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The Tropical Dispatch May to August 2015 1

Uncovering Ancient Botanical Treasure in Belize

Racing to Save Threatened Orchids in Brazil

Along the Rainbow River

A Well Loved Place is Remembered

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A D D R E S S C H A N G E SMail: MembershipMarie Selby Botanical Gardens 811 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236 Email: [email protected]: (941) 366-5731, ext. 231

Welcome to our Summer edition of Tropical Dispatch and my first “dispatch” to you as the new president and CEO of Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.I feel fortunate to have joined this organization as we get ready to commemorate 40 years as an extraordinary botanical institution that has made world-class contributions to the fields of horticulture, plant

research, conservation, and education. The year-long celebration will kick off in July and we have some dynamic exhibitions and a variety of exceptional programs planned to mark the occasion. In my first hundred days here, I have been impressed by the level of Selby’s important work and the passionate enthusiasts who support it. It is the right moment to celebrate!Selby Gardens is held in high regard around the globe. Our staff and volunteers are earnestly dedicated to sharing their knowledge and resources in the name of plant conservation, habitat preservation, horticultural display, and environmental education. As a result, Selby Gardens is widely represented in scholarly journals, in field expeditions throughout the New Tropics, and at international conferences. We are honored to have the top minds in the botanical world coming to Sarasota to collaborate and access our living and preserved collections. With your help, Selby Gardens can reach even greater heights in the next 40 years. While building upon our current momentum, we need to create dynamic initiatives to attract new audiences. We also need to shore up our infrastructure and endowment to provide for Selby Gardens’ long-term success. Your partnership can help advance these strategic priorities. In the following pages, you will learn about quite a few of Selby’s wide-ranging activities—including exciting discoveries we are making in a remote wilderness in Belize and diverse Selby advocates that make these Gardens so great. We look forward to keeping you informed about all that we do here in the community and around the world.My family and I are delighted to call Sarasota our new home and become integral members of the Selby Gardens family. Thank you for being so warm and welcoming. I look forward to seeing you here often!

MISSIONTo provide an oasis of inspiration and

tranquility, while furthering the understanding and appreciation of plants, especially epiphytes.

VISIONTo touch as many people as possible through our urban waterfront garden that is the world leader in conservation and display of epiphytes. Visitors

and volunteers alike experience the Gardens’ beauty, gaining a better understanding and greater appreciation of the natural world.

BOARD OF TRUSTEESCathy Layton, ChairEmily Walsh, Vice ChairDr. Kelvin Cooper, SecretarySandy Rederer, TreasurerJ. Allison Archbold, Esq.Stephen HazeltineNora JohnsonThomas B. Luzier, Esq.Wayne RollinsMichael SaundersDr. Laurey T. StrykerSharyn WeinerMichael J. Wilson, Esq.Arthur M. Wood, JrCarlyle Luer, MD, Trustee EmeritusCarmen Baskind, Associates President (ex-Officio)Jennifer O. Rominiecki, President and CEO

P R O G R A M S P O N S O R SSelby Gardens programs are sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and are paid for in part by Sarasota County Tourist Development Tax Revenue

Best regards,

Jennifer O. Rominiecki, President and CEO

Tropical Dispatch ©2015 Marie Selby Botanical Gardens Produced By Carlson Studio Marketing, Gulfshore Media and The Versatility Group

Hours & Admissions

Garden HoursThe Gardens are open 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM every day except Christmas Day. Please check the website for special event and weather closings.

Admission Members Free, Adults $19, Children 4-11 $6, 3 & under free

Find Us Onlinewww.selby.orgFacebook - - + -

Cover: Thunbergia mysorensis (Acanthaceae) courtesy of Susie Bowie of the Community Foundation of Sarasota County. Susie joined Selby Gardens in 2010 and loves taking pictures here. She is especially fascinated with the “infinite combination of colors, shapes and textures in nature” and considers them “all perfect subjects for photography.”

Documenting a Treasured Florida Environmental Asset

Tucked into a slice of the western Florida Panhandle is one of the rarest ecosystems in the world. The Coastal Dune Lakes are where fresh water lakes occasionally mix with the salty surf of the Gulf of Mexico. On Wednesday, May 20 at noon, award-winning documentary producer, Elam Stoltzfus, will share the beautiful story of this magnificent, natural state treasure during a Botanical Brief in the Great Room by the Bay. Free to members and included with paid admission to the Gardens for non-members.

Community Partners Enhance Art and Cultural Programs

A grant from the Sarasota Woman’s Exchange made it possible for Selby Gardens to commission the talented Costa Rican artists of Boruca to paint fantastic animal forms to adorn and enhance the Ann Goldstein Children’s Rainforest Garden. After being an integral component of the Pura Vida orchid exhibit, the whimsical artwork will be permanently displayed in the rainforest for guests to enjoy for many years to come.

Upgrading the Visitor Experience

Thanks to a one-time appropriation from the State of Florida and a grant from the Selby Foundation, the Selby Gardens’ Welcome Center and Tropical Conservatory will be renovated over the summer beginning in May. Replacing the entry awning was phase 1 of the project. Some temporary closures are expected for the Conservatory as well as temporarily relocating Welcome Center/Garden Shop during construction. Please refer to the website for updates and progress notes.

News Briefs

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Selby Gardens’ Research Botanist, Dr. A. Toscano de Brito, is in Brazil conducting the research attached to a prestigious three-year grant from the government of Brazil. The project seeks to learn and share knowledge about some of Brazil’s most abundant, complex and diverse orchids: the pleurothallid and the bird’s head orchids. This is also part of an ongoing multidisciplinary collaboration between the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and Selby Gardens.

According to Selby Gardens Director of Botany Bruce Holst, “This funding is critical to continue vital inventory, classification and conservation of some of the world’s most endangered habitats. Collaborations like this afford both our organization and our partnering institu-tions the opportunity to exchange valuable information that expands international understanding about preser-vation of threatened plant species and their habitats.”

De Brito is accompanied by Sarasota photographer and longtime Selby Gardens’ volunteer, Wade Collier

along with the Brazilian artist Paulo Ormindo. Paulo is a professor in the Course of Fine Arts at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and is participating in the project to conduct watercolor studies of selected species. Paulo’s watercolors, together with Wade’s photographs, will partially illustrate a book on the Brazilian Pleurothallid Orchids that de Brito is currently co-authoring with one of Selby Gardens’s founders, Dr. Carl Luer.

The grant funds nine trips to Brazil, a molecular laboratory at UFPR and most field expenses and domestic travel within Brazil. The grant will also provide funds for three postdoctoral positions at the university in Curitiba. The students will develop their research at UPFR and Selby Gardens under the supervision of Drs. Eric de Camargo Smidt and Toscano de Brito. As part of a team of researchers, de Brito has been recognized for his international leadership in orchid research deemed a priority by Brazil and will serve as a “Special Visiting Researcher” at UFPR.

Selby Gardens Leads Orchid Identification and Conservation Efforts in Brazil

Dr. Toscano de Brito examining a minute orchid flower. Field trip participants explore a forest in SE Brazil.

Zygostates lunata Artist Paul Omindo, illustrating an orchid in watercolor.Photos by Wade Collier

Please share some of the history about the research program at Selby Gardens. How long has it existed?

The research program at Selby Gardens has existed since the Gardens was established in 1973 (the Gardens opened to the public in 1975). Botanical research and conservation programs are two of the most important elements of Selby Gardens’ mission and help to distinguish us from a display garden or park. Our plant science efforts have yielded a unique, priceless collection of plant materials for programs of display, research, and education. We provide essential information to successful biodiversity and conservation initiatives, and they form the basis of the Gardens’ international reputation.

What does the research team do?

Selby Gardens’ botanical research focuses on the inventory, classification, and conservation of epiphytes, particularly bromeliads, orchids, and gesneriads, and is actively involved in the study and conservation of South Florida plants. We routinely participate on national and international expeditions and publish our findings. We are advocates for the environment and use our knowledge and collections to educate the public and policy-makers about important environmental issues. Our geographic focus is the tropical and subtropical Americas. Current projects are in south Florida, Belize, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Brazil, but over the years Gardens botanists have worked in nearly every country in Central and South America. The New World tropics harbor the greatest diversity of plants in the world, particularly epiphytic plants, and face tremendous development pressures that impact the health of natural habitats.

What do you enjoy most about your job? Is there anything you would do differently?

Field work is what most botanists love, and I am no different. Seeing plants in their natural habitats is exciting, teaches us so much about natural history, and helps us understand better how to propagate and care for the plants in Selby Gardens’ amazing collection. I also love to share stories of our expeditions and discoveries with our constituents, many who will never see most of the areas we go into in person.

How can members of the Selby Gardens family assist and support your efforts?

Join us for lectures, contribute to support our efforts, volunteer, become a member if not already.

Q & A with Selby Gardens Director of Botany Bruce Holst

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Marie Selby Botanical Gardens • www.selby.org6 The Tropical Dispatch May to August 2015 7

An historic expedition of a 425’ sinkhole located in the Chiquibul National Park of Belize may prove to reveal rare and possibly never-before-seen plants from the heart of the ancient Mayan civilization. The area’s scientific, historic, and cultural significance makes it a likely candidate for a UNESCO World Heritage site designation.

Selby Gardens’ Director of Botany Bruce Holst joined an international team for the first of several planned descents into the Nohoch Ch’en Sinkhole, one of the most biologically diverse and difficult to access natural environments in Belize.

In addition to Holst, the team included staff from Caves Branch Botanical Gardens in Belize, the Belize Forest Depart-ment, and a non-governmental agency, the Friends for Conservation Development. The 10-day expedition marked the first step in a year-long process to gather and document botanical specimens. Major logistical planning and funding

for the expedition was provided by Eco Tourism outfitters and lodge, Mountain Equestrian Trails Ltd.

“This project perfectly aligns with our mission at Selby Gardens to understand, conserve and bring awareness to threatened and endangered wild ecosystems in the tropi-cal world,” said Jennifer O. Rominiecki, president and CEO of Selby Gardens. “We are delighted to play a role in the discoveries that will no doubt be uncovered by this team and pleased that we can help showcase the historical significance of this special place.”

The sinkhole sits atop the estimated 540,000 square-foot Chiquibul Cave System, the largest in Belize and the longest in Central America. The entire region is a veritable treasure chest of botanical, geological, and archeological wonders. The area has been a recent source of political tensions and conflict with neighboring Guatemala due to trespassing

activity that threatens the region - specifically habitat degradation, fire damage, illegal logging, hunting, and gold extraction.

“Through gathering scientific information and document-ing this unknown region of the world, we have acquired the first scientifically documented collection from the sinkhole providing a baseline for further studies that will assist in the conservation of the Chiquibul wilderness,” Holst explained.

“We hope to return at other times during the year to continue exploration of this vast area and document plants flowering in other seasons.”

