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Microsoft SQL Server 2005

U.K. Readiness Guide50 Ready-to-Use ISV Solutions Based Upon SQL Server 2005

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Microsoft SQL Server 2005

U.K. Readiness Guide

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Developers want two things from a new solution: to be able to write better code, faster. These twin goals lie at the heart of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005. When we started working on the first reveiw of SQL Server in five years, we set ourselves the challenge of creating a product packed with new functionality that would increase developer productivity while making your lives easier on a day-to-day basis.

We have sought to include the functionality that you, the developer, require. So your feedback and guidance has been critical to the evolution of the next generation of SQL Server. That’s why SQL Server 2005 now offers complete XML support to simplify the process of working with relational and XML data. It’s also the reason we have included Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration to support the deployment of Microsoft C#® or Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET code.

Today, organisations face numerous data challenges; for example, the need for faster and more data-driven decisions, the need to increase the productivity and flexibility of development staff, and pressure to reduce overall IT budgets while at the same time scaling the infrastructure to meet ever-increasing demands.

SQL Server 2005 helps enterprises address these challenges, delivering increased security, scalability, and availability to enterprise data and analytical applications, while making them easier to build, deploy, and manage. Beyond XML support and greater integration with the Microsoft .NET Framework, SQL Server 2005 also includes a range of other useful tools such as replication, notification, and integration services, analysis and reporting capabilities, and management and development tools.

With a large number of independent software vendors (ISVs) already using SQL Server 2005, the feedback we have received so far has been extremely encouraging. Already, users are seeing significant productivity gains, allowing them to deliver higher quality solutions faster and pass on these savings to their customers.

IMGroup has used SQL Server 2005 extensively over the past few months, and its experiences are typical of the feedback we have received from many of our ISV partners. Suranjan Som, Senior Information Architect, IMGroup, says: “SQL Server 2005 is a much more complete product end-to-end. The analysis layer, for example, is way ahead of the competition. Many-to-many or reference dimensions are things we couldn’t find in any other online analytical processing (OLAP) tool.”


Mathew BishopDirector, Developer Platform Evangelism (DPE) GroupMicrosoft Limited



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The single cube environment has also won particular praise thanks to the speed and efficiency it brings to the development process. Christian Wade, Senior Technical Consultant, Conchango, says: “Our previous solution was taking three hours to process a single cube. With SQL Server 2005, we managed to reduce this to just 18 minutes.”

Other popular benefits of SQL Server 2005 are the reduction in coding required to build new applications or migrate old ones, and the resulting faster time to market for new solutions. Steve Strong, Director of iMeta, says: “Generics have allowed us to cut down the amount of code we have to write. We have thrown away approximately 100,000 lines of code but we have a system that is more stable, performs more quickly, and is easier to maintain.”

SQL Service Broker means that companies can strip out messaging-related code in their existing systems and replace it with the in-built functionality provided in SQL Server 2005. This saved three months of development time for one ISV. Another area where SQL Server 2005 speeds up the development process is in data transformation. SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is greatly reducing load times, making it up to 20 times faster.

This booklet is designed to give you a picture of how our next-generation data management and analysis technology is being embraced by the ISV community. It demonstrates the field readiness of SQL Server 2005 and the benefits that a range of ISVs have already gained. We have selected several partners to profile and share their experiences with you. And we have also compiled a full directory of all the leading ISVs who are committed to delivering increased scalability, availability, and security to enterprise data and analytical applications while making them easier to create, deploy, and manage.

Creating better solutions in less time and for less money is not an easy goal to fulfil. But with SQL Server 2005 we believe we can help you achieve it. We hope you agree.



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Introduction .........................................................................................................4

50 Ready-to-Use SQL Server 2005 ApplicationsISV Profiles ............................................................................................................9 CODA – Elan IT ......................................................................................................10 Conchango .............................................................................................................12 iMeta – M-Cashback ...........................................................................................14 IMGroup – Inchcape ............................................................................................16 IMGroup – LDA ......................................................................................................18 IMGroup – MoS .....................................................................................................20 IMPAQ ......................................................................................................................22

Featured ISV Applications ............................................................................. 25 Technology Matrix ........................................................................................... 73

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ISV Profiles

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SituationDeveloping ever-more fl exible fi nancial analysis tools demands a versatile foundation to build on. For CODA, a leading global provider of accounting and procurement systems, this foundation came in the shape of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and in particular, key components including Analysis Services 2005 (AS 2005) and SQL Server Integration Services 2005 (SSIS 2005).

CODA is working together with its client Elan Computing to create a new Management Information Services (MIS) system based around two of its products: CODA-Intelligence and CODA-Analytical Explorer. To build on its numerous successful deployments, CODA decided to upgrade these products to include superior analytical and integration tools. After ruling out a number of third-party systems that lacked the breadth of functions it required, CODA turned to SQL Server 2005.

SolutionCODA based its decision to use SQL Server 2005 partly on the extensive benefi ts of SSIS. Debbie Ashton, Head of Product Management, CODA, says: “Certainly, the Extract, Transact, Load (ETL) engine was critical for us. We have embedded it into CODA Intelligence to extract data from fi nancial sources and then transform and load it into the CODA mart, where the data is then summarised for reporting and analysis purposes.” That data can arrive in many forms and from a number of sources and may include payroll or personnel information, alongside fi nancial data—all of which is essential for accurate reporting across a business.

Andy Cheetham, Development Manager, CODA says: “SSIS has very much been welcomed by our developers. Data Transformation Services (DTS) in our previous solution demanded database connection settings were embedded in the DTS package. With SSIS we can make those connections variable. This is very useful because our solution is designed to be generic and confi gurable by our users and having those connections no longer embedded makes this a lot easier.”

Also simplifying the developer’s task are the enhancements to the Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) language, used to query cubes. Cheetham says: “In the past, MDX was merely a querying syntax; in SQL Server 2005 you can call other syntax, like branching and looping, and you can now write procedural scripts. That saves our developers about 15 per cent in terms of overall effi ciency because it speeds up the process and makes it less complex.”

“In the past, MDX was merely a querying syntax. In SQL Server 2005 you can call other syntax, like branching and looping, and you can now write procedural scripts. That saves our developers about 15 per cent in terms of overall effi ciency because it speeds up the process and makes it less complex.”

Andy Cheetham, Development Manager, CODA

Accounting System Vendor Improves Developer Effi ciency and Speeds Time to Market Using New Database Technology

Partner Details

Customer Details



IT and Technical Recruitment

Customer Profi le

Elan is a leading IT and technical recruitment company providing IT staff and Recruitment Transformational Outsourcing (RTO) solutions to clients.

Partner Profi le

CODA is a global provider of accounting and procurement systems, versatile fi nancial analysis tools and consultancy services that help users streamline and automate their fi nance processes.


Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, CODA was able to develop two of its core products to meet its customers’ needs.

Benefi ts

● Effi ciency up by ten per cent.● Data load times massively reduced. ● Choice of .NET Framework languages.● Simplifi ed cube construction saves


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Just as SSIS proved invaluable in the development of CODA-Intelligence, so AS 2005 showed itself to be a vital ingredient for CODA-Analytic Explorer.

Cheetham says: “The introduction of the unifi ed dimensional model (UDM) in SQL Server 2005 means we can build a multidimensional browsing capability that can run over both our star schema Data Mart and our online analytical processing (OLAP) transactional database.”

Benefi tsNew Development Platform Yields an Extra 10 Per Cent Effi ciency Gain The inclusion of the Business Intelligence (BI) Studio in SQL Server 2005 is a feature that has received much attention, and CODA was keen to exploit its virtues. Ashton says: “BI Studio provides a very high quality development environment in which our developers no longer have to switch between products. It’s all there within the BI platform. That means our developers are able to increase their effi ciency by upwards of 10 per cent. We can meet our customers’ needs and expectations fi rst time and faster than ever before.”

Data Load Times Reduced from Days to Hours According to Cheetham, the overall performance of SSIS far exceeds the ETL system it used previously. “We are dealing with very high volumes of data, many millions of transactions. Using SSIS, we can load all the transactional data in our Coda-Intelligence datamart up to 20 times more quickly.”

Choice of Microsft .NET Framework Languages An important feature of SQL Server 2005 for CODA’s programmers is that they can now take full advantage of the Microsoft .NET Framework class library and modern programming languages to implement functionality within the server. Using common language runtime (CLR) integration, they can code stored procedures, functions, and triggers in the .NET Framework language of their choice. “As a developer, it is great because we can use a language like Microsoft C# that we are all familiar with without incurring training costs or a drop in performance while our developers get up to speed.” says Cheetham.

Analysis Services Simplifi es the Building of CubesOne of the key elements of AS 2005 is the ability to build cubes directly over operational data as well as star schema data. Ashton says: “This is an advantage because we don’t have to transform our operational data into a star schema in order to build cubes for small scale analysis. We can match the model of the fi nancial system more accurately, which saves both our customers and ourselves time in both on-line transactional analysis, and in high volume, complex analysis involving historic, consolidated, and transactional data held in the CODA mart. This allows cubes to be built from transactional and historic data and perform a far wider range of appropriate analysis while ensuring data integrity and system performance.”


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SituationWhen a leading directory service provider required a new reporting system, it turned to business technology solutions provider Conchango for advice. The service provider had traditionally operated a system based on Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services to support business analysts’ decision-making requirements. However, the limitations of the existing system were hindering the group’s reporting capability.

Conchango had already seen fi rst-hand the numerous advances made to Microsoft SQL Server 2005. It therefore recommended that the new reporting solution be based on this technology. Christian Wade, Senior Technical Consultant, Conchango, says: “The customer conducts a great deal of very large runtime calculations and the existing system was struggling to cope with them. We knew SQL Server 2005 would provide a more scalable and reliable answer to that problem.”

SolutionUsing Analysis Services 2005, Conchango was able create a solution that addressed the current and future requirements of the customer. “For example, the speed improvements in SQL Server 2005 allow Conchango to perform more sophisticated calculations at runtime.”

Wade says: “We are now able to defi ne our own custom aggregation paths, which means we can affect the aggregation so that it is more geared towards the incoming queries. Our previous solution didn’t give us that luxury. We have been able to reduce the extract, transform, and load (ETL) time as aggregations are carried out much more intelligently. This has resulted in a faster query time for our customers.”

In addition, the ability to model Many-to-Many relationships between database entities has also proved extremely useful, allowing, for example, a customer to be classed in many demographics and a demographic to include many customers.

Partner Details



Partner Profi le

As a Gold Certifi ed Microsoft Partner, Conchango’s business acumen is supported by a technical heritage that lets it deliver enterprise platforms and applications that are fi t for the modern business. Conchango works with some of the U.K.’s largest companies specialising in the retail and consumer goods and fi nancial services markets, helping clients to deliver a consistent customer experience across multiple channels, provide intelligence on their business performance, and improve operational effectiveness.


Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Conchango was able to create a new reporting services solution for a leading directory service provider that is scalable and fl exible enough to cope with the organisation’s growing information demands.

Benefi ts

● Cube processing times reduced by 90 per cent.

● Attribute-based model increases hierarchies, allowing for better navigation.

● Multi-tasking made easy thanks to disconnected architecture.

