces - Accompaniments

Formative Assessment 5.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieve

Performance criterion

Proper serving of sushi according to the shape, size and sauces depends on color

on appropriate tableware

Resources Learning activities Content

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548 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

Sentence completion


Multiple choice question

Observation checklist

integrated situation /task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Serve and store Asian sushi and sauces appropried

garnishes and accompaniments for Asian sushi and sauces are prepared


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549 | P a g e

Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

In the world youth forum of 20/12/2018, UMUGANDA Hotel is going to host 4 guests from Korea who will order Asian menu composed with Asian sushi (Sashimi sushi) and sauces (Chili sauce). UMUGANDA Hotel doesn’t have a professional cook of Asian menu, as fresh graduate you are emergency hired to prepare sashimi sushi and chili sauce that will be served in that event within 3 hours.

Tools and equipment

- Sushi platers

- Electric rice cooker

- Wooden spatula

- Sashimi knife

- Moist hands

- Sushi rolling mats

- Consumables

- Neta (raw seafood)

- Shari (sushi rice)

- Yakumi (condiments)

- Seasoning

(soyasauce, sea salt )

- Soya sauce

- Chili sauce

- Coconut milk

- Curry paste

- Curry sauce

Assesment Criterion 1: Hygiene

Checklist Score Yes No

Indicator: Kitchen hygiene is respected

Personal hygiene

Cleaning tools and equipment

Clean as you go is applied

Proper cleaning of ingredients


Assesment Criterion 2: Quality of Process

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550 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Identification of ingredients for Asian Sushi are identified

Neta (raw seafood)

Shari (sushi rice)

Yakumi (condiments)

Seasoning (soya sauce, sea salt )

Indicator:Identification of Ingredients for Asian sauces is identified

Soya sauce

Chili sauce

Coconut milk

Curry paste

Curry sauce

Soya sauce

Indicator: Selection of Types of Asian sushi is respected

Sashimi sushi

Tempura roll

Rainbow roll

Dragon roll

Unagi roll

Sashimi sushi

Indicator :Measurement of ingredients for Asian sushi and sauces are measured

Types of Sushi

Quantity of Sushi

Size of Sushi

Quantity sauces

Indicator: Factors to be considered for security of stock identification is respected

Number of customers

Number of pieces needed



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551 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 3: Quality of product

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Presentation of sushi and sauces are respected


Color combination


Sauce consistency

Indicator:Methods of Sushi Preparationis respected

Wet your hands with cold water

Pick up slice of fish and smear

Top the rice with the fish

Indicator: Accompaniments of Asian sushi and sauces well prepared

Type of sauces

Types of sushi

Types of dips


Assesment Criterion 4: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Time is well respected

Time (3hours)

Indicator :Expected products are prepared

Potion size for Chill sauce for 4pax

Potion size for Sashimi sushi for 4pax


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552 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 5: Safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Appropriate use of tools and equipment is respected

Sushi plate

Electric rice cooker

Wooden spatula

Sashimi knife

Moist hands

Sushi rolling mats

Indicator:Food safety principles are applied.

Food contamination



Assesment Criterion 6: Perfection

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Creativity and innovations are prepared

Creative and innovation in Presentation

Creative and innovation in Garnishing


Passing line: <80%

Reference books: 1. Professional cooking (seventh edition), WAYNE GISSLEN, 2011

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553 | P a g e


CUAFS501 Implement food safety procedures

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 5 50

Sector: Hospitality and Tourism

Sub-sector: Culinary arts

Issue date: November, 2014

Purpose statement

This general module describes the knowledge and attitude required to apply basic cooking. The learner

will be able to evaluate organizational requirements for food safety, implement food safety procedures

to control hazards and revise food safety procedures. This will allow the Chef de Partie to easily pursue

further learning at higher level.

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554 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

Hygiene and food safety control

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Evaluate organizational

requirements for food safety.

1.1. Proper identification of potential environmental on

food hazards.

1.2. Proper identification of HACCP.

1.3. Appropriate examination of food handling


1.4. Appropriate assessment of organizational

characteristics that impact on food safety.

1.5. Suitable evaluation of existing policies and

procedures for HACCP.

1.6. Proper monitoring practices, including record

keeping, and assess need for change

2. Implement food safety procedures

to control hazards.

2.1. Relevant discussion with stakeholders to improve

food safety procedures.

2.2. Efficient combination of required standards into

policies and procedures.

2.3. Proper establishment and documentation of HACCP.

2.4. Suitable control methods for each point of HACCP

2.5. Efficient monitoring and keeping HACCP record.

3. Revise food safety procedures

3.1. Proper communication of food safety policies,

procedures and product specifications.

3.2. Appropriate organization of training and mentoring

on food safety policies and procedures.

