Page 1: TYC SpyGlass Page 1 May 2008 - Tammany Yacht Club SpyGlass Page 2 May 2008 Com m odore's Corner The m onth of April went by quickly. The m ost im portant event of the m onth is that

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M ay 2008Page 1 SpyGlassw w w .Tam m anyYach 119 6 H arbor Drive, Slidell, LA M ay 2008

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Com m odore 'sCorne r

Com m odore 'sCorne r

Th e m onth of April w ent by q uick ly. Th e m ost im portant event of

th e m onth is th at w e h ired a new club m anager to replace Dodie ,

w h o is leaving us to join h e r h usband in Guam .

O ur new m anager, for th os e of you th at don’t k now yet is Lisa

Lyons . Lisa w as and w ill continue to be our bartender on

W edne sdays and Th ursdays as w ell as as sum ing h e r dutie s as club

m anager. Sh e h as a great deal of experience in th e Slidell area,

including re staurants Palm etto‘s , M ich ael’s , and Sh affer’s . Com e by

th e club and vis it Lisa and h ave a cock tail. Th e board fe els s h e w ill

do a great job.

Lisa h as lots of new ideas and great contacts for our Friday Nigh t

Dinners . Pleas e com e out and support h e r efforts , I am sure you

w ill enjoy it. Carl Ritzm ann h elped grill pork tenderloins for m y

first Com m odore’s Grill th is m onth as w ell as m anned a grill for

Steak Nigh t relieving M artin Sm ith w h o h as be en m y m ain as s istant

for s everal m onth s . W e are planning to grill filet m ignons on M ay

9 th .

W e h ave purch as ed a new s et of sails for th e flying scots . H opefully

th is w ill m ak e us m ore com petitive . Kyle Bow s er and I s h ared m ost

of th e cost for th e s e so th e re w as little cost for th e club for th is . Th is

s h ould h elp us in sailing th e Capdeville s e rie s , w h ich is re q uired by

GYA. Th ank s Kyle for th e donation and th e dedication th at you

h ave s h ow n to th e s e rie s and k e eping TYC a part of th e GYA.

O n th e 10th of M ay w e w ill h ave a big party put on by th e First

M ate s . Th e annual Bles s ing of th e Fleet, Craw fis h Boil and

Craw fis h Race s w ill be h eld in conjunction w ith th e Ch arter Day

Regatta. First M ate s w ill also provide live m us ic in th e evening. I

h ear th e re m ay be a gue st appearance by our announcer of note .

Tim e w ill tell but pleas e m ak e plans early to attend. First M ate s

ne ed an accurate count soon to order enough craw fis h .

And last but not least prayers go out to th e follow ing m em bers w h o

are not fe eling w ell and are recuperating: H etty Barne s , Gail

Diam ond, M ary O ’Rourk e , Roger Toups , and Eddie Re ith . Get w ell

soon folk s w e m is s you! Th at’s it for now . Se e you at th e club.


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Th ank you Race Com m itte e!

Th e first Bill Watson Spring Serie s w as a great succe s s . W ith fourte en

boats registered, th is is th e m ost participation Tam m any Yach t Club h as

h ad on th e w ater s ince before Katrina. If you h ave be en up to th e club on

W edne sdays , you k now first h and, s e e ing new face s as w ell as th e regulars

running around getting everyth ing in order before h eading out to th e cours e

betw e en th e bridge s . Several volunteers w ith pow er boats h ave stepped up

to h elp w ith th e various race com m itte e tas k s th at, w ith out th e ir h elp,

w ould h ave m ade it difficult to continue th is TYC Tradition. I w ould lik e

to personally th ank M artin Sm ith for h elping w ith th e recruitm ent of h is

race com m itte e staff. It is th os e people w h o m ak e it all h appen. From

displaying th e s ignal flags to recording th e participants and th e ir finis h

tim e s , h e h as be en th e re every w e e k before , during, and after th e race along

w ith h elp from Past Com m odore Bill Yauger and num erous oth ers to m ak e

sure everyth ing is in order. I can’t th ank Gary Knigh t enough for w h at h e

h as done to h elp th is year by providing and h is ve s s el “Ch risty Lee” as th e

TYC com m itte e boat. H e h as be en th e re for us not only on W edne sdays ,

but on th e first tw o of five Saturday Club race s . O n one occas ion w h en

Gary w as delivering a boat from Florida, th e Coast Guard Auxiliary

stepped up to provide crew and th e ir ve s s el in Gary’s place . In a sailboat

race you not only ne ed a starting line but a w eath er m ark is also re q uired

and club m em bers Wayne Rus s and Bubba Groce h ave each tak en turns

filling th e pos ition of scat boat. Th ank both of you for your h elp as w ell.

