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Page 2: Unbeatable Confidence - Amazon S3 · Luckily, you can knock that fear down a notch or two and boost your confidence so you can take advantage of the good things that public speaking

Unbeatable Confidence:How to Overcome Obstacles and

Join the Confidence Club


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Page 3: Unbeatable Confidence - Amazon S3 · Luckily, you can knock that fear down a notch or two and boost your confidence so you can take advantage of the good things that public speaking

Table of Contents

.........................................................Confidence is Critical 4

...........................................Confidence in Public Speaking 5

......................................................................Facing the Fear 6

...........................................................Preparing Your Speech 7

..................................................Perfecting your Performance 8

...................................The Big Moment: Giving Your Speech 10

....................................Public Speaking Can Enrich Your Life 12

..................................................Confidence for Interviews 13

..............................................................Before the Interview 13

.........................................................................The Interview 15

......................................Confidence in Business Meetings 17

.................................................Confidence in Networking 19

.........................................................Confidence in Dating 21

........................................Confidence-Boosting Exercises 24



Page 4: Unbeatable Confidence - Amazon S3 · Luckily, you can knock that fear down a notch or two and boost your confidence so you can take advantage of the good things that public speaking

E veryone faces obstacles in pursuing their dreams, and the tough

economic situation we’re facing can certainly put some serious obstacles in your path. Between job insecurity, shrinking investments, plummeting home values, and rising prices, you may be wound up pretty tight!

However, the difference between success and failure lies in how you let your obstacles affect you. You can let fear paralyze you into inaction, or you can take the bull by the horns and come out on top.

If you confidently seek solutions for your challenges and take action to overcome them, success will be yours!

Confidence is Critical

Confidence will enable you to successfully compete for jobs, overcome stressful situations, and develop lasting and healthy relationships.

Take a look at the successful people around you. One thing that stands out about these folks is that they have confidence and they know how to use it. The good news is, even if you don’t have unbeatable confidence right now, you can develop it!

Do you feel that you could use some extra confidence in the following areas?

✴ Public Speaking

✴ Interviews

✴ Business Meetings

✴ Networking

✴ Personal Relationships

✴ Dating



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This book will give you the specific action steps you can take to overcome the mental obstacles that are holding you back as well as gain the self-confidence you deserve. You’ll soon discover exercises you can do every day to strengthen your confidence and, before you know it, you’ll be the one people envy!

Confidence in Public Speaking

When you have the opportunity for professional speaking, whether it’s for speeches or business presentations, it gives you an opportunity to shine. It makes you an automatic authority in your field. You gain more respect from your peers, business associates, and clients.

Imagine this: What if I invited you to speak tomorrow to a crowd of 100 eager people? How would you feel?

However great the opportunity may be, I’ll bet that it’s not something you would look forward to with glee. In fact, beads of perspiration may be breaking out right now from just thinking about it! Your breathing may be shallower and quicker than usual. Are you nervous?

It’s a lack of confidence that’s causing your fear. Don’t fret about it,

though. Public speaking is enemy number one for most people’s confidence level. There’s something about getting up in front of a crowd that makes most of us tremble.

“It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.”

– Author Unknown



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Luckily, you can knock that fear down a notch or two and boost your confidence so you can take advantage of the good things that public speaking can bring you!


You can become accustomed to speaking in public by taking small steps. Start out by simply talking to strangers on a one-to-one basis. Then speak to small groups with only a few people. Gradually, as you feel comfortable with the small groups, progress to larger and larger groups.

You can gain experience in a number of ways. Local clubs may be interested in having you as a guest speaker or your local school district may offer adult classes you could speak to.

You could even start out by speaking in your child’s class. Even volunteering to read to them at story time will help you get used to speaking in front of a group. Another idea is to volunteer at libraries, shelters, or nursing homes.

In other words, there’s no shortage of options to build your confidence when speaking to groups. All it takes is your commitment to work on reducing your fear and the action to follow through on it.

“You have brains in your head.You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.”

– Dr. Seuss



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At each stage, you’re helping yourself to face and overcome your fear. As you build your confidence one step at a time, you’ll be able to take on larger groups and more important subjects with ease.