3.3. Accurate observation operational activities to ensure

policies and procedures.

3.4. Appropriate making changes of practices to avoid

food spoilage.

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555 | P a g e

LU 1:Evaluate organizational requirements for food safety


Learning Outcomes:

1.1 Identify potential environmental of food safety 1.2 Identify HACCP 1.3 Examine and assess food safety. 1.4 Evaluate policies and procedures for HACCP 1.5 Monitor and assess practices including records keeping

15 Hours

Learning Outcome 1.1:Identify potential environmental of food safety

Types of food safety hazards

Physical hazards

Foreign objects from

food handlers

Equipment Packaging Pests Broken glass Metal fragments)

Chemical hazards

Cleaning agents


Toxic metals




Biological or microbial



Bacteria Viruses

o Research on food safety hazards

and controlling food safety

o Brainstorming on food safety

hazards and controlling food


o Group discussion on food safety

hazards and controlling food


o Individual exercise on food safety

hazards and controlling food


- Facilitation aids

Resources Learning activities Content

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556 | P a g e



People Food Pests Utensils

Allergenic hazards

Food poisoning

Controlling food safety

Clean, sanitize and


Food spoilage and food


High temperature

Formative Assessment 1.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Product evidence

True or false questioning

Sentence comprehension

Essay questions

Observation checklist

Integrated situation(Roleplay)

Performance criterion

Proper identification of potential environmental on food hazards

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557 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Types of food safety hazards is identified

Physical hazard

Biological Allergenic hazards

Chemical hazards

Allergenic hazards

Indicator:Techniques of Controlling food safety respected

Clean, sanitize and disinfect

Food spoilage and food preservation


Learning Outcome1.2:Identify HACCP

Identification of HACCP


Conduct a hazard analysis

Determine the control

critical points (CCPs)

Establish critical limits

Establish a system to

monitor control of each CCP

Establish corrective actions

when monitoring indicates

that a particular CCP is not

under control

Establish procedures for

verification to confirm that

HACCP system is working


Establish documentation and

records of all procedures

relevant to the HACCP

principles and their

o Research on identification of

principles and key points of

monitoring HACCP

o Brainstorming on points of

monitoring HACCP

o Group work on identification of

principles and key points of

monitoring HACCP

o Individual exercises on

identification of principles and

key points of monitoring HACCP

o Presentation on identification

of principles and key points of

monitoring HACCP

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Boards - Markers - Pictures - Chalks - Projector - Brochures

Resources Learning activities Content

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558 | P a g e


Key points of monitoring HACCP

Identification of critical

control points

Control measures

Monitoring steps to control

food safety hazards

Corrective action to be taken

if control measures are not

being met

Records that must be

completed at each step

Formative Assessment 1.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Essay Sentence comprehension True or false question

Performance criterion

Proper identification of HACCP.

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559 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Identification of HACCP is done

Identification of HACCP principles

Hazards analysis

Determination of control critical points (CCPs)

Establishment of critical limits

Establishment of a system to monitor control of each CCP

Establishment of corrective actions when monitoring indicates that a

particular CCP is not under control

Establishment of procedures for verification to confirm that HACCP system


Learning Outcome 1.3:Examine and assess food safety.

Importance of food safety;

Temperature control

Avoiding food


Food safety management

systems ;


Storage and stock control

Staff hygiene

Pest control

Cleaning, disinfection/waste

Staff training

o Research on Importance and

systems of food safety


o Brainstorming on Importance

and systems of food safety


o Discussion on Importance and

systems of food safety


o Practical exercises on systems

of food safety management

o Demonstration and

Observation on systems of food

safety management

o Individual practical on

importance and systems of

food safety management

- Reference books journals

- Flip Chart - Boards - Markers - Video aids - Internet

- Pictures

- Food thermometer

- Food items

Formative Assessment 1.3

Resources Learning activities Content

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560 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance Evidence

Product evidence

Sentence completion Observation checklist Integrated situation (Roleplay)/task

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Examine and assess food safety is well done

Description of Food safety management systems

Respect food safety management

Temperature control

Avoiding food contamination


Storage and stock control

Staff hygiene

Pest control


Disinfection / waste

Staff training


Performance criterion

Appropriate examination and assessment of organizational characteristics that

impact on food safety

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561 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 1.4:Evaluate policies and procedures for HACCP.

Food safety control measures;

Temperature - correct

temperature throughout

storage, production and


Time limits - restricting time

food spends in danger zone

when temperature cannot

be controlled

Combination of time and

temperature controls

Support programs such as;

personal hygiene

procedures, pest control,

supplier standards, cleaning

procedures, etc

Food regulations and


Food safety signs;

o Research on food safety control

measures and food safety signs

o Brainstorming on food safety

control measures and food

safety signs

o Individual exercises on food

safety control measures and

food safety signs

o Group discussion on food safety

control measures and food

safety signs

o Presentation on food safety

control measures and food

safety signs

- Video aids - Reference books - Internet - Boards - Markers - Pictures - Chalks - Brochures - Records - Magazines

Formative Assessment 1.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Essay Sentence comprehension True or false question

Performance criterion

Suitable evaluation of existing policies and procedures for HACCP.

