
Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

Author: Sally Pickford 2015

LEARNING OUTCOMES2. Be able to prepare moving image material for editing

3. Be able to edit moving image material.

L3 BTEC CertificateCreative Media Production [TV and Film]

Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

Section 2 and 3 : Be able to prepare moving image material for editing and be able to edit moving image material.

Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

Task 1: Rushes LogThis task will help you decide which clips will be most suitable to meet the clients brief. Rushes logs will show a full appreciation of the possibilities and limitations of shots. All paperwork will be clear and organised to a near-professional standard.

You must check each rush and offer a description of the action in each clip. In your description you MUST use camera specific terminology to describe the shot. You must then decide whether this clip could be used in the final construction and give a reason as to why you have made that decision.

Evidence will be the completed table.

CLIP DESCRIPTION DECISION REASON1.mp4 Long shot of students playing rugby.

Towards the end there was a bit of shaky cam so not all of it can be used.

Use a bit of the clip because of the steady cam.

Shows the college rugby team doing well in their sport.

0000.2.mp4 Close up of some of the food the Costa section sells to students and staff.

00007.mp4 Shows a medium shot of a teacher teaching his pupils about science.

Yes Shows interaction with a teacher and his students.

00008.mp4 Long shot and close up of the Costa at the college. Showing the sign and menu.

00009.mp4 Close up of somebody making a cup of coffee at Costa and the coffee machine.

00032.mp4 Shot of a student on a computer in a music class, probably music tech.

Yes Shows that the college does a variety of courses for people.

00033 (1).mp4 Over the shoulder shot of a student on a computer in a music class, probably music tech.

00033 (2).mp4 Students studying the human body in a science class.

Yes Shows the courses the college provides.

00033.mp4 Long shot of the chilling area with students sat talking.

Yes It shows how and where the students can relax and work during lessons.

00034.mp4 Close up of a student talking about the college.

Yes Gives people an idea of what the college is like.

00035.mp4 Another student saying how he finds college.

Yes Gives another opinion of another students view on the college.

Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

000036.mp4 Another student saying how he finds college.

Yes Gives another opinion of another students vue on the college.

00038.mp4 View of some computers. No Doesn’t really show anything besides computers.

00053.mp4 Shot of the girls football team. Yes Shows the college do a variety of sports for students.

00071.mp4 Another clip of the rugby team. No Already got a clip.00078.mp4 Shot of the gym in college. Yes Shows that the college

have good and lots of facilities.

000.85.mp4 Showing a student using the weight machine in the gym.

Yes Shows that the college lets their students use the facilities.

00087.mp4 A shot of the college’s entrance Yes Shows the colleges main entrance and what their outside looks like.

00088.mp4 Another shot of some of the equipment in the college gym.

No Doesn’t show much.

00096.mp4 A teacher helping out a student in the gym.

Yes Shows that the staff is helpful.

00100.mp4 Close up of an electronic saw and a student using it.

No Shows the different type of subjects we do and this will be good for the pupils who like construction work.

00103.mp4 Close up of an electronic saw and a student using it.

Yes, as it is a better shot of the first one.

Shows the different type of subjects we do and this will be good for the pupils who like construction work.

00113.mp4 Close up of a laser cutting a shape into some wood.

No Doesn’t give off much information to the viewer.

00114.mp4 Close up of a laser cutting a shape into some wood.

No Doesn’t give off much information to the viewer.

00132.mp4 Shot of three students doing an experiment in science.

Yes Shows the viewer that the college does lots of practical things and not just sitting doing nothing.

00146.mp4 Close up of a student using a drill in construction.

No Doesn’t give enough information.

00147.mp4 Close up of a student using a drill in No Doesn’t give enough

Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

construction. information.MVI_1034.MOV Shot of a class of media students

doing their work on the iMacs.Yes Shows that there are

practical lessons with media and people work had on their work.

Art.mp4 Art student doing a painting Yes Shows the vary of lessons the college provide, in this case for artistic students.

Awards Evening 2015.mp4

Shot of the awards evening the college holds with some shots of the college from outside and in.

