
Nombre: _______________________ 9/9/2014Espaol IU1-L2Apuntes de hoyObjetivo: I can greet, say goodbye, and ask for and give names plus spelling.Haz Ahora: Fill out what is missing from the chart.Buenos das!See you!Hasta luego!Until tomorrow!

Good morningNos vemos!Until later!Hasta maana!


Vocabulario: The following are the vocabulary words from page 2 of your textbook. Copy down the chart, and use the images on the page to determine their definition.Cmo te llamas?Me llamo/Yo me llamoMucho gusto!Y t?Cmo se escribe?conmaysculaminscula

What are you called?I am calledNice to meet youAnd you?How do you write?withcapital/uppercaselowercase

Mucho gusto!Answer the following questions from page 3 of your textbook.Independent Practice

How would you greet someone in Spanish?

What would you say to find out someones name?

What would you answer if someone asked Cmo te llamas?

How would you politely tell someone you are pleased to meet him/her?

How do you say goodbye in Spanish? And see you later?

Hola!/Buenos das!/Buenas tardes!Cmo te llamas?Me llamo/Yo me llamoMe llamo/Yo me llamoAdis. Hasta luego/Nos vemos luego.What are apodos?Apodos is the spanish name for nicknames. Cul es tu apodo?

Whole Group Work

DilogoLets read the dialogue between Carmen and Hugo. Then lets complete the questions on section 5- Qu recuerdas?

Pair Practice

Cmo se escribe?Lets practice spelling names using the alphabet in Spanish (page 2). Complete the conversation below with your partner. You will both get a chance to spell aloud.ABuenos das! Me llamo __________. Cmo te llamas?BHola! Me llamo ___________________. Cmo se escribe ____________?ASe escribe con ____________________________________. Cmo se escribe _______________________?BSe escribe con ______________________________________.AHasta luego _____________________!BAdis _____________________!

TASKNombre: _______________________ 9/9/2014Espaol IU1-L2Instrucciones: Answer the following questions in complete sentences in SPANISH.Cmo te llamas?Cmo se escribe tu nombre?

Your name

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