
Understanding the Security and Privacy AdviceGiven to Black Lives Matter ProtestersMaia J. Boyd

University of [email protected]

Jamar L. Sullivan Jr.University of Chicago

[email protected]

Marshini ChettyUniversity of [email protected]

Blase UrUniversity of [email protected]

ABSTRACTIn 2020, there were widespread Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestsin the U.S. Because many attendees were novice protesters, or-ganizations distributed guides for staying safe at a protest, oftenincluding security and privacy advice. To understand what advicenovice protesters are given, we collected 41 safety guides distributedduring BLM protests in spring 2020. We identified 13 classes of dig-ital security and privacy advice in these guides. To understandwhether this advice influences protesters, we surveyed 167 BLMprotesters. Respondents reported an array of security and privacyconcerns, and their concerns were magnified when consideringfellow protesters. While most respondents reported being awareof, and following, certain advice (e.g., choosing a strong phonepasscode), many were unaware of key advice like using end-to-endencrypted messengers and disabling biometric phone unlocking.Our results can guide future advice and technologies to help noviceprotesters protect their security and privacy.

CCS CONCEPTS• Security and privacy→ Usability in security and privacy.

KEYWORDSBlackLivesMatter, Activism, Security, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Se-curity Advice, Privacy

ACM Reference Format:Maia J. Boyd, Jamar L. Sullivan Jr., Marshini Chetty, and Blase Ur. 2021.Understanding the Security and Privacy Advice Given to Black Lives MatterProtesters. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’21), May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 18 pages.

1 INTRODUCTIONIn early 2020, a series of high-profile cases of police brutality againstBlack individuals received widespread media attention. These casesincluded the fatal shootings of Ahmed Arbery in February andBreonna Taylor in March, as well as the killing of George Floyd

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in May. These events led to widespread protests in the US and in-ternationally. An estimated 15–26 million Americans participatedin these protests for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement tospur change against racial injustice. In turn, these protesters facedprivacy and security threats from police and others attemptingto surveil or harm the movement [41, 82, 86, 91]. Because manyattendees of these protests were novice protesters, numerous orga-nizations distributed safety guides, or succinct sets of advice forstaying safe at a protest. These guides, such as those shown in Fig-ure 1, often included digital security and privacy advice. Althoughthere have been studies of how users follow security advice in gen-eral contexts [28, 39, 63, 65, 67, 68], the degree to which activists areinformed about, and take advantage of, privacy and security adviceremains an open question. Moreover, most HCI research on theBLM movement has focused on discourse online [2, 59, 76, 78, 81],rather than the role of technology in demonstrations and protests.

Towards helping activists stay safe at in-person protests, weanswer two research questions within the context of the BLMmovement.1 First, we wanted to understand the spectrum of dig-ital security and privacy advice novice BLM protesters are givenin widely available safety guides. Second, we wanted to exam-ine whether this advice is understood and used by novice BLMprotesters. To answer these questions, we first collected 41 safetyguides distributed on social media and the web during the spring2020 BLM protests, performing content analysis on those guides. Tounderstand whether this advice reaches and influences protesters,we then conducted an online survey of 167 BLM protesters, primar-ily novice protesters. The survey covered protesters’ security andprivacy concerns, knowledge of tools and strategies, and actions.

We identified 13 key classes of digital security and privacy ad-vice given to novice protesters. The most common advice includeddisabling phones’ transmission features (e.g., putting them in air-plane mode), communicating via an end-to-end encrypted (E2EE)app, and disabling biometric unlocking on phones. Guides variedwidely, though, in the amount and type of advice they listed, witha few guides recommending the use of VPNs, the Tor browser,and features restricting phone usage to a single app. In our survey,novice BLM activists reported an array of security and privacyconcerns about attending in-person protests, and they were partic-ularly concerned about the safety of fellow protesters. The advicemost familiar to protesters – using strong passcodes on phones and

1Our research questions were informed in part by 20 interviews we conducted in fall2019 and winter 2020 with BLM activists who help organize events in the movement.These interviews are outside the scope of this paper.

CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Maia J. Boyd, Jamar L. Sullivan Jr., Marshini Chetty, and Blase Ur

(a) The first and fourth images of a ten-image safety guideposted on Instagram [42], reformatted to be side-by-side.

(b) Two of the eleven privacy tips in a longer guide featured on Forbes [36],reformatted to be side-by-side.

(c) Infographic distributed on Twitter [80]. (d) From Seattle Central College [8]. (e) From BLM Belfast’s guide [7].Figure 1: Excerpts from safety guides for novice protesters distributed during BLM protests in June 2020.

being cautious about social media usage – conspicuously also ap-plies outside of protests. Protest-specific recommendations widelyreported in safety guides, including using E2EE apps instead oftexting and disabling biometric phone unlocking, were not widelyfollowed, nor fully understood. We also unpack how knowledgeand usage of this advice correlated with respondents’ demographicsand experiences. We discuss our results’ implications for the designof protest safety guides and better supporting protesters’ securityand privacy through community-based interventions.

2 BACKGROUND AND RELATEDWORKIn this section, we introduce the BLM movement and present priorwork on digital activism and advice about security and privacy.

The Black Lives Matter Movement. In 2013, after George Zim-merman was acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin, the BlackLivesMatter (BLM)movement beganwith the creation of the #Black-LivesMatter hashtag on Twitter by activists Alicia Garza, PatrisseCullors, and Opal Tometi [5, 14]. BLM is a decentralized politicaland social movement that focuses on minimizing police brutalityagainst Black people and improving the lives of Black people morebroadly. BLM uses social media considerably and faces the substan-tial challenges that come with it [89]. Over time, the movement

has evolved to have a web presence and numerous chapters in theUSA and Canada [6]. The BLM movement has had major increasesin activity around times when very public cases of police brutal-ity have emerged. For instance, the deaths of Michael Brown andEric Garner in 2014 led to protests in Ferguson, Missouri and farbeyond [29]. In 2020, continuing cases of egregious police brutalityagainst Black people, such as Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor,and George Floyd, sparked widespread mass protests across theUnited States and the world. These protests dramatically increasedparticipation in the BLM movement to an estimated 26 million [10].Many of these additional protesters did not necessarily identify asbeing part of the BLM movement, but were supportive of rallyingagainst violence towards Black people. This also meant that manynovice protesters began attending marches and events in 2020.

There have been extensive academic studies of the BLM move-ment. Often, these studies investigate online BLM activities andhashtag activism, that is “the creation and proliferation of online ac-tivism stampedwith a hashtag” [40]. For example, in 2016DeChoud-hury et al. studied 28 million BLM tweets and how they relate toevents in the real world, such as protests [24]. Another study lookedinto hashtags that were commonly used alongside #BlackLivesMat-ter around the Ferguson movement in 2014 [38]. Other research,

Understanding the Security and Privacy Advice Given to Black Lives Matter Protesters CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan

focused on discourse related to #BlackLivesMatter on Twitter, foundthat the volume and content of #BlackLivesMatter tweets spikedafter major news events [1]. For instance, of the 1.3 million tweetscontaining the hashtag in 2018, the majority were from July 2016when there was another series of cases of police brutality againstBlack people. Most recently, Stewart et al. [76] examined how posi-tions were framed and contested through #BlackLivesMatter dis-course from the political left and right. In additional studies byStewart [77] and Arif [2], the researchers showed how bad actorscreated fake Black Lives Matter movement personas to infiltrate themovement and spread disinformation about BLM and police shoot-ings to influence the 2016 US elections [75]. Other studies foundthat purchases of deceptive Facebook ads by bad actors increasedduring spikes in both online and in-person BLM activities [27].

Other BLM studies [53] not only analyzed public social mediaaccounts, but also conducted interviews with BLM groups basedon engagement. Their findings were that BLM related social mediaaccounts are characterized by a wide range of individuals. In thiswork, BLM organizers viewed social media as central in organizingefforts because it mobilized internal and external forces, built coali-tions among and between BLM groups, and controlled the narrativeof the movement. Interestingly, a recent study of BLM chapters inChicago, New York, Los Angeles, and Washington DC, as well asother Twitter handles for BLM- and Ferguson-related tweets, foundthat the majority of the tweets analyzed were focused more on‘expressive communication than strategic communication aimed atmobilizing resources and negotiating directly’ with people in powerwho are making Black people vulnerable to police brutality [79].

We also note that related studies focus on studying digital ac-tivism on social media more generally [13, 26, 50, 51, 93], but notBLM specifically [40, 89]. For instance, Rotman et al. [50] studiedthe outcomes of digital participation in social movements, as well asits effects. More broadly, researchers have investigated the efficacyof digital activism and its effects on traditional activism [44, 45].Unlike these prior studies, our work does not focus on the onlineactivities of BLM protesters or digital activism more broadly. In-stead, we focus on how newcomers to the BLM movement in 2020viewed their own security and privacy while attending in-personevents and protests as part of the BLM movement.

Privacy and Security for Black Activists. In-person activismcomes not just with online risks, but also physical danger. Thereis a long history of government surveillance of activists aroundthe world as part of national security efforts related to politicalresistance or dissent [12, 32, 70]. The United States has been in thespotlight for the targeted surveillance of activists multiple timessince the 1950s because of its government-sponsored counterin-telligence programs. Most notably, the FBI’s COINTELPRO [17]aimed to repress the Black Panther Party and Black Americans fight-ing against racism, such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. [16, 23, 55].Although COINTELPRO was exposed and adapted in the 1970s,surveillance efforts, both domestically and abroad, expanded post-9/11 [31, 46, 47]. BLM also appeared in the FBI’s IRON FIST [73]strategy in FBI documents and correspondence from 2014. IRONFIST aimed to track so-called “Black Identity Extremists” involvedin the Ferguson Protests on public venues like social media. It alsofocused on infiltrating BLM groups offline and online [43].

Government surveillance continues to affect the way activistsorganize and engage [20, 48]. Even companies can surveil activistsonline [83]. Counter-surveillance practices have evolved along-side technological advances. For a while, counter-surveillance prac-tices focused on acts like disabling and avoiding surveillance cam-eras [52], but newer practices are more complex. With the rise ofvideo activism, cameras have come to play a key role in activistefforts to document and share information [35, 90]. For example,the peaks of activity in BLM protests corresponded with the viralspread of videos displaying brutality against Black lives by authori-ties or vigilantes. Videos have also been used to document protestactivities, most recently seen in documenting protests surroundingthe deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd.Because protesters often cannot avoid cameras, activists have takenother measures, including blurring out the faces of participants inactions [54] to protect protesters’ identities without diminishingthe efforts of these contemporary movements.

