
,- ./'"d'

N"iNETi" TH-'"YEAR·" .."+_. ,.~-"._.... --n~;;"'-';o-.~.;;r·(i;.~ I ' --_._- --~------......--~---------- I _ ...__L_...__"__~__-,-~_-,,-~__,__ .w_., ',"-_.' __','~' H~r~~ (·~a~~"_~Q.'_.~~~!~~ __~.'._ __15"'br k. WAYNE, NEBRASKA 68787,' rkURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1965 ,I u••;;-;;;;;;-;;-;;;;;';;Jhi';j;~--'-·

~ 1\ "', _..!. 110 ".'a, "'.,...•. ~"" k. ""ItT

Ne ' County RI50.eOr~~t,e'm,'ai~~io, ' .. ------;--,1Heoring';'; Sch;~l Zo e -B'-d--N ---: (I k' 'd'(~!'~I,,~i!!~j~~,,~!.:l:~:b~·':lIda~, "ll:;:~,,~~~;~~h:::i Hleg"hl"egr 0 y, ewer an

~',',',',~','t"y. "1 ':;'i,':,"~'i:'.,t ~:,:'i~ "'~~::~/,;:: iWerning: Spider and I i~,~~£~~~;~;ll~~:;:'d'''",:n\,,',:.:,:;, i Gas Reve"uef0r City",vo[(' lor ha\'lIl1~ it ~.ql' 'tl'fll('mlH'r I I/ / I Ib' District .....k••• h,y. two ' \ 'loan. 1I ',~t'itrl of II l'IHIH:lllrH'I' era 5 Coming to C'ltyl - /'Illlr~)~ {'('1jll11I','tlO!\. II 11(:\\1 ('It,

bOil I'd 'l!> III til" p'l~1 I . ~qU.rt.r ·,eodions transferred Helicopter Pilots Needed I' P' M N L 1<'1 k .Jud .W IIlt'H,:... ,tl n'\'t<II\It'Mr'"',, ~I"<'." p'o,,'orl CO"",· " .' " I , from the other di,.,,·c" ,'n'o', ,rlZe oney OW ,t ,~ ", , \ 1 W t ! IJ1t·1 I!' p.i'ul il \;.1', 1'{'lIq!~Hly .... I' t"!,

superint "dent of !i4hools is fill' .:-:iplder and Ihe"Cr<tb!, <lft'i DI$trict 33. One quarter ,cc'l i ry ll)'lll' COUll Y )'~~IIl~ IltPlL'

l11l!llll' l!\tttl.t~ ,IPllI'll\tl,l III Illt<

~ 8utom<'ltlciJlly ,) ll1ombi1r of the ("()m~ng, to Wayrll·. I ill:> nl1g ht I. tfOt'l' each would be- taken from ,wunl to f Y hdlcuptl'rs'! I ht, ;lrmy S' d' $350 1111 'l.q. nj'~ht IIlh'IIIH: 1'( tlll'committee and .:l'I50 fho soere- ~:Hlrjd Jnghknl,ng 10 two 1i':OlIP:-;; I Olitrict, 8 and 34. ih,l'> 11I'/,{\ fl;r pilob or tJu' ;ul"m"hlli' I \"On Ing at ',',,1' Il~ ('I'.) j' .tpry ~-tow v r h ~ Jhol'i' who don t know who Sp df.'r 1'hl' land in ....olv(·d hilS families I' UOIh at 1· t. Huckl'r. AI;I Apf·ll I ' Tile council pll ....od an cudlnaf\t.ovoti~o 'COb ~' r. eli;) non· and I tlJP Cr'ah:> are; <1lld (hose Who Where childn'rl have 1!1'('J1 attl'nd cauts mU~1 hI' 18;W for tilt' tr~dnJng Ih·l'"U~t·, d l"l!d \\ 1',11111'1 'II (f"(I.,ting a Jonlng, commt"lou<' urn (.r. j rill know who th('y an' , ing District ::::~ (or ,I lIurnlll'r (:' ;1JwJ.:r;1t1l lasting :~,j w('pks Th(' ht'!l Art Ahh·r.... I'l'fllkr, prllh,llJ', j

J I Ill', I tlla~ Illl'!llll II 1I If 'I Illf'lldH'l'<, -teenagors wiil know the yearS. A (h~CASion on wJWlht'r It'(JjJll'r!> ,Ire llSl,.'t! 10 C:J.fI'y trou'l~ ~lil~ {'{I hOIllI.' "·r,d." Ill/'llt J~,. :::: ::;:~~;~gm:~'::::I~.~~~h~:~I:'~:IiI '0'(' )(1: 11

I'Jt'I'kd ill pn'VJOllfJ I Sp'dcr Dnd the Crabs are'onel of !tbjs ('ntiUes trun'sft'r of til, Its. I I {Uti,,!, sill' \\ ,l~ Ililt III \\ ;1' II" ....\'(·,11".... flllE

'I• I!ll' 'm('1 ii,\<, IWl'n II hrou of combos h,in telcn. Ittl"le ('r no'l ,'" ~"t t I, and as Licll('~1 weap:JIls pJal!Dl'lll"I\\hl'lI Iwr IWtnl' \\ll" 1',IIIl,t1: Ill" corurni"lcn mombell allo. It af,

t'1l1., 11 llj·.lllt (JlIIl' Ld: IJ1PlllIJ{'I", I ,! PI, f • P, Y gd' I. I "',' ,~ ,'.. If r' I ~o dc(ld&d tho oUlton In oatht'ol/hl 1)(' ('It'/'tl'd y'r e mU$IC ~r ccn· ype an,,:es Sche'l1 l\d f k t1 J . or mng, ro{'kcts aUlI 1ll,H'huH' ('a,~h flight pllh' 11:lh lll·"r'd up grcup WGuid be the umo.

" 'I'hl' ,HI IHl:lrd rlll'mhj'l's, ;iltNIl!· :~JtioO~, ~o~~~ Oklahoma ~1!Y ['ar:" thJ"~('!C~(.'()~II:~~a o(;ri(::~;I.:.l'(~~II;::1 ~llll:;, InfortnlltWIl IS availalJlf' frol1\ to :::TIJ \l.w 1'11,1111l'1' h llrl'1'>('ntly dl<lJr'ltll~ VOI(ld 10 1l:J1111' Or!1' rJl/~llll)(,1' Tl f If t' . ti" \Ghidys [~ortN'. ·Trl':I';Orel< Lpond :11,· army I'l'cfuiling statioll. ~::!7 to the r"9ula~ schedule Jll"rt II~ nit· pl.lJHllq: (·h.lhllll~j,iOll

,1l:0111 Wi'IYIIl' {Ill' IrOjIl Wm:,:lde liS. )IJ,; a rac lOll I~ pro Ja J Y ~a.~I~.. ,.m.,d.(.'.I_cr~, C....A .. f.~.JI"(J _ I.'.:iri.l.". :tdll.. hulIdil".g'.,..".'l)(folk. :~gtS ::~;kb:h:tc"8'\h""I~h'd'Idy',.WI,' I \~ ltt~ ,\'1" {'h,lil~'~ ~ICU~tntJolt, Iii~JI.:

OIneL !<HI' fl";)m rU1'al difltfiictR. t!lC, lHggest the W~ync J;1xp~orer 1 . I :- - - - . ,..,rl'l:J.~·.v OtJIt'l' l11('lIlUorfll' ftC' (..~. ~MHII or WOUlt'1l wel'c digihle but Scout~ have brought III y('t. $ElECTIVE SERVICE Clerk Mrs. Elda Jon,ss WDS giving instructi ns the one call.d is not prn."t, 11'lIt'll Kuhn. It ti. Jo',ullbiertJ'l Ar,,I:, II ItlJlw(/ out !til aH·rnah· rom- Tcclna,gerS

tfro,m al~ {)v~~ th;~ r,1rc>il to these three young men at 5:20 a,m. (sec dodd Monday. he I Choose Candidafes for they will get it $10 consol~tlc:)Il n'N lk(,t~, W I. 1'~lIh~? H!~hl)H

I1llth~l' vaH Sl'lccted./ ar~ ('~P(~c c( r~reh or ~'a "'hI". 'hree (left to right) arc Dennis Ottc George Coc?cr and Rod- P;iZ~ from tho W~rno C:;hambN' It dj, HI \dOH Jdlrll)' ltll~ -Ur. Wtl~, Willlw t·'s reprCHl!t t.ative is In ',",1 orcrrl~l,a sOM .VtC r lelc~ -ru,l)k~" ey ~chwankc, . ' I Ed ,. S · U., 0 om7',rce. w ch I, what I !I.lI11 KtW!H'r!'nuI j)an~h('l"g. DLtrirt !I!iU: ) cr e(s. os 0 l( \~~I ~ " I UCO Ion ervlce A' 5 l Mrs Ahers receIved \ /(lIIHl' (Olllll\J~'IOn i .. IWt'.· ..Wilytll"s IS Dallas lin ('ner, Cur, erSt WIth t~c Jaycees JlUIlCY1SUIl- h L f S • 'I (,11I1~trnas shoPlllnl.1 \\,t;, Ill\('rl~lr'!' berorl' tI lImln" ~)rdlnRnN'1'0)L /)j'~lrj('~ 17, alld til{' fUI'al dhi~~ wocrc I~x~lor('r ~~'out~, gl; rI. ~o ree ,eave or erVlce· J:'Jarnc& of 12 candidates for Ihe -- ------- -_._, ..- bdlt" OWfl JI l~ 11')\\ III \\ ,1\111' 14 ~\ll.lijll~ tilt' IYIIl'i4 of ~lnlchlrl'/.l'(!JlI'('M'llaIIV()H tireI F)'cddck c~p ut OIl,i1 progtillll to I.J ncla _. ' governcr, to consider' In nilmim~ 17, tea(her; Ed Kollath, HO,-!A look .tt Ihe !ld~ III thll' \H'l'k'~llH(Jf\~!'d in varlHUs tUII'ltJ or tb\\liM:IIJII, /)lslt'lct !iI, ~('I'IHl Hlne· ret~I'ded children.. Ive Go In Decembe Call Unit No 1 of tl1(' initu.lll~oard of kins. 'Dist 9. bankCtr, Merlyn I~~ll(, gom~ 10 0\1/ ti,JutJ ill'll,I'ln~hl'lll"qf'd ·rh{':l.ollh\li~1H)}1ll1:'tlUll'!. llistt"lct s, I~J1Jlh Olson, I t r crlllClltlO,nlll.scrvlcl' wprl' i1pproved R.inehart. Wayne. Old. 5. 'lirm. homl'~ "III ~h(J\\ th.1I I.lHHhllll;, 'loll ulJuld II'IH' tu !leal' lJII CI,I~C""J)l~lrl( t I :lr' [St f Lo lB' I at tl meelmg oC Wllyne county or; Mrs. Bernard Kinnev. Wake· IH"'C are uuJl.'(,tl Ofll'llrI~t !'>tm k I rl'~'ilrttilln umlJlI! and dJlm1U~s• . ' • I. aile • :.ltl l'Y ~lIngel1' CO Llslnessm n 'rhrcl' m(j/'(~ \'\';lynp county -- , - -- ~ - -~- -----.-- school hoard presidents In lhe II I h {) Sh tl U 1 dhpl·g. lIll,slon". 11Isll'lctl !). , y~ung men Idt lor Induction lllt~ I 'I • r h T I! eld, 0 st. 1, outewlfe: pnJ'l'loi .llld SCI'VICl'!<i th~~ ~h(juJd dl,1 ';~ Iii :;~r6" ,',,',', r"~\V .~I~'Y c'l'l~r"k':

ThDsfe six will ":Iert Monday. S~ 'L" H' the "1 med IOI"{:es :\Ionda)' morn. I, Patro InvestIgates court ouse ues( ay 0 last week. 'Juhn Heinemann. Wayn,.. I>I~t l.atlr'lll '-' IIDoc. ~, at 1 p.m. In tlte tour'-I ecumus at 0 e i[g. A call lrr five men to g-o I . Their. w,,,re [email protected],(,ABard.Waynel"or('\erYoTll'lll Wil\'lll' >;h II' I" )f;~! n! rlly counclLnlnn fr~11l~OUBetO ottect officers. Mann . i Dccembt'r has bp('o l"l'['{'!\ ,~rI ! Acc!dent N Co II ~endance in addition to the Dlst 17, count... Clerk, Uurnlll d pill,' th('Y' call he Yo Hlllli 'i Till' ~:l: Il~\~ O;ltl'n \\ :n~'Il}rllWlI11~Jc~~I~~~;fIS pr sent'ly the ch~lrmlJn and 4\. Wuy,nc busmessman .Imany b (he sclet'tl\(' sl'rvice uoard. I Q ear rro D8rd presidents.. However. Ualelmann Wlsller, Dlst J2, olle who l~ pn'St'1l ThlirStlllY "Ill mil I frt:n; l~l(' \~IJ;d WIILyle arotz Is vice chairman. yeurs, Lester lIo(e1dt, 58, (tl~d LIt I The three leaving Monday . onl~ the ~oa~d presidents from farmer; }Iud Frcdru:k Mnnn, IhUVI' $:lSO tn Iwlp 0111 !owllrd~ oward Witt I' rluio(;ordt~n NlIr('nberg('1' Waltdield his home early Wednesday morn· w 't 'Ft L d I A oI1P-\,chlcle llccldent three vt•• ry,o."teS dIstracts were allowed Vi ayne, DM. 51. farmer. ',mll\tln~: It "iJ ~:rt'l'n {'hnslma!'>" ,co (t dlrtC'or ·.f dor

Jln'~id('t,1 at thl' Monday sessIon: inti. He had not been in ill health ~ •.eoro'd gOM,".g. f·.r 'h','" "b",',r,c :Illlll'.~.rlt)rth of Carroll ori High- p If I ,~ IVY, , 7 t d '1 d' urposc o. Iw stRtpWJ( t' plan .IS i W yno StAro coll.g•• 5 rr" "

llavlrlg I hl'PI,] nultlNI to preS)(il' by and death IS attributed to a heart Itraining. They made up the \:. :l~ .J \\~~ Hlveslll:(a 1', , '0' o~ ay A r n f J'f . Ito enable dlslrlcts to set up :-;pt' I 'the s~lperllltendt'nt. State law attnck largest group to go from Wayne (\{ nmg ,?Y Ihe Neo.rasku Safety sente~ro~ ~~~ lo'5e~cti~~~I~D:~t\o ciric ~'dueatJ{)nal ~njts' /If illle;t'~I· AREA SHIP RS... , ~:r~I~V. hi, first v•• ~ on; t~. cHyprovHJ~s thut the chllirmon mU!it He had worked th, night be- county in several months, 'Illatrol Iro('pt'r WIIlInm .Johnson. Gov. Morrison,! Farmers. house- ed countjes so facilIties can he I • ''I' l' JJlI'n':l''I'c1 f{'vrnni' from n:llbe. 0l1t1 who is n(!t sceking an fore until midnight at Horeldt's Inducted ITl rlt('.~ In Oflldh:l: JlI~Hm:lrv.j, tht'cked the mishap,. Wives, truckers,lteachers, hnnkers, oflcrcd as a group the counties I . 111;1 ~:Mi f'OIll(I'l on Ii' IYohlntJlfVof.flcf' fIr llH'mbcr.'i~lp on th(' ('om· tavern which. he owned and Jere; Hodm'} Schwanke, il ~I!ll of: wDrlvel' of the car was Janice attorneys and ~ county OfflCUlls COUld. not o~fer themselves, C;ov. A·n' .. shlpfwrs lu Or alla la·.t h.1·sl frtllll I'l'{)ph'~ Nrlttirul: (;n's-"',ml UE't" I . OpCtrtlted. U:nhl he was strlckpn till(' Lconard St'hw:..Illkp,- \\ "\111" obb!fn'horst, Beldon. The 16· were represented: MlJrn~()n will cho()~e Olll' from wef'k IHcJudC'(J .~.i1Wn'I1t'I' .lfl{'ht·l~,~. '('0 'flu' (Jrm ""rtt /I heltlol' to HlP

, • . before arising he seemed In the r)ennis Olte. sen oj tll/' 'Hd"II~Ollil year·old girl was northbound The ten chosen an" Mrs .Glint this group cf 12 tu reprL'Sl'lIl \~:~),llt' {'ounty, ,W ~k{·r:-.. wI l11iS. 'Clllllll'll ,~llltill.t.: thnt f{'W(~Uld,'bt!~~i!1 J-

,It's nff'l""101" D"nce I best of health. 1l1tes, Waynl': and (,('111";";1' ( flfllwi when she passed a truck, lost Rebe., H05k,'n" D,·sl'.· "" I';""hc.,' W••,y.".e. count~.. _ _ $..b .JU ,~ P,IYI~lg 3 pl'r cent (JI urj,HI~, reV('fll,It' .'U '" • '" . f'uneral services were not def· on of the Lt'roy l'(}I)'pcri' \\' ,lkl' I c,ontrol in loose gravel and went " ..... ~, - -- I II hA r f'

H'N Y" E i1,ite due to the fact children have ield ': off the side of the road. Alvin SchJllode Wlnsldl' DJst ',pill unnua .v to t.~ e tr." H hn'! "

ere ew ear 5 ve t? FOI~(:. from. ~.s f~r :~~vay a~ .In' addilion tu th('~,t' thiel' I She \'.":1<'; Ullltllul'('d but thr' sid,C' 95H., truckert. Kt:nne(h Old~, W.1Y N C' II P t Off- !Jl'l'!l p:lylng :! }wr c(!hL .Jan. 1 i.'iI'l:ll{; lo!' a New Year':; {'ve C~liJOlnl,l.. Wiltse I'un~'l,d homt: ~Jght ~oung tlwn w{'nt lor pin',] o! till' car }\'1l.'i dillnagcd when II nt', -Dlst 17, ,lttollle\ )\11<; Hll:h I ew arro OS Ice 111;;,d.III' ,I',f ,1I11..,~1l'r(;:~h~k· .. "

dimCI'1 Hl Wuynll have materialized Will be In charge of arrangc- abL Three of them Oil'(' ITl,UTll'd: carw .1.11 ('bntact with a power h~~s~~~: 'Atayne, DH,t 34 tal1u . I i WI'l"~~ ')llflli)lr~~v{'d' I;~. tI;~1 ~~:r~eit~~;;~and jt lS now officiIlK There ments. lCn, the firsl 1n over twu .\{ :1' c' ]11)11· I hl' Jl:1WN pole was knock· 'OW d d M _ "d., lip IlO par.!tiIJU 1.Ont~$ un It\(·willI(' ;1 dllll('I' at rill' ill'mo!'V ' • rom this l""lInl.\ In IJ(· C,"111 t I'd ([(I\\ll h.\ thl' imp<Jcl. __M~= Lou Lutt, Wayne, Dlst. penS ft nes oy ornlng ,1!1I1~1 ~I"(: 1,[ V~J:It·.lh ;tlld "'lfllJIIndl'll ,Iayc!'(' ."pOllsol'ship. . H I A kid l)mail<t J'r pll.ISh·d, I il ~ ,11('11 Ill'.!!, 1l1l' W(':..I l'lrmw111;1l~

n (l bOllrd of dl}nc'ol'!I of the e ,p s e, I Mrs, Elda Jane::., clf'rk of the ' {"ilo.1 I',c'.t 1,1 ,'i)lI'Il\l,1l\ !,lrt·1'I 'Ill;'JayC!cc'. met Monday night to I Wayne COI,Jl1ty ~('!"C~I\lP q., A new post office was puI in - : ,1)1l''' rll:dif'~ p:ltkltlg i111'g:11 nil IJIl'm"I(~ finill' plntl5. "Tho Swing G tt" M' e.: vice, 5i1;d Moncla'y· -sl~c . hils'· ~ use in Carroll Wednesday morn· \ • H Ih • :\olllli <,Id!· r- I,f J-:Ii'vcnth ,h'I'IWl'I'tlKin '!o" hayc DcoGn slonod to pro- , e In9 (II RIII call for fiv,) for ind·.iction in int{. It is the first new post Menfcr'rJ eo t In I Pear I .Hll.l S!l{'rm,U,I, n htrt·l'l ·(h,t!viet, music for the affair. 0 y'!1 DECember, which is an lnCr~a~p.. office building to be erected in, I~';.. rl'l('''' hl;;'VY It'JiIl<' frl)lrl ~laJll iiI'l'ltltl'ls \\ill I~f' on salt' Ihis ut Ion Illle : I-Jowev:~r, the call for f've for Wnyne counly Sin('l' the present Sf t M t To 'It I \\('~I·Nllr)t1., • \

\I'('l']~ <Inri Ilwy Iw obtaIned Jl'om , . f . . II physicals is lower th,)n lile call Wayne 1l0St offIce was (,fec!l'l! in I a e ee P An:l-t1l1'r new t;<nlinancto pcrmih,1111 bJ<tv('t'(' Jnt'mber The ud· I Seeklllg e en speedier deliver.": h.:ls been the 19:30'5. 'I" "n1~rtl'tir,ml!nt, djnln~ end done-ml~~ nn 'pl'i('(1 jlleJudp>: noisemllJ," I {~f mail th n last y~ar, i WaYI~t II \\;aY1W . to Postmaster John Rethwi$ch ,l\lrs. Ifp~lry I,l·~·. \\ dylH', n': irg ill bgtlle clubs, Th1t dty h", ..('1"" :11';, confetti and other II os~maste-r D~n Wlght'1an ~s huw senl [\\'0 was postmaster fOr 11 years in l.llnnal l'hnu'J1luti 01 fl'!' i\ll'nf;d hcrt.1lofor" prchlbl,htd thl. wh"n)IlPll~'.. . askmg ar(,ll. l'esl(l~nts to, h Ip gam 'peI to :md Olll' to 11:1 the bu'lding which has been th~ iIt'allh Plallnrw: ·group. will hi' HI liquor was dispensed but thf! now

Dill'k ~~(jn'lh(\n, .JaY(·('l· Prt'Sidl'nt,lbet~l:r scrVfC tlll~ ChflSlw.'i b~I(:Oln so WIll t.dH' ph\""(,dl~ I Carroll post ofiice for over 32 Ic!l;Ir);I' when ttll' IhrnJ /"o~H.(I'f"':-;' ·tl"llo bc.ttlo club law ""ado €I

i~ 1111 l h!lr~~t' of arnHl~cnlt'lll.': milllmg ear.y, usmg encu~h po W\Wl"1' '[\11) 01 III" '{,I!!l1l , years. It was moved to that !on Jll('n!;J! h('al!!l !"t held l·nr!;IJ. 'I ("h"ntJe seem advluble.I)l{")~ Sutherland is "('hairn1iln 11: t:J~t', ~7ap mg p~·ope.~I?, ,~ldelrt'SS·1 for pli;"'1t'clh :\ll1nd:,\ Il,ld I site when Frankin Delano Roose'ID~'I' to. flom 4 to .J 'p,m. In th,' III (0)1'1' ;H'll'm. the emmcilllt',I/'r!,l'!l,d'h(' {II ticket s,dt~1' ,- Ill", p~alllly nd usmg Zip ~d('''' 1,'fl'r1Td to tJlh 1J'lard 11(,'11 Oill"!' was president. Birch ro:Hl1 on tIll' WS( (';lmJ!U, 11'(Jfnpl.llllh Oil d:J;':s running 1I,IJ";l',

I G , g,W,t,~o9"h,'m"0'ld,."WghOtr"Oefle"n' m'".",.- Il'ollntie~ I The new structure has a mod-I Registration is scheduled for 1']J,"{'i1:, \1·1 Ih(· ilirp"rt runwaY.I'iI\:~ I ern look both inside and out. It I 4 pm, in the student center. wlJlrb ran IW'W ~o :111(';J<1

The Spook Speaks post offic+s in this area, said W k' or t i !l'lS glass deors, f!uore;,ccnt lighl I State ilnd county leaders in!. ,,!an,: h:l~ IJ('I'~I lllir('/}IH;~'rJthe large I volume of mail lasf I eo s emperc urcs mg. !lIe floors, new dwl.tjIH'1 mental h"lalth arc featured on ,fIll f11ll".I.Y I xtellslOll ,inri rfJad Jr"

year was handled smoothly bn- 1_- - boxes, Insulateu cel1l1lg. modern i the program. rr!U'/lIg lllHJ 1H'ard a It'llt'I' from thecause of Ie early mailing prac- ,Drdt: High low plumbing an.d cOl.J('rde block i (;('IJrI.;e :'.l1Jt rh dl[l'I'lor 1)1 fhl" Wa;,IH' Stale' f'JUudalioll,tices of atrons. All postma st· '\ ,I.!:: ,-,:;:20 ,walls wIlh bnl'k filclng. '-I:..It(' <!('jl:JrtrJll'nl of puldH' 11l~IJtll.: •ters will oin in asking that it :"'1\:.'1 -,1\ ~t I Located a.blork north of th~'11HlrJs. WI!1 ~1H'dk 011 till' ,1,111"5 k M F dbe done gain. , .'\0\ • ..:) -,11 "~j i ol.d post ~Offlt:l" It. was buill 1>.\ I nll'lltal health pr();~I',jlT1 II/I())' !f,: ee ore un 5"Use firs l.'1asspcstageiforflr"ll :,\,\ IRlch.ard Carlson, \\aync. It haslrorn1Jrrh('n~I\'(' pl:..lnnll1;':. ~lr~ Lt.;., I,

j,," c1as~ frip cis," the postm:l.~ll·I" :'\(1\ ", I, I-I n.ot been dedleatul <:Ind a d,'dltil :\~IJI'cflH'r !tl':.;ion .j 1'l\I)I\t')]lflJl A'ldl'ng AFS Dr'lye

1- ~ Stud lIe tOllltCd (Jut that IHn JT) I :\ ,\ ~ ,I t tlOn ceremony Will probably tH' K P Okura adin director

I a 15 cent to 35·cent C)llistmar ;..;U\ 29 _7 II! scheduled later. ' " '. 9 d' I :I'd' IS HELP ASKED Pa<1h 8 :\ \ 1 \4 0 In addition to Postmaster I ?f. the community ser~lc(!.5 ~v. Sta~ Hansen ,report~,J}I~' r ~~

\\.I}IH' girl experienced (}ne ---==--_ _ -__of ,- 0\ l ~. TROPHY WINNERS for 4-H work are shown: standino at the Rethwisch Mrs. Rethwisch is it,' I'lon. Neb.r8ska P5ychliltrlc In' 110 r.'l1se money l~ brl~" a,n ,~fS01 11101':1' days \\hen nothlllg went S Achievement day program. They are (left to right) Kathy Dunk- clerk. R~bert Johnson carries I 5!ltute, Will cover comprehen- (f)reIJ,W student to ...,War'J~ ~uxlIlulht Shp \\ as ,n....ny from horne ij, WY PI • IH I'"d lou, Sandy Dunklou and Ann Barelman, Locket w,'nne,s seated th '1 'h I , , SJve mental health planning; Or, Iveal' I~ :It the halfway pom(. f1Jc

'1 I b 1 I 1 I f I i a ne ans petla 0 I oy e mal On e rura rou e ou I I' .' I d' t i· '~\\(il{' dl, (] leI gu' Ilt'nt aue I are 'C}'nthia 50hs and Connie Watson. The other locket winner, f Ca 011 a d Ethel Tucke is Robert Osborne, c InlCa Irec or I ';l~1 'wlf lJf lhf' $7.,1) m:w h(~

~lhl', bt""\"l,f~h"I'ndlheShCg',rl,olelwall"e sb,jOjYy

I Diana Janke, was not present. ' 0 birrk f nit r I of the mental health clinic:, Nor· IhardN If) riJi~e so any; help by,~t ~ I I s~ -c er Dr rep acemen s nr- folk, will discuss Fjfanning Igroup:; or individuals W~ll :~:te,',flP' '"~1~'h1g 111 love" at her age Morel All I· N t F ~~ I. Th C , G· I' W· V~~~~inaster Reth\~lq'h h;l~ as.: ahead; . :'pfc~i~led't d t ~il" I~,!" W'HS~,:,:,l:';":l:\'.',~t,"tl~;' '1"'/\)"'Jr,~,;,:I\mr~,·./o~m~~S ~~bl~O';':h~:"~':h~~C: .•I, rac Ions lex ew :~8!t~ re,e. oun y Irs' ,n SIgned box Iluml)('r.~ ,lnd ba~ bl'l'n, FollO\\'lng dmOl:r. Ann Car,llll- . a s u en coun .... '.~ ~ ¥G\ii ~ I busv gettmg ellal dIrections to i bell, special admmistratlve. i1SSIr., I Will ~ell seat ~~s,~!~~~ 1'~ltI TrophIes .l.or 4 H E.I..l.o ' .piltrons TIll' mo\'l' frum the oltl'lant of governmental s(~r\"let·. FI'!" bit!;ketbafl game, to r.... mark"

h,d put the lettl'rs in the' wron.,:: \\U:ilH.' businessmen and t1r -- ,- - T'- r 5 to the 'new site was made Tues :Llncoln schools. WIll tell of lin· money. Two oth~r n:~;~t~~~,-

1,'lr;~~~t>SWaring'~ Pennsylvanians !~'I~~m~;~Ci~~ ~~~~~~~~~ f~'~~n P~~h:: Squa re Dance Three Wayne county girls wen' -- "--- - ." ,_. -- ----- I day afl~ regular business hours. 'See MENTAL HEALTH - Pa~e 5_ AF~_~~,~~ :. :~~'f~~:l~~':-":

~lIowed a,lng piece of through Christmas. Free showk, jward('d trophiC's for lop aChleve.!C1tf'd the fact that statistICS sho\-', , ' " ~;':'lt~t~~:1,~.::\:.,(:",':>'31Iii!,f,,,~":

'rill machinery into Wakefield la visit by Santa, special shOPPillg:Off d K"d nwnt:; In theIr work wilh 4H,p'eople change professions on the '"Iecently. When the farmer ~ul. IOlghts: sHv:'r dollar drawing~ ill il ere I 5 c1ub~ Frida:. night In the annual iilverage cf four Imws ill a life

I d off the I'oad, the Waring bargallls of ;ill typl'S are {1IL'rt'~l. - h d .J.c!lle\Pfllent d,l\ program at thl·ltllnc Hl' 'j)()Jnled out that <t-Hus stopped too, A member of' Busi"ess houses will be opeh On T urs ay \\ LlynI' City <1lH.litOflum. Stan: ,\. 0 r k with Its adlll'Vemen!

tlhe aggregation said the fellows : until 9 every Thursday in Decl. Bunscn \\ .IS pnl1t'lpal speaker ,for Iawards is a faclOr 111 helpJn;: getJ..ere arguing about ,what use I' ember. They w,:11 also be ope~, \\'a~tl(' ('ounly C('n\l'nnial COlin tll(' e\"{'ning. , ... i 1.\OU~g people startt'd out nghttJas made of the equipment the Fridays. Dec. 10 and 17 until :l1llkt' h:h eOI\1(' UD \\J!h :1 "e1"\"1C(' In the ci:lthlOg diVISion, San- 1m hfe. , ..farmer was on and they had a ' 9 and Monday' through 'Thurl" illl' .\tHIn!..: ;m(7" old :11:1.:(. in lhl' dra Dunkrau won the trophy; in 1 Ann. Zimmerman presided, in-

;c! on what it was, the "pool" ,day, Dec, 20-231 until 9. ,UTa Sq'l:lrc c1anl'Lll--: Thlll ,,(b~ foods, A~n Barelm~n was t~e tro~uclOg th~ speaker, the Car,Oln9 to the one who guessed "/""Im"' '\. D"' 2,' "I, ni!!hts I_ to b(' tnl'd I'Li[ thrl'e' trophy w,nner; and In home Ilv- II rollln€rs for several songs.I I s "s l P, ~-( . Sci)! S ,., . K h k' . d h M . B k h dr g It. No one was correct but I will los I -'30 1\1 t t " Thul"::-d:l\ S till" month Ing at y Dun au receive tea uri c e oec en dUel' an~ne called it a "corn husker" : inpssc pi;r;:. ~he ~~~~t oJff~~~e, Jll:~ Th~· plan calis for squ~re trophy. All are 14 years of age I Diane Meyer for the flag sal-~nd he was closest. Another llibrarr and eourthouse \\"Ill' bt' danCing from 7 to 9 at the CIty or older, ' ute, and 4-H pledge and Ex·bad called it a "cob separator." Iclosed all d[l\., Salurct;", Dec 25 auditorium. All youngsters from Among under 1-1, Jo['! tensIon Agents Myrtle Anderson

it was a corn sheller. ~. . b the third grade through high, WE're In Ihe same dnl-' and Harold Ingails to presentPolice III onC' ureu to\\'n wet'c: .Three specHll shows arc oOer'd school are invited to tal.e parr ~I()n::- ('\nthI3 S<lhs won fur cloth· the awards.

{' nb:llT:lS"t'd rL'celHlr A! resident' \;Ith ('oupon". from The H~r~ll. It \\"11l the . :1 Illlg i~ork, Dian,' Janke won for I Refre::;J]ffients \\ere sened h~"jtUPct Il) sa~ magazine sales; I. ('t'. 4 tl~e kIds can se,t' Gtt- chant'e tn fUll \\ork In fO,ld~ and Connie Watson mcther" of 4-H members foIlO\\-tl'~'\\";:. \\"l'I'(' t:'lking things nnd'gghtT~t Comanc.he Cre~k' :1t tl](' sCjtl"lre rl'lrclw" l~ ltl '"roup' \\':n [or horne ll\ing division, ing the mee{jng A 'I,mplete~ll't: jll~t 5<1\\ (\\0 go b\'. The po-! jay leatre at .1:30. while par,'J/1!ts dt\'I~Jed b\' ;1"":-;.... an;1 It \\"Jl~ :..'1\·(' ~laUl'ice Boeckcnhauer was given IiSl of all awards other thanUrI' Wl'nt to the ne{ghborhood.I S,lOP

WDl~c .. 11 It W~~,I bE'I"ArOund adults i1 ~han~c to ,,111111 \\1l:h:'11ll' n'cogllitlon as the winner of the tho!'E' listed here appeJrs on

~ur(' Cll( It~h. llwre .w~s a pair llf ftlewiHo~(' ~~P~10~1~~0}n( Dec· I IS kid::; art' in a \\".J.rm hullding, agriculture achie\"em:nt rertin another page of this \\·eek·"

l~I~~n'Ol(~~~~' \~~~i~l ~l \'~~~~~l C~~~tr~~~~ i Santa Claus will bC in \\-a~m~' l'a~~"\~~)J' Ctl~l~:ll~~ll~~'e~l<l~I1(';~~~~~~\"~~'{; cn!{' .: :;I t~~~p;~ngClll~:('g~\.~~ ~~~ Herald,'he pOliCl' stoppe,d.the pair and!Saturday, Dec. 11, and .Saturd~~, the ~onng p\:'cpll' Ill'S[l,d \\ith l'xpenscs paHI as 1he WAYNE STORES WILL BE

'l:-;kNl to see what was Inside IDec. IB, ~t 1:30 p,m. with treats not rif'Ce,;~al'~' to h:l.\·c ('xl'('ri{'nc'~' rankmg boy In the stalehe e:lses. All that was inside Olle for til{> kIds. In an qd the dalt~.s and even ' group SIWll.d illld in 4 H \Iork this year. Open the Following Nights:

'I :1'; a "iolin. The other containl'd are listed a~ Thorsday~ but they the d:1llc;ng Stan Hans2n, WHS guidance'Husic. The .two were not mag:! should be lIsted as Saturdays. Such dances are< planned for counselor, told of his knowledge 1965 DECEMBER 1965~lnt' sall'snwn but: a nationally- This wee~'s Herald is pack,ed three Thursdays this month, of the search for a vocation in .... - T_ ......

InO\ol dolinist and his nccolU- with special values. The stores Dec. 2, 9, and 16. Whether it "Guidelines for Career Train- 2

)'lllist. t:lking Jdvantage of the have bigger stocks than ever! is continued after that wilt be ing" in his feature talk. As alice \1,;eath(',1- and \\':tlkillg to th~ before and al~ost II determined on the basis of the teacher who tried anot~er field 9 10otl~e~~~~~. county farmer is not ~:e~ec~;edC~~I~,:;~.gIVlng can ~~~ces:d~~r:ts~~~e~~re:b~:sto~~,I :;;kere;:~~e: imt;o;:~:~n:i se~~ 15 16 17allowing hunting on his farm Thq coupons in th£' 3d ~ fQr the dances is containt' 111 this w('pk',.;: urity 21 22 23 !r ~

I e-vpn 'though he' likes hunte~s. free movies are good for the en~ 1HCijo11d, It 'ne tIdes '<l COUPOll I Hansen sai(f there arc se\.eralll---I..:20=-l-=~·f-==+=-r~"'-"+=iISe:,ms he lost a calf, shot' by tire family, It is not necessary! which will allow children half· Ipoint." fer the young to con~ider 30

Iiheasant hunters. ' for each. child to have one. \ price :Hlmis:;~~.:....._.___ __ ~~~,~rc:...'C:ll"~t.:::ririn'llg~. aaIn"y'..i,.o",c:aatiti",oll~a'."n~dl' ~(=:h~:::,:::l::=~~=!::-~-'-~:':.~~~~~~~~:::~'::=~== --~-:---:~~-- ___

Sp~c~aISI .Free. .. :)













Ii~~\ .

i\",, .I','





. .Lb.



U.S.D.A. C"dice





, ... 2·!-b. Bag

Columbia Sliced

BAC,ON - Lb.

Wimmer's Skinless


100% Pure Lean' , . .,.!

GROUND ,BEEF 3 Lbs,$l'~I'~

APPLES ~_~----,--3-Lb,.



Fancy .Delicious

Boneless Rolled



Wayno's Best Toy' SelectionUn our Lay,Away PI_n. '1.00 will hold .fl~ It"""l. Or' op(ln

Monthly Ch"rgo Account. No Paymont ,until F-Ob, hI.

. Shop Eorly While Selection Is Bed.'l ".




(3 Flavonl


6 303Cans






hGAL. 59c

Fruit Cocktail5 303 $)00





~ 1st 3-Lbs.:' Illfijlllllmi 2nd, Z-Lbs.=:11'',3rd .. , .1-Lb.

" Just Bring YourBulteFNut_, Key St,lp, In"co".._~.~ ""' by Dec. 15th.



25010Mink trimmed qll wool coatswith warm wool i~nerlining, un­trimmed all wodl dress coatswith wool innerlining. Sizes from8 to 18. ~II new ~nis se~son.

With most all t~e win~er wea­ther ah,ead of uSf this will giveyou an opportunity to have thatfine coat atC!l ~ig saving andflet plenty ot wehring time.

...Gcnor~1 ExcQllonco ContestNobr(l~ (I Pross Association


~, O~IGINAl' PRICE tt~) -! from $40 to $150 .-.}!!-


S.rvlng N(l,tthoa~:iJ Nobr~f,ka', Great.-----...-'--f"'---'-'-,.-'""."


i "


~, 1~~c6T5N

--=~~~--:---4-"""~--·WSC Campus Scene ofGirl Scout Workshop

, I SEE BY THE HERALD I~~~--,"ORGEl KID~. rRCr :1I0W~ ~ATUr,DA'(.

1Ohmor gu,.h Sunday 1ft the Or_II

Wax horne 10 hell' th"m celebrate VISIT GAMlJLES;\', wor),),lllIp 'I',!{'l.ed to 'uttril(~t Ilheir 2Sth ,\\'cddmg n.Dolvenary I

(iirl S('(luf k'ad(:r,,, ff{all th~ ('Ii· ,wer4~ ~fr. ,and ~fr,~. Ct!dl Wax and!1\lil'(> 11/)j"jhf~a~;t ,,11>cljolll.flf :"lebraskn !family, Elllt'r!>on, 1:11. Mrs. -B("rthn'Nlll' h(', hi·leI Sal.urdlly fltI tt1l: : JOIll'S: ·~tr. :md l'r~.i Gt'urg~ Jo~n'll

! 'r\'ayne St,l(e t'ampm UlHll'J' SPOIl, !"ton and Mr. ~nd Mn. steve NN.!';(,rshijl 01' !hl:' I'ril1rit' Ifill,'; ('uuri· ; tIeton unll ;\largan't. Afternoon

:til. calli;'fs wert' :Mr, 'and Mrs. Marlon

I: Gary Woodward, WSC art In- Glass, Mr.. and Mrs. Cl.i.fIQld

structor, is to bl!' in chargo. Jone. and family, Mr, and Mrs,

ILc.eders of Girl Scout troops infOur agc group$ will 'partJtipato. John Hamm .nd SUlan and Mr, and

11,•. Keith Hamm and dau"'ler~. Il. ....._,;;..... -'

'---..,.. -,-'--- -,....,......--.,.----.-.-... ~".,~._". :".--: .-~-- - '~..----~-----,----- iw;~JI~~~u:.~~eh~:~:J\'(,L(~·:~:a(lt:ln;llrr:I~~:t~~ ~,,~.".ic-..••••ft••"*ii~iii~u*:..A£1_.i'*~"i.c~'"tr.c*~*~i.z{I'.:";~ :~~~~!~·[i~~.~ii·~~,110 ro.~<lin Strc(t. ~V.ayr~.'._~.~~:~~,l~~".._~~~~:.~__,_~?ne 37.~~~~ !mcntg lo{'o'.!y roJ' the firsl !,;u~:b i' , \Of

~~:Jlr,~lJ11 ..h~1l lu Jij11>: l~ ll('WI'I'I(J"')' 1>111,lj,,),I'<I t,l·~i'I'IY. hy Ml'lt. Muq:lll'.tll wurkshop In the council area, ~ 4 e-h. 'll~mill'; 1111 (Ired III thl) TW'll.l,tlk" III \\'IJ}"ll'i', ~"I>lllld{rl f;~7a7, lUI HOc-I S(~shi{)ns are ~{'h ...duled in the new '\'\' ....

~~:::"~::":~~,:,~':':~~~"'~ft,',':,::,:::' I"""., ""i"""""d Copy ~""t b", I>",'.,,::".""~~r_.______ !! "', ~•.l PfIlfECTfOR, CaRilTMAS "Our G;ft .Idelfj~" ~i:~:'~~'. b~:'i"O Li. Duan. Fitch g. I u,.

I ,\IUll ('r!lll)(jl" 415 Wt'hlJ Ave"

____~..~.~I~~1" I Wueo. 'l'~X'Hi " ,. '. ''" "h ·'W '. SH EAFFER;-;;:" :,);,~,:rt:~ ;:::.~~ :~,~'r,':.',d ::';;,::',~:::" r;:,'~;::~1 '~" ",~'::;"~;,,·~~f"d .:~~ ~~: Richard S. Han,en AA 9191281 ~~EcI~~sG p~~~ t~e~~:e~fl~h:e~e~~:n~O:t~i~:~. IR~nd:n~~:dl:~~ I, " ,. • TYPEWRITERS .,:'~~~oo . , .__+-_ ~:I~~~.A~;~'~~~y~il' Station reoches for tb•.•bgg whKi'e. h11eKft to rightl

d~r'k~ngGonh ~re Conni. • GIFT BAllPO'I'Nt' .. AD"'ING MACHINES "

orrl. ol.~in.pnp,·r ,,' ..... """ 0' Wnynr, ,,'. Conn.,. Jones, Bob Dong erg, elt ruegor on m_~_ 0 rfn~~ '_'1 ' "1 "" .,I .." "'111)'1"· uuo) Ow ~!nf<' O~NdJ...n"kn SP/4 Kenneth"A. Jlltger 1 I' ; ":I"

~~u;~,I~f~l;e'11.'li~n::Il,e~~(~~:I~:t:r~~f.~,::~~~:~;: :!:~!:F. ~:".~O~l,,:~:m,,:,~~ ';',;~~I:;:; ~~,~;)~162;~i cx[tc;~p B~i~()~ Winside Pay Has I :-:.~t:'I.C%~I.·7tn~oL:r~ ~:~: chrome,' slim, :and giVeable! i,•.';. OFFICE CHAIRS '=Tex", 76545. Successf••- Sta'nd I pr...ntodglrt.' Ifrom tho 010... Sh....ffer·s n,ewsst snd flnsst ballpoint,' .•~:~~.~:~~d~I~~~lt~~ 1~~IIr;~~I~~J,:~~~~:i~I~:'uolll~r YOIlI, $401)0 tl'l" ,,,Ix monthl!, U,75 tOI .vl' Connie Jones and Bob Dangberg I A,.C6mbinatio,n ,of superb writing ease • FILING, CABINETS 'I'

-~-,-- ........ .---- .._---.. - .... _. - ...---. __....- -:'.... _ ..--..- .... _-._-'7 Aj3c Alan K. John,on AF 26823366 One of the lar~est crowds 10 at. had the lead rol<', and ·handl.d with handsome chr9me ~lIng and ex-

L 'A d I ,trom, 1~'h e i,r rankio now FIt. 10115 lend a Win,ide el'ss play In years lhem. capably. Judy Walk.r ~nd I CplrU.aciVtieca','S9Silfte.gUerd'., clip, The perfect, • BOOKS (adults & chl',I.d.. r'",ei,n.')"ate J resses I mede .~ftor the first raljlk was :W28 Rtll<!(mt Squadron, CMR·2, suw the junior class production Conme Nyd<lhI aJ;;r) had ?Ig par,ts:..' I rccelvc~ and the address for Earl ATe L3ckland APR, Tex" 78236 "The Egg and 1" Tucsday night, They knew parts well ':,.lllCh was a

Add d M 01 f~l"tde-rs~n Is corre-ct here, a -,- A matinee Mimday had drawh major a~set of the c!1tIre play, a1) IB Se O~ 01 I' b I . d ft th Pfc. ,Earl L. Mellick US 5579~928 ronny younger folks to the play. cast members being: well-prepared, ~ Hlmd$omtJly • B LE, _I ••SI'V"'''·)' .'1 kll-esf,e, for"' scI'v,· ~t~~o~~Cad~r~~s re,wc:~V~ri~te~~ e sCeoa·ltAlc,33wSa·is~h· ..B9n87··4B90X(A18Ia4s·kAaP)0 . d d f If, d " .:

' " Mrs. Judy Picard directed tho Makeup,.,ta"m" an ,oun e· II • re,., CHRISTIAN GIFT I'TE,MS "I:!'~;~,~\ ~;fr:~~~ ;~ld~~~t:'~('st~l~e d(~:lld/ll;~i~: i A/B Ea~1 G, Andorson, AF 17732537 A/B Allan H. Rastede AF 26825916 r:O~~~tio~IYW~~~'~ c~~~~:~~s Ii~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~::p~~ta;~op~~s t~n I:~: $5oq • Kl'lghl of .'wefion four this W.l'l'k, F11hhl,'W2l/LBlJX LS06,:-l706 BMTS, CMR2 B 14208 Ch t AFB Washington wher~ a young cou. ol~ lo,"k,ed old, the clothes line n

O"ecause ail is wanted by all i Laekl:/Ud AFB, Tex" 18236. Ill., 618670X

,:IOU e 'I pie started an egg farm, Both fEll when It was supposed !o and ~~itit,. Also fJvnilnbllJ • HALLMARK CARDS !=servicomen· tho lale addresses Pfc, Rol?~rt V, Dolph US $5736296 ' t~e chicken cackk:ed when'lt was ":illl !f'.'~Jnfl ~i . J/

i ••· sopposed to cae e. P flCI. (One Dav Imprinting S.rvlc"j),He heing p lntcd hero, Two other I Il('I, If, 'll~;t ~ig. 13n., APO San 1notes: In t e addresses of Terry, I-'rallc'is,'o, C:tlif., !JU2fl7 (Viet· Others" in the ca~t were Keith \i • DICTIONARIESMuohlmeje~ ilnd Verde I ~ac!,- 11:1Ilii Krueger, BUJ;'haru Gallop, Gcnt' " :";r Ba"g. Diana Weible. Bill }lollgrew. It '~u<ii"'"ii'", "'''''''''''''''-"".i;~''''''~'''':i'':'~:",,,,,,e~.~i«'''iiiii'''ii'iti''',,r..I''',",." Don Lo~gc. Reed Wacker. Terry it e CHILDREN'S TOYS . ,." ~ TJ-Jies, Dorinda Troutwein, Ruth ~ Silvor Dollar Night Drawing In Our Storo . , ' i.~ eveRffIOT ~ . Vahlkamp. Vicky Wade, Linda ij Thursday at 8:00 for $350. ~b ~~ .' ~ ~~';;';':;~ ~:~~YJa~~U~:;;~n,K~~~ .. . ' .~ .,. . ~ lene Ave. Judy Stevens and Char I f I"

~ I ROTISSERIE-B~OILER ~ lene John,,,n ll) andl~ Wa.yne Book Store &. f i,ce S,,UPP i.~,s~,~~: . ANOTHER ~,;., it I!

~I ~~i~ 219 Main . Phone 375-3295 ~~ ~ ~~~~~~??~J':m:~lt'~~_~~~~:.s:JtijR'l~~~~~~~£~~~~~_~~~~~$'::;:~;r:;';"::;?.i·;~;:;-:;,:~~.~tt::·c.:r~~':;:Z;:l:=~';..l~ m~ lP~t<O[)U((;:n ~

i1 ~

~ I ~~ eiGIVES FOOD THAT OUTdOOR CHARCOAL· ~~j ,BROILED FLAVOR I . ~~ .1 STAINLESS STEEL PAN 1 ,~ill -icHROME PLATED GRILL ~ ~.~ '1J:iEAT RESISTANT HANDLS AND FEET.~ .".,~ J~:'~ . I . $24'95 V\lI;lAT IS IT? Sc~uts of Troop 17·4 discovered a bed of ,bbne. 's' _";"

whlle hiking recently olong Logan creek about three miles north- " """""""""'''''''".,..r--r-ea~t of Wayne. Partly uncovered was the ho'rned skull which

~ thEtY are pictured holding, Now there is mystery what kind 9f ani-

~ n.~o (B".I,) 1IlIll\,,,,~U A'ii',T,.AU LQ 1\. ltU\WARE m~l: some. br••d of cottle or perhaps. a bUffalO? The lour scout." Il. ulll nWQ..U'il#ll mI 1lJD\ 1I1l1l'tl1\1l,l1 whio found the skull 0'. (lrontl Dol. Tomrdle and Jon Lambert;ilt • Ib(;' cltl Kim Dougherty and Kyle-, Wills. The hike was one of a~,', -203 aln. ',' Phone 375-1533 so i.s the troop has been laking i-. including one Ihrough lo.t."~lI!H .R~~~l;"d"~l)~:Th{~1.Mt&~:."".g:%.~~~~~~..., Frday's snow and snarling wind. ,~'-~-1~"--~--= ~-_....--~-,,---~--~-~ --.-----.---~-




. , .-.- '.~ ,~

Th. Wayno(Ncbr.' lielold; Thursday. D.(c,"j,or.2.'1~S:'

i Have You That(~ Wall?