It is volunteers lik e th e s e providing th e effort and re source s th at allow s th e

sailing m em bers of our club to do w h at w e are so pas s ionate about, be ing

out on th e w ater, enjoying beautiful suns ets , and racing against good

com petition. Again th ank each of you for your continued support. If

anyone w ould lik e inform ation on h ow you can h elp w ith race com m itte e

or becom e a participant in th e race its elf, just give m e a call and w e can

m ak e it h appen.


Th ank YouR ace

Com m ittee!

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W h ile getting W INDSOM E ready for h e r next cruis e , I found tw o m aintenance item s th at badly ne eded attention. Now I k now all

of you readers ch eck th ings carefully every w e e k (or m aybe every year), but I th ough t m y m aintenance tales m igh t be w orth

pas s ing along, e specially s ince it’s th e s eason for getting ready.

Just in cas e you couldn’t identify th e item s in th e ph otograph , th e first item (th e round one w ith paddles) is th e im peller from

W INDSOM E’s raw w ater pum p. Alth ough som e pum ps are eas ily acce s s ible, yours probably live s be h ind som eth ing-or-oth er so

th at only a contortionist w ith sm all h ands could pos s ibly unscrew th e pum p cover and ch ange th e im peller w ith in th e

recom m ended s e rvice interval. Th at interval is 600 h ours on W INDSOM E, but a s h orter interval is recom m ended if you sail in

sandy conditions , i.e . if you are prone to running aground.

Since W INDSOM E’s bottom paint only h as scratch e s from barnacles , I th ough t it w ould be safe to extend th e m aintenance

interval to..say 1200 h ours . (Dum b, w asn’t it?) Be s ide s , I’ve be en ch anging im pellers on sch edule all m y life and I’ve never

encountered a brok en im peller blade . W ell, as you can s e e , m y luck ran out.

Th e dow n s ide of th is m aintenance overs igh t is th at now I h ave to tak e apart

th e h eat exch anger and h ope th at I can find th e m is s ing im peller blade s

before th ey m ak e friends w ith cooling tube s and overh eat th e engine ,

som eth ing th at only h appens in rough w eath er w h en you ne ed full pow er.

Alternatively, I could h ope th at th e blade piece s pas s ed th rough th e cooling

tube s and are now part of th e ocean floor, but som e h ow I don’t fe el th at

luck y.

So… th is year get intim ate w ith your engine and ch ange th e raw w ater pum p

im peller on sch edule lik e a good sailor.

Th e s econd item (th e bar w ith 4 bolts) is m ore ins idious . Sh ortly after

W INDSOM E w as built, an air conditioner w as installed in th e aft space

be h ind th e engine . I h ad never cons idered th e pos s ibility th at th e re m igh t be bolts under th e AC, m uch le s s bolts re spons ible for

h olding th e rudder on th e boat. Fortunately, I replaced th e old AC, and to m y surpris e , I found 4 bolt h eads , tw o w ith w h at

appeared to be m inor corros ion. (For th os e really “ in-th e -k now” th e bolts w ere not grounded alth ough th e ground w ire pas s ed

w ith in an inch .) I decided to tap th e nuts w ith m y trusty h am m er, and I truly m ean “tap”, not “ h it”. W e didn’t s ink , but th e nuts

s im ply fell off w h at rem ained of th e ½ inch stainles s ste el bolts, leaving only tw o rust stains and th e 2 rem aining bolts! H ad w e

not replaced th e AC, th e corros ion w ould h ave rem ained h idden, and th e rem aining tw o bolts w ould h ave be en next to go.

O ffs h ore , w e lik ely w ould h ave be en look ing for big leak s from th ru-h ull bolts w e didn’t k now existed… w h ile w e sailed in

rudderle s s circles and th e Coast Guard ch eck ed our EPIRB num ber.

