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Unit 1 = City Upon on a Hill 1492-1707

I. The Age of European Discovery?A. Who were the 1st Europeans to explore?

* The Norse Sailors of Scandinavia* Iceland in 874 and Greenland in 974* Northern Canada colony Vinland by Leif Erickson but failed

B. What encouraged other European countries to explore?* Trade with the Orient by land

* Who? Marco Polo and others* Where? China and India* What? Spices, dyes, rugs, silks, ……

C. What encouraged European countries to seek an ocean passage to the Orient?* Vast deserts, pirate bandits, and unreasonable taxes

D. What made long ocean voyages feasible/possible?* Improved sailing and ship building technology* European dynasty building leading to more funding* European religious building leading to more funding (Protestant and Catholic)

II. What European country took the lead in exploring?* Portugal (a Catholic country)

B. Who motivated Portugal to explore?* Prince Henry the Navigator with navigation and mapmaking schools and an increased Navy

B. Why did Portugal’s Prince Henry want to explore?* Water route to the Orient to get goods and avoid taxes, deserts, and bandits

C. Who explored for Portugal?* B. Diaz = 1486 rounds the bottom tip of South Africa* V. de Gama = 1498 arrives in Calcutta, India

D. Why did Portugal limit further expansion?* A great decline in finances in Portugal led to little if any funding for further expedition

E. What was the impact of Portuguese exploration?* West African coast trading centers* Slave trade and slave plantation estates* Long voyages proved possible

II. What European country competed with Portugal in exploring?* Spain (a Catholic country)

A. What motivated Spain to explore?* Political, economic, and religious expansion (mercantilism) * Columbus

B. Why did Columbus explore?* Seeking a shorter western route to the Orient for trade* Glory, wealth, and evangelism* Prove world not flat

C. Where did Columbus land?* Bahamas in 1492 and then to Cuba* He thought he landed in India (Far East – Orient) but after 2nd voyage wrote about bountiful new land that he had discovered

D. Why wasn’t the Americas named the Columbias?* Amerigo Vespucci 1501, a passenger on a Portuguese voyage, wrote a letter describing a New World before the words of Columbus were published.

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E. What was the impact of the Columbus discovery?* Funding given to more Spanish expeditions* Beginning of PLANT and PEOPLE exchange between New World and Old World * Increased rivalry of Catholic countries (Portugal and Spain) for New World Dominance

F. How was the Portuguese and Spanish rivalry solved?* Catholic Pope settled the potential land conflict with the TREATY of TORDESILLAS 1494* A demarcation line of 46’ West latitude was set with Portugal getting land west of line and Spain

getting land east of line (Portugal ended up with only Brazil)

III. How did Spain pursue exploration of the New World?* Aggressively in 3 aspects = God, Glory, and Gold

A. Who explored for Spain?* the CONQUISTOADORES (God, Glory, and Gold)

B. Who were the CONQUISTADORS?1. Balboa 1513 = explored Panama to the Pacific Ocean2. Magellan 1519 = circumnavigated the globe3. Leon 1521 = Florida colony but failed and search for fountain of youth4. Cortez 1521 = conquered the Aztecs (Montezuma) in Tenochtitlan (Mexico City)

What about the Indians? How did they get to the “Americas”?

* The Bering Strait Where did they go?

- Latin America = major civilizations like Aztec, Maya, Inca- North America = small and scattered tribes

How different were the “Indians” from the Europeans (views of life)?- land - religious - environment- tribal - trade - etc….