Other studies have shown that social media has been used tosurveil and target BLM activists [49] and how the Department ofHomeland Security actively monitored BLM hashtags on Twitterduring protests, including surveilling high-profile BLM activistslike DeRay McKesson. A growing number of studies examine publicattitudes to government surveillance [25, 69, 84], but they do notfocus specifically on the BLM movement or in-person protests.

Security and Privacy Advice. While we are the first (to ourknowledge) to study the security and privacy advice given to noviceprotesters, especially within the BLM movement, researchers havestudied how broader types of security and privacy advice propagateand influence user behavior (or not). In a series of studies, Redmileset al. found that the trustworthiness of an advice source has a majorimpact on whether a user heeds security advice [65]. They furtherpointed out a digital divide in which users of lower skill levels andsocioeconomic status have lower-quality advice sources [63]. Whilemost security advice on the web is at least somewhat comprehen-sible and actionable, it is difficult to prioritize [67]. That said, thereadability of advice remains a concern [66].

Researchers have highlighted the great amount and variety ofsecurity advice that users encounter [68], leading others to con-clude that the rejection of security advice may be rational in somecases [34]. A study by Ion et al. [39] and a replication of the proto-col by Busse et al. [11] noted a disconnect between how securityexperts and non-experts prioritize security advice. Helping to ex-plain non-experts’ opinions, Fagan and Khan found that gaps inperception can contribute to the rejection of security advice [28].

For general types of security advice, the source and delivery ofadvice have also been studied. For example, Nicholson et al. exam-ined how older adults seek security information [56], while Das et al.examined the portrayal of security and privacy in news media [22].Other research has focused on the dissemination of security knowl-edge and advice in the workplace [3, 4, 21, 30], including studiesof how best to provide security training [71, 88]. Some researchershave also studied how the folk models of security people hold, aswell as informal security stories from family and friends, affectwhich expert security and privacy advice users follow [62, 87].Our work contributes further insights about how a specific type ofadvice, that for novice protesters, can be improved to help activists.

CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Maia J. Boyd, Jamar L. Sullivan Jr., Marshini Chetty, and Blase Ur

3 ANALYSIS OF SAFETY GUIDESWe conducted a search for safety guides for novice activists attend-ing BLM protests, specifically guides that were widely distributedin 2020. We set out to determine which safety guides appeared insearches most frequently and what safety advice is most commonlypresent among these guides. These pieces of advice reflect safetyand security concerns BLM activists may have, and they provide aseries of steps activists can take to address these concerns. Our datacollection and analysis techniques were informed by, and similarto, Pierce et al.’s study of public-facing toolkits for cybersecurityadvice to help users achieve security online [60]. We use the term“safety guide” to refer to an article, picture, or text that includesadvice, tips, or guidelines for protesters that address common orprevalent concerns surrounding protests. Each guide typically in-cluded a bulleted list of safety tips or a set of subheadings in whicheach subheading discussed a class of advice. Example guides areshown in Figure 1. We did not set a length requirement for theguides. Specifically, we collected all guides created for protestersand closely analyzed those with digital privacy and security advice.

3.1 Collection MethodologyWe collected safety guides using search terms on Twitter andGoogle. We searched on Twitter because it remains one of themain social media platforms for BLM. We used Google because itis the most widely used search engine.

On Twitter and Google, we used the same combination of key-words for our searches: [BLM, Black Lives Matter] [Protest] [Safety,Security, Privacy] [Guide, Tips, Advice, Recommendations, Sugges-tions]. We used either “BLM” or “Black Lives Matter” first becausewewere searching for guides created specifically for BLM protesters.We used only “protest” as the second keyword because other syn-onyms (e.g., “marches,” “rally”) produced similar results. Examplesearches using the keyword combinations included “BLM ProtestSecurity Guide” and “BLM Protest Privacy Suggestions.” This re-sulted in a total of 30 keyword searches on each website. We onlycollected articles or tweets published in May–June 2020.

Twitter searches: On Twitter, we examined the first 20 tweetsfrom each search for mentions of, and links to, safety guides. We didso because most searches resulted in fewer than 20 tweets. Aftercollecting all of the tweets, we followed the links in the tweetsand downloaded the guides mentioned. Then, we used the afore-mentioned criteria to determine if the article was a safety guide.This process resulted in 39 safety guides in total from Twitter. Ofthese guides, 15 were a flyer or picture, while 24 were writtenprose. We then separated the guides into two categories: guidesthat mentioned digital security or privacy, and guides that did not.This process resulted in 10 guides from Twitter that included digitalsecurity or privacy advice. Among these, four were flyers or images.

Google searches: We followed a similar data-collection strat-egy on Google. For each keyword search, we examined the first twopages of search results for mentions of, and links to, safety guidesfor protesters. We only examined the first 20 search results for eachkeyword search because very few safety guides typically appearedafter the second page of search results. For each search result thatappeared to link to a safety guide, we followed the link and down-loaded the guide. After collecting 20 artifacts in this manner for

each search, we used the aforementioned criteria to filter for safetyguides. In total, we collected 52 safety guides from Google. Thisresulted in 31 guides from Google that included digital security orprivacy advice, including one infographic.

Note that we also investigated collecting guides on Facebook andInstagram. We performed searches using the same combination ofkeywords on Facebook generally, as well as on BLM chapters’ Face-book pages. These attempts resulted in only 1–2 guides per search.On Instagram, it is not possible to perform global text searches;instead, one can only search for hashtags or accounts. Thus, wecould not replicate our methods on Instagram. Since our searchescould not follow the same systematic approach or did not yield asubstantial number of additional guides, we did not include guidesfrom these social media platforms in our analyses.

Overall, we collected 91 safety guides from Twitter (39) andGoogle (52). Three guides came up in both our Twitter and Googlesearches, leaving 88 unique guides. Of the 88 unique guides, 41mentioned digital privacy and security (13 from Twitter and 31from Google, again double-counting three guides). These 41 guidesare our final dataset. We refer to the guides in our final dataset withthe prefix “G-” (short for “guide”) followed by an identifying number(1–41). The URL for each guide, as well as an archive of copies ofthese guides, is available in our online supplementary materials [9].For each guide, we documented the date of the guide’s publication,the guide’s URL, the number of times the guide appeared in differentkeyword searches, and the main topics that the guide mentioned.For guides linked from Twitter, we also documented the number ofretweets, comments, and likes for the tweet linking to the guide.

3.2 Analysis MethodologyOur goal in analyzing the safety guides was to create a taxonomyof the types of security and privacy advice they contained. Weparticularly aimed to capture the nuances and quirks of what theyadvised, as well as how they justified this advice. Thus, we usedan affinity diagramming process [33, 37]. Due to the COVID-19pandemic, this process was performed virtually using collaborativespreadsheets and video conferencing software.

After collecting all unique safety guides, one member of theresearch team tagged all text from the guides that pertained tocomputer security or privacy. After extracting (or transcribing) thattext, that researcher placed the text in initial clusters based on thedevice or action referenced (e.g., phone unlocking, social media).At this point, multiple members of the research team read the fullset of quoted advice in each cluster and discussed them as a group.Two members of the group then began the affinity diagrammingprocess, collaboratively and iteratively sub-dividing and combiningclusters so that each cluster represented highly similar advice. Tocapture subtle differences in advice across guides, we permittedclusters to be hierarchical. We permitted a single quote to appearin multiple clusters.

The majority of the guides appeared to have been created bycompanies, rather than individuals. Of the 41 guides, 21 guides weregenerated by media or news companies, six by advocacy organi-zations, three by community organizations, and two by technol-ogy companies. Only seven guides were generated by individualsthrough Twitter posts, while two were created and published by

Understanding the Security and Privacy Advice Given to Black Lives Matter Protesters CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan

Table 1: This table (continued in Table 2) presents our clustering of the security and privacy advice presented in the 41 uniquesafety guides we collected. There are 13 main clusters of advice. Some clusters are hierarchical, and sub-categories of advice inthis hierarchy are identified with an indentation and arrow (↩→). As detailed in Section 3.2, we distinguish between advice thatpresents high-level recommendations (what), specific recommendations (detail), and rationale (why), classifying each pieceof advice within a cluster as one of these three classes. For brevity, the identifiers for the guides omit the leading “G.”

Advice Related to Phone Confiscation # Guides

Disable Biometrics 28 2–8,10–13,16,17, 20–23,25,27–31,37–41

What: Disable biometric unlocking for phones 27 2–8,11–13,16,17, 20–23,25,27–31,37–41

↩→Mentions biometrics 8 2,8,17,20,22,25,27,29↩→Mentions fingerprint unlock 24 2–5,7,11–13,16, 20–

23,25,27–31,37–41↩→Mentions face unlock 23 2–5,7,11–13,16, 20–

23,25,27–31,38–41Detail: Step-by-step instructions 1 5Why: Biometrics make it easier to get into phones 4 3,7,29,40Why: In case you are coerced to unlock 3 3,25,29Why: In case you are arrested 2 7,25Why: In case you are approached by the police 1 13Why: Biometrics are not legally protected 3 3,6,38

↩→ Not covered by 5th Amendment 2 6,38

Strong Passcode 20 1–3,5,6,8,10–12,16,20–23,25,27,28,33,40,41

What: Use a strong passcode/password 5 11,16,25,27,41What: Use a passcode not easily guessed 2 5,40What: Use a passcode instead of biometrics 12 1,2,10,11,20–

23,27,28,40,41↩→Mentions biometrics 4 2,20,22,27↩→Mentions face unlock 11 2,10,11,20–

23,27,28,40,41↩→Mentions fingerprint unlock 12 1,2,10,11,20–

23,27,28,40,41What: Doesn’t explicitly say to disable biometrics 1 6Detail: Use 6 digits/characters 4 6,22,28,40Detail: Use mix of letters, numbers, and symbols 2 8,25Detail: Use 9–12 digits/characters 1 25Detail: Don’t give in to attempted coercion 1 12Why: Protect the data on your phone 4 5,16,20,40

↩→ Protect the data from cops 3 5,16,40Why: Can’t legally be forced to give it up 3 3,8,25

↩→Mentions 5th Amendment 2 3,8

Encrypt Device 93,8,11,20,25,28,37,40,41

What: Encrypt device 93,8,11,20,25,28,37,40,41

↩→Mentions full-disk encryption 3 28,37,41Detail: Step-by-step instructions for Android 4 8,11,25,40Detail: iOS is encrypted if passcode enabled 4 8,11,25,41Detail: Step-by-step instructions for iOS 2 8,41Detail: Android often encrypted by default 1 25Why: In case phone is seized by police 3 3,25,37Why: Protect PII 2 3,37