Photo: Tony Rath Photography

EXPEDITION BELIZESearch for Botanical Treasure, Descent into the Unknown

Nohoch Ch’en Sinkhole Photo: Tony Rath Photography

Preparation for Expedition Photo: Bruce Holst

Mayan Terrace on sinkhole rim Photo: Bruce Holst

Ella Baron of Caves Branch Botanical Garden Photo: Bruce Holst

Bruce Holst descends into the Sinkhole Photo: Ella Baron

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A Memorable AffairA valentine evening gala filled with moonlight music, flowing cocktails and lavish dinner, Orchid Ball “The Ruby Affair” was positively a night to remember. We would like to take this time to thank our amazing co-chairs Margie Cooper and Jenn Stutler along with generous sponsors and all who attended. A special note of appreciation for The Community Foundation of Sarasota County, Dr. & Mrs. Kelvin Cooper, June Simmons Jewelry, Alex and Ani along with Sarasota Magazine and Observer Media Group—your gener-osity helps support Selby Gardens’ education, horti-culture and research efforts. Enjoy a sampling of images from this year’s festive and romantic occasion.

Susan Goldbecker was one-of-a-kind. Her fellow horticulture volunteers remember fondly her energy and quirky sense of humor: “Susan was a gem…she brought a smile to my face with her colorful mismatched socks and occasionally wearing only one earring. I will miss our discus-sions about life while we dug in the dirt,” says Wendy Poelke.

Horticulturist Addie Worth remembers how Susan helped lure reluctant visitors to participate in an interactive art project at Plant & Garden Festival:

“I distinctly remember Susan because she came up with these quick little one or two line phrases to reel people in… She was so friendly and social that people couldn’t resist her. Susan taught me that even if you have reached your goal you haven’t succeeded unless you had a good time.”

Sadly, Susan’s life ended in July, 2014, after a short illness. But not before she and husband Peter, who still volunteers as an Ask Me cart docent, decided to remember Selby Gardens in their wills. “The experi-ences here were so special,” Peter noted. “We each picked two or three organizations we would leave something to. Susan chose Selby as one of hers, and I certainly agreed.”

Susan and Peter are among the first new Marie Selby Legacy Society members inducted as part of the Gardens’ “40 for the Fortieth” campaign. In recog-nition of its fortieth anniversary, Selby Gardens is recruiting 40 new planned gift donors.

“Legacy giving, like the gift that created Selby Gardens, is critical to our future,” stated CEO Jennifer

Rominiecki. “We looked at the statistics and realized that adding 40 new legacy donors could bring in as much as $25 million to support our work for decades to come.”

Peter Goldbecker understands, and supports, that viewpoint: “It’s nice to perpetuate institutions you care about so people can continue to enjoy them.” Meantime, we’re delighted that Susan and Peter will always be remembered at an institution they loved.

40 for the FortiethIf you’d like to learn more about Selby Gardens’ “40 for the Fortieth” campaign or have already included the Gardens in your estate plans, call Ann Logan at (941) 366-5731 ext. 266 or email [email protected].

Peter Goldbecker assists guests at the Ask Me cart

Susan Goldbecker (far right) and fellow volunteers/friends.

Caring and Sharing: A Place Well Loved

Photos courtesy of Cliff Roles

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Raising Food for the FutureAgriculture is among the greatest contributors to global warming. Farming is also a thirsty business and a major environmental polluter in the form of fertilizer runoff. The challenges posed by agriculture are huge and will only become more pressing as we try to meet the growing need for food worldwide.

Selby Gardens is very pleased to welcome Dr. Dickson Despommier, “The Father of Vertical Farming,” for a special presentation in the Great Room on the Bay, Wednesday, May 6 from noon to 1:00pm.

According to Despommier, half of the world’s popula-tion lives in cities, and it takes an area of farmland half the size of the continent of South America to feed them.

“What if cities could grow just 10 percent of what they need?” he asks. “This would save 10 percent of half of South America.” That area of land is the equivalent of 349,000 square miles of hardwood forest.“ Since 1950, Brazil has cut down 700,000 square miles of hardwood forest,” he added.

Please join us for what promises to be a very enlightening Botanical Briefing. There is no charge for the lecture with paid admission to the Gardens, members are free. Visit programs/lecture-series/ for more details..

When asked to summarize guiding principles of Selby Gardens’ education department, Jeannie Perales, who’s been directing the department since 2010, references a well-loved quote by Walt Whitman, “Let nature be your teacher.” She adds, with the addition of the Ann Goldstein Children’s Rainforest Garden (in 2013), we have made great strides in supporting the educational needs of our guests regardless of age.

How do botany, education and horticulture inter-relate?

Botany is the study of plants. Horticulture is about cultivating plants. Education at Selby Gardens is about connecting guests to the study of

and cultivation of plants. People learn in different ways and it’s the education department’s job to make sense of the collections and the work we do. We aim to connect the dots, to excite people about our collections and about the botanical research that sets Selby Gardens apart as a world-class scientific institution. Ultimately, botanists are working to document life on the planet because you cannot save that which you don’t know exists.

What do you enjoy most about your job? Is there anything you would do differently?

I adore the people (and the plants of course)! I have the pleasure to work with consummate professionals who really know their stuff and are passionate about sharing it with our guests. I work closely with as many as 700 volunteers – they are such a valuable asset. I also love that I can fold my family into my work. I have two young children who have grown up here and have developed a great respect for life on the planet. My husband who sees the world through the lens of his camera, helps me see the Gardens in a fresh way as well.

How can members of the Selby Gardens family assist and support your efforts?

Bring a guest, take a tour or a class. Participate. Share your thoughts with us – tell us what you think – it’s valuable to hear from our constituents; we are listening.

Each visit is an opportunity to showcase Selby Gardens’ field work, unique collections, in-depth botanical knowledge, and beautiful horticultural displays. We strive to make a visit to the Gardens a transformative visitor experience. A garden is a versatile outdoor classroom.

Ultimately, we hope to instill a connection and fascination with plants and their habitats to foster conservation values.

Q & A with Selby Gardens Director of Education Jeannie Perales

Please Help Us Rebuild Selby Gardens’ Mangrove WalkwayLookout Point on the Mangrove Walkway collapsed recently due to heavy surf, and the entire boardwalk needs to be rebuilt and expanded.

This Bay lookout with a magnificent view has a very special place in the hearts of so many people, and we need your help to rebuild the Mangrove Walkway—and earn a $50,000 match.

Every dollar you give will be matched by funding from two generous local foundations! We have $50,000 in matching funds available. To earn it, we must raise $50,000 to rebuild the Mangrove Walkway, an anchor of the Selby Gardens experience. Every dollar you contribute gets us closer to our goal and to earning additional matching funds for this critical project.

Your donation will make it possible to rebuild and enhance this feature, where the story of life along the shoreline, both gulf-going and land-bound, has played out for untold years.

Please consider making a gift to rebuild the Mangrove Walkway. It is easy to make a secure gift online at or call Ann Logan, (941) 366-5731, ext. 266

Sponsored by Joel and Ellen Fedder and Gulfcoast Community Foundation

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In the current body of work from talented Sarasota artist, Tom Stephens, visitors to Selby Gardens’ Museum of Botany & the Arts will be transported on a visual hike through dense landscapes. Viewers will feel as though they are entering into a natural world of fluid paint

and expressive energy. Each canvas is layered with tropical color and texture, like a walk through Selby Gardens. In this collection of paintings, Stephens, an avid enthusiast of the Florida outdoors, demonstrates his love affair for this tropical paradise.

And because this new exhibit benefits from being on display in one of the most lush, verdant and tropical botanical gardens in Southwest Florida, the display will be accompanied by an impressive collection of live plant arrangements to compliment the hanging artwork. And in an effort to help the impressive sensations last beyond a trip to Selby Gardens, both the foliage AND the artwork will be available for sale.

“Tom’s work is inspired by natural surroundings and he conveys his impressions in a one-of-a-kind fashion,” remarked Selby Gardens’ Director of Education Jeannie Perales. “Back by popular demand, Stephens has exhibited with us twice before – his work is always well-received by our guests. We expect his latest works will command as much attention and enthusiasm as always.”


Along The Rainbow RiverTom Stephens

June 25 - September13

“Influences from vivid memories of places visited along the Florida

coastal environment are especially evident in the series. Each painting is developed loosely and left elusive; and,

through its ambitious use of large-scale canvases and my most vivid

palette to date, I have attempted to keep my work adventurous, allowing the viewer a chance to explore with

their own creative minds.” - Tom Stephens

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Make the great outdoors at Selby Gardens your home away from home this summer. Join us Saturdays for fun-themed water activities, crafts and games! Enjoy the cool shade and onshore Bay breezes under the banyans and around the lagoon and waterfall of the Ann Goldstein Children’s Rainfor-est Garden near Kids’ Corner from 11:30 am-3:00 pm.

Saturdays This SummerJune 13, 20, 27July 4, 11, 18, 25August 1

Water Activities • Family Audio Tour • New Features in the Rainforest • Kids’ Corner Activities • Musical Entertainment

Don’t forget - a Family Membership gives you access to

all 8 Selby Saturdays as well as year round benefits. At just $120, family membership

is a great value. Visit

Session 1: June 8-12Coastal KidsCampers get their feet wet discovering what lives in the estuary. Learn to identify the fish and other creatures that call coastal grass flats home. Using creative and critical thinking skills, campers will enjoy fish printing, daily dip–net discoveries, crab inquiry and storytelling games.

Session 2: June 16-20Go NativeCampers will get their hands dirty through planting activities including designing their own take-home butterfly garden and creating recycled wildflower paper. Daily activities surrounding mangroves, epiphytes, and wildflowers are designed to teach children gardening secrets so they’ll go home with a green thumb.

Session 3: June 22 – 26Critter SafariTake a closer look and discover the big and small garden helpers that make us grow. By searching the gardens high and low for weird and wonderful creatures, campers will find that the garden abounds with birds, bugs, butterflies and crabs. Find them all and learn about how all life depends on plants.

Selby Summer Camp Lookout 2015

for curious minds 6 – 11

3 sessions June 8-26


Fantastic Florida!Summer camp at Selby Gardens is designed for lovers of the great outdoors ages 6 – 11 years. This summer Selby Gardens has teamed with Around the Bend Nature Tours to offer hands-on, minds-on exploration with a native Florida twist. Weekly opportunities embrace nature through group games, environmental science, art, and cooling off by wading in our coastal waters - the way a child’s summer should be! Sessions will be based in Sarasota’s only rainforest, the Ann Goldstein Children’s Rainforest Garden.