5. de Soto 1539 = explored Florida and crossed the Mississippi river6. de Coronado 1542 = mapped the Southwest7. Pizarro 1532 = conquered the Incas in Peru8. Cabrillo 1542 = explored California region

C. Which CONQUISTADORES are most significant?* All of them because as a whole they claimed immense areas of the New World for Spain

D. What was the impact of the CONQUISTADORES?* Land acquired for Spain* Catholic Missions and Churches established as a top priority (“an army of mercy”) although some

Indians like the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest resisted and rebelled in the 1680 Pueblo revolt* Large estates and ranches established* Mestizos children born with one parent being Spanish and the other being Indian

E. Why did Spanish colonies grow so slowly?* Pirates of the Caribbean which terrorized the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico and the cost to

defend Spanish ships against the Pirates was immense * Storms caused wrecks and sinking’s of Spanish ships which was costly as well

F. Who were some prominent and successful Pirates of the Caribbean?* English Pirate named Henry Morgan* English Pirate named Sir Francis Drake* Other Pirates of “Sea Dogs” unofficial agents to steal from Spanish for England

St. Augustine = 1st permanent European settlement (Spanish) in Florida started as a fort to protect Spanish goods from pirates

G. What were some other reasons for the slow growth of the Spanish settlements?

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* The system of MERCANTILISM which accumulated wealth (gold and silver) for Spain. The wealth accumulated was all for the country and Spain stockpiled its wealth and did not reinvest it or

allow private enterprise to engage freely in economic activity which did not allow the economy of Spain to grow.

IV. What was another European country to explore the New World?* France

A. What motivated France to explore?* Competition with European rivals* Gold (mercantilism), glory, and god for France

B. Who explored for France? * Cartier 1534 = St. Lawrence River to Montreal

(Searching for the NORTHWEST PASSAGE = east to west river from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean)* Champlain 1608 = Quebec as a trading company called New France (Searching for lakes to connect Atlantic and Pacific Oceans)* Verrazano 1524 = Northeast coast of America

C. Who settled in New World for France?* Huguenots = French Protestants seeking religious freedom from Catholics

(Failed settlements in areas from Spanish attacks later to become South Carolina and Florida)* Catholics = settle in Canada successfully and establish fur trade with Indians

D. Why did New France grow slowly?* Coldness of Quebec* Peasants contentment with their status in France* Migration not encouraged as labor was needed in France* Migration not encouraged as fur trade with Indians only needed few settlers, done to avoid conflict

E. What was the impact of France in the New World?* Another European power competing for land in the New World like in the Ohio Valley

V. What was another European country to explore the New World?* Britain or England by same name

A. What took England so long to explore the New World?* England was backward economically for most of the 1600’s with little focus on commerce and

industry let alone mercantilism* John Cabot sailed for Britain in 1497 claiming the Northeast coast of New World but did little to

develop its claimB. What changed England?

* Queen Elizabeth I 1558* She strengthened Navy and commissioned pirates like Morgan, Drake, and J. Hawkins to steal from

Spanish which led the Spanish to build Fort Augustine and eventually led to a war between Spain and

Britain* She encouraged exploration and gave grants to begin settlement and colonization of New World

(Richard Hakluyt = developed strong arguments for England to colonize with mercantilism)C. What were England’s 1st attempts at settlement?

* Sir Gilbert 1578 = died in storm in an attempt to make settlement in Newfoundland and find the NORTHWEST PASSAGE

(Primogeniture law where only the eldest son gets the inheritance encouraged many to explore to acquire their own fortune)

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* Sir Raleigh 1584 = ½ bro of Gilbert who inherited grant and supported settlement at RoanokeWhat happened to the Roanoke Colony? 100 settlers left in 1585 to start colony but upon return with supplies the settlers no where to be found. Another 140 settlers dropped off but again upon return after 3 year delay because of war with Spain the settlers no where to be found. A tree had the word CROATOAN inscribed on a tree but nothing else found. Some believed they mixed with the Indians, some say they were killed by the Indians, others conclude they starved to death or tried to return to Britain and were lost at sea. The first British attempts at settlement in New World were a failure.

D. What happened to Spain? * Spanish Armada (Naval fleet) defeated in 1588 by Britain making Britain #1 power in Europe

E. What led to the success of English colonization compared to the success of other European countries?* New business practices = Joint Stock Companies which provided limited liability to investors and the continuation of the company after the death of investors which encouraged more investment.* New freedoms = political and economic freedoms

- Freedom to invest without fear of statist (government control) oppression- Freedom to risk and try to new ideas without fear of statist oppression- Freedom to retain the fruit of one’s own labor without fear of statist oppression- Freedom of religion in the colonies without fear of statist oppression

(These freedoms in Britain greatly encouraged growth and investments at home and abroad because investors and people in general saw consistency and stability in how their government was operating. This stability at present gave Britain a huge advantage over its European rivals.)