● MDX script editor simplifi es complex calculations, improveg developer productivity.

“With SQL Server 2005, we managed to reduce processing times from about three hours to 18 minutes. That is a dramatic improvement in terms of cube processing times.”

Christian Wade, Senior Technical Consultant, Conchango

Leading Directory Service Provider Upgrades Reporting Solution Using Rich Functionality of Next-Generation Database

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Benefi tsCube Processing Cut from Three Hours to 18 MinutesSQL Server 2005 can create a much more streamlined architecture with less duplication of data. Wade says: “Duplication of data equals management overheads because each database has to be optimised individually. We had one process that was taking three hours to process in the previous solution. With SQL Server 2005, we managed to reduce this to about 18 minutes, which is a dramatic improvement in terms of cube processing times.”

Sophisticated Calculations Made Simple with MDX Script Editor Thanks to the inclusion of the Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) script editor, developers are able to write sophisticated calculations in less time, thus improving developer productivity. Wade says: “We can write an MDX script and then run through it in de-bug mode Writing sophisticated calculations is much easier and far less time consuming thanks to this new functionality.

“We have also experienced other MDX benefi ts. The ‘procedural’ model, which includes debugging and browsing capabilities is very useful and also saves us a lot of time. I anticipate that sophisticated MDX calculations that were pretty-much unworkable before will become very straightforward with SQL Server 2005.”

Rich Attribute-Based Model Allows for Easier Navigation According to Conchango, the attribute-based model in SQL Server 2005 is much richer than its predecessor and allows much more fl exibility in navigation and exploration of data. “Rather than being constrained to rigid hierarchies, we can much more easily mix and match whatever dimension attributes we want. This means that our customers will fi nd it much easier to drag and drop attributes into a report, saving them time and effort.” says Wade

Disconnected Model Improves Team DevelopmentConchango also made use of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 development system during this project, in particular the new integrated development environment (IDE) which incorporates a disconnected model.

“The disconnected model reduces cost of ownership in a team environment,” says Wade. “It means that there is a local copy of all Analysis Services database metadata and importantly, it lets developers integrate with SourceSafe. SourceSafe provides version control. If one developer is working on an item, other developers are restricted from working on it. Using the disconnected model we have a much more structured approach to team development.”


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SituationM-Cashback is an innovative new solution, which Gartner has described as a “world-fi rst”, to the age-old problem of ensuring retail promotion success. Grounded in the ubiquity of mobile phone technology, it encourages the purchase of particular brands by crediting customers’ mobile phone accounts after each purchase.

The system relies on a massive back-offi ce database, capable of processing tens of millions of transactions a day and accurately assigning credits. This was the challenge software developer iMeta faced when approached by M-Cashback to design a system that could handle such volumes.

SolutionThe shear scale of the task left iMeta with little doubt as to what solutions would sit at the heart of the project. Adrian Roe, IT Director, M-Cashback says: “The core product is based entirely around Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.”

The ability to process real-time data was critical. iMeta decided that SQL Server 2005 and its component parts—in particular Analysis Services 2005 and Reporting Services 2005—would allow the high volume of processing and analysis demanded by M-Cashback’s business.

iMeta employed partitioned tables to simplify bulk load and bulk delete processes. The Snapshot Isolation functionality of SQL Server 2005 allowed the ISV to sidestep the traditional problem of lock-ups while querying the database. In addition, SQL Dependency and SQL Notifi cation Request, features which provide notifi cation on application tiers when cached data changes are made, ensure that application tier caching is much more reliable.

iMeta also found the improved build and debugging functionality of Visual Studio 2005—which uses visualisers to make debugging easier—to be of particular value. Steve Strong, Chief Technical Offi cer (CTO), iMeta, says: “The customisable build environment of MSBuild was very useful to us since we perform a lot of code generation at build time. Previously this was all done with custom build steps, and was prone to error.”

“Generics have allowed us to us cut down the amount of code we have to write. We have thrown away approximately 100,000 lines of code but we have a system that is more stable, performs more quickly, and is easier to maintain.”

Steve Strong, Chief technical Offi cer, iMeta

Partner Details

Customer Details



Customer Profi le

M-Cashback operates in partnership with leading brands, retailers, and telecommunications network providers to engage consumers in modern retail environments.


Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, iMeta developed a data warehouse solution that could handle the huge volumes of data M-Cashback was dealing with while providing rich reporting and analytics functionality.

Benefi ts

● Code reduction saves time and provides a more stable environment.

● SQL Server 2005 improvements lead to a more scalable and resilient system.

● Customer gains from richer functionality thanks to zero footprint deployment.

● Implementation costs fall by £100,000 (U.S.$180,000).

Innovative Telecoms Solution Only Possible Thanks to Scalability of Leading-Edge Database

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Benefi tsLess Code, More Stability SQL Server 2005 lets iMeta deliver more functionality with less code. Strong says: “Generics within SQL Server 2005 have allowed us to cut down the amount of code we have to write. We have thrown away approximately 100,000 lines of code but we have a system that is more stable, performs more quickly, and is easier to maintain.

Developers Save Days with Visual Studio 2005The fi le-based Web projects functionality of Visual Studio 2005 lets iMeta move Web projects between different developers much more easily. Steve says: “It was not unusual to waste half a day getting a Web project up and running on a different machine using our previous solution. This is no longer a problem. All together, Visual Studio 2005 has given us approximately a 10 per cent improvement in productivity.”

Zero Footprint Deployment Delivers Rich Functionality According to Roe, the biggest benefi t of using the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is the ability to deliver smart clients to the user community. He says: “We benefi t from zero footprint deployment and a single point of upgrade. We can deliver an extremely rich user experience. It is just like using a traditional fat client application but I can manage it from one desktop in the United Kingdom (U.K.).”

Integrated Solution Reduces Implementation Costs by £100,000 (U.S.$ 180,000)Previously, iMeta had to use a third-party plug-in or third-party online analytical processing (OLAP) tool to export the data out of Analysis Services. Roe says: “Now we have the ability to put together real-time reporting and deliver that to the end user. The ability to use the same technology stack end-to-end with Reporting Services on top of Analysis Services has probably saved us at least £100,000 (US$180,000) on implementation alone.”


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SituationAs a long-time user of Microsoft SQL Server 2000, IMGroup is well practiced in maximising the functionality of this database to benefi t its customers. However, when Inchcape, an automotive services group, approached the Microsoft Gold Certifi ed Partner to help it move away from paper-based reports, IMGroup decided to take advantage of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, because of the range of enhancements and developer-friendly improvements included in the next generation of the database.

In particular, IMGroup required a scalable solution that would offer a fl exible foundation on which to create a Web-based version of Inchcape’s reporting system. Key functionality of SQL Server 2005, such as the Business Intelligence (BI) Development Studio and improvements in the error handling process were instrumental in IMGroup’s decision to use this technology rather than its predecessor or alternative database solutions.

SolutionRichard Lewis, Information Delivery Specialist, IMGroup, says: “Inchcape wanted a Web-based version of its reporting system. Rather than posting reports to dealerships, the company wanted to generate them centrally and have dealerships log in and pick up the reports on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.”

The decision to use SQL Server 2005 stemmed from the scalability of the solution, and the ability to create a fl exible, online reporting and analysis system. In addition, SQL Server 2005 allows the data warehouse to support multiple languages and multi-currency reporting.

IMGroup initially set out to recreate Inchcape’s existing reporting process, but with online functionality. Lewis says: “We realised we could offer more fl exibility in terms of the way it was going to view information by using Analysis Services 2005.” He continues: “We were able to show the company that with Reporting Services, it could exploit data in a way that it hadn’t been able to before.”

“SQL Server 2005 gives us a great deal of fl exibility and we can check our code very easily as it is all in XML. This has reduced the development cycle by more than 30 per cent.”

Richard Lewis, Information Delivery Specialist, IMGroup

Flexible Reporting and Analysis System Replaces Manual Process for Automative Services Group

Partner Details

IMGroup (Microsoft Business Intelligence Worldwide Partner of the Year 2005)

Customer Details


Automotive Services

Customer Profi le

Inchcape is an international automotive services group that represents its global partners and provides a range of business services to corporate customers.


Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005, IMGroup created a data warehouse to provide fl exible, online reporting and analysis services.

Benefi ts

● Script Editor saves on developers time.● 30 per cent effi ciency gains realised by

simple deployment. ● Development environment improved

by single cube structure.● Integration Services reduces

time-consuming error handling.

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Benefi tsDays of Development Time Saved Using Script Editor Jay Uttam, Senior Information Architect, IMGroup, draws attention to the time saved verifying calculations thanks to the SQL Server 2005 MDX script editor. He says: “We may have up to 200 calculations and previously, maintaining them all would have been very complicated. Thanks to SQL Server 2005, we simply copy and paste them into the script editor. Historically, that would have taken days. Today, the whole operation is handled in just fi ve minutes.”

Ease of Deployment Results in 30 Per Cent Effi ciency Gains Developers fi nd it much easier to use the new BI Development Studio and deploy new applications. Lewis says: “Previously, it was like working as an administrator directly on the box. It was diffi cult to conduct revision history, and deployment was also very complicated. Those areas have improved massively. SQL Server 2005 gives us a great deal of fl exibility; we can check our code very easily as it is all in XML. This has reduced the development cycle by more than 30 per cent.”

Single Cube Environment Simplifi es DevelopmentIMGroup’s developers consider the changes in the Analysis Services 2005 architecture to be a major advantage. Uttam says: “Previously, you had multiple cubes and you had to create a virtual cube to show the user’s data from different areas. Now we are able to use measure groups to collect measures of like-grain together. Because multiple fact tables of different grains can be combined in a single cube, it is much easier for the developer to view and manipulate information.”

Improved Error Handling The new solution also helps developers reduce the time consuming task of error handling. Justin Hofmeyr, Information Infrastructure Specialist, IMGroup, says: “In the past, we found error handling to be quite a time consuming task. But with Integration Services 2005, we can defi ne what happens to any errors during the execution of a task. We used that functionality a lot on the Inchcape project because the data mapping was quite complicated.”


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“We are able to save approximately 30 per cent of the time it used to take writing SQL Server store procedures. We believe we have increased effi ciency by approximately 60 per cent using the new functionality of SQL Server 2005.”

Punita Desai, Senior Information Architect, IMGroup

Partner Details

Customer Details

London Development Agency


Regional government

Customer Profi le

The London Development Agency prepares the Mayor’s business plan for London and mobilises partner support and resources.

Partner Profi le

IMGroup, winner of the Microsoft Business Intelligence Worldwide Partner of the Year Award, is an independent services consultancy delivering Information Management solutions and services that help organisations to analyse and report their data.


The LDA developed a data warehouse solution using Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

Benefi ts

● 60 per cent effi ciency gains. ● Confi guring reports to customers’

needs is faster and easier.● Developers save time thanks to single

cube architecture. ● Improved business view for customers.

SituationThe London Development Agency (LDA) is continually striving to improve its reporting architecture. Reporting processes must be effi cient and simple, to provide management with the right information to support its decision making processes. Its Information Systems and Knowledge Management division has designed an information service architecture to address this issue, which encompasses the development of a data warehouse and reporting tools.

