  • UnderstandinG kingdom commonwealth

    Learning how to operate in Kingdom Commonwealth according to God's

    system and design

    By: Howard Rose, Jr.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Copyright 2014 Howard Rose, Jr.

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 1502829405 ISBN-13: 978-1502829405

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014918570

    Cover Design by Howard Rose, Jr.

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    I would again like to dedicate yet another work to my loving, faithful, encouraging, strong, and caring Wife, Patience Lavon Rose. Truly you have been my rock and my help meet. You have been there with me against all odds and for that I am most thankful. It is because of you being in my life and having brought such a profound revelation of Kingdom to me that I am able to function and move forward in who God has made me to be to date. I will never, ever forget who you are and have always been to me. This book attests to who God has made you to be in my life. I love you dearly,

    greatly, immensely, and intensely.


    Acknowledgments viii

    Preface x

    1 Commonwealth By Definition And Design 1

    2 What Is Money? 10

    3 Why Money Was Created 16

    4 The Purpose Of The Creation Of Money 23

    5 What The Bible Says About Money 31

    6 Understanding The Difference Between Ownership And Stewardship 39

    7 What We Learned And Know About Money 45

    8 Understanding Money, Its Purpose, And How It Works 52

    9 Money: God's Intent And Purpose For Us 58

    10 Money And A New Regime 63

    11 Money And Sowing Seed 70

    12 Can God Trust You With Money? 76

    13 Working For Money And The Spirit Of Mammon 84

    14 Jesus, Prosperity, And The Gospel 91

    15 You Are Commander In Chief 96

    16 What Are You Subject To? 103

    17 The Wealth Covenant 108

    18 The Economic Status Of The Church 113

    19 The Barter System 119


    20 Our Work In The Kingdom 124

    21 The Dominion Mandate 130

    22 What The Commonwealth Of The Kingdom Is About 137

    23 Understanding And Knowing The System 143

    24 Classes: Division In Kingdom Commonwealth 152

    25 Kingdom Commonwealth: FULL ACCESS 158

    26 Commonwealth And Community 166

    27 The Constant Spread Of Influence 172

    About The Author 177

  • viii


    I would like to acknowledge the following people in my life who God has used to help me make it to this point and acknowledge the fruit of their

    seed coming back to bless them:

    Mother Debra White I will always love you for who you are to me both naturally and spiritually.

    You have ALWAYS been the same and you have truly been a great, tremendous Kingdom influence in my life. I wish the world knew who you were and this is the best I can do to help them know. Your efforts in my

    life helped to produce this. I love you forever, Mama.

    Mother Josephine Richard Between you and "Mama Deb," you two tag teamed in helping me to make it through some tough times and instilled some solid, Godly values in me that never left. Thank you for all the times you gave me an encouraging

    word, prayed for and with me, and just being a wonderful example of what a Godly life looks like.

  • x


  • xi

    There is a Kingdom order and System that God originally designed for us to live by in the earth realm in order for His Kingdom to be established in it. We have been donned with the task of bringing it forth into the earth realm. From the beginning, Satan has worked to keep man's attention completely off of this Mandate through the establishment of his own order and government being made manifest in the earth realm.

    God is preparing you for a place, a place that has Commonwealth

    at the core of its design. Before you get there, you absolutely MUST understand what Commonwealth is, how it works, and how it operates and functions.

    To date, we have truly yet to see God's Kingdom Governmental

    Order and what He originally designed for us to live by made manifest in the earth realm. His plans have never changed and they never went away. Because of Satan's plan, man's desire to rule things as he has seen fit has been what we have seen to date.

    In order to understand this Order that God has designed, there

    are key components that we must understand and the #1 tool that we must use to establish this Order is God's Word. In this writing, we will explore God's Word and learn the design of what it is God expects us to come back to in order for His Kingdom to reign and be established here in the earth realm.

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    Chapter 1

    Commonwealth By

    Definition and Design

  • Understanding Kingdom Commonwealth


    You are not or may not be experiencing the Kingdom Commonwealth because your mentality concerning it is distorted. In order for you to understand the Commonwealth of the Kingdom of God, your mindset, thoughts, precepts and concepts, and ideas about money and finances, wealth, and economy have to change: Acts 2:42-44 (KJV)

    And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common;

    Here we find the earliest recorded expression of believers, the citizens of the Kingdom of God forming themselves as His intended Community - an aggregation of believers founded in common unity. Acts 4:32-37 (KJV)

    And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need. And Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas, (which is, being interpreted, The son of consolation,) a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus, Having land, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostles' feet.