Space limited to 30 campers per week

Camp Tuition $145 members, $150 non-members

This year’s camp features NEW, refreshed curriculum focusing on Florida’s uniquely fascinating plants & animals. Smaller student-teacher ratios, appropriate age groupings and expanded hours make this year’s camp even more popular. Led by professionally-certified Master Naturalist Karen Fraley and Marine Biologist Shawn Carper, Selby’s Summer Camp Lookout will immerse your child in one-to- three fun-filled weeks of outside adventures.

Register online at


Questions? 941.366.5731 ext. 273Email: [email protected]

Sponsored by Community Foundation of Sarasota County and SRQ Media

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Community ClassesMay to August 2015


REGISTRATION PROCEDURES! (1) Register online at or (2) in person at Selby’s Welcome Center.In the event that a class is cancelled by Selby Gardens, students will receive a full refund. Student cancellations made less than 72 hours prior to class time are not be entitled to a refund nor class credit.Material lists are available online and can be emailed or mailed upon request.Please visit our website for updates and additional information.Class sizes are limited - please register early.Pre-Registration is required. Tuition is due with registration. Pay online or use charge, check or cash in our Welcome Center.Registration fees are not prorated. If you do not attend any portion of class, your registration fee is forfeited.There are no make-up classes for students who miss a regular class session.Proceeds from classes support the Gardens.


Intermediate WatercolorSession I: May 5, 12, 19Session II: June 2, 9, 16Session III: July 7, 14, 21Session IV: Aug 4, 11, 18Tue, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Each 3-class session focuses on demonstrations and a variety of watercolor techniques. Students with some previous experience will feel free to experiment, create their own compositions, or paint along with the instructor.Instructor: Carolyn MerendaMember, $90; Non-member, $110

Gelli Plate PrintingWed, May 6, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Experience the joy of monoprinting without a press thanks to the gelli plate, a product that looks and feels like gelatin and can be used again and again. We will create one of a kind prints using leaves, textures, stencils, household items and acrylic paint. Once you start you won’t want to stop!Instructor: JoAnn Migliore CampisiMember, $40; Non-member, $50Materials Fee: $5 (pay instructor)

Beginners Only WatercolorSession I: May 7, 14, 21Session II: June 4, 11, 18Session III: July 9, 16, 23Session IV: Aug 6, 13, 20Thur, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Three classes each session are designed to take the beginning watercolor student from inexperienced to comfortable with the basic tools and techniques of this fabulous medium. Learn color mixing, creating a basic palette, brush techniques, working with reference material, and more in this structured small group workshop.Instructor: Carolyn MerendaMember, $90; Non-member, $110

Beautiful Botanicals WorkshopsMay 11, 12 and 13, 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm each day

Students enthralled by the discovery of detail will find Botanical Art an amazing art genre and will benefit greatly from this course. Students will concentrate on one subject to develop drawing and/or watercolor skills in the style of the French Court. Understand the importance of Gesture, Contour, and explore the Five Elements of Geometric Form. Students will be able to repeat lessons from this class at home by using Ms. Braida’s "Ten Steps..." book series. Beginners welcome. Interested students may pursue a Certificate in Botanical Art if desired.Instructor: Olivia Braida3-day Sessions: Member, $350; Non-member, $375Materials Fee: $30 (pay instructor)



1 - 31 10:00 am – 4:30 pm Exhibit: 35th Annual Juried Photo Exhibition

1 - 31 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Selby House Exhibit: Nature in deMANd

3, 10 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Spring Music Series

5, 6, & 9 10:30 am – 11:30 am Little Sprouts Club (last series for the season)

6 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Botanical Briefings: The Rise of Urban Agriculture

8 10:00 am – 5:00 pm National Public Gardens Day

9 11:30 am – 3:00 pm Rainforest Garden Adventures

10 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm & 2:00 pm

Mother’s Day Brunch

20 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Botanical Briefings: Coastal Dune Lakes


1 - 21 10:00 am – 4:30 pm Exhibit: 35th Annual Juried Photo Exhibition

1 - 30 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Selby House Exhibit: Nature in deMANd

8 - 12 9:00 am – 1:30 pm Camp Lookout Session I: Coastal Kids

13, 20, 27 11:30 am – 3:00 pm Splashin’ Selby Saturdays

15-19 9:00 am – 1:30 pm Camp Lookout Session II: Go Native!

22-26 9:00 am – 1:30 pm Camp Lookout Session III: Critter Safari

25 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Exhibit Opening: Along the Rainbow River

26-30 10:00 am – 4:30 pm Exhibit: Along the Rainbow River


1 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Selby Gardens’ 40th Anniversary

1 - 31 10:00 am – 4:30 pm Exhibit: Along the Rainbow River

4 - 30 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Selby House Exhibit: Selby Instructors’ Summer Showcase

4 6:00 pm – Close All-American BBQ: An Independence Day Celebration

4, 11, 18, 25 11:30 am – 3:00 pm Splashin’ Selby Saturdays


1 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Splashin’ Selby Saturdays

1 – 31 10:00 am – 4:30 pm Exhibit: Along the Rainbow River

4 – 30 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Selby House Exhibit: Selby Instructors’ Summer Showcase

9 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Happy Birthday Marie Selby!

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Hand Printed Botanical JournalWed, May 20 & 21, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Explore direct and indirect methods of printing botanicals and create delicate color washes on paper in this 2-day workshop. Learn the simple parts of a book as you fold and stitch your hand-painted and nature-printed papers into a very personal and unique botanical journal. Fill the pages with your thoughts, sketches, or make for great gift giving. For all skill levels.Instructor: Sandy FrickMember, $65; Non-member, $80Materials Fee: $20 (pay instructor)

New! Free Brush Florals in WatercolorThu, Jun 25, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Using only the brush, the focus will be on the simple and spontaneous use of color and gesture. Create beautiful loose and expressive flowers in this experimental and free-style class. A fun and liberating class for watercolor students of all levels!Instructor: Carolyn MerendaMember, $40; Non-member, $50

Beautiful Butterflies & FriendsWed, July 15, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Students 12 years – college-aged, and through adult will enjoy this special workshop with Academy of Botanical Art Founder, Olivia Braida. Explore the complexities of nature’s beautiful butterflies and other insect “friends”. Select your subject from provided materials and work with colored pencil to complete your drawing. If you prefer to use watercolor, bring your paints and brushes.Instructor: Olivia Braida12 years to college students: $85Adults: Member, $95: Non-member, $120Materials Fee: $30 (pay instructor)


Summer Yoga PassValid May 4 through Aug 29, 2015

This is an 8-session registration option for students who want the freedom to come for 8 sessions but may not be able to use them all in 2 consecutive months. The Summer Yoga Pass offers students flexibility in the classes they choose from May through August. See Yoga in the Gardens for description and valid dates.Instructor: Annie HollidayMember, $110; Non-member, $150

Yoga in the GardensSession I: May 4, 11, 18 & June 1Session II: June 8, 15, 22 & 29Session III: July 6, 13, 20, 27Session IV: Aug 3, 10, 17, 24Mon, 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Start your Mondays off right by treating yourself to a peaceful mind/body Yoga experience in a beautiful Garden or indoor setting. This 4-week course focuses on alignment, breathing techniques and relaxation. Bring your yoga mat and enjoy this series for beginners as well as advanced students.Instructor: Annie HollidayMember, $55; Non-member, $75

New! Enrich Your Life with Classical Feng ShuiMon, Jun 1, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Learn how to apply the powerful principles of Classical Feng Shui to your home and enrich and invigorate all aspects of your physical and emotional life in this hands on workshop. Kathy Keh, a Master Practitioner of Classical Feng Shui, will spend the first half of the day explaining Feng Shui, why it works, and outlining the main formulas that are used to activate your home. Then for the second half of the day Kathy will walk you through an analysis of your property using your own floor plan. Perfect for someone who is fascinated by Feng Shui but was never quite sure how to use it.

Required: Property survey, floor plan of home and some Pre Work.

Please contact Kathy at least 1 week prior for specific instructions [email protected]: Kathy KehMember, $150; Non-member, $175

New! “Discover Your Inner Writer” for TeensWed, Jun 10, 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Are you a budding poet, blogger, or storyteller? If yes, let the sights, sounds, and fragrances of Marie Selby Botanical Gardens inspire your writing and enrich your life in this workshop for teens aged 13-17. Learn about three distinct styles of writing and famous authors who have been inspired by nature, take walking tours with the instructor around the gardens, and create your own works of written art in the style of your choice. Imagine yourself inhaling the scents of the Conservatory, listening to the sounds of the Rainforest waterfall, and discovering the hidden treasures in the gardens to inspire your writing. Munch a rainforest cookie, and let your inner writer loose in the inspiring company of new friends who also love to write.

Award-winning journalist/television producer Gail Condrick will guide you to unleash your inner writer. No prior writing experience is necessary. Bring a journal and a pen. Your fee includes the gift of a Rainforest cookie or voucher to use in the café.Member, $40; Non-member, $50

New! Family YogaSession I: Tue, Jul 21, 9:15 – 10:00 amSession II: Tue, Aug 18, 9:15 - 10:00 am

Yoga is known to have wonderful benefits for kids, increasing not just strength and flexibility but also self-esteem. Bring your yoga mats for a fun, kids-friendly yoga session while bonding with your budding yogis and yoginis, ages 4 to 10 years old. Learn basic yoga poses in a peaceful Gardens’ setting, before the doors open to the public. Stay afterwards to enjoy the Children’s Rainforest Garden, the Kids’ Corner, and all that Selby has to offer. Inside location will be provided in case of rain or high temps. Prices are per session.Member Parent and up to 2 children, $15; Non-member Parent and up to 2 children, $20


Growing Orchids in SW FloridaFri, May 29, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Orchid enthusiasts with some experience will get more detailed information on growing many of Florida’s remarkable native orchids and those orchids best suited for our area. Enjoy a tour of the many orchids found growing in the Tropical Conservatory.Instructor: Monroe KokinMember, $35; Non-member, $45

Potting & Mounting OrchidsWed, July 8, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Selby’s knowledgeable orchid expert will help you give your treasured plants a new lease on life! Bring an orchid to re-pot for an additional fee; $10 average potting fee, depending on size of plant.Instructor: Angel LaraMember, $35; Non-member, $45

Orchids 101Sat, Aug 1, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

A class for orchid novices - you’ll be surprised at how easy orchid growing can be! Get insightful instruction, enjoy a power-point presentation and tour the orchids found growing in the Tropical Conservatory.Instructor: Monroe KokinMember, $35; Non-member, $45


New! Photography 101Thu, May 28, 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

This workshop introduces beginner to intermediate level photographers to the fundamental techniques of exposure, composition and photographic story-telling through the use of quality presentations and hands-on instruction. Students will photograph a variety of subjects at Selby Gardens, including landscapes, architecture and portraiture. Don’t just take pictures . . . make pictures!Instructor: Daniel R. PeralesMember, $55; Non-member, $65

Adobe Lightroom EditingWed, Jun 24, 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