Back Up Device 6 3,8,20,27,28,37What: Back up device before protest 6 3,8,20,27,28,37Detail: Remove PII after backing up device 1 3Why: In case device is confiscated 1 3Why: In case device is lost 1 37Why: Can quickly erase data if arrested 1 27

Disable Notifications 2 1,3What: Disable notifications when locked 1 1What: Turn off notification message content 1 3Detail: Step-by-step instructions 1 1

Single App 2 3,8What: Use guided access on iOS 2 3,8What: Use screen pinning on Android 2 3,8Detail: Step-by-step instructions 1 3Why: Safer for capturing media 2 3,8

↩→ Audio recordings 1 8↩→ Photos 1 3

Why: Safer for using social media 1 3Why: Safer for showing police something 1 3

Advice Related to Communications # Guides

E2EE App 27 1–3,5,6,8,9,11–14,16,19–21,23–28,30,31,36–38,40

What: Use E2EE messaging app 27 1–3,5,6,8,9,11–14,16,19–21,23–28,30,31,36–38,40

↩→ Signal 26 1–3,5,6,8,9,11–14,16,19–21,23–26,28,30,31,36–38,40

↩→WhatsApp 3 5,9,25↩→Wire 3 5,11,12↩→Wickr 2 11,28↩→ Dust 1 12↩→ Keybase 1 12↩→ Telegram 1 36

What: Don’t use other communication channels 8 2,5,8,13,24,26,27,37↩→ Text message/SMS 5 2,5,8,26,27↩→ Phone calls 3 2,8,27↩→WhatsApp 2 13,7↩→ Social media 2 24,26

Detail: Use disappearing messages feature 6 1,3,5,11,25,28Detail: Use Signal’s password/PIN protection 3 1,3,13Detail: Don’t use cloud backups 2 25,40Detail: Set photos to save to the cloud 1 36Detail: Use call relays 1 3Detail: Verify cryptographic fingerprints 1 25Why: Safer than alternatives 2 3,36Why: Has strong privacy measures 2 5,21Why: Run by a nonprofit 2 5,21Why: Doesn’t collect message metadata 2 3,13Why: It is secure 10

2,3,5,8,14,16,20,21,30,37Why: Open-source 1 3Why: Otherwise messages can be intercepted 3 8,12,26Why: Otherwise you give away your location 1 8Why: Avoid persistent message storage on device 8 1–3,5,11,25,28,38

VPN 4 3,8,12,20What: Use a VPN 4 3,8,12,20

↩→ Even when not at a protest 2 3,8↩→ A non-US/non-European VPN 1 3↩→ RiseupVPN 1 12↩→ NordVPN 1 12

Detail: Points to external instruction guide 2 3,8Why: Encrypts all data 2 3,8Why: Privacy 1 12

Secure Browser 3 3,8,12What: Use a secure web browser 3 3,8,12

↩→ Tor 2 3,8↩→ Brave 2 3,8↩→ Vivaldi 2 3,8↩→ Firefox 1 12↩→ Safari 1 3↩→ Not Chrome 1 3

Detail: Install ad- & tracker-blockers 1 12Detail: Use DuckDuckGo 1 12Detail: Don’t use Google search 1 12

CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Maia J. Boyd, Jamar L. Sullivan Jr., Marshini Chetty, and Blase Ur

Table 2: This table is a continuation of Table 1, presenting the remaining clusters of security and privacy advice in the 41 safetyguides we collected.

Advice About Phone Networks # Guides

Disable Transmissions 31 1–6,8,11–17,20,21,23–25,27–29,31,33–35,37–41

What: Use airplane mode 19 1,3–5,8,12–14,16,17,23,24,27–29,37,39,40,41

What: Turn off phone 8 2,3,5,11,13,14,24,31Detail: Turn off location 20 1,5,6,8,10,15–17,20,


↩→ For apps 4 10,21,25,29↩→ Turn off GPS 2 17,34

Detail: Turn off Bluetooth 7 3,5,16,17,24,29,40Detail: Turn off cellular data 7 1,3,4,24,33,35,39Detail: Turn off WiFi 8 3,5,16,17,23,24,29,40Detail: Remove phone battery 1 12Detail: Put phone in Faraday bag 1 12Detail: Turn off iOS Significant Locations 1 2Detail: Check features in airplane mode 3 3,5,29Detail: Airplane mode is imperfect 2 5,29Why: Protection 7 11,13,14,27,29,37,40

↩→ From tracking 4 13,27,37,40↩→ From surveillance 1 11↩→ From snooping 1 14↩→ From data being monitored 1 29

Why: Stop communicating with cell towers 5 3,5,8,11,37Why: Avoid stingrays 4 3,8,11,14Why: Protect location/whereabouts 7 2,15,24,25,29,37,41

↩→ Protect past locations 2 15,24↩→ Protect home/work locations 1 2

Why: To save cell data allocation 1 1Why: To save battery life 1 1

No Phone 21 2,3,5,6,8,9,11–17,20,25,27,31,34,37,38,40

What: Leave phone at home 19 2,3,5,6,8,9,11–15,20,25,27,31,34,37,38,40

What: Use a burner phone 16 2,3,5,8,9,11,15–17,20,25,27,31,37,38,40

What: Use a secondary phone 2 2,11What: Don’t use a burner phone 1 13What: Organizers take extra measures 1 13What: Use traditional communication 1 25Detail: Phone unconnected to your identity 5 8,16,17,27,37

↩→ Limit where it’s turned on 3 3,16,38↩→ Get prepaid credit 2 8,37↩→ Buy with a gift card 1 27

Detail: Swap SIMs 1 38Detail: Remember, don’t save, contacts 1 8Why: Protection 12 2,5,6,8,11,13,14,25,

27,31,38,40↩→ Of privacy 6 2,6,11,27,31,40↩→ From surveillance 2 2,13↩→ From tracking 2 8,38↩→ From spying 1 5↩→ From snooping 1 14↩→ From linking 1 25

Why: Phone reveals your communications 2 8,27↩→ Can identify organizers 1 27

Why: Protect location/movement 3 3,8,27↩→Where you live/work 1 3↩→ Past protest attendance 1 3

Why: Protect the data stored on the device 3 3,37,40Why: Burner phones increase surveillance 1 13Why: For anonymity 1 11Why: Shield from stingrays 1 14

Advice About Info/Photo Sharing # Guides

Avoid Identifiers 21 3,6,8,10–13,18–22,24,25,27,28,30–32,38,41

What: Avoid identifiable people 20 3,6,8,10–12,18–22,24,25,27,28,30–32,38,41

↩→ Faces 148,10,12,18,19,22,25,27,28,30–32,38,41

↩→ Distinguishing features 6 3,8,10,18,21,32↩→ Tattoos 2 G8,G10

What: Avoid identifiable locations 6 3,8,10,13,25,27↩→ Street signs 3 3,25,27↩→ Business names 1 25↩→ Landmarks 1 3

What: Avoid potentially illegal activity 1 21Detail: Blur identifiable parts 12 3,10,18–21,24,27,28,

31,38,41Detail: Use software 7

8,10,18,19,25,27,28,38↩→ Image Scrubber 2 10,25↩→ Signal 1 28

Detail: Remove metadata 93,8,10,12,13,21,24,31,41

↩→ Screenshot photos before sharing 5 10,13,21,31,41Detail: Exception for people being detained 1 12Why: Gives away location 6 3,8,12,13,25,27

↩→ Based on details in photos 3 3,25,27↩→ Based on photo metadata 3 8,12,13

Why: Facilitates identifying protesters 123,6,8,11,12,18,20,24,25,27,28,32

↩→ For police 6 12,18,20,24,25,27↩→ For employers 1 24↩→ For opposition groups 1 18↩→ For those wishing to harm protesters 1 20

Why: For privacy 3 24,28,31

Social Media Caution 18 1,3,10–13,19–21, 23–25,27,28,30,31,33,37

What: Be cautious about the impact on others 71,10,11,12,23,27,30,33

What: Don’t indicate your attendance 5 12,13,21,24,37What: Don’t post future plans 3 12,24,37What: Be cautious about streaming 3 1,11,19What: Create separate social media accounts 3 3,27,31What: Be cautious about documenting activity 1 23What: Don’t use Facebook/Twitter 1 37Detail: Post afterwards, not during protest 3 10,20,27Detail: Don’t link identity to accounts 2 3,27Detail: Remove details from account 1 30Detail: Remove metadata from uploads 1 11Detail: Set account to private 1 G0Detail: Untag yourself 1 G30Why: Protect people’s identities 15 1,3,11–


↩→ From police 6 1,13,19,21,33,37↩→ From opposition groups 3 19,25,28↩→ From employer 1 25

Why: Stop police tracking protest movement 2 11,12Why: Keep your account history private 1 3

Understanding the Security and Privacy Advice Given to Black Lives Matter Protesters CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan

BLM supporters. Most of the guides were organized using eitherbullet points or subheadings. Overall, 24 guides used only subhead-ings to organize the advice, while five guides used only bullet points.Five additional guides presented the advice using both subheadingsand bullet points. Of the 41 guides, 22 guides mentioned why fol-lowing a piece of advice was important, while 19 did not. Only 11guides mentioned how to follow the advice. Overall, nine of theguides only mentioned the advice and did not state how to followit or why the protester should follow it.

Following the initial iterations of this process, we recognizedthat aspects of the advice could be abstracted into one of threecategories: high-level recommendations (e.g., use an E2EE messag-ing app), specific recommendations (e.g., use the Signal E2EE appand also enable the disappearing messages feature), and rationale(e.g., to prevent interception by police). Respectively, we term thesecategorieswhat, detail, andwhy. In subsequent iterations of affin-ity diagramming, we tagged each cluster as one of these threecategories for clarity, and we report our findings within these cate-gories. We continued the affinity diagramming process until the tworesearchers participating in this process agreed that each clusterrepresented a cohesive idea.

3.3 Results: Classes of AdviceThrough affinity diagramming, we identified 13 key classes of secu-rity and privacy advice in the 41 safety guides we collected. Withinthese 13 classes, we had a total of 193 clusters and sub-clustersdisentangling the advice’s nuances and variations. We clusteredthese 13 classes of advice themselves into four groups based on thetype of threat they sought to mitigate. Tables 1–2 present our fullclusters, which we detail in the remainder of this section.

