
Available online on or after 7th March17

Ulysses Club Inc Northern Gateway

Branch March 2017

Burt Munro Kiwi legend with his

1920 Indian Scout shortly before he died. "The World's Fastest Indian"

They had been together for 57 years.

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Meetings are held at the

Edinburgh Castle Hotel, Gympie Road, Kedron 7:30pm on the first Tuesday of each Month

Reasonably priced meals are available before the meeting

President: Secretary: Louise Rose John Moorcroft Mobile 0488432049 Phone 0478813668 [email protected] [email protected]

Treasurer: Vice President: Robert Hendriks (Blip) Paul Medbury Mobile 0417647576 Mobile 0487995666 [email protected] [email protected]

Web Editor: Social Coordinator: Mark Barnes Carol Jeffrey Mobile 0413691683 Mobile 0412260083 [email protected] [email protected]

Ride coordinator: Regalia: Alan Smith Graham Chaff Mobile 0412161319 Mobile 0421368668 [email protected] [email protected]

Newsletter Editor: Welfare Officer: Rob Watson (Eighty Six) Lyn Grayden Mobile 0400112012 Mobile 0420323615 [email protected] [email protected]

Gateway Gossip is the monthly newsletter of the Ulysses Club Inc Northern Gateway Branch. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Committee. All contributions from members are welcome. All articles for the newsletter are to be sent to the Editor, arriving at least one week prior to the Social meeting night.

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President’s message – March 2017 I don’t know about all of you, but I am very glad that the extreme heat of summer has passed! Which means that riding will be so much more enjoyable. However, the heat has not stopped the fantastic turn-out of members at all the social events and rides that have been held over the last month or so. In fact, the last breakfast, which Barry organized, was so well supported that 12 of us had to go and eat elsewhere as Café Noma could not accommodate the numbers that turned up! A huge thank you to Paul and Kel for hosting the annual Valentine’s Day potluck dinner . . . . . at their new home. It was a fabulous night, with the theme being “Hawaiian/beach” dress which saw a few arrive in grass skirts, lots of leis and colourful shirts. The pool was a big hit, with Nemo and Dory floating around waiting for human friends to entertain them. As usual, there was oodles of delicious food (especially the desserts) and by the end of the night there were no left-overs! The ride to Logan Parklands to participate in the Brisbane Branch BBQ was held in the height of the heat, but still members turned up! By the time the second ride came around on the 4th Sunday (to Donnybrook) the heat of the day was more bearable and Jack had a great turnout of about 17 bikes! The next general meeting on 4 April will be our branch AGM. Please make sure that you bring your Membership card (which must be current) with you and, if you would like to nominate for a committee position, we would love to have you. Nomination forms will be available tonight and have to be handed in 28 days prior to 4 April. Have a wonderful month and be safe. “Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are” – Chinese Proverb Louise President #49168

Treasurer’s Report - March 2017 Blip reported the financial state of the Branch as at 31st January, 2017 Balance B/F $ 2,164.49

Income Raffles $ 107.00 Total Income $ 107.00 Expenses Raffle Prizes $ 37.95 Petty Cash $ 33.00 GST $ 63.78 Total Expenses $ 134.73 Bank Balance $2,136.76 Cash on Hand Petty Cash $50.00 Regalia Float $51.00 Total Cash On Hand $101.00


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March Birthdays Dale SULLIVAN 4 March John ARMANELLI 13 March Ken ROBILLIARD 14 March Lyn WATSON-DREW 18 March Darlene ANDERSON 20 March Gordon GRAYSON 21 March

.............................................................................................................................. A guy arrives at the pearly gates, waiting to be admitted. God is reading through the Big Book to see if the guy's name is written in it. After several minutes, God closes the book, furrows his brow, and says, "I'm sorry, I don't see your name written in the Book." "How current is your copy?" he asks. "I get a download every ten minutes," God replies, "why do you ask?" "I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I was always the stubborn type. It was not until my death was imminent that I cried out to you God, so my name probably hasn't arrived to your copy yet." "I'm glad to hear that," God says, "but while we're waiting for the update to come through, can tell me about a really good deed that you did in your life?" The guys thinks for a moment and says, "Humm, well there was this one time when I was ridin' down the road and I saw a giant group of thugs harassing this poor girl. I slowed down, and sure enough, there they were, about 20 of 'em torturing this poor woman. Infuriated, I got off my bike, took off my helmet, and walked up to the leader of the gang, helmet in hand, ready to whack him one with it. He was a huge guy; 6-foot-4, 260 pounds, with a studded leather jacket and a chain running from his nose to his ears. As I walked up to the leader, the other thugs formed a circle around me and told me to get lost or I'd be next. "So I ripped the leader's chain out of his face and yelled to the rest of them saying, "leave this poor innocent girl alone! You're all a bunch of sickos! Go home before I really teach you a lesson!" God, duly impressed, says "Wow! When did this happen?" "About three minutes ago." Cheers, Bill

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Ride Along with the Sheriff We all shudder when we see the Sheriff coming but the rules of engagement seem to be a bit unclear for many of you. So in an attempt to put things into perspective and in a manner we can all understand. I have put together this small article that will explain the Sheriffs Powers as she sees them. Those powers are simply these:-

Rule One: The Sheriff is NO LONGER exempt from all fines. (Due to revolt) Rule Two: If you are singled out, you are pay up. Rule Three: You have no right of appeal. Rule Four: Complain and your fine will increase. Rule Five: If the Sheriff or a Deputy does not turn up, you're off the hook. Rule Six: All offences are recorded as one fine. You don't have to pay for each offence. In conclusion, your fines go into the UCARF tin and one day you will no

doubt benefit from your own indiscretions through UCARF.

