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NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler

Scripture: Matthew 19: 16-30; Mark 10: 17-31; Luke 18:18-30

Lesson Goal In this lesson we will learn about a rich young man who wanted eternal life. Jesus teaches him that we cannot earn our own way to heaven. Only God can save us.

Introduction: This is the twelfth lesson in Unit 2: The Ministry of Christ. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. In this lesson we will hear about a very rich man who asked Jesus a question about how to go to heaven and live forever. But Jesus knew that this man loved his money more than he loved God. This lesson is found in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. These books are part of the four Gospels which are the first four books in the New Testament. This book is part of the four books called the Gospels in the New Testament. The word Gospel means the "Good News about Jesus." The Gospels tell the life and ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Attention Getter: Show a picture of money or hold a bunch of dollar bills. Say: “What would you buy if you had all this money? Would you buy toys? Or maybe help someone who was in trouble? Would you give some of your money to the church? In this lesson we will learn about a rich young man who wanted eternal life. Jesus teaches him that we cannot earn our own way to heaven. Only God can save us.” Optional Activity Say: "I want to show you something very special, something I treasure very much. (Hold up your treasured possession.) This is one of my most valuable possessions. It is valuable to me because…(you fill in the blank.) What are some of your most treasured possessions? (Allow time for them to respond.) Sometimes we love other things more than Jesus. Our treasured possessions can sometimes get in the way of loving Him with our whole heart. Today we are going to see Jesus tell a young man to leave all of his treasured possessions to follow Him. I wonder what he will do."

Opening Prayer: “Dear Father in heaven, Help us today to understand the story of the rich young ruler and why Jesus ask him to sell all that he had and follow Him. Help us understand that we are to love and obey you more than anything else. Thank you, Jesus that we can have confidence in what you did for us on the cross. You paid for our sins completely! And you proved that you are God by rising again from the dead and ascending into heaven where you are right now. We look forward to seeing you face-to-face one day soon. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”

Memory Verse: Our memory verse is Mark 10:27 " Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

Lesson Video: In the later part of Jesus' ministry he and his disciples left Galilee for the last time. He was heading toward Jerusalem where he would die on the cross. Before he entered into Jerusalem he went out into the region of Perea, east of Jordan, on the other side of the Jordan River. Large crowds were

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NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

following Jesus and listening to him teach about heaven and how to have eternal life. Many people were sick and Jesus healed them.

One day a very rich man came up to Jesus. He knelt down, and asked, "Good Teacher, what good work must I do to have life that lasts forever?" This young man wanted to do something to receive eternal life.

"Why do you ask me what is good?" Jesus answered. "There is only One who is good and that is God." Jesus wanted the young man to understand who He was ---that He was God.

Then Jesus said," If you want to have life that lasts forever, keep the commandments."

"Which ones?" he asked.

Jesus replied, "You know what God has said to do. You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself." Jesus was using the Ten Commandments to show the young man how he had really broken God's rules.

"I have obeyed all of these things since I was just a little boy," the young man said. "What do I still lack?"

Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more than he wanted to obey God. The rich young man was really trying to get to God his own way rather than loving and obeying Jesus.

So Jesus said, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, and follow me."

Well that rich young man had a lot that he could sell! He may have had big barns or lots of animals or even bags of money! But he didn't want to share any of it; he wanted to keep it all! Sharing what he had with others was one thing that the rich man just wouldn't do.

He stood up, turned around and sadly walked away. The rich young man was not really obeying God's commandments after all. He was depending on his own wealth and did not have real faith in God. He was unwilling to admit his sin and so he just walked away from Jesus. How sad!

Then Jesus said to His disciples, "It is very hard for people who want money to love and obey God. It is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." What Jesus meant by this was that it is hard for people who trust in riches to realize their need for God. Having a lot of money can be problem for people to trust God.

When the disciples heard this, they were very surprised and asked, "Who then can be saved?" The disciples were amazed that wealth was not a sign of God's special blessing upon a person.

"It is only possible to go to heaven with God's help of salvation. It is impossible for man to go to heaven by himself!" Then Jesus said, "Only with God's help is it possible for anyone to live with Me forever."

The rich young man was sad because he didn't want to share his riches with others. He loved money more than God. Jesus teaches us to love Him and then we will love others and share with them.

Peter answered Him, "We have left everything to follow you! What will there be for us?”

Jesus explained, "When the son of Man sits on His glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first."