Resources Learning activities Content

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562 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Evaluate policies and procedures for HACCPis respected


of Food safety control measures

Time limits - restricting time food spends in danger zone when temperature cannot be controlled

Combination of time and temperature controls

Support programs such as personal hygiene procedures, pest control, supplier standards, cleaning procedures, etc


Learning Outcome 1.5:Monitor and assess practices including records keeping

Types of records of activities for

food safety monitoring

Staff training undertake

(carry out)

Pest control reports

Food safety procedures for:

Prevention food safety


Controlling food safety


Eliminating food safety


o Research on types of records of

activities and food safety


o Brainstorming on types of

records of activities and food

safety procedures

o Demonstration and observation

on activities and food safety


o Group discussion on types of

records of activities and food

safety procedures

o Individual exercises on types of

records of activities and food

safety procedures

o Group work on types of records

of activities and food safety


o Presentation on types of

records of activities and food

safety procedures

- Video aids - Reference books - Internet - Boards - Markers - Pictures - Chalk - Documents - Projector - Flip chart - Duster

Resources Learning activities Content

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563 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 1.5

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

True or false questioning Observation checklist Multiple choice questions

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Types of the records of activities for food safety is identified

Staff training undertake (carry out)

Pest control reports

Indicator: Food safety procedures is respected

Prevention food safety hazards

Controlling food safety hazards

Eliminating food safety hazards


Performance criterion

Proper monitoring practices, including record keeping, and assess need for


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564 | P a g e

LU 2:Implement food safety procedures to control hazards


Learning Outcomes:

2.1Improve food safety procedures 2.2 Combine policies, methods and procedures for controlling food safety 2.3 Establish and document HACCP records 2.4 Apply control methods for each point of HACCP

20 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1:Improve food safety procedures

HACCP based standard

operating procedures:

Cleaning and sanitizing

food contact surfaces

Controlling time and

temperature during


Cooking potentially

hazardous foods

Cooling potentially

hazardous food

Date making and ready to-

eat, potentially hazardous


Handling a food recall

Holding hot and cold

potentially hazardous


Personal hygiene

o Research on HACCP; based

standard operating


o Brainstorming on HACCP;

based standard operating


o Research on HACCP; based

standard operating


o Group work on HACCP;

based standard operating


o group discussion on HACCP;

based standard operating


o Individual exercises on

HACCP; based standard

operating procedures

o Presentation on HACCP;

based standard operating


- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Video aids - Internet - Markers - Flip chart - Boards - Chalks - Projector

Resources Learning activities Content

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565 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 2.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Sentence completion

Essay questions

True or false

Matching questions

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Identification of HACCP; Based standard operating procedures is respected

Cleaning and sanitizing food contact surface

Controlling time and temperature during preparation

Cooking potentially hazardous foods

Cooling potentially hazardous food

Date making and ready to-eat, potentially hazardous food

Handling a food recall

Holding hot and cold potentially hazardous foods

Personal hygiene


Performance criterion

Relevant discussion with stakeholders to improve

Food safety procedures

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566 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 2.2:Combine policies, methods and procedures for controlling food safety

Policies of food safety;

Food safety legislation

Enforcement of officers

Issue of notices and orders

for non-compliance

Industry guide (to good

hygiene practice)

Food standard agency

Methods and procedures for

controlling food safety;

Food preparation

Cooling Chilling Refrigerating Reheating

Deliveries and storage

Purchase Transport and delivery Check deliveryvehicles Date marks and


o Research on policies, methods

and procedures for controlling

food safety

o Brainstorming on policies,

methods and procedures for

controlling food safety

o Group work on policies,

methods and procedures for

controlling food safety

o Group discussion on policies,

methods and procedures for

controlling food safety

o Individual exercises on

policies, methods and

procedures for controlling

food safety

o Presentation on policies,

methods and procedures for

controlling food safety

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Markers - Flip chart - Boards

Formative Assessment 2.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Matching Exercises

Sentence completion

Essay questions

True or false

Performance criterion

Efficient combination of required standards into policies and procedures.

Resources Learning activities Content

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567 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Food safety Policiesis identified

Food safety legislation

Enforcement of officers

Indicator: Issue of notices and orders for non-compliance is respected

Industry guide(to good hygiene practice)

Food standard agency

Food preparation

Deliveries and


Indicator :Methods and procedures for controlling food safety is done

Food preparation

Deliveries and storage


Learning Outcome 2.3:Establish and document HACCP records

Seven stages of HACCP;

Conduct a hazards analysis

Determine the critical control

points (CCPs).