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INNOVVTM Bike Camera(s)

Some months ago I had written for this forum an article about a pair of bike cameras (one facing front, the other facing rear) manufactured by INNOVVTM that I had received as a birthday present and that I fitted to my 2012 Triumph Bonneville. Well, I took to this system as if it were a new toy. For me it was not just something handy to have in case a car failed to give way to me, and I would have evidence to prove it (well it was, but not only that). I used it as a diagnostic tool, to see how I was going with my riding technique. After some (not all) rides I would get home and plug the card into my computer and re-experience the ride I had just completed. I would check the speed that I was taking various bends (to compare with earlier rides around the same bends) at and once I studied how a bike, following me through a bend, crashed (no injuries, no damage, and the biker had himself picked the bike up by the time I had pulled a U-turn to see how he was). On studying the footage, I saw that his front tyre had clipped the raised median strip and down he went. So imagine my disappointment when I came home one day, there was no video footage to view. In fact there were no files on the card and indeed there was no action from the DVR unit on the bike (i.e. none of the audial warnings, when it came active, or when it deactivated). The thing was dead, dead, dead! I emailed INNOVVTM and corresponded with a person named Rock, who assured me that he (or she?) would help. Rock asked me to carry out a diagnostic check first. When that was negative, Rock sent me a new converter unit (a transformer that converts 12v from the bike’s circuit to 5v that unit uses). It took a little while for it to get here (mainly due to tardiness by a certain freight company transferring the item from their depot in Sydney to my home here in Brisbane). Nonetheless, the converter did arrive, intact, and I fitted it to the bike (a slightly different connection procedure to the original). Within a short time, to my delight, it was recording my riding activities once again. So the message is that INNOVVTM are very proactive in helping their customers, which is very good for a product bought over the internet.

Ken Robilliard The original article by Ken can be found in the May 2016 issue on page 6 and 7. Eighty Six

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And what a challenge!! Seemed like a good idea at the time, when i registered a few months ago. 14k, 30 obstacles. What have I let myself in for? After weeks of training, the day arrived. Hot and sunny. I headed off to the Numinbah Valley with my partner-in-pain, Chris, to meet the rest of the team down there. Bruce followed on. He needed another coffee ( or two ) to get going. Our son, Darryl, meet us down there to see me drag myself/crawl across the finish line. We checked in and waited for our wave to start. Ready, set, go!!! Nice and clean, but not for long.

First obstacles were reasonably high walls to climb, monkey bars and ropes to climb. Not too good with the last two. Burpees instead. Next was a creek to wade through, jerry cans full of water to carry( girls were allowed to carry just one) and tyres to drag along the ground. The mud flats were fun. Apparently, mud is good for the complexion, anyway. So why wasn’t I glowing? Next up were storm water drains underneath the road to crawl through, along with any number of “critters” that had been through previously. How often did we tell our kids to stay out of storm water drains?

There was a hill ( more like a mountain) to climb up and down again. At the top, all we got for our effort was a piece of paper to say that we had gone all the way up. I did pretty good at the spear throwing though. Another fast-flowing creek to wade through, which was good for a rinse - off. Our last obstacle was to jump over a smoldering fire. We made it !!! We all crossed the finish line at varying times. My time was a grueling 4 hours, 49 minutes and 37 seconds. Needless to say, there were a few tears. First in my age group. Wow!!! Just bragging a bit there. An awesome effort by everyone. Would I do it again? Ask me in a few months time and I would probably be silly enough to say “YES” Sue

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Saturday 18th February

Paul and Kelly's Hawaiian pot luck supper. It was a perfect night for the first pot luck supper of the year. not too hot with a nice breeze. Paul and Kelly's new house was easy to find just off rode road. Every one turned up carrying slow cookers and tupper ware containers full of goodies. The bar was raised again with everything sat out beautifully for our arrival with Hawaiian sprinkled around. Good job you two . Before dinner a few people decided to have a dip in the lovely warm pool resulting in lots of giggling and laughter. 7. pm Paul announced dinner is served. What a spread off assortment of foods. Spicey, savoury, fish, chicken and salad. I think we all put on a kilo or two just looking at the spread. After a leisurely dinner out came the desserts to die for. Pavs, triffle, apple cake, brownies and not to forget tracy's specialty ( I think she has been watching MKR ) toblerone and orio cheesecake. Another couple of kilo's. Time to relax and chat. Another swim was in order for the dedicated ones . Next group photo time greeted with excitement as usual. Well done Rob, camera all set and fastest lap around the pool to get in photo. I must say a big welcome to some newbies to the pot luck suppers, Leanne, Graham and Tom. I saw a lot of smiles and laughter so I think a good time was had by all. I can not finish my report without mentioning the effort everyone put in with their hawaiian outfits. We had a few cheeky moments in the course of the evening. Poor Bruce, Sue will have to get Bruce some therapy after he caught twiggy near naked. Shut the changing room door next time twiggy. ( nice undies twiggy ) "Not sure if that's Bruce or Margaret talking now ED" thanks again to Paul and Kelly from every one attending. It was a lovely evening. You have a lovely home and nice to meet your dad. Not sure what he thought of the crazy bunch that turned up. Looking forward to the next one. Margaret Towers