VI. Where did England establish its 1st permanent settlement in the New World?* In the South at Jamestown in soon to be Virginia. King James I in 1606 gave a charter to the

Virginia Joint Stock Company with land spanning from North Carolina to New York. 600 individuals and 50 companies invest in Virginia Joint Stock Company. 3 ships with 144 men in 1607 go to Jamestown to gain wealth for investors and propagate Christianity. The Jamestown colonists were considered employees but were given rights as English citizens. Governor appointed by Virginia Company.

A. Were the Jamestown settlers prepared?* No, WHY?

They chose a defensible position 50 miles up the James River to avoid Spanish attacks but it was a malarial invested swamp which was difficult to clear. They were also pre-occupied with finding gold and most of the 144 men were unwilling to do physical labor. The nearby Indians led by Powhatan did little to help them and thought they would die off.

* What happened?They suffered from starvation and disease and from 1607 to 1625 only 40% survive despite the abundance of wildlife and other land nearby.

B. Who saved Jamestown (Jamesfort)?* James Smith who said, “He who will not work will not eat,” and only 15% die in 2nd winter.

He also created good relations with the Indians and asked for skilled settlers to come. He was disposed of for being too tyrannical. More ships arrived in 1609 with some women this time.

C. What happened after Smith was removed?* Starving time 1609-10 = resorted to eating frogs, cats, dogs, hide, and one man a human corpse* Lord de la Warr = the new leader established a socialist model where all would receive food regardless of individual work ethic. The Anglican Church was made the tax supported church and all had to go to church and pray daily as part of Lord de la Warr’s leadership model.

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D. What sustained Jamestown long term?* Removal of the socialist model and a return to personal incentives and the ability to acquire private property* Introduction of tobacco to Jamestown by John Rolfe in 1614. Rolfe also married Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan which kept an uneasy truce.* Powhatan and Jamestown settlers used balance of power politics meaning they helped one another as allies to defeat common enemies when needed

E. How did settlers acquire land?* King gave 100 acres of land to those who migrated to Jamestown* Headright System established where 50 acres was given to you for every adult or servant you

brought to Jamestown(What was the result of land policy = a string of plantations in Virginia)

F. What was a recurring problem in Virginia?* Shortage of LABOR as the headright system encouraged new farms not labor* Solution = indentured servants where you would pay for a persons trip to the New World and in return they would be your servant for 7 years typically

More insightful knowledge about Virginia- more rights and liberties given to settlers to get them to come, rights as English citizens- 1st elected legislative assembly 1619 = House of Burgesses- 1st Africans to Virginia in 1619 as 20 indentures- early forms of slavery and of democracy born at same time in colonial America- Virginia Company dissolved and settlement becomes a royal colony in 1624 because of

perceived mismanagement with Indians

G. How did Indians react to the ever growing number of settlers to Virginia* Hostile, after Chief Powhatan dies his brother Opechancanough becomes Chief of Chesapeake area tribes and attacks Jamestown settlers killing 300 in 1622* Feud continues for years in and 1644 Opech. attacks again killing more than 300 and the settlers respond and drive them out for good from the area.

H. How did the execution of Charles I by the Puritans impact Virginia?* King Charles I appointed Berkeley as Governor of Virginia who was a Cavalier who continued to support the Stuart lineage of King and therefore lost his governorship in 1649. A time of

great self government and loose British control over Virginia followed. Charles II regains power in 1664 and rewards Cavaliers with government positions and Berkeley appointed Gov. of Vir. again.

I. How did Governor Berkeley handle the conflict with the backcountry settlers and the Indians?* He was out of touch with the people and the assembly (House of Burgesses) and gave no

military protection to settlers outside of Jamestown from Indian attacks.* Nathaniel Bacon leads attack on the Indians against Berkeley’s wishes and then turns 500

settlers towards Jamestown and Berkeley agrees to protect settlers from Indians in future.