Establish critical limits.

Establish a system to

monitor control of each CCP

Establish corrective actions

when monitoring indicates

that a particular CCP is not

under control

Establish procedures for

verification to confirm that a

o Research on stages of HACCP

o Brainstorming on stages of

HACCP and Record keeping


o Individual exercises on stages

of HACCP and Record keeping


o Group discussion on stages of

HACCP and Record keeping


o Presentation on stages of

HACCP and Record keeping


- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Markers - Boards - Flipchart - Document records

Resources Learning activities Content

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568 | P a g e

HACCP system is working


Establish documentation

and record all procedures

relevant to the HACCP

principles and their


Record keeping procedures

Support documentation

such as HACCP plan review,

verification and validation


Records that are generated

during the operation of the

HACCP system.

Formative Assessment 2.3

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

True or false questioning

Sentence completion

Performance criterion

Proper establishment and documentation of HACCP.

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569 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator :Establish and document HACCP record is done Description of seven stages of HACCP

Establish critical limits.

Establish a system to monitor control of each CCP

Establish corrective actions when monitoring indicates that a particular CCP is not under control

Establish procedures for verification to confirm that a HACCP system is working effectively.

Establish documentation and record all procedures relevant TO THE HACCP principles and their application

Support documentation such as HACCP plan review, verification and

validation records

Records that are generated during the operation of the HACCP system


Learning Outcome 2.4:Apply control methods for each point of HACCP

Control methods for HACCP;

Food deliveries and storage

Multi-use fridges

Dry food storage

First in-first out

Food labelling codes

Food preparation

Use of temperature

Cooling cooked food


Serving food

o Research on Control methods


o Brainstorming on Control

methods for HACCP

o Demonstration and

observation on Control

methods for HACCP

o Practical exercises on methods

and procedures for controlling

food safety

o Group discussion on methods

and procedures for controlling

food safety

o Presentation on Control

methods for HACCP

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Markers - Boards - Flipchart - Food items

Resources Learning activities Content

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570 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 2.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence


Observation check list

Integrated situations (Role play)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Control method for HCCP is identified

Food deliveries and storage

Multi-use fridges

Dry food storage

First in-first out

Food labelling codes

Food preparation

Use of temperature

Cooling cooked food


Serving food


Performance criterion

Suitable control methods for each point of HACCP

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571 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.1:Communicate food safety procedures

Types of communication

methods and their procedures of

food safety;


Ongoing staff training



Information posters



Making food safety issues

parts of staff meeting

Working with EHO

(Environmental Health


o Research on types of

communication methods and

their procedures of food safety

o Brainstorming on types of

communication methods

o Individual exercises on types of

communication methods and

their procedures of food safety

o Group discussion on types of

communication methods and

their procedures of food safety

o Presentation on types of

communication methods and

their procedures of food safety

o Role play on communication

methods and their procedures

of food safety

- Internet - Videos aids - Reference books - Markers - Boards - Chalks - Projector - Flip chart

LU 3: Revise food safety procedures


Learning Outcomes:

3.1 Communicate food safety procedures 3.2 Organize training and mentoring food safety policies and procedures 3.3 Follow operational activities to ensure policies and procedures 3.5 Prevent food spoilage

15 Hours

Resources Learning activities Content

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572 | P a g e

Formative Assessment 3.1

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Matching exercises

True or false questions

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Communication methods and their procedures of food safety is identified


Health officers ongoing staff training


Mentoring inform



Making food

Safety issues

Parts of staff meeting

Working with EHO (Environmental Heath Officers)


Performance criterion

Proper communication of food safety policies, procedures and product


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573 | P a g e

Learning Outcome 3.2:Organize training and mentoring food safety policies and procedures

Food safety training


Food safety


Monitoring, control

and auditing

o Research on Food safety training


o Brainstorming on food safety

training methods

o Group discussion on food safety

training methods

o Group work on food safety

training methods

o Role play on food safety training


o Presentation on types of

communication methods and

their procedures of food safety

- Internet - Videos aids - Reference books - Markers - Boards - Projector - Flip chart

Formative Assessment 3.2

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Matching exercises

True or false questions


Performance criterion

Appropriate organization of training and mentoring on food safety policies and


Resources Learning activities Content

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574 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Food safety training methods is identified

Food safety qualification


control and auditing


Learning Outcome 3.3:Follow operational activities to ensure policies and procedures

Operational activities of food


Controlling and reducing

outbreak of food poisoning

Registration of premises and


Content and labelling of


Prevention of manufacture

and sale of injurious food

Food imports

Prevention of contamination

and equipment


Training of food handlers

Provision of clean water,

sanitary facilities, washing


o Research on operational

activities of food safety

o Brainstorming on operational

activities of food safety

o Display on operational

activities of food safety

o Group discussion on

operational activities of food


o Individual exercises on

operational activities of food


o Presentation on operational

activities of food safety

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Markers - Boards - Flip chart - Pictures - Projector

Formative Assessment 3.3

Performance criterion

Accurate observation operational activities to ensure policies and procedures.

