Page 1: UNICLASSIFIED 408 878i · 2018. 11. 8. · thylmorphine and codeine were shown by the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide) and the Feigl-Silva method (ethoxy group), respectively. The method


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Page 2: UNICLASSIFIED 408 878i · 2018. 11. 8. · thylmorphine and codeine were shown by the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide) and the Feigl-Silva method (ethoxy group), respectively. The method

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Page 3: UNICLASSIFIED 408 878i · 2018. 11. 8. · thylmorphine and codeine were shown by the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide) and the Feigl-Silva method (ethoxy group), respectively. The method

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Page 4: UNICLASSIFIED 408 878i · 2018. 11. 8. · thylmorphine and codeine were shown by the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide) and the Feigl-Silva method (ethoxy group), respectively. The method

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Page 5: UNICLASSIFIED 408 878i · 2018. 11. 8. · thylmorphine and codeine were shown by the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide) and the Feigl-Silva method (ethoxy group), respectively. The method

JflS: 19,465



No, 187

"B- iolojgr and, Medicine Series -

"" 'his report conmists of abstracts of articles from thePAst European scientific and technical journals listed inthe table of contents below.

*Table of Contentspage


Acts Pharmaceautica Hungýrica, Budapest, Vol 33, No 2,Apr 63 .1

Honvedorvo•, Budapest, Vol 15, No 1, Jan-Mar 63 4

Orvosi Hetila,_ Budapest, Vol 104, No 12, 24 Mar 63 9

Orvosi Hetilap, Budapest, Vol 104, No 15, 14 Apr 63 13

Orvosi Hetilap, BuAapest, Vol 104, No 16, 21 Apr 63 17

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Page 6: UNICLASSIFIED 408 878i · 2018. 11. 8. · thylmorphine and codeine were shown by the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide) and the Feigl-Silva method (ethoxy group), respectively. The method

KANIZSAI 1AGY, Ida, Mrs. V,, VIDn, Lasilo; National Institute of PublicHealth (Orszagos Kozegesssegugyi Intezet), Chemical Department (KemiaiOsztaiy), Budapest.

"The Determination of 2-Phenylquinoline- 4 -oarboxylio Acid with Perohlo-ric Acid, Separation of 2-Phenylquinoline-4-oarboxylic Acid, Aoetyl Sa-licy:Lic Acid and Magnesium Oxide."

Budapest, Acta Pharmaoeutida Hunkarioa, Vol 33, No 2, Apr 63, pp 51-56.

Abstracti [Authors' German summary] Atophan (2-phenylquinoline-4-car.boxy"M.Racid) may be determined in non-aqueous solution (in absoluteacetic acid) with a mixed indicator consisting of gentian violet anddimethhy yellow (8t20). Atophan, acetyl salicylic acid and magnesiumoxide mr~ay be separated from a powder mixture through sg-WaLled reverseextraction. After suitable preparation, the magnesium oxide is titratedwith C0-mplexon III directly; the interfering color of Atophan was eli-minated. by the use of a new mixed indicator. Of 8 references, 5 areHungarian, the rest is Western.

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VEGH, Antal, BRANTNE.R, Antal, SZASZ, Gyory, BUDVARI, Robert, Mrs, GRA-CZA, Peter, Mrs; Medical University (Orvostudcoanyi Egyetem), Instituteof Pharmaceutical Chemistry (0yogyszereszi Kemiai Intezet), Budapest.

"Data on Identity Tests of Powder Mixtures. I. Demonstration of Morphine,Ethylmrorphine and Codeine."

Budapest, Acta Pharmaceutioa Hungarica, Vol 33,. No 2, Apr 63, pp 57-66.

Abstract: [Authors' German summary modified] The Marquis and Husemannrea on is proposed as the group test for the demonstration of opiumalkaloids in powder mixtures. Morphine was shown by the Robinet reaction(ferrio chloride) and the Kieffer reaction (potassium ferricyanide). Ethylmorphine and codeine were shown by the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide)and the Feigl-Silva method (ethoxy group), respectively. The method maybe carried out with 0.1-0.3 grams of material by a simple procedure in5-15 minutes. Of 20 references, 2 are Hungarian, the rest is Western.


Page 7: UNICLASSIFIED 408 878i · 2018. 11. 8. · thylmorphine and codeine were shown by the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide) and the Feigl-Silva method (ethoxy group), respectively. The method

•flGARY "

V3IH, Antal, BUDVARI, Robert, Mrs, SZASZ, Oyorgy, BRANT NER, Antal, GRACZA,Peter, Mrs; Medical University (Orvostudomnyi Rgyetem), Institute of Phar-maceutical Chemistry (Qyogyazeressi Kentai Intezet), Budapest.

"Data on Identity Tests of Powder Mixtures. I1. Demonstration of Atropine."

Budapest, Acta Pharmaceutica Hunaarica, Vol 33, No 2, Apr 63, pp 67-72.

Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian smwnary] The literature of the reactions ofatropne (tropane derivative alkaloids) was reviewed critically from thepoint of view of the demonstration of atropine in powder mixtures. It hasbeen found that none of the reactions are suitable for the direct demon-stration of the substance. A simple procedure for the preliminary separa-tion of atropine has been described and it was suggested that the Vitalior fetler hydroxamate reactions be used for identifying atropine. Frompowder mixtures which also contain papavertne and amideazophen, atropineis separated and identified by thin-layer chromatography. As model mix-tures those atropine containing mixtares listed in Formulae Normales IV.were used. Of 23 references, • are Eastern European, the rest is Western.