* Berkeley rescinds protection and Bacon leads march and burns Jamestown in Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676. Bacon dies from disease and Berkeley hangs some settlers and

seizes property of theirs but King Charles II brings Berkeley back to Britain for mismanagement.

J. What was the significance of Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676?* Led to the widespread use of slavery as indentures when freed only create problems so it is

better to have slaves that will be enslaved for life.

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* Led to the tradition of breaking treaties with Indians as Virginia led by Berkeley promised to not go on Indian land but settlers did anyway

VII. What was the next southern colony of the English?* Maryland

(Chesapeake Colonies = Virginia and Maryland)A. Who organized and funded Maryland?

Lord George Calvert from a grant from James I in 1634 and then his son Cecilius Calvert who ran the colony from England as LORD BALTIMORE, a proprietor

Skilled and thoughtful workers who planted crops not gold seeking gentlemen like in Jamestown. No starving time or Indian problems like in Jamestown.

Lord Baltimore appointed his brother Leonard as Governor and an assembly was elected

B. What were the motives of the Calverts? to make profit as proprietors mainly thru tobacco plantations establish a CATHOLIC haven

* Act of Toleration of 1649 (Puritan Oliver Cromwell surprisingly supports the Act after Protestants in Maryland

try to remove it) (bloodshed between Catholics and Protestants commonplace in Maryland)

C. How did Maryland handle the labor shortage for the numerous tobacco plantations? Head right system Indentures African slaves by 1664

VIII. What was the next southern colony of the English?* the Carolinas 1663

A. How were the Carolinas created? the RESTORATION colony Charles II grants 8 wealthy merchants the Carolinas as Proprietors for their support of the

Stuart Monarchy (Charles I and II) King Charles II also wants the Carolina area to be developed to help protect the

Chesapeake colonies from attacks by the Spanish, the French, and the IndiansB. What were the motives of the 8 proprietors?

to make profit through plantations of crops rice and indigo Charles Town, SC created in 1670 and largely populated by English planters from

Barbados and their slavesC. Were slave revolts common in colonial times?

No, despite the Stono Slave Revolt in Charleston, South Carolina in 1739

Why not common? Language barrier, sparse distribution of slaves, brutal treatment and punishment of slaves, compliance of slaves

On some coastal areas slaves outnumbered whites by 9 to 1 so strange not many revolts. Plantation owners built houses in Charleston to avoid threat of slave revolts.

D. How was the Carolina region of North Carolina different from the South Carolina region? geographically and economically different as NC more isolated socially, culturally, politically different with more freedoms and democracy in NC

(many former indentures settled in North Carolina as squatters as did a varied group of immigrants which led to a great variance of thinking and independence) development slower for NC

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E. What were the economic foundations of NC? Tobacco, lumber, leather, backcountry handcrafts, and naval stores indentures then slaves

F. How did King George II handle the Carolina disputes and differences? * split into two separate colonies 1729

G. What was the LAST of the southern colonies? Georgia 1732 Created by King as buffer colony to protect SC from attacks by the Spanish, the French,

and Indians Only colony King funded directly and so called the Charity colony Proprietor General Oglethorpe

H. What were the 5 southern colonies?Virginia, Maryland, SC, NC, Georgia

I. What were some important trends established in the southern colonies?* Distance fostered independence* Land ownership fostered political confidence* Government regulation fostered rebellion (belief that government comes from the governed)* Labor shortages fostered religious toleration as needed workers no matter what their religion* Balance of power politics by Indians where ally with settlers to defeat common enemy

IX. What was another region of the English colonies?* New England Colonies

A. Who settled New England?* Puritans who received their name because they wanted to “purify” the Church of England and

remove the Catholic tendencies. Puritan separatists wanted to leave England while Purtitan non-separatists wanted to stay and reform the Church of England.

B. What was their motive?* Seeking religious freedom not gold or wealth. James I and Charles I was persecuting Purtitans

and saw them as crazy religious fanatics.C. What country did the Puritan Separatists (Pilgrims) first migrate to settle?

