  • 8/13/2019 Unit 12 Promotion Management Managing Non Personal


    Promotion Management: Managing Non Personal

    Dr. Smita Choudhary


  • 8/13/2019 Unit 12 Promotion Management Managing Non Personal



    Integrated marketing communication Communication development process

    Budget allocation decisions in marketing communications

    Introduction to advertising

    Fundamentals of sales promotion

    Basics of public relation


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    A company must communicate the attributes of the product to the


    If the company does not do so, even a good product with better

    distribution and affordable price will fail.

    Communication is defined as any act by which one person gives to orreceives from another person information about that persons needs,

    desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states.

    Communication can be in the following forms

    Intentional or unintentional

    Conventional or unconventional signals

    Linguistic or non-linguistic forms

    Spoken or other modes


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    Marketing communication is the process of providing the information to the

    consumers about the marketing mix either through personal channels (direct

    selling, direct marketing, etc.) or through non personal channels (advertising, sales

    promotion, etc.). Both personal and non personal channels comprise the

    marketing communication mix or promotion mix. Promotion mix: This is a mixture of advertising, sales promotion, public relation,

    personal selling and direct marketing.

    Advertising: It is a paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas,

    goods, or services. For example print ads, radio, television, brochures, posters,

    banner ads, etc.

    Personal selling: It is the type of promotion mix that helps and follows up

    prospects to purchase a good or service through use of an oral presentation. For

    examplesales presentations, sales meetings, sales training, etc.


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    Sales promotion: It is incentives designed to encourage the purchase or sale of a

    product, usually in short term. For example coupons, sweepstakes, contests,

    product samples, rebates, etc.

    Public relations: This is the form of non-paid non-personal encouragement ofdemand for a product, service, or business unit by providing important news or

    presentations about it in the media. For example newspaper and magazine

    articles/reports, TVs and radio presentations, charitable contributions, speeches,

    issue advertising and seminars.

    Direct marketing: It is direct interaction with the customers by using telephone,

    online mediums.


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    Integrated Marketing Communications

    Integrated marketing communication is a planning process

    designed to assure that all brand contacts received by a

    customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization

    are relevant to that person and consistent over time.

    ---- American Marketing Association

    Objectives of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

    The objective of integrated marketing communication is to

    plan, develop, execute and evaluate communication with



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    Reasons for the growth of Integrated Marketing

    Communication (IMC)

    The growth of innovative promotional tools and the need to integrate


    Specialized media channels for niche target customers.

    Growth of retailer dominated market and passing of control from

    manufacturer to the customer.

    Growth of data base marketing.

    Wider geographical coverage through internet.

    Higher accountability and performance linked compensation systems.


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    Communication Development Process


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    1. Preparing target customer profile

    The first step towards effective marketing communication starts with

    indentifying the target customer for whom the communication is

    developed. At this stage the company prepares the target customerprofile.

    For example target customer profile of Exide Industries is

    Customer characteristics Description

    Type of customer Individual

    IncomeUpper middle class and upper


    Media exposure Print ( English magazines, dailiesand journals)

    Occupation Salaried or business class.

    Need of the product OEM of a car


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    2. Identifying promotion objectives

    Target customer profile gives information about the customersreadiness

    to purchase the product.

    The customer may be in any of the six stages of hierarchy of effects.

    The six stages are awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction

    and purchase.

    Every company wants to bring its customers to purchase stage. For this it

    uses different promotional programs.

    a) Awareness: Marketer creates new products but the awareness about

    these products is very low. The purpose of the advertisement is to create

    awareness about these new products. For example Reebok.

    b) Knowledge: At this stage, the target audience do not have complete

    knowledge of the product. Marketer explain the product and itsadvantages to the target customer. For example, Parry Neutraceuticals.

    c) Liking: With the help of promotion, knowledgeable audience is changed

    to likeable audience. Marketers use celebrities to create interest in the

    product. For example, Reid and Taylor used Amitabh Bachchan to

    highlight its product quality. 11

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    3. Designing a message

    After deciding the communication objectives, the marketer tries to

    develop the right message which creates attention, interest, desire and

    action (AIDA) in the customer.