Once you build up your confidence, you’re ready for that first big speech or presentation.


Nothing gives you more confidence for your speech than knowing with certainty ahead of time that it will be a good one.

Here’s a great strategy that will help you prepare an interesting and excellent presentation:

1. Write down your main points. This clarifies in your mind exactly what you want to talk about. Leave some space in between your main points to fill it in with important facts, quotes, or data that you wish to include under each main point.

2. Organize for effect. Once you know what you want to say, put your points in a cohesive order with an outline. You may want to start with the most critical ideas to generate interest, then follow with supporting points.

3. Prepare props or handouts. These items help keep the attention of your audience and give them something concrete they can hold onto and refer to for important points.

4. Be creative. Wherever it’s appropriate, present your ideas in creative ways that your audience might not expect. Once again, this technique will keep their attention and can make your points more memorable.

✴ For example, I attended a dog training speech where the speaker used a PowerPoint presentation. The slide listing the 4 main types of dog trainer mindsets used simple text bullet points, listing “The Controller,



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The Naturalist, The Supporter, and The Analyst.” But what came next was shocking.

The next slide illustrated “The Controller” with a full screen close-up of an incredibly mean-looking monkey with his long fangs bared at the audience!

Once everyone got over the shock and laughed out loud, they thoroughly enjoyed the next three slides of monkeys and apes perfectly illustrating the main characteristics of each mindset as she described their training techniques.

Illustrating main points in this way added interest, depth, and humor to the speech. And when your audience warms up to you and laughs, it’ll boost your confidence, too!

5. Connect with your audience. People love stories. If you can include a story to exemplify your point, be sure to do so. When you do, people will hang onto your every word!

✴ Many times, humor will break the ice, get everyone relaxed, and

allow you to connect with your audience. If it fits your style, audience, and subject, then feel free to use it. However, don’t force it!

6. Include something new. Whether this is new knowledge, a unique idea, or simply a different way of looking at something, people feel good about your speech when they feel like their time was profitable and well-spent. Seeing their positive reactions will also boost your confidence.


Now that you’ve created a great presentation, it’s time to work on your delivery. Remember, practice equals confidence!



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Follow these tips to get ready for your big day:

1. Make note cards. Write your main points on note cards and number them so that, if they’re dropped or shuffled, you can put them back in order quickly and easily. These cards will help you to remember your points so your speech flows as planned.

2. Practice. The best way to get a feel for your speech is to practice it out loud. This gives you the opportunity to practice the real thing so it won’t feel foreign to you and you’ll also get a sense of timing. Every speech has some kind of time constraints: be sure to keep within them.

✴ Do at least one run-through that includes all your props, handouts, demonstrations, and everything else. If you use a PowerPoint presentation, practice using the slides just as you would in your presentation.

✴ The more you practice, the greater confidence you’ll build.

3. Get feedback. Have a trusted friend listen to your speech and give you

some honest feedback. This allows you to prepare yourself more thoroughly, which will make you more confident about what is to come.

4. Meditate and visualize success. Just as an Olympic athlete visualizes a perfect performance followed by a perfect score, you can do the same with your speech or presentation. Visualize success as many times as possible before your big day arrives, and again on the day itself.

✴ Fill yourself with good feelings about your talents and skills.

✴ Visualize yourself making a perfect delivery.

✴ See your audience enjoying your speech.

✴ Feel the emotions of your success.



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When you follow these tips for preparing yourself for your presentation, you’ll know that you’ve done all you can to ensure a successful speech. Thorough preparation like this tends to replace much of the jitters with confidence! After all, practice makes perfect!


This is it! The day has finally arrived for your presentation. Remember that you’re ready for this!

✴ You’ve spoken in front of people before, so it’s something you’re used to doing.

✴ You’ve prepared a great presentation, so you know it’ll be well received.

✴ You’ve practiced it to perfection.

Follow these tips to help you relax, connect with your audience, and give a great speech:

1. Warm up. Take a few minutes before your presentation to get yourself ready to perform.

✴ Do some breathing exercises. Breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. This will help to reduce stress and bring in extra oxygen for a peak performance. The extra oxygen makes you more alert and helps you think more clearly.