BALASFALIY, Ferenc, Mrs, TOTH, Zoltan; United Drug and Nutrient Factory(Egyesult Gyogyszer es Tapezergyar), Budapest.

"Phenylthiazine Derivatives and Other Drugs Determined in Dimethylform-

amide Medium with Standard Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide."

Budapest, Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica, Vol 33, No 2, Apr 63, PP 73-76.

Abstract: [Authors t Hungarian summary] The authors found that the methodof Mutc'ler and Rochelmeyer is well suited for the quick determinationof the hydrochlorides of phenylthiazine derivatives which are known tobe quite unstable, without prior separation. The method is useful alsofor the test of other drugs of different structure. The method did notappear to be always reliable whin employed in the testing of pharma.*ceutical preparations. One. Western reference.

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ItAJLAT, Pal, BAYER, Istvan; National Pharmaceutical Institute (CrszagosGyo!yszeraszeti Intezet), Budapest.

"Data on tne Determination of Alkaloids and Alkaloid-Type Substances.VII. Titration of Organic 1Bases with Silicotungstic Acid."

Budapest, Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica, Vol 33, No 2, Apr 63, pp ?7-83.

Abstract: [Authorsl Hunrarian summary] The possible applications of thepr, cpitative titration method of Graf and Fiedler with silicotungsticacid were subjected to study. Confirming their results, it was notedthat the method is very useful in the case of papaveriniur chloride,3trycnniniutn nitrate and quinine hydrochlcride. Further, the usefulnessof the maethod extends to chloropromazine hydrochloride, cocaine hydro-chloride and hexamethylenetetramine. A method which leads to preciseresult,- haý been worked out for the determination of ethylmorphiniumchloride and quinine sulfato. Two ',.Western references.

L/ I J


LORINCiZ,. Osaba, 5JZA3Z, Kalman; Kobanya Drug Factory (Kobanyai Gyoqyszer-aruýyar), Plant 2hemical Laboratorf (Novenykemiai Laboratorium), Buda-pest.

"Rapia Sorial Letenmination of the Alkaloid Content of Drugs. FEaminationof ?e2ladonnae R.'

huapest, Acta Pharmaceutica 'un;,arica, Vol 33, No 2, Apr 63, pp 84-86.

Aost:,act: [Aitnors' Hiunarian oumiqary] The authors claim that their rapidmicromethod ana the related apparatus for the determination of the activein -redient of irusts is suitable for the serial determination of the alka-loid, content of beilaaonnar radix. On this example, they show that themetrod is useful not only witn amphi-indicators out may be used also incomrinat:ion with non-aqueous titration. From the analytical data, it ispo3sic.e to an,'.uce thp ouantity of the crystalline hyosciamine which maybe obtainec from the plant under investiation. Three Hungarian referencrs.

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KESPAL, Hiha).y, Dlr, physio-nam~oi (orvonoraagy).

"Organization of the Tecihnical ftzeoxtion of Screening Tests and Vac-ciniations of Troops."

Budapest, Honve-,dorvcos, Vol 15, No 1, Janj-*:var 63, pp 2-12.

Abstract: The artIcle, aims to provide those techniical details of theorganization of acreeuitig tests and 'n oiLr~tions of troops which arenot discussed ink the pertintrr military regulations, An dis-au-2,Aon- covers the antiual acrebening, test -of drafted military personnel,t~he ter.ot of physeal oo dition and, the organization of vaccinations.In less de-UAII are discussed -the sereening test of recruitcs, the annualsareening test of prof e~ssonal military personnel, the examination ofpe*rsonnel r-iployed in foodi ý:apply, the testing off kitchei. aids and theexmination of those who require sy*.atal attention. The article it il-

lustrated vith floor pl ans which aid in the arrangempnt of flow ofpersonnel ir serial test~irue. There are no referencees.

------- - - - - --i

PIN¶ER, Zelatn, Dr, phi,-siciani-miajor (orvosornagy~, KEM1l'., Dr,pjiysician-1iantanant colonel (orv'osalez2rodes), IMGLAN~D-ER, zsazsa, Dr.

"Three Clcv~es of (Carboni Tiýtr,.tohloride roisoning.'"

Budapotst, Honyodorvos, Vnl 15,.No 1, dan-Mar 63, PP 13-18.

AbL9tract- : Aithorst Hu~vngarian 3-um~aryj The authors describ'.ý their ob-sernatonson ;"atienta poisorod by caqboiitetrachlorlde. They discuss

the ~ricx~es of the use ofý oar Wnteitracbio ride and the syftntoxs of thediseaae cansed. by it, They give spicial attentiona to the kidney dar~agecaused by týhis Thmia. nd they st~rtqLiss the importance of ai detailedcpmstionin!s of the pationts tin relatcion to their occupation. All of 12

Page 10: UNICLASSIFIED 408 878i · 2018. 11. 8. · thylmorphine and codeine were shown by the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide) and the Feigl-Silva method (ethoxy group), respectively. The method

MURY -BODO, Gyorgy, Dr, physician-lieutenant colonel (orvosalezredes).


budapest, Honvedorvos, Vol 15, No 1, Jan-Mar 63, pp 18-26.