3.3.1 Advice Related to Phone Confiscation. Six classes of ad-vice aimed to protect against phone confiscation:

Disable Biometrics (28 guides). Some of the most common ad-vice, given by 28 guides, was to disable biometric unlocking. While24 guides mentioned fingerprint unlocking or Touch ID and 23guides mentioned Face ID, only eight used the term “biometrics.”Only G-5 gave step-by-step instructions. Unfortunately, only sixguides explained the rationale for doing so. Explanations variedfrom biometrics making it easier to get into a phone, that they“could be used to force people to provide access to their phones” (G29),and even more vague statements (G-13: “it might be best to deacti-vate facial recognition or fingerprint unlocking if you’re concernedabout being approached by the police”. Only two guides mentionedspecifically that biometric disclosure can be compelled/coerced, thekey rationale for this advice.

Strong Passcode (20 guides). Twenty guides recommended set-ting a strong passcode/password, with five using the exact terminol-ogy “strong” and two others using terminology about it not being“easily guessable.” Notably, 12 guides specifically recommended apasscode/password instead of biometrics. Six guides gave detailedrecommendations, often borrowed from password-compositionpolicies like “set up a password of at least six digits” (G-22). Of thetwenty guides that gave advice about passcodes/passwords, onlyseven explained why. Four mentioned protecting data on phones,three of which mentioned police (G-5: “If your phone is unlocked, an

officer might access your contacts, photos you’ve taken, things you’veposted on social media, and other information” ). Three of the guidesnoted that “cops cannot legally force you to give up your passcode”(G25), with two specifically mentioning the Fifth Amendment.

Encrypt Device (9 guides). Nine guides suggested protestersencrypt their device/phone, with three recommending full-diskencryption. Five guides gave more detailed instructions, includ-ing four that gave instructions for manually encrypting Androiddevices. Four noted that iOS devices are encrypted by default if apasscode is set, while G-25 mentioned that “many Androids are alsoencrypted by default.” Three of the nine guides justified the advice.

Back Up Device (6 guides). Six guides advised protesters toback their device up before attending a protest. One guide gavedetailed instructions, specifically mentioning to remove personallyidentifiable information from the device. Three of the six guidesexplained this advice, though rationales varied from device confis-cation to device loss to arrest.

Disable Notifications (2 guides). Two guides recommendedprotesters “hide notification details when your phone is locked” (G1),with one providing step-by-step instructions. While presumablyfor preventing police from seeing messages received on a locked,confiscated phone, neither guide explained its recommendation.

Single App (2 guides). Two guides recommended features thatrestrict phone usage to a single app: Android Guided Access andiOS Screen Pinning. Both guides provided the rationale for thisrecommendation, but only at an abstract level (G-3: “It’s helpful inthe event that you need to show someone, including law enforcement,something on your phone” ).

3.3.2 Advice Related to Communications. Three classes of ad-vice aimed to protect messages and web browsing:

E2EE App (27 guides). Another common type of advice wasto use an end-to-end-encrypted (E2EE) messaging app, which 27guides recommended (G-2: “Avoid using traditional phone calls andtexts if at all possible. Signal is a secure, end-to-end encrypted messag-ing app that offers the option to delete messages after they’re sent” ).Of these guides, 26 specifically recommended Signal, three eachrecommended WhatsApp and Wire, two recommended Wickr, andone each recommended Dust, Keybase, and Telegram. Two guides,though, recommended against WhatsApp. Eight guides noted thatan E2EE app should replace other communication methods, suchas text messaging/SMS (five guides), phone calls (three guides), andsocial media (two guides). Nine of the 27 guides gave detailed recom-mendations, including Signal’s disappearing messages (six guides)and password-protection features (three guides). Two guides cau-tioned about cloud backups. Despite the academic community’sinterest in E2EE authentication ceremonies for verifying others’cryptographic keys [85], only one guide recommended doing so.

While 19 of the 27 guides articulated a rationale for using anE2EE app, most were vague. The most common approach, foundin ten guides, was simply to state that doing so is secure. The nextmost common, found in eight guides, focused on the disappearingmessage feature rather than the security of data in transit. Otherreasons were mentioned only a few times, including that Signal isrun by a nonprofit and is open-source.

CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Maia J. Boyd, Jamar L. Sullivan Jr., Marshini Chetty, and Blase Ur

VPN (4 guides). Four guides recommended that protesters con-figure their phone to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN), withone specifically recommending a provider outside of the US andEurope. Two guides recommended always doing so (G-3: “In or outof a demonstration, it’s always a good idea to download and set upa VPN on your phone” ). Two guides pointed to external tutorialsfor enabling a VPN. Three guides explained the recommendation’srationale, specifically noting encrypted connections (two guides).

Secure Browser (3 guides). Three guides recommended usinga secure web browser at protests (G-8: “As for secure browsers, thereare a number of options, including Tor, Vivaldi and Brave” ). However,none articulated why protesters should do so. G-12 also recom-mended installing an ad-blocker and using DuckDuckGo.

3.3.3 Advice About Phone Networks. To prevent large-scaletracking,many guides recommended protesters disable their phone’scommunication features or, even better, not bring a phone:

Disable Transmissions (31 guides). Appearing in 31 guides,disabling transmissions from phones was the most widespreadadvice we observed. Overall, 18 guides recommended the use of air-plane mode (G-4: “Make sure your phone battery is fully charged andin airplane mode, with data turned off” ), while eight recommendedprotesters turn off their phones. In addition, guides commonly rec-ommended turning off specific features, including location services(20 guides), WiFi (eight guides), Bluetooth (seven guides), and cellu-lar data (seven guides). Three guides recommended verifying thatindividual features are actually disabled in airplane mode on a givenphone. Sixteen guides articulated a rationale, though there waswide variety in the specificity. Seven guides mentioned protectingthe protester’s location, while four mentioned protection againsttracking (G-40: “This will make your phone leak less informationthat police can use to track you” ). Five guides mentioned avoidingcommunication with cell towers, and four mentioned stingrays.Strangely, G-1 only justified these steps as saving battery life andcellular data allocations.

No Phone (21 guides). In total, 21 guides recommended thatprotesters not bring their primary phone to a protest. Whereas 19guides mentioned leaving phones at home, 16 mentioned bringinga burner phone, while two mentioned bringing a secondary phone.For example, G-31 explained, “Using a burner phone while leavingyour real device at home is the safest way to protect your identity.”That said, G-13 advised against using a burner phone by arguingthat they are easier to track. Seven of the guides gave more detailedinstructions, such as ensuring that a burner phone is unconnectedto the protester’s identity. Two guides suggested using a prepaidplan for a burner phone, while another recommended buying aburner phone with a gift card. Of the 21 guides, 14 provided a ratio-nale. We again observed a variety of vague explanations. While 12guides explained that this advice provides protection, the promisedprotection was often vague, like G-2 stating, “To protect your privacyand prevent surveillance, the best thing you can do is leave your phoneat home.” While most explanations centered on preventing trackingover communication networks, three guides mentioned that leavinga primary phone at home protects the data on the device.

3.3.4 Advice About Info/Photo Sharing. The final two classesof advice aimed to protect protesters from identification based onthe information shared in photos, videos, and social media posts:

Avoid Identifiers (21 guides). Overall, 21 guides recommendedprotesters avoid potentially identifying information in photos andrecordings shared of protests, with guides specifically mentioningto avoid people (20 guides), faces (14 guides), people’s identifyingfeatures (14 guides), and locations (six guides). For example, G-8noted, “Try to avoid capturing details that could identify someoneelse or where you all are, for instance their face, tattoos and streetsigns.” Sixteen guides provided detailed instructions, commonlyrecommending that protesters blur potentially identifying features(12 guides), remove metadata (nine guides), and use software toscrub information (seven guides). Succinctly, G-3 instructed, “Blurout other demonstrators and scrub the photos of any metadata.” Fiveguides recommended taking a screenshot of a photo to strip meta-data. Rationales, included in 14 guides, most commonly highlightedhow this information can identify protesters, including to police(six guides). It can also give away protesters’ locations (six guides).

Social Media Caution (18 guides). Finally, 18 guides recom-mended caution when using social media in conjunction withprotests, though the specific recommendations were highly variable.The most common recommendation in this class, from seven guides,involved considering the impact of social media posts on otherprotesters. Five guides advised against documenting attendance ata protest on social media. Three guides each recommended creatingseparate social media accounts, being cautious when livestream-ing, and not posting about future plans. While we observed sevendetailed types of advice (e.g., untagging oneself from posts), eachappeared in between one and three guides. Of the 18 guides, 15explained why. All of these guides noted that the goal was to protectthe identities of protesters, with six guides specifically mention-ing how social media helps police identify attendees (G-1: “Onlineposts may last forever and cops can request access to them. You couldaccidentally put a comrade in danger” ).

4 SURVEY METHODTo understand BLM protesters’ security and privacy concerns, aswell as to gauge how the security and privacy advice given in thesafety guides we collected aligns with protesters’ actual knowledgeand actions, we conducted an online survey.

4.1 RecruitmentWe recruited respondents on Prolific [61], a Mechanical Turk com-petitor, for a study about technology usage during BLM activism.We limited participation in this study to Prolific users who are age18 and older, live in the United States, consider themselves support-ers of BLM, and who have attended at least one BLM protest inperson at any point. We were able to enforce the first two criteriausing Prolific’s demographic filtering mechanisms. We also usedProlific’s demographic filtering mechanisms to reserve 50% of theplaces in our study for prospective respondents who identified asBlack, while the remaining 50% of slots were open to all. Sinceonly 7.5% of US workers on Prolific identify as Black, general re-cruitment would minimize Black voices and thus run contrary to

Understanding the Security and Privacy Advice Given to Black Lives Matter Protesters CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan

Table 3: The 13 classes of advice we studied and how they were presented to participants. We use the terminology from theleft column throughout the rest of the paper.

Advice Phrasing

Disable Biometrics “Disable biometric (face or fingerprint) unlocking for your phone. Use a password/passcode instead.”Strong Passcode “Lock your phone with a strong password/passcode containing 6+ characters/digits.”Encrypt Device “Encrypt your phone, which may require manually changing settings (Android) or setting a passcode (iOS).”Back Up Device “Back up your phone before attending a protest.”Disable Notifications “Configure your phone not to show notifications when it is locked.”Single App “Use the feature that limits your phone to the use of a single app.”

E2EE App “Use an end-to-end encrypted messaging app like Signal instead of sending text messages. Configure messages to disappearautomatically.”

VPN “Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network).”Secure Browser “Use a security-focused web browser.”

Disable Transmissions “Turn off your phone completely or put it in airplane mode. Be sure to disable location services, turn off WiFi, turn offBluetooth, and turn off cellular data.”

