Page 1: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · 2019-07-01 · St. Anthony of Egypt. . . . . The Devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices He is also afraid when we are

We welcome our faithful, friends, and visitors who have come to

worship with us today in God’s vineyard. Please come and join

our family in regular weekly worship at our Cathedral John 15:1-2

Дорогі парафіяни та друзі нашої Катедри, які відвідують

наші Богослужіння. Щиро запрошуємо Вас також приходити

та молитися разом із нами на наші буденні служби.

яUkrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity

Парафіяльний Місячний Бюлетень - Parish Monthly Bulletin

Лепень/серпепь– 2019 – July/August

V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. Taras Makowsky

Cellular: 306-222-0274 Phone: 306-931-8595 [email protected]

Sunday: Hours-9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy-10:00 /Feast Days: Divine Lit-10:00 a.m. or as announced

Tropar, Tone 4

An angel incarnate, the foundation of prophets and

second forerunner of the coming of Christ, glorious

Elijah (Elias) sent grace from on high to Elisha to

cast out sickness and cleanse lepers. Therefore, he

pours forth healing for all who honor him.

Тропар, голос 4

У тілі ангел, пророків основа, другий предтеча

пришестя Христового – Ілля славний, з висоти

послав Єлисєві благодать недуги відганяти і

прокажених очищати. Тому і всім, що почитають

його, зливає зцілення.

Sunday August - 2 - Серпня

The Prophet Elijah – Святого Пропока Іллі

Page 2: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · 2019-07-01 · St. Anthony of Egypt. . . . . The Devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices He is also afraid when we are

Сповідь / Confession will be heard before the Divine Liturgy and after Vespers.

Проба Катедрального Хору / Cathedral Choir Rehearsal: Monday – 6:00 p.m.

Проба Хору Діброва / Dibrova Ukr. Folk Ensemble Rehearsal: Wednesday – 1:00 p.m.

Робочі дні Союз Українок / U.W.A.C. Work Bees – Watch for information

Сердечно Вітаємо!

We extend a warm, cheerful, hearty Welcome

To all our Parishioners & Visitors Worshipping with us today!

Слава Ісусу Христу! Слава На Віки! Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

Липень/July - Schedule of Services

Sun. July 7 Sunday 3 after Pentecost / Нед 3по П’ятдес. Nativity of St. John the Baptist / Передвісника і Хрестителя Господня Іоана

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone 2/Голос 2- Rom/ Рим 5:1-10 - Matt./ Мт 8:22-33

Fri. July 12 Apostles Peter & Paul / Апос. Петра і Павла Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Ilarion Residence

Tone 2/ Голос 2 - 2 Cor/ 2 Кор 11:21–12:9 - Mat/ Мт. 16:13-19 (Apostle)

Sun. July 14 Sunday 4 after Pentecost / Нед. 4 по П’ятдес.

Wonderworkers Cosmas & Damian/Безсрібників Косми та Даміана Tone 3/ Голос 3 - Rom/ Рим 6:18-23 - Matt./ Мт 8:5-13

Sun. July 21 Sunday 5 after Pentecost / Нед. 5 по П’ятдес.

Holy Great-martyr Procopius / Вмч. Прокопа

NO SERVICE at Cathedral – Нема Служби в Катедрі Пресвятої Тройці

Service at: Green Grove Camp 9:30 a.m Tone 4/Голос 4 – Rom/ Рим 10:1-10 – Matthew/ Мт 8:28–9:1

Sun. July 28 Sunday 6 after Pentecost / Нед. 6 по П’ятдес. Holy Fathers of the First Six Councils/ отців шести Вселенських Соборів

Great Prince Volodymyr, of Kyiv Rus / Вел.кн. Володимира Київського

Tone 5/Голос 5 - Heb/Євр. 13:7-16 Jn/Ін 17:1-13 (Holy Fathers)

Rom/ Рим 12:6-14 - Matt/Мт 9:1-8

Серпень/August Schedule of Services

Sun. Aug 4 Sunday 7 after Pentecost / Нед. 7 по П’ятдес.

St. Mary Madgalene/ Мироносиці рівноап. Марії Магдалини Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m.