✴ Stretch. Stretching exercises relax your muscles. The idea is to warm up enough so you feel like you can dance.

✴ Visualize a positive performance. Go through a successful presentation in your mind from start to finish.



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2. Smile. Give your audience a confident smile when you walk out to greet them, and smile here and there at different people in the audience during your presentation.

3. Make eye contact. As you speak, make eye contact with people one by one. Act as if you’re talking to just that one person.

✴ If it helps, plant a friend in the audience. Use him to get you started. Smile and make eye contact with him, then proceed to the other audience members. Knowing that you have a supporter present helps you build momentum that boosts your confidence.

4. Remember that you are the expert. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have been invited to make this speech in the first place. Share what you know and let your confidence shine through!

5. Ask Questions. Asking questions lets you get into a conversation with your audience. They warm up to you and you get more comfortable by talking with the group. Let the questions lead naturally from one into the other.

✴ Address your first couple of questions to the entire group, such as, “How many of you have experienced ________? Raise your hand.”

✴ “Did this make you feel [happy/sad/frustrated/uplifted]? Yes or no?”

✴ Your third question should be open-ended to allow people to share their opinions. For example, “Who can tell us about your experience with this? Okay, you. Go ahead.”

✴ You’ll want to ease your audience into participation. Asking tough questions right away won’t work as well as easing into the questioning. Start with group questions, then transition into a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question, then ask for details after your audience is warmed up.



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6. If you make a mistake, go on. It’s not a big deal! For one thing, no one knows your presentation except you. They won’t know you made a mistake. If it’s a mistake with your facts, simply correct it and continue with your speech. Dwelling on it won’t do you any good.

7. Enjoy yourself. When you’re enjoying your speech, it brings you confidence and your audience enjoys it also. Feel the energy of your

audience and let it continue to re-energize you as you go along.

8. Express yourself freely in body language. Let your body express your passions. Use hand gestures to make your point. Walk around. Don’t worry about what you look like; just let the natural motions flow and your audience will get more involved along with you.

✴ Above all, avoid standing utterly motionless!

These techniques will help you deliver a powerful presentation with unbeatable confidence. As you incorporate these confidence building strategies, you’ll notice that a lot of the focus is on your audience rather than yourself. You’re bringing a special experience to them and helping them to get something from it.

When all is said and done, take some time to reflect on your presentation. Focus on the positive aspects of the speech and enjoy your successful moments. Learn from it for your next presentation, and you’ll get better and better – and your confidence will grow stronger and stronger!


Having confidence in public speaking can open up whole new worlds of opportunity for you. The more you use it, the more people look up to you as the expert in your field.



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This success can even bring you attention from outside of the workplace, which can boost your career to new levels you never thought possible. In fact, it wasn’t possible when you didn’t have the confidence for public speaking!

As you improve this skill, you’ll be able to speak to your partner, family, friends, and colleagues with greater authority and confidence.

Just think: the thrill of a successful speech really can bring you the confidence that you deserve!

Confidence for Interviews

Another area where it’s always good to build your confidence is for job interviews. The skills for having confident, successful interviews can be easily acquired, and you never know when they might come in handy.

Use these tips to help you compete for the dream job you desire:


1. Research the company and position. Find out what the company does. Determine how that position fits into the company, the responsibilities of the position, and how you’d be a good fit.

“If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”

– Vincent Van Gogh



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2. Write down your positive qualities. Make a list of your positive traits. Beside each one, list your experiences that demonstrate these qualities.

3. Make a list of things you want the interviewer to know. Include characteristics, abilities, prior experience and past successes. Always include supporting stories about specific instances where you excelled in these categories.

4. Develop a winning attitude. If you have a success mindset about the

interview, it can increase your odds of being the one who gets chosen for the job.

✴ You’re going to the interview to help the interviewer find

someone who will help the company be a success. Don’t think of it as a test or an audition where you’ll be judged. This can put you on the defensive and make you doubt yourself.

✴ Know exactly what you can offer to the company and why you’re different. Notice that I said to focus on what you can offer and not the other way around. You need to know yourself and know how you fit in the puzzle.