To achieve this, the LDA turned to Microsoft Gold Certifi ed Partner IMGroup for support. The LDA, after consultation with IMG, employed the new functionality of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, including Integration Services and, in particular, Analysis Services 2005, to create a harmonised reporting and analysis infrastructure for the agency.

SolutionUsing SQL Server 2005, The LDA created a data warehousing solution to consolidate information about employees, expenses, payroll, and accounts. Many of the new features of SQL Server 2005 were employed during the development of the solution. These included the Business Intelligence (BI) Development Studio, an integrated development environment designed for the BI system developer, and the SQL Server Management Studio, which integrates the management of all SQL Server 2005 components.

Christina Agyeman, Data Warehouse Architect, LDA. says: “We chose SQL Server 2005 with Integration Services, Analysis Services, and Reporting Services, as virtually every aspect of these facilities had been revamped to provide a truly integrated BI platform.”

Punita Desai, Senior Information Architect, IMGroup, says: “We had been using Analysis Services 2000 for some time and were aware that Analysis Services 2005 had some really appealing functionality. Developers need only work on a single cube, rather than having to create multiple cubes coupled with a virtual cube—saving time and, consequently, development costs.”

Regional Government Develops Integrated Reporting Architecture in Just Three Months

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Users can view high-level reports using the Agency’s analytics tool ProClarity, and can drill down into further detail to a Reporting Services report, where data is presented at a much lower level of granularity. Analysis Services 2005 provides developers with Report Actions, which are integrated into Reporting Services. In addition, the LDA used new features such as dynamic and fuzzy lookups to consolidate information and eliminate data duplication.

Benefi tsNew Functionality Results in 60 Per Cent Effi ciency Gains for DevelopersThe LDA development team and IMGroup have been impressed by the ease with which Integration Services allows data to be collated. Desai believes the new functionality, such as drag and drop, has saved a large amount of time. “Altogether, I believe we have increased effi ciency by approximately 60 per cent using the new functionality of SQL Server 2005.”

Single Cube Architecture Saves Developer TimeUsing the BI Development Studio, IMGroup is able to demonstrate the capabilities of Analysis Services more easily to its clients, something which helps cut down on developer time throughout the duration of the project. Desai says: “It is also very quick and simple to work with now that we are only using a single cube, and the ability to have multiple measure groups means we can create cross-function reports very easily.” Using its previous solution, developers would have had to navigate between four cubes; a time-consuming task that only hinders development.

Development Time Cut from Five Months to Three Months The new functionality of SQL Server 2005 meant that the development time was cut dramatically. According to Desai, the ability to use just a single cube, employ the Unifi ed Data Model (UDM), use MDX scripts, and employ fuzzy logic let them slash development time from fi ve months to just three months. As a consequence, the LDA was able to reduce its overall expenditure for the project.

Anrul Ullah, Business Systems Programme Manager, LDA, says: “The LDA’s strategy was to develop a one stop shop for all our business intelligence requirements and with SQL Server 2005 and IM Group we are achieving that vision.”

Front-End Interface Helps Customers to Better Manage Business Employees and management at the LDA have been impressed with the tools at their disposal. The SQL Server 2005 data warehouse has revolutionised the LDA’s view of its management reporting. Agyeman says: “Previously, business managers were unable to drill down through information to highlight individual expense codes. They had to go between departments and manually request that information.”


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SituationConsolidating multiple data sources is typically a diffi cult and time-consuming task. So when Ministry of Sound (MOS) approached IMGroup to help it integrate fragmented data sources that stretched back almost 10 years, the Microsoft Gold Certifi ed Partner understood the challenges it faced.

MOS wanted to remove data duplication and cleanse all data. Traditionally, such a task, involving millions of entries, would have taken months of laborious checking. Tight deadlines meant this timescale was out of the question. Instead, IMGroup decided to base its solution on Microsoft SQL Server 2005, because its developer productivity enhancements made it possible to commit to the tight deadline with confi dence.

SolutionThe fi rst stage of IMGroup’s task involved establishing a unifi ed view of MOS’s customer base by cleansing the existing data sources. For this task, IMGroup used the fuzzy logic of SQL Server 2005. Suranjan Som, Senior Information Architect, IMGroup, says: “We used fuzzy logic and fuzzy grouping extensively within Integration Services 2005. By doing so we were able to successfully match together customers who have double entries in databases. If we hadn’t been able to do this, MOS would have had to purchase an alternative out-of-the-box solution.”

By making signifi cant use of Integration Services 2005, IMGroup was able to extract information from many data sources—including club membership, Web membership, and fi nancial and tour data—and load this into a newly-created data warehouse. It used the Unifi ed Dimensional Model (UDM) in Analysis Services 2005 to replace the data cube, allowing analysis of quantifi able data by customer genre, which is not supported by most online analytical processing (OLAP) databases. According to Som, SQL Server 2005 allowed IMGroup’s developers to provide the end-user with the means to drill-down further into customer data to create more comprehensive and useful reports.

“SQL Server 2005 has much more powerful transformation tasks. With data transformation services (DTS), we had to write a lot of custom code. But with SQL Server 2005 we are able to do away with much of that code and benefi t from the ability to view transformations on the data.”

Justin Hofmeyr, Information Infrastructure Specialist, IMGroup

Integrated Data Warehouse Boosts Manufacturing Opportunities for LifeStyle Company

Partner Details

Customer Details

Ministry of



Customer Profi le

Ministry of Sound opened as a club in London in 1991. It now runs a range of businesses including; recordings, brand licensing, promotions, and touring.

Partner Profi le

IMGroup is an independent services consultancy delivering Information Management solutions and services that let organisations analyse and report their data.


IMGroup used Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to consolidate the multiple data sources.

Benefi ts

● Breaks new ground in data analysis.● Less code needed thanks to effi ciency

of Integration Services 2005● Easy-to-use reporting for end users. ● Simplifi es the connection of multiple

data sources.

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Benefi tsSQL Server 2005 Functionality Breaks New Ground

“SQL Server 2005 is a much more complete product end-to-end,” says Som.” In terms of the analyses layer, it is way ahead of the competition. Many-to-Many or reference dimensions are things we couldn’t fi nd in any other OLAP tool and they allow us to model complex relationships between our database entities.”

Integrated Services Offers a Raft of Opportunities With Integration Services 2005, MOS is able to better analyse the information from its data sources. James Bacchus, Head of Operations, Ministry of Sound, says: “Integration Services in SQL Server 2005 and its integration with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 gave us a clear vision of how our solution was engineered. Our IT team understand how the data is loaded in the warehouse and therefore can easily extract information from the database in the fastest and easiest way.”

MOS can easily query the database to produce reports aimed at optimising the impact of marketing campaigns, developing new revenue streams, and seeking out cross-marketing opportunities across the revenue streams.

Reports Far Easier to Navigate and Confi gure The new functionality of Reporting Services 2005 allows fi xed reports to be specifi ed by the user and generated by the system, either on demand or triggered by time. MOS is able to adjust the information depending on its data requirements. As a result, it is able to make business decisions based on accurate, focussed reports.

Integration Services 2005 Reduces Lines of Code According to Justin Hofmeyr, Information Infrastructure Specialist, IMGroup, less code is required when creating connections to different data sources in SQL Server 2005. He says: “SQL Server 2005 has much more powerful transformation tasks. With Data Transformation Services (DTS), we had to write a lot of custom code using ActiveX components. But with SQL Server 2005 we are able to do away with much of that code and benefi t from the ability to view transformations on the data.”


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SituationPA Consulting, Group—through its new wholly owned subsidiary, PA Shared Services and in a consortium which includes IMPAQ Business Solutions—recently signed a framework agreement with to deliver the Zanzibar Managed Service, the United Kingdom’s (U.K.’s) new public sector e-procurement and marketplace system. A key component of the solution is IMPAQ’s supplier portal. This will be used to provide suppliers to the public sector with a highly scalable, secure portal that allows them to trade electronically with public sector bodies that subscribe to the Zanzibar service, and is fl exible enough to be used by a wide range of organisations.

As funds for the project would not be realised until the initiative was live, IMPAQ had to keep costs down in the early stages. Only one solution set met its criteria: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 coupled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

SolutionThe unique mirroring functionality of SQL Server 2005 meant that IMPAQ was able to sidestep the costly clustering process that made alternative solutions uneconomical. This feature allows developers to code client applications to automatically re-direct their connection information and, in the event of a failover, automatically connect to the standby server and database.

Stephen Parker, Operations Director, IMPAQ, says: “SQL Server 2005 and mirroring was a god send. It gave us a high availability solution that met our fi nancial requirements and was based on our preferred platform of choice.”

IMPAQ was very impressed by the value gained from Broker Services, a key component of SQL Server 2005. This functionality not only allows for simpler programming and better performance, but the integrated approach also guarantees easier management.

Parker says: “Using Broker Services we have been able to remove signifi cant amounts of code. We have a platform that is specifi cally geared to manage inbound transactions: to receive, process, and export to the database. The asynchronous queuing capability that Broker Services gives us means greater scalability to mange those processes.”

“The integration of tools such as Report Builder mean we no longer have to develop this ourselves or buy third-party tools. Ultimately, this lets us offer a better service to our customers.”

Stephen Parker, Operations Director, IMPAQ

Scalable, Cost-Effective Solution Secures Major Win for E-Services Provider

Customer Details

IMPAQ Business



Customer Profi le

IMPAQ is a leading provider of electronically-driven procurement and payment solutions. The company’s hosted solutions can be rapidly deployed, removing the burden of infrastructure investment.


Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 coupled with Microsoft Visual Studio

2005, IMPAQ created an e-procurement solution that is both scalable and cost effective. By doing so, it won a major government contract to supply its services to U.K. public sector organisations.

Benefi ts

● Increased reliability and responsiveness for users.

● Development time reduced by three months using Broker Services.

● Mirroring enhances service and signifi cantly reduces initial costs.

● Customers can generate reports using new reporting tools.

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Similarly, Visual Studio 2005 was critical to IMPAQ’s solution. The improved integration with the database with capabilities such as table adaptors will result in signifi cantly less coding and a corresponding improvement in productivity and reliability. The enhancements in database connectivity offered by Microsoft ADO .NET 2.0, especially in the area of performance, will increase the responsiveness and scalability of the service.

IMPAQ also expects to benefi t from the improved security features of Visual Studio 2005. For example, by the simple act of recompiling existing code, Visual Studio 2005 will identify security weaknesses and make recommendations relating to code structure, resulting in more secure code.

Benefi tsBroker Services Saves Three Months of Development EffortParker believes the Broker Support functionality will save IMPAQ at least three person months of development time. He says: “We have a signifi cant amount of code managing our queuing process that we will be able to remove thanks to Broker Services. Instead, we will be using the in-built functionality provided by Microsoft, providing a more manageable and reliable code base in a core area of our application.”

Mirroring Drastically Reduces Costs Fast failover with minimal data loss has traditionally involved higher hardware costs and greater software complexity. Database mirroring, however, can fail over quickly with no loss of committed data, does not require proprietary hardware, and is easy to set up and manage.

“Quite simply, without mirroring we would not have been able to develop the solution to budget. Mirroring brought the cost of development down to a level where we could compete with larger players,” says Parker.