* Holland in 1608 but returned as a few years later as their children were becoming to Ducth D. After Holland, where did the Separatists go?

* Granted a track of land through the Virginia Co. near the Hudson River. In 1620 their ship, the Mayflower, was “blown off” course supposedly to Plymouth with 35 Separatists and 65

other.* Before disembarking they made the MAYFLOWER COMPACT where they vowed allegiance to King James I, and vowed to give all glory to God, and then wrote down and

established civil laws and administration through a majority rules foundation.E. What happened after disembarking from the Mayflower at Plymouth?

* Arrived too late in the year to plant crops and suffered through a harsh winter where 50% die* Indian Squanto helps them get through initial months and Thanksgiving feast established* A young minister named Bradford made Governor and the colony grows slowly with little

material success as they brave the dangers of the New World for their religious faith* the settlement colony of Plymouth later becomes part of Massachusetts

F. What led more Puritans to migrate to New England? the Great Puritan Migration of 1629

- fear of Charles I (Catholic) who would persecute those not following his (Catholic like) Church of England

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- Cambridge Agreement where King Charles I allowed the Puritans to leave and migrate under a Company if promise to never come back to England

John Winthrop agreed to lead colony if he could administer it while living in Massachusetts not in England and the king agreed

11 ships sail to Mass. In 1629 with more to follow

G. What was the purpose of Massachusetts under Governor Winthrop? Winthrop called the Puritan Moses life philosophy = “Be in the world but not of it” Colony philosophy = Build a City on a Hill as an example to the world

(COVENANT THEOLOGY)* If fail then dire consequences will come so the covenant was taken very serious* Promise of “blessings” encouraged more Puritans to come and the Great Migration

provided constant supply of labor and funds, and by 1640 the population was 10,000* Puritans had a huge distrust of Charles I and the Stuart monarchy which fostered a high degree of independence in Massachusetts.

H. How serious was the COVENANT THEOLOGY of Massachusetts? clergy powerful with administrative posts but no public office = theocracy like only church members could vote (the Congregational Church) = again theocracy like eventually the ½ Way Covenant was created to expand membership by giving children of

members automatic membership so by 1640 most families in Massachusetts had at least one family member who could vote

(result was many insincere and worldly colonists could now vote in Mass.) local authority very controlling (the local church) not the central Mass. Colonial Assembly

which reinforced civic behavior with a Christian moral code throughout Mass.(result was differing rules accompanied with fines and punishments)

local churches had a high degree of autonomy apart from the Mass. Govt. which led to toleration of religion and differing religious viewpoints to a point.

I. Did the Puritans have limits to their toleration? yes, examples? Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson What did Roger Williams do to upset the Puritans? (Puritan Pastor in Salem)

- believed in total separation of church and state“forced religion stinks in the nostrils of God”

- believed no one could determine who was saved and who was dammed- Winthrop saw Williams as direct challenge to the foundation of the Colony so

Williams was banned- Williams founded Rhode Island in 1636 buying the land from the Indians

- Puritans called it the sewer and the rogue colony (Why?)- in 1644 R.I. given a self charter from the King Charles I where minimal religious toleration existed

* What did Anne Hutchinson do the Puritans? (Bible and prayer group leader)- antinomianism = a belief stating there is no relationship between one’s faith and

one’s works so therefore there is no need to be obligated to church laws as the moral judgment of the individual is what counts.

- Winthrop saw Anne as a threat church authority opening a “Pandora’s’ box “of selfishness and individuality so she was banished by the General Court

in 1636 and moved to R.I.