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1. The game Keith's rules, players can not change position of ball. I will kick it to a better position if no one is watching. 2. Match play Keith's rules, players with same score on a hole, Keith will move hell or high water to claim hole, hole halved. 3. Stroke play Keith's rules, players must hole out (finish) each hole, it's so close. Let me have it. I would let you have it. 4. Clubs Keith's rules, players must not put foreign material known to weld club faces to his advantage. On club face. 5. Ball Keith's rules, no foreign substance on golf ball. Spit on it rub it in mud. 6. Practise Keith's rules. When playing. Not allowed to practice, that was not a practice shot my club accidently hit the ball, on round of golf. 7. How many strokes for lost ball Keith's rules. One stroke if not found in 5 mins drops a ball from torn pocket in shorts. oh! found it. 8. Advice. Keith's rules. Players not allowed to give or you're doing it wrong Twig, Trev, Richard, watch me. Ask for pointers during round. 9. Strokes taken. Keith's rules. Player may ask for an opponent par 3, 3 shots how many stokes he has taken. par 4, 4 shots. par 5 eagle. 10. Order of play. Keith's rules. First on score card goes first, hangs back to put players off while teeing off with his banter then goes last and gloats on the odd time he has best drive.

lucky i see hear all and sat nowt Trevor

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Alan Walter Member No: 42983 Member Since : 2006 Age : 70

What is your Background: Born, raised and worked

Brisbane, all my life.

Can’t think of anywhere I would rather be. I have never

been interested in travel and have not been overseas but

I would like to see more of Australia by bike.

Close Family: Married, my wife Nada and I have no

children. I grew up with a brother and sister, although

my sister is deceased. I have two Nieces and a Nephew.

What do you do to pay for your riding habit?

Retired Draftsman, living in Samford Valley.

When did you learn to Ride? Back in the early 70’s, at the back of Brookside shopping centre. There

weren’t any training courses then, so I was self-taught. Brookside is now used by Training School so they must

have realized I was onto a good thing. I rode a bike for about 5 years, for cheap commuting.

What was your first ride? Suzuki B100P - Actually 120cc. (left)

Great commuter. Sold it to my brother-in-law. After 2 years on a

Yamaha, I bought it back and rode it for a couple more years.

Eventually the desire to ride again became too much, so in 2007 I

bought a Honda Deauville (right), attended a refresher course,

then a techniques course and later 2 road skills courses at Mount


Were the courses useful? The techniques course was the

most useful because it teaches low speed control.

When did you join Ulysses? I joined Ulysses in February 2006. My Membership number 42983 - an

appropriate number because 42 is the meaning of life, the universe and everything. 98 is the age I shall live to.

Although I once told my uncle I wanted to outlive him and he reached 101! And 3, sounds like free. This

number has everything.

What’s your favourite part of NG? I have made many great

friends since buying my Deauville and joining Northern Gateway.

What do you ride now? I have two bikes now, a BMW

R1200GS - 2010 (right). Twin cam model, fitted with factory

options - ABS, traction control, electronic suspension, tyre

pressure monitors and self-cancelling indicators.

It’s a good open road bike but a bit big for tight manoeuvring or


Any bikes in between? Oh yes, some of these may bring back memories for lots of you.

1975 Yamaha XS 500B Alan says,

Both Hondas should be updated and re-

Let me loose in their design department. I’ll soon sort them out.




Our Committee

meeting for cash, such as Branch Patches for your Jacket or Vest.

Or, you can order


Personalised with your name, or nickname, plus the Northern Gateway Logo. You

can add “Northern Gateway” to the sleeve for a few dollars more.


Gateway logo and your name you will never damage your shirt or blouse with

these clever badges.

My other bike is a BMW F800R.

Nice bike. Fantastic motor, used on all the BMW 800 range

including the F650GS twin and F700GS.

In-line twin with a counterbalance shaft

and responsive. The seating position is a little too sporty for me

so I have lowered the pegs and am about to raise the

handlebars. Great believer in screens and hand guards so they

have already been fitted.

Oh yes, some of these may bring back memories for lots of you.

Alan says, the Yamaha Was a “Nice bike in the 70’s


[Alan couldn’t find his original photo, so we took the liberty of

downloading some images]

Honda Deauville - 650 V-twin

shaft drive. Great all round


Much under rated.

Honda Revere - Naked bike.

Forerunner of the Deauville.