Reporting Tools Allow Benefi ts to be Passed On to Customers Thanks to the rich functionality of Reporting Services 2005, suppliers using the portal are able to generate their own reports. Parker says: “We no longer have to develop this ourselves or buy third-party tools as it is integrated into the product. Ultimately, this lets us offer a better service to our customers.”

“It is important that the Supplier Portal is easy to use and encourages self service by the suppliers. The improved performance and responsiveness provided by SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005, together with new capabilities such as the Report Builder, will greatly assist this.”

Paul Clayton, Zanzibar Programme Manager, PA Consulting


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For more information on Microsoft SQL Server



Featured ISV Applications


Alert Technologies ........................ 27Altius Consulting ........................... 27Andy Wigley Computing ........... 28Anglia Business Solutions .......... 28Anglo Europe Computer Systems ............................................. 29Business Logic Systems ............... 31Cintra Corporation U.K. .............. 33Citadel Associates ......................... 33DPR Consulting ............................. 35Draig Technology ......................... 35eg solutions .................................... 37EMIS ................................................... 37Entropy International .................. 38Extranet Builders ........................... 38Faber Systems ................................. 39flyingSPARK .................................... 39FormScape ...................................... 40Fretwell-Downing Hospitality .. 40ICS ...................................................... 41Information Systems Associates ........................................ 41IRIS Software ................................... 42ITDP Solutions ................................ 42iT-Workplace .................................. 43Jontek ............................................... 45Jump Media .................................... 45Lakeview Computers ................... 47Laserform International .............. 47Link HR Systems ............................ 48

m35 .................................................... 49MBR IT Solutions ........................... 49Meridio ............................................. 50Mountain Software ...................... 50MSS .................................................... 51NetEconomy ................................... 53o2olap ............................................... 55Occam Systems .............................. 55Portrait Software ........................... 57Quantiv ............................................. 59Realise Systems .............................. 61Red Gate Software ........................ .................... 62ScreenFusion .................................. 63Select Software U.K. ..................... 63SharpOWL Software International ................................... ................................. 64Streatley Software Solutions ..... 65Streatley Software Solutions ..... 65Systems Union Group .................. 66Systems Union Group .................. 66Systems Union Group .................. 67Target ERP Systems Limited ....... 69Thorogood ...................................... 69True Clarity ...................................... 70Visualfiles ......................................... 71

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Alert Technologies

Founded in 2003, Alert Technologies is creative, agile, and flexible with a distinctive vision in the business intelligence (BI) field. These qualities generate innovative solutions and adaptations in a market sector which is evolving. The company is always ready to take up new customer challenges and see the world through customers’ eyes. Alert Technologies’ product vision is to offer a personalised, accessible, and pervasive information experience across the organisation’s many data sources to provide a business case for more sophisticated BI projects.

ResponseTime Alerts, now based on the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, delivers browser-based, personalised notifications and alerts based on Notification Services for any number of Microsoft SQL Server databases. ResponseTime Alerts delivers a complete, generic notifications service within minutes so that users can create any kind of alert interactively. The solution exploits the new features of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, which delivers benefits straight out of the box. A simple solution, it complements the SQL Server 2005 reporting and analysis tools to provide easy notifications for immediate action.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

Altius Consulting

Altius Consulting is a specialist, business intelligence (BI) consulting firm based in the U.K. Established in 1993, Altius has more than 11 years’ BI experience across a wide range of sectors and solutions. The company is a Microsoft Certified Partner aligned to the BI competency and has extensive knowledge and experience of the Microsoft BI tools set. Altius is exceptionally skilled at delivering solutions that meet very complex business requirements.

The solution provides a mechanism for managing and tracking the lifecycle of non-proven oil reserve opportunities from business units located around the world. It ensures that decision makers can prioritise, progress, and shelve opportunities from within one integrated solution. The ease of migration from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 means that the solution can be upgraded to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 with minimal effort. This provides the client with a framework that delivers immediate benefits that enhance developer productivity and improve reliability.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 means that we can pack more exciting features into the product while keeping it simple to implement and operate.” Kate Patterson Technical Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

ResponseTime Alerts


November 2005

“The ease of migrating from SQL Server 2000 means that we can immediately focus on delivering tangible business benefits by using the new functionality provided by SQL Server 2005.” Sacha Tomey Senior Consultant

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Opportunity Progression Hopper


May 2006

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Andy Wigley Computing

A 28

Andy Wigley Computing is a small consultancy company helping companies use the very latest Microsoft technologies to solve their business problems. The company specialises in building secure solutions for small and large enterprises using mobile devices, service-oriented and messaging solutions, and custom software. All are built using the very latest technologies and techniques. The organisation also uses its expertise to develop entertainment software for Microsoft Windows Mobile software devices.

Paycheck Services engaged Andy Wigley Computing to build a new payroll system using the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, service oriented architecture (SOA), and Click Once deployment. All software created is unit tested using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System. The data access layer is built using the new data component designers. Business logic makes use of Web services built with Microsoft ASP .NET 2.0, and client applications are deployed using Click Once deployment. Microsoft Office Excel integration is enabled using Visual Studio Tool for Office.

Application Synopsis


Company Background

“The enhanced Reporting Services means I can offer ad-hoc reporting to my users. The .NET Framework support also means I can create sophisticated stored procedures that would be tricky in T-SQL.” Andy Wigley Chief Technical Officer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Paycheck Services Payroll

Professional Services

May 2006

Anglia Business Solutions

Anglia Business Solutions is a 23-year-old software and IT consultancy organisation. The company is a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner, holding Microsoft competencies in Microsoft Business Solutions (Navision), Advanced Infrastructure Solutions, and Information Worker and Productivity Solutions. The company is organised into three specialist business units: Integration Services, Business Management Solutions, and Software Development. It is a leading supplier of integrated business management solutions to the fresh produce sector.

The fresh produce industry requires many tasks to be completed in remote locations, for example, seed sampling and quality assurance (QA). This application allows remote access to the LinkFresh database for real-time input of data, avoiding time consuming manual data re-keying. The application was built in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team system, using SQL Mobile. Anglia used new tools to produce this application, which includes the replication of multiple data tables out to the mobile device, and new components for selecting customers, vendors and items, in an amazingly short timescale.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Using SQL Server 2005 has meant that valuable development time on customer projects has been saved, resulting in a faster go-live time for applications.” Richard Jones Development Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

LinkFresh Mobile Seed Sampling and QA

Fresh Produce/Supply Chain

November 2005

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Anglo Europe Computer Systems

Anglo-Europe, established in 1993, meets the membership management needs of the U.K.’s not-for-profit organisations. Today its Open Market software solution eases the process of managing interactive relationships with members and safeguards their retention and loyalty. The company’s vision for U.K. non-profit organisations is simple: for them to enjoy the benefits of loyal memberships, derived from the application of an easy-to-use management system.

Open Market provides a functionally-rich solution to the NFP Sector which offers consistently accurate data, instant recall of member information, professional member communication, high member retention, improved return on marketing activities, and increased staff productivity. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 has helped us to offer these benefits to a greater number of associations and charities who are looking for the latest technologies in their choice of a software solution.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Adopting SQL Server 2005 for subsequent releases of our main product offerings reassures our customers. In addition, the improvements in SQL Server 2005 mean we can deliver greatly enhanced solutions.” Peter Sinclair Services Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Open Market

Non Profit

May 2006

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Business Logic Systems

Business Logic Systems is a leading provider of customer loyalty and business intelligence (BI) solutions to mobile network operators worldwide. Its InTeleStage products are designed to help mobile carriers boost revenues and profits by analysing business and customer drivers and trends. This analysis helps deliver schemes for targeted business management, including churn management and customer loyalty/reward campaigns. The company is a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner, with offices in the U.K., Malaysia, Australia, and Romania.

InTeleStage Loyalty Suite is specifically aimed at mobile operators for the management of prepaid users. It helps them clearly segment practically unknown subscriber-base profiles based on actual behaviour and usage. This can lead to virtual one-to-one marketing, extending the subscriber’s lifetime value for the mobile network. Unlike other products, Loyalty Suite is focused on one industry ensuring fast implementation and return on investment (ROI). With Microsoft SQL Server 2005, the solution is cost-effective, ensuring easy management and horizontal growth.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 ensures rapid deployment of InTeleStage and ease of use for customers, who do not need dedicated database administrators to handle the product, delivering massive cost benefits.” David Walker Chief Executive Officer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

InTeleStage Loyalty Suite


November 2005

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Cintra Corporation U.K.

Formed in 1996, Cintra is dedicated to meeting the needs of today’s modern government and other public service providers. Its portfolio includes complete solutions for online licensing, taxonomy management, e-GMS metatagging, document indexing, intelligent eGMS category/keyword searching, multi-agency gateway access to public sector content, e-consultation, and local transport plan (LTP) schemes management. Cintra offers a wide range of consultancy services and provides hosting and infrastructure services that help the public sector deploy technology platforms as a managed service.

The REGALION system stores all data in a relational database. Originally, the solution was developed using Microsoft SQL Server 2000. However, due to the extensive use of extensible markup language (XML) in the system, Cintra hopes to take advantage of the new XML-related features available in Microsoft SQL Server 2005, such as enhanced querying of XML stored in relational data and XML schema validation.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

Citadel Associates

Citadel Associates is a leading software company providing specialist tools targeted at data management. Its market leading product, CADIS, ensures clients can create and manage corporate data. CADIS provides highly efficient processing, cleansing, and enrichment in a consistent, fully-audited environment that is designed specifically for the financial services industry.

CADIS is a data management platform that provides highly efficient processing, cleansing, and enrichment in a consistent, fully-audited environment designed for the financial services industry. CADIS is an integrated series of components, designed to work as a single product or a series of standalone components according to clients’ needs. The suite is designed to fit into clients’ current architectures as a rapid-deployment solution. CADIS is based on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and developed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, enabling CADIS to be a cost-effective, low-maintenance product.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“The data management features of SQL Sever 2005 ensure that Local Government organisations can optimise their services to licence applicants, statutory consultees, and the public.” Aidan Naughton Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]



May 2006

“The additional components bundled with SQL Server 2005 have meant that we can add significant value to CADIS with minimal development effort.” David Suter Chief Technical Architect

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Financial Services

May 2006

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DPR Consulting

DPR Consulting was founded in 1996 and focuses on providing information management and collaborative solutions that use Microsoft technology. The DPR Information Management Framework is a range of systems, tools, and methods that bring together Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Office Sharepoint Portal Server, Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager, Microsoft Exchange Server, and Microsoft Office. Coupled with bespoke DPR-developed Web parts and collaborative applications, it improves business efficiencies and saves time.