Tone 6/Голос 6 - Rom/ Рим. 15:1-7 - Matt Мт. 9:27-35

Page 3: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · 2019-07-01 · St. Anthony of Egypt. . . . . The Devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices He is also afraid when we are

St. Anthony of Egypt . . . . .

The Devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices

He is also afraid when we are humble and good

He is especially afraid when we love Jesus very much

He runs away when we make the sign of the cross

Серпень/August Schedule of Services (con’t)

Sun. Aug. 11 Sunday 8 after Pentecost / Нед. 8 по П’ятдес.

Martyr Callinicus / Мч. Калиника

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone 7/Голос 7 - 1 Cor/1 Кор. 1:10-18 - Matt/Мт. 14:14-22

Wed. Aug 14 Procession of the Wood of the Cross / Винесення Чесних Дерев Хреста Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Перший Спас /First feast of Savior “Медовий"

Благословення маку і меду/Blessing of honey and poppyseed

Tone 7/Голос 7 - 1 Cor/1 Кор. 1:18-24 - John/Ін. 19:6-11, 13-20, 25-28, 30-35

Sun. Aug. 18 Sunday 9 after Pentecost / Нед. 9 П’ятдес.

Martyr Eusignius of Antioch / Мч. Євсигнія

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m.

Tone 8/Голос 8 - 1 Cor/1 Кор. 3:9-17 - Matt/Мт. 14:22-34

Mon. Aug. 19 Transfiguration of Our Lord / Преображення Господа Бога Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Другий Спас/Second feast of Savior “Яблуневий"

Благословення овочів/Blessing of fruits Tone 8/Голос 8 - 2 Peter/2 Пт. 1:10-19 - Matt/Мт 17:1-9

Sun. Aug 25 Sunday 10 after Pentecost/Нед. 10 пo П’ятидес.

Martyrs Anicetus and Photius/Мчч. Фотія і Аникити

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Tone 1/Голос 1 - 1 Cor/1 Кор. 4:9-16 - Mt/Мт. 17:14-23

Wed Aug 28 Dormition of Theotokos/ Успіння Прес. Богородиці.

Divine Liturgy / Св. Літургія 10:00 a.m. Третий Спас/Third Feast of Savior “Горіховим"

Благословення квіти та зілля/Blessing of flowers and herbs Tone 1/Голос 1 Phil/Флп 2:5-11 - Luke/ Лк 10:38-42, 11:27-28

Page 4: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · 2019-07-01 · St. Anthony of Egypt. . . . . The Devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices He is also afraid when we are

Please Pray for The Health & Well Being — Просимо Молитись За Хворих

Просимо подати імена своїх рідних або знайомих, котрі

перебувають у стані хвороби та потребують нашої молитовної

допомоги щодо швидшого одужання. Також пам’ятаймо у своїх

молитвах за тих, хто не може вийти з дому або перебуває у

старечому домі чи шпиталі. Молімось за здоров’я та одужання,

імена надруковані по англійськи нижче:

Please submit the names of your relatives or friends who are ill, so we can say prayers for them

to help restore their health. Remember in your prayers all those who are homebound, in care

facilities or impeded by illness and cannot attend Church. Please pray for the well-being and

health of those listed below:

Alexandra Clark Ernie Michael Peter Toni

Alice Erika Gordon Myron Rose O.Taras

Ann Elaine Jamie Nadia Stan Walter

Anna Elsie Lily Nick Susan Wasyl

Caleb Elsie Mary Paul

Please let Father Taras or Nadine Potts know of others whom we should remember in our

prayers or when you feel your name could be taken off the list.

Хрещення Baptisms We welcome the following to our Church family - Вітаємо

Stephen parents - Petro and Marta Kopylchuk

Alexander parents - Volodymyr and Emily Pshenyshny


Deepest Condolences: The members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy

Trinity wish to express sincerest sympathies to the Uhryn family who recently experienced

sorrow through the repose of their mother, Baba, Old Baba, sister and aunt.