Bobbie BrooksCollege Town'PendletonTalbottLady ManhattanLady ShapleyJudy Bond


, KayserMunsingwear


SUITSButte KnitsPendleton

Lady MendellsHenry LeeNelly Don


Silver Dollar Night Drawing inOur Store Thursday at 8:00 for $350,



Jean LondLady MendellsJock MannMorey LeeButte KnitsPendlkton ~Nelly DonLaigalon

JUDY WALKER lIeftl ha, ju,1 ,ccn her mother 'Con~iQ Jon.. >

foil bringing the clothes lino down in 0 scene from "The Egg ond I"presented by Winside junio~,

~~~~:::-f()RG·ET~K'DS-=Fr~~SI)~:;.,;S;;~;d~y.D;;.,.4. 11.18




Betty Jean

Jo Moor

Juli de Roma




Well, .. f~rtunilteIY, there's still plenty of time left!me have

filled our s~ore with beautiful gift items that would delight your

best girl!

IEarly Show 6 p.m. wOdn~sdtv


I,,(e~natiollal Film Festival

,~~ 'filiI E S[) A Y

, Spansored by~mo Tau Deltf & A.A.U.W,

~ , I I

• ! ,Socialand Club I tl~: ll..:.ubl~t.' ~'~nll/.i,;f;~~~,./j." ;\fu",ic .wa~!. -------...-~-.r lrnllllll'ri hy Jur;~~. ~.Fulk, :';odolk.v\)·:.-:tllIH'" iU1II Mr~!'''\'l~hr Mann, ~\ 1111.'ij(.h.~, IH·('ompanl.~L Thf.' dlUrch --..,;.....---------1

~ft:('f)r,IU'11 with whi:.o 1,:JlIdbllJ~ At:mltted: ;\1.1'"~ )~;l,iH~ pottlllI milm!'. ,ITllHm, W.wn('; :\frs,

Dolta ck,'Moots Tues~QY ~ .,W~~;t~~tJ.'I'dO~W' 81

S('r\'ie(~ T;ll~ bride wore a (lOOT hmgth: W <.I, yne; :'.Irs,Mr.'!. (', 1,. COfftt~llo WJul:'hf;~" I (:;;·ild,a~ l)./n~~rJl.,yun ,(>wn of s,atln brOcade. The 11th!:! !Wayne.

h~~,'ij 10 Ddt" r)(~k 'l'1I0:'ldlly,',l~v'1~n· L'IP!JI'U~, }'lrN. (';11 Sand.llI!. ::;;di,c(: ........[J~ Castdonod with a band.! ~I,mlued: !\o~n. Clyd(~ Balu'r.IUH, I~t' :t,tu' WI!l"C won by Ml'ii, ,~i midriff', hritllli j)nlnt' ~$Ip'(Iv('-~'iWayn(>. I:1/1'1l1/\.\-ll",','lli~:I'!I/I'I' ~:;~'fi./r;;~ \~;:~~:,I'~ I Il~~';I~;~~I~:~f~I.LCW potJlJ(,\{ ~,lIPI'H', 'I n~: \tOJ'lralt IW~rJjt~· 'I~W /ull 0 Inl('e!itli: will he with Ml'~. Wny. (;l'at(~ L~jthl'I';ir\ ;\jd. Jrntl;"i ar\h~J1~~k'CIi~Y'o\.~-'~ist~~~~! (:);~~l;IW Tiel! en :-l,. P,tul's Lew Chl'lfitm'ls IJar, f 1J ,. h I

8, Ettc Exchan!lc Gifts T~~.~~~'i/·~~;· 9 ':;:.:; ~I~'~~~X;;~F~~~~:~~~Vi:~:;~~~~: ,~'" '8 ~I,· . • n,1 Mrs. (lory I)U'Hlh'r'; Ill' k ":II\',/> dub Hllt( Ol·:n, Mn-, Fritz Elli~. :~;\~i'~;f;~:;::J ~!I(.;!r:~(~~;~;d l~n~~~'>C~~li(~ :;~~~;IP~;~Z~i,;.F~I~~:'>.. ~i~~JtI;;Ht ~~r~~.

;\:ve..i,::"I:',,',",~"I'\'\'~'I/,",I'.I.( .•.,.'I\.V{;l;.Vul;,~,nrl~~'I~.·11 fl'.;IO~'I',~)i:~(,.; SI~~L~~t~~~~~Wmak(:rl'l dub, r;mi· '~ll;I~·~:at~~k'~I;~~i~O~~'irs~{~~.\lrin:,: a ~';':~I~~lJ:liJl~~~1. Bd Llllu! is gre:lt·,.. .... "St, Paul'li Mit:mlon Stuffy, 2 ]J.In.

inl; 1111,1' djnl1(~I' ~:ifts W(!I'C (~:i' • Mary Durbin, Nortll PlattE', waf Nil..... za: !I'fr, and Mrs. Stanll'Y('/laTlI~e( anrl ('ilffb fUJ'llistwr1 M "' M d :nalfl of honor, 'Mrtl. Lanny :\olaas, SI(~(;It', P;nwrson, 11 SIlO, 7 Ih~ .. 6~('l~li~rtili lIl~mlt. Dcc 7 n,Hildjll;~ Of' yn aas W'e s ·I(j~kin.'i, WUI) Illiltron of honor. i ,IZ., Wukcfidrl hospital. I'wIll II\' \l'lIh :"o1r,'i. ,fohn Itllzl!. . ·JrideSlll<:li'.l,<; w(~r(~ S:l.lJy Jo{"hcns, :\"ov. 21: \tr. anr] Mrs, Dear' .

WI"II"lom We·t,"en I!I ilosklns, Dixie SloltcnberJ.:", Norfolk, .lJani'('h:, f>otl~'a, a dau~h[('r, 7 'Jlls··· 1IIltl Sharon'Sondergaard, ,Grand Is :,; oz.. \\';Ikdlt'ld hospit;Jl. ·1

SOC Al FORECAST . lalld. Jllnior' bridesmaill!l W('TC i !':<.;v, 27: Mr, and Mn;. Alvin:. . In W·,".n'sl"de RI"te's Palty anil «:athy Marten. Stanton. I' Geimer. a ilaughter. 10 Ib, .. 1 OZ..:tnd Wendy SChumann. Norfolk. Wayne hospital.

I The bride's attendants wore No\!. 27~ Mr. and'Mrs. Hobert1hursd,1v,.oec:.2 'd r II tid n I' h .

I.u;~a~! lIonJl!lnnker!l, Mrs. vyU. ~tnr~~'l~~~~: \el:::' :e~~y g~~~: rb~~~e;. 0:.. \~~'YI:~O~~~~it~~SSCll. 8tJllr Nolt(', fashiont'd with fitted ,bodices, cl. •

AI·ton11 Trinity Aid. bow lcltgth .ole.e\!e~, .s~QOP neck.I------;;..-----Trulnp· A Te,·r.j. Mrs. men lilies anil lightly galhered skirts. Wakefield Hospital 11--~~---- ....--------------....,i1

Wh"e. The pillhox headpieces were la,h· "S" TAR T YOUR CHRISTMAS!{('tl !.()!'I" ,\In Ed Wtd'li.'r ion{'d bf v.'~lite "fur ac<;ented with.'-;1 I' Ild'~; Altar t;llild, :~ p III n'[1 holly leaves and veils 'of red Admitted: J( hn Stalling, Pone,l; SHOPPI'NG HERE

F..-id'1Y,1 Dec:. ;) illusion. gach carried a white vel LouiEil' Mithael.'i. Ponea; Je<ln AN:D SAVE STEPS'.F:'\(' '\mo<" "'l'hll'lIk'imp !lr}J)ll' V(,,t muif iH:ccnLed with ivy ,nnd red Slcell', Emerson: Dornthy Daniels,W'",<I.\.'lllSi~· 1;l)osi(,I',~, :1 p.m', dllrn<:ltioll. Milry Ifansct~, Stanton, POllen; Ll'OIHll'd Krll'ifl, NC\\'I:<l}jtl:~; Look At Our High Quality, Low P~icc ItemsE,l:,lt!nl sIal'. !\('m;ington, clet \~t~s fl{)w(~l"girl.. Jimm~· Marten, .Myrtle .smith. wakcfieJI; o~ar. And You Won'·t Be Disappointed.

lUll (d offl("~!rs, 1\11'", H. E Snmton, was pngbearer. Jklicr, Wayne; Mathilda longtson,(;n~llllt,y. Hobert Wl'tjen, MadiEi()n, wn~ 'Wakefi(,:d; Phyllis SHImon, Wake !J'~:l'~".e"IlQ1'-'~:rtI:~~:u:,~~":"ocl:'f&~~;;~::"..::..:-~.:::u."~:tZ~*1iUI(.~.

S&tul'"d~y, Dec, 4 ~ h(l~t man. GrOOnls~en w~re Lan· Ifield; Daniel Small, Dec lllr; Car· 1\> J' I "y nnd ,Mnrlc Mans, HoskinI', Mel· iT'Y Bell Srhrol'dl'r, Waktrir:lcl: ~ WESTINGliOlftSE APPLIANCES

(;oldr'll Bu·1 duh, Christmas Vi,lI Kucera, awl Charles Mans i Cynthia H(HI.~e, \\'alH'fil'Id. ~ . 111 UP:1JlIV" \\":~I'II:Jtl',s l'lllh'T:HJU.1S' l\Jorfolk. Junior groomsmen were I "I 1'" Jack Fry. Lincoln. Rickey IVetjee' Di'missed, Pau'ine Ka"lbcrg, ~ The Perfect Gift For That Perfect Sameone.

WaYl1(" Slal(' S:udent Wives :mcl Lindy Bansen, Norfolk. Usher$ A.nen;. Hann<-Lh Bll'kJey, Npwe<lslle; ~ \ 'sund1l

1' Dec:, 5 were R0J:::el' Rabbass, Stanton, and Emma Fran.c;en, Wakefield; Mar· ;~~*1!{:r.t'~**~:R!;!¥:t'~1<I'::'.:.:.""I:;c~.::.~::::.l:U~:r.c~~IU:••SW'

MOIl( ny Pitch, club f~mily par· Harry Mlller, NQrfolk, The men ina A':1der.son, Wakefield; JohnIv. Mrs . .Iul'a lIaas. 'Nore dark trousers with while din· Stading. Pooea, Leunard Kneifl. AM"FM RADIOS TOYS and GAMES I',.'.·.·

M d{ 0 6 !ler jackets with red {;arnation Newcastle; Louise Michaels, Pon- tV,fS STEREOS~::t~·'~" ~~·s. :ruhn Ahern. boutonnierea.· ca, Susan Rou,e. Wakefield. Onar II . ill ··:'li.

T~~~,y. ~(:h~I:~;n~s party. Mrs. W 'I' ,'.'~ , I;~.~:S~;:1~~·i~2~~;;::~:~\e~!:~ ~:~f~io£~~~:~£i}i~:.ri~~~~;~.: ~'. MIRRO TEFLON COATED COOKWARE It Rea yOug t To Have ~po~trQlt, C Swans"n. her wore an ensemble 01 aqua wool Danie's, I'onea, Daniel Small. APPLIANCE REPAIR - OUR, SPECIALTY ~ d0

1Ii1IS)'de Club. M" Dwui"e I ~ h" k I. . . 0 YourLove' nesHllhwiseh. I! Ii> ., '., ;::',d ~~cl, w~~~1 ~a;~~:~gge a~~e~~o;" ~~f(ftuJ" P yliIS Sa mono IVa" .A'NU, . A'PPLIANCE _ ANY MAKE . '. •

CI'otral S(~eiat Cit.'el('. Mrf; Carl I . . '. pink roses.: .J. '.Dl mnlt' ! lIoskllls ~ !\!anlyn ~aas. daug I A· reception ""'IS held in the Ch h !

:~::~;!I(~()~~~~~bO~S Ii f' tlll~ III I i ~'(~r~~II~lr;(I~~~(lv~~:'ll~~~~ren':'~~ :'1 ~~r~; ~~~p;;~~~£~yme~~~i~IY w~;~ ure es DOESCHER HDWFJ f"H (111\) :\lJ ~ lJ.lrold Sllrh{ r ,on (f \11 anft \1 rs Wilham We· \lr and Mrs Henry Weidman an,d United Pr£$bytenan Church' {J ~ 'n, t' . -II'r:~( :\Jh t\lt Ah('rn It (J II M'lfh~m were married I (Ir aut! Mrs Ed IWelJen Norfolk Sunt'dr'ahyn, DWen_ \5'othsu,]Pdaa'yto:~hOOI 'I • • ol.uman 1--'Iz,o oaraf)f~. fA..... ';. :1,;:-oJ( ~\ ( rJll'r'i dub Pr{,!lbytL'rl,U1 I(')VPlllr,!. eel f' Ollles Nov 27 at S I \fr and 'Mrs l~eonard' Marten' ~ "L 212 M 3 3" 3 d d r if.

( III eh PUrlOl:1, H pm [ <llll s lulher In church WInSide )tanton Fred M1S Hoskins and 330 am, worshIp serVIce, 11 f·J I ,aln Phone 75- 08 I . I(;(Jl. \1 rs. Jr:lm G(lSllOrn, H( \ II M I HIlpert offlcl<Her! ,t I \f~'i E Ina Alhre ht', Omaha' o\\shlp, 7 p m "

I " - - ~ ~- - - ~ I Mrs Lloyd Sc lwarling, Albur ~:m~~~:r.r:".z"",c.!;a~...g:!",,~~.&a~~~: .:!K:s:i""jl-;'::~:1.!:ti::'"',,:r~~..i1i;;~:;i:,,::"'~,ii;Z-~~~~;:;:i:':~i::i:iil:ilii"~"'~ *:¥ti*"ii';:;r~"':l~~:!:-'-;'~.1iI(:f'Sl' ..~$.e4~''''':L:.ilIS14"ncfllf''':I Irtc t, In, was -tn charge of regIs I ) 1'1

~ FRIDAY thru MOND:AY C t~~,n¥~~;IJ~~ ~"~rt'i'h'Xrs ~:ar:~I, I

~ Molineo 2 p.m. Sund.', and eorly Shpw 6 p m. Mond y .r.,el I. JI,."un".". 1 arranged tho P S SSTI .. I ;itts, Mr~. F-rwlll' Ulnrh, HosklllS,

She 1$ young and Innocent. I Ind Mr~, l\Inrvlll SrhroerJPT, Win· I ~He IS young ond not so innocent, I ,ide', rut and s('rv('d the c:l!tJ'. Mrs, \~ • a .. D

II ["rer! Sc:troerlcr. N.'JrfOlk, poured,. ~ .,

Mrs. .J, E. Pingel. !Iqskins, sPrved, ~,punch, !~

Waitresses werJ Sandra and Ne·' ~til ~oehens, Piercj:>, Marlene Gross, ~

BeVerlY. Wetjen" Joann Renner, ;IfDorothea Haps~fn nnd Bonnie ~

Long, Madison,fcharge of serv- ~iug were Mrs. Le oy na,bbass, Mr!'. ~

·E~d. SOlldcrgaan., .. Mrs-. l.:indy lIan· ll!~en, M'rs. Dua e Hansen, Mrs. iAtC.bie Wetjen, rs. Paul Renner 'and Mrs. CharJe Gross, Madis'Jn,

The bride WA" graduated fromWinside high schpol and is a home Ieconomics major! at Kearney Statecollege.' The brid~groom was grad· ~Iuated from M-a<Jison hi'gh schooland ~llended th,,' college 0/ a'gri·ouUure at the University O'f Ne· I~~~Sa~\;~~~d~s shying in the Na· I ~

The wec!dilli;J trip was to, the!isouthern Unitc-d States and Mexi· After Dec. 10 the couplt> will ireside at 1123 Koelligstein Ave., illt~,~ . '~i


===W=A.,V.,N.,E...H=E..,R...A...L..,D==-i-I ~

SPEED QUEEN AR(:~M~TI( 210 --._-~ .IIiI~I~I~I~\'!





f Clothe.! must circulate in tub 110 gel every gpiece ~ea.n. EspeCla'IIY.. big loa~s! ppeed Queen·s. 11-long·stroke ag,tator moves cloth~S around tub Iso tha~ every item is t~oroughly Icleansed. I

L t'M(NAtT~OK HARQWA~E ;1' , . · ill203 Main Street IWayne, Nebr. PHone 375-1533 11= " ". __",mi,_'I' I ' "I ': ,~..r~ l!fl""_l'lt'i,,;l"=l;;~l!>'_l!tlt-_lII_"'..... ·"I_·~,J!<.:.

""ii"."1 .", :l!,·.·." '. " ..,' •.I.'·.!;:I.·..• ~.··:;,.',:,·,·· ·.·.·.' ,·,·;' ..··I·..,I.·, .• :.•·.,"lr,.I•• I'.·.".·.I,••,', li··i,:.'".'I": ', ;.: :.. ,, :. ['. ; ,.j ,'••.•:"' •.,•.•.,•....,',•. ,.,,.'.:, '.:...•.•'•.,..•,; .•. ,., •...." ,..:•.·,.,'1."" "..,..·.".·, " ",'.'..". . . . II· ~';.. . I: ,lu,I,:'·:",; .. 'it! .. q:i'I,;:~·:lili,j);;fqli!iJ:;'r':i;ibi~ii,,~~~!;.,:I:I!~ i.j," ",". "'.F.'

















i" : " -J

·.P..h.. O•...••;=.·-.]; ,..~ '.. _ , ,', d'''''' 'C:'-_'"~

i!~\lIT ...


Scotts Decorated

Regu.lar c{; Quick Coo~ing


Kleenex~~.~j:~(20 Off 5' 400·01. Slo0Label> Bu"

Winners WiltRece;yc

1st 3·Lbs.

2nd '" 2.Lbs.

3rd ' , , , , .hhb., "


$'1~92-Lb. Can :"

L~~pbell's Tomatof SOUP

Can 10c r'

Chocolate iSYlJlP,Hershey's 1916-OLCau C


2Rolls 39c

Lorge Size

, I::

~~..7~... ,,~~.,'//,";': -",.BRING IN _ I : ,


KEY ST~IPs~~1.' ..,.. ,;:,


BulterNut .:, I;yo loll"Coffee ."".."


Lb.4ScWimmer's Chunk





Dennis Kirby


~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ i;:

~ r1~ WOlW ARE INV~TED TO TAKE PART BY ;;1"~ i ~

~·~jq]o~m~(G' Ai THE LARGE SELECTION OF TOYS ~~ A'" i~'D, G.:i!f'u'M'E$, fj :~~i~~~ i'(')a~~()l~'r~q~ll~~t;; ~~~~~ tier~~~ b~ nard's name annoullced as the tuck-~~ li let lie lIlterc{'pted three passes,~~ I' ~. n)ade m:lll)' others incomplete. '-~ ~~~ BC'l'na~d.;1 jllJ11or. was a first-

\'l "h~"... ,n, !I:,'I!"',~". /r.Jl'iI",I'ITh'" ~ll' THE MEMBERS 0 'F Y01 UR ~" "h",,,,, 1",<'I",,,k,,' 0" lho "pfon,ive~ ~~u fJ -"S rrtij~\\ IP:l ~~; '1lllt oj lllt' AII-Nl'brask:l Collc~e~ ~ I C'O~ll{,I:~'n('(' !l':.Jlll ~d('ct('d hy coach"

~ I!HltH\f~!lY IARE AVAILABL~ AT... t111~"".~:'::;Ga;~'~""~l(~.'~~,~;~~i:e'~'~i~~ ~ Dr. and Mrs. Robert Oa:e and\1 I I ~ IamJly. Amc,<;, la .. Mr. and Mrs.,i B ~ j',JHl']\ 1),11(' Jnd famIly, H. Collins, :Swift Premium Tender\1 I' TV & A I- ~ i Colo, nlld l\'1rs. Bill Keehm,

r.~." arner s pp lance ~i:~1:Tlg:~~iJ%~,:~110~:~~n::~~.,:g,:~ ,c.huck Steak Lb. 6Sc Summer Sausage\~ I I I '~lllurnc'd Tuesday after spendmg a 01.1-----------------------1 6Sc~ .'. I J ~ wf;'E'k with the Robert Simmons ,,;f(-A '~ 222 Mo,n '- Phone 375-1500 ~lf~milY, Tonington, Wyo,. M", !.: .. rm Lb .~"" ~.;'_" ..._ ••__.• ,~,,;•.• , '. ' " Sunmons IS the [o,mer Manlyn, S· St k 7S~~i:i:;:,<~:~~~~:;;;;;:~~~;~~~f~::;:::«i4~::==:-Z~~:::==::~Z~ZZ~;~::;:::;i~(;~::'"%""".%.L""ii~"'""'''''i',--W--I-S-S---_8_0 ,-_-_,,_-_-__-_,-_,__,_, C_'I Sliced Lb. "" 69c~. I i fAlNES JEWELRY ~I. HOME DRESSED CAPONS Fresh Oysters.

i I ,,<r.>,,'~A" I. i HOLLY MORRELL'S ~I: ~. I ARNIEiomeof SUGAR SH0



cG ~.~


~ G~VENAWAY • DRAWING WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 30th. I SuperSaver" Iff!~ .o'f;;;-\ ~ LETTUCE".. ~~

~,i CS-~7,((~i~}~{~~~~/~~'.8m,,' i FLOUR :::~~~. 1gc ~~ 'I (?1~\o~"t~~;\-!:I) suggestion ~ ) SO$-3Lb6~Og LargeHlld .-..go

~ \~~;:;)~~s:~~- ~a~t:mal7t ! Grapefruit ~1:~i::,:I;i:~.t" ... ,.....,,5,or 4$196°9 ,

'M''.I:'' ("', ~_1 h-:'Ti),,1 ~.' Nestles, W· . A 'Ies F",rm Crisp.. .' SI.. '";.p:~t ~(r\>·' / 1-.. ,\~~ i! mesap. pp Very Jul~y c.rton ~ ,

I 1!!&l'i[!Away a ! CHo.cHi9 Carrols ~I::.:: "A" 2_•.19' ~~ BUlOVA now! i 12-01. Pkg. C Tangerines r~~.~·~~~.s ..........,.. "Doz.n 39°.)P~1 ~ JII Ti tl_,1 l! 0 Y Ime ...~

~ ~ POPCORN ~ ~~1 I 0~ i Lb. Pkg. 1 C ",,'k.,( Tn"Y "~,, ~.~!§J:.,-,1 ~ OUR CHRISTMAS 4 ~" $1 00 /f!Jh,~ I TREES HAVE ARRIVEDI ~ GIVE FOOD FOR CHRISTMAS. BUY A GIFT .CERTIFICATE FROM ·,·'~I'''··''·'':~Cf·.:·'."~~.~ Family Crown Pin ! Via ne's Oldest Home,.;Ownec:l::\,fl~":,!i~,,jt:l#

~..'. lET ClIPPER ldOI~G LADY, BULOV~ CR~FTS. ~. Y Supe...'rm'arket! '. .·.:';::'il;!illi:i!i~;!ollill'l_~ 17jewols.Sell.\'Iinding, dainly as a rosebud. MAN 21' fewels.l0K B. DAVID a~ w.'t~rpro.ol," shoe\"· 21 ie-.-;els. Adjustable rolled gold plate. M· -" ,; i '. s~,_ r(sisIJ-nt, lumil1Otls. All eW8n~icii br~celet. In justable equnsion 0 n~l y ~. ,\)" ste~I.AI$owithchnrcoJl yelJow or while. lJ.and., Also WIth char- ~

01,1. $49,95 559,95 ",' ,,,1. 565,00 $ 1 0 •0 0plus tax

The story of Mother's hfe beautIfully told In a trulyquahty pIece of Jewelry that WIll be worn W1th pnde

~ 204 M • in the color of the farmly's birthstones personalize ~ I '~ aln Phone 375-2580 and gIve thIS pm speclQl slgmhcance. ~ I "J A 'f "th C II C us".... ~~-;:-;:~~,;:~,;""';;,;:r-'::~;Y''':~:-''::~;;~~'';;:~:-~~;~"~'n:S:;\i.,,,~'';~~~$~~~'''''::,!>;~~..:=--...~~~;~_~~s.:::'_ ~...~~~~$~"j:~~~~::t;::$~z~l 1034- Main ust crOSS rom, e 0 ege amp


'·, -'IIe I I! , :iC '! ii:iH"l'il'''!

'. r@NEW i


'Nineteen Cc~leges

Senf~ing Debaters:-"jr1l.'1'·('fJ t'lll!"~{':" fn, Jl.l fr,ur

: "~'lil (" 1'1:,"lf' in 1:1" W,IVIlt-l-llrf"~l"·i(· ::.;,d'Il:J:ll :'JL\

~.• !j1!"L!'.

JJI \':aYlJr' fOft'lhL'j' Ir:'lJ'l

1.lIJ:j'l!·,HI. 1'.'

:L,;I u:l S:,d" ill :'\.'

\!qr:illl"'ii !,' :111"l'lIiv{'r.;ilv (,fIbko!;t Tt'ch.

\:Il!:t\rcr·j SI:l:,',~~i 'JIIX F:dk

:1tIl! ,\ut',lI"I~~n:J

:!f!d ,; 'Ink,] ~I)

.! 'd" III ~lilllll' ,~)!;I Waylll' spl":d,::d I ~\ ill ",!Ilqw l (,


· iBRANDNEWI'> sehcdllled (,w 8-3~) I WAYNE BLUE DEVilS' vorsity squad 'includes Keith Tictgcn, Leon JotgC'nstn, Ocon Elohon, Phil 6S Ch I I·

Fl'lda)' JIl tbe P{'tp'rsolt-4 these boys: Front row !left to rightf Gordon Kelton, Lowell Lutt, Ken Jones and Coach Harold' levy mpa aFJIlI' '\rh Cl'tltt'r Shupe, Mark Joh"son, Bob Morris, David Brown, Maciejewski, Gory Mordhorst was absent when SUPOI' Sport Co.lJpO, 32.S In'

W;lylll' Stater'> who will compete Lynn Lessmann, 'Gordon Jorgensen and Mark Rob this picture was taken. . ~i~~: N~dWh1::I~W~II·li~~::,;\~:~Jh:;,I':I,;i~;;: ~':Jt(\,I:~ii~l~sc~:'d ~~~~~ iosen; standing, A~sislant Coach Don Johnson WhOCi't 'Coven and oil '~~


f)<lV/' ,Jor;':i'IlSt'n, Carojyn S~;Ifl('r, 11:<ij,: ',I ~ ..,,' Sup",.' Sport option•., '~~~!.~,I fiIWINSI [ WILDCATS playiilg varsi.ty ball ,this arc Cp~ch ipQn Cahill, Reed Wacker. Keith 'Krueg. 'illda J<<lII(Y. B<lb S:lsa'lIa, Dennis ~11~~I:t~ ,tht ~? p('rhltlHlll.~:UlI~ ~;~. Th,c Wayne (Nebr,) Herald, Thursday, December 2, 19~5 ::::';$$ S~:t:hl:=W ~~~ Iii,

.y~ar arf shown, bock row l.Ieft to ~right), Dick cr, Roger Hill, Don Longe, !Randy Jacobsen and i~~(~tll~;I~~~I\\I"l:ll':;':I]~tJ;t{·rl~li;;::~~l.'l"M~i~~ ibate ~'i11 :'~hl':'~fo::~l' b~{'~a{k' 10' .. ,

lDIIIllOrl'l Bob Wagner, lorry Redel, 'Ke,th Schmode Assi~tont Cooch Pete ,Kropp'. \IOIl .... ,IIl. T~'rr.v ,'\l'ufJOd: J anl't. Ihe lll,~tl'ld by ttu', gt'nj~'l'ill (:UIl- 65,' Chevy Corv~.I."r,':'.:.'lli.:::·'.'": :''-:'.','and Bol~ Dongbcrg, I'n the front row:, (from left) \'arej('k:! and \\'d \'an Sh.'pllwy'k, 111'<!<:tor on th(' bil,sIS rf 'thl~, 1'11\1- i ' I

Wins~de hl Hove Annubl Free Pancake' iMental Health _ " • I";'::~.n~ncd·" :;r.I~:~no ,1~~~~a~,~: VISIT GAMBLES g:~:1o:'~i1n:~:,fi~'~~!1~I

( ..r....11 W'II H I b"c1" and 64,000 B"nch b",ks. - TOY LAN D- IIttl••p,," CO" SoYolso".1F d! (9..' . E B' PI d (Continucu Inm\ l-Jag,' I! I l.MI If V ~ ave The latter are priced at ~S6.50, Savelee [Irlstmas vents emu anne ,pli"'ioos of LIl· 301 on II'" m,,, I!!. f S . I "",,kee lIill " pn'pari"g <0"'" I' d ,':" d'f'llln~ ,II (' (' JlIlpll'll' for thc an _.. - 1:.:11 . hClllth ,p.rog l'all'1: :\ ()1'\~11.1 ,unet$ or touting Ip!l'!> .Of reddish· bruwll III 1.1 11 I· !Olll' Wayne's Best Toy Selection 6~ 9ds. Holi ~l':.~~':I"~;

ll,u.Ll 1111 pdm,lkl ftl 1.11 WtnS]{!I'I,tl'hp In \\'njnt' sonlt'tlme this '"I~c~ry, ch~l~m[ln _,~f ~,ht' .\\a y ., ]J!:1I1S ;11'1' llndNWay to ,(,t t~nck;; wit.h, rough finIsh for ,I U5e our Lay,Away Plan. $1.00 will hol4 ~ny Item. Or optn V~ Enlt"'.1,,:~ydrO.~ll{~d'l\j J)ll 7 I Vilyolll' Is .... d Ir0'1'mg sumnll'l ~~~, countYt !~s~ fO!{,(: v.-l~1 1(11, (f ,holll ('uh S('outing 'and If~y fmal UCC']SIOn anll)ng ~evcl'al a Monthty Charge Account. No paYmant~untii Fob. ,ht. Tran5mlulon, P.O.Wll:~.'.' '~.S.t.••.'."'.

(OflH :l (1IrdIJl~' to the sponsorlllg 1I.s COUll ys approlllh, and ldsk . 'ItyPl'S The board askcu fr)l' .~alll- lng' and, Brak'.", RleU ',.net';W11J~l(!I' (1Jllillllllllly (lull I _ ~JOl'ce ll11'eLmgs, will be held. IS('(Jtd,nl, .. st,lrl.l'rJ It} (arrol!. AnIPlt~S in fouf-fout-hy-foUl'-fuot Sl.'''- • Shop Early While Sclcctio Is Best I HlII4tor, rnany n:t~r" )dru.

Sorvl g will be carried out from I • I ' ":,,ayne c.ounty eltizens .have Pill"' : ::~~~rll:.Z;~~,I::{7~~~~na\:'tl~Z<: ISH Sl.'~~e~:~~ m('n~s to give a beller iUP<l cf U;;" { • I Alto a Oemonif,atorl: wl,h.:3 p 111. to 9 p.rn Pancakos, ,~u-IMiertUry Hits Zero ,lll'lpated In th.e ::;ta.t(~Wld(' slud. tJ C "'II ·d't'. ' 'fltl.<J1 app('~rancc. . . 14,000 mll.' .. .If '101l.. 11k.',,lc.1liIIges nd coffee will be served n~ over th/' pust two yeaTS" 3nd h"lV~' lUll 111 IP ,ano au lonum. I ---~~_._----"'~.,~.~,~-~.-" ,-,.,-_.__.~~ ~ _ ~ _ _ _ ~__ - ~ - - - -- auto., buy thll. '

by c1u~ mcmbus and Aft F' t St. la par! in formula. ling tiIC'..comr;,'c All boy, tnlerc'led in Cub I~&:~(.f:l!§iIP:~IP:~e:~e:~'!?:~1e!:~I?:~I?:~IP:l!rl1I?:~I?:~rl?:~'IP:·~~IP:~~"""~ Ch I ...worker, er Irs orm hensivc plan for Nebraska. Mr,. $coul. or Boy Seoul, ,hould al· lIil ill I 65 evy F. eet~I¥;~

1111' \h( IS !lPlIl/ IOlllP!I by OWl j ,Orville Sherry, Wayne, IS eh,llr- lend the mee-t'ng and llring at ·ii:ii D·~ ~.:'% ~ fttit 1/. T p' k'" "Will~idl,1 !'1'dl'l',l!t'd W()man'~ ('11l1l! ')hc I nWI"l'ury dropped to ::L.". man for the local "Tusk Forl"l" I least cne parent. Boys from ~: \.-v.~ ;:11 I 1',2'" on IC" U:p:" ',"'''!''''',' dc·c'"ra'i"". f"r Ihe ""'n f"IIrowurg wIO!"r's fir,' Mrs, Sherry u'gc, al.1 ta,k :~:h t~~7tc~own a,nd 'ural a,ca, :~ \'I''''''''''''''''''' 'I!Zli' ,"'"."''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .~ ~ ~'~,~~:7~io,r;i.",HcO~'I.,~~rda::'Jllll! ~ i~ll,li, \lll\ ('hl-istlll:lS storm till' Jla~t week, Pcopll'~ force members from the county I~. ;i' ~ , •• I A Dllmomtrlltor, At I ber"aln

;'tl:I;,l~q;I'llrl.~~~~·::t~ hn:~l~'O ~;:~~:~Yr~r:rl\)~ (ias Cil J'('(.'orded the to alten~ the meeti-ng and IhlH'rt Br(j\"lJJnI~ (ll the :\Jld ~ \if " ii1. i Prl'Cel.reuding early Tlll'S·1 11 , ,nom s!J".esses that ~II 0, thcr interested : '\'lll'l'li':1 COUTlcjl ;Inrl SI(']'I ·~.f ~. ~ ~ ~

'\:llltl'.~ll ,loll \1'111 offl't: rash pril,l'S, U } clt(zens .are invIted to attend. 11ll.~ "Till' Hadio ~'"~ ~ f ~;: I. .' X3ASanta' C1,lUS will be in Wlnshle I RE:!servatlons may be made up I \\ II~ lip in Carrell 10 IlI'lp 01'!;;llllZ(' ~~ ~ or ~~. 65 Olds Cele Sed

·~,~::;sdl<~~~'~~:· ~~~na;s:e~~~T:~;:, winds brought a trace ur1til Dec. 4 through calls to Iii ll'(lop of Scouts and <l pack oj H:1 ! ~i ~I ••.., 1 .•olf snow as the area WBS touch- Mrs. Sherry or Mrs, Robert Ben- i (. '\IllS J)l'(J\'lded tlll'l'l' I:, l'nough ~~ ~ , f:M', I VB Engine, Hydro. T,r•.".m.'II~

,11'0 0tH~r events bolng planned ~ h I'~ ~. 1Ft Al Co"l4ltlonfor th day Santa visits. e by the southern edge of II t Bck. mll·r('s1. !.~.' .....-.: fnco~, R.di:'V 'H:"t."·:n',,~ N.~

~ orm that reached blizzard 'I" ·,1 C C S I ' f b B 9 W, It d f ~M I r~, l'~ll'I'l' ·11·c"l!· II Ill))'; 111'1' UP..J Imp WI be allowpd ill tlH' ('on 1 u;:, cou S IS or oys, I~r ~ H- H III I if{' Whlto Tiret.. A 10c'II' c~r '. you

:~A\T::F~'ks':\liD";;':"::\J\Je':'Y";:""" ,ell:~:" i:2~1~f~~~:~~::~jn~;i~~~ ~~~:;'l'~~~~;~:I~c,:':I't~;,:~i:~::J~t'[:'(:~Ir)::;~~:';t~1~;:c~~,'~~~~':~~:'::~~~S~~~: :; ~ GRIE1mss °RnEXAeLrL sryOo:r.RE

i ;'I b:"~~~:~bi~~Ne:~::;o

I"' ~!II'Il(' ('hall)~l' ltl weather, (';lnH' field, 10 t11l'I'tlll~ 111:1\' (':Jlll<!( t ~~~ I ~ = iii: 4-DI. ,St':l.,n, va E.ng1no, Au-

1:11 t' III ~O\'{,I.llhl't' aflllr mol·e" than 0 AXl'rl III' Dean :Vla~wirl' "t •• ' ~ • ft!i.:" tome he TnMItJI!I':ilo" power1(','lllllllll'l Irlllll Pill!I' 1) :'1,' wpcks oj ~('nPrallv IiIINt<;lInI F:lI'lTIl'r~ St:I!!' tJ:l!Jk, C<lfro!l cA:!~1" , lit ~NI Steering a~d Pow.r""8t'.k"~.

1119 ruled .. 'It·P .lh.o b(}ing ar- I W.~,':Jthl'l' It (';0111' in the [pnll o! New Menibers, Neede~ :I~t 01 and ;1. %i.,~. R.'1\(~~"~::i'~~~:2:~:f;£~~~~.~:6~~~1i'~~~:.::r.:~~.u~~~~~~",.nri WI. I r"dory A I r,: Cond. ~tl;o.nin'h.rilJlgE' for Oecember. ldl!.! ,1IHI mist Thul'sda,v ni~ht ami, )1: tLll'f' o! appear in a' ~~1 I ~ I Wheel CovltrJ'aWhl~._i"\TI«·",~,,,

\!~,~~'Illh I, I .stU(:~;l\tl)~I~ l'l,~ld WH.ld Frida:.· tllorning !' Money Result of ShO\i!:1 :,11,ll'l' I'ditillll or Tile Ill'rald. ,r.fl~ "FOR' HIM" "FOR H'ER" ~,' A Luxut'y Cilr,~~\fO~Ka ~~~:~li\'\' ' BlOWing snow' left patches of I 6!~~ _ fil.

~now and ice on hlg~~WaY5~ I Final reports 'hEl\'e h('{'n made i 'I' rr:~ :a'i . OJ-1,A .;:"" ..' ':ff,i~~"':~,.,oad' a>nd,.y,r.••t" Win

t... blew \011' Ihe ree.en! Wlly"e.. CoulIly II.." IB 199 000 B. ·k ;. ~ tfJ...•... 64•d... '.th;- snow aliout In ~mall ro~nd tai'kal society hobby show and it 1 uy ! ric S_M'! • COty M I Sport ,Coup~,' va'" '- Fngiri•.,

hxzards bu~ by Fnday venlng reveal!.' several nl'W memh"rs • I. ~ • Old S . III J Sfandard J Spqed 'Tr,lnml,.-!t was c1ea"ng and cold r, have bel'" signed up and a '.d'! from Lln!'o n Firm I'~ pIce !A! ,[on, R.dio, Hu'.r.,:Whllitl.iTu'l'sd.HY l~rou~nt wUl'mi 19 tern- sum :·eal.lzcd Ier the COllntywldl' '~". q.. l; • Evening In Paris ;~. ,: Tir01, Whear coveu..•.· 'A r.•••.•...'

11,'l'ulufC'S WIth the mercur "Climb orgamzatlOn. Yan].;('1' III I \-)l'Ick l:l. Llllcoln, ~~ • 007 Line ~.; sharpy, 9~: .Prl".

i g intu the 40's a~ain as INovem- .There have been many in- ha:, fa'en l'!lo.q·n tll c;llppl,V l!J!),OOI) i3! • Arpege -I 02A ,~"',:,H'1 'I' Cal~l(' to an pm' on a pleasanl quiries as to the, outcome of Ibril'k:-. [lJr Il1l' lH'\\' Wa~:1c high t~~,~ • Currier & Ives ji!: 64·Ch 8' '

te, fhe f{~r(,l'ast ,was for ('on" the show. The delav was due s hool huildin". ('o,~t of th('\~ §}I ' evy ISeaY'""'"'I".'I n~l('d eold Ill~hts WIth mild days to the fact members wanted to I)~ll'k~ \\.";lS \\'1'11' lwlo\\' (Ill' archi '~.~: .' English Leather • "My Sin I·. :.l 4.. Dr, Sed~n, , CYflhd.",1,1' the rest of th: week_ __ be sure all money wes in a"d ' ('stimalp I~ ·'1 .,j ~tand~rd Transmilllonr:;A (lIe.

rT.:...:.::.__.:.:._=.:.::=:.t::===:::===:!r-=:.:~ all accounts made before a final ~ • Chanel No.5 il·i 2 tone Blue ,with

Ireport was given, .SuP~. Francis Haun said !he Ji~ I • Jade East M: i ~~II~n~s~o~ :~e.~a~O~~~~j~lt~This week it was rl'\'ealed GO Dlst, 11 school board declde-d ~ • Dresser Sets ill 1 'O~ P~I'c:.

I ~ew paLd memhpr~hips, rcsulted on the Lin~oln fi~~'s bricks i! I • 'Williams !iI, Id I ' ...:1I (rom lh;, ~h,llW, Afl"r bills were Tuesday_ FI:1al decISion among ~~ I '. Bill Folds itl: 64 O. s. ",C", ass;!

I, Ipa,ld \~ (HS cleared $245 .... J , four fIrms shOWing samp'es was .~ 1 • Mennen r r,L: Holiday, Coupe, V~,..,;~-?al~'-I!

welcome boost to a glOllp \\ hl( h narrowed down f,rst by Yankee .w:-~ ;1:1I: : Automatic l':"V.·,has bcen operafmg on d mInimum I J ~. ~ I dio,' Heaterl Whit. ,- R~tiH'r,

IA money and II 01 co H,f! and a Srou, C ty ,rrm ~ 1 FINEST SELECTION IN TOWN - FREE GIFT WRAPPING lA, Sporly Buck.t. S..".... ,"rll~ '.•thuslasm b) <l sm::lll number of 1 ht' 10\\ bid b\ 'r ,Jt1k('(' fhll \\::IS "~,-,l ' ••. 1 t I red interior. 01( 1!,lc.

I peoplc '"' ,II pe' lil",,,,od h,,,I, ''''11 ~ii(~iili~i\iI!~i.i\iI,~iiI~iiI~i\iI~i\iI~i\iI~i\iI~i\iI~i\iI;ij,li\il~iiII~i\iI~i\iI~i\iI~i\iI~ .. )

1~~-<:::"~~~~:i:~~~~~:t~~~7.1:i..!;{.:!.iii%''g:.''d,",~'''~~1'~:''~:''~&';{~''''~:'%~ ~U~~;;:~%U.~~';{'~%%%.'f;:{%%'!.;%:ri~:,,~u,:,.:::?.::::~~--;g~,:(~~~~i6:~:fZ:-~ii..1'iI::~:f6:U:-:U:-:':tl:~~~~~-;.~ 64 (,hevy Sta•.~ag.•~ r. I I ~ Impal.,. 6 P."an.o", ,.4 i.Dr.~.., v.... '" r; Engine, PowerljJJlde, 'I,Tra~J."


·;'1 h G·ft ' II Inl"ton, Raelio,. Ho".I. A,1 C r,·sfm·as I s ~ perfocl wagon with rOom for'ill It all, OK Prlee.~ ItI~ 1 64 Chevy Bjs~aW1e.

II'! To Dress Up y'au·, Car It ~1~~:nv~aO~~;'i:O;P·s~:':::J'::';'!~ ) ~ Transmis:.ion, Fa,tory, AirI \1 ~. Conditioning, Pow.r~, ",8f,~h,e.,

I ~' ,. Heater, all whito ,,&::~!~~,,:;~~M~·•.~ ~ lik. a showroom car. ! _ ,.,!

'\'l It OK Prlc.


, ~ .~ P310A ,I,

,~ .~ h sW

I·~ Trailer Hitch Back-Up 'Lamp ~ 6~~~Ai~~!:r~I~~~af,~~:i~~ R i sion, Radio. Heat.r.,_ ;Thll Is

I~ Floor~Mats Out Side Mirrors = Ihe rig for a famllB,CPrlco

I\'{' v. 63 ~Rambler'I ~ :: 4-0r. Sedan,' 6.Cyiincier En·It VanHy Mirrors Radios III gine, Standard Tro~'1'i ..lon.~ .' :jOc:~e·~OIrm::~h'~~~m~~~f

1\'1 II . QK.Prlc.

N Engine Heaters Cool Cushions '~ ~2 Chevy Bel Aj~, .i~ = '4-0r, Sedan, 6>Cyli""'.r, St.!!"

III Wheel DI'scs Electrl'c C""ock's ll' ~~a~Z~oAiriBflTI:'i~~~=:l;~ II J. Interior. A loca' cir with1~ '- i I-ow mileage. ()~, '. P~~~,.'ll '", . ·'i'·' ,

',I~ Utter Containers Tissue Dispensers .~ A. 45RPM r!~r~Eof . ."5S. 396"

I!ll ~ a~ "Corvoir. 1l~~'·W ",~~l

\1 ce6~:ell Rearse;r::::::n::~::r~:~~ShClO~S 1··C~~'~Coast-To-~oar'sf Stotes' II A' C I H l"cense Plate Frames Seat Covers Ii AVTy~b~-·"'·~ . i~ ·uto 0' ,'. I ~, CHEVR.OLET ,.,.,9~R~!!~tL~.

217 Mcii~el ond Rut,~~/Elofson. :i .,. , • , k i, O:~i;:~~----_"":'----!'IIr-,-,-""--------+~ "_"''''''_''_''_''''''''''''''''''':-''''_~~''''''':-''''"'''''''''''''''':-''''''''''''''''''-'''=''''~-'''''''''''''''''''~'''i!.'''':''_Y_"_"""""'7-''''7_7-'~;'%'''''],;7-''''''''I]';]';YS -~-"'''''''''''''''''~~~'










• MIXERS" if _ "I

~• ELECT",IC CANOPE.~. ,~.,..,R...,...~..

, • STEAM IRONS ..',.", . ""!'"



, I;·



















SA\'E! SAVE I SA\'1':! Gel )'ourI anll,lr e bolore Mr, WIntergel, h G.nulne Ethyl••e Glycol

Ipermanent anU·lr('(!'lc, t'llher inyour own container or by the- <,uoAlso see us rot radiator ho~t's,

Ilherm.a~h' ..ala, etc, ena,t to~t..!~~!.y._o, Nohr, ':6U _



How many tim. I dGyou repslltedly write .,ty~ the llllme me.seg.over ~nd over • v • r yday'



Anyone intpl"C's!ed in Illest' orlother lipIds can contact the army: rer:l'tl,iting: sta!i'1n. Nnrfrlk


'Phane 375-1533


Wayne, Nebr.

Entertain them all year with your gift onChristmas: TV sets, stereo and monaural

phonographs, radios, tope recorders, re­cords, Best prices in town are here!


\INeill, I Herold, Th "duy, December 2,


,203 Main Street"

Sherry'sl Inc_." '

1:15 West First Phone 375-1262

For efficient gains and a fpst-er b~Her finish II

Kont J'."'b SUPPI~~ent ;5 on .11 J~turalprater( supplement to ba1ance yoJ~ hay

and 9~'aill, and give your feeder lambs all

they ryeed to gain and- finish fast. I-t can·

tt'lins 250 ~'r-.lms OY antibiotics to help pre­

vent ~ver.eating and di~,ease. Hlg,h levels

of y;trmins and minerals, too. Get' pala­

table 1 Ke~t Lamb Supplement for' your

feede~ lambs.



--- ;;m:\ .1l;l~j"n;Jl wiim(!Z':i, Till.' girl

to. ~;:,~ III ~;~:l; :~~~t~ii;Jll.'~~~ h;:;; ~~:~,~'i p ';I;II:l:~ _~~'~l;

d. i .r':lfjf,j ~\~i1,I, }.:l·t a ~l'l oj ('nryC'lo-­. Itor ' .H',li;),';, ,;.Hlmner.tlil will 'g(~l il $51)0

")wl:n"!lljl,_ • lu ,,:q! ·,print-: tlu~ ~;lill(' willlJ('rs

Ut~;lr l';dilor' II!:! Ild~j!.llr}o. will get expcriM"l>aidIt ll~~ hl'( II IJI'uw.:bt ~o !llll' at- i 1.'1 Wi-, ["j, hir;!o!'kal, celllcr~ . in the

tl'ntl'm: llwl lillI', ~:~;lItlIY i:, ill llr:i~:lll'-,:J,,!.t <tIl d :1 (' ,at willch the(If "l".f:l~'I:,.~ra ~hj{-bll.v w'pll'<illl!l.r! !n ....:,wlflllf.r·"ffJ! $.,:5,Of/(!. ~.1,(J~O, S:J,.(JOO a.lId('allOt'l, "',IIHl blllldill:', til !PlW,1' 11l1" tHlH:i will Iii' 1J:llnl!dWUYIlf' {'rlliity III i rHI r~U:-;'I:i ~)f tt~st ~col'es~ 1!cr·('an'oli, NI'lra:;!Cl. ',otlJJI rt',t'n'u!JurJ ,lIId mtN'VIeWS,

lhiH Ihe IIi

(,fm~idj>l', vir)' ollr COUR"IHOU' SE ROUNDUP[""'Ii,,, r"lIlowi"" "';"'0"" , .

llJ 1)OII:IIIOll oj ;1 1\\'0 ,,1:11',\' hlljJ~1

1 Hrr,ll Eist<!lto Deeds":xccll('111 gt'l; Nil\'. ,r~~all C. and· Madonnn

lion ,\J Orin and Mnl'gilf(~t "I.(:1) Bulk If'f 2, Block 9, Brit·

CJr{:;\n~~ll'~'ll; ::.\lIf/i III Addili(Jll, Wayn~',

town pn'SI'J!I:, ;I,!:lrgHl'ct r-;, olsoA' to

};:~;Ji\I,~:IVj:'li:.17,'"".{)1l Wrighl, caM l;O fect ofL, Hlod ti, Britton 'and

i\<; Slllltlljltt~.'d: Ii.\ 1,';II')]I"r,.; J'\ddililm, WayllP, S14,fJO(J.[lank. : ,V1,1rl'i,):ge 'License's


)hil II, Olson., prt~siclPllt ,I .\;;~)V. :N. William Ch,arlCH. W.,ctJcn,: 0 12:1, Ma~lisolJ, and Marilyn neatr~('e• ' ( I \1a.1:-., 2:1, Nor-fotle

Hllmem king Test to Be i 1'0'1.'''" J\'ln Aluen WO?U" 23, ~'H('rm(~~ll, S. )., and HOfiahnd Ka,y

G' ' 'T S h I IDunklljlu, 22, Wayne. ! with treats Wives of WSC held- a free-lighting' service. , I

Iven I WO C 00 S i I • the Faculty I Ilit III NTlllt III 1: pllJllh ,tl 'WlnSldt,! Wa~'efield 'Court" Set ,---- - ._"-.. ,----"

,lnd Waynr lugh scllools will !uk(' W'lk~llt'1d Boy Scout Troop Want Ads i TI'rI:NthGS CAN LOOK :nJHGlITEII1

f:() It I II I I I WI a new ~oa.t of paint. Gel I,,I I 11111111 ('( \.n on I L{' dlltlE S \\ 1 l() II .I (fJlll t oj honrH Sun all your palnt-lOfiuJe and{'-· Idllrl I CW,ll ( S oj 1WltH III <l'kllH 11\ to rd'IV Jlt'<. f:J ,II ') I(J pm III 5t I ' nd an . t' Idd.Y S SI)Cltltj Tllt'~LIY De( 7 fohn s I Utlll'I,ll1 tlJurch when the I a your pam ~ng ac-ces~orie~

The kr~wledge nnd attitude Ral~J(' I-,nlk will tlfl llwarded David I i at Coast to Coast StOl'CS, Wayne. i

e)('amlnftt~' n will be given sell- P{'I{'t~1111 ~on of Dr and Mr~ I I j17tf Ilor home aking pupils only. It is IE 1'P!l'l'son It will be the first • _ IJIf\YE YOU SEEN the new Sieg-; ,part of t e 1966 Betty Crocker 8agh,IScou t {'('l('mony to be hCld'F. SALE. . ' JerHeaterswlthlhefamol1strav.

1 SNO-THROsearch fa the American home- IIn W"kpfle!d 01hcr l.lwards will t Icling floor heat? Slop in at Coast I'

maker of tomorrow IH' PllJIIlO!IOIlH 1m oLII('1 SCOlltS _ _,~~_ _ __~~_ to Coast Stores, Wayne, and look ~tear snow From walks, drivesAt stll~l 1I1l' ,lwatds langlnglJrlhn {Iacrhout, Omaha, Mid. Y U fJ'EATER HEADQUAR.,! the models. S16tf. In.minutes with a powerful

fl(HU pll1S fClI SdlOJI \\lIliH lS til Amt'dLI Scout ('x(>('ut!Vt?, will be t r, tl1r all· types of heaters _ -.---------- -, ----~-- ~~~~i~.s~.~tJ~~~~~c~_g~o~crl~i$110000 In scholllJshljls fill Sl.1IclprCHI'~11 The public IS mVlted oU as, coal or wood, new or GUITAR AND AMPS operation; 4 speeds forward

I .. --~-----_ ..- us d - Co,\st to Coast Stores Fender Amps. and Guitars 40 and reverse. Reel mower, 1'0-

j W y e, ~Nebr. S16tf I Watt p S S) stems complete tary mower and lawn vacuum_ _ $~25 00 Drum Sct at $]9000, attachments for Trae-Team

f endcr Hegal GUItars at $29 95. model Bar n e r Apphance,CHRISTMAS Unlteu Teacher, of MuSIC, 2014 Wayne, Nebras!<jl, d2t4

I ~g~'a~\)p~~b~nntG\i p~:~~x ;:~14 PICTURE FRAM"iS MADE TOFOOD SALE --"-----1 order, See our eomplete ,olee,

F'O~ SALE: 1,957 CIH'\'Y, 6 -and. !ions of Frame types and hanging:Sa,turday, Dec. 4, beginning at stick, cllstdmlzed. 65,000 miles ,1ardware, Carhart Lumber Co

9 <I,m_ <It very clean. Phone 375-1225 after 71 d2lfP.inl. Rod RcimPr d2t3p1--'----



I Spon,ored by WANTED Cornlea, Nebraska

._=rt T"n~~Y_L:~~,'s~_~o~a I Rellahle party in thi, area to ~:t~ru::d ~:~ ~~e~~~r;'::i • TOYS • TOYS • TOYS

$ I~ DAY HENTAL FOR EICC-I ;:.~~~~n ~~n6~1 s~n:e~y~~~tsne~ ~~tiltY~:f~ ~~i~ig~:~~~ :ec~ Coast"", to "'" Coast Stores:Pl: t;~~as~~a~reklll~hf~~~~~~~ L_w~~ warranty, in beautiful desk. tion Co., Phone 4008 or 2893 atMcNatt Hdwe., Wayne, Nebr. Lots of drawer space. To see Humphrey.",1, ~ . ~_D_211 or for more in'formation write r,"''\'" •

_ Credit Manager, Box 7?:), Co' SlIvor Dollar Night Drawing 211 Main Mel and Ruth Elafson, Owners, Phone 75~3~60


" PRESC,H.ll)TlUNS ~bus, N~~__~ ~~_~hur&day. '"or $$3=5~O:.,_~~=========,:,:,,::========:::::::::=======:-=:!~\=:±'-':'=::, £b1 most important, thing we do VINYL F'LOORS CAN HAV!,; ...;" ---------~-- ..---------,----------~_.__."--~----; 1 tr fill your doctor s RX for you. mirror like beauty when Seali

, GRiESS REXALL STORE Gloss, acryli finish is applied.I Phone 375-2922 L. W. ~1C; alt JIdwe:. Wayne,

03tf Nebr D2

Army Has Openings in ;:~:::;,e ~:~.n";a~~i:: :~~;:.:"~and are assigned only in their

Several Career Fields ,ho..n Ii d5,i ' Openings include: Dial central

\~arne (,Oll~IY YOll,ng- n~cn may· pfficl' repairm('n. aircraft main­, be mler('sh'd In ?PCllITlgS m sever· Itenanec fire control instrumental (' lj('l~ls Jun anllounced by l'rpair,' ):'l.'nglc enginc. helicopter

,~hc. anny. (nurses of(::rpd hav(' ,mechanics, crewmen, fitctrammg ,that {'ollid ll(' \·:.Jluahle In, <-llrframc re..(uture lIfe a~ clvliians, pairmen, ,ll-mampnt re.'

No previous. experience is pairm'Hl.

;~~:~::;,Y f~e~~~se ;;;,~elin~otr:~ Aircraft e.ledricians, nuclear

~=:t====:=====;::::~::-:-::-:-:-:.::===~~'t~a~~nd~.~r~d,~,=-~~T~h~e:Y:.._~..~~~~~.::__~~i:V:Cn~ ~ee:~~~sen~a~~~en:;a:f~;c p:~~~~I:I:.~ ler, radar specialist, radio code

operat;on, commun:caticn centeroperation, - engineer heavy equip.ment maintenance and opera·tion, automctive main!enanceand others.



From Your

Ope",.Evenings 'till

9:00, Mon.-Fri.

"The Han e of'Fine Automobiles'"!



4-Dr., small V8, Auto­mat i c Transmission.Many t r 0 ubi e freemiles left. I

A-li:"• ;'" '::'i: :,ii!$';}::7~i,


65 Mercury tv\ont~lair4-Dr. Sedan, COi'l\r,ileteon equipment 'and! (IC~cessories.

65 Chevy Sta. Wag.Bel Air, all White, VB,Powerglide. L 0 call yowne,tJ, well cored lor,


64 Fords - 2 Galaxie500',-,,'. cx,,",ptionally

, frne cars. 1!l'Jke yourpick

63 Ford Custom

6S Ford Custom2-0r, 6-Cyl., .5tando·rdTronsmlSsion, One yearfactory warranly left,-,

62 Dodge 3304-D,. Sedan, V8, Tor­queflite TronsmissiorJ,Power Steering aridBrakes

62 Mercury Comtt, 'I,'

6" Cylinder, StandordTransmis$ion,. S,rrl:P!Icar conven:ence ande·conomy. .


We Hove More Cars Inthe ,Above Listed Range,Many Lower Priced Corsand Pickups, Plus Ad­ditionol Trades ComingIn Every Week. A CarTo Fit Every Budget andBank Account.

ivra]'De, Nebr.

:I1S.2~~~:J·willcoma to VOUIt FARMICt..I",,, Your $.1, D.t.

, Etul'l ',:.J •• Tho..o..,~ Fitlfl,

e. Lell upt,n'.. 't" drivingand tim. n",ded. 10 po,UneJf,wI!" nl, bills MHed.

9. Your i:new1paptr:-.•d 'n pape,alv., 'farmers- .opportvnlty to

.Itudy YCMff' "Ie U.t ...,:ufo-fullV, In th•.lr own home.,

. Ind decide on tho .,tll;lo.they mty wish to buy.

10. II' r~" ca"",,' pi In t. rdflu lOon" lv.t can315·2600 coll.~t. Wt'll b. out.

MONDAY, DECEMBER' 6 f­FORREST (Froltv) MIlGNU.SON FARM SALe, loCOlod 1miles louth, 2 eut aild ) ~ .outhof W~vne at 11 :00. Orvlll.Logl, Jim Troutman and Ivan,Nixon auetlo"",,. CI.rk: FlntNational Bank of Wayne.


TURBO/DIESELthat's built forttJrbocharged~power

2."Your FREE sal. bill print.'eel In bright .ncJ .ssort~

colors of r~ul.r ••1, billpaper.

3. FREE farm sale arrows withyour n.lm. !mprlnted on th.&mto direct strangers to yourfirm .a'•.

1. FRSE Lllt'ng \n the now,­,apar', Ca'endar of CorningI'.... - to profect the dateyou ha.... ,.Ioded.

4. I?x~rlenced help In drawingup your farm IIIle dd; tomake It the kind that DRAWSACROWD,

6. With your lale ad In Th,Wayne Herald you ,eachmort flrmar, than In any~th.r medium.

$. U.. of good livestock andpurebred pictures in ad andlal. bill•.

"'Ifi \"

FARMAL1:1206-110 HP'


• 25% more cooling wilh twin·jet oil cooled piston~,

larger radiator. increased air flow fan and engine allcooler.

• 55%' greater air cleaning capacity,.

~ Bigger clutch .•• new, tougher power train.

• New big diameter tires, heavy duly lugs.

• Ne~ duty torsion bar draft sensing and categoryIII 3-point Fast·Hitch.

*110 hp, pto (Mfr's. measured maximum) ; t


International HarvesterSALES (1IndSERVICE

Phone 375-2166


Phone 375·1533

Galaxie 500 Sedans

10 Passenger Wogan

Mustang Convertible


Phone 375-3690We Servic.2 All Make.

Wayne's Oldest 7:V StoreIf


Radio & TV Service

[lon' take chances with )'ourvaluabl~ belongings: Move' withAero Mayflower. America'lImost recommended mover,


Abler Transfer, Inc.Wayne, Nebr. Phone 375-3475


TUESDAV, DECEMBER 7 ­ED AND JOE' ANDERSONFARM SALE, Wakanald, N=b"located • mile. Ollt '.nd 4YJnorth '0' Wayne on Mighway35; 21;4 milo. north of Wake­field on Hlghw<\y 35. Audlo:n­een, IvaQ Nixon and Orvill.Lage. CJerk: Wakefield Notlon·al Bank. Wakoflold, ,Nebr.


IMRS. ERiC JOHNSON, WAKe·Fl ELD. louted .t the louth-

7. Combination newspaper plan Hal~th:::"e;s,o~a'i:a~~~~~ :~of sal, ad and ~al. bills tie· 1 p.m. Ivan Nixon, Audlon-up, whIch makes your adver- eor. Clerk: Wakefield National

SEE tising complete In one job. I Bank.

~----,,---------, ,._"-----'-:~~_.-:.- -~--

Wortman Auto COa WE SINCERELY thank lI"r friends i ~IY SIXCF:ltEST TIIA~'KS TOi .' and relatives for the he<lU1HUll fril"nd!l and !'i']alives for the

FORD-MERCURY DEALER cards and gifts we received for our many c.m!s Hild 1lt';lUtltlll flow·119 East 3rd Ph. 375·3780 25th weddJng anniversary. Mr. und en; senl to IlW during Illy sillY in--------- Mrs: Ora' Wax. d2{' Ih(' ll~lsIJllal, ~Ir!> Nora .Johll'ion.

We service all makes of Radio --.-----------.. - ---,,- 1 . d2c,IOd TV. Why not enjoy both tr TIlANKS TO ALL who spnl cards. ,WE WISH TO TlIANK all (Jur I'le fuJle~t letters Hlld gifts and \'isitpd tlll' rt'!ali\'l'o.; alld Idell!!;; who mad!' I

Iwhile I wa!i in the'> hospital ill <;lJl'h ;l WDIHll'rflil day for liS illIOmaha and al our daughlt.'r·s 1l{)n~ir of 0111' ;'0111 w('(ld~ng anni.1! home and .'iincc my return home v('rsarv :'1-11' llHd ~1r.~ John


All was great..IV app.n'Ci<:ltt.d. ~fl'<; B,mw~ d2p I~ Joe Hinkle. d2p _ _ I

---.---- lIVH SI.\WEHE TIIA:'lKS ANDrl THANKS TO ?\-IY fr'lt'll j. 1;I':lltllldf' 10 nil' rHlrst'!> and Dr'l

and former pupIls W;lynl' 'l;tl'OI1 fOI llH'Jr e,JJ'(! and to ,ourl

SAVE-HUNDRE"I)SOF DOLLARS! !eoun~y ~h(}ol dls.lnct .'\0 ~J7 f,lr ~Jl!.:'.~.J~(Jforh::~I:: J\:~;~::\ ,,~l)et;;r::~'i}~ll/:;~\,:i"e~:c!l~~fem~"J~;,:,,:~~ta;I~~b ~;:;; I ~~~~;"U~r~~~~; l~ft;~/IO,~;:;~; ',":; ;:::";':'",'''r,,~::; ""';::,'::~ ",',';;:~ii~'~':lFarmer is eligible for this govern· ~y. blTthda.~. In smc{·l"l'st. aj})l~~ me]wJJ'i:ds ;llld Inll."~',"<II;t','; ,If ,",ymment program. Write Hugo Sieler, elatIOn, Mr-",. ~taud(' Alike! d..c palll\" pxl('ndpd in Ilur hl'lwlf duro

BOd 43~, t Norfolk. for informa~~n WE WISH 'fO EXPHESS our sin '11;': 'thl' less of (lui· loved om'.an I aSSlS aoee. 02 C cere thanks to all our neighbors 1\11' Edward ~1 lIarl. ~lr ;UJ(!

Ear the ,Best in friends and relative's' (also blood ~~ __..~---!:.~ar.fl'll ,Hurt D2c

Radio and TV Repair ~~~~;s~l~~~~;e~u~i~~~~~~s (~~~I,~~Ym:; I~FfII"."!'."'-'ness and dc-aUl. WI! wish 10 <l,know·IGdge our appreciation for thp food.memorials. (lorn] tributes andcards. Special thunks to I'us!or deFreese, Dr. M;:llsOIl and the nursingstaff at the Wnyn(' hospital. ~lr. Er­vin Hagemann, jr.. Laura Sill' ;:lndCheryl Lynn; Mr. Charl('~ Carlson;

-----------~I~rd~~1i~'1~n~rvinHagemflnn, ~~p


Wayne and Winside Fire depart­ments. friends and nei,ghbors whohelped fight and control the fire.and clean up. Our many thanksto you all. Mr. and Mrs. EdwardThies, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gerle­man and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Han­sen. d2p

I WISH TO EXPRESS MY SIN,cere thanks _for beautiful flow·

ers, gifts and cards I receivedwhile in the he'spital and at heme.·\lso Drs. Walter and Bob Ben· and Pastor Shirck for their

kind.:\ess· all this shall never befOrgjten'. Mrs. Gladys peters~

I WISH TO THAr-.'"K everyone whoremembered me with visits,

~ards, flowers and gifts while I t#as in the hospital; also thankso Drs. Walter and Rohert Ben· i:hack. Rev. Shirck and all theh05pital staff. ,MrS. Meta Hefti.


$12.77 t






g~r~j~~, ~:;;:~i~~t.c1~l~gf3"st ~l~h~fa~ ~I~~I;Drummer Boy ~ Star tarot- We Three Kings of Or antAre· Hark! The Herald Angels SIng· Angels We HaveHeard On HigH- Silent Night (English and Frenc ) •The ,Lord's pr!er ~ Sleigh Ride. The Twelve Day~ ofChristmas' 0 Little Town of Bethlehem. Lo H~ ARose E'er Sio mlng. Some Children "See Him OhCome, All Ye ~ithful • The First Noel. Silver B lis •J,ingle Bells· It's Christmas Time All Over The W rid.

