
A Twilightful Alphabetacy

Chapter 1.3

Hello and welcome back to this gorgeous face that belongs to Aro! Awo cwan twalk! =D

And now the cutie has grown!!

Yarp, he sure is cute. His personality is 7/7/9/5/1 mean sim ahoy!

I believe Aro is hiding nice points somewhere.

Now it's Alec's turn to be set on fire.


Maybe he'll catch alight this time.

Aww, and he's not a clone!!

Glowy bottle of doom? That's right.

I am the master of the potty!

I can walk ..Steph, why are you almost naked?

*Shifty eyes* Steph? *Blarg *

Argh! I look up at Steph and she's eating CHEESECAKE!! Oh God no!

LTW be done, yeehee!

Alec nakey? Yes, tehee.

Stop that.

I be pregnant! I hate ye.

Sjt, you make the cutest kids ever!

Sheesh! Not again!

Not the cheap couch!

It wasn't the couch, it was the burglar alarm!

Alec can now talk.

Time for Alec to join Aro in kidhood.

And of course he's a cutie. His personality is 10/7/1/3/7 aw, he's a nice one.

Holy moly! Whale in the hoooouse! HEY! Shush.

Aww, cute little nerds.

YES! Sjt FINALLY got a job in the gamer career track.

Cute spam.

EEP! BABY TIME! Don't worry, it's the last one.

Hey there, clone.

I'll just put you on the floor here...

And pop out the next one.

Hey baby girl Angela.

And Alice.

A! Woohoo?

The kid's in the way! Pay him some attention then!

Triple birthday! Woo. :(

Alice! You're bald! But you got Steph's elf ears, yaaay!

ARO! *Wolf whistle *

Angela got hair AND a hat.

Hello, college? Yeah, the toddlers are taking over the house.

Bye Aro, see you in the college chapter.

There, Alice looks a lot better now.

The nanny is weird.

Alice has been potty trained.

Angela too.

And I'll leave you here with Steph pummelling Sjt.

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