Mary Uhryn

Memory Eternal я Її

Page 5: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · 2019-07-01 · St. Anthony of Egypt. . . . . The Devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices He is also afraid when we are

Товариство Українців Самостійників

Загальні Збори відбудутьса у September 19- го вересня

о год. 5:30, гостинніст – о год. 6:00, Бар-Бі-Кю і пограму

USRA/TYC - Saskatoon ‘Steppe’ Branch: Will hold their next general supper meeting on Thursday September 19st

Cocktails 5:30 – BBQ Supper – 6:00 - Meeting to follow.



Збори Парафіяльної Управи Катедри: Слідуючі збори управи

Катедри відбудуться 10-та вересня, год. 7:00 вечором. Як маєте щось

на увазі, яке відноситься до нашої катедри, прошу подайтеся до когось на управі.

Cathedral Parish Council Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept 10th at 7:00 pm in the Church basement.

If your have concerns or observations, concerning our cathedral parish,

please call one of the council members & express your thoughts.

Збори Союзу Українок Канади – Відділь Ім. Ольги Кобилянської:

Слідуючі загальні збори Сoюзу відбудуться у неділю, 8-го вересня

Запрошуємо всіx членкинью

U.W.A.C. – Olha Kobylianska Branch: will hold

their monthly meeting on September 8th at 1:00 pm

We invite all members to attend this meeting.

Wedding Congratulations

Congratulations to:

Sotirious Dangas and Olivia Pawluk

NO Work BeeS July & August

Thank You for coming out to all our work bees.

Take a well deserved rest until September!

Page 6: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · 2019-07-01 · St. Anthony of Egypt. . . . . The Devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices He is also afraid when we are

St. Seraphim of Sarov on Christian Homes “Neither do walls or rich furniture make a home. Millionaires in magnificent mansions may never know a home. But where there are good relationships, where

love binds the family together and to God, there happiness is always to be found. For good relationships are heaven anywhere.”

" Ні стіни, ні багате оздоблення не створять оселі (або домівки). Мільйонери в розкішних особняках ніколи не відчувають себе вдома. Але де є хороші відносини (або стосунки), де любов пов'язує сім'ю разом і з Богом, там завжди можна знайти щастя. З хорошими відносинами почуваєш себе як на небі (або на небесах)".

Parish Council

• Steps at the back of the Church have been repaired

• Robert Rudy volunteered to paint kitchen cabinets in July He will start July 16. Please call Robert at 306-934-5003 or [email protected] if you can help

• Bingo will be cancelled for July 17th to facilitate the painting

• Thank you to everyone who helped with Khram, food preparation, BBQ, cleanup,

and with presentations to those from Holy Trinity who graduated from Grade 8,

Grade 12, & Post Secondary courses

• Rod will follow up with Joanne regarding tables and chairs.

• Audra Balion’s watercolor for All Saints’ 50th Anniversary was viewed. It is

being framed and a plaque/note will be prepared for the painting.

• Kitchen floor is mostly installed. Balance of flooring will be installed soon

• Approved the cost of bedding plants for the Church/Auditorium flower beds

• CYMK went on a bike trip along the river ending up at the Kinsmen Park for their

wrap up of the year

• We formally welcome/Вітаємо new member Oleksandr Tretyak, and his

children Polina & Dima

Summer Holiday Contacts: Otets Taras is on holidays the following dates:

July 15 – 20th, July 22 – 27, July 29 – August 3,

and tentatively August 5 – 10th

If you are needing assistance or spiritual guidance, please call the following:

Fr. Bohdan Demzcak : home(306) 373-8920 or cell (306) 221-4275 or

Fr. Peter Wasylenko : home (306)-242-2742 or cell (306) 229-2642

Please remember that Otets Makowsky needs time away without interruptions so he

can rest & revitalize so please call the above numbers for assistance.