✴ People hire people who show confidence in their skill set. Most people go into an interview thinking it’s some lucky chance that they’ll get the job, but the truth is, if you show the confidence in your abilities – and it’s a good fit – you’re more likely to get the job.

✴ Let it go. Sometimes your feverish desire for the position actually pushes it away. As confident as you can be that you’re a great fit, you can only do so much. Be confident the you’ve done your best, then let it go.

5. Write down your questions. If you have questions for the interviewer, write them down and take your list to the interview with you.



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6. Write down possible interview questions and your answers.

✴ Why do you want to work here?

✴ What can you bring to the company?

✴ Why will you be the best one for this job?

✴ Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

7. Practice your answers out loud in front of a mirror. This will help you get more familiar with your answers so you can look and sound natural. Practice in front of the mirror or with a friend so they can give constructive feedback about your body language.

8. Prepare positive answers to questions about weaknesses. For example, a common interview question is, “Describe one of your weaknesses.” Your answer may include something like, “I used to get nervous about speaking in front of groups, but I have been taking public speaking courses and have become much more comfortable with it.”

9. Visualize success in this new job. Actually see yourself in the

interview, shaking hands, answering eloquently, and getting the job. This kind of vivid imagery helps to build your confidence for the real deal.


1. Warm up before you go into the interview. Just as in public speaking, do your deep breathing exercises and stretches to relax you and make you alert.

2. Dress for success. Wear clothes appropriate for the position you’re seeking so the interviewer can get a visual picture of you in the job setting.



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3. Stand and sit up straight. Good posture also shows confidence, but don’t be rigid. Let your muscles remain relaxed.

4. Smile confidently and be friendly. A bright smile helps boost your own confidence as well as show the interviewer that you’re a confident, friendly person.

5. Give a firm handshake. This exhibits self-assurance in yourself and your

abilities. If need be, practice your handshake with others to get the right firmness.

6. Make eye contact. Don’t stare at the interviewer, but look them in the eye whenever appropriate. If you avoid eye contact, they may think you’re hiding something or lacking self-confidence. If there is more than one interviewer, look at everyone equally, no matter who is speaking the most.

7. Relax. Remember that you’ve prepared for this. Because of your preparations, you’ll likely be able to answer most questions with ease. If not, that’s okay. As long as you’re real and true to yourself, your confidence will shine through.

8. Include facts and figures. Whenever possible, include specific facts and figures in your answers. For example, “My technique increased profits by 7%.”

9. Stay positive. Avoid negative comments about previous employers or co-workers. This negativity could reflect back on you. If you’ve solved problems at previous jobs, focus on the positive benefits of your solutions.

10. Thank the interviewer before you leave. Showing gratitude leaves a good final impression.



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Following these tips can bring you confidence in your interviews and help you get the job you seek. Almost always, the interviewer will hire someone who appears confident.

Being too anxious or shy often makes the interviewer wonder if you could be hiding something or exaggerating your skills. It’s okay to show nerves, but it shouldn’t overshadow your confidence.

Remember to ensure that you’re well prepared before setting foot into the interview. Being prepared gives you the confidence that shines through and brings the interviewer the assurance that they made a good decision in hiring you!

Confidence in Business Meetings

There are some simple actions you can take to raise your confidence level during business meetings. You may feel a bit strange, but when you get into the habit, these confidence-building strategies will come naturally.

Here are some simple and easy-to-implement actions:

1. Sit at the front. If the seats are in rows, always take one of the front seats.

“If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.”

– Author Unknown



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✴ Self-assured people sit at the front, so by inference, others will begin to see you as a more confident person!

✴ People who sit at the front also tend to be more involved. This, in itself, can leave a good impression that’ll help you gain confident.

✴ Sometimes, especially in a large company, we don’t often get the chance to be noticed in positive ways by our superiors and co-workers. If you want to progress in your career, you want to be noticed, and this is a great way to start.

2. Speak up. Obviously you don’t want to waste time or clutter the conversation, but make a goal to contribute at least one valuable point per meeting. Others will look up to you as an expert when you speak up and add value to the conversation.

