  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov



    Make a mind map

    1.K - what I know2.W - what I want to learn


  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    What Is An Intelligence?

    "An intelligence is theability to solve problems,or to create products, that

    are valued within one ormore cultural settings."--Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    UnderstandingEach Intelligence

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Not one but eight ways of being IntelligentDr. Howard Gardner

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Lets experience the Eight IntelligencesUse dumb charades

    to show variousfractions while your

    partner guesses them

    Go through youryesterday recollectall events which hadsome fractions in it

    Draw a tree whichshows different

    fractions like half,quarter etc in the same


    Think ofa fraction inbetween and 1/3

    Discuss with othersif it is better to talk

    in terms of fractionsor percentages

    Write a small poemin praise of the


    Hum a line ofa tune/ song in such away that the first

    line (numerator) is apart of the secondline (denominator)

    Go fora walk innature and seewhere you canidentify various


    Here are eight activitiesbased on fractions.

    Try all: Do in the orderthat you prefer or theyinterest you or you find

    easy to do.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Is she intelligent differently?

    Arundhati Roy

    Linguistic Intelligence Skilled with words The Word Player

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Is he intelligent differently?

    Albert Einstein

    Logical/ MathematicalIntelligence Skilled with numbers &

    reasoning The Questioner

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Is he intelligent differently?

    M F Husain

    Spatial Intelligence Skilled with pictures

    & images The Visualizer

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Is he intelligent differently?

    Sachin Tendulkar

    Bodily/ KinestheticIntelligence Physical skill The Mover

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Is he intelligent differently?

    Pandit Ravi Shankar

    Musical Intelligence Skilled with melody

    & rhythm The Musical

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Is she intelligent differently?

    Mother Teresa

    Interpersonal Intelligence Skills of social

    understanding The People Person

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Is he intelligent differently?

    J Krishnamurthy

    Intrapersonal Intelligence Skills of self-knowledge The Philosopher

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Who is more intelligent?

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Since we are all intelligent differently,

    Its not how much,

    but How any child is intelligent?

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Give the most Crazy/Silly answers

    Why does sun rise in the east? Why does a triangle have three sides?

    What are the mountains high? Who is a leader? Why should first letter in a sentence be


  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Verbal Linguistic Intelligence

    Ability to Understand what others are conveying

    through written or spoken words Talk expressively and eloquently Compose, create, imagine using words

    Communicate effectively

    Students who are strong in verbal-linguisticintelligence love read, Write, and tell stories.

    They have good memories for names,places, dates, and trivia.

    Professional who use this intelligence includewriters, public speakers, teachers, secretaries,business and office managers, comedians,poets, and actors.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Musical Stimulation

    Make three columns1.Verbs,2.Adjectives,3.Nouns.Listen to instrumental music and under each category

    write whatever words come to your mind.

    Take it further:1. Check relationship between them2. Make a story or poem3. Use them in opposite ways

    4. Think ofa synonym orAntonym

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Musical IntelligenceAbility to

    Sensitivity to pitch, timber and rhythm ofsounds

    Appreciate quality musical composition Create musical compositions responsiveness to the emotional implications

    of these elements of music.

    Students Who remember melodies orrecognize pitch and rhythm exhibit musicalintelligence.

    They enjoy Listening to music and are awareof surrounding sounds.

    This intelligence is seen in such people assingers and songwriters, rock musicians,dancers, composers, and music teachers.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Visual Meaning

    Draw the following:1.Democracy

    2.Translucent3.Quit India Movement4.Congruent


  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Visual Spatial Intelligence

    Ability to Observe, Imagine visualize and Compose, Arrange, design, assemble Create visual-spatial representations of the world and to transfer them

    mentally or concretely. Students who exhibit spatial intelligence need a mental or physical picture

    to best understand new information: do well with maps, charts, anddiagrams: and like mazes and puzzles. They are strong in drawing, designing, and creating things.

    Professionals who use this intelligence include graphic artists. Cartographers,

    draftspersons, architects, painters, and sculptors.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Interview Time

    Against each foodcategory from the FOODPYRAMID write one ofyour favourite dish.Now interview atleast tenof your friends to see:1> How many like whatyou like?2> What is that they like?

    3> Further analyze howbalanced is yours andyour friends diet

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Interpersonal IntelligenceAbility to

    Understand others their needs, wants and emotions Listening, communicating with others Build relationship with others. Offer support Share time, thoughts and resources work effectively with other people and to understand them and

    recognize their goals, motivations, and intentions

    Students who exhibit this intelligences thrive on cooperative workhave strong leadership skills, and are skilled at organizing,communicating, mediating, and negotiating.