No Phone “Do not bring your primary phone to a protest. Leave it at home or use a burner phone unconnected to your identity.”

Avoid Identifiers “For photos and videos, avoid identifying information (people, their faces, their distinguishing features, and locations). Blursuch information you capture, potentially with software. Remove photo metadata, such as by sharing screenshots of photos.”

Social Media Caution “Be careful about what you post on social media, especially documenting your participation in a protest. Consider how yourposts might impact other protesters.”

the BLM movement. However, recruiting only Black participantswould exclude the perspectives of non-Black allies in the move-ment. To ensure that Black voices were adequately represented instudying BLM protesters, we thus devoted half of the participantspots to respondents identifying as Black. To include non-BlackBLM supporters, we left the remaining spots open for general re-cruitment. We compensated respondents $10 for the survey, whichwe advertised as taking between 45 and 60 minutes.

4.2 Survey StructureWe organized the survey into four parts. The first part asked aboutrespondents’ participation in the BLM movement. To begin, weasked respondents to describe in their own words what BLMmeansto them. We then asked about the number of BLM and non-BLMprotests they had attended. We also asked questions on five-pointLikert scales about the extent to which they considered themselvesa participant and an organizer in the BLM movement. We thenasked eight specific questions, again on Likert scales, about theirparticipation in BLM online and in person (e.g., “How often do yousupport BLM online by posting about BLM on social media?” ).

The second part of the survey asked about safety concernsprotesters may have. First, we inquired about the level of concernrespondents had for themselves. In a matrix table, we listed 15 safetyconcerns and asked for responses on five-point Likert scales. Theorder was randomized per respondent. We included safety concernsabout physical well-being, being identified, being surveilled, andhaving a phone or information being accessed. We selected these15 concerns to map directly to the purposes of the 13 classes ofadvice we observed in the safety guides, as well as concerns BLMorganizers and protesters expressed in 20 interviews we conductedin fall 2019 and winter 2020. Note that these preliminary interviewsare outside the scope of this paper. To better gauge potential con-cerns even if they did not apply directly to a given respondent,we then asked analogous questions about these 15 concerns, butabout fellow protesters rather than the respondents themselves. We

used parallel wording, such as rewording “I’m concerned about myphysical location being tracked at a protest” as “I’m concerned aboutfellow protesters’ physical locations being tracked at a protest.”

The third part of the survey investigated respondents’ knowledgeand use of the 13 classes of security and privacy advice identifiedin the safety guides (Section 3). Each of the 13 classes of advice wasrepresented by a succinct statement. Because our goal was to gaugerespondents’ knowledge and use of the advice, a key challengewas to distill into succinct statements the essence of what differentsafety guides said on a given topic in different ways and at varyinglengths. Using our clusters from affinity diagramming as a startingpoint, members of the research team constructed a short statementfor each class of advice. We designed each statement to embodyhow the guides we analyzed most commonly presented that adviceby including every sub-cluster of “what” or “detail” sub-advicementioned in at least four safety guides, if applicable. We chosethis threshold because it represents 10% of our sample of guides.For example, by this metric the “No Phone” statement mentionsleaving a phone at home, using a burner phone, and being sure aburner phone is not connected to the protester’s identity since eachwas mentioned in at least four safety guides.

Table 3 shows how we presented each class of advice. For each ofthe 13 statements (in randomized order), we asked if the respondenthad previously seen that advice about attending a protest, if theyfelt they understood the purpose of that advice, and if they followedthat advice when attending protests. We also asked the respondentto explain in free text what they believed to be the purpose of thatadvice, as well as why they did or did not follow it.

In the fourth part, we briefly asked respondents about technolo-gies they wish they had to protect their security and privacy atprotests. Finally, we asked the respondent to report their demo-graphics, including age, gender, race/ethnicity, education, and loca-tion. Because respondents’ perceptions can be influenced by theirtechnical understanding of digital security and privacy, we alsoasked about their tech background and computer security expertise.

CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Maia J. Boyd, Jamar L. Sullivan Jr., Marshini Chetty, and Blase Ur

4.3 Ethics and Protection of Human SubjectsBecause our survey covered topics related to both digital and phys-ical safety, as well as topics that are politically charged, we tooksteps to protect our human subjects. While we had initially con-sidered recruiting on social media, anonymously compensatingrespondents while mitigating potential fraud is highly challenging.Therefore, we chose to recruit on Prolific, where we could compen-sate respondents without collecting any identifiers other than therespondent’s Prolific ID number, which researchers cannot map toa real identity. Similarly, we chose not to ask directly about anyactivities that were potentially illegal even though they might beinteresting from a security and privacy standpoint. Furthermore,to prevent re-identification of respondents in the unlikely event ofa data breach, we intentionally chose to ask some information inbroader categories than we might otherwise (e.g., which of five USgeographic regions the respondent lived in, rather than the state).

Because BLM is an extraordinarily meaningful movement tomany of its members, we also wanted prospective respondentsto understand how we would use their data so that they couldmake an informed decision about whether to participate. Therefore,at the beginning of the study, we provided a page preceding theconsent form that described our research team, motivations, andgoals (see the survey instrument in our supplementarymaterials [9])in greater detail than would typically be found on a consent form.Our full protocol was approved by the UChicago IRB.

4.4 LimitationsOur study should be interpreted relative to its limitations. Many re-sponses, including about following particular advice, is self-reported.Respondents might have given answers that do not match their ac-tual behavior if they either misunderstood what was being asked orchose to convey a particular security posture, such as a respondentreporting behaviors they do not actually engage in because theyfeel that they ought to be doing so. While we refined our surveywording through a series of cognitive interviews, think-aloud-basedpilot testing over video chat, and small-scale pilot testing on Pro-lific, it may nonetheless be imperfect. Tempering the latter concern,many of our key observations center on non-adoption of securityadvice, which is less susceptible to self-report biases.

We used a convenience sample recruited on Prolific, and thissample is not necessarily representative of the broader populationof BLM protesters because it is unclear what the overlap is betweenour respondents on Prolific and BLM protesters who are not on thisplatform. To mitigate voluntary response bias, future studies couldrecruit participants in other ways, such as via Twitter, through coor-dination with BLM chapters, or via in-person channels. Prior workhas found that using online platforms for security- and privacy-related surveys can counterintuitively be more representative of thepopulation than census-representative panels [64], and Prolific typ-ically produces higher quality responses than Mechanical Turk [58].Furthermore, prospective respondents might not have trusted ourresearch group or our motivations, therefore choosing not to par-ticipate. Finally, most of our respondents were novice protesters(see Section 5.1). While such novice protesters were our primaryfocus, further work is needed to better understand differences insecurity awareness between novice and experienced protesters.

4.5 Analysis MethodsWe performed both quantitative and qualitative analyses.

4.5.1 Quantitative Analysis. Many parts of our survey involvedmultiple choice questions on scales (e.g., Likert scales). Because oneof our key goals was to understand the degree to which participantswere familiar with, understood, and followed the different classesof advice, much of our data presentation is primarily descriptive.

Some of our research sub-questions, however, necessitated sta-tistical testing. For example, we created a series of five linear re-gression models to understand how numerous characteristics of re-spondents’ demographics, involvement in BLM, and technical skillscorrelated with five distinct dependent variables (DVs): their con-cern for themselves at protests; their concern for fellow protesters;whether they had heard advice; whether they felt they understoodadvice; and whether they followed advice. Because we were mostinterested in overall concern and overall awareness of advice, weaveraged a given respondent’s answers across the 15 concerns andacross the 13 classes of advice. Therefore, we treated each DV ascontinuous (hence using a linear regression) as it was the aver-age of many ordinal responses. The independent variables (IVs)were as follows: whether or not the respondent identified as black;their geographic region; their area (urban, suburban, or rural); theirgender; their age range; their education level; whether or not theyhad a technical background; whether or not they had expertise incomputer security; the degree to which they considered themselvesa participant in BLM; the degree to which they considered them-selves an organizer of BLM; the number of years they had been partof BLM; and the number of BLM protests they had attended (with5+ protests grouped as a single category). For categorical variables,we binned similar categories (e.g., age ranges) when there werefew responses in a category. For each categorical IV, we used themost frequent response (e.g., not having a technical background)as the baseline category. We always report a parsimonious modeldeveloped through backward selection by AIC.

We were also interested in how respondents’ concerns for fellowprotesters compared to those for themselves. For each of the 15concerns, we thus compared a respondent’s concern for themselvesand for fellow protesters using a paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test.

For all statistical analysis, 𝛼 = .05, though we also report (andclearly label) marginally significant results (.05 ≤ 𝑝 ≤ .10). We cor-rected for multiple testing using the Benjamini-Hochberg method.We applied this correction across all five regression models, as wellas across all 15 paired Wilcoxon signed-rank tests.

4.5.2 Qualitative Analysis. We also used qualitative methods tobetter understand respondents’ free-text responses. In particular,for each of the 13 classes of advice, we coded the responses aboutwhat the respondent thought the purpose of the advice was andwhy they did (or did not) follow it. Through open and axial coding,two members of the research team collaboratively developed acodebook for each question by reading through all responses anddiscussing common themes they observed, in addition to thosethemes’ connections. Because the topics mentioned in responseswere frequently specific to a particular class of advice, each questionnecessitated its own codebook, though we reused codes acrosscodebooks when applicable. Using these tentative codebooks, one

Understanding the Security and Privacy Advice Given to Black Lives Matter Protesters CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan

member of the research team coded all responses and updated thecodebook as needed. A second coder used the updated codebook toindependently code the data. We calculated intercoder agreementper codebook. The median Cohen’s ^ was 0.63 across codebooks.

5 SURVEY RESULTSWe first describe our respondents (Section 5.1) and their concernsat protests (Section 5.2). The subsequent five sections describe thedegree to which respondents reported having heard, understoodthe purpose of, and followed particular advice. We again group the13 classes of advice by the primary threat they attempt to mitigate.Finally, we report how responses to all three questions correlatedwith demographics and participation in BLM (Section 5.8).

5.1 Respondents and Their BLM InvolvementWe collected responses from 200 crowdworkers on Prolific in lateAugust and early September 2020. Despite the requirements weposted in bold as part of our recruitment text, 26 respondents re-ported in the survey that they had never been to a protest, so wedid not analyze their data further. We additionally excluded threeresponses containing one-word answers to all free-response ques-tions and four responses from two unique individuals who eachtook the survey twice from the same computer under differentProlific IDs. This filtering left 167 respondents in our final sample.Respondents completed the survey in an average of 44.9 minutes(median: 37.4 minutes).