This photography training course is perfect for both the passionate photographer and those new to photography. Discover how Adobe Lightroom can improve your image quality, presentation, and professionalism. Learn techniques for cropping and editing photos, adding effects, showcasing your work in slideshows, creating beautiful prints, and much more.Instructor: Daniel R. PeralesMember, $55; Non-member, $65

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SupporterAleyandra Armstrong and Jerry McCoyAngela BrubacherJennifer DiastiSean Donovan and Suellen KerriganAndrew GeelJulia Mitchell and Doug OrrNikki and Trevor TaylorRichard and Devnie Theidel

FamilySusan and Terry BarrettStanley and Mary BorosWalter and Barbara CareyHolly and Elia ChesnoffDerwood ChiaponniDavid and Elizabeth ClarkBurk and Susan ClarkKevin and Karen ClaytonPatricia and George ComunaleAron Crady and Nicholas OwensSarah CrissmanJeff and Teresa DavisCarlos De FreitasJames and Sherrie DeatonValerie Detweiler and Thelma JamisonPeter and Jean DiGiulioAnthony and Paula DriscollJeanne M. FerestadWilliam S. Forsberg and Jennifer E. PetersonValeri Gonzales and Edith AronesChristine HolmesLaurie Homer and Rodney WambeamJennifer and Laurence HunnErnie and Joyce InghamMichael and Laurel JamesJoshua and Kathryn JewettBevery and James KapustiakBadieh Karps and Mehmet SomersanLeslie and John KorffBärbel and Wolfgang KramerJennifer KuniIbolya and Attila KulcsarDonna and Alberto LayrisseIsabella Lehrer and Audrey LehrerDebra Juliano LinthicumChristian and Jaime LunardiLaura and Herbert MagnussonRandy and Susan MallitzCharles and Cheryl MarshalseaJames and Marian MartinTodd and Julie MathesJennifer Roger McBlaineSharon McKenzie and Nancy BoronkasWilliam and Jeanne McMillanBeverly and Robert MelucciJoseph and Susan MemmingerGeorge Merlin and Leonor Rodriguez-FerrerBill and Cammy MilnerAudrey MitchellTeri and Adrian MooreMarleen Murgitroyde and Sheila LegoMelanie and Peter NealisJon and Anne ObermeyerChristopher and Keiki PatricoskiRonald and Cheryl PauwelsBetty Perlmutter and Paul KleinMarva Earleel PinnickMichael and Jeanne PinterJulia Reis and Marilyn OfferJennifer and Bobby RodgersLoria Salem and Emma Salem and l’Yonna MonixDaniela and Joseph SchiroJill and Keith SeditaFrancisco Serrano and Maria Jose Pasquel

Steven and Elizabeth SeymourChristine and John ShepardSharon and George SousaFalicity and Bob StackEric and Deanna StonierJames R. Thorson and Connie SmithRebecca and Dan ThrelkeldNelson and Joyce TorreRobert Verdon and Victoria PagonisJeanMarie and Santo VilardiNatalie Wagner and Diana PrestiSteven and Lana WatneWilliam and Georgia WeisbergImogene and William WottowaSue and Jerry YetterAldo Zucaro

DualCathy Abrams and Brad RootSheri AbramsonLoretta AckermanStuart and Barbara AferiatAnde and Marie AlbertJacqueline AlbertDiane Alexander and Bill KoniuszyAngeline AlexisLydia Amador and Gilda AmendolaStan and Marilyn AmatucciDean W. Anderson and Tihda VongkothTherese and David AndersonKenneth-Scott and Janna AndrewsElizabeth and Matthew Andrzejewski-WilsonJoyce and Mayer ArnowitzJolene and Andrew ArrantMillie AustinBruce BalckTony and Dana BalionisGregg and Cynthia BaranTerri Barcus Lee and David BauldSusan Beane and Ann SimondsCari BeardElizabeth BeeneCharles Belson and Janer Danforth BelsonRick BenitezTeri Berkes and Scott BrundettCarol Bernhard and Jerry CohnDaryll and William BernsteinSonia BerrioPat Biondolillo and Elmar KoldertLaszlo and Dolores BiroBJ and David BishopSusan BlakeBette Blitzer-Mills and William MillsGiuliana Bodie and Melinda NessAlisha and Russell BohnGeoffrey and Linda BooleKaren Boone and Jody BrownM.J. Bottrell and Anthony PitkiewiczDon and Melanie BoucherGerard Bourgeois and Daniele CharronJoyce Bowers and Ann Marie BowersAnthony and Molly Britten-CampbellLynn BruskyPatricia BuckleyMarielouise BurnsJaynie Bush and Audrey CampbellJohn Butts and Jessica FajardoDavid and Abby ByerlyMaureen Byrne and Yvonne ConleyHeidi CapozzaVivian Carasso and Stu ChapmanLory Carpenter and Joanne HalladayJeffrey C. and Marlis CarterMichael and Ursula Case

James and Bonnie CassidyJacqueline and Andrew CastegnierLevisa and Sener CavusPatricia and John CesareVirginia Champagne and Alan AveryLaurie Chandler and Dawn WilleyBrad and Carol CharbonneauPatricia and Timothy CherryRobert and Susan CheungLouis and Margaret ChicatelliCarole ChirgwinPatricia Chotin Charles Churilla and Charma KonnorDeborah and John CimasiEmily Clausen and Phil BeltDavid and Susan CohenCarrie and Steven CohenKelli and David ColemanChris and April ConettaScott and Barbara CooperTerry and Bette CooperDouglas and Mary CordierCornacchione and Kenneth CynthiaDebra and Robb CostaJoyce Ann CoxRichard and Mary Beth CravenKeli CrowleyCheryl Cucinotta-Hargaden and Anthony HargadenEllen and Bill CunninghamRobin and Chase CurtisDavid and Catherine CuthellVictor and Anna D’AmatoDagmara DanekTerry and Joan DardasMatt DeFano and Erna DalenViviane DeleuzePaul Dennis and Christine GoldsmithTom and Madeline DePuyWilliam S. DeSimone and Martha Adams-DeSimoneLydia Diep and Jimee Phap TruongAndre and Eszter DiMarzioEileen and Donald DimbergWendell and Victoria DinehartKelly Downey and Victor ZayasRobert A. Dubler and Janet StebbinsRita and Ulrich ElbenRobert and Linda ElderRichard Ellis and Louise HalveyNancy and Ned EngelNancy and David EvansSteve and Kathy EvansBarry Farmer and Pat JonesMark and Katherine FaustJack and J. Deryle FawcettRichard Featheryear and Faye RaffertyEva FeketeSusan and Gerry FerrariBarbara Filippi and Michael HilbornErika Finnegan and Joshua SchlabachEllen and Lawrence Finn-WelchGeorge and Lynn FisherLindsey and Catherine FisherPatrick and Susan FlanaganV Randall Flora and Bonnie McMurrayPatrick and Catherine FoppeDenise FosterDiana FowlerArthur and Marlene FrancisThomas Fredericks and Kathleen KrafftVictoria and Neil FrederiksenJulie and David FreedJoseph and Valerie FreundAlExander Fridman

David and Patricia FrostKaren Fulton and Roxanne FultonViolet GanongKyle Gardner and Coral DowslandRobert Gargiulo and Winola Denny-SmithChris GeeslinMyra GentileClyde and Linda GenungLinda Gesko and Rebecca SearcyCarolyn and Stephen GibsonJuan Gil and Ricardo TeixeiraRoberta GittlerMichelle GniadySheryl Gofman and Walt HajdukVicki GohlIra and Elliana GoldbergStephen and Maureen GoodmanWilma Goodman and Loretta KeenanMike and Becky GoodmanPhillip and Marianne GordonCarol and James GosartJoanne and Waldemar GouletKathryn and Robert GrabowskiHeidi GradyHugh Christa GrahamRegula GrangerM.H. and G.Y. GreenPaul and Lorraine GreiffArthur and Gloria GribbinMaureen Griffin and Terence CroninJulie and Richard GriffinChristine and James GriffithCarol and Ronald GriffithFred and Emily GurtmanArthur and Linda GutwilligMargaret Haas and Leslie AustinJames and Lorraine HadnagySandra and Robert HanrahanDicie and Jane HansenAnthony and Lois HardieRick Harlow and Barbara HarlowRobert Harris and Paula SmithBobbi HarrisLaquita and Gerard HaymanSarah Haynes and Jesse CowanMark and Cheryl HeddlestenColleen and James HeimRobert Heller and Debbie Silver-HellerPamela and Jason HenleySusan Herdman and Gus WinterJohn Higgins and Rosemary WrightDaniel and Carol HittlemanTerri and Stan HolsingerMichael Holter and Marsha EllingsonRosemary Homisak and Celeste DorageRoger and Deborah HowardAllen and Laurie HuebnerMalcolm and Carol IlottJosephine IveyAngele JabreJanice Jenkins and Jeannine JenkinsAmy Jenner and John ViehmanDonna and Joel JohnsonMatt Johnson and Joan KelleyArnold and Jill JohnsonKelly JohnsonJeannie Mattox Johnston and Norma Jean MattoxJudy A. JonesLynn JonesVicki and Uday JoshiSherrie Kannaday and Mary KannadayMichael and Melissa KaplanWendell and Peg KapustiakJames Kayal and Kathleen RooneyJudith Keefe

Kathleen KellyDon and Rebecca KettyBobby and Jane KingPauline Kingsbury and Mary Tornabene-ColemanGail KiplingerDaniel A. Kisch and Lisa NaiburgDonley Kisner and Anthony PruittLinda Klein and Roger CoscaratMeggan and Charles KleinMyles Kleper and Judy IzenWilliam and Catherine KlettkePeter Kliem and Ann Wolff KliemCarl and Britta KlutkeJason Koczman and Shawna GilesAnna Kohen DeRowe and Markus DeRoweEd and Keirly KormanGabriele KosakDesiree M. Kossarides and Storm HaleGeorge and Carolyn KotlewskiDion and Marwa KurczekCatherine and Michael KushnerAnna LaciakChris and Kathryn LakeHeather and Charles LalanneChris LandesGlenn and Margaret LaRueFred and Phyllis LaskyCathleen LawrenceDavid and Ricki Le VineBill and Tina LeaverGary and Pauline LeBoeufJayne and James LemliCollette Lester and Julie NickleyMichael Lester and Gregg ArencibiaAndrew Levers and Margaret Carlile LeversDebra and Peter L’HeureuxHelen and John LiMarziPaul Lohbaver and Virginia RobertsKen and Beth LonsingerDouglas Lorenzen and Pamela BishopMelissa Lounsbury and James OsherNancy and Robert LourieVirginia Lowe and John AntonuckJanet and Daniel LundyLorraine LutgenJamie and Kevin LynchDavid and Rebecca LyonsMartha Mackey-DownsFrederick MacNamara and Susan MorganFrank and Lidia MadrazoStephen Madva and Denise CreedonJoseph and Joann MagnerKelli and William MaldonadoBarbara Males and Anne BrooksMichele and Brandon MaloMary Marcus and Dawn SteeleOscar and Karen MartinezDon and Terri MatchettThomas and Denise MattmullerSal and Karen MauroErica Mayer and Thomas BestTherese MazeLiz and Bill McArthurTheresa and Robert McCartyMargene and Ron McColloughKent and Barbara McCreightMary Colleen McGue and Randall Sean SellersRobert McILwain and Annette McILwainBonnie McIntyre and William NoonanRosemary McKenney and Kim RaganDon and Anne McKinnonJulie and Ed McMullenDonald and Mary McPhailSusan and Bob MeiselRichard Merkhofer and Maria Aristigueta