What happened in Salem in 1692?- young girls go into fits and said they were hexed by witches

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- accused Tituba, a black slave woman, and the accusations then multiply to close to 150

- leadership of Massachusetts stepped into to stop the executions but only after 20 people were executed along with a dog

- What caused Salem Witch Trials?- Some say sexism, religious rigidity, fungus from a local plant, economic issues between farmers and merchants- Few account for the deep belief among Puritans that the devilry and

witchcraft was real and manifestations of evil spirits to them was common

J. How did the Puritans and Indians deal with one another? cross acculturation and exchange of ideas and items until LAND issues arose

(Balance of power politics by Indians and by Puritans) PEQUOT WAR of 1637 = trader murdered and war resulted over land claims and the

Puritans with some Indian allies kill 400 Pequot’s KING PHILLIP’S WAR of 1675-76 = Metacomet led an Indian alliance raiding Puritan

villages successfully until the Puritans defeated his warriors. It was the last major uprising of Indians in the Massachusetts area.

These Indian conflicts led the establishment of a colonial militia which was not a standing army but men willing to fight at a moments notice. Colonies did not want a permanent standing army because of their fear of and experience with Britain’s permanent standing army.

K. How were the other New England colonies established? Connecticut by Thomas Hooker, a minister, 1635

- moved to the rich soil of Hartford - Winthrop considered too strict as well- Fundamental Order of Connecticut = 1st written Constitution in America

New Haven by Davenport, a minister, 1638- Winthrop not strict enough needing a stronger HOLY beacon to the world- Theocratic tendencies with tax supported ministers- Supported the killers of Charles I so Charles II made New Haven a part of the

Royal Colony of Connecticut in 1662 as punishment Maine established by Gorges 1629 but made part of Massachusetts not long after New Hampshire established by Mason 1629 becoming a Royal Colony not long after

(Both Maine and New Hampshire overflow of Puritans and deal in fish, limber and fur trade)

X. What was another region other than the Southern and New England regions settled by English colonists?* the Middle Colonies = New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware* nick name of the Middle Colonies = Bread Colonies

A. Who settled the Middle Colonies?* Britain, Holland, Sweden* Britain’s settlers were largely Quakers

B. Who settled in New York first?* Holland (the Dutch)* In 1624 a Dutchmen named Minuit buys Manhattan from Indians for blankets and called New Amsterdam

C. Who settled in Delaware first?

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* Sweden by Minuit in 1638 after he lost his post in New Amsterdam* in 1655 the Dutch led by Peter Stuyvesant take over Sweden

D. How did England view the Dutch settlements?* As intrusive separating their New England and Southern Colonies in New World and as

bothersome because they provided a safe haven for pirates and smugglers

* In 1664 King Charles II grants permission to invade the Dutch colonies and Peter Stuyvesant and the Dutch are easily defeated New Amsterdam is renamed New York after King

Charles’ gives colony to his brother, the Duke of York. The Dutch aristocratic ways remained as the

colony prospers with peace among a varied group of people. E. What did the Duke of York do with all the land acquired in the English take over of the Dutch?

(Maryland to Connecticut) dispensed of land between the Hudson and Delaware Rivers to two proprietors friends

named John Berkeley and George Carteret naming it New Jersey in 1664. The Proprietors (Berkeley and Carteret) then sell the land to a Christian group called the

Society of Friends or otherwise known as QUAKERS in 1674F. What was another Middle Colony?

* Pennsylvania in 1682 Who settled Pennsylvania?

* Quakers led by William Penn seeking religious freedom as they were being persecuted in Britain. King Charles I owed his father $money and so Charles I paid back

the debt with a land grant. What were William Penn’s goals as Proprietor?

* establish a religious haven for Quakers and make profit $$$. Quakers did not believe in social/economic classes, did not participate in wars, did not believe in taxes, and

had few traditions.* Penn set out to create a HOLY EXPERIMENT and a Perfect City (Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love) where all religions would be tolerated, all people treated

equally and fairly including Africans (no slavery), Indians (buy land from them), and women (education) What happened to William Penn?

* His power as Proprietor (owner of colony) diminished in 1701 as legislative assembly gained more power and he died poor

G. What was the last of the Middle Colonies?* Delaware in 1703 created when the lower areas of Penn. voted to start their own colony.

Religious freedom established and more Quakers came.