Respondent Demographics. Following best practices [74], wegave respondents the option of selecting that they identify as awoman, identify as a man, or identify as non-binary. We also gaverespondents the option to self-describe or decline to answer. Amongour 167 respondents, 53% identify as a woman, 46% as a man, and1% as non-binary. None chose to self-describe or decline to an-swer. Consistent with the ages of protesters in the BLM movementbroadly [92], our sample skewed young relative to the broader USpopulation. Respondents fell into the following age ranges: 18–24(35%), 25–34 (47%), 35–44 (16%), 45–54 (2%), and 55–64 (1%). Webinned (combined) the last three groups in statistical analyses.

We asked participants to select all races and ethnicities withwhich they identified from a list of six options adapted from theUS Census, with the additional opportunity to either self-describeor decline to answer. All respondents chose to describe themselvesusing some combination of these six options, with 52% selectingonly “Black or African American,” 31% selecting only “White orCaucasian,” 5% selecting only “Asian,” 5% selecting only “Hispanic orLatinx,” 1% selecting only “Native American or Alaskan Native,” andthe remaining 6% selecting more than one option. Ultimately, 56%of respondents identified at least in part as Black, while 44% did not.While a statistical model cannot hope to capture the intersectionalcomplexities of race in the US [57], we use this binarization ofBlackness as one (imperfect) covariate in our statistical analyses.

By virtue of our inclusion criteria, all respondents hailed fromthe United States. Respondents lived in various regions2 of thecountry: the southeast (34%), northeast (28%), midwest (16%), west

2We followed National Geographic’s division of the US into five regions:

(13%), and southwest (9%). Among respondents, 53% reported livingin an urban area, 42% in a suburban area, and 5% in a rural area.

Respondents varied in educational attainment: 17% had a highschool education or less, 26% had completed some college course-work without receiving a degree, 37% held a two- or four-yearcollege degree, and 20% held a graduate or professional degree.Among respondents, 75% did not have a technical background (de-fined as a degree or job in computer science, IT, or a related field).81% reported that they did not have expertise in computer security.

Involvement in BLM. All respondents considered themselvespart of the BLMmovement to at least a small extent. Among respon-dents, 81% considered themselves part of the movement to at leasta “moderate extent,” while 45% considered themselves part of themovement to a “great extent” or “very great extent.” In contrast, fewrespondents considered themselves organizers. Only 7% consideredthemselves organizers of the movement to a “great extent” or “verygreat extent,” whereas 53% felt they were “not at all” organizers.The median participant had been part of the BLM movement fortwo years. While 26% of respondents reported joining the BLMmovement in the years 2013–2015, another 28% reported joiningthe movement only in 2020. Among respondents, 98% reported“reading information about BLM or related events” online at leastmonthly. In fact, 47% described doing so at least daily. Respondentsalso reported participating in BLM at least monthly in other ways:“posting about BLM on social media” (87% of respondents), “signingpetitions that are supported by the BLM movement” (87%), and“helping to distribute information about BLM events” (77%). A smallfraction of respondents engaged in any of the following activities atleast monthly: “donating money to the BLM movement or relatedcauses supported by BLM” (54%), “helping to plan BLM events”(35%), and “attending BLM general meetings or events (other thanprotests)” (34%). In other words, respondents’ involvement in BLMwas primarily through online engagement and social media.

By virtue of our inclusion criteria, all respondents had attendeda BLM protest in person. The median respondent had attendedtwo BLM protests in the year 2020, one BLM protest prior to 2020,and one non-BLM protest at any point. Of the 167 respondents,12 had been to at least 10 BLM protests, while two of them hadbeen to over 50 BLM protests. Most respondents had been to onlya few: 22% had been to one protest, 25% to two, 16% to three, and12% to four. The final 25% of respondents had been to five or more.Overall, participants were novice protesters; 56% of respondentshad attended between zero and two protests of any kind prior to2020, while 20% of respondents had never been to any protest priorto 2020. Furthermore, many respondents’ activism was focusedon BLM. At the time of the survey, 38% of respondents had neverattended any non-BLM protests, while 67% had attended at mosttwo non-BLM protests. In short, while a few respondents wereexperienced protesters or organizers, most were novice protesters.

5.2 Concerns While ProtestingTo contextualize respondents’ decision to follow (or not to follow)particular security- and privacy-related advice at BLM protests, weaimed to understand their underlying concerns. To that end, wedeveloped a list of 15 potential concerns about protests, as detailed

CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Maia J. Boyd, Jamar L. Sullivan Jr., Marshini Chetty, and Blase Ur

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Contracting COVID-19

Being physically injured

Being arrested

Police getting theirpersonal information

Phone being confiscated

Location being tracked

Police learning aboutprotest plans

Being identified bypolice surveillance

Phone accessedby police

Police interceptingtexts/calls

Police knowingthey are there

Being identifiedfrom own social media

Being identifiedin photos/videos

Being identified fromothers' social media

Being identifiedfrom website visits

Concern (Self)

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Concern (Fellow Protesters)

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Figure 2: The distribution of respondents’ level of concern about their own safety (L) and that of others (R) at BLM protests.

in Section 4.2. Most potential concerns related to security and pri-vacy, but we also included general concerns (e.g., violence) andconcerns about COVID-19 as points of comparison. Respondentsfirst answered about these concerns for themselves, and then aboutfellow protesters. Responses were on a five-point Likert scale. Forbrevity, throughout this section we write that respondents had aconcern if they answered “agree” or “strongly agree.”

Concerns For Self. Figure 2 shows the distribution of concernrespondents expressed about their own safety and that of fellowprotesters. For themselves, the largest fraction of respondents wor-ried about contracting COVID-19 (77%), though nearly as manyworried about being injured (73%) or arrested (68%) at a protest.More than half of respondents (52%–62%) had concerns related totechnology and surveillance, including that their phone would beconfiscated, location tracked, messages intercepted, or phone ac-cessed by police. A similar fraction of respondents were concernedmore broadly about the police getting their personal information,identifying them via surveillance technologies, or learning aboutthe plans for the protest. Somewhat fewer respondents were con-cerned about being identified based on their web browsing (38%),as well as their own (41%) or others’ (40%) activity on social media.

Concerns For Fellow Protesters. The relative ranking of con-cerns was similar for fellow protesters, though respondents ex-pressed greater concern for fellow protesters than for themselves.For each of the 15 potential concerns, we compared respondents’concern for themselves and fellow protesters using pairedWilcoxonsigned-rank tests. Concern for fellow protesters was significantlyhigher than for respondents themselves in all cases (every 𝑝 < .006).For example, whereas 59% of respondents were concerned abouttheir phone being confiscated by police, 75% were concerned abouta fellow protester’s phone being confiscated.

Table 4: Our parsimonious linear regression model forrespondents’ concern for themselves at protests from 1(“strongly disagree”) – 5 (“strongly agree”), averaged acrossall 15 potential concerns. The number of protests was ordi-nal with bins 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5+. It was modeled quadratically.

Factor Baseline 𝜷 𝑺𝑬 𝒕 𝒑

(Intercept) 3.380 0.078 43.425 <.001# BLM Protests Attended (Quadratic fit) 0.429 0.169 2.546 .032

Table 5: Our parsimonious linear regression model for re-spondents’ concern for fellow protesters from 1 (“stronglydisagree”) – 5 (“strongly agree”), averaged across all 15 po-tential concerns. For categorical independent variables, weindicate the baseline category.

Factor Baseline 𝜷 𝑺𝑬 𝒕 𝒑

(Intercept) 3.681 0.163 22.517 <.001Race/Ethnicity: Non-Black Black 0.367 0.148 2.483 .032Gender: Man Woman -0.389 0.148 -2.636 .032Gender: Non-binary Woman -0.400 0.672 -0.596 .552Age Range: 18–24 25–34 0.248 0.163 1.525 .166Age Range: 35+ 25–34 -0.133 0.201 -0.661 .540Years In BLM (Continuous) 0.053 0.032 1.666 .146

5.3 Awareness, Knowledge, and Use of AdviceOur survey asked a series of questions about the 13 classes ofadvice from the safety guides. Here, we detail the degree to whichrespondents reported having heard each class of advice, reportedunderstanding the purpose of that advice, and reported followingthat advice when attending protests. We present these results infour groups, respectively covering six classes of advice that protectprotesters if their phone is confiscated (Section 5.4), three classes ofadvice about protecting communications (Section 5.5), two classesof advice about phone tracking (Section 5.6), and two classes ofadvice about sharing information and images (Section 5.7).

Understanding the Security and Privacy Advice Given to Black Lives Matter Protesters CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan

For brevity in writing, we report responses in bins, combiningrelated responses on the various Likert scales. For instance, wecombine answers like “a great deal” or “a moderate amount” whenwriting that a given fraction of participants had previously heardparticular advice. Similarly, we combine answers like “strongly dis-agree” or “disagree” and instead write that all such participants feltthey did not understand the purpose of particular advice. We onlyreport bins at the poles of each Likert scale; we do not report on“neutral” or “not applicable” responses. In describing respondents’explanations, we report the number of participants (out of 167)whose justifications mentioned a particular theme identified in ourcoding process. Because these are free-response prompts, not men-tioning something does not imply that a participant does not believeit. Therefore, the percentage of participants whomentioned a themedoes not imply a generalizable fraction. Nonetheless, we providethese counts to give a more accurate picture of the prevalence ofthemes in our data. We attribute quotes using the terminology R-#.

5.4 Advice Related to Phone ConfiscationSix classes of advice from the safety guides would protect protestersin case their phone is confiscated. Participants widely knew aboutand followed common advice to lock their phone with a strongpasscode, yet were less knowledgeable about (and less likely tofollow) other relevant advice that appeared less commonly in safetyguides. Advice about disabling biometric unlocking was commonin safety guides, yet not as widely known about, nor followed.

Strong Passcode. Locking phones with strong passcodes min-imizes the potential for guessing attacks if they are confiscated.Overall, 65% of respondents had heard of using a strong passcodewhen attending protests, while 21% had not. Overall, 89% of re-spondents felt they understood this advice, whereas only 3% didnot. In their explanations, 112 respondents correctly stated that thepurpose of this advice is to prevent the police or anyone else fromgaining access to a protester’s phone without permission, while 31respondents stated more generally that the purpose was to protectthe information on a phone. The majority of respondents followedthis advice. Their free-response explanations, though, suggestedthat part of the reason is that the same advice applies outside ofprotests. Notably, 49 respondents clarified that they always use astrong passcode whether or not they are protesting. For example,R-92 stated, “I have followed this advice since even before I beganattending protests.” More generally, 25 respondents reported follow-ing this advice to protect the information on their phone. On theother hand, 15 respondents did not use strong passwords becausethey did not feel it was necessary, usually citing common tropes ofprivacy [72] (e.g., R-130: “I have nothing to hide” ).