Yes Shows that the college actually care about the work put in by the students and are recognised for it.

Capture4.mp4 Shot of the college website. Yes Shows that you can en-role online for the college.

Capture.5.mp4 College website showing what is available on the website.

Yes Shows the website can be for both students and parents.

MVI_1035.MOV More shots of students working on the computers.

No Not much happening in it.

Corporate logo.mp4

A logo of all the things the college provide for their students.

No Doesn’t really fit well with the video.

Costa.mp4 Shot of the Costa sign. No Got enough of Costa, not really relevant.

MVI_1044.MOV Another clip of a student doing some work on the computer.

No Got enough of these.

Lecture theatre.mp4

Shows a long shot of the lecture theatre.

Yes Shows people that the college care about when visitors come in or assemblies.

Library5.mp4 Close up of the sign for the silent room in the library in which the college have.

Yes Shows people the college care about you working in the college building.

Library2.mp4 Close up of two students picking out books in the library.

Yes Shows that the college provide a lot of books for all subjects.

MVI_1045.MOV Shows two students doing some editing on the iMacs.


MVI_1046.MOV Student being asked about his subjects and what he enjoys about them.

Yes Use a bit of it as some is


Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

218 346.mp4MVI_1047.MOV Two media students saying why they

enjoy doing media at the college.Student help 2.mp4

A shot of a teacher helping a student with their work.

Yes It shows how helpful the staff is so gives a positive look on the college.

Student help 5.mp4

The tutorial programme for both year 12 and year 13’s.

Yes Shows that the college care about the students future with university etc.

Student help1.mp4

Shows the student achievement tutors and where to find them.

No Not really useful.

Student help3.mp4

Shows another member of staff helping out a student.

Yes It shows how helpful the staff is so gives a positive look on the college.

Student help 4.mp4

Student getting help. Yes It shows how helpful the staff is so gives a positive look on the college.

MVI_1048.MOV A medium shot of two students explaining why they enjoy media studies art the college.

Yes Use it for when talking about the media course.

Video test2.mp4

Edit of the college name and logo. Yes Be a good way to end the promo.

Marketing voiceover

Someone talking over the promo video saying info about the college.

Yes Gives very useful info for people watching the video on the college and the subjects.

MVI_1056.MOV Shot of some students working together doing a mind map.

Yes Shows people being friendly and working as a team.

MVI_1057.MOV Shows students working as a team. No Similar too clip above.MVI_1067.MOV Close up of a student working at his

computer.MVI_1068.MOV Shot of some of the media work

produced by students.Yes Gives an inside look at

what work you will be doing at the college.

MVI_1085.MOV Again showing some students working at their computers.

No Too similar to others.

MVI_1068.MOV Close up shot of a media student saying what he’s learned from doing media and how it is productive.

No Gives people a better understanding of the course.

MVI_1088.MOV Close up of another student saying how media has helped him.

Yes It is short and simple.

MVI_1089.MOV Another close up of a student saying how productive media has been to him.

Yes Short and simple.

MVI_1101.MOV Shot of a practical being took in a Yes Shows that you do

Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

media lesson between three students. other things that just write or sit at a computer.

Task 2: Marking up a scriptIn this task you will provide evidence of you annotating a script. Your annotation must include ideas of sounds or any sound effects which you may need to include. You may also start to think about what footage is best placed to exemplify the voiceover. All paperwork will be clear and organised to a near-professional standard.

The evidence for this will be a scanned image of hand written annotation OR you may copy the script here and digitally annotate and highlight.

Task 3: Edit decision list

Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

In this task you will provide evidence of you incorporating your rushes into your final promotional video. This is a document to help you plan the structure of your edit. Your edit decision lists will provide a fully detailed blueprint for the final piece. You must include lots of detail to reach the distinction grades. All paperwork will be clear and organised to a near-professional standard.

The evidence you must show is a table such as the one below which detailing the clip number, the start time and end time, the type of shot, description and then detail any transitions or effects [including text captions] you will use on this clip. You may also wish to detail any editing techniques you are planning on using.