John and Deborah MetzgerRoger and Rebecca MeyersPatricia and Alfred MeynMark Milchman and L. D. PollackMichael and Connie MillerPatricia and Duncan MillerPatrick and Gay MillerShlaine and Richard MilliganLesley MillsLinda and Richard MooneyRichard Moraczewski and Dorothy O’BrienRichard and Marilyn MorangeDai Morgan and Chris JarmulJoan Morris and Hank RichardsonCarol and Alex MorrisDiane and Bill MorseAndrew Moulton and Svetlana SmirnovaPaul and Dawn MoweryPatricia MucciaccioDonna MurphySarah and Max NadelmanElsbeth and Geurg NadorffEdward Nalebuff and Marcia NalebuffJohann and Sandi NanayakkaraGerald and Marilyn NaylenChristopher Neetz and Shayna TeicherEric and Jeanne NielsenJohn and Kayla NilesCecilia and Sal NoceraSara and Jim NortrupCheri NugentRobert and Cheri NugentVictor and Karen NusicMartha H. O’DonnellRay and Sandra OldsMark Olivere and Mark ManningSean and Holly O’MaraCarol and Robert OramLibby OskampVirginia and Douglas OstromAustin Pacher and Michele GlennLisa and Thomas PaineGary and Lynn PakullaSkip and Susan PalmerNoam Paransky and Emily BernsteinAlice PasternackMary Ann PearsonGary and Rosemary PeatrowskyBetty Jean PetersKris Phillips and Joyce WilsonElizabeth Pickett Gray and Lauren GrayJulie and James PipesEdward and Emily PiresHarmoney and Raymond PittetJalone and William PittsShannon PoffFrank and Jacoba PootBill and Faye PorterRene Powers and Rita CevanterReagan Preacher and Ryan PreacherIra Press and Eileen CiffelliJane and Marshall PressmanSharon M. PriceJustin and Stephanie PriestleyKimberly Proctor and Barbara ZelleyThomas and Debora PrzybycienDelwin and Marla QuenzerGhelly QuesenMarcia and Bob RabbJuan Ramirez and Gabriela MarquezBarbara RaphaelKenneth and Janet ReczkiewiczCamilla Reid and Eleazar MartinezJoyce and Doug ReiffReuben and Beth Rempel

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Joe and Barbara RigginsNancy Cooper Robb and Richard RobbJennifer and Wayne RobbinsJoel and Nicole RodriguezDale and Suzi RoedgerNorman and Judy RoehrsThomas and Susan RongitschMaureen RonningDiana and Nelson RoseGillian Ross and Louis PouliquenLori and Richard RothsteinMichael and Linda RoushKaren and Paul RowdenJere and Dar RowlandGeorge and Elsie RoyleEmelia RuudAaron Rzadczynski and Mary AlcoberSaint Charles Catholic SchoolBarbara Sanderson and Martha EricksonLawrence and Judy SchattnerDavid and Beth ScheidererDonald and Peggy SchmidtCynthia J. SchneiderMarc and Judy SchweigerRichard Scovil and Karen Reed SimpsonSung-Sook and Mark SettonGayle and Lowell ShafferDorothy Shean and Al HudsonLarry and Beth ShearNancie-Lynn Sheldon-Martin and David MartinLinda and Larry ShepherdLibbie Sherman and Deb ShossJim and Charlotte SimmonsMichael and Janell SimpkinsMark and Jackie SingelLouise Sinks and David SilvaToby Skelton and Nadine SaundersCarol S. Smith and Lisa StottlemyerGail and Ronnie SmolenMargaret Sowka and Peter SowkaMartin and Susan SpectorJon StafsholtVictor and Toni SteebGeorge and June StojkovicWilliam and Gloria StoryCynthia Stratford and Leah StratfordDrew Strouble and Kim CrowMark and Lisa StuartAthena SunderlandJames and Debra TakajyGeorge and Cristeen TalbotChristine TaliaferroLouis and Kathleen TangorraDavid and Kathy TangrenDavid and Marijose TarttDorothy P. Taylor and Gilbert McElroyCarol and Lester TaylorCarl and Leatha TerwilligerBrian and Joan ThackaberryNancy Thielman and Tony PerezDavid and Angela ThiermanNancy and William ThistleTerry and Geoffrey ThomasPatricia Thomas-Danos and Savas DanosTeresita Torres Velez and Roberto VelezPatricia A Tremonto and Mark StephanyShreekant and Daksha TripathiKathleen Trost and Stephen HenryFoxworth and Ay TroyStefan and Karin TruemperAnh-Huong Tu and Terry SpragensDonald and Glenna TuckerJon and Helen TurnerTeresa and Tim TyrrellSheila Valentino and Susan Mac Dougall

Randy and Joyce VanderleestMargrit VoglerChristine WagnerAdam Wait and Leroy WilksBrandon Ward and Dana CintiCarol WaresIra and Fran WarrenAndy and Anja WelihozkiyMelissa Wenig and Joel GordonTobi West and Denise JohnsonDeborah and B.T. WesterfieldKenneth and Kate WheatleyBarbara P. Whelan and Ann O’MaraBill and Diane WhitingHannah and Paul WhittakerBeth and Chris WietrzykowksiDavid and Kathleen WilkieKatie and Keith WilkingCraig and Brenda WilsonMatthew Wilson and Kathleen LloydJoan and Jim WilsonEdward and Nancy WimberleyMarquis and Patricia WittBruce and Cindy WitteWendell and Linda WolkaJoseph and Michelle WolleonMary WoodworthNancy and Thomas WyshockChristopher and Manuela YoungBill Yue and Holly WangJonathan and Hilary YunisDavid and Toni ZarghamiRebecca and Paul ZeisslerLynda and Donald ZettlemoyerLindsey and Jim Zink

SingleJulia AaronKaren AartsJeffrey AckerRoberta AdamsonDeepa AlfanoTyler AllenCarol AllisonChristine E. AlsudeirawiMari-Jean AndersonElizabeth AndersonJosette AraminiKim ArmstrongMaika ArnoldChristian AxnessBranden C. BailyLinda Lee BakerMary BakerLaurie BakerHanna BanesHarriett BarrettLee BaumanGloria BeckstromJoanne BedardDianne BlackAmy BlancoVictoria BlumthalPamela BoyerNataniela BracelisRozalind BrackPatricia BrandonLynne BrantBill BreidingerKate BrennerDorothea BrownChristine BruggemanNancy BrumfieldKay BruningNicole Bruning

Karen BunchJudith F. BurgisCoral BurnamanMarguerite CalandeBrenda E. CalvertGerry CampbellKathleen CantleySusan CartwrightCandace CaseyLaurie ChalmersLinda ChamberlainDrue ChatfieldGalina ChehirianFred ChillingtonPatricia ChristensenAlberta ClarkJoyce A. ClarkMary CooneyLee CorbinoSarah CostonisCarolyn CoulterJudy CroceSherry CrosbyMali DavisMary Delaporta-PeckPeggy Demayo FranciscoCarrolee DesowitzBarbara DiBiaseSusanne DietrichSusan DinsmoreCarol DorrJudith E. DorseyKathleen DoughertyMary DunnePaul EbermanMary EckertDonna EdwardsHillary EinbowdenWilliam W. EndorfMatthew ErtasDebbie EskewRobert EvertsSerene FarmerFarideh FarshidNancy FeelyJudith FeldmanHaruka FendersonKate FidaniChristina FilkinsSuzan FlemingRick FloodLisa FlynnCarol ForrestHeather ForteWallace FreyJeanette N. FunkhouserBambi FurtadoEmerita GaborSusan BunnRosemary GalfordJane GallickCarla GaskillFrank GiasoneGreg GilesDavid GillmanSusan GinsburgSharon GlennKaren GoldenCynthia GoldsteinJennifer B. GouldKristene GreggThomas GriffisJoan B. GrossmanNijola GrynCindy Guest

Joseph GuggenheimCharlotte GummessonRobert GutekJohn E. HagenDonna HaresChawla S. HarjitEllen HartsockMarcia HaugheyJane HausmannSherry S. HawleyD. Martin HaydenAndye HealyKevin HeathAndrea HendricksonCatalina HendricksonMerete N. HermansenJillian HeysBonnie HigginsMyra HindusNiva HirshfeldGeorgia-Jean HollanderJoan HoskinsMaura HowlAlexandra HudsonChelsea HursmanRichard HynesJeremy Iles-NorthPam IorioJennifer JacksitsLori JacksonJudith JamiesonCathy JarmerKaren JenningsDiane JohanssonMaureen JohnsonDru JonesLinda KaboThomas KayeKaren KeddyHolly KeenanHelen KellyAdam KendallJosephine KimDarla KizerVanda KlopensteinWilliam KoegelMarjatta KoivulaStacy KoskiTereza KozakovaDelores KramerBarbara KrivdaAihan KuhnMaryranne LairdBeverly LaRockJohn H. LawrenceKendra LeachMax LevineMarion LewisNorma LiburdAmy LidskyDeena LinettGeraldine LipovCheng LiuLucille LobruttoNancy LocknerMargaret LougheadCat LubinSheri LublinKelsie MacMillanMaureen MaguireAnupma MalikChristine Manzella-ClarkDale MarcusRhoda MarcusSandra Marks

Sandra MayoKim MaypoleJoan McCauleyCindy McGuireCarol McKeoneRhonda McLymontBarbara C. McmanamanTooni MiliciSamantha MillarWilma MillerSandra MirandaKathleen ModrcinTracy Lynn MonacoJolene MontanoHeather MooreMarcia MoretskyKathryn MoroneyJan MorrisKarl MortensenCarol MurphyPaulette Ruth Nakutny-WardDebora NashPhyllis NathansMiriam NaumanYanuary NavarroKarla NeebPeter NehringJaryn NelsonShirley NicholsAlina NiedzielaDebbi NierenbergTeresa NoaBarb NuttingJohn O’BrienKristy OchsehdorfSandra OliverZelena OneAllen OveryCatherine OwensPaul ParesiSarah ParkerParry PattonCarol PattonMary A. PedersenPJ PerrinRegina R. PoundHeather PovolishDiane PowersMary S. PriceHarriett Lou PucciAnne PullinJudy RabetteLauren RaimanBarbara RandolphJeff RayMarcia ReassChristie RenshawRichard F. RestonMelanie B. RichardsonJane RitcheyMary RivasDiana RiveraGayle RobertsDorthia RogersIvana RolnikovaValerie RomanielloShelley RowleyChristina RussellMargaret SaewertLinda SalomonDebi SanquedolceHelen SavioPaula ScarantinoEileen SchinellerArt Schneller