~~~i1~~~~~K~~a~.~~~aRM~r~i~~~;~~i';ru~~~~r~~~~~c~~i~~~:cr~~~~~~,;e~~~~i;~Shore' Dlahann Carron. Danny Kaye. Odris bay.Sammy Davis, Jr. '-,



Add to the Comfort ofyour Home Today witha Humidifier from




Second tir~ when you buyfirst tirejat price listed. $29.10'. $14.55 t

-~~3iu~ii~;·E.Go"" G'"~'o'"D' &EonwhAilewallslltoo!

UNo Limit" Gua:rantee! V"•GOODYEAR NATlON~WIDE "NO LIMIT" CUAFl:ANTEE-No limit ~months • No limit on mires. No limit as to roads. No limit<IS to speed' For the ~ntire life of the tread. 8 All NEW GOODY R AUTO TIRES ARE GUARANTEED against defects In work-manship ilnd matenals and norm9:1 road hazards, except repaIr ble punctures. /rt IF A GOODYEAR TIRt:: F,AllS UNDER THIS GUARANTEE any 0 more than 80,Oo.o.a6ffil'"year dealers In the United States and

¢ Canada WIll make allowance on a new tire based on ongmal tread depth remammg and Goodyear's printed "Exchange •,6 Pnce" current at the tIme of adjustment, not on tile higher "N~ Tr.ade In Pnce," ..

I .. ! I. .

Coryell Detby Service'-211 Logan Str'1et ' Waynei Nebr. Phone 375-2121



220 Main Phone 375.2822

,.,j ,,'f

--"""_·~···;'·-""':"'-"-j",..·.,*·r."·_ - '..' ",'"."'.··..i"'· ·· , ,roll 5\LE:, ProJuetlqn 10"to,l" . . . , Th. WOyntl IN.b,) Herold. 'thu,tdor. Detcmb.,~. 1'>65 7i:------- _

W.•. '.A·.• "N"'1T" A'*'5.'···I~E~~,I~:~~:'"nO~~~fl~,:el:~:)~;;! 300~:I~~~~iETI ,WANIEp! j-.--,-.-..-,-......-,,-.-.-.-..-... -..-,----------,. ' . ...,. ,IFi)H S:~Lr·:: il·li,rlJ'i:;I"~;.;I,\IIl,", Brick I"i,ldiu", 22r~1 .quare !ONf;':i1F:n!tO(;'1 j"IJI(:-;ISIIEi;;Wt".iE·~ j DATES

:=========::::~;::;I;~:::::';-;:::~=:; holl'l. H(~tuly (or ~erVil'I,'. A J(·w ;, al1.,~r:rnl:'.rH ni'.~'rlf,~1 4Y(,(,(lIld! ~wmf''', I, ~~ ,l~ CLAIMED:Fun S,\:LE: I'urehfl,'il lJuroe H;"ll::~. :, :})I',rt Yl~nrllll~:" Hod bull. C:lJ1~('~. ft~d, adjl)iniIlJ' lilt available. .: t(~r. I 1 (lUll:.;. \'. :-,C nwrrietl rouplt.,: _:!:_ ....J!_ '

LIV.ESTOCK :. It YOll wa'nt ma>.tmum, gain ,with ," ,SOIll!! ~rl(l .l. ,~[uit of fo.merl>on· 1 Contllt'1 Mirah~'i Sl:>i1)(~rling, 521 I Do.u.".,as .watL.:iI ...1.1P3 A\'l.:" n.. }'1'1'..~..' .... " '. '.minlinu:~ back !.nt ami ""inlmum 1~t1IPh Hultman, ~erHOn, p~on(', So, ,C9tner Bl~'il., ,",Nc. Dodge, Iowa. Contact Per50nne-l~~~~~~~.~=_==~! f(~(~d tJ'.j' l), Ouroe, lrbr'l Mc(~ulstan! ~.~.:.~~,~. . ,_"...~~!~~ ~ hruska. Pho~lf 488.3852, d2 ()j~tor.. WSC. nUU;1 j " " .

.....". .....,._".:--"", !Brol;. fh!liulttl from' the fm;lr H~stln;~'~ von SALE: Pllr~bred Landnlc(': _,.~__.. I,_"" ""_' --:___' WAN '"I' ED. ,- ...,.Ioa ~AI.Jo:, ChU1l:(' qualily DIU'(H:! Hlath>h5' in [OWli show t11l~t O~tr'~ hnan/. Six miles ('aRt and IVa' d .. ~

lind IInll1j'lxlllr.' hO;lr!l. tol,G rnil<':ll Uuro,!i'are -tops, 6 miles sOllth, ',int!: SQuth of WiJ'ynr. W. .1, Chinn, Wake· I Dead or ,Isabled livestock I ' I~,· t'south of Wnvm~ on Highway l[): I- J~ I'CIl~,t fro in W,lync, :\1c(2IHIi{aIl field, !;30!fc i HELP WANTED : Phone Wayne ,37'S.31GS, Collect I t;"o ':' ~:\rnoJd Sll1tllln;m ,~" S(JI1, WislJl'r. rBTiJ~j., 'P(~IHI('!r, vh(in(' !J72·2S,\!J, I I I Wayne Rendering Co. I ""'~ . ':.

,,2au i . , oU11 i.' I.........===~........=........,I _. , FOR RENT 'I' '.f.our used. COW..D....ealle.261r.l,il~.....• 'J"onSALE: :-i,,",. "nd. NallQnnll' FOrt SALE eil"e u" 1I01.,"'inI. . i L'~~I()li~;:~6~17i;w~~~i o~A'ifaE~.

Accrccllttld :-ll-rli', Uogistered Po· ( ~l~':>~/Cjjlr hPltNR, PhiJOl! P(orl(~('r I "._..__,_. . ,:_.-_ _ ._, _~_"_"___ IDo~~~ito~i~s, ~ntac: Ormond ~n. Wi\l'\TED.. TO HE. :-;.'l;:-IOfh;;~"-t~I;·t I' '

]:uld 1,t~)ilrli O!I."." GlIts, Top' blOO(1·I~.I7'_'21"'~~.:'?fl:"1_._I_J:.. "I..I,~~y'.~~.,~:':' __".. .~l~_t,'! I H£':·!"INlSH THOSE OJ,~D F'LOORS.! d~nio1\, -Sioux Contrac~or8" , stofa,ge lor tht. wintvr. Alan era.Juws hum M,JllHcl:luta aud I1llnois. ~~ " I It's ensy and inexpensive when 1':J75.2185. n95t.'l mer. PhOlle -315,2600. d2t3p WAYNI HI!R.~LD ONE.STOPlI"rris' "VI"U~" buckfat L02", Cllt, , trttl'SfJ/IIl7'N":? !you rent our Cloor sande, and edr,,"~'--""-'---~--' "'.. ,. "'-'-,--- '~"-""--'-"'""-'.. ,-,,~.----,,-,-,-,- I FARM'NCSLAuLO&ESsE_RVlce(~llt InJor,muUflfl ,,;lvallable. Dean! ' ' " : cr jand rclinish wllh our quality! WAN'l'''~~I.): Service' stat~on m~n·SOl'eIH,('Il.2 1I01'th, ':, west o( WaYIH",' ~.. !wn s, vnrnishcs lind waXeS. Brigh! ager.•~Iust be capable of :,;clltng MISC. SERVICESNt'lJr., Phone :r15-:1S2:~. slGtf ~ ten 'your rugs by renting our car,!,nul managing men. Prctera~ly_ - - :-.. -" ~- I pot nhnmpooer. CoaYlt to, Coast I betwet'n ages of 25. a~d 40. $375

!~~~:~~~".~~~~~ ~__._!Y5tf ;r:'~tu~~U$soco~:::t,~~;:t1~~~eR~7~~()dCrn Farm n~~ci ~!~~~~__~~:.!!.~~~~ebr. n4t£


-·--·----·-·----.----- I.MMEDIATE OPENING (or, Elec-. trolux fr'lnchise in Wayne ar~

RE AL ESTATI! For intervIew writ.e Electrolux

I '.~ . t I~~;~~~,Pi::::~~~-S;~-i


TO BUY TO SELL Nuw unt,l ChrIStmas. LarsonKuhn Ladies Shop. d2tf

. REAL ESTATE USERS OF RAWLEIGII productsI Propertv Exchonqe in Wayne c:oun.ty or city of

I',. i R. G. FUEl-BERTH ~~~~:ar~~c~rr::v~~~J~;h,c'g'~t~~~12 ~e't 2nd. ,tl" Ph. 375"2/34 !'l~~~-'!O_876, Fr~ePOrl,~L_ ~~6

IFOR I SALE: New three bedroom W~"lTEl?: Young, ma~ interesttho~e, Has la. rge dining roo.m and In retall st{~r.e. I! ull tLme emplo&~

living room. Large kitchen and ment. Larson s Dept. Store, Wayne.utilit$' foom, ceramic bath, and is ~

i f~l1y carp~tcd. Located in Oak~ MEN EARN extra cash in you'r

Irtdge. adciltlOn, west of elementary spare time. Good pay. Write BoxschooL Otte Construction. Phone 813, Norlolk, Nebr. d2


375-2180. " ,30!!o HELPWANTiW~Offke girl. F;;!I

time. 40-hour week. Benefits. Ap­ply in person at Carhart LwnberCo., Wayne. d2tf

\ .. ,


I.' iI.

1~.:.1.:1.• :.." , I





Regulation pebble-groin r\Jb~

ber boll is weqlherproof foryears of rugged ploy. z:; ~11

'Adorable iointed vinyl doll h~nrooted hair, go-la-sleep eyes!Assorted outflts, 11· H. ; :J.~

Reg. $995 Hiawatha



BAS-KEf Basketball:Fast 'action garnet M .._' 3 ichallical levers actual/-V $- 99'sH'oot the ball. :3.J.o'~ I


$297The (omous crossword gome withcolorful boord, 4 rocks, 100hardwood letter tiles.



IS AT GAMBLES-COME SEE!Buy on Credit-No Money Down.

It's Baby Trix_the world's soff-est,cuddliest, most flexible doll! She's 19inches tall and has lifelike vinyl handsand head, rooted hair and magicmoving eyes. The rest of her IS snugglyfoam with on iJ?ner wire constructiontho.t lets you pose her in any position,And she's dressed in cute pi's,ondnight cap. Youngsters love her! -n 10](


S;eeo~t;"ed Foed with, $168windows, whitewalls, ta1l 4'

gate. 11 V." l. U-:VlZ



A direct hit drops an egg in thebasketl17xI4"'metol tClrget withsafety darts, 6Y1' gu~ ~

·we"w'.' bOO,'Y. ho, 98·(polished steel blade,rugged hondle. ~

Solve.-'-~..(';k _Gift Problems-;~rt4£~-/!-1. ~~--._.

~VN' with a Gambles~ GifT GE~TIFICAtE

Deluxe gqme set for ev­erything from coroms toSpin Top to checkers!Complete equipment withscore cord and rules.Select plywood board is28 1/2" square.

. .:.lj

·fFamous MONOPOLy c!Get rich as you wheel'deaf in real estate! Com: $297plete set.

ToV ChestWood groine'd fin- ,ish decorated with fif!!..91play figur~s. 36 x ~J 7\1 X 20'" hicrh.


. • YO,:-

100 Fun Games in One!


15 -inchesof softplush!



Wind him up and hug !limwhile music boX ploys ahappy rune\ ;>.l_:lOIZ


' . 83/~ .. BA'SKETBAL~

Long Official $2'~8Si:re,


- Extra length bog-34xBl" finishedsize-to keep your favorite camperwarm and dry. Water-repellent top,ground cloth and canopy. flannellining; 104" rustproof zipper. ZS.l1..a

All aboard for fun l locomotive with head4 $1488lighl'pull,4 co"_ Wdh 10 ,edion, of Iro<k.uncoupler, and Iransformer.

FIRE PUMPER$wivoJ gun connects $291'0 hme. ,hoo', WO,",7 ttl 12\4 "l. '"

~P£CIAL/-LEEPING BAG Regular Price $24.95

Now $19.95Only



V/hat WOU Id you do ifYtU lost your keys?B· SAFEl


GI13rantecd to H-or


FAtUL Y WIVES 01 WSC so, lJP this display in the It{illaw bowl10 help start oft the Chtistma,,; seaSOIl, with a trcc~lightjng cere-mony. II '

Tree.1lighHng Rite 1 Ho~ Come Those Girls,M@l!1'@}' m~ Campus IWere Chosen for 4·H1

\- (f"!]' JI/:!ltin~!, t:(')'I'lllony _~lJOfJ' I , ",~Ilrl'd h~1 !";I('ull:>' {Jf' W;lyW' 1',\"('1' wonder why l'prtall1 onesSt:111' 1'~lll<'~~I' ~~ac; :\-JOllc/IlV ;In' ('Ilos('!l for an honor'! Take- t1wIlll,:hl 011 tlli' WSl' earnpu.... It j:~ I.-,ll trOPhies. and lockd~. huw wereiJoflPd 1,1 rnnkl' th,e ntll,d an Ih(,v rhOSi'll?

;lllIJl-l:lI jdfalt" ;t had to be on the basis of

cO~:~d%ill~;::dB~oat:ts::~~:~~o~~ work for all girls have been in many ways. Dotails are

~,~odsal;; :~: c~~t:;jO~O;d sj~i~i~~~ in another story. FolI'owing is a

c>!nce lof Ihe season should not ~~s~;:e cO:u~::he;;;~s~~nP~:~:;cee~btl los~ but the fact it is a

:~:~jl::1 "l~oor~:d ro~~~nbc;~~I.dren ! J«(~~I~~:I;!;;1 ~~~~I~~II~~I'S,da~l~~vt~~. Ofc~'~~!lr !~I n;i1.d :\l".l'ritlwn \va.s 11];1S- 'I pklpd ,three clothing projects in

il'r 0[', ('('J"('ll1o!Jips I'or t/l(' shorl If!ri;),. Hon l.h~ county stylt'. rev~e,pl"l intl'odllritl;..: 111(' eol-I('I~(' parllcl)I<itl'd. III t~{' sfatp. falf,­

Ilussel t\'ndet"soll Jed' l'I"r! ~:l PI:II,We1S III clll'-~IIl~. footls, I('I'p\\,d ~('~'t'r;11 1l1(jlll(,I1l:.lklJ1~. hpt'f and Jll~1I0r lead-I

('nl'oj<; W('I'(' I\ll'll ('r,<;JlIp III nille ,veal'S, r('present~d Icd IIIl Jll'. Sir~ll<ll the ('oIl111.Y at the 19G.~ statC' fall'

Thel treP. is ,) Plitt of the .and d.etnonstratlOll cont.~~ts

Faculty _Wives plan to help I~ \~'i:i: )l~~\~:.dl'nt of Loyal Lasstes Icomn1'u r ,lfy bettermont. In addl- I . '~ , ~ , , ,ticn to a beautifully lighted tree., : COlHp)etlllg 2,) projects 1.11 CI."'hlthey Ihad c.rful Carolers floo~- ' of cllth work, Ann Barelman.Iiohti:jld in the Willow bowl sct. ,of :\'lrs, l~('rbl'rt Bar~l.ting. ' I WaytH', harf ~IX pr{~.1{~cts ~n

" _ , , '. and Vl'fln <J purple ribbon l-Il I(,III JT,)~ -', ('11<111 1l1.~n I'll' iudging. She was a mcmber I

I l,pl)ILld ( Ion of 111(' C]oVf'!rll('s SOIlj.:( gloup win1((('(lld !Ildls fJ/11l! nmg 1 III\I!' tlbbon ,IL the st.lte fHlI",

LOll n l\ Illllsll i\11 S pdlll('ljldlt'd III dell\Onstl,l!loll and\11 s ~illlill 1\11'111 I ~p('('('h {ont!'st' ,1l1i1 hds bel'n d

I 111('1 dml (II)\!'! ('lit' SIII((' lH'iH11('1" \\( I ( (Ill till J)llllkl.l(! cornplelpd 15

ill fivl' yoar." of 4·11 work,divided among home

,Hid rlothin.L:. She hnsw"lIr""",,,,,, ('xperi('ncl' in all 4·J-I

including spccch, stylej(ld::;.in~ and clemonstra­

She represented the countyHlfi:J stak Llir in judging,

!('lllOl\slr;ltiolls and style revue" 'JlI! (' ,.., ~ S

~tl~/n~'lh::. ~~~f~'or~nl~~r~~'.r ~~rr~l~:won a lor\(!'t for winning purplerihhons in dress fevue and doth­

jlld,<::ing. A l11elnber of t.he :Pep­n,\' l'pppers. she has complt.~tpd

:line projects. t.hrcl' of which wereclothing.

~ daughter of the FrederickJ nnl<cs, 'Wayne. Diane Janke,wen a locket fer completing 24projects, 1-2 in foods and six infoon projects ~!:,is year ~IQne. Shewon seven pUI·ple ribbons at thisyear's county fair and partici­pated in iudging and demonstra­tions a s' a member of the BusyBees.

Connie Watson. daughter of theB,dph Watsolls. Wayne, won a

~locket as a member of Loyal Las-

e t T C . t She made a study unit whichas· 0·, oas ~'nrnp,d ,::I ho.m,·ing ?1~1C rihbonMEtI and Ruth Elofson, Owners, "l! tl~L (Ollll~~. Lllr ~ompl('t­211 I\Iain Ph, 375.3360, ,ed fl\'l' ,H!dl!lonal pro.wcts In foods

~;i4-"":e;,~"':~"",~,"'i~.;;:ii;:"""":"',t~~~:~:I~l""""~...<i<"".~"'<'""'~ I

~'I THERE'S NO OTHER II ~I: SHAVER LIKE IT! i~I ~'l. ~'l . l!;1 I II~ Ii ~~I ~t11~' ~

~'t I~ I t II~_I ~ R\'1, 1 1 ~

II I ...i~} iII REh~is~ti~;;~: I~·I 1 SH;VCR ~~.I R,UtlS. qll.ictor! GlidL't" stcrldicr. smoother. Most t~.,.. powerful AC-DC n, lor drive'S 3 h(~.1.ds. not 2) r.:

~ made thil1l1crthal1 a y shaver for closest shaves ~\I, ,., 1Ii'! ever. 348 sllrg;c"l~istcelcuttNS_ Adjustable ~,

~ roller ,OI11~)S, ONi;O~F switch. Travel casco ~~ GREAT TO GiVE·i·GREAT TO GET. $ 95 l!tl SI.,I;n9 AI 15 ~~ i l!


'(,_"_,".:1:.:..~:_:::_," ~e'"r'''-"''"' ,._,..,._,..:~~:_:_::~;~~,._,._~ 1

I ' ,"'"r. ~. w.,."N'_I N:~". ~~~. ~~, L'~ 'H F~ "" iGI"~': ~:" ...... 'Federal Aid Meef 1Help Asked Iplcht_. 1p Chit C rt--....,..4'"':--.;..--....i.;.. + !' eavy mes Iven IN,,, 29..111'011 I',luer. dmlllv,1 mg I - Zil' cod<; .Ie 'b.<I lu' '.'111 reo r s mas once..... I I • a BrugKemann Trucking Co. "e-I 10 f \Cnntmul'd from ) 1'(' 1) pll('llalge tiortlnlo: lit !t'rl1l1l1-ltl, •Four at HearIngs hid". !Ioskln,. was chllrv,"d b) Draws 0 rom Area I' I· V. I\l'1~hllJl.,n '.,"I II hN,· II",,,· '" IPlans Revealed at WSC, IBuchholz With having a lruek 0.1;· j ~ It,lrd and tht'n SiJVlnK n I)(.·nny nQ III) ('OOt" the paehlle hUll ((.II

I Four heavIer· tban· usual fine1\ erwel~ht on a smglc axle Fine and! A ft."d{'ral aid mcetln~ in Wayne wllh a four'l'cnt stamp im;;tt'ad of be p,u!>Cd Q\'('f for Inter autUn". '11m,]'" ('out"I'r\lI IIfa the •• fO.

Iwere handed Qut in county court costs came to $105 I lTuesdllY attra~tCd over 100 school 1 fIve ccnt slamp menns Iht by other tnean!'; ICtlrht/lll11j ~dJ/'d\llt. .fur WSI)'rm rIthe past week All came on major Two fmes of $25 \\cre me\(·d j r'n(ln .(rum NQrtheast Nebraska r card, WIU not be rOI'Ward~d Packaue, un b. 'UrNd dow St,lh' rnU~ltl.ln~!vJoJ.ations. in ,do('v Johns(m, LYOth. ,and W'-'S' .rack .<ru~e~" state d'-'~~ltJllt'nl c,. 1\\ hilt s mure, If nu rellu'" addreliil Ilf they ar. In fUm,., .ra ." I ,,I Light••t fin. clme No.... 23 for il;~ Wl~gctt:. PI,Ji?vlc.w. ~ov, '26.1('{~uc~tl~n. 1.10(,0111., was: In c:lan~('. i IS" ~I~'l'n. ~nd('~i\'l'I'('lI "l<tI! l'lmIlO~ or Poorly .. ti.d. H. tu:;:::: _The flr~!' II a ,~ud.~' recital! • youth trapping without, per· I F.~~h hac! betn. ('harg~d With care· 1 Purpose i t:f the session was to ~ he n turnt!d. , that any thin" worth ,.ndl~ i, I ,Tuudll.Y .t 8 p,m., the ,.Cond _., mit. LeroY Bronlyntkl, W'nslde, I~~".» drl VIrlJ<: , Court cost,;; -eame,.to I nplalr arlel ,:JO ov~r the #edenI i His Iuggestlon Is to u'," five. I wOrth pa,cking. wupplng, tyln" I conurt hv Iho b.nd at I p.m;.

was fined $10 plu. cblts of-,SS on !';i,} for ~ohn,~on and S22;~ for ~m. i lind state requirements fer Tltl" ! I e.nt .tamp·, and retu,rn ad I and addreulng ~roPtrl'(. In... T"u'r,dav, D.c .... and thee compl.lnt 'lied by ~.obert ~('{t. Sherif!, Don \\clble filed '[I federa,l fun:ls, Sc;:hool adminls· I diu... for. card.. All - post I A . I JI .. ~ thl-rd a ehOlr-.r(h.'tr.• ~' conee""

Irhar"(" in both cuse· • . - If' I I '11 IlH'rl~'n 1lIQ' ir~ I.) Pt'r ("j"11 ul _ ,,' .Omanl Itlte, conservation offi·, '''' ,S s. trator, wer~ In 0 leo "m~ oy":,, .re a 110 ,WI· tlw worl>(i's t11ull'Llntl mudl qf il'l Sund.y, Dec. 12 at 3 p',m,,' ,.

,uf' " j • l'iJe Wayne tlu~eting on .tho W'SC'[I·~:am~:r.h~oP h,,1 .c:r:'d ~:II~ ~'ems 10. (',Im(' i1t ~·hr-I"t:nn.~, 'P;I' j\ulilil' j, hlvl1.t'd (0 lili 1111\., Two fines ()f $100 plus costs of I ., . campus WU!HOlle, of a serws being P p Y tIme. &1, I,,, th~! on(' IIIll '. r~l J: lI'rr()rlTH1I1l'('~ 1t-u11I"('y l,tll'htre (If-)~ were paid. The first was Nov, I Silver 'Dollar Night ,held throughout Nebraska. N(~w A.s (or puckngc-s, ('omplt'te aLi· shaull! rwt ~() al'trllY, hut 'l" u' hl~ Flnr Artii CI,',llh.'f;l)rllb"bly will~~. D"ane, Hangman, Newcastle,! •• Irull',s and fl"gu~ationf on funds IL1resscs p~us Zip cod~ should bl' C,1n ~rt mull ttl thl,' fl';ht p, ,', .:1(' 1.~H' ~11i' unlt'ss -t'~t151nl~jUIi In"?Rld£n 3 charge of havln.l~ nni Drawlng.n Wayne !avallabJc to· ,pf'lvale and public used. Liquid procIl ur w;n{ls(~ndC"rs do no! Illlll;(, IiUI', "WYll('ri'l'rl'!i, ~I"t(!n Ihev wU~ ttl' 'Jl/l.~f'd~,r. _i.dth load on the hi'ghway, I $3 Ischools arc being explain("(j lit the i t'rnyun ShOlll~ be lIsed 10 write haw II IUilrkt'd co. n'i'~I)' ).. '\1 ,Ill !hi' l\{,lllllnlslrllilun h~I.!.. I..(.lln~ aU.=har cs being brought by~. Budl·! Thursday for 50. sessions. !:IcJdrt'Sse.'i,. pl:unl)' on parcel poslllJrst place. Iii. nUIll, .':--------- ... - --.----.-------.--.---.--.--.------ --~ .--.-..-------.-,--.-..------- --.--...-----.--.;;- --:...,...-:::1-....··..


Helen Rx Honored AtMis.ceil neous Shower

·Grace Duo Club HoldsPotluck Supper Monday

r, -""1,;',':". ;.. -":THE CARROLLINERS long lovNol long\ 01 Iha AChier. mantday prog'o~ Thursdav night The girls 'hom Carroll haye Iq~'P;OQ(.J,-·

cd Oil nunfcrou,> progroms of all tyP('$ the j)o"l yeor. ~<,t:.::j~....".;";";"'-




jl w.", ,~::,.,'~~~,:' L::, ~,~""' ,~::--"'" .',----''-------7'''·''· 'I'Ful ne'r..l. Serv',.ces ""'""'~., ,_ 0,., , "..., .;.~ .... w.•".".... ,,, ~',"M , ..,•••",," ,,,'

" "... '". !'n·n c., .Norwa~k., CaUt.. Kenmlth ;,I,dilUH.'r ~\lt·.~t.~ in l'ht. Hnherl Paul llnllwf. '11"<,. \1;1:"10'1 rh~wtrlf)l' 11:.

A I i I r:\l and ~.f~rvtn W., Allt'n, nncl dIOflH', W:tkdu'ld, 'fhtillk';\~lvllll_t:Il:lhl'.i 11I'Il'rj'~nl'tlt ('I'l1lN Stunl .. ), . .IW KEFIELD I NEWS IFo'r' C L ~reeMi \';;'~d l)";OrangevaJ<,, CldH.; .. !',bV.I.~:lflwr',W('l't' fmmtl',t i Mrt. Rl'Jb~d Sf!}". and fnmil1,I II~ •• ~ Ii.I :Jau~:hler, Mr~. C'harlt!s: Polklu'r:' \Sunrlny- to WI"I!It,· ... :lay hi Oil" :'01111011\, \')<.111 f :'Ip, l rank (illrI~" I I'd' l~ L 3ft; !n;rll, Ponca.: a, brotht~r, Albl~rt: Wnym' :\IOl'~ hUIlt(' O..rt\ll1l11. I fl~·l SlIlIdi4;' I r

_ I Mr5. Bi:tt~ Miner - Pho~~ 287·2543 ' '1 He nOvemuer ~" I 1:,:il!~I;~~III,t:ln~::a ;~~t~(~~l:~l(~~I.}~I;r~~;:~11 ;;'\-;:'",,~ t4:~..,.:';".lff..::"':'/'-f.~~~:¥':1¥~.t'¥UJ.t,;~U;:ft(:<1f4.'tb1U~J.:~, I AJIcn - l"une.ral :<>trv!cc:. W(~r<! I ~6 creat~araiutdmdrE'n, :'"Cub Seoul< MOl' . "Iup, . :,"lIalf Time," B::iI, a,HI: holJ Tuesdal': /(IlY. "0 at;!dhll, • :~ ~'" !.;~

1:11::,.;;I;i';~~. {~~~~ ~~F<Ii;.~"\e;r'~~'.;:,1 ~~t~I.I~;~~~JIII~:,llil;;:tl",'~::::i:~tll;:.:',IJI'IH.~7:~:~:,~~ i 1~1'~:I~i;C~:'~~~~ r;,)no~;~ r;~r",,~~"~;i,~:; final RHes For ;~. .~.~ nI;'n, ";;:ll~I(~" ~1~b'~(~;~~~I~tlJl:~~~f~;2:-·pt'~:~g;~y:-:jUl:lt~.. I;: >,ll!J.«rs ,duh :--;nv. :r~ :ll a :-lhllx Cil',' Ih"Jllt-1! .j ~ ~HI:ht':d lmd,e Alan J(),bhson, Dnvid f'arolill~( alld Cht'lstma~ dillll\.ll Rev, John Crnl;(' ortir-i:ltcll at M' M W"bl' I~ ~

Hit.;, J:Jml:lld BaITy aU11 D()ll~J:I:' IlwutinJ:~, I;::W Jl:IJI, ...:~ ~\~s ~~~~~i~t,.~l~~·ri~~l~:~(;I:.Kii:~lj:~:~~,~~: rs. ary el e \~ ELECTRIC KN'IFE .n~,('IIW:ll"retJ; eur bll(l-gJ~, ahd g(Jld TIlI~l';fla.Y, !l(:('.,_ 7: LUlhel'~lll Id d ~ If 1 Hi:ll~(-' ('('mi'll'ry. l':l!llJ('an'rs Wl'ft', U' At Wi· ;1 i.~;':,',::~t~:y S~~;l\ ~:'~~~~: (J~~~ ~~\;~;It~: :-::::::I'~;'e ;I:;,;:~e IIIli",,,,I m,,,,tll" , Lynn, Hoyee ani llonal-l. P"lking. ne ,IRSI e i l! ANOTHER ~

::;;~,II~~~lI~H~l~ri:~ ~~\1:!3:t~ceH:n~~n <\~~~ ·-·~;;.-1;:nd aTr". ~1<.~rlyn 'Thomp~lon ~~~~~n ~~~~;:~ .Ilog,r V.etor an,l: w;~,~~~~·~~.'e~~:sh:l~ ~ll::: ~~a~;:= ~I,,'ivcd' a f,(~.ill lIt'tow undl~r Wolf. ,HId flt~I1iIY, Ffl.'lllfmt., Mr. and 1\-1.r,"i. 0 ~ha~lt"s l~~uls /~7;cn \\'fs b~l7l ;Wiltsl' F'uncraJ Hllm(', Winsidt,. 1\1 ~I'l'(~;\ll~;, ;.'~'r~ distributed us :t ;\Ikh:I~!l Thump.'ion and family ilnd Hr. 'I 1!J t~ J.'lWill·{N'l,:. \l~lrs. \\'('ihJt', a formt'!' Wln~il1c:~ ;-~)llIlllf'y r':lJSW; project. ':\fni. Hobert ,\11". '1ljHI :'.lrs. Bolwl't :Vlint~r, :ir., e nH.p"-Cl 0 ,I(' 00(':1 an', iI n':-:.idcnt died at Camas, W:o;h, i ~I 1 J j I f'roup in Thanks' 'I the age of lr,. [·'l.'hl". 2:1, 190;1 Ilt~ rt 'J h E l-J fr . t Ii it ~.:~. "dln.>,!)n. tl It: ,I' ,. and l!aVt~rJl Wt.,.·!.,.. lli'rHw.r t{Ui~lt!l:. m,ltTlcrJ EdlLl Crumb,,, <1\ !'Olltl (I;'" ',Il n :'1 ,(lrut'r jO 1t',I:.1

I('[:\1 PRODUCT '."

J' I \'}t ': :iunl\li'l Sundil,i' in 111(' .\'lr·'i (;lady') ThOJIIP· 'J hey farm("1 In Ih:r;.on ,m j (\"!.tr 1,Il t Itl tltes. a- USIC' \\1m. 1I1·IWI I"'! i i't Iii:

--.....~.. . . '.-. ~()n Jlf1,•.rlW: T1WY. wel.'(,' .''i.lIPJ)(~1' J..:11l sls I counties un~11 n'tlrJr Sf \ en H'ars b) Hev and Mrs 1I0i'lWl 'l11ll l\1 ~Ch '" _J Ir in [lie' WilHam T:.ylor home. ~ ~ 'go ' 1 M"" W'1'l'e. Holt.rew. 1'.11• ., • EASY TO GRASP SLIM HANblE ill

Ulit' , es' " " Mr.11 and Mrs.' LouloReler, CHICAGO BOUND wos Maunce Boeckenhauer, state's po'int lead- 1l1, ",Ie and a d u ,hler. Ethel, Ibeare" were Elmur Nell,on, John II • BLADES OPERATE ONLY' WHEN T,RIGGER ~'.' ' , '" O'Neill, Mr. 3U(t MrH. Henry I~e1· prC<'c-dcd hIm In d('ll"! SurvIvor" HCH'k. Pet(>r Jensen. John Asmus,I .,"

mer ~nd I family, Bloomfield, Mr. er rll 1- H work, shown In the center He was photographed at the ~ __ _ _ : Andrew Mann and Henry Koch IS' PRESSEDSalem Luthl:ran Church an(.J ~JJ's., LOU.IS rteim'er~. jr" and 4~H Ach'ievcment dQy.p'r~grom talking to Sta~.. ,Han!en, left, pro- I I, f J i Burial was in Pleasant Vlewl' ,I Hobort Johnson, paOlor), n.o1.lngs la~d Mr. and Mrs. grom speaker, end DO've Rees, medal winner. ~ ... D~I~irt il" ers an~ amI Yd l,emet<'rY, WinSIde • MOTOR DRIVEN STAINLESS STEEL BLADES

Thnrsday, neo, 2: JUlilor rholr, I.. BI'raylor ana family" Grand" :- .._~-~--'!..,-- ... ' .... ------ fa:;"l~~ car~sll'~~rre:~~1 M~~g ~~~ Mary Christl",a MIJler, daugh • BLADES DETACH AND SEPERATE FOR EASY,1 p.ln; I'cnior choir, 7:30, I~l~nd.' were. dinner ~uest~ Thau~s~,1 Huth ,Jansson ramI.' homc fr?m Council Bluffs, vlS1ted last SUn· Pierson,·AJld Mr und ~lrs lIef of Me ,md Mrs Georg~ MU I: CLEANING AND STORAGE

.c-;':olllnlay, Dec. 4: C()nfirmation ~lvmJ!!. day ,In, the Hlchard NeitSOJl1Minnetlpo/is to slwnd Thnnksgivmg" day in the Mrs. GUll Sehulz home Duane Wllg ;~l~mIJY, Waterbury, leI' WdS born Feb n. 1St:> Jt it • GUARANTEED $14


H-J2 a.m. nome:,. r . ' ' IWlth her parents, I{('y. and Mrs. Mrs. Schulz returned to ~ant()n were dinner guests. Thanksgiving IKe-oukuk, Ia .. The ('o~pl~ (nnned IDc(', 5: Worship serv- . Mr.,. ~~~I ~r!i .• (..~a~les rcturs ,~~l Fred .Jansl>on. otJwr guests fit the with them and ,visited SUnda')' to day at tihc George Lueder!:! home. man~ years lD t.he W~"ld.e com.

ll'!", ;lrld 11 a.m,; church sons 'iVl'I~ dmncr,.g:ULst.'l.!J:'l.lankS1gIV-IJansson. hnme w('re Hpv. and MfS .. Wednesday 'in. the Otto Luedtke Mrs Helen Quade.' Omaha M.r .mumty. Mr. W£'lble died 10 1935. . .', i"'!ldn), ~I :I;'j lng dr.~ Ul 1,he Gene ~rmey hOlme, Gunnat T" . .Jansson, Winslow, and home. and Mrs WilUam J'IuvclmaI; ami Survivors Include two ! sons, ' I

. W~lodr,m?, la., ~nd dl~n~r gu~sts Mr. arid MnL Haymond Peterson, \IIr. and MrR Keith Lueden and son, Wln"ner, S. n, Bl11v Hl1t~('I· .John A., Riv('TSidC', Calif.. ,,'nd" L W (8 d) M NAJT OK HARDWADE ~\~.'s,t ~hrlstlan Church S,un~l( Y In the I'., n, r dl'r h()nH\! K.,sex, la. Till' 1)('1('1'!'iOl1t,~ came farnil,.v and Mr. and Mrs. u'<ma,rd man, Iowa City. J(':ln ll'w~elm'all, -Lloyd. Camns, Wash,; a s)sh'r, ~ , • .... U C, t ~~ I'

I 'i'.lhll .\1.. W;'~~ht, paBlO!") i f.IJ.!4111.. '. 1 Wedpcsrlu,}' evt'ning :Jtl(! rdurned 'ISCh.".('SSler, Westsid.e, la., Mr. and Greeley, Colo., I'~red S.a.ndnhl. pC'n-: Mr.s. Luln Buzniek, Galesburg, IlI! I' ;, ~' ..;:II'LI.\. })('('..~: Btbl~ ~("ti~o~, I Mr 1, n~d ~rs. H~~('~l, Thursday nftl'rnoon. M~s Gary, Lueders and family, der aJid Mr. ami -Mrs Uayd HUe i Ill; a brother, Robert Miller, P£'r, " 203 Main Phone 375 1533;~I;~'" \,\O::'1hI

P, 10,55, CVf.2-1


~(:lIlh~IIJ~lJ~j(~l~\~~llj")'or:~~1;~: :VIr. ;Jut! :VIr:;. I':nrl Sch.Pfcr. IOmahn, Mi'. ~nd Mrs. R.onlad Lue· ~elman were Thanksgiving guests Isla, Ia:; fjvc gr~ndchildnUl and ~ -;' !" .',\\"'dl"'"I;,.I', ;)~~, Pam. Youth ftnd dinm;r guests Thuf'day in the' Stan'"n .."n:' Mrs. '1''''_ Wllsnn. !~dcrsand famIly, Bellevue, Mr. and In the A<kerm"n.I",g~lma~homt·',:".~.,:r"~~.'hlr"n:~-;-_:-....:'_"'f':!"!"'~~;.~,;!"'~;-";:'''~~''''''''"''''""""..',...;.......,"""""""'."'?"'"''

;1,11111 I'ill)i!' n'h('arsial 7 pm' Bi-: I.lldolf Klinz hnmc I !l';";:,:;'!':~~~~~h:!"~:'"l:'?i:::",~::,,;;::~¥:,,,g;<;:::J'l:'~-1t:;':'i!.~,:,.::::r,,'$'4.~&.~·Sll~t4!!A!~~-tK-A"""~':r4"-a=,,""__"J;;",g~"';:~::'·.:r:"'J:';i::'".l:r:.r;.'""~;;.~:"~!.:::~,,~.",~:r4.IU:::o:c:.~~:"'<"'tJa:~:¥:r&~:r4Z",,::r.c:."~~~..4f.~~':::;L...:.J::.l':;/.:-J>::'"~:~lN;;":;U:":::Li~.t"~:"-"'';''''~.rl~.hi!' ',I'lId:, el:l.'-;!';('.'l, 7:45. ,., : . ~. - . . "", . .J . , . 'rA'!

. , W :k f' 1.1 B ,- ;o/i! r~:t. l'cded !'r"by/.rla" Church\. (Ii e i0uiIl llW in9 .':\" 1i!t

(.I",lilt Brunn. pnstnr) I ..,.. M:'1'1"'''''1'''" De,. 2: lInited I're< Scralch L.ague W, L !~ Ii¥.

"'I~~;;';::~: ~.f,m :rh;'~~;~:. Wakefield Natl U"nk :!8 16 ;~ l\lI ""1' 1 d f t '1' IFnir Store 28 If; rr.~

('111;1", '1 (J:iu: :~'~:ion ()ml'e~~~~,c~<; j I3lls,l:p: \'pi Cl.i.nk ;!5 lB; li~ ?J1Ike. -.5: Church SChOOI"'1 [[('ltek~~ Jlyl?lld , ~·I 20 ~ , ,~~.

!J I;, ;1 ttl.: wor.'lhlp, 11: family W'lke~lcld 1:](] .. I' Cl:t. 16 28 j;Jf-.Itlght progru!flJ 'and coverC'd dish Fl'e:l..l'lCk. son fi UII <. 0.. II :13 ~ ~.~,jII'I'C!'. G':W 11.m. 111gh s('orcs: Marv1ll Linder!. 227 1 §i1 6'44 ~N: .

" and :)71 i~~ j~

'I W L! '% ',~~'Ev<mgeli,cal Covenant Church TueSday Nite i i~ Buill fo Last :.~'

'FIl'd Jansson. pastor I Carh I.mplenH'nt tlO 10. \i!.l POWER WRECkER CRA.SH CAR ROAD RACE I~.Vi::~IUI7":t\~\[,~~'~ ~~o~ld~~~~r~~';: 'i~::;~"'2~,t"lJniun ~~ ii 1 P.! Siren screams, motor roars Two lallapart c~rs try 1299' ~;1 :~(1 Bur/nall's Dairy 241~ 151~: ~~ HV.Rroom." No batteries to aVOid crash at dar. , ~

Friday,. Dee. :1: Junior ("hair re- Am~~riri1n !.('gion 24 16 I~ needed. IS-ln. plastic. in.g crass track. ~Mhf':lrsa!, 3:4,.1 p,m, ll.ptpwJlcrs 2,t ::0 ':~ ~

S.llurday. Dec. 4: Confirmation Salrjllon We:l.Ls 20 20 ~, tJ a.m.; Sunday schoo] pro- Moqil Service HPhJ: 21 t/2 e1 :.,;,gram rehel'I'saJ, 9;30 a.m. Lund's BIIl'ber Shop In 24 ~.~ ~~f.

Sunday, ~')ec. '5: SundllY SdlOOI. !ll" Mfl('dllnald's "'epr! I:ll~ 24 1:, ";,-;11 ~~111:~"I(l1)al.·YrOUl'ill:g, 10 a.m.; WOl'- !'jetson !nSllfal1re ].I 2f\ ,»'(,;': • iiil~lilp. t I; 8 enin.g IIcrvtc'c w1th m· BUl\"S Champlin Spry 11 29 'I ~ "~,,I.t'nr,lIl' ll\ Ichar,ge, 7:30 p,m. (JII(1<Jity Egg Marlwt :!!Jl~, 1m ~~;(

.il(lndLly. Dec. (I. Nominating m~11 scures Dick ')'):1 ):':: .;~J('(1I11!llittt~Q Imeets, 7:30 p.m, and 5fm b~ I.,,~,,""'.i~ ;;;~.;

\\"i'dllpsd:lv, Dec. 8. Covenant ji{.;

\V'Hlll'I\'s ~~·hl'i..,tmas luncheon. 1 Thursday Nita W L I~~ :~'(1'111 Boy"sl Brigade, 8. Em:crson Fert. Co. J1 l:l Ij~ j~~

I FU1'rners EI('\'ntol" 2:> 19! P:: if)St, JOhn~Ev. Lurheran Church Rob Schenck Clothing 25 W!~ t..r.,.7')._'S_~:1 ~,'~~

I ·s'l"(:lurl Synod Ca,/nb,les 21 2190' Im.f..' , i<Y" i ~i.I.I.IE ,I, Bqr:lthaI, interim pastor) JO'J~n Deere 24 ~.

Till" iI;\.l'. ,Dec 2: Walth('r N. 'E. Nl'hr. RPPD 23 liS 2~U~ ~ b;J ';i~

I:(':I~'I: 7131 ,p.m. Carps Sharps 22 ~,'I'J' 18.'I;~,'. . ,r.t.,'~FI": ',I', I Dec. S'; L..·l(he~·· Aid He-rh's Hoboes 20 - .1'\\" , t:=:I ~.l

( hll~lI11a~1 6lncheon, 1 pm. spec- Tomeo 21 23 ,.~ ~ riP.ldl \ol~ 1.!'l1 auembly meeting, 8 '1'\\111 (yll1lder~ I!I 21 I~ 63· -"r-.~ ~"i.,1

S,lll\1tla~ DlIIe .4, Saturday HUfOpty Dumpty Mills l(J 30 I~ • Unbreakable I"

<;thoo! nhd ••nfirmatlon mstruc F F A l,n~ 29%. m! Talking Doll Battery-Operated P/••fle Agent Ze..M. '••

ti"", 9301.... Ihgh ,enm Imy Koester 208 ~ ~A!3'\f CHERYL TRIK.TRAK ROAD RALLY • RIDE.EM TOYS WEAPONS SET ,._.~~~:~i,yj Dec. 5: Divin.:..~~_an~~, Irv~~~~_1 ~ She recites rhymes in 9 7 Raelhg car follows nine ~ncon~ .555' : IS·lnch tractor, Radio, pen, cam,era 577 -:~\';,~.'ii:1~,~~~~/$!~IB!~I',;g!li~~IIi!~I!f:~!~g'!!;~Itf:~~.lI' 'I'~ baby talk. Rooted hair. 7 ne.ted tracks, unlimited dis- • horse, or poodle 199 are really guns. De· , ,lNt~ ., ""... ii! lm 16·in. tall. tance. Battery not included. • on wheels. coding specs, case. •.»n ,)¥,. y.. !11k ~ Reg. 7.95 • ~

i~ '.' ~ I'~ SpU=CIAL • II!£! ~li.i\ 1>:1 • Ii*.w.,,; iM.;i1 • r""';'e m'\!:l1 s.... .!'lr!l;; ;.;>.t i ,- (lTiristmos • ~~i ~.!Jw. • '"fl} i'!lt1lii R· i • ~~ ~:I~ eg:~r@s • ~I,,' ~ "'" IJ!,i • iii.\,,,; ~;-,il~ ~,w. 4fA$ b m;!r.f; 0;1,' l",:1ti -=- ~) ~~<1i: \;15 1 1iw.1~ Stereo and - m'i I II~ Monaural :. :1~ I ;~ ~ Dressy·Style HolMey Spirit Cotton Stuffed : Lo~:c:~~~~ng : S.,..lce fo,2 jjl.~ 1 ~I!! GIfT BLOUSES TOTS' DRESSES SILKY PLUSH • • PERK'N POUR ~.11''' E' ith Wl(: i! Can be worn with One and two pieces Textured PUppy DOGS : Fay.,it. H.nday • COFFEE SETS ~

~; lUxnJOuYIR·Ye ~ I~ ~~I~~, 0;;z~:~1~38: \~e~~I~~:e:~~3~lve. t~~~it~~o~?~~ay 9Be ~oUp~~IYe:;~~~u~~: r: Big S~::::e b;;lists. : ~:r~~tr~~:aef~;~d~ ......~~. ~ I~ 199 399 best. Diamond pattern 'I tall, 14--20 inches. • • empty the pot. l!il£! - ~. ~ in charcoal; pecan. 3 pr/2479

• 99· .1....... 19'IG. iii.:~ . I . i!!.! rft 298. • E C·., rfG~f ~.m! ,-=-- *- ,. a.. iilJ.

~ li~ ~ h ~~ I~·' ~~ 1<"-

~'I'n II~ 1 Independently . ..,,_.: ... ~: =-*'7 .r:t.!,. ;;: ~: ; ~.-- ." . ~~ ~ ~ Burning Lights. , .~

:; 1il :i Asst, Color Bulbs. ~' GUTER ~~ ~ ~ UL • Approved ZERO.M HI HT FI .'1' ~J'(".r.; Plastic burp gu wiih 299 12.~ t~~ 84 ~~ ·li &! C ~~~~~ji.~n~i~~~~l eS roll . :".