Jesus was reassuring the disciples that anyone who gives up something valuable for the sake of Jesus, will be repaid many times over in this life. Jesus wants us to be willing to make sacrifices now for a greater reward later.

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NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Our memory verse is Mark 10:27 “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” This verse says to us that no one can earn eternal life by his own good deeds. Each of us must admit our sinfulness and turn to Jesus for salvation. He is the only One who can save us.

The rich young man was seeking eternal life through all of the good things he was doing. But deep in His heart, he valued his riches more than his relationship with God. It wasn't that having riches was wrong. But his riches blinded him to his real need. He had to admit that he was a sinner before he could have eternal life. Eternal life does not depend on what a person does, but rather on his willingness to believe in God.

Not long after this discussion, Jesus died on a cross. He gave His life's blood as a payment for sin. Since He was the perfect sinless Son of God He was not paying for His own sin but for yours and mine. The Lord Jesus willingly suffered and died so that you and I would never have to pay for our own sin. Admitting your sin and believing on Jesus is the only way you can receive eternal life. Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can get to heaven by doing good works.

Jesus explained to the rich young ruler that his efforts would do him no good. The man wanted eternal life, but he allowed the importance of his riches to keep him from admitting his needs. He kept trying to earn eternal life through his good works.

If you know that you have sinned and you believe that the Lord Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins, you can know that you have eternal life today. I John 5: 13 says, "These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.

Remember with God all things are possible! Only He can give us eternal life!

Review Questions: “Bean Bag Toss” Preparation: You will need a bean bag target and some bean bags. Procedure: Cut shapes out of a box and label them "Who", "What", "When", "Where", and "Why." Use the labels on a bean bag target. You can also set a box with cut out shapes on the top, 3 to 5 feet from a throw line. Label the holes in the box with the “Who”, “What” "When", "Where", and "Why." Give each child two tries to get the bean bag through the shape. The child draws a question written on a corresponding shape. If the child does not know the answer, he or she may ask another child for help.

1. Who asked Jesus a question? (Verse 17 The rich young ruler asked a question.) 2. Who did Jesus say is "good"? (Verse 18 Only God is good.) 3. Who did Jesus tell the rich young ruler to give money to? (Jesus said to sell all that he

had and give it to the poor. Verse 21) 4. What did the ruler ask Jesus? (Verse 17 What must I do to inherit eternal life?) 5. What did Jesus ask the rich young ruler to sell? (Verse 21 Jesus asked him to sell all his

possessions.) 6. What did Jesus say was easier for a camel to go through? (Verse 25 It is easier for a

camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.) 7. When did the rich young ruler say that he kept all the commandments? (Verse 20 He said

that he had kept them since he was young.) 8. When did Jesus say the rich young ruler would have treasure in heaven? (Verse 21 He

would have treasure in heaven when he sold all his possessions and gave all the money to the poor.)

9. When did the ruler become very sad? (Verse 22 He was sad when Jesus told him to give all his money to the poor.)

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NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

10. Where do you find the commandments Jesus quoted in Verse 19? (Exodus 20--The Ten Commandments.)

11. Where did Jesus say the rich young ruler would have treasure? (He would have treasure in heaven. Verse 21)

12. Where is it hard for a rich man to enter? (Verse 25 Heaven or the kingdom of God.) 13. Why did the rich young ruler ask Jesus a question? (He wanted to know how to get to

heaven or have eternal life.) 14. Why did the rich young ruler become very sad when Jesus told him to sell everything?

(Verse 22 He had many possessions.) 15. Why do you think Jesus said it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven?

(Because you are depending on your material wealth instead of God.

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “Scroll Sticks” Our memory verse is Mark 10:27 " Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Have children locate the verse in scripture and read aloud together several times. Say: “This verse says to us that no one can earn eternal life by his own good deeds. Each of us must admit our sinfulness and turn to Jesus for salvation. He is the only One who can save us. Let's say our verse again. Mark 10:27 "Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Preparation: You will need colorful wrapping paper, colored markers, glue, and ¼ inch dowel rods. Procedure: Guide the children to open their Bibles to Mark 10:17-27. Read aloud the verses and review the Bible story. Say: "What question did the rich man ask Jesus? How did Jesus respond? Do you think this is how the man thought Jesus would respond? Why? What do you think happened to the man? God is able to do what is impossible for man to do. Who remembers what Mark 10:27 says?" Select a volunteer to read aloud the verse. Distribute bright colorful wrapping paper, colored markers, glue sticks, and 1/4 inch dowel stick to each child. Cut the wrapping paper into 7 foot by 4 inch strips (1 per child). Cut the dowel sticks to 15 inches long. Guide the children to write the words of the memory verse Mark 10:27 on their strips. Invite the children to share what the verse means in their own words. Say: "Attach your verse strip to the end of your dowel by placing glue on the end of the paper and tightly rolling it around the end of the dowel." Direct the children to roll their paper strips tightly around their dowels. Demonstrate how to flick the dowel so the paper will fly out and back. (Retighten the paper as needed.) Close in prayer thanking God that He can do the impossible by saving us.

