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— f e K ' OT^KOOT PAIIiY p a m $ E L , SAfrtJRDA.Y. Wrastim* t>BCE5LBBR 30,. 18,99, u i i i h it i ' [ i n i III • i i i ii M I TTw.i i n i . i l i . i n r ii ii ii .HI ' I • • —

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*, J -DURING 1889

ti»p^Jtii>C«lnB3iii« »niVlclolty-CrIme» mA Qaattaltte* olt Various DMortpttona —Acoia^ntt.JBiiath*, etc—SomathitK to Jfrcawpre for Baterenee

^ "" ->=-'• ' January.- ••>•••»';' _ -"' 1—Clear and -very cold; zero weather" -all day. j&otniuch -snow on the ground but good^leighigg. w • - - . » • '

sT%—Brodook^Gatley's vaudeville show in the WasMngtion street opera house,

3—Mrs; SermanRonspees ot.Higgihs-vllle^les suddenly.

' 5—Mild weather and rain have taken " away the snow and destroyed the sleigh­

ing • " . 6—An epidemic of grip prevails- and

there are many deaths. „ 1—Erjough snow fell last night to make

- good sleighing again. 8-TJoBeph Erancis of Remaen asphyxir

Vd' in Chicago'. H—The board of supervisors adjourns

sine die. , -10—Supt. Henry S. Wetherbee ot the

' Borne waterworks dies suddenly of heart disease. A cold snap sends the mercury B8l^wa9low~asil8<, Jielow-zeroj &• C= Baldwin's carpenter shop hurned. An­nual meeting of the Oneida County Agrl-

— oulturakSoolety inrRome. John WVPot-ter of "Marcy. electedpresident.

-i . JJ«=Annual reunloa of Batteries H and * C, Third Light Artillery, in Rome.

' 12— Daniel Watkins's house on Pleas­ant avenue burned. *

13r-John Jones _o| Washington Mills commits suicide by hanging. Georg^ Wyher, employed in H. C. Maxwell's

' saddlery hardware, factory hasbisrTght hand and forearm .so badly crushed on a pulley as to render amputation necessary.

—• 15 —Death of Richard Dunningy RomePa oldest business man.

16 — Rain and mild weather have "whipped" the sleighing, which a fall of

1 unow had made good for-a f ew days. - 20,—Base ball benefh' ball in S nk's

f', opeTa house Death of Mts. Polly Vin­cent in her 99 Dh year, the oldest resident Of Rome and a real Daughter of the Amer­ican Revolution.

23-The Real "Widow Brown in the •. Washington s raet opera hous". >f 2#—Col. Shaw lectures in the Baptist

LjXJ&UTch for the benefit of the soldiers' i monument fund.

:*' "- 25-Sufficient snow falls to make fair » sleighing again. The Victory block in

T-T"—whlteabor© burned, -Banqnat jto. Corn.-1 Royal Arcanum of this state, "pany E in tJtica Byron Chapman Of - ———

OlayvUle, aged 7, dies from in juries ••-.•;: banked by falling down a hay chute.

- .. 29—A. E Wetherbee appointed snper-*.;'/• intendent and K. S. Putnam clerk of the

prater board. , Ftbra«ry.

2—The Silver'King in the Washington


,>Itreet opera house.' ""•H 3—Centennial celebration of the or-—ganitation of the First M. E. church be-t g d n , . ' '• v . . 6—The centennial celebratlondclosed. '•'•':.• 7—The Republicans nominate Dr. W.

Ii. Kingsley for mayor and J. P. Gubblns Vforjustlcjof the peace. ; .•' 8—About a foot 6f snow falls. The

Democrats nominate Abner S. Whijbefor mayor and Bird D. Kueeland for justice

;of the penes. nThe biggest bllwswd of the winter begluai

S—The business portion of Forestp.ort burned. An Qaeida school house de-

• itroyed by Are. {The Girl From Paris in '•'**. the Washington Btreet opera house. The „-•, blljstara continues. Railroads and high­

ways are badly blockaded. • ' . 10—There i s no let up to theatorm. .Fif th annual reunloa of the Whlte3town

seminary association. 11—The blizzard lets up. It was, the

.-ffftrat In, years, , 18-JChe Sleeping City in the Washing­ton street opera Tiouge. John DM, indict­ed, for the murder of John Mooney, near

^ttsvi l le , Identified as.Charles"R. Davis, ;»^lot»rlouBcriniifial. ,

li^AcontlnuatlonOtthebllzzwd. The ' j^7iOintral*oad^lo«k9d east and west. No

.through trains from either direction. Sairymen of Rbme .organize a branch o l ttie Five States Mil t Producers' associa-

Tflfcji. Lieut. "Charles P. Russ of Rome atta in Porto Ricb. . lKa>ThB.bUEgard over. Ash Wednes-

::day.^ • -18—Death of T. L. Bolley. 30—The Kane Opera company opens a

Week's engagement In the Washington street opera house, Death of Harvey E. Wilcox.

1 * 22—Initial soldiers' monument meeting in- the council chamber. David Will­iams of Hick's Mills fatally kicked by a ionse. * ' .

SSWBIaliop-^nntliagtonconflrmsa class in St -Joseph's church. ~

24—Opening of the Y. M. 0. A. state ^convention In Rome. A thaw has taken orTfiearly all the" snow. ^

So—David Mannerlng. of-Clinton* com-mita^ulclde. . . , . - 26—Llenfe. Russ's remains arrive in bome. CIOBB of the Y . Bf.* O A. conven­tion. A rain Btorm make 3 the streets al-

^--mcwt-impassable for pedeBtrlans, on ac­count of Tee .— — — ——»

28— Chauncey Armstrong of Rome falls. In Utfca and "breaks his left leg. Homo's public building bill passes both houses of congress. ' ^ -

Mkiob. " 1—Police.,OIfber John Schuster d'ej.

March comes In like a lamb. Sleighing !• poor. Postmas'er McMam -receives hia-commissloa. ' >, ' 2—Postmaster McAdam takes poases-

'dion of the post office,. A two days' teacfiers' institute openajn Rome. At a Special hearing by the common council on the street improvement and water bills the mayor disapproves of the former and the council of the latter. A company

«ia*(New,Tork capitalists, including Arthur W. Soper, formerly of Rome, decides to buy the Rome city street railway and equip it with air motor gars.