Basically a Deauville without the

plastic. Also under rated.

-released. I think Honda make good quality bikes but have lost the plot.

Let me loose in their design department. I’ll soon sort them out. At present BMW run rings around them for



Our Committee Regalia Officer has a selection of item available at the Branch

for cash, such as Branch Patches for your Jacket or Vest.

you can order personalised items.

BRANCH SHIRTS: Men’s and Women’s. Order your size from Regalia, $35 each.

Personalised with your name, or nickname, plus the Northern Gateway Logo. You

can add “Northern Gateway” to the sleeve for a few dollars more.

NAME BADGE: Order your magnatised name badge, $10. With the Northern

Gateway logo and your name you will never damage your shirt or blouse with

these clever badges.

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used on all the BMW 800 range,

including the F650GS twin and F700GS.

line twin with a counterbalance shaft, making it very smooth

and responsive. The seating position is a little too sporty for me,

so I have lowered the pegs and am about to raise the

Great believer in screens and hand guards so they

Oh yes, some of these may bring back memories for lots of you.

Nice bike in the 70’s, but not a great

Alan couldn’t find his original photo, so we took the liberty of

released. I think Honda make good quality bikes but have lost the plot.

At present BMW run rings around them for


Regalia Officer has a selection of item available at the Branch

for cash, such as Branch Patches for your Jacket or Vest.

: Men’s and Women’s. Order your size from Regalia, $35 each.

Personalised with your name, or nickname, plus the Northern Gateway Logo. You

can add “Northern Gateway” to the sleeve for a few dollars more.

magnatised name badge, $10. With the Northern

Gateway logo and your name you will never damage your shirt or blouse with

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Ride and Events Calender for March, 2017 Sunday Rides - leave from the Woolworth's car park – Cnr Beams Rd and Gympie Rd, Carseldine. Assembly time is 8:00am for an 8:30am departure. Please arrive with a full tank of fuel. Unless the Ride Calendar says otherwise, refreshments can be bought at the smoko and lunch stops. Wednesday Rides – meet at Woolworth's car park. Cnr Old Northern Rd and Albany Forest Dv at Albany Creek 8:00am for 8:30am departure, destination decided by those there. ‘Breakfast in the Park’ – gather at the venue (see calendar below) from 8:00am. BYO everything.

‘Breakfast, Coffee & Chat’ – gather at the listed venue from around 8:00am but later if you want.

‘Off Week Rides’ - 2 scenarios – (1) If there is nothing listed for Sundays below, meet at the Carseldine site mentioned above for a departure at 8.30am (generally a small number – always wise to ask around as to who may be turning up. Organise with others as to destination.

(2) This is for those who turn up at a designated brekky in the park/cafe listed below. After brekky organise with others as to a ride – destination sorted out on the day.

Date/Time Event Type Destination/Event Contact

Sunday 5th March, 2017

Breakfast in the Park

John Goss Reserve, Maundrell Tce, Chermside West, (Between Ashley and Hamilton Rds)

Carol 0412260083

Tuesday 7th March, 2017

Branch Social Meeting

Edinburgh Castle Hotel 421 Gympie Rd, Kedron QLD 4031. Meet from 6pm for a meal. Support the Hotel that supports us. Meeting starts at 7.30pm.

Louise 0488432049

Saturday 11th March, 2017

Breakfast Coffee and Chat

Stack Shack, Shop 10, Bellmere Shopping Village Bellmere Rd Bellmere B 0457023106 Thanks to Rob Watson for the suggestion

Carol 0412260083

Sunday 12th March, 2017

Sunday Ride Bribie Island. A short ride for Brunch at Bribie Island. We will travel straight to Bribie for a picnic style BYO Brunch. You will Be home early. Some may wish to extend their riding day and make their own arrangements to travel home the long way.

Jack 0412161319

Saturday 25th March, 2017

Breakfast Coffee and Chat

Coffee Club Northwest plaza, 97 Flockton St Everton Park

Carol 0412260083

Saturday 25th March, 2017

Big Birthday Bash Celebrating everyone who has a birthday in the first quarter of the year. Warner Tavern 6.30. Bring the Family!

Carol 0412260083

Sunday 26th March, 2017

Sunday Ride Noosaville. Enjoy a cruisy ride to Noosaville via Maleny and Montville. Morning tea at Maleny and lunch in the park on the banks of the Noosa river. BYO or purchase morning tea andlunch.

Jack 0412260083

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Ride and Events Calender for April, 2017

Date/Time Event Type Destination/Event Contact

Saturday Sunday 1st, 2nd April, 2017

Weekend Away Meet at: Woollies Carseldine , cnr Gympie and Beams Roads Saturday 1st April Time: 8am for 8:30am departure Make your own reservation for Saturday night, 1 April, at the Exchange Hotel, 5423 1151 or at the Togoolawah Hotel 5423 1314. The town is a gem . . . has a swimming pool and movie theatre. So bring togs for swim in afternoon and relax at the movies after dinner.