Resources Learning activities Content

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575 | P a g e

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Matching exercises

True or false questions


Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Operational activities of food safety is done

Training of food handlers

Content and labelling of food

Registration of premises and vehicles

Prevention of manufacture and sale of injurious food

Controlling and reducing outbreak of food poisoning

Food imports

Prevention of contamination and equipment contamination

Provision of clean water, sanitary facilities, washing facilities


Learning Outcome 3.4: Prevent food spoilage

Identification of spoiled food

Temperature and conditions

for food storage:



Storing foods inside a


Storage conditions required

by different foods:

Heat treatment

o Research on operational

activities of food safety

o Brainstorming on operational

activities of food safety

o Display on operational

activities of food safety

o Group discussion on

operational activities of food


o Individual exercises on

- Reference books - Video aids - Internet - Markers - Boards - Flip chart - Pictures - Projector

Resources Learning activities Content

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576 | P a g e

Low temperatures


Chemical preservation

Vacuum packing



Thawing and defrost food

Food storage and

temperature control


Temperature control

Cooking and reheating


Chilling or freezing food

Holding hot and cold

food for service

Hot food

Cold food

How to use of

temperature probe

operational activities of food


o Presentation on operational

activities of food safety

Formative Assessment 3.4

Assessor may collect among the following evidences and make judgements on whether the

performance criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Matching exercises

True or false questions


Performance criterion

Appropriate making changes of practices to avoid food spoilage.

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577 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Storage conditions is respected

Heat treatment

Low temperatures


Chemical preservation

Vacuum packing


Indicator: Temperature control is respected

Cooking and reheating food

Chilling or freezing food

Holding hot and cold


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578 | P a g e

Summative Assessment

Integrated situation Resources

UBUMWE RESTAURANTis going to host 200guests in an annual youth forumduring 10 days by serving 3 meals per day. Thehosting guest number is very far superior than the optimum that the restaurant use to serve bynormal daily basis; note that the normal clients will also be allowed to attend and be served as always, and then the restaurant doesn’t have professionals in food safety procedures implementation to manage all consumables within standard procedures to avoid food contamination. Asa fresh graduate you are specifically appointed to prepare food safety procedures implementation for that restaurant, by considering the following guidelines:

1. HACCP principles. 2. Organization andcharacteristics of food safety 3. Food safety policies, procedures and food products

specification 4. How to make change of practices to avoid food spoilage.

- Reference books - Internet - Video aids - Pictures - Flip chart - Boards - Markers - Chalk - Projector - Pen - Computer - Printer - Paper

Assesment Criterion 1: hygiene

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Personal hygiene is respected

Professional chief uniform attire is worn

Hands are washed correctly

Clean as you go is applied

Proper cleaning of ingredients is respected.


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579 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 2: Safety

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Operational activities of food safety is respected

Training of food handlers

Content and labelling of food

Registration of premises and vehicles

Prevention of manufacture and sale of injurious food

Controlling and reducing outbreak of food poisoning

Food imports


Assesment Criterion 3: Quality of Process

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator:Control method for HCCP is done

Food deliveries and storage

Multi-use fridges

Dry food storage

First in-first out

Food labelling codes

Food preparation

Use of temperature


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580 | P a g e

Assesment Criterion 4: Quality of product

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Storage conditions is respected

Heat treatment

Low temperatures


Chemical preservation

Vacuum packing


Indicator: Temperature control is respected

Cooking and reheating food

Chilling or freezing food

Holding hot and cold


Assesment Criterion 5: Relevance

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Timed and food safety procedures implementation are respected

Time is respected

Food safety procedures implementation is respected


Assesment Criterion 6: Perfection

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581 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Indicator: Right innovations and creativity are well done

Innovation in food safety procedures implementations

Creativity in food and safety procedures implementations


Reference books:

2. Professional Cookery, 2nd Edition, Level 2 Diploma, Pam Rabone, Holly Bamunuge; Trevor Eeles,

Mark Furr ShyamPatior, Dereick Rushton, Sue J Wood with Len Unwin; First edition 2007, this

Edition 2010

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582 | P a g e


CCMIA501 Integrate workplace

REQF Level: 5 Learning hours

Credits: 30 300

Sector: All

Sub-sector: All

Issue date:November, 2017

Purpose statement

This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to integrate the

students/internee in workplace for an industrial attachment program or employment. The

module will allow the learner to demonstrate supervisory skills at the workplace get briefed on

industrial attachment program and develop one’s competences on the workplace.