    This intelligence is usually seen in such people

    as teachers, therapists, Salespeople,counselors, politicians, religious leaders,

    and business executives. comedians,

    poets, and actors.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Math Logic Intelligence

    Ability to Reason, Manipulate Patterns Analytical thinking, Building (system) models Planning, systematic evaluation Working with actual numbers


    olving Challenges

    Students who excel in this intelligence havestrong problem-solving and reasoning skills andquestions in a logical manner.They can also excel in science-related logic and


    This intelligence can be seen in such people asscientists, bankers, mathematicians, computerprogrammers, lawyers, and accountants.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Naturalistic Intelligence

    Ability to Be sensitive and relate to elements

    of nature Understand relationships,

    interconnections andinterdependence in nature

    Distinguish, classify, see patternsand use features of environment

    This intelligence may be seen in the waywe relate to our surroundings and therole each part of our surroundings play.

    This intelligence is highly developedinsuch people as naturalist, natureresearchers, zoologist, botanist,

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Intrapersonal IntelligenceAbility to

    understand one's own emotions, goals, and intentions . Internalize, connect (and learn) deeply with own experiences Dream, Meditate Stay with ones feelings, Judge and assess self, Questioning self

    Students strong in intrapersonal intelligence have a strong sense of self,

    are confident, and can enjoy working alone. They have good instincts about

    their strengths and abilities.

    This intelligence is highly developed insuch people as philosophers, psychiatrists,

    religious leaders, and brain researchers,comedians, poets, and actors.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Act it Out

    1.How Day & Night happen on Earth.2.Principle on which a Sewing machine

    works.3.The difference between adjective and

    adverb.4.What are prime numbers.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Body kinesthetic Intelligence

    involves using your body to solveproblems, make things, and convey ideasand emotions.

    Students who are strong in thisintelligensce are good at physicalactivities, hand-eye coordination, andhave a tendency to move around,touch things, and gesture.

    Professionals who use thisintelligence include actors, athletes,surgeons, mimes, musicians,dancers, and inventors.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    So what about MI?

    Its not how much but HOW the child

    is intelligent -Accept Exposure to all Intelligences

    - all round development I learn best through my Intelligence -

    accelerate learning

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Natural Potential - 1

    Its not how much but HOW the child isintelligent - Hence - no comparison, nostandard scale of measurement

    So if my child is more musicallyinclined that does not mean that he isless intelligent than the neighbourschild who does wonders in mathstests.They are both DIFFERENTLYintelligent.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Natural Potential - 2

    Each one of us is born with strengths and gravitatetowards activities involving them - Hence acceptance of my childs strong intelligence

    So if my child all the time seems to bewanting to dance do I constantly nag her tostudy?Fortunately we have observed that when we

    ACCEPT the child the way the child is they are actually more than willing to makeup in the other areas.Dont we all like to be accepted and valuedfor what we are?

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Natural Potential - 3

    I would naturally excel in fields involving mystrong intelligences - Hence encouragementof those as possible career choices

    Fortunately in todays world there areenough opportunity for anybody toexcel, taste success and build asuccessful career in fields related to any

    intelligence. Everybody doesn't need tobe a engineer or a doctor or an ITprofessional.

    All as parents we need to do isrecognize and encourage the childs

    natural intelligence.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    All round development

    Exposure to all Intelligences Dont giveimportance to only few expand the childsdevelopment by exposing to all.

    One realize that each one of us have all the eightintelligences. Its just the difference of expertise of each.Two, in life to be successful, we do require acombination of intelligences hence lets develop all to

    a minimum level.Three, and the most important reason is that for a childto discover which intelligence he or she is SMART in - itis important that he or she is exposed to activitiesinvolving all the eight intelligences.

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Accelerated Learning

    Child learn best through childs strong intelligences.Instead of teaching through our intelligence lets make the childlearn through his/her intelligence

    Once we shift focus from a teacher taught approach toa learner learned approach we realize the significanceand impact of each child learning through his/herintelligence.

    So do we want learning to be interesting and enjoyablefor the child? So if we want child to understandfractions can we teach the visual through pictures,Body-kinesthetic through physical play, musical throughrhythms and its parts and so on. The next few slides

    give more examples of this:

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov



    Make a mind map

    1.K - what I knew

    2.W - what I want to learn

    3.L - what I learnt today


  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Parting thoughts

  • 8/3/2019 Understanding Each Intelligence CPM-25th Nov


    Thank You

    One way for me to understandeach intelligence is to become

    aware of the various qualitiespeople (including myself) exhibitwhen we excel in or totally enjoy


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