3. Be prepared. As with public speaking and job interviews, being well prepared for the meeting will dissipate any nervous thoughts or fears. When you’re ill-prepared, the “what ifs” sneak in, but when you’re prepared, you know you can handle whatever comes up.

4. Focus on others. If the business meeting is a one-on-one presentation

with a prospect or client, focus on him. What does he want? What’s important to him? How can you help him get what he wants? Do this, and success will follow.

✴ People don’t care how much you know until they know how

much you care. Show others that you care about the success of the team, project, and company. As people trust you, you’ll notice a sharp boost in your confidence, too!

Business meetings give you a great opportunity to build your confidence. While the spotlight isn’t totally on you, you’ll still get plenty of chances to shine.



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Confidence in Networking

Networking is the simple act of meeting other like-minded people. The truth is, networking is critical to your success because you never know how valuable a new contact might be. Perhaps they’ll become a future boss, customer, or best friend. But networking without self-confidence is tough!

When you do gain the confidence to network with others, you attract people to you like a magnet. This confidence allows you to focus more on the positive aspects of yourself and others. What happens is that people enjoy being around you because you make them feel as though they’re valued and important.

A confident networker is able to build rock-solid foundations for both business and personal relationships, and it’s easier than you think!

“Oliver Wendell Holmes once attended a meeting in which he was the shortest man present.

‘Dr. Holmes,’ quipped a friend, ‘I should think you'd feel rather small among us big fellows.’

‘I do,’ retorted Holmes, ‘I feel like a dime among a lot of pennies.’”

– Author Unknown



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If you lack confidence in meeting others, try these tips:

1. Prepare your elevator speech. This is a concise, carefully planned 15-second description about what you do. The idea is to open up the conversation to more. It should be well-rehearsed, this way you’re never caught off-guard when meeting new people.

✴ If you network for business purposes, your elevator speech should include something that makes them curious so they’ll ask you for more if it piques their interest. For example, “I show people how to pay off their mortgage in 15 years or less with no more money than they’re spending now.”

✴ You should only continue talking about yourself if you’re asked for more. The idea is to portray confidence, not arrogance, so be sure to ask others about what they do before rambling about your entire life story!

2. Focus on others. When you meet new people, focus on them and not yourself. The truth is, people love talking about themselves. Allowing others to do so relieves you of any pressure to keep the conversation alive, instead, you can just listen and learn.

✴ The truth is, people love people who listen. Once you realize this

and put it into action, networking will be a cinch and your confidence will skyrocket!

3. Stay positive. Bring up positive experiences and ideas. No one likes a Debbie Downer.

4. Find common ground. When you find similarities between you and the new person you just met, it brings you together. Your mutual fears are reduced because there’s some common ground to explore.



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5. Look good. When you know you look good, you feel confident about meeting others.

✴ Be a sharp dresser. Buy fewer clothes but spend more on each item. It will fit better, last longer, and look better than cheap clothing.

✴ Stay in shape. If you need to lose a few pounds, then design a

nutrition and exercise plan that you know you can follow. Taking action will make you feel better about yourself when you meet new people. When you feel good about yourself, your confidence naturally improves.

6. Don’t worry what others think. Worrying about what others think is always a losing battle. No human being is the judge of you. Do what you think is right and good and be proud of yourself!

Self-confidence plays a big part in networking, but first and foremost, you must know that you’re unique and valuable. Treat yourself with love and respect, then others tend to follow suit. Soon you’ll find that meeting new people becomes easier and easier and you’ll love the new you!

Confidence in Dating

Did you ever see the Austin Powers movie where he lost his mojo? His confidence was crushed! In the end he found out that mojo isn’t something external that can be kept in a jar, but that he had it all along! His sexy and confident aura came from inside and nobody can take that away.

“It ain’t what they call you, it's what you answer to.”– W.C. Fields



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“Yeah, baby!”

Sophia Loren once said, “Sex appeal is fifty percent what you've got and fifty percent what people think you've got.” Where do you think that other 50% comes from? It’s your confidence, of course!