Videotest2.mp4 0:00 0:04 0:04 The logo of the college

00087.mp4 0:00 0:04 0:08 A shot of the front of the colleges building

Library3 &Student help 3Library4.mp4




Shots of the library, people picking books out and a student receiving help

Clip18 0:00 0:04 0:28 Quick zoom down one of the corridors

MVI_1346 1:04 1:07 0:38 Speed up of students going up/down atrium stairs

00036 0:00 0:03 0:41 Student saying how supportive the teachers are

00007.mp4 0:02 0:06 0:47 Teacher in the middle of teaching his class

Student help4.mp4 0:00 0:03 0:50 Student receiving help off a teacher

00035 0:03 0:04 0:54 Student saying

Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

how well the facilities are

Lecture theatre 0:00 0:04 0:58 Shot of the lecture theatre

00008 0:04 0:05 1:03 Close up of the Costa sign with the menus

00033.mp4 0:02 0:06 1:09 Pan shot of the chill zone




1:21 Clips of the girls football team and boys rugby team along with a student getting support in the gym

Capture4.mp4 0:00 0:15 1:36 Shows the college website and how to enrol

Art 0:08 0:10 1:46 Shot of a student doing some art work

000149 0:00 0:03 1:49 Shot of a student doing some wood work

00085 0:00 0:05 1:54 Student lifting weights in the gym

MVI_1068 0:02 0:05 1:59 Shot showing some students media work

MVI_1101 0:04 0:10 2:09 A couple students interviewing another student for work

00071 0:04 0:07 2:16 Another shot of the boys rugby team

MVI_1057 0:06 0:08 2:24 Shot of some students working in groups

00033 (2) 0:00 0:04 2:28 Some students examining the human body in a science lesson

Corporate Logo 0:02 0:04 2:30

Awards Evening 2015

Shots of this years parents evening with shots of the college at night

Video test 2 0:00 0:01 2:31 Another clip showing the colleges logo

Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

Task 4: C larifying the purpose of the work with a client or director

In this task you will provide evidence of you meeting with the client to clarify the purpose of the work.

Who is the target audience? School children 14-18 years old along with parents.

Would you prefer the pace of the video to be slow or fast?Consistent from beginning to end.

What is the type of music to be played in the background?Music is to suit video and be fast paced.

What dialogue should be used?Short clips of students being interviewed with as much content as possible.

Should we include shots of the college building?Yes and include the area and the inside of the college.

What specific subjects should be covered in the video?All subjects along with some interviews from students.

How long would you like the video to be?2-3 minutes max.

Would you like to include the logo from the college?Yes, beginning, middle and end (you choose).

What captions should be used?The students name and what they’re studying.

Task 5: Preparing to edit : importing clips; bins; timelines; storage and folder management; online and offline editing; formats; resolution

In this task you will provide evidence of all of the specific elements listed above.

The evidence you will provide will be screen shots of each of these preparation techniques together with discussion of the technique and analysis of how this feature will help the smooth production of the completed promotional video.

Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques

I have imported all my clips for the video along with the audio.

I have started putting all the clips I want to use in the order that I think fits best.

I have now started to add audio with the suitable clips.

I have then imported my song choice to go with the video and turned the audio either up or down to hear the voiceover.

Unit 16: Film and Video Editing Techniques



In this task you will update the progress of your edit EACH LESSON. As well as discussion of progress, you should also include screen shots as evidence to show how you have used preparation techniques (as listed above) to help construct your product.

Save regular rough cuts of your promotional video and gather further feedback from client and target audience.

Date Progress Review2/12/15 I started my promo video and

inserted all the files on to Final Cut Pro.

3/12/15 Started putting my clips in order.4/12/15 Began to shorten my clips to

make them the right amount of time.

7/12/15 Started putting the voiceover into the promo video.

8/12/15 Started fitting the voiceover with what’s on the screen so it makes sense.

10/12/15 Put my background music into the video.

11/12/15 I have suited the music with the voiceover so that you can still hear the people speak.


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