XI. How did the new Stuart King, King James II (the former Duke of York) impact the colonies 1685?* Total reorganization restoring all power to the monarchy

A. What did King James II do? disbanded the New England Confederation that was established in 1643

- NE Confed. was a puritan club of Plymouth, Mass., Conn., and NH established to provide unified defense against the Indians

- The DOMINION of NEW ENGLAND established to replace the NE Confed. with Sir Edmund Andros as the leader

- all self charters of NE and Middle were re-called (cancelled) and the Dominion combined all the NE and Mid colonies into one led by Andros

- no colonial town meetings allowed and the colonial militia controlled by Andros

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B. What was the Colonial reaction to the Dominion of New England? constant Protestant revolts Leisler’s Rebellion of 1689 where Leisler took control of New York as Governor for a year

and then was hung when the British sent in troops and regained control.C. What happened to King James II?

he was removed in the GLORIOUS REVOLUTION of 1688-89 the Whig party was against the KING and the Tory party was supportive of the KING the Whigs gained power in Parliament (the British Congress) and without any bloodshed

(GLORIOUS) they exiled (removed) James II. the Whigs then arranged to have Protestant William and Mary as King and Queen in 1689

only if they agreed to sign the DECLARATION of RIGHTS where the monarchy would share authority with Parliament.

D. What happened to the Dominion of New England after the Glorious Revolution? without any support Sir Edmond Andros fled for his life and was captured and Dominion of

New England comes to an end and the colonies regain their charters. The colonies were likely more radicalized by the Glorious Revolution of the Whigs than

the English The colonies have a great degree of religious, political, military, and economic autonomy

XII. What were three major themes of early English Colonial History?* religious freedom and personal liberty* economic freedom and land ownership* political system protecting individuals from government

(all themes from the British anti-king Party the Whigs)

IVX. How were the THREE Colonial Regions different?A. a summary of New England ___ , ___ , ___ , ___

religion = focal point * population = dense, English

climate = cold and harsh * Indians = land disputes, wars soil = rocky * labor = indentures, plentiful economy = trade merchants (fish,fur,lumber..)

B. a summary of Southern ___, ___ , ___ , ___ , ___* religion = Anglican * population = sparse, Eng, French* climate = hot and harsh * Indians = balance of power politics* soil = fertile * labor = indentures, slaves, shortage* economy = agrarian

B. a summary of Middle ___ , ____ , ____ , ____ * religion = tolerant, Presbyterian, Quaker, … * population = mixed ethnically * climate = mild to harsh * Indians = fair Iroquois Confed. * soil = fertile (wheat) * labor = plentiful with immigrants * economy = agrarian and trade merchants

XIII. What were the different types of Colonies? proprietary = granted from King to business men to make money as an enterprise self charter = granted from King to a group of people to start a new society with limited

freedoms royal = controlled by KING and PARLIAMENT

Page 12: Unit 1 = City Upon on a Hill 1492-1707€¦  · Web viewReview Unit # 1. Norse sailors and Leif Erickson House of Burgesses 1619. The Orient and trade Bacon’s Rebellion 1676. European


1. Why was travel to China a difficult long journey? 12. What made long ocean voyages possible? 23. What was the significance of Prince Henry of Portugal? 34. How did Columbus describe the new land mass he had stumbled upon? 45. What was the purpose of the Aztec pyramids in Tenochtitlan? 56. Why were the Spanish Conquistadors like Cortez so adept at defeating the natives? 6-77. Why did the Aztec people so easily transition into following the Spanish leadership?108. What was the Pueblo Revolt of 1680? 109. What territory in the New World was under Spanish control by 1700? 1110. What was the difference between Spanish mercantilism and English mercantilism? 1211. Who were the Huguenots and where did they settle and what happened to them? 12-1312. What was the significance of those known as the coureurs de bois? 1313. What prevented John White’s return to the Raleigh settlement of Roanoke? 1414. What 3 factors can be attributed to the rise of English Colonization? 1515. Who was Chief Powhatan and why did he enlist the support of Jamestown settlers? 1816. How did the view of the English colonists towards Africans change in the 1600’s? 1917. What was the significance of Opechanacanough? 2018. Who was Oliver Cromwell and how did he handle the Protestant and Catholic problem in Maryland? 2219. How did the Cherokee Indians help the Carolinians? 2320. What were the five important trends that were established in Virginia and Maryland and repeated

throughout the colonial era? 25-2621. Who were the Puritans? 2722. What was the legacy of the Plymouth settlers? 2823. What role did the Puritan clergy have in Massachusetts? 3024. What was an important result of the Pequot War? 3125. Was the menace caused by Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson bigger than the problems caused by