~ ~ ~ Eleclric Set ~~ ~ .im CARVING POOL ii!.,~ 1i! ~ TABLE l'ig; !!It Jill KNIFE HAIR PRINTED FOIL iil~ Ii! \ii. 999 DRYER GIFT WRAP !iP.! ~ iff! "nf;nite heat 188 26.;n. x 21·ft. 99 iil~ ClIVE YOU FEET A TREAT ~~, l@: ~ Reg, U.BS settin~s. Blue continuous roll. C li.~ Stop out tills ~r in b••ntifully $~95 ~I~ W erly·edge stain- POrl,. ~.c8as8e, Includes all acceS- 6 rolls, each 8Bc ~\'li l' II~ less hiade. Hangs on V, Full size, single 9 99 sories. Won't mar 26·;n. x 35';n, ,...~! StyledLUXIll'iausLe th~ •.. Iinedwith 0: ;;" ~ wall or stands alone. Re&-13.95 control,4coiors, " . furniture. 21·in.. ,.",,,,;,",,,~.. "..,,,.,... ,,,~ a soft, Rich .~. The best available ~

~, . ..: H'..~.'S.' .~j ~:~d~~~~;d:n:~::;:eS~;,e~:::::::::::::~:~ E:J1EN'~RAN~ILINI' Wayne,t;br. "

F.! I. V· "~ Ii! l1v..~n Plasllc MI/SlJng Faslbadl ~ 99ci,' . . II W MIn. Tree If&hts. S\rillf' 0135 2.44 J

Main' ...'.. ~!,e . . l'''one ~75-:3065m. Ji! nf u,n "''''''"'jfii\1(~~ : ~j,lI~iil'~~~~~~ "..k"'""'"".."''''''''''''''''''....'= ~~"'.IlXl!', I

'. '," ." ':'1 T . . ' .' .1

~1ft"~- ";~.~ ::~'~/2wi_-n~i .<~;i~~:F . 1 ..'fHf/h,i~~~~'lin~'i;~hiiJJlson':Ji,JJ1I.tbeFireiione Dlwn & Country

j~ Americas mostpOQlllarwinter tire. Why donY;~,,< "'. yOll join the cro~~? It d08SJ!JY0St anymore~~ go firBt fJ}ass,l C(JmfJJ!~ ....~p!i(ll prove jt!·>~

- " ._... ' '_.:..-,-.r--lr·-·~',;>-'~ ",_--,,_ ~- ,.," .. " ....,. --l-«;--:_'"-::\':':":·-'2~-";~-::_._.". .~>:.'




, i ~ • . :,. J " • •"'':il,,'.:.,.. I:,


all1ld ah- h'~'H';;hener


1.·., I''~hc W~ync (Nebr.' Hc~old, ~'hur~dpYI Dc~cmbcr;2, 1965 1\," AI A'YN1E.. BOWlLING I'~;~~~i~::;, ~:I~k~~' ~'cyt'r ~.~ ~~ Ti~:}~\~~;I~F'~r~~:;:'d~ ;:; :;:~iVV - Bllicr, Hansen ]7:m Wagon W!J(·t~1 .._:aI - 'I ; I lIigh pcor('s: JUjUl H1Wl'en, 224; Cliff's Ton't'rn ~l:-Co

, jTony :'\1cGowan. 217~ La\'ina Topp. ;'1;11 T,l\,t.'rn H I:~

:4,J,rnunity lc.]gufl' W L 'Super V<'du ;iZ 20 ~:,2ij ant! Don Lntt, ;;IH.I High S('ort'~: (,'l'l1rl,;{'.J;H'j,:pr, :!17;f,;IJJ;.',r'rrH~li'r, Illi ;\2 H; 1':J HiI[lcliu ~9J~ -'2' i WIJrTlN D('ck :;&1.lhjll Fr:JIlkl1J1 ::~, I~I; 15ill's (';J'fto 28 24 ~ 1~i.'~ L~ague I ;~I' 1:.P--, Pioneer Lugue W L

IS'.I'lJl'rV.'~11J :!:; 21) -CocaColla 28 24 if.lmm;~:. - -C; rh,lrl '. '1") ::~i l~l~lrl(~IH~':', Cafe ~2'W iW,lync's Hody ,shop :..:.".:. !l; ,,'~~'~':I~l'r~'I~'i\'ict~ :19

1., .,;.',',

Llf"I.!' Blll.~; -"~I :!f; W:.IYIW <j·o. nir 21 ~l iI'flllH'rh: Exrhill1g(' 17 ;17Ie, noli 12 ;;1.; :(',lrlJarl':!' 191,z :121~ I,:r('s.~l('Z: s • :~l71,.. ;~,1.J i;~:~~'r~ I~:~l::;l EqUljl ~~~ ~:;

",Jb;)l ;,r'lIlr/'~; .Jlln ::lfJ ','n,' S,".llllr l I: HP~ 351,~ !rl.:,'('.·,ml'('·~k:nfn'~(,··~<iltnr I

~... " s 26:m IWaynt' Grain anrl Ft,('d :!(j ::H

I)'", I 1'lOlll'l'r 1 Ill,! 401~., N . I' I' St I 1\ k... , High 'corp!> 1',11 KI'OI}{l, 2"ll and l'llCI ntt 1ft Wl' 251.;l 2()l~ I' anTlI'fS ~ <I (' "In :~;: :Hf

, onday Nita Ladies W L ~,HlI \yolskc.· Auto 24 1:,: ~71~ Ft'1bt'r'~ Drug! 11i:.\-I1Clllle!!.!'..... Pd.Il":': :';3 I! Sweet L,IS.~Y 2~ 30 INorco 1"('('(ls !II: oJ:! 1'1 ;

I,J'rJ"V'" (';tf(' 1:: 1 11 Friday ~ouples W L Olson }o'eel1 Stor~ 18 3·1 lligh ~COrl'~: Jim I'okelt, ~IJ ,IudIjoYI',,:> Sh:lI~, '.!7 17 I hornlJsbn, Weible a8 1 :: I:P~ ISorenscll s 17 :IS ~)J2.

Il0:t'l \t'VI'!:;Ull '!li l .• 17 1 :: .Terh. Bllfrl~r :1,' 18 'Wortman Auln 11 41 I Bu.inenmen's Leagu8 W LI~, and .'1,1 (HI ('" :!I )tOl!!J(>r, IHalcr 34 18 ffigh scorc:;~ WUYl1C Tietgt·n. 233; ,Swim· 'kL('an ~IH ;;0

, 111u;J:!er l,t.]l~drtl' :!I .\Il'Yt'r. Nelson 31 21 Kl'n Spllttgerbcr, 612. Dilhl's Hl't ,Ct.'lllt'1' :,.1':1-1"'11 T'lV :!:! Crimlll, Dransclka 30 22 Iq'lv.~\1t.!l~·I~.fJlrLl;': i 2:~ Bahe, :1lagnuson 25 27 chLrch League W L ~l(~~~'l'lii.a~uto :,,1 :.. ',.;1"" , I IVI', 'J I' Concordia 1 78 2fi ~I~!

l'l,tate :'-,:allf)ll;J! Bank :~:1 .lI',e wT), II ney 22 ~ 29·~ Wayne .f;r('t,'nhnU"t' ;.0 ;;~~1['hll)(tl.Jt. W.'.'h'" Skr)\'. Kubik 21];, 30",~ Concordia 2 68 :1(;'rodf's 'Hakel v ~;~~ (';1rrniHf. :'\1cDcrmott i9 ~ :~:I Grace Lutheran C,5 39 State !'\.1tional Balik ·t! 'Il)

)ald's [ltd, (';'n1l'r :17 IThom.'i,lin, Gruenkc 18 1,:.: 331,~ Wayne, Sl. Paul 58 "Ii I ~h~~/(;l~:r~ers ~~ ~:;High knl"l·.~' l.ois ~o~: If)(ws-rht'r. Schwartz 17 31 Concordia 3 52 52 I I 54 I ' " ,,·'1

fJixJ(' Wl'rlC'](', .'.14 j(;alhje" Bull 17 31 Met.hodist 2 46 58 Wayne I era d 3-1 ~AYNE' UNDERCLASSMEN out for bo.sketb I incudo ~'I~ft"'tor ... W Ih~hsron's: Jim Pokett 215 and Winside St. PUlIIl 46 ~.',~ Li~~:n~~~bs as of 'I'hursd:y , ~~\" I right I fror t row, Mark Johnson. and Gordon Sh pe; ..boc~,;ro ,.;,'Ly~n

rridl1Y !\lite 'i..~dies L ~)~HJ: IJlid Helen Weible, 211 and 495, Winside st. Paul 2 46" [' Lcssmann, Gordon Jorgenscn, Davc Brown, B, b Marn~.· Q. '.' I...~ •.n.· '.e::HglH'I1 :If:il:.; I~)f~ 1 Evangelical 42 62 HI, Jones. '.1 11 ~

"ymiw:'1 29 23 :Saturday Co~ple, : 1~ Immanuel 31 73 A. D. Benso·n FI'nl'shes I - , I ~~....."... ;.i""'i::y;:·~"::"""iJllakvs $turlil) :~lil~ ~:JI .. nall, nurt Methodist 1 46 5U ! ,( Wit:, ." "1".'.'1 """. J'

. ILive,l'in~hOUsc Trans, i ~6 26 lilli, 1'1arrall 39 17 Mixoo Denomination:! 38 58 r:l('" l!l 'Ulall'1. - Mrs. Ro'l P IlhoJlow,' ~Nl)'rfolk":\111nlyn

ls BI'illll\' SfHlJI :~:II! 2}l1~ irkek, Ma~)en 37 19 Iligh scon'.'j· Ilerbl'rt Hunsen, S d' N I .• I I~l('nson fi,n~';.hl'd ill :~1'~9. bl':t1i,I\~ '/I!lltl\~1 H II IIltfl~Cns ij(I~Jc~h'Y/

jSIll,U]('1 \Jltll Jldi~h 'l 2:1 .Janke, Wlll('rs 37 19 266; Darwyn Glovei' 605 econ In AAFino s '111l~ LOll I'rlll. of !'t'ru Statt', 21 ,J!l Jfkl'llO(lnII't, ]lle~ '~.ll (,a~ )') '10 'lJson {'l'O, Hiltlscn J5 21 '- I Slpho!llor(' Bt'Il"ol1 of Sldnt·y 1,. Llne;!0'1 Klli IP nt~1t T .nk.elY.ArnJ(~ 211 \OI~ \og(l Ama rroutmaq 32 24 Wedn~sday Nite Owl5 W L The goal of v.mmng: the NAL\ >IS \HHl l!Jrp(' of hiS "('\,('1} nlTl~lfnu \\1'1kuld \fltj I litO} bll"ks.OIl:j

JIII!h S(OICS ~~aJl'y Schrot'du V,1J!l'P; fopp 28 28 Brahmer S Bar 44 12 District 11 (Nebraska) cross COUll I Ills fall IlJlI .. lwd :st'~olld In lh(' Scnhncr 1 1 I

,lnd 410 Lull HUl/1> 27 111 28 1/:,: Troutman's Grocery 37 19 try meet clulle<] Wayne Stall':; lthl'r [our 1'1ll' S(1'I"III\" hll~ 1'~I'nt Mr and /tItr, T. P. Roberti

IBdllrj Hl,jH'nsdor( 26 30 !,'unk's "G" Hybrtd 35 21 A D Benson, but he finls.hlotl sec IllfmlllllS till' Il,ltlnnlll NA1A HIt.·('t IWCll' ,IIOIH'I f!llt'lllN III the AI rnWlU'

TWO'T~lLE5T ployc'rs on [hiS year's Wayne Hits & Misses I W L \dhlkllnp Kohl 26 30 Jakes Corner Mkt 31 1,:! 24';;,: ODd _ and lOOked uhead to h\o ,It ()m,lha No ... 27 ,Is IWllw CIlIOU, ~lln(lIY.l Ml'Ii,~q-uad orq Gary,MorJhorst 11cftl, 6'5" and· Dean Elofson, 6'6". IdlSOJl Kuhn \fi IG I'lnk('rnan, McGowan 25 31 Fair Board :mlll 25 12 more seasons • II{ hilt I Jlues WIUi it Idinne-r

I 1\1 [jnd IS OJ! I I') 17 IJohns III .Janke 22 34 Barner s TV & Appl 27 29 Ken Gould of Omah.l UmvC'fsl!\ SELL IT WITH A WANT AD IN I-:lll~! MOlld I} I III till' ]~oWiU

81 1n o~ liim ~ .. 11 III f ~~IJ('S rlJl \ (.11~ 1 \l 1!J l:('hlcpkamp, Frevert 201~ 351~ IPllger Corner Spry 26 30 won the four nllie r,IC(, on his home THE WAYN~ HERA! r 11\011\1' " ~, uel u~~r~;:'~~$ ~'1~V~. ~ ~ Q'f;en. o· ;;-""."-"'"""':-, '"-,h..,",,, '. ,,,,;.,,.«,,,".J~,,,,,,,,,,'"',,,,"',,,,,,,,,,,,"'iii...g~"":iil.i'~':iiii:i.<,,,,,,uu:ii.::':,,,i4",,,,,,"',,,,~- ...-ii<..~"-:ii<:;:-•.:a..;;.""..""1..:.e~'~:.~.;'" ,,;:.,"~.:~,,-.::<'" ''''<I< , ,I '",''':-''.'''' "'4'~~"1'1 • f!J • I

~~~ ~,~~)i ~y~r ~§ (@gers!i CPiPtURE THE '- - '" CHRISTM~S I '1,,<1 11'''1,'', ',,,,'" ,. d'''' I ,,,,,'k,,,,, ,,,'', 'h,' ,i Ill!1J SPECIA'LS F1ROM I IIIIrHkr ('rt,lItlJ 1];11'(11.1 .\1:1('11',11'\\",1\1 J{fJIl {'arne's has ~~ $PHlrUlr O~; i • Iwho is ill Ihi<;. l:;111 :11 1.11\' 1)'1",]11)1;111 ,Sljll:ld a~',;jin this year. I ~'~ 1 \ I,.,"\'I1(l,d, 0111, 01 11 Ild'il :,'r! fill' ill :ill I brei' Sqll,l(b, \\1 ' I tI

;';'~;;":';":""JII'''''·'L:'.':'.'':'~\:'::'''':'"~'\''', I",,,,,,, ,,,,,I "'''IY,:1 C~~RGS'1rMAS... SURBE'R'S FURNITU E I-I{' ('11\ (')'('d II\' 'I'lli' II('raJd .

fI'1:~I~~II] Bllf~V '~~t~" White open the' G I" i ~.•'.Ii .. . .. "

"ge ,e"fn wl'h 'we game, a' Iwm i:letermi!'!e Site of ,I'

~::?;~;~'i;:',~:£;b,~;r~~:}e:::~ q III M d ',~ UV~NG ROOM ROCKERS - CHAIRS ~--- I I:~'~ :'~~~l ~:I:e pS'.,~:~:/"d,'Y II.. (ISS Gurney on oy ~ Ileige Davehport & Chair, save $40.00 $129001 RECLINERS ~ ROCKER/RECLINERS \ . I

Ro"rrl" " " 'I -\ 111r'dln:~ wilJ hi' ltt'td in Wilyn!, rI'. ' • ' ;:C' 'I( () It I,; IIJl "Ill lin ' "who 1>" I.,,, " I, ,,,' . ll,·,· C. ",:: 1'''' o[ Whiel:~ MastercrC!t~ Sofa, rubber cushions $129.00' See Us For The Largcst Selection & Latest Styles J.I.II

Chadron, f-"j'adll,dl' 1"1\" ""'1'\' ~111l!, of lht, CJass R (1J.~. ~ Master-.roft Sofa, 90", rubber cush,'ons _... 'I gaP1a, -'." I'... r! al Wnl]J('{' Ill'fnr(' ('<Illlill' Ill,t·(, ,II(" t"\Ir~anw~1 wdl ,~1 .- RockerlReciiner Combination ,., ,$85.00 { '" ,lIis !('alll~' will phv ' I hI' CII()'-if'll hy rt'f!n'.'-i{'l1latIVl'S (~f l~ brown . $199.00 up '411'~:· .... ,... Ig,llll('~; bdJll'(' :tli '. ('('1l:1':,1:;. 1'1~:hl ,''''(, !lII(1J s, l1allwd tIlE' p;lst wcejk I~~ T.V. Rockers "" ' .. , .. ' , , , , ,$29.00 up ~.. ggeCl ~ ..,~ '....

'lht,llll\' J~<Irl](','" Will, ht'illl ~;:~'c1dl.~~·~~lers Wa ne .',' it~ Mastcrcrofit Sofa, '82", rubber cushions, Large Platform Rockers ",$45.00 up II· 'j' [;

<H'. ".'" I..'''' ,,,,1"""''''''1 r,lndpal '11 b . \ h,gij I~ grecn' ..... $189.00 Danish ModernCJoairs ... $25.00 up ..•. ", ...1

1::~~l~~'S 1~:,:L, \a(;nr ('il,\'L,I.... t I i'he me~tin;.. Hee S~~d ca a:oguer~~t I~1 Mastercr~it Sofol beige, rubber cushions $219.00 WHO 100 Ch .' & R k Mirrors . $ ·6 "'o':"Jp ,.~with f\VD f,('pptJOns i r~lcnt d~redor, and the site ar,., ~~ I. I ·1 eave ver airs oc ers . ' ,.... .' It '

.' Th,ee <vs have won ,'a,tlng 1 "'0 """' bu,,"e,, matte" bu,' II Mostercroft Brown Sofa, rubber cushions $249.00 In Stock. See Them Today. Leg Loungers . $ 8. 5 u~roles as Tuesday. Dean Elof- I o!her,"e~s, such as offi· ~ M t f G T d D St' T bl $'12 0'" ..ill' r" I

s,'m, Mar Robinson\'and: Ke-it.h. ,,~I?_lsl, w,dl ~Iso, ~~~~e J,!p. It ,J, ~~ as ercra t reen wee avenport ep a es , . "IITlelgen 1e,,,, ,u"e ,e' gel ,'a,'. ,r"'rcc .. PI~\nvlcw. ITdl'\mg!~n~' I ond Chair., $269.00 Cocktail Tobles $12;50 Up, Iing nods )Nhife Phil I<elton Gary .1 l ('d,lr 5 il,1h..O!J(,' ~loornfi.l.'ld, 11£"- ~ 1 DES KS . $"'9


'ifl '! '!)Ma'dho"', Bolo Ma"i; and.... II!>;",,·, l\{o,l P",nt Cqn. ~ Mastercroft Brown Davenport and Chair $309.00 '. Pictures .... ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ;)~pLvnn L,~sm"" .He the o!he" ".d . and Wayne arc Ire ~M'astercraft Beige Davenport and Chair $249.00 Clocks .. , ... $ 5~95 upbeing cisidered a~ starters. .... (',lJo~)ls III !Ill' dlslric!. These q'r(' ;,\ PI f T Desks with Locks $4900 W II PI $1200 ,I t "Elnh"n I> (i',1 o"d ll"'dhnrs' ",1,.',11 II,,: .>amp ", II", n",', 'Ija[!" IMcustercrah Modern Sofo . $249.00 P os IC op . . ., q oques . .~e .I!.P ,j!

"·5" 0'1",,1' men arc: Lnwell Lull ~:;':~,'P":I m a dl>I.':'" '"urney 1)"1 11 lastic Top Walnut Knee Holc Desk $45.00 Carpet For Luxury . $ 4.95 sq. y~. ~and Leon f,.Ior e",eu. ,,".". 'r,'"!g,'" . , ..held ,l 1T,,,,,1l,. ill I'Matching, Style Mr. Chair $109.00 Walnut Kne.ehole D.esk $39.00! D' S 7 ' $7900~nd Ke1l0 {"J'" I' !'. ~'M lhc -sl~tl' aSSO::lls the sc!lool", to~. .nette ets, pC s. " .• I:Ip,'~I" 1;"l'd,;, ~h";lC.'o';"~:;:'\"o~vr~ ~;\~l""i"'s will> the Ii"l pl~cc,~ Matching'Style Mrs. Chair .$105.00 Desk Chairs...... . $12.00 Brass Telephone Stand .$ 2.5'0 ',old C,,,,,ll1O .I''''''''''''''. WlI": K"n cr. 10 ~" In Ihe 'Ia_'e. If'l ill 'Matercrah 8eige Dcuvenp,.ort 8, Chair . $279.00 Maple Desk. . . . . . . . . $65.00 C B b J $ 79Sny ,JOll('S! 5'11": Ll'ssman, :J'n" srhoo!~ lllcludcd SchuYjcr, ~ Wal~ut Desk , .. : ' . , , . , ... , , ... ' . , ,$75.00 oseo a Y umpers .and II'rk .I"hn,,,n, . . SLB,mav"nl",r" '~rn. !'! ,.'Mostercraft Avocota Davenport & Chair $339.00 S I'd 0 k D k $7500 Brass Plant Stands . $ 8.95..

TiQIr1C'nl Elol'sn!l K('lton H lh- 1\1.'; nov. I, 1\1a(\lson. West I oml h~,gh ~~ 0 I ,a '5 .••.• - .', , ... , .. , • • . . •. 9 t'·,I""':ilinsoll '1lil ;\T(Jl'dl]()~sl.. all ~('lli(]\'" :\-l~\(lIS(ln :md. AlhlOll, !lOlle 0-( wJlich ~ Croft Modern Sofa, save I Smoking Stands ,$ 4. 5'1 u'p·"aI'" I"tlel'm"n LUll "nd. I.. ,I",: """ '" Ill'<' dl>Ir>r~ "'1""". i ~ $100.00 on this .. $239.00 Mogazine Racks . $ 150·u~ ,.'

'II'" al", "''''''"', .I"""s.. ; 1\1 POLE LAMPS-TREE LAMPS-TABLE LAMPS $ 7 ),5". . . I~lon.I> "no! Sh"pc J"n I THE WORLD'S LARGEST ~op. 11 Howard ~arlor 92" Safa, green ... $259.00 Desk Lamps . . . ..':f .lIp,,.ors 'llltJl Ll"'Sm;ltlll, .nrO\\"11 :lnd Iby products manufacturer knows ~~ M t h' M C'h' $109 dO 'Pole Lamps ' , . $ 89S up Utility Carts ' . $.10.9.,5 up..J[}rgl..'I1;:;el~ sophol11ores I where to place its advertising to ~ a C In9 r. au , , . .' . ' . . ' • . • $ 9'95 ' , I,'.

IOlherl g a rr., Pefa'e the ,ell, p,edud. The;, dl,ec,a: af ~ Matchin" Florol Mr. Chair. . $109 0 Floor Lamps with Tables. . . .. . ... $19.95 up Record Cabinets ... , ..

q".i"mr' hcllcl,v, In <Iud e, muketing 'ay' 'hat '.he pa"n. I'IW" . . Tree Lamps. . . .. .. $19.95 up Shadow Boxes $19 05De,. 10'la' :'a'folk; Dec 14, Lau· 'he one. ~ha m,kes the flnar uy· ,~, Mastercraft Beige Davenport & Chair $28900 T bl L $1095 .. ,"frei he~e; Dec. 17, Plainvi-ew Irlg deCISion, Only ~ewspaper5 ican I~ ,. a e amps ,... . .. - - . . up \ ':.'here. ft,Io schedule ft· , a.s5ure the absorption and reten- ~ I Mostercrcft Brown Sofa' $1 S9 00 SOL S I . T d 'E"--:

t II b ,0 QUI nd ','1011 necessar'/ to sell one brand ~. .• ee ur arge e echo" 0 oy FREnwn s 'I',~S cell given yet. another - to make the par-! ~ M f M h' Ch $ 6900 FREE .2- :I~l~111 I(ln 10 \!:lC'll',1C" ;ki ~!llll '2'ht <lsk for the brand name. ;._,_ ,~, ~"~, ostercra tate Ing air .. , .... . lI!.:-~ I-.--~--_._,.,._-~-_. " Mcustcrcroft Beige Tweed Sofa , $229.00 =

SAMSON CARD TABLES & CHAIRS ItI ';;:!I,',; Mastercraft 90" Gold Sofa . $249.00 DEPOSIT THIS COUPON ,·h'i:' .>,

, French P,rov. Sofo, green ... $319.00 S~mson Card Tables. . . $6.95 up Jl:!I d samson Card Choirs . . . .. $7.95 UP' y""'I"i ::;:;;:::I:::';IYING ~:.oo ., BED ROO~ IN_o..u~ ~T~RE TODA • L 4j~ ,

~·~,..1 ~arly Am,' erica" Sofa, fully uphol. settee $199.00 F R' EE "."1,"', I" Bassett Double Dresser, Chest & 8ed . $189.00 II

i~ Earlyc~t:~c;;v::fa, scotch guard ... $235.00 Bassec~s~oB:~e Dresser, Chest & Book-. $199.00 . .cc!,Ji',"':' I,

:J Eorly Atinericcn Waod Arm Sofa . $149.00 Bassett Triple Dresser, Chest & 800k- $:'~ B $ case Bed . . 215.00~ oston Wood Arm Rocl!.ers . .... 70.00 Bassett Double D,resser & Bed.. . .. $219.00;i Mrs. Wbacl Arm Rockcrs .. . .. $ 70.00 Solid Oak Double Dresser, Chest & Bed . $233.00

I~' Wood ';'rm Platform Rockers _$ 85.00 Italian Proy. Double.. Dresser, Chest

II~ O' & Bed , $305.0"1,1 tner &:Iarly American Rockers & Maple Double Dresser, Chest & Bed .. $202.00

I~ Mast~rJ::';t E~~ly A;';~r~~~~ Gr~~~ ·S~f~3:~~~.~~ ~::~~~ ~;i~~ ~r~~:~r,BCh~~:,s:a~:t Be'd' ~m:gg ,- . I ;,I 'I"; " •,~ M t f E I A . B S f $26900 Walnut D. D., Chest, Panel 8ed , . $204.00 Name. , ·1· , •.,I I' II,~ as e.r~ra t ar y mer,can· rown 0 a • I , I i1";,1 'i"r~i;l

new "w~ter wheel" moisturizer ., Master~roft Ea~ly Am~rican Sofa $219.00 Address .. .' .. , .. . .fres~ens dry winter air i~ M t l: f E I A 'c M h' . i' I, '*' I" ""fit:1

~ :::~::'~~:~.: ::::.:.~.~ I II "' C;::: w y ..m.". ~•.•k..g$ 89.00 '.gl..'.. T~'~.~.?!b~ G __M;:~~8 ~:~~~~=~~;.;;~_.;'::t.'~.•.'.~...'.•.•••~.•;<.'.. '.'.••.:.'.;•.'.,.:.~.",:•.

!:',' It ife. Time Construction Guarantee. . Mattress and. Box Spring ....~ .. $135.00 ' ',.,,',

W~st Bend's ull'llCW IbmidifiN with "water ,~,:T: 1M" d B S' $140 00 W· W·II BAd D '26t·wheel" ?'"on ,u,om"",lIy ,opl"., mo~lu" I :tl TOU CO .nat Su~stitute For Quality. Beauty Rest attress an ox prJng .., Inner I' e ,nnounce . e.c.,..·...that winter l.l'-"1tin(} d.lains.~rum yom home, 'lfl6995 GP' 312.Coil M'attress and Box Spring. _.. $ 78.00~;;:i~1~ea~a~I~\~~el~m~~~:\dlhCdI8:~~m~~~\~:::'" __ :~ ,

:~:':~;,~:;,:"~" y,.",", I!§ SURBER'S' FURNITUR.l. W. (Bud) i\\cNat~ It';· ~~.

OK. Hardware. '! ~, #f'_ILU P.M. I EASY TERMS lY2 Miles North of WaYjc

03 Main St; Wayri'c Phone 375-1 ~ /EVERY DAY Scrving Your Area Over.31 ~ears '<

'-1----------------.....-----4---.! ~Yf1,;z::~~b::;::s..:~""?:;:.;:?.-:'..:~~:~::.."..,.::~~~~~:t:%~S;%%~~~%~ns%~%.ll~%~~~~%%%~~S%~::'i~~'_%,.;z::"',.~~~~,...;:n:1'..;nn~~,,;,...;5~~n~%:"'..;,.;-7iZ~T-~-T~:,!'!!"....~I......_ ....'

rJPeaPles& .Natural G35 -o..l~ Of

.' """"'."""""~"'"'

SHver Dollar Night Drawingin Our Store Thursd.y .

at 8;00 for $350,

Put a pair of fashion-right,c:omfortable slippers un~

.'d~r the tree for_eve';~em.

ber of th~ 'family, Selec:.t

::;:e:;~m$o;8 Wid; '~i~"i~'l~'II~2 t 6,..,., ...",,·,,],"

I • 0 ,-,,!,~,:!,·t!11::~nll~", "':'-')::'11\



slippers~ .~

for greatChristmas




A gas range makes every day a cooking holIday That 5 because gas SImplIfiescookmg With gns you have Instant control of burners and a thousand and one

cooking tomperatures Gas lets you adJust the temperature instantly and


VISibly as cookmg progresses And control of modern automatic cookingdeVices IS more exact With gas than WIth any oHler fuel Just set clocks, timers --

and oven temperatures then forget them Gas IS dependable and economical - -To make your cook a ' happy, holiday cook," every day of the year, get a

new gas range now, II you lIve beyond the crty gas mams, see your LP gas dealer.

A gas range will make your holiday cocking happier; gas cooking Is easiest of all.


Shock tes:c.:~:~~~es .. itgoes over bumps.

ACTIONI I~e~eri~g~:b:6t;.ar shimmilf to

~Crash test~;rT~'t:s th~ughthewatl. .~.•

MORE ACTION,Arrange Motorific track' to abig variety of layouts. Br ~s

one of mllny famous bDdysl res.



No need to a::;k. This Christmas­kids \vanl l\--1otNifie! And your DXDculeT has litdor a special low $3.98.l\lade hv Ide-a}, t he ~~~~piece set sim­ulates a ~·eal road test-four exciting:hazards prove the power and stabi.1·itv of the Motol'ific car. Ruggl'dly­b;tilt, c~r and 12Vr: feet of track are('(lsy to asscmble, safe to operate.Huns on two AA. penlight batleries(Ilol included) on or off the track,t;eI ACTION! Get MOTORIFICl

Pick one up now from:




Sho~fWildcats' Open With' ii

.Wakefield, Ponca Quintets II

Merc~Qnt Pill Co.I 121 'w. First or 7th and'Main. ' a"'ne, Nebr., ' ~

~~;:'~lr~~:~, l:~n;: 1~;~ll:;~t ~I);;k~::t IThe Wayne (Neb" I Herald, Th"r-;d~y. "Oeumbcu 2, "1%5,1(:1\1; M1HH~wl1: GlI1 pc-r' C'tont; Ii. ('Uflllti}:. 1)..1 i){·f"r. n'lI!; ,Olnd i.h-'lA" ltil)',,-in ttlt'. JOltr1l,IlUn.m hu.fla"l! b).' In lil,!' hl.lf ~hlrl'lli' -ind, IAvtPfl'n-l'. 627 J»'f un! ; 'lr. und Mh, J!~('k KlvonlJ,llfh. !(ubl'rt,. h01f\t'fl

Ley citu ,bonds A•• ~hrl..t. i~\IlI)' and J?hn ~J)t'nt ~C'dnC'Mthl:)' to! Plnllrr I!u..~h'idaymat glU that II wo".h mOre In lS;JlurdllY WIUl r"lilUvr" In ChlcQlfU j.Hi&ttJltI ,~'(_lbori hUluo

With ulll~' pile mall OVt~r &ix. !.,tor _y..r~ .hA" when glv~. lind lnd~.n., _, I\tt_, Gilbrrl Mau .ndfoot tllll, the w~n::'jlh~. Wlhkats !J1IlI"" tMI(~ sQulId o.r- ,~ray~rs t.or'the re Bbnks hive- gl" envelope I 'or I Mr and Mtll. ponah.l, M~)rtl~, 1,1.,.. C\lllll'll~~hllrn lul4kl'thll'U tt~llrn will ,tlllve to mllkc llP Jic.'rve gll-mo, Fans coming earl :"":. b,olr;:: pur,h.,~ '1 Chrllf

o :~~~~~~-:::'~~~~_~..:~~~!~_I~t~:I"I~,~:t;~~~~,~~ .~~~'.~',~.'.'1,l j'\\,lUll _S/lfoi\C~ 8nl~ d,,''iln~ whlll thf!Y li) !'~"l' thi .... grllUj)' pl<IY, wlll ~4...(!'.

lack.1O h('H~.hl. Mw H{~d and UIl'lC.kI tottQ.f Jl'ttern.lCn Of uie f.utUf(! anf Honds 01")' bt~ purChut'dl, . _"-:":"IL~;-lr~/,1~l'!:: ~t-'r0pl"1.1 tht~ fl(.'.1l1Ii)ll with "amos II luI of hustle by'hoYb who wan throuw:h any hank in the ('OuQ"" '" . 1;!·I,,#-I."11T

~;':~~~~'~W;:":'~:~;I~'~'~O~~~'::: I~:':' ,:~, ~~~;~;:;t~~;,S~~~o t~~t~e;;:,::,:':'~'::::~,~:iT::I'~:::::::~~::~";I:"'~J~"i~ H'E'Y'. K··,I'D''5''..... '1':"fir,t venr ,jlf WHS~ Uld l1e would len, Col<lrid9C', 'Emen;on, HM- tJ.l/ l·~·llll. iii '1'. •

~~:~; s~~:n '>~:~t~~9Th~l~t:p f::: ti'~9tcn, Hartington Cedar ea'h-

L [ R d I D· k D't olie. Nc.rfolk Burns, Ponca andl S' t f J K1m nro ,illrv e c. Ie I· Rendolph. ,Games priDr 10 th~ 1$ er 0 00 unzmanmn~i Rogflr H1J1, BJb Waonor, fin,' of the year in /Jddi-tion t pies At Morris, Minn. I

Bob Dangbt>rg, Reed W.1ckcr Wakefield and Poncn are: Dec Ill,l~d R>lndy, 10, Tilden <1' WHSi D~c, 14, Dr l ;\Ir:-., ~Iilllll\~ Itl,htt~t~n, 8--1, diNI

I lit, IIl'o,l JOIl! Il,llll('d ,11'1' Colnridgc; ,lnd Dec. 17 N)rfoll :\'01' :'5 ,al 'll"JTI~. 'linn, Sur",1.111', .• 01',',1 !v,q Jlllllllr" ;J",','III.I,'.:, Burrs <1' WHS. ' \'j\'I!'" Illclmli' IW_, dauf:hh'r.~, :l i

, < "'It!, and ll~'r IJro!lIl',r, .Iot' Kunz'I'fI':~" Ihi' willi TlIrpC' (ourn:IlfJ('lll', lia\'l' 1J("lll Illilll. Wakdwld l\lr KunzmanWar!u'l' 111'\1 nt!lpJ'S l,ilW'1 liP /111' t!ll' Wilrlc;I\.'" '/;Ijl I', IlI'pul ill'C'lI1 ,Jl \V,Hlle'

~,~·;:;.:l:~~·l~\\;:~';·/Il /~::rll'J i11'::;, 1\\1, ,,;!:~',il~il i /./\\'\::(·'~"ln:i];J/la\l,~ I·;il\I,,~,~"',fl}l.IJairlll. W]!! I'''-'~'~ <, 1", C'arr'O'~'''-lt' Il':--.1 hi ~j'7" 1 I,'pil ,1 ttl,,;,' ;Jfj' ill tliI' Slanllim I' ';,

Cnldl] ~.,J(l IJl,11 LWIf.:I'. Keith: Ill\'l.i1tll'~lIal: iJlld in, late l:',:byua,rY ,~~ ; fir" L, 1 i, I I' THRE~ NIGHTS~'"QfKr\lPJ.~('r ,lIllJ l\j:llh S(,~1Il1f!dt, wlll i pl.IY In 111l' Cl:JI>::' C dl::;trlct :-, . : '.~::.:,:r'.'·"",.'.'•.;.,"""._.,·.''!',il , , ,aJ"o ~\Jjl t'll' v,!I''iILy g,l/ll['~; ~ ~ \11' :lilr! 'Ir~_ OWI'1I (lWl'ns, and DANCING LESSO~'"1:$f\nH'J..:I·r IS.. anll IS illlp,·oving, I • i .\Irs, ,\Ialldl· l"ISh(~r spent Thanks, I' ,;.,'. ".",::-..

LOI]~:e i~ I;'() !llli IJl )W-i first yellr I ' ! A BURNING 8 RN on the Ed Thiles torm be th~ flame.. Otto owns t~e place : :~i\'ing ill the lIa~'d{'n O\\'t'ns home,nr. "."r.:~I\ hall, and ",'hn",d;'. i" ',' More Cage Playe·ts tween Wayne a~d Winside was caught as a wall wh"h Tn«s lease>, 1"J,melt-' AND FUNI",a ,J W ~'lpIH)llllJl'l' whlJ "hooLs 01 co. 110. ps_cd. Waf e and Winside fif"'.men fought A ~ro\lp of friplld.'i. h£'!d ;t party "\\ Itll ("bn hand ~ N d d'piT 1 Siltun/;I V 1Il tll(' I.ynn Huberts home D' b 2 9' ,it,'~ 6:'':

'1'1", ,'na,'h h", nn WD"d on W"lcc' ee e In rogram F= B I'll I '" hnnnr 01 '10"" ",'10 w"ddin~ an· ecem er - -.1, 'fit'ld l'X('('pt lilt, Troj:ltls !lavl' 'fout' Iii nl!f!dcd. Most ga es are nellrby ~re urns uown R' l d. lIiversary. Bridge priu"S went togrmd tlH'll hack frorn 111:-.1 yl',ll", i .!lank ()vl'rin, dirl'ctor o( ·the but the two long trips will be to L eglon eo er In 1:\11'" n"hl'rt Johnson, Mrs. Lynn 11 7 9 PM"The WIIl'.>ld,' Wukdll'ld gartH' willi ('lly's n'('n~all()Jl program. says Frer\1ort and C Jumbus, games B:'~ I t W k I HobL'rts, John Paulson and McrUn , to. ..... '" ibt, played ,ll \Va!\t'fldd wILh ;1 J'(' Imore arc Ill'('ded in aU agc at Flremont beln: scheduled Sat· urn., IL,OS ee, Bond Sales First l(pnny. "

S4.'n·l~. g'.11ll.1' pn.. l'('dlJ11-: .!Ill' \:arsllyI ".'.'OlJ1H.'" _..PI~I~linate conflict.s With. ~~~aIYg~~rs,tWtOO~"1U.iO;n~ig~nt:a~t~ 1 FIr\' of undl'\l'rrrllnl'd (IrJ~11\ dl' I. ~jrl and "Irs ~hHord Parker,1 WAYNE CI~~JJ1i:;tilt. l'OIl(',1 lhl' honu' .'fl'a.Wrl church JletlvltH'S thp Wednesday ~oY~' teaM. I, "lroYl'd a barn on. fill' Ed Th)("" T M th f '65 I' ot e'r ,1IHI Mrs I' on cst Nettleton I AUDITORIUMl•.••.. '.. !.'I ••',:.• ',.........•.........•at WtnSliJp WillI thl' re- mght practices have been climl.. 1 iJlac(' hl'twef'll Wmsllll' :md Wt.lYI1l' en on S 0 IwerC' ViSitors Monclay In the Mrstil'rvt' IOlill{' al Ii fluted f)v!,nn ~('pOrIS I -2()'~5 boys out! Tuesday :Iftl'rtH on of l~ht w('l'k ' VI .Ink Lorenz home• I'l't" Kropp 1:-. lVorlHng Wltl! a I Help on tn:msportaton i, .110 for )w fIfth llrl d sixth grades_ I'lleml'n frO!ll both tow J' tll' I ,HI~g.l()n _'1. \\hlCh ll" Illd(" fl\t'l DIllIl< I glH.",ls Thanksglvmg Ul - - - - - - - - - + ,,'nnl: ....a:~ ..r: .... ,.,."~...:it: ~ - Th"Yi practice Sa~lIrdays from 8::1O LlI)' bhLP 'I lid hi Ilwil ~~~'(' )~l Ll~'~l ! (lJulltles In thlS tlrP,1 1l',lIls 1tH' t~H' Stanlev Mnrrls home for th!' I I THIS COUPON A..ND,: 25c "i:';, :1'''·,. •• , L ;';":;:"j~~~; ~"'~:"'~:t':!!'..z:::,,:." :'".:.r£:~*=~i£~:"'.l~::M::')'i::~::"",,:1.~~~~· to 9:45 <It the Cit~ .auditorium and pI' lper;\: - , "I l·jt,ltl· of :'i( IJI.I~k,l III "1\IJ1g~ I lIlt ~.ldd}S of s !\forrls and HJ" • ruesdays at 6:3<) III the gym at '1 Th' .. h bonds ~al('s lor the fIrst 1:'11 'irs H.. C. Andt'rson West Point 'I I I~ ~ -, .~ ~ WliS. i f tes, w ° leases the pla~" 1 lOonth', of l!JG5. ('('dnr ld~ gone: .... pre ~Ir and ~lrs. M'orris Sandahi ADMITS' YOU I, I

I. ,,-:;;-o""'ez-~ i A!Jout IS s~v~nlh, ., boys jomhaOtto Gerll!man, said :'.\'<ly ~)\'('r /thl' ~lllOt:J ;llld Ilw,anrl family, ~Ir, and Mrs. Lloyd 'e II

~ :.EO ~ I: .an, out, They Ilactlce Saturd.a.ys ~~ d. ,been ~round ~he b3rn Irt'glOl1 S average lS 9~17 per ('{'nt I:\lorris. Mr, and Mr.s. Ted Winter· I ~~ e j! }:4~ to 11 at th City auditOrium 1::1 ::o.rnln~. ~ en ~e f1r,st went. of quota. .~ll'in and 'Ir, and Mrs. R. C. An- R I Ad'·! ·50'

it: I~nd Tucsduys f om 7:30 to "d 3(J ry:~n~: ;o~nd ilt~: ;:ftih~laaf:er·1 H~nry Ley, Wayne county il,lerson. Wl'S~ Point I .egu ar miSSion ... , . . . . . . .. C I6 " BENCH ~RINDER i m tit\(' WliS gynf :", at, chairman, reported s,~les of Mrs. Dl' Johnson. North Long' I

IIV ll] .. Eighth gl',defthOY!O, ahoot I:' .. II""·,, ",01,."" ,,,·r,, kolh'oIln th,' S30.432 for the month of 0,· B"a.-h, ('ahl., ,peol \\'l'l1oNI,y in LCOM_EALONE_OR_'BRIN.G_A F,RIE_ND.·..,.. I.,..;·I' •• ,·•• I

WIT H H 0 N E ~ pnlc!ICt' Saturua s from II to I:! 'I ]I/t', uC'· tober, bringing the total to 'the Pl'rry Johnson home.!iJ.l t:hl' aud ~orlum ~~d \101: . h:l~ 1.":11 h:i1l's I $35~,019, which i~. ~6.2 per cent: ~lr. :\TId. :'I1rs, Ed Juhnson, Mo·

ANOTHER .Ida~!;, al p,m_lm t.he Clty i ,~tr;Jw,.,llld _ oj of Its quota. T

fstate has hit :dcsto. Calif., wprc guests Sunday , .,,:,.;:jl'•.';

t-:lrlllt1l. A dozfll girls practIce 1 JIll' "l:Ir-k W:IS 75 per cent of its oota, III thL' Pt'rrv Johnson homt'o S~ IITueSda ys.. from ~:30 to 9:30 In':. a. ,~ia('k nl~)\'l'r tl: ;J tll·liI Ollwr nearby tOllnt!(''i Inducit': ~-tr and Mrs. Kennel.h lIamm ponsored by Wayne Co. Centennial CommJ~~ee~~ W;IS gym " . . Iv,i!len' II uurned Il~('lf out. ('ed:lr, lli~1 pl'r tt':lt (If qIIO{;.; :In,1 d:ltlgh!crs, Frcmont, spent a"·:==============:'====:::±',~·±;i:::=~ th;~:~;I~ :\~~lfWlibgO~~~Clngl~~~pnJ~~~ ~t::~I:n:eae:t ;;Ovt~de f:~~n ot::~ --,- -,-- ,-- - --. ------ -.~--~--~_.-

~ I from 11lt'se a I 12·man travellllg Isaved them. They wnre also able)I 'i~lllad Will Ill' ctoSl:n. A four,tl'am ,to save some equipment before i'~ ~I cIty 'Ieague IS ,Iso, to be orp:3Il1Z· .,the .ban, burned to .ashes.II • Clear view eye ~,ed, Proetie"s a ,'8 Mondo" oorl I' is Ih,' r"", .,t,,,,,'d

~it, • ~~i~I~~able water trJ,l I:"~ ~ H:3~h:(';~:~dat1:~ played Cole- ~:'\lslh/;'IHn "JI:~\I;.~\(. 1:\I::'m\~h~',~hr~;Hl~:::

~' ~~ ~: ridge last weJk an,d won 79·50. l.lustion hilS lw('n d~tl'l'mincd '

tray ~ .' '.. ' ~.. i Scoring in dOIJb1e figures were Ollly ,I pnllon (Ii lilt' Joss W;I-

e, Adjustable tool rests ~~ five players: Rav Vrtlska, Jer- l'OVl'fI'd lJ:y lI1'illl'un{'{' .• Fine and coarse rv Granquist. bOU9j Manske, Du·

" d h I V \.." j' .~ ane Blomenkamp al1d Dave Dan· {)~ grin Ing w ee S ~1iit'"0 '.~ iel,on, Sunday the team play' l ! III I\'B~ • ~~Ise :~~ tn~~~njng ~~ ~ a: AI~:~~e 1°1 Ihe smaller boys II' nferlla nevenue nan Iiit ~ Die cast aluminum 'IJ"'I • ",JJ will he or.ganled latrl'. hot more ISri.Y.s: 'Pay '(ou';Taxr ~I _ Y ~'\;.. boys should s ow up to get ex· ~ ~J housing. . , ~~~ ~ '~C'rirn('l'. Any ne having qu('s· A rcpres('l1tativC' of the Intcrnal ,i ~' ~1ir ~lOis;n ~he p ogra(Jl should COil· IHevenue st'n·icl'\; :"!orfrlk officc,~ $3495,' ac v('nn. ! [was gllC'st Sl,lcakl'r \tonday noon''I \! . • I ~ ;It til{' Kiw;Hll'i did) . -in tht'

~ V ~ A FAMOU! Tdv Corporation [Joll'1 ~\'I~tTi.~ III , III~ , on~ , has jump.ed t e TV. track to get the nf'W In('01111' Ll'X' "Pay ii" 1~ its game line nto tlhe family area, SeriOusly, W I I lis Wachter,

>i~ 'L.I[W. (Bud) McNATT OK HARDWARE It', merchan Isln~ vp said that Norfolk, exolained the new ;n·through news apet ads, we canl come tax law, His talk dealt

~~n:~n~~:u~~d";:nfdh:;~lsl;:n:V~~ with how it -:,o.uld a.Heet busj.

203 Main Ph'one 375-15 sleep, and it lis p~S'sible to show n:s~mebn,. pOlOtlng out, thatparents our entire line at once 5 me USlnesses would find a

·:~Ri;:::'"j7',;~..:?';;~.;~~?;~~~~$~~:t;,..,;}1iI'J;:~.;~.~~s.~. through newsrape~ lids. I! lot of changes thi.s year.---- "--1------+---- --Ii Don .1ohn~~ln. \\<I,\'IW, was ;;11

i_I I I! Ill' th: (']U,h :\'0 sPcl:i,d {--

Now! Your OX Dealer Na, !,n_e'_11_0"_Ki'_~~~....'~:'~_"'_""_1",_,""_p_IJn~--:._~I .:.::-_~::....:.:...:.::.. -..:.::-~:::..-:::__===-=-_=__:::._:::_:::_:::.:::_=_.:.::.:::.:.:::.:=:..=:::±~$!'.' ••FOl(~!fvMilI!JfjlJJlfJJWfffff!lltJfIj~~(











.::[,: '


,Tlte Wayl1c n'lchr.1 Hnlald, Thupdoy, Dcccmhtr'.z, Thi~ f ft, s Item S",tped rom :~e.,~r;:o~llIll~ h'\'I~,d)'a~n~h~:"~'VA Checks Go to ,Police Render Service ,Thonksgiving... .

COil1cord fc~rmer ' A h W kl P idlol ,Y"U arc., i • Guut, I" Ih. Ch..t•• althO.,.W,a~·ne, no er ee y aper ,no~~:rl~~ <>;,er~~~~~\:~~: 'p'~mp~; Many This Week Many Ways in Week "'1'"'" II< ,,' 't, ,,,,,I ~l" ~I' 1<''M ,',:, P ... I .J rr. I Th~ Iollcwlng Woils rinted napkins, a ccrner of Junlnrftt i I. / jS lIdt'k.,. ~\tkiultlll~ • .Mh" ~.qH J:'{I'oy:':' 0 ..'. ~3~nU Ch' h Ithe

f lIlcviUc IJl Inde P nd ot i~ arithmetic paper or the back of' Over 16.500 Nebrntlikil veh~-ran$, \\")11(,' pthoo {h'partownt mem 11,11. ONlllt t.ll\VnJ1l' st..dt'l~, Un .rA """e""1 a'rn,,,,,- wi'" I",,, . U rc es 'pretty ,vell d'••c~;bcs I:.:' ,"~all<; • letter lrom eousin Frank. I w'dow. and arphoas arc reel''''!''" \."" an', on e.1I !'" vo'''''' lIl'liv, \~;In: ,I"~~I ~l~! ! ~llIra 1~'jn,'J'I:'.

pn,..1.c'd ,hih 1; Oil I'n me st weekJ w~. n Pet.n balky Llnot that is noDsonlce,C'oDuected It e n fi Ion UICA"it w('ck II< pU!iCl' fl'(.'onl i ">tll ',It.~ SIll". Irlr,(1 i1, W,\"1IlWy ruknl IiI II . I. _ .) ne p,apcrs nervous as a dish lY: Jello ~lcheCk5 thiS week. Alwut 14,OOO l shuws whllt a "arlt'ty or ~(.'rVl('l"Slab:> II "'t~hlill }lUI'litIf h~" (le'I'~;, ., f) ClI' St. An501m'li Episcopal Church 0 A.n aroma :If ra1i(lnatlon R,ur Ipuhl you IUMher benhmd wh'en will lJl~o rccclVt' annual IOcomC, thrr 1m' ('nIlcd on hi do III i1dIU, Mr. .nd Mra, C'.rklon,him, ,', , ,1 Wilts. Chapel r unci!! Ol ncwspapcr, makjn~ you're already Hh.iud IqUClihOllnalrCli, l:Jccordlng to Chflfi uon to pntrolmg and IIlVrftlll:lIUnJ./ Walthill and ~lr lind Mr" lA!'ntk~

D.".•II For '" Ie".• ,,'w ih"t s,,(~I(;~:~::'\~;B~:"';\~Jr~:I;,\on ~~,,~\):.~r;~n;: ~a}a<I~:'L~O~'~'~':~ ('0P<' with • Ic\de; thaI is SO B~rg~OI'. W?yn••",mll veletan.: occod,nl, I(,Iark'"'~_ S,'rlb,n,'" W"~I:, ~"'''I',woJld--'hnve had 12 .flna pl!]5 J'J::jU a,IT'I, J Ic,jm,g" to everyone except n('wspa antisoCial and waHOWIDI In tt5jscrvlce otrh:(r t Fingorprlnh wert nHdtd for If(lf dhultr 10 tilt INlrr} h.l} JWllllrHI:' blamrrs hunters, who were '[)1 r pt>onlf' They hftve no Illu jown tmputahce that it can, ut, A chana. in the I.w ret.rd- I~' I';'~lur.nt ~rvlc. 10 • hm, I Guo.... In tha AnnA Mau hom\:!not CVJ.111 pol t~ enough to ll:;l( to Immanuel Luth"ra" Church SHIO~ Now, If you \\ant to nwr jthls final minute, keep you !IOUli ing pen,ions mike. It unmtces- t~~ ~oll:u.r .o!1::k

nedthom from IW~rt· ~'r oml ~II'" HUnh'l!~1 0:111

hunt 'aml did not hilve t1w tlp- Mis$ourl 'Synod .\ nt'wspaper, here IS what vou'lll getting; d. paper clrculatf.-'i.I D.ud I sn)' for custocUanl of children tolll I" 'II c.t Wit found I >it'll, \\ htu r, 'fll. I 'I\-t'rn IhJmph t·cOlley t:> rc ort the i)ccidcnt. (,\. W. (;IJllp, pashu') ~ H,IVI' 10 do III one normal dUY' : ~t;ift5 actmg like a U~tle bo) who, to flll out the•• qu••tlonnalro.. , n9 ~ dn

• d~Y '0 the poll« rl')S, WI"n~ r, \11 ,llld M.. , H 111Ii,'i .SlIW, lIlli' 10 JiIlTIIW ,~O(J~1. :-:rtlilday. 1Je'(-. Ij' Saturday I I~xplain to Mt"s Smith wh Auntlwunts t.o go 10 the bathroom, 1 ••Ch v••r. That account' 'or wue.. ca e to "'pO.. of It: Huol'i{'U ,lUd :\I.Jlk C.lllflln..;

hnll b[()ld'll/Olll llll! \\,1, :;(','1(1'11. ~J:;IO <l.1I1. r: Sir h' 8"'th b thd i F.x-plaID to u customer arrlvlOg thlt 2.500 dlfhren::e In the \ tar \\ns parkt'd ht,tHleti Hit' M Willi FI dIIIW III II C) IIJIIlll \~IH'tl ~ulJday. J.)~('. s: Sunday' school, ..' a f,l:J Ir ay pary was Ilate with copy that if yClU get his I to'••a. ~ronl: "11\ und (ht' p()llr(' tl)WNl rl. .", nn w••• nnli,.

:~~::;d "\'::1 f'::: ",1:':"1' ::;', 1\~1~;illlI ""'~:,,::,~t'j:J!:ri:~:,~,~:I'. ,'''OI~X~:.I'~let<>I'::I1d::;;lSC'r why " ~~~~r~~ er.~U'I~UI h,~~~ tfhc.:eo.~e PI~:rl~~3ai~"r~:J' loh.lh.'a~~:, ~,~";.,,~tt'~~~,I\L:<>~~'~dc~I~~" s~:; I~1:~:ITB~I~. ~~~'ur~~~~ I'll,,,,, Illllllr,S,,~ had t,,"n ~hot tWIrl!) with 2 lI.lil. ..I IS Impossible to get blm on pagr plum tI, the one YOt.! left out. glonsl VA office IJI Line l b\' I h<ld It'1Tf7m u trIp lind had h·n Mr. and Mrs. Oonnl. Kc-rtp. RQ"

84,22, once through tll& mjddll> , • Ith~,('c _ . I Cope wUh (I sl8c'lt of newsprint Jan. 31. nccordmj;t: to ll~r~holz Ihl' kt'\' tu hlfl S:flfI fUll hnmt.'-l chcl'itt'r, Mlnn , l1r finll ~fr!ll nuhof t,hc IHl.t.1 !>'/ ~l"!l.W':.'Qll . WCS.ICYlln..• M, C,hurch ;; II 'ILXPI<l1O to an ex<subscriber wh) that's so Cull of static you ean'tjlf not received b,Y then, tht, 'ht' noht,t' I'tIlPPI'd tum lind ht':~'rt Hft.thkt.. )m"h,l lind ~lr nodth~ aycs. ., nd OI'lC~ bC!JII'l.d th~ . {Waltt'!' St('inkarnp, paJ-ito·r) I ~:ru h~d to cut off hiS unpaid sub. pry it upart with tear gas. February pension check wIll n:).1 I retunu d Cor tht' kl'} , I :\-irs nay null 1Il ~nrf!llk ~ i'lllt IIears. ~e formln~ ,ar'! autopsy, I Sundtly, m~e. 5: Sunday school [<'1~tI n e . The last run made you'l) feel 51; be Iellt out Another stra1 dol was fo" ()YCr the wl'ckcnd In I~W '1\ (;.1 Uath·he, found 1 pigs, werp also JO~t'110 n.ln.; worship, 11;' WV quiz, ali IDENNIS SCHNEIOER. IUnlversi. rid 4 ~~am ~hadh~es 500 times ~ sense of reliee _ fo; about rive' !after I'esldt'nt! complained, poUee ke home IlIu... O~~}' eille.: 1.

''',. t.lIt, gUilt?, tet'n. tigers, 7; 15 p,m.. ; evl>niflg sery. ItY. of Nebl'''.''.ka •.was one. of t~o In:m < nd )- )-ou have to hlVC Th.e.n you .",tart eXPlam" .BI~r8h.OII f o~,:rt his help to llupounlling the de", OJl.lJ resident Gue.t, In tho DOlm...• ,.....C.'.',...' ' '..0."

partlc's I~ :1 grollt' of ,hunters 1T1 leI", H, I goest eon~ etor~ hare! fOl"" thJ. s· jng why yOU did this or didn't re. ent. 0 • county in fill' 'was culled out ot town Dnd :udU!d 'WtlrU Mr.. 41111. Mrs H,Armun'i,Kf,:;I(~~1111 Iowa en who IHrd hU11tN! on I Wcdn('sd,ay, Dec 8: PtRyer hOllr, I:H k ..~,,, I " , . Qoth(' an,o.t~c~I' lady whose do that and it starts nil over In9, cut .h. qutstlon"eir.,. He : thnt his home be chcck('d, police mer, LilUTt·l. Mr, und M ': Frl~~hit! place alo~ll til(> time thc .'IowiH:'prn" _ , ~Ii €lr concnm~c batld cl,lnlC you mlsspc cd • again" I I, .t hi' ·offlc~ at 108 Main. !C91mpl)'-iB~, a .funeral tr;l!tic can· Kraemer Anti lamll)'.brt'J,ltc OUl.II! hi' ,"iI!I;'S the Clir !.-t---'_._-, :', Wednesday. He d,r~ete<' the lun· Lxpl<un why some weeks you vc I~. I W.ynl, oUy, " 'trol f;NVICC waf; provided; and the and Mr, and Mr" Vt'rl Gil,lgnin Ill' lilly fI'('ognizc j,t. i First Cht,,;ch .of Chr.i.t ic;,r band in the (','inie 'and eon- got news runnmg out of your cars I"" I Some will nl~() get election j f('crultlng servic<' of one branch lramnv, Wnkclflt'lcl

III I (2Ui'! E,lst Fourth Street) cerr' I lI1d ofhpl w{'eks the papcl Jc,ltls 1f'lI11f1t11E1N1",? eards and qucslJonnnlrcs Thes(' of th1' .IlJnt>d foret's \\tmtcd i.l It' FrAnk R.el and Cyna.~ 'lI\HJ

M~. I T k SUlldav ON' 5 BIblel school 101- I I ~ Iii,!' ,\ lepor t on Arnalgamlltcd I I<IIH() can be brought to the S(lrvl(~e Icrull's record dl(lt'ked--Wnync ITommy Kcrttllnt' w-t're ~UH'Ht.Nany U'lr s a e a III lIlormng wor!fhlp, 11 ' 7 ~ I S!{,{I I~ lor(ICer's office for aSslstanct! ml1whCt' found the youth had no Thursday in tilt' T 1', nulJ(~rt,..__ , :i, m, I "",log,,,, to ,lI' ",I"-rllser [0' ~ filling out prope,ly al n<> ehorge police r••ord home '

Homelakers Test I F:Z:e~·~~,:~:Sl~;,~~;~h M" '1,:lCpl:~('; I~I~:;~' ,7't:f·:';~·j;--I' e(l~hl"~ht( ~~~!1l}If?:~I1:~~~If:-~If:~IP:lm1I1'r:~~~IS!~IS!~i:l'!i1ti.~~~e.~~l!1~~~j.Jt.i;~if.!~lS!iT~~i:iii.!!ifiil!Jj,iJlel~~i.iii~i."i~-S turday D 4' h' < rY!:i JUI { mee ng (Ill rJS lII!~' . " •

Tht, Hom'mnk('ls of 'romorrow k II ,('C vumor C 011', m~ party \jSJ \ s I all (i 'l{) ~ 'lcst wI)1 he j.(1H'1l Tu('s(folY ,ll both 1 15 PI m eclnesd'ay nrc ,as~es G 45Iii!'" IWinSide Dn I \VUYIW Details .tlc:' SLinc a,Y, Dec 5 Mornmg wor· a 1 ,11 30 and 7 In I ..:r 1\ IIn another lory blll Il lis! 01 ~nlls I shIp. {) ,Ind 11 ?- m . church schoo] _ ~ I I'

tnlon/-! 1{'~t~ nt "11 'dIll/II' \\ IS !J SO. spnlar hl.'{rnc MYF. 630 pm '7 l tl ~ clh h lKf IJlI(l\ll!t'd 111~ \'1 {k \VI Illl 1.\\ D{'l' H W('~ley VI I rac'" u 1'JI n - urc l~o ~'

Judith (H:,hm. Wms.ld~, rc_jIO\\ShIP h 10 pin, IUnl()l hl~ h • M'$;OUI" '1n0r. h:f .•

I th f JJ 1 (')l()lJ 7 (hlnepl ('/lo1r 7 '10 lUll II J J,tllllill! jldS[lJ1J tift;..,~ ' 'h,l 0 ~~;,~':,,:" ~~;n,:~ ,10', h,.," MYI' _ 1.1<1, WSCS '"d I" " 1\0,,<1, ""1,~ ~Claire Blqich, Surt!' G1Dr,t, (0(1' I \V~(., H, jj 10 P:lH', ff!! .Mnie Mar~uardt, Tw. ila !"ian!(., ch01Y, I.'e~ ~urJad<: JeHrcy. JuCklC Stevens I St. Paul's l~theran Church ,~ ~.Marci ShllJfelt, L:nda Ahlmilnn: ' tn. E. Srlll"('k .. paslor) fOl" <.Ill . . I~ ~MKathy JJcobsml, 5andril Frill!< i" 1)1'1', .~;. Allal' Cuild,' ~ . !: Ill., 111- liji ii'-and Kav IGries. !" .J.Ull,; dHJIl". 7:30 p,m, ,'jll:lc~,lOn'i oJ.J., .iiii. 'fil

Mrs. [').1'VI' .. (t'll"ltnIWI'S \\1'\ Ol.' I snlUJ"{lny

., DP.C', 4: Church school .s.un.daY.~ Ike, :i:1 Slilldll.V s("hool Jr.! .~'.hns ;1'1JllPC Ill, 'f~lI ... ', t • rk' Christmas practicc, 12:30 p,m.· and Bible studY .l{roups, 9 a,m,; Jii III;

t~~ls.' ('; ni'e CAlli ,O\\~~'k·o B' ~l ~'junior catechism, I; SlJnbt'a1~ worship. "Half 1

rume," 10; 'adult Ii! •

E;n;l· l'lll 'n ~,r, rr_ J{ r; klr" choir, 1:30; junior choir, 2; sen- dlktnnal informati n class, 5 p.m. ~r I' .•."'.~

811111'I:n '(;' ~~;:~:l :"1l'l~'~( '1~f'fti~lI1M~~~; ior catechism, 2:30., Gfmma Della cn olin~. 6:30., . ~ ' :1:Hurd. 5h'rYl M'lson,' n{'lh !\1at; I.sunday, Oe,c,.5: Churc.h school,~ Tuesd.3Y, De~. 7:ILut~eran Faml- ~D'iannc ('Vl'r SandY :\1t' '('1: !~.15 a.m.: ·'dlvlne worship.. 10:30; ly Sl'I'V]Ce re.'!lOn~l mll'etmg. Lau· ~ •l<lllhv Nt'so;)' . , .} ,~fnmiIY stfwnrrlship night. 7::30 rq.J. 2 p,m, SlJndj!Y sichool staff. ·a ••

,/alld Irl'stOl1 Slh'rl'1 lto!lNlsI P.m. . 7:30." , . 'r:: N M d I" L t p e (, d' ;.~

(.'1'1"'.\'1 SII·I· . I' . ·1'1 ., Wcd!lt'sl.I:F\' Ike 8' LC'W Chrisi·, Ike) H: ILadles All] ~ ew 0 e owes flC'e ,'AS"". 'J"a;.l~II;, '~I:I·IIi".,:;I"I"~i"'lh ".,::ii:.;:.' m:" '''"'I' ... i .'pm.: L~lthl'l- L,-ag,;", Cl.ll';SI '" ""JIiIl"'Ill' Ill ..•,12;:'0 p.m.: i!! .' '. • ~.. 'S,L1l' IkI1l1('1', K:1kl' Clll'i!'>!t'nSl'Jl·I7:..IO· IY(IUlh and adult ~hOlr! 7:30: Wal· ~ ,.Caro! (,.'Sklll.). S,I1Hl1'n F\'r~()n'" T~ur~dny, Dc.c, ?: ~~iss~~.n fitudy. tl~~~~'::agu(', H.! I .w;a ~' • 'l\r:ln~~l .Jl~ffl'('y 1,:1111,\' '" {I.rn" SllllOl {!HJII. I,.JO. . ,I ~: ~ 0 R ~91PhylliS 1\la\', (':11'01, First B.lpt,lst CI~urch ~ ~ ven ange I~.Mar.\. Alll~ 1'llll:I1"IJ ."11lt! '\rln Zillli Reo,clee_mrlr L.ulh~rill1 Church (!'rrlilk 1'i'(It'lj~"Il,lpaslorl !In : . ~ . ',. ~nwrl1lan. I (S, 1\. dt' I'rcesf', pastor) TI,lUrsday. Dcr.12: l~'a.ptist w()m'I'"W~ ,., iil·-

o Saturday. Do('. ,1: .runior choir, en's Day of I'ray~r. 9:30 a,m. ~ !1i\ 1::10; con(irmntion ('lases, 2; Coup- I Sunday, Ike. S'~ Sllhc1ay 'schoo!. B1 :91


""s e1llh. 7:;0. 19.-1' "Ill: ""d,,,,, Iservicl'. 11,1~ ' General Electric P·7 oven cleans _'J;I'.sun(tay, I>('c. 5: Earlv services. ~Pt'akcr, l~i.,-;siontlry rHev: Albert V~ ~ ,Ii,'" ;1\

• • 'I. sen".,ll, "Ailvent HI'f1l'cls ..."; Slatl'r, Illdw; ~olpel 'en-'Ce. 7'30: 'r:: itseJ( electrically,. ;looks like new lIII ::J<I

New AOSltIO!1 ~t WSC Iailult Bible class lind Sund.y',"·m .. "Ma" uader~lhe }Iille"nium"; I~ ~.. : "Iwol, 10; _lote ..rviecs. 11. ,youth fellowship, 'JO_. 'iP.! even the parts you could never :1>'1

Thl' Stale :--Jo1'111:l1 boaI'll Friday Wednesday. De·c. fl.: Chancp] Monday. Dcc. 6: 'Deacons and ~ If··jJ,f., .Chail"~ "Rp~llV'''lthe appoint, I "ho;:', 7:15; )'outh ehoi" 7;30; I,u,lee" 7:30 p.rrj., A., A. Sw.nso<>, .>'it C ean properly be. ore. Baked on alIllpnt of I1arold I". KC1llh1e 10 n TIC'W J,utlwran Church Women Covel'cd Omaha. WIll sp("~k. Jr.'':' d ~ . ' ". I • h·


posH;o" III Wayn" st.,.e, ,Dish Supper, 6:30. Program, 8. Wednesday. Dre. ~, Volu"t.e' ~ greasean gnme simp y vams I ~....that of physlc,al pl<mt (,n~in('cr. , choir, 7 p.m: pJ:ayer fellowship, .~ nil

Kemble ha.',s been fi~ld ~ngi. I St. Mary's Catholic Church 7:45.. r I Jij ~ • ltlnecr for the John Ultenser an,d j (William C. .!Ge£fman, pastor) 'J! ~I~Son, Co,. Omaha ar,hil,elur.1 ' Thumlay, Dec 2 Mass, ch.pel, 'i . Automatic timer, push button ;""fi.rm, and prior 'a thai w"' ,hi.f II .,(1 .' '.11., college .chapel, .'WSC Students AUend ...; .' IS control: !P.;

f'eld eng"'.er f.r tho Om.ha '1':;0 pm. l'o"fession 3,45-4,30; can· . ~'r,o: C'..'.L...E"•...'.' .f IIIDistrict of Ihe U_ S. Ahny Corps 1I"",;"n.5. chllreh.. 7-7;.15 'NMrA MIT ft 'l.lii • Easy t~ clean high speed Calrod~ ;!J.of. E""",.,,,, " Frid.y. Del' 3: Communion. I I';; eel~. II IJI@YSI F.! ~.

, 1 he: bOlJ~'d aLso :1Cr{'rted Ow I"es· IchU1'ch, 6:'30 a;m .. chopel 7 and I ,,'1 :: Units ..Ignatl~m oj Dr. Clyn Whitt'. a l11em· 17.,1(',: mnss, dHI!1cl. 11 :30: mass, I ''\ numher d l'\ a·\'I!lp StaIr st~l-I ~ EL ~bcr d t!w cr!ueallOn faculty. ('[f,-'ct. church. 7 p.m. :ll'ndi attf'IHkd IJ!.l' N( haskn. \-1US1C ,M1 lIS·Full. width fluorescent light ~il'e 01 Ihe ."11,1 of the filII tNm. , SlIturdo,·. nee. 4,, church. ~"ueatnrs "s~o lation llll'e.llng in'~li1.

:~ con:r,nd, '"va~ aW,:mll':! :"IIetro-1 f! a.,m.; rc1igio~ls: instru-clion for A)lumbus ~rl\ ~R. 19, ;J,nd 20,._. .~ • Convenience outlet ,1J9ill,lOlitan 51 ,lte Lqlllf:m~ n.t C~) .. Oma- public sc. hoo1 chlld~~n, 1:30-3 p.m.; ,I The VJoOdWint qUlntE:t, conslst- ~: - -:; , ~ ~.••'.hn, for :-,t,agl' fllrmSlllllg~.. 1I1 R3./ll- confessions. 4::1.0 ..1;30 nnd 7:30-9. :1 ing of Trudy P T'Sley, flute; April ~ ELECTRIC!:"ey.The<:I,re of Il~c. I'~'tcrs[ln Fmc I Sunday, I?ec, 5: Mass. 7 a,m.;, Swan, oboe; Bill Wohlers, dari- Ii.! rI,Arts Center. Cost. '$13,034. Pur· I mass (Enghsh), 8:30; mass, (Eng- M£ry wetros~, French horn; It,!i~ '!'I'('"hase of tables and chairs for t,ne !ish) 10, i and Bob Hilli as ~assoon 'p~r· }Yo !, ~add,ition t.~ t,hC' Student Center aIs;) ]\!r,ndn y, DcC', 6: M.ass. chapeLl f~rmed en .the ~'NC -Stude~t Re· ~ .!:~~~\~___ _.,_._ ,11:.,0 a.m.; comm\lTIlon, chapel, eltal, plaYing: Ivertimento, No. ~ i' ::iIl

\ -- ---. ~_.-- a bv Mozart.' This recital pre- I~ "! 'n(sents variou5 ~olos or ensembles I~~ r~from the- Neb~aska :colleges. ~ . i: ',:-II

:\lusic for th('~'W;lyne State alum-! ~ ' 'I" ·'i~

_.' T0YLA,'N-; D_ "i ","rheo" "'IIS PIlIVilkd h)' the I~ I' :iIf.1.

\\'sc WOnll'll.~ In:) cOllsislmg- of ~ M! MJ:l-IH't Bracker. Cllnnic H~('rlllann i~

W' ~ ~r~~Ill~~~eu~oll~~~i;;:~ghYo:heR~Vg:~F.! ,.ZiI . oyne s Best Toy election Luede", oc"n1s Montgomery and ~ 'I IUse our, Lay.Away Plan. $1.00 \'fill hold, any Item. Or open Ke-nneth 'Headl £'. The women's trio if - , I ~,tla Monthly Ch4rge Account. No Payment until Feb. 1st. p('rform('~1 "~1. ,Ily Alone" by Kath- ~~ II J.1i! ~~

Shop Early While Selection .Is Best. IZ;":~I~':' "~~';~k";:;;ll;;;)I~'t'I~';;;PI~~ P.l (i $Z 9 5 fit_______ _ .____ _. ._______ _ I__t~:}~~'t~'~~ntlll,Three Trump>'!s I' GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGES with P·7 OVEN , 1

FEED THE BEST! Ii START AS lOW AS "·11~i;,,·jAsk for new Fur·O·Pep GrO.Piti Grower 'II~.:>.~.· "·.9. H:ghly Ske.ll'ed Employees To Serve You !

ANOTHER FINE PRODU.CT OF T.HE QUAKE.R AT1.ICOMPANY I • • ~Ful..p..Pep Feeds Isn't Our nly'! Business I

••• Not By A Long Shotl Our Ellivat r Is Equipped I ."To Hondle Your EverylNeed. ,I

~...Silver Dollar Hight Dl'Clwing in our store I Thursday at 8:00

We Buy 'ond St"Grain, R II ylour 'Com Iiond Milo, and Have, Bulk Deliv ry Direl=t To J!Your F';rm. I, ' Jii '

. 'ONEMO~EI~PORTANTllTEh1! II I. DIKE'SWith the Opening of Our Elevotor In Corroll ThisiYeor Meonslw~Serve ~ • ,You Even Better. Why Not Join the Merry Ful-01Pep Crew N+~;-y'-~;;'-; Com- J.munity? You'll Be Glod Y~u Did! ". ' I. ~

FUL-O.PEP IS THE FEED OF EFFltlENT FEEDERS~ I Plumbing... llealing • WirinJi . ISoft Water SystemsWf.h'tMEf!" ELEv1ATO S' I ' .'," '. I' . ..

,. .... . . .'. , ., ., Ji 'to:rroll, Nebr. WoY . Pone' 375-2404 )@~ ~__,...-__..:.._ne~,+=-.L-4-__.JI~_~~~~_~~~~~~iiI~_if._~•.~.!'!i;~~



Mlcro'matlc P&v~l'-'DiamQnd Sty~.'


-~$450, ",ih' r

I. -, f---·:' .

The Barcefona-model1·RP656 in authentic. old­world Mediterranean ~tyling.

On concealed swivel c<:istersfor easy movin~.

Two 1000 cycle Expo­nontlal1;robll! Horns

Two Heavy-Duty15'/ Bass Woofors


Your Choice of these fine furniture styles

The Bordeaux-model1·RP657 in French Provincialfine furniture.

Solid-State Radio­Amplifier Chassis.

Thrilling performance-from,Stcreo FM and Monaurul ~'MlAM Radio, or I'c~or.Js­

you must hear to apprccjatc:40~WattslllJ(listo,.tcdmusi(.·powcr;high-eflkic-nc)' with 2~ ounce magn~t wcig.h~ give pure bass, tones~-no di<;tCllIIUIl; Maurfav~x,

horns ~~vc eqlllvalent acoustlc,tl efllclcncy of 20 trcblc cone spcakcJ;,s. I.

ASTRO-SONIC ... surpasses all otherachievements in the re-creation of ~usjc IAnd, the fine-fumi~llre cabinets are as functional as they are

beautiful. The advanced acoustical systems project ,qundfrom both cabinet 'ides and'front to extend thrilling stereoseparation to tlTe very width of your room! Bccaus'c lhe

exclusive Micromatic Player banishes discernibfe record and.. stylus wear. the Diamond Stylus is guaranteed 10 years­

under normal' use-against exces'siyc wear! Upon return, ifinspection reveals distortion-creating' wear, we wiU: replace it

without charge (labot'Dot included), Records call/oJ! a Ii/etime.'

Up To $6 Montb$TQ Pay.I'. .~.:",,,, 'I, ':"'':'f~,i .," ':'.~' :~:' ,"

Generousjtade~ln AlloWancesI .. '. .

Put the Fun Back in Cooking With,Perfect Results.


/-n;'Q JI~ ~o 0 J






,.,+~eop!es Natural ~~S"411


• 2·cycle Timer lets you setexact drying minutes!

• No-stoop lint scrd:enis right on the door!

• Gentle Flowing Heatpampers your f'lbrics!

• New lighter color L ,

Porcelain En~rnel drum,

Lowest pricedFRIGIDAIRE

,Dryeryou can buy!

DRYER,New singl~,-belt drive on ventedmodels. Quieter, smoofher. One­year Warranty for repair o,f anydefect without c::harge, plus four­yearr Prote'ction ,PI~n, far., fur­nishing replacem,eht.:of any de·fective part of the drive s'ystemconsisting of'drum shaft,, p",lleys. and, drive, mo­tor.


At No Extra Charge ­





• 2 speeds, 4 cycles formulti-fabric washing!


Washerwith 2 speeds!

I • Jet-Away Lint Removal!





106 Main St. Phone 37S-;n12 W/a'~ne" Nebr.


• Patented Deep Action:Ii I Agitator cleans' deep!

I • Jet-simple Ro"e~matic1 mechanism!


No belts to break, no' \lpulleysto jain, no gears to wear out!

·One·year Warranty, fo.r repairof any defeet wlth:o~t, cha-:ge,plus four·ya~r P~,~'~~ Phmfor furnIshing repl..cement fQrany defective part in the com­plete transmissiol"!. drl'fe t:JlC?tC?f.or large c'apacity water pump!

1,'1, '!I


i\lr ,wd Mrs j':rYio' Bottger ';1O(Jand ,lr'ITy Anl!('t'!;on 'llteml.

trl(' IMnld,ly elillfl(~r SlllHI,IY allIartlllgtl'll f!ll' WerH!l'lI Ballingerand \\'1'l'l,"'-'-:J1 1":1111 Ih'llS('hkt·'s llJ1;(~ll'bral(' 1I1~ 1J1rthd,ly iJi t1\(~ PYt'll·1lI~~

,suPPf'r gUt·s!.;.; Sunday at tlu('.!;ll·k 1\,Ji hOJHC were Mr. aod\h~. ""rpd ThorrlIls, Norfolk and!\h~ naIl' Nuttll('man nnd dtlugh­h'r, NldiJ~h

"nil' .luck Schro("der family,(;lr'Tlwllod Sprill!.:S, coro., W('r<~

'~f~~ll,l~f:,: ~ Sallll-,I;I}' at ... W,m. Han

illr' ,llld ~,rt's Harry Longe,Omaha, ,'\Ir aud I\'ll's. Wm. r~'onl~('

SlIr:d,ly, ilt the (;len

,", ... "~"""""'~~""":""""'~~"""-"''''''IIIlIl'''IIlIlIlII''''''-.J' . II" '. .. . ,," ....... "'1.: ... ",.... 0

Leslie " Ilr!';'~~~~7J~I~;I:;7~;;~~::!:1:;::11;;~:~~r.:: "c~~41"''""_'''"''''__' ii" ':Diversion,Money 'Estates Protec,ted in The W~yn. iN,b," Helr;,r, TOu,:dQY, De«mber Z,I?65, i '

' °B., MA. G,o/ge: 8u•.c:lrlc nnc! Jim KVi!!tensky. OmllhDJ wil'r..-I fA· t 'M' • ' .'VA Gl,arclianship Plan ! N'c·hrllllEkli ht-nf'lIr-l:1!'h'" hoi,'" f. 'HIll "ll~, Ijl ',''11 l!IulI' hilI.Phon" AT~IU 1·2523 JlIltrl.Jllwd tit dlf1fll'/ SumllJ ,j I "Ims a '. ,a,Xlmum, . ," _ II00t,-" ~ldlJ~d l,lIt "il mUUnn "lth Illl;1rk~ ~j\ JOO" lhan 'owtll~IUw Ah'rlin Brculcr OOnw. I $' tiRE"" WlIyne' N.lunfy fti.rmerg wne 0(,,1 I Cbrb Dllruhob. Wfirnf> ('( Un!)' j ;mm."l i f \ i: 1.: I •

, 'I"" ,'\1r lind Mill than [)nljJh IAn 'I ... ' ' Ellf(f;' , If ,.I i I . hi ......, nCOml" C' ~ ",rr $1 R mi> h\~l )'C":.rll. l~~) ifl Ncu~~~.~,,:'oIi'H, :\11'1'11:1 1l1,~flff,lcr and Mr~"!dh~ and I)wlJJn met.,h'ff) JJIJ!lHI, ' ' , - ," " I ('I'('''~, mor.c ,n.(}rnnt-~IOll t JI! .wc..~ \'e-wrani'l- ~r\'i(:e flUk.:.... n'l'M'<t i -"

(.Uq,l1: .Iol!llSOIl, I' ,(md~r, II.U'-'ndC1d I n,N. ;It Om'Jha Sunday, Up hw, ','" . , i~;~il (~~~~l:ll"'!~';;~W~I.rtil~"t!~~~~~:r~~; '~me p'hil:'i~ {.~f tl1(' \'I'fl'f:l!J~ .:idnllll;1 ('lIIlHlUtH·~~. ~lwt111ng in ~·rt~mOtll jb~(m In the Phitlp'pjrlt~H IHh no\'~ ! l1la~;if11um di\'t~r,."iotl, ;H'(,oJ'din~ tu I!-trnlloll pl'U~l'am :'i gU;l.l"dl:l!I!'~lJ:'~,;;~~I1:'~;II:;:I)1l::~~~:~Ir-fil ~~:~~~~:~o~:~ ·t'~I~ II ~f c~ii~:Jrni.~, He llOl:i a tllirl;, : John \Iohr, eh3irmun 01' tll£> ASCS uf (' .. l:lh-~ •.>1 \'(~!t't';I!\S lI11d rlH'i;-

','nvl'~I,11111 ~'·~ for 1!~. : Mr~., ,( il~rs~ ;I~ll . Gc~c'w,e, ~r!>, AugUR! !t:~)Lmlr (·(Iin.lllht(·t~ Ikpl'nd('nt~, Tllt'n' tIn' ~,,:)l)ll', I~T,Lf:1. HI 1':I~·;Il'r .1II,d ~1rs. <.. \0\. Kat, !I~<lrh('r,<; in nir-lt. 2'."1, lierved qn illI acr'l!'~glt dlv.-r1.d b.~' /}t'lll'ficinrj(';! iti ~t'I"l';\';ktl ;li~J!ll';\1r.:~,:dIJrI,' al'('lJlnp~nl'Jd, lh.~m., ,I a "'hank:il, dinlu.'f ,JI ~ ~il'hou ~;~..:~e a;r:.~:lgn;U~p 2:

0r:r'm~'.~~ AccordlnV to 9111rgho:z, th,.....

Mt" .."';~llli ~ll"~' Itrl'i~ ,"arnow.: "II',' ."ov. 24, """" f;lrul ,1\11."'_ ~I ha'" ,,\Id,ulr~' ,lll1d,',Mr, I Sunday gllesh at. tltf' ,john Hl'f':'" mum elf SO p''ll'r unt, .. producer ourthtl 0' th",- b.nQ'lkiarie,l. area,ne! ~11 ~:' ,Chll ~,J:(~V(! .VIRltt

1d Mr~, ,,\1'1' ho;m' Wl'r~! \1r'. and ;\-Ir:>. will receive dive-rile ... payments. children of deuut'-d voteran"(d'() 1,.:1.1""':11 HI.e W,'~,l PUJIlt hO'~'I,JOh~1 IhwdWllhalH'J' ,rnrl ~,h .." It will be cquII to hAlf the total Tho remalndor are veteranl 'orI'ltal I, I'l'LI~' ::'011". :mel :'tIn; I';d Sandahl and ~tr. : county pri~c·,upport ,.,te for adult dependenh of veteranl

! ,jill! ,\11'; \~il:1t'J' JJ.11lJ1, WaCiJ, I ~:rg~' ;;,~e~t~~I~, ,.'hpec;~~~~:: :~;; who are incapabl~ of manAgingEven DOHm Mnch , iTt':":il.'; h

I'>:(~u Il,/zPI1 l~lllh Hlt't 'J'ltl·:;r!i1Y I -.._-.,' 30 cenf5 price--,uppor1 payment t elr own fin4n:;ii-ll aHolrs,1 I i and multlpliod' by the fum', Th \' \ if'.;1[[ ~ ;;;I):l;'II,':,:d T;.rrrl:;I\~"k(.\lrlln,p"" tv,"'k'~,:: i Thanksgiving. . . I I' projected yield, t.-. t' '-. l'~.glol\;d 0 ll'~' )1I Lm·

eoln ;HhmOlstcr~, thl' pr:Jgr;ltH,Itt':!! rllH.',illl' hUlll(' Tiw "('('(~m I ;';11':-;, :\hrtlc Bn~:>,~,l(:r ,Irlfl .\Tr.',. II I \'Htir;n:ltly, thl' pel' :J('n~ rail" k'. " , t<l lllg parl in around ·It!n guard.IJ('r ,'!If'j,;tm,rs pHrty will hp aJ tile I.veliu :'vlt(';11'iT(' \\'('f'(' g"Uf'.-;t~ in till' WAYNE'S GREE ING to VISItors at four entrances to the town I[IV('r;l:.;es $,trpw fo!' eont., In 19l.l!'I,

!JV,lll :\Il',\'l'[" IiOllW 'wlth !J ('O(lpl'ra· Mrs, lIl'lpfl )om'huc' hUHH', Ow:! IS spelled out tn cotor~d fall At night lights spell out the words Iprot,IUtl:rs. r'l'c(,'i\, ... d p:tytIll'llts on inJlship ,Pl'oc('l'dings ~l ),'l!31'. Abou~ I11"f' I!lllrwr ha.' Till'.> one 1<; at t e so~th entrance to the CIty. aU acrps div("l'tl'd to conserving 1,450 pN!ionnl intl'r\'il'w~ Undt'f

:vIr. and Mrs. Tc·m Hrcssh~1' lind I I _ liSPS, but :ll ralt's V:ll'yillg from 20 ~:.i~('~~'~;~re:~lk(> plact.' In humps of I,

son:; wtm~' at Mnt Milrln~d Ha:-;· J I • I to ::'0 P('l' cent o{ thl' IOWN 1005HH1SfH'O'S, Lawton, la" for cHuner: ~ III "i<IJ~'r1H'nn :\1/ <Hldl '-'Irs Hay· t'ommiW~t' planning the :-;er\'lcc Isuppurt and on snJallt'1' yiplds. TtH' Bargholz Hid 'he VA role is Iwlth rclatiw'!, . ; ,fl,l :~(~ I, :JlJt III ~IS. \-Ir .trlll Mrs. iW{'!'(' Mrs, Zof[ka, ~lr.", Behmer ,:)0 per c('1ll jlaynH'llt rat(~ uVl.'ragl'd to see that ward, get mOJeimvml1

The Merlin Brct:>sler fwndY.1 ,l~ll( Ilf:L J.JO( IJldll .\Ir and Mrs, i and Mbs Hciclft.'rt ,$36,25 pel' al+e nationally benefits from ~omounh paidwere at the (hear 0t!01,on !lOin",: 1',llllf.(lll IH'lwr, :'Ill' :and \-Ils I i\lr <lod !\II'S H,lrold Brl1dlgan Spccilll <"tJ'lllJl .. farm bene{lts ,Ire them, Fund. r.cei.ved are in'.W, uw Llarelljce Sebrcl' cr iHnd Ml~ spent several d,l)S vlMung In Ule Included In~illht' pro~ram Produc- YO t d dep IbMI J ' .,~r,a~nd ~r8, Harry, llinnerichs.: Jamesl Valk, ! I(~ene Kudcra home Cedar Rapids, cr,o; withl fO:IIf.;' ~rnln bases of 25 Itl;,e :r..... 'O:he . b:n::: MAkEUP' WORK is a real job ot a closs pl/ay, HcrQ:80t~t' :Gol.


tolll, C4111., !lnd l'~lwopd Samp· :--r ' lin , ." . acrCR or less may divert all acre nve for prennt or future use I IO'~ receives makeup applied by Wilma Ritze. The o<.cosion: WGison uncI family w 'rlj sup,per: Blrthqay Party eld I Mr. and Mrs. ,\\ Ilbur Behmer al~e and recCive - diverSIOn pay II r~ul,*, tit ju I~ la I y t WI ·d. T ~d htguests at the Kurt POttc home,' Mr, ,! ,mel ,Mn. :Iarencc Schroc- and family werc gucS~8 of .her mcnts on aU, • '. e nrc IS p l] 0 nil I U 0)' lug . IWayne. I cler l'otNtnmed or h(ior' i moth~r. Mr.,:. Henry Wllsc, Lmd- On the first 20 per cent diver· 1··*·lAI.",*r*"':Al:e¥*~f.i':••"_JW:~C;~«i.r:a-,.~~vnir-".ir¥'~~U-~"~!f4:Wt~~.::iI.*,'~I~"":,",,,',lit:::",."","'",

Mr, and Mrs. Ed Zach and ram· I'~,o""" !:!1. . 1\11'. . nd l\~rs, Oliver Isay Nov. 21 slon, payment will be at 20 per . "lHy, Fremont., Harry Steinhoff and r 1~:C(l· .., (:r;lOd.. , Sland~ M~. :md I " • cent of the WaYM county .up. ~ ,. , " ' . " " , ,~or(:('n Bancroft and Marvin Ml~, I !'rl( MUl;~1 he~r), "'11, ~lIld; , port rate applied to the diverted ~ IBuker. 'Plmd('t' were l'nlertain.'d ,d .;~I"'-;. :1'.,rn,"'~L :'-,1;,<: ImllJ?~· ,and Mrs: If'u" Accidents in acres on the basis of protected ~i 'the Clark Kai home. ;;~~~Ja ~lil~JII'\I:;:;::~:~:e %~)l~\~ll,~~, ~:~ U'U yields. On additional diversion, ~~ ,

H I l W h 1 I I the rate will be SO per cent of the \~() H,',r "c,'SelT,I~J1,I" :l.~ .,r:' :I~, ~l('~, ! :I11t,1 ~Ir:.; Louie Morit~, Mr., ;Hld W"yne County county support rate. ~~to VHl N<lIn df!(1 ICCOHllrl"'i-1rs. Ed. ,,1r·. arid Mr:i Er· '" Ii{rom l~j~rr'"les receIved thNp :-;OIlH' ,~in IUIJ"l('!I. lIen ,~tel.Jt'r. Mr. !i'our accidents iJ,/ rU,rat Wayne Sm<Jll farmers diverting less than 'tmonths ,lga, ;md Mr~, HallS Asmu,s, and Mr, eOllnty Wl're inv(~stlgated the past the maximum will bp eligible {or ~ i

IIcI'bert Thun, price-suppar:' payments and loans 'Ir;oldH' i\1r. iHld Mrli ,lfJd ~1rs. ":zra J }ehen:-J. Pitch w'-!s wet.'!t by t!lC' sheriff's office, No one >t • .',l{'udolpJi IIHrllrnn, Mr. nnd MrH. Hosk".ens playert v.: lth priz s gOl ng to Mrs. was injured but considerable prop- t~i:he[9~at~~o;;''ldmYi~?ll ~'i~Vi~: ,mag n i fie en t i'

:\lhl'l't SI',ull'."l and Mr. and Mrs. Olive,r PINce, E nest ,Mn~hmiller, Hrty dama·ge was done. smaller farmcrs, especially those *NO' TUBES ~]lOti Bl'udigaOl nnd Nancy wen~ 1\!r: land Mr~. I;rwin Flrich <J1l'1 Sheriff Weible Investigated the rlivl'rting maximum acreage, 'a if ~', ';_ ". agna,.'V'~,.,.....,_ ,'(" I('Vj'llIllg glH'.'lts Snnday in thc~ Pinochle Club Held bzra .JOl'Il('IlS mishap at 11:40 p.m, Nov. 24 higher payment than under the " ......~~:,;11;11~11.~1 ~\;\;;;~~:'a,~o:;rl\;~;,.ol~~~~;~n('e Mr. and Mrs, J, E. Pingel. at- '.. 21/4 miles north of Wayne on previous program. ;, Because hI8hes~-rel1.bllltY '.

tl'nd('d ttlP annual meetin~ o{ tlwir W.nsn Hlghwav 15. Rodney Johnson'. Farmers W110 'grow .com, grain \l space.ageSolid.S~~~UCb:~~: ASTRa SONIC*,,,;.',:, ;,;";:.'" ,~,:~: ,;,;';U~~,e/~;-'~';,~ previou, pinochle dub Sunday ;,\. e ~;onc;~a;e::h~'~ t~:,;~~~~:~~\~~ ~~;~~I~~m p:;~~a~?r~~y me~-;;:ni"t~~;~ ~ Paonnd.dnatsm'a,.g~~a:~:at; they're . • '.1.,'1,,,,, (,',',.", 1"","1'(', I',{"'lr,',l I','\y the Benj: Fllelbcrth h9m

t', ?s, Bv Glad 5 Reiqhert t,' t II b k h went ')0 t ,. sion on any of the pi dmond, c

Thls club was orgbniz('c,hO I' Phone 86-45949 aecm,o~~nt~e °r:~d, ac on, e -lhr~~ra~~~ag(::,cr~eY' w'm also be iI guarant••d,syean, re ace .:vir :Illd Mrs. Walter Weseman 19:')1. All. chnrter members were '-to ~ "by us if defectlve und,er sol."d state STEREO

~JlJd :\11 ;iIld Mrs. Arnold Wese· prc!lent '.from BtI~te, Plainview" Harvest Service Held "is 1962 tar went off the road on able to substitute wheat and feed ;;t normal use. We also prOVIde • 4, ,,' ImUll f,unil}, Omnhli, were 0 I d H k the west side, traveled 162 feet and grain acreage and may produce It 1 ear

Mr!:l. Augu!ita WeSter- !imOlJ{ an On lOs. i Educat.lOnal c rnmitt('e of Trini· 1 I h th wheat on oat-rve !lases, \'t fr~e ~~ for Y •fill' Ii.'r eightil'lh birthday,. I Sadie Hawkins Party Luthl'l'"n l'llllTh sponsorer! ,I ~~~cl~tl~~~(;1 ~~~~rl(o~s s ow eve· On the basis of current esti. \i

~ll's 1)lJrJellll(! nnd Me· I Mr. nnd Mrs. Ezra .Joehpns ('11 .~~~r:v\c;~ .h(:~JLHI r11:;l;ll},;~ Nov. 26 at :1:30 p.m. Harry lIo- mates of soybean supplies, feed 1.t i""""':"',1,'" ,""" "',,1,,",,, ;1~11',1 ~,I,nr~I' ~~rro,n" 'latcrt~,',~,i,n\IP,"",1 thll""'W['k",lnO,~Vinpgo'lNtyn~," 2J'O\,~~ 111l' Jlllr,,11 parlors at rddt hit an icy ~'pot ah?ut a hnlf gr.abin prlce·support palmdent9s ~n ~ ,~

IV u. " •." "" '''-- ;ilJllut J\)I) pl"l"etll nlilp wpsL of Wayne on Highway 35, scy ejlns ~rown on ee. ra n I ~ 11lil,1\ I\' (' r s n 11 and dau,g' tel', kF'olk. Norfolk, ~"lr. und Mrs. ;\1('1 till ner, '1 PI'O.fl"lI1,', llis Wl':,tbound ear went into the acreage Will not be paid. This ~, ~-..------.----------- ' ,...' Isouth dItch 'policy could be changed later. IIi -L\_"'miD""",,,,, ..-_-,,-- the h('lng . W ~ '"

.",[1'<'; Deput Pat Hailey lnvestigat. I A::; In the 191)5 pro):;l am aytle ~ ~

The I d H' Y t h s the car go tOllnly f<1I mel s \\ho sl~n up for ~ ~7n~ o~~ ~~P~:nt~o~wand overturn: both 19GG whe<lt and feed gram I~ ~

, pro;.!: ams (' III s\Jhslltute acreage ~ ~

I !O('r:lit:1!I'J;l, "W W~1! ~1~1:1! ~;~ 1:;t7~:tc~n ;~s ~:~:,~m$;~; IJl\llSlOn pl~mcnts \\lll he hnsed ~4 ~,~ \'{'.~l gp'.'" :\[·s , La,'!l'! and $400, 3n ~lC lletlwl crop acreage rc ,;iI,~pok(' (HI. "So'tls oJ:. Cralltude" I :'\t 7:30 a.m, Nov, 27, lfaiIey in- ~~ef~cd grain ,acrea,ge is exceed· I~I M!'s. Lpo J~nse 1, pI'~sHI['nt of thf' Ivestigared ,another a<l-cident near ed for instance all land diversion I~Lllll~l't'".n (:ll~:"I,l \\om('n. had a Winside, The ca,rs were,dr,iven by, eligible for pay~ent will be from IIm,e'ilJt~,tl("n, '(d'(' <lnd, It Shall Be I(~cne Thdmpson. Winside, and Mrs,.. ..acres paid {or at t.he applicable