Louise 0488432049

Sunday 2nd April, 2017

Breakfast in the Park

BITP – Crockatt Park Opposite roundabout at Lilla St and Oxley Ave, Woody Point

Carol 0412260083

Tuesday 4th April, 2017

Branch Social Meeting

Edinburgh Castle Hotel 421 Gympie Rd, Kedron QLD 4031. Meet from 6pm for a meal. Support the Hotel that supports us. Meeting starts at 7.30pm.

Louise 0488432049

Saturday 8th April, 2017

Breakfast Coffee and Chat

BCC – Crepe Café, 815 Zillmere Road (Homemaker Centre) Aspley.

Carol 0412260083

Sunday 9th April, 2017

Sunday Ride Picnic ride to Stinson Park. (In the Scenic Rim via Beaudesert). Morning tea at Boonah (BYO or purchase ). From Boonah, travel via Rathdowney and Laravale to Stinson Park for picnic lunch. Note: No facilities to purchase food or drink at Stinson Park.

Jack 0412161319

Saturday 22nd April, 2017

Breakfast Coffee and Chat

BCC – Coffee Club shop 4 Racecourse Rd, Ascot. Carol 0412260083

Sunday 23rd April, 2017

Sunday Ride Ride to Imbil in the Mary Valley. Morning tea at Maleny (BYO or purchase). Lunch at Imbil. (BYO or purchase ).

Jack 0412260083

Tuesday 25th April, 2017

ANZAC Day Dawn Service Ride

Meet at 4.15am at Woolworths Carseldine and depart at 4.30am to Dayboro for the dawn service at Roderick Cruice Park at relocated cenotaph, 5.20am service.

Eighty Six 0400112012

Items to keep an eye on 18th March, 2017 RSPCA Ruff Riders Charity Ride 25th April, 2017 ANZAC Day Dawn Service Ride. 19-21 May, 2017 Glasshouse Mountains Branch Valley Rally 18th June, 2017 Cartwheel Ride 12th August, 2017 Lyn & 86's Blue Mountains Ride

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After a fantastic very early (5:30am before the searing heat of the day) ride with my son Cameron I headed over to Logan Parklands to join up with the Brisbane Branch who were holding a combined branch BBQ. I was to meet up there with the rest of the NG group who were attending the BBQ. However, when I arrived, it was soon clear that this was not an event that NG were invited to. It was an event that Brisbane branch have been part of for the past 17 years and it was only for certain branches on the south side. This year it was hosted by the Brisbane branch, with 5 other branches in attendance. Oooops! I think the item on their website was misinterpreted by the uninvited. "86 claims responsibility for that one" However, it turned out to not be a problem as the numbers that Brisbane was expecting were down due to the scorching weather and we were made most welcome. Shortly after I arrived Jack, Chaffey, Paul M and Alan pulled in. The park is in a lovely setting, amongst some trees, alongside the Logan River. The event was set up under a metal shelter shed with BBQ’s and bench seating. Les and his family from the Brisbane branch were organizing the incredibly vast array of food, including cooking (in the horrid heat) mounds of

sausages and onions. They had 2 full sized fridges running off a generator on the back of a trailer beside the shelter where they kept the food that required refrigeration. We divided into groups, with us as the “Wring-ins” included. It was a type of relay race with different activities at each section. Lots of cheering, quite a bit of cheating, heaps of laughing

and lots of sweating. The Wring-Ins did their bit but were not a part of the winners ceremony, but it was a lot of fun anyway. This was followed by the delicious lunch, raffles, then dessert and more raffles. Despite the heat it was a great day enjoyed immensely by all who were there. What a great group the Brisbane people are and I hope we manage to do many combined events with them this year.


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DONNYBROOK RIDE (Sunday 26 February 2017) It may have been because of the break in the really hot weather, or maybe because of the shorter ride distance, but probably it was a combination of the two. Whatever the reason(s) the roll-up for the Donnybrook ride was very positive. When “Captain” Jack led us out of the Woollies carpark at 8:30am and Andrew and Tracie took up their position as TEC, there were 14 other bikes travelling between them – a total of 16 in all. There were the familiar faces of the regulars – Louise, Chaffey, Paul, Allan, Keith and Twiggy and Dale; and there were some very welcome faces of not so regular riders – Lyn (the birthday girl), Trevor (he who speaks in a foreign language) and Mark and Tracey. Rounding out the numbers were Nigel, Mark, Russell and John from the Redcliffe branch and Ken from Brisbane. The first part of the ride saw us travel via Samford and Mt Glorious to the Somerset Dam for a morning tea break. Going over Mt Glorious there were a couple of very light showers that did nothing more than cool us down and had no negative impact on the enjoyment of our journey. As always, the morning tea break involved chatting and joking among ourselves and just cementing the friendship that exists between us. Morning tea over Chaffey headed back to Ipswich and the rest of us prepared to continue the ride. It was then back on the road as we headed off to Donnybrook via Kilcoy, Villeneuve, Woodford and Wamuran. However this part of the ride was not to be without some dramas. First up, as we passed through Woodford, one of the bikes – not mentioning names or bike brands; but the rego number was 371-JK - suffered a mechanical fault (a gear linkage problem I believe) that took some time (let’s say 15 minutes) to fix. Thankfully all of the corner markers after Woodford remained in position until 371-JK and the TEC were able to rejoin the ride. The result – up to this point no one had got lost. Unfortunately, that was to change when Lyn missed/mistook? a corner marker and was last seen heading up the Bruce Highway. Rumour has it that Trevor was a player in this drama; but whatever, it was a great shame given it was her birthday and the other riders would have enjoyed spending some time with her on such a special occasion. And so, after a great ride to Somerset, a morning tea with friends, another great ride to Donnybrook and lunch by the water, it was time to head home. The time was 1:00pm and I was home within 45 minutes. Thanks Jack for fitting all of that enjoyment into such a short timeframe. Brian Levitt

