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The UberCloud Paving the way to

High Performance Computing as a Service

International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing December 9 – 12, Dresden, Germany Wolfgang Gentzsch and Burak Yenier

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What is High Performance Computing ?

Modeling the World on the computer …

… in order to allow for Virtual Product Development …

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What is High Performance Computing ?

… or for scientific insights





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HPC is needed to stay competitive

The digital manufacturing engineer has several options to use High Performance Computing (HPC):

HPC on the Desktop: over 90% of engineers

HPC on the Server: about 5% of engineers

HPC as a Service: in the Cloud; less than 1%

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Workstations: limited capacity

Low-end workstations and PCs are important for daily design and development work, but

50+ % of users are dissatisfied with their computing capacity*

Too slow, e.g. jobs run over night or a whole week

Too small, detailed geometry and physics don’t fit into memory

Number of jobs are limited which affects the quality of the final result

* Source:

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Servers: expensive and complex

For SMEs buying and using large scale HPC systems is expensive and complex …

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HPC as a Service: benefits & challenges

It’s a new business and working paradigm

Security, privacy, trust in service provider

Intellectual property

Software Licensing

Heavy data transfers

HPC as a Service (in the Cloud) offers flexibility, business agility, scaling up and down, pay-per-use, OPEX instead CAPEX, but

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UberCloud Poll about Roadblocks

The UberCloud, June 13, 2013

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The UberCloud HPC Experiment An open voluntary collaborative community


Making HPC as a Service available, for everybody, on demand


For SMEs and their engineering applications

to explore the end-to-end process

of using remote computing resources,

as a service, on demand, at your finger tip,

and learning how to resolve the roadblocks.

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The End-User’s Benefits

Free HPC Experiment, on-demand access to hardware, software, and expertise, with a one stop resource access experience

No hunting for resources in the complex emerging cloud market

Professional match-making of end-users with service providers

Perfectly tuned end-to-end, step-by-step process to HPC Cloud

Lowering barriers & risks for frictionless entry into HPC Cloud

Crowd sourcing: End-Users are building relationships with other community members who actively contribute to improvements

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How does the Experiment work?

End-User joins the experiment

Software Vendor joins

We select a Team Expert

We suggest a Resource Provider

Team is ready to go

… 22 steps on Basecamp’s virtual team office

Finally, writing the Case Study

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Where are we with the experiment

Started August 2012: today 700+ participating organizations and individuals

Participants are from 66 countries

Round 4 started September 1: already 42 new teams

124 teams have been formed in Rounds 1-4

Registration at:

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UberCloud community website

With social network and crowdsourcing features

Forums, Q&A, discussions, newsletters,…

Feature stories: HPCwire, Desktop Engineering, Bio-IT…

UberCloud University with free and paid lectures

UberCloud HPC Experiment free trial service

UberCloud Exhibit services directory

List of currently ongoing team projects, their status, and organizations involved

List of upcoming conferences with ‘meet me there’ button

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Finally: The UberCloud Marketplace

Crowdsourcing and social networking: provide the community web platform to discover and try HPCaaS, address pain points, facilitate adoption, harness collective intelligence

Marketplace for computing-related services: 20+ million engineers, scientists, and their service providers to list, discover, try, and sell/purchase

IaaS: HPC centers and public cloud providers

SaaS: open source and commercial technical software

Expertise: specialized HPC, software, technical know-how

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Cloud Computing Reality Check

UberCloud Compendium sponsored by Intel 25 selected use-cases from

60 teams in Rounds 1 & 2 Google: “ubercloud compendium”


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Team 2: Simulating new probe design for a medical device

Front End + 2 GPU Solvers In Action

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Team 2: Team members

HPC Expert:

End User: Anonymous

Electromagnetic Simulation

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Team 8: Multiphase flows within the cement and mineral industry

Drying moist particles with hot gas

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Team 8: Team members

Ingo Seipp

and Team



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Team 26: Simulating Stent Deployment

Using SIMULIA’s Abaqus/Standard and Remote Viz Software from NICE to run CAE on SGI Cyclone™

Assessment of a fictitious balloon expandable stent design

deployment, physiological pulsatile loading

and both axial and radial compression.

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Team 26- Team members

End User: Anonymous: Global Designer and Manufacturer of Sterile Medical Products

CAE Software Provider: Matt Dunbar, Chief Architect, SIMULIA

Remote Viz Software: NICE Desktop Cloud Visualization (DCV)

HPC/CAE Expert: Scott Shaw, Senior Applications Engineer, SGI

Resource Provider: SGI Cyclone. Tony DeVarco, Senior Manager for Strategic Partners and Cloud Computing at SGI. Eugene Kremenetsky, Systems Engineering Technical Lead at SGI

Team Mentor: Gregory Shirin from the HPC Experiment team

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Challenges and Solutions

Information security, privacy: protecting the users intellectual property, guarding raw data, processing models, resulting information: document security requirements, and select the right provider

Internet too slow for heavy data transfer: don’t ship every result, just the important ones; use remote visualization; if necessary, fedex the data over-night via USB hard drive

Incompatible software licensing models: ISVs have to develop compatible on-demand software licensing models

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Challenges and Solutions, cont’d

Reliability & availability of resource providers: seeking info on reliability and availability of each vendor before partnering

Lack of easy registration and administration: originally HPC resources are not designed for the masses: use automated rules based instant decision making capabilities

Costs: pay-per-use billing can result in unpredictable cost, project can easily run out of budget: use automated, policy driven monitoring of usage and billing

High expectations, disappointing results: we are in transition to the cloud computing paradigm: Set goals that are incrementally better than your current capabilities.

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Why join?

HPC as a Service is the next big thing, benefits are obvious

HPC is complex; together it is easier to tackle the complexity

Low entry barrier to HPC as a Service through an experiment

Learning by doing; experimenting with no risk; no failure

Becoming an active part of this growing community

Exploring the end-to-end process and learning how this fits into your research and/or business direction in the near future

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