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Group Learning Activity: “Camel Through Eye of Needle” Game (Grades K-2) Preparation: You will need adult sized folding chairs to form a tunnel. Say: "Jesus compared a rich man going to heaven like a camel going through the eye of a needle. It is impossible for that to happen. Today we are going to play a game to see if you can be a camel going through the eye of a needle." Explain the game. Procedure: Line up four adult-sized folding chairs side-by-side with the seats all facing the same direction. This will create a tunnel, which represents the eye of the needle, between the legs of the chairs. Have children line up and take turns crawling through the eye of the needle. They’ll probably end up on their bellies, wiggling through the chairs. Make sure the second child doesn’t start through the tunnel until the first child is all the way through. If you have more than eight children, set up two tunnels for them to crawl through. If the children in your class are little ones, tie small pillows or folded towels to their backs with socks or nylon hose. This will make it more challenging to crawl through, and they’ll look more like camels. For extra fun, turn this game into a relay race. Make two tunnels, and have children form two teams. The winning team is the first one whose members have all crawled through the eye of the needle. If you have too small a class for two teams, time the children individually. The child with the best time wins.

Group Learning Game: "What Comes Next?" (Grades 2-6) Preparation: Write the following sentences on strips of cardstock without the numbers which give the correct sequence. Cut the strips apart and place in a stack at the opposite end of the play area in the classroom. Make a set for each of the teams of four or five players in your class.

1. Jesus and his disciples went into the land of Perea to teach and heal the people.

2. A man ran up to Jesus and knelt down in front of Him. 3. The man asked, "Good Teacher, how can I have eternal life?" 4. Jesus asked, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good but God." 5. Jesus told the man, "You know the commandments." 6. The man replied, "I have kept the commandments since I was a

young boy." 7. Jesus said, "You lack one thing. Go and sell everything you own

and give it to the poor. You will then have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow Me." 8. The man was shocked. He left very upset because he owned a lot of things 9. Jesus spoke to the disciples. He told them it is difficult for a person with great riches to enter

heaven. 10. The disciples asked, "Who can be saved?" 11. Jesus said, "It is impossible for a person to save himself but with God everything is possible."

Procedure: Divide the students into teams of 4 or 5 students each. Direct the teams to stand behind the starting line opposite the piles of sentence strips.

Say: "The first person on your team will run to your team's strips and select one to bring back to the group. Then the next person will race to the strips and bring back another one. Continue until you retrieve all the strips. Working as a team, place the statements in correct order. I will verify if the order is correct."

Run the relay. Verify if the statements are in the correct order.

Say: 'What was God's plan for the rich man’s life? Does God have plans for us? We should obey God and not try to get to heaven our own way."

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NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity: “Commandment Scramble” (Grades 2-6) Preparation: You will need slips of paper, a Bible, poster boards, and marking pens. Procedure: Before class begins, the teacher can put slips of paper with either a commandment from the Bible or a command that the teacher comes up with. When it is time to begin, have the children run around a designated area and find ALL the slips of paper and then come back to the area with 2 poster boards ready for the game to begin. Children will tape their slip of paper to one of the two boards available. One board will be the Commandments from the Bible and the other board will be commandments that are NOT in the Bible but perhaps a parent or teacher's ideas for commands. Here are some examples of commandments for the strips:

Do not steal. (Bible commandment)

Do not lie. (Bible commandment)

Do not covet. (Bible commandment)

Do not commit adultery. (Bible commandment)

Do not take God's name in vain. (Bible commandment)

Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. (Bible commandment)

Honor your father and mothers. (Bible commandment)

Worship only the Lord your God. (Bible commandment)

Do not worship any false gods or idols. (Bible commandment)

Love your neighbor. (Bible commandment)

Keep your room clean. (Not a Bible command.)

Wash the dishes. (Not a Bible command.)

Feed your pet. (Not a Bible command.)

Be a good sport. (Not a Bible command.)