    I. The AIDA Model

    Attention: The marketing communication should create attention towards the

    product. The customer has a need and the organization should provide

    solution from their communication.

    Interest: When the customer give enough attention to the communication,

    organization should encourage him/her to create interest.

    Desire: The interest created should be forced in the customer mind so that he

    develops a desire for the product.

    Action: Strong desires should be turned into action. For this the company

    should provide the advantages of purchasing of the product in their

    communication messages.


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    II. Deciding the message content

    Message content must have any one of the following appeals

    Emotional appeal

    Positive emotional appeal or negative emotional appeals are used to increase

    the purchasing activity of the customer. Positive emotions like love, pride, joy

    and humor are used in the message.

    The advertisements where attributes of positive emotions are used are


    BMW fastest saloon car in the worldPride



    The advertisements where attributes of Negative emotions are used are

    ICICI Prudential

    Fear NIIT - If you are not studying at NIIT you are missing somethingguilt

    Rexona DeodorantShame


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    Rational appeal

    Rational appeal highlights the benefits of the products like

    quality, economy, value or performance.

    Some examples of advertisements where rational appealsare used are

    Dabur Amla Value appeal (Long hair)

    Lakme brilliance Quality products

    Reliance India Mobile Performance (Works even in

    flood situations)

    Reliance Infocom Like roti, kapda aur makaan, the

    mobile phone must come to me as a necessity and not as

    a luxury (Economy)

    Moral appeal

    These are commitments towards public health or environment or

    social responsibility. For example, Shell lubricants show its

    commitment towards environment in their advertisements.


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    III. Message format

    It is how a message should look and encourage the interest of

    the audience.

    Constituents of message format

    Characteristics Suitable media.

    1. Headline Print, Outdoor, Online

    2. Copy Print, TV, outdoor, online

    3. Illustration Print, TV, Outdoor, online4. Color Print, TV, outdoor, online

    5. Pictures Print, Outdoor, online

    6. Message size Print, TV, Outdoor

    7. Shape Print, Outdoor, Online

    8. Words Print, TV, Product, Outdoor

    9. Sounds Radio, TV, Online, Outdoor

    10. Voice Radio, TV, Online

    11. Body language TV, Online

    12. Texture Product, Print, Online

    13. Scent Product

    14. Distinctive formats Print, Online, Outdoor 16

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    4. Selecting the channels for communication

    The company may use sales people, reference groups, blogs, RSS, webinar,

    online communities and social networking sites to promote their products.

    These media are known as personal communication channels.

    Word of mouth campaigns, buzz marketing and viral marketing are some

    examples of personal communication channels.

    a) Word of mouth communication: It is the personal communication

    between customers and their reference groups about the product.

    b) Buzz marketing: In this marketing technique organizations create opinionleaders (people whose opinion are wanted by others) and spread the

    product information to others. For example gmail and google.

    c) Viral marketing:It is the technique of using social networks on the

    internet to create the brand image.

    Communicators use mass media like print (Newspaper, magazine,journals), Broadcast (radio, television), Outdoor (hoardings, bill board

    posters) and online (e-mail, communities, groups, websites) to

    communicate the attributes of their product .


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    5. Selecting the message source

    Message communicated by celebrities and good sources are considered reliable by

    the target consumers.

    Companies use well known actors and actresses, cricket players, and even cartoon

    characters to promote their advertisements.

    ColgatePalmolive, a well known FMCG company used Indian Dental Associations

    (IDA) recommendation to promote their toothpaste.

    Rahul Dravid, Amitabh Bachan and Karishma Kapoor are used as sources for

    Reebok, Reid and Taylor, and Dabur Amla respectively.