Abstract: CAuthor's Hungarian sumtaryj By slectronystagmography, thefrequency of ny.stagmus may be measured precisely and the direction andduration of nystagmus may be determined. One may deduce the magnitudeof the amplitude. The examination may be carried out with eyes closedand in the dark. Its advantage is that, in conjunction with the electricturning chair, the nystagmus may be tested during and following the re-volution. These potentials of the method make it superior to an exami-nation visually and thus the possibility is given for a more intensivestudy of nyatagmus and for the discovery of new phenomena which may beof importance in subtle oto-ophthalro-neurological examinations. Of32 references, 2 are Hungarian, the rest is Western.

KURIDAY, Pal, Dr, physician-major (orvosornagy).

"A Statistical Study of the Cases of Open Abdominal Injury at the Trau-matological ZJepartment (traumatologiai osztaly) of the Central MilitaryHospital (Kozponti Katonai Korhaz) during the Five Year Period 1953-1958."

Budapest, Honvedorvos, Vol 15, No 1, Jan-Mar 63, pp 26-47.

Abstract: (Author's Hungarian summary modified] During 1953-1958, theTraumatological Department of the Central Military Hospital treated65 cases of open abdominal injuries. Of these, 21 were stab wounds and44 were shot wounds. Most injuries were caused by automatic weaponsand the carelessness which characterizes peace times is predominantin the preliminary histories of the cases. In 20 cases, the influenceof alcohol could be shown. In the first aid of such cases it is ofinterest to note that the use of effective pain killers is avoidedand shock prevention is only formal. In the hospital's experience, thestate of shock is the best indicator of the seriousness 6f the injuryand of the prognosis. Most serious were theinjuries of large vessels,L.i/2

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Budapest, Honvedorvos, Vol 15, No 1, Jan-Mar 63, pp 26-4?.

the spinal colmn, the urogenital tract and the thoracic cavity. The meantime lapse between injury and arrival was 2.3 hours, the time for pre-paration of surgery and observation was 2.2 hours. For the treatment ofshock an average of 3.5 liters of blood was used. The majority of lapa-rotomies was carried out with narcosis. Most difficulties arose withcolon injuries until the safest operative procedure, the lifting of theinjured colon to the surface, was established. Peritonitis was the mostcommon complication. Of 16 perforating stab wounds all healed without*complaints. Of 32 perforating shot wounds, 16 healed without complaints,7 were discharged with lasting complaints and 9 died. It should be notedthat the results were obtained under peace-time conditions. No referen-ces are given.

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Z:ABORSZKY, Zoltan, Dr, pbysiclan-major (orvosornagy), GIACINTO, Miklos,Dr, physician-captain (orvosszazados).

"Treatment of Heart Failure during Surgery in One Successful Case."

Budapest, Honvedorvos, Vol 15, No 1, Jan-Mar 63, pp 48-54.

Abstractt [Authors' Hungarian sumary] Oxygen deficiency and carbon di-oxidA retention, together with toxic and reflex factors, are usuallypresent in the etiology of the cardiac-respiratory syncope. Prophylaxisis made possible by their avoidance. Rapid and purposeful action is de-cisive: artifioal respiration successful within 3-4 minutes, thoracotomyand heart massage, accompanied by blood transfusion and drug treatment.The prognosis depends largely on the rapid initiation of all action.The authors review the practical questions of etiology, diagnosis andtherapy and describe a case of heart failure during a tramatologioaloperation which led to a completely successful resuscitation, Of 26references, about two-thirds are Eastern European, the rest is Western.


Page 12: UNICLASSIFIED 408 878i · 2018. 11. 8. · thylmorphine and codeine were shown by the Zeisel method (alkyl iodide) and the Feigl-Silva method (ethoxy group), respectively. The method

IHUNGARY -GEL•NCSER, Fereno, Dr, physician-chief lieutenant (orvosfohadnagy),GATI, Tibor, Dr, GIENOE, Kalman, Dr, SOS, Jozsef, Dr; Health Serviceof the Hungarian People's Army (Magyar Nephadserag Egeszsegugyi Szol-galata) and the Pathophysiological Institute of the Medical University(Orvostudomanyl Fgyetem Xorelettani Intezete) of Budapest (directorsSOS, Jozsef, Dr, professor).

"Effect of Cardiopathogenic Diet on the Pentothal Sleeping Time of Rats."

Budapest, Honvedorvos, Vol 15, No 1, Jan-Mar 63, pP 55-61.

Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian eummary modified] Rats kept on a cardlo-•thOgenic diet became hypertonic while rats kept on semi-starvationrations became somewhat hypctonic. The pentothal sleeping time of bothgroups increased continuously during the six-week long experiment, fas-ter In the case of those on the cardiopathogenic diet. The ether sleep-ing time was essentially unchanged, The experiments support those dataobtpirt;d so far which su t that in the case of nutritive disturbanceof the heart muscle rntot'-ia. narcosis is contraindicated. Of 21 refe-rero•,s, 3 are &ýstenm urope••, the rest is Western.