Tie your shoes. (Not a Bible command.)

Be kind to your brothers and sisters. (Not a Bible command.) The object of the game is to see how many of the commandments children can get correct. After the game then discuss if we are good enough to do all of those commandments listed. At the end of the discussion and the game scramble, the teacher could have one of the children place a long strip of red paper across the commands (corner to corner) with John 3:16 or words that we are NOT GOOD ENOUGH to do all the commands but ONLY WITH GOD ARE ALL THINGS POSSIBLE.

Group Learning Activity: “Ten Commandment Dice Game” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: Print out the Ten Commandment Bookmark cards below. You will need two dice and a list of the Ten Commandments for each team. Procedure: Divide your class into teams of 2-3 children each. Each team will need two die and a card with a complete list of the Ten Commandments. The object of the game is to be the first team or player to learn the complete set of Ten Commandments. Each player takes a turn to roll the 2 dice. Whatever numbers the dice adds up to be, the player holds up that many fingers and recites that commandment. (If the total is over 5 - use 1 hand and add the correct number of fingers on the other hand.) When a player rolls the 11 combination (6 and 5) this represents the 1st commandment and that is #1 [11]. The player will recite commandment 1, and then rolls again! If the player rolls a 12 (6 and 6) they recite commandment #6, and then rolls again! All other players are to remain silent (and listen) - unless the player that rolled the dice asks for help. The player who rolled the dice gets to choose whom they want to help them. Pass the dice to the next player to the right. Continue as long as desired. When a child thinks he can recite all Ten Commandments without help, he is the winner.

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NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity: “Following Directions” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need Bibles, pencils and spiritual journals. Say: “How good are you at following directions? In this lesson we learned that the rich young ruler asked Jesus how to go to heaven. Jesus’ answer surprised him. We are going to read the story in scripture and find out some important truths to help us live our Christian lives. Procedure: Each child will need a Bible. Have children sit a table or in front of a chart stand. Have students find the following scriptures in the Bible and discuss the important points. Have children record what they have learned on the chart or in their spiritual notebooks.

Luke 18: 18 “A certain ruler asked him, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” What question did the young rich man ask Jesus? Do you think he was serious in wanting to know the answer to his question? Has anyone ever asked you this question? How would you answer?

Luke 18:19-21 ““Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.

20 You know the commandments: ‘You shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder,

you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.’ Jesus was really asking the young man, “Do you really know who I am?” The rich young ruler called Jesus a good teacher not the Son of God! Jesus only referenced the second half of the Ten Commandments. These commandments were all about loving people. Why do you think Jesus did not talk about the first five commandments? The rich young ruler thought he loved God. He would not have understood that Jesus was showing him to demonstrate His love for God by loving his neighbors as himself.

Luke 18:21 “All these I have kept since I was a boy,” he said.” Do you think that the young man was very proud of how he had kept the Ten Commandments? He thought he was very good and religious. He was really full of pride. He believed that he was better than anyone else.

Luke 18: 22 “When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Jesus knew the man had much wealth. These material things were keeping him from being completely committed to following Him. When we follow Jesus we are to not to let anything become more important than God Himself! Have you committed to following Jesus? What changed in your life when you made this decision?

Luke 18:23-24 “When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was very wealthy. 24

Jesus looked at him and said, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! 25

Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” It is difficult for rich people to recognize their need for a Savior. They often get deceived by the power, authority, and success that come with having money.

Group Learning Activity: “Reader’s Theatre Script” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: Print four copies of the “The Rich Young Ruler” Reader’s Theatre Script below. Procedure: Read aloud Proverbs 3:6 and Matthew 16:24. Review the key elements in the story of the rich young ruler coming to question Jesus. Say: “Why did the rich man become sad after he heard Jesus’ answer to his question? (Allow responses.) The young man had much wealth and he did not want to give it all to the poor. He loved his money more than God.” Distribute the script for the Reader’s Theatre to three volunteers. Direct the volunteers to stand in front of the group and read with expression. Lead the children to vote, based on the reading as to

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which person would have eternal life. Say: “Based on the drama only Reader 3 is sure he would have eternal life because he trusted in Jesus as Savior and Lord. What did the other people think they needed to do to go to heaven? (They needed to do good works.) How does a person become a Christian? (They need to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior. They need to repent of their sin and ask God to forgive them. They need to receive the gift of salvation by placing their faith in Jesus as their Savior and confessing their trust in Jesus alone for their salvation.) Offer to talk to anyone interest in becoming a Christian. Be careful not to push a child into making a decision. Be sensitive to how the Holy Soirit is working in each child.