    Companies should be very careful in selecting the sources. The product charactermust match with the source.


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    6. Target customer feedback The communicator collects the feedback on the promotion campaign to

    assess how many target customers are able to see, hear or read the


    This helps the communicator to understand how many target customers

    are able to recall the message.

    Feedback helps the communicator to understand how many customers

    purchased the product.

    Companies may also get suggestions from customers to improve the

    promotion campaign.


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    Budget Allocation Decisions in Marketing Communications

    The selection of media, number of insertions and message

    structure depend on the budget allotted to the

    communication program.

    Marketers decide the right budget for the communication

    program and how to allot this optimally.

    There are four methods to allocate budget for an

    advertisement or a promotional campaign. They are:

    1. Affordable method

    2. Percentage of sales method

    3. Competition method

    4. Objective and task method


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  • 8/13/2019 Unit 12 Promotion Management Managing Non Personal


    Introduction to AdvertisingTypes of Advertisements

    Institutional advertising: The purpose of such advertising is to improvethe image of the company rather than selling the product.

    Product advertising: The objective of this type of advertisement is to

    communicate about the product attributes to the target customer.

    Product advertising is further classified into three types. They are

    Pioneer advertising: This mode of advertisement is used to create awareness

    and demand in the initial stage of the product life cycle.

    Competitive advertisements: This type of advertisement is used to highlight

    the differentiation of organizations product. This method is usually used in

    the growth phase of product life cycle.

    Comparative advertisements: This type of advertisement highlights thecomparison of companyscommunication message with competitorsproduct

    information. This method is used when the competition is very high or sales

    are slow.


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    Decisions involved in developing advertisement


    Determining the advertisement objectives

    Marketing management should decide the objectives of advertisements in the

    initial stage of the program. The objectives of advertisements are:

    i. Provide the information about advertisements and create awareness about the


    ii. Highlight the uniqueness of companysproducts over competitors.

    iii. Reminding about the product and encouraging the thinking about the product.


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    i. Message development

    Message should be developed only after preparing the

    complete target profile. Understand what the interests of the target customers are.

    Message should answer the objectives of the program.

    Message should be simple and can be understood by


    There should be use of more interactive communication tools.


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    ii. Selecting advertising media

    Assess how many target customers should view the communication


    Point out how many times a target customer will see the advertisement. Evaluate the impact of advertisement message on the target audience.

    List out the media habits of the target customers.

    Find the suitable media for type of product the organization has.

    Prepare cost sheet and choose optimum media.

    Choose particular media channel (Zee channel, Times now, Prajavani,

    Hindu etc)

    Decide how many times advertisement should be given in the year and

    also decide the continuity of advertisement.

    Allocate the media execution strategy on the basis of prime time and non

    prime time or seasonal and non seasonal decisions.


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    Evaluating advertising

    The communication department wants to find whether the

    message given is effectively reaching the consumer and

    encouraging them to purchase the product.

    To solve this purpose, they evaluate the advertisements by

    various methods.

    Some important methods used to evaluate advertisements

    are recognition method (showing the advertisement andasking whether they have seen it before), aided recall (asking

    people to tell the brand they remember) and unaided recall

    (asking people if they can remember seeing any ads within an

    identified product category).


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  • 8/13/2019 Unit 12 Promotion Management Managing Non Personal


    II. Print media


    Continue to dominate local markets.

    Retail and classified advertisement are key. Important advantages include flexibility and community prestige.


    Divided into two broad categories of consumer magazines and business


    These categories are also subdivided into monthly publications and weekly


    Specialty advertisements can be promoted through this media.


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    III. Outdoor Advertising1. Includes billboards, painted bulletins or displays, and electric boards

    2. The oldest and simplest media business.

    3. Effective in high traffic areas.

    4. Environmentalists oppose this type of advertisement.

    IV. Online advertising

    1. Contains characteristics of both print and broadcast media.

    2. Improves two-way communication and encourages audience participation.

    3. Example of this media is e- mail.


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    V. Other Advertising Media

    Transit advertisement: These are advertisements placed on the buses and

    moving vehicles.