F1.0, Bela, Dr, physici.n-heutenant colon'el (orvosalezredes), candidateof m4'dical sciences, MAGYkRl, Jozsef, Dr, physician-major (orvosornagy),GAZSO, Margit, laboratory assistant,

"t mu~olcgioal. Yethc,!s -n Blood Clotting Research Ii. Examination of theAdsorption Properties of Protb.hsombin Adsorbents.

Budapest, Honvedorvos, Vol 15, No l, Jan-Mar 63, pp 61-67.

Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] Examination of cattle and humanplaima showed that of prothrombin adsorbents barlum sulfate, calciumphosphate and magnesium, hydroxide are the most effective. Of these, cal-cium iunosphate shows the greatest selectivity by gel diffusion and •mnuno-electropheretic tests and the number of precipitation bands is also low-est in this case. The exverimýnts show nothing new but support' the similarcon.olusions of Quic•k,, Of 6 referenroes, I is Hungarian, the rest is West.

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"On the Sodli•mx Concentration of NozMal Serum."

Budapst, ,anvedorvos, Vol 15, No 1, jan-Mar 63, pp 68-71.

A-bst.Vaot: [Author's Hungarian summary modified] The sodium conoentratio.nof , U er.a of 140 healthy individuals was found to be 132-146 milliequi-valnt's p•r U ter, with a mean value of 136 meq/l. This is 4.9. % lowerthan the "Athei:,to accepted mean. The serum potassium and chloride levels,se ,,nm to be in agreement vitn accepted nom~al mean values. The au-thor rznpre~ses th, oir.Iion, that in view of his data one can conclude01r, tho nov'mAl concentration of serum sodium has become lowered duringthe pa*' 8-ID years. This change muvt be taken seriously since ultimatelya slirht devl&7,on in the level of this most important cation of the ex-tracellular sp!hcs must represent a lesser or greater metabolic distur-bance. Of 12 references, 5 are Hungarian, the rest is Western.


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SOS, Jozsef, Dr: Hogyes Memorial Lecture, 21 Nov 1962. [No affiliationgiven]

"Disturbances of the Nervous System Caused by Nutrition."

Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 104, No 12, 24 Mar 63, pages 529-534.

Abstract: Neurological disturbances caused by avitaninosis are mentioned.FExperiments Aith the lack of amino acids such as lysine and glutamic,acid are reported. Disturbances caused by a weed killer, 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid - a tyrosine antagonist - are discussed in detail.A similar problea was presented by an industrial poison, tri-orthocresylphosphate, which seems to act as a vitamin E antagonist. Actually, itis probably a pseudoantimetabolite. Because of its inhibitory effect oncholinesterase, acetylcholine is retained. Detailed experiments on thesubject are presented. The neurological effects of a cardiopathogenicdiet used in animal experiments are also discussed. Functional, chemicaland morphological changes were noted in the brain of animals fed withthe diet which point to a certral nervous system factor in the experi-mental infarctoid cardiopathies. 20 Eastern European, 18 Westernreferences.

--. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


YAPOS, Vilmos, Dr, MACRAY, Laszlo, Dr; Capital City Public Health-Epidemiological Station. (Fovarosi Kozegeszsegugyi-Jarvanyugyi Allomas).

"Data oi the Sterility, Disinfection and Hygienic Conditions of Buda-pesý's Health Institutes Based on Bacteriological Tests."

Budapest, Orvosi Hatilap, Vol 104, No 12, 24 Mar 63, pages 535-541.

Abst.,%sot: [Authors' Hungarian summary modified] The authors carriedout 30,O00 •acteriological tests on 605 machines in 75 hospitals andother health centers of Budapest, 3000 laboratory model experimentsand 10C inspections. They report on the state of the autoclaves andhot air sterilizators used as well as the results of simple boilingof Instrrments which is done routinely. The authors recommend a morevidespread use of the autoclaves, the replacement of outdated sterili-zators, courses for the technical personnel and the production and useof the Papin instrument boilers. 11 Hungarian, 40 Western references.


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Mi~TU!Z, IXl~oa Dr. $10uILU Jan"s D' -PM, Mine Di's Neiimal VA.,"rewity of Bodaposto 32, Pediatric OitnCo (rwiposti 6 euuA~a~Igystem, n, Gyei'aekklnika).

"SodiUS Metabolisi Teats on Patient.. with Owonnital Vitimi."

Bhidapsetq ,ya _QlUnJ# 'Vol 10od so. 12, p4~ Mini 63, paes. 5e.SM414.

0~~m& 9ti [uthors' EtWUgaan swataY3 The la-metabolim was teste anW~ionts with'ayanosis and congenital vitiug on 16 wi~th nomeloiio~ltin "adon 2 with deoapmmq~ate vitim. The not d~oomspoeatoo;

oyanotic oongenital vitim patients reacted to' per oa Na administrationsimilarly to tbi. control group, heir Na volume and the tiotal wtcharage-able Ma values do not dfefrmthose found in the cowtrol gromp.2 Nungarian, 8 Westorn refermenes,

-4. . 0- -0 40r * - V W s M s ft ft -M M M 4 Ws 1A. . 1 0s ft ib .0 as 4p 40 ms Vs

rMM)URYCSA1CANT, Oor4g.Drt National Cardiologloul Institute, 1-fty Department

"A New XLPMy Sigp, of Postoap&.11aryPlozyE~e~nin the Inter.segmental Septum Line.".