27-Company 6 df^the 203d regiment reaches Utica from Greenville, S C

28—The hearing on the county equill zation matter opens in Rome befora Ref­eree N. B Smiih of Pulaski

29—A blizzard prevails 81-^Dhe Rome city street railway votes

to increase its capital stock from |50,000 to f 150,000 Morris MoKenna of Utica bangs himself

Apiil. 1—Snow falls nearly every day and the

sleighing is as good as It has ,beei%at i»ny time this winter, toward Athtenafium speqiiHty "company in the Washington Btrejjtopera house. *r,

2—Easter day. • Raw ahd cold with iblizzards. / "» - » . .. ^^_.

4"-=Joe Ruesell, the partner of John Doe in the murder of John Mooney of Cassville, found in the Monroe county penitentbiry;- at Rochester. Governor Rooseyeft signs the Rome street improve­ment bill. ,

5-Spring Beems to ba here although' sleighs are still in use. Hon" Walter Bal­lon qflBoonville -stricken with apoplexy on a railroad tralnbetween B jonville an-1 Lowville. The Wesleyan conference meets in, Rome.

6—Irving Saner of Utica fatally in­jured by the cars. '"""

5 -Death of Hon.;'' Walter Ballon.'. George Tabor of Sauqujrit killed by thj bursting ot a grindstone. Wagons are In gen.e.ral,nse in the city although ther a are banks of snow on every street,

•9— A small blaza in a central box oar near the freight;honse causes ao. alarm of fire. . Flurries of snow. A very back­ward spring. .

18—My Friend fromladia in the Wash­ington street opera hottse. Death of Lewis Gaylord. . *

17—The Real Widow Brown in tb,e Washingtqn street opera house. "Sao% banks are seen about the city. .There is' still sleighing in the country north of Rome. The We3t Layden sUga goes over a partjpt its rout's on manors. - 18-^Mrs. "WlllamHamphrey-ot Utica falls down stales and braa^sher neck.

19—The Northern New York ^Confer­ence of the Methodist Eplscopar church convenes in Camden. The c i m a m coun­cil grants petitions to h i v e Jaiies aril Douilnlck streets paved with brick.

21— The Little Minuter at the Wash­ington street opera house. . 24—Natural GAS at the .Wasbiogton street,opera house. Grand parade a ad banquet in Utica ia honor of the Onalda county soldltrj returned from toe Span­ish war. -*•

26 -Hon. Howard C. Wiggins re-elected grand regent of the grand council of tha

" _ " Donovan's hotel and otherTSnTIaThfflabOueldaeTretle-fc burned.

28 -Padd'nhead Wilson In the Wash­ington street opera house. Mrs. R. W. Stedmau'd farm house in Lee burned.

29—Af a practice game of ball in Utica Rome is defeated 6 to 2

8)-^in a twelve innlog. game ia Utica Rome-is defeated 7_lo_{L Y«ry=shoJ.5Snd dry. The mercury goes to 90° Death of Dr. J. S. Klngsley.

2—Banquet to Rome soldlero^oTthe Spanish-American war.

Q-Centennial celebration of Free Ma­sonry in Rome.

7—Rome beats the Syracuse Shamrocks in a practice game 33 to 9.

9—Rome defeats Ilion in a'practice game 25 to 0. J. B\ Ransom's dwelling near Vernon -do3troyed by fire and M u Ransom considerably burned while try­ing to extinguish the flames

10—At Ilioa Rome wins another prao tlca game 5 to 3. Holly Chapter of East • em Star organized in Rome.

?§ —Agnes Dee, aged7, daughter of Ed­ward Dee, struck by a Central flyer on the James street crossing. The New" York state league bass ball season opens Rome beats Blnghamton 18 to 9.

13—A. femnaa-up occurs on the Central railroad in U<;lca and Harry Neat of Buf­falo is fatally injured. , 14 —Rome defeats Oswego 8 to 2

15 —Home beats Cortland 10 to 5. The Franklin Iron Works to be run by the. Hanna syndicate.

17—Rome defeated at Oswego 0 to 4 JohnTerrett of Clinton dies at Qorawall-on-Hudson from injuries caused by being accidentally shot.

20—Death-of H. H. Converse. 21—Rome defeats Blnghamton 9 to 8 23—Rome beats Oiwego 7 to 0,

16 to~8. " x

24—Auburn loses to Rome 18 to 15 Ross, Rome'3 center fielder, has his left arm broken toy a pitched ball. Oneida county soldiers of the Spanish war pre-

19—Rome fete Oswego 5 to 1 20-Rome forfeits} a. game to Oswego

and beats tbemuanother 7 to 4 A house aijd three barhstra t^e Fred Terry farm, near Watetvllle, burned A barn owned by Henry Scherflle, near Verona, flied by lightning and destroyed

21 —Rome beats Auburn 5 to 8 -22—Rome again wins^from Auburn, 5

to 4 Thirtieth annual commencement exercises of Rome free academy '.23—Rome beats Auburn SLto 4

24—Auburn lijeaife tt?toiC«tojjO. T M Sunday ball pbiyers tried and acqu(t|eds

25-AsmaUftre occurrs in Mrs J. R^ Ward's millinery Btorei . < - -26 -Rome defeats Oswego l^to-8C

27—Ropae again wins front Oswego, 4 tod.' -; - • -• • ^ '

23-Romedefeat&<Jortland3-tol. ';' 29—A smaH-ffte 314

West Park street, Occupied by William Trembetn. Asa B. Wetherbef d,ies very suddenly of heart disease.

29-Rome beats Cortland 5 to $. . 30— Rome defeats Bingham ton 9 to 4.

A small fire at theloeomoclvta works calls but'th^departmeja;.- '• - -

. 1-^Timothy Gassidy of Tabefg commits snicldp. Rome defeats Binghamtoa 16 to 13. W. E. Wade's residence at, JJeW Lon­don burned. " . . .

iirr-Rome Wins from Auburn, 9 to 8.-Daath of Hon. Thomas T&. Atlaoson of Taberg.