Disable Biometrics. Regardless of the strength of the phone’spasscode, leaving biometric unlocking enabled continues to leave aphone vulnerable because, unlike a passcode, biometrics are vul-nerable to coercion. Even though disabling biometric unlockingwas the second-most-common class of advice in the safety guides,only 40% of respondents had heard this advice, whereas 42% hadnot. Overall, 69% of respondents felt they understood the purposeof disabling biometric unlocking. Some explanations correctly iden-tified that biometrics can be coerced, albeit in different words; 30

respondents explained that police can forcefully access a protester’sphone by using their face or fingerprint without their permission,while another 27 respondents gave a similar explanation withoutspecifically mentioning police. For example, R-145 stated, “Whilepolice cannot force you to open the phone or divulge a passcode, theycould physically force a fingerprint. . . to open the phone.” Whereasonly 3% of respondents felt they did not understand the purposeof a strong passcode, 20% of respondents felt they did not under-stand the purpose of disabling biometric unlocking. Furthermore,the free-response justifications of even some respondents who feltthey understood the purpose suggested that they might not. Forexample, eight such respondents stated that biometrics are moresecure than passwords, missing that biometric unlocking typicallyfalls back to a password [15].

Encrypt Device. Advice about encrypting devices (e.g., phones)and backing them up before protests was mentioned in a moderatenumber of safety guides (9 and 6, respectively), yet respondents hadmixed knowledge about these practices. Among respondents, 40%had heard advice about encrypting devices they bring to protests,while 44% had heard advice about backing them up. In total, 68%felt they understood the purpose of encryption, while 77% felt theyunderstood the purpose of back-ups. For encryption, 55 respondentswrote that the purpose was to make it harder for the police or othersto gain access to phones, while 36 respondents wrote that it wasto protect the data stored on phones. Similarly, 95 respondentswrote that the purpose of backing up a device is to easily retrieveimportant information in the future. More specific to protesting, 78respondents mentioned the need to do so if their phone is lost ordestroyed, while 68 respondents mentioned the need to do so if thephone is confiscated, including by police.

Back Up Device. Overall, 41% of respondents reported encrypt-ing their phone, while 35% reported backing up their device beforeprotesting. In each case, a roughly equal number reported not doingso (41% and 38%, respectively). 23 respondents reported that theirphone is always encrypted even outside protests. Among thosewho do not encrypt their phone, 23 respondents did not think itwas necessary, while 20 respondents reported that they did not doso because they do not understand the advice. Not seeing potentialthreats, R-100 stated, “I don’t have anything on my phone that Iwouldn’t be willing to show anyone including the police.” Reflectinga lack of knowledge, R-69 wrote that encrypting a phone “seemsharder- I don’t know exactly how to do it, and it seems like it wouldtake too much time to accomplish.” Regarding backing up phones,29 respondents said they do so to avoid losing important informa-tion. Notably, 29 respondents reported routinely backing up theirdevice whether or not they were attending a protest. In contrast, 27respondents stated that backing up their device was not necessary,including R-81: “I don’t plan on being arrested or having my phonetaken away from me.”

Disable Notifications and Single App. Among the less com-mon suggestions were disabling notifications when a phone islocked or using features that restrict the phone to a single app.Each was found in only two safety guides. Unsurprisingly, then,only 32% of respondents had heard advice about disabling noti-fications, while only 16% had heard of restricting the phone to a

CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Maia J. Boyd, Jamar L. Sullivan Jr., Marshini Chetty, and Blase Ur

Disable Biometrics (28)

Strong Passcode (20)

Encrypt Device (9)

Back Up Device (6)

Disable Notifications (2)

Single App (2)

E2EE App (27)

VPN (4)

Secure Browser (3)

Disable Transmissions (31)

No Phone (21)

Avoid Identifiers (21)

Social Media Caution (18)

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Heard Advice

A great deal

A moderate amount



(a) “I have seen or heard similar ad-vice about attending a protest.”

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Understand Purpose


Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree



(b) “I feel that I understand the pur-pose of this advice about attendinga protest.”

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Follow Advice






(Not applicable)

(c) “I follow this advice when at-tending a protest.”

Figure 3: Whether respondents had (a) heard about, (b) felt they understood the purpose of, and (c) followed particular advice.The number in parentheses for each class of advice indicates how many safety guides (out of 41) mentioned that advice.

single app. Whereas 69% of respondents felt they understood thepurpose of disabling notifications, only 32% felt the same aboutrestricting the phone to a single app. The latter was, by far, theclass of advice respondents least felt they understood the rationalebehind. 36 respondents incorrectly stated that the purpose was toprevent location tracking.

5.5 Advice Related to CommunicationsTo protect communications, 27 safety guides recommended thatprotesters use an E2EE messaging app, four recommended VPNs,and three recommended secure browsers. Nonetheless, fewer par-ticipants reported using an E2EE app than using a VPN or a securebrowser, highlighting a gap between recommendations and actions.

E2EE App. Despite the wide availability and key security bene-fits of E2EE messaging apps like Signal, only 36% of respondentshad heard to send messages on E2EE apps instead of via text mes-saging. Notably, 50% had not heard such advice. Nonetheless, 76%of respondents felt they understood the purpose of this advice. Inparticular, 44 respondents stated that the purpose was to make surethat messages between protesters were protected or secure, while35 respondents stated that the purpose was to ensure police wouldbe unable to read or access previous messages between protesters.Unfortunately, only 27% of respondents followed this advice; 50%did not. 61 respondents wrote that they did not use an E2EE appbecause they felt it was not necessary or was too drastic. Notably,17 respondents reported that using an E2EE app is not necessary forthem because they do not text during (or about) protests, while 14reported that their messages are not important enough to use suchapps. For example, R-67 stated, “I’m not in communication with the

protest organizers so my potential benefit to police is little.” In con-trast, respondents that frequently used E2EE apps did so in order toprotect their privacy and communications with fellow protesters.R-77 stated, “Without access to the information shared between meand other protesters, the police would not be able to identify others in-volved.” While most respondents understood this recommendation,many did not.

VPN and Secure Browser. Less commonly, safety guides oc-casionally recommended using a VPN (4 guides) or secure webbrowser (3 guides). Among respondents, 41% had heard adviceabout using a VPN, whereas 37% had not. Similarly, 33% had heardabout using a secure web browser, while 41% had not. Roughlytwo-thirds of respondents (69% for using a VPN, 65% for using asecure browser) felt they understood the purpose of the advice.In explaining their perceptions of the purpose of using a VPN, 73respondents stated that it is to prevent location tracking, while40 respondents stated that it is to protect private information likebrowsing history. In explaining their perceptions of the purpose ofusing a secure browser, 48 respondents wrote that it is to protectprivate information, while 36 respondents wrote that it is to stopthe police or others from tracking protesters through their brows-ing history. Among respondents, 30% reported using a VPN, while33% reported using a secure browser. In explaining their use of aVPN, 18 respondents aimed to prevent location tracking, such asR-44’s “to feel protected and safe from tracking devices and the police.”Notably, 13 respondents wrote that they use a VPN whether or notthey are attending a protest. Respondents reported using a securebrowser to stay secure (20 respondents) or to keep their browserhistory private (16 respondents).

Understanding the Security and Privacy Advice Given to Black Lives Matter Protesters CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan

5.6 Advice About Phone NetworksTo prevent tracking, many guides recommend participants disabletheir phone’s transmission features or avoid bringing a primaryphone at all. Respondents were relatively familiar with both classesof advice, though observance of this advice was mixed.

Disable Transmissions. Overall, 56% of respondents had heardto disable their communication features individually or by turn-ing on airplane mode, while 29% had not. Nonetheless, 78% feltthey understood the purpose of this advice, while only 9% did not.Capturing the essence of the purpose, 121 respondents wrote thatthe goal is to prevent the police or others from tracking poten-tial protesters’ locations. For example, R-118 stated, “The purposeof turning off your phone data is to keep you from being traced ortracked.” Unfortunately, while 40% of respondents followed this ad-vice, 35% did not. Those who followed the advice did so to protecttheir location and identity (31 respondents) or simply to stay safe(26 respondents). For example, R-114 wrote, “I may not completelyturn my phone off, but I do happen to turn off all of my locationservices. This is used because I understand that I can be tracked notonly during the protests, which may impact the safety of my fellowprotesters, but also that I may be tracked to my home address.”

No Phone. Similarly, 50% of respondents had heard advice toavoid bringing a primary phone to protests, while 34% had not.Overwhelmingly, 83% of respondents felt they understood the pur-pose of doing so, while only 3% did not. Respondents’ explanationsof the purpose encompassed not just tracking over networks, butalso the possibility of confiscation. Both of these aspects are rea-sons not to bring a primary phone to a protest. More precisely, 51respondents identified the purpose as protecting private informa-tion on phones, such as information about the protest, while 49respondents identified the purpose as protecting the identity ofyourself and other protesters. For example, R-145 wrote, “If yourphone is confiscated, lost, stolen, or destroyed, it keeps your personalphone safe and in the case of a burner phone, it keeps your personalinformation safe if the phone gets into the wrong hands.”

Although advice to bring only a burner phone or no phone atall was relatively common in safety guides, only 31% of respon-dents followed this advice, whereas 47% did not. Some respondentsfollowed this advice to stay safe (15) or to protect their privacyor identity (10). In contrast, other respondents did not follow thisadvice because they believe it unnecessary (31), feel that purchasinga burner phone is too expensive (20), or do not currently have aburner phone (16). For example, R-113 stated, “I don’t attend protestsregularly and haven’t had the money to get a burner phone.”

5.7 Advice About Info/Photo SharingTo protect protesters, safety guides suggested taking care withpotential identifiers in photos and social media posts.

Avoid Identifiers. Avoiding potential identifying informationin photos or videos taken and shared of protests was among themost familiar pieces of advice; 60% of respondents had heard it,whereas only 20% had not. Similarly, 91% of respondents reportedunderstanding the purpose of doing so, whereas only 2% did not.In their justifications, 113 respondents correctly stated that thepurpose is to prevent location tracking or the identification of

protesters This advice was also among the advice most widelyfollowed, with 59% doing so and 16% not doing so. 70 respondents’reasons for doing so centered on the protection of other protesters.Of those 70, 39 respondents articulated their rationale as keepingother protesters safe from harm, while 31 articulated it as protectingother protesters’ identities. R-62 wrote, “The security and well-beingof my fellow protesters is a top priority. I wouldn’t ever want to putout information that could be incriminating to them. I’ll always tryto blur the faces of the people around me at a protest.”