Note: Fr. Richard Ehrmantraut will be serving the Divine Liturgy August 4th

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Congratulations Graduates - Вітання з Закінченням Навчання

Grade 8: Stella Vasyleha, Margareta Solodenko, Ulyanna Tetera,

Oleksandr Kalyton, Eric Allen, Max Herman. Ave Hrycay,

Taisa Rudy, Nadia Demkiw

Grade 12: Volodymyr Kurseba, Oleksiy Ladariev, Antonine Akoulov, Caleb Allen,

Olha Pilchenko, Alicia Hyshka, Taras Harmasar, Matthew Hrycuik

Post-secondary: Marissa Evans (Masters of Arts in Medical Anthopology), Tatiana Makowsky-

Soltykevych (Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant & Bachelor of Arts in

Political Studies), Jonathan Skwarchuk (Bachelor of Commerce),Michael Moskal

(Bachelor of Commerce)

Вечеря Вареників: Слідуюча вечеря вареників відбудиться у п'ятницю, 27-го вересня - Просимо всіх від год. 5:00 – 7:00 вечором. Ціна за вечерю з десертом є $14.00 Next All-You-Can-Eat Varenyky Supper: The next all you can eat Varenyky Supper will held at the

Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium on Friday, September 27th

from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.Cost is $14.00 (includes dessert & Coffee) Extras priced separately. Bring your family and friends!

Thank you to Vesper & Nestor Kowalski for co-ordinating the supper

May 31st & their Group 3 Crew. They Served 250 hungry patrons!

Reminder: Frozen product sales: July 27th and August 24th

Bishop Filevich 40th Anniversary

The 2019-2020 school year will mark the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Ukrainian Bilingual Program in Saskatoon (currently Bishop Filevich

Ukrainian Bilingual School). To mark this important milestone, a committee of staff, parents, alumni, former staff and former parents is being formed to plan some celebrations during 2019-2020. If you are interested in being a part of this planning committee, please contact Principal Shelly Lord at Bishop Filevich School (306-659-7230). We will make it a year to remember!

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Folkfest 2019 August 15th –17th

Ukrainian Karpaty Pavilion is looking for Volunteers :

❖ (set-up, clean-up, kitchen, food line, bar, security)

❖ Shifts would be a minimum of 4 hours

❖ Volunteers get a ticket for a free drink & meal

Contact: Carol Shinkewski Phone: 373-0479 [email protected]

Ukrainian Museum of Canada of the UWAC Scholarship

The Dianne J. Ortynsky scholarship of $500 is awarded by the Museum

It is open to individuals or groups who are pursuing/undertaking a

Ukrainian or Educational activity.

For scholarship details:

Ukrainian Day in the Park

Rotary Park August 24th Family fun day – entertainment, food, booths


Thank you, Dena Rak, for all your hard work creating your

landscaping magic on the Church and Auditorium flower beds.

“Incarnating Christ in our World : an Exercise in Martyrdom”

Guest presenter: Abbot Tryphon, All Merciful Savior Monastery, Washington

September 13, 14, & 15th , 2019 Ethnos Centre, Calgary Contact: Joan Popowich at : [email protected] or Phone: (403) 932-7724

Page 9: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · 2019-07-01 · St. Anthony of Egypt. . . . . The Devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices He is also afraid when we are

Holy, Glorious Prophet Elijah

On the Feast of St. Elijah, the Prophet, we read these words from the 5th chapter of

the Universal Epistle of St. James the Apostle: “The fervent prayer of a holy man is

powerful indeed” (James 5:16). The reason these words are read on the Feast Day of

St. Elijah is because the holy man St. James spoke about who prayed fervently, with

great zeal and intense feeling was St. Elijah the Prophet

Elijah prayed with deep faith, zeal and intense feeling to God for a drought in order to

punish King Ahab, Queen Jezebel and the people of Israel who had turned their backs on the Lord God

in order to worship the obscene pagan god, Baal. Elijah’ prayer was so fervent that the Lord immediately

answered Elijah by sending a drought and famine, which would last for 3 years and 6 months.

God told Elijah to flee from the wrath of King Ahab, who was angry with Elijah because he prayed for

the drought and famine as punishment for Ahab’s worship of Baal. Elijah was instructed to go to a place

called Serepta and stay there with a poor widow and her young son.

On another occasion, the widow’s young son became ill and died. The prayers of the holy and righteous

prophet Elijah, asking God to restore the boy to life. The boy was restored to life and Elijah gave him

back to his mother in good health. St. Elijah challenged the priests of the pagan god Baal to a contest to

see if our God or Baal was the one true God. Again, the prayers of the holy Elijah would be answered

with powerful results.