4—Rome and -Utica play t*o game3. •The morning game at Roan braak4 u? in a row. in the 9th Inning with, -tha asore 1* and 1. Rome beats Utica in the af tern >pn 1 to.O-- Hijavy-eiecsrioitoroisdnxiag the afternoon and evening. I Joseph Katttle's biirn at Lowell struck ty. l ight ing and burned. Hazird Bro?rn of Green way stunned while rnllklag-l4 his barn' Mon-*oient to revolutioaary heroes unveiled in Camden, -v,

51—Jtlbauy baats Rome 10 to 4 7—The common council lets the con­

tract for laying brick pavement o i D >m-Ip^iirweet between Jam§s and George and on Jamss street between the railroad and Liberty street to Fred P. Spalding of Bethlehem, Pa., for$l9,9Q0. SmenecGady beats Rome 6 to 5.

8 -Schenectady's throws* a club a,ud ball at Umpire Ifrfiblo at the end. of the seventh inning, aad, re­fuses to leave the game-, whefeup iTa Fria­ble gives the game to Riaie 9 to 0 The score was 6 to 3 la favor of K>ma whan the game broke up.' . J .

9—Rome beats Albany 9 to 0 10'—Rome beats Albany 0 to 2 11—Rome defeats Albany 12 to 1. Mra.

G. I Earl of Vernon Center oirnmlte sui­cide by drowning. i

13 —B--HTW Rnd Sflhqn"Hnrty brfuk.-fivfn in two gaoisa, Schenectady beats limine 11 to 4 in the first and Roma baits ScVe-

and !5(Mn c*uh i a cftih and slamps. Os­wego 8, RqmeO Barnard Doyle, aged 8, of Distrfteia accidentally tah&V >He diet-from, loss of blood I >

^2(r-Field day at Rilyeraide park for the hefceUt of the Boirie hospital, »The doc tots heat the lawyers at base'ball'36^0 11— Home 14, Troy 2 -""

27—The dronth ia broken by a tain of several hours' duration Home 5, Al bgny5 - s ^ > ., 28—pomeheata Albany. 4 tp 1,.. qhas.

m^«m<0m&mMk na^ii^feife' • T A ^ i a ^ l l i r ^ o f S ' i b e cu 'eW#''ordfi)tfc a^thet5tt ivlMg,^fel0 p e r ^ e ^ f i p - m Fort^tahwixiNlatiGiii«(l bank, inaMfeg in a1l70''Pjer-fif!iSt.. •. ' J'£ . • ' -; v -.:;v^ -:

29--R<jmfeWat8^lSany 7 t&'4.. 'C <80^^ome^-^ti8(i2|^hehectHia-y'' -1,0*to|,;

• 31—B>6jne^a, iffihotherfrom iebfenep-tadyj lSr to l . ' •? ! 'AS | . . '. ••.•>-.'-••. .•' -•*,'! '. '•8*l***fli9,e"f» . ••'.•"

I—Rata pteyentec^lheeItomeiSbhenee'-tadyg;ame." • -<ZJ!JL:\< • '• •'•' . . -;

2-iifcbme deffa^-^hepefct^dy l3;«>Q,o 8—Itoiie b^atsp§pTh"ebeetaCiy.7 | b 4.;

The Morris iarm houBe, near, Orls^anyj :ed; ^ ^ i a b p r day celebrated -{tndt%r|tfB,a'6'-1

SDiofsrof the Odd iPellowsT^^oitt'aillfea'is Utica at Rom,e-;ia.;8i^e• fofef6oa,,4Jo7., la the afternoon the clubs tie, ;3«o 3,-darkness atopplng the ganle at the end of the ninth ihhiug.-; - • .

5—The Camden - Station burg*aTte?d ftnd fSOJtp |25 ia .ca%h taken.,'Franklin farnacetgoes In blaet again, btu r several yeats of idlehesli

0 -Albany- defe«£tsJ[lbmJ8"9 to 1, "7 -"Rome beats Albany' & toO. 8 —Thc^ashtogton street ppara house

OpefiB~with Hoyt's A^Odntented Wonmh. Uolca heats Rome, 101:6 0 a pd R jme beats Utica 4 to2 . . 4 ' * 9 -Close of the st.ite league season.

Home arid Utica lay two games '.Utica wlDB»the first 16 to 10 The second re­sults In a tie, ft'and ft, -

10^-Death of Alfred Bbhridge. Rome beats Rochester In an exoibliiOn game^ 19aacl2 '

11—The delegates to-Jhe 531 auimVi meeting of the National Ooudoll of Ameri­can Meihanlcs assemble vlii Rome';. A parade made In thoeVenlng. * The Rifme

managQrr<^Wrt41eiy('Club defeats the-doctors at b.«9 b"iU25-. • - - - to 12. , - " '

13 -Air Bowvllle'vRome beats Utica 4 t o l . ~ " ••- -

14 —The Republican county convention nominates W. E Richards" of Ctloa for county treasnrar, Will's W. Byam of Rome forsptc al surrogate and^Dr. Doug­lass of Bponville for fioroner. The^Na-tloual Council of American Mechanics adj rams sine die. ,At Lowyille Utlcla be»t4 Rome 5 lo 4

lfrvPfath of A- P. Crtsaot Vernon. A t Lowvllle TJtfci

11-^F Z Jones of Rome nominated by the Prohibitionists ior member of aasem bly in the thtrd d strict T h | Utjca Sabarban Railroad Oompatiy acoapts the franchise granted hjrlibe Rome common council. The Doctor's Ward* Re eption in the Washington street opera honse

1?-Albert H) Golley accidentally shot in the face/by W. P Rayland The sight 6 | the eyes destroyed.