    Movie advertising: This is inserting the advertisement inside the movie.

    In flight commercials: These are advertisements placed in the airplanes.

    Using yellow pages and pamphlets to advertise the product.


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    Fundamentals of Sales Promotion Sales promotions are short term programs that encourage consumers to

    purchase a product or service immediately.

    SalesPromotion comprises that range of techniques used to attain sales

    or marketing objectives in a cost effective manner by adding value to a

    product or service either to intermediaries or end users, normally but not

    exclusively within a defined time period.

    ---- Institute of Sales Promotion

    Sales promotions are short term incentives that are used to generate

    instant sales.


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    Sales promotion methods according to Indian market:

    Sales promotion uses three different types of tools. They are

    1. Consumer promotion tools

    2. Trade promotion tools3. Business promotion tools.


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    4. Add on promotion: Promotion offers a free or an additional

    product (same or different) with the original product. For

    example, an 8 ml Sunsilk shampoo sachet free with 75g

    Pears.5. Exchange promotion: Price of a product is reduced when an

    old product is exchanged for new product. For example, bring

    your old color television and take home a Philips LCD TV for

    Rs 15,000.6. Combination promotion: Two or more products are offered

    together at a discount price or some incentive is given on a

    combination pack. For example, save Rs 10 on the combined

    purchase of Colgate toothpaste and tooth brush.

    7. Volume promotion: Allows additional quantity of product

    free on its purchase. For example, get 50g extra on purchase

    of 100g Tide.


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    Top 10 companies on usage of sale promotions (2007).

    1. Maruti Suzuki Ltd.

    2. Reliance Communications Ltd.3. Nokia Corporation

    4. LG Electronics India Ltd.

    5. Pantaloons India Ltd.

    6. HP India Ltd.

    7. Tata Sky Ltd.

    8. Planning Consultant India Ltd.

    9. Samsung India Electronics Ltd.

    10. Hero Honda Motors Ltd.


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    II. Trade promotion tools: These promotions are targeted to

    retailers and wholesalers. The purpose of this type of

    promotion is to get the shelf space, motivate the retailers

    and wholesalers to sell the products and promote brands inthe local media. There are many trade promotion tools used

    in the market but the two major ones are discounts and


    1. Discounts: Manufacturer gives straight reduction in the listprice on every purchase that channel member does in the

    particular period.

    2. Allowances: This is the value provided by the manufacturer

    to the channel member to advertise the product in the local

    media or display the product in the store.


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    III. Business Promotion tools

    These are promotion tools used to lead generation, reward

    customer and motivate salespeople for business customers.

    An organization uses conventions and trade shows.

    For example, Machine tool industry organizes Amtex

    exhibition in different places of the country.

    Organization also conducts sales contest for its salesexecutives to motivate them to sell more.


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    Basics of Public Relations

    Public relations (PR) are the management of internal and external

    communication of an organization to create and maintain a positive


    Public relations involve highlighting success, downplaying failures,

    announcing changes, and many other activities.

    Methods of public relations:

    Lobby groups: These are established to influence government policy,

    corporate policy, or public opinion. These groups have a particular


    News conferences and grand openings to attract media and customers.Using written and audio visual material to reach the public.

    Social responsibilities of the organization have shown through public

    service activities.

    Preparing interactive website, communities and blogs on the internet.


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    Role of public relations in communications

    Public relation messages are created by the company staff and

    distributed in the media without any cost.

    If the message is powerful, it reaches different media.

    Whenever the company faces any problem, it looks towards

    the public relations and not advertisements.

    For example, in Cadbury chocolate worm issue or cola

    pesticide issue public relations is used more than the


    The firms public relations should be mixed with other

    promotion activities of the company.


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