EuadAemto QMIUM Vol lO44, No 12l 24, Mar' 63, Mooe 54~5.347,,

~2Absrat thoru 9 Engarian susarY3 In oases of poetoaipilary Pal..ýfiary W rtsrsL~ia sarp .2.4mk4 long hairllne tin often visible fits

* the medial slope of the disphragm aroo up and towiard. the middle. 'Thisis equivalent to the orthorointgenograde 6.ot~ure of a tb~okened inter."segental septum, moat often the mne -between'tho beasslis medialia AMd

* ~latoalia. Mehi new X-Ma symptom., oalled intersegmental septa line,Is of siailar or5.~in to the reklsy Septam Lines amd pointa to the pro.somee of interstitial puonary edema . vo ell. The lateru4msvitalisptia line Seema to 'e pore sensaitive than the Kerley lines gino. itwas -found about tviao'e frequently In lossesatof moderate postoapillar-y

.p2a3onary Oypertsnsion. I We stern, 2 Hwngarian references.

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M0OV, taizlo, Dr; Ho~spital. of Szente~s lHegye, SturgeY (Szentesi KegyeiWorhaz, Selbeszot).

"The Treatainont of Acute Gastric ?erforatoi o."

Budajxvst, ý)-rosijt~~ ~1 ol 104, No 3.2, 24 Mar 63, pages 3548-550.

Atrs1%xc-t; [ utbor'- H uriear"ian ý,,tmary modif~ie.d] The article presentsthe 7e-e enues P;inedi fromn 8 cases of acute gastric and duodenalper'Cora tions whioh ~e~oorrectod with simple suturing, "ormentun-p1ornb4ag'.1 M'ortaflity Wva& 7 per cent, Fatrio resection wms necessaryltor in L, 5 pa~r cetat of tho eases * The results a*re compared uith 91

comervative operattons of~ 2.0 years bef'ore. They ahoiw that with modemnana ,,hý,a ý,waoessjfl treatimerit of shook and the use of antibioticst1v-1 1fý dantgerouis pnitviauy rese!AtL-.n is not necessary since ulcers per-rorateid inrto t free abdomlna:l oavity heal, well or at least becomeComplaXint'-roe after the emservative opnration. If ga'tric resectionbeoov-s%, rw,.-amýsary later, it viill be done under more favcirable circum-stexroes and nmch .lpss danger,.3 ~',estern, 8 U-stern European references.

a~~~ - - - - -- - - -, - -.. . .

KAZAi, 'Ivan, Lr, 1,N)ACS3, F'vvi, D)r, AT~fIlY,4 goziton, Dr, PARADY,Zoltan, '1r; B~~Past Capi/Lta1 Cltý XTIII District Ccuncil VB. RobertKaroly~v i 7kfev,ý,rd ftýosPital* 1, Xcdie"al I-ard. -and laboratory (Budapest

Foaoý- xi1, ker. Tanac, Vn Robert. Yaroi.y koratit Korhaz, 1. Belosztalyes 4la2Z.t O'raO or" l

of vy'0lYmrA Of Patients 4ith Drugs which Lower theSP-ro choli.astero). LeVcl."

B-adaypess,., 01, i .i~~ Vcli4 Nio 112, 211 Mar 61, prages 551-553.

A~L~ct L~~ho~:. Futarlian sn;&w,.r] Frtily doses of 2;0 mg, Futurind~ooa~ed V~ i~mn ~.~'i.level I.y an avsradý of 'ý8 per cent in

?6on ez t of t4.!I tx'eattcd . atien~ts cufjfer-ing from arterioacierosis.The decreair, Ns conrstant thowotthe use of the drug-. Objectivei-mprov(,Ivnnt vr~s. rooob:~vdin~st of' the pattents, mainfy thoseaiirferlrg frunm ryccavcdd;- 1 Infarct, coroi-ary sclerosis and endarteritisoblit~ernms. Pai U.nts with cerebral sclerosis3 showed improvement only.In thLe 3Z~atv tests), diabetic patielltS not 9t All. The author Tlotesthat 6ue to side effecta including cataracts, the drug was taken frovuthe market, and th* article shoilld onlly be considerpd. for its theoretical

1a~e IHungarian, 10 Wtestern references.17

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HORVATH, Ferenc, Dr; Medical University of Pecs, Obstetrical and Gyne-cological Clinic (Peosi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Szulesteti es Nogyogya-szati Klinika).

"Inherited Lack of Mammae on Both Sides."

Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap. Vol 104, No 12, 24 Mar 63, pages 554-555.

Abstract: [Author's Hungarian summary] The author reports a case ofinherited agenesia of the breast, a rarity in the literature. 7 Westernreferences.


BOGSCH, Sonja, Dr; National Neurosurgical Scientific Institute (Orszagos

Idegsebeszeti Tudomanyos intezet), Budapest.

"A Fast and Sinple Procedure for the Determination of the Alkali Reserve."

Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 104, No 12, 24 Mar 63, pages 556-557.

Abstract: [Author's Hungarian swuxary] The author reports on a modi-fication of the Scribner method of determination of the alkali reserve.It can be carried out in any labor-atory. Because of its precision andsimplicity, it is recommended for routine tests. 2 Western references.