18-Thomas Murray of Greig1 outs his throat i n Utica while insane ';/i6—Miss Vjjsa Moore of Clinton acci-fentally»drSwm ,Mrs, Thomas Ss*un-' |lg^tla-ffi^b5B%^a.#mMte• sfticldei

Rome,. oomjfeitS'.sulcidie'iJn Miuneapojis. 0 . D t%*f. of, BctonvjOlcdeclines the gftm-icrstlc injoiitt'ijiation for member owteem-Ijty in Ihe^ third district- The Rome-SS^hgerbnhd dedicates "its new boll. - 19 Th»|3oriBiean Brothers at the Wash-ingtori street opera house. . .:,, • • 'g l -Bufg lars attempt to crack safes in JY T." Atkinson's shop an.d C P- Rons-. ie'a| A g o n ' s -office, both of whloh'Were 'makm&'•'• They secure but 50 cents; j^*smmM:& Brothers of Utica. i^icl^aeo^in Oriskar-y^creek •nearlCok-.matj'sMills,•-.••.. „ ;. , L ' -

; ^ 8 « M * B , Arabella J. F. McMlnn df TOica-fojand'dead in bed. ' . .

| | - r . T % trial of vWilliam Murphy for. raur^er begin in Rdme. '•

gS^-The W0rld Agfilnst Her atvthe Washington street opera house,, Da Witt 0. Knox of Nevif Yorkpformeriy of Rome, commits snlcldp, . A golf club organized with F. A. Ethridge for president. ; 28—Hon, JohdJBL-Mason appointed as-" sistant attorney general. , / - i

59— Death of-Johu-iU3hampion. • • 30 f Other People's Money i n the Wash-

insctoh street opera house, 31—The Odd Fallows buy the McHarg

reSIdence^on W. Liberty sweet for 10,500. .' * I*jv««&l>er.

2 -TJncle Tom's Cabin In the Wa3a~ lngton sjreet opera hquse.

3- t l . ,H. Wilson's house, 817 E Dom-Inlck street damaged by fire. . • &c . 4-Death of Mayor EJinney of U t l c « . -

6 - A Man of Affairs" in Sink's opera

Souse. James Andrews of Florence drops ead. ' " " • -" 7—Eleotion day—Jame3 H. Flanagan,

D., elected county treasurer. The Dsm-ocr^ts also elect W. J. Sullivan assem­blyman in the flratdiatrlctand Miss Cora a Davis school commissioner in the first. dlstHct^tfdDatrtel J. Cotell in the third. The'Republicans elect all the other can­didates'. Vitale Bird. Concert Company in the Washington street opera house.

'8—A. Lion's Heart in the Washington Btreet opera house*

•18—Harry Livingston, a fltm-fiammer, who operated in« Rome and Ucici sent

Dsats- Rgme'TS-to7: —e> -up-forthriBOmohths,

sented with medals. . 25—Rome- agaih wins from Auburn; 8 to 8.* -John Doe convicted ef murder in the second degree. Frank TEL Henderion of Rome killed by the cars ii-Utica. """ 2o"-^ortlraa^Sf8S^^saiarS=taHh -

-27—Rome beats Cortland 7 to fl 29-Milkman Calvin E. Parker's rig

run into by a train at the • James street crossing. The horse was killed but Mr Parker escaped With .a broken shoulder blade and severe outs and bruises. John Doe sentenced to Auburn prison for life.

30—Rome wins the morning game from Utica 2 t o l , and losesjthe afternoon -gameSToBr ObLA. Dv^Shsgf^pf Water-tow& delivers the Decoration day oration in Rome. Charles White of Oriskauy struck by a train at that station and So badly hurt .that death results in a few hours. Miss Anna O'Connor, who was

"appropriating f50,000 for public buiidlhg for Rome. Sleighing is about used up.

'4—Jsham'a Octoroons in,the Washing­ton, street opera house, .

7—Charter election. The Democrats elect A S. White mayor and two alder-men. The Democrats, retain control df

tttfe board of supervllbBi •<, >*<J4-t*The new common council makes its fappolhtm^nts for tile yea -. ^ < 10—Academy prize speaking contest in

| " the Washington stfeei opera house. *" / 17 - A little snow. yesterday ai|d today

•gain "brings but soihesleiglis.* * '- _ V ' 18 -Mere snow and, a touch o l blizzard U^eajther. L-on Wa^Kburh** .mmairels 2-lni.he'Washington street opera house.'

l&j-fleavy'Vaitt f<|ii8wed by ahllzzardi 20—The worst blizzard of the season

*ag« all day loafy • WiUini' JMalcom French, crossingLtender .on the Central road at Blacktoln?s<-Corhef8 kil ledbya work train.' Thecommon council grants the Rome CItyS'kef*jRaJlwayiipdmpany's

petition for airanchise to extend its lines' in vwloui directions, .

>' a K I h e blizzard # e r . A. Irving Ful­ler, formerly of Rome, dies in Boston.

23*Tb< G«y Manhattan Entertainers to-the W«*lBgton stteet dpera-hotuei Arthur Seoor of Camden commits suicide. Mrt.BridgetDrlacoll.of Florence found deadiin bed. • Some snc%iall» every day.

, - 25-« lht - tnc l»t t -*»^»' |«aK * • .'•• ;

~^~T>tbxi -flnnday - Bright and clear ?*9na tt* itol^int wcottlent. • Dehnia Kel-' m*W «kr W ward of Oneida M-

-•-•-••I !• &m*mmmi.i,,' •£•• • • -.

H. Keegan convicted of manslaughter In the first degree in killing,Henry Mor­ris at Waterville.

31—Death of Robert McAdam, Albany, beats Rome 9 to 3.

< Jane. > * .1—Rome beats Albany 2 and 1'., 2—Rome defeats Schenectady 12 to 11, 3—SchenectadybeatsKOine 16to i) . 4—The remains of Lewis .Gatr recov­

ered from .Oneida Lake. An unknown man found dead in an unoccupied house of Mr. Bush near Watefvillei- ,

lb-Through, a very jfthf air decision by

nectady 4 toO in tbe second. 14— Rome beats Utica 3 to 1. 15—Utica defeats Rome 4 tq .2. Ray­

mond Yonng of Utica-, aged 20, drowned U\ the canal.

16—Oawego beats Rome .7 to 0. . i7-/jft<sob Ma^BerF'orTTtWtpssea, 5, drowned in the canal.- Jerry SpllleD, WiWam Mclntyxa and Frank Brown ar­rested in Rome on chargA of burglary committed in Bethlehem, Pa. Rome de­feats Bibghamton 7 to 2.