~~~,{~~'hu;~~;) ~~~ ~~l~J~O~~ t:; ~~~~~~ GI~r~a Evans, ~~nsi~~.. ,.. --~- ~ wtIe~t rate, Jane/. Country." Clad'S Reichert, The deputy~s report ,__shs-ws PJ;lce-StlPpo!'t loans and ,~urchas-

Sunday ,S, chool 'llPeriltendent had Thompson east bound on a rpacf ~ (but. not ,p:lce sURPort paymen~)a lncc"lilation "'haring and Divid. a mile north and a mile ellst of Will be, av'lllable on feed gramsin~'" 1\'11'5. Dn e Krueger, chair" Winside. Mrs. Evans came .. out pr~"ced on wheat acreage.tllliin or the u!llcatiQnal commit o~ a f~rm lane. an,d the, vehicles The U~DA .set the rate for ;tt('q had "Our Prayer of Praise." SideSWiped. resultll1g In ,dam· acreage diverSions of wheat a! 40 I.lTh,l' H('\" II 1" ,OtlO Mueller, age to the left side of both per cent of thl! c~unty price- I'~

I paL,\ol'. had tl P lwo{'(lldion, The cars. support loan rate w~lch averag~s ~~

was ill,tl'ri"JWrsCd. with Sheriff Wei hIe , investigat('d a $1:25 a bushel ~~honally; Thl.s I~1oj )1\'rmlS \\llth Mrs mishap i\o\", 28 one mile north and WIll apply to additional w~eat ;dl. ~

" I :\1. mile W('.~t. of Carroll, Dean Sko-I versions and not to the diverSion ~

Hel·. :\Iuplll'f Wl'fC knn, Wnyne. was passing a car in of'S per ce~t of the wheat. ai- W\\'itl Jl(llind. she-weLl his small foreign \'chicle when ,he I '?tment reqUired for partlclpa· ij

chaJrman of t.urn('r! to r:el back into his lane I tlon. ~

e(ltltl: il. l1'H.!e tht' presenta·1 and went inlo the ditch. The car , If anyone has any questions re- ~iHI'\'., :ml :\'1r.". :'lTlleller, fi,·:dirl mt ovcrturn but the winctshieldlgarding any phase of the 1966 pro- ~

: sponded Iwas broken and oiher damage gram. they can get information iil:'Ilemhprs f ~__~(~~~l_!~:~ ,. _ at the ASCS ofliee in Wayne, I~ear End Range Sale I



! JD%r~~ II>ti!~










Reg. $1.00




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_~ASPIR~N100'. , Gr,

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Drug and Cos~etic



Thursday, Friday, Satur4ay,I

December 2, 3, 4,

Universal Electric

Universal Electric

HAIR DRYERReg. $25.88 $1995SAV-MOR


HAIR COLOR~AV_UJ:8 $S99 Reg. '$2.00 $149

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5-Yr. Guarantee Reg. $1.49 99cSAV~MOR



150 Sheets75 Envelopes





Portable TV Set

Many more pri~e$ too numerous to Mention!

You need not be present to win! Register each time you visit

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r '- !

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, I




I'er gal.

ASmall Deposit HoldsAlty Item Untilthe Day y'!'u Are R~dyforit.



per pound

Now At Sav-Mor


Th.Way.c (Ncbr.'l Herald, Thll"day, D.ccm&~r2;,,9l;5 --~--i------:'------_....l.-_---:"";'----------:-;--~";""--'-'-";-~~~"\;':r............................ . , - .


'p,,'Us"Pa y'for ~~:.~~~:~n~.:r:: ..~~".';l~'~j THE "{XTAYNE HiERALDTe cher U usual 1'''''''111 we", ~Irs IIml /lu "l' ...jI' , :ll!ck, O·.:'lt,'jJl. ,loll ('."rl Gran. ,I