Isn’t it wonderful when you have a healthy, loving relationship with someone? We all aspire to this goal. Our dreams of a fantastic life always include that special someone we can share it with.

The key to finding such a relationship is found within. In order for someone else to love you, you need to love yourself!

Building your confidence when it comes to dating starts with believing in yourself. When you have this confidence, you gain the natural ability to draw others toward you and develop lasting and loving relationships!

With this being said, there are still a few things to remember that will both build your confidence and strengthen your relationships:

1. Be honest. Being honest with yourself and others makes everything so much easier. When you meet someone new, they can often tell if you’re making things up, that’s why the truth always trumps lies. You can avoid a lot of anger, resentment, and misunderstandings with a regular dose of honesty.

2. Admit your mistakes. If you make a mistake, admit it, do what you can

to make amends, learn from it, and move on. You mustn’t harbor guilt and destroy your confidence – that’s going to get you nowhere, fast! People trust and respect you more when you admit your mistakes and make things right.

3. Make others feel good about themselves. Give sincere compliments and bring out their positive attributes. This, in turn, helps you feel good about yourself.



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4. Show your gratitude. Everyone likes to be appreciated. Say “thank you” when someone has done something nice. They will reciprocate when you do something nice for them, thus boosting your own confidence.

5. Follow the Golden Rule. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. This builds your confidence because you’re being true to yourself.

6. Seek out others with these same qualities. Your confidence will soar

and your love will grow easily when you’re dating someone on the same page as you.

7. Focus on what you do have, not what you lack. Oftentimes, people who’ve spend a long time searching for their soulmate get discouraged because they lack that special partner. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, celebrate what you do have.

✴ When you focus on your strengths, skills, and success, you’re naturally gaining confidence. Why? Because your mind is centered on the positives in your life and positive attracts more positive!

Confidence is sexy, so if you have to fake confidence at first, so be it! At some point, that “fake” confidence will become a very real part of you!

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

– Marianne Williamson



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Confidence-Boosting Exercises

These exercises are things you can do every day to overcome your mental obstacles and build your self-confidence. The payoff for investing a little time in yourself each day is a lifetime of success and happiness! Are you up to the challenge?

1. Set yourself up for success. Make a plan and take action every day to

accomplish your goals.

✴ Divide your goals into mini-goals that you know you can achieve in a short time. Achieving these small goals will make you proud of yourself and keep you on track toward your big plans. This momentum not only brings you closer to success, but builds confidence, too!

2. Meditate. Build your confidence with meditation. By visualizing the achievement of your goals as if it has already happened, you’ll sense a great boost in your confidence.

3. Have a positive mindset. Be like “The Little Engine That Could.” The little engine in this children’s book said one thing and then acted on it. He said, “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...” Then he saved the day when the big engines with bad attitudes couldn’t do it.

4. Use affirmations. Affirmations can build your confidence, one thought at a time. Use them every day for the best effect and then again whenever self-doubt tries to creep in.

Affirmations are positive sayings of attributes you wish to develop and affirm in your life. They should be positive, personal, and in the present tense.



Page 25: Unbeatable Confidence - Amazon S3 · Luckily, you can knock that fear down a notch or two and boost your confidence so you can take advantage of the good things that public speaking

Here are some affirmations you can repeat to boost your confidence:

✴ I am courageous.

✴ I can overcome any challenge.

✴ I am well-prepared for any situation.

✴ I take time every day for myself, and am better off because of it.

As you can see, these exercises take very little of your time, but used consistently, they work wonders on your self-confidence. Strive to include them into your every day routines and feel your confidence soar.

I hope this book has brought you some ideas you can use to go confidently through your journey of life. It’s true that success comes to those who reach out and grab it, and those who reach out to grab it are the ones who have the confidence to seek it and take action.

Don’t let a lack of confidence keep you in misery. You deserve better from yourself! You can even develop confidence by merely appearing to

have confidence. Do the things that confident people do and you’ll soon discover that your own confidence has gone up several notches as well.

Good luck and good fortune to you. You deserve it!

“Only as high as I reach can I grow,Only as far as I seek can I go,

Only as deep as I look can I see,Only as much as I dream can I be.”

– Karen Ravn



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