To reward the Israelites for abandoning their worship of Baal, the holy prophet Elijah prayed fervently to

God to end the 3 ½ year drought & famine. Again, the results of Elijah’ prayer were powerful in their

effects. The Lord heard Elijah’ pray & sent a great rain to end the drought & famine (1 Kings 18:412-45).

The prayers of St. Elijah were indeed powerful in their effects for several reasons. First, Elijah was a

holy man who remained faithful to God in defiance of King Ahab who ordered the Israelites to worship

Baal. His faith was so great that the prophet never doubted God’s ability or willingness to answer his

prayers. Second, Elijah’ prayers were offered with fervor. Elijah prayed with great zeal and with intense

feelings of love for God rather than rattling off words out of habit or from memory without any feelings

of love for God. Third, Elijah did not pray for earthly riches or to feather his own nest. He prayed for

spiritual things; that God would reveal His glory to Israel with the result being that the Israelites would

turn away from idol worship and wickedness; turning back to the Lord their God and living according to

His righteous commandments. Elijah’ prayers were also offered to God for the spiritual and material

benefit of others and not for himself; namely that God would be merciful to the poor widow, her son and

to the sinful people of Israel.

Our prayers will also be heard by God and answered with powerful results if we become like Elijah, holy

in the sight of God. Our prayers will be heard and answered by God with powerful effects if we offer

them to God like Elijah did: with unquestioning faith in God’s power and His willingness to answer our

prayers, praying with great zeal and with intense feelings of love for God. Our prayers will be answered

by God with powerful results if we, like St. Elijah, pray for those spiritual and material things that we and

others need to sustain us on our journey to the kingdom of God.

If we pray as holy people pray, fervently, that God will fulfill all those petitions of us His servants that are

truly for our benefit and the benefit of others, then God will answer our prayers with powerful results. If

we pray like Elijah for what we really need, that God will give us in this world the knowledge of His

Divine truths and give us life eternal in the world to come (Prayer of the 3rd antiphon), then God will

answer our prayers with powerful results. How do we know this will happen? Because the Lord assures us

in the Holy Scriptures that “the fervent prayer(s) (of holy people are) powerful indeed” (James 5:16).

Page 10: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · 2019-07-01 · St. Anthony of Egypt. . . . . The Devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices He is also afraid when we are

Let the little children come to me . . . . . Matthew 19:14

Parents should be an example to their children of someone who loves God,

and model for them that God is loving and compassionate. Parents need to

develop the child's heart and not their actions.

The evil one wants to influence your children and manipulate their

behavior. Parents need to pray to God and the Mother of God to protect

your children. Let children participate in prayer. Make sure the children say a prayer before a

meal, even if they are at a restaurant. Church is God's house and a holy place. You are bringing

the child to church to be with God and the focus should be on prayer and the service, so toys,

drinks, food and books tend to distract children. If children are restless, they can be involved by

pointing out icons, the next part of the service, etc. If they are taught prayers at home, they can

recite them along with the congregation. Have them watch the times the priest blesses them and

count them. This is the house of God and needs to be treated like this.

The parent’s and godparent’s role in the church is to help children know 'who God is'. Raise

your children to love God. Have them go to confession as soon as they can talk and understand.

The goal is to have your children believe that they are citizens of Heaven and make them feel

special as children of God. One way is to celebrate Glory Days or Slava Days, the day your child

is baptized can be become known as the child's special day at Church. From Mother Cassiana, Protection of the Holy Virgin Monastery, Lake George, CO

Some other suggestions:

• Sit up front when you come to Church when you sit up front, it enables a child to see more clearly what is going on in the service.

• Feel free to move around in the Church. Show children the icons on the iconostasis and on the walls of the church.

• Appropriate items to bring with you to Church, should be coloring book with biblical or liturgical themes in it.

• There are certain times that children need to stop and focus on the service. Have them pay attention to the Little Entrance, the Scripture readings, the Sermon, the Great Entrance, the reciting of the Creed, the consecration of the Bread and Wine, and the reciting of the Lord’s Prayer.

• Encourage your child to sing along with the choir responses to the service. Remind them when they should be making the sign of the Cross during the service.