Thinking Office is a collaboration environment that helps organisations rapidly deliver real benefits to their employees, customers, partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders. It works alone or alongside widely-deployed business systems in areas such as customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP). The added value from the combination of SQL Server 2005 and Thinking Office is enhanced by SQL Server 2005 Integration Services and Report Builder.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

Draig Technology

Draig Technology was founded in 1999. Our mission is to deliver all software projects on time and to budget, whether it’s a small commission or a strategic and complex project. The company has the reputation of being Wales’ leading software house because of its excellence in the development of bespoke software solutions and the delivery of software and project management consultancy services. A specialism in multilingual software support and an emerging range of proven products extends the company’s capabilities and market focus across Europe.

draig.PMD is a sophisticated, scalable, enterprise-level application that ensures a directory of provisions, services, and/or products can be managed and searched on the Web. Its capabilities include: devolving information management to organisations that own the data; providing multilingual user-interface support and multilingual data management; delivering extensive description criteria that ensures sophisticated mapping and reporting. The upgrade to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 improves the scalability, performance, and robustness, and extends data integration, reporting, and analysis.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“By using the Business Intelligence tools in SQL Server 2005, DPR can better meet customer demands, building a more effective and flexible analytical and reporting component for its Thinking Office system.” Tony Scott Technical Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Thinking Office

Financial Services

November 2005

“Performance, data integration, and customisation are all key aspects of our PMD solution. Using SQL Server 2005 has enhanced our ability to efficiently integrate with other systems.” Liz Hedger Software Development Manager

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]



May 2006

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eg solutions

eg is a solutions provider, which aims to help organisations create significant and tangible change to business operations. Through programmes consisting of coaching, software implementation, and training, eg provides guaranteed business improvements to service, quality, and customer delivery, with the ultimate aim of reducing costs.

eg Work Manager takes advantage of the features of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 such as Mirroring and Integration Services. The solution is used to provide business operations intelligence to organisations, helping to support the principles and management practices of companies to improve operational efficiency. It provides a central, single view of all operations information that managers and staff at all levels of the business need to provide customer delivery, quality, service, and best business economies.

Application Synopsis

Company Background


EMIS is the U.K.’s leading supplier of IT systems to GPs, providing the software that holds medical records for more than 39 million NHS patients nationwide. The company was launched in 1987 and now employs 800 staff. Its founding principle is to develop software to directly improve patient care. EMIS offers an extensive range of IT products and services. Innovations include the U.K.’s first, fully-integrated Internet-based appointment booking system for patients, called EMIS Access. More than 100,000 general practice staff use EMIS systems daily, equating to a 56 per cent market share.

EMIS PCS Web is a next-generation health care system, designed to accommodate the clinical and management requirements of the wider primary care organisations within the NHS. Based around the Omaha system, EMIS PCS Web is extensible and flexible to support a variety of diverse health care specialities with a common clinical record model where all patient/client data is aggregated into a single electronic record. Based on a three-tier architecture using Microsoft .NET and Microsoft SQL Server 2005, it is scaleable and reliable enough to cope with thousands of simultaneous user connections.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 delivers a number of benefits to us, particularly the ability to use database mirroring for application resiliency where full-blown clustering is not available.” Phil Jones Software Architect

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

eg Work Manager

Financial Services

November 2005

“SQL Server 2005 has helped us to develop a larger, faster, and more functionally-rich application, which allows users to improve the delivery of patient care.” Chris McGarry General Manager, Systems Integration

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]



November 2005

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Entropy International

E 38

Entropy International provides software solutions that help businesses worldwide improve their environmental, social, and economic performance, thereby contributing to global sustainability.

The Entropy System is a market-leading Web-based application for enterprise-level risk and compliance management. The solution allows multi-site, multi-national organisations to reduce operational risk and ensure compliance across their businesses therefore reducing costs, improving profitability, and increasing shareholder value. The Entropy System takes advantage of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 through the integration of technology like SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services to provide first class flexible reporting functionality.

Application Synopsis


Company Background

“Improvements such as enhanced functionality in Reporting Services and more advanced XML data type support have allowed us to deliver on challenging customer requirements in our latest product release.” Richard Lund Chief Technical Officer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

The Entropy System


November 2005

Extranet Builders

Extranet Builders creates Web-based extranet and Web portal applications including its products KeyDocs, Distributed Invoicing, and Open-Report. These applications use Microsoft SQL Server and the Web to provide a winning combination of powerful solutions to clients. Extranet Builders is the development division of Madec, a software company with more than 5,000 users of its Revive product in some 41 countries worldwide.

SecureFileServer ensures customers, partners, or employees can access key information online in a simple, easy-to-use interface. Built on Microsoft SQL Server 2005, it provides bi-directional data transfer with systems found in your organisation such as Microsoft Windows NT, AS/400, and UNIX. By focusing a single point of contact and delivering bi-directional updates, it is a powerful solution to base an extranet development on.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“The new development tools, easier integration, and ease of maintenance of SQL Server 2005 mean we can enhance our commitment to the database of choice for Extranet Builders.” Michael Foley Director of Extranet and Portal Development Projects

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Financial Services

November 2005

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Faber Systems

Faber Systems was founded in 1991 to provide IT consultancy and software development to the financial services sector. Since that time, Faber has concentrated on developing custom-built software business solutions using Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft SQL Server. The company develops software for a wide range of clients and, through its partly owned subsidiary Tempora Software, markets the Tempora Web-based time and cost analysis system.

The solution means professional services businesses can accurately calculate the cost of project work and compare that cost with the fees charged to clients. This provides finance and account managers with information that is vital when managing clients’ accounts. Most other systems in the market are designed for businesses that bill time worked and do not show the cost of that time, highlighting profit. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 integrates with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 development system, reducing the cost of development and support.

Application Synopsis

Company Background


flyingSPARK develops mobile IT applications that let mobile workers connect seamlessly with their central office systems so that they can be more efficient, productive, and profitable. The company’s technology allows businesses to realise more value from their existing systems by extending them out into the field, ensuring the mobile workforce is equipped with the essential tools needed to do their job, whether that is accessing the customer relationship management (CRM) system for the sales force, service database for engineers, or job information for construction work gangs.

Our market-leading mobile IT platform underpins all of flyingSPARK’s products. Its technical excellence means application developers and systems integrators don’t have to worry about the underlying mobile data communications system. The Wireless Intelligence Layer provides a high performance, robust, cost-effective, and simple-to-use communications service and development environment. Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005, flyingSPARK delivered a powerful, flexible analysis and reporting solution for customers at a fraction of the cost of alternative approaches.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Using SQL Server 2005 means we can reduce development and support costs and produce a better product for our customers.” Chris Smith Managing Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Professional Services

May 2006

“Using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services meant that we halved the development work to provide real-time field reports for mobile users of flyingSPARK’s Wireless Intelligence Layer.” Simon Wood Chief Technical Officer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Wireless Intelligence Layer


November 2005

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F 40

FormScape is the leading provider of document process automation solutions. Its solutions integrate people, processes, documents, and business systems to substantially cut costs, improve information visibility, and ensure better control of business documents. With more than 8,000 customers and 50 partners, FormScape delivers solutions in banking, finance, distribution, manufacturing, real estate, healthcare, and government. The company’s clients include BP, CitiGroup, Blockbuster, DaimlerChrysler, Johnson & Johnson, Ingram Micro, Medtronic, Wal-Mart, La-Z-Boy, Wells Fargo, and Fujitsu.

Covus manages the complete enterprise resource planning (ERP) document lifecycle, delivering pre-packaged document processes to address bottlenecks in procure-to-pay, order-to-cash, manufacture-to- deliver, and client service. It brings together pre-packaged processes and best practices with inbound imaging, integrated storage, automated routing, and outbound communications. Covus has used Microsoft SQL Server as its foundation for many years, and now leverages the power of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for integrated document storage, indexing, and retrieval.

Application Synopsis


Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 has helped us bring advanced features to market faster and expand the value of our offering to meet our customers’ requirements.” Darren Atkinson Chief Technology Officer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]



November 2005

Fretwell-Downing Hospitality

FDH has developed, marketed, and supported hospitality and food service management solutions for more than 20 years. Today, it supports thousands of sites across hundreds of clients including Compass Group, Avenance, The National Trust, The Royal Navy, and scores of local authority, institutional, commercial, and retail catering operators. Its systems are all fully developed and supported by FDH, and it offers the full range of partnership services, so it can work in parallel with clients on jointly achieving declared project objectives.

Saffron, the ISV’s Catering Management System, offers numerous options in terms of modules, functionality, and configuration, reflecting the wide diversity of catering styles within hospitality: Full Stock Management; Purchase Order Management; Recipe and Menu Management; Nutritional Analysis; Production Planning and Control; Staff Time and Attendance; Hospitality and Internal Recharges; Sales Data Capture/EPoS; Saffron Reports; Hand-held Data Capture Units and Third Party System Integration.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 helps us and our customers by delivering high availability and scalability, tighter security by default, easier data management, and simpler administration and maintenance.” Nick Prime Operations Director

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Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Retail & Hospitality

May 2006

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ICS was established since 1994 and has a wealth of experience of building Microsoft-based business intelligence (BI) tools and delivering mission critical solutions to medium-sized organisations and large corporates. We focus on four areas: BI/data warehousing, Microsoft .NET development environments, Microsoft Windows Server applications, and Unisys BIS development and migration. ICS customers include Air Canada, Atos Origin, BAE Systems, Brother, CMGL, CSC, EDS, Exel, Freeborders, Heinz, Ministry of Defence, Rolls Royce & Associates, Sporting Index, Unisys, and Wincanton.

netDrill is a Web-based information delivery system for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for the distribution of data and online analysis capabilities to large user groups with indeterminate skill sets and infrastructures. No extensive administration, training, or IT knowledge is required to use and deploy netDrill, empowering staff, customers, partners, and suppliers to make better decisions. No other solution provides access to online analytical processing (OLAP) and flat data without plug-ins or downloads for such a low total cost of ownership (TCO).

Application Synopsis

Company Background

Information Systems Associates

Information Systems is a software development and consultancy firm that provides business solutions for Microsoft CRM and mobility technologies. Its specialities include Microsoft CRM with business workflow, voice/voice over IP (VoIP), and business intelligence (BI), particularly where the workflow extends to mobile devices (Pocket PCs and Smartphones). Over the last 18 years, the company has improved clients’ business processes by advising and building solutions that ensure customers can manage change effectively, streamline business processes, and become more efficient.

ISAQuest is a mobile, data-capture solution, targeted at field market research, quality management solutions, and other businesses where a dynamic forms engine is required. By using ISAQuest, clients can build and send different forms as tasks to field workers, who can then remotely communicate complete, accurate information to the office, where it can be processed immediately. The solution uses Microsoft SQL Server 2005, which synchronises with SQL Mobile on Pocket PCs or Tablet PCs for mobile data access, and with Analysis and Reporting Services for processing and analysing data.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“The inclusion of Analysis and Integration Services as standard offers a compelling value proposition. We can now provide customers with a complete BI and reporting solution, with the lowest possible TCO.” David Grant Chief Technical Officer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]



November 2005

“SQL Mobile, in combination with SQL Server 2005, gives us greater flexibility when designing our solution, which means greater speed to market.” Thomas Payne Managing Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

ISAQuest—Data Capture on the Run

Professional Services

November 2005

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IRIS Software

I 42

The IRIS Group is regarded as one of the leading independent software companies in Europe. More than 9,000 accountancy practices and 40,000 small businesses use IRIS Tax, Accounts Production, Time and Fees, Practice Management, Payroll, Accounting, and HR software, making it the most widely used software in this area.

IRIS Practice Software is a market-leading suite of products designed to provide accountants with an end-to-end solution allowing them to manage their practice as well as providing a set of comprehensive services, such as final accounts production, to their clients. In 2005, the company will release a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 version of IRIS accounts software. Coupled with this is the development of a number of add-ins to allow customers to tightly integrate their database with Microsoft Office tools such as Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office Word.