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BOSZORMENYf, Miklos, Dr, FAUSZT, Iire, Dr; National Koranyi Tb Institute(Orezagos Koranyi Tba. Intezet).

"The Importance of Control Groups in Clinical kass Examinations."

Budapest, Orvosi Hest!!, Vol 104, No 15, 14 Apr 63, pages 673-683.

Abstracts The authors discuss the importance and requirements of blindand double-blind tests of drugs. Controlled experiments conducted inTb institutes with INH+S'M, INF{+S'M+PAS, INH+PAS, INH+TbI are discussedat length and the results are tabulated with reference to age, durationof the disease, pathological form of the disease and in terms of thewhole participating group. The authors stress that controlled masstests are the only reliable scientific method for the evaluation ofnew drugs. 7 Eastern European, 9 Western references.


CSAMAY, Laszlo, Dr, SOS, Jozsef, Dr, FREEKL, Robert, Dr; h1edical Uni-versIty of Budapest, Ins'titute of Pathophysiology (Budapesti Orvos-tudomanyi Egyetem, Korelettan. Intezet).

"The Testing of Adrenal Funotion in Experimental Hypertension."

BuTdapest, Orvosi Het~iap, Vol 1C4, No 15, 14 Apr 63, pages 683-686.

Abs:tract: [Authors' Hungarian summary3 Pats made hypertensive by neuro-7,sn ulation showed an elevation of adrenal secretion on the fifth

weeik of the experLment which normalized again on the seventh'pertension proceeded slightly the increased adrenal function. Inhypertension produced by continuous doses of tri-o-cresylphosphate, thecorticosterone level of the venous blood of the adrenals rises on thesixth week. In the twelfth week hyperfumctionwas observed in some animalswhile most of them showed a hypofunction of the adrenals. The hormonesynthesizing ability of the adrenals showed similar changes. The hyper-tension preceeds the increase in adrenal function it is therefore un-likely that the adrenals would have a primary role in the developmentof hypertension. The morphological picture, weight of the adrenalsdoes not change in proportion with the changes in horlone productionýrsynthesis. 4 Eastern European, 17 Western references. J

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SOMO0YI, Gyorgy, Dr, TOTH, Bela, Dr; technical workerss KUKUOSKA, Janos,SARKADI Janosne (Mrs); Medical University of Budapest, Il. MedicalClinio (Budapesti Orvostudomanyl Evyetem, II. Belklinika) and Vaci AveHepatitis Hospital (Vaoi-uti Hepatitis Korhaz).

"Determination of Liver Perfusion with Colloidal Gold Isotope."

Budapest, 0rvosi Hethia", Vol 104, No 15, 14 Apr 63, pages 687-689.

Abptract.t [Authors' Hu rian snary] The liver perfusion determina-tIn wi-- colloidal Au•-• is a valuable addition to the current experi-tmentil techniques. The test is easy on the patient, can be carried outrepeatedly and the degree of the liver circulation can be checked fre-quently. In the course of the experiments the milnxal liver circulationvalue in sormal indivi Il was 66C-1130 ml/min/m', in patients with

chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis it was 380-880 and 218-650 ml/min/m2respectively, The test is considered to be of prognc-stic value and isalso usef•ul for the determ~iation of the effectiveness of the treat-ment.. 9 Western references.

POD;r, .kntokos, Dr, KOVACS, Ferene, Dr, BARUNYAI, Elza, Dr; Capital City1is,71c Hospit.1. (Fovarosi Laszlo Korhaz),

t'i&ctic & .;*rienecs with Suspected Poliomyelitis Case:" After the

Introductaion of, the Sabin Vaecination."

•raypost, Cr es. _R Vol 1.O4, No 15, 14 Apr 6'3, pages 690-695.

Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian sumary modified] The authors report thecases hospiualized with suspected polio during 13 months after theintrodwuction of the Sabin vaccine. Of 151 suspected cases 5 were diag-nosed as poliomkyelitis. Anxy connection between the vaccaiation and theditease could be excluded. Dased on their own experiences, differentialdiagnostic difficulties are discussed. Pclio virtually disappearedafter .mass inoculations but its differential diagnosis remained a sig-nificant task and the diagnosis of hospitalized patients requires anexyact and ciracspect pr-ocedure. 1. Western, 5 Eastern European refer-noes .

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EYED, Bela, Dr, PEER, Gyula , Dr; National Tramatblogieal Institate(Orstagos .ralatologiai Intezet) and the Central Aoeldent After.CareDepartment of the VIII. District Council (VIII. ker. Tames KospentiBaleseti-'ttokezelo Ositaly)."fundmuental and Organizational Problems of Traumatlogical Rehabilita_.tion in Rangary."

Budapest, 2rvosi HeilaDp, Vol 104, No 15, 14 Apr 63, pages 695-698.

Abstract3 [Authors' Hungarian sunmary modified] The theoretical,practiral and adviinistrative problems of vork rehabilitation of theaccidentt11ly 1rjured are discussed in detail. It is hoped that theauthors' o•,periences will be useful to others. The report is a sumearyof the wokr1 done by the authors on the problem. Recoimendations aremadýe. No zr'iferences.