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Donnybrook Ride Photos

This joke

is not


by Barry


but it



be !


Call 1300 363 500 Visit

18 JANUARY 2017

Ulysses teams up with DriveAway

DriveAway Holidays is very excited to be considered the official Ulysses partner for worldwide car and motorhome rentals, as well as motorcycle guided and self-drive tours and rentals in the USA and Australia.

As a member, you now have access to book exclusive discounted self-drive rates with DriveAway, the self-drive specialists with over 25 years' experience. Whether travelling for business or pleasure in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, Europe, South Africa, Asia or the Middle East - we can provide you with terrific rental rates in over 8,000 locations throughout 130 countries.

Through this exclusive deal, DriveAway will not only provide all members with a 5% discount and 24/7 support, they'll also be providing support to the Ulysses head office, and be attending the Ulysses AGM each year.

When it comes to your motorcycle dream, DriveAway have you covered. Choose your very own model from a selection of Indian to Harley-Davidson (and many more in between) and feel the rush of adrenaline on a once in a lifetime trip across the USA.

For a full list of motorcycles and tours available, visit After some driving inspiration? Visit to get your motor running.

Whatever your driving needs, DriveAway's dedicated specialists who are ready to assist you.

To book using your exclusive Ulysses club member discount, please visit our booking area on the Ulysses home page, or contact DriveAway on 1300 363 500, and mention you are a Ulysses member to our friendly staff.

Kind Regards,Alicia PalmerProduct Marketing CoordinatorE: [email protected]

Email [email protected]

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BREAKFAST AT CAFÉ NOMA Barry organized this breakfast and booked for about 15, as is usually done. I arrived on my bike (Bob in the car) and by the time we got to Café Noma at about 8am there were already about 10 people there. Our table was set up outside and it was first come first seat (so to speak). As the minutes passed more and more members arrived. The service staff did what they could to get us more tables and chairs, but it reached the stage that about 12 of us could not be seated, so a decision was made that we would have to find another venue. This was a first for any breakfast the branch has ever had – about 32 altogether. Café Kables was just up the road so we went there and fortunately the courtyard out the back was empty so we filled all the tables. The staff were very welcoming despite the large group arriving unannounced and even though the service was a little slow, the food was good. After an hour or so Trevor and Margaret arrived for a chat (they had been at Café Noma), so the 14 of us ended up staying and chatting until about 11:30am. What a great morning . . . . and a great start to the weekend.



Come on a ride from A to B via Z to Togoolawah When: 1 – 2nd April Meet at: Woollies Carseldine , cnr Gympie and Beams Roads Time: 8am for 8:30am departure Make your own reservation for Saturday night, 1 April, at the Exchange Hotel, 5423 1151 or at the Togoolawah Hotel 5423 1314. The town is a gem . . . has a swimming pool and movie theatre. So bring togs for swim in afternoon and relax at the movies after dinner. Any questions please call Louise 0488 432 049.


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The Combined SEQ Branch BBQ, 12 February 2016

Or : How to crash someone else's party Some things just aren't meant to happen. Originally, we were scheduled to go for a ride to Stinson Park on Sunday 12 February. This ride was postponed to allow the branch to attend the combined SEQ branch BBQ at Beenleigh instead. To muddy the waters even more, Brisbane was in the middle of a serious heatwave and the weather forecast for Sunday 12th wasn't very encouraging for bike riding with temperatures tipped to exceed 40 degrees. And, the forecast was spot on. Sunday was a stinker and I arrived at the Carseldine meeting point feeling very confident that no one else would leave their perfectly cool homes to venture out on their bikes on such a terrible day . Yeah right!!. …... Wrong again. Alan, Chaffey and Paul were ready to go and Louise had advised that she would be meeting us at Beenleigh. Bugga. The BBQ due to start at 11 am so we killed a bit of time with a ride to Jacobs Well where we had a cuppa and enjoyed the scenery and the beautiful sea breeze. We reluctantly left Jacobs Well and continued our journey across to the M1 and on to Beenleigh. I reckon that the temperature rose 1 degree for every kilometre we travelled away from the coast and rose another 5 degrees when we turned onto the M1 at Yatala. When we arrived at Beenleigh we learned that the combined SEQ branch BBQ was a traditional event that a number of branches had been participating in for many years…..and Northern Gateway was not one of the traditional participants. However we were given a very warm Ulysses welcome and invited to stay and participate in the interbranch games, raffles and the BBQ lunch. Our team, aptly named the “ring ins” , did not win the games which was rather fortuitous given that we had crashed the party and we weren't sure how far the hospitality would have extended had we won. Because of the intense heat the sporting activities concluded rather quickly and after a great BBQ lunch and the raffle draws we all made our separate ways home to cool homes, cool showers, and cool drinks. Your trusty ride coordinator made a few mental notes after this ride: Note 1. The NG ride coordinator should be empowered to cancel rides when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees. Note 2. The NG ride coordinator should be empowered to commit anyone to the looney bin who claims that they enjoy riding on days hotter than 35 degrees. Note 3. We will not tell the Sherrif about how we gate crashed someone else's party. Scouts honour!!