    Again we see the New Testament believers beginning to operate in Kingdom Commonwealth as they share their possessions freely amongst those in their common unity (Kingdom Community). You must begin to see these subject matters from God's Holy perspective.

    The word commonwealth is actually derived from the word commonweal which means:

  • Chapter 1 - Commonwealth By Definition And Design


    1. The common welfare (the good fortune, health, happiness,

    prosperity, etc., of a person, group, or organization; well-being); the public good (not a welfare system. hrj)

    2. The body politic; a commonwealth

    The word common means: 1. Belonging equally to, or shared alike by, two or more or all in

    question 2. Pertaining or belonging equally to an entire community, nation, or


    The word weal means:

    1. Well-being, prosperity, or happiness 2. Obsolete. Wealth or riches 3. Obsolete. The body politic; the state So, if we were to define commonwealth by the root meanings of

    all words "common" that make up the meaning, it would look like this:

    The common welfare concerning the public good regarding the body politic, or the body involving the state and/or its government, equally belonging to, and shared alike by two or more or all in question, namely its citizens, being the very epitome of well-being, prosperity, and happiness, involving equality and equal distribution of wealth and riches among the body politic, or, more specifically, the state and/or its government, skillfully distributed through the policy and system of government, pertaining to all citizens. This implies that God intended for His wealth, and the wealth of

    the wicked, from the scripture that is so often eloquently quoted, to be distributed equally among all the Citizens of His Kingdom. This also means that the actual "economy" in which I believe God intended for us to reside under entailed us sharing and having "all things in common." This would mean that we are all supposed to live in the exact homes our individual purpose requires in a community where we all reside with one another in peace and harmony, driving

  • Understanding Kingdom Commonwealth


    the vehicles we require to accomplish our Kingdom purpose. In other words, again, all the wealth is common one to another. There is no status where there is Upper, Middle, or Lower Class because God sees us all the same. We are all in the same Class as far as He's concerned!

    Modern day economist propose that there are enough resources in

    the Western World alone to not just reduce poverty and homelessness but to extinguish it altogether. There are many books, some currently best sellers and others being used as college texts that are full of research data supporting a shift in the world's thought process towards a reasonable facsimile of counterfeit commonwealth. However, Kingdom concepts facilitated through man's methods will never accomplish God's intended purpose. I propose that if the wealth of resources currently available in the community of the Kingdom were redistributed as God intended, we would set a standard in the earth realm of that common welfare, well-being, prosperity, and happiness as described in our afore mentioned definition. God's intent for us as Kingdom Citizens was for us to walk in the Dominion Mandate controlling all the wealth of the world, living together under His Kingdom Governmental Order in a community where all things are common to everyone and everybody. There is an equality that exists in the Kingdom that God not only intended but expected for us to live by.

    We, mankind, are the ones responsible for the state in which we

    live whereby we have created these expanses that have allowed division to enter into the Body of Christ, leading us away from God's original mandate. We have allowed Satan's devices to pry us away from God's principles, causing us to live under the current systems under which we now reside. We have no one else to blame but ourselves. We cannot even blame Satan.

    What you must realize and understand is that both God and Satan

    must have permission to access the earth realm through us. They cannot access the earth realm any other way without our permission because that is the way God designed the system to work. In the book of Genesis 1:26, God gave us (mankind) the authority, the ability to control, the responsibility of management, and the knowledge to

  • Chapter 1 - Commonwealth By Definition And Design


    lead everything here in the earth realm. No other creature on the face of the planet has the authority and rights that we do to govern the earth realm. For the privilege of living in Kingdom we are automatically responsible for governing ourselves according to Kingdom Commonwealth. This means that we must begin to familiarize ourselves with what (Kingdom) Commonwealth is, learn it, eat it, drink it, sleep it, study it, etc. (I think you get the picture.) But learning this is paramount for us, not just as Believers but as Kingdom Citizens. I believe that this is one of the missing components in the Church and why so many Believers are still missing the mark, not living victorious lives, and still feeling a level of defeat, to whatever degree.