Th e m e s sage from all th is is to ch eck all bolts for s igns of crevice

corros ion, e specially th os e th at h old your boat togeth e r.

Alternatively, you could ch eck your EPIRB. O r better yet, ch eck

both .

And th en h ave a carefre e sail.

Bill and Susan Jobst


Som e Boat “Stuff” I W is h I’d Done

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As m any of you k now , th e re is a m ovem ent in th e w ork s to build an

artificial re ef w ith th e rem ains of th e existing I-10 tw in span once th e new

bridge is constructed and in us e . In a report by Tim e s Picayune staff

w riter Ch ristine H arvey w e learned, if approved, th e new proposal w ould

place tw o re efs betw e en th e I-10 tw in span and th e H w y 11 Bridge . O ne

location is at N30 10.169 W 89 50.744 south w e st of our club race m ark

“T” and th e oth er at N30 11.618 W 89 49 .745 w h ich place s it in th e m iddle

of our sailing area. As you can im agine , th is w ould totally dis rupt not

only any racing th at our club currently enjoys betw e en th e bridge s , but

w ould s h ut dow n virtually all recreation sailing for anyone th at live s in

Eden Isle s , O ak H arbor, and Clipper Estate s . W h ile our pos ition on th is

is sue is not to derail th e idea of creating an artificial re ef, w e do w ant to

m ak e sure th at in doing so, it doe s not ch ange our w aterfront com m unity

in a w ay th at prevents any sailing betw e en th e bridge s . Th e proposal w as

pre s ented to th e Departm ent of Transportation and Developm ent by Th e

Coastal Cons ervation As sociation of Louis iana as a w ay to attract m ore

fis h to th e area. According to th e Tim e s Picayune report, CCA got th e

idea to build th e re efs from Dudley Vandenborre , w h o h as be en running a

ch arter fis h ing bus ine s s from h is Eden Isle s h om e for th e past decade .

Joh n Walth er, a volunteer coordinator w ith CCA said th e re efs w ould not

interfere w ith boat traffic as th ey w ould lay s everal feet below th e lak e’s

surface . Th is m ay be true for a fis h ing ve s s el but th at is certainly not th e

cas e w h en it com e s to sail boats . M ost of th e boats th at fre q uently sail in

th is area h ave a draft of 5 to 8 fe et and w ith th e average depth of th e lak e

betw e en th e bridge s be ing 10 to 12 fe et, anyth ing placed on th e bottom in

th is area w ould re strict sailing activity. Since learning of th is propos ed

idea, I w ent th rough various local agencie s w ork ing m y w ay up until I w as

put in contact w ith Patrick Fink of th e National O ceanic and Atm osph e ric

Adm inistration. After learning of our concerns , Patrick and I h ave h ad

s everal conversations by both em ail and teleph one . I s ent h im a ch art

s h ow ing h ow th e propos ed placem ent of th e north ern m ost re ef w as a

definite problem for th e Slidell sailing com m unity. Since th en h e h as

offered a com prom is e from th e original plan h ow ever th is new propos ed

s ite is still in areas th at w ould be a danger to sailing ve s s els . I inform ed

h im of th is and h ave offered an alternative th at w ould allow for one re ef

betw e en th e bridge s providing it is at least ¼ nautical m ile south of th e

Tam m any Yach t Club “T” m ark . I th en pre s ented th e idea of placing th e

oth er re ef along th e south w e st s ide of th e ch annel on th e east s ide of th e I-

10 tw in span from ch annel m ark e r "9 " south east to ch annel m ark e r "3". I

explained h ow th is new location w ould protect th e ch annel from s ilting in

as w ell as h elping to prevent coastal eros ion in th e area north east in th e

event of anoth er storm . H e told m e th e Louis iana W ildlife and Fis h e rie s

Departm ent is very adam ant about th e construction of a re ef in w aters th at

are open to s h rim ping. I told h im th at w ith openings on each end of th is

stretch of ch annel, fis h e rm an and s h rim pers w ould still h ave acce s s to th e

area k now n as "M iddle Ground" in w h ich to fis h . As of th is report, I h ave

not h eard if th is late st proposal is som eth ing th at w ill be cons idered,

h ow ever I w ill be in contact w ill M r. Patrick Fink in th e next few days to

explore th is and oth er alternative s ite s for th is project. Below are graph ics

s h ow ing th e options to date . As additional inform ation becom e s available,

I w ill fill you in w ith th e details .