Debra SchoenbachVanita ScholzLina M. SchultzNorma ScottMary M. ScottAnn M. SearsCarole J. SeeversGeraldine SellersJayne ShacketOlivia M. ShapiroRandy SharpAnn ShevinRosemarie ShindeYashar ShiraziLiliana D. ShockeyBruce SingPam SlauterPhilip SmithNicole H. SmithBrenda SmithJo Ann SolnokiBryan SpainhowerMartin SpectorDorene StarkeyDebbie StephensJustine C. SteppIsabella StrachanErin Sulbaran,Jessica SwiftCourtney TarantinoJudy TateCheryl A. TatonettiBarbara TevesErni ThompsonColleen M. TobinJuliana ToledoJudith TomkinsGail TotzGina M. ToyntonSally UllmanRegina A. VehonskyBrian VerbleIsabel VolpertKaren I. WebbGail WebsterPaula WeismanLeslie WellsSusan WetzelJeanette K. WhaleySandra WiggintonKay J. WightLeslie WilliamsMarnee WilliamsAshley WilliamsJudy WilliamsLynnda C. WitteKathleen WolfMary WoolfolkMary Jo WyvilleJudith YaskinBethany YoungNataliya ZavhorodnyaJanet Zinner

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Organization DonorsAce & Lillian Fessenden Family FoundationAmica Companies FoundationAmicus FoundationCarlson Family Donor Advised FundCommunity Foundation of Sarasota County, Inc.Dart FoundationDominion Foundation Matching Gift ProgramE. Boyer and Irene L. Chrisman Charitable FoundationEthel and Ronald Taub Family FoundationExxonMobil FoundationFaulhaber Foundation IncFidelity Charitable Gift FundFlorida Department of EducationFlorida Division of Cultural AffairsGerald A. & Karen A. Kolschowsky Foundation, Inc.Gulf Coast Community FoundationHarley C. & Elizabeth Keedick Lee Memorial FundKosciusko County Community FoundationLinnie E. Dalbeck Memorial Foundation TrustNational Christian FoundationPerry and Rose Harten TrustPublix Super Markets Charities, Inc.Roberta Leventhal Sudakoff FoundationS. Irwin Kamin FoundationSarasota Bay Estuary ProgramSarasota Bromeliad SocietySarasota Fern SocietySchwab Fund for Charitable GivingScott R Wheaton FoundationStanley Smith Horticultural TrustThe Benevity Community Impact FundThe Bryce Family FoundationThe Coca-Cola FoundationThe Community Foundation of LouisvilleThe Frank E. Duckwall Foundation, Inc.The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-ManateeThe Sommer Family FoundationTourist Development Council of Sarasota CountyTriad Foundation, Inc.Tropical Fruit Society of SarasotaVisit Sarasota CountyWalmart Corporate GivingWoman’s ExchangeWood Family Foundation

Individual and Corporate DonorsMr. and Mrs. Richard R. AckermanMs. Deborah A. Albarran-SoteloMr. Ramiro Albarran-SoteloMs. Julia AlexanderMs. Peg Allen and Mr. Steve DixonMr. and Mrs. Jack R. AllenDr. Janet E. Allgair and Dr. George W. AllgairDrs. James and Nancy AmbersonMr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Anderson, Jr.Mr. and Ms. Richard L. AntoineMr. and Mrs. Alan G. ApfelMs. J. Alison Archbold and Mr. Hugh J. BettendorfMr. and Mrs. James A. ArmourArt to Walk OnAs Good As It GetsMs. Earleen M. AshbrookMs. Linda AtkinsMr. and Ms. Ronald BachMr. and Mrs. James BakerMr. and Mrs. Michael R. BakerMs. Lesley BakerMrs. Virginia BaldauMr. and Mrs. Dwight T. BallMs. Maureen A. Ballinger and Mr. Gary GallupeMr. Greg BandMs. Victoria J. BannisterMrs. Sylvia S. Barber

Mrs. Ruth A. BarkerDr. Marguerite BarnettMs. Nancy BarronMr. and Mrs. Sal BarzilayMrs. Carmen G. BaskindMrs. Barbara W. Bates and Mr. David B. BatesMr. Ken Bauer and Ms. Tricia GonzalezMs. Paula BedoMr. and Mrs. Ronald R. BelschnerCouncilman and Mrs. James H. BennettMs. Margareta K. BeringMs. Chris Berra and Mr. John MacsisakMrs. Rita BicknellMr. and Mrs. Ben BierbrierMr. and Mrs. Jerry BirnbaumMs. Faith F. Bishock and Mr. James ColvinMrs. Doris E. BisphamDr. Janet Bisset and Dr. Kevin MaddenMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BlekickiDr. and Mrs. Crain BliwasMr. and Mrs. Ashley B. BloomMrs. Violet K. BochanMrs. Margaret M. BoehmMr. and Mrs. Fred BoehmMr. and Mrs. Stephen W. BoeselMs. Megan BogartMs. Michele BomontBookstore1 SarasotaMr. and Mrs. Larry BouliaMr. Brian J. BoydMs. Elsie S. BrackenDr. and Mrs. Joe B. BrattonMrs. Brenda BrickerMs. Harriet K. BrooksMr. and Mrs. Alan M. Brown, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Richard BrownMs. E. Ann BrownellMr. and Mrs. John M. BrownellMr. Eric BunchMs. Holly BurcenskiMr. and Mrs. Kevin P. BurkeBurke AntiquesMr. and Mrs. Robert B. BusbyMr. A. Scott BusheyMs. Ellen BushMs. Nancy S. Bushnell and Mr. Victor G. Reiling, Jr.Mrs. Harriet C. BusselMr. and Mrs. John BuzilowMr. and Mrs. Wallace CampMs. Anne CaplanMs. Alisa D. CarlsonMs. Grace CarlsonMr. and Mrs. Paul CassidyMrs. Liz CavedoJim and Chris ChapmanDr. Lorraine Cho-Chung-Hing and Mrs. Valerie Cho-Chung-HingMs. Aleta Chrisman and Mr. Paul BoltonMs. Judith M. ClappMr. and Mrs. John ClarkeMr. John Clarke and Mrs. Lorna ClarkeMrs. Pattie B. ClendeninMrs. Mary E. CobbMs. Patricia Cockerill and Ms. JoAnn MooyMs. Debbie Cohen and Ms. Mackie SpitzerMr. Mike Collier and Mrs. Toni TurnerMr. and Mrs. John C. CollinsMs. Theresa ConcannonMrs. Patricia L. ConerbyMr. and Mrs. C. Martin CooperDr. and Mrs. Kelvin CooperMr. and Mrs. James CornetetMr. Alan J. Corey and Mr. Seth D. WertzMr. and Mrs. Michael V. CorriganMs. Deborah M. Corsile

Mrs. Regina CoscarelliMrs. Georgia CourtMr. and Mrs. Kim CourterMs. Kathryn CunninghamMr. Joe CyrMr. and Mrs. Alfred D’AlessioMr. and Mrs. Peter J. DaleyMs. Nancy DanielMrs. Janet DapkunasMr. and Mrs. Robert DartMrs. Donna D. DayMs. Chrystalle M. De LucaMs. Joyce A. De MariaDr. and Mrs. Carlo R. De RosaMs. Helen-Marie DeardenMr. and Mrs. Peter DelisserMr. and Mrs. David DentonMr. and Mrs. James DeweyMr. and Mrs. Lance E. DisleyDr. and Mrs. Raymond J. DohertyMrs. Fay K. DonaldsonMrs. Marian DrostMr. and Mrs. Murray DuffinMr. James E. DuffyMr. and Mrs. Joel E. DyckesMrs. Carol EdellMrs. Allis F. EdelmanMrs. Theresa L. EdwardsMr. and Mrs. Allen EdwardsMs. Maria El ShahawyMr. and Mrs. Douglas C. ElderMrs. Dee EmerickMr. and Mrs. John O. EnanderMr. Douglas W. EndicottMs. Linda EricsonMrs. Mildred R. EricsonMs. Judith EssensonMr. and Mrs. Paul Euwer, Jr.Mrs. Heidi H. EvansMr. and Mrs. John E. EvansEvelyn and Arthur, IncMs. Kathleen M. Ewing and Mr. Bob KradoskaExpress Pak SrqMr. and Mrs. Joel FaberMs. Gail FaganDr. and Mrs. Fritz FaulhaberMr. and Mrs. Martin W. FaustMr. and Mrs. Joel D. FedderMr. and Mrs. Richard FergusonMrs. Lillian M. FessendenMr. and Mrs. Roger J. FeulnerMrs. Jane FidalgoMs. Claudia Figari and Mr. Bob OtterbergMr. Robert D. Hevey and Ms. Constance M. FillingMr. and Mrs. Irving FinkMs. Linda FischerDr. and Mrs. Robert H. FishMs. Heather FlanneryMr. P. William Forester and Ms. Lore AlvarezMr. and Mrs. William T. ForresterMr. and Mrs. Edward H. FossMs. Mary Foushi and Mr. Phil WerdellMrs. Leila F. FrangieMrs. Barbara Frankel and Mr. Ronald MichalakMs. Josephine E. Franz and Mr. Russell A. GillMr. and Mrs. David D. FurerGalleria SilecchiaMr. and Ms. Gary GallupeMs. Catherine GalvinMr. and Mrs. Larry GarberdingDr. Arthur GardikesMr. and Mrs. John H. GaryMrs. Jacqueline Gensemer and Mrs. Michelle BryanMr. and Mrs. Russell Gesme

