  • 8/12/2019 Typical Position Description


    Typical Position Description:*Gather and analyze organizational data for developing information systems.*Study existing business procedures and computer programsto determine ho both could be better organized and structured for the betterment of theorganization.*Study technological and business trends to be able to recommend changes to

    technology and business process to ta!e advantage of advances in both.*Design and guide the implementation of business computed"based informationsystems.*Prepare and present reports to management as needed.

    Typical Duties#. $nalyze existing business operations and existing information systems %computerizedor not&.'. Study trends in technology.(. Study trends in business and be aare of competitors) exploitation of technology.. Propose alternative solutions to business problems and select preferred solution.+ustify selection.

    ,. -ecommend technology products %hardare and softare& for purchase.. Design ne systems including process flo/ user interface/ reports/ and securityprocedures.0. Prepare training material for users of ne system.1. Supervise implementation of ne system.

    2ost Desired S!ills and 3ualities#. 4xcellent communication abilities %oral and ritten&.'. Problem solving.(. 5nderstanding of the potential of computer technology.. $ppreciation for the business)s ob6ectives.,. $bility to guide people through periods of change.

    . Patience. " should be 7#0. 8reativity.Identifying problems, planning

    This is the first and very important phase of system development live cycle. This phase is

    critical to the success of the project .

    Specialist identifies the need for a new or enhanced system. Information needs of the

    organization are examined and projects to meet these needs are proactively identified.Theorganizations IS needs may result from requests to deal with problems in current procedures,

    from the desire to perform additional tass, or from realization that information technology

    could be used to capitalize on an existing opportunity. These needs can then be prioritized and

    translated into a plan for the IS department, including a schedule for developing new majorsystems. In smaller organizations determination of which systems to develop may be affected

    by ad hoc user requests submitted as the need for new or enhanced systems arises, as well asfrom formalized information planning system. Two additional major activities are also


    9n case the system proposal is acceptable to the management/ the next phase is to

    examine the feasibility of the system. The feasibility study is basically the test of the

    proposed system in the light of its or!ability/ meeting users re;uirements/ effective use

    of resources and of course/ the cost effectiveness. These are categorized as technical/

  • 8/12/2019 Typical Position Description


    operational/ economic/ schedule and social feasibility. The main goal of feasibility study

    is not to solve the problem but to achieve the scope. 9n the process of feasibility study/

    the cost and benefits are estimated ith greater accuracy to find the -eturn on

    9nvestment %-hether the problem can be solved in the users environment

    ith existing and proposed system or!ings?

    Organizational feasibility >hether the proposed system is consistent ith the

    organizations strategic ob6ectives?

    Technical feasibility - >hether the problem be solved using existing technology and

    resources available?

    Social feasibility >hetherthe problem be solved ithout causing any social issues?

    >hether the system ill be acceptable to the society?

    Detailed System Study

    The detailed investigation of the system is carried out in accordance ith the ob6ectives

    of the proposed system. This involves detailed study of various operations performed by

    a system and their relationships ithin and outside the system. During this process/ data

    are collected on the available files/ decision points and transactions handled by the

    present system. 9ntervies/ on"site observation and ;uestionnaire are the tools used for

    detailed system study. 5sing the folloing steps it becomes easy to dra the exact

    boundary of the ne system under consideration:

    @eeping in vie the problems and ne re;uirements

    >or!out the pros and cons including ne areas of the system

    $ll the data and the findings must be documented in the form of detailed data flo

    diagrams %DADs&/ data dictionary/ logical data structures and miniature specifications. 9t

    includes planning for the ne system/ analysis of re;uirement/ system constraints/

    functions and proposed system architecture/ prototype of the proposed system and its


    System Analysis

  • 8/12/2019 Typical Position Description


    Systems analysis is a process of collecting factual data/ understand the processes

    involved/ identifying problems and recommending feasible suggestions for improving the

    system functioning. This involves studying the business processes/ gathering

    operational data/ understand the information flo/ finding out bottlenec!s and evolving

    solutions for overcoming the ea!nesses of the system so as to achieve the

    organizational goals. System $nalysis also includes subdividing of complex process

    involving the entire system/ identification of data store and manual processes.

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