18—Blnghamton biats Runt 9 to 8. Taomas Garry's pig sty in tae rear of 4^3 Ann street t ikes fire and brings out the department. '

19 -Cortland beats Rome 13 to 8 Fire damages the Orlskaay Mille.nblo Iron works. MM.- Frances"Anderaou of Syrv cu«e suicides ia Ut l c i '

20 -Rome beats Cortland 10 to L An alarm of fire caused by the burning oun of.-a chimney on a honse on Wrlghtstreet occupied by Joseph Monteur.

21—Auburn defeats Rome 4 to 3 .Geo Blanchard of Camden drowned in TuppAr Lake

22 —A false alarm of fire calls out -the department. Rome beats auburn'10 to 3. A second game lasts 10 innings and U Btoppsd by darkness, the score standing 2 and 2. The married men of the Rome Club beat the slnglo men at base bill 83 to 29. •- .

23—Rome beats Oswego 9. to 3 John Billentine of Utica, aged 17, drowned In the^Mohawk river.

24—R-sme beats Oswego 4 to 2. 2§—Rome beats Oswego 7 to 8. 26 —A small fire Oh the root of a shed af

-Adams & Son's foundry doea little d<mi ego Rome defeats Aubnr^ 25 to 5

ln~T!tefeateji by-Roine-l—27---RomeJieatajLBburn_8 and 1. 23 -Rome defeats Oawego 8 toU" ~ 29 —Hop growers picnic at Sylvan

Beach; 25,000 people present. Rome beats Oswego 23 to 2. ^

80—Rome defeats Auburn 18 to 6 . 81—Rome wins from Blpghamcon'6 to 4 Mrs. Wendell H*Uenb«dkot Boonvllle burned to death.

Anitust. 1—Rome beats Blnghamton 10 to 2.

. -g^^rsr^oaepa-Ir^^les-dies saddealy-itorn apoplexy. Cortland and Rome play at Ithaca and, through the incompetency

MaRra'd barn at Dlx burned., 10 —At Rome the home t?am beate-

Uclca 10 to 1, The, Republican cjuhty jndlbial convention meets in Rome, and .elects, delegates to the fi'th judicial con­vention saUjottd by .tu,|ge . Danmcr* Laura J Jones, aged- 0, daughterrof Mr. and Mrs. Thomas-WrJpnes,badly-burned,, her clothing igniting from a boaflro. >Three large bairns of Thomas E Jones, neaiOlInton, ^uxhsdjr- Wv JiJCitwCtof-Weatmorelaud nominated for Bchool com­missioner of the ssqond dtetrlotby the Republicans...

17 -Laura J. Jonea dies as -the result of her in juries. Utica beats Rome 6 to 2.

18—The-Forestport^eederbjeaks again for the third year in succession. Charles Moshler, a well-known business mm of Utica, drops dead- Burning grass ne«r the Rome hospital _aud the lacpm'OUvd. works causes twoatlllalarmaof fir* The common council granta" the-Utica Subur­ban Railway Company a franchise to ex­tend its road through the town and olty of Rome to James, atrsst on Whtteaboro.

19 -Stephen Mahady of Kirkland homr lasted for school commissioner by the Democrats of the socond district.

20-John H. Jones of Waterville suicides.

21—John Thompson, an employe in the Hlgglnsvllle quarry, has one hand blowu-off and is otherwise KerlOnsly hurt- by a dynamite explosion. Owen J. Evans of Floyd nominated forsohobl commissioner by the Republicans of the first district.

22 -On the Wabash this evening. Utica beats Rome 2 to 1 at abeaent game tor tbe Uticas in that city.

23—Hon. Upward Q Wiggins of Rome nominated by the Democrats for justice of the fifth' judicial district. The Repub Ucans of the third schctil commtsslbiii: district nommate^rgnkrWhlttemOre u! North Bay. At Dion Rome beats "Utica 8 t o l . • •

24 -Tho break In the. Fowatport feeder has decreased t h e water" In the Mohvwk river to snoh an extent that the pumps at the Ridge can not be worked and the .reservoir of the Rome waterworks has be­come entirely empty. "Fflae engtceg are employed to pump witer into themafnl trom Spring Bropk. y V ^ ^ ',

SS5-WlUTia a I§chards>.BepnDl^sr

candidate for country treasurer, with' draws and Gen. Raf us Daggett of Utica

Barns on the Pogh farm burned. Other buildings in this vicinity destroyed.

8—Cortland beats Rome 11 to 1. " .4—Rome defeats Schenectady 15 to 2.

5—Rome defeats Schenectady 8 to 7." 6-^^meheats Schenectady 14^03. • .7-rRomeJieats Albany 5 to 4. 8*—A greatdroath prevails and the city

water Is very low. Rome beats Albany 13to5f .

9—Mrs. Charle3 H. NefsseBuibldes -hy with him, Somewhat injured. Thomas ^hanging. Rome wins from Schenectady

2-President McMMey signs t h e bul liha umplrft_Albany beat Bome 11 to 10 0-Albany again defeated Rome, the

score being 6 to 4.. • 7—Rome shut ;out Schenectady, the

score standing 7 to 0. Captain Davis Dalton organises a life Saving station -in-Rome with John J. Burns for captain and Robert E. Da BolS for lieutenant

8—Rome again defeated Scheneetai to 6. Claret. Meeker's rake and wheel barrow factory at Camden burned.