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. GewirtzMrs. James GibsonMr. and Mrs. Anthony GireseMrs. Eugenia K. GlasserMr. Alfred R. Goldstein and Mrs. Jean Weidner-GoldsteinMr. and Mrs. John T. GolitzMs. Bernadette Golttschalk and Ms. Cathy DiroffMr. and Mrs. Jon GriffeeMr. and Mrs. Daniel GriffinMr. and Mrs. Douglas GriffinDr. Douglas GurakMr. Peter R. HaeberleMs. Judy W. HallMs. Patti HallMr. and Mrs. James P. HalsteadMr. and Mrs. Bartholomew J. HammonsMr. Jay HandelmanMr. and Mrs. Julian R. HansenMr. and Mrs. David S. HansonMs. and Mr. Lynn S. HardingMrs. Eleanor C. HardingMrs. Beverly A. HarmsMr. and Mrs. John HarringtonMr. Robert Harris and Ms. Paula WassermanMr. and Mrs. Glenn HarrisonMrs. Jeannie Hendrick-Perales and Mr. Daniel PeralesMs. Ruth E. Herrman and Ms. Martha HerrmanMr. Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Ms. Constance M. FillingMrs. Janet E. HeveyMr. and Mrs. Michael L. HicksMs. Jean Hall HinckleyMs. Shirley H. HissMrs. Rachel C. HollstadtMrs. Elizabeth W. HolmanMr. and Mrs. John HopperMrs. Marie HoranMrs. Joyce HortonMr. and Mrs. Richard HowlandMrs. Penelope M. HunekeMr. John M. HunekeMrs. Pamela HunnicuttMs. Whitney HydeI Tesori Clothing Jewelry AccessoriesMr. and Mrs. Bill IrishMr. Brandon JacobsMr. and Mrs. Leif JacobsenDr. Allen N. Jelks and Dr. Mary Larson JelksMr. and Mrs. Edward A. JenningsJLL Community ConnectionsMr. and Mrs. Raymond JohnsonMr. and Ms. David A. BeckMr. and Mrs. William R. JohnsonMs. Shara JohnsonMrs. Marie JonesMr. William R. JonesMr. Jack Kallis and Ms. Marna CogswellMr. Dale S. KammerlohrMrs. and Mr. Melissa KaplanMr. and Mrs. Michael L. KaplanMs. Cornelia M. Kase and Mr. John MintonMr. Richard G. KatzMs. Jeanne A. KatzensteinMs. Barbara KeimMr. Richard Kemmler and Mr. Nicolas CurplukMr. Charles Kerr and Mrs. Gudrun RiceMrs. Elizabeth M. KiefferMr. and Mrs. Ernest KingMs. Sue KingMs. Phyllis A. KirtleyMr. and Mrs. Al KlamertMrs. Joan M. KleinMr. and Mrs. William Klettke

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen KlineMrs. Patricia B. KnasiakMr. Marvin KocianMr. and Mrs. Gerald A. KolschowskyMr. and Mrs. Warrren KoontzMr. David R. Kotok and Ms. Christine SchlesingerDr. and Mrs. Joseph KreitMrs. Carol D. KreitMr. and Mrs. Richard C. KriskaDr. Doug A. Kuperman and Dr. Maureen MaguireMs. Barbara KuzmichLa Bella IntimatesMr. and Mrs. Phllip LaMacchiaMr. William B. LaPlaceMr. and Mrs. William B. La PlaceDr. Diana LagerMs. Sylvia LansbergMr. and Mrs. Barry A. LawrenceMr. and Mrs. Edgar “Larry” LawrenceMs. Cathy L. Layton and Mr. Pete RussellMr. and Mrs. Irwin LazarMs. Marietta F. LeeMr. and Mrs. Alan LendwayMr. Harry LeopoldMs. Denise H. LeschinskiMs. Ann Z. Leventhal and Mr. Jon O. NewmanMr. and Mrs. Lee LevinsonMs. Janet LevineMr. Jim LewisMr. and Mrs. Harold L LibbyMrs. Micky LindbergMr. and Mrs. Larry LinhartMrs. Elizabeth Locke BesseMr. and Mrs. Douglas G. LoganMs. Sharon L. LongDr. Barbara J. Lorry and Mr. Wilfred F. LorryMrs. Stephanie LouisMs. Susan LoveMr. and Mrs. Steve LloydLube of SarasotaMr. and Mrs. David LuftMs. Tracy LuxMr. and Mrs. Thomas B. LuzierMs. Eleanor S. LyonsM. L. GoslingMr. and Mrs. John MacalusoMr. and Mrs. Vytas MaceikonisMs. Ilse B. MackMr. and Mrs. Joe MaherMs. Eloise MalinskyMrs. Christine MannMr. and Mrs. Anthony MansellMr. and Mrs. Neal MarcusMr. and Mrs. Julius MarcusMariposa Designs, LLCMr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. MarkinDr. and Mrs. Louis MarquetMartin Freeman, LLCMr. and Mrs. Stuart MathewsonMs. Maureen MatthewsMr. and Mrs. Charles M. MayerDr. and Mrs. Donald N. MaynardMrs. Nathalie W. McCullochMr. and Mrs. Henry O. McFarlandMr. and Mrs. Jack McGarryMs. Joanne McIntyreMr. and Mrs. Jack McMakenMr. and Mrs. Eugene T. McSheaMelange HomeMs. Cynthia MellgrenMr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. MerrimanDr. Lisa MerrittMr. and Mrs. John W. MeshadMr. and Mrs. Arthur MeyersMichael’s On Main

Ms. Pat Michelsen and Mr. Eric DeanMr. and Mrs. Karl MillerMr. and Mrs. Raymond MillerMr. and Mrs. Raymond W. MillerMr. and Mrs. Townsend MinkMrs. Evelyn S. MinkMs. Joan C. Minoff and Mr. Douglas SharpeMr. and Mrs. Harold MitchellMr. Douglas B. Orr and Ms. Julia MitchellMrs. Maria R. MolnarMr. and Mrs. J. Donald MonskyDr. Nicholas T. Monsul and Dr. Eva A. BerkesMr. and Mrs. Eric MoonDr. Ricardo R. MoralesMr. and Mrs. Paul E. MorrisroeMs. Lisa MorrealeMrs. Gloria MossMr. Michael C. MullinsMr. David A. MuoloMr. and Mrs. James G. MurphyMr. Fred T. MurphyMrs. Martha J. MurphyMr. and Mrs. Richard M. MurrayMs. Maureen Murray and Mrs. Margaret MurrayMr. and Mrs. Carmine NapolitanoMr. and Mrs. Charles W. NaylorMs. Connie NelsonMs. Angela NeviusMr. and Mrs. John B. NewcombMs. Dawn NewsomMr. and Mrs. Anthony NiewykMr. and Mrs. Malcolm S. ScottMr. James W. NorrisMr. and Mrs. Gabe NotoMs. Jo Ann OakesMs. Dorothy A. O’Brien and Mr. Richard L. AntoineMr. and Mrs. Gerald R. O’ConnorDr. Betty Y. O’DellMs. Mary OdumMr. and Mrs. Ron M. OlsonMr. Jiten PandyaMr. James PaoneMr. and Mrs. Roy H. Park, Jr.Dr. Clio M. ParriginMrs. Carlotta H. ParsonsMr. Richard PastoreMr. and Mrs. Bob PaulishakMr. and Mrs. Richard PeaseMr. and Mrs. John F. PeirsonMrs. Pamela J. PelletierMs. Marcia M. PerkinsMr. Doug L. Perry and Ms. Konnie K. KruczekMr. and Mrs. Tom PestoriusMr. and Mrs. Michael S. PetilloMr. Richard N. PiazzaMr. and Mrs. Ermon R. PickardMr. and Mrs. E. Ronald PickardMr. and Mrs. Arthur C. PickettMr. and Mrs. Archibald PiperMr. and Mrs. Chester PletzkeMr. and Mrs. Jon S. PohlMr. and Mrs. Frank J. PollackMrs. Joanne PollackMr. Wilson Pollock and Ms. Erika PetersonMrs. Priscilla PoolmanDr. and Mrs. Daniel B. PopeDr. Robert T. Potter and Mrs. Barbara TaliaferroMs. Sharon PriceMr. Jan ProkajMs. Dor-Ann Pucciatti and Mr. Shannon C. MullinsMs. Maria PuszkarMr. C. Louis PutallazMr. William J. Quinn, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Henri L. QuintalMs. Lorraine Radauskas

Page 14: Uncovering Ancient Botanical Treasure in Belize Racing to Save

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens • www.selby.org26 The Tropical Dispatch May to August 2015 27

Memorial BenchIn memory of Mrs. Rhoda Safer & Mr. Martin Safer Mr. Brian M. Safer

Memorial ContributionsIn memory of Janet D. Gehrie Mrs. Nathalie W. McCullochIn memory of Mrs. Rhoda Safer & Mr. Martin Safer Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. SaferIn memory of Margarethe A. Strosnik Mr. and Mrs. Alfred KluckIn memory of Mariann S. Hand Mrs. Heidi H. EvansIn memory of Pamela H. Piazza Mr. Richard N. PiazzaIn memory of Jane H. Jones Ms. Anne CarwileIn memory of Nadia L. Schurawel, Loving mother and educator Ms. Christina RussiIn memory of Sophie T. Hawkes Ms. Merilda Reis

TributesIn honor of Bruce K. Holst Dr. Paul M. ResslarIn memory of Stephanie S Kost Mrs. Wendy KragIn honor of Mr. Ernest O. Winn Mrs. Donna D. DayIn honor of Janice D. Zoller Ms. Whitney HydeIn honor Grace Carlson for her birthday Ms. Mary OdumIn honor of Will and Bobbi Lorry Jim & Chris Chapman

Butterfly Garden Walkway

Bricks in MemoriamIn memory of David R. Hazeltine Sr. Marie Selby Botanical GardensIn memory of Allyn Gallup Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. NimtzIn memory of Mrs. Dorothy Miller & Mr. Carl Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. NimtzIn memory of Annika Lange Employees of Universal North AmericaIn memory of Margarethe A. Strosnik Mr. and Mrs. Peter BoccagnaIn memory of Audrey Lyons Ms. Mary Jo LyonsIn memory of Vienna Maratta-Murray Ms. Nadina MarattaIn memory of Jeanne Meyer Ms. Heather RobertsIn memory of Donald E. Schein Mrs. Elisa Graber Mrs. Joanne Brooks Ms. Andrea Schein

Bricks in TributeIn honor of Stella, James, Clara, Nathaniel and Amelia Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas GriffinIn honor of Kirsten and Jason Casey Mrs. Maryann TrachtenbergIn honor of Douglas C. Elder Mrs. Betsy ElderIn honor of Mrs. Betsy Elder Mr. Douglas C. ElderIn honor of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hough Mrs. Marla Hough

Memorial CremationIn memory of Mrs. Rhoda Safer & Mr. Martin Safer Mr. Brian M. Safer

Please notify us of omissions or errors. You may contact us at (941) 366-5731 or email [email protected].

Memorials and TributesA memorial or tribute gift to the Gardens is a wonderful way to honor family and friends.

Listed are gifts received between November 1, 2014 and January 31, 2015.