Application Synopsis


Company Background

“Moving the IRIS accounts software product suite onto SQL Server 2005 will give our customers an unprecedented level of flexibility and extensibility with regards to data access and reporting.” Jill Guy Head of Data Development

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

IRIS Practice Software Suite

Professional Services

November 2005

ITDP Solutions

ITDP Solutions provides high-quality, high-definition software systems for Microsoft Business Solutions products. ITDP Solutions is an expert in building integration and software systems for Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains and Microsoft CRM, and has extensive experience in business-to-business integration, electronic data interchange (EDI), and simple object access protocol (SOAP) services. Its services range from short-term engagements on special initiatives to long-term projects.

dotStore is an e-commerce solution for Microsoft Great Plains. dotStore supports key business activities affecting customers’ companies. It increases the customer base by exposing the product offering worldwide 24-hours a day, seven-days a week and helps a company remain competitive in the market by improving business efficiency and reducing overheads. By using Microsoft SQL Server 2005, dotStore can leverage the additional data components (XML), communicate more efficiently (Web services), and integrate easily with other Microsoft .NET components of dotStore.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“We can use the following facilities in SQL Server 2005: Web services, XML indexing, XML search, XML datatype, exception handling, recursive queries, and built-in encryption.” Amit Reed Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]



November 2005

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iT-Workplace is a software company that specialises in business intelligence (BI) reporting solutions. The software iT-Workplace develops is 100 per cent focused on Microsoft technology and is based on the Microsoft .NET Framework. All software development conforms to Microsoft methodologies and architectures. Whether direct or in conjunction with our solutions partners, we aim to provide organisations with better, faster, and easier access to the information that exists within their operational systems and external data sources.

Designed to work with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services, Intelligencia provides genuine end-user authoring tools, which help create complex multi-section, print-quality report documents. The sophisticated formatting engine means that data from multiple sources can be combined with narrative text to create complex financial reports. Reports are accessed via the Report Library Web service, which serves the client authoring tools and Web portal users. Administrative options ensure that document authors comply with regulatory audit standards required for Sarbanes Oxley 404 compliance.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services combined with auditable reporting from Intelligencia are an important step towards the delivery of transparent, accountable regulatory reporting solutions.” Mark Slade Technical Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]



November 2005

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Launched 16 years ago, Jontek develops solutions for local authorities and housing associations. These systems aim to improve care within the community, while providing maximum efficiency and cost effectiveness, which are key drivers in the sector. Jontek responds to the sector’s changing needs by developing a range of high-quality, innovative, and reliable products. Its solutions are installed at 90 organisations nationwide, providing support to more than one million users.

Jontek Aegis captures carer-visit information in real time, eliminating the need for timesheet returns and reducing administration effort. It offers reassurance to both parties by monitoring any potential problems in care provision. By using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Jontek has created a market-leading, critical solution that helps safeguard those requiring community care.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

Jump Media

Jump Media Software was founded in 1999 as a software house for the development of applications for the mail order and e-commerce industries. The company has grown considerably and now employs more than 15 people. Its main product is the Control Point Mail Order Management System. It provides a fully integrated system that includes warehousing, accounting, customer relationship management (CRM), and e-commerce modules, and automatically processes Internet, call centre, and mail-order enquiries.

Control Point provides an integrated system for businesses wholly or partly involved in mail order. It handles the whole mail order process: taking and managing orders, warehousing, stock control, despatch, CRM, marketing analysis, and accounting. The system is built using the Microsoft .NET Framework and is designed to run on Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Control Point’s enterprise-level architecture and functionality, together with the integration of a SQL Server 2005-based e-commerce engine, makes this product a natural leader in the mail order and e-commerce industry.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Jontek believes the use of SQL Server 2005 delivered a 40 per cent reduction in development time in the production of a mission-critical, real-time solution.” Saeed Choudhary Software Development Manager

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Jontek Aegis


November 2005

“Our use of SQL Server 2005 has given our development team a fast, robust platform that now sits at the heart of the latest version of our product.” Bill Lush Lead Programmer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Control Point

Retail & Hospitality

November 2005

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Lakeview Computers

Lakeview produces, supplies, and supports mid-range business-management software and complete systems. Clients are based in the U.K. and overseas, and operate in a broad range of industries: financial, distribution, manufacturing, and/or service management. Lakeview offers complete systems or software-only supply with full after-sales support. As a direct supplier, the company can handle specialist and one-off requirements.

Dominance is an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution for applications in the distribution, financial, manufacturing, and service sectors. It includes Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and uses a proven application architecture that takes advantage of new 64-bit server technology. With SQL Server 2005, Lakeview can use the common language runtime (CLR) to embed financial functions into queries, which previously wasn’t possible. Row level versioning and snapshot isolation help to maintain data coherency and remove deadlocking issues.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

Laserform International

Laserform International is one of the most respected suppliers to the legal marketplace. For more than 15 years we have been developing and marketing innovative software to help U.K. lawyers benefit from computer technology. We provide the software and a wide array of support services to thousands of firms, ranging from the very largest to the sole practitioner. Our software covers many areas including: practice management software for solicitors, electronic legal forms, and legal case management applications.

The Partnership Suite is an integrated suite of legal accounts, matter manager, and work-type specific workflows. Integrating with Microsoft desktop software ensures that firms can use existing applications. It is supplied with a document library of more than 800 templates covering most legal practice areas. It also integrates with Laserform’s electronic legal forms. The features of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ensure more efficient access to external online services. Smaller customer using desktop engine MSDE 2000 will benefit from the new features of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Our biggest gain from using SQL Server 2005 is the CLR integration. Some features can now run directly at the server end, giving us improved security and reliability.” Peter Ibbotson Technical Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Lakeview Dominance


May 2006

“SQL Server 2005 will mean easier integration of The Partnership Suite with other applications.” Doctor Leslie Causton Product Manager (Partner Solutions)

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

The Partnership Suite


November 2005

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Link HR Systems

L 48

Link HR Systems develops and markets specialised reward software to assist HR Professionals in areas of computer assisted job evaluation (Link JE Intranet), reward structure design and costing (Link Pay Modeller), and equal pay audits (Link Equal Pay Reviewer). Founded in 1985, the company is a world leader in the field of reward software tools with more than 1,000 client installations on four continents.

The first version of Link JE Intranet established the company as a market leader in helping companies to streamline their job evaluation processes. As our market matured, Link Systems needed a new, enhanced product, which had to be developed quickly to maintain market momentum. Our objective is to offer clients the most configurable product in its class. Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 we have succeeded in building a highly configurable and scalable system with a highly responsive Web user interface using AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technologies.

Application Synopsis


Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 makes it possible to get full transactional replication with support for DDL through the new database mirroring, which is essential for our high availability hosted applications.” Dave Verwer Chief Technology Officer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Link JE Intranet

Professional Services

November 2005

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m35 is a London-based company specialising in business software solutions for global organisations. While many of m35’s solutions support financial services, they are equally applicable to other markets, including retail and fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) environments.

The DataTrans Application Server takes advantage of the extensible markup language (XML) capability and flexible datatype support available in Microsoft SQL Server 2005, facilitating platform services such as single sign-on and rights management. It also provides rich reporting and enterprise grade security in the form of feature-rich logging and audit records. The new Microsoft .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) will allow m35 to move application logic closer to the database tier in future generations.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

MBR IT Solutions

MBR IT Solutions is a leading provider of IT services to businesses based in the U.K. Its core competencies are providing IT solutions based on Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server and bespoke development of software that runs on the Microsoft Windows platform.

The BootFX Application Framework is a best-of-breed application framework for companies working with Microsoft .NET. It’s an open source package, distributed under the MPL 1.1 library, and fully supports the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Core features include fully-managed code, high performance object relational mapping layer, user interface (UI) component library for Windows and Web, code generation, built-in logging, management, and instrumentation functionality.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Building on a stable and universally-accepted database allows m35 products to be integrated with minimal or no operational impact, thus increasing customers’ return on nvestment (ROI).” Nick Woodley Senior Architect

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

DataTrans v2

Financial Services

November 2005

“SQL Server 2005 offers real benefits to developers developing applications that run on Windows.” Matthew Baxter-Reynolds Managing Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


IT Services

November 2005

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M 50

Meridio is a leading worldwide provider of enterprise content management (ECM) software, built using the Microsoft .NET Framework. Meridio’s mission is to help senior executives meet their goals of regulatory compliance, business efficiency, and profitability. Meridio’s document and records management solutions deliver a comprehensive set of tools that integrate with existing Microsoft desktop and server software to provide usable and cost-effective solutions that solve business challenges and meet business goals.

Meridio provides a comprehensive compliance infrastructure that helps enterprises manage documents and records across their organisations. It reduces risk by automating the retention and disposal of information according to organisational policies and improves efficiency by making it easy to find and share key information in a secure way. Meridio meets the United States’ records management and national archives standards. It runs exclusively in a Microsoft environment, and takes advantage of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to provide high levels of scalability, integration, and resilience.

Application Synopsis


Company Background

“Our customers love the power that Microsoft SQL Server 2005 delivers to Meridio systems. SQL Server 2005 manages the key metadata necessary to give our users information superiority.” Mark Greatorex President, EMEA

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]



November 2005

Mountain Software

Mountain Software is a leading supplier of IT solutions to solicitors, barristers, and coroners in the U.K. Since it supplied its first solution in 1978 to solicitors, the organisation has worked with more than 500 clients in small to medium-sized practices, supplying a modular but totally integrated solution.

The Mountain Software Practice Management System helps solicitors manage every aspect of their business. Case management, time recording, accounts, and marketing are just a few of the areas covered by this flexible and extensible product. Using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 helps Mountain Software respond rapidly to the needs of a dynamic and demanding market. The application is unique in its ability to support the needs of its smallest customers as well as those of its very largest.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 gives Mountain Software an industry-leading solution that can meet all of our customers’ requirements for both performance and cost.” John Irwin Development Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Legal Practice Management

Professional Services

November 2005

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MSS has been dedicated to the design, supply, and support of computer-based legal management systems for more than a quarter of a century. It is one of the few Law Society recommended software solution providers. In excess of 1,600 law firms throughout the U.K. and Ireland currently enjoy the many commercial and operational benefits of AlphaLAW systems. Users of AlphaLAW software range from the large multi-branch, city-centre style firms to high-street practices and single practitioners.

AlphaLAW-Uno is the new case management and workflow system designed to integrate with the successful AlphaLAW-Vantage Legal Practice Management System. It has an innovative design so that firms can create easy-to-use case workflows that are extremely flexible. The new Fee Earner productivity enhancements make common tasks easy and help keep staff up to date with case progress and outstanding work. Built on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and using extensible markup language (XML) Web services, it is a highly scalable solution that can be easily deployed across organisations of any size.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 gives the performance, reliability, and scalability we require. There is no other relational database management system (RDBMS) that can scale from a single user to thousands.” Tim Smith Technical Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Professional Services

November 2005

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NetEconomy, was founded in 1993 and is owned by Cazenove Private Equity (CPE). It is the global leader in delivering real-time enterprise software solutions to financial institutions for monitoring transactions to prevent, detect, and manage financial crime, including money laundering, fraud, and market abuse. NetEconomy brings business value to its global customer base by minimising business and regulatory risk, increasing profitability, and protecting corporate brand/reputation. NetEconomy is headquartered in The Hague, with offices in Boston, London, and Kuala Lumpur.