9—Rome defeated Utica' 5-to 4 in a ten inning game. •• . - - . , ,

10-^Rome walked aw4y 'witnUtica, 13 to6 . Death of- RevU*W411am Searls.aiB:

Aubnro. Soldiers' monument dedicate* at Waterville. Maryj ag>d- 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Nicholas McElhthney of Waterville, tatally burned. -• -:' - ] * ^

12-^-Rome defeat3BinghamtdnS0 to 21 18—Blnghamton beats Rome.'2 14—Rome d o w 6 Blnghamton 5 tb 4 .' 16—Cortaand beata-ftRome ^.-to fi and.'

forielts again to Rftnie,. 9 to 0, tdtaiSaM to play 'under Unipire Battoii. £f|ark W> • Draper shoots himself wlj^snicldal in­tent. . . ' - • , , ' ' . - . , >•

17—Oortlaaddefeat8Bpme7'to6* Sddr 4en death of J. H. treen of Rome and F: lus Roy BA&sway ofClintbni " , ,,-." *,. ; -18- -Blahop Luflden confirms aclass^t

2§0j*t8t, Beter'r:*hiirc1ht:'=Thl>%a4|i,# of H. 0. Midlam's jewelry stdrebrokeh and f 125 wortb at gwii stoleni -beats Ciwegorfl to i&'--'Ttf£:$to#&*-vuH$m arre»t»a tor Bnloidtf h~aBlpli3TOK^##-

mm p*, fmm o# W&ft :i#* D»ughter* of Liberty held memorUtswrt'

7 to 2. The rematos of a man found NorthToriawanda identlfterf as those of Thomas R. Davisof Rotne^ who left here a few days ago In compahy with Ed. m u n k e t t of Orlskahy. By means of [the Sentinel's account of tfie cas.s Pluhk/att fs attested in Whitesbdro by Deputy Sheriff Nelson drorlskany.

10—John M." Phillips hangs himself while temporarily insane. Rome' beats Schenectady 7 to 5.

11 -Rome is defeated by Albany 8 tov 1. Walter L Keeler and Bowers Slawson of Rome Identify the man murdered at: North Tonawsnda as ThomaS^t, Davis of Rofiae.. ' T _

12-Rome defeats Albany 2.,to h 'A heavy electric storm destroys buildings In Boopville, Ava andWestftrnk

; ., 18—Bbmekbeats Jlion(in an exhibition

garnet to 1. „• ' ; . 14—Utica defeats Rome Id to i . Hehry

neliollilew Y^kJgUBJrom; afreight train here and has one hand run over and mutilated. ^William Ainsworth, his two sons, William arid ThuTb,and his hbred man, Boh'exta&juV struck by a Central trkinatiJanastotaand killed. The two-year old child- of Mr; and Mrs; W . Ui Sjna11,9f D<$ftnsboro scalded to death, ".

" -15-Utica beats Rome 6 t o t Very dry i ^weather. Crops burning up. ^ForesfflKs traging. -«» - - ^ •. ,*? . •-*

l6«-RomewiuBir'omUiJ({a=8t62:'' : •'• a7-^Uacabeata$Rome65 to 4- Dav^d.

falls from a scaffold and breaks onfrsofhts legs.- . y . «>

18^BomeTOata Blnghamton 18 to 5, 19-rRb-nte defeats Cortland i-2 to 6, ' 20—Borne? shuts out Oswego I**o 0. 21^Bome again •vrhite.wasfies Oswego

7toO. . Henry Frftemap.ofiSreronaiouni dead in the house of Hent> Goakes of jCHhton, wliere he was v]ptoijj> HeKrt disease.waa the cause of death. A little ^ a l n s f ^ ^ r e a k i h g the terxiblMtohthu

2 | - ^ e d Butler iohhd dead i n l M a t „ Ms home taClih'toni %omedef«afs Troy

"~~'"'"""' ""<^fiigttjimton oeataVBomeB i o 4 ^BomeT, CoTtlattd 0.<

25-Burglars blow open1 the safe of the

of the scorer, the game iB given to Cort- . t - . . - , - — . - • ---land 14 to 13. Tarriflc electric storm, l a namedJn his place. jCotrn^faft weelt in Rome.

26^Steam Jnmpuig anxluary p&r-ehased to help but the city water Supply.

27r-The Democratic' bounty conten­tion nominates James H. Flanagan of North Bay for- opnntyJtrjea3nter, Wflftaux ^ Donglass «t4Jtlca; for^apecial surto-

-3 -«S5 >£?


Their favorite Remedy for Joijgh$, (CoIds rU Grippe and Catarrh, - ^

ST.TB^NT'S;OEPflAJf A S t L T J ] f t V ^ T . | M S ^ C ^ ^ t

In";everyc% 'and.ialga^^o^ii,^ 'thsV, • United States the ^ I j ^ o ^ ^ ^ y h a t f become, a fa^iUs»6Di(e^rf'^I^:i^|lb.oilo Sisters—s^eet- 3taessejn.|;|fs jipfvciiarity,. ceaseless and ihdefa^gaM& ; M their

15—The board of supervisors organizes witlj John W.. Potter t ir chairman and Stuart F. Day clerk.

16—Teh Nights in a Bar Room In Sink's" Opera Hojoss. Fred Graham pleads guilty to picking iwui is sentenced to tbe Elrhira TeffcrnwfArn

~Jd=zSM Cherry Pickets Injthe. W*tb uigton street opera honseT .

18 —The jury In the Philip Mendelsohn pookefrpiqklngoased'swreea^-. '

20—Samuel Y. -Line OFUJ^CS* suioSles S t Mary's church opens a week's bazar in Sink's opera house.

• 21—Thomas G. Wilds of Rome, commits suicide. Flak Jubilee Singers In the Presbyterian church.

23—Side Tracked in the Washington street opera home,

38— A. Oliver Barton Oorbettconvicted of bigamy and sentenci d to Anburu pr s oa for three years and six months

25-ipeter Giordano killed by the c « s . '26—Rjfv*. L". D«. Case of the Universalist

church resigns. 27—Deith of H. O. TooXer. Green

Boom Fun at the" Washington Btreet op*r* house.

29—The .Heart of Maryland in the Washington street opera house. Joe Walcott whips Dan Creedon in a boxing bout in Utica.

80—Thanksgiving day; mild and pleas­ant. The Gecllian Qnartet in the Wash­ington street opera house.

Dccambtr. 1—Geo,rge Thatcher's minstrels in the

Washington street opera house. 2—Three BteTsrbrdldingp in New Hart­

ford bttraedf-entaillng a loss of $16,009. 4 —A Hardie air motor run on the Roma

oity street railway for the firat time. The ground white with show, the first of the teagbn. . ~ "

S^^iralrbHinarM-ofHfce-seas^^ or five Inches of snow fall. Some cutters in use. - - - •*• .