• Is it OK for young children to have food? We prepare to receive Communion on Sunday and we fast from midnight on. For children under 18 months old, having a small zip lock bag of cheerios to feed them during the course of the service and for them to still come to communion. There is no reason why children seven and older cannot observe this rule.

• Is there a time when it is appropriate to remove a child from the service? This should always be a last resort when all other attempts don’t seem to be helping. When a child needs to be removed they need to know they are being disciplined for their behavior in church. Their time in the narthex should not be a time for fun and amusement. Suggestions from an article written by His Grace, Bishop Paul while rector of St. George Orthodox Cathedral, Rossford, Ohio

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July Anniversaries -: Dale Bodnarchuk & Cathy Klopoushak (01),

Fr. Taras and Dobr. Joanne Makowsky (02), Joel & Alecia Howlett (7),

Murray & Olga Hallborg (08), Gordon & Donna Kochan (10),

Myron & Doreen Petro (11), Terry & Carol Shinkewski (12),

Ernie & Jan Stefanuk (15), Mark & Kyleigh Skoretz (16),

Alexandr & Yulia Shovkun (16), Merlin & Elaine Chouinard (17), Mike & Vi Huculiak (17),

Jason & Oksana Uhryn (17), Del & Natalie Juravinski (18), Orest & Audrey Woroniuk (18),

Aliesia & Stanislav Karpets (21), Gil & Tammy Allen (22), Ivan & Mariya Paliy (23),

James & Marsha Hryciuk (27), Mark & Candice Ochitwa (27),

Vyacheslav & Katerina Smyrnov (28), Bryan & Melanie Sopatyk (28),

Jason & Donna Walton (29), Andriy & Janet Hawrysh (30), Clinton & Linda Smith (30),

Oleg & Tatiana Mandrykin (30), Mykola & Lesya Matiychuk (30),

Andriy & Liliya Vitkovskyy (30), Wally & Liz Wachniak (30), Mike & Emily Dwernychuk (31),

Serhij & Maryna Kortunov (31), Gordon & Geraldine Sklar (31)

July Birthdays Nina (Chiperi) Guenther (01), Donna Kochan (02),

Valia Perlyna (02), Sofia Zhukov (02) Clark Remenda (03),

Alice Antonichuk (04), Margaria Odintsov (04), Illia Samotoi (04),

Ivan Savyak (04, Liudmyla Druzhynin (05), Olga Hallborg (05),

Nastia Kramerenko (05), Anastacia Solodenko (05), Ivan Dobushovsky (07),

Bogdan Kovalenko (06), Dara Hrytzak (07), Ivan Kalmikov (07), Derek Kindrachuk (07),

Polina Tretyak (07), Julia Harbuz (08), Carissa Klopoushak (10), Pat Bodnar-Slowski (10),

Olha Samotoi (10), Bisirat Gehbremedhin (11), Ivanna Kindrachuk (11), Myron Kowalsky (11),

Tyrion Sovyn (11), Paul Antonichuk (12), Olga Dwernychuk (12),)Connie Symchyck (12),

Yuriy Dzhura (13), Volodymr Putsak (13), Alana Hyshka (14), Esrom Mehari (14), Valentyna

Pshenyshna (15), Alicia Murashchenko (16), Ihor Putsak (16), Olga Haimov (17),

Orville Zaleschuk (17), Bozhidar Altiparmakov (18), Yan Sadovkayy (18),

Volodymyr Kurtseba (19), Olena Shlyama (20), Halyna Drachuk (21), Julia Kindrachuk (23),

Natalia Pavlovska (23), Vladyk Sukmaniuk (23), Emily Chiperi (24), Sofija Federov (24),

Kostantyn Maishiev (24), Vladik Karpets (25), Ihor Trokhymchuk (25),

Anthony Hawrysh (26),Olya Kalyton (26), Kaitlyn Ochitwa (28), Orest Danyliuk (28),

Dianna Matiychuk (28), Bailee Symchyck (28), Yan Voronin (29), Vitia Pohrebniak (30)

From St John Chrysostom . . . .