NetEconomy’s ERASE Financial Crime Suite monitors financial transactions to detect money laundering, fraud, and market abuse across multiple channels, product lines, and geographies to mitigate enterprise-wide risk. With Microsoft SQL Server 2005 features such as Data Partitioning, even the largest databases remain manageable. With SQL Server 2005, customers benefit from around the clock access to the system for real-time analysis and monitoring, and a positive return on investment (ROI) because of lower deployment and maintenance costs, faster time-to-market, and increased productivity.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“The ERASE Financial Crime Suite operates on SQL Server 2005, providing stability and flexibility while significantly reducing installation and integration time.” Henry Barenholz Vice President Sales and Marketing

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

ERASE Financial Crime Suite

Financial Services

November 2005

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Launched in 1991, o2olap is a niche international provider of fast, efficient, analytical, and financial reporting solutions that use Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Analysis Services such as o2olap for Excel and BIWeb XML. o2olap’s experience ensures the correct design, development, implementation, training, and support for diverse solutions in both Web and Microsoft Office environments. o2olap helped create the first dynamic business intelligence solution with direct integration from the Web to dynamic Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet software.

o2olap for Excel and BIWeb XML are innovative, mature, and flexible Excel and Web-based interfaces to SQL Server 2005 and Analysis Services 2005. SQL Server 2005 facilitates for the faster development and deployment of online analytical processing (OLAP) solutions to an enterprise-wide audience with o2olap and BIWeb XML providing the interface for users to browse, slice, dice, and model cube information into dynamic, flexible Excel and Web-based reporting solutions. SQL Server 2005 provides a complete platform on which to base solutions for more complete and competitive reporting needs.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

Occam Systems

Occam was founded in 1998 to meet the demand for software that manages room bookings for students and key worker accommodation. Its Room Service solution is used by universities for managing student accommodation, and by conference and training centres for managing events, meeting rooms, and associated services. Room Service provides an easy-to-use solution for any organisation that wishes to manage the booking of rooms.

Room Service is for organisations that wish to optimise the utilisation of rooms. It is designed to manage bookings for bedrooms and meeting rooms along with associated catering and audio visual services. It calculates charges for the bookings and processes invoices and payments. With its integral data mining grid, operational information is extracted easily. Room Service runs on Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and is integrated with Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel. It uses Web services to provide intranet or Internet self-service solutions.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 provides the performance and flexibility required for business intelligence solutions in today’s fast-paced, dynamic business environment.” Howard Taylor Managing Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

o2olap for Excel and BIWeb XML

Financial Services

November 2005

“SQL Server 2005 provides improved reliability and performance and better features. We have standardised on SQL Server 2005 because of the lower total cost of ownership (TCO).” Gavin Clark Product Manager

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Room Service


November 2005

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Portrait Software

Founded in 1986 in the U.K., Portrait Software specialises in customer interaction management solutions software, which builds more responsive, profitable customer relationships. Portrait Foundation, is a specialised application environment suite that helps software vendors, integrators, and outsourcers develop process-driven, customer-critical applications faster, especially using the Microsoft .NET Framework. The company employs 110 staff worldwide and has a customer base of more than 150 mainly blue-chip organisations in 23 countries.

Portrait Foundation is a specialised application suite for developing customer-critical business processes in a .NET environment. Portrait comes with customer interactivity management built-in so developers can focus on designing better processes instead of on workflow, interfaces, and managing a data model. Portrait uses Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as its core operational repository for deploying business processes and managing process state. It exploits the Reporting and Analysis Services of SQL Server 2005 to deliver process analytics and business activity monitoring (BAM).

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Through its superior price point, efficiency, and management capability SQL Server 2005 provides Portrait Software with the optimal operational and analysis environment.” Tim Shaw Chief Technical Officer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Portrait Foundation

Financial Services

May 2006

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Quantiv has worked in the field of business process engines, application frameworks, and software factories for many years. It has used Microsoft SQL Server for transaction processing, reporting, and metadata storage since Microsoft SQL Server version 4.2. Today, mission critical applications produced with Quantiv technology run 24-hours a day, seven-days a week in some of the U.K.’s most complex businesses.

Quantiv’s Software Factory supports fast and safe delivery of powerful, easy-to-change enterprise-scale business applications within predictable timescales and budgets. At its heart is a powerful application framework —a re-usable application that is specialised to make custom-built applications using fully pluggable behaviour, rules, and user and systems interfaces. The improved Microsoft SQL Server 2005 availability and scalability makes it even more compelling to build mission-critical systems using the Quantiv framework.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Quantiv uses SQL Server 2005 to offer higher throughput and better performance to its customers, together with enhanced management and availability of the database.” Steve Baker Technical Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]



November 2005

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Realise Systems

Realise Systems is an IT solutions company, which combines innovation with enterprise-level quality. The company develops and supports software that increases the potential of its customers’ workforce.

Employees hold the key to business cost reduction and revenue generation. Capturing employee ideas, the Web-based continuous improvement tool provides employees with a transparent view of their idea and its progress, and managers with a simple tool for evaluating and progressing ideas. By offering targeted idea campaigns, the tool captures better quality, more-focused ideas than traditional suggestion box schemes. Originally developed using Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, it has been migrated to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 for the native XML capability and the Reporting Services toolset.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

Red Gate Software

Red Gate Software makes tools for Microsoft developers, testers, and database administrators (DBAs). We strive for simplicity in every area of our business: our products, the way we interact with our customers, and the way we structure ourselves. The company’s product line includes tools for comparing, synchronising, packaging, backing up, recovering Microsoft SQL Server databases, and profiling and load testing Microsoft .NET applications. Red Gate is a Microsoft Certified Partner, a Microsoft Visual Studio industry partner (VSIP), and a Microsoft Gold Visual Studio .NET launch partner.

SQL Compare is the industry-standard tool for comparing and synchronising schemas. It is used by more than 100,000 DBAs, developers, and testers worldwide. It is extremely useful when pushing out changes from development to production, and works quickly, safely, and efficiently saving massive amounts of time and reducing implementation issues. By enabling comparison and synchronisation of the new database objects in Microsoft SQL Server 2005, SQL Compare allows users to save time and operate in a less complex environment.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 has helped us to make our product far more flexible and adaptable with the adoption of managed code and native XML support.” Dominic Madden Chief Technical Officer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Continuous Improvement


May 2006

“The expectations of SQL Server 2005 were high and it hasn’t disappointed. Increased integration between SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 has let us simplify our development envelope.” Neil Davidson Technical Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

SQL Compare


November 2005

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Formed in 1996, is one of the U.K.’s leading developers of Web sites and e-commerce systems. The company delivers Web systems that improve business efficiency, generate enquiries, and increase sales, and offers a number of complementary services including around the clock hosting, Web marketing, and reporting capabilities to medium-sized enterprises across a diverse range of market sectors.

ConductIT is a framework for creating and maintaining Web sites. It is targeted at sales and marketing departments responsible for converting Web traffic into business leads and/or online transactions. ConductIT is differentiated from mid-market Web content management (WCM) systems because it will take advantage of the power of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and provides integrated e-commerce and Web marketing functionality out of the box.

Application Synopsis


Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 provides commercial opportunities for that have not previously been available.” Calvin Litchfield Managing Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]



May 2006

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ScreenFusion is a technology company providing digital visual messaging (DVM) solutions to corporate communications, business, retail, leisure, and learning organisations. DVM Express is a system that delivers a continuous flow of high-impact multimedia content to digital screens. It is a powerful and cost-effective way to inform and influence your target audience. Content can be created and updated quickly and easily across multiple venues. ScreenFusion DVM provides organisations with more effective communication, increased revenues, cost savings, efficiency and flexibility.

Using the solution, administrators can add, change, and update content quickly and easily. They can centrally manage different messages playing on different screens in different locations either at a single venue or across multiple venues. DVM Express is a corporate product that uses a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database to store all key data. Local media player extensible markup language (XML) data files are produced using the XML support built into SQL Server 2005. The use of SQL Server 2005 gives DVM Express excellent performance, scalability, reliability, and great management capability.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

Select Software U.K.

Select Software is a leading supplier of human resources (HR) software designed for medium to large organisations. We provide software, implementation services, and support directly to our customers throughout the U.K.

SelectHR Insight is an all encompassing HR system covering all functions within HR, from holding basic employee and organisation information to automating training and recruitment processes. When used in conjunction with its sister product SelectHR Clearvision, employees and managers have access to their own and relevant staff information. Improved Business Integration tools within Microsoft SQL Server 2005, such as Report Builder and Reporting Services, will allow users to improve the visibility of their data within their organisations.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 adds great new features such as increased integration with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, auto tuning, new management tools, XML support, and Web services.” Nigel Price Technical Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

DVM Express

Digital Visual Messaging

May 2006

“SQL Server and its improved integration with Visual Studio 2005 and enhanced scripting options are helping to reduce development times considerably.” Rob Maynard Head of Development

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

SelectHR Insight and Clearvision


November 2005

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SharpOWL Software International

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SharpOWL is Europe’s leading author of specialist software, designed to improve the performance and profitability of people and projects in consulting and professional services organisations. Since 1997, it has been developing systems for people and project-centric organisations within software development, IT consultancy, PR/media, pharmaceutical/clinical research, management consulting, engineering consultancy, and central government agencies. It is a member of the AIM group of companies and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and understanding in its specialist market areas.

SharpOWL supports and enhances service delivery business processes by scheduling resources, recording time and expenses, and billing and measuring financial performance of projects and people. To help meet business challenges, it integrates with third-party applications and the billing engine can be used in an international environment. The solution was originally developed to run on Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5 and migrated to run on versions 7 and 2000. The ISV is ensuring a migration path for clients who can take advantage of the new features of Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

Application Synopsis


Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 Report Builder is going to lower the cost of ownership of SharpOWL, empowering clients to write their own reports without requiring expensive technical resources.” Martin White Operations Manager

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Professional Services

November 2005

Since 1995, has been a leading provider of software solutions to the entertainment technology sector, particularly the audio-visual and lighting industries. It offers an award-winning range of innovative, powerful applications and also develops original equipment manufacturer (OEM) software solutions for corporate customers. With offices in London and New York, regional partners, and an installed customer base spanning 68 countries, delivers leading-edge solutions that exploit the very latest in software technologies.