II'lu '~' h~u:"·".'ll 'h~,,' ,'mhu: i ljUhl. Mr, M"thilda ad.gourd.1 . Ni;;;;';.'h y';;-':"- No '33 ,-, ----w;;n-;;:-N;bro~k~-687S7.'"Thu"d•• o~;b;; 2··-,-9;5· ..··•· " ~.,.".,,""'-:-.-'",WI I a -1>.111) .1 tJ du). Nuv. 2.. JMrs. Hannah Gamble John' Sur-, -:--- ", . .~ Ii • II ,~~~~l.~~:,.~ -...:-'aSl"·l,Jo 8'

~~~~~rJlh~~~~(,~~laIIJarlY lor "Ibe~. Air•. Ida M.Dnn,~>N(!J.s (}ran·!DanUH.f:e to $92.85 to tht.! d 1 ' - _." 'I' ,r.. ...: ' q,,,,, lind AnIon Granljulst, ,,1I'ori~'''''''" l'" ',Mr a'n Mrs Jo'hn Barnes Fe·.ted At ,.."" .. ,. j" 1l11~ they IlIOvod t"M $, M.clvdCl Au .r WIU mark· ! \\'3>'nc, I· j.,. ; \\';I.\:W ·.~h~·r(l U\.J)' ·ha~".I" ••nCQ

ifig her 81th bir dty. To he.lp I Trw ,u"lne day at Se"'('nlh and 10 ' '!11lltde- thrJr hl,.tl1t".- ' J;

hor. cof.brot., 'rmor pupil, • i ~''''i". John SulJiI'lIn, ~~: 1I",,"Olph.1 pen Hou.sLe For Go,Iden Anniversary : l',". I"",· I,,,,,· ,I'u~hl.". ~l"·~ho h.,d gar-a to t,hool t() her I'Th A.d H I' Wn~ 'southbound. He swerved to L.'\\I,'I'I\'"I" I.\nwl Murrht, 1:.<I__lnl«',".1, 1 to" 1905 W f.'n ~h".l 'aught: ree eel ents ere mill>; :I, ('ar t~l"t h:H".l.!':nl' thrlJ\wh ~H·lif,. ,'1n, HI)WA,rd {1,,u¢(!f11,at District 51 louthwt"d of I the tnll.'rsct'llOn W'estbotlncl. S~IIII" : r ,W1\~\·ll't. lmt-tlil;, Ncot)r." Mu,W:avne, 'lathered It h~1" home. Ilnvest·Igated ·1" Week \'t1n·~,: "'Ir hit tt\(~ car of LJJck It ,v.;lfd •.'II""",'·II"~"'I·~·r:II·l1lr.l.b ...,,,, G.'rr.I'nv~.,The mutual adJillraUo!l uf pu- Danjd!lon, '22, Wa}'ue. almo;t' J:. '" "

g~~H~(J~;J~~~~~~~:;t,~, ~f1, ~~:~.~'.h~u~:~;, Three llccidf'nts occurred in Ihead-on. t1( ,about $155 damage,' flrald~'~'l~iil~~~~, Alit'''. "Tbl,'l~ ·h.~u,:,.!Hlid tll!.: grvup mildt, up "the I \Vaytle th(' [JiJst we(!k, No~e Were j10 the [)lIlwdsOIl ,(.tar and. $10 dam-/, • ,

J~{!;.;l. IJl~:]('h" IJf p pih a h..'udwr I;,t>nou.s Ilfld no one wa,s Injured: I~,~~, ,10 tlll~, ~lIJh\'<ln VChlclc. Chief : M·.·ss·lonary ••'nds'..could. 'Lint, , Nov. 24 on POllrl street, P.,.r II,lIl(.:hlld Im>:,~tJ~:,lt~d r

Pupds n!... pOflflpl by, l.~x,r:1alfnl¥l~~ i Carl$,on 80 Carroll Wit south. I '"l\tI'H. Auk,er ~':lI'i he flI('('l;t te,aeh- I bound ~hC"~ crowd:d by an ap· • limA' to 'Sleep Tooer and ',1111J I~ l:, I' of the Ill.ce-;t: proaching cor. Ho pulled' too I W'U 8 V· r S I . t ·It "

people Wl' know, It was, 01J\'I~'I~S i far to the right 'and .truck fho I " e - 1,0 In 001$ ,\ frll~,,\jllfl;lI'.\' w!lu'wlll !il)(Utk '111.llwy were ul! H n.('er~' In th(~lI'l parked car of Everett Robertsl IlrVJnK Carlson, who was hen' 'II'",," iWil~'ll't· lll':'(,t S\lIlIID)' IInd.'t1ma to

I('xpr.csstons 0.[ ad l~l'atHJn. . i Wayne, Officer Keith Reed in- C~r the Than.k:il·:-.iving hOliday. i':'" :·,l<'(~ll iillhtill~~h Ir (.'hcek ,.' c)~ . hill

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, for ,Mrs. ~'Qude Auker, 87., shown seated, Mn, Auk('l", dll('PPtJVely youn~!I v8stigated. with IllS part'nts, Prof. <lIHI Mrs 'a('ll\"ctic'~ 'thl' 11(0,1 It'flil would ,lit.was Wished her by her former pupils of around 50 years ago lon,bog for hel" >! 'ar~, hatl lo be Albt'rl (j, CarJ'ion, will be v{olin ,~~~'" : '!lr.;ltt' 111;11 II« t<lllnol btt '.pt!ndiru:Mrs Anno Gamble IS kneelmg Those standing Ileft to right) I pomtl'd out I.lJ a flh1,Jfflpr.'lphl'r ,~_'I.lje£ of l'/;!il"(' V.ern i"air~Isoloist ,Y..·ittl the.. Fe.rgus r~<tlb. ,Ji£. .; mudl till1\' llll't'llltlhl,' ,are Mrs Hazel Rubcd~ Carl Grorculst Mrs Mathilda ad goo d Iwho went to t,lk l, her pIcture,. lie: ~Illd Jnvl'stlgaled :-JfJ.V 26 wilen l)tinn" orelw~tra in a \\'int~r ;. .: :\~"l'd ,lh!!ul hi" aclivlll~. til"Mrs Honnah Gamble' John Sur r Mrs Id M ~ Nrl' II]IJOkl'fl :lrnund th~ nlrJJn, d(,("ltll'di EJnII I,utt: 71, \Vaynp, was turn'jconcert J)Pt'.:i, Iii,' WIll p!'ly tile ;1:1,1 tl'rlfl til lndtil, Ill' II.ltid,UwY

, e , .... a ann an e 5 there ~V~IS no OW! J pn'.';l'flt' 87 VI'a!'" I tng It'll Into <l dnveway "lid 'I "Symphome g:-;P:ll,;tloll' ('olll'{'rlo" \\ nl' "THllriu~ III viJ1lt':~~j,·1::(111.Granquist ()~d, nlll,J ':o,hd \\Ihen J\II'~'. Auker! ~'1('f'lyn "'nihm, ·10, Wayne. lost composed fiJI' vio!ln and orchpstly l,'rlllll: \\'lIh P'I'.lor~ llflff "','

- '\\;1:, r,~.p:,(.:[['d I : l'rllltrn!, on ILl.' ilntl struck tht' 'I by Ed,ward Ldo ('arbolJ I... k:HI!"f''' pr"llt'hlfl~, dlbtdhulhl!:

Wayne Is Your Christ'mos Gi,ft Shopping Center! I an~c~c:Irl~~~i~O, ~~:t gh,.::rt"ti~: ~J~,~I~ %~'l::}~I;e{:·ut;)tJcal~laj~~'hc~it·;~::i~'I~::~1,:l" p~~:A~,ll(~l~,ll~'oO/:1 the Fl'rglls ;1\',\I:;~lll~'>IJIt-;;ll'~~~~')~lll.;. '~:;I~:IU~:~lt;;.'::!...e-~tt:dJ1:;;e1...;;:'~:ri{1ri:~~ii..l:'~~":rg1i~~lJ'iiiiiiid~i:{~~:U:>iJc'~..l~.A~~ ..ilI:~i~~",i~!'.l:';":~,!~~~:"':'::". l':;C.!:{i'::.;:,:~'~.!:~:r';:'~:r":U~il~.1"~:z~"~:r",:,,£i~~:r~'*,"*,*:i',,i.~~'~~"~~::":~:;;Il:.U::-t.:,.~~%'(I: 11"11, ,dul, ~':lnflillioll, "'iil"hi~ll-:' Ul'e f:! llll' d'', Ill'IIJJll~ ill. ymilh~ II ~ \\JlI'L, ~"l'\'ifl~: Illl IUJl111l1111ff!~,. ~t'lI

I"~ ~'lllll~'1lffloIIPI'i, dl~l'ribullil:~

1 ~ I r I I 1,~ ~\ .In,,J' 1

1,1/::;:::;\/1 1;;f:fr~l:oll\~/~J"n~~:::~:~::~~~ ~~ "t1,." ;md <le('nttnl .. ,"

,fr.~ r~ Now ho J, bAck In tho UnliCl'd

~"" Statu and Rov, Alb.rt SI.f.r,~ Amerl~lln Baptl,t mlnlon.-rv .0

~ ~ South India', will ,puk, Dec. S

~ ~ b~ <'It thfl 11 ".m, !ocrvlcO' in WII·Y'

~~ ~. "0', Fi,,, O.pll" church, P...

v tOr Frank Pode"...n o.t.nd. 1111~ ~ I ~~: invi'lttion 10 all 10 .Uend,

t.1 ' " ri i ,'~,: \" SLdl'f' h:h 'h!'n'l'd III IIJI'l'!'

11 0 ~ ,I' l", "'~,: III:, (Ill tilt' l·t'lIlnd Illul~'illt\1 S ,. ,';':: ~ ~"ir"':.c·.:~.... ',i: .-' I.i SOlfth llldf,l ',lIpl'r\'i~ijIlJ.f 1If1'W ~ ~ .'., .." . ' . ,1"",1"" "",1 ",i1""h ,,,,,I Ie',,,'.,,,,,

I:,j \.~ ~"On 'Itl~i "ill',' ....•.~ .j( , ..\". ::::;:'~ i,',.',,;' "1,~;,:j"';I;i/"llmq'I""t

\-o"les' ~ r ~tl,;~L~ 0< ;:,:h"~t~,i-1r"" ·.Y Tl:~: ~::::;Ih h(~:o;~uV;"~IC~U:t1~~:~tlf~Come in and browse around! .In honor of t~e 'golden wedding Jeffn'y waH maskr of l'l'n'f1l01l1I'S Ihc' h;.~I' (mill whlt-h hc;cp?:~·(Ul1/J1.

anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Hosts •• t tilt' 1"t'{'('ptiO/l Wl'r(' .'1tr I'd Ilw Chrlsllan EduCIIU~~:,~wo,rk'.......Barnes, an open house was held and Mrs, LUWr{',IlCI! ~turris ~1r.s for ~outh Indio,. ;' ..1';'

Z¥Nov. 28 at the First Bllptlst church, Howard 'r~n\'nst'nd and Jtrl!'('nr' 'HI A graouat. of low'. u~I~.rllty

~ QittfdS -k r Wayne. l('r {'lit thl' (':Ikr', ,'\11'\ Hov l\('('k~' lind Central Baptl,t ~Th.ol~IClI J.

111 •. ~ ~ A short program ,ir}('luded two VQ· poun'd ~Irs, rll'nl",l 1l:IJ'Il\: S'J!I!li ':il'l'"inllry, Kam/llS City, Kant,.~! • ~ cal numbers by ~l"andchilclr(,lI, Sioux <"ity, .~l'n-('(I plIllr)l. Chon:!;] R"". "3ll1tar lind hi. wife were

~~,q . ,uggm ~ Car}'l, Glenda, Janette and Sandra l.Jdfrer ,lflr! S,U';i11 ,\lillll:lfI h 1:1 ,'pp"intl.'t! minlonlrie, of tho,. R .Jeffrey, Allen, a'c{'ompanied hy Icharge of th(, I' iI.. Amrric4n Bapti!it Foreign Mh·

, ) R Nancy R'astcde, All<'n; history of Tf~WnS('rHJ. ;Hld .\',lJl !ticn SOciety In 19S2,I,' • ~ the.' honorees. b.y Mrs. Luwrencc c}' Hast('r1t· arrullgcd tl1& ;,',Jll., ;Illd \';ll'i!' Itt'\' S!;ttl'l' hUii Lo t~lI ~;ill

t "* *-is Morris; tribute, written by Mrs. cartls. 1Jl' !i'in"~r~·s·t to nil UgCB.,',WlttJ

j R Leila Maynard, was read by Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Ban1l','i wl'lr(' Illar ;dl {Ill' t.'XPl~l"jl.'lIt'I'1i ,oe,: R: nlh;lil~m· ,, H H' . I AIl.en Ahlman, Wayne; dccordion Ired Nov, 24. 191:-) in !bkolil ell,\' :Iry ;1$ lil>tcd ulmve, th~'re': (Ji11 anes oSlery, numbers by a "grandson, Dale [They Iiv('d south of Wall'rhury :L' hound 19 he plNlly ~l hal'j~nlnJCiI

~ 11. I TDwnsend., and benedction by .. short time before lIlovilJ~ to Atll'fl :drafll!l.' /llld dIClcrenL,(Or l'; th951.l·I'll f I Frank Pedersen, Mrs. Ch,rence, wher(' Mr. Barnp~ wa,~:1 rllf,d midI who do not 140 oversca",,:' , .t,~ I Seampru e Lingerie iil ------...---.----.------.- .....-- ..-,..,~~...,..

~l'· II II '-0''."U·.r·,I,~f! Hankies Bogs Gloves I!~"'.~~::~,;:;~ I Christmas~ I

Jack Winter 1tl: ~ L· t~ Country Set ~~A ~ IS .~ 1_ (i,J Garland ~}t ~ OF NAT10NALLY 'ADVERTISED BRANDS

~ ~s, ;e,ee~ Rcsecrest ~ 1. ~~m~:~.LyD~!~I~~'~~SAntw.'p, Ool.ium)

~".,I:. "G?f$ Ship 'n Shore ~,2. WYlEj{, WYCOLFLEX, HAMILTO~, TIMES~ .. : and DALE'S Watches~ ~! 3, SPEIDEl and J. B. Watch Bands~ 1>!'~ II 4, KREMENTZ Jewelry for Ladies and Men~ ~ 5. WHITING and DAViS. Ladies' Jewelry! Dresses rom ~ 6. B. DAVID Jewelry for Ladiesi1l the pages 0 your ~ 7, RICHElIEU, DElTAH and Cultured Pearls~ I I ~ 8. TRIFARI Jewelry~, ·f· _I ~l~ I avorite magazineS! ;; 9. FRANAD Cologne and Bath Oilii I jl 10. COLONIAL Christmas Candles~ 1;1/< ! Juniors - Misses ~ 11. LUSTERWA'RE Gifts

~IL>;r .... '.''''- ~ ~~: ~~:~~~:;~~?in Chrome~ V~ . Lovely !Robes Quality Bags ~ 14. WESTMORElAND Milk Glass~ .. ~ 15. PRINCE and PRINCESS GARDNER~ Jewelry Neckwea'r! Leathergoods~ I - 1 16.. NORELCO, REMINGTON, SCHICK and I~I !~. ".. ,~,.,..,.",.. ~ SUNBEAM Razors .. '.....~I Santa Knows! LIJrSon-Kuhn Ladies' Shop ~ 17. HONEYWELL Barometers and Humidity'~'ll is brimming wi~h sparkling gift ~ Gauges'. Ideas and gloWilng with the holiday "~;:p ~i 18. WESTCLOX, GENERAL ElECT'RI('<TELE-

spirit that make shopping ~ real JOY ,CHRON, JEFFERSON GOLDEN HOUR,

~~,!. See us ... for fhe merriest packqges ~ -;.~ SCHATZ and INGRAHAM Clocksl:"i (also Cukoo Clotks)

ill thot ever went nder a tree ~ 19. 1849 ROGERS, COMMUNITY and WM,. A.~ ~

I~ ~ ~ ROGERS Silverplateand Stainless Steeli'1 O! Flatware- also Holloware'W I NJ ~ .~ •.A SO ']~ 20. ZIPPO·COllB'RI·SCRlpTO Cigarette lighters~.. ~~ Plus Many, Many Other Nationally-Known Nall\es

\l Lad es' Shop i:J). ~ J' t~ ~,ii, 'a e~ e~e 1''1

L_'~'l===:~~::::::,"Ti~- .....".....t ..._.~_.~==:......_1 Dol. G","o",


$8 99to$699I,-

mas surprise... surprise her with sweaters.

Make this a happy yule for her; Give her sweaters'

from o'ur large array ~f styles and colors. Sweaij,rsI.!, .

to efreM up the holldoys ••. sweaters. to go every-

where, so right with everythin!l' For 0 big Christ-


42 to 46------":

34 to 40

He""Like I

GlOIESGlnhl........... for.hands ift "amart- at-- .....of leathe. for driving. city

.nd country wear, SOIIlIa



GH:';, TOO!t<;~ i\" ..~;;th!y p~Ym~~ts Until

• FGbruarty, 1966.

I SE~RSI Ph~ne' 375-2400 "


'I '11' !'

! ;.[ iii I




lend '!:I-fresh young feeling to winter wools.

-'Pe.lally ''l!hen Country. Set separates them'inlo '" smartly hip.betted top and slee.k, slimskirt. I

Skirt .. _ ,$11.99 ~"ITop .... _ $17.99

LARS_Q_1tLadieS' Shop I ~






le akahs N'!eotne of the largest attendance to

lle e-kah io-d,ge occurred' Friday.~v(nintg when 18 ,members attend·,',} the bi-gionthly meeting. Mrs; I"r'l1k Swanson, a delegate to Rc- I

be ah assembly reported on heritt ndance at the meeting held inYo k Oct. 20 and 21.

W~[i )f@M ITh 8il1l'n~~s pu(fM~n

We Hop~ So

Becmose ••

WDd~¥O~ MIDlY ~~

R,iJJd~y . Wh~i"ler ®~



\Just once we'd Iil<eto have people fRlI in)ove \.II,'ith aoart piec'e by piece to come up with' infp'rove'- I

the inside of our before they flip for ,he ments that, incredibly enough, make our Pontiacsoutside.' Why, this year alone we've made d.V3il- smooth~r. quieter, more enjoya,b1e to, brand·new'\"raparOlind buckels, PWfilp, Really, lh9ugh-cwe don'!eare' ",hieh f.,tufebench segts. More rich; g'enu!f!e walhut pnne,ting. ',g~~s y~U\insid~~'a n~w ,Pb;~tia~. a~~t~etsAnd nicer in~trumenfc!uste~~Y~~'ver\ev~r~~en." you there. And: It wilt. ~t le1t, judging by, the

We even h~d our engineer: ~ake ~ur test cars number of Pontlacs you see 0 the road.. ,

Everything's, new i~ tiger country. Wide.Tracie PlJlJtiar:/'6;~: COM~ TO T1G



We go to all the trtfuble ofredesigning our interiors,improving our handling,and refining our Wid~-Track ride,and some people buy usjust for our IQoks.

If W@pj ~~(! nii (]' ff~~i'j,i,r.!Ij]~'!;fi]IJ W@}'~e sto~e

I::f lM~ L"J~m. 1f!m;');,cJ@v iPJ?iI~ V@UI' name isdUtwlJ.

YGU wi!ll cI£e!i if rlj)w~ ~liIIme ~sr/t d!'lwn

bE:c!illJse WOJv~estl!li~es (Ire loaded with




FDith MisslC"«ry Meetsi-----.,..-----+------------.I FaEh Missilltary group me~ Fri-!ay in the Art Upp home with ninencmbers and onc guest, MTS. NinaTIJkamp, present. So~md tapesv&'re played of the- voice of Jean\nn, Sehl'3m, Poncll, noW studying,'rench in Switzerland' in preparaion to hl'r agsignmcnt to- the Congo,Nherc she \vlll serVe as a nursenisl'snnary. Miss Schra';ll is a!tYrse' and .assisted~ at Gampe Pis-

'1 iuranCC during the' SUll'l.ql1~(. Mrs,rl1nry Hilkeman w~s in charge- ofhe meeting. Dc;:. 3 meeting will)c held' in the Mrs, Elizabeth 01·Ion home.--+ !

:0 'pie Hosf'9. Studyi r. and Mrs. Charles Myers

',Ie e hosts Thursday to the week·Iy \-eeting of Bible Study meetings arc "held in the My­'1'8 home, Belden.



'3r dge Club Meetsrs. Bob Lilli'ard ent"ettained

br" dge club ip her ho~e; Laurel,Tu sday atte1itoon. Ilel?en memo

I be s are Mrs. I Merle Gubb~ls, Mrs., Di k Stapleman and Mrs. Floyd

M'ller. ,Mrs. Mary Dalton was aguest. High winner was Mrs. BobB 55 with Mrs, Floyd Miller receiv"Iin t Ihw. Nov. 23 m~ib.g will behe d in the' Miller home.


51 :fe's Shownhirty-five persons wer€" pres

e t Friday evening. when Kirby1--+--------------.....01'--.........--' apniall, Randolph, .~ed slides


I, '


Boneless Roast l:''':~r...",Lb, 69c

Boneless Stew Beef "",Lb 59CShort Ribs ~",r""."."""""Lb, 29c

Ground Chuck ~.:dj~:;;~ ""Lb 59c

Swiss Sfeak~h':1~;'ll;:l:~n.~ Lb 69c

Rib Roast ~~~~~~n~l~ob~e~.~~~' ..Lb. 79c

B d d Sh .mp T"ph, IO~,. 69<~ea e n F"ro~ Pkg, •

Boiling Beef P1ato,",,,.,, ,, L!o. 1SCCorned Beef i:.~p;~.:?'.:& 79c

Lunch Meats....,,,....,,,,.~~~~~t~~l35c~alami, Old FlI.llhioned, Olivo, Variett Pack or Bolopa

~ More Savings at Safeway!Fresh Eggs ~~::;.='1.'2D=89cIce Cream~~tStkk ....,~~79cPreserves=',;'t.'~~ ..:';~49c

Sp.(eway's properly-aged beeFis more tender nod more BanI'­fuI. Enjoy it regularly_

...a Safeway Specialty. .Safeway cuts on'Iy 6 chuck'

roasts from each beef fore­quarter and each is trimmed

to represent a maximumvnlue...ALL BLADE &7-BONE ROASTS AreSold nt the Same.LOW,


RUSSET PQTATO'ESU,S, No, 1 G,ade, f'om . 49cIdaho's famous potato-

growing fields •••

,la-Lb. Bag

\ ~and get Goid Bond Stamps, too!



, 'SafewayLII. . . V"",""

Kitty and Cindy


Beauliful Life-Like Fashion Dolh!5talt}-ourlittlcgirrssetthisweek!

Everyday Low Prices .at Slifewciy!

P . t B t't 1lenlBoant, 3-lb,9·9Ceanu . u erWhyPayMorc? JnrChili with Beanst:'~.:4 NOc;:$PO

O ter'C k Busy l-lb·29Cys rac ers Bakcr Pkg,Prem Lunch Meat ._ 2 la::;89c

. RaisinBreadSkyWk-jA~~ 19C

ICHiii.sqSkytark Breadr.=4~89C

-;~~ 1Jff!.~~...~:::'-"'KODAK FILM

l.ii••'ii•.i§i••-JiI'i#lil.".i.9i¥'·'i~",. ., . ht D _.I 'J' ' f Silver Dollar Ni!iJf . raw.,ng


' J in Our Store Thur:sday

r~'~~100 ~~~.::~d: . at 8:00 for $350.

1,5 . STAMPS' .I . . I1 -with this coupon and a purcIt~e 1I, of ~5Ior'moTe_ 1


Florida Tangelos::2u..39cDelicious ApplesRol 3 ,;~49c

.Pitted Datesr,~:\,~:. '.~~:39c

Yellow Onions ~~l~ 3 ';~i29c

Cucumbers~,I,,"' , E'''' 10cGreen Onions iW,1S1IES ~ 10c

.Low, Low Prices pl~lS CoM Bond Stamps 0 0 o-atSafeway!Macar'on·, orCutorLongSpngh.tti,(S~VE 6e) 19c Seedless Raisins iI: ..i:,;.59cQualityBrnnd llb. Pkg,Baby Foods~~= 10Jars89c Hers~ey's Dainti;:,~:39:

J• AVE6c)2S Spanish PeanutSmiclc........Pkg.39.Town House, (5 C • tTomato U1CeFancyQnaIity.... 46-Oz. Can I Imitation Vanillaw_..~ 25c

LaLan·, Dr·,nkPineapp!e- (SAVE6c)2'Sc Sid O'IN Mm!' n""'65cGrapefruit 46-0.. Can a a I c:ii."""'.. BtI.

Wheaties or Cheerios Jf;:29c Gelatin Salads""""'~~6~29cCinnamon RoIIs~'ri"', ...::f".~25c

Refrigerated, ready to hake



B;~"", ~~,g;M'!'f\lII_i£' USDA Choice 79C Bo~ele.~, '8CfilfljU ~~'leglK__ Beef Lb. ...., Lb.

m,a,l!'?!!I.I ~_lIllllleagesafeWaY, . 3 m·$IOOH)~'Il\W'if ~Wl!V'" lighllyseasoned........ Pkgs...,

•.Ile~qp.lH!lnrters USDA Choice Beef. . 56C~DI!lI!l~' 'J:l!IiUl culandwrappedfree Lb..I'"

I '1 Golden Rip~

I :~~~i;:i~snor ANAIAS,RENCH FRIES 2'/'b5'.'2·.5C,·'2~lb:'Pkg.

rJh~i'hodist Church(Jc::m E. Horner, pastor)

Sun,by, n;~c. 5: Sunday schooL\I'orship service', 11...

Mr. and Mrs. Lnvern-Harder andfamily. !'ITI'. ahd Mrs. Melvin' John­'~('-]\ n:Hl family. Mr. 'and Mrs. Har­k'y Damn and I\'lrs, Ella Harderwc<re ~ucsts Thanksgiving day inthL' l\rl'hllr J0well home, Goldfield,la

.sn~llrday, D'ee'. 4: Saturdayschool, 1 p.m,; teachers'

Stln(1~11~~Sn(;~:}05: SU11(!ay scho,ol,:)':10 Bihle class, 9::10; wor·


, " .. '" ,.,' , •.• ', 7: Circuit confer·

II:l,',C.(f~;'I"I'!l' 10:3d~ a.m,; Luther-,. service, Laurel, 2 p,m.

LTn~ophih"s Church

( ..\. ~)('~\.'('~~e~!~~~~o:)school.

worship service, 10:30.

':.:iL P"ul's Ev. ,Lutheran Church(H, M. Hilpert, pasfor)

Frl:];lY. Dec, :1: Office hours, 7-9

Adm. 75c

, .. ~

'iir$t ;NntioJtnl/!tlJtK WWAYNE. NEBR.

" rK,eep -th'eWolf from your door! .In these days ofhi!;iher incomes and stbndard~ af living therearen't many Wolv~s anymore. I Gaod th~ift' yo~r secudtY,ond credit, so ope'" a Sav­ings ,f'~count soon. '

,S,~t"rdoy, Dec. 4JIM FOXX'

0;":]' his 'Chd,,,s1'G'CI

~,f~N" r'$~'i\~ , ....~..TEEN D3\i\ICE

Friday; Dec. 3l.i'fTLE YO[F.

cr~d t!,e 'rrtCiin'~OtrgSAchn. $1.00 . Parents lllVit~d

~?~Jrndoy, f;:?:z,~. ;:;, Om.::l~,il'5' Gre<:Jt Shew Uand!

Eii][)¥ 11A!:>[)Ai)Clnd his Orc!uestriJ

I\dm. $1.25 ta'x pd.


\li<:><I"csdC!y, Dec. 8(, F...t DMtchmen

W5C,r; r~cctsr,lrs ('ilrl Brr'Hll'YIl

Ow [:1.'111'1";"* .

"I'llt':;l!nv1l1,1(11: Il'Sl'll(1

servicolllun of ('i1uTe!1. /\ ('arc!of th.1rks was f('::If! fom fhi"' 1,11"<.'.M~·y Wc:ibJ(' fnmil~' ('h(\s'el'Wylie \vas prngr;l1l1 "Ch'lseh for Adion," l\-tr.s, SwC'igard rl.'::ld an article, Sludvof ChosC'11 i\lissions. 'J 10'1Wa('krl" was hosll'ss.meC'!in!~ will he Del', 2Jo'clock IUllcheon.

INSID~· E'· N'.EW'.'S{;j~IManVAWO.1'~5 .. fo·r II ~[~7n,:';:.~~a~.i~~::r:;n~~r.Bpo,r~l: Il t:.nA~~·~~~~~~nl::,:)~:hil~~~;ll:e~~n:~II~I'I~)~A I'i'*"lsD.. Carol, Mills, and Darll-ne Schutt \' Club wo.k r.,lstratlon, ,ttYI._ _,. - 4" H' Memuers Given "rma Janke, Jan Zath .nd SaU~ I (General Moton); " J rflltU. chlmplon,. S.nd,. Dunkl."

, .b '. ':J '. • . \ Lv aw,"·dsl,"',., l'"s"'"I;I at Z~~~;,IR;::~; p~~;;;-:; Dunklau.!' ,:e~~on:I~~~d Jlt:~~r~~(.~:lcn::'tn~~ 1~~~'';:a.~o::~~:t~~i'.~:O.t~~:o:,~ Dixon C~unty FB M,.tIqr dys~ Rclt:hc~t. -- Phone -286.4594. " l-it, ~Jchil'Vl~llJ(,~11 day illl wa~'n('I ... S:jfdr:t Dunklnu, Hhonda Hamwn.:. -'f Ro~ney H8ttl, .GarY Knlsemnrk, :\1· , vue ft"rve ~h.mplon (WlIh.',); _ t\ 'I1lt~,·llti~: or the UlX"un COU'tlt, J

I I'night. A ";!ory of thr. main ISLftldra Hansen, Judy Herrman, ,'~ Ian Meyer un,d Daniel Itob..-rls! Dllilrict c.llnfl rt\~I!lt.rl'lUOl1. Idttcp V.l!'10 Hurl'llu, uraahltaUUI); .w" rMu. A. Greo 0105 I:111,1 ,'II,,:;, (100, (ira",t, [lev. und :rop\iy wjnrl(~I",~ J~ (In tJl(~ {ir,St IJn;~e iJoAnn Mere-hunt, ctndy Meyer, Lin· f: _ (~loorman's Ft.·cds); Hpecial' p'ro-l Sh:IWlnl1n, Ed\~ln null, {WhIUn'}' hl'l;tl \\t(·dnhulj~~· tWI.·nln_ "..M Jut

WOl'l hits b~(m rccl'lvr'd In Will !.\11"" IJ, .Ili Hillh~rt. Ml' and ~frs, iO! sfc'clhm on.:, ida Perm, Sheryl HohcrfR, Virginia 'Ii grams:;..... publIc speaking., I.Jnda \Elev.llton; dbtrlel ClllUIJ "rell.lslJ'<l \~'l·l·k ,It lilt", orne" In All.n~ at- r~Hlc\ of the de.lth N(!~ J!. df \11 S I(,IiI !fi;l IJ 11 urtd Llmll}, ()mtlh'l I Following IS a II-:.t {alphabet. Iit flH'rt5 and CynthIa Sahs {Slm. l ~anson (Pure OU)~ ,boy's rl'Cord. lIon.·r-hnmlllon nlllrket Jleu of thr('4' d("l'd SmHh .r,'tVt' Ii," rCtj\oi't, ,t.,. the;Arth I11' Glt'lll, Lflllg HI', I 11 (,til! I'lt ,Ill J :\!lS f.)oll Lnhl{('nbf'l"'g and ['CallY) of award winners in var. II)llClty Patterns), cle<:tnc, Mark I' Lnrry Magnuson (Folger's Coffee): ISowinc, Gar}', KrtHl('ltlltrk tWUYIW ;H'l,killl'~" .nt Iht! ,.tat., e0ni',nUonShl' I, jlY'l~I"IlH'l Hilill ~l(:-db"pn. 1,1!1ll1l 1I(J<,kltHi, Mr nnd Mn. My- lou' field' with the names of r..j( 'g. Va~lghn Korth. Alan Meyer Muht beef',Mnv Ann Do~r'IKlw:mis,clU,b): au.~xpc!tS .•. -l"li,.~1 III S.'~'I'll, ..hh\!(,. '~.~,x, m~e:tlri.,wIUidnu..(f I I of lh(. tdtl' Mr ,JIld 1\11 S r III (.I, (f <lnd f110111y ,und Mr tho 6wl!Ird Spon-5or$ In parcn. :Hlfl DaVId Stuthman (Westing· cay (Sa'.wIIY); t'lon., Amy Cor. dub weck trip; Jnnlce Ol~ll (l'itut~ t.l~ hitIJ,I)'. 1>;\\', 2J,Chal1 I '\C('IJh.llll ~.)) s t.l ('Ill I~ ,Hi I ),11 s Hlrhard SorenSlm and theses. Pictures of the top win. Ihouse), 1 v.II' (UnlvCtnlty Slidell. Club); ~._----~~--_._-~,,--,,_.~ --",,'~ .".--" -"", .sun'l.c J by IH'I' 11llSh'llld, I\~(j son W,nl'j' .111(1 Mr Mid Mrs Iners and performers lIro 1Iiso in euods (nutrition). Ann Bni~r,l ogrlcultural achievement urtl.i. ichllrlJ,'n .tncl t'hO gr,IILll(!lIldl{1l J d\\ tnt ~wlH,ln anll 'lOllS. this week's Herald. !!{.IthY

jDUllklllU, VcrI Preston "and I cate;'Maurlco- Boeck~nfuluer (I"· i WINSIDE ST':.AT'·E· 'BAN"K

--- I. • Merl.lh went tl1 the lollowmg : J () {' I ell Winegardner (General fernatlonal Hlirvll'sferL 'Boeckon· I '

S · t IThanksgJvlng • . • AchwVC'nH'llt, Vl,kl B.lln, (,tlhY Ir o(jds , !Dod prc5crvatlon. DIana hau.r also geta a trip to the nae-Ioc,e Y.~,. llll l\ulOld J,lllh family SJlPnt. Bilker John CI,lU~ <}ud MICkeYI·J.allkC (Kerr Jars>, garden, H.tlth :'"";':,: 1,".;1,',"1'.,"""": "tlonaJ 4·H m..t'" top, pc:ain,-. W' ,,' -, :"-,"I!,I;;ir'lli:~~',i"tl'i""O~I'nl j!~rccost" thl' drlY In th(~ Denni!;: .rnnk~ home, Topp '(Ford), ,Ql1'('UlttJxc, nog('r r,usta on, JIlJle Hagemann, Diana T'=R~Y MU~HLIt\EleR, .IOn, of member In 4~H In Nebtll'$k.. inside,, ',',';,I,:,.,j,.:.i~.~·'

;) ... ·,1 Lmcoln !feftl Dan nee:'} Da\-C' Rccs dnd Janke,and Roberta Ruzleka (Farm tho Er~~"~' MU.h~m.Jent, Win· Special awards were; Club'wtick EA'R'N" -4.'-"".' .".~.. 0""" ,>Ir~Thu,:,,,day, Dec. 2. IlJinn.(~r ~-uestR in Lilc Marvin Jolm' WatsDn ('I;ltcrnational" nar.\Eq(!lPme-nt DivisIO~); sldo, ha. been "le~fl'Cil for t'rlp, champiQn demonstratiQn tcam 'CQterlc, Kr~IIl'l('r h{Jm~ W(lre Mr. and Mrs. vester); ~ealth, Connl. Bak.r, R.uth Ins. at Lowry A,FBI

, Colo" It "n over ~"4, Sandra and Kathy Dunk·Frld.y" ,Oec. 3' ,i }~lrner SWIJnson Hnd ,daughter and, .. - GIjIstafson, Cindy Larson .hd air force mlnlle .l.ctronlcs _1M'" l"u (Wayne' C. of C.); district

Three,{,'ouTS' nrld~(c clull, Mrs. FI.'.i{' W.endt Mr Beef,. DUJ~l' Backstrom •. JOh.Jl D~.~bble Meyer (Ell Lilly); home chllh.t. Airman M",ehlmefer Is a camp rq...--jstratiollj dCrTlonstration})inochle Card dull,' :In(j ,"l~": Gus I<r;Jl~er and iI~: ~n(i ?Iaus, Le~ NI(:J.'w~ ,~Il(l Glona .I.)?'. eCllcn~mic., Rebe-c.c:a' aernthel, 1965 graduate of 'Winside high tcam undl-r H, Connie Baker and

Wedne9'-tlny, Doc. 8 1.\ll's. l1ohN'[ KraIllOr" und fa'mily. ~arc.I (duf UIlI), bl r;~tl, Ann Bd!~r, S n~ra Dunklau, Diana Jank:. school and took b.-Ie traln~ng at Debra .Meyer (State NationalLCW mc("lnf~, ,'fr. illl'-! Mrs. DwaYne Willers Kathy Dunklau. San(lra Dunklau 11 d: Cynthia S.h. (Montgo!"ery LacklanJA,FB, Tel(. Bank);

Thursday., Qlt-c. 9 : hud as their dinner ,guests, ~r. Jnd Lynn Rog.genbach (St:lndard ard); home Improvement, L1n-, Club week,Itrip. ehampiori indio , ',.'§'Neighhoring Circle, "lid ~1", Dcwev ,Jensen·'.tid fnm. BRand,); clothm~: C.thy BOker, d F••be., Judy Horrman, Dob· vidual demonstrntor ovcr ,,: Cathy GUARANTEED ON .Y.OURSAVIN.G:i,.. '.I..... '.,I.'.. ',.

Hy If' '" /(. "!Ii M .. d M Ktlthy D,unklaiT, Cmdy ;\I,eyer and b e ~aul and Connie W.t.on (5 Hurd, Baker' (First National Bank); dis·Br.~a. Ctub Meets )'1~;'vill1l~~lt;~~n ~~d·'fa'm~iY~~...cxi~:: Linette Olson (Coats & Clark's); it d'H Foundation); Meyer trict. camp registration. d air y Member F.O.I.C. - O.POI~tI Inlur,.d Up To $10~"!':!'ii"t,M",~ndM~H,Jamcs'C.Jrn. Oalr~MltcheIIBaie~Sally ~eadi~im~h~~i'~Vijlc~~j.Bij~ijH~.~Miuizijll~~i~i~~j~i~~iij'ih~e~wiminin~,;L~~idi·jBi·i~iri(~Di·i~~r~~il.~~,;~_:_:_:_:_:_:_:~:_:_:.:_~~~----~-----~~~~~~;enterllllp,d nrifl~~(~ r1pb S,un<!:l,v, :;1'[1 and j\;r, and Mr~, Vernon JeD- _...,.. I' ~-Prlt".": ','.'f'nt to :\1'r, :IWJ '\1'1'<;, ,1\,.: ',I'J) ,

, ltllh(~, "'1''', Imd :ltlrl Wi] ~ '.1 r·. ,'HId :\Trs, Fred WillieI' ~JJ(mimer ',"':":,. p:n'!',,. wlll Ill' i1t1lill' "''-'(']I''nil with 1,hc LeHoy Witt.Wilr1ll'l" 'r:d:s /)l'{', ):) ii,' f Illlil.!', Line{JJn. _ i

ill the WarrenCard P.:Irty Held worc Mr. and ;\Jrs.

Mr, illld Mrs, WilYi'll: Tille] 'W('f." 1',Vj]1jIltll ami Dawn, Omaha.hosts t~), Nckhllorho;IfJ dnl ]l;!I'!V '..Jr. Thorvald J<I('onsenMond,I'.' 1'\,Pllillr',. (;I(('~:j~; \\",'rp 11),j Hoy Davis. '"and Ml',;. ]tn,';.'>('11 B:dr:l, :\11 .\Jr George Voss a'11dMI"!i. ,J!lhn Hohlff :\11' ;lnd .\!r; "1"f~lld,1 h,l1 spent tht~,week(!nd,

How;Il':l :\!orrls, eard.': fijI" lWl" parenti;, Mr. and 1\1rs.menlh·!':.; \Yl'rl' I\ll' "rrs \1 H"11 lkns:lOof, C;I'Sper, Wyo.fred Si"1"(:r<;, :\lr, :Illd ,'Ill'S C('r:J1d ',It" :ltlr! Duane ThompsonJh't':. r' ;\tr~. W;'\lTP!1 '<Ie! guests :\-Jr, and(;\1" ',yen! 1'1 I ~l', 'dllrl ~ons, J[owells,1\11"'; :Inri. '\'1"" , llJ:J , J\lrs. r;rnest Elder.H~'..':' ,'('tl1l" \' 111 hl.' In t!:i" nnd .\JI'.';, 1)011 T'hics spclltW<lr;'( I) i\J:al', _~ IlIJll'1(' jlpc I. wit,lJ her parents. Mr. and

;\.:j'ccks, Ilospbllr,!Z, Coll:J.!:,~u('sts in th(~ Eler Nielsen

wcn~ l\-'ir. and i\-Irs. JimLalll"t'l, Mr. unll Mrs.

Norfolk, LoydJ.IIV('rUe, Minn." No~ris

tllar!ison, Minn., Mrs. An­am] Mr. and ~-trs

IverSen, Bill and' Tom.and Mrs. P.hillip Farley,

Tl, la" were gue.sts of her.'.\11' awl'Mrs, Emil Thies,

Ocken, Herm"n, Mo.,,'.Tr~;. I Jerman Schnetz

:Vlonday in tbe WiI­hom(', Mrs, Oclwn is a

Mr's. Schuelz.


S· .

--:" ·~·:~:.~~"t~':~~f:~f:·:';!;·;!tt~~~{';'rr

$1"90'"":', I


3 I.Lb.. Loaves






Liquid Qt,J~~:O $199

Reg. $2.49 '





silver Dollar Night Drawing atl SUPER VAtUThursday at 8 p.m, For $.35~.O~.

S &., H GREEN STA~PS"'1 '

&C)tFLAV-O·.rTf FROZEN1St Orange

, lulce

c6:a::95(~HoiiiNINC g::·S'~



GRAPEFRUIT10 for 49c

Cake Mixes$UPERVAW

SPko 4 $JWhit" 190:.

Yellow ,pStgs.

Devils food ,


Wayne's Home-Owned


. . '. .'... . . EFFECTIVE° • I Dec. 1

, '. ' thr:u Dec. ,41,'.1 " .. ,. '" ,* WE GIVE


RiB'sfEAK79~, ;;AM5:479


Holiday Safety C,!mpoign


defy .. 0

, Cltri$tmll$;

• . JlERE,A~ the NaliOtHl1 Snich' CllUIlCIl is conductin" ,a' r~~m',po'ign to reduce thc' imnunl Chrlstm1l5 SC;ll:iOn accidl~nt toJi *h1ch1:1~t year reac~ed a total or 2Q Rrddenls, n~'JulthH: in $2204 worthor' ! Ol)Crty dnm8g~~ a'nd I injury during the mouth of Decembc,rIn ayne,' Nebrasku, and

, HEftE'AS the f'iat\onai 'COnfCfl'!1Ct· Cor Hcligiouli Leadersh'ls asked aU reliSJQus and c1vlc·r~ to t'O':)per;.tte i,n :..11. all­()~t Cllmpalgn to, ~revcnt tracc<ly on the highway:> and: In. the'hille!" 0 our cquntr,Y, and

cj, HEREAS Wayne, Nebraska .... 111 conduct d. Chrlstmilt~' ca'm·pqitJl, whlt'h will,dclllon~.trlltc 'that In''h is literally his brother'sk~c )er. r

1 '

. .to. ' . ';":":::, .. "..:,.........+-...........:;......--_-..,._...;. ..;.;...;. ,1 ~lr.' anll ~fu, O;~~ll.;I;l'i 'Hj(Jt"duurl,~1:i\\', ,.In.1 \hti. _\\'illi~~lIl 'n:lrl The- Wayno U":lobr.1 Horald~ T~und'!1. D.ftm,b~, -2


,.nd 'Pome-lit; SI~U1X,CH.v, "i1M:lnt, O~r>,;fr~'\" f.l\kl" ,f:r1rk~ ~"fllrfb~' th~y , _ _ ' . ..> ,I •

I~CJ:ld "'lth her JJ,m..'nh. Mr. and1.\.·i.~.'lh."<1 ,r..rl...~n.<.I.,.tH.II(.i."f.~:llilJ\'~s,'It!.t..."•." . ~l.r ... Ol"d.. ". '." , " f"....•.~lltk ".llts'r..., I. D..' I . ..C t H. 1.1..•....••.•IIrs As-my!' ll',l:b. I ,jl ioI: .It) 1 , I 1111 ~ ,Jl-a 1.1. ~~1:!1\'1 T)IOiHkl>.hla: "Oi)', Ur, l.....u.! xon GUn y ON·.'~_

I t~~~1t~.d ..~tr: iII:HI ,:Wlr~. f\n~~1U ltoty:rr . .e'l'IH:,e "·';,lk. lafourhcad, Mtnn .• : 1 ~. -,' ,I

Churches SI;',. ,I\l '" .. .I " l . I""" 1',,1\,. ':"rl"lk. \1, 'I" I \1" DrIve for State Float.r " _ 'i ,",ilf,l' S~·hl:'lrll:h.,ft' ;1~lcrl'U IWI""",,,' ! ~.>11l1. UJLlt. ~Uln1,m, -Mr,.' lind Mn.:j, , , " ,'-,.~ ,,~: ,:,j',).",.;;

1 P..u Unitfd ChUfC1'\ of Ch,rht )at RrY:in Ml:l1lorbl M~f,it~t. I"ln· ;\t,H(!f1 Wlllktr aud f.llnItY.'Mr tt,lld,; ',,\ dd\!(' tu·· r~hll hl~"b:.Iut .prj).(Jo-hn E. S.,-,tHJn, ,1'J~tor j. : ;,oln: );I)('nl I 1(.' \\, l:t.kt':l'! ,V{jt~l I:cr'i '! r~, J llll\f'~ 1·~1I1k., Mr _' ~~j '1rs.: \'idmlit 1:1 .Nd,rtlllkii nui:I.. l t~f, ,lb,

T~UrlldllY, l~rec. 2: ,f.)(I({,'<l,S' .:-i-~H'll' ,(, Mr. und Mr~ IllUl, ~C"ht Lt' ; 'f.~rll J(.'·~WIl" Ilnd \ IrJj'lnl, un,t ~\1f!11, j"OnUiJlC ,h4,)"'1 1)"nHh.~ Nv:w" ,).•••r.~.,:/!)' luneh~n. "t tlUt ('hlln~h',alHt :t :tH-"h , '". -", ;H.1tIh· l'nnet' "Iltht In 'Illtlnl h "dUn. ,.U~iPU,.t~jft _cxC'han;;::~. 1 p.m. I,' .\1r. ,~lld \tr~ ..:\t(')"\,\';-n. (.t'~« ,\;11,} -'~""-'"" • ~Iln IJlxf,J1I C\.IUlIl,\·: C~.!lt br ~.[.OOIt~1

S.1iurdrt"·, J..)('.C. ·1: C',ufin,nJdtHl t!('h t. ,lrh:1pd,Ih., .111 " I[ft Sun.1.I) '.ThonksQ.ving. '... '. .. ~l;L\ h~·,l.!U ~''!oI.llll,lt.ktl ,:ltl '.7..,~...'1:'~la!lI. 9::30·11:30 a.m. ' au:r IIpqf1thn~ Slllt~c,' \\('dn.t'~day jlD j, nr)d"')1 .. ~ ''lJiX t,r\l!:c,'r l'n1(-I"! NI>"trI41rl Ander.",", Co...c.t~ ,I.

Sunday, Utc, ~.: CIl1,.lr('h st>hun'l. :It', hOI,lit~ of I.'h v ..rcnl~, Mr, aijd, :lill(.J tor ,\II'. '::tntl '1r~,' lkttni.ln j rtcelv'f\U ,dltn_llon,: 'torn,,, Dl,,-ctn 'III a.m.; wor:ghip; 11. " \1es. l::f,Vo'I.1"1 ldnl'h, I :Rdll. ard rJmll)', JI.:a)' Sliorinlr:!Il, Mr I coun.Y.'~l1ld.n·,., ~. w:~'t.:~" '1-"Wednesday. Dec. 8.: W;\1S in Otto T:,.nnkl<p'l\'lnr. ~lm.nN was ht'H. ~l +."'.Id ~'n•. Gc,"rhtlrdt .Wt'btr lind Jttm, ! ward (nonIY., to. tn•..•.t.f~~",~ .....,Ulrich home, 1:30"ll m. '\'lw Arthur, rKruq· .'h(lInt'. }·rt".t>nt~H··, ~lr. Bnd ~1fS '~hilll!J I.ubk... ~ tonnl.l c.omml..totl -whU".. ,1,

\\..('Ir~ ~!r. llnl.!, ~lr~\ Ar~ol1 Wlntttr. ,;.I!1l1 (.:.10111)", O.!im..ond" Mr, ltnd ,~'h. i 'pon.o~lni',th. clTl'I... ':',Puce EUB Church .'l'~~]t' anl! \ah:rlC. :,t.. nnd Mrs. !H, W. '}laubach, MrK. Anna ,Ihl:u, 'I In utl.dHlon to ~h~ .lh-(,1~..itdf.:

(John E~ Saxton, ,Illtsto.p 1 (t·lth Wmtt:r and Jalw, Mr., and: bA('':! Mltl l,(~e SUt' ~Veber; Norfolk, whi) .wlll- S't.;'t, tht; noM h( '~t.on; !;Saturda,Y, ne~. 4; co.nhI'l1latiOn:. \[rs., ,~ll1rkfl Wlnh~r 14m! Kelly, 1. \fr ,and - M. n. WUUlIi Kuehllr and \ :nlllion'l.. fUN\". will .Ntft" 'It ~.. cqlor

I THEREFORE, as Mayor of thb city, I do hereby, on behalf :Iass, 2·(·,p.m. ! 'IJrf,Jlk, Max IhHISt~, ~lr. lind MrJl. j family. MNutCH\I Grm1ej ~r ~nlt I ~'nl 'h'lt,\'i~itlf\. Fvr ttn~t' r•••an.I( he .eIHzenry, of wayne.', Nebrask. ,I, declare enthusiastic par· Sunday, ,Dec, 5: Worshi!> .'Sen'·',' ~'ll~f('n !.:lI',"tlHl, PWrCl\, Mr. lint! ,: Mrs }~Ift1N MII,h'r ::lnd famity flnd ~'111 I q:nlll:l:lllhlll:l lUll!. IndlHduDh;tici )"Uon in the 1965 ChcJslmas Holiday Safety Campaign and eel', 9:30 a.m.; Sunduy school, ~ Vn. Dllrryle II.UISl'. 1I~(~ ,(II mil:; , : Jtlkt· V,'ebt,':, PIt'I'(\(', . I:IH~ bel"" 'A",kc~l l(l h'Io'lp.~ t1~I~~1~~b~:1l1 ue.0nj;~a~~O~I,e IlO~/lt~ t~ t~l °t~::r;Uo~~e t~e~~1u~:' 10:30., : ".aillir, ~.1r. unf! Mrs. bl,",:'Hl Un.J': Amon~ Iho,,~' jlrt·.,wnt ttl a 'lHdll;~"l IIi-lim lind 1I.ifl1c Wllh d~n.Uon.'.Oi"cdents dUl'i.J..I this ycar's Christmas-New Year holidays. I Tucsdav, Dec.. 7: Ft~[bwship:'~ll', ;,\fal'k lind Eddlt·, !It>SkIllS, MI~"lflllllil,)' dinner lit the Vl'}o'Uhr'111'l'gtt 'or, .m.. lI" '. :c' ""::b:,<,..,,,,,~1

~ i , ~ .'iupper, 6:30 I?in.; am.anI ('ongre,:. !Ind .. C.'lllrcnc,e ~ruse, SU~le mlln hOh\.~., No', w("te. Mr. And J')0!11 '.Shrint~.r: ,.Ol.•'tcm•.•.........•....•.!;..FIRST· AID is being learned by' Troop 17S .',Bay;. S~outs." A,ere 1: 'J therefore urge ('very cItizen tf) bL' 'especially thou'ghtltil ,oJ meetmg, 1-:45. ! .:lnd 1{1!)P and Jll'fb{!rl MatUlles, "~no Lyls: Mllr(Jl~ Itnd Mr, nnd tl'lUlUll t'onltubfl'lon, It in: :CM:m:c'-':;,Bobby Nelson ,'s the "v,'ct,'m" as B,'lly Fletcher, Kirk Russ«!I.I, M.. ark the rights of his 'neighbor anu on the stret'ts and highways. to - 1 IPIl»er. . Mrs. I,alm MnrtM and lumH)'. of Ihl~ nnllt fund tld.vl. ;lnntm"'I~';;\~

- h dri e by the golden ru'le', to set a good exampie for other drivers,_ Trinity Lutheran Church 1 I anr! 1\lrs. nus Perskt" Bos· Mr, nnd Mrs. Clintnn RC'bl~r t~'n-· tltm un lhtl pruject rrutf" 'e-,,:' '.'i Wiltse and Kit RU5sell Ileft to right,1 pl/ilce him .()~.:~~"._s.!.~~"~~_.,.~~:.... to >bservc, all trartle Inws, and .not to drive aftcr drinking dur· ,WlscQnlh"$yhod ,kl.n!'O, Mr. and Mrs. D~mald Lenz, (<"I1..uined M~l ItIU! ·Mrs. Hu:-: V.. Uted fmm him or from,:' .1'-:",

' ing the tftjliday season. In additIOn, iwe mUlit eliminate hazards (J. Edwurti.•....1~i."ndqUist. Ilastdr) IPIe-rN'. Mr. and Mrs. BI~I 1I0ff,.nan,. CUnnIngham. Jill lind Ol.\'id, oms,! ,<:.Bo' y Scouts Le'arn :'n:owved for x:raying. '~.. ,lhe. "ie.ell

in he home during the campaign and at all times. Wednesda'YIDec. 1: hAL Itlct't-; 'Irs. Hosa Hoffman: WInside" Mr. ha, :'t1rs. c.1 L., Nor· e:,: ""','1

' li ll .. bug withm. a bag"wJuch is ing.8 p,m:"":i,IM' :ilnd.:\1rs.~h!rlll)p((,II"Norfolkandlfolkand Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. I.: _::<. h f . '. AOd CTus'hed. relw8liinn II chemical to CHRIS TIETGEN Thursday, Oce. 2: Ladles' Aid: \11'. an:! '~.1r$. WiIlrcd ,'ii1lpr nnd, Schroeder. ,Chur~h.Gc"tng .F"",Mue 0 First '. ,mlx with a :~llcmicai in "the outer Mayor, City of Wayne fdhr.istmas party ana 1 o'clock din. : ~nn-dy, . ~tlll1ton, w ~ ,t c ~(\sls I ~1r., Mrs.. Clio.tHn Htl'her. i First Bnp.lIst t'hure.b.'" J~l.:, '". -, ,:, bilM· 1hc- result: rnstant.lcold to put !ler..' ,rhnnk;~lvuJ.L: day. i~ the H~5'H'.n Paula 'and. Carla attended Oil' t1ln.I'{l..ttlll~ it n('~' fUrnAt«l.-''\I' ~Aro~dld 20 Hoy Scouts from I.'m" in;urcd SP:lts. Fnday Dec 3 'Church .coundl I f10ffmanl hlJlllc' WJl1sJd(' Incr meeting of the rut /II ](·t1l'r 1I,l,llS 01 J.tIWLWd It) nllnovo ~ ~

'I'roop ,1'75 know '8' lut., mor.e ubfJut I Slllln'sl. Ilrtlf1('inl r~~piration, ..."_._.~-_._---,-~._---_._-- _."._--~- and adult lnstruch'ms 7 30 II III Gll'~1li for Thanksgivmg In Ith(' cltrrlt'rs Sund~,)' at Phllnvh.'w furulIt'i-! IUld Ilfl'PiU'C II plAo~ ltor Ui"first aul thun the.y dltl six wC"eks h!l11l1l\gill~, methods fM IVictims of Sunday, Dcc 5 SllnfL1Y sc'JlOol, Ht'tln I~all~l'nbel'g, sr, home ,~erc Jimmy lkhJ}"wr spent Thanksgl\' Illl'w furnltce Inst(lgO, 'l'h('Y hliVC ~ttst cornpleted a IvurioJls tYPC5 of p,oisonH and other H'b'S'KINS' N'EW'S 9 15 am, family wllrshl]l 10 :\11 .Inrl '1rs Ell BC'rgin and 10m ling .... c(·keud In tlll' rJlI Jocnhs I!1l1'lIJlwn. h,tVt· IH'('IIcourse ill j'le subject. i IJ!leful inl;Jrml.ltion I were studied'. __ Ill" lIol} lood, Kan Mr <Jnd Mrs horne, IIo\\('lls 'i.j)t'd:~l fuml to p:.)'

All the routino procedures were IThOflC finishn'g I'he course. ,nnd Me and Mrs Ernest !'Pllsk(' tlart'nc(' Johnson .md Keith Darrell PuIs, LIIl("ulll. liplmt the Ililt! tlH' Irush'I'!. hun.!loarnqd plus llome I"'a) are not, IHlsl:dng the test qu,llilie,d for one ,,-pent FrHlay to Sunday In 10\\ IIWu,ne, and MI' nnd Mts Leo ,Iny with his Ill\rcnts, Mr and ;\ofrft b':ctl to gr'l « IImaU80 rGutlnll. Rowan Wiltse, who J.f the most difflc'ult merit badges _+ ~"_M_I't_._J,_E,_P_jn_~g_el--;-_P_h_a_ne_5_6_5._4_5_07 dSltmg her s.ster tinct brother 10 IKlr!;ch antI famIly, M~_~~~~~~_~~~~.,~~."-~~_~I_~_- .._ r~__ ~ht. rcmlllnd~r .."~c'''~'!'''''''""'':''takes II r~fresher eoprlIe eaeh ,to cum, Ut5l aid _ ..yoar, taught the- class fer six I 0 Mr and Mrs. Ed Bergin ,and given by Mrs. Adolph Brugge- 1i .I "*""reeks. with the flMI session I " iami!, HolYfood, Kan., S pen t man. A Christmas lunchcon 'and 1 DMonday. Mr. and Mrs. Leuis In.gelhart and; Than sgiving lin the Henry Lllngen- L'ift l'xdlange IS planned Dec. 15 Wayne's [ 8WSTWIJ uf tll'e llt'wel" dl'vict.'s WPrC [family leH ,sllndtly for their home 1 »crg, sr" horlle. :.It the I\lrs. Awalt WaU{cr 'home. 0 ry I

plilstie spllllts :lml ','insl:,wl j'ec.": in !lldjana (lfjprj,Sp('ll1liU;~ Thunks· '[ ;vIr. 'and Mrs. Kcnne:!l Mar!llanz! ---- Home-Owned ~ •.•••.••••••Tilt' sp.lllllts al'(' pln"i~H'r fn'lll when, '~lVlllg \'.'eeltl'lld m the i\lrs. G.' f\, 'lnd.. family, omaha,. sp~~nt sa.tur'l N.. Ci 91.'b. ors Club M. eets .in(Jlller! and el(J Iwt 'have 10 bl.' IWade h['llIJ'. , lay in the Claus Rathman home !'III'S \-Villlam Rrogrcn entcrtam.,

.- wil'h, Mr. and Mrs .. Verne Langen- (',1 Sca1!el'('d Neighbors club Wed· Ibcrg and family. wi!'h 13 members answering i

1 call, "what each was most: .• ~............. • ••••••••

\l:l;:r~~~~;ltf;'l~., ~ll; f:1~~li~;: ~ ~ ••••••'ti~ ':'.:"~ j ,*'..Im:sir!l'd. ~rs. I,vlc Krueger .rend Ian article and ,I\Irs. Marvin Wluler !

!'IIr);. Cerald Becker gave tlw I' *The Christmas' party will

a 12:30 dinner Dec, 15 at the I:'vlyron Deck home.

~, Lb,89 c\ ' .




ALL THESE GREAT ~RTIS SAndyWilllams' Andre Koat.lanetz· Anne Marla A ber­ghetti • Eugene Orm4ndy • Rlcf\ard Tucker'. fAa ri~

~~~~:I:eD;a~:"": ~~,,~&:~~0:''8::1;D~:~;Sammy Davis, Jr. :


ALL THIS GREAT MUSIC, Oh Holy Night· It Cam. Upoo A Mldol""l Clear.

Caroling, CaroJing • Jolly Old St. NlenoTas • Little

~~~~Hae:k~~~; ,~~~~a~l;er;esT~~~l!~~e': ~eO~I:~~~~:r~o~~sH~~:y~rS;I~':I:~g;I~~~nf~:hT:~~~r~~r~)ofChristmas· Oh Little Town of Bethlehem' Lo H w A

~~~e~~r :~O~:illI~fut.5.fh~e,~n~g~ ~fl~~ II~~J,ingle Bells' II's Christmas Time All (lver 1/1e W r14·

* All prices pIw UlI Offer Good on Whitewalls

~r~=~1 GO" GGGDlioCOODYEAR MAnON.WiDE"NO UMIT" CUARANTEE-No'limit on months· No Umit on miles' No limit~ to roads· ... "mit" .•as to speed· For th~ entire Iif~ of the tread. _ AI:!- NEW ~OOD!EAR A~On~ AJtE GUARAN~~ i1ga!~st ~B!eets t WO~·.

:1~:~~~~~~~~~o~~~d:R:~fi'~~ya::~~r~~::Ooo Goodyear dearers in th~ ~n~ed S . sand """"",.!"H..Canada will make allowance on a new ti1;e based on original tr~ad depth. 'remaining and Goody.ears printed."Ex.f an~e'

f.rice" current at the: time 9f adjustment, not on the high~r "~o Tra~e·jn.Pric~." . ". . ;2',!i~l.~ili~ilii~~iii!i:~I




By Mrs. Lawrence RinqWakefield ATla~ 1~2620



1\1r, and Mrs. Walter Haug ar­rivrd fram W:1CO. Tex., Thursdaymorning to visit in the JohnBocckennauer home until Monday.

. 111Cy entertained at supper Satur­rla.v far their guests: Mrs. Alic€<Boerkenhauer, Mr. an'd Mrs. Lau~rcnce Hanson, Weldon Mortenson,Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heikes 'and Lin·d<l. "\e'.V(' Cl.<:\ 1('. Mr. and Mrs. For·rr'st Hansell. Oakland, Mr. andi\1r5. J. C Bressler and Beth Mau,Waypc. !Hr ~nd MI'S. Dave Cham­bers. Thurston, visited the WalterlIaugs Friday cVf'ning. The Haubwere honor('d at a dinner in .the J.C, Rn'5sJ{'l" home Sunday. Othersprf':,cn\ \\'crr :\1 r (Inri Mrs. John IBo('ckenhal](,1" and Mary and Mr. iallil 1'11'5. S<lTI,lahl: i

\lr '11r<; Daryl OlSon and ICity. spent sun.;thc Dennis Carl",


II<. Enst 3rd Stree



Office Phone 315-1471


. A KOEB~R, O. D.OP'l'OMPT..!!,YST

est 2nd I~~fGn~\ 375 ·31"


. 'Phone 375-2933,for Veterinarian on duty

1 mile east on 7th Street


BOB LI.JNLJj Registered Ph;u-macist

SAV-MOR DRUGPhone 375.1444


"Tt~s"~~~:~"j.rci ·a~d Jane re·\1 mained ~mtil Sunday when the

For The Bargain Hunter Ifamily went tp the Jim Stout homeI In :Neligh for dinner. Mrs. C. L.