Enjoy You are very forgiving, I would hang the bugger out to dry! Jack "86"

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Rainbow Beach, 22 January 2017 I was a little puzzled when only eight bikes with a couple of pillions fronted up to the Carseldine meeting point for the regular Sunday ride on 22 January. The weather forecast was reasonable and I couldn't think of any other reason for the numbers being down a little. The plan was to travel to Rainbow Beach where we would meet up with some of the members of the Fraser Coast branch. We travelled up the freeway only as far as Caboolture where we deviated to the Beerburrum Road for the ride up to Landsborough. Another deviation saw us take in the hills and views through Montville and Nambour on the way to Yandina for morning tea. The park in Yandina has good facilities and is worthy of consideration for use on future rides. A number of riders were having an early day and headed home after morning tea, leaving a total of 3 bikes to continue on to Rainbow Beach. The trip from Yandina to Rainbow Beach saw the group travel a few back roads through Cooroy, Pomona, Kin Kin and Cedar Pocket before joining the Tin Can Bay Road for the final run to the coast. Russell and Kerin had been visiting relatives at Tin Can Bay and they joined us on their trike. So we now had two bikes, Andy on his big scooter and one trike. We joined some members of the Fraser Coast branch for lunch at the surf club. The kitchen crew were struggling to keep up with the volume of meal orders leading to some long wait times for a meal. To save time Gayle went up the street and bought back takeaways to eat at the club. We headed home via Gympie and the Mary Valley road to Kenilworth and Maleny before threading our way through to Woodford and Mt Mee for the last leg to the Northern suburbs. The ride was very enjoyable with summer temperatures which were relatively mild and some beautiful scenery along some great secondary roads. Later that night the mystery of the smaller than normal rider numbers was solved when some Facebook chatter revealed that a number of members did not attend the ride because they were led to believe that the ride had been cancelled. This belief came about from an unfortunate technical gliche which has taught us all a little more about the intricacies of Facebook. Ride safe.


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Chief, lower the Cone of Silence!

The Eighty Six Reports

The ride Lyn and I are doing in August across the Blue Mountains is gaining a fair bit of interest. So far about a half dozen have confirmed they are coming and several others are showing interest. On the way down to Penrith we will be making a stop at the Motorcycle museum at Nabiac. Riding some well known great roads, The Oxley Highway and Putty road. When in Penrith we will be having a go at Aqua Golf at the Panthers complex before making our way across the Blue Mountains to Bathurst. We will be making some sightseeing stops along the way home at Hill End and anywhere else we can find before then. If you are thinking of coming along then get in touch to find out where we will be staying or check the article in the January / February issue just gone. Raise The Cone Of Silence Eighty Six, I Didn’t Hear A Word Of That! Ride Safe, Stay Upright Eighty Six Northern Gateway Branch

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Thirty-six years after his death, Burt Munro is still breaking records.

His astute son John realized a mathematical error was made on one of Burt’s runs. It was for the AMA Land Speed Record in Classs S.A. 1000 on the 26th Day of August, 1967, on the Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah. It was achieved on an Indian 953cc Fuel Streamliner. The old record was listed at 183.586 mph. When asked how he came upon this revelation, here’s what John said. “Well, I’ll show you. That’s a copy of the original, North and South, OK? Now I was looking at that a couple of months ago and I said, that doesn’t add out. So I got a calculator and put them in, and the average speed that they’ve got in there is wrong, a half-mile out. So I called AMA and spoke to the guy there and he said, ‘Well, we don’t make mistakes.’ So I sent him a copy because I’ve got the original at home. I scanned it and sent it to him and said, now do your sum. So, two days ago, I got that. So, he’s dead for 36 years and he just broke another record!” The “that” John was referring to was a certificate from the AMA listing the new time of 184.087 mph as the record. This is the average of Munro’s North Run of 184.710 mph and his South Run of 183.463 mph. John noted that they didn’t use calculators back in the day and was a simple case of mathematical error. John was in Sturgis as the special guest of the Indian Motorcycle Co. who invited him out to help celebrate the unveiling of the new Scout. In addition to sharing his story about the updated land speed record, John brought a wealth of Burt’s personal possessions to share with us. This included a trophy with an inscription that read “World’s Fastest Indian” which sparked the idea for the title of the movie. From a worn leather bag he pulled out two hand-cast pistons, immaculately crafted. There was a hand-carved streamliner, painted Indian Red of course, with a little post on it Munro would use as a hood ornament to test aerodynamics. He showed us the Nevada Bank of Commerce bag used in the movie with a small journal Munro kept full of handwritten notes, secrets to his ability to go fast. Then there was a priceless family album, full of photos of prototypes he built, newspaper clippings from his record-breaking runs along with pictures of his family growing up. By Bryan Harley Cruiser Editor Thanks for sharing John.