Group Learning Activity: “Camel and Needle” (Grades K-6) Say: “In this lesson we learned that Jesus said that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to be saved. Today we are going to complete an activity to see how hard this would be!” Preparation: You will need a rope, a needle and various thicknesses of thread. You will also need a picture of a camel. Say: “Who in our class thinks that you are able to thread a needle?” Procedure: Bring out a thick rope and ask the children whether anyone can thread it through the needle. You may let some of them try. Then show them a picture of a camel. Ask if anyone thinks they could get a camel through a needle. Say: “What can be harder than getting a camel through a needle? Jesus said "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." What Jesus meant by this was that it is hard for people who trust in riches to realize their need for God. Having a lot of money can be problem for people to trust God.” Option: Use plastic needles and yarn (available at hobby or crafts stores) and have a contest to see who can thread their needle first. You might choose to divide the group into teams and make a relay race out of it. The children will get an idea of how difficult it would be for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle!

Group Learning Activity: “Coke Illustration” (Grades 3-6) Preparation: You will need a can of Coke and a large cup. Say: "People sometimes think that they can be "good enough" to go to heaven. They even may try to live by the Ten Commandments but God did not give the commandments as a way to go to heaven. No, He gave the Ten Commandments to show people that no matter how good they were they could not measure up to God's perfect holiness. The law was given to show people that they need a Savior. The Bible says in James 2:10 "suppose you keep the whole law but trip over just one part of it. Then you are guilty of breaking all of it. Today we are going to see how this principle works." Procedure: Demonstrate this idea. Pop open a can of Coke, and pour it all into a large cup. Ask for a volunteer who would like a nice, cold Coke. When volunteer is about to take it, say, “Wait a minute!.” The teacher will then spit into the cup and then offer it. (Of course, DO NOT let the child take it!) Say: “Now, do you want the Coke? No! Why Not? Because it’s ruined! The nice, pure Coke is spoiled. Just one drop of spit ruined the entire Coke! In the

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same way one sin broke the perfect relationship that God had with people. God gave the Ten Commandments to show us that we are NOT good enough to be accepted in God’s sight. We are sinners, and we need a Savior.”

Craft Learning Activity: “Heart for Jesus” (Grades K-2) Preparation: You will need to have two hearts drawn on two separate pieces of paper. (OR Print out template below one for each child.) Procedure: Pass out the first heart to each child. Explain to them that this is a picture of our hearts before we give them fully to Jesus. Have them draw in the hearts everything they love, specifically some of their most treasured possessions discussed before. Have them cut out the hearts. Then pass out the second heart. Explain that this should be a picture of our hearts after we have given them fully over to Jesus. They can draw Jesus in the heart or write out His name or any other creative ideas. Have them cut out this heart as well. Now tape the top of the second heart (the Jesus heart) over the top of the first one so that they are able to flip it upward. Say: “These two hearts are pictures of our hearts before and after we give them to Jesus. We will still have things that we love but after they are given over fully to Jesus, He is first, or on top. He should always be our first and greatest love. When Christ has our full hearts, it is easier for us to give up these other things if He asks us to.”

Craft Learning Activity: “Needle Sewing” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need large holed plastic needles, thin yarn, a hole puncher, and some brown paper bags or brown wrapping paper. Procedure: Provide each child with a large holed plastic needle and some thin yarn. Children can cut out an outline of the same picture twice. Use durable paper such a brown paper bags for cutting out the shapes. Use a hole-puncher to make holes around the outline for the children to thread their needle and yarn through to sew the two pictures together. Examples of shapes might be two hearts, two crosses, two camels, etc. Sew the two pictures together and stuff lightly with some tissue paper. This will form a stuffed pillow shape. Pictured is a "stuffed apple."