See The Herald ~i:~\haen~. Danny' Bard aceompa-

WANT AD PA~:!I ah~lriJJn~letI.r~~Je~~<;:I~City. were at Essex. la., for theholiday and to celebrate the birth­qay qf the hostess in the Lutherq:old~erg llon;te. '"

1 .. i



215 W. 2nd Street

Phone 3'1!J·2500


' ...'

Wa:me, Nebr. ':-'-,'(ll'man Minola,Chica,~o, were!

Chinn home 1GEORGt L. JOHN, M.D to Sunday. With the I

PHYSICIAN A1ND SUR('.EON I :;]~('nl ;-';.;~llrdav in theI h('~'~f'r l1:lmc. Allen, with IFranc(", j~h()ad('s. Council Bluffs.

Friday (,\'('l1in~. the ~farvin Felt'Llmity \\"<Is in the Elmer Harrison Ihome. \Vnyne. \ isitinc: the Aldan .Sederberg fHmil,\'. Bentrice.

:lho~~~n~\~e;~e~i~.ina~~e ~ire2eL:~~:il Rockwell an,i illr. and Mrs. Carl

i D~I~li~~SaO}~. ~~~thE~~Qi~X g;:~~s and

Farm - Home _ Commercial ! ~~1I\~l~~ne ~e::rs~i:n~~m~e~so~Pone 375-2822 Wayne, Nebl seryance of their 2:::::11 wedPing

anniversary.Dinner and supper guests Sunday

in the Mrs. C. L. Bard home wer~Mr. ar.d Mrs.•Tim Stout and An·gela, Neligh .and the Go.Ji(iion Bardand Harley Bard families.K~tl1y'~ fourth bi:rthday was cele~

bra ted after school WedDes~y

\\~hen relatives gathered in the JimGustafson home to obsenre theevent.

Mr. and Mrs. Catl Bark. Lincoln,callec in the Cliff MunSOn home

WILTSE MORTUARY SU~~~Ya:~te;;~~~arnerErlandson,AMBULANCE SERVICE returned Tuesday from Colorado

WilJ-1U"d Wiltse -' Rowan Wilt&E Springs, where they had spent tvroLicenstd ~ect9rs weeks in the Paul Burns home.

~(jJie.~3'l5f2900 Waym




' ~EWING MACHINES-------:----- -r-;-,------i LTledtke Plumbing .! HFoting and Applicnces



TRIANGLE FINANCEPersonal'· Machinery

Cdmmissioners~Dist 1 _ _ ..Jonn Surber

,Dist. 2 . George StolzDist. 3 JIenry H!Jhneke

District Probation Officer:!:William Eynon 375-1250

Attorney:Charles McDermott 375-2080

Vrter:~ns Service Officer:. Chrl.s Bargholz .. __ .._37s.,~764

Assessor: Henry Arp ..3'75,1979

Clerk: C. A. Bard ..375-2285

Judge: .David J. Hamer ....375-1622

Sheriff: Don Weible ..'375-1911

Deputy:E. L. Hailey . 375·l3CS

SURt.: Gladys Porter ..375-1777 1

Tr-easurcr:Leona Bahdc 37~'3885

Clerk of District Court:John T. Bressler ..375·2260

Agricultural AcrcntHarold Ingalls ....375·3310

Assistant Director:1\1rs. Ethel Martelle 375-ZitS


Mayor -Chris Tietgen 3'.'5·1423

City Treasurer ~LeslIe W. Ellis _375-2043

City Clerk -H9w,rd Witt 375-1475

City Attorney -John V. Addison ....._375·3115

Councilmen;: -. \Richard Kern. . _375-3742E G Smith ..I': 375·1690

, Alfred Koplin 375·3008'Dun Sherry 375-2842Lfle ~cymour 375,1503Kcnt Hall 375-3202

POLIC~ "'. 375'~626FI1{E Call 375·11221I0S!']TAJ~ ....375·3860

- --~- ---~------- ---


Kern Farm EquipmentSALES And' SERVICE I

.uj~ i:h~~~. ~ Ne'f Idea -, Ne~ lIouilnd' ~ Fox - Lundell '\

Phone 375·1616 . Wayne

and Profe sianol



UTO· LIFE - FIREP!"'Ol,UP~ Personal Service

1 ML ;Northl, of Wayne on Hwy. 15Offic~: 375·3470 ..L Res,: 375·1965

NortLwe*tern Mutual Life·D~le I~. Catstens, pi'strict hgent

- I And AssvciatesI Tel~Phone 375-1811 I

11~ Pr fcssional Building:. Wir; ne, Nebraska and Automobile Loans

X,ERVICES Phone 375-1132_ 105 W. 2nd


AD~ - SALES "nd SERVIICE CO~~~GHA·MILTON - WHITE I Phone 375-2525 I Wayne

Ph~n 375·3690 _. Wayne I~ "I

-'-Pr;;~se be kind to FARM IMPLEMENT


2· ..· 4:3'0 p.m. and· ~ to 8:3Ir p.m.", I;)aily

'. Wayne Hos~ita-'

~Qrm rs Insurance GroupALL \ OUR INSURANCE NEEDS


CH 'is E. BARGHOLZ IPmonc 3i5·2764 Waynr I



INS*RANC:::E' - BONDSo Fit All YOUfi Needsn R('li~ble Companies

Stqte Notional Banj<.Phonl) !·m5.llBO > 122 Main

De~endoble InsuranceFnH ALL YOUR NEEDS

, Phone 375-2696

Deonl C Pierson Agency'111 We -t 3rd Wayne

,..---- ,I,d

lEVflIry f1 )y(>rnJl1ri!1t officinl or ,\1:< "1,

·.bU.u~ thAt handle,; p/,lblie mUll"' ! "1'01.'1"e\r~, 8h~ul plJhli:>h at rugular I ~'.' tI,,'.,lntetvllh 111 I'tccolJntlng of It i :', I;.' ~'"showing her.., tlnd row c:'lB(h-' I '", ,j ~I'IIdo:lIM Is Ii ant. We, hfJld thi~ to 1'tI. J I I

be a "'fun ,anwntill principia ofdemocrat! gO\lernment._ ......-l-:_- .--J

.d ..N,ltll'!' I!l

titlll IIJl,.. IH 'II

"I tlill ,,'m nrth" llfopoltlllit! • X'-o-Illli

rOl' ',IPUr-lll,.. It I1,,'1' a. [fH;[" ~ ,Oilf Hl~.\ r,J .n I,R I:~ 1


=:=j~:~':~-' ._---=-=:--==--=---=~.:=----~-~_.~~~~~~==- =-~----=--~ - ---~~- -------- =~=-;==~~---------_._--.----==..::~~:::-..


(Est.' l~llr1)

l\it:l~alom~terService1:14 ga"t 41:h Street •

Phone 3.15-30:.10 Wayne, Nebr.



ll!i' '['HE UNI1'E:'D STATES

KEITH JECH, C.L.U·. IPh. ;)(5" 42!) 12()1,S \\'. 8Lh Wayn~'


RIDING·SIZE THAC'l'OIlCYCLF. i(Trailer I1nd Umbn·l1a 0180 AVIlUuhlc) Io'

Excitement for children! Authenti,'"l1y detl\ih'd.working Bcnle modelo of John Deere Farm l''clUip. ~ment. Superior in cOllBtruction ... uv!,illlbl. IljEHI;:1




$ 25.0050.00


$ .501.002.00




M.(mey YOIli Need For Next Year's

iC~i~i5'mfls Shopping. Ws The Smart

WlIY To Get That "Extra Money"

VOl.! Need At Christmas Time.




Am,j ~~@ W1)~der. By Simply Putting Away A

511l1@!! S!!Jm, Each Week You Will Have The


ristmas Clubfor 1966

Puts easy dialing in the palm; of yoor hand~ UPlifter l¥ich call; just press the

\ recall butto.n. to get the. ddiaialll.<lrie., You'll like the ,Trimliiletele-

I phone's c~nvenience. its modernNew compact hghted dial is g<)od looks., Both desk and wallright in lJie handset ... you can' moaels in lovely colors.make.callaftcr call while toung- To get full details about theing. in ¥9ur favorite chair or re- Trimline phone, c,al! our businesslaxmg m bed. No need toha~g .?~ce or ask your telephone man.

.J.;~Noilliwe~em Bell.

Methodi5t, ChurchJohn E. Horner, pastot)

Su day, Ocr. 5: Worship, 9:45a.m.; Sund[ly sC'hool, 11. .

51. PaId's LuHwran church helda sp'dal sefvict> Thursday, morniog ith I{~·v. 11. 1\'1. Hilpert offidatil.l':. Walther, [,l'agu('rs providedspeciul 'singing IH~compaJliiedMrs. Ellward Forie

H lie rest Project club made

, I f~:n~e~~~eaO~I;~i:t;:~e p~;:~ 1~~ IMa* your home a stanclout this Christmas ~II and ,II" Jack Knvan,,,,ghseas n with bright new full.size Christmas cele~~aled the;1' IOlh wedding an·

f'gu cs. Make them yourself by pasting the free ~~~~:~.a~tc~l::~;ll~~d~;~;:~tlr~l ;'~t~~::rpoUprns on e:u.terior plywood and cutting them cd by 4;) friends Hod relative'S.

tilt' f n "t l G tours sta ted t day' Pt'PJ~Y Erker·! Patty lloeman

;~*" S£8:«I '~~~ys :~~:r ;a;terns !F~EE:he~~;:~a~~rI~~~~b;f:~¥ni~:m, . ,- "1\Iiss -Eckert, Miss Hoeman,

, y II buy ply~ood. for their manufacture. ~r:e ~f~~;~~. lto~~i;r~~~~a';;cnaeP $1 00 E hW' h PI d Langenbcr,g, Holly Carr, Beverly


.Qu..erns.... , r,.'a.~C','h·.·~.'. It 'a~u.t... Ywra.o. ,.t. ~~~:~~;:~~:{~~d~~r~~~~~~:f~~~lfn. I Frank Lorenz and MI'. and:\lrs. Merle lIamm, Pammy andDebhie were visitors 'Sttnday Corthe occasion',

Dinner ,guests Sund·a!y in the

, :L.U·..M·B.•~ co. 1"OlTf'st 0iellle:OJl hom(' in 'honor_ ft IOf his bidtbd<1\' were Mr~ and 1\Irs.

,.. Eugene NdU'e\on <lnd daughters Wayne Phone.315...•...2 1~O. iand Mr. "_"'.I_'lrS._CIarenre \'Ie,

---------------------.--.--..:1 m~k, \Vakdicld, Mr. and l\lrs Ed---_.__.~~-- ..




ffWU 'I"""""""" ...~

SWITCH TO '66 FAIRLANE'S ALL·NEW PERFORMANCE!The practical family car has been "re-invented" for '66. New p~rsonality!

New 390-cu. in. V-8. Thirteen models include hot new GT's, ·new convertibles..-.~


SWITCH TO FALCON'S FAMOUS .ECOttiOMY! , ~Our completely new f;alcon has a lean, loY'" sports c\lr look..New room, ride ''''''111",,,

and luxury. But the same old saving waysl Now the best buy In' compacts.



SWITCH TO '~ FORD'S QUIET LUXURY! ,This could be the world's .quietest carl Rich interiors, V-8 "engines up to'428 cu. in. Choice of:options includes stereo tap~' player, air condi,tloning.



(That's what's in store for you at your Ford Dealer's!)

Switch Fairiline's sport Shiftfrom automatic to manual!Actually two transmissions in' pne.lets you shift manually-or does. itfor you' you prefer!Standard on GTfA models.

Switch Ford's wago tailgatefrom a floor to a doorlFord exclusivel Swings like a door tolet people in and out. Dmps like a tail R

gate for toting long, bulky cargo,

Switch on Ford's newStereo TapelPlays more than 10 hlinutes of your




r:l'tn1li;;, Mt'. ,'and :\frJ;: nu:,:wt' !\1ssenand £tlmily, :\lr. and 'Mrs, WilliamW,oll{.'1' and ,Calvin I1lld :\lrs. AnnieCarlson.

St. nne-'s Catholic Church('1' WlTlas Hiteh, pastor)

Saturday, Dec, ·1: (irade sdlfJOI&atechi. !ri, 9;:\0 a.lll. !"

Stine!: y, f)('e, J: Mass, 8 a.rn!\ton:] lY. Dec. ti: IIlgh school ill­

.,lruelioJl, 7:30 p.llI, ..Tuc.';r!ay, Dec. 7: Altar society.

Ch r(h~s ...

IMc.thodl.· 1 rch

i.Ie ;~;e A. W i(~(' pastor)S;ltllrd:1Y, OJ'r. ·1: Noon lunch,

(~ot] and haz:!;Jr, Sl~r\'ing begins at iII:!, n'HJIl "alp at :! p.lll. j

SUflda;, IJ(:(' Worship, 9:30 l

:un.; S'llOlby HJ::lH.W\"U!j( t>da\-", lJe,e :\1'lr'

.;: Thursday: Dcc. 9: WS;CS noonluncheo I ftlr fhl'mbers and fallll·lie!!.

. ',:mtl Mr" .lOd Mr!i. S:HI1 lh:h'lt·kc.-', 01 JTlrdwrt 'illtl !,lIully- and ~tr !R3~dolph. Mr. a~d Mu. EI~()(~I nnd- Mf:lJ., UnuM Stohl.!' and filmlly~t~hrsljn and sons: OInd ~!r~. ;\, 1'., Wt'fl' dlllla-f ~U(,...hl In lht" ~'dfn'l!

ii~~~~'(;O),J":~:~(~dt.'llt~~d ~~lrr;lu~.lUl I'l't~'rSt'n home, Hinton, In:

Mr. nod Mrs. Soren lI:tn!i(,ri, ~'r.

and ~1r~. (iordon UnlHell-lilld (al1l·

Ii1v, :\fr. and ~frs, Jo:lnlt,'f I'ow('rsnod Pa:vid an~, ;\1rs. II. :,\, Coc-]lr:!fI

1,,"11· d,lildfi~n were dlnllt'r l-/lll,o,'tS In

I,1,~1,(.. :\turdl1 EIlY!:>OIl !I'HlH', SIUllX\.Ity.

• Jjjll!U'1" .I:'llt'sts HI Iht~ AIII-'rl Pn"icott honH' wen- :\tr. :lnd -'tn, Ll,'Ol1:lnl lI:unillun ilill.! suns, ulllah::a and~1rs. Tillie r\ndCf.':iOIl, Laurel.

!'Iff- and ~lrs. Hex Sal a ,lll(! sons.r\u:;tin, ~linn., wert.' gU('Sh In tJr(·Ed Sulu llOme.

Mr. and :'tlrs. Dirk Schooll"v weredimwr gUl'sts in tht H. D. SCllOolt"y.jr., homc, South Sioux City.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Hichard' .Johnsonaf1(1 family, Vcrmjllion, S. D.. ~tr,

and Mrs. Earl Jlolkcs. Mask{'ll, Mr 2;/ ~~;~ ~rS" ~~ildnIClt~r~~itr~:~\I'~:lIL~~/~;~: for .

Thanksgiving. . . A COUNTRY STORE was one of the populor concession stands'o,t 'deI's and sons w{'re .Hont'r gUP,its $24'the Wayne Hospital bOIoar. 'in the W. C. lIcihs homi;', Obert '00

LOOKIN OVER items at '0 counter en the hqspitol ,bo'xoor were c~i~~~' a~~lp~~. S~~I~h'Mt:"~,EV~~~~i -----------~.-,.--....~ Dinner guests in the ,h~l1fl YOllng " ,

severo I ids. People of all oges potronized the event. ~imilh visit~J Mrs. Merlin 'Cham- and Mrs. Oliv{'r Noe <lnu Darlefl{' i Dinner guests in the Clarenre homt· w('re Mr .. nnd ~Irs. ~I:lrvifl

I I ~~;;. at 8t Joseph's hospital, Sioux ;~e~;s.~~~~~ <f~rC;::i~.:n ~~C G. E. 11~~I:l~~ ~~ll~~nW~:l~ ~1:~i~;,d s~~:~ g~lS~i~i'~~i~:JF~~:!.,~~~2~:~::i:; Plu. r•• •~o. 13

DIXON N'EW'S .:vIr. nnd M'rs. Marion Quist anu VISitors In the~ Stt;rlmg Borg :ilY, MI: dud ~lrs. ~lar\'In Nels~m Mr. <Iud Mrs. Vt'rtlOI; Jensen llnl! ~Roca"p.b'.•.r,••,I · ' , {i('nc, Mr. <lIHI Mrs.. MOTton ,Fred· home were Mrs. I'ranti: [Jure awl ,mil famdy all[1 Mr. and Mrs. Mdo r ., H r t . 11,-1 1:-'1 S .

" Iricksen und Marcia and Mr. 'and Jack Brayton, .Sjou~ CHy, an~l, .1oIlns:lll and SOliS," Laurel. . ;l~~'~' Je~~(>ll:l\(:ll:i ~1;.· ::~;l ~'1~:: i "'hilor lI Mrs. eorg - ?honc JUR4~2877 Mrs. Tom I"rpdricksen and Julie :\11'. and Mrs. Dick ChamherOj I ;\11". and }\-,lrs. Kl'ith Karnes and "erlin Jensl'tl and fnmily. LaureL! On 0111 ow Pricos '---+,__.....-,. -; "'r- 'I'wcrc'; guests in the Don Hanson Dinner guests in the :\lrs. Vrunk fKurt, .I1l1ltbn. Ia., were <linner In the afternoon Mr. and 1\-1rs. Lar.1 . ...... or 5;:r05. \

Oilfon Scheol Plans Program leight meml)t'rs ;mswer('~1 roll c'al!. ,'hl);:;J~.' ~~rll~,l(~s.I~:.arl Eckert and Lisle ~oml:' were :\1.1', Dnr~ 1\1rs. ~y ,;::uests III Uw Glel1 ~1a{'klem home. ry Jensen and Julie, Siuux City,! -1,'I'llpil~ ,~lId teue!wr.'; at Dixon Mrs, I~ea Karnes and Amanda Idallghters w('re dinner guests in ron" WIllet and JL'lle, Mmnp'apohs. Dinner guests in the John D. I joineJ the group. I \

grude S('~lool al"(~ preparing a Schutte' J,{ave the lesson on com-Illhe Edna Ockandl'T ,home Ban. ,Mr. and Mrs. Jens and f'am· :Vleycr hlHnl' were Mr. and Mrs. Dinner· guests in the Hussl'Il I\n-IChrist}t1asi pl"Cn-: rarn m:~. 18 ut 1:1 irIOn ailments. Mrs. Frank Johnsdn Cl'Oft Ily and Mr. and Mrs. NJ(~I~ Kvo!s, -\. H. Hudgins, Diarta and Michael, keny home were Mr. <lnd Mrs I rP~~~_.___ ' won the doOl' prize. Plans were pir;ncr guests in the. Willis Laurel. Mr . .and Mrs. II'1arvln Jefferson City, Mo., Mrs. Nels Hoy Ankeny lind Donn;], Siou~ ,..,.;., ~., -'" ~~.:;:I..NI.. '. ""''''.:.'."l'''f. ,..t.-~ I made for a Ohristmas party Dec. 3. Sl'huHz ho-me were Mr. 81"./'} Mrs. man a.nO ,family and Everett Lisle. Frederic'ksen, Linda and Johnny City, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gries " " ;

;\oIl'S. Elrl CUI'ti~, Omaha, and - Randal BentolJ. nnd family West Mr. ,and Mrs. Larry Faust, Arm_land Mr. and Mrs, Merlin P. Smith, and famil'y. i'Jorfolk, and Mr. and (I diS d dSe'_:·"'~'-',j: ~11.11'1;, nay Spahr wpr(' 'visltors Sun· ~randmother's Club Has Party Ifield, la" Mr. and Mrs.' Fred strong, la., Mr: and Mrs. Floyd, I~endcr. Mrs. Waldron Bul] and (bughters. a e5 Ian or rv'Ice'(lilY t'\'('njllg Jrt tht' Mrs..Sadie Tuesday afternoon Urandmoth·! Mattes, Vern Nobbe, Mrs. Henry P<lrk and Mr. and Mrs. Donald I Dinner guests in the Clayton Wayne. I U \ ,', ,i. J

llrilll'Y hll~ll(' er's club l)arty was held with INobhe and'Ted Stark. Pefers and fa~ily were dinner and! Stingley home were Mr'D'and Mrs, M'r. and Mrs Ernest Knoell and I . ' ''''~: '-1\11'.' nndl J\l;'s, Clarencc Henning- Mrs. Alwin Anderson as hoste.SS'I M J M H ld St I supper guests In the George Eick· II Martin Buss and family', Maplc;.ton, Melva, Mr. and 'Mrs. Don'ald I 409 Main, Wayne I'.

sl'll \\.'t'rL' j'dinnp!, gllests Sunday in :"Jine -members attended' and ex· j r. a~( ri!. a~o an e,v ~f hOID":.__, ,Ta., Mr. :md Mrs.. Glen' Stingley Knoell and sons, Mr, and Mrs. Car· I - ....;....,=--=....,=....---"'""=....===....~±~;o=~=tll~1'1{;l'1~1·llerholne,Rockwcllchaw'~~ns 1nd~mIIY.KansasClty,Mr,a~I~··=·~=:=·~~~_~~·~_=_~·=~~:·:.~=:.:-:~:-=.~~~~~~========~=====~~~~~=~=~~======~~=~==~;TI;~:";'~City, fa, " <:> " IviI'S. Keith Fe'gley antl family, i,

.'\1r'. andlMrs. Arthur Bell, Bloom- Bazaar ,Plans Com ltd I$ioux City, Mr. and Mr:;. Geraldf I I r I 'Plans have been P.c~I~plete'{l . b.v I~!anley and family an'" ~r. and,~I[;/"is ~:;~~~lay(I?~IO~hea~;axSl~r:~~ the Dixon WSCS to h'old a noon IfVIrs. Dale Stan~f'~ all9 famIly werehorne.' lunchdon and bazaar Dec. 4. tlInn~r guests III the Newell Stan-

S('rvillg \vill -begin at no:)O <lnd the Dille, '"

S ! t .luc1io\l sale at 2. The church and Mrs .. Vcrllll ~e,~~rsen.OCf e XI '. YOlln.~ people will be selling home- ('I ~orc .dlnner hguests In the

made eandy. ~ arpnee ennmgsen orne.Social, ,Forecast . I :VIr. and J\:1rs. Ernest LehnerI;i-iday, Dec. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sundstrom were guests in the Barry Lynch

Bl'st Evll'r Cilristillas party, M<lx and dau,ghters, Overl<lncl' Park ;)es Moin('sHahn hdldl'. Kan., were weekend guests in the Dinner guests in the Wilmer Her-

('IIi) Seqllls, . Walt .~ohnson ,borne. f{'l hOllle were MI'. and Mrs. Larrv1'.<lP<l.'s (al'tl1l'r~ Chri:,.tmas pari-I Mr.. a:,~1 Mnl. Stanley Fehringer Ilerld <lnd f<lmily, Lawton, 1<l., Mr.

t:-.-i. Nelghl~ot'hood schoolhoLlsc. and family, Bloomfield, were din- and Mrs. l.aMonte Herfel 'and

Saturday,] Dec. 4, , ner gues~s' Sunday in the J. L. family. Sioux CitYJ Mr.' and Mr:;;.Mt'thod ...t WSCS bazanr and S<lunrlC'rs home. . Bob Dempster and Denise. Wayne. I

~~l~'~d~~:(I~:~I~·7 , Dinnc;, guests Sunday in the ~i~~;();~l1ni{' Bi~hop <lnd Mrs. LoVina I

DailY. 1~I)l'rs Hobby ('[ub, Christ· Lowcll ~hompso:l w.ere Mr. Dinner guests in Lhe Norman Imas !lartN. Daily hull. UIlU ,Mr.. Harle~. T~ompson and Lubberstcdt home we,re Mr. and

St. Annks Altar sl.ciet)'. Mr, and M~s (.II (,onzaJes and Mr!i. Herby Hanson, Pierson. la.,Wednesd4v, Dec. 8 Theresa. Blair. \11'. ind Mrs. Ke'nmit Graf and

.JO{I;~~~(;~l,II~.\\'ay' ('lub. Mrs. Frank M~;;~r~~:rcM:~ ~~~,m~~~i):r~l~nI~: ~1~~i'~~B~I~j~~n,M~ir.a~~d~~:~. <iFrr::.11

W"dnesd~y, Dec. 8 where they attended the wedding LlIhbcrstedt Wayne, 'Mary Lynne:\11'1hod1i:;t iI\yt,' )f Dennis Munderlow, son of Mr. K<lvanaugh, Laurel and M.r. and

Thursdi:l1 Dec. 9 <lnd Mrs. 'Richard Munrlerlaw, VII'S. L<lITY Lubberstedt and fam.~l('thOl~ VVS~;S covel'ed db;ll Thurston ;rv

l~:.~~~,lit.Ol~lllll' llll'mbers nnd rami· Ci~'~t~:. ~~'~j'r;~lr~,.i1l~~~I, l~:~~~ w~~~ h~~~n~;el~ue~t:. i~n~lheM~~~xD~::e~ !- ---.-.-1 visitors Friday afternoon in the R,llm Gland Island Mr and Mrs IMYF MJe~~ l'::a1'1 ,Peterson home. Carrol Rahn SIOUX City, Mr and\Vdlld"la~ {'H'nin;; I\IYF ·met at :\-,11'. alld Mrs. Oliver Noe and MI s I'laIlCS R,llm <lnd sons, Ponca

the' ehurrlL Hl·\'. "('sse Withee guw' Darl(lllp were <linn!']" guests host VII'S D\\um Tdylor Gerry Hahn I;1.'1 hankl' ;":l\.·il\:~ devotional program. IS:dllruay in the Kenneth I-Iamm :lnd B:::'b Juhlin. ).;ewc'<l.',Ue and i·Ill~~~id~·l~; e:~)ljl[I~~,l~~~~ii~(~~I~\~:.)\~(:~:i I :~l~~~~ iI~rc~~~ntKeit~lrl N~t;e~~\~I~~ ~~. 'and Mrs. Paul Rahll" and fam- I

1\t]1C'h'l'IW group will ml~l't again ILincoln,. '. I. ,M" :lIld !\iII'S. Harold GeorgeDcc. 8.' ':Supper ,guests Friday cvening amI family were guests "in the- ,in th~ Fred Wolter home to ob- Mrs. C. W. George home, ~rokenPapa's Partners Plan Party ,Sl'rVe the- bost's 88th birthday were Bow.

Tuesday Papa's Partners met at [MI'. and Mrs. raul Bose and'fam-I Mr. and, Mrs. Kenneth Halt\mthe ho 11e- of, :vII's. Earl Mattes. ily,. Mr. and Mrs~ Jim Geiger and, and daughters, Fremont, and Mr.

i"",;",'I··!%:f«J:I<~:f«~;,~.".-;;:..""~~i<~-..:......."'~~"'ll< ........." ...IIlI......l"IIlI_...&~i I THE HA'LLS INVITE YOU TO THEIR ~ill . ~

~ ~\(HRISTMAS WONDER LAND" ~.ill I I l;\ill ~.~ I 3 BIG DAYS - Thur., Thurs. Night., Fri., Slit., Dec. 2 -3 - 4. ~'i~ I ~I~ Cdme in and have coffee and just ~ ~• l ~~. brrwsearound. See 6,000 Poin- ~.

~ sqtti(is coming into bloom, plus i!~h~ndre.ds of Christmas gifts and IIdfcorative ideas. I~ I III~ lET us FLOCK YOUR CHRIST. ~ill MAS TREE - any colar - just ~ II

~. $2.0.0 a foo.t. ~iq r ~i

~I ~II• I FREE ='~ I ~.'~ res, ;each day we will give away a ~

'~~ree Poinsettia .to some lucky person. ;

~ b""""~,"".......""''¥-:!i<~'''''«:r..'''''..._~ I• ~IREGISTER FOR A BEAUTIFUl:. ~ il!:;:~!~~~!~w:~~~~ ~y ,I:~~~::;:~A::Y::N;'~' :•.t.=ID ~ 'W '~~ Deposit this COIlPOn in the ~x ~ .~ , I&a ;:o:~:g~~~:ee::~e~~:~s:I,befo~e; ,~RE~ TNHhso~ II I 05 ent' tre t I~ ~ a~~~;:m:¥-;-~......'tl:--~~%~~~~~ ..~ Ph ne 375..155~ ~,.;~~~~..;f..;?.;~...~~~~,..#:..~*~~~~~~~ ~:tl:~~"'~3il: I *-~.~l,-~~~~~--;--:::,,~....----~~- __.....----;"-';";"'-----T-;-.....;~---;""-;--~~"-~-:

I II I wjl:m~ Ill;

. - "'/' !I :' . '. - ; . •

r···lml!l!'il!t~~~~'"'~. ~~~~l!I''''l!I'~tl!l'i'!''''''l>i'''i'rillllifl!!_IOIl!!.~''lO\!L!!''2!''N!~~' 'n,~~"1!U~~!J1!l~!~'r . "~~~~. J ·1 .. Stores Will Be Open I'n i ,

ifJ..·JfolidaY'; Way"ne the Following N.ig•.hts I'J9.\ *;1, , . II~ ' , -I 900 ." , II . .. . tI :,~~"" __~~-:":"R 1965 1~ ,2 ' I-jShopln --.- '------ cY' 10,:,

~l Wayn~ 15 16' 17 'It! andSa~e!~=jO__~l 22 23;:~ ~~··l'lit 30 'I ~, /


~ ! HEY IDS -- FREE SHOW~ SILVER .; .;! . JUS'T (UP r ESE TICKETS EACH w~u ADMIT THE WHOLE FAMILY. DOLtAR NIGHT !, .I~;rl,- -S~T~;D;Y~ ~E~E iE; ~--,!- ,- ~A~;R~A~,-D~C~;B;R- ~ -,- : ~.. I:R~~~~ ,. i;

~ I 1:30p.m. I 1:30 p.m. : (, PARTICIPATING STORES '. 'r ~j: "Gunfigrt at Comma che Creek" . : I ! THURSDAY I'~ I On Color) I JJ Around the World In a Day" I ,!i .i!. - - - - - - - - - - ~------- I!.::::::::::. ::. ::. ~J:::::-- - -:1d.J A$T 38.:90'SP.M

O·FORO'0' j, 'i:"~I<:

!-il I . SAT 'RDAY,DECEMBER' 18 . i.

~. I I~ : 1:3ff·m. . SANTA WILL BE IN I~ : "Pal'~ino" SDAY " 11i L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WAYNE THUR, .' '1;11

i"" ;.. DE~~~~U~N~~I~ST::do!8Ih. ... '....·..I~.·,...~ .MAIN STREET - STARTING AT 1:30. llll£:1!w.~ ~

~ Santa Will Have ·'1. .~

~ Gifts of Condy For AU -;if the Little Kids. ' .i~,I .1'- .~

~ I~,p ~

i·~~ . ~.'. I' 'I'": ~~ , ~~ ~. .,~

~..' ~~ ~.,. ~.,

~'.~, I1ilI ~

~ I!~ ~


20 Yeo... AIO " ",,'" "'i'I,'""""""""<"'~'"''nor, n, IM~: A nol<. 111M mUl.d wl!"low# " ..

hrllnl in thin tnt'A 1'h\ludny oft(lrmJOlt 'And ev«mlng,C', }o; Carhnrt Wi\!!. fOlldf' aware of th(1 "hiltkeuJ) IItlhi .. hom'" In t1w northwl."lI"t I)Art ot Wnyn,! lit th"(',"(101I1e . .'\11 ~arthqu.ko "'(\if 1I\lIUU!,..h}{~ if ... :Lowl'"f"h;', who IIv.. ,~Quth...t or ,Wakotjold, '~"'Qd••v.r. Injury to III, 1.11 h.nd 'nlllnd.y, 0/1""""10wllon Ih. houd w...nught'llIlh" lIu.kln~ .,.,1 n' •cnrn plck,"- Mr, Eby was Ink"n to n SIQu~ t'lyhospltnl wMr. tho hand WAR an,pulalod jUfCiIIloV\lnil' "rl~t tho tollowlna mornlna" , ,;' ':?I' i- ,:''* * C'C,:,,<'I""""'"

25 Veara Ago, ",Ii '

W~~~~~S~~I;fI.:~~l \~:t'~:k ~1~n1cU~\U~ll:~l ri::'with II truck drlvl'n by nt'~;nw Gabler,wu!'> hurt .. , Tlw first of 01(' pre·,. .Imlay m(J\'it·~ (ur young (ol~'1 Is' ta'llodu)6ll,·tH'f'JS.Jturclay, . Salo 01 ChrifiiotmllH ht'ulth ,,~ul!l ItIwillR clmtlUCled .lhls w('irk lhrnuyll iirhooh. bl qlt~CO\l'lt)' "C, A: Orr, Clnud. WloU"'", I.. I": llo,,'"aml ,K. N. Patk(.' pilin to AUend Hw ann...,,1 ~Q;\·,Ing or tht' CO\'Nt'd 'Wngotl "(Iundl or· bl))'''~c:outjlIn Omaha Thursday ('\,ctdng,' Wll)'ue eo\zntfl{~nnllal Hl'd CI'OIUI J1Il.'mbl'I·lthiJ) til h'~, wUI g~. woltowr $.'100, '



Way il.Bac~ "When ri

, '

10 Yea... Agonee, I, Hiss: "'bout 40 Wnyn~ High bnnd mo""

hers will atl~nd the sixth annual lIuliker 'CODtt'fencebant! clinic ,nt ~Iadtson Wednc!«la,y, Director f~arl{;ri~cn snid. this wcek , . , Temper41turcs Oils\\ ('('k phlnged to a new low {Df (he St,Hl~on asthe lI11'rmoUlctN hit, six bl'low Tuesday . , .\lr:O:. Vt'ra l)rew, Wisnl'r, uaughter of Mrs. An·tGIl Pnluscn, Wayne, waf> rc~cnUy fUlnH'd win·'Ilpr of rl .state "Why I Tt'Jch" l's.say contest, spon.wr,c:1. Ly the Leg)on ~\lIxi1lnry . . "W.4)',ne'l' cityCDIIO('t1 ttigl!l, apncxedj ,I --uJ,roe,acrc tracten East Se\'l'nth J;trect to the' c:it.y lilntls 48 a !litcf(!' the propo~L'd new, Guurd Arnlory.


slaughter"grade' all the way Jromnone to a fuJl gradl~.

orten the last lInit of gain costs_ more than it will bring. It is

sometimes profitable because itraises the price nf the rest oft'he animal. When additionalfeeding ,will not improve gradeand selling price, it is seldomprofitahle unles:s beef prices areWgh relative 10 fced.

"I'"'j .'*'1.'1"'1

Your highway dep~.nt ap~Iit, over, $11-\,000last yoar lor !ho removal ollltler. 'i'lllB money could!love boen used ,lor n....4td hilJhw1:rY construction.


Merger Plan ApprovedThe State SchoDI District Re·

org<;lnization Committee has ,ap-

b~~~~~ :c~ie~~~g;e~f:~. Ne·The plan reduces from nine to

five the number o( kindergarten.through·gra~e 12 districts inScotts Bluff county.

The committee 'commended theScotts Bluff ~ounty School Re·organization Committee for de·vising the plan. It urged that an"informational camp-ajgn" belaunched and the proposal broughtto a locLlI election.

Soys Appraisals NeededThe State Board of Education·

al Lands and Funds says it willhave to appraise imrprovementsm'ade On state owned school landsbefore they are sold.

The' board said the action isnec'eS9ary in view of a recentAttorney General's opinion thats-aid improvements bt>long to thestate and not the individualleasee.

. You may not iJgree with D editorial - butI you rtad the edUor.itll and gi t ur;oul thoughto the subject diuusud you It 'Vt f}rJinrd. YliU1

a Feade'-j hafJe owen carrlul hought to an im­o~tan! ~"(J.b/tm tt"d lire wnltr iI ,roud to "(If)'a/led;,'iJU~ attenlil/~ 10 /SrI impo ItmJ Iubittl thatoU m.a1 kIWI of!trlooked. I,

out Of thetr way to eI"l" up' miRlIlld"r­standing, '

Still, writing an al'e!'lge of 100 to150 editorials a year, RomeUnc is bound tobe a~cted. It is hoped H )n1e 8'/Jod mavc()mu of lhe eclHol'ialH, If none doefi, th~'Apace iR being waRted ;tnt ~hould be de~voted to other UHeH, '

Your patience ie aPlreciat",], If Infuture iHHues you feel th 'h~ is a Wl'ongimpr~H~ion cr.ented hy a~icle8 01' e,dit­orm!s J11 The Herald, co e in and tal kit o~,er, write a lett"r ol'! call by phone,We tr try to be aH patie t with you asyou bave been HO far wit~ UB, - CRG

Try at Home FirstChriRtmas B!lopping season is official­

ly upon us and thousands of dollarB in"rea mon"y will be going:into the coffersof storeB here and at' a djR~nce, To reBi,dents of every comMul\ity goes thiR wordof advice: "Try' a~ hom'e first.'.'

Wayne iH the largeBt itown in th" im­mediate area, BusineBsmen, howeverhave· long·. been aware tha{'they mu'gfcolnpete with stores in "Norfolk, SouthSioux City, Om"ha anti other largerplaceli for the consumers' dOllarR:

The bUBlnessmen h",'e not been ,re­luctant to spend money to atttact buy­er~ as can be witneAsed by ads this weekin an iHflue going to Ul'ou'lHl 6,300 homeR(the same number aR la!'>t week). Theywant to be considered when shopperRstart uBing that, ChriHtmas club money,

Naturally they want to keep Waynebusiness at home and they can underBtandLaurel merchantR wanting to retain Lau­I'el businesB, 'Wakefield men promotingWakefield saleB and WinsiderS' pushingthe "buy at home'" bit for their mer­chants.

Try' to find what you can at home,If yOll can't find it, try ,buying In Wayne,The Wayne people are aware that ifother area toWlls prosper, Wayne too ,winpropeY, If area towns suffer, Wayne willsuffer, '

BUBinessmen of Wayne want theirfello\,:," trades~en to stay in bURiness andto do well. They'also want to serve thoBeneeds that cannot be met in every town,

As fOr Wayne resid"nts themselves,they should surely try to buy iIt Wayne,If th,ey cannot find what they want, theym"~ find it can be ordered, At least theWayne stores deserve a chance,

" These are the men who sponsor cashnil(ht, bi'i'ng i)1 Santa Claus, pay taxes,itupport fund driVes. attend charityeventB and back the schools, Losfng themwould hurt yOU a lot so buying fromthem has double, nay, triple or quad­ruple advantages,

Christmas is, a rellgiou~ holiday, butlet's face it, Christmas is also a com­mercial period when Rales are at their1i,ighest, You can MId your head high if,you ,buy in :Wayne where merchants backup everythmg they ,ell 12 monthB of theyear, -CEG

* *15, Years AgoNov, 39, 195(1': Mrs. Chris Lueden, Waynl', has

purchased tlle Roberts Jllumbln~ building In Waynei.lnrl p1:lns to open an infa'nts' and cl1l1drC'n's wearstora .. \' Wa)'IlE~ Ann'ritan LegIon post VQlcd topurchiHIe a polio hot pacR unit and a folding wheelchair at thrlr meeting: last week ... A steam plpt'broke in Wayne's public lIbrary MDnday morning,causing tile main reading room to be flooded withnoollt two inC'hes oC watC'T . , . City policemen werenwarded $1'2 a month salary MOsts at tlfc rc·g,.i.1armecti,ng of. Wayne .cit~ council Tuesday night in t~e

clerk s offIce . , . A group-of nursing home op­('rator.!! were in Wayne 'Tuesday evening to meetwith Cliff Dahl about formin'g a northeast Nc­br.::tilka "Ustrict and to make plans for the stllteconvention which will be in Wq.ync Dec. 7.~'.-J------ - -,---.---- ---..-----.. -+->-'-

rubi{" feet of refrigerator spate the Wayne·Carroll community toncc,lcd, figure a mJnimum -of six develop thiR in a cooper.ntivc' ven·cuhic feet for a family of two. tun'. To ~ay nothing nbout area·

~;i~t~nO~(' ~~~;lYfO~e~~e~~c~:~ wide bcncrit~ oC co;~~~n~~~jorneiadd at least two more cubic •feet of space for entertainin~

lIrcds Families who en~t'rtaill

large !rroups will need more re·

In view of the approaching I fri,f.~~~~~~at~:~se. inside 1I refrig.Holiday Sea'>on, Cllpitol Com· 1 eratm' should be checked before­ments will he sUS'l>ended during the purchase is made. The cold~~iS t~eont~;l~~~~~;:eltn~~:~~~e;~ level should remain .constant at By Ch.~ GrHnl..

, which have found space to pub. :l4 to 38 degrees in ~he general Who wants to be senol.1s a fe\f!ish the newsletter, and to all who section of the refrigerator, In . days after Thanks-giving? We'rehave' commented .from time to the moat section 'a temperature stu~Ced so you'll have to CXCUl;i~time \tPOlI particular items in it. of 30 to 32 degrees Is preferred. us if we don't get too involved

s~~t~to~a~~~~el~~~, ~~d b:v:re; i~~s ai~c~~~~d d~~~:~S f~~ c~~:; ~~la~~Y~~k:'u~i:;l i~~eo~he~~:effort will be made, as in the The freezer 'section is the most ly killed turkey - in hot waterpast, to review Washington hap. expensive .pa~t of a. refrigerator. Our goose may ·be cooked but

C AI penings. with particular attention ~he~ ~om.f:rl~~rJ:lces k.cep ~Is . we won't duck the issue and

O. 9ent S· ". ktoa,tho'se things affecting Nebra~~ In mill. e. erene~ tn PI11;C', "'~-Chicken out even though we quail

mght ,he the drd~fcrence III fre~r at the thought of trouble andcapacity. . YOU, threaten to give us the bird.

- eTC - Personal preferences mlg,ht tn~, (If there's ohe thing we can't

C ITentatively, the 12th annual n h . f cl tit

by 0 Umn Pageant of Peace in Was'hington, lIe~c~ you~ c o~c~\ o~ ~g:~r:E!. stand, it!'s a pun I- and this para·Harold D, C., will open on Dec. 17, with 0:1, s Y/N~~r ~o~. eM n v{- graph shoJ.lld sho~ why).Ingalls :',n'ationwidd:~ televi-sion coverage ~:ntO Special~'~t,aMr~~~ar:n~~~: "I sec whe~:sas Russian says

_;;,.,...... .... beginning at 5 pm, E.astern pold, ~tat~s that the outstandmg he has invented a game whichThe New Medicare Program, Stan&a:Pd Time. value IS lIkely to be ~ two-·door, closeh resembles gol1."