Stardraw Control offers a new approach to controlling systems containing disparate products from various suppliers. It overcomes reliance on closed-architecture control systems by offering a software-based, unified framework that can control any type of remotely-controllable equipment using any protocol. Stardraw Control lets users create customised control interfaces without writing a single line of code and compiles them as standalone .EXEs to run on any Microsoft Windows device. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is critical to the delivery and maintenance of product and data updates.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Thanks to the improved Web Services support and tight integration with XML offered by SQL Server 2005, we can deliver application and data upgrades seamlessly, transparently, and efficiently.” David Snipp Chief Executive Officer

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Stardraw Control

Media & Entertainment

November 2005

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Streatley Software Solutions

Streatley Software Solutions is a Microsoft Certified Partner, whose systems are available worldwide. It has a long history of developing, delivering, and supporting fully-integrated niche market business software for process manufacturing (dataEssence) and contract catering (caterLyst). The company is fully committed to integrating its solutions with Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains. Streatley delivers real added-value solutions, built on and using key Microsoft technologies.

caterLyst is an integrated solution for contract catering companies that covers the needs of both the units and head office. caterLyst, which can be integrated with a variety of mainstream accounting systems, includes a number of modules. These cover trading accounts, head office reporting, accounts integration and updating, online unit data entry and reporting, staff management, and time recording. The solution leverages Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to deliver the performance and flexibility that a modern contract caterer demands.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

Streatley Software Solutions

Streatley Software Solutions is a Microsoft Certified Partner with a history of developing, delivering, and supporting fully-integrated niche market business software for process manufacturing (dataEssence) and contract catering (caterLyst). Streatley is fully committed to the integration of these solutions with MBS Great Plains. Streatley delivers high performance and real added value solutions that are built on key Microsoft technologies. The primary objective is the achievement of customers’ business goals.

dataEssence is an integrated solution for process manufacturing companies, particularly those in the flavour, fragrance, and essential oil industries. The solution provides comprehensive solution from initial enquiry, through product development, to manufacture and delivery. The software modules cover applications, evaluations, projects/briefs, formulations, regulatory, stock control, manufacturing and sales, and purchase order processing. It uses Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to deliver the performance and flexibility that modern businesses demand.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Microsoft technologies, especially SQL Server 2005, mean we can develop and deliver leading-edge business solutions that directly contribute to our customers achieving their business goals.” Anton Szklarek Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Contract Catering

May 2006

“SQL Server 2005 provides the performance and flexibility that our customers need to meet challenging business requirements.” Anton Szklarek Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Process Manufacturing

May 2006

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Systems Union Group

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Systems Union Group provides a comprehensive portfolio of financial and performance management solutions to more than 50,000 customer sites in 194 countries. The group comprises SunSystems, MIS, Vision, Pegasus,, ncSoft, and Foundation Systems. Its solutions improve an organisation’s ability to produce, consolidate, analyse, and report financial and wider management information in a unified way while ensuring a proactive approach to crucial budgeting, planning, and forecasting processes.

SunSystems is a uniquely flexible financial and performance management solution that ensures organisations can capture, generate, report, and analyse financial and operational data. SunSystems includes automated, multi-currency transactional processing and reporting in addition to compliance with global regulatory and taxation requirements. It also provides intuitive reporting, via Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Improved security, performance, scalability, and manageability are some of the additional benefits for our customers, through the use of SQL Server 2005.

Application Synopsis


Company Background

“Running SunSystems on SQL Server 2005 means our customers can take advantage of the new performance, scalability, and redundancy features.” Lee Stokes Chief Technical Architect

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Global software solution provider

May 2006

Systems Union Group

Systems Union Group provides a comprehensive portfolio of financial and performance management solutions to more than 50,000 customer sites in 194 countries. The group comprises SunSystems, MIS, Vision, Pegasus, REDtechnology, ncSoft, and Foundation Systems. Its solutions improve an organisation’s ability to produce, consolidate, analyse, and report financial and wider management information in a unified way while enabling a proactive approach to crucial budgeting, planning, and forecasting processes.

Vision is a powerful business intelligence (BI) suite providing pan-application reporting, analytics, scheduling, and alerting. Using Vision, users can quickly and efficiently create reports and analyse information, highlighting trends, patterns, and exceptions using familiar tools like Microsoft Office. Vision has pre-built connectivity to many business systems including SunSystems, SAP BusinessOne, Microsoft Great Plains, Microsoft Axapta, MICROS-Fidelio, MAXIMO, Exact Software, and many more. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 provides robust and scalable infrastructure for Vision solutions.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Vision is the ideal tool for businesses using SQL Server 2005, providing a simple method to open up your business data for real-time self-service operational business intelligence.” Neil Chandler Vice President, Strategic Marketing

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Global software solution provider

November 2005

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Systems Union Group

Systems Union Group provides a comprehensive portfolio of financial and performance management solutions to more than 50,000 customer sites in 194 countries. The group comprises SunSystems, MIS, Vision, Pegasus, REDtechnology, ncSoft, and Foundation Systems. Its solutions improve an organisation’s ability to produce, consolidate, analyse, and report financial and wider management information in a unified way while enabling a proactive approach to crucial budgeting, planning, and forecasting processes.

MIS DecisionWare helps organisations to integrate information from existing source systems and data warehouses, and provide it to business users within a comfortable environment. Customers can use MIS DecisionWare for planning, reporting, budgeting, forecasting, consolidation and analysis. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 brings enhancements like improved performance, scalability, and security to the complete solution. Our front-ends, such as MIS Plain and MIS onVision make it easier for users to access the richer model provided by Analysis Services 2005 for interactive analysis and reporting.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“We have been working closely with Microsoft, helping to ensure that the next generation of our product portfolio is ready to take advantage of the enhanced functionality in SQL Server 2005.” Michael Danninger Global Research and Development (R&D) Director

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

MIS DecisionWare

Global software solution provider

November 2005

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Target ERP Systems

Target ERP Systems is the author of a suite of Web Services-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software specifically designed for distribution and manufacturing businesses that need to control rapidly-changing product design, configure complex products to order, manage shipment and repair of products at a distance, and procure materials from sources all over the world. The company has more than 20 years experience in the industry and has the benefit of proven MRP and scheduling kernels in an environment optimised for modern distribution and mixed, process/discrete manufacturing.

Target-ERP is a next-generation ERP system designed from the bottom up to deliver a seamless capability across the enterprise, regardless of where that capability may be needed. The solution is designed to work across many sites using the Internet to achieve virtually instantaneous communications at very low cost. The use of Internet technology allows access to corporate information at any time from anywhere in the world. Target-ERP uses Web Services, XML, and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to provide a solution that is scalable to many hundreds of users across multiple sites.

Application Synopsis

Company Background


Thorogood is a specialist in business intelligence (BI) applications. The firm has unmatched experience with Microsoft BI technology. Close involvement with Microsoft development teams began in the earliest days of Microsoft SQL Server 2000. The firm is engaged in a large scale new application of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and the beta product has been used for specific client purposes by our specialists in the United States, the United Kingdom, and India. Thorogood capabilities have been built up over time and are unmatched in quality and value for money.

Thorogood facilitates the upgrade of existing SQL Server applications to SQL Server 2005, providing important new capabilities at lower development and support costs.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“SQL Server 2005 is the underlying power beneath Target-ERP. Its power and flexibility has allowed us to develop a feature-rich product in a fraction of the time that it would otherwise have taken.” Mike Spencer Senior Systems Consultant

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Distribution and Manufacturing

November 2005

“SQL Server 2005 gives us the capabilities we need to meet increasing demands from the business without sacrificing performance and without excessive development and maintenance costs.” Andy McDonnell Project Manager, Gallaher

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Upgrade


November 2005

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True Clarity

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True Clarity, launched in 2002, aims to use Internet technologies to save its clients time and money. The company has a highly committed, skilled, and experienced team that develops financial and management support solutions for a wide range of clients. Clients include the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Eduserv Chest, Adam Matthew Publications, Stanley Gibbons, Mercer Oliver Wyman, Artyfarty, Nobok, The Response Team, and London Central Portfolio.

True Clarity’s Framework is a proven operational application that allows users to develop complex business models that support key operations. True Clarity believes that delivering fast and reliable information retrieval and combining access with ease of navigation is vital for an integrated solution. Basing the framework on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 meant True Clarity developed methods for fast data retrieval. However, initial tests show that a significant increase in the speed and performance of these queries has come about through migrating to Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

Application Synopsis


Company Background

“We’ve found that SQL Server 2005 helps reduce the total cost of development by using the new features such as tight .NET common language runtime (CLR) integration.” Keith Wood (CSD) Head of Architecture

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]

True Clarity Framework 2006

Professional Services

May 2006

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Visualfiles provides innovative business tools to help professionals become more effective and more profitable. Visualfiles creates timely solutions to today’s problems that help clients to enhance and maintain their business processes as demands change. These solutions are based on a tool set combining knowledge and document management with workflow, system integration, and domain experience. The company also comprises a number of specialist divisions and joint ventures.

Manila ensures that professional service organisations, such as law firms, can manage risk, compliance, productivity, and quality. While essentially a development environment based around Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Manila is supplied with an extensive framework giving a high degree of functionality and integration with core business applications as standard. It supports Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and takes advantage of new database enhancements. Developers can rapidly extend and customise this framework or quickly develop entirely new applications.

Application Synopsis

Company Background

“Migrating development to SQL Server 2005 was a painless process, and means Manila is immediately compatible with future technologies.” Neil Ewin Chairman

Contact details


Industry focus

Ready [email protected]


Professional Services

November 2005

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For more information on Microsoft SQL Server



Technology Matrix

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Technologies used in the applicationOrganisation




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Alert Technologies ● ● ● ● ●

Altius Consulting ● ● ● ●

Andy Wigley Computing ● ●

Anglia Business Solutions ●

Anglo Europe Computer Systems

Business Logic Systems ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Cintra Corporation UK ●

Citadel Associates ● ● ● ●

DPR Consulting ● ● ● ● ●

Draig Technology ● ● ● ● ● ●

eg solutions ● ●

EMIS ● ● ● ● ● ●

Entropy International ● ● ●

Extranet Builders ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Faber Systems ● ● ●

flyingSPARK ● ● ●

FormScape ● ● ●

Fretwell-Downing Hospitality ● ●

ICS ● ● ●

Information Systems Associates ● ● ●

IRIS Software ● ● ● ●

ITDP Solutions ● ● ●

iT-Workplace ● ● ●

Jontek ● ● ● ● ●

Jump Media ● ● ● ● ●

Lakeview Computers ● ● ● ●

Laserform International ● ●

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Technologies used in the applicationOrganisation



Link HR Systems ● ●

m35 ● ● ● ● ●

MBR IT Solutions ●

Meridio ● ● ●

Mountain Software ● ● ●

MSS ● ● ● ●

NetEconomy ● ●

o2olap ● ● ●

Occam Systems ● ● ●

Portrait Software ● ● ● ●

Quantiv ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Realise Systems ● ● ● ●

Red Gate Software ● ● ● ●

ScreenFusion ● ●

Select Software UK ● ●

SharpOWL Software International ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Streatley Software Solutions – caterLyst ● ● ●

Streatley Software Solutions – dataEssennce ● ● ●

Systems Union Group – SunSystems ● ● ● ● ●

Systems Union Group – Vision ● ● ● ●

Systems Union Group – MIS DecisionWare ● ● ●

Target ERP Systems Limited ● ● ● ●

Thorogood ● ● ● ●

True Clarity ● ● ● ●

Visualfiles ● ●

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© 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

This directory is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Microsoft, ADO, ASP .NET, Excel, .NET, .NET Framework, SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, Visual Basic 6.0, Visual C#, Visual Studio 6.0, Visual Studio 2005, Windows, Windows Mobile, and Word 2003 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Document published October/November, 2005

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