6—A Trip to Coontown intheWaih^ ington iti-eet-opera house.

8 -Toll Gate Dm in the Washing street opera house.

11—Edwari Msrahall arraignedjoe-tre Jostlce'GnbblTiB on charge of cauj&g tho c»aal feeder creak at Forestport/ln 1S9§> He pleads not goaty and Is hejl -for t i e

Dr. S. B. Hartman: • -. "Some years ago a friend o!f Our insti-*

tntioru recommended to us Dr» Hart* mah'&'Pe-ru-n'a'as an'excellent romedy tor the la grippe, of which we then had 3.evefal cases which threatened to be of a serious charactefc. ^ , :\

<«W^ began to u§e i t and experienced such wonderful results that since then Pe-ru-na has beaqmeronr favorite medk cine for influenza, catarrh,',coughs, colds, and.bronchitisi • . ' " • • • » '

SiBTEBSorSTjEjis^seiSf ; "St.^incent'8 Orphan Asylum."

Mr. G> W. Ar- . ! c * '—* Inge, of C o l l i n s -

-viUe,Tex.,writds: "I have been us­ing Po-ru-na for cough I have had forsbme time. It h a s completely cured me, and I do 'heartily recom­mend it to those Buffering from coughs and colds. I will praise Pe-ru-na for­ever." Pe-ru-na cures la grippe. - Mr. Joseph Kirchensteiner, 87 Crotpn sti-ept, Cleveland, O., says: "We "have nsod Pe-ru-na for eight.years as our family medicine. During the whole of

i.h nt, t\vt\e> wa b'ave

Mr. G.W. Arlnge an*Son,

gffflffpfy. IS—Rain and southerly

taken off all the snow. 13—In; Paradise -at the

have Washington |pictnrsso!

it's opera


gate and Dr.. Jeeso A, Hartson of .Ava for coroner. The Stowaway in the Washing­ton Street Opera House. Gold and rainy weather for the fair.

28—The Utica - Democrats nominate Richard W. Sherman^or.mayor.- Ed ward Plunkettof Orlskany indicted at Lockport for murder In the first degree in killing Thomas R. Davis of Rome at "North Tonawanda. Fine' 4ay for. tbe fair. Twelve thousand people on the ground' , The, Irish Alderman in the Washington Street Opera House. ".

29.—TheriairiclpEes in a heavy rAta. SO-RipiVah. Wtnklein the Washing­

ton Street, Opera Honse. Miss Cora A. Datls of Whitesbbro honilnatett ipr, school commissioner by the Democrats, of thefirst'district and D; J. Covell nythoie of the third djsitrlct. , I . , - , 1 / :

-1^.-' •—^Ootoirtiy ... •• „ L . _ i r ^ -.-l»-?rhe water scaTofty la 'over. The

Forestport feeder is. again contributing to the Mohawk's volume. N«w steam pumps swell thevoltune in.fherrjBssrvdir., rSirsfe; snow to iheihillcountry. bf-tmsanasur-. rounding ^olnntteB.

2>-The B o J ^ ^mmdh council grai franchise™ " " '""**"*til-'i^-»-*-*• to ex" JU21Q W vatL**nv<;'K»v*vvwi ~T . -j " T I T

3 ^W.%» 3thdre#s of SyratcuSe^dmlir. hated by.-the- Be^ublicans for jadgelolf;;

thRSDhjuaicisi-diBtdet- •. .."- .:;.?„'i^i • v4*-Royisr; BtoJ;, in ifsifc.Baor m.% this/ Wfishiagtbhrjitre^t ope*»;house. • Z '• -\ .\

S-ThhiS^dMricfe Dam0«rat8 hoMhijite,1

.GharlesJO. mtimt 8 (^*06'fbfc :rhe5mbei:' -district: Democrats - name Miss Ellen fi; Hotey. ^t^qt^oiyidiP6^m^kyi'i: 'The Y*rnOB^fiii?-atterai^^cp^ ;-^1fe' Oddf |ed|lf& dMattln'IBo^pBg ^rom|%:

'7^ABa^etB'ack%ye».lhJi!li»sW^h>; ington street«fi&a h'onll..: Hbn.|^orjge G, McAdam and Korhjan E . Griv«s hom-ria-aMtc$TO6niher8 o t th*,'!)b0^iof|M'11"'-' «atton, , ... '..'.,. ;'.. ...'"* . 1MJ:reo!an"",AM TaMeali'^tt^'iBoncl, Compahy i n the W&Bhingtohstreet «pera hOUSS'*/.'' ".~"*"' *-'"'''""*" -'rT -*-;'-' -r' i ^T-^-—'^-^V. :.'

nominated by the Demc<wtt for member asasMmbiy in'the«K»nddistrkt. W, W. Parry, and. B. L. Hlnekley slec»*d

street opera house. Giograp! the JeiffrteS-Sharkey fight I n hoase, } • ' '

14 -Centennial celebration ofshe Pres-byter "an church at Holland Patlnt. '. ,15—Two or three inches of p o w fsal,

jnaklng^pooEiSleighujg^ . $7 • ^.i,*' 16—The dead body.-of Frafrk Garvin

found In the sluiceway of 'lofk 2, Black rlvercanal.

iS^The D'Ormond-Fnll opens a" week's engapeme. opera house. Death of Qh. Hagerty. Judge Isaac J. dead at .his home. • H. d bflrn near Lee Center bnnitd, <

^9—Mrs. Horace Backer of Ava foTtW dead in afield, having been K*-ritTt n with heart disease while on her. way hou e from a friend's house.

Sl-^Jbhtt D. Oxner of R»»me files jln NewtYork. Henry J; Pillinort commits suicide ih'Utica. " , • y

22—Tho'shbw is all gone sgain. atd Erans^r.r36f; Utica, aged 9, killed by the cars. ." " • .-: , - J. • , ; " {-.

21-Eil«ar4 iGeigerjbit. Utica- Bnieldfss. Alonbert Terrell M^UHca.,who enfe hi»

"xomgany 1n Stni.'s of Police.