Pequots’ and other Indians? 32-3326. How was New York established? 3427. What was the significance of Peter Stuyvesant? 3528. What was the Glorious Revolution? 3629. What was the British Declaration of Rights and how similar was it to America’s Bill of Rights and

Articles of Confederation and Constitution? 36-3730. What were three themes of early English colonial history? 37

Page 13: Unit 1 = City Upon on a Hill 1492-1707€¦  · Web viewReview Unit # 1. Norse sailors and Leif Erickson House of Burgesses 1619. The Orient and trade Bacon’s Rebellion 1676. European

Review Unit # 1Norse sailors and Leif Erickson House of Burgesses 1619The Orient and trade Bacon’s Rebellion 1676European countries and mercantilism Governor BerkeleyPrince Henry the Navigator of Portugal Cavaliers and Charles I and II Portuguese explorers indentures, settlers, and Bacon

Diaz Chesapeake Coloniesda Gama Maryland Cabral Calverts/Baltimores

Portuguese trading posts and plantation system Catholic HavenSpain and Columbus and impact of discovery Act of Toleration 1649Amerigo Vespucci Oliver CromwellTreaty of Tordesillas 1494 (Demarcation Line) tobaccoSpanish Conquistadors (gold, glory, and God) Restoration colony and 8 proprietors, split

Balboa SC = English planters, rice, indigo,slavesMagellan NC = tobacco and former indenturesLeon Stono Revolt 1739Cortez Charity and Buffer Colony of Georgia 1732de Soto OglethorpeCoronado Bering StraitPizarro 5 southern coloniesCabrillo 4 New England colonies

Pueblo Revolt 1680 4 middle coloniesNorthwest Passage types of colonies = self, prop, royalPirates Puritans = separatists and Holland

Henry Morgan Mayflower and PlymouthSir Francis Drake Mayflower Compact

St. Augustine Squanto and BradfordFrench explorers Great Puritan Migration (Cambridge Agreement)

Cartier Massachusetts Bay ColonyChamplain WinthropVerrazano Covenant Theology (Congregational Church)

French Huguenots and French Catholics Cambridge PlatformFrench fur trade with Indians Roger Williams and R.I. 1636English explorer Cabot Anne Hutchinson and antomianismQueen Elizabeth II Salem 1692Sir Gilbert Pequot War 1637Primogeniture law King Phillip’s War 1675 (Metacomet)Sir Raleigh and Roanoke 1585 Connecticut and T. Hooker 1635 (Fundamental Order)Spanish Armada 1588 New Haven and Davenport to Conn 1638Jamestown Maine and Gorges to Mass

Virginia Company Joint Stock New Hampshire and Mason 1639Gold seeking New York John Smith Dutch and Peter StuyvesantLord de la Warr and the starving time English 1664Anglican Church the 3 colonial regions and summary of themJohn Rolfe = tobacco and Pocahontas Bread Colonies

IroquoisPowhatan and Opechancanough New JerseyHeadright system Proprietors Berkeley and Catarat

Page 14: Unit 1 = City Upon on a Hill 1492-1707€¦  · Web viewReview Unit # 1. Norse sailors and Leif Erickson House of Burgesses 1619. The Orient and trade Bacon’s Rebellion 1676. European

Indentures and shortage of labor Quakers 1st Africans 1619 Pennsylvania

Rights as English citizens William PennQuakersHoly experiment

DelawareLeisler’s Rebellion 1689 Swedes 1st then Dutch then EnglishGlorious Revolution Formed as colony from land from Penn (James to William and Mary) New England Confederation 1643

Dominion of New England 1686Sir Edmund Andros and James II

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