Social Media Caution. Exercising caution on social media wasalso among the most familiar advice. Overall, 74% had heard suchadvice (versus 11% not) and 90% felt they understood its purpose(versus 4% not). In total, 52 respondents identified that the purposewas to protect protesters’ identity and location. Additionally, 35respondents stated that it related to keeping protesters safe, and23 respondents specifically noted that posts on social media canbe used to incriminate yourself or others. For example, R-67 wrote,“Posts can have reprocussions [sic] either from employers, the police, orfriends/family.” Respondents overwhelmingly followed this advice,76% versus 8%. From their justifications, 38 respondents did so forsafety, 29 respondents already do not post often on social media,and 25 respondents did so to protect privacy.

5.8 Regression Models of CorrelationsWe again built linear regression models to analyze how respon-dents’ demographics and participation in BLM correlated with theiranswers about the degree to which they had heard, understoodthe purpose of, and followed particular advice. For each model, weaveraged a respondent’s answers across all 13 classes of advice,hence our choice of a linear model. Respondents were significantlymore likely to report that they had heard the security and privacyadvice (Table 6) if they held a degree or job related to technology(𝑝 = .032) or if they considered themselves a BLM organizer to agreater degree (𝑝 = .013). These results have the potential explana-tion that familiarity with IT-related topics or being involved as aBLM organizer both make it more likely that a respondent wouldhave encountered advice about computer security or privacy.

Table 7 presents our model for understanding the purpose of ad-vice. Respondents whomore strongly identified as BLM participantswere more likely to feel that they understood the advice’s purpose(𝑝 = .016). In addition, compared to those who lived in an urbanarea, respondents were marginally more likely to feel that theyunderstood the advice’s purpose if they lived in a suburban area(𝑝 = .063). Our parsimonious model for following advice (Table 8)was similar to that for having heard advice. Respondents who helda degree or job related to technology (𝑝 = .013) or who consideredthemselves a BLM organizer to a greater degree (𝑝 = .013) reportedfollowing the 13 classes of advice more frequently. A potential ex-planation may be that both types of respondents have a clearerunderstanding of potential consequences.

6 DISCUSSIONWe analyzed 41 safety guides, identifying 13 classes of digital se-curity and privacy advice given to novice BLM protesters. We alsoconducted a survey of 167 BLM protesters to see what concernsthey had for in-person events, as well as whether they had heard

CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan Maia J. Boyd, Jamar L. Sullivan Jr., Marshini Chetty, and Blase Ur

Table 6: Our parsimonious linear regression model analyz-ing correlations between respondents’ ratings for whetherthey had heard particular advice from 1 (“never”) – 5 (“agreat deal”), averaged across all 13 classes of advice, andtheir demographics. For categorical independent variables(IVs), we indicate the baseline category. For ordinal IVs, weindicate the fitted function.

Factor Baseline 𝜷 𝑺𝑬 𝒕 𝒑

(Intercept) – 3.237 0.150 21.618 <.001Gender: Man Woman 0.246 0.139 1.773 .128Gender: Non-binary Woman 0.821 0.636 1.291 .238Tech Background: Yes No 0.539 0.217 2.490 .032Security Background: Yes No -0.376 0.241 -1.563 .166Consider Self BLM Organizer (Linear fit) 0.903 0.289 3.127 .013

Table 7: Our parsimonious model analyzing correlations be-tween respondents’ ratings for whether they felt they un-derstood advice’s purpose from 1 (“strongly disagree”) – 5(“strongly agree”), averaged across all 13 classes of advice,and their demographics.

Factor Baseline 𝜷 𝑺𝑬 𝒕 𝒑

(Intercept) – 3.845 0.071 54.030 <.001Area: Suburban Urban 0.214 0.098 2.168 .063Area: Rural Urban -0.253 0.214 -1.185 .267Tech Background: Yes No 0.201 0.112 1.793 .128Consider Self BLM Participant (Quadratic fit) 0.293 0.099 2.951 .016

Table 8: Our parsimonious model analyzing correlations be-tween respondents’ ratings for whether they followed par-ticular advice from 0 (“not applicable”) – 5 (“always”), aver-aged across all 13 classes of advice, and their demographics.

Factor Baseline 𝜷 𝑺𝑬 𝒕 𝒑

(Intercept) – 2.947 0.147 20.107 <.001Tech Background: Yes No 0.609 0.183 3.322 .013Consider Self BLM Organizer (Linear fit) 0.991 0.318 3.115 .013

of, understood the purpose of, and followed the types of advicepresented in these safety guides.

6.1 Implications For Safety GuidesIn our analysis of the safety guides, two of the most common piecesof advice were to disable biometric unlocking of phones and touse an E2EE messaging app instead of text messages. However,in our survey, these very same pieces of advice were less knownto our respondents, less understood overall in terms of how theyprotect digital security and privacy, and even more rarely followed.In contrast, other common pieces of advice, such as having a strongpasscode, avoiding identifying information in photos, and avoidingsocial media posts, were more commonly known, understood, andfollowed. This result suggests several disconnects.

6.1.1 Prioritizing Advice For The Target Audience. First, the safetyguides themselves are often dense with tips. It may be easier forprotesters to have a prioritized list of advice. For instance, a one-time protester may only be interested in the top three suggestionsfor keeping safe. Prioritized advice lists might be more effective ifthey could list what suggestions offer the most protection for littleeffort, or based on time to prepare, or even how involved the person

is in the movement. For instance, some guides offered specializedadvice, such as using a VPN, Brave browser, or Tor. These stepsseem targeted at long-term protesters and activists. It would helpnovice protesters to better understand which of the many piecesof advice are more pertinent to them. In addition, in our study,only two guides appeared to have been created and distributed byBLM supporters. The majority of the guides were made by newsorganizations. This finding suggests that there is room to expand onthe current offerings with guides specific to BLM or other activistcauses. Future qualitative studies could examine the security andprivacy needs of novice in-person protesters in more depth so thatguides and other supportive services can be tailored to user needs.

6.1.2 Improving Information Presentation. Second, patterns in oursurvey responses suggest that when the purpose of particular advicewas poorly understood, it was less followed overall. In contrast,if respondents were aware of clear steps for following the advice,they were more likely to follow it. Lastly, if respondents felt theadvice was “necessary,” then they were more likely to follow it. Forinstance, for a one-time protester, a burner phone was consideredunnecessary. In the guides themselves, these issues around theease of following the advice and what the advice affords could beaddressed through improving the presentation of the advice.

Instead of only providing a suggestion, the “why" and "how"of the suggestion are equally important aspects of security advice.Unfortunately, only about half of the guides we studied providedthis “why,” and only about a quarter provided the “how.” That is,our respondents needed to know what protections are afforded bythe suggestion. For unfamiliar advice, they also needed detailedsteps on how to accomplish the suggestion, which would lower thebarrier to adopting that advice during protests.

Key open questions include what forms of presentation are mosteffective for helping protesters understand and follow advice. Forinstance, is an infographicmore effective than a guidewith tips? Arethere other ways to package up advice in easily consumable formsfor different audiences? Are bulleted lists more effective than usingsubheadings? Where should the “how” and “why” be included?Future work also needs to understand how to delineate the targetaudience and how to distribute the advice widely to activists orother supporters of the movement. Additionally, although this didnot come up in our study, another open question is how to ensurethat the credibility of the advice is clear. In our ongoing work toimprove the understanding of why particular advice should befollowed, we are currently developing a mobile app that will showprotesters what data can be gathered from their phones if they donot enable certain protections. We plan to use this app to gatheradditional data on how best to help in-person novice protestersmaintain their security and privacy. This work is inspired by theWiFi privacy ticker [18], in which researchers showed users howinsecure WiFi is by showing them the data that is sent over thewireless connection in plaintext.

6.2 Implications for Community EngagementIt was clear from our respondents’ encounters with advice thatkeeping activists safe also means tackling issues around the dis-tribution of information. Often, respondents holding technology-oriented jobs had heard various pieces of advice, particularly more

Understanding the Security and Privacy Advice Given to Black Lives Matter Protesters CHI ’21, May 8–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan

obscure suggestions like restricting a phone to a single app. To helpprotesters of all technology backgrounds keep safe, the communitymay need alternative channels to distribute advice to activists. Cer-tainly, this could be done online, but we suggest an alternative pathto distribute safety advice that leverages the community aspectof BLM and other activist movements. We suggest that helpingprotesters and activists learn about safety advice through in-persontrainings, meet-ups, or events could be a vessel both to get morepeople to engage and to ensure that they can do so with minimalrisk to themselves and their fellow protesters. For instance, anotherbarrier to using end-to-end encryption is the process of installing anapp like Signal, as well as ascertaining that other members of one’scommunication network are on the same platform. “Installationparties” for key apps like Signal could help get everyone to a pointwhere they can safely engage with others in the movement withouthaving to struggle on their own, nor wait for other members oftheir network to join the app. This approach is already being fol-lowed by several organizations. For example, CryptoHarlem runsevents dedicated to helping underserved and vulnerable communi-ties improve their security and privacy, as well as avoid technologysurveillance [19]. Future work should further investigate and codifybest practices for such community-based activist trainings.

7 CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we studied the types of digital security and privacyadvice given to novice BLM protesters. In particular, we analyzedthe advice given in 41 safety guides distributed on social media andthe web during widespread BLM protests in spring 2020. We identi-fied the most common types of advice, such as disabling phones’transmission features (e.g., putting them in airplane mode), com-municating via an E2EE app, and disabling biometric unlocking onphones. While some of this advice is applicable outside of protestsituations, other advice is fairly specific to in-person protests. Ad-ditionally, we conducted an online survey to investigate whetherthis advice is understood and used by 167 primarily novice BLMprotesters. Unfortunately, survey respondents reported that theydid not widely follow, nor fully understand, protest-specific recom-mendations, such as using E2EE apps instead of texting or disablingbiometric phone unlocking. Further studies of in-person protesters’security and privacy needs are warranted. Future work should aimto develop improved safety guides for in-person protesters. Theseguides must better explain why certain advice offers key protec-tions, as well as provide more detail on how to follow the advice.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank Michelle Aninye, Weijia He, Jason Chee, and Ethan Wald-man for their contributions to this project. We are grateful to ourrespondents for their thoughtful participation.

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