John Munro holds one of

his father’s many trophies.

John Munro holds the original AMA certificate that contained a slight math error that sold his father short by a half mile-per-hour.


The 2017 Northern Gateway Branch

held at the Monthly Social Meeting on Tuesday the 4th of April, 2017

the Edinburgh Castle Hotel, Gympie Road, Kedron

submit their name and desired position on the Ulysses Northern Gateway

Committee should have the form on the back page completed for

submission. Your forms need to be signed and submitted to the Secretary

no later than 28 days prior to the election.

The order upon which the office bearers positions will be voted on are:

President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Ride Coordinator, Social

Coordinator, Newsletter Editor, Web Editor, Regalia Officer and

Welfare Officer.

Members who do not achieve the

may cascade down to ano

Members are reminded to be eligible to vote you must bring your financially current Ulysses membership card with you to the AGM on 4th April.


Northern Gateway Branch Annual General

Social Meeting on Tuesday the 4th of April, 2017

the Edinburgh Castle Hotel, Gympie Road, Kedron. Members wishing to

submit their name and desired position on the Ulysses Northern Gateway

should have the form on the back page completed for

forms need to be signed and submitted to the Secretary

no later than 28 days prior to the election.

order upon which the office bearers positions will be voted on are:

President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Ride Coordinator, Social

Newsletter Editor, Web Editor, Regalia Officer and

Members who do not achieve the position they have indicated on this form

cascade down to another position on the Committee.

Members are reminded to be eligible to vote you must bring your financially current Ulysses membership card with you to the AGM on

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eneral Meeting will be

Social Meeting on Tuesday the 4th of April, 2017 at

. Members wishing to

submit their name and desired position on the Ulysses Northern Gateway

should have the form on the back page completed for

forms need to be signed and submitted to the Secretary

order upon which the office bearers positions will be voted on are:

President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Ride Coordinator, Social

Newsletter Editor, Web Editor, Regalia Officer and

position they have indicated on this form

Members are reminded to be eligible to vote you must bring your financially current Ulysses membership card with you to the AGM on

Ver 2



This document is for members who are financial at the time of the AGM election to

submit their name and desired position on the Ulysses Northern Gateway Committee.

Submissions are to be submitted no later than 28 days prior to the election.

The order upon which the office bearers positions will be voted on are:

President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Ride Coordinator, Social Coordinator,

Newsletter Editor,

Members who do not achieve the position they have indicated on this form

position on the Committee.


I, ..............................................................

position of ........................................................... on the Ulysses Northern Gateway Committee.

Should I not be elected to my desired position I am willi

Sign ........................................................ Date ..................................

Seconder 1

I, ................................................................., Ulysses member No ............................

second the nomination of .......................................................... for the above or any cascaded position Nominee

Sign ........................................................ Date ..................................

Seconder 2

I, ................................................................., Ulysses member No ...........

second the nomination of .......................................................... for the above or any cascaded position Nominee

Sign ........................................................ Date

Page 1 of 1



This document is for members who are financial at the time of the AGM election to

submit their name and desired position on the Ulysses Northern Gateway Committee.

Submissions are to be submitted no later than 28 days prior to the election.

The order upon which the office bearers positions will be voted on are:

President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Ride Coordinator, Social Coordinator,

Newsletter Editor, Web Editor, Regalia Officer and Welfare Officer.

Members who do not achieve the position they have indicated on this form may cascade down to another

I, ................................................................, Ulysses member No ........................... nominate myself for the

position of ........................................................... on the Ulysses Northern Gateway Committee.

Should I not be elected to my desired position I am willing to cascade down. Yes No

Sign ........................................................ Date ..................................

I, ................................................................., Ulysses member No ............................

second the nomination of .......................................................... for the above or any cascaded positionNominee name

Sign ........................................................ Date ..................................

I, ................................................................., Ulysses member No ............................

second the nomination of .......................................................... for the above or any cascaded positionNominee name

Sign ........................................................ Date ..................................

4 Jan 2014


This document is for members who are financial at the time of the AGM election to

submit their name and desired position on the Ulysses Northern Gateway Committee.

Submissions are to be submitted no later than 28 days prior to the election.

President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Ride Coordinator, Social Coordinator,

Web Editor, Regalia Officer and Welfare Officer.

cascade down to another

.., Ulysses member No ........................... nominate myself for the

position of ........................................................... on the Ulysses Northern Gateway Committee.

(tick as appropriate)

Yes No

Sign ........................................................ Date ..................................

I, ................................................................., Ulysses member No ............................

second the nomination of .......................................................... for the above or any cascaded position.

Sign ........................................................ Date ..................................


second the nomination of .......................................................... for the above or any cascaded position.


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