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583 | P a g e

Learning assumed to be in place

All the modules covered

Elements of competence and performance criteria

Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence.

Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement

of the learning unit.

By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to:

Elements of competence Performance criteria

1. Demonstrate supervisory skills 1.1 Proper exploration of industrial attachment policy. 1.2 correct identification of labor contracts 1.3 Proper identification of supervisor’s roles and responsibilities. 1.4 correct preparation of technical report as supervisor 1.5 Appropriate filing of work related documents.

2. Get briefed on industrial attachment program

2.1 Proper setting of industrial attachment goals. 2.2 Proper description of IAP documents 2.3 Clear explanation on how IAP assessment is conducted.

3. Develop one’s competences on the workplace

3.1 Expected competencies are fully developed. 3.2 Trainee logbook is completely and well filled. 3.3 Proper description of gained work experience.

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584 | P a g e

LU 1: Demonstrate supervisory skills


Learning Outcomes:

1. Explore industrial attachment policy. 2. Identify labor contracts 3. Identify supervisor’s roles and responsibilities. 4. Prepare a technical report as supervisor 5. File work related documents.

10 Hours

Learning Outcome1.1:Explore industrial attachment policy

National workplace policies and procedures.

International workplace policies and procedures.

o Group work on national workplace policies and procedures.

o Research on workplace policies and procedures in different countries

o Asking questions o Large group discussion

- Text books - Notebooks - Pens - Chalkboard - Hand out

Formative Assessment 1.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools



Essay (short responses and extended responses) Expose (presentation)

Performance criterion

Proper exploration of industrial attachment policy.

Resources Learning activities Content

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585 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Industrial attachment policies

Definitions of labor contract

Types of labor contract

Differences among labor contracts


Learning Outcome 1.2: Identify labor contracts

Utility of different embroidery material, equipment and tools

o Collection of materials and tool

o Observation of materials, tools, and equipment

o Group discussion on utility of different embroidery material, equipment and tools

See Learning Outcome 1.1

Formative Assessment 1.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Essay (short responses and extended responses

Expose (presentation)

Performance criterion

Correct identification of labor contracts

Resources Learning activities Content

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586 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No


Learning Outcome 1.3: Identify supervisor’s roles and responsibilities

Supervisor’s roles and responsibilities.

Coach Mentor Advocate for

organization Advocate for


o Small group work o Individual work o Large group discussion o Pair work o Asking questions

- Text books - Notebooks - Pens - Chalkboard - Hand out

Formative Assessment 1.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Essay (short responses and extended responses) Multiple choice True or false question Matching Sentence completion Expose (presentation) Question and answer

Performance criterion

Proper identification of supervisor’s roles and responsibilities.

Resources Learning activities Content

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587 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Possible roles and responsibilities of supervisor


Learning Outcome 1.4: Prepare a technical report as supervisor

Steps in making technical report

Gather the necessary information about professional activities

Explain the work you have done

Mention any problems you encountered and explain how you solved them

Specify what you hope to accomplish next workday.

o Research on steps in making technical report

o Asking questions o Small group work o Large group discussion

- Text books - Notebooks - Pens - Chalkboard - Hand out

Formative Assessment 1.4

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Correct preparation of technical report as supervisor

Resources Learning activities Content

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588 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Product evidence

(Check list)

Essay (short responses and extended responses)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Well prepared Technical report


Learning Outcome 1.5: File work related documents

Different ways to file documents in a filing cabinet o Alphabetical o Category o Date o Numerical o Combination

Considerations in filing technics

o Group work on different ways to file documents

o Individual work o Large group discussion o Asking questions

- Text books - Notebooks - Pens - Chalkboard - Hand out on different ways to

file documents

Formative Assessment 1.5

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Appropriate filing of work related documents.

Resources Learning activities Content

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589 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Product evidence

Essay (short responses and extended responses)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Completed checklist on documents filing

Different ways to file documents


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590 | P a g e

LU 2:Get briefed on industrial attachment program


Learning Outcomes:

1. Set industrial attachment goals 2. Describe IAP documents 3. Explain how IAP assessment is conducted

5 Hours

Learning Outcome 2.1: Set industrial attachment goals

Goals of industrial attachment

o Group discussion on the IAP goal

o Research on the IAP goals o Asking questions o Individual work on the setting

of own IAP goals

- Hand out on industrial attachment goals.

- Text books - Notebooks - Pens - Chalkboard

Formative Assessment 2.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Essay (short responses /extended responses) Multiple choice True or false question Question and answer

Performance criterion

Proper setting of industrial attachment goals

Resources Learning activities Content

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591 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

List of possible industrial attachment goals


Learning Outcome 2.2: Describe IAP documents.