Craft Learning Activity: “Salvation Heart Bookmark” (Grades K-5) Preparation: Photocopy the heart bookmarks from the template below onto white cardstock. Each child will need a copy of a bookmark, some crayons or colored markers, and scissors. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Jesus told the rich young man how to go to heaven. Jesus said that he must sell all that he had and follow Him. Jesus was showing the young man that he must put God first in his heart. Today we are going to make a craft to remind us of how the Lord wants to give us the gift of salvation.” Procedure: Have children color each heart in succession from the top in the four colors of the Wordless book. The top heart should be yellow which

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NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

means “God lives in heaven and loves everyone.” The second heart down should be black which means “God doesn’t like the wrong things we do.” The third heart down should be colored red which means “Jesus, God’s Son can forgive all the wrong things we have done by His death on the cross.” The bottom heart should be colored white which means “Jesus can make us clean in God’s eyes.” As children color the hearts the appropriate colors review the key verses in the gospel plan of salvation. (Show yellow heart) The Bible says that “For God so loved the world” (John 3:16). Did you know that God loves you very much and He wants you to believe in His Son Jesus Christ? Right now God is in heaven and He wants you to believe in His Son Jesus Christ so you can go to heaven when you die. This is very good news for you! (Show black heart) “Did you know that we have a problem worse than anything else? Think of all the wrong things that you do. In the Bible this is called sin and the black color reminds us of this problem because sin has darkened our life. Each person born into this world has sin on the inside—except the Lord Jesus. You and I were born wanting to do things our own way instead of God’s way. The Bible says, “All have sinned.” (Romans 3:23). Sin is serious because it separates us from God, who is Holy and always does what is right. God cannot be near sin and sin cannot be in heaven. It is important to have your sin cleansed and taken away because it is a terrible problem. (Show red heart) God has only one way for you to be cleansed from your sin and it is through His Son, Jesus Christ. He is God’s perfect Son. Doing good things will not make your heart clean. God’s way was for Jesus to take the punishment for your sin and my sin when He died on the cross. As Jesus hung on the cross God placed all the wrong things you and I have done on the Lord Jesus. Jesus willingly suffered the punishment for sin so you and I would not have to. He gave His blood so your sins could be forgiven—so you could be clean. The Bible says, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7) (Show white heart) After Jesus died He was buried, then three days later He came back to life. Today He is in Heaven with His Father. Now He wants to come and forgive you of your sin and live in you. You need to turn from your sin and ask Him to take away all the wrong things that you have done and make your heart cleaner than this white heart is! You can tell Jesus that you believe that He alone can clean you and forgive your sin. Ask Him to do that and to change you. Then you can live to serve Him. John 3: 16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have ever lasting life.” You must believe in Jesus, God’s Son. Will you tell Him that you are sorry for your sins and ask Him to make you clean and help you to live a new life for Him? Will you tell Him that you believe He is the Son of God? Remember, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7)

Life Application Challenge: “Share with Others” Say: “Jesus told the rich young man to leave everything behind and then follow Him. When we follow Jesus we will give God all our abilities and talents as well as ask Him to use the possessions that we have to glorify Him. The result is that we will do good works and share with others.” Ask children what they can share with others this week that will show their love for God. Encourage the children to talk not just about sharing food or clothing but also sharing their love for Jesus with others. Close in prayer asking Jesus to help us share the good things we have with others. Discuss the ABCs of becoming a Christian. Help students practice sharing their faith with others. Use the heart craft for the ABC’s.

Page 11: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Rich Young Ruler Matthew 19: 16-30; Mark 10: 17-31; Luke 18:18-30

Mark 10:27 "Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God;

all things are possible with God.”

Page 12: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 13: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 14: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 15: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 16: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 17: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 18: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Heart for Jesus Craft

Page 19: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Ten Commandments Bookmark

Page 20: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Reader’s Theatre Script “Rich Young Ruler”

Narrator: The rich young man asked Jesus how he could have eternal life. We ask

the same question today. Listen and decide which one of these three people may

go to heaven.

Reader 1: I am going to heaven.

Reader 2: I am going to heaven, too.

Reader 3: I know I’m going to heaven.

Reader 1: I’ve always followed the rules.

Reader 2: I’ve always tried to be good.

Reader 3: I have admitted that I am a sinner.

Reader 1: I go to church every week.

Reader 2: I read my Bible every day.

Reader 3: I believe that Jesus is God’s only Son, the Savior of the world.

Reader 1: I do good things for people.

Reader 2: I give my tithe and offering to God.

Reader 3: I confess Jesus as my Savior and Lord.

Reader 1: God will let me go to heaven for the good things I have done.

Reader 2: God will let me go to heaven because I haven’t done bad things.

Reader 3: God will let me go to heaven because of what Jesus has done in my life.

Narrator: So which one is going to heaven?

Page 21: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler › wzukusers › user-13450458 › documents...Jesus loved the young man but Jesus knew the man wanted to keep his money more


NT2.12 The Rich Young Ruler © Beverly Wilson 2020

Heart Bookmarks

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