SVBUS drops' Hitchcock's

throat jesterday, died today-25-iChriBtmafr,day. One of the coldest,

days of the winter, with, flurries of enbw.» Srddlqe dfiOhafleS H. ScnUler of tTtlcal ^ 8 * ^ , WondeSfftl Wbn|att in thOSfaitf' ingtoh^teeet bpeifa honse',, <The PreBsy-*s'-''''• cbngiegation-calls RevV Oharfes-

room .of Williams Bros.' knitting mill ,c^n*ie^Sn"Stfiinji'Of rei;-. .. ,«•.-•.. ,"'<.'" , . . '^.r-M^^f^obn-Britaomrg. fife, . r*v^y|Sait*,!bt;:0<ak'ih ^..Wasatii, ;st*^t.®«atiiblH^.;;-'- " --"'*»- -

30-The Musketeers I n the Washington p ^ i p ^ t t S ^ . . , ; / . - ; ^ ...,..;A '- ' .

,',:.,/.. ,,\ '^U«». ii».8ix-Hoa»»,',

-.Ibm^i^S^m. |int"®tadi8r' -_ easereUevMihslxhottrshy MNewGr


Ueyes retohUqn >f ..watffl almoet f


Mr. Joseph Klrcnenstelner.

not had to employ a physician. Our family consistsof seven, nnd-wo al­ways nse I t for the thousand and one ailments to which mankind i s ' l i a b l e . Wo have used- it in bases of s c a r l e t fever,"' m e a s i o s a n d l a - g r i p p e .

Whenever one of the family feel in tho least HI mother always, says: ' Take Pe-ru-na and you will bo well,' or, if wo do not>b"appon to have any, 'Wo will havo to get more Pe-ru-na.' Pe-ru-na is al­ways satisfactory in colds and cc-ugbsi".

Free Correspondence.. , The climatio diseases of winter are mainly coughs, colds, catarrh, bronch­itis, tonsilttls and other catarrhal affec­tions of tho respiratory tract. Pe-ruma is an absolute specific fox all of these af­fections. Po-ru-na wiU. cure a cough or a cold in a very few days, Pe-ru-na will euro chronio catarrh even of yoarsT

standing in a fow weeks. Po-ru-na should be kept in every house as a safe­guard against the many aSections-to. which the family is l iabt/durtng tho winter season.

labors—move quietiy-andsv^ftlyta'and out among; the r^oplerrecelving, dis+ ponsing, ^assisting and "febmfortihg. Northor-heathQrcold^fati^o-qrdangeri deter them from their errattds/biinercy. They are to be formdvitt palace and hovelj. in^h^Jjojr^evsir|i aiid JbrotheL Notfiing ^da^pi f s^^^^r^t^IggHdis 5

courages thepi. -Vast.Mit|to.tiotiB of refuge for tho homeless'and .hopeless have arisen In eyer^ioityhy<theW<tire« lesslabors» . •,''' .; ,,.". '.;,:•' ,

By no ^means' the; feast^eivioef'they robder helpless hhmanify i s tfteiir dis­pensation 6f medicine. *I?h'eir experience amongthe sick, and/their. ahxi,eiy^ to bo \>i assistance to thejm.sopix-iead tb,pm to know the.most efficient and,-safe reme-dlear^lrwould be-imT^ssibbxitlrart--so popnlafi!and valuable a-Temedy as.PeS ru-na could h'avo es.daped their atten­tion. Many letters have been received from institutions of this^lcind praising the benefit that Pe-ru-na- "has been to them. „.y i '. ' • ' . ' • . '

Mr. Albert Borngraeber, of "MayviUe, Wis., says: " I want to te l l you that I hn-ve^beon-given-r ; ., ^*S good 'health, by. Pe-rn-ha. In Sep­t e m b e r , 1893J- I canght a very t)ad cold. It setft^d on m y lungs and

,£- -was—tronbla^ with nightawSatr a n d a t e r r i b l e cough. I could not. sleep part of tho time. I could scarcoly breathe. I began to take Pe^rn-na, and in a short ttme-waa entirelycutied."

" U r , W i B . M c Kaln, Iowa Park,

Mr. Albert • Bbmgraober,

Mr.W. E. MoKaln,

Toxas, ~vril6 was 'com>ple t e l y • re­stored to health b~y> P e - r n v - n a , writes as follows I '.'I have usedyonr Pe-ru-naand-hoso giyeia it.'a, thor-o t i g h t r i a l . I m u s t say the re-, 8pitwasnatterlniga'

to you^ arid I can 'conscientiously rec* ommend it for coughs, colds, andHespecU aUy la grippe." Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O., for a book on chroniq <o< tarrh. Sent free. ' >--, ™


The Largest Stock of Harness, Blankets,-Robes, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Horse Furhisning goods" in CSeniral

'New York. -"- » . . a

Special Sale of Blankets andllobes tor & fEe~rText 30 days. '!'," ^ =

3 Our Prices on all goods are fne toWest aria^aftfoo^ S =£ guaranteed. * S

|GEO,E.D^Vial s 2rtjiMk»4siTOi>un«i,».y.'

BUCKWHEAT ^m&K^. Osier & Sot*, i ^ " .; ^

Pay the highest market prjee.' If yout Want a s ^ ^ i M . ^ . ' i ^ l w -(jiround Buckwheat Flou^ you cart et it i t •'•• . /'

: . - _ ' 119,4oliii Street, ^ ^ K , ; ^ / '.. ',. .;;.:_ ' \ \ T ; '

Also dealers in Flourl Feed, Bale^ Hay and (Coal. '


&i£y = Kodaks ^ and -Cameras " Before January \f 1900J

^tfta^^o$oe^d9teft l -bet« |e l^ J

;.VSJi :; 3 ' | ;B^*ri l»^yTingeiH7veryTJiary^

, ^ } ;


* " ' " • * > * \

(S)mT)initians dl manufacturers have beea made that w i C

^ p u f ^ f y restore prices from the cut now on. ^ '

3 1-3 per cent, discount on

ntn that d a t e . —

i l and Art Waihlnttoh and Ubtrty SlrMts.




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