IAP Logbooks: IAP list of competencies to be

developed IAP attendance sheet IAP agreement IAP report form IAP Evaluation form IAP interview form

o Presentation by trainees and trainer

o Small group work on the interpretation of IAP logbooks

o Exercise on the completion of IAP logbooks

o Asking questions o Guided learning on how to

complete IAP logbooks

- Logbooks -

Formative Assessment 2.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Performance evidence

Multiple choice True or false question Question and answer

Performance criterion

Proper description of IAP documents

Resources Learning activities Content

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592 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Essential elements of IAP documents


Learning Outcome 2.3: Explain how IAP assessment is conducted.

Written tests

Performance evidence(marked by company supervisor)

Respond to interview questions

o Presentation by trainees and trainer

o Discussion on IAP assessment is conducted

o Asking questions

- Vocational tools - Task sheets -

Formative Assessment 2.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Essay (short responses /extended responses) Expose (presentation)

Checklist Score

Yes No

Explanation of IAP procedures


Performance criterion

Clear explanation on how IAP assessment is conducted

Resources Learning activities Content

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593 | P a g e

LU 3: Develop one’s competences on the workplace


Learning Outcomes:

1. Develop competencies related to one’s field. 2. Fill Trainee logbook. 3. Describe gained work experience

285 Hours

Learning Outcome 3.1: Develop competencies related to one’s field.

Various activities / tasks related to one’s field.

o Perform various activities / tasks related to one’s field.

- -Vocational tools related to one’ field

Formative Assessment 3.1

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Performance criterion

Expected competencies are fully developed.

Resources Learning activities Content

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594 | P a g e

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Product evidence

Checklist Score

Yes No

List of well performed activities/ tasks given by industry (checklist)


Learning Outcome 3.2: Fill Trainee logbook.

IAP reports

IAP Evaluation

IAP interview

o Complete trainee logbook - -logbooks

Formative Assessment 3.2

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Product evidence

Performance criterion

Trainee logbook is completely and well filled

Resources Learning activities Content

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595 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

List of well performed activities/ tasks given by industry (checklist)


Learning Outcome 3.3:Describe gained work experience

Work experience related to one’s field. o Presentation - Questionnaires containing questions related to work experience.

Formative Assessment 3.3

The assessor may collect any of the following evidences and make judgements if the performance

criterion has been achieved.

Types of evidence Portfolio assessment tools

Written evidence

Oral evidence

Essay (short responses / extended responses) Expose (presentation)

Performance criterion

Proper description of gained work experience.

Resources Learning activities Content

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596 | P a g e

Checklist Score

Yes No

Brief presentation of experience gained during the industrial attachment period


Reference books:
















15. Attachment Program






Attachment Program (IAP)s

18. Adu peproh J., Frank.B.K Twenefour (2015) industrial training program of polytechnics in Ghana: the

pertinent issues, Ghana

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Assessment: A process of gathering and judging

evidence in order to decide whether a person

has attained a standard of performance.

Assessment criteria: Statements which describe

performances and place them in context with

sufficient precision to allow valid and reliable


Best practice: Management practices and work

processes that lead to outstanding or top-class

performance and provide examples for others.

Competency standard: An industry-determined

specification of performance which sets out the

skills, knowledge and attitudes required to

operate effectively in employment.

Competency standards are made up of units of

competency, which are themselves made up of

elements of competency, together with

performance criteria, a range of variables, and

an evidence guide.

Competency: means the ability to apply

knowledge, skills and personal, social and

methodological skills in the workplace or

during learning, as well as in personal and

professional development. This ability or

capacity is acquired through leaning, exposure

to the tasks and series of training allowing one

to perform specific task autonomously. Reason

why in the context of the CBE Framework

competencies are described as responsibility

and independence.

Competency-based assessment (or CBA): The

gathering and judging of evidence in order to

decide whether a person has achieved a

standard of competency.

Complementary competencies: Set of

knowledge, skills and attitudes which are not

directly linked to a specific occupation or

industry, but which are important for work,

education and life in general, such as

communication, mathematics, organizational

aptitude, and computer literacy, interpersonal

and analytical competency.

Core modules: Modules leading to

competencies’ acquisition that an industry

sector has agreed upon as essential for a person

to be accepted as competent at a particular

level. All modules may be core, but in many

cases competency at a level will involve core

modules plus optional or specialization

modules. Core competencies are normally

those central to work in a particular industry.

Credential: Formal certification issued for

successful achievement of a defined set of

outcomes, e.g. successful completion of a

course in recognition of having achieved

particular knowledge, skills or competencies;

successful completion of an apprenticeship or


Credit: The acknowledgement that a person has

satisfied the requirements of a module.