O riginal propos ed plan as reported by NOAA

Revis ed plan offered by NOAA

Th e plan I subm itted to NOAA

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MayBirth days

A Special Th ank You To:

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Th e first Friday nigh t of each m onth is

Birth day Nigh t. If you h ave a birth day

during th e m onth , com e on out and let us

h elp you celebrate it.

If you h ave a birth day th is m onth and you

are not on th e list, pleas e let Sandy M cPee k

k now .

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Ph oenix, s k ipped by TYC m em ber Wayne

Jablonow s k i, finis h e s 2nd in clas s at th e Spring

Gulf Area Trim aran Regatta h osted by Fort Walton

Yach t Club. Congratulations!

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Upcom ing Events

M ak e sure th e follow ing events are in your calendar. A full listing of all events h appening at th e club can

be found online at h ttp://w w w .tam m anyyach If you w ould lik e to subm it your event to th e

calendar, pleas e em ail zagnut003_ 5@ yah .

Sunday M onday Tue sday W edne sday Th ursday Friday Saturday

1 2

Friday Dinner






W ed. Nigh t



First M ate s

Board M eeting


Friday Dinner


Ch arter Day


Bles s ing of

th e Fleet

11 12

Board M eeting

13 14

W ed. Nigh t


15 16

Friday Dinner


18 19 20 21 22 23

Friday Dinner


25 26 27 28 29 30

Steak Nigh t


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A Special Th ank You To:

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Com m odore Jim Ilgenfritz

Vice Com m odore Carl Ritzm ann

Rear Com m odore Kevin Blank


Rae Ann Norm and


Anil Raj

M em ber at Large M artin Sm ith

M em ber at Large

Sonny Brennan

M em ber at Large

Wayne Rus s

Past Com m odore H arley M cPee k

TYC Board of Directors

M em bers h ip M artin Sm ith

Entertainm ent Val M onah an

Finance Kyle Bow s er

First M ate s (Pre s ident)

Ann Courrege

H ous e

Scott Collins

Race Com m itte e Kyle Bow s er

GYA O ffs h ore Council Karl Boe h m

GYA O ne De s ign Kevin Blank


M ark Palerm o

Juniors & Flying Scot K. Bow s er / K. Blank

Long Range Planning Jim Ilgenfritz


Kyle Bow s er,

Kenny LaNata

LPRC Activitie s Tom m y Th om pson

Club M erch andis e

Nom inating Jim Rich ardt

Cruis ing Bill and Susan Jobst

M em ber Ph oto Sandy M cPee k

Rules Com m itte e M artin Sm ith

Teleph one Dodie Jone s

SpyGlas s Editor Kevin Blank

SpyGlas s Distribution Kevin Blank

W ebm aster Kevin Blank

Ch aplain Rev. Dick Alm os

Fleet Surgeon Dr. Bobby Tas s in

TYC Com m itte e Ch airpersons

TYC Contact InfoPh one : 9 85-649 -5222

Fax: 9 85-646-2612

Em ail: com m ents@ tam m anyyach

W eb: h ttp://w w w .tam m anyyach

Club M anager and R entalLisa Lyons

Deadline for subm ission to th e SpyGlass is th e 24th of each m onth .

Pleas e s end your subm is s ions via em ail to

zagnut003_ 5@ yah

SpyGlass Adertising R atesBus ine s s Card - $10/M onth

Quarter Page - $20/M onth

H alf Page - $40/M onth

Full Page - $80/M onth

Tam m any Yach t Club H ours

M onday & Tue sday - Closed

W edne sday - Friday - 5pm to 11pm

Saturday - 2pm to 11pm Sunday - 2pm till Close

Club h ours m ay be extended at th e

discretion of th e Club M anager or th e

rank ing Board M em ber.

Don't forget th at on Th ursdays , your s econd

drink is fre e and e ith e r a ligh t supper or

h ors d'oeuvre s are fre q uently s e rved. Also,

be sure to s ign up for Friday nigh t dinners

by Th ursday evening and cancel if your

can't m ak e it to avoid a penalty.

M anager: Lisa Lyons

TYC Ph one : 9 85-649 -5222

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