HAJOS, MErIA, Dr; National Rheumatism and Balneologioal Institute,Departzent of Allergology (Orszagos Remea es Furdougyi Intezet, Allerge-log.•i Oszta5ly).

"The Importance of New Differential Diagnostic Procedures in the Early

Deteotion ar Bronchial Asthma."

Bladapest, Orvosi Hatilap, Vol 104, No 15, 14 Apr 63, pages 699-403.

Abstract3 £Author's Hungarian suwmaryj Based on determinations of res-piratory function in 194 cases, the role of new techniques in the dif-ferential diagnosis and in the investigations of the etiopathogenesisof bronchial asthma is evaluated. The routine (vital. capacity, maximalsacond volume, Tiffeneau valiue, pneumometer value,, acetylcholine-,histamine sensItivity, soJ.evine test) and specific (allergen inhalation)tests are useful "or the differentiation of asthma bronchiale and otherchronio lung diseases, Upon critical evaluation it was found that de-montraticon of the specific allergen in the priyai7 shook tissue of asthmabronahlale L$ the most important differential test. The prognosis andpreventive and therapeutic measures are also guided by the test.3 Hungarian, 3 West-fh references.

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* ~r~MMARr fAWGAY, Istvan, Dr, NMEMSKAY, Tivadar, Dri Sommelwies Hospital of BorsodKegye, I. 0bstetrioal-Oy•ecologioal and 1. Surgical Wards (Borsod MegyolSummelweis Korhaz, 1. Stuleaset-Nogyogyassati as I. Sebeszeti Osztaly).

"Tetanus in 0bstetrioal-Gyniecological Cases."

Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 104, No 15, 14 Apr 63, pages 703-705.

Abstraot: [Authors' Hungarian summary modified] The authors ieport3 cases of tetanus resulting in death. Two occurred after criminal abor-tion, one after gynecological surgery. According to data in the litera-ture, tetanus morbidity and mortality has decreased but the lethalityof the already existing disease remains unchanged. Inoculation with DPTis corapalisory in Hungary simce 1953 and mass typhoid-tetanus inoculationsare also carried out. Agricultural workers receive monovalent vaccineinoculations. Prevention of tetanus by actite immunization is the onlyway toward eradication of the disease. 29 Hungarian, 2 Western refer-enoes.



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P,:,~1.AY, 3eza, Drj Medical University, 11. Pedtiatric Clinic (QrvostU-I ~ domanyi Egyetem, 11. Gyermekklin.ika), Buidapest."Asymmietric, Rachitic Bone Processes of a Vitamin D-iesiftant Type."

Budapost, Or~: eti, o 104, No 165, 21 Apr 63, pp 721-?26.

'bstracts fiachltic oone% groc,ý:;,p.,3 arp usually a result of some metabolicczlsord,-r. Rschiti*; 4h~ is raesistant to vitamin 10, only very high, nor-na1.lT toxic doser can affect It, ma,,, be traced to various kidney or in-

: r nal :1nact~fCions, most of them not woell Understood. A very unusualOf .CVl.!rnin :)-eoistarnt rachiti,, is des.-ribed in ýrreat dptai3. which

ri~~mnxkýAdIfrr'e betwocn thc- intensity of t!n, bone processes, of1-,ft ýunri~.t j Tho r-rfet. of lar5-,e doues of vitamin 0 was

.also dirf-erent oni the two sides of the small chila under treatment. The,casn I.- erplairxA by ~usi~that :3everal orean, syz-;tem.3 of the g-tientar'.z Ja.lf-ctivon it- si~e only. Five %for7ernrefere-nees.

ab - - - - -. - ----------------------- -

Xtor (0S, kaý*Od 0~io."' rInrz~,oliia oskopcs o,:r~o!;.o Labora.oiu-

hf* Ql of 'si Iin tnrý "j ,nsls of ERotropýýr:ýtoneal Tumors oro ron 0!trqxpý't~io-C Qvan

C. .rt: iAar Hu,ý~ ~v he lasr:po examination. ofZ,7 of i~y~ i~ei,,,ýr or of tlwtorX, LnAi~ved from retrope~ri-

T~one:.1. orrai! it, ckr. ~s roopc ljysib~le oarA~nes are'5' TACE to I ' The in jreot srriptomai aro discussed

iL. d" At.-IU, v )'tkh t~,ýz -tiolotry awt, i~valuatlan, The laparo~scopic1k, j co~rtT rt a vth, ou.i~Lfir~ r n~r>on lie.Of


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WTELYI, Gabor, Or, KTLlER, latzio, Dr, FALAZSI, rtmre, Dr; Medioai Uni-rersity, II . Clinic of Intcrrnal Medicine (Orvostadomanyt Egyetem, III.Belklinika), Budapest.

"The Exanination of Atherosclerotic Patient" with Iodine-l'l Triolein."

Biriapest, Orvosi. Het ila, Vol 104, No 16, 21 Apr 63, pp 732-7_5.

Abutraoct EAuthcrsl Hungari&. summary] After the administration of 1-131Telled trioloin hydrochloride, orally, the level and persistence ofactivity in the sera of atherosclerotic patients was greater than in the,.ra of nonrmal controls. Patl-nts suspected of coronaria sclerosis butshowin-, no indications of it by the usual clinical tests had activityv,.des which resembled in part those of normal values and in part thoseof atherosclerotic v.-lues. The authors believe on the basis of evidenceU, the llterature and their own data that the method may aid in tne ear-ly diagnosis of aitherosclerosis. Of 44 references, all are Western.


