Page 1: Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? Solar system Moon MarsEarth

Unit 1 Has it arrived yet?Unit 1 Has it arrived yet?

Page 2: Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? Solar system Moon MarsEarth

Solar system

Moon MarsEarth

Page 3: Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? Solar system Moon MarsEarth

Can we get to space?

spacecraft space shuttle

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Listen and number the words as you hear


Page 6: Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? Solar system Moon MarsEarth

□ The spacecraft has reached Mars.

□ It has landed.

□ It has already sent messages back

□ to Earth.

□ They have found life on the moon.

□ They have found life on Mars.

Check (√) the true sentences.

Page 7: Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? Solar system Moon MarsEarth

We’ve just had some news about the mission to explore Mars. The spacecraft has reached Mars after a journey of six months. The European scientists on Earth haven’t heard if it has landed on Mars yet because it hasn’t sent any messages back. We know that there isn’t any life on the moon, but scientists hope to find signs of life on Mars and other planets in our galaxy.


Page 8: Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? Solar system Moon MarsEarth

Answer the questions

Making a model of the space station.

He panics.

Some scientists have sent a spacecraft to Mars.

No one.

2. How does Daming feel about the homework?

1. What homework has Daming got?

3. What news has Tony heard?

4. Who has been to Mars?

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1. Astronauts take the ____________ to

get to the ____________.

2. They haven’t __________ any _____

on Mars yet.

Complete the sentences

borrow discover life model recently space shuttle space station

discovered life

space shuttle

space station

Page 10: Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? Solar system Moon MarsEarth

3. The _____ of the space station isn’t D

aming’s, and he only wants to ______


4. Astronauts haven’t been to the moon

_______. The last time was over 30

years ago.




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1. What are you up to?

你干什么呢 ?

up to 用于非正式场合 , 表示 “正在干 从事着”。e.g. The children are very quiet, I wonder

what they are up to.

Important and difficult points


Page 12: Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? Solar system Moon MarsEarth

2.Don’t panic! 别慌 !

panic: v. ( 使人或动物 ) 受惊 .

3. Have you heard the latest news?

the latest: adj. 最近的 , 最新的

Page 13: Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? Solar system Moon MarsEarth

already, yet, ever, never, lately,

recently, up to the present, up till now,

in the past few years.

现在完成时还与介词 for 引起的时间状语连用 , 动词必须表示持续性的动作或状态。

Page 14: Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? Solar system Moon MarsEarth

4.It has taken several months to get


take sb. sometime to do sth.:

花费时间做某事e.g. It took her three hours to mend her



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7. bring sb / sth back: 送回某人 / 送回某物

e.g. Please bring the book back


请明天把书送回来 .

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副词 here, there, home 则不用 to, in 。We have been there for the whole morning.

我们一上午一直在那里。 Have you been there? 你在那儿吗?

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