    Without the knowledge of Kingdom Commonwealth, we will

    forever continue to live in the cyclic spiral that Satan has used Man to put in place in the earth realm. And let's be clear: Satan has used Man to implement the systems in the earth realm by which we live today. It is the reason why even introducing a subject matter such as this would seem foreign to many because we have been buried in the current systems underneath which we reside and to talk about God's Kingdom and its Commonwealth system today sounds almost asinine, largely due to what we have learned and what we have been so programmed to believe.

    We must endeavor to get back to the initial authentic Kingdom

    mandate that God gave to us from the beginning when He created Man. It is the system that He designed for us to live by and that is the system under which we will experience the intended success as Kingdom Citizens.

    In God's Kingdom of Commonwealth, you must understand

    several things:

    His Kingdom is NOT governed by this world's economy

    His Kingdom is NOT a Capitalist economy

    Where God's Kingdom Commonwealth truly exists, there is no "Buy or Sell," only equal distribution of wealth.

    God does not horde all the wealth for Himself or a chosen

  • Understanding Kingdom Commonwealth


    few, but lovingly shares it with all His Sons/Citizens

    God's Kingdom Commonwealth can only be accessed by those who know how to access it and what to do with it, even prior to it coming into their hands and their possession.

    God intended for His wealth to be shared and equally distributed

    by all. Because of Kingdom law, we have the right to enjoy it all:

    1 Timothy 6:17 (KJV) Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; To say that there are no big "I's" and little "you's" in the Kingdom

    of God is a gross understatement. We are all equal in the Kingdom and have equal access to all the wealth and riches God has in store. You need only understand two main principles:

    1. How to access it, and 2. The purpose of it once you have possession of it When true Kingdom Commonwealth is present, there is no need

    for money. God has an established Governmental Order by which He runs

    Heaven. It is with this same order and mindset that He designed for us to run the earth. The government He has set in place has laws, principles, statutes, precepts, concepts, ordinances, and commands that we are to follow and live by. He ordained and mandated for us to live by this order that already exists and has a zero-failure rate when applied.

    We can no longer live by the order that we think we should live by

    and govern the earth. It is because of this mindset and for this reason that we have the problems in our government that we have today and for this reason we have come to a place of being frustrated, aggravated, confused, bewildered, perplexed, and in grace despair, especially in the church. It is because we have not come back into our

  • Chapter 1 - Commonwealth By Definition And Design


    rightful place as the order in the earth realm that God designed for us to be. When God spoke what He did in Genesis 1:26, it spoke volumes by itself. The rest was told later.

    God designed for the Church to be the state and carry out His

    Kingdom governmental Order here in the earth realm that would set the precedence across the globe. In setting this precedence, it would automatically be a process of duplication by which His system and standard of living that He designed for our lives would be made evident in every region we claimed for the Kingdom.

    One of the rightful places of the Church is to be the government.

    How can truth and order be established in a nation that claims to be "one nation under God" but the methodology by which we become and remain that nation of oneness under God is not fully employed in our governmental order? A nation whose God is The Lord would show forth characteristics and attributes that would be irrefutable.

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    Howard Rose, Jr. is a profound Pastor, a prolific Motivational Speaker, an experienced Entrepreneur, a dynamic Life Coach, and a published Author. Having been an entrepreneur for almost two decades, Howard has become well-rounded and experienced in several areas of business including the field of IT, Professional Design, Development, Hosting and Maintenance of Websites, Graphic Design, and Business Technology. In the midst of developing his main business entity, The GLE Group, through good and bad times in the economy, Howard was able to maintain business through great client relations. In the beginning of developing The GLE Group, Success Thoughts was born, a prodigy in and of itself started in 2001. Success Thoughts is a Ministry and Motivational Speaking entity that centers greatly around self-inspired quotes that helped him through very tumultuous times in his life. Howard has a passion for helping others realize that success and greatness begins in themselves first, starting in the mind. His heartfelt regard for people motivates him to help every person he comes in contact with, pushing and propelling them towards their destiny. His unique approach to dealing with life issues, coupled with his great love for people, is helping many an individual realize success and greatness from within and change their lives one thought at a time.

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