1 _1

PrFFMKO, Pal, Dr, SET•1MZI, Pal, Dr; fio6.dtl of the Szolnok Megye Coun--Cil (5zolnok MYeyei Tna= Korhaz), Department of Ophthalmology and In-terrnil Medicine (Szemesz-Fti o• Be ,gyo:yaszati Osztaly).

"!naon ;?apllly St~agnatio-W ' Ttiology."

•,Carvo,� h'l� •1 Vo. 104, No 16, 21 Apr 63, pp ?36-737.

• ..... {.Authors' Hw.garian mmmaryj A case of a hitherto unknown typeof anemio iron deoeenc, i• described which appeared in associationwith p•pillx'r: atagnation in R patipezt after delivery and a one ond one-hall year period of breast feeding. This description is ineant to add new-er Jiha to tiae etiology of ppillary stagnation. The pathomechanism ofthe devwLojent of the s-tagnation is discussed in detail on the basisof the literaLure or the past several years. Of ? references, 2 are Eun-garian, the rest is Vettern.


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BIN=, Lasst9, Or, LVA1, Janos, Dr; Lasszlo ROepitl of the Bdapest

City Coonil (Yoaroui. Tanaes Laszlo Korhasea).

"Ie Brf-Zinsser Diseass."

Budapest, 21MiAsiap Vol 104, No 16, 21 Api' 63, pp 73844.7I

AbaUl 's '[Authors' Hungarian smnary) Twelte cases of Bril"-Zinsserdieiise, noted during 1937-1961, are described. The disease occurredin two oases 43, years, and in one case, 42 years after the patientshave had typhus ecanthqmlties. In this ocneotion, the general signi.fioance and epi4seiologioal importance of endog•oeoua recidives isnoted, coupled with stressing the demestiA importance of such a possi.bility. Aecording to the authors, the wuspicion of Brill4lasser dis.ease must arise at the sickbed, based on the epidemiologioal data Inthe anaanesis and on clinical symptoms. Suspects should be segregated,inspite of proper hygienic conditions, for the sake of diagnosis andprevention. Of 18 references, 10 are Eastern European, the rest isWestern,

.z . .....-m u* - a a a -............................... a an - m - - -o a a a a• a a e a -

EPER, Tivadar, Dri Medical University, I. Clinic of Internal Medicine

(Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. Belklinika), Pees.

"Data on the Indications of X-Ray Treatment of Arthrosis."

Budapest, 0rvosi HetilaD, Vol 104, No 16, 21 Apr 63, pp 7?40-742.

m [ EAuthor's Hungarian summary modified] X-Ray treatment of 868a othi o patients led to the elimination of pain in 23 %, to improve-ment in 42 %, and to no change in 26 % of the cases, The site of thedisease and the age of the patient do:-not affect the efficacy of thetreatment but the time of the treatment relative to the onset of thedisetse does. Because of possible genetic daxage, the treatment is notgiven to women below the age of 40 and m•na below the age of 50. Inmany suoh cases, other physical or balneotherapeutio treatment is pre-ferred. Of 19 referenges, 8 are Hungarian, the rest is Western.

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IOM4S, Mihal,-, Dr; Medical University, 1. Surgical Clinic and Instituteof Surgical Technique (Orvostudwmanyi Egyetem, I, Sebeezeti Klinika esSebeszeti M?4,tettani IntCzet), Szeged.

"Thrombolysid •rith Nicotinic Acid."

Budapest, Oryosi HetilaR, Vol 104, No 16, 21 Apr 63, pp 7434746.

Abstract• EAuathor's Hungarian summary] Treatment with large doses of.nicotinic acid was carried out for purposes of fibrinolysis in 29 caseson 22 thromboembolic patients or patients after blood vessel surgery.On 11 patierts was it possible to show complete or significant fibrino.lysis by thromboelastography. The cliniqal effect was largely parallelwith the degree of fibrinolysis. The author stresses that in view ofthe invariably occurring hyperooagulability. anticoagulant treatmentmust complen.nt the fibrinolytic one. The simple method of fibrinolysisinduction, the ready accessibility of the substance and the expectedgood results lead the author to recommend the method for use on a broadbasis in the treatment of thromboembolic cases. Of 10 references, allare Western.

IHUNGARY -FRAPNG, Dezsc, Dr, CSONTAI, Agoston, Dr; Medical University, UrologicalClinic (Orvo-tu3omanyi Egyetem, Urologial Klinika), Budapest.

"Hypqrnephrc ,• Not Connected. with Kidney Tissue."

Budapest, 0ry•_ .Hetilap, Vol 104, No 16, 21 Apr 63, pp ?46-?48.

Abstracts [Auathors' Hungarian summary] A rare case of a retroperitonealtumor, hypernephroma malignum, is described which simulates a case ofkidney tumoi. A brief literatwre review is given. The diagnostic diffi-culties connected with the iyndromn and the most frequent false diagno-ses are discussed, Of 18 references, 3 are Hungarian, the rest is West-er1.

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