Curriculum: The specifications for a course or

subject (module) which describe all the learning

experiences a learner undergoes, generally

including objectives, content, intended learning

outcomes, teaching methodology,

recommended or prescribed assessment tasks,

assessment exemplars, etc.

Evidence guide: The part of a competency

standard which provides a guide to the

interpretation and assessment of the unit of

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competency, including the aspects which need

to be emphasized in assessment, relationships

to other units, and the required evidence of


Flexible delivery: A range of approaches to

providing education and training, giving

learners greater choice of when, where and

how they learn. Flexible delivery may involve

distance education, mixed-mode delivery,

online education, self-paced learning, self-

directed learning, etc.

Formal education: Also formal training

education or training provided in educational

institutions such as schools, universities,

colleges, etc. or off the job in a workplace,

usually involving direction from a teacher or


General competencies: competencies

correspond to larger operations that go beyond

the tasks, but generally contribute to their

implementation. These activities require more

fundamental learning and are generally

common to several tasks and transferable to

many work situations.

Generic modules: Modules leading to the

attainment of complementary competencies.

Informal education: The acquisition of

knowledge and skills through experience,

reading, social contact, etc.

Internship: An opportunity for a learner to

integrate career related experience by

participating in planned, supervised work.

Key competencies: Any of several generic skills

or competencies considered essential for

people to participate effectively in the

workforce. Key competencies apply to work

generally, rather than being specific to work in a

particular occupation or industry. The following

are key areas of competency which were

developed into seven key competencies:

collecting, analyzing and organizing

information; communicating ideas and

information; planning and organizing activities;

working with others and in teams; using

mathematical ideas and techniques; solving

problems; and using technology.

Knowledge: means the result of the adoption

of information through the learning process.

Knowledge is a set of facts, principles, theories

and practices related to area of work or study.

In CBE context lifelong learning knowledge is

described as theoretical and / or factual.

Learning outcomes: are statements of what

learner knows, understands and can perform,

based on the completion of the learning

process, defined by knowledge, skill and


Learning activities: Suggested activities that

can be developed during lesson planning and

activity preparation. The choice of learning

activities must be tailored according to group

size, available material resources and

communication tools.

Learning hours: Amount of hours required to

acquire the competency, including the time

allocated to evaluation, which is estimated

between 5 and 10% of the total learning time of

the competency.

Learning outcomes: Statements that indicate

what learners will know or be able to do as a

result of a learning activity. Learning outcomes

are usually expressed as knowledge, skills, or


Learning unit: Any of the basic building blocks

of a module, which describes the key activities

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or the elements of the work covered by the


Module: A unit of training which corresponds to

one competency and which can be completed

on its own or linked to others.

Occupation: The principal business of one’s life.

Performance criteria The part of a competency

standard specifying the required level of

performance in terms of a set of outcomes

which need to be achieved in order to be

deemed competent. It describes the quality

requirements of the result obtained in labor


Qualification: means the formal name for the

result of a process of assessment and

validation, which is obtained when a competent

body determines that an individual has

achieved learning outcomes to the standards

laid down.

Quality assurance: The systems and procedures

designed and implemented by an organization

to ensure that its products and services are of a

consistent standard and are being continuously


Recognition of prior learning (or RPL): The

acknowledgement of a person’s skills and

knowledge acquired through previous training,

work or life experience, which may be used to

grant status or credit in a subject or module.

Skills: are the ability to apply knowledge and

use the principle of “know how” to perform a

specific task and to solve the problem. In

the context of the CBE Framework, skills are

defined as cognitive (involving the use of logical,

intuitive and creative thinking), practical

(including physical skill and use of methods,

materials, devices and instruments) and social

skills (communication and cooperation skills,

emotional intelligence and other).

Specific competencies: Competencies that are

directly related to the tasks of the occupation in

the workplace context. They refer to concrete,

practical, and focused aspects

Traineeship: A system of vocational training

combining off-the-job training at an approved

training provider with on-the-job training and

practical work experience. Traineeships

generally take one to two years and are now a

part of the New Apprenticeships system.

Unit of competency: A component of a

competency standard. A unit of competency is a

statement of a key function or role in a

particular job or occupation. See also element

of competency, performance criteria, range of


Page 614: TVET CERTIFICATE V in CULINARY ARTS · 5. Vital MUNYURANGABO Chef de Partie KHANA KHAZANA 6. Claire Gitenge Culinary Arts Trainer 7. Francoise MUKAVUGANEZA Chef de Partie Dereva Hotel

WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY – WDA P. O. BOX 2707 Kigali Rwanda T +250 255113365 F +250 255113365 E [email protected]

Workforce Development Authority

Empowering people with employable skills and entrepreneurship capacity

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