Saint John Chrysostom, in a more general sense, speaks about the

centrality of the parents’ example for molding multiple facets of the

child’s development: “For generally the children acquire the character of their parents, are formed

in the mold of their parents’ temperament, love the same things their parents love, talk in the same

fashion, and work for the same ends”

(St. John Chrysostom, On Marriage and Family Life, SVS Press, 1986, p. 64)

“Train up a child in the way he should go, & when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6

Page 12: Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral of Holy Trinity · 2019-07-01 · St. Anthony of Egypt. . . . . The Devil is afraid of us when we pray and make sacrifices He is also afraid when we are

August Anniversaries: Mike & Rose Kerelchuk (02), Zane & Larise Skoretz (02),

Mykola & Svitlana Fayfruk (03), Ed & Mary Maksuta (03),

Donny & Darby Sovyn (03), Dave & Louise Wiwchar (05),

Colby & Camille Yuzik (08), Oleksiy & Tatiana Iatsuik (09), Artur & Olga Haimov (10),

Oleksandr & Iryna Dzhura (11), Serhiy & Olha Samotoi (11),

Larry & Alicia Klopoushak (12), Michael & Marianela Manzuik (12),

Patricia Yuzik & Kevin Carswell (14) Bohdan & Darlene Danyliw (15),

Myron & Olesia Kowalsky (15), Zenovie & Irene Kindrachuk (17), Joe & Tammi Bohle (18),

John & Cindy Didula (24) Victor & Iuliona Laderiev (28)

August Birthdays: Mila Yuschyshyn (02), Alicia Klopoushak (03), Irene Kindrachuk (04), Yuriy Kirushok (04), Illia Samotoi (04), John Didula (05),

Ihor Garmasar (05), Jordan Welbourne (06), Valentyn Denysenko (08),

Julia Kizka (08), Maryan Sosnyk (08), Julia Skrypnyk (09), Sophia Bather (10),

Victoria Nosach (10), Olha Samotoi (10), Dominic Wehner (10), Lorean Parchovnik (11),

Bohdan Federov (12), Nathan Ghebremedhin (12), David Manziuk (13), Marinel Manzuc (13),

Kateryna Soloviov (13), Alisa Legkostup (14), Nicole Kaftan (15), Mary Maksuta (15),

Beverly Peatz (15), Lilliyan Manziuk (16), Stephan Kodak (17), Charlene Remenda (17),

Elena Zohoun (17), Volodymyr Antonov (07), Mariana Falkovska (18), Svitlana Fayfruk (18),

Anna-Marie Yuzik-Grinde (18), Oksana Dobushovsky (19), Oksana Kalmikova (19),

Yulia Statsenko (19), Nathan Woroniuk (20), Liliia Yuschyshyn (20), Yaroslav Dobushovsky, Jr

(21), Yaroslav Kalmikov (21), Serhiy Kilinnik (21), Vivian Lundgren (21), Anatoliy Paliy (21),

Luba Semyboroda (21), Klym Soloviov (21), James Werezak (21), Alexis Maximiuk (22),

Olga Bokshowan (24), Melissa Popa (24), Lesia Rybalka (24), Viktoria Vlasenko (25),

Liuda Chayka (27), Kelly Braun (27), Liuda Chayka (27), Max Parchovnik (27),

Vladyslav Pohrebniak (28), Vyacheslaw Smyrnov (28), Yaroslav Dobushovskyy, Sr. (29),

Julian Makowsky (29) Oksana Marko (30), Myhaylo Tetera (30), Vitaliy Kalishnikov (31),

Amber Werezak (31)

На Многая і Благая Літа! May God Grant you Many Years!

Any announcements pertaining to our Parish Community are welcomed.


Cathedral Priest – Very Rev. Fr. Taras Makowsky – 306-931-8595 or 306-222-0274

Cathedral Council President – Rod Antonichuk – 306- 881-0008

Sunday Church School – Dobr. Joanne – 306-931-8595

Cathedral Administrator – Gord Trischuk – 306-227-1993

Parish Liaison – Stan Hawryliw – 306-652-3178

TYC/USRA President – Maurice Werezak – 306 230-8957

UWAC President—Carol Cisecki – 306-343-9987

CYMK President – Matthew Hrycuik – 306 – 955-5468

Bulletin Editor – Nadine Potts – 306-249-1519

Auditorium Booking Agent – Gord Trischuk-306-227-1993

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