Thoucnh the new MedicaTe pri)..;' "Ii Th~< 'opening drlte is tentative top mounted model WIth self deeo because this, is .dependent uponl . .' ".. "That must ,be the .game my

~~~ir j~yOI~/:~J:i,e ~\lsn~~~~ i' the President's plans. Tradition~' f~~~o;e~~f~ha~or~o~u~e~::;x: husband 'ha1) been playing for~nt for people to find out abd~," ~hy;,·, the ,Presid.ent throws the· fng. This m6den~'not mU-ch tri~ years." _ SASS - l

it soon, according to P. A. Hend:' ~~ti~~~a~i¥~;~~~ A:h~hiS ~:ti:~~ expensive than the one-dooT tYlPe, Is it all right with10u if aerson, University of Nebrask'a t"'n, the White House has bot and provides more freeier space. I woman gets the orchid of th,eExtension a,grifultural economist. 'i' A two-door model also eliminates' week? Over at Winside there's

Th I d d . So' 1 'c~nfirmed the Dec. 17 date. opening the reftigerator to u'se a~'1 who worked hard, OJ) thesecu~:J' lar~~~:me::Wl~rl a~~- .fr~~70t~~t ~~~o{a~~a~~uee ~~~~~~ the freeze!', antI vice' ver~a, dia ond jubilce, is autOOnatie1\llymatically receive a card certify· Reservation in Arizona has beenl therefore cutting operating costs. na ed secretary of the Winsideing that'they are eligible for hos- selected as the 1965 national Co munity club every year andpitaI benefits, he said. . ;ghriatmas Tree.' The gift ofl the L tt t th EdOt nev r misses a cbance to boOst;

However, others will need to White Mountain Apache Indians, e or 0 e lor. her town. She has called moreenroll sometime before Mar. 31, it"o/ill occupy thE:' spot of honor _ ilian once to give leads or ,in-1966. Otherwise, tfhey will have to on the elllpse sout'~, of t,he White formation on stories We mightwait until the IText signuop ,per. House, 'and will display thous. Dear Editor: like to' get {or The Herald. Sheiod of Oct. I to Dec. 31, 1967, he ands of Hghts and other tradi· an~bo~;rr~i~~orihi:n1s ~:~:psco~ ~~::rn:~~s:ssl~e,~=~n~t:~1:~~~said. tia;~ls ~~:r~i~n~~ the first pro- plea ~or a building, on the sur- job in promoting 'a better Win·

O!N65e.a"rsIYcUCgl'"cbrleYOfno'er hoOvSepr"lth.I"cnngee, f D h 'I' 'd M 'I M k 'th'P vided for a Pageant of Peace ace. eeper, per aps I JS are· 51 e. an yn on, weaJ;: HI

Capito News... fits,. Henderson pOOinf'tehde 0mUled'I'cnl by an American Indian Tribal quest {Dr common scnse. paragraph orl yotlr beauty~. ~o~~~:s;:~ ~~~~:~~tier lirlines' Council. Here in Carroll, there is a s.ound uniform - it's .th~ closest' ng

N k'E' Afl t d ", insu,rance pnrt of In addition to the towering na- two-story building. with 6,800 feet to a real orchtd we ~ave f.or yoU.

~ ras ' Frontier 'has applied' to \ the - SASS ..J-, a (onomy ee e theprogr1am tionaIChri"tmasTree,53smaller of floor space not counting base- -Civil Aeronautics Board fOT au, i . Will' ',!-I • b to

" 1 • , thority to overfly MC'Cook when -~\~',"_:~,.~,: J"~ r,'n~Onlaudd~,~n~:e~th",oo~.ede' ~~i:s wi~~dh('T~~~j{~~~::t ~fr~: ~~;n;, :a~~tO~:i~~~i~j~a:h~il~~~~ re~~:oe~o~I'~uJ;t th~gi:~o~:~n '

B·'· ;L" N I E'K it introduces the faster·flying ~.-. ~ ! b United Slates, The smaller trees of the new post office, tilc'building had iL"

Y ew ' OW 'I Convairs next month. 11"'- t Ii, s' OW n e. t,: -' , :- now d raw 1 n g are provided by private funds, will be completely vacatcd. The Joe; "Why? ".ua malJy con-',,', . . ... \ sh~~t :~~~'~~~~ ~~: ~: ':\~~~,~:~,f' ~ I So~ial Sec~rity ,and will be shippeej to Washing- owners are deciding now to let the vinced you?" ."1.1;\C( I..N _ Hundr.eds of new 'ha'I"'c"~t'o:'n'p"p'IY""'fjorret"llremAgean,-:, tWhellly ton from Kentuckv.' huilding go as it has for the past Shmoe: "I just ·happened to. feated bond issue II!! l'e-.submitted f::r ~:::aayir~'x::;:erpro'0J'e2~~~ . u _ eTC _ ~/ several years, sliding downhill, be- think how they plodded welSt,ward '

laws b \Iring on every segment to voters unl~s fire or other must .apply before M1arch 31, Whal probably will be the cause there is" no foreseeable use day after day 'into the sellin,of nl{~ p ebraska economy have dilliaster has cob-anged the situa. sclieduled to be completed next 1900. dulled reading ever to,gain the for it. sun - without 5ungIa~." .fdken ' [fect now that three lion, and a third formaUy di- , '~~y officia1t1l 'ha've asked the Those who reach age 65 after -distinction soon will 'be on the Everyone knows about the mass - SASS -11l0nth~ h:J~ passed since the 196::\ reds that the 1.6 million a.cr8 airHne, to delay introduction of Jan. 1, 1966 'Clan p3rticipate ~y government's best-seller list. rural exodus tllat h'1s bappened Thump-thump time 1's bere-,Le,~islntllr(' adjourned. of state,owned school lands be enrolling during the tlhree months This is the 1,802 page ZIP in America for the past several which means basketball teams ~t·

,The I lsi Unicameral, hailed as I sold at public 'auction as 'Current ~:yc;:~:~~s i~:~i:~:r the run· prior to their 65th birthday, lie Code Direct:Jry (officially known years. Perhaps the buil~in.g its~1f W· a y n e high, Winside hfgb,tin.r- o[ the most prod'\lc,uve in leal_nsestheeXfP,Je'Tled' of a'''''''cul';''~, otle said, as Post Office Department Pub· has been overtaxetl especIally, III Wayne state and numerous gym!!

,~,~;tl'I"I,h,isS,IO,~'.!ll'g,elll~acft,eo'ml'I.X,eec,orIOd ....~~ ~W-~ Interstate System meCdiQ~clal O,fnsPur'arnticCeip-aptir'o0::"ninm '~Iel lication No. 65) which sells for view of the lack of demand for'it. , in the county will find dribblin~,H'lt • " ::: signifkant change will take pla'Ce. eo~ YU '$7.00. ' ~lIt ~he point ~ the pr~sent situa· < pivbting, shooting and rebOund·

w,€'dldl e. AU meat imported from foreign T!l.e State Highway Advisory be $3 .per month. The 2,5 million Federal work· !1'Jn IS t!'~t the state WIll soon bc ing being accented. We're ~'.:~fiov("nor Morrison vetoed four c~mtr'ie5 must carry a distinctive Commission has been asked to Check with your local Social ers soon will have this' as reo III a position to tear down a struc" fat all, rebounding from erititiMn,bills. He had his veto overrid. la el naming the origin of the include Nebraska in' a north· Security office, Henderson ad- quired reading, as the goven'l.- turally sound, but so~ewhat un· sho::>ting the breeze. pivotfi'lgdell t'h ·ee times~ pr duct. Restaurant~ ,are p~mit. ~outh Interstate Highway system vised.' ment's departr.JcTIts and agencies kempt two· story budding. The around issues and' dribbling fOOd

:I'llC 3St session, ushel'e~ both lthe IJ'rlOmedn'un,ote for~ign meats on b~~nin~ in ~ulothKDakota and Sen Cattle When? complY with a presidential exec- ill~JtiO~., I pose, is can we afford onto our chin. ·Sometimes we (!o'in" and out in a swirl of contro-. WI].,_ el~gNOrf0WIlolk Chamberan"o'f' 'Com. .Evety cattle feeder mU;5t f.a.ce utive order directing that they a 0 1 . it twice, double dribble lor sure.vJ'"c ':)~I~"S,Cv,(,I, ThmaenYcofn'srti'Ttuet'"Oohn', core~ of minor lawft touchinl me'r"n

cepre,enled I't, plnn~. N'e- the pfbblem of when to sell his use ZIP Code numbers on their I don't look at this building with Anyway, get out and boost yobl'.~ " s ecial' 'groups such 86 insurante., .I.VJ- I M k Ih corresp::mdence, a contractor's eye, but I do see favorite team and while you're

h k' d - d ~.,' ,kn p.rtio,'natI'on I'n the F'ed. catt 'e.. any see e answer ..1 I'd d In 't nnd d

L, b 'fu' her t b """-'fl.lity (f some is alreAdY under n mg, .an ''Commerce In us· lh~ W b' h t th k t' ,Despite the go\-ernment.wide goou so I woo I en ur- avmg n'remem 0 e flV'V'.<

fir~ aJ.d more ..vill no (loubt be tr es also went into' effecf, I eral program. y oguessmd g BW

n e \emda:'i.e

IS 'directive, the White House wiP ing structural principles. It needs sPorts.t.ested. '. rThen there'! the new law that CdiI.·gress 'has indicated it might going to ·ff ut expec ouang· not have a ZIP number, the onlY according to one guess a $5QO rOOf~ - SASS - ,,For t~,ample, retailers and lTI;ake~ the MOllning Glory a nox~ extend the Interstate program at· ::Ct~r.,ilIhe\-market arc 0t¥Y one exempt area in the Federal gov· ing j:b and some rear windC)w When his engine conked out, 'a'

wnole.alers will no lOJ;l.ger be ious \ weed instead of a flower. ·fer 1972, when Ute present pro· Three factors in particular emment. I frames plus extra panes to eom- pilot landed his light plane'ou ftlenbla t sell cigarettes and dairy Garden clubs 'beware! 'fI'am is due for completion. - stand.out: (1) the expected cost Quotable quotes: Senator A. plete the shell. Plasterboard and! Interstate highway. HI' jumpedpipdu ts below cost. The- mit)i. If .!o, Norfolk. wants Nehr-.a!llka of the additional gain; (2) the Willis Robertson (D·Va.) - "No or plywood to npla'Ce damaged 'out and' went over to a car that,jr!Jm rice for J cigarettes will be No ISpecial Session to be .part of a 305-mile.Inte:rstafe estimated pric~ the ,additional great society can be created if plaster' on tlle inside would~' had pulled Off the road out 6f hiS'2~.cenls for regular and 3Q cents Governor Morri:ron say.!!! he r1e'" bisecting the country in gain will bring; (3) the price rise it results·in the killing of a free Borne valuable space for rome po:. 'way, intending to as~ for help.'fOl' ki g-size. sees no immedi'ate need for a ha' from ,Canada trl M'exi<;:o. on the ,present weight that ad. 'society." ~ tential user. . He heard the woman in tbe',The e so~caned minimum price' special session of the Nebraska e plan would start in Ver· ditional finish might result in. ....,_... ....,__ When I was a eWld, we looked front seat With the driver angrilyl~~vs, introdl).ced to discourage Legislature. . million, S. D., ana end up near Toward the end of the feeding fo-nvard as school children with SJiouting: "We'll get out of thethe Iu in<"1 of customers with loss He commented' the W: k f Salina ~an It would run aral . NE gre-at anticipation to- making: a way m.ister, if youl1 sbOw usl~ade i~~ms have been assailed ta'lk that 'a sp~i~ sessiO::::\Y lel with 0, S. Highway 81,th~u~ ~~1~' ~a~eJI~~c,:~~v~~~~~' yearly visit to ~ museuJn. some. Where to go. My husband is theby some store operators. TJley be needed for, taxl\tion and' oth-&- ~ebras*.! 25 to 35 per cent more~ than tile •• 50 miles in either- direc1ioil. IAn· only r driver In the wOrld who

~~tel ~e\?:{ C~lil~~:~tiO;~~. state ml<ta~\~e:ti~~~::vest~~a~~s~~ ETV (;~ant Approved ~~~vi~~~le~n~'~d~~:d ~~o~:d~~ Extension f:~~e ';l,~r~~:~;;t~~~~~; ~~~de:.\a~pOJ';; :. 1~~:~~1:·,'":,.. ill mak~ng if u~laWfuI to e e-alled. . .' The- Nebraska Education Tele. previous .gain can make a reas. within 5Q miles in any. 'direeti4jm airport!.. ~,d~~pl y or sell obscene materials UIJder Nebraska la:w, the Gov· vdsion ,(E'I'V) Commission an- onably good cost estimate for 'from here. All of us consequently - SASS -t' , d 18 I mor or ~h' I ak·.' th by N t ,uffer from laok of knowledge Fne'Dds' of OIl'~ hav' ~%.o p rSQllS un er may a so ~ awm Q4S em~1 nOUnced Federal· appro)Ul1 of a gain yet to be put on. 0 es b"~ I::" ~I.l.n=e"

w:1!1(~ up,. in the' .Gourts, ~~ Sro.te \ selves rna call a speelaf ses- $219.819 1 ,grant to~te Ohan- If, .f9f em.mple, he estimates Anna .Marie . about the nature of progress t lively daughters. The mallestJ"l,lsh e,De-partment questioned lts sion', . . net nilif'!.· in NOrth Platte. tlfe last .nundredweight eost for Krelfe!s not being able to see- what was one 'is enthralled in the wondersI

, j' 'bef h I 'Iorr', D 'd '01 1 -...:.:...--....,----...- used ..l.Mote pro.O"ress. of nnture tn' her e-"~-'--~ga 1 y , ore ~ e a;l,V was en· !Y 1 0 sal' a speCl ses· The lfICtion paves the -way fOr feed at $25, the next hundred. .... UolA-'lllVJ.U>i,7

a.cted... StOll. should be called "only when operatiqn of N·ebraska's. fourth weight would likely cost from $31 Choosing a Refrigerator Adequate space for a beginriing class. S~e has a praying m:antis'~Th ee ,major I education bills ne,.} situations 'arise that are of ETV st~tion.· to $34. The larger estini~te would During the :holiday season you to a good museum is to be fOllnd which must necessarily die when,*ent j~to effec~' 'recently. They a ci?-tical nature and reqUite im· Commission Secretary. Jack apply to cattle -approaching might 'feel certain your refrig- here at this time 'almost for t!he winter rolls around. but she- wiltcQ!'si erably ch~nge' ~e' state's mediate legisUltive atte-lltion:" Jl.leBride- said Work Ott. the sta. prime grarle or"'when weather is erator must be shrinking. There. ·asking. Jt may never h~PP;en then out "Hedda" in 'with ~,tho rpicture,: ' ' He said such i. not presently the tion c~d begin next spring if extremely hot :01' cold, or when never seems to be quite enough .gain, NIim1>erless form ~eople ~re other'mounled bugs in bel' coI-

...~Fo ~mp~t is the law creating case. construction approval is received feedl'ots are eXcessively muddy. refrigerator space for storing all doing their piecemeal best to pre· Ieetion_ The other day her lister

I,e ucational service units t J.£fo tb Fed 1 Comm' The xt st is to estimate 'the I:):oliday fo~s, goo.dies..and serve a sense of history for this came shrieking "come' quill!k."n et the state. The units wi.~ Shiattle Se'ri'ief! Discussed fi,o~ CO~'1l\ UDlca· the s~l:epriceekror~ and after choice left.overs_ This mIght area. A museum couId bring '3. Cold weather was there and :flies-er special and The Nebra-ska Aeronautics eo.m.~ He said the Federal Avi'ation " the additional feedlot time. De- cause you to consider buying a unity and coherence to these er;; to feed tbe praying mantis~

~~ ;h~C~~~~ot~C~quireS 3 ·~t~o:r'~~u~:r~~~~~, ~~~~~~<h~Sa'~~i:~ :::ns=~ ~d~n'~nd =e~~::~ty~ _t~:er~ri~:Sr%ork~~ S;;; r~~:are r~~t~/~:ne; ~~~~ec~s~IICf~~ =~mu:n S;V~~ta;l '::i~~i~,~r~! i~teni"1 hj:~,e,;~i(~~ Ie' H~S~ting~ ~~dF~~ ~ r'p,~~~, '1ft~;;I~~~I\lj>r c~~"i'el niD~, i,s~,. 'i~?'.-,~~~f, ~~~~v~:'"~ T~"de::~,mi."~:Y nrb'T" of, II could ~~.?: V~r~J>le n.,~~~ !!~1: Tf)F,:"'!!'~ iiPfulid wil1l a

1'111" on, rPaI drparlment 01 d wed', 'new,..PrJp.,,- 'if nt, jf} pflrlrwi d(j,artrnent. Normnlly it iIuri( .pl'rson's Ipirlirm ~f lopia t!tat concetn moduf J}H~. rMdtrr'. .

It j,f tile I,,'ty 01 (1" tdittJrial wriler to Ittit'd

d'll (/(Wlq6!( "41" h,'!pre lIt sittldown 10 wi;lte.frr~m Ilfill up ~'t ("~ wrNr:r ShoHl,"" be able to picetJ, df'(J' .pit:ll1 e 01 impor/flnl topk••

, "U~HapPY New Year I I

\VnYlle':-; ,Btl~ineH.K: and Pr()fe~sional

'VrilIWIl'H -Illb wants area re:;identH togop! thrr) t1 1,h the ChristtT1rtH holid<lY :·mfe·Iy ~HJ 11](0) l' will IJe flO "uItIJaPPY NewY(~anL"

Sunil' Ill' the slatiHJic~ on the yuleh()lid~! .... a 't~ a hit. startling. \Vith thewarml h a HI g-Iow of the Christmas .\wa­,iI.<llI, tlH'.v nay seem H I,it hUl'Hh, but cer­milll,\' tlH'~' arc worth rc(;"lIinl(,, L,iHt f:December, n,700 accidental(~(!:lU1H WC1:~ tmcor.dod in the naU!Hl withnlo1or ve Ide mlHhapH 'ucrountmg for4\,j~ln (Jl~ Lese. Tn addition to U1P:-{C H10ll&o:"!",,/.Is ~i11 d, 160,000 were injured, "

Th" t Iree:-dIlY Christmas period laRty""r ('OR! ROO peolJ'le thpir liveR and ll'ft2R,I!OO di. I\l>led with injllri"H, Three out'of rOlli' f tnl Chrj~tmaH ael'identg involv~

9,<,1 ':]J(\(\dilll!, or drivil1~~ too fast for {'on­dl! inns.

[)J:irddnf! driV(~rA CHllRe mon~ thanhnlf 1hp H:tidpllt~ and t\v'o-c'nr mishapshl'p ttl(' lOst ('OmmOll. Ii~vcn walkirtg ip.flitlw('i'otl' as Otlf'-f'ourth of the accidentsinv(Jlvillj.! (':lI's ars-o involve pedeHtrillnR.

. \\'a,"'1 (' ilrl'H resident;.; :-1hould dcddel'iVhl n(l\' llwv'll have a ·merry ChriHt­nps 11,\' l tldJ1g spe"cial painA to be care­J:ul. If'lflf'\' don't, flomeonC' may have an

Unha!.)Il]~~~.\~ Y(,H1~ -= CEG


T*ese Patient PeopleSnnwl rpadcn; ~)f The Herald have

had to etl'l'ci:-lc'the pat'ience, of .Job since€"(lit()l"iall :-:Ilurted appearing dealing' ~ole~1y \\"ith oeal hmeR or local I'eaction tonational i~HueH. .

Tlli",1 the police arHI ('() \ll'tH , they Werenlltllrall}t a little offended that an edlt­Ollial im lied thf'Y were too rough oncoli eRe' fitudent::-l. But, comment wasahnut elual for and ag-.ninHt aH fnT astht, publ (' and stlldentR were concerned.

\Vha had heen intended waR a re­.h'w of t a1HlIing minor traffic cases withR liltle eewav given Rtudents who areIW\\,('om I'S to'·Wayne. In mORt cases theyHI'\.' umqvarp of ('ertain laws and aome~.onF' fl'l)m towns where laW enforcement

'. jf,l lIot a;-; l'Hick'llt a~l it is here. (Which is,)\tilln(' ~''"'''')' "~" The' 1he mini~tc-'rR h·ave had their!!fibulati''''", P'(litorially The 'j1eYald ask­ed them to lake. a "tllnd on the activities~f ' h' If" Klux Klan, "e'(en going RO far,SR 1<1 ('0 Hlemn the memberR of their ownt~\.ll'l h who pray on Sunday and par­tH'lpate a~ KlanAmen.on other, daY-A.

" The I""tors had a right to fe~'l a bit, Mnl1nNI - aflel' all, the editor ,had not

bC{-'1l i11 eaeh of their churches t~ know'what ,t llld the)' had taken, As Christian,they pi o"ably felt they had no ril(ht toconde n anyone professing Christianity.'>~ Th re iR mueh the' editor does not~jnw hut he if\. willil);g to learn. In the~~:-;tanceR described so far, the peopleIt',,,I,'' d hal'c been most kind and went

In A'One Shape

IJOHNSON]. ' , " I',


'HAY and.", t ,,' :

300 Bales Straw, all under roof300 Bales Alfalfa,.gil ur,der roofe

.c I

,John Deere 9 ft. Windrower, real good..Hard Wheel Wagon ,.'. 6iInt. Endgate Seeder, nearly new,2 Wagons on rubber12 ft. Dump rake,r~ulgood2 wheel trailerSix-rowSprayer, 'mounts on fractorInternational.4-row Go Devil, rf!algQo~Set of S,eel Wagon running gears .Oliver, '2-row pult type pJcker ' ".\".".',..,', ..,11I1, ,.,.,'

Chicken feeders, waterers and 'broode'·'to,.' "','

ERIcCJelHNS.·./J!O"I '., I I, ,,

1953 ,


. ,


Auctioneer: Ivan Nixon

""S"¥* Ii-

J@hn Deere 2-ll'ow Cultivator]5 ft. J@~n Deere DiscN@. 44 - 16 inch John Deere High Clearance

Plow .'

2 four sedion drags, real goodMm'!ure Spread~r

2 Wogtm Hoist~ - ~ Fertilizer spreader40 h. Kewanee 'Elevator, nefly newSide Delivery Rake130 J@h~ Deere loose ground lister with

h~$edidde' attachmentW@!J@8'D wDth hoist, o~e with flat bed, running

gear on rubber '!!~~!~!!.e No. 5'15 ft. Mower

Miscella~e04S:;: New jorse (o!lCllrs I 75 Steel Posts !

Set Har ass . Some h~usehold goods, i~lI:fu~in9

2 rolls, I) rd. barb wire one 9 x 12 wool rug, good'§p~GI h 9 wire, new Some cast iron hog pans


Some lu~be1 8. cri~bing ,'~Some hog panelsTools a!'i:d other mi~c. items Feed bunk

.}4' 4" fJlrain auger with "otor



W'e s~and corrected, We re­

.cen.tJy..said; a. ".'o-maj i.n ,Wayne.Ia., could win a co tf'st"sweep·

stakes but a womn in Wayne,Nebr., eoUlrln't d~"" 0 Nebraskalaw, Now' We rmd 0\ t a 'womanin Wayne. 13.

1CGUlld not win

~i~~1'fh;;Ct~~r~ ~~a~°ricwca:n~'yIf~Iowa and a woman t' tha,t coun­ty is eligihle to \vi a prize awoman in aUf Way'e county isnot. Nothing wrong with theseWayne county women in thisstate. Let's in'3ke;, ,it lcgnl fort~eJ;ll .to win in Svfe~pstakes con-tesls too. ! •

- SASS-Joe: "I hear :'Iioe talks 10

himself when he's, alon'c, Is it

tr~:"oe: "I don't know. ivene\~er been WIth him when he'salone·' "


- SASS' by (HAS·(Cnotinued from page 2)

Yot11.' help on this column,Spook, Speaks, editorials, newsand leatu'res will be appredated.There is one department n~at de­pends' entirely on you - lettersttl the editor. If you don't wantto :h.'ave your name printed, justindicate that, and if you dontcare to have any comment after or"~

.your letter, say so. It Will be asatl dey when we have to writeOUT own letters to the e:litor .

•'Thi.s is one department we'd' liketo build up, statting -right now.

- SASS-"Ma, hurry, d,a-ddy's lying on

the -steps crying. He's holding a£ paper in his hand and there's a

round box beside 'him.""Oh, gond . .My new hat has


, "I \

'" ~~·tH1i·YiAYN';'-HERAl.lf·FARM·SALI1iI~l""~ll~k~~l.I~".d--dlti"" h,,-h"ll ' I. ' J.O'.•,' H'N'.. J!S·'OEN>.I I ~. .f ~\;::::~~[~ i:~~ ~~~~:~::; i:l('1"';;:' 1',:1: W'akef·.eld· Nebraska'I,Irkll·d. n..,."., •.,11,'." lO'dry.I""I. . I'" I'During the lima period (.IOU I J

Sipt. 11 0'" Wayne' bU"Muman , \ .ro'celved a parking arrest, the

, ·c.hid', ,rlport !:>hows, H., had I

! left ,his' car OV(lr 21 hours in A"Ri

' •

I \~::"i~:~",~tr~~7,~ ~"~,~,'p;l('d by •. ' . , '. . .•'.,', "i (,hil~f Fnlrchilil in 1'(',-; pOilU' 10 ,In!editorial in Th IIN,d'l t":I1:Hl~

fur ll1or(.. \\I'lrnjn~<; ;md fe\\'('r al': re~,b; for traflit, Voi],lllOllS for :"t\l

!rtdl!s at wsc who an.. lwwcomers) to I.l1t' town

i •

A fa STORE'~ttractcd 'yo'lII9 pcopic at the hospit,,1 b~%a.r.'Girl 5 outs a.pcrot_cd thc conce-ssion withQ,~~"Qdul,t 5uperv,j:don os.

..! p rt of the projcct. ... .

Campus· Problems GetAired at WSC,Meeting

U.'iH!ers of N(:hr<lska <:olle~('

student,jJ pondered ,cqndiUons ~n

heir campuses Nov. 13 at Wayne... _~--_._- State :and came to the .conclusion

II • hat c'{jnditirms ;lre pr('tty good.

'PO i eReport Shaw!b tUgh Percentage of I .n~h~rr.~·~h.~~~I:;~:~.:;~U:;~:,p' • W ., .I A cussion, during numerous scs-, (Ill!' mn .' (lJlI'!1mtllls "om.noreUi to rrests 'Ior.••' tho Nebr••k. Sludent

:JI :,v IT" Government association. The' ~.' !i!wriill n'lll(rl Pf(!l><1l"l'd hy _.', _.'-." year-old (',rganuation representsChwf (f PfJlkc' Vprn F',lil'dlil<ll thl}rn Tho Herald eliminates, students who are inv"olved with,'i}H::VS :1 ;:J I~Hdol\;.j w<ll'.ning~ givl'1l flH! hame~ of the s1udents. - st~dent ceJunciis or similar eam(,lilt til!: a l.l·wj'pk pI'r1od. In till' StlJ(lt~nt ~ A ,.wns arre,.,ted for pus governing groups_ -~;'1IJ11 It I lOll till It \\l't I {'Will pal"ki,l\g i,n a restricted area be· Among t1le dclega~cs' major, top·Plll'klrlg arrt'st~' tween midnight and 5 :a.m, alter ies: The tole students should

Goln further,,, the polico two previous warnings wlthin 11 hilVe in c~)Ucge haws 23 partong warn- six·weeks period; ..StlHh~nt ~ park- Th(dr consensus was· that stu·Ings " d no arrests in A~gust, ed too long in a' restdeled area ~rents heed m'ore voieo, so their1.52 VI rnlnqs and thrf!p. arrests aitc')" two previous warnings, all ')pinions cnn be heard.In Scp ember (after WSC open· violations coming in· an 'eight-~ay Gov. Frank MotTison, the Satur-cd 'or Iht" f~1I term), 119 W<trn· p(~l'iod; ~1:IY lunch speaker, spoke to thisIIlgs ·,

ld two' .1rrCf,h In 4>ctobtlr I A 1 till! d w~rnmg on ptlfkmg POInt From hIS eXperlence III gov

and 6\ warn nets and thrc& al· ,n the zonCl where nf parking IS, rmng the stnle he related [H:-Ibrcstz n the fIrst 19 days of ,tlIO\H'd belw{'C'n tludnwht and lems of commume.ltlOn \.I,1t11 reNovcm cr 'j d III brought Stud~nt l~ In <ill .>ponslble offiCials lie statoed thatl'<tllC Illd s rCP{lI.t stat.ed "ThcrclVlolatlOns C9mmg m a 15-day per fmal deCISions necessarily rest with

c,lfl Ill' no set poll!;} Oil Issuing lad, Student 0 parked In D re the executives in c1harge, Speakingwamin1s fof' moving trlloEflC VIO'lstricted area· after· midn(ght the 1irectly to the colleg4:: Issue, he re­1'"lions bc:cause Irnrflc' 'nnd we~th· third, time in ;>ix' weeks; marke4 ~hat "there's an off chance\'1" ('Il[l( ilwlls vary with (',Ieh vio· ftt+onlfl on ·Student B showed the factlltv ~ight bp; right." ,LllllJt\ rln\C nf <l:IY and serioll,<;· he h.nd bec'n issued wal'nih~s Oct: The did not. confine t,Ilt'SS of tbe violillion must also 16, 01'1. 17 and Nov. 3, al&o get. fhemselves to campus' l":n1ddcred." Itlng' wnrninus for parking acrORS T~ey queried t:l~ ,r;ovcrn~r On tI~x 1

P;Il"k1k:. w,lt'ning:;; ,Ire f. ile,d by Sidcw.alh:, mnkin.g II 1I..turn in an.l.lh.~l\ - s~),eClf\callY, br03den~n/!Iluml)('r and are kl'J~t fllr inlt'rs('ction whN'c this was a via' he tax basco T.1CY debnted Viet

or more. It is tht' laUull and proceeding a block be' nam, not only as a pr-oblcm forof the WaYl1c flolire to, forc, making anclher -illegal u.turn', ,tudents but for the federal ,gov·

o\\"rll'rs of vc'hicles to: StUdent I" parked over 24 hour; c.roment,. and l~stc,ncd !'') and 'luesIII ('ourt 1l,]lO'!l ISStlan.C'l' of; in a rcstrielt'd area after warn. ',lOn,ed F'11:5t Distnet ~ongresslT~anw;lt"lllng tor n ,parllcui:lr''illgs en Nov . .I, 2 and a and fin- C1:ur Cal.ian, .the Fl'lcl'.1Y CVCmn1!

\'w1':IUon. 'li-tIlY having his car t@wed ,in: banquet speaku.eo:leg& students' '-ce· Student G parked on the I T~e as,ocl~:~on ere~ted /~e fo~.

,'cperf showed SiCven .~id(: of th(' strpct facing traffic twmg ne-w 0 le~;s; ,arn .~m t'since Sept. 1 for p-ark- thrC'l' limes in les:-; than a month :i~.' If.deT~ev a GuV.pres\€n ~

In reviewing IamI tht, Ihird warning resulted NGb::,koll, o::::on~re I,~:~~l ::dJa< Rae Lively, Cha ron Stah,\lec:"etary. i ,Seven -colleges srnf delegates:

Chadron, Kearnpv. \Vaync, th(' UnivCfSity of Nebraska, Dana, I Hastings and ScoLsbluff Junbr college'

IMAGNUSONl--- ----


. t bAA I THe WAYN~__~I:~ALD F~~=~~i:#$;T~~·'~·-·'-'-~~_'~'··-"~~~.~~~ ~~~. _

__\_~ ~~_LI!A~~! AKE~_~posi~i~n_with Midland -~~t_erinary Suppbes, I wiD sell the following described property~-~the farm toeated from

.Wayne, 7 miles south on Highway 15, 2 lriile~ east and ~ south, or ••• from Altona, 1 mUe east. and 1% north, or • • • from

Wisner, 3 west on 275 and 7% miles north, on . •• 0_

"Sal Starts at 11 :00 -Not Responsible for Accidents lunch Oil Grounds

50 HOLSTEIN CATTLE1SO 100-lb. feeder pigs

~9 100-lb. gilt pigs, would be de-sirable breeding stock

lOS SO-lb. feeder pigs

2 SPF Hampshire boars

2 S'PF'Yorkshire boars


1954 John Deere 60 _T-ractor_

50 head of holstein 1st calf heifers to stim calving 2nd week~

in December. These heifers were all bought in Wisconsin;some are ,purebreds and out of some of the top herds in Wis­

consin. They are all Aig and growthy and will make someoutstanding cows. Bred to purebred Angus bulls; calfhood

All hogs or,e double voccin~ted. Th,cy are all from SPF breeding s,tocl,< Th ' " - d" _ vaccinated; with indiVidual identification chains._. - _. _ . __. _,_ _. ese are on outston IRg selectIon

:f sows and pIgs. They WIll be sorted for size 'ond uniformity· to suit ',the buyer. . ,2"M' -E&4 l#LQ'm a t*$~ _

440' _H.EAD OF-LIVESTOCK-) . -

390 SPF CROSS BRED HOGS30- Crossbred gilts due December

10th, bred to Yorkshire boors.-,'-27 3rd and 4th litter sows to'storf­

farrowing January 10th. Bred toHampshire boo'rs

16 3rdand 4th litter sows iust bredNovember lst to Hamps~ire boars

David Bradley 2-14 plow

. i John Deere spreader_

Ottumwa. 40-ft. elevator~ 9H.P. motor------ - .

Rubber tiljLW~UI~~,- ~_!JQ.~~ .­22 x 14 hay cage

300-gal. water wagon, rubber tired gear

5 x 10 2-wheel trailer


F-l1 Farmhandloa~er, with snow scoop,grapple fork, push-off s!atker head

1961 Blair feed wagon with seN feederfiller attachment

John Deere 9S3 running tear with 6 x 12box, silage boards and hoist .

Westendorf [!Inning gear with 6 x 12 box,silage boar~s and hoist

Coby running gear with 8 x 16 flatbed

Wide front end.1949"' e~ ~ 'I~'il'1--" I t'l----, f!1 d'<>/\' ,f!l:" '\.,,,I· . Yb·,ef:-- ~ ---- fiK1,'9f-- ------------ .;

1961--lnternational Field CutterWith hay head and c:ornhead, real good c:o~dition and dean.

1963 Allis Chalmers 72 CombineWith rubber beh picKup and Duncan milo heads, real dean.

1962 Arts..Way grinder mixer witl112-ftdrag feed

1962 Blair 4 x12 spreader with heavyduty axle and wheels

Nobel 4-row"r4t.CJI'Y hoe

4-row furrow hoeJohn Deere S-section harrow with folding

eveilerMinneapolis-Moline 8-ft. wind rower

19614-row John Deeretultivator1961 4-row John Deere 406 loose, ground

lister, with liquid fertilizer andinsecti-. tide at~achment

John Peer~ 1·8-ft. d,isc)ohnDeere SS plow, 3 - 14's wit~ power

troll . ,

No. 1SIHe Hay rakeMinneapolis-Moline 2-row corn picker-

JWItiIliitW" ~"£=JL.'"


2 Cattle back scratchers,

2 Steel back scratchers

Barrels, Cattle oilWire «ibing, Slat cribingForks, shop tools11 Telephone poles275-Gal fuel barrel on standLumber, all sizesPortable air tankPropane tankCorn tunnelsEgg washer and pailsSmall water heaterNests and feedersMany other items too numerous to



MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS10·ft. Loading chute

14-ft Loading chute, real good

3 Best cattle oilers

16 Feed Bunks25 14-16 ft. GatesNew Jet pressure pump with 2Ht.

plastic pipe .Pride of Farm wate~ tankTrailer AxleM& MPicker, for parts1 Good road drag1 Set tractor chains, 12 38's1 Step On Tool Box

. 2 Sets John. Deere wheel weights1 J.-o. power trol cylinder30 ft. Drive belt



BI~nde dining room set, drop leaf table, buffet.chino closet, 6 choirs, like new.

Kitchen set, table and 4 chairs (chrome)2 Matching blonde end tables and matching

cocktail table 2 Matching lamps2 Matching blonde eni tables and matching

coffee tableLiving room set, gray, 2 piece.2 Matching bedroom lamps'Telephone chairHoover upright vacuum cleaner with attach­

mentIroning board 2 Matching lampsElectric butter churn 1 Occasional chair


-.=:....,- '--~._-,

75 Tons _of sorghum and~orn silage

~ 80 Tons-;:t alfalfa sil~9e:~2 Stacks af 1st cutting·ti~y

1 Stack of 2nd cutting hoy

1 Stack of 3rd cutting h!ly

1 Stack of chapped hay

SO Bales of 4th'~utting - SO Bales of straw

. ,,- , r'O> ' " . ' , •Orville Loge, 396-399~, Pilger; Jim Troutman, 286-4581, Winside; and -I-vcin--Nixonr-281-2912,~WakefielcL.._- ~--.aIRK: F~LNational Bank of Wayne

-- - -_.'. • L ." -. <


. "-

I ax16 portable building on skids, 2 Round IS-bu. feedersmetal roof 1 Wooden Self Feeder

. 5 24 x 13 buildings, all on skids 2 Pax 60 ~. hog feeders- 12 x 20 brooder house on skids 3 S;;ft;1rrI(feld portable hog waterers, .

14 Silent Sue farrowing crates, with" 1 with platformplywood floor. Feed and water front _ Arkfeld !toft. ~utomatic hog waterer,

12 x 16 Feed shed on skids with electric heat2 S}( 10 feed sheds 2 Mineral feeders 5 Creep feeders8 x 10 Feedshe~ metal roof, real good 3 Pig waterers 15 Water pans6 x 10 Shed • •• -. 3 Rolls portable hog mesh .4 sets of 32 individual sow feedmg stalls, I' 90 000 BTU EI t J t b -f

t bl k'd- , , ec roo earn urnacepor a eon s I :»

16·Ft. portable hay feeder 20 Heat lamps 3 Steel Troughs_7 Brauer self feeders, as-bu., 2 with .2 Soft hog water tanks

platforms _ 2 Ventilation fans, 1 McComb feeder, 8S-bu. Nipco heater, with thermostat

'.'III-;'-OR~REsr- (F






..:. BOtH Coto~

llU''''''D8lAC~ &''MIllEIo'tDOOA~ ,OU1OOO1lSDAY OftfllCJfn


Oil Paintillg!

~,JIt Imagine an original $50 oil~paintin9 by 0 Euro.pea.n artist

hanging in your home! A sunnylandscape •• '. an exciting Parisstreet scene .••a poign<:Jnt clown •••a poetic seascapel The lucky win­ner may choose anyone oJ them.EASY TOENTER•••NOTHING TOBUYI To find out further detalls,Ijust fill in the coupon below andbring it into "Your P~armacy GiftBonanza" Drug Stare.,atldlliplUPPliR hy Ade".. eau.ri. cl'Arft, 1Jcf.

Fifth AvllftW, ....-T.rk Ci'f------ .... ,Fill in your name and add-tess and b~;ng this e"!"Y f~rm •.

•wilh you when you .wt anyone. of t~e parfrcfpalmg ,IIPharm.acy Gift.Bononzoll

. Drug StOt-et. Fmd out how y~u II " can win an Originol Oil PaintineJ '6

I ~'Name . , '·'f';':'I:~1~~;tti·,,·~,~....

~ Ad"ron . •II!' C'1fy State Zip-- ..,

....iiili;~..IlIIIIIII..-..-..-r-L\.........'~.........- ....~..~~~J;SiI~er Dollo~ ,Night IDro~i~~ in~r St~re ., '., ~1i~ ., ' ....• ' .. ,...

,. ThIU~ay;18~'~.$3f·




. r/UMli'fdic 'eollN •.../taL-ea


AdOlenrelldy·made bows ..•assorted foils.metalliC,solid,stripes. Self­stic}dng!





SPECIAL 63< 00

CHRISTMAS TREE lAMPS· .~Top QUFli!Y\ long· life.


SPECIAL'ISIZE 6 5/234 SIZE 7~; 5/434

SID 9!; 5/58.

Two Regi~tered Phafmaci~ts To Serve. Y_'j59 Years' of Relioble Prescription SerVice I, .

I .

TRANSISTOR PORTABLE TAPE RECORDERBattery operaled, with mkrophoneand push-bullon control. COrnplE!tllwith tape, hatteries and earphone. SPEC;AL '19~99

SPECIAL $24.9.9. ".~.' {2units}:.--_----CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS 00 NOMA

~~io'~:~~llt~:.1 TREE LITEChoice of SeTcolors.



•W' 0 MUST SELL new m"".rs

e~ch year? Auto makers'! Wheredp t ey show their products? Inthe ewspapersl One, auto manu­faet rer, fo~. examplel has in·ere ed _- its , n~w~pap,r, ad,V& Ing" 35~. - Faith in the neW$-

. _a seilIng tool is" I\()t~ in,rtf: ,,'tt1e tdrfi,t'fi~.:, .,...s--,­

dV@~'Sare Detroit auto$. 'V'our . ....nt' .-'uMf -of•per. spat~ wi I ::produee ,out-

sfan-; 1119 ,1.lit,l'i,;il~I~,~II!" :~I'::':i

College Plays NotIntended for Some

ale SeasonI

Offers Big IOnes'I'lli' ~C';l!'.() I fol' rflrm sal('~; hll.~

:1l'l'iv(!(1 ;nl!! jhn'!' ,I !Ji,~ (lilt'S :Il'{'cqllllll~ IIp' i]{'x! !wl'pl" OIl(' b

:llllol.l~: lilt.! 11l'j!,('Jo;! 1...,.It'ld i.,ri th.C' :1.1',.'aIII V('::U"£., :

Forrost ( rosty) IMo1gnulion willhave a soDl Mond-ay, Doc •. 6, 'othis farm s vc!II1 m~les ,outh, twomilo!; en sf nd three·fourths., mitesc;uth' of W yoe A lot of ma('hln~·

ry, fractor and equipment, .alongwith 440 h ad of cilttte will be

"Id, f'J'ln'M!ay, h'('. 7, 1';(1 :llld .JO(~ I'"-

dl'l'lWn lire lin'in;: a ~.aJp tWo andomdnurtll flliles tlOl"l h of W;j~('fj.dd

~g ~Ii:rit;~~.a~ ;.:}\(:::·~I.(!Yl r~/l ~~'n~:e~::~l~:('hln(~r~', lW1' and other items.

1\..)1'. atld fr:-i. ~;rie Johnson hun'a sale s('lh ,'doled 'I'hlil'sd·rtv, 1)('('.

fI, at the sOlIOw'l.'il corner of W<lk~~·fil'ld. T/wv Jtw\'{' two tractors, rna·(~hincI'Y, . ('Vllipmenl, Iwy, grain'ano mis('('lldncolIs jlf'ms Jjstt~d for,;a/(i,

Chri tmas SealsGo f Residents

'rihose little Christmas seals thatdo SUC', a big job have been sentout aga n. Residc.nts are asked notto put hem aside but to usc themand to send in money for thestamps in the envelopes provirled.

Nebr skals campaign theme is,"Ever 'Home Needs Protection."Thi'" i depicted In the "Kernelsof Lif " "design featuring a lit·tie gi I feeding birds anti a dec·orat Christmas tree with gaily.colore birds. 'Th~ artist 'himself 'had tubeTCU­

losis-<iJ[ld the girl shown'on t'hc seal PI' jnted '.Vith. his .0. ".:n .. dalJlgh­tel' as a model. As a victim of TB,he kn ws the lot of those afflictedcan be bright so he want.ed to ,painta ¢he riul seal.'

Me ey re<:eived through thesale' f, stamps goes to providecart for those who 'had tub~rcu·

los~s and' to pay· ofQr research on

~~~~~~:~s~::~eot~:'~n~;sP~~:to:~Nebraska. gail"s along with thenatic on this fund drive.If 01.1 have not mailed in :vour

mane' to ,pay- for st'als, use 'anenvel pe ann do 53 a~ once (anddon't: forget to paste 5:lme se3h:on th t env'elope and all other en­velop s you sene;! out t.his Christ­mas cas!}n),

Thr(~(' OTH··ad pJnys ~v('r(' pre­,~~lltt,(J 'Sunday, ;Vlnndu,Y and Tiles­dtly nighls of last we!.,1t hy theWSC drama dl'llIlrtrnent. Theywere obviGtlsJy not i'ntended for('hildrcn and, not (or some Rdults.

All featured offbeat charactersa f\ d ou~st~ndjn9 ~11"ltrae:terira­

tlans, The ,plain-spoken lal1f}uagO'ncclrsliary to the mood was ,notalways parl!?r talk.If [lOY lIdol' had to be named

as oUls'tandinJ.! it would probablyI,H' (;porj!,C Tubbs who didn't play01l' par! of H' dirlY old man-helived it! ApPc<lring ill "The DirtyOld MUll,' he put a lot of feolingilltO II part depieting <I dere)icttalking to himsclf n!l :l C:i1ifol'llillveUt,l,l,

Only two !~il'ls had lha,tol' roles,Sandra FostC'r III "Hello OntThere" :lnd Lal'{ll'lI Hansen in"llil'tv Old Man," E'ach \\'115 mosteonvi~cing in the roles, Sandraplaying' the part of a girl wh:Jvrfrlcmds a man in jall allc! La·rcen a girl ci,ltlght on the beachwith her boyfri('nd by the dirtyold man.

Other out.standing johs includednon WachhoJt7. as a IlHl'tcndel',,Jim Bl'oekl'l:s'1JY, as nn aclol', JimHull as <Ill ullthropologisl <lnd JimII'1ars,ieeJ.: as a m:lll s('('king Codin "Jligh Sign": J)1),.'ighl GOlll'leyas ;1 ~:lInhl-:,1' in jail in "lIc11nOut 1'hero"; ancl Gerry Metis, tuk'ing ;t smaller role in "Dirty (,Man" but.;1lort~aying a,t(::'"\I/heel" c~\nvincinglr, indiC"ating hehas (consWerahle talont and will

~l~tur~~ttinf .major YO Ips the

HoB~~~.1. srt~~~':~;ic~()I;I~;(i ~,~!~~~~Denton ail had l('ss(~r- roles buteach htu dled assignmt'nts withfeeling_ ,Jim l\1imicl{, Hicharc1Petersen Ideserve n lot of creditfor supcljh job!' of directing.

clreditl alsolJ has to go to thest~ging r-rews for the p'ap. pre­s~nted . n a theatre·in-the-roundsetting, to, those in 'charge of

I ci~ke~~h,,(;s:~~iafl~~ t~o: li'~~;r~~and ba¢kgr~und music.Wayncl State prod ucl ions con­

Unue to [show a' professicnal touchthat" lis'ICOl1i.mendabl('_ The playsdeserve support .of thf' general

i~lb~~~ a~l~ g~~~'kP~~tl~o;:;o~~la~~~the waj up" who as stars maylater re all their appearanC'es inWayne, .

J ..Covenant CouplesCI~~\

; ,

SON,.I Clerks: Wakefield N~tionarlll.';'I .,.


Registered Hamp Boar

•Lunch 'Served by the




JOEA,N. . . Not' ReSpOnsible for"Acc:i~ents

C3::~JE MACHINERY, 1953 John Deere Model SO Tractor

1950 John Deere Model ATracf@r With Power Steerillg

'1942 Inlernafion(jI'M'~TroctorJohn .Deere Picker, 2·row mounted 227, wit1~ tlr.Dtom~tic Greaser '. '" .\1 •

John Deere 2-bottom; 16-iQ.plC!~,,: )1 Bearcat, Grinder 2.row ,InternatiOllal Lister2. John Deere ~isks, ,,15 ft., '":'l' Allis Chalmers 60· Combine with pickup·',.j Fanning Clipper Mill with ElevatorInternational 2'bottoM, 18 in. PI6w &•motor, wag,0n bitch & scour clean "foo, Rotary Hoe, 4.row .Massey Harris 2-bottom, 14 in. Plow With straw spreader Western Land Roller, 12 ft.2 Antique Plows • ',.. International Dumpf~RakeCylinderCorn Sheller .4 Rubber Tired Wagons, 3 With hOists John Deere Side Delivery Rake 12 ft. Auger Elevator'New Idea Stalk Sh~edd?r " . Flat Rack and Sides Mow~r Windrower .Gehl Forage Chopper With one-rOW corn 'k I 2-row International Go Devil

head ' Hay Roc onstee r International 2-row CultivaferInternational 20 ft. Harrow 3 Wagons on steel David Bradley Mower w,ith CultivatorJohn Deere 20 ft. flexible harrow Oat Huller Cashwell LoaderWeed Sprayer Barrel Sprayer 2.rowCorn Planter Two 2·row John ,t;»eere (ultivators,on~,,,.,John .Deere· Bin~el' Windrower ' • h with quick-tall. ' . •.A . L d H St k 1 ·th John Deere 494 4-~ow C~r.n Planter Wit john Deere 7 ft. Mo.werwithextra 5 ft.

merlcan 00 er ay ac er WI Ii uid tanks & insecticide boxes and . 'scoop, Hay Boom d

qf ·1' , h bar

,J' h D S 'd ry ertllzer attac ment Horse Drawn 6 ft Mowero n eere prea er • .New Idea Spreader ) International ~nd Gate Seeder Bale Loader I40' ft. OWCltona Elevator bee Flow Fertilizer Spreader John Deere Corn Binder


'~'! ',~~~~~E~~~~.~~.~,~e.~.',~.a',.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


. !

S' H.P. Electric Single Phase Motor Corn Crib Roof (steel-roJndlSurge Milker Unit with 2 buckets 2 Electric Fences5 H.P. Evinrude Outboard Motor Heat Houser2-Wheel trailer '( Loading Chute on rubber wheelsContinental Tractor Post Hole Di!lger Tire Tractor Pump ..Cemet Mixer 300 gal. Gas Storage Tank with stand 30 Feeder Rigs, vae-

About 900 Bu. Corn Keystone Cattle De-Horner 2 Piles scrap iron db hOK HOg Feeder Some dies and other tools and other einate ot, ways

Brome Se~~ Best Cottle Oiler )Veed ~urnerr items too t!umerous to mention







S Ie Starts 11 :00 A. M.

·17B~ed HerefordlHeifefrf1 Bred Hereford Stock Cows .

19 Black Cows 17 Steer Calvesregistered 3-year old Hereford BullI 3 Cows with calves at side .., 3 Yearling Steer Cdlves 16 Heifet Calves

urebred Angus Bull, Small Bucket Calf


r." With Stock Rack-',HAY - GRAIN

13700 Bales Hay .& Straw1 all wire tied b~les I

!1400 Buies Alfalfa, 1st cuttingI 600' Bales Alfalfa, 2nd cutting1 600 Bales 'Alfalfa, 3rd cutting

200 Bales A,lfalfa, 4th cutting700 Bales Wild Hay200 Bales Straw200 Bu. Ollts

I I win sen Ihe following! 'dekillied personal property 01 ,uhlii: auction at the fann localed from Vlaketoeld, 214 !)'ilel ROr!I! • • • fromSioux City, 3S miles southeast on high ay!3S, iust north of motel nortft of Wakefield ••. from Wayne"S miles ~ast 4~ northlJighway35'~1

Men.'s. $12 for


Xm~s Dollar Day Special!


$1°03 Prs.




100% stretch nylon has'will glve_ you 5 fun years

of wear. Ribbed poilttern.




MEN'S DAGRON1Rj. TI"McDanald~~Own Brand

100% pure Dacron® polyester ties with

wash and wear lifetime guarante•• Sm.rt­

est fashion colors.

Elastic .LegsWhite ColorSizes 5 to 8

Gay NinetiesChristm~s C~p.~15~lL

Keep A Supply of Th~se HandY!d'i~i:li~::':4\Eight differen' .aden•• of d.Uciaus 'cr;,p, :$],111 .''''''.:~:~Y tea ecck;e.. Attractively gilt ~;:";:{,,iJllllJii:

SAVE NOW!Your Choice of Corduroyor Stretch Denim

Smooth fitting bell bottom pants

Our answer to thor snow and blow

bound to eomel Choose from o~r wideselections of coats it" fine qUillity fabric.,

styles and workmanship. Assorted colora.8·18.

in 71 % cotton, 29% stretch nylon

with contrasting stitching. -Also

styled in wi,de wale corduroy. 6-16.


Cozy Comfort For Those!

Winter Days Ahead!

Styled, For Casual Wear·

Women's Car Coats

'j ~R'Dii'.• ! " ····r• . .' I.' • • ••. .'

L~~:.·: i··.i :.: .·r~

Beautiful styl,s inrayon ac:e~ilf~ ~iJr.eCi robes_ A perfectgift idea for her'&.IV.


Girls' long sleeve stretchtops are the perfect match­mates 'for streteh pants"t 7~14.

Girls' sizes 3-6x - $3

The most popular

paRt style!

l00%~~h nylon pantswith 1OBf!'waist. ~andy stir­rups.- Candy pin~ _or robinblue; Shes 7~14. i

Girls! sizes.3.-6x.~ $3

Bath TowelHand :rowel

0(t1"lGIRLS' STRETCH TOPSt f-- ·.oOto •

~.She'll wont several of these!

~.~c-::zr:.. $4~~~~-:-- ~~

,/-" -"'$~'\

29c 59cWash Cloth

Jictorian Rose Towels:,Lovely new printed pattern

Lovely new towel ensemble with foam

backed tub mat also available. Two large

cameo designs with 'big roses are sur~

rounded by a field of baby roses. Pink,

orchid, green or gold on white.

Pocket the savings!Use your credit!

ill I


Sport Shirts

WOMEN'S SLACKSIn Tall and 'Average Lengths

Stretch pants in a blend of 70%

rayon, "30% nylon with KOliatron®pre'ss-fr'ee finish,' Detachable stir~~ups. 8~18.•

100% pure wool :pant top with full

fashion sleeves. 'Bold, hand- em·

broidered designs on white back~

ground.- S.M-L:

Ideal for casual! wear






'Men's Long

,Itis time to brighten the leisure wardrobe with on.; or several

of these handsomely styled shirts at tremendous savings. Cus­

tom tapered 'Iong shirt-<l tails, regular perma~stay collar, two

poeketsJ S·M·L-XL.

,.'W.i.'Id••.1:H.•Id: ","'",.0.;....;>;''''1' !.'. " v, ~ J. ,,;,,,. "'':'lnlc:",·U·.v~.'Nk:,AalT~~r 1':"Cll' ',Pack 175 Cub Scouts I ondp,om_tlon. W"o pro_t.d. R~ndy Schlu.t., and Randy Mil. I New:p.PeR.ove~T1S.N<;, - _." I I ~ S,pJlIfl). I ..J~ UQ ) ~ .... .~." I I I Dn~Jd And('r/l:on Is moving up Ilgln: 1ft4 ,ltv., "row., Kerry nlCMI tho•• poop" who hay.

d:.J 1,! . ,-. M'Sgt 0 ,c' SI 1,17149547 llCS, Box OlS, FPO,San FrancIs· 1 L d 'd !~o \\ebelos He rec(,~i\'Ni tt t"'o J~c~,andtwoto,Robln:,Ku~rn.; hlgh.rlnconl~••r."'U'r.duci•.A.are ses Given for Area Servicemen In (IG isl :I~lil;ry ~~rc: Gp. (0001) co" CahI, 96610 IS'lOW Da s Proce ure 1yoar perfecl allcndanc. P~'" a I.mlly nllhl w,ll be .. OWoo~v.c1 ad and mo,.lnl"","II••; Tho ;;..;••. ' I '. () .APO ,San l!'ranciseo, Calif., 96331 A2/C Jerry R. W.leraMY,., F' 0 r. CIS I p. 'kbIWdG-year service star and 11 Lion ::)Jb~h~ia~~e~:c~,~~:~tn:~r~I~~: papt,', I, "'d.:' thorou.~ly with ITho C'· -t dS .• 'A ' ! "eo .fOkinawu) " C1IIR a·'" Ke I .~ I a H~r~ 0 Uj cou.s m at: a ie. • mort th.n) out 0' 10 r••a.,. ••y r

. IS' . U ry a.n . c.roS.S...........n '.' .' . 2 ox 1_1.1. -a'.11S.rOUnd oul a little pro.edU.". Olh,'r ,word. wore: New Bob. whil. mOlhe" aod other.laml1)'. . . ' H •. ".,I', • .' "I --,_ ,_.";." •. ,,".. ,,~ .~, "_,. ~/3c D.nnis L. Stolt","r. I MISi.• 3~. in c:lrnln~ :'l baUgc at thl' p';l('k cat btldac. Phtlip Koeber. Woll member' will rcmHdn "t ,Uw Inca, th.y oo_,thr~u, "..Jt"iP~.~,,~y,_

I, OIlOWlIlt, <lri~ the nl.ldrcsscs of I ' ',AF' 17732057 80" B 1 Lowry • mN·ting Tue~dllv night of lastIbac.1gt's Dan Dcnkin&ur Keno school.' When th\: \'OlfQltJni f..,turu., p•••. Thl" lurv.v '_o~n~'4!",!u,~,..,~~t,n,l'f~1l Sl'rl'i( c-mi~n\ a~s.• tu~n('d, In. ,nt, pv·~.: LYle,..L. S.C.h¥et.,.1 NG... 2.?f1322

., 7 AflH, ~lo.,' 60230. ' Iwetl,k: The. d,.·d. ,.·went through tbl" Jel'h, .and Rand)' MUHsan; ,Won rerre!hmcnh wlU bt. st~n'ctl. ",. oil tho•• In. t~•."t~"I.t,,~O",'"I he H(~ralf! OfHN. Jhey ~rt In til.' C6, B 4th B-nt" .lrd aCI t, DOE, . H h hi d'" II ~mml.' pro<'pdur<.>sJ their son~ dld, hndgc 'Terr)' Pfeiffer' antstant • '~~v.'lhho..t~.'i••~, ~ r~~n.•..'p,,,P_Ufc:f..':.:r.,rlhahf~ljC'lll Td~~r to r'~{'i1itatl!- flll.. d. 1"1. I.c.'on.. ardWOOU, Mo. ~Ai2c Rich.rd Lee Stro.;hW :::rsh °h.": well ito (·nrn Wdt.b.tld~('.~,_· . Jdcnnc;"bar, Dan Denkinicri,dun. I'" .~" n~

111:'( .1,an1('~ of pllrtlC\llllr 11i.<ttVld., I AI'. ;(1113149, 1972nd • mm Sq., WlIIu

nev:r liIrea. : th: s:id.~ d:lI.n! '.'Aehl..ev'eJnent Trlal" was t~e. Im,'r 1>01. r. Ke...·in Jech; roulVj.up $ILL IT WITH" WANT AD '''1 Jhh:y t~,I~~t~.:I~;h:~.p~~h •••r~~11111<. G••y L. Sl•••rs F"I.595-2J.25. Dr,wer 20, APO San Francisco. Uk. h. who .how, th.m 'round I theme 10' the m..tlng hold at paleh,llalph Mell; I, .' THe WAYNe HERAL r. .d.onu throuvl> n,w,p(r.


rt:tflt:~I$" ~&n::~~·a:,·:o~~tr~:~ _~~'i...~~:.~.~~~~~a2j.~~p~_'"~~_~~_I~~._963_3_7_. _.__, ~nd hOII~~: , ,~,~__i_w_.e~~~_~.ntary 5chool. Aw.rcll Gold .r_rn_w_•.:.•...,T_._r_l-y:_p_Io_lffor_,-'-_______ ~ .\.~~, !h.~~~~rf"~.~:~'_,~~,~I.~•..In which' t e Individuals ,.r...t.Y" , " , ',', . '. " .lng, Tho. .hculd \'lOT b. UH~in tht' tl drcucs on envelopes,being off rp.d -here merely toI·.alp locll e them ,in any placeIn t~C1, w rid.

A Larry L. Rit,e AFl7732466MH !':n. 2, Box 1556, FLT 1875,:lckland AFB, San' Antonio,ex .. 78236.

AI c Richard L. Rih.e AF 176254931 \ Ht'('on Tech. Squadron. Box1 ~L APO San Francisco, Calif..9'::\Oi. (Saigon, Vietnam)

PI . Charles G. San~ahl,

A 17695815 14th·' ETC (H.C.)64418 USAOC. &. ~" Abil~deenroving Grou~ds" _Md." 2~OO5.

AI c Mj)ntl! L., ~chra~ d :aUoxi.~:Lk At.kin~on,~ - _'51~~ ,;

I "I';' 'I"

I ',:

l:fl'i11 !H..lojJle will reo'i('l'\'ie(~ml'n with

ilnd girts. Any re·home will. hc- apprc­

hv jlll~1l overSl)as ~o evell ift!ll'V I.'l'l· I Jill! late- if ' ....ill be het­Ittr; 111.,;11 OIl lll<Jil coming 'one 'wedtalld nonC.' or s(~v"raJ wl.·(d,s aft"!'ward

You ilI't!j asked to cut out thiSIj~t an(L~avc It.for a reminder ofthos(~ who arc serving. Many oth·l'rs s~n~-() but no on(~ botheredto'lllf'lI Jill lIH'it' addn'sses.

Aile ROb1rt L. Andersen,,\:" i'lH1p'\!IO, HOli SUjlproll. Box

il:!:l:L AII(f"':)7, N('w York, N. Y"

[)~IO;,7. (11'r;JfIkfllrt, (,jermutly).

A B Earlj G. AndersonAI" [7Til:.~;j::7, Box' lfiOii, Flig-hll:j:J~J; ],l[,latld AFIl, -(rex" 782:Jll.

Pfc, Mich~(ll G. Atkins RA 17695735Ilq, CO'l'\S('O!ll Distric! CrWlltl[lnd

. ;~~;::,(.~'jl1' [,'r,lIlerSC(l, Culif.. 96220,

AB Verd II R. B.acl(stromAI-' :~f;HJ.,.)~lKH, Box H.-flO!!.'). CMR:!

!S)J('fI':11'I1 AI"ll. ']'('x .. 76:H1

~P·4 P'lhjicl< Bahde RA 176758851('0. (' !hrd Signal Battalion, Box

1,1. .-\l'd 1\'I'W York, N. Y., 09175( [)arlllsll;lI![.,,(;prm:Jny)

,Pfl~~I,Dt~~!li~,\ ~t~~~·,B~~ ~~~3~~VHi'.'" AI:n San Fra~-cisco, Calif..

! ilH207 I korea)

iA/2e Jajes J. Sa;er, AF 17695468: H.24th AI'HON. APO San Fran-eis,·I co. CaI'L, 962:J9 (Okin~wa)I

. \ Lonnie ehmer1\ Box k, Asmara, Etlhlopia

, i' (!'eneel Corps)

Pvt, RO!ie Bethune US 55192505 DA:lrd Ell. Sludell,,! Co., CMR No. I, Vertical stripe~ in a blend of 85'1'0 rayon, 15 0 acetateBox N . ,1514, I art Rucker,. Ala.,311:1112. I

Pfc. Sa't~uC!1 J, Burris, US 55791671

~;:/:~ ~~t' ,\;1'01ll~'a;1 ~:~ ::;:~~~ ~c~~r:I1~2~:~

Lance ~1. David Carlson 2093837MARS:n MW56·:17, 3rd MAW,l\ICAS :1 TOro., Santa Ana, .Oalif.

Pvt. Ra dall F. H. crrlsonUS 55 !J2483, 4th En, Stu. Btry.Enl. $ttl. Bn. SPt. Cmd.lJt-i:'\AllS. Fort Bliss, Te,x:, 19916

I A/2c Rfnald E, Carlson

i A~~er~:J~i;~()(;~ril~~~~t~,~~~~;le~~63~: ~~~York. :'J. Y -

A'le R+Delie A. Erxl.ben I W.amen~s ,"0. rshmallow vinyl stretch sli.i.:.lpers 3.008261h IMed. Gp., 'APO New York·. tt' 2/ 00N. Y., 09845 (Puerto Rico) First qual,i'ty Run-Ie$.s seamless hoisery '.. .1.

80xed pin and earring sets ........•.... 2.005P 4 ~ger L. Hansen US 55736211 . I •• hi' 2 00

Co. 04th Engr. Bo" APO New Women sIze stretc . g oves ....:.... •York. N. Y.. 09111 (Bad!eld, Women's daintily trimmed nylon slip ) .... 4.00GCr! any), Women's nylon tricot elastic leg brier ..,.1.00

A/2c ene D. Kay AF 1761326 four section jewelry box ' 1,00Box I'" 410 SUI}ply Squadron, Sophie Moe c~unchy peanut brittle , .. 3/1.00K. L Sawyer AFB, MIch. Hanes® knit ;sleepers ' 2.00

Gene,~. Jorge~sen 2-Class NAFS, I;==:;====:::;;::=:;===;::;;=~====~~fj,:'kr:;~~~311l'1Ye, Orange Park, Famous Dunnkenny® Blo~ses

5P/ 4. ryee F. L.ind'OY R. A 1757.0550 ~Be. 122 Mt. Bn., APO New ;York. N. Y.. 09039. Specially priced for this event.

SP/4 erie H. Lutt us 55736215Sr. "tn, lIq. Det. 516 Gp.. APO Donnkenny brings you severoill new 'I 4N ' York. N. Y. 9164 (Karls~ styles 'in a blend of 65% Kodel® poly- !, $rUhe

pGel'nUlllY). I ester, 35%. eom'bed eotton. La,ce trim-

SP '6 arvey R. McDonald " mad, white.

s~t ;1~lIl~I~~;; ~dR~ I~e\'i~'~ ~~~f.I" ~ .J


sP/5lLarry L. McDonaldRA 7510497. Hg, Btr,Y. 4th MissileBn. j 56:Wd Artill.ery, Box 1004,Dtl1randlle. _Tex.

Pvt. ILarry Mitchell US 55736248IUjC. USApERSCEN, Fort Dix,N·IJ·

A/~! Terry L. MuehlmeierA'il~ 17'J32244, Box BI7l6, LowryAFj~, Colo.. 80230.

. ,

pfCJLarrv E. N~c:hols, US 55736214I-il Etf\'. 31'd Bn. 18th Atry.,AI 0 Sal; Fra,nrisco, Calif., 96490( y A:'\ KHE, Vietnam)

L/q:pl. Don A. Preher.; 2093839H~'. Co. Hq. Bn.. 1st M'3rine Div.Ba'nd, FPO San Fl·anclsco, CaUL

9 O~ (O~inawa)

Pfe. James R. Pryor US 557917753 07 Ll'csberg COtirt. Apt. 10311\'x3lHlria, \'a.

Top Related