
Have you even see any stall that lined up with lots of small cast iron pans and the hawker was slowly pouring his pancake mix into each little pan and cook them? Then, it distribute the heady aroma of the sugared peanuts. There are Apam Balik. Small, light, crispy, delicious…are the adjective of these

A mail carrier who help people to deliver their messages. Todays, people are increasing using email or others methods to convey messages, mail delivery is quickly becoming a thing to the past.The culprit behind this is internet.

From the old agricultural society to today's technological age, all kinds of scissors tool in our daily lives has always been a good helper. But no matter what kind of knives, scissors, after long term use,the blades also will become blunt。 you need to find an experienced master for help sharpening

Smooth texture of bamboo and rattan furniture with dexterous craftsmanship weave with style of the times. I believe many people will evoke collective memories. Life was not good at that age, bamboo and rattan products was once synonymous with cheap, it is part of the collective memory of

Shoes, is an indispensable part of people's lives belongings. A pair of good shoes always make people walk comfortable and make road go more smoothly.

Remember as a kid ,  there are always loud honk every evening. The mobile bread seller or called as Rotiman (Roti means bread in Malay) will goes around the neighbourhood selling bread with their unmistakable honk , distinct green box (for storage) by their motorbikes back , and the shape of an

Teeth are human‘s important chewing organ. In these thousands of years, people have to solve for the inconvenience of dental defects, and committed to creating technology in making dentures. Invention of dentures let people to regain smiles and confidence, but also to help the elders can

Mua Chi-Soft, Chewy and rich coating with  grounded peanuts.-There are a few new flavour other than original, Ribena, Lychee, Black sesame, Pandan and mango.

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