Mrs. Jean K. Ranallo and Mrs. Rose SujdakMr. and Mrs. Roy RasmussenMr. and Mrs. Harold L. LibbyMr. Sandy RedererMs. Rosemary A. Reinhardt and Mr. David P. WelleMr. and Mrs. Reuben RempelMrs. and Mr. Beth RempelDr. Paul M. ResslarDr. Dennis A. Revicki and Ms. MaryLou PoeMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rice, IIIMr. and Mrs. Lloyd RichlessDr. Mark L. RiekeMs. Lynne RobbinsMr. and Mrs. John RobenaltMr. and Mrs. William J. RobertsMs. Ursula RobinsonMr. and Mrs. Franklin RobinsonMr. and Mrs. O. Wayne RollinsDr. and Mrs. Martin RosenbergMr. and Mrs. Stanford W. RossMrs. Dorothy D. RothMs. Marsha C. RothMr. and Mrs. Murray M. RothMs. Eleanor Rotheim and Mr. Robert GentileDr. and Mrs. Howard E. RotnerMr. Douglas A. Russell and Ms. Karen A. KuziaMr. and Mrs. Brian M. SaferSaks Fifth AvenueMr. Hans R. Salheiser and Mrs. Lynette VelezMs. Diana Chase SandersMrs. Nancy L. SchaefferMrs. Patricia C. SchemmMr. David Kotok and Ms. Christine SchlesingerMrs. Nancy K. SchlossbergMrs. Esther M. SchmittMs. Marion SchmollingerMs. Rita M. SchneiderMr. and Mrs. Howard SchneiderMr. and Mrs. William SchoenerMr. Keith A. SchollMs. Nancy SchroederMr. and Mrs. Steve SchwartzMs. Cynthia ScleaseMrs. Anita B. ScottMr. and Mrs. Robert M. ScullyMr. and Mrs. Stephen A. SeallMrs. Hermine SebekMrs. Dorothy A. SedlakMr. and Mrs. Wayne F. SeitlMs. Susan H. SerlingMr. and Mrs. Thomas SettleMr. and Mrs. Harvey M. ShapiroMrs. Joan S. ShaverMs. Marleigh C. Sheaff and Mr. Stephen BrackerMr. and Mrs. C. J. ShelleyMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Shepard, Jr.Ms. Patricia L. SherryMr. and Mrs. Jay ShiversMr. and Mrs. Simon Shlenker, IIIMr. Joel Shoemaker and Ms. Rebecca KobosMr. and Mrs. Alan M. ShumanMr. and Mrs. Ralph A. SieveMr. and Mrs. Ted J. SimonMr. and Mrs. Martin SobelDr. and Mrs. Armin SommerMr. and Mrs. Scott SommerSoto OpticalMr. and Mrs. Robert B. SpearMr. and Mrs. Billy B. SpringerMr. and Mrs. David StaatsMr. and Mrs. Alan D. StaffordMrs. Beverly S. StarrMr. and Mrs. Jan D. SteberDr. Chris SteinwachsMr. and Mrs. Robert N. Stern

Mr. and Mrs. Bayne StevensonMrs. Betty A. StewartMr. and Mrs. James G. StewartMr. and Mrs. John S. StippMs. Penny StithMs. Cheryl StockDr. and Mrs. Robert D. StoneMs. Lorraine C. StraitsMr. Richard L. StreetMr. Charles F. StreichMr. Joseph A. StrosnikDr. Laurey M. Stryker and Dr. Charles StrykerMrs. and Mr. Lisa StuartMr. and Mrs. Mark StuartMr. Bruno SutleyMr. and Mrs. Erik SvensonMrs. Anne O. SwainMr. and Mrs. Howard SwartzMr. and Mrs. Edward SwensonMr. Larry SwisherMr. and Mrs. Jim SyprettDr. Ronald H. Taub and Ms. Marcia Jean TaubMr. and Mrs. David M. TaylorThe Golden ImageThe Observer GroupMr. and Mrs. Arthur R. TheveninMr. and Mrs. Tom J. ThomasMs. Barbara ThomasonMr. and Mrs. Pieter G. ThomassenMrs. Sylvia M. ThompsonJ. TimberlakeMs. Deborah TomczykMr. and Mrs. William D. TompkinsMr. and Mrs. Richard ToppelMr. and Mrs. Robert B. TreacyMs. Joann M. TsangaliasMr. and Mrs. Andres TugendhatMr. and Mrs. Franklin TugwellMr. and Mrs. Timothy T. TyrrellDr. and Mrs. Dean F. UphoffMr. Al UsackMrs. Margarete van AntwerpenMr. and Mrs. Peter VandermarkMr. and Mrs. David VannMr. and Mrs. Vincent P. VentimigliaMr. and Mrs. Anthony VickersMr. and Mrs. Daniel F. WalcottMs. Jean G. WalkerMs. Emily A. WalshMrs. Kim WarrenMr. and Mrs. D. Garrad WarrenMs. Joyce D. Waterbury and Mr. Ron ConnersMrs. Eleanor WatsonMr. and Mrs. Edward G. WebberMrs. Mary Wehle and Ms. Sarah WehleMr. and Mrs. Leigh WeinerDr. and Mrs. Norman WeinsteinMr. and Mrs. John R. WeissMs. Michael Ann Wells and Mr. Dave SoltisDr. and Mrs. Stanley G. WernerMs. Katherine M. WernerWet NosesMs. Janet Wettlaufer and Mr. Donald MillerMr. and Mrs. Steven F. WheatonMs. Johnna WhiteDr. and Mrs. Joseph L. WieczynskiDr. and Mrs. Stephen G. WienerMr. and Mrs. Ty WilkinsonMr. Ralph WilkinsonMs. Jeanne WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Robert Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Richard WilliamsMrs. Nellie WinelandMr. and Mrs. Thomas WinkofskeMr. Peter Wolfson and Ms. Laura ButterfieldMr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Wood, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. WoodsMs. Jane Y. WoodsWrite-On SarasotaDr. and Mrs. Frederick WurlitzerMr. and Mrs. Glenn R. ZastrowMr. and Mrs. William C. Zoller

In-Kind Corporate DonorsA Parker’s BooksAccessories Gone WildAmerican European AutoAnna Maria Oyster Bar - Corp OfficeAnn’s Frame and Art GalleryAntoine’s RestaurantApollonia GrillArt to Walk OnArthur Murray Dance Studios of SarasotaBaltimore OriolesBarnacle Bill’s SeafoodBeach House RestaurantBee Ridge LightingBeneva Flowers & GiftsBeyond DancingBig Cat HabitatBig Earth Landscape SupplyBlue RoosterBob’s BoathouseBoho Cottage MarketBookstore1 SarasotaBroken Egg (Expo Center)Cafe VeniceCannonCarmel Cafe & Wine BarCasa SmeraldaCason PhotographyC’est La VieClayton’s Siesta GrilleClyde Butcher GalleriesCoffrin JewelersColumbia RestaurantCorida Olive OilCraft OrganicCrow’s NestCutting Loose SalonDabbert GalleryDavidson Home Health EquipmentDC ValetDecor de FranceDiane K Salon & SpaDolce BeautyDolce Vita SalonDry Dock Waterfront GrillEarthfruits YogurtEarthstone JewelryEconomy TackleEdwin Watts GolfEl Greco Mediterranean CafeElysian FieldsEndless Summer TanEric’s Auto RepairEstetica By VandaEuduz Salon IncEuphemia HayeEvelyn and Arthur, IncFiona’s ChildrenwearFirst Watch RestaurantFleet Feet SportsFleming’s SteakhouseFlorida Studio TheatreFlowers By Fudgie

Foxy LadyFranklin LightingFred Astaire Dance StudioFresh Salon’s BloomG Fried FlooringGiGi’s CupcakesHealth FitHerbariumHotel Indigo SarasotaIkebana International Sarasota Chapter #115IOPTICSJ JillJflo Hair SalonJim’s Small Batch BakeryJohnny’s Car WashKaren’s Pet PlaceKennedy StudiosKing Fisher FleetLaurel Oak Country ClubLeBarge Tropical CruisesLolita TartineLongboat Key ClubMadfish GrillMandala Med-SpaMarie Selby Botanical GardensMarina JackMassage HeightsMattison’s City GrilleMattison’s Forty-One & Catering CompanyMcCarver & MoserMcCurdy’s Comedy TheatreMediterraneo RistoranteMilam Bogart AesthticsMilan’s JewelryMillie’s RestaurantMolly’s! A Chic & Unique BoutiqueMoments in TimeMorton’s Gourmet MarketNails By HeatherNew Balance SarasotaNew Happy NailsNew Music New CollegeNontandoOh My GauzeOrlando’s Gourmet ExpressP.J.’s Ladies FashionPanera BreadPasta La Pizza, BabyPatrick’s 1481Pattigeorge’s RestaurantPei WeiPeridia Golf & Country ClubPiccolo Italian MarketPinchers Crab ShackPlant & TreasuresPolo Grill & BarPomaro ShopPrimo RistorantePRP Wine InternationalReese ChevronRico’s PizzeriaRistorante EnotecaRiver Strand Golf & Country ClubRoessler’s RestaurantRugs As ArtRustic RoosterSally Trout Interior DesignSalon ExcelSam Snead’s American GrillSambaSarasota Film FestivalSarasota Film SocietySarasota Opera

Sarasota OrchestraSarasota TrophySea Cup and UpSerbin PrintingSharky’s on the PierShrode JewelersSimply SpoiledSNN6Soto Opticians of SarasotaSouthside DeliSpa HollywoodSpanish Pointe RestaurantSRQ PizzaStonewood Grill and TavernTaste of Hong KongTCBYThailand RestaurantThe Artful GiraffeThe Fresh MarketThe Hyde Park Prime SteakhouseThe Little SalonThe Meadows Country ClubThe Men’s Room SalonThe Players TheatreThe Ranch GrillThe Ringling Museum of Art

The Spice & Tea ExchangeThe Versatility GroupThe Walking CompanyThewinetobuy.comThings You LikeTijuana FlatsToasted MangoTommy BahamaTop Dog PetsTotal WineTreviso RestaurantTropical Thai RestaurantTsunami Sushi & Hibachi GrillValentinoVegVenice TheatreVictor Leon SalonVillage CafeWest Coast Black Theatre GroupWest End PubWhite Elephant ExchangeWoman’s ExchangeWUSF Public MediaYellow Strawberry Global SalonYoga from the HeartYour Farm and Garden

Page 15: Uncovering Ancient Botanical Treasure in Belize Racing to Save

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens • www.selby.org28

811 South Palm AvenueSarasota, Florida 34236





Celebrating a fantastic 4th of July is a tradition at Selby Gardens, and this year we have a new and exceptional event planned!

Join us for delicious food prepared by four premier BBQ vendors, custom crafted cocktails, live music by the Lauren Mitchell Band, and the amazing fireworks show over Sarasota Bay.

JULY 4 6-10PM

TICKETS $30 Members, $35 Non-members, children free!



$150 VIP Ticket includes valet parking, open bar and catering